Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily Or Jan 31 2017

how to Remove a Tampon with No String

Don't panic.

It is impossible for a tampon to get "lost" in your body if the string breaks or you can't

find it.

Wash your hands and make sure your nails aren't jagged or sharp.

Get into the position you would normally be in when inserting a tampon (sitting over the

toilet, squatting, or standing with one leg on the toilet seat.

Take a deep breath and try to relax.

Insert your pointer finger into your vagina and feel for the tampon.

Make circular and back and forth movements until you feel the tampon.

It may be turned to the side or pushed up to the top of the vaginal canal, near the

cervix and behind your bladder.

Insert two fingers, trapping the tampon between them, and pull it out.

If you cannot feel the tampon or have trouble removing it, trying sitting on the toilet

and pushing as though you are trying to push out a baby or go poop.

For more infomation >> how to Remove a Tampon with No String - Duration: 1:39.


Gita Life Tips: Effects of excessive greed - English Meaning Of Verse 16.10 - Duration: 1:37.

Filled with insatiable desires, with pretentiousness, pride and arrogance, holding untrue views

in delusion, they work with impure resolve.

A major aspect of the materialistic world view is greed.

Shri Krishna refers to this greed using the phrase "duspooram kaamam", meaning selfish

desires that can never be satisfied or fulfilled.

People who follow the materialistic world view believe that one who is without selfish

desires is as good as dead.

They do not believe that selfless action, work that benefits someone other than themselves,

is worth anything.

This greed propels them to "dambhaha" or pretentiousness.

They do not see the harm in putting on a show in order to gain favours or get what they


As they accumulate more wealth and power, they feed their superiority complex, resulting

in "maanaha" or excessive pride.

When their pride reaches greater and greater heights, they become drunk with their ill-gotten

accomplishments and possessions.

This is "mada", intoxication.

We keep coming back to the theme of ignorance and delusion, of "moha", when we analyze the

materialistic world view.

When one cannot tell right from wrong, one begins to develop views that are not based

on truth or rationality.

It is no surprise that the activities or undertakings of such people are impure, lawless, without

any consideration of duty or the big picture.

Defrauding others or destroying others property are illegal in the eyes of the law, but perfectly

legal from their standpoint.

For more infomation >> Gita Life Tips: Effects of excessive greed - English Meaning Of Verse 16.10 - Duration: 1:37.


ENFP Advice - How To Succeed in Your Business or Career - Duration: 15:49.

So if you are an ENFP there's a very

good chance that you have the tendency

let's say the habit of changing

direction and not necessarily

acknowledging your change in direction

doing this way too often often this is

called shiny object syndrome right you

start on something when you see

something that looks better or maybe

this wasn't as easy as you thought it

was you change the next thing and the

next thing but what Sen FPS do that's a

little different than a lot of other

people is we don't really acknowledge

we're quitting or we're changing

directions we do it all very suddenly

and we just the way our minds basically

process things we gradually change and

we kind of think that we're doing what

we plan to do but if you look back six

months or a year you realize that you've

got totally off course and you're not

really doing what you meant to be doing

now the problem with this i made other

videos on dabbling in the dangers of

dabbling is that it really eats away

your chances of success and the reason

is that we're out there competing in a

world of INTJs of infj the people who

are pretty focused and dialed in and

what they're doing and consistent and so

here we are changing directions every

few weeks every few minutes every few

months whatever it is

how are we going to compete with other

people who are basically focused in

doing one thing now I know why this has

been such a challenge for me in the past

and it's really because we get excited

about stuff we like newness is enfps we

like things that are novel we like

variety we like new challenges that

first part of a project is a lot more

exciting than the end part right the

little details and so what that ends up

doing is it ends up pulling us into all

these different things that if we don't

have the right systems in place maybe

have the right outlook ends up spending

a lot of time starting things and never

really getting a lot accomplished i'm

sure if you were to search for like ENFP

blogs you're going to find the highest

number of blogs started and not finished

if any and he grew up on the internet

and that's again

as we like this starting but I want to

go through some things that have really

helped me learn to finish things and

you're new to my channel if you haven't

watched my videos are you don't know my

story I well I started out doing a bunch

of different entrepreneurial things when

I came out of school and most recently

was working as a freelancer i use

freelancing to help me travel the world

I lived in I guess this country number 7

now I've lived in and I along the way

started writing books i published about

11-12 there's one I don't really want to

count so if they have published 11 books

at this point I built the coaching

practice i have online training courses

and that so I figured out how to finish

things and follow through and despite

probably hearing the advice that you got

to get a partner to do what you need to

have your someone else to be the

finisher that is good advice but I've

done it without having that partner

figuring out to do it myself

the first thing that really helped me

figure this out was changing my

perception of time and so if you study

NLP or you're familiar with tony robbins

i did my coaching training with him and

he has a concept of time basically and

how we all have different perceptions of

time for some people

a minute is a long time for other people

a week is nothing a year is nothing you

know you have people you meet and if

you're an ENFP this probably isn't you

who had the same job for 10 years 20

years and to them I years nothing I have

a friend who's very much like this where

we talk about trip planning you know I'm

like oh we're going to come visit me in

Europe and he's planning two years ahead

like it's 2016 now he's talking about

2018 we might plan a trip i plan my trip

like a month in advance maybe maybe 24

something big and you know so we have

different perceptions of time and how

long something is an ENFP as we tend to

have a mergency in our behavior right

where we like to do things quickly we

want results now and that is good in

many ways as part of our strength part

of what allows us to really drive

projects and initiating there's other

personality types who will take a year

to start their business

an ENFP might started in a week on a

hunt right and just go for which is


the problem is is this perception that

things should be quick often leads us to

not really stay the course and changes

sort of our sense of success so for

three months into something or six

months into something we start to think

oh yeah we fail this isn't working

because we haven't got the kind of

results we have expected because we're

optimists where I deal is we expect good

things to happen and so because of this

we end up changing her mind or sinking

okay this isn't work let's try something

different and the reality is that

especially in the new world now in terms

of the internet things take a long time

now you might think this is a

contradiction right isn't the internet

about making these quick and easy

the internet is about making kind of

consumers and quick and easy but if you

want to be successful in a lot of things

like you want to build a youtube channel

or a blog or some kind of successful

take a podcast where you stand out to

people it takes a long time to break

through that noise because you know if

you're living in a small town and you

start doing public speaking well you're

probably the only person doing public

speaking so it's pretty easy to get a

following right away if you come on

youtube and you start making videos

it might be a year before you get any

real traction because there's so many

people and you're competing with the

whole world and so there's something

that I learned around this topic that

really helped me get stuck with me

it's something i have in my email like I

have this tree email course I teach that

I have a whole email around it is its

element in motorcycle school so I went

to this really cool school for getting

my motorcycle license where they used

all these military analogies and all

this stuff and it was that

slow is smooth and smooth is fast so we

know people and they said especially

guys are really bad with this we have

this urgency and when you're riding a

motorbike you try to like force it and

that's not the right way that makes a

terrible writer and that really slow

subtle movement make you smooth and by

being smooth you're actually fast so if

you look at the best racers that the

people who are the fastest they're

actually the people who have slow smooth

movements and so I start applying this

to thinking about my life is that rather

than thinking about one week at a time

you know like these short things I need

successfully success thinking

longer-term and having more of a

drawn-out goal

ok year out and realizing that it will

take time to get there

I have some friends have done very well

in terms of like i'll use YouTube

because we're on youtube in terms of

their YouTube channels and getting a lot

of success and what's been cool as I've

watched them from the beginning and put

in months and months of work with no

results and just keep going and I know

if that was me I would quit right i

would think all this YouTube thing is

not working and I've actually done that

in the past where i put up some videos

and sort of quit and not really done

anything with it and it was seen how

much work actually needs to go into

succeed would change my sense of time

which is help me basically be more

patient and have a longer timeframe and

so in terms of applying this the first

thing is just to actively think about it

I noticed you may be lame advice but

just start processing that way of

thinking you know k slow is smooth

smooth is fast and thinking that ok

really i don't need to be successful or

achieve whatever it is you're trying to

achieve in a month you know if it

happened in six months or a year or two

years that would be pretty good and so

kind of focusing on that longer-term and

just keep it in my it takes time to get

there and reminding yourself of that so

if you spend a week working really hard

on something and you don't get any


you're not going to be as disappointed

because you're

coming in with the mental frame that

this is going to be hard and when you

come in with that mental frame you're

not as disappointed

it's just you know high expectations /

optimistic views lead to huge

disappointment lead to quitting so if

you can reframe that and think okay

in a way it's actually more optimistic

because what you're thinking is ok if i

put in a year of hard work i know it

will be successful so i'm going to put

in that time and I'm not going to change

my emotions and react to every bad day

or or negative event that happened i'm

going to more focus on the long-term the

bigger picture one thing that can help

with this is having some form of

accountability in terms of your goals

and your planning i mentioned this

earlier in the video enfps we are very

good at basically lying to herself BS in

ourselves about why we're changing


I've talked about in other videos the

aspect of like lying to ourselves about

eating dark chocolate or drinking a

bottle of wine like all those

antioxidants it's good for us but you

really just want to drink the wine right

but you find ways to justify it in FPS

are masters of doing this with

everything if we want to change

direction we can always find a way to do

it even if it's not the right thing to


so if we commit to starting a business

we start working on it working on it and

something bad happens that makes us feel

bad and we just emotionally want to quit

we can find a dozen ways to justify that

only the economy changed oh I had this

job offer this is whatever but really

we're changing our minds or quitting we

let ourselves down and so I would

encourage you to set kind of concrete

destinations you could call them gold

you call destinations like where you

want to get to what you want to do and

when you set that write it down and

maybe share it with some people and hold

yourself to that say this is where I

want to go if I start to lie to myself

and change direction and say wait maybe

I should go here instead maybe I should

do this just being aware that that is a

lie right you're lying to yourself about

it and you're letting your emotions kind

of take over and so whatever you write


I also encourage you not to do it on a

whim the way I CFPB's tend to do so

write down your your destination and

then let it sit for a week kind of think

about it really commit to it and in

committing to it

commit to it right so if you just

scribble something down on a piece of

paper one day on a win

you're probably not that likely to

really commit to it and stick to it

because you just emotionally made that

decision so try to make something really

concrete and then stick with that and

that's going to help a lot with actually

changing your perception of time and

just staying on course with it

ok so back to this perception of time


one of the things that happens with

enfps with our sense of urgency with our

desire to make things happen quick and

this is what I've seen in my own life

and I've seen it i coached enfps at work

within FPS 11 is a business coach and

stuff which is really interesting

because you see your own bad habits in

them and it makes it so clear and as

probably really helped me as much as in

some ways help the client so when you

try to go in these little Springs what

can happen if you don't have a unified

kind of vision of where you're going to

is that you'll go this way and then that

way and then this way and that way and

then back this way and you kind of end

up back where you started and I got

clarity with this with myself when i SAT

back and looked at a couple years of my

business where i was busy and I didn't

achieve some things I did grow you know

the business in some ways but I look

back and realize it because i kept

changing directions in terms of like my

marketing strategy in different aspects

of where i wanted to focus the business

I don't really get that much done that

at the end of say two years I look back

and I really kind of mapped out like

what that actually do and it wasn't come

on focus back on the face autofocus it

wasn't actually that impressive in terms

of what i was able to do because i kept

changing directions and every time you

change direction you reset your progress

at least to some extent

not fully and so by doing sort of a

three-month Sprint let's try this

marketing approach okay i don't really

follow their let's try this

nothing really comes of it and that kind

of kicked me in the ass where I just

realized that I'd in some ways wasted

all this time because i didn't just

focus in one area and just keep going

and that was a wake-up call kind of a

shock to my system which really helped

solidify this so keep that in mind is if

you kind of zigzag you keep changing

directions you do sprints and they're

not part of a unified vision like

something you're trying to move towards

that you may find yourself in the same

place a couple years from now and maybe

if you look back now over the last

couple years that might you know

resonate with you where you realize that

you've been doing the same thing that I

was doing so one last little tip and

then when the video here and that's just

that you are an ENFP and you have this

need for variety you know the ENFP way

right where you want excitement you like

newness maybe find other ways to meet it

aside from your career or your business

so whether that's playing extreme sports

are going traveling more or whatever it

is for you that will give you excitement

when you meet that need for excitement

in other places you might not need it in

your business so or career whatever I

talk about business because it's kind of

my world but this applies for all areas

of of your life really

if you don't intentionally proactively

meet your need for excitement and for

newness newness is important for us

right we like novelty new thing if

you're not meeting that need in some way

then you'll unconsciously meet it

through probably more destructive ways

right so you can choose to do things

that are novel that will bring

´excitement´ and be in charge or you

can leave it to your unconscious your

ENFP need for excitement and then you'll

end up doing things that could be

damaging self-sabotage like getting big

fights with your partner or always

switching who you're dating or changing

your business direction all the time

because you need that newness and you're

not meeting that need elsewhere so I

really encourage you to proactively meet

that need for newness rather than just

let it happen to you

cool awesome thanks for bearing with me

for this video

here and that you've enjoyed it you know

subscribe like the video leave a comment

especially I think if you are an ENFP

I'd love to hear your story you know

does this resonate with you have you

been through this you know I've as I

said I coach some enfps and I'm one

myself and I'm fairly a self-reflective

guy but i'd love to learn more and kind

of if you if you've had the same

experience and that kind of thing it

would be great to share it with with all

of us here

cool thanks for watching see you in

another video

For more infomation >> ENFP Advice - How To Succeed in Your Business or Career - Duration: 15:49.


Suji Idli Recipe | Rava idli Recipe | Instant Idli recipe in Hindi - Duration: 4:19.

Today we are going to make Suji Idli

For Suji idli we have taken 250 gms Suji/Rava

and 1-1/2 cup curd

now we going to mix both

Firstly we have stirred the curd well, so that it does not have lumps

Now slowly we are going to mix it in suji

now our paste is ready but it is too thick for the idli batter, so we will add water to it

we have added around 1 cup of water to this batter, now we are going to let this batter sit for half an hour

After 30 mins hour batter has become thick, so will slowly add water to it

we will make a smooth paste out of it

our batter is still thick so will add some more water

after adding about half cup water our batter will have consistency of something like this ....

now to this ready batter we will add half teaspoon of salt

and mix it well

before making the idlies we are going to grease the idli moulds with oil so that idli do not stick to the mould

now we have greased all moulds

now as we are going to make idli we will add Eno to it our batter, we will add it not more than 1-2 mins before the making idli

we have added 1 teaspoon Eno powder, or you can add one pouch of Eno

now we are only going to stir it till we start getting bubbles in our batter

Moment we get bubbles we will stop stirring

now as you can see we have bubbles in our batter, we will stop stirring and start filling it in our moulds

in a pressure cooker we have added 1 cup water, once the water is warm we will put our idli mould into the cooker

now we will put the lid on and remove the whistle from the top

we will steam the it for 7 minutes on medium heat

after 7 minutes we removed the lid, and check the idli by putting a fork or a knife into it and check if it is coming out clean. Make sure nothing is sticking to it.

Nothing sticking so our idli are ready

we will let the idli cold down a before we take them out of mould

after some time our idli have cool down, we will take them out with the help of a knife

as we have let the idli cool down before taking them out of mould, non of idli have stick to mould and they have come out nicely

Now the idli are ready, serve them sambar. For Sambar recipe watch our channel at Vandy's Kitchen

For more infomation >> Suji Idli Recipe | Rava idli Recipe | Instant Idli recipe in Hindi - Duration: 4:19.


IT Band Stretch with Roll - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:31.

For an ITBand stretch with a role, you can use a foam roller,

but if you don't have one, you can buy a

pool noodle and cut it up.

Lie on your side with the side you want to

stretch on the ground, and put the noodle

underneath, right at your hips. Use your

other leg as support, and roll up and down.

For more infomation >> IT Band Stretch with Roll - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:31.


What is Good Friday or Holy Friday?| What Does Good Friday Mean? | - Duration: 2:26.

Question: "What is Good Friday or Holy Friday?"

In this video I'll answer that question, then afterwards, I'll point you to some

helpful resources, so stick around until the end.

Good Friday, also known as "Holy Friday," is the Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday.

It is celebrated traditionally as the day on which Jesus was crucified.

If you are interested in a study of the issue, please see our article below that discusses

the various views on which day Jesus was crucified.

Assuming that Jesus was crucified and died on a Friday, should Christians remember Jesus'

death by celebrating Good Friday?

The Bible does not instruct Christians to remember Christ's death by honoring a certain day.

The Bible does give us freedom in these matters, however.

Romans 14:5 tells us, "One man considers one day more sacred than another; another

man considers every day alike.

Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind."

Rather than remembering Christ's death on a certain day, once a year, the Bible instructs

us to remember Christ's death by observing the Lord's Supper.

First Corinthians 11:24-26 declares, " this in remembrance of me...for whenever you

eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."

Why is Good Friday referred to as "good"?

What the Jewish authorities and Romans did to Jesus was definitely not good (see Matthew

chapters 26-27).

However, the results of Christ's death are very good!

Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still

sinners, Christ died for us."

First Peter 3:18 tells us, "For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the

unrighteous, to bring you to God.

He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit."

Many Christian churches celebrate Good Friday with a subdued service, usually in the evening,

in which Christ's death is remembered with solemn hymns, prayers of thanksgiving, a message

centered on Christ's suffering for our sakes, and observance of the Lord's Supper.

Whether or not Christians choose to "celebrate" Good Friday, the events of that day should

be ever on our minds because the death of Christ on the cross—along with His bodily

resurrection—is the paramount event of the Christian faith.

Hungry for more?

Subscribe so you don't miss the next video!

Visit for more great content.

If you would like to learn more about why Jesus' death on the cross was so "good,"

then check out the details section below this video: There are several links to related

articles, along with one to a book I highly recommend.

If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bite-sized devotionals,

subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.

Remember, GotQuestions?

The Bible has answers!

We'll help you find them!

For more infomation >> What is Good Friday or Holy Friday?| What Does Good Friday Mean? | - Duration: 2:26.


RE7: OUT OF BOUNDS, YO (Or how i learned to stop worrying about collisions and love Mr. Baker) - Duration: 3:57.

We can go get the shotgun upstairs, I hope the old man is not fucking around.

That fucking old man

Run, run, run

It's just that my movement speed is...

... a bit sad. I can't go over there and the old man is going to...

Lalo: Wasn't that old man dead? Jano: Nah, he just ran away.

He's got worse aim that I do!

Yeah we already realised that

Healing juice? I only have one left

Jano: You're just going to die

I can't walk

Lalo: You're stuck in a column

No dude, I went outside the world, look

Jano: RUN AWAY DUDE, RUN AWAY (wwwwww)

Do you believe me now that this shit only happens to me? These assholes don't believe me...

Jano: How long did it take him to break the game? Around two hours?

Lalo: Run away, run away

Jano: Now burn the house from the outside :D

All done. Jano: Use this to get the shotgun, the grenade launcher, the axe and the girl.

Dammit but the shotgun is on the second floor, could i...? Jano: Jump

Maybe I can touch something in the geometry that makes me go up like in dark souls 3 Lalo: You're going up

Jano: Dammit, he had to break the game

Send this clip to carcinogen dude!

Jano: Shit, you had to break the game, I'm not giving you any more stuff

See, it's like when I told you I was trapped in that space... There, I'm back, and where did I fall?

Holy shit look, I'm at the begining

Lalo: The asshole did follow you

Fucking old man

Well, now we know the old man's grab can kick you out of the geometry.

I want the old man to do the grab when I'm near the stairs, I mean near a wall

Jano: Are you going to kill him like nemesis?

Right, knife%

The grab dude, the grab

I'm turning my back, do whatever you want to me, senpai.

There! Aww no, he just sent me down

That thing will need to be examined but...

For more infomation >> RE7: OUT OF BOUNDS, YO (Or how i learned to stop worrying about collisions and love Mr. Baker) - Duration: 3:57.




For more infomation >> WATCH THIS VIDEO RIGHT FUCKING OR YOU WILL DIE - Duration: 0:55.


XCOM 2 Ironman Gameplay or Multiplayer Match of Legends (или Стратегия Шефа) - Game 196 - Duration: 29:31.

For more infomation >> XCOM 2 Ironman Gameplay or Multiplayer Match of Legends (или Стратегия Шефа) - Game 196 - Duration: 29:31.



what is up everybody welcome back to a

brand new zombieshark god video

ah i come up with a super original idea

of playing a game that I made up it's

called smash or pass does not be shark

God we all know you're just ripping off

other youtubers hey guys today we're

going to be doing

masterpass as a girl man like your

favorite taco yeah don't you and you're

going to use magic pad very different

youtubers that you guys pick so all

right I didn't make it up at all

there's a bunch of youtubers are doing

this right now I'm sure that most of you

have already seen the trend that's

popping off all over YouTube there's a

bunch of youtubers that are playing a

little game called smash or pass the

rundown is that the YouTuber select a

group as in other youtubers and then you

discuss which youtubers you would smash

and which youtubers you would pass

through that shit is played out we are

going to be playing smash or pass our

own fucking way hot check first up we

got the bunny rabbit from the movie

Space Jam my first pick probably

would've been bugs just because he's a

bigger celebrity and would give him the

opportunity to sweep my way to the top

but as long as she doesn't mistake parts

of my body for carrots no biting allowed

i'm gonna go ahead and say yes I would

smash next up we have Marge Simpson I

don't know if i'll be able to get past

that nagging voice of hers but there's

something about that big blue here then

again maybe through is after 2am

anything happens now I'm gonna I'm gonna

go no I'm gonna go with pass next up on

the list we have craft now I know what

most of you are thinking that crap looks

like it cause some serious damage they

don't even get me started on those claws

but then again I hear the crab is a free

hey I want to go with smash I would

stash the crab

next up we have lois griffin we all know

from watching family guy that Louis can

take a lot of abuse from Peter so you

know she's got to be down for some kinky

shit she would probably be down for

playing a game of tummy sticks so I'm

going to face match i'll go ahead and

smash lois griffin and

wrap it all up we have this pie i would

never pass on pie there's no way I'm

going to pass up on a delicious pot so

the answer is yes hell yes put my mouth

right now if i could smash anyone on

this lift at the very top

I have pot are everybody that's going to

be for the video if you enjoyed it and

you haven't already done so hit that

like button let me know who you would

smash and who you would pass on down

below in the comments section i love you

guys i'll see you on the next video that

we should get hilarious that already

For more infomation >> SMASH OR PASS HOTTEST GIRLS EDITION - Duration: 2:51.



Oh, God!

What the hell!!

Yo, it's your boy Kill'em

Welcome to today's Vlog!

Actually woke up half past 10

Some more normal hour

to wake up than 2 or 3

Look how greesy it still is

still got all that wax in it.

Need a shower.

I need a peanut butter jelly sandwhich

to wake up properly

I'm using the new camera today

The first day using the new camera

Seems to be pretty awesome right now

It's got like face recognition on it,

it's good but weird

cause when it finds your face,

it says my name underneath it

it's a bit freaky that it could know it's me


That's bright, woah can't see!

I'm gonna have a shower

and a peanut butter jelly sandwhich

because I need it, then we will see

Chip and there's Dave.

Dave's here look,

Hey Dave!

Dave, say hey.



Hey Dave

I went to sleep like 6 or 7 hours early

than I usually do last night

and I woke up just 3 hours early

than I usually do.

Lost a lot of time,

still gotta edit, tonights video and

stuff, got lot's to do today.

So shower and sandwhich, let's go



I just got out of shower

and these shorts a bit too short?

I mean, I don't remember them being this short

You'd do this and your ball popping out

PBJ sandwhich time!!!

Ohhh, yeah!

I've been craving that since last night

My girlfriend made a sandwhich

and she asked me if I wanted something

and I said no and then I instantly regretted it

and I've been craving a peanut butter jelly sandwhich

ever since then, so

been long waiting for this



Hey Chip







The water is getting really dirty,

I don't understand why,

they are not actual living things in there

and it's getting dirty

I need to clean it, need to clean my pet robot fish out


The real real pet, little dog.



It's a lovely day outside,

hey look it's not really too be honest,

I don't know why I said that,

it's a bit miserable.

So, the main thing is

it's day time!

That's, I've missed that for quite a few days

Day timeness, I wanna go out in it

I'm just gonna go to the shop, get a drink

just for the hell of it and then,

you now what am gonna do,

am gonna go on my long board

because that thing is awesome!

and taking Dave on a road trip baby!

You've never left the house have you?

Noo, he has never left the house,

let's take Dave on a road trip.

I'm gonna go to the shop,

buy a drink or something

Taking Dave on a long board,

What could go wrong?

Oh God!

Dave don't do that, bloody hell that looks rude.

Just put Dave on the floor,

I literally just put him down,

didn't look, look what position he ended up in.

Dave!, That's rude!

He has a bum hole,

is that meant to be a bum hole?

Oh Dave, you joker you..


I've got my backpack,

so I'm gonna put Dave in the backpack

So I don't have to carry him.

Bloody he is fat, he's fat.

Dave, secretly, Dave is fat.

He didn't wanted me to tell you

but he is fat.


do some gym.

So we're gonna put him in the bag,

if he'll even fit, cause he is so fat.

Fat Dave

Ohh, come on Dave.

Oh Yeah!

Oh that's cool

Dave you there, Dave, Dave?

Oh God, Dave!

Oh Dave!

Look it just keeps coming out.


ok there we go, what I've had to do

I've had to tie the zips together

so Dave can't break out, but there he is

there he is

there we go, so, it looks like that

I'm gonna look so weird.

♪ Dave ♪

Dave's first road trip,

lets get this thing doone.

Dad's just sorting the radiators out

Cable and stuff everywhere.. I don't know

but anyway, Dave, Dave!

We've got Dave!

Let's get my thing, oh I still got the poo on it

Here we go.

Still got some poop on

Oh God!

Last time Dog popoo got on the borad

I didn't get it all off.

Oh, God!

I hate going this fast...

I can't I just have to jump off.

This is it, if I fall I fall, that's it.

Just got to, man up!

Come on Dave, we have got the power of Dave.

Don't let me fall off Dave, we got the power

it doesn't look like I'm going fast on there

but it feels like I'm going fast in real life.

Alright, off to the shop we go

Dave's first road trip

♪ Dave's first road trip ♪

I swear to God, if anyone looks out the window now,

a guy going down the street, on a long board,

with a skeleton hanging out his bag,

filming himself...

They'd know he was a weird guy.

oh God

Just to answer anybody's question,

Yes, I am getting a lot of people starring at me.

Oh got a corner, Jesus Christ.

Them kids, they just pushed me off my skateboard

and said I'm having this and then they took it of me.

Can't believe it, nah they didn't really.

They asked me if they could have a go on my skateboard.

So, I let them have a go and they wanted to see Dave,

I said he is all strapped in he can't come out.

So what are we getting then Dave,

What do you want?

This road trips just for you.

Tell me what you want and I'll get it.

People looking at me weird, I gotta go

No, they got no Red Bull, just sugar free.

So I'm gonna have to have a Monster,

They've only got the Yellow one,

I don't want sugar free.

They didn't had a Red Bull,

they only had sugar free Red Bull,

they hadn't got Monster

and they only had sugar free Monster...

One last one.

Dave what do you want then, some chocolate?

getting some chocolate for Dave.

I'm gona leave this with you Dave,

do not eat it, on the way

or I'll be very angry, okay.

Good boy Dave.

I think Mom's making Sunday dinner,

I don't know, who has Sunday dinner's?!

I think it's old fashioned and traditional

but Sunday dinners are the best, Sunday roasts or whatever!

You got your meat on there then you got

mashed potatoes, peas, sweet corn, gravy.

So yeah, Mom's making one of them.

I'm going to have that when I get home.

I am starving.

Sunday dinner's is not...

It's not sunday without Sunday Dinner.

Oh look it's me!

I've not puked in a while,

I'm gonna have to do a challenge

where I puke soon.

Smash that thumbs up button on this video,

if you think I need to do a challenge

sometime soon, where I end up puking.

And suggest one in the comments.

it's all uphill now,

Dave's looking after my skate board for me

You've not eaten that chocolate, have you?

If I look back there and you've eaten that chocolate...

He is a good lad but, he's very naughty

It's happened, it's happened...

I killed Dave.

I put my bag on the floor,

just so I could take the skate board off.

Dave smashed his head on the floor

and it broke apart.

I'm sorry Dave.

What's this, what's this?!

I knew he'd eat that chocolate.

I just knew it, God Dave.

I'm glad I broke your head now, you deserve it.

I did want to video me eating sunday dinner

but I got pretty much 90% of the way through

and remembered, so I'm gonna....

Dave passed out in bed.

I just remember, my last scoop of peas.

I did have a Sunday dinner.

Here we go, it's gym time.

I said, I was gonna do it yesterday

and to be completely honest, I didn't do it.

So, I'm actually doing it,

I got my mate here, Smiler

He's a bit shy, he is over there, he's off camera.

I've finally tie wrapped all my flooring together,

so it's solid.

Look at this beast gym, it's ready to go

We got fan on, cause you know why

You know why we got fan on?

because it's bloody cold, that's why

I think we are doing chest today, are we?



Chest day, chest day!

Ignore my hair, I don't wanna make my hair sweaty

and get my hat all smelly, so just..

just let's do some gym.

Jesus I'm dead

I can barely hold the camera up

I've not done gym, properly in ages

Where's light?

I can't press light

I am with Smiler now,

Do you want to tell them why you're names Smiler?

Cause I smile a lot.


yeah we're about to play some Call of Duty!!!

Are we playing zombies


2 player zombies, we're gonna smash this


oh and I've got my Icelandic style yoghurt,

for them protein mad gainz


Wave 9, we're doing good. Oh God!

Smiler's gone home, he's at work tomorrow.

Now I'm with the girlfriend, aka Moon

we call her Moon now, here on this channel.

and she has made an offer I cannot refuse

What is that offer?


We're having a Domino's!

We're just looking on the website now

Are we doing one of them make your own things?

You can, yeah.

If we pick it up, we get one free, don't we?


I'll go pick it up then,

you order it and I'll go pick it up.

It's Pizza time!

Is it just me that after they pick the food up,

drive home, as fast as they can.

Within the speed limit though.

I want to do a little experiment, let's see

If this makes you hungry,

let me know in the comments below.

You've gotta be honest tho

Did that make you hungry,

did it work or not?

Let me know how my experiment went.

There's this thing going around the internet

called smash or pass.

You have to hold a sign up saying

whether you would smash them or

whether you'll pass them.

Smash being give it to them

Pass being not give it to them, I don't know

Smash or Pass Granny Edition

I'm pretty confident, there's gonna be a lot of passes

Who knows?

My girlfriend sent me 10 pictures of different grannies

and I've to say whether I'll smash or pass.

Okay, number 1.

Oh God!

No way, that's... oh God!

It's a grandma, she's a lovely women.

Nothing against her personally too.

I can't, I can't

what the hell

I don't think she's got any teeth in

That's a lovely hat tho

Oh God!

She's wearing a string, could see her spine.

I gotta say one and it's gonna be that one,

it's been the best one so far.

Jesus Christ!

She's naked

You said there were't any naked one.

Oh, she's not really naked.

She's fully tattooed

It's the most tattooed old lady

I can't put that on YouTube.

Censor it.

You're not gonna be able to see that one properly

- She's fully tattooed

Be thankful you didn't see this one, that's bad

She got good tattoos though

Okay, okay, Yeah!

She's got down there pierced as well and stuff

Oh God!

I didn't look that close.

Mrs Brown Boys

Come on she's a Smash

Oh God!

What's she eating?

She's eating a broken french fry

You know her?


It's Camilla Parker Bowles,

Prince Charles wife.

Nah, I'll just smash.

- You don't know her? - No

- Oh God

She's sucking on a lollipop,

that's gotta be a smash.

I picked a really sensual one.

Oh Jesus, she looks so, she's like cute and...

Who is it?

Oh it's Heidi Klum in her halloween costume, I think

Is it?

Yeah, it's Heidi Klum under it.

It's gotta be a smash then

No, that's that one.

That one's gotta be underneath

Oh, you made me say smash to the wrong one.

It says Heid Klum in background.

Oh God!

The last one's pass this one's smash then

Oh Jesus!

What's that?

It's like an ogre.. is that a man?

The most ugliest Duchess ever found in a picture.

It's a man.

It's not a man, it's a lady, she's got kids and everything

It's a man.

No, it's not...

It's gonna have to be a.... pass

They're all passes to be honest,

I just felt like a...

I.. being nice.

Jesus, let's go that's it.

I've been reading throught the comments

from yesterday's video.

So, I'm gonna do my shout out!

Pick one at random

here's all the comments from

the newest video and there.

So, today's shout out goes to

Natalie Taylor

Dave likes Fish and Chips for dinner.

Thank you Natalie.

So, if you want a shout out on tomorrows video

make sure you subscribe,

make sure you've turned notifications on,

and leave a comment down below saying,

"Moon, bring me that pizza."

For more infomation >> SMASH OR PASS: GRANNY EDITION - Duration: 12:38.


Create Your Initial Data Model From Relational Sources Using Oracle BI Cloud Service Data Modeler - Duration: 3:58.

[music, wind, chimes]

Ever want to create a new data model by

adding fact and dimension tables and

then joining the two tables that were

originally loaded from a relational

source? Now you can with data modeler.

I'll start by creating the model. Models

are made up of dimension and fact tables

and joins. Dimension tables describe the

data attributes such as customer name or

customer marital status. Fact tables

contain measures such as revenue or

billed units, and joins show me the

relationships between fact and dimension

tables in the data models. The easiest

way for me to create a fact table is to

drag and drop the source table

containing the measures on to the fact

table area. I add a revenue fact table

and then I add a dimension table that

holds customer data. The customers

dimension table is now part of the model.

To create reports, I must join the

dimension table to a fact table. Next, I

edit the fact table and copy the

customer column. The new key column does

not have an aggregation method. I rename

the copied column and join the two

tables using the new column cust key and

the key in the customers table.

I continue by making some modifications.

I change the column names and the table

name, too.

I can use the concatenation operator or

pipe symbol to create a new column based

on the values of the two other columns.

This new derived attribute concatenates

two arguments to form a new expression.

I remember to validate the expression to

make sure it works as expected, and then

make the cust type column unavailable.

I keep making adjustments by copying a

column to create a new column that

contains the email addresses of

customers. I can include additional

tables to suit my business needs.

Next, I make the fact table more

user-friendly by changing the table name

and column names and adding aggregation

rules for the measure columns.

An aggregation rule defines how the measure

is treated in reports. For example, I

might want the sum revenue or fixed

costs but average the number of orders

rather than counting them. I continue by

excluding some of the columns by marking

them as unavailable. These columns are

hidden in the fact table when viewed in

reports. I review the table. It looks like

eight measures are defined for revenue

metrics. I validate the data model and

publish it to make the tables available

for use in reports.

Finally, I create a data visualization

that uses the new data model. I pick the

data model as a data source and use the

control key to select the data elements

I want to use and then drag them to the

canvas. In this video, I showed you how to

create a fact and dimension table, and

then join the two tables.

I also showed you how to add aggregation

rules to the metrics and then add,

concatenate, and hide columns. To learn

more, visit us online at cloud dot oracle dot com

forward slash business underscore

intelligence and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Create Your Initial Data Model From Relational Sources Using Oracle BI Cloud Service Data Modeler - Duration: 3:58.



hey guys so I think most people have

these gorillapod or some type of

flexible tripod that you can use to take

backpacking or whatever to help get

pictures and stuff

this isn't super great especially if you

don't have trees or anything like that

around trying to figure out a way to

hook this tripod on the top of my

trekking poles to use my trekking poles

As the tripod I've seen some videos where you

can just take the tripod and use like a

rope or something and try and tie this

around i don't know i think this method

is kind of difficult

you gotta mess with knots and I just don't

think it works that great i think I've

actually found a better solution than

using rope. so I was at Home Depot the other day and actually

found these things the nite ize gear ties

I have the 12 inch and I have the 18-inch

these are like wire wrapped with rubber

and they're flexible you can wrap them up

these things are really nice they're

really lightweight you have 0.2 oz

for the 12 inch ones that's 5

grams and then you have 0.7 oz for the

which is 20 grams for the 18 inch one so

basically what i came up with was just

to take the two trekking poles and take

the gorillapod and just wrap everything


you have something that looks like this

and then what you can do is remove the

bottom of the trekking poles at the

bottom of the trekking poles removed

we'll go ahead and wrap the two together

using the 12-inch nite ize gear tie

now we can just extend our second poll

now we have all of our pieces put

together and i'll take you outside and

Show you how to set it up alright so we

have all our stuff out here we're just

going to take these two tied together

we're going to put them apart a little

bit we're going to the tip of our

trekking pole and now we have a tripod

and this is fairly stable too

that's the solution i came up with hope

this video give you some ideas

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> ULTRALIGHT TRIPOD FOR BACKPACKING OR HIKING - Duration: 2:45.


Princeville residents get details about buyouts, elevations or repairs - Duration: 2:04.

































6 TO 10 FEET.






















For more infomation >> Princeville residents get details about buyouts, elevations or repairs - Duration: 2:04.


Dog Drags Paper Plate of Food Around 狗 狗吃紙碟 개 犬 - Duration: 1:04.


For more infomation >> Dog Drags Paper Plate of Food Around 狗 狗吃紙碟 개 犬 - Duration: 1:04.


ASMR - SHADING BRUSH - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> ASMR - SHADING BRUSH - Duration: 10:24.


Shape / Silhouette Challenge · 30 Ways to Fill a Sketchbook - Duration: 5:10.

Alright you lot, happy Tuesday.

Today's video is somewhat of a challenge video, it's something you may have seen

before in I think one of my sketchbook tour videos, I basically fill a page with random

silhouette shapes and then challenge myself to make something out of the shapes, sometimes

I just do faces, in this case I decided to do objects as well.

So shoutout to the instagram peeps that guessed this one right from the sneak peek I posted


And I'm using a copic ciao marker from a greyscale set, I think the colour is C1, I'll

have all the proper info in the description.

I started out with something I thought would be relatively easy and turned my first silhouette

blob into a face.

I did a really light sketch at first just to get the ideas in place and see if it would

work and then just cracked on with a harder line.

I really liked this one, it just worked really well.

It fit the shape almost perfectly, the top of his head is a bit dodgy but I think it

gives him character.

I ended up with something more stylised than I would normally draw and I wish I could draw

like this more ofter, I find myself always accidentally putting things into the right

proportions and stuff even when I'm trying to make things exaggerated or cartoony, so

this is a great way to force yourself out of that.

Next was another relatively easy one.

I decided to turn this squarish shape into a building.

Um and I wasn't using references at al for any of these which was another part of the


But then it goes to show the the more you draw something the more of like a mental encyclopaedia

you build up in your head because I found it quite easy to make up a nice building,

taking aspects from real buildings that I've remembered from drawing them before.

The next one took a lot of thinking to figure out what I could do with the shape.

I actually spent more time trying to come up with things than I actually did drawing

for this challenge.

I felt like this is quite a head shape but I wanted to be a bit more creative than that

and I got the idea that it could kind of be a hand in a loose fist.

So yeah, more hands to draw.

I do definitely think my hands are improving.

I actually think this tuned out to be the best hand I've ever drawn, maybe not visually

but for how easily it kind of came to me, like I felt more confident in knowing what

I was doing for this one.

Which again just shows how doing things over and over again can gradually bring improvement,

and you know, how you can't just avoid the things you're not good at.

With this one I really didn't know what to do with it and in the end I settled on

like a guys head with a weird helmet on.

This one is probably my least favourite.

And apologies if it goes off screen at any point, my camera was a bit too heavy for how

I had it positioned so it just started to like sag a little bit the longer I went on


This one was the only one I used a reference for, just to look at like the positioning

of the different craters and marks on the moon.

I don't know if it's cheating to have drawn like half a thing in this space rather

than drawing something that would be a semicircle shape.

Well it's not cheating cos I set the challenge for myself but you know what I mean.

Anyway I was happy with this idea.

I don't know if i've even drawn the moon like this before so it was fun, I thought

it was a cool idea.

And I think it turned out alright.

I think it fits on the page really nicely.

This is a great way to fill an awkward space on a page by the way.

Colour in the shape of the space and then outline it as a thing.

Okay so this is actually the last one, I'll tell you why I didn't fill in the other

space on the page in a bit.

This one took a lot of thinking as well.

Sometimes it helps to break it up into shape.

So in doing that with the sharp pointed bit of the shape, I got the idea that it could

be a bow, and the bow could be attached to a teddy bear that's like sagging, leaning

up against a wall.

This one went surprisingly well as well, for something that don't have a lot of drawing

experience with.

Now for the space next to it, I genuinely couldn't think of anything and I was racking

my brain for ages and then I thought maybe a fresh pair of eyes could help.

So rather then one fresh pair of eyes I thought you all could weigh in with some ideas, there

are so many great creative people that watch these videos and you guys have helped me so

much in the past so yeah, I'd love to hear if you can see anything in the this weird


Thanks for watching anyway, I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you all in the next



For more infomation >> Shape / Silhouette Challenge · 30 Ways to Fill a Sketchbook - Duration: 5:10.


10 Simple Solutions To Stress Management - Duration: 3:06.

10 Simple Solutions To Stress Management

10 Simple Solutions To Stress Management

10 Simple Solutions To Stress Management

10 Simple Solutions To Stress Management

10 Simple Solutions To Stress Management

10 Simple Solutions To Stress Management

10 Simple Solutions To Stress Management

10 Simple Solutions To Stress Management

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