Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily Time Jan 30 2017

Alright. What's up guys, Tanner Chidester here. In this video I'm actually gonna go

over a few things, about 4 of them, so I'm gonna leave time codes down below so for those

of you who just want to skip to the parts you want, you can. Actually I have notes.

What I'm gonna be doing is talking about prep, moving to Texas, I also have a little Q&A

session, there's only 3 or 4 of them and then I also just want to address stuff people have

been asking me.

So to start, the update on prep, everything's good, I'm a little bit behind, I enjoyed myself,

I had an extra day, I shouldn't have while I was in Texas. And for those of you who don't

know, I went back for two weeks for business/personal, see my family for my birthday, ate a little

more than I should, but at this point, I really don't care, it shouldn't be a big deal, just

starve calories a little bit more and get back on track. I'm stepping on stage regardless,

I told you guys I would, and I'm not backing out of that. Even if I'll look like crap,

I'm gonna be hopping on stage.

So as far as what I wanted to address, it's kinda what people had been asking for. And

so I wanna kinda address this in a few ways. This is gonna be as honest as I can possibly

make it, it's about my life, what I think, my goals and hopefully, you guys will take

it in the right way, one thing I've learned with doing videos is a lot of times when you

say something, someone�s gonna bring up like this little minute point about everything

you say to like kinda counter you and that's fine. I'm not gonna address every single point

because it just turns this video into 30 minutes when it could be 5 or 8 minutes, because you're

gonna have to say, "Well, this is what I mean." "But don't take it this, way, but this is

what I mean, but don't take it this way..." and I'm just gonna save it because for those

of you who actually follow me, I think you'll know where I'm coming from. What I want to

get at guys is for those of you who don't know my story, when I was in high school,

all I ever wanted to do is play college football. I realized that dream when I got to play divisional

football at BYU. I transferred around, I got hurt so bad that even if I wanted to play

football anymore, I couldn't. Okay, I've had 3 surgeries on my shoulder, you can't tell

it because it's microscopic so there used to be a huge line that would go down this

shoulder and now it's not, so I've had 3 a piece. Okay, after that ended, I was doing

petroleum engineering and I hated it. I realized I wasn't gonna be happy. I had a 3.8 GPA,

I got into the number 2 engineering school in the country Texas A&M, so for those of

you who think all meat heads are dumbasses and stuff like that, you know, you can leave

the page because that's just not the case. I was actually studying to be a petroleum

engineer and in Texas you can make easily your first job a hundred grand plus. So, you're

set. You're good for life, right? You get your secure job, you're set.

What I realized was football had always been a passion of mine and it's what I wanted to

do and once that was gone, I needed to find something else. I literally went to my parent's

I was like, "If this is all life is, I don't want to be here." I literally was like, "I

don't care if I pass away tomorrow because this is not exciting. I have no purpose."

Going to 9 to 5 to me is boring and unfulfilling. And that might not be politically correct

but it's fine, like my sister does a 9 to 5 and my dad does a 9 to 5, everyone in my

family is a 9 to 5. In my immediate family.

With that said, I want to build a business. I've been trying to build a business and along

the way there's been a lot of stumbling blocks and road blocks because building a real business

and just putting a link on your Instagram is completely different. Having a link to

something to buy is not a business. Having a business is having a bomb website, bomb

sales pages, marketing videos, customer service, daily e-mails, all kinds of stuff guys. It's

very complicated. You're talking tens of thou... even if you have an online business like me

and it's not a physical product. Like it's digital product that's sending an email, it

can be thousands and thousands of thousands of dollars. A professional website at the

minimum, 5K. A professional video for a good one, at the minimum, 15 to 2K. Making the

products alone, and having all the subscription sites, a sales funnel which most of you don't

know what that is, but it's kind of like, step by step, so you when you see a page,

it goes to this, you see this, then upsell you, whatever, that's a subscription service,

kind of a like, a cellphone service, could be a hundred plus a month, email service,

is a hundred something plus a month, all that stuff, guys, cost tons of money. Tons and

tons of money. To have a business, it's awesome, but I don't think people understand the expense.

I gave up having an awesome 20 year old mess around, F- girls all the time, sick cars,

get in the house, I've had all that. But I gave it up so I can build something.

All the money I make goes right to my business. I have the same car that I got when I got

when I was 16. I shouldn't say the same car, I had the car, someone stole it and totaled

it, and then the replacement car I got that they gave me - basically, so I wanted to send

the kid to jail is what I have.

I just turned 25 I didn't start this till I was really about 22 and a half, almost 23.

So I haven't been doing this very long. And there's a lot of stuff I've had to learn get

a plan and play. This video's gonna take I think longer than I want because there's the

lot's of stuff falling on my chest.

It takes time and money. You know, a lot of people, they all "I want this, and this."

But they don't take the actions necessary, or their mouth doesn't match where what they

say, "Hey, I want to build a business but I want to live in LA." Well, how the hell

you're gonna build a business and put every last dollar into it, if you're going to LA

and spend the tons of money. Or, "I want to do this and that." "What have you done? Have

you reached any manufacturing companies, have you reached a website designer? Have you done

a logo? Have you..." "No," "Right."

All this cost money. Just creating a freakin' logo is like 500 bucks. Getting to the point,

I'm trying to build a business. Every last dollar I make is going into the business.

The only thing that I pay for, besides food and living expenses and like any, like car

expenses stuff like that is my business. Every freakin' last dollar. And I'll have an occasional

date here and there with a girl to make sure- I still like girls, I might actually get married

one day. I mean at this point, I have a zero love life because I don't put enough time

into it, so occasionally I do go on a date but besides that, I do not spend- I showed

you I don't carry money, I don't do weed, I don't do - I don't spend money on the drugs

or alcohol, anything like that. I won't go buy nice clothes, I mean guys, literally,

if you watch some of my videos or pictures, I rotate the same clothes. I literally have

my photographer saying like, "Dude, wear some different clothes, please." It's not that

I can't. I don't want to because I'm like, "Bro, I got to pay for this website, It's

$5,000. I got to pay for this. I gotta..." The clothes that are coming guys, that will

be here in two months or less it depends on the samples because it takes a month to ship

from China. I'm gonna have to guesstimate or judge if I need a sample 'cause if I don't,

there goes 2 grand, right? I just wasted 2 grand. It cost tons of money guys to build

a business. You either build a business by doing a side hustle and going slowly or doing

whatever you can to get as much money as possible or you have someone else to give you money.

My options are, 1. Someone else give me the money with no interest or investment, which

is never gonna happen, 'cause I wasn't raised that way, and I would never go ask one for

a freakin' handout. Let's take that out of the picture. 2, is an investor. If I got an

investor, I guess, I think 30 - 40% of my company. I don't need that. I need tons of

money, but I don't need that. I talking like maybe 100K, I don't need freakin' millions

like, you give us- if you start a supplement company- a met a guy who owns certain supplements,

huge company you probably seen in the stores, I'm not going to throw out numbers but he

can get a huge amount from investors. Huge amount. Something that you're not gonna raise

by yourself and you need that so that's a different story. But for what I'm trying to

do, it's like, I don't want to give up control of my company just so things speed up quickly,

like a year faster, two years faster, whatever, 'cause I'm thinking long term. I�m gonna

be in this game a long time, right? And everyone's really thinking in short terms.

With that out of the way, the whole point of this video is I'm tired of people asking

for free stuff. And the reason I say I'm very willing to help people, I want to help people

the goal is to help people, at the end of the day, let's be very real, the goal of business

is to make money. I have to have a living too and so I need to make money. I'm all about

doing free stuff, I have a YouTube channel, I do Instagram, I do Facebook. I do Snapchat.

I do Twitter. I literally DM people all the time. I have people DM'ing me. This and this

and this and this and I answer almost all the time, but you come to me and you're like,

"Hey, can I have a customized plan?" I have a full freakin' schedule on top of the side

hustle I got to do. You're coming to me asking for free stuff, I just take it so disrespectfully.

I'm so tired of it because I give, give, give and that's fine, I get that's part of it and

you know, Gary Vaynerchuk's one of the guys I look up to Andy Frissela is one of the guys

I look up to for first foremost. At the end of the day, I need to make money to fund my

business. I need thousands of dollars. And so, when people come to me and I'm offering

literally - literally, let's put this for a second, I'm offering to change your life,

for $69 to $179 depending on what you pick. I have a program at $69 that basically if

you just want to know how to get lean and stay shredded, the rest of your life. All

you have to do is read it. Read it. It's literally, 1,2,3,4. And if you don't get it, ask my clients,

ask people who buy that. $69 bucks they get my freakin' personal cell number. Personal

cell number. In fact, on my freakin' Instagram, is my personal cell number. I shouldn't say

personal, it's my business cell phone. Whatever, same thing you get in contact with me. I'm

the only person really in this company. Every employee I have hired, in less than a day,

hasn't produced and they go, because I realized that until I'm at a certain level where I

have a way I compensate people better or find better workers, I'm just getting people who

don�t care that much or who are just trying to make a quick buck.

So I'm doing everything myself, customer service, plans, websites, logos everything. It's all

me. You come to me and you say, "Hey, give me a free plan." That pisses me off is because

if I'm hungry and I go to Starbucks and I say, "Hey man, I don't have money, can I get

this for free?" They'll say, "F- you." And that's what I'm starting get to, and I try

to do what the guys I look up say. Gary Vaynerchuk, I really like what he does. He's always talking

about give, give, give, give, give. So you can ask me any stuff. But he is now in a different

position. I don't know what he would have said then. And he might have said the same

thing. But all I know is I'm in a startup. That dude is a multi-millionaire now. And

he's in a different spot where it doesn't really matter, all the people asking for free

stuff because he doesn't need them anymore. And he's even said that, I mean, he doesn't

need them. At this point, I almost wanna say, I do need you. I do need your help to build

this business. That's how I make my money. When you come to me and you say, "Man, I want

to do - I'll do anything to change. Anything." But you won't even freakin' pay $69 bucks?

Get that shit outta here. Are you freakin' kidding me. I'm not just telling you what

to do. I don't send you that bullshit custom plan or bullshit custom plan where coaches

go, "Have a cup of brown rice and 3 veggies," that they send to every damn athlete and say

they're one of the top coaches. I had a coach like that. He's supposed to be one of the

top coaches in the industry and all he sent me was some freakin' 1600 calorie meal plan.

Oh wow. But you can starve me to death. Congrats. That's so hard to do.

The best coaches can teach you how to eat the most food, the least amount of exercise

and get peeled. That's the goal. Least amount of work for the most results. That's the goal

in any business. Anything in life. You want to work hard, but if you can get it easier,

why are you gonna put an extra time and effort? Does that make any sense? No. But I'm literally

offering people to change their life forever literally, by the end of my plans, you don't

have to have me as a coach anymore. I'm not a coach who likes, wants to you keep you year

round. By the end of the freakin' plan, you don't ever have to have me as a coach anymore

but you say, "Oh, I don't want to pay $69 bucks, I don't want to pay $400 bucks." I'm

tired of hearing that. Honestly, I'm literally getting to the point if someone DM's me for

one more free thing, I'm blocking people. I'm tired of it. I'm not even at that point

yet. I can't even imagine what these guys like Gary Vaynerchuk, Andy Frisella, all these

top CEOs gets is literally mind boggling to me. And I know, I know I should ignore it,

I get that, but I'm just at a point now on my business, I'm frustrated guys, and I'm

tired of seeing it. If you don't want to pay for stuff, go somewhere else. Go get some

free crap that's gonna do a good job. Or you're not really gonna learn anything. And just

keep doing it. Just keep doing it year in, year out, get free crap and never improve.

You know, people I see crying about Tai Lopez's, $1000 social media approach. Shut up. The

dude has to make a living. And I don't care how many cars he has. He deserves those cars.

He deserves them. He's worked hard for them. I have no problem with him making money from

me. He's giving you an incredible service and those courses guys are invaluable. You'll

learn more in those courses than you'll learn with all the free crap all on Google. You

get what you pay for. That is very true in life. You get what you pay for. Some things

you don't need, you don't need a hundred dollar shirt from Lululemon. But if you want to make

money, why wouldn't you invest in assets. That's what rich people do. They don't buy

stuff. They invest in assets. The little money I do have, I invested it in myself. In myself,

over and over, until eventually, I get this, the kind of money that I'm talking about or

hopefully get and then I can start buying some nice toys. You know, maybe down the road.

But I've never been a material guy. I have wanted to help people and get tons of money

so I can provide for my family. And it's like a slap in face when I put in all this effort

and give free stuff and the same people who just - they're just take, take, take, take,

take, take. And you're gonna literally DM me and think I'm an asshole or a jerk because

I don't give you a free meal plan? F- you. Dude. Get off my page. I'm so tired of that

crap. And this is why this video is real. Because you don't understand, I'm doing real

stuff I hate right now, side hustle wise, that I'm embarrassed even to tell people so

I can keep my thing going.

I'm making good money from my business I guess you could say, but it would put me in a very,

very tight situation where it's not comfortable. And so I do side hustle to make sure that

I'm helping, trying to build cash, well, as fast as possible and get this thing off the


I'm putting hours and hours a week, right, to get this thing going and then people come

to me with that crap.

And a lot of you guys you're gonna go see this other fitness guys, you go, well how's

he making so much money. How does he have this nice car whatever. The minority, got

your eyes like Bradley Martyn and Steve Cook, well guys for- at that level, the level we're

trying to attain or I'm trying to get to, Kinobody, Greg O'Gallagher and I've even met

guys on Greg's team. He's at a level where he's doing what he says he's doing. You guys

need to understand a lot of the fitness industry is 'gay-for-pay'. And 'gay for pay' - what

does 'gay for pay' means? I means guys are on the outside showing, "Oh, I model, I do

this and that," and behind closed doors, they're doing what's called 'gay for pay' which is

people are paying them to do. Have shows, sexual stuff, in person, clothing, whatever.

That's the truth and I don't want to make my money that way. I don't. Literally, I'll

have someone offer me more money for that and then they do some actually to better their

life, which is a whole other conversation.

The reason I bring this up is I'm just tired of it. If you want free stuff, go on my YouTube

channel. Type in what you're looking for. I'll have people that ask me stuff that I've

gone over my YouTube channel hundreds of times. I have videos on it. I'm trying to get full-time

so I can improve that stuff. Instagram's big. I have a 50,000 subscription on there, followers,

whatever. Facebook, 68. Twitter I just started, it's like, 5. YouTube's like a thousand. And

I need to continue to do that. I already have stuff I'm trying to sell and then people come

to me for free stuff and I'm already putting out all these free content, and I'm doing

stuff I hate, so I can do this full-time, and then they cry about it? Like, dude, really?

I have to build a business, guys, and if I can't get enough money, or I can't get an

investor, I don't want to have an investor, this is how it has to be done. It's almost

like a slap on my face saying, "Oh, I love your content, I support you, but I don't want

to help you." And I'm trying to build my followings and get them big, so it's relevant, 'cause

until then, nobody knows who I am, so I need money so people know who I am so I can run

Facebook ads, like, or on YouTube ads, I can run people to my pages, spend money on good

copywrite. Good sales pages. Good funnels so when someone sees my page for the first

time, it converts instead of me having to only rely on what's called hot traffic, or

warm traffic, people who know me. I want someone who's never seen me before to see a video

of mine. Boom, want to buy something.

That's the goal. It's to help people, but it's also the goal is to make money, guys.

That's the truth, to make money, I have a business, I need to make money.

That was a little bit of a rant, on top of that like, social media, I'm trying to build

those because even like YouTube, well I'm on YouTube, it's pathetic. It's a thousand

subscribers. And half of my likes or views are probably from my mom. You know what I

mean? Like, let's keep this 100% real. And so, when someone comes to me after all the

free stuff I put out, and then like, "Oh man, can you give me a full plan for free?" Like,

"What the hell? No. Why would I give that to you for free?" There's a balance like,

I want to help people, but goddamn like, "Are you gonna pay for anything?" I don't go to

you and ask for free stuff, I don't go to you and say, "Hey man, you hook me up?" I

don't go get free food because I'm hungry or I'm homeless. They don't care. It getting

to that point it's just ridiculous. I should ignore it, but I'm just kinda fed up at this

point. The moral of the story is, if you want good stuff, pay for it. Or if you want to

support me, pay for it.

If you want free stuff, that's great, I put out a ton of free stuff, but don't come to

me with a 21 question list. Come to me with like, "Hey bro, where can I go to find this?"

Or, "Do you have a suggestion for that?" "Sure." But don't start going, "Hey, this is my body

weight, this is my body fat. This is what I eat. This is what... What do you think?"

No. Not doing it anymore. I won't even respond. Won't even respond. I respond to everyone.

Not responding to those anymore.

So with that said, and this movie's been dragging along a lot longer than I want it to. I had

the LA deal that I have been talking about, that thing, it was a total scam. I know better.

But it gets your hope up, it was a- to train high end clientele, there was gonna be tons

of money, it would basically just put all the side hustle, away, so of course you get

your hopes up when it's too good to be true, it always is.

As far as my move to Texas, the reason that is happening now is some of the entrepreneurs

I work with in Utah who had their own businesses do what what was called summer sales. Summer

sales they will go out, they sell some kind type of security, some guys will do pest control,

whatever, you hate your life, you do it, can make anywhere depending on how good you are,

how dedicated you are from 30 to 200K. It starts in April, so I'm gonna be out in Houston

for about 3 or 4 months doing that. And then my thing is once that's done, I'm just gonna

stay because then I can stop all the side hustle. I won't have to do it anymore 'cause

that will be enough. So that is the update on that.

Hopefully that covers everything. I didn't mean to go so long, the moral of the story

is, guys, if you really want to support me, you should be in a position to understand.

It's not cool to just keep asking for free crap. I can give out free crap. And I'm gonna

keep giving out free crap and in fact, right now, I'm paying for something to give out

more free crap. I'm only giving out Lululemon quality shirts that I could sell for a hundred

for maybe $40 or less. What else do you want? I can't imagine how much worse it's gonna

get but when you're in the beginning, every dollar counts. Every last dollar I get goes

into the business.

As far as prep goes, we're gonna be 7 weeks out, right now. This is week 7. Truth and

the rant, there's that. Move to Texas. I'm explaining that. That's the reason I've always

wanted to go back to Texas this is gonna be perfect because sometimes, you don't know

where you're gonna go. They just happen to go to Houston, gonna go back there, kill myself,

work my ass off and by the end of its day, that's it.

This next thing is gonna be Q&A's. And then I'm gonna end the video. So, the Q & A's I

got three questions. Number 1 is, people who inspire me. Fitness world, professionally

and personally. In the fitness world, I'm gonna say, Christian Guzman. The reason I

say Christian Guzman is because, I mean, he's built something that he has influence. That's

what I'm after. It's influence. It's not money, it's not fame, it's influence. People know

who he is. When you say, Alphalete, everyone thinks of Christian. When I'm in Utah in gyms,

I see little kids with Alphalete shirts. Wherever I go, I see Alphalete, Alphalete, Alphalete.

All he does is clothes really. I mean he has a little personal coaching but his big thing

is clothes. And he has huge influence in the industry. And everyone I've talked to who

knows him says, he's down to earth. Those other guys I've talked about who also have

the you know, followings like him and it's mixed opinions. And I don't judge on that.

I mean, I'm sure people who haven't met me have a mixed opinion or bad taste in the mouth,

which is just fine, that's pretty normal, but as far as like people who have actually

met him in person, interact with him in a daily basis or frequently, that's the gist

I've gotten is that he is a good guy. For as professionally, I got about four guys.

Two guys I met in LA. One's name is Chris Stokes. He's the owner of Dollar Beard Club.

He probably won't remember me, the reason I look up to him is basically because he was

like broke, 37 years old, and he started from nothing. Pretty much long story short, and

now I think his company gross is like 10 million this year, something in the first year, something

crazy like that. You can look it up online. That's the kind of hustle I look after. That's

the kind of stuff I aspire to be like. I mean, the guy literally was broke and within years

making big. That's the type.

Chris Walker's another one. He actually works with Gregg O'Gallagher in Kinobody. I think

he's well in the top guys as far as his backend team, his marketing team. He's also starting

his own company now called Truth Nutraceuticals. And he looks like he's killing it and the

cool thing is he literally has like no following. But he's so good, just sells pages, and marketing

Facebook ads, I mean, some of his Facebook ads are getting a million plus hits on his

videos. That's not easy to do. Two other guys I know personally is gonna be Alex Ames in

Utah and a guy named David Frey down in Houston. Both those guys are mentoring me, they're

both living a kinda lifestyle I want to live. They're both good guys, they're genuine, they've

literally helped me for no money, for free. Giving me advice after advice. Personally,

it's gonna be my dad. As I'm older, I appreciate how much he sacrificed to take care of me

and my family or my siblings, has tons of money guys and I'm learning as I get older,

everything cost money. I have six siblings. So you can imagine especially on a teacher's

salary, how difficult that was. And I respect and I look up to my dad.

Question number 2, what do I do for fun? So for fun, usually, what I'll do is movies,

or work on my business. I truly love working on my business. I get frustrated sometimes

when people take stuff for granted, but I love working on my business and then when

I want to relax, it's movies. I'm so active all the time already that like when sometimes

I want to go hiking stuff like that. I'm not really down for it, because I already do it

all the time. These, I really like to do, you know really have some type of girlfriend,

like at home meal, and some wine or like cuddle sex, I'm down. Just gotta find her. I don't

know where she is.

Last question, how long does my routine take? I have a personal coaching and I also have

my rapid muscle system, one is like a blueprint, 69 bucks, take it, follow it. You still get

to interact with me but I'm not doing anything customized for you. It's customized but you

have to set it up. If you follow the formulas and stuff I have in there, it is customized.

But you have to follow. Most people won't read. If you do online, I set it up all for

you, but that's more expensive because I'm doing everything for you I just say, "Hey,

do this," and I teach you but I'm like, "Here you go." And if you follow this you're good.

Instead of you having to read, if you come home, you pay me, you show up after work,

there is your plan - type deal. Those go from anywhere from - my Rapid Muscle System's a

12 week program, obviously when you're done, you can run it again but in 12 weeks, you

just see some drastic changes. As far as online training, that can go 8 to 16 weeks and you

can re-up that all you want but most people when they're done, they don't need me anymore.

I tell them that, say, "Hey, pay me one time, get outta here, send me referrals," Those

are my ex-customers, not you. I don't want to keep you using you over and over again.

I don't think that's right. And honestly, if you teach someone, you shouldn't need to.

Fitness isn't that hard. The reason everyone thinks it's hard, guys for doing what they

should be doing as far as diet and exercise they all just push whatever that gets them

the muscle most.

Those are the Q&A's guys. Sorry this video dragged on and on and on. I hope I hit all

the points. And I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from on certain things. This

isn't me complaining. This is the life I chose. This is what I want, but enough's enough.

I'm tired of it. And I'm gonna keep grinding and do what I got to do, and I know it's not

gonna go away, but I just want to address that people who actually see this.

Thank you guys so much for watching. Make sure to comment, subscribe, if you have anything

you need to ask, message me I will answer it. Thanks so much for watching. See you on

the next one.

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Rich Swann climbs to the top rope yet again but Neville runs up the turnbuckle and hits a superplex for two. Neville immediately follows up with the Rings of Saturn as Swann taps out.

8:28 PM EST The crowd has come to a complete standstill as Neville slaps on a resthold that puts them to sleep as well. Neville heads to the outside and tosses Swann around into different barricade

The crowd comes somewhat alive as the referee counts, but only to scream "ten.

Neville goes to the top ropes and is met by a beautifully timed Swann song superkick as both men are laid out

Neville tries to go to the top rope, but Swann hits a standing Hurricanrana followed by an impressive twisting 450 dive to the outside

Back in the ring, Swann's intensity rises as he hits a combination of strikes, punctuated by a roundhouse kick to the head for a nearfall.

8:21 PM EST Rich Swann and Neville feel each other out but the match picks up steam quickly as Swann dumps Neville to the outside and hits a flying cross body splash to the outsid

Neville hits a snap suplex as he awaits Swann to get to his feet. Neville follows up with a running forearm for a nearfall.

For more infomation >> when is royal rumble 2017 royal rumble 2017 start time royal rumble 2017 matches - Duration: 1:41.


Time After Time (ABC) "Join the Pursuit" Promo HD - Jack the Ripper series - Duration: 0:31.

The most dangerous man of all time...

The Ripper has struck.

He couldn't have gone far!

...just arrived in ours.

You mean Jack the Ripper?

Yes, he's escaped from 1893 in my time machine.

And I am the only one who can catch him.

I'm not going anywhere.

I've yet to begin in this age.

If I don't stop him, he will kill again.

You want to dance?

I can think of a few things I'd like to do.

Time After Time series premiere.

Join the pursuit Sunday March 5th on ABC.

For more infomation >> Time After Time (ABC) "Join the Pursuit" Promo HD - Jack the Ripper series - Duration: 0:31.


Time Collapsing | 3 Tips of Time Management || Mindset Monday - Duration: 4:01.

Hey my friend, Drew Canole.

I am reading my good buddy's book, Ed O'Keefe, called 'Time Collapsing'.

So whether or not you're starting a business,

you're a mom, you want to get the most out of your life with your kids,

maybe you're a student, you are really trying to figure out how to collapse time

in his book he's going to share with us some time collapsing principles,

and it's the new art of speed, money power and meaning.

I'm gonna talk about three things that I use n my life all the time

that are in the Time Collapsing book.

Here's the first thing:

You don't need certification, doctorates, fancy letters after your name to be successful.

You don't need to go to school for 8 years to pursue what you want to do.

Now, granted if you're a neurosurgeon, or whatever it is, like get it, you got it if you choose that route.

But typically, you can start down this path of enthusiasm -

getting excited about what you're doing day in and day out.

Read tons of books.

You read one book a year on average as an American.

If you read one book a month for 12 months straight in any field,

you'll know more than 98% of the world's population.

This is the Leap Frog Theory' in Ed O'Kleefe's book.

Leapfrogging passed the typical route that normal people take.

Most people takes the stairs.

Ed talks about it in this book how to take the elevator.

He shows you time-tested practical tools that you can use to leapfrog over your competition in any given field.

Now the next thing up is the magician - becoming your own life's magician.

How do you do that? Well, it starts with your perception.

See, what you perceive is your reality.

A lot of people perceive the worst thing possible when they wake up every single day.

So in a day out, it's like Groundhog's Day.

So how do you become your life's inner magician?

You start to see light through these magic lens.

You look out, you observe it.

Wow! My life is pretty magical.

I am so blessed to be doing what I'm doing each and every day.

I am so blessed to be in this relationship.

I am so blessed to be working at this job right now

because I know my future job is just around the corner

and it's going to take me to the next level of what I really want to create in my life.

Become your own life's magician.

Simple and easy, switch your perception.

Start to believe that anything is possible.

You are now a 'possible-tarian', my friend.

Number 3, I'll talk about this in some other Mindset Mondays.

This is becoming an observer.

Now a lot of visionaries do this naturally.

You may be working for somebody who's your boss that's a visionary

and you're always wondering where they are.

They're just, kind of they seem like they're in their own little world.

They seem to be observing things from the future and looking back.

That's how Steve Jobs did it when he forecasted the Apple phone, when he created the different dimensions.

Henry Ford, when he created the v8.

You have that same ability right here, right now.

So no matter what you're doing, pull yourself outside of the present moment

and observe yourself from any situation.

So here is the observer, this is you first position.

Second person, this is your interaction with somebody else.

Third person is the observer.

You're able to see both of these situations - dual perspective.

One of the greatest things that you can do in any form of communication

is putting yourself in the other person's shoes.

You can dissolve literally 90% of your arguments that you have with other people.

Observe yourself in the future of what you really want to create.

Collapse time, find mentors, find coaches

people that are already doing what you want to do -

and you will literally have the dream life that you've always imagined, you've always envisioned.

And you will create it 10 times faster than you ever thought imaginable.

Everything is in this book.

Check it out. Click the link below.

I'm Drew Canole. As always, remember we're in this together.

And I'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Time Collapsing | 3 Tips of Time Management || Mindset Monday - Duration: 4:01.


Time After Time (ABC) "You Don't Know Jack" Promo HD - Jack the Ripper series - Duration: 0:16.

Think you can catch the most elusive killer in history?

You mean Jack The Ripper?


You don't know Jack!

In our time, I was an amateur.


I've yet to begin in this age.

Time After Time premieres March 5th on ABC.

For more infomation >> Time After Time (ABC) "You Don't Know Jack" Promo HD - Jack the Ripper series - Duration: 0:16.


Breakfast time! - Duration: 1:35.

[Setting the bowls down]

There you are

[Getting cat food]


And a one...

And two!

For more infomation >> Breakfast time! - Duration: 1:35.


Donna Summer - This Time I Know It's For Real (subtitles PT/ENG) - Duration: 3:34.

Video and Subtitle Edition Irineu Damo

What would I have to do?

To get you to notice me too?

Do I stand in line?

One of a million admiring eyes

Walk a tightrope way up high

Write your name across the sky

I'm going crazy just to let you know

You'd be amazed how much I love you so baby

When I get my hands on you I won't let go

This time I know it's for real

Should I write or call your home?

Shout it out with a megaphone?

Radio TV news

Got to find a way to get my message to you

To say I love you with a neon sign

Anything to make you mine

I'm going crazy just to let you know

If I wait too long for you I might explode baby

I've been around the block enough to know

This time I know it's for real

Oh babe...

This time

This time

This time... this time...

Oh babe

This time... this time...

Oh babe

Walk a tightrope way up high

Write your name across the sky

I'm going crazy just to let you know

You'd be amazed how much I love you so baby

When I get my hands on you I won't let go

This time I know it's for real

I'm going crazy just to let you know

If I wait too long for you I might explode baby

I've been around the block enough to know

This time I know it's for real...

For more infomation >> Donna Summer - This Time I Know It's For Real (subtitles PT/ENG) - Duration: 3:34.


Five Little Monkeys, Sesame Street Style Plus Many of Your Long-Time Favorites! ~PlayBuddies - Duration: 32:25.

[intro music]

>> 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed,

>> One fell off and bumped his head!

>> Mother called the Doctor, and the Doctor said,

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> 4 little monkeys jumping on the bed,

>> One fell off and bumped his head!

>> Mother called the Doctor, and the Doctor said,

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> 3 little monkeys jumping on the bed,

>> One fell off and bumped his head!

>> Mother called the Doctor, and the Doctor said,

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> 2 little monkeys jumping on the bed,

>> One fell off and bumped his head!

>> Mother called the Doctor, and the Doctor said,

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> 1 little monkey jumping on the bed,

>> One fell off and bumped his head!

>> Mother called the Doctor, and the Doctor said,

>> Put those monkeys back to bed!

[closing music]

For more infomation >> Five Little Monkeys, Sesame Street Style Plus Many of Your Long-Time Favorites! ~PlayBuddies - Duration: 32:25.


During cancer treatment, Brown expected to work full time - Duration: 1:50.


















































>> 90%, WHEN








For more infomation >> During cancer treatment, Brown expected to work full time - Duration: 1:50.


Camtasia Studio 9 Activation with Serial Key || Life Time Activate Use Key || Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Camtasia Studio 9 Activation with Serial Key || Life Time Activate Use Key || Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 4:56.


Story time| Teacher watches students videos in class - Duration: 9:14.

Start of video got cut off :(

For more infomation >> Story time| Teacher watches students videos in class - Duration: 9:14.


Geles' Intro v2 (Best ?) | Loochi - Duration: 0:14.

Why you gotta be so rude ?

'Cause I could be the rain in your desert sky,

I could be the fire in your darkest night,

I could be your curse or your angel...

For more infomation >> Geles' Intro v2 (Best ?) | Loochi - Duration: 0:14.


The Funniest Friendzone Fails - Duration: 6:04.

friendzone you don't want to happen to

you yet happen to all of us

I mean it's a fact one in three guys gets friendzoned

get friend zone there

look at his face when he just like I

know it happened but i'm still looking

at the camera trying to smile but no she

just liked you better not go there these

other guys are living the life it's only

got one poor guy that always gets

friends zoned what's going on guys

welcome to reaction time today as you guys

can already tell we're going to be

looking at some of the funniest friend

zone photos I feel usually happens to

guys more than happy to girls and it's

one of the worst things that can

actually happen

well actually if you guys haven't heard

there's a thing is called brother zoned

where the girl is just saying you're

more like a friend to me she says you're

actually like a brother to me and that

hurts it hurts more than getting friend

zone without further ado I think we're

just going to jump right into some of

these photos and yeh do this the

friend zone

he's never touching her ever you're

never touching bro that's the other

really posing and you wearing your bra

i feel like in his head he's just like this is how she's

gonna like me one day I just have to

keep it up after he doing the stuff but

no I'm sorry too late once you're in the

friend zone you can't get out and you're

deep in the friend zone buddy

that is so sad I feel guys let's start a

GoFundMe for this guy must be something

more than friends

what best friends no I mean something

more than that

mega best friends nooo that's

the worst of so sorry man

if you need a home but I got your back

you got me now like I've been there

haven't been to the point where it's

mega best friends and I can't even

imagine what that feels like but like i

said i've been brother zoned

you are like a brother to me

yeah can i be a brother that makes out

with you please this is very gentlemen like

that's the same time you're not getting

anywhere that's as far as you are

going to go in the relationship

is getting close to her bag I'm sorry buddy and you

got the mom and the friend you guys see the

mom she's not a friend you should know it's

definitely a friend zone when you guys

are hanging out and the mom is there

oh no I so Brittany apparently posted


she says getting a pedicure for my best

guy friend ever

now if only I can find a boyfriend like

this I'd be set

Oh Brittany is not happening

god I hate when girls say that it is just so

annoying that if only I can find a boyfriend

you are like i can be your


let me be that boyfriend like you don't need

to find one here on my here friend zone

level 100 just look at his face

no this is more like a friend zone level

9000 at least she didn't make him get down on his knees

and put the laptop on his back

just think about that I feel very proud

there is guys like this out there but at

the same time I know what you're

thinking and it's not happening the

three qualities that girls say they want in

a guy alright so they have to be a nice guy

funny guy an a honest guy but if you're

all three then your just in the friend zone

a girl one day if you have all three even

though that's what they all want two

guys this is a problem you're nice and

funny but you're not you're going to be

a liar or you're funny and honest but

your gonna be a douchebag they're gonna

be like those who funny guys

and if you're nice and honest you're not

going to be a funny guy there's no way

around this

I think I need a boyfriend anybody knows

who wants to be my boyfriend LOL

challenge accepted

really who's your friend who like me

Matthew there's nothing you can do at

this point all you can really do is

accept it and move on i don't know i

know many guys have broken out of the

friend zone and that seems like one of

the harshest thing she said to you

didn't even cross your mind that you're

one of the guys you probably consider

you just like really who is your friends

can you tell me you like me which longer

friends like me

we're going to put just look at his face

that tells you everything that you have

to know about what a guy feels like when

he's in a friend zone

this men's he's still confused about the

same time you stay so you can tell he's

trying to hide it

it's like cut damage he has had nice

hair though I the friend zone even

though hot chick maybe on your arm

everyone knows she's not with you this

is a curious visitors from one of my

favorite shows called lost but i think

it's a lot of mall actually like when I

go to the mall

I feel like a guy and girl scene down

there like cuddling or something but you

know you can test it you could be like

oh that guy's not getting anything

friend zone level 99 look at that

you sitting on his back guys what did I

just say I think about the laptop where

I hope at least you didn't like garbage

knees and put a lot of on his back but

You Larry sitting on his back like you

gotta do is laugh but no that's too this

too sexual

we're just friends Johnny okay thanks PQ

massages the guys decide your feet while

she's like smoking with a real gun

oh shit look at his face just like I'm

trying to be funny because i'm secretly

carried inside and they keep making out

and increase me friend zone level 1000 i

received the level 1000 the guys it's

like please don't take a picture of me

I've been exposed no one needs to know

there were our friend zone

she's attacking supposed to be my

girlfriend but like i told my guy

friends that we have a thing but now

that you guys captured me like this

they're not going to believe me more

than a lot of me taking my shoes like

sure whatever you need I'm a nice guy

you know I'm a really good personality

I workout and yeah I can tie your shoes

days used to give Freddie Jesus Christ

oh wow shows up at midnight with flowers

and chocolate get a high five haha i got

your friend go guys thank you so much

for watching this is some of the

funniest and most terrible friend zone

that I've ever seen in my life I mean

these photos are actually pretty


I one point everyone's life you're going

to get friends don't I mean just

inevitable but you got to just learn

from it you gotta make the best out of

it and would not be said I hope you guys

enjoyed this video make sure to click on

another one you guys have few options or

click the circle if you're new to

subscribe and I'll see you guys next

time another episode of reaction time

till then hope you have a great one hope

you don't get friend-zoned and peace ask

For more infomation >> The Funniest Friendzone Fails - Duration: 6:04.


Adventure Time Review: S8E5 - Horse and Ball - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Adventure Time Review: S8E5 - Horse and Ball - Duration: 4:59.


BBC Masterclass: Tense and Aspect of English verbs - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> BBC Masterclass: Tense and Aspect of English verbs - Duration: 3:51.


Time After Time (ABC) "Escaped Into the Future" Promo HD - Jack the Ripper series - Duration: 0:31.

Jack the Ripper has escaped into the future.

And only one man can stop him.

Sounds like a grand adventure to me.

I'm going to kill one person every day until

I get the time machine key.

In our time I was a freak.

Today I'm an amateur.

Isn't it glorious?

If I don't stop him, he will kill again.

Time After Time premieres Sunday March 5th on ABC.

For more infomation >> Time After Time (ABC) "Escaped Into the Future" Promo HD - Jack the Ripper series - Duration: 0:31.


Top 10 Maserati Car Models Of All Time - Duration: 5:55.

What's now considered to be one of the most renowned automakers in the world was started

on December 1, 1914 as a small car repair shop in Bologna, Italy.

It was on that day that four brothers, Alfieri, Bindo, Carlo, Ernesto, and Ettore, came together

to build a business that would become an empire.

Fast forward more than a century, and the Maserati name is synonymous with style, sophistication,

and luxury.

The company has designed some incredible cars during its history, and getting your hands

on any Maserati will cost a tidy sum.

Here are the top 10 Maserati cars of all time.


The Maserati Merak 1,830 Maserati Merak were made between 1972

and 1983.

These vintage cars are typically sold for at least $50,000.


Maserati Alfieri This 2+2 coupe has bold curves and draws heavily

from the A6GCS that Pininfarina designed for Maserati in the mid 1950s.

It will come equipped with a six speed automatic transmission and 4.7 liter V8 engine.

The sales price of the Maserati Alfieri will start at $100,000.


Maserati Quattroporte It features an intriguing mix of angles and

curves, large windows, and a distinctive grille.

The first generation of the Quattroporte lead to five more iterations of the series.

The most current model launched in 2013 and has taken many cues from its predecessors.

The price for a modern Maserati Quattroporte starts at $106,900.


Maserati Ghibli This car was initially produced from 1967

to 1973 as a V8 GT, and then again as a coupe with a V6 twin turbo engine from 1992 to 1997.

Since 2013, the Maserati Ghibli has been re-imagined as a mid-size luxury sedan with a 4-door saloon

body, twin turbocharged 3.0 liter engine, and irresistible interior features.

Snagging a modern day version of the Maserati Ghibli costs at least $70,600.

For an older model, expect to fork over $130,000 or more.


Maserati GranTurismo This is one of the latest collaborations between

Pininfarina and Maserati, and it's incredible.

This four seater coupe features a 4.2 or 4.7 liter engine, 6 speed automatic transmission,

and an interior that is the very definition of luxury and comfort.

The GranTurismo was first produced in 2007.

You can get your hands on the latest Maserati GranTurismo for $132,825.


Maserati 3500 GT This 2 door grand tourer was produced by Maserati

between 1957 and 1964.

A low roofline, 3.5 liter engine, and beautiful details made it a drool worthy car back then,

and auto lovers still adore it today.

2,210 of the Maserati 3500 GT were produced, and to own one today will cost at least $180,000.


Maserati MC12 When the MC12 was first revealed as a race

car and put on courses, spectators swooned over it.

It was Maserati's return to racing after a nearly 40 year hiatus, and this car didn't


Counting the 12 cars created for racing, just 62 of the Maserati MC12 were made.

25 of the cars were produced for road use in 2004, and then another set of 25 was manufactured

in 2005.

These cars never made it to show rooms, because they were all pre-sold for $669,600.


Maserati A6GCS/53 It's a racing car that has an elegant, iconic

profile and is one of the most famous cars that Maserati has ever made.

If you can find one at auction, expect to pay at least $2,200,000 for a A6GCS/53.


Maserati Birdcage 75th This concept car is so unlike anything that

Maserati has ever introduced, but that's totally fitting for the brand and the occasion.

The body is a smooth one-door berlinetta with canopy doors.

The Maserati Birdcage 75th is powered by the same engine used in the Enzo Ferrari and it

also has a 6 speed automatic transmission and 700 brake horsepower.

It's not possible to buy this car, but its estimated value tops $3 million.


Maserati Tipo 61 The Maserati Tipo 61, also known as the Birdcage,

was built to be a race car with great speed, power, and endurance.

Few wouldn't recognize its open top design and dramatic wheel arches, and it claimed

its place in the racing world as a winner.

On the rare occasion that a Maserati Tipo 61 shows up at auction, it typically fetches

over $3,500,000.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Maserati Car Models Of All Time - Duration: 5:55.


First Time Riding a Ducati Superbike | 848 Evo | RWR - Duration: 7:36.

Finally we're getting to ride the

Ducati 848 evo

(music plays)

I'm used to people staring at me with

the racesuit and all but this is

something unreal, they are just forming a crowd!

When I took this motorcycle off the sidestand

first time, it felt so lightweight, almost like a RC390

but in the slow speed the front feels so

heavy, I mean, I was expecting Ducati's

to be agile but this is like any other

Superbike, the front has a lot of weight

and feel to it.

R1 Rider: Can't ride fast (today) there is too much traffic. Me: Lets go and we'll see.

Okay, I guess I was a bit wrong about the

agility, it is very agile but you have

to take the motorcycle over a certain

speed, maybe 30 or 40 kilometers per hour and

then the front becomes absolutely

agile this is an excellent chassis

I must say, I wasn't expecting that.

when I'm riding it on the straight the

front feels almost glued to the highway

but the moment you put in a little bit

of input it's very responsive I mean I'm

blown away by this handling.

the scene a twin cylinder bike our

degree is different dinner in life

forever there's no building up our it's

like a nap more fuel but it it's

instantly dead

it's much more closer to a single

cylinder sort of our delivery than a

property superbike sort of power

dissipate you know comparing it with the

d800 i would say that the ca trip much

more beginner friendly but first it's

less barbels but i would say even the

Dayton is more beginner friendly because

the hour it comes on in a way that may

not be very suitable for beginners

this is my first time with the

motorcycle i'm having a little bit of

problem with the front break i don't

think its a Ducati issue it's just that this

morning the front ebert it's vibrating

ok got a couple of corners coming up so

let's see what the motorcycle

coming out of the corner that was a very

scary experience I wasn't expecting the

huge stones to be over there

There has been been an accident, go back from here...

Turn around, turn around, turn around (aggressively) carrying a shovel in his hand.

Coming back to the discussion this bike feels so

great enters it hugs the tarmac

perfectly gives you that confidence

right from the first raid and yet when

you're pulling it out of the corner it

just suspect so fast extremely Adele

extremely flickable but at the same

time it gives you that extreme feel

field in already has me color cycles

clickable sometimes you lose the front

and feedback it is sort of a trade-off

like the Duke is extremely particular

the RC is not that simple

so you have less friends feedback

whereas the RTS more friends free texts

it's sort of compromise but this

motorcycle seems to have a dog

clickable at the same time the frederick

feedback is just imagine even more than

the Japanese people like that every

single part is it's all to do with that

great trip that the guard has really

love to Cuddy's and I guess this

handling the lightweight and the stable

leadership can be one thing that people

really love about two copies apart from

the two in cylinder which is well it

gives a motorcycle some people say it

gives it more character I wouldn't go so

abstract but say yes the part of the

resource instantaneous that you'd really

enjoy writing this like I'm sorry that

distributed turn out to be as good as my

other reviews but because of the

accident the owner was kind of worried

that doing a ride at this point of time

might be a little dangerous

so we had to cut this short but he loves

you that has promised that there'll be

another episode with the Ducati I just

wanted to share this episode with you

guys because this is my first time on

the ducati and I really really enjoyed

it even if it was shot left specific so

if you like this video i just wanted to

four types of the bike videos make step

outside is the x 14 art tried the human

that is a shark right before you do

something venture has been following it

a positive at the party for Frank Field

so if you want to see all of those

videos to hit the subscribe button if

you're already a subscriber why don't

you hit that like and share button, it

really helps our channel, thanks for

watching and we'll share another episode

very fast and quickly with you guys, this is

Rahul, Goodbye!

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