hello everyone I'm back and I'm bringing you another amazing Cocoa Beads jewelry
making tutorial this time I'd like to show you how to make this super easy
necklace very beautiful and perfect for all kind of outfits feel free to choose
the colors you like the most try different shapes and let your
imagination run free to make earrings or bracelet using the same technique if you
love this idea as much as I do no more hesitation get your jewelry
making kits and let's get started
if you liked this video please give me thumbs up and subscribe for more
creative DIY jewelry hit the notification sign and you'll be notified
by YouTube every time i'll post new videos hope to see you in my next
tutorial but until then remember to still beautiful, smile and be very ,very
For more infomation >> DIY How to make easy necklaces at home, beautiful handctaft - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
STENCIL STYLE - How to draw portraits with stencil style in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 - Duration: 18:59.
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Timon & Pumbaa How to Beat the High Costa Rica#3 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sam Rees - Duration: 3:49.
Gugu I am a baby
Dear, mr. Criminal Quint, please take care of my baby his daddy worked at a bank. So he likes money
So, please put him on the table by the money sincerely timin. I mean the baby's mother
I'm Santa Claus
Presents you
Santa Claus want to give me criminal Quint
Christmas presents that's right. I've checked my list twice and you've been a very very extra good criminal this year
You deserve a lot of presents
But it's the middle of June
Well, then this presents back for now can't be giving them away early
All this money so we'll just put it in here
Prancer vixen comet Cupid Donner vixen
No one steals stolen money from in the Quint
Something what do you want me to do gets in drag and do the whole lust I
Don't think that would apply to this particular situation
Dana I've got another idea
Criminal Quint have recovered my suitcase full of money
J2 moon, I can't believe you gave him back the money, but I didn't that's our suitcase
It looks like he's gonna make Queen now
Are you sure you did the right thing and returned the money to mom?
Of course, I did Pumbaa and that's why they gave me such a big reward
But this looks like exactly 1 million two hundred ninety thousand dollars worth of stuff
Isn't that ironic that was the exact amount of the reward?
Chocolate-covered male moth that's
Timon & Pumbaa How to Beat the High Costa Rica#1 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sam Rees - Duration: 3:49.
The rest of your days, it's our problem-free
Could you please give me my jammies out of the suitcase, please?
Socks ladies Jimmy muzic don't even wear jammies. Oh, yeah. That's right. Sorry
In correctness
Criminal Quint the most perpetrating bank robbing road east of Alcatraz have pulled off the perfect crime
Nearly perfect
Timon are you okay? How come your eyes look like dollar signs?
And what's all that stuff hanging up in the air above your head
Leaving the country
It looked to me like exactly 1 million two hundred ninety thousand dollars in unmarked bills and since it doesn't belong to us
Maybe it belongs. Damn
Discovery location I criminal Quint have found my lost suitcase
If this is really your suitcase then what exactly is inside 1 million two hundred and ninety thousand dollars in unmarked bills
J Timon that proves it and I think we should do the right thing and give the suitcase full of money back to its owner
How the US, China trade war could impact western Massachusetts - Duration: 1:43.
How Old Is Old Enough For Your Child To Be On Social Media? - Duration: 1:55.
Drawing and Coloring for Kids, How to draw A Boy And A Girl, Learn colors for Kids ~ Pam Kids Art - Duration: 10:03.
Drawing and Coloring for Kids, How to draw A Boy And A Girl, Learn colors for Kids ~ Pam Kids Art
Liverpool News : Alisson reveals why he joined the Reds and how he deals with mistakes - Duration: 2:47.
the Liverpool keeper has often locked himself away in a room when he has made
mistakes but he is happy to front up here when the topic of failed attempt to
turn kolache I cannot Joe and gifts Leicester er away back into their clash
with the Reds is mentioned the secret of the wise man is to learn from the errors
of others the brazillian said however unfortunately in the Leicester game it
was my error dot the mistake did not cost Liverpool any points as they held
on to win 2-1 and since then there is evidence that suggests a listen has
indeed learned from his own mistakes the 65 million pound signing from Roma is
just as happy to boot the ball out of play now as he is to find a red shirt if
the time allows it I've locked myself in my room and wanted to be on my own a lot
in my career but I don't do that anymore set a listen I am more mature today so I
deal better with the mistakes than the many tell if it's to the side of me I
will die to the side I'd like to keep it simple my saves are not to show up or
Hollywood saves for the camera things are different here to other countries
and I've learned that I can't wait for the referee or expect the referee to
call the foul today I will take less risks and when the options aren't
appearing I will clear it into the stands or play a long ball up front
apart from the error a listen has impressed so far as Liverpool with four
clean sheets and seven appearances thought HG was convinced to sign for the
Reds by compat reads Philippe Coutinho and Roberto Firmino as well as Roma's
5-2 defeat in the Champions League semi-final at Anfield Liverpool's
signing of a listen smashed the world record for a keeper but just days later
Chelsea bettered that by paying seventy one point six million pounds to Athletic
Bilbao is for kike Arras a Belaga now the pair will be at either I don't
really think about the value of the transfer
I think more about what I can give back to the club for the faith they have
invested in me goalkeeper is a very influential position in the team and
that is becoming recognized now if you think about it any error that we make
can be fatal for the team it can lead to a goal and cause a defeat I am really
happy with the increased recognition that
Calligraphy Pen Intro | How to use | Chaitanya Gokhale Calligraphy - Duration: 7:18.
Hello this is Chaitanya Gokhale and Welcome back to my YouTube channel
I hope you have seen my previous review about Calligraphy materials. In this video
I will talk in detail about the Calligraphy Pens. I have noticed that
many people are finding it difficult to use the calligraphy fountain pen with
the nibs. That is a little tricky if you are new to Calligraphy, especially if you
haven't used the ink pen recently. Today I will show you how to use Calligraphy
Fountain pen, the easy way. Here is the calligraphy pen with six nibs
This set is pretty basic but the results are very good. You can use any
calligraphy pen set. so let's see how to use this set . So here are few basic
things you need to understand before using the pen. There is a difference
between the regular nib and a calligraphy nib. calligraphy nib has a
flat cut. In the regular pen you write with a single point whereas in
calligraphy we use the cut nib. we all have used the fountain pen still I will
quickly go through the parts of pen and the assembly. this is the nib
this is the black part under the nib with a slit in the center it's called
the feed, this connects the ink barrel and the nib. the ink flows from here
through small cannel. so this is the ink barrel. now let's see how to fit the
nib to the pen. Open the cap, remove the nib from the neck here we have about six
different sized nibs I will choose this number 4. I would recommend using
this size to begin with. later on you can try the smaller ones. initially these
nibs may have a little grease or oil so first we will take care of that.
Take a tissue paper wipe the nib to remove the oil.
now we have to insert the nib along with the feed. if you observe the nib also has a
cut we have to align this cut with the feed. if the alignment is not right,
the ink will not flow properly so pay close attention while inserting the nib.
Don't insert it too much or
keep to less. keep about 5 mm above the feed like this. now we are
ready to use this nib. keep a tissue or a rough cloth handy. if you want to know
more about Good Pen brands, inks and papers please check my previous detailed
review about that. Open the ink bottle you can fill the ink barrel but I would
suggest not to because of two main reasons - one initially excess ink may
spill on paper because of uneven pressure on the nib. 2, if you want
to try blending techniques you won't be able to do that if you fill the ink so
what will we do this we'll just dip the pen in the ink like the regular dip pen.
don't dip too much up to the half nib is good. in case you
are thinking that you will run out of ink don't worry with a single dip you can
write few lines yes few lines. so I will dip it a little bit. make sure you keep
the bottle in the container to avoid in spill. let's see how this nib works on
initially you may find it a little difficult but it has a knack
you need to apply even pressure on the nib so the ink can flow through feed and
nib. Until you get the smooth lines user a rough paper to practice. with uneven
pressure you may damage the nib permanently so be careful with your nibs
always. the new pen and nib may not write immediately but you'll have to be
patient and keep trying. I have been conducting workshops for last 10 years
most of the Pens work flawlessly but few take some extra time to roll smoothly
trust me pens are nibs are NOT Faulty. it is just about getting the
hang of it. in few worst cases if you find the nib is not at all working
the easy solution it just try any different nib and that will solve the
problem there are brands like Parker or manuscript where you don't need to change the nibs.
you can remove the whole part like this and replace it with the
desired one but it's good to know the mechanics of your tool. now if you want
to change the nib size just wipe off the excess ink
with tissue. pull the nib out gently clean the feed. Take the nib you want to replace.
insert it like this right and you are good to go in case if you clog
the pin just put it in warm water for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly
under the tap water. I hope this video clears the basic doubts about of the
Calligrapy Pens. it needs right technique and practice to
get good calligraphy. it's not about the pen brand you are using.
it's all about the finesse. so thank you once again and happy lettering. if you haven't
subscribed to my channel yet please subscribe
How Do You Do Tangerine Jam At Home? - Duration: 2:37.
Hello everyone,
In this video I'll tell you how to make a perfect mandarin jam in your own hands at home.
The ingredients we need to make our mandarin jam are 1 kilogram of tangerine, 4 cups of powdered sugar, 1.5 cups of water, 1 bar of cinnamon and 10 carnations.
We put our 1 kilogram mandarin in water for 3 days by changing its water every day.
Our aim here is to remove the pain of our mandarin.
After removing our mandarin, we boil our mandarin in water for 3 consecutive times.
When the water starts to boil, we change the water of our mandarin and boil it again.
After doing this 3 times we sliced our mandarines.
After we put the mandarines we have sliced into our saucepan, we pour 4 cups of sugar.
Then add 1.5 cups of water.
After that, we put 1 cinnamon stick and 10 cloves in turn and put our mandarin in this way for 5 hours.
In the middle of the fire we boil our mandarin and let it cool down after boiling.
Our mandarin, which we leave to cool, is now turned into mandarin jam after it has cooled down.
We put our mandarin jam in the jars and we want to eat when we want.
Uninstall SPYHUMAN APP ? Who Is Using My Phone How to Check ? Who Is Hacking My PHone 2018 IN Hindi - Duration: 8:38.
How to colonize Mars || Smartest way to colonize Mars within the next 1000 years. - Duration: 5:09.
The only home humans have ever known is Earth. But history shows that surviving as a species
on this tiny blue dot in the vacuum of space is tough and by no means guaranteed.
The dinosaurs are a classic example: They roamed the planet for 165 million years, but
the only trace of them today are their fossilized remains. A colossal asteroid wiped them out.
Putting humans on more than one planet would better ensure our existence thousands if not
millions of years from now.
Future population growth, demand for resources, and an alternate solution to the Doomsday
argument may also require human colonization of bodies other than Earth, such as Mars,
the Moon, and other objects. Space colonization will facilitate harvesting the Solar System's
energy and material resources.
In many respects, Mars is the most Earth-like of all the other planets in the Solar System.
It is thought that Mars had a more Earth-like environment early in its history, with a
thicker atmosphereand abundant water that was lost over the course of hundreds of millions
of years. Mars distance from Earth is about 79million kilometer, 200 times the distance
of the Moon from Earth. It will take approximately 9 months to reach Mars.
Mars's similarities to Earth are more compelling than any other planet when considering colonization.
These include:
The Martian day or the day on mars is very close in duration to Earth's. A solar day on
Mars is 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35.244 seconds. Mars has a surface area that is 28.4% of Earth's,
only slightly less than the amount of dry land on Earth (which is 29.2% of Earth's surface).
Mars has half the radius of Earth and only one-tenth the mass. This means that it has
a smaller volume and lower average density than Earth.
Mars has an axial tilt of 25.19°, similar to Earth's 23.44°. As a result, Mars has seasons much
like Earth, though they last nearly twice as long because the Martian year is about
1.88 Earth years. The Martian north pole currently points at Cygnus,
not Ursa Minor like Earth's.
Water is the main ingredient we humans need to live. No water, and the deal is off. NASA's
Phoenix Lander confirm the presence of water ice on Mars. That is frozen di hidroxide,
waiting for melting for human surviving. Although some unfavorable weather conditions are currently
inappropriate for living. For example, The martian atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide,
3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and traces of other gases including oxygen totaling less than
0.4%. It's atmosphere does not filter out ultraviolet and solar winds because it has a very weak
magnetic field. However, there is a way to create a perfect
favorable environment to stay there. It is, by terraforming the surface and climate of
Mars would be deliberately changed to make the environment hospitable.
Large amounts of water ice exist below the Martian surface, as well as on the surface
at the poles, where it is mixed with dry ice, frozen CO2 located at the south pole
of Mars, which, if melted, would correspond to a planetwide ocean 5 to11 meters deep.
Most of the oxygen in the Martian atmosphere is present as carbon dioxide, and in the soil,
in the form of per-nitrates. Molecular oxygen only exists in trace amounts.
Presence of Perchlorate can be used to liberate oxygen in chemical oxygen generators. Electrolysis could
be employed to separate water on Mars into oxygen and hydrogen.
The final aspect is to liquefy the outer core of the planet to create a dynamo and generate
magnetic field like Earth's. This could be done using an extremely large nuclear bomb
which would be placed near the core of the planet. The bomb would have to release enough
energy to liquefy the core, then it spins, restoring magnetic field which will protect
the planet from solar wind and UV rays.
By terraforming Mars the atmosphere of this planet will be suitable for survival, vegetation
can be grown up in the next 500 years, whole geographical environment within the next 1000th
year, it will be just like our blue-green globe. Hopefully a large part of our population
can be the permanent resident of Mars at that time.
Already SpaceX are gearing up to send a manned craft to Mars by 2022, for this very reason.
Thanks for watching. Please Subscribe, rate and comment if you liked.
18 tips to speak English fluently |how to remove inertia and shyness|sentence pattern - Duration: 9:15.
RADICALS W/ VARIABLES » how to simplify | Math Hacks - Duration: 8:19.
Hello everyone, I'm Brett and today is an exciting day because
For the last couple weeks. We've been working so hard to learn all we can about radicals
We learned about square roots and cubed roots and higher index roots. We've learned how to add and subtract radicals how to simplify radicals
how to rationalize denominators
And today we get to take it one step further by introducing algebra into our radicals
Now today I'm going to show you two separate techniques for simplifying radicals with variables
You could choose either technique
I'm going to show both of them to you so that way you can kind of decide for yourself, which you like better
the first technique is going to have to do with
Radical notation and the second technique is going to have to do with the fractional notation this first problem
We want to simplify the square root of x cubed Y Z to the fourth
So when I'm working with square roots
I'm always looking for
groups of two because I know that for instance the square root of x squared is simply X or the square root of
Two squared is simply two
I think that's the easiest way to approach these so as you can tell in this problem
we have three X's so I can make one group of two and then I'll have a third X by itself and
I have four Z's so I can make two groups of two there
So what I'm going to do in this first step is I'm just gonna split these out into little groups of two
This is just a little baby step to get us started
And if you're new to this, I think it's a really good step to start with
So I went ahead and split these into separate radicals as well
And I think that's a really handy thing to do because it helps us just really clearly see when things break free of the radical
Sometimes people just kind of do it all underneath the radical and that's okay if you understand it
But while you're learning, sometimes that's a little confusing
So I always split them apart and then just like I said
I made
Groups of two out of the things I had at least two of so I split X cubed into an x squared and X
They split the Z to the fourth into a Z squared and Z squared now. I'm just gonna go ahead and
Just cancel out anything that reduces so the square root and the squares
And so now all I have left under the square roots is the x and y so I want to put those back together
Into one root and then I want to take everything that is no longer any root and write it in front
So that technique worked really well with this problem think that's probably the easiest way to do it
But I'm going to show you how to use fractional exponents as well
Because in some scenarios that might end up being easier or you might just prefer it more
So I'm gonna do the same problem with the alternate method
This method we're going to get rid of the square root
Immediately and replace it with a power of 1/2
Then I'm gonna use those exponent rules
Because I have these variables all being raised to the one-half power
So I'm going to multiply and remember that Y
There's no number written on this so we can write in a 1/2 just kind of help us
So I'm gonna multiply 3 with 1/2 1 with 1/2 and 4 with 1/2
All right now I'm just going to simplify so
the Z to the 4 halves
Well 4 divided by 2 is 2 so I'm just going to replace that with a to
The 1/2 I'm going to leave as is on this one and then the 3 half
I'm going to rewrite as a mixed number instead of an improper fraction. So this becomes X to the 1 and 1/2
and the reason why it's useful to do that is
1/2 is the same as 1 plus 1/2 and remember when I'm multiplying
Two values together but have the same base I can add their exponents
So here I'm just gonna do the reverse of that instead of combining things to make one value
I'm gonna separate them back into two separate ones and you'll see how that works out really nicely
Like I said, I just split this into two separate terms
and then I have that Y to the half and Z squared like I said above so as you can tell we only have
two letters left that have
Exponents that are fractions they both have a fraction of one half so I can combine those back into that square root
Then I have these variables like I can write out in front again
I don't in to write the one down here since that's implied. So I just have x times Z squared in front
That gives us the same answer as we had up here so as you can see both methods work really well for
simplifying that radical
In this next problem we're dealing with a cube root which looks more difficult
But it's actually going to work out very similarly to how we did the first problem
But instead of looking for these groups of twos, I'm going to be looking for groups of three since I have a cube root
So my first step is to split up the radicals
With each thing that's being multiplied and I'm going to split out a to the fifth into as many groups of threes as I can
And B to the ninth to into as many groups of threes as it can as well
Because I broke these up into groups of threes I now can see where the cancelling needs to happen
So anything that has a cube root and a power of three on it are inverses of each other and cancel
That's just gonna leave me the a and B's behind also I know that the cube root of 8 is 2
because 8 is equal to
2 cubed
So I'm also going to go ahead and reduce this whole thing down to 2
Now I'm free to do some cross canceling I see that I have
Two B's in the numerator being multiplied together and 2 B's and the denominator being multiplied together
so those are gonna divide to one so I can go ahead and cross cancel out those and
Check for anything else that can be reduced. I don't see anything else. So now I'm just gonna rewrite this in a nice form
I'm going to move this be out in front of the radical and
Clean this up a little bit
This method instead of reading a cube root, I'm going to start by trading out the cube root for a power of 1/3
And I'm gonna make sure to wrap parentheses around anything that was inside that cube root
Now I can go ahead and apply the 1/3 power onto each value inside of the parentheses
At this point I can go ahead and rewrite the 5/3 as a mixed number so that's going to be 1 and 2/3
That means that I can write a to the first power times a to the 2/3 power
Of course we're free to cancel out the B squared of the denominator with two of the beasts from the numerator
now I'm just going to
Reintroduce the cube roots back into the problem
So anything that has a fractional exponent with a denominator of 3 is going to get a cube root symbol
Notice how when I reintroduce the cube root symbol on the 8
I kept the power of 2 on the a so I still have a squared here now
the last step is to take the cube root of 8, which we know is 2 and
Rewrite this in a nice pretty form
There you go, that is the same as we got up here when we use the
Radical notation method you found this lesson useful. I would really really appreciate it
if you give it a big thumbs up and
As always I invite you to join the math hacks community
All you have to do is hit the subscribe button below and then you're one of us
Until next time I'm Brett and thank you for joining me
How do federal inmates keep escaping this historic Atlanta prison? - Duration: 2:08.
Asphalt 9 multiplayer guide: How to get 30 cups. Beginners tutorial. - Duration: 8:24.
How To Find The Key Of A Song On Bass - The Melodic Method - Duration: 12:36.
In this bass lesson, you're going to learn the melodic analysis method for figuring out
the key to a song.
Hi, I'm Luke McIntosh and if you want to start learning both the art AND science of
figuring out keys for yourself, make sure you check this one out.
[Video Intro]
This is the 2nd of 3 videos all about different methods of identifying the key of a song.
In the last lesson we talked about the intuitive method which relied almost exclusively on
the ear and it was certainly more art than science.
In this melodic analysis method though, we'll be using the art of figuring out the key,
but this time, we'll actually mix it with concrete information that the song gives us.
It'll give us a nice balance of both the art and science.
So what information are we going to use from the song?
Simple - the melody!
All we're going to do is play the melodies of some different songs and use those notes
to figure out the key.
When we know all the notes of the melody, we'll see if we can figure out what the
key is using our ears and our knowledge of keys.
Sound good?
Let's get to it!
Let's try this with a very simple melody to start with.
Nearly everyone knows Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, right?
It's the same melody as the Alphabet song.
What you might not know was that it was Mozart who originally wrote that melody back in the
So let's say you know how to play that melody [plays melody] Great!
This means we actually have something to work with.
In the first video of this series, we didn't really have anything to work with at all,
but now we have 6 notes.
C, G, A, F, E, and D.
Now there are only 7 notes in a key and this melody has given us 6 notes, so there's
a 6 in 7 chance of the melody being one of these notes.
Those are pretty good odds.
The next questions to ask yourself are, 'Which of these notes feels most stable?
Most at home?
Which one of these notes has the most 'gravity'?'
We're using the information in the melody, but we're still partially using our ears
to uncover the key.
Like I said - we're mixing the art and science of music now.
Let's play through the melody a few more times with this in mind and see what you think.
[plays melody] If we were to stop on all of these notes, would the song feel finished?
Let's try all of them.
Our first note - the C - it feels pretty stable in the context of the melody, but let's
keep going.
What about this G?
If we ended on that note, would it feel super stable?
Does it seem 'at home'?
It's possible.
Let's keep moving on.
What about the A?
Does that feel like that's the most important note in the key?
Probably not.
What about this F?
Again, probably not the key.
If you sang that note against the melody, it wouldn't really work.
[sings F against melody] See what I mean?
What about the next note - this E. Is that a strong candidate?
It could work.
What about the D?
Again, it's probably not the best choice.
It doesn't feel particularly at home or stable.
It feels like it either wants to go up or down and that's not what we want.
We want something that feels like it doesn't want to move at all.
We found 3 potential winners.
The C, the G and the E. Let's sing each of these notes against the whole melody and
see which one sounds the best.
Let's start with the E. So this is our E [hums E] and over the melody, it'll sound
like this.
[plays melody while humming] So to me, this one doesn't seem like it's super strong
- that E just doesn't have a lot of gravity, you know?
So let's move on.
Next, let's try the G.
So it sounds like this [hums a G] and over the melody, it'll sound like this.
[plays melody] This is probably a little bit stronger than the E, but let's try our last
one - the C.
This is our C [hums C] and with the melody.
[hums C over melody] This is so much stronger than either of our other options.
Can you hear on that run down, when we finally get to the C, everything has been leading
us there and when we arrive, everything kind of falls into place.
It's like putting the last piece in a massive jigsaw puzzle - it's deeply satisfying.
This means that we're almost certainly in the key of C. And is it a major key or a minor
We talked about this in the last video of the series - how major keys are 'brighter-sounding'
and minor keys are 'darker-sounding'.
Which one is this?
Is this bright or dark?
It's bright, right?
It's a kid's song - it might be strange if it was in a minor key.
Actually, check this out - if you change the notes in this to be in a minor key, it'll
sound like this.
[plays minor Twinkle Twinkle] Completely different and kind of creepy! [laughs] So the actual
melody [plays melody] is almost certainly in a major key.
And since we've figured out that C is our home base, then that means we're in the
key of C major.
Now if you know the notes in your keys, you'll know that for this melody, we've used C
Because C major doesn't have any sharps or flats, and we don't have any of those
in this melody.
By the way, if you want a big cheat sheet with all the notes of all your keys on it,
including this one, make sure to download the bonus video Key Certainty: How To Make
Sure You've Picked The Right Key.
That video comes with a PDF with all your keys laid out for you.
It'll be super helpful.
So that's our process.
Figure out the notes of the melody, see which one feels most stable, most 'at home'
and that will probably be the root of the key.
Then ask yourself 'Bright or dark?' and that should tell you if it's a major or
minor key.
Now if you've got a melody that's just one or two notes, this probably isn't going
to help you too much, right?
That's not really enough data to work with, but you'll find most melodies have at least
5 or 6 notes.
Let's do one more example that's not so simple and let's use the Stevie Wonder song
'Isn't She Lovely' and let's just use the first part of the melody as an example.
In case you don't know how it goes, the melody sounds like this.
[plays melody] The notes of the melody are G#, A, G# F#, E, then we get that again with
2 notes added to to - this C# and this B. Now just in these 2 phrases, we've got enough
to figure out the key.
We've got 6 notes in this melody - just like in our last example, but which one is
the home base?
The root of the key?
Well let's try some of these notes out.
Let's start with this G# - it's the first note of the melody, so it's got to be important,
So this is our G# [hums note] and with the whole melody sounds like this.
[plays melody while humming] Ok - that doesn't sound too bad, but it's probably not a slam
dunk yet.
Let's try the next note in the melody, the A. Here's the A [hums] and with the melody.
Hmm - it's probably not this one.
There's too much in there that just doesn't sound good, so let's move on.
What about the F#. [hums and plays melody] Again, this doesn't really work that well
a lot of the time.
What about the E?
[hums and plays melody] OK - this is something that could work really well.
It works better than all the notes we've done so far, so let's keep that in our back
pocket and do the last 2 notes.
What about this C#?
[hums and plays] It's probably not this one, right?
It just doesn't feel great and we only really get that C# as a passing note - not a really
strong melodic note.
OK, last one - that B.
This is the last note of the phrase and sometimes that can be a clue to the key like it was
for Twinkle Twinkle.
So here's the B. [hums and plays] This actually sounds OK, but to me, it doesn't really
feel like home base.
It doesn't feel 100% stable or at home.
Especially when I compare it to the E we kept in our back pocket before.
[hums and plays] This one feels and sounds way better!
If I was going through and picking the note that sounded like the root to me, I'd definitely
be picking that E.
Now is this in the key of E major or E minor?
This one's a little bit tricky, because at the very start of the song, it sounds darker
and gets brighter as you go through.
By the time you get to the end of the phrase though, it's definitely brighter though,
so this song you can say is in the key of E major.
You could also think of this song as being in the relative minor - C# minor, but that's
getting a bit beyond the scope of what we're talking about in this video.
One common problem with figuring out keys to songs is not knowing for sure whether you've
got it right.
In fact, there are 2 super common mistakes that people make when they're trying to
figure out the key of a song, and there's a simple fix for both of them.
If you want to know the solution, I've shot a free bonus video for you called Key Certainty:
How To Make Sure You've Picked The Right Key and in it, you'll learn exactly what
to do to make sure that you've made the right choice with 100% certainty.
To get it, just follow the link in the description, sign up on that page and I'll send it straight
to your email address.
To recap though, you learned how to use the melody analysis method to figure out the key
of a song.
You learned that this mixed the art and science of music and all you had to do was find which
note of the melody sounded most stable - most 'at home'.
This was most likely going to be the root of whatever key the song is in.
Thanks so much for hanging out today - I really appreciate it.
I'm Luke from Become A Bassist - make sure and follow that link in the description and
get that free bonus video.
I'd love to see you in there as well.
Breakfast Bagel Sliders - How To Make Sliders - Tasty Breakfast Sandwich Recipes - Duration: 6:19.
thank you stop my no hippie BBQ this is Lyle what I'm be doing in this video is
I'm gonna be making a recipe that I saw on Facebook these are gonna be breakfast
bagel sliders anyway it was one of those real quick how to make sliders
videos I figured I'd go ahead and give it a shot as far as my video goes
there's gonna be two steps in this process that I'm going to forego I'm not
gonna show you scrambling eggs or cooking the bacon I figure everybody out
there knows how to do that and if you don't leave it in the comments below and
I'll cook up a video on that the ingredients for this are very simple
let's get to it these are the ingredients we are going to be using for
these breakfast bagel sliders I'm going to be using about 10 eggs we have 10 of
these miniature bagels you can find these in your regular grocery store
about 10 slices of bacon some cheese we're gonna be topping it with some
poppy seeds but you could use some garlic you could use whatever you want
garden you know dried garlic onions things like that I'm gonna need some
butter we're gonna melt that the cream cheese I'm gonna kind of whip this up
and then slice these green onions very thinly and mix them with this cheese and
we're gonna be topping it with some tomato as far as the eggs though I am
gonna cook these eggs with a touch of heavy cream and we're gonna season it
with salt and pepper as needed we are baking cooked our egg cooked we have our
tomatoes sliced up our butters melted and I've sliced up this green onion and
added it to our cream cheese our next step is all we're gonna be doing the
spread and cream cheese on this bottom layer of bagels
okay now that we have that done just
gonna get a nice layer of these scrambled eggs on here and if some of
them fall in between that's fine
time to get our cheese on can't have too much cheese in this recipe and use this
whole bag
our bacon now I have my bacon cut up kind of they're not quite troubled
they're just little small slices I was good to go to me get our tomatoes
get our top son
I think this close enough I'm just gonna drizzle the top with a little bit of
this butter I could brush it on I just don't have a brush near me
and with our poppy seeds
now they're gonna go in the oven 350 degrees for 10 minutes they're looking
like coming right out of the oven I'm gonna go ahead and let these cool down
for about 5-10 minutes then we'll go ahead and plate some up sit done deal
let's get into it see if it was worth it
I'm glad I added that tomato to the breakfast bagels that was not part of the original recipe now as I
was making this I was thinking about a few different things or a few different
ways to make this I think I might have gone more with an omelet type of egg
instead of a scrambled egg on this so if I make this again that's gonna be one of
the changes that I make maybe even just go with like American cheese slices
instead of the trip shredded cheese I think American cheese will go really
good with this as well but hey this is a nice concept I think it's good to go
could take another bite in front of you guys but I'm just gonna thank you for
stopping by little hippie BBQ comment subscribe know I'm out bagel breakfast sliders delish
How We Are Destroying Our Democracy? #UnplugWithSadhguru - Duration: 5:25.
How can a student remain a neutral are everything well this has become a
phenomena not just in your university this has become a phenomena across the
country if you open your mouth to say something about the nation they will try
to fix you to some ideology when me not just you all the time people are fixing
me sometimes to the left sometimes to the right sometimes they want to hang me
in the center I've always made it clear my concern is people not even
nationality my concern is just people because I work with all kinds of people
in India outside India with politicians with convicts with tribal women with all
kinds of people okay with students with everybody my concern is a human being
life but inevitably somebody is trying to pin you on some notice board right
board or left board or something this is an unfortunate situation because this is
the mechanics of how you destroy a democracy that is right now let us say
you are committed to right I am committed to left because I am looking
more left ok so now we are already committed now what is the point of
secret ballot I'm asking we know these three people will vote for right left
right this will or for left everybody knows what is the point of secret ballot
what is the point of offering a citizen the choice of choosing the leadership in
Tamil language democracy means Jen and I come that means people are the leaders
that's what it means people are the leaders but leaders are all fixed how do
you make leaders out of them how do you make a democracy work if you
want a living democracy the most important thing is except for a few
party workers others the lists of the population should not be committed to
any party any ideology we give somebody a five year chance if they do well we
give them one more chance if they don't do well we bring somebody else this is
how it should be but unfortunately this has become a worldwide phenomenon in
United States it was worse I thought India I was proudly speaking
in United States we have a living democracy but now in the last five years
have just kept quiet about Indian living democracy because we have also become
the same thing - it's like this a
veteran Republican leader was dying he was on his deathbed then on his deathbed
he requested I want to join the Democratic Party he said not you you've
been a Republican all your life so was your father and your grandfather all
were Republicans and now on your deathbed you want to become a Democrat
he said yes I want to become a Democrat they said why he said I would rather
have one of them dying
so it's become this bad please all of you young people I'm telling you this is
where every citizen in the country but particularly in the university
please debate issues in the nation don't take sides
every damn issue in the country you must debate but do not take sides at this
stage in your life because you are destroying democracy in this country
because you this is just like a clan this is like a community or a religion I
belong to this party you belong to that party no matter what I am going to owed
only to my party this is a feudalistic society this is not a democratic society
so I request all the young people either in this university any university you
should not take political sides right now you must debate issues and what
matters who is going to offer solutions they must get the vote whoever offers a
proper solution they must get the Oh your vote is already committed you
destroying democracy please don't do this
the most valuable thing we have for all the troubles we go through and all the
news channels shouting at us we endure all that only rehearse we have democracy
please do not destroy this by taking sides
How to Write More Every Day - Duration: 4:00.
Hey Youtube, it's me, Briana.
I'm the author of the young adult horror novel Blood and Water, the young adult urban fantasy novel Reflections, and the
one-act play Touch—all of which are available for purchase on Amazon.
Most of you know that I like to think of myself as a productive and organized person.
I love setting goals and checking off tasks as I go, and
to me, the idea of a perfect day is a day in which I accomplish everything on my to-do list.
At the same time, I'm always working to improve my
productivity when it comes to writing and getting books out. If you, like me, are looking for ways to get more writing done every day,
keep on watching. First of all, and I've mentioned this before, you should remove distractions from your phone. In a previous video,
I covered how to avoid distractions while writing, so I won't go too much into it,
but basically, if you have any games or time-sucking apps on your phone, you should go ahead and get rid of them
now. Now, I know you may love playing Candy Crush Soda Saga, or you might love—I don't know,
wasting hours and hours watching YouTube videos—
but at the end of the day, those apps are not going to help you get any writing done. And if deleting these time-sucking
distractions is not enough, go ahead and put your phone on Do Not Disturb or airplane mode while you're working so that you won't be
tempted to get on Twitter or check your email for the hundredth time.
Second of all, if you want to write every day, use any and all spare time that you can. A lot of people are under
the impression that you can't be a real writer unless you can dedicate long chunks of writing to marathon sessions.
For example, if you can't write for an hour or two a day, a lot of people will say, "Don't write at all,
what's the use?" This is not how books get done. For those people who attend school full-time, have a full-time job, or just have a
full-time life, marathon writing sessions are just not practical. Instead,
what I recommend is chunking your writing sessions into bite-sized pieces and spreading them out throughout the day.
For example, let's say you go to the dentist, and you arrive 20 minutes before your appointment.
Now, you could spend that 20 minutes paging through the latest edition of Vogue,
or you could whip out your phone or a
notebook and actually spend a few minutes working on your novel. If you get to work before it's time to clock in, work on your
novel. Lunch break ended early? You guessed it—work on your novel.
There are so many little periods of time throughout the day that we often don't notice or take advantage of to their full potential. If you
want to write a little bit every day, you need to make the most of these little moments
and steal time where you can. Last but certainly not least, if you want to write every day,
you need to set the bar low—I'm talking
ridiculously low. A common mentality in the writing community is that you have to write at least
1,000 to 2,000 words a day if you want to get a novel finished, and that's simply not true.
While it is good to have a high word count
If you're planning to a write first draft say, in a month, like for NaNoWriMo in November,
there's really no other reason to set the word count
so high. Unless you're writing to a deadline, which only typically applies to traditionally published authors,
there is no reason to set yourself up for failure like that.
If you're struggling to sit down and just get the writing done, what I recommend is to set the bar very low
say, way under a thousand words. I would recommend starting with 10
if you're really, really struggling. Even on my worst days I can manage a sentence.
Ideally, this would mean that over time you, will build endurance and increase your daily word count, but for now
let's just keep it simple,
shall we? Remember, your goal is to make a habit of writing,
not to burn yourself out trying to write a book as fast as you can.
Plus, if you try to write a book as fast as you can, it WILL be shitty,
I promise you. One final one note before I go and that is this: If you don't write every day, you are not a failure.
That's right. You can still be a writer and not write every day.
Hell, I don't even write every day. I sure try to, but some days writing just can't be a priority, and that's okay. If you do any
writing guess what? You're a writer. That's all the time I have for today.
If you enjoyed this video,
don't forget to give it a thumbs-up and hit that subscribe button
so you can be notified every time I upload.
Also, be sure to leave a comment below sharing some of your best tips for fitting writing into a busy schedule.
Thanks again for watching, and I'll see you all next week. Bye!
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