Hey, welcome back to you know, today's vloggg
that was like so cringy, i mean guys i know i'm very sarcastic
But no in real life
I'm actually not that sarcastic, but I just like to be sarcastic on YouTube for some reason cuz I just I already like people
Thinking I'm funny. Nobody ever laughed at my joke
Yeah, but let's get straight to the video.
I'm actually pretty chill in real person, but I'm kinda you know sarcastic as well
i'm not gonna describe myself as sarcastic, I would describe myself as crazy
Okay, and then I just actually just kind of you know wanted to show you guys matter, you know ray-ban glasses
But um I kind of accidentally scratched it
Because I thought it was, you know, just a little scratch and I kind of you know made it worse cuz I keep right
sorry, I kept yeah, I
Kind of you know, just, you know kept scratching it so I kind of you know made it worse. I just
Killed her I killed her
Now what I'm gonna do with this camera and I'm gonna own this channel now
You know just casually taking up my vlog, you know this vlog is so kind cuteeeee
Hey guys, that was you know, just like a little plan my brother had cuz he wanted to you know
Kind of be in my video, but that was not
Hey guys, so this is my
So he's also actually kind of very sarcastic. My brother is actually also very very crazy and he's very sarcastic as well
Same as me because but of course, we're not as sarcastic, you know in real life
We're just kind of normal people, but of course, on camera, we like to have fun. So we're just you know sarcastic
Let's take a look. What what is my brother doing?
Okay, let's look at what this is doing
This is gonna be on my YouTube
You guys wanna see my my guns? Oh my gosh
No, they don't have interest in that none of em, so I just couldn't resist this angle. So I have to
To let you guys know why I'm actually you know, like
Okay, why I'm actually you know
vlogging stache forming
my iPhone because first of all
before when I you know
pretended to be a youtuber I would flume on my macbook and then I would just use Final Cut Pro which yes
I purchased Final Cut Pro the
Editing software and it is real. I didn't download it. I did buy it
You might be wondering why you're not using a Final Cut Pro to edit Oh in case if you're wondering I use
iMovie to edit my videos and
That's that's not nice. Just don't have a lot of features
But of course it's on a mobile device. So I mean
duh, so
I'm planning to use Final Cut Pro again
And you might be wondering why I just don't film on my iPhone and then export the clips to my computer and then edit it
First of all, my computer is kind of you know broken
It was soaked in water one time by you know, my brother
he brought it into the bathroom and then you know, he was doing his own thing while watching my computer because you know
He wanted my computer
and then when he was washing his hands the computer slipped and
You know the water the tap it went straight into
My computer so that's why my computer was kind of broken and then my harddrive
Kind of just broke as well
And then I don't know why it just took up so many space so, you know how the disunity has
You know different sections of how your hard drive is being used
And my other category has two hundred thirty five gigabytes
Used and I'm 0kb left on my computer. So nothing zero. It's
Completely full. Oh
My gosh. Um, so mom if you're watching this in the future, happy birthday, I love you. I
Don't want to get cheesy. But yeah, I love you. You're amazing. Keep doing what you love
so and
Actually post it on
Facebook I love my mom very much don't know what is going on with this, but I'm actually heading out for dinner really soon. Oh,
So, you know being the person I am it's the next day right no, it's two days after
And I forgot to end the video
So yeah, peace. Hope you guys enjoyed this week's video and I love you guys
For more infomation >> how my brother "killed" me in a vlog :)) - Duration: 6:02.-------------------------------------------
How To Download and Upload Template on Blogger in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 7:48.
how to download tamplate for blogger
download tamplate for blogger
Timon & Pumbaa How to Beat the High Costa Rica#3 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sam Rees - Duration: 3:49.
Gugu I am a baby
Dear, mr. Criminal Quint, please take care of my baby his daddy worked at a bank. So he likes money
So, please put him on the table by the money sincerely timin. I mean the baby's mother
I'm Santa Claus
Presents you
Santa Claus want to give me criminal Quint
Christmas presents that's right. I've checked my list twice and you've been a very very extra good criminal this year
You deserve a lot of presents
But it's the middle of June
Well, then this presents back for now can't be giving them away early
All this money so we'll just put it in here
Prancer vixen comet Cupid Donner vixen
No one steals stolen money from in the Quint
Something what do you want me to do gets in drag and do the whole lust I
Don't think that would apply to this particular situation
Dana I've got another idea
Criminal Quint have recovered my suitcase full of money
J2 moon, I can't believe you gave him back the money, but I didn't that's our suitcase
It looks like he's gonna make Queen now
Are you sure you did the right thing and returned the money to mom?
Of course, I did Pumbaa and that's why they gave me such a big reward
But this looks like exactly 1 million two hundred ninety thousand dollars worth of stuff
Isn't that ironic that was the exact amount of the reward?
Chocolate-covered male moth that's
Mixing Tips For Beginners x How To Start Mixing Your Beats (Prod. by Samdarsh Sondh) - Duration: 9:46.
yo what's going on YouTube how you guys doing today thank you guys so much for
checking out this video just wanted to take a quick break from the whole
producing stuff and you know I thought it'd be a cool idea to get some tips
shoot some knowledge out there for you guys if you guys are fucking with the
content fucking with the beats please subscribe like comment show some love
It'll be more incentive to you know keep putting out content like this so very
quickly you know this is just some knowledge that I wish I had when I was
first jumping into this whole thing and you know quick disclaimer I'm not saying
my beats sound the best I'm not even gonna say they sound good you know we'll
let you guys decide on that but this is just stuff that I really wish I knew
when I was getting into it I made a list you know just really quickly you know
I'm gonna try to keep it simple too I don't want to you know try to get too
complicated too complex into it there's a lot of videos out there that already
do that you know but a lot of it can be really overwhelming
so it's wanted to keep it simple just a quick tips you know demean and you know
get right into it I think the first thing very very important probably one
of the most important things out there when it comes to mixing your beats
mixing your productions is what are you using to mix with what are you listening
to you know are using headphones are using monitors and I think it's
extremely crucial that whatever you're using you know whether it's headphones
or monitors that's high quality you know what I personally use I'm gonna put it
in the description - I use the audio Technica's the ath m50x best headphones
I've ever owned amazing as soon as I started mixing with them my production
shot through the roof in my opinion and then also monitors that I really really
love using the Yamaha HSAs amazing pair you know them one of the
main reasons for these high quality headphones is the reproduction of the
sound is true and when I say true I mean that
you know they're not boosting the highs boosting the the lows no a lot of
headphones and monitors out there they're commercial you know they're made
to make the sound sound good I mean it's not a true picture of what
you're listening to you can be listening with the headphones and you're like damn
this shit is knocking the bass is kick in and then you go you know listen to uh
some other speakers and you're like damn what the hell happened or even with the
highs you can be like you know the highs are you know perfect awesome
well-balanced and you go listen somewhere else and your makes a sounding
dough or even too harsh so that's what I mean by you know you need some a good
pair of headphones or a good pair monitors that can really show you how
everything is sounding in a true form so that means that way you know what to
touch on second and I feel like a lot of people don't talk about this enough you
know if you're making beats you know and whatnot any kind of production any music
out there you need to make sure the samples that you're using and when I say
samples I mean any kind of sound you know kick drum a synth whatever samples
they need to be high-quality you have plugins like omnisphere serum
Nexus you know stuff like that like those are high quality sense I mean they
cost money whether you hear you know getting a cracked version or whatnot but
those are highly there's a well-crafted sounds those are high like high fidelity
sounds they sound great you know if you're getting some PACs online some
kick packs some any kind of drum packs you know don't you got to be picky you
know please be picky just make sure that shit
sounds good at the end of the day if you use bad samples poor quality samples
your beats are gonna suck ass it's uh you know no amount of mixing is going to
help some poor samples number three composition and arrangement I wanted to
talk about this because this I definitely feel like goes over a lot of
people's heads and when I say the composition arrangement I'm talking
about how you're constructing your beat it's
it's choosing what elements are playing when and where and like if you're making
a beat you know you got you got your kicks going you got your bass guitar
going you got some synth bass is going you know I mean you're gonna start to
notice that when you have like a hundred sounds playing at once things are going
to get muddy it's gonna be tough trying to EQ stuff and you guys have heard that
saying you know less is more I'm a huge fan of that saying you know
but you can you still have a lot of sounds going you just got to make sure
that you're giving priority to the main ones so composition and arrangement is
really important if you listen to like you know the huge productions out there
the ones at the top 100 and stuff like that you really pay attention to the
beat you're gonna start realizing that a lot of that stuff is really simple they
don't have a thousand things going on at once here I mean the vocals take care of
that job number four EQ so this kind of plays on the composition and range 'men
thing you have your kicks and bass and synth bass is going on you have your
high hats your you know some high pitched since you're gonna need to start
eating and you know to avoid getting super complicated with that because we
can talk about EQ all day long if your instrument is not a kick or a bass
guitar or like a bass santur and 808 you should be cueing the low-end out of
those instruments if it's not a kick it's not a bass synth bass guitar or an
808 it does not need to have those very low frequencies you know like I'm
talking like below 60 or even below 100 Hertz like those instruments do not need
that the only thing that should be occupying that space down there
but your kicks a the weights basis synth bass now we can start talking about the
body of the sound you know like I said maybe we can talk about this all day
long please experiment but I'm just messing
around with the EQ but you can definitely hear that if you start taking
too much bass out you're gonna lose the body of the sounds so just a dial back a
little bit to keep that keep that you know that body but you know generally
you'll notice that if you start taking out the low-end of these instruments
that don't need it your whole mix is going to free up it's gonna sound nice
and clear it's gonna sound crisp nothing's gonna be blocking the kick
nothing's gonna be blocking the bass everything's gonna be shining through
perfectly and number five reverb and echo what I really wanted to touch on
this is a lot of producers a lot of engineers they will drown their mixes
with reverb you know and again half the stress piece experiment but you'll start
to notice staff you start throwing rewrote reverb on every single thing man
your mix is going to become a mess reverb and delay should be used as a
tool to give you know stereo image or that like spring life into an instrument
you know with your drums you should not be throwing generally you should not be
third reverb on your kicks unless it's some kind of sound you want to go for
you know if you want that kick to have a nice like room sound that's awesome but
a lot of these you know a lot of these beats typically don't need reverb on the
kicks there are some reverb on the snare you mean you'll notice that in your
whole drum section the only thing that has a reverb is this there it'll give
life to the entire drum section it'll instantly sound like your drum section
is in a different kind of room just by putting a reverb on the snare and reverb
is awesome for you know stereo imaging and what I mean by that is making the
sound wider than it is you know making it appear wider you know if you have
your sense and stuff like that if you have a lead knowing put the
reverb on the lead it'll bring life into the whole sense section you don't need
to be you don't need to be putting a reverb on you know like long sustained
chords stuff like that because that'll just start to muddy things up the more
reverb you put the more muddy your mix is gonna get and what I mean muddy is
like just like messy the low-end is getting you know
that's tough things are not sounding is clear anymore so the main point of this
whole thing is just to be selective and be picky with where you're putting it a
reverb and when you put your reverb you don't need to drown the sound you know
experiment put a look and start with a nice light touch of reverb and that shit
will start sounding bomb real very simple this stuff definitely made my
production shoot through the roof instantly and it's not that complicated
once you really start experimenting with it and a lot of this stuff will become
second nature your ears I'll start training themselves so hopefully you
guys would just be on your way to making some dope-ass fucking beats hope you
guys enjoyed this video if you guys are fucking with my beats like subscribe
show some love man got a lot coming I'm gonna try to be putting out you know a
couple two to three to four beats a week so yeah it's a boy Sam thanks for
checking them and y'all have a good day
- Greetings and welcome to my birthday special.
It's the 29th of September and it's today 2018,
which means that I turn 45.
Today I wanna talk about human understanding
and how we can become better at resolving conflicts
or understanding each other.
Let me give you the background.
During my whole life,
I've always been presenting new ways of doing things.
(go away balloon)
I've been doing business transformations all my life.
I've been going to existing businesses
and changing processes for the better.
If you come into an existing organization
and you're the vehicle of change,
then you will face a lot of opposition.
And many times this opposition,
as in my case, this opposition manifests itself
as in people not wanting to work with you.
And when you come into an organization
as a vehicle of change many of the people
that you are depending on for changing the organization,
they do not wanna change.
They don't wanna change with you.
And this manifests itself in people working against you.
People talking bad about you,
people creating rumors and all kinds of things
that are simply not very cool.
So what are you gonna do about it?
Stick with me and I will tell you ways of dealing with this.
I'm Frederik, I've been developing people and businesses
for more than 20 years, all over the world.
I've created this channel
because I think we can all grow stronger
and I think we should all grow stronger.
If you haven't done so already,
make sure that you subscribe to the channel.
Let's get going.
Typically when people are against us,
we react by getting mad at them
by not wanting to work with them
or being, you know, angry or sad or upset
and that's not gonna help anything,
especially if you need these people to work with you,
or you're depending on them for other projects,
or just because you would like to have a better workplace.
So what you're gonna do?
Are you gonna sit and wait for them to come to you
and say, "Hey, okay, I understand you wanna change
"everything about my job and my life at work,
"so now I change to support you."
They're not gonna do that,
of course they're not gonna do that.
You have to be the big one,
you have to be the one understanding
that if you're gonna do change,
if you're gonna do new things in the organization,
and this can be small things for a team
or it can be large, large projects for the whole company,
but you need to understand since you're the driver of this,
it's also you who have to reach out to them
and saying let's do this together.
And that can be very difficult
if people there are against you
and you know they are against you.
I don't think you can change the people's attitude
towards you overnight or even over a month or a year
because you come into that organization
and you are changing things.
Maybe they like these things
and maybe they don't want to change.
When you start to understand their behaviors
then it's easier for you to deal with.
Then it's easier for you to move with them,
move around them and you don't have
to push against them so hard.
The way I do this and the way I speak with my team
because, unfortunately, the people who are against me
also take it out on my team, the people who are close to me.
What I'm telling them is you can accept the way
that people they are against you.
You shouldn't respect it, but you need to accept it
because you cannot change it.
But in order for you to move along with them,
I always ask my team or even myself to think
of two islands, and have two islands.
You're here, I'm here and the people I wanna understand
or I need to work with are on the other island.
What I will do is I'll take my boat
and I'll go to the other island of the person
that I need to work with and I'm looking at the world
from their perspective, from their island.
I am doing what I can to understand their worries,
their concerns, their fears, their agenda.
Remember, I'm not saying I'm respecting this,
but I'm accepting this and when I start
to understand the people, then it becomes much easier
for me to work with them and to make sure
that they also feel they are a part
of this new and important change.
Let me give you an example,
when I come and I want to change this
or this and that, then a lot of people
who have been comfortably settled for many,
many years, they see me as what is this?
And they don't know how to handle me,
so they are worried of losing power,
the political influence in the organization,
which is completely understandable.
Maybe I'm saying things that they've haven't heard before.
Maybe I'm saying things or doing things
that they're not comfortable with,
maybe they don't even feel that
they have the competencies to follow me.
And of course, if you're in a job,
have a family and you have to pay your bills
and you have a career you wanna pursue
and then this comes in from the right,
saying, "Oh, what happened?"
I understand it, I accept it.
And once I start accepting this,
then I can also start working with them.
If I accept or understand that he or she feels this
and are worried about this or their job
or the political influence in the organization of whatever,
then I can use that knowledge to work with the person.
I also believe that in most of the cases
people are not against me as Frederik,
they're against me, as I said, as the vehicle of change.
It's not necessarily me that they don't like
and it's for sure not my team because there's nothing
not to like about them, but of course, I am,
the manifestation of change and that's why it goes to me.
Which is perfectly understandable and acceptable,
but I also need to work with them.
I like to work with everybody
because everybody has to understand
that I only want one thing
and that is the best for the company.
This is what I believe in and I want the best
for my teams and everybody around me,
which is the reason I made this channel anyway.
I believe we all can be strong
and I want to give my knowledge back.
I want to coach everybody who wants to be coached.
I want to grow everybody who wants to grow with me.
That's me.
The point is, when you are fighting with somebody,
it can even be at home, when you are fighting
with somebody that you say why are they doing this?
Try to go to their island,
try to see the world with their eyes,
try to understand there may be other reasons
for them doing this than just being stupid.
Maybe there's so many other things going around
but it has to be you who have to go to them.
They will never come to you for obvious reasons.
Try to understand why is he, she reacting like this
or how does his or her world look like
and is there anything I can do when I understand
this to help us move along the same path?
That's what I believe in.
A simple example is traffic.
We've all seen people drive like crazy in the traffic,
and maybe I do that also sometime.
Instead of getting mad at the people
and use the horn and say they're idiots,
try it so just for the practice,
imagine what may be going on in their mind.
Maybe they've had an accident or in their family
so they're hurrying to the hospital.
Maybe they were not thinking when they did
whatever you didn't like.
There can be so many things, but again,
instead of you trying to be the mad one,
egh, egh, with the horn,
maybe you should try saying, okay, it's fair enough.
Let them be, be the big one.
Accept it, don't respect it,
but accept that this is what they're doing today.
I hope you liked this one.
Give it a big like if you did.
If you haven't done so already,
make sure that you subscribe to the channel.
I will see you next time, goodbye.
After Quitting Smoking How to Clean Lungs? - Duration: 3:15.
Did you have the habit of doing the smoking for the last two years
Did you quite the smoking just recently if?
Yes, then wait. You need to clean your lungs and this can just be made possible by naturally
Through this amazing and best drink that will help you in cleaning your lungs very easily
Here is a complete recipe which helps you after quitting smoking to clean your lung naturally
This drink has been included with the three magical ingredients
turmeric ginger
And onions
Ginger the spice has been in use for the last so many ancient
Years as it is best used in favour of the healing properties
It is even used for the removal of the excess
mucus and the lungs i'ma know on the next we will mention about
Onion that is said to be ritual at Sandy cancer properties it
Is even said around to be excellent when it comes to the numerous malignant conditions in?
Simple we can say that it is efficient in the prevention of various DZ's of the respiratory system
Turmeric on the last we will mention about turmeric that is high in amount with the vitamins and minerals
It contains the super healthy omega-3 fatty acids
which has been included with the antiviral plus with the antibacterial and
anti-cancer properties
how to make this natural lungs cleaner drink in the first take
400 milliliters of water and place it on the fire and let it boil in
the next step you will dice the onions and then you will be going to cut up the ginger root and then
You will be going to add both to the boil water
As soon as the mixture gets boils again, you will be going to add turmeric and reduce the heat to a slight temperature
Now you will be boiled the mixture until the amount of water is reduced by half
After it you will just be going to filter and pour into a glass jar
Then you will be W placing it in the fridge for some time
Now just take 2 teaspoons of this drink in the morning on empty stomach and in the evening two hours after meal
Thank you for watching
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PhotoDirector 10 - How to remove red eye in photodirector - Duration: 3:48.
In photo director 10 of CyberLink what happens when you take a picture of your kids your dogs, whatever
And you get that glowy eye effect in most cases. They call it red eye
But when you actually take pictures of animals, you'll get with his
Green eye
And I did this on purpose
I took my camera and I went out and put a flash on top of my camera and took a photo
When your Flash sits just on top of your camera or your flashes on your camera, this is when you'll actually get this effect
Believe it or not
If you have your flash off to the side or pointing at the ceiling or pointing someplace different when you reflect it
You will not get this effect. You might want to try that. But if this happens to you we can fix this in
Photo director 10 will actually click on adjustment
Which is located up here in the top left, and then we're going to click on manual
And what that's going to give us is an icon here of an eye and this is going to allow us
to start the removal process
So you click on the eye and then as I come out here and I'll go zoom in for you
You'll see these crosshairs with a circle in them
Try to get the center as close as you can and then click it. We're going to get this message
Because it didn't find redeye because we have green eyes
Now we're going to come back and notice how it created blackness on the eye
We take the mouse and just put it on the edge and you notice how that changed and now I could stretch that out and
The black will literally stretch out for me
slowly getting rid of that
Green eye. I can also grab it in the middle and move it around if I choose to get that right position
Once you have what you're looking for and you get that luck you're looking for you just click over here that says done
And we're done with the one eye
By clicking again. I can go over here to my other eye and just do the same process again
It's going to give me that warning and I just say ok
And now it's just a matter of stretching tweaking that circle on how to cover up that green in the eye
So that way my eye looks a little bit better
Maybe if I pulled it that way
And when you're done just click down on the left and now both eyes are complete
If I go here, you'll actually see a before-and-after
Where we had the green eyes on the left and now we got a black eye on the right
So now I could print off that photo of my my pet and I've got a beautiful picture without these glowing
Zombie eyes coming out of my dog here and photo director 10 now
Like I said in the beginning if the flash is not pointing directly at your dog's face
it will actually help prevent this from happening if you're taking pictures of your pets or
you can actually take a piece of Kleenex and put it over top of your flash and that'll give it somewhat of a filter that'll
also help you prevent this
effect on the eyes
But if you don't end up doing all that you got a picture of your child and the picture is awesome
But you got these glowing eyes
This is how you'll actually fix red eye or green eye or whatever color eye you get
Info the director 10 at any rate guys. I'll catch you guys on the next one
how to make windows 10 greet you every time you login - Duration: 2:03.
hi guys in this video we are going to see how to make Windows 10 greet you
every time when you log in please hit that subscribe button below and don't
forget to click on the Bell icon for my latest content go to run an open notepad
type the code as shown in this video
type your message here code is given in the description check out the
now you have to save this file in this video file name is welcome.vbs make sure
you save the file with any file name and .vbs as extension I'm going to save it
on the desktop now go to run type shell:startup and click OK now drag and
drop your script file into startup folder and close it now restart your
system to see the result
hi guys how are you doing welcome to solution domain and have a nice day
that's it guys thanks for watching please like and subscribe to my channel
see you in the next video until then take care
check out my other videos links are given in the description
Carabao Cup draw: How to watch TONIGHT as Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City discover opponents - Duration: 2:22.
The Carabao Cup draw talks place tonight with 17 teams waiting to find out their opponents in the fourth round of the competition
Chelsea, Arsenal, and Manchester City are all in the pot in the wake of midweek wins over Liverpool, Brentford and Oxford respectively
West Ham fans, meanwhile, will be eager to discover who Manuel Pellegrini's men will face following their 8-0 Carabao Cup thrashing of Macclesfield
Everton and Southampton go into the draw together as their third round tie was postponed until this coming Tuesday
Manchester United are nowhere to be seen though having been dumped out of the competition by Championship side Derby on penalties
That shock result piled the pressure on manager Jose Mourinho - made worse by Saturday's Premier League defeat at West Ham
Fans across the country are ready and waiting for the draw following this week's Carabao Cup fixtures
Express Sport is on hand to explain how you can watch TONIGHT as the fourth round draw is made
Carabao Cup draw: How to watch TONIGHT The EFL, who organise the Carabao Cup, have set the draw up to be shown on Quest's EFL On Quest show
The programme begins at 9pm and host Colin Murray will be joined in the studio by specialist EFL pundits
Quest can be found on Sky channel 144, Virgin Media channel 172 and Freeview channel 37
EFL On Quest can also be streamed on Quest's on-demand service called QuestOD.Carabao Cup draw: Which teams are in it? There will be 17 teams in the Carabao Cup draw because Everton face Southampton next Tuesday: Arsenal Bournemouth Blackpool Burton Chelsea Crystal Palace Derby Everton or Southampton Fulham Leicester Manchester City Middlesbrough Norwich Nottingham Forest Tottenham West Ham
How To Edit Photos lightroom cc | Lightroom Edit WARM GOLDEN TONE and Lightroom Mobile - Duration: 7:09.
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How To Make Your Kid Want To Go Outside - Duration: 2:23.
Hello, everyone. Your child doesn't want to go outside while you have a doctor's appointment
or need to go to kindergarten.
He's still refusing to obey and that's it.
Sounds familiar, isn't it?
Treasure hunt! Our family's version of this game will help you to deal with this problem.
Rules are simple: a child is given clues and his task is to find hidden treasure
following these clues. For this game you need two smartphones: for you and for your child.
Usually the day before the game I go all the way and take photos of noticeable objects
like buildings, benches, trees, banners and other objects that your child can see in his everyday life.
The first photo contains a small part of the object, the second one the whole object.
We'll need about ten such sets.
Well, everything is ready and the game starts. Send your child the first photo with a part of the object.
His task is to find it, take a picture of the whole object and send it to you. If it is correct
you send him the next one. If not, you send him the photo of the whole.
So step by step your child gets to the place where you hid the treasure: a toy, a book or sweets, for example.
Hooray! She has done it. That walk was fun!
I love this game or better to say quest for its flexibility.
We played it when my daughter was four and play it now when she is seven.We play it both at home and
outdoors. I'm sure it's possible to adapt this game for the 2-3 year olds also.
For example, use less photos or show the picture of the whole object.
By the way, you can play with several kids. For example, at a birthday party like a competition.
The game needs some preparation, so you can't play it any time.
It's the only con, I think.
So I gave it 9 out of 10!
Free Personal Financial Statements Using Excel (How To Calculate Your Net Worth) Full Walk Through - Duration: 17:56.
what's going on fellow youtubers and subscribers welcome back to money in
life TV alright guys in today's video chipper
and I have a free personal financial statement template for you like I said
it's completely free! I'll show you where you can go to download it at the end of
this video I want to make this video keep it as short as possible so let's go
ahead and get started when it's all said and done it's gonna look something like
this as you can see we're entirely using Excel for this personal financial
statement let me go to the print preview it's kind of hard to zoom in but it's
gonna look something like this so you're gonna have comparative Excel personal
financial statements now just so you guys know before we really dive into
this you know if you're new to finances investing in taxes and that sort of
thing personal financial statements are a real thing as a CPA I've been doing
accounting for now for over seven years and I've prepared several real-life
personal financial statements and the format looks similar to this okay so
I've pulled a similar format I've customized it and made it my own from an
original template that I found online in real life personal financial statements
can be used to help you get a loan for a business it might be used in some cases
when you're applying to get a mortgage things like that so help you get
financing you know credit and all that kind of stuff it's good to have
something to show the banker that your finances are in order and a personal
financial statement is a fantastic way to do that but beyond the act of just
getting a loan it provides so much more value in my opinion just for the sake of
tracking your own net worth and actually realizing what you have it is so
valuable to do this process if I were to start over from the beginning
what I recommend the people is when they're first starting off with their
finances they should start off by creating a personal financial statement
and a budget these two things are the things they're gonna help them get
started this is a good example I'm just using chipper chipper it has volunteered
to help us out he's shown us his own personal financial statements over to
the side of this template I've prepared a few notes for you guys to help you
figure this stuff out and so your step one is to prepare a list of all the
assets and liabilities at their current fair market value or their current and
debt balance at the date of the financials and you guys can do
financials for any date you want I'm just doing as
as an example 12 31 18 this is all hypothetical but you could make these
financials for June 30th of 2018 if you wanted to whatever month you want okay
that's it's completely up to you but I like to do this process for myself and
my family at least once a year personally so the first step is to
obviously write a list of assets and your liabilities at that date and write
out their values you can use the asset tab which we're about to go over to
lists that all of your assets you can use the liabilities tab to prepare a
list of liabilities and step 2 you can add or remove lines as needed on this
page to customize the financials to your particular situation so if you if
there's a description on here whether it's under the assets or liabilities and
it's not what you need you can either right-click on this and delete or you
can do right click and insert line if you want and then type in a new
description for whatever asset you own or liability on you can also hide guys
if you just want one year's worth of activity you don't want to see all this
comparative information you can just hold shift and left-click and then you
can hide all of this if you want so that you're just showing one year's worth of
financial data but it's totally up to you it's totally customizable Dume you
make it if you don't like this format guys makes it the way you want it like I
don't care you're not gonna offend me if you change the format the point of this
whole video is to give you something that to work from and customize it to
your own ability to your own liking so that you can find it useful in your own
life that's the whole point of this video so I want to make that clear
things remember guys is that your net worth is your total assets minus your
total liabilities once again your net worth is your total assets minus your
total liabilities in case nobody's ever told you that many people don't know how
to calculate that it's pretty simple so your total assets minus your total
liabilities is what your net worth is now for many people because there's many
people aren't debt so it you might find that you actually have a negative net
worth and that's okay we all start somewhere but it's good to know that you
actually have a negative net worth and you can work from there so if this
number is negative then it's no big deal it's just like you know that's where
you're at and but hopefully I'll have a positive net worth and you can grow your
net worth from here knowing what your net worth is if you've never done this
process before and I just want to say I recommend
linking the 2018 information in Excel to each of your assets and liability tabs
we're gonna look at that in a second so that whenever you update these
account balances your financials will update automatically so you do not have
to hand key in numbers every time I'm gonna show you guys that note for
comparative column to work properly and oops that's a typo that says property so
for the comparative column over here what I recommend you do is you hard key
in these numbers so they do not change so that as you go from year to year
you're gonna keep that financial information consistent year after year
after year the only column I recommend you link is this one is your current
year column for whatever year and whether it's 2018 fields 19 make sure
this is linked but this one is hard keyed so just remember that last but not
least guys after each year is complete I suggest saving this file as financial
statements 2018 and then for 2019 save a new excel file called financial
statements 2019 so each year you do this you'll have your hard keyed numbers here
in this column your current year numbers here and then if we want to flip this to
2019 and we're gonna go to file save as Excel workbook and create a whole new
file and call it financial statements 2019 that way you're gonna have all of
your previous data saved it won't be touched you won't accidentally delete
things or add things and that way you can keep a clean history of your
financials and your net worth over time that's what I recommend and that is what
I personally do and it's worked fantastic I've been doing this for about
four years and every year I can watch my net worth grow and whenever I want to
look back in the past and see where my net worth is that I can just click on
one of my older financial statement worksheets
I realize guys know those over this kind of fast but you know that's intentional
so just be sure to ask questions feel free to ask any questions you want about
this I'd be happy to help just make sure you leave them in that comment section
down below and I will get back to you guys okay so those were the notes now
let's just look at a couple examples and we'll wrap up this video now this is
what its gonna come out like in the end okay so like like I said remember for
2017 the previous year well I had the hard key these numbers in for chipper
for chippers financials and but for 2018 let me show you where things are linked
so if I click on cash as you guys can see it has a
linked up here to the assets tab that's what that means when it says equals
assets so what I down in the assets tab this is where you can enter all your
asset information let me zoom in for you guys so you guys can see that's in the
asset tab now this is where you can enter all of your asset detail so I've
broken it out by cash I have you know then I have it by type of cash account
checking account saving accounts money market accounts certificate of deposits
if you had any then and you guys can like I said customize this however you
once if you don't like this well then just make it the way you want it's not a
big deal then notes and contracts held then you know this is for accounts
receivable notes if somebody owes you money brokerage accounts so if you had
let's say you had an account with TD Ameritrade or you have your Robin Hood
you would enter your total market value of your Robin Hood accounts right here
retirement accounts if you have retirement assets so your Roth IRAs we
have two of them in this case shipper has two as well 401ks maybe you and your
spouse both have 401ks so however many accounts you have there and then other
assets maybe you have gold maybe you have crypto currency like Bitcoin or
that kind of stuff you can enter it right there personal effects so this is
like your car's you estimate the value of your car you can look on Kelly Blue
Book that's what I typically do for the current market price of your car if you
were to sell it furniture electronics you can just estimate jewelry so all
these things are things that go into the impact your personal and financial
statements these are all the things that I see as a CPA in the real world that
people own and have so that's kind of why I've listed it out this way and of
course Real Estate's you know the value of your home you can use you know Zillow
is on a totally accurate estimate but you know you can use the Z estimate as
just a rough number but you know your house could be worth more or less than a
Zillow estimate obviously so so things like that and then at the bottom of this
you'll have the total of all of your assets so we'll be you know we'll add up
it will add up all these columns all these totals for each type of asset you
have so that it arrives at your total asset number now if we go back so here
their total asset number if we go back to the main page you'll see that that
matches the total asset numbers this number right here should match the
total asset number you have right here if not it means something is missing
from this from you maybe you're missing a line or maybe you're missing a link
here or maybe your formulas here are not adding up right so you just look for
those kind of errors it within a spreadsheet real quickly so you guys can
see how I linked this if you want to link it this is the cash account okay so
I have my total cash balance here of all my cash accounts for chipper and then
chippers checking account savings accounts things like that this is the
total amount of cash so if I go to the comparative worksheet or over here
you'll see that these cash lines right here if I add those all up it equals
seventy one thousand two fifty which matches this seventy one thousand two
fifty and the way to link that is you you just come here and you would hit the
equal button if if you're new to excel hit the equal button and then go to the
assets tab and we want to link that 1250 because that's the checking account
we're gonna click left click on that and hit enter and now that number is linked
to that so that whenever you update this whenever update so let's say like I have
all of a sudden I have a like a twenty thousand dollar certificate of deposit
right away my total cash updates here and then on my comparative column this
came in the plain out so now all of a sudden there's 20 thousand dollars here
showing the certificate of deposit links are great because it will automatically
do you do it for you once you have them set up and it becomes very easy to
update going forward and this is all done for you guys you just have to do a
little tweaking to make it your own and then you're good to go and so that's
basically how they access column works alone let me remove remove the
certificates of deposit and that will get that back in line
now just real quickly let's look at liabilities because you guys can really
study this in your own time and see what's available so you have your for
your liabilities credit cards so you might have multiple credit cards chipper
only has one and so he's got a credit card balance of five hundred bucks so if
we come to the comparative worksheets if we go down right here we can see that
chippers current debt crit on credit card accounts is five hundred dollars
it's linked it's totally linked just like the access tab
so here's the total credit card debt if you have bank loans personal loans with
a bank you'd list them here if you have a mortgage on chip Rose 98 thousand
dollars on his mortgage if you have student loans so chipper has some
student loans in this case luckily mine are all paid off at this point my life
thank God but this is where all those in from all that information would be
remember guys on both the assets and liabilities tab you can customize that
you can add lines whatever you want to do to make it fit your unique personal
situation because everybody's life is completely unique but then that's why I
like you excel is because you can customize Excel with some basic
knowledge however you want at the bottom of this screen guys is the total debt of
all debt will add up all these columns just like it did on the assets screen it
will add up all those amounts here and so if you go to comparative right here
there's your total liabilities so your total liabilities here should match your
total liabilities of all your debt right here so that's kind of a way to check
yourself to check your math to make sure all the formulas are correct
everything's included you're not missing anything within your links and your
formulas and all things like that the last part of this worksheet I've
included as a comparative column and it will show both the change in dollar
value from year to year for each asset also the percentage change are increased
from asset asset now if there is nothing for it to compare it to then it's gonna
show zero or there's gonna be nothing there so you're gonna have to add a
formula is if I add a formula right now with no information it's gonna show that
ugly thing of div oh it's like a formula error and so that's why you know I don't
have anything there but if you want to drag this down once you have in for if
you have information these columns just click this little guy here and drag it
down and then it will update automatically for you once you have your
numbers here so this will show you the dollar change so from 2017 chippers
checking account had a thousand dollars in 2018 and has one thousand two hundred
fifty dollars doesn't $250 change so all the way down it shows the change in
chippers assets and it also shows the change in chippers liabilities so for
credit cards for examples in the liability section the 2017 chipper was
spending a lot of money on all those hot videogames and so he had
rung up $2,500 in credit card debt but now in 2018 we can see he's paid that
down to $500 so that's why the change is negative here it's a decrease of $2,000
and an overall decrease in chippers credit card debt of 80% and at the
bottom here for you is the the net change of everything so the the bottom
line the last line of this spreadsheet is the net worth so as you can see
chippers net worth in 2017 was five hundred and forty three thousand five
hundred but in 2018 chipper has been making good money on his job he's been
saving he's been investing things like that the markets been going up so
chippers investments are increasing the value of his net worth his mortgage is
going down the value of his home is going up things like that and so his
overall dollar change in net worth is one hundred thousand dollars so chipper
had a one hundred thousand dollar increase in his net worth and which is
that overall an eighteen and a half percent net increase and I'm and so I
can tell you guys that over the past five years for my wife and I we've been
able to increase our net worth on average anywhere from fifteen to twenty
percent every single year and it's really motivating to do this every
single year if you go through this process add up all your liabilities all
of your assets and drop in these numbers and your prior column you know enter
your updated asset information towards the end of the year and you'll be
getting this stuff this information really is gonna come from your like your
cash accounts it's gonna come from your bank statements that's we're gonna find
that your brokerage account value you can look online or you can look at your
December 31st statement of 2018 if you were doing this for 2018 of December
that's where you would find the fair market value for your brokerage account
and so you were just really gathering the statements that would provide you
these balances so like I said for your mortgage value you can estimate you are
me not in your mortgage I'm sorry so for the value of your home you can estimate
what it is if Zillow says it's like three hundred and fifteen thousand if
you want to use that Z estimate even though like I said it's not totally
accurate you can do that you can use you know you can look at your retirement
statements from your retirement accounts to figure out what the value of your 401
K is so there's all these things you can do I think you guys get the point and so
that's why I want to wrap up the video here and like I said in the end you're
going to have a clean if I'd go to print preview
you're gonna have a clean financial statement that you can use every single
year you just save a new file and update it to the next year in the next year in
the next year and you'll have a clean history of how you grew your net worth
every single year for the rest of your life and you can really get your
finances in order this way I want you guys to also remember I do have a free
budget template I don't know if you guys know that if you're new to the channel
but I will link up that video down below in that spreadsheet as well as a link to
this spreadsheet this spreadsheet you can find in a Dropbox link down into
this description section down below this video and just go ahead and click it
that link and you can download it for yourself it's completely free I promise
there's no strings attached that's right I put all this time to making this and
I've made it completely free for you guys so you can do your financial
statements kind of like I do if you want or like I said make it our of the heck
you want I don't care whatever works for you guys that's that's what this is
really about okay guys well I'm gonna wrap up the video right here thank you
so much for your support on this channel if you have any questions at all about
how this works or just questions in general feel free to ask you know you
guys can ask me questions anytime you want just leave them down in that
comment section down below I'll make sure to get back to you if you like the
video be sure to drop a like before you leave share this information with a
friend especially somebody who's looking to improve their finances this is a
great template that you can share with your friends and family and so there can
everybody contract or net worth and maybe you can compete against one
another if you're both trying to improve your finances pay down debt or whatever
at the same time it'd be a fun competition and the last but not least
guys if you're new to the channel or welcome this channel is all about
helping you become fiscally fit as we teach finances investing and taxes on a
regular basis on this channel usually I'm able to post a new video every
single week thank you so much everybody for all the support you give me on this
channel I can't thank you enough and I will see you guys in the next video and
remember use this information that you learned you today to live your life on
gauged alright guys I'll see you next time take care everybody peace
don't you put words in my mouth don't try to shut me up
How to make Korean Japchae/ Koreanische gebratene Glasnudeln/ Japchae Han Quoc - Duration: 11:09.
Hello, it's nice that you tuned into thuskochtour again.
Today I'm finally standing in my new kitchen and I'm happy to be able to cook and bake for you again.
Today I want to show you Japchae.
Japchae is a Korean dish and is mostly served as a side dish
It can also be served as a main course.
Japchae is made out of sweet potato noodles, finely chopped vegetables and beef.
And now I will show you the ingredients that you will need:
300g sweet potato noodles
1 onion (already cut into thin strips)
2 spring onions (already cut into pieces)
2 carrots (already cut into thin strips)
1 paprika (already cut into thin strips)
200g Pak choy (already cut into pieces)
4 Shiitake mushrooms (soaked in warm water)
2 eggs
65ml soy sauce
40ml agave nectar
1tbsp Maggi
1tbsp sesame oil
some pepper
300g beef
45ml soy sauce
3 garlic (already chopped)
2tbsps sesame oil
1tbsp agave nectar
½ tsp chili flakes
some pepper
Some sesame
First add the marinade to the meat and mix it together.
Then put it aside.
Then scramble the eggs and put them into a pan with a bit of oil.
After that cut the omeletts into thin strips.
Next boil up some water in a pot and blanch the pak choy.
Pour off the water, rinse the bok choy with cold water and then squeeze out the water from the pak choy.
Then bring the sweet potato noodles to boil in a pot for approx. 5min.
After that drain the noodles and rinse with cold water.
Now chop the Shiitake mushrooms.
Then put the marinade, soy sauce, agave nectar, Maggi, sesame oil and pepper into a bowl and mix it together.
When everything is prepared, brown the meat in a pan with some oil.
Now glaze the onions and spring onions with some oil in a big pan
Then shortly brown the carrots, paprika, shiitake mushrooms and pak choy.
Then shortly brown the carrots, paprika, shiitake mushrooms and bok choy.
Finally add the egg and stir again.
Lastly add the sesame on top and the dish is finished!
You can find all of my recipes on my blog www.thuskochtour.de
I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you in my next video!
[Eng SUB] DIY Onewheel for only 150$ - chinese hoverboard hardware hack how it is made how it rides - Duration: 33:22.
I will tell you a little about the skateboard I built.
It is a quite unusual skateboard with one wheel.
It maintains balance automatically, thanks to a built-in gyroscope
that activates when you press a button.
As you see, I press the button
and the wheel changes the direction of rotation as I tilt the skateboard.
If I tilt the skateboard more
the skateboard is turning the wheel proportionally faster.
If you press the skateboard in the front, it will go forward,
if you press backwards, it moves backwards.
Turning, is related to balancing your body from side to side,
so the skateboard rolls over the tire's wound
and we can thus control the direction of travel.
Main components of my vehicle came from a hoverboard
It's a two-wheeled vehicle,
with two platforms moving not sideways, but forward and backwards
It has wheels here,
here are two tilting platforms,
which causes driving forward, backwards and twisting
It is a vehicle quite popular among children
and it is quite cheap
The rim for this tire is made of the bodies of two engines
Each of these engines has 350 Watt of power,
so here the wheel has (at least in theory) 700 Watt of power
I took this engine
and dissasembled it to show you how it's built
This is a rotor and there is usually a tire here.
In the hoverboard it is placed usually on this side
it has 30 magnets inside.
This is the stator and it has electromagnets inside
Here are coils wound with a copper wire
powered by signals from the controller thanks to these three circuits
it's a three-phase motor
In addition,
this engine has a system of three Hall sensors
which with this cube and these wires
send back to the controller signal the information
about the current position of the rotor.
In this wheel,
equipped with such a nice tire with a large tread
there are two engines from the hoverboard
One engine on this side
the other engine is on the other side
and a sleeve is made between them
In addition, here I removed the edge
I rolled the drum
here I added a collar
that prevents the inflated tire from falling off the engine
because the tire has a really high pressure
To prevent air leaking
I made such grooves and there are o-rings in them
Between the metal layers, I put some sealing mass.
It's all quite firmly twisted
The valve is inside the bearing
This valve is not shown here,
but, trust me that he is inside this engine.
The rotor enters here
and this is how I put it in order to insert it
so it fits the valve
which means that to inflate the wheel
the skateboard must partially disassembled
to pull out the rotor
and then we have access to the valve
so we can regulate the pressure in the tire
pump the wheel or bash the air and remove the tire.
What is under these shields?
First of all, there is a battery in this place.
It is a battery taken out of the hoverboard
as well as the engines
but slightly reworked
because originally it has the links arranged to fit well to the hoverboard
I only attached four of these links
and I placed the BMS board in a different place.
All this is protected by a layer of foam,
so that there is no risk of short circuit.
Here are the drivers of both engines
both left and right
with a control cartridge
that reads the data provided by the gyroscope.
The gyroscope is here.
It is placed between the wheels
what is supposed to prevent that when you press the front of the board too hard
or for some reason the engine will not have enough power to save us from some oppression,
instead of planking,
it relies on these wheels
Especially it works well on a hard smooth surface
- for instance asphalt.
Here is a handle
instead of it I can mount a second battery
same as the first one, to double the range.
This gyroscope is also removed from the hoverboard
Normally, in the hoverboard there are two such gyroscopes
one at the left wheel the other at the right one
and they read the position of both platforms of the hoverboard independently from each other.
However, in this vehicle, two gyroscopes would cause conflicts
because these two engines are fastened together stiffly
they are mechanically twisted with each other
so they are forced to rotate at the same speed.
Data from the two gyroscopes could be slightly disagreeable
even if these gyroscopes were mounted side by side.
Therefore, I decided that one of these gyroscopes would be removed
and wires with which data from the remaining gyroscope would go to the entrance of the second gyroscope channel
(to which the second gyroscope had previously been attached)
were cut off and connected with the wires from the first channel.
Thanks to this, only one gyroscope of two from the original vehicle sends data
that goes to both channels
so the wheel rotates as well as both channels
so that the wheel rotates exactly the same
thanks to both first and second engine.
The data is sent here
it is separated and go to two channels.
Two controllers send the same signals to two engines.
Both of these engines had systems with Hall sensors,
so I disconnected one of these systems
(just as in the gyroscope)
I separated the wires from the left Hall sensor to the two plate inputs.
Thanks to this, the signals from the two gyroscopes not only enter into two channels
but also the Hall sensor from one motor is separated into both channels.
The power outlet and the switch are pulled out from the hoverboard as well.
It's all like the original vehicle.
What I did myself, from the very beginning:
The frame is made of extruded aluminum profiles
with dimensions of 40x20x2mm.
These profiles are supporting structure.
Profiles are drilled on a CNC plotter,
so the holes are made very accurately.
These crossbars were also perforated on a CNC plotter
so it all works well togheter.
I bent protective metal panels from 3mm aluminium sheet.
Here it protects the electronics,
It has also slip-on slides
here it covers the gyroscope
and these are wheels under it.
Here I have a handle,
I made these end caps.
Axle mountings sits inside this profile.
I have strongly modified the axle for engines,
I made a distance for it,
which makes a rim together.
The platforms are covered with a standard skateboard grip.
The rubber on the kill switch is removed from the hoverboard,
but here I made a button that is easy to press with a shoe
and there is no risk to release it accidentally while riding.
Decks are made of plywood
protective caps are PE
everything is shown on my website,
if you are interested in the details, feel free to visit it.
I haven't mention yet about the utility parameters of this skateboard.
The maximum speed is 20 km/h,
which is a result of the maximum speed of the hoverboard
who has smaller wheels.
Here is a 11-inch wheel.
The hoverboard's wheel diameter is 6.5 inches .
After a simple count of both diameters
theoretically it should be 20.7 km/h
So all this values are reliable.
This skateboard weighs 14 kg.
It is not a light vehicle,
but the original OneWheel skateboard,
depending on the version has weighs from 11 to 12 kg.
Here everything is thick, made with an excess
the platforms are thicker,
the screws are are very strong
the aluminium is thick
Everything is predicted to make this skateboard really solid,
to avoid any future corrections.
I think that this 2 kg difference is not a lot
and it would be easy to get rid of those 2 kg if needed.
You can ride this skateboard for about an hour,
if the ride is varied
- at high and small speeds, and on varied terrain.
It seems to me that on plain surface,
when there are no ramps,
we do not accelerate rapidly
and do not restrain,
this range can be about 15km.
I will show you how it all works in practice.
Youtube channel kaise banate hai||how - Duration: 9:57.
HOW IT FEELS TO WATCH A ROOGHZ VIDEO (funny) - Duration: 0:22.
How it feels to watch a ROOGHZ video:
How to be Attractive? 5 Ways to spark her Attraction | Your Alpha Dude - Duration: 4:52.
How To Create & Send Invoives via Square *THE EASY WAY* - Duration: 4:42.
do you want to know how to send invoices online easily and for free are
A=are you a small business owner? Do you wanna how to send invoices? In today's video I'm
gonna be showing you how we can send invoices via square first of all go to
once you're there head over to invoices when you get to the invoices press on
create invoice you'll be taken to the creation page up next entering the
customers name ,
Enter in their email address.
You can enter in other recipients if you like.
add a invoice title
Add a invoice ID. It's gonna give you a default ID
whatever you want up next let's add a message for example this is what we're
gonna write please go and select the invoice method you can send the invoice
via email or manually quick note in his little manually as you can see here the
invoice is not going to be sent to the customer automatically but you need to
give them a link that's why I recommend always sending it to them via the email
you can sort of frequence and you can do the code frequency if you want
say for example repeat once a month but let's go up one time for now we can
choose a specific date you can say sent in seven days but let's send it
immediately so let's go back to today immediately select your due date for
example for this, lets go seven days, next you get now we need to add our item
press on add item you can choose something in the library or a recent
item let's do a new one new book case do your quantity let's go one at a price
for example with this $45 with that you can add a discount for example discount
book case ok we can do an amount you can do how much dollars you want off all we
can go to set for example for this thirty five percent off
magnificent up next you can set reminders I recommend doing this we can
take this links edit our reminders for example I'd set a reminder one day
before do date one on due date and another one one day after two day you
can press done you can take this to request a delivery address you can then
you can save a card on file if you wish which means the customer can save the
card on the fire and whenever you send them a voice
they'll be built straight away because they say they saved their card on file.
also add an attachment if you wish you can preview the invoice and okay so
sometimes if it's invalid you can see it's clearly invalid
and it'll tell you if there's any errors that we need to add at there we go
so now we could blow some preview so yep so this is the preview of our invoice
this is this is the preview of what they're gonna say you can save it as a
draft or we can send when you press on sand you can see it's been sent so now
we can see you're on the right information about your invoice you can
save recent activity when it's been said you can see it's been sent you can
remind the customer we've got the ability to set up reminder can press on
more we've got the ability of record payment duplicate share click OK and
If we press on cancel, it will cancel the invoice when we cancel the invoice
remember the action cannot be undone we recommend to notify the recipient that
it's been canceled now plus cancel invoice and you invoice will be canceled
thanks for watching this video if you don't forget to thumbs up don't forget
to share don't forget to subscribe thanks for watching and bye for now
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