Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily google Jan 29 2017

Hi Guys. Welcome to HMF - Hacking Made Fun.

Today I am going to show you 10 google tricks that most people doesn't know.

So let's move into the video.

First we are going to show you a cool trick.

Just search askew in the Google homepage. It will tilt your search results and Google homepage

slightly towards right. This will also work in smartphones.

Do a barrel roll means turn around. If you search do a barrel roll in Google

the website will rotate 360 degree about its axis.

If you search zerg rush in google, many Os will descend upon the result of the search

and will destroy all the links. Each 'O' can be destroyed by clicking on it 3 times.

But the amount of Os that appear on the screen makes it very difficult.

When it finish destroying all the links, all the Os forms a 'GG', a term known as gamer which means good game.

One of the most famous tricks of Google is its decomposition. Yes, you read well,

disabling instant search, typing Google Gravity and clicking on the first link it all falls down,

like you're in an earthquake.

Do a search for images of "Atari Breakout ", it converts the search results into a grid similar to the game

Breakout colors. You can control a racket with the mouse to bounce a ball and destroy the images.

When a level is completed, begin a new search for random pictures

and images found for that level will be used.

The frustration of the message "This page is not available" on Google Chrome has a solution in itself.

The little dinosaur that warns of the network outage, pressing the spacebar on the keyboard,

it becomes a platform game.

Search for com/sky in Google.

See the constellations and planets. Very big!!

Just search for

It sounds like Lego? Are those endless constructions small pieces?

Well, this is the same. You have a box full of Lego and you can build on the board what you want,

until you get bored !!!

Search for google mirror and click on the first link that appears.

This thing will make everything appear backwards and it's really cool.

Type <blink>, in the search box exactly like this, and guess what happens.

Yes, there will be blinking everywhere.

If you enjoyed my video, please watch my other videos and like and subscribe our channel

HMF - Hacking Made Fun. Thanks for watching...

For more infomation >> 10 Super Cool GOOGLE Tricks that no one knows ever existed. - Duration: 3:22.


Топ 15 Полезные Расширения для Google Chrome 2017/ Это должно быть у Вас в Гугл Хром, Амиго - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Топ 15 Полезные Расширения для Google Chrome 2017/ Это должно быть у Вас в Гугл Хром, Амиго - Duration: 6:43.


Año Nuevo Lunar 2017 Google Doodles | Qué es el año nuevo lunar | Feliz Año Nuevo Lunar chino, - Duration: 5:19.

Doodle de hoy celebra el Año Nuevo Lunar 2017 (Hong Kong, Taiwán, China)

Con petardos, albóndigas fritas y Fai Chun, Doodle de hoy da la bienvenida al año del


Un tiempo de celebración con la familia y los amigos, Año Nuevo Lunar cae en la primera

luna nueva entre el 21 de enero y el 20 de febrero de cada año.

Mientras que esto significa que la fecha está cambiando siempre, las tradiciones que rodean

el día de fiesta han sido por siempre el mismo.

Liderando hasta que, las familias suelen limpiar sus casas para empujar la mala suerte y hacer

espacio para la buena fortuna.

Una vez que la llegada de Año Nuevo llega, los seres queridos se reúnen para una cena

de reunión donde poon choi - un gran plato lleno de carne, pescado y verduras - a menudo

se comparte.

En el día de Año Nuevo, la decoración roja y sobres abundan, mientras bailarines de león,

linternas de papel y fuegos artificiales llenan las calles.

La leyenda dice que muchas de estas tradiciones provienen de defenderse de la Nian, una bestia

mítica que atacaría una antigua aldea cada día de Año Nuevo.

Con la ayuda de un anciano misterioso, los aldeanos pronto aprendieron que la criatura

tenía miedo del color rojo, así como ruidos fuertes - y así comenzó la fiesta.

Aunque los Nian nunca regresaron, afortunadamente las celebraciones lo hicieron.

Aquí está la salud, la felicidad y la buena fortuna en el nuevo año!

Para los chinos, en China y en las comunidades étnicas de todo el mundo, el Año Nuevo lunar

es la fiesta más importante y festiva del año.

A través de siglos de la tradición agraria de China, este fue el período en que los

agricultores pudieron descansar de su trabajo en los campos.

Los miembros de la familia de cerca y lejos viajaría para estar con sus seres queridos

a tiempo para inaugurar el año viejo y dar la bienvenida en el nuevo, con gran flourish


Con un calendario que data del tercer milenio antes de Cristo, el pueblo chino ha estado

construyendo durante miles de años las antiguas costumbres de las celebraciones del Año Nuevo.

Aunque pueden variar de una región a otra, de una aldea a otra, e incluso de una familia

a otra según la posición social, muchas de estas costumbres se siguen observando.

Hoy en día, en toda China, durante lo que comúnmente se conoce como la Fiesta de la

Primavera, los trenes de pasajeros, los autobuses y los barcos fluvial están llenos de viajeros

de vacaciones; Las tiendas hacen una ráfaga de negocios vendiendo regalos, ropa nueva

y comidas festivas; Las cocinas están llenas de preparaciones para fiestas elaboradas;

Y las calles están llenas de sonidos de petardos y saludos estacionales.

El Doodle de hoy rinde homenaje al Año Nuevo Lunar 2017 (Hong Kong, Taiwán, China)

For more infomation >> Año Nuevo Lunar 2017 Google Doodles | Qué es el año nuevo lunar | Feliz Año Nuevo Lunar chino, - Duration: 5:19.


Google CEO Sundar Pichai against Donald Trump ' s immigration order - Duration: 2:04.

Google CEO Sundar Picahai against Donald Trump immigration order

For more infomation >> Google CEO Sundar Pichai against Donald Trump ' s immigration order - Duration: 2:04.


Google Life Hacks You Need To Try! - Duration: 5:06.

How's it going guys, welcome to Reaction Time,

and today well be looking at some cool google hacks

you never knew actually existed.

Some of these can actually be really helpful,

I've never seen them before but we are going to find out together

so without further adieu, lets jump into this and lets do this.

And so the first one is that Google can actually help you decide what to eat.

For example, lets type in cheeseburger vs pizza

and all I have to do is press I'm feeling lucky.

and BAM! There it is.

You can instantly compare any type of foods you want, their calories, carbs, fat, protein.

So this is really helpful if you are on a diet, even though you shouldn't be eating pizza or cheeseburger anyways

but ya know, I'm not gonna judge you or anything alright, uh........ahaa

Alright, next thing you can do in google life hack is that you can actually make it into a timer.

All you have to type in is, "set timer to" and lets say 5 minutes.

and press I'm felling lucky.

And there it is. It's gonna be your own personal timer You could set and go.

*clap* BOOM! You see that? Now you got your own timer, you don't ever have to download any app or anything like that.

If you want to set a timer for how long you've been playing a game for or something like that. Lets say it's ruining your life and you've been playing it for so long

and you just can'y get over it.

Alright, the nest google hack that you can do is you can actually find out a sunset or a sunrise anywhere in the world in any city.

You just have to type it in.

Sunrise in los angeles...and there it is. It'll just tell you immediately.

Most people don't actually know this but I know some of you guys already know how to do this.

But if you didn't know, this is just a cool way to find out.

You can even type sunset, and it'll tell you. 5:14PM sunset in Los Angeles.

Lets say you want to go somewhere, lets say you want to go to the beach or something even though it's winter

but I don't know. Some of you guys are really weird.

So lets say you do want to go to the beach during the winter and you wanna see until what time there is going to be light outside

so sunset's at 5:14, now you know. Probably use this a lot, especially if you're traveling a lot, It'd be cool to know.

Alright so this one I actually know but it's very simple. You guys don't need any type of weather app or anything

you could just literately ask google the weather forecast

So I could just type in los angeles weather forecast, or los angeles forecast, make it shorter.

Google search.

It's gonna tell me the weather for the next 7 days.

For example, we are going to have a flash flood. So..what the heck?? I didn't even know about..oh my god, there's gonna be a flood?! No! No, what!?

Alright the next google hack is actually calculating the exact tip you need to leave at a restaurant.

So lets say you got a bill for like, $67.55, and you don't wanna start figuring out how much 15% is.

You don't want to take out the calculator, so all you're going to do is just, "tip calculator," on google.


And there it is, you could just type in $67.55.


And then it will calculate the tip.

And you can actually adjust the tip. Lets say it was a shitty waiter, and you just want to only give 10%.

It will automatically calculate that for you.

20% if it was like amazing. 25%, it was an amazing waiter. $16.89.

I feel like I'm going to use this one a lot actually because I got out to eat a lot, I go out to eat very frequently.

So using this would actually be really helpful. I wouldn't have to figure it out every time.

Ok, next one we have is that lets say you and your friends are really excited for a new movie.

Fifty Shades Darker, or something, I'm not kinky, I'm not kinky.

But that's just an example. Lets say, Fifty Shades Darker, I know it's coming out, but you don't know when the release date is and you really want to go watch it

instead of going though IMDB or something, all you have to do is type in release date for 50 Shades Darker.

And then it will tell you right away. February 10, 2017. ooooo February 10th.

Alright I gotta hit up friends we're gonna go watch it.



Ok the next one is very simple and actually very common, I already knew about this one.

But google can just do any conversions for you. For example, If you wanna know how many inches..ok that sounds weird.

For example, you could say you measured your height in inches and you want to know much it is in feet.

84 inches in feet. Press enter. You are going to be 7 foot tall.

But that's..yeah I'm not 7 foot tall obviously but..

That was easy though. But lets say you want to be 183 cm in feet.

That will show you, you're about 6 foot.

It will convert almost anything you want. Like honestly you could almost convert anything you want. It's there. Google will just do it for you, you don't have to whip out any weird calculator or try to figure it out.

Another thing google can convert is actually launguages.

So this is the next hack. Lets say you're dating a Chinese girl. So you type, I love you in Chinese.

And there it is.

Wo ai ni

Right? Am I saying it right?


Ich mag dich


Hey girl, Ich mag dich!

Alright guys these were some of amazing google life hacks.

I'm definitely going to use some of these. Some of these I already knew. And the best of you guys already knew some of these as well.

With that being said make sure to go click on other videos. Thank you so much for watching this one, or click that circle to subscribe if you're new to this channel.

And I'll see you guys next time. Please suggest more video ideas at Have a great one guys and peace out.

For more infomation >> Google Life Hacks You Need To Try! - Duration: 5:06.


How to find a free image by using a "license filtering" function in the "Google Image Search" - Duration: 3:05.

How to find a free image by using a "license filtering" function in the "Google Image Search"

Hello everyone

This time, we will show you how to find a free image by using a "license filtering" function in the "Google Image Search"

"Google Image Search" will be able to search the site where you can search for images based on keywords, the associated image and the image from the image data has been published.

By using a more "license filtering" feature, you can also search for a free image there is no worry of copyright infringement

Search to use "license filtering" function in the "Google Image Search", perform the first as usual image search

And click the "tool" of the search results page to be displayed

Then, because the Tools menu is displayed, click the "license"

When you click the "license" in addition to "not filtered by license",

Re-use in a "re-use is allowed image after modification" "re-use is allowed image" "re-use in non-commercial purposes after the modification is allowed image" "non-commercial purposes is permitted a total of five of the menu of the image "is displayed

In other words, in the first image search of the stage because the search results for "not filtered by license",

It is dangerous to become, for example, by use of a blog or post to the SNS to download an image that has been set copyright

Click to select any of the menu from that for other five menus

And here the term "modification", says that of the processing of the image

That is "re-use after modifications are permitted image", in addition to be used, for example, download and SNS or blog,

It is that a user may be used by processing an image

Those items in reverse "modification" is not listed, it is dangerous and processed to result in use

"Non-commercial" it is as it is, for example, in most cases if you want to post to the SNS is, but there is no problem because it does not become a commercial purpose,

If you want to post to the blog, which are arranged affiliate and Adsense will become a violation

In other words it is the most safe to search for filtering by "re-use has been permitted image after modification"

Recently, infringement problem of copyright by the net post has serious

Since the case also there are many that would infringe the copyright of others in itself While no particular notice,

This time I was allowed to introduce the "Google Image Search" "license filtering" function Please do remember all means

Or more, it was the introduction of the way to find a free image by using a "license filtering" function in the "Google Image Search"

For more infomation >> How to find a free image by using a "license filtering" function in the "Google Image Search" - Duration: 3:05.


Add Google Tag Manager code to Prestashp - Duration: 6:40.

Hello, today we will see how we configure the tracking codes or tracking pixels

to be used in social networks through Google tag manager.

The truth is that it is a very convenient way to do so because we put all

codes in one place and not have to walk accessing source code

our page every time you want to include a new tracking code or pixel

this type.

So let's do this.

Today I will show this page Canariasexclusive.Com is an e-commerce which we can in which

we can buy products.

Is an ecommerce experiences then we to see if we go to Google Tag Manager,

Google tag manager in what we have are accounts and we then containers, okay?

an account is associated with a person brand or project, within which we can be


In this case account Diego Martin C It has three containers for three projects

various web and here a different account with a container.

This is what we see now is the page web exclusive we have seen. I'll access

this is already created, but in steps creation, will appear this. tells you

to install this code is the code Tracking is a tracking code

similar to Google Analytics, but in this case is the Google tag manager tells us

we put this code in the Head of the page and this piece in the body, right?

are different parts of the HTML code It has a page and also these codes

They should be on every page of the site and therefore in the case of this store,

it is a Prestashop, we have know that there is a file in templates

where if we include that code in the head, Let's see, it will appear on all

pages. if we go a little I already have here opened the hosting. the hosting of this website,

I'll access your files, you could do FTP or as it is an adjustment

very short can also do so directly files in this administration panel

Plesk is called, and in the case of Plesk from here we can directly access the files

the web. These are all files has this PrestaShop, namely there is a

themes folder is in the folder issues we have to locate the active theme. in this

case is this. This is the active subject that you are using on that website Canarias

and within this exclusive theme folder we are using, we have this header.tpl file,

which if I can directly click here Edit. in this file it is where we need to

insert the code. if you want a little there in Google you will see that people tell you

you insert this code in this section and specifically, if you look, this is the

closing clause head tag, just I inserted the above code, the script

of Google tag manager, as you can see. There is only one exception is that for

function properly have to add this literal label, right?

ie us Google provides us this, the code itself, is just this part,

the script. and above this is a comment. It indicates that the code starts here

Google tag manager and this is another below closing comment. therefore, if we look

as I have included, we put the comment opening, literally, start the script,

ends the script, we close the literal and put the closing comment. this is before

end as we head tag indicates Google tag manager and also tells us that

This immediately introduce other code after the opening of the BODY tag.

after, on a website ever after the head always begins the body, and this

It is the label. opening label body is all this and as you can see,

just after we have done the same for This second code Google tag manager,

literal adding labels to the top At the end. We keep this. To know what

We have not broken anything simply will update here the page. if properly load is

we have not broken anything in the code, but we will not see anything just yet.

When you add the Google tag manager time is useless, simply enter

your code and then let Google tag manager to be able to manage tags. then how

label can include, for we can include the tracking code Google

Analytics or we can include pixels conversion provides us with Facebook.

For more infomation >> Add Google Tag Manager code to Prestashp - Duration: 6:40.


how to change chrome language. Easy google chrome tutorial - Duration: 2:00.


how to change chrome language

Go to

Click top right

and select settings

Click Show advanced settings

Scroll down then click Language and input settings

Click Add

Select language

Click OK

tick the check marks, then click Display Google Chrome in this language

Click Done

Then click on the cross

Run Google, then search

As you can see, running

Please like (thumbs up). Thanks for watching

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