what's he doing what's up YouTube it's your girl shy
it's your boy huh and we're back with another video so YouTube world we're
gonna react to some musically videos but now known as tick tock one of our little
cousins actually she likes to do these videos and she likes to dance and
whatnot so we're gonna react to a couple that we found online that we thought
would be funny so you already know what you gotta do
you gotta smash the like button comment down below and subscribe and turn on
your notifications because you don't turn them on what the hell you doing so
light so we're gonna get right to it
that's he doing she's killing it if she is but why is she doing that ha Nelly's
fall drop down and get to Eagle what everybody doing that nowadays probably
fucking need to go Nelly some credit because everybody still lives dance that
he created first and then nobody give him credit he's the one that first came
over to drop down to get your Eagle on nobody played again plating in would you
let your daughter dance like that yes I can
she killing myself
oh man how you go look at that split look at that split you see foods and
look at the camera like hey I killed it kill it
skills suck that split was nice I wish I could do the split you don't want to do
no split well I'll never get back though Eddie next video okay what's he doing
why she's so boring though play what is what is that behind you - oh no it's not
captain this another critter you know inaho it's a crater she had a crater
behind her was he dancing and we see time delay and then she I then at the
end she got this pause the customer face like you hear me I know you got a hole
but it's nothing like you're dancing this good girl but that hole I'm
concerned about is about as safe as you can get in you can actually see if
anything is in your wall she could put her body through that all what's going
on she just thought she was dead in front of it and nobody would notice that
there's a hole behind see how you know what it is yeah the hole is the landmark
that was one of the holes that people crawl through and on
Rosie they couldn't cover it up they legit got away from masters straight
through that hole and way to freedom you're not right the kissing noises but
I got started dissing over because I didn't I'm surprised I mean knows that
you can see his arms I really think this kissing somebody named bears oh no no he
doesn't have a thing he doesn't have a bed nobody nobody no made to be kissing
on because you're too young this isn't starting anything started the video and
I'm looking at
why why why why would the legs up like that boom legit like for real what why
is he so flexible I don't know but why much like he's about to kill it if you
can lift your leg that high I just feel like you're about to drop it into a
split and kill it when did that become a thing when people just fit they the leg
goes to they yell like they on the phone the phone just lift it up and do Hey
hey Nico how you doing you it's a boy baby they've been doing F oh no not my
generation but some people know but like boys I'm not saying like boys like to
dance but I don't see boys pop and pop them pop and that's why I'm just
surprised if that's what's going on now with these streets not on my street
superteen she just looks like a whole bunch of arms and legs get it get it
she's having fun hey have you seen like one of those on my Halloween skeletons
that you can make one of those wacky Weibull wacky waving inflatable to your
cute girl I'm just saying I used to be that thin to think I was sticking the
head she just one stick shy had a giggling
fish and she just couldn't do it I mean she saw some of these videos and she
just lost her mind they were dancing out here crazy if he
thinks you market and you can't dance like that best believe something don't
come hopefully we can find more videos to react to because this was fun so guys
I hope you liked this video you already know what you got to do smash the like
button comment down below subscribe and make sure you turn on notification
because if you haven't already what the hell are you doing with your
life so we hope you enjoyed this video if you would like us to comment on some
more tik-tok for some more musically videos please let us know leave that
comment and we'll see you next time in five four three
wait gimme time open match boxes I think it open my saucer
you see how a shot like the cheek I'm trying to set the turnaround she's
talking my Olli let me get my sauces in - what about to get it started and three
two one timers on put your hand down and put
come on I'm turning it alright and try make it fair okay
tell me you two
see time he's gonna get foam quickly because he keeps drinking not drinking
anything y'all I'm a professional either
professional eaters know not to eat with their mouths open
I'm not a professional eater I'm Savage
come on Malaya
For more infomation >> REACTING TO KIDS CRINGEY MUSICAL.LY VIDEOS | TIKTOK - Duration: 10:19.-------------------------------------------
Tik Tok Musically viral videos Part 1 | September 2018 - Duration: 10:19.
Tik Tok Musically viral videos Part 1 | September 2018
Tik Tok Musically viral videos Part 1 | September 2018
Tik Tok Musically viral videos Part 1 | September 2018
Emergency Vehicle Story For Kids | Fire Truck, Ambulance, Police Car Video | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 2:49.
The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish. swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish, all through the town!
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. beep, beep beep, beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. all through the town!
The babies on the bus go waah, waah waah! waah, waah waah! waah, waah waah!
The babies on the bus go waah, waah waah! all through the town!
The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh! shh, shh, shh! shh, shh, shh!
The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh! all through the town!
The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!
Satisfying Slime Videos | Kwai #2 - Duration: 11:05.
Satisfying Slime Videos | Kwai #2
Satisfying Slime Videos | Kwai #2
Satisfying Slime Videos | Kwai #2
OMG! 5 Scariest Youtube Videos | Filipina Reaction - Duration: 8:36.
Top 15 Scary School Lockdown Videos - Duration: 18:34.
Stoneman SWAT Team This video is from the events at Stoneman
High School.
As frightened students wait in the darkened classroom, a SWAT team bursts in, flashlights
shining in their faces, as they bear down on the students.
The police order them to put their hands in the air and put their phones away.
This is where the clip ends, as the user follows orders.
Still, the short clip of the aftermath shows us a brief glimpse at the fear and terror
that students must feel during just such an event.
To the right, you can see a student's arms trembling, and you can hear fearful utterances
as the SWAT team enters.
Staten Island When an unknown threat spread like wildfire
throughout the Staten Island high school of Susan E. Wagner in Manor Heights, the school
went on lockdown, in order for police to investigate the matter.
As this student video shows, the place then devolved into utter chaos, as students wondered
what was going on.
Here's what happened: A student overheard another student claiming
that there was a gun in the locker room.
Once school administrators were alerted to the matter, the place was put on "hard lockdown,"
allowing police to inspect every floor of the building.
They came away empty-handed; the threat was never found.
The claim was likely just a boast or a fear-mongering tactic.
If it was the latter, it worked to incite fear into students.
The video shows the lockdown in action, and the police search for the suspected weapon.
Parents rushed to the school when they heard about the lockdown, in order to pick up their
frightened kids, some of whom had no idea where to go during the event.
Numerous phone calls were made from these students to warn parents about what was going
on and even to say goodbye, should anything awful happen.
City Councilman Steven Matteo declared that everyone was safe and, once the police cleared
the school, students were let out for the day.
Rio de Janeiro Caught on video in Rio de Janeiro, this event
occurred at Escola Municipal by, yet again, a former student.
The man was a 23-year-old who was allowed to enter the school at the beginning of the
day by claiming he was invited to give a lecture.
Instead, he was armed, he entered a classroom and took the live of twelve children.
This sent the school into lockdown, with teachers telling students to hide beneath their desks
as they blocked the doors of their classrooms.
The video shows students fleeing as the man launches his attack.
They are seen rushing down a hallway and out of the school.
Military Police Sergeant Marcio Alves said that when he arrived at the school, he found
the suspect on the second floor exiting a classroom.
The man aimed at police, was hit, fell to the ground, and then took his own life.
The man had a letter on his person which declared his mission and asked to be buried next to
his adopted mother.
SWAT Code Red Lockdown Children hiding under their desks.
Teachers poised at the door.
Clear signs of a school on lockdown, all students and staff awaiting rescue.
You can hear the children's whispers and panicked breathing as they are huddled in
Screaming is heard outside the classroom door, coupled with shouts from the SWAT team.
This is becoming an all too familiar scene, and this video of a SWAT team entering the
classroom during a Code Red Lockdown at a school in Illinois paints the picture of what
it's like to be in the students' position, bracing oneself for horrors beyond our comprehension.
Stoneman SWAT Team, Part II Yet another video of the Parkland events has
surfaced, and this one again shows a SWAT team entering a classroom to release the students.
The group is seen sitting in a corner of the classroom.
A commotion is heard outside, and the teacher rushes to the door, likely to open it for
the SWAT team.
Once they enter, the students can be heard shouting, "Please, help us!"
And the teacher tries to quiet everyone down to hear orders from the police.
That's when one of the officers asks the first ten people to stand up, and failing
to listen, everyone gets up in a rush to get out as quickly as possible.
You can't blame them.
Going through what they had, panicking is understandable.
Ocala's Forest High School This intense body cam video shows Sky Bouche,
a 19-year-old former student of Forest High School in Ocala, Florida, being held as a
Face down on the ground, he answers the officer's questions, while the tape rolls.
Bouche was charged when he entered the school with a guitar case, concealing a sawed-off
Bouche stopped by a bathroom to put on a tactical vest and gloves, then he went to a classroom
and fired one round through the door, leaving a single student hurt.
Bouche apologized to the student he shot, saying, "It doesn't make it better, anyway."
And he was right.
It doesn't get better.
The sheriff's office stated that the suspect confessed to investigators that he'd planned
to commit a worse event on April 13th, but didn't follow through.
Bouche made the purchase from a private online seller shortly after the what happened in
Parkland, Florida.
He saw doing this as his "only way out" of his rough home life.
Luckily, the sheriff's deputy blocked things from getting worse.
He just so happened to be a resource officer at Forest High School and managed to arrest
Bouche without further incident.
In Hiding In this video, you can see students hiding
beneath their desks in a darkened classroom, as the teacher explains what to do.
About four minutes into the video, a female voice is heard over the intercom, requesting
that whoever has a student by the name of "Jacob Patterson" should email them immediately,
so they can come get him.
After this cryptic message is heard, another announcement is made a minute later, ordering
everyone to remain in their rooms.
The announcer also says they are no letting anyone into or off of the campus.
Another minute later, and the announcer declares the lockdown is over, saying students and
staff are now safe to move around campus.
Again, the school and/or the purpose of this lockdown was not detailed in the YouTube video,
but this serves as another illustration of what just such an event feels like from the
perspective of a scared student.
Intruder or Student Still with all the precautionary measures
in schools, sometimes these measures are not enough.
Sometimes, the bad guys break through, and a school might go into lockdown because of
That's what happened at Kentwood High School in December of 2014, when a suspect fled police
custody and sought refuge at a nearby school.
The man was handcuffed and, when the school went into lockdown, as police searched for
him, he was mistaken for a student and placed in an office along with two female students.
While it may sound a bit crazy - mistaking a runaway suspect who just so happens to be
handcuffed for a student - the escapee was only 19 and actually used to be a Kentwood
So, he knew exactly where he was going when he fled the cops.
The video shows the suspect running onto the campus and, when inside the building, he attempts
to remove his jacket as he runs.
He is later seen in surveillance video racing down the hallways of the school.
Once there, he told the two female students inside that the school was on lockdown because
of him.
He asked that they phone his mom up for him.
Three more students were soon pulled into the office and, although the suspect was with
them for upwards of ten minutes, he never threatened or intimidated them; instead, he
told them what was going on and asked them for help.
Not a Drill ManiacJordan published this video of her school
lockdown in February of 2017, writing, "So when we're about to leave ... the announcement
went off and it said this is not a drill we're in lockdown."
In the video, you can see the student is sitting under her desk, filming the incident, awaiting
directions on what to do next.
As many in the comments wrote, the teacher in this video is particularly impressive.
Completely calming and protective of the students, telling them she will "go down" before
letting the intruders get at them.
One commenter, Sheryl Battle, wrote: "This is the lady that you want to be with when
this happens."
I couldn't agree more.
Locked Outside HydraClan100 published this video in February
of 2013, writing, "I was out side of my school when this was happening."
As he narrates in his video, he was sitting in his car outside his school, when he saw
police charging in.
Police sirens can be heard in the background, as the armed officers enter the school.
The uploader thinks it likely that another student brought a weapon to school, which
wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination, as a dozen or so cop cars can be seen in the
Although it's not stated what school this is or what could have been going down to invite
all these armed police to rush in, it's certain that this kid was not going back to
school that day.
Serra High School When a bang was heard near the Serra High
School campus, the school was placed on lockdown.
It's believed that this was related to two people who were seen taking copper wire from
a construction site to the north side of the campus, prompting a witness to report the
incident to the school, who called police.
In the video, the students can be seen chatting and rustling around a darkened room, loud
as can be.
They don't seem to be afraid of the circumstances or of being in a state of lockdown.
While some students tell others to hush up, there is talking at a loud volume throughout
the video.
Luckily, no one was harmed in the making of this video - or during the lockdown.
The suspects fled the scene when police arrived and managed to escape without capture, after
which the lockdown was lifted.
Although this could have ended much more poorly, this seventeen-minute video might serve future
students as a cautionary tale of "what not to do in the event of a lockdown."
Hard Lockdown What happens when your school is placed on
"hard lockdown"?
Watch this video and you'll see.
The video, published by chase g in September of 2016, starts off with an announcement of
the hard lockdown over the intercom.
During the announcement, the teacher calmly tells some of the students to get up and move
their desks.
Then, in an orderly fashion, the students are asked to move to the far tables and the
lights are turned out.
The students wait in silence for what happens next.
In a low voice, the teacher explains the evacuation plan to the students, if they are called to
While the video isn't as high intensity as some of the others in this list, it demonstrates
what children as young as these kids are must worry about in present-day America.
Drop to the Ground This video shows what it's like to be burst
in on by police.
Although the video cuts out for most of the 37 seconds of the recording, the audio is
frightening enough.
As the video begins, you see children hiding behind a desk or table turned on its side,
likely a barricade from whatever - or whomever - lies beyond.
Then the video goes dark, as police enter the classroom and order everyone to show their
This is when the camera is dropped.
Still, even without video, you can vividly imagine armed police busting in, dressed in
black, ordering everyone to drop to the ground.
You can hear a scuffle as police overturn things, although you cannot see what is happening.
The events that led to this is a mystery, as the video doesn't describe it in detail.
But whatever it was, it's safe to say it wasn't pretty.
Manchester SukaiWolf published this lockdown video in
September of 2017.
At the beginning of the video, an alarm is sounding off, and the students can be seen
hiding under their desks.
While the details of this lockdown were not posted on the video, it is believed to have
occurred at Swinton High School in Manchester.
It was there that a 16-year-old boy was arrested on September 26th, 2017, the same day the
video was posted.
The boy was arrested after a 17-year-old was knifed and rushed to a nearby hospital.
The suspect was later taken into custody at the school.
Chief Inspector Glenn Jones gave a statement, saying: "It is only fortunate that his injuries
are not considered to be life-threatening.
I know that this news will cause concern to people living in the area, particularly people
with children at the school."
Jones went on to reassure the community that a full investigation had been launched, and
the school was cooperating with the investigation.
The short video is alarming, as you can imagine what must be going through these children's
heads as they await further instruction.
Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.
If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt
and tap that follow button to find out.
It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person, so if you're generous enough
to hit that subscribe button and the bell beside it then thank you.
This way you'll be notified of the new video we upload every Tuesday.
1.Parkland This video shows the horrific events that
occurred on February 14th, 2018 unfolding in the drama department, just after 19-year-old
Nikolas Cruz was on the other side of the doors.
Cruz had been suspended, but was dropped off at the school by an Uber in the afternoon.
He was wearing a backpack and carrying a duffel bag, when a staff member saw him striding
"purposefully" toward Building 12 and alerted a colleague via radio.
A code red lockdown was activated when a staff member heard the gunfire.
In the video, you can see students huddled with their teacher in a dark corner of the
room - perhaps a closet - as police enter.
After they break through the classroom door's window to gain access, you can hear the teacher
telling her students to relax, breathe, and follow the polices' instructions.
They enter drawn, and the students are told to put their hands up and get down on the
The SWAT team was likely searching for Cruz, but when they entered the school that day,
he was long gone.
No motive has been put forth by police or prosecutors, but Cruz's "pattern of disciplinary
issues and unnerving behavior" warranted investigation.
Meanwhile, Cruz will now most likely spend the rest of his life behind bars.
The Most Satisfying Video in the world 😂 IMPOSSIBLE 😂 Try Not To Get Satisfied Challenge Videos 2018 - Duration: 10:34.
The Most Satisfying Video in the world
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Extreme Makeover Locker Edition | Panda A Panda Cartoons | Videos by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:10:45.
Extreme Makeover Locker Edition
Panda A Panda
MY HERO BEST GIRL WARS! | My Hero Academia Chapter 200 REVIEW - Duration: 10:43.
The battle for the best girl title begins in my hero academia! So what's
up guys Foxen here! In case you missed it I was out last week this video is
gonna be a combo review of the previous two chapters. Oh yeah and I will talk
about some upcoming changes to these videos that will be towards the
end. Anyway Hawks is back I'm really glad to see him back so soon.
Interesting call back to Hawks by the way since there's right in the middle of
this match but of course it's all connects back Tokoyami. I'm still
just loving Hawks' sense of humor. Oh why did you invite me you know cuz we're
both birds from a different mother. Is Kawks about to team up with every
bird hero? I do actually recall a different bird hero in the my hero
academia movie. Maybe that guy will show up!
Notice how Tokoyami didn't seem pleased at all with this outcome at
least not from the first get together. Did Tokoyami sends that Hawks only wanted
tto try to use him? From this I actually forgot that Tokoyami came in the
top three in the previous sports festival. Another possibility for these
two birdbrains is just that their attitudes didn't mix well together.
You could try and try but sometimes it just doesn't work out. I mean think about
it Tokoyami seems super serious while on
the other hand Hawks is casual and pretty laid-back. Let's see if someone
Hawks charm is rubs off on Tokoyami. Anyway as for the second Hawks
experience during the internship. Interesting how Tokoyami is more able
to keep up with Hawks this time around. This definitely shows his progression.
Another thing to notice about Tokoyami is really just how similar he's using
his quirk compared to Deku. If you think about it both of them have outstanding
potential. Now you have Tokoyami covering his full body with this dark shadow
which is super similar to how Deku's full howl is used to more easily
control his One for All quirk. I do wonder what the full potential of Dark
Shadow is. You only got this glimpse of it during the villain attack. If anything
Tokoyami right now seems like this dark shadowy version of Deku. You could
just imagine if his dark shadow ability has any dark past with it. Anyway as for
the match Tokoyami new move Dark Shadow Black
Fallen Angel which is pretty long, longer in Japanese too but what's this? Did
dark shadow just drink of Red Bull? Ih yes he did! Kind of I was expecting
full-on black wings but looks like Horikoshi wanted to make this much more
complex and interesting too. Looks like the so called flight is actually Dark
shadow carrying Tokoyami in the air. I did mention complex since I'm sure
this is what Horikoshi was aiming for with this upgrade for dark shadow in
other words some definite clear restrictions for him and also room for
possible improvements and development later on. I also do like how he found a
way to keep Tokoyami's cape with that explanation. Even more surprising with
that combo from Yuga plus dark shadow. Light combining with dark shadow to kill
off or at least restrict the shadow opponent although perhaps they were
getting ahead of himself. They seem to have this match in the bag until that
final page. The new B class girl just took this battle into the Mushroom
Kingdom. Unfortunately momo fell victim to that
unexpected nose job. i gotta say i'm really liking the design
of Ms. mushroom over here. In the previous chapter oh I was really
wondering what exactly her abilities were combining with their mushrooms. I
originally thought some previous obvious ones like some form of paralysis or
poison for those shrooms on Momo. Although just knowing Horikoshi it'd
be much more complex which would add more flavor to the character. My original
other guess was some type of person or hero quirk control you know using those
shrooms. Although a qurik control is Shinso's
thing right now. How about a possible reduction in speed or some
hallucinations? Anyway now getting into the meat of the
latest chapter surprise mushroom grow is spamming the hell out of those shrooms.
Watch some of these guys are gonna turn into beautiful females but seriously
it's looking like a horrible infection which is perfect for Halloween right
around the corner. Right here you got this visible invisible girl. Although why
is she getting embarrassed? I guess she's not a fan of those shrooms sprouting
from certain tidbits out of her nude body. And god damn those are a ton of
shrooms. I was joking before but they literally took you into the Mushroom
Kingdom. Oh but don't worry about it they're gonna disappear in a few hours!
Forget about Momo's creation quirk you could feed a ton of people with this one.
It's funny because mushroom girl here is freely reminded me of Sucy from my
little witch Academia. That would actually be a match made in heaven. While
preparing for this video too I just noticed something even her
freaking name Kinoko is a Japanese specialty mushroom. She has really just
shrooms all around. Anyway but back to shroom girls quirk all of those
mushrooms shouldn't just be random spamming do they have any special
effects on organic bodies they grow on? There was that one panel of the dark
mushroom with eyes supposedly they wanted to take over a dark shadow
however right now you can see there's black evil shroom on the ground still
next to others spammed shrooms so is mushroom girl's plan still in
progress? If so she must be able to summon some other deadly shroom.
Since she could quote-unquote hijack dark shadow shouldn't that be the case
for other heroes too or is it just on their quirks? I really don't see why
heroes would be any different. Next up manga guy let's talk about this fellow
so this guy could attack was ultra huge letters. Even Aoyama's laser was super
ineffective against whatever they're made out of perhaps it's vibranium. The
thing about his quirk is that able to summon other things too. Perhaps later on.
How about some live manga characters? Just imagine using Boruto's Dad,
Goku or One punch man. That might be cheating a little too much. Right now you
had the mushroom girl combining her quirk with manga guy so far as only
using the heat ability to massive spread those shrooms. Just think about it. This
manga guy should be amazing support. In Japanese manga there's sound effects for
heat, ice rumbling everything as needed so is this
manga hero guy potentially overpowered? I'm really not sure right now how strong
he is physically so until you see something this manga guy should make
for some overpowered support?Actually mean this is what I'm thinking. This guy
should have some restrictions in battle. This goes back to fitting Horikoshi so
damn well. I'm doubting manga kid is able to spam explosion effects left and right.
Perhaps he's like Momo where there's a physical limitation from the user's body
or maybe just her mouth. Anyway eventually this led into Momo separated
vs. kendo. Time for Momo to get some good
development here. At the very end Momo clearly has something up her sleeve.
Watch it's gonna be a Taser or some tased knuckles. Ironically Kendo
mentioned something about cutting the class A brain off by separating Momo
from the rest, however it doesn't that work both ways?
Kendo so far has been seen as a team leader for their own Class B group. Just
due to this grudge or rivalry she has against Momo she's now made the mistake
of challenging her on one on one. Oh and right here I'm really glad that
Shoto called Tetsutetsu out on this. Seems that Shoto still has this
close connection with Momo from their little team up as well and funny cuz
Shoto and Momo have already been this popular combo for shippers. I'm sure this
is gonna fuel that couple even more. Although let me now count out Tetsutetsu
and Kendo.l I'm sure these two grew even closer after that villain
encounter during their camp training in season 3. There's also the fact that
Class B has been seen as underdogs. Anyway as for my prediction for this
match outcome Momo seems to have something planned. Whatever that may be
is gonna give her at the upper hand against Kendo however overall I'm
giving the match in favor of Class B not by much but right now they've really got
the advantage. Let's see if Class A is able to turn it around without Momo's help.
Of course let me mention the dark horse in this race. An upcoming shocker for
Momo vs. Kendo would actually be Kendo beating Momo after everyone pointed out
how much about great mistake challenging Momo one-on-one was. I could totally see
that happening. Do let me know your predictions for this matc!h I do expect
there to be over next chapter. By the way quickly let me mention a follow up to
what I mentioned last time about changes coming up. For a while now I've been
thinking about how exactly to move forward. Unfortunately it looks like I
have to limit the manga panels I do show in future videos. On the previous video I
did mention Geekdom and so far it looks like he's moving ahead with not showing
anything in this videos there's just one still image. I'm not sure you'd be a fan
of that although right now I really can't afford to put the channel at risk.
Sooner or later Shonen Jump is gonna do this massive strike again. It's really
only a matter of time. I mean all of a sudden whenever they feel like it cuz
they're a-holes, they could go ahead and strike down all my manga chapter review
videos then my channel would be shut down.
At best it'd be frozen for three weeks since that's how long it takes for the
counterclaim process to go through, thanks YouTube! As for the changes I have
in mind right now I do plan to continue the chapter reviews up until my hero
academia season 3 comes to an which is one more episode left. During
this time I will be monitoring to see how my my hero academia manga review
videos do. I have a strong feeling they're gonna take a hit from people not
wanting to watch due to the changes of not using manga pages but we'll see.
Eventually I do want to switch over to doing bi-weekly theory or deeper
analysis video discussions for my hero academia. I freaking love this series so
I'm definitely sticking around. Does that mean that manga discussion videos are
going away? Not entirely but they're gonna become bi-weekly or who knows
perhaps weekly too or every three chapters. It honestly all depends on the given
chapter. There are some chapters where it's possible to have this richer
discussion about it and how it relates to past events. With chapters like the
recent ones where it's only like a third of the match that's not really possible.
It'd be better to do a video overall in the match when it's over at least that's
what I think anyway. Let me know your thoughts on this. Either way I do expect
to be forced into doing some type of changes when the fall anime season kicks
in. Right now my video schedule for when that happens in the next coming two
weeks is still unclear cuz of that. For now keep on smashing that thumbs up and
commenting on these weekly discussions but anyway more important let me hear
from you question of the day. Was the dark shadow upgraded like how you
predicted? Are you liking or disappointed with him not having actual wings? And
what do you think about mushroom girls ability? Is there more to it? And of
course from the Battle of the best girls Momo versus Kendo who's gonna come out
on top? Anyway be sure to Detroit smash that thumbs up and subscribe! Right now I'm
still covering my hero academia season 3 and the manga. Don't forget to check out
my weekly attack on Titan videos too. Also SAO season 3 has been confirmed for 50
plus episodes go ahead and check out my review on the very first hour-long +
episode so hit that Bell notification and I'll see you guys later!
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