HOW TO Find Fish Butt Google Trends on YouTube mp4 download - Duration: 6:25.hi YouTube hi crabbelax okay today's
question this came in earlier today is
how to find a fish butt do fish have a
butt that's the question I'm telling you
guys I can't make this stuff up you guys
are sending these questions to me and
asking me how to find things and how how
to do things so i'm going to show you
first we're going to start off here in
google trends and we're going to type in
we're going to type in fish of the
search term right here and we're going
to look at fish a look at that fish look
at how high that is as a search term
fish is really really high but let's
look at some of the things that are
fueling fish
ice JJ fish fish Mooney one pound fish
fish and chips near me robo fish big
fish casino fish gape no such thing as a
fish there's people who don't believe in
fish no such thing as a fish one pound
fish a fish casino on facebook 11 fish
casino promo code so okay but looks type
in butt I i don't know a fish have a
butt or not
oh ok so butt is down here
ok but we want to go look at youtube now
YouTube is where we're going to look at
fish and then we're going to look at butt
fish fishing fish fishing in the dark
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band fishing videos
fishtail braid fishbowl slime fish tank
fisher-price fishing fails and fishing
in the dark so this is the top 10 so
fishing is number one fish is number two
fishing in the dark Nitty Gritty Dirt
Band is number three that's a mouthful
boy fishing videos fishtail braid
fishbowl slime flying fish tank
fisher-price fishing fails and
seeing in the dark that's the top 10 for
ok so let's type in butt and see what we
get here
this is YouTube keep this in mind oh oh
it's not as bad as i thought okay number
one butterfly
oh that's interesting right there
butterfly butt workout butterfly kisses
interesting butterfly knife tricks
butter slime butterfly butterfly crazytown button
poetry butterfly fly away Miley Cyrus
lyrics that's a mouthful that's a big
mouthful right there butt fumble and
butter slime recipe so the top 10 here
on YouTube butterfly is number one
butt workout is number two butterfly
kisses is number three butterfly knife
tricks number four butter slime is number
five butterfly crazy town is number 6
button poetry is number seven butterfly
away Miley Cyrus lyrics is number eight
buttfumble is number nine butter slime
recipes number 10 so i used my left hand
twice to count because i'm using my other
hand to use the mouse so I used my left
hand twice to count to count the top 10
so yeah that's what we have here let's
go over here and take a look-see here at
trending on youtube at this time let's
look at the top ten trending on youtube
we have got the little mermaid this is
this is March 10th of 2017 little
mermaid 2017 official trailer is number
one warning portal killed the science of
portal is number two the GOP hasn't
figured out healthcare the daily show is
number three open announcement 17.3 is
number four
laughing hard at a minecraft map that
title it's so somebody found a minecraft
I can see how that would happen how you
would find a minecraft map funny because
there's a lot of things that are funny
on on maps
number six is freaky Joker crushes
spiderbaby blaze monster machines number
seven is bad baby horses goes wild in
the house bad baby shiloh number eight
is exclusive first look mama June
already looks shockingly slim in from
not too hot episode so apparently mama
June from honey boo boo has lost some
good for her 10 most shocking moments at
the zoo
so we have 10 shocking moments at the
zoo and there's a lion or tiger right
there may be a liger or a tie-in I don't
know what they're called I know they're
mixing them and they're doing some
genetic modification to the wild animals
and last but not least is number ten
challenge minecraft evil jen challenge
games lucky block mod modded minigame so
i'm not sure what modded means but the
guys who play do I have played Minecraft
myself that's one of my favorite games
to play as minecraft I'm not very good
at it but it's fun to play
I like chopping things down and I like
this is what I do so when I'm done
playing like a fly at night so that the
creeper guy don't eat me so then like
when I go to play again then I'm in the
sky so like when it gets to be dark and
I can't figure out how to play and I
don't want the creeper to get me then I
hide up in the sky fly and I hiding the
sky and sleep in the sky
Day light again until I can see
so yeah that's just how i play minecraft
and so anyway thank you guys for
watching please thumbs up this video
share with your friends subscribe leave
comments suggestions ideas & I'll see you soon
peace love and avocado trees
Lãng Du - ToFu ft. An (Prod. by VoVanDuc) (INSTRUMENTAL / TAS Release) - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Follow The Rain Fpv Drug - Part 2 Loco RAW - Duration: 5:16.Yes. That .. i know that told you , finish here and no more fligths ....
If everything is Ok. Upload this video . and if crash, never post it , and you know it !
But.... i say ... if have other lipo ...
And have ennough time
GO To fligth more !
Lets go !
That yes ... really cool walk at same time that fligth , but with this method be faster !
What I want is to rip it !
This is wat i want !
Fuck !!! have wather on my sneakers !!
and ... no bring the special watherproff shoes
I think now , I am satisfied! Sr
Going back home , happy and glad
That fligth on saturday !
And the day looks really bad !
Remove the lipo !
And put the quad on my bag !
This drug are so bad !
LIFE SWAP CHALLENGE | Follow me Around durch LONDON - Duration: 8:11.-------------------------------------------
$300 Switch Vs. $450 Switch - Duration: 7:42.hey everyone is Van here again and today
I'm going to be talking a little but about the
nintendo switch stock not the stock
that you buy in and put it by from
nintendo and then you know watching go
up and down and down and down then up
the kind of stock that you know
inventory that kind of stock because
nintendo has been doing a half decent
jobs was employing the switch it's just
the demand for has been extreme so yeah
just thinking about nintendo switch our
inventory the stock they have of it in
how like uncommon it is and how many
people don't have it and want it i was
going to check on ebay too i guess you
know just kind of you know just look at
the prices and what people are scalping
them for um so yeah I've looked on ebay
and Jade's I think they go up to like
four hundred and fifty dollars and the
sad thing is they have bids yeah keep
people are bidding on them people want a
switch that family but they're gonna pay
150 dollars extra for something that
they'll probably be able to get in a
month now don't get me wrong i try to be
looking for one that's about 300 or
maybe a 50 additional dollars about now
to can get one early earlier than i
would which is about a month from now if
I didn't have one which of course I have
mine already because have a magic
special that way but anyway seriously I
honestly guys if you don't have one
don't try to buy it on ebay or amazon
for that matter because any of those
sellers are like what's this sighs this
is the retailers and they aren't exactly
verified and they can rip you all very
easily so if you do decide to try to buy
one nothing if you don't like I'm not
saying don't buy one if you were trying
to consider it I'm just saying be
extremely cautious and read like
everything because the description they
can like screw you over so many places
it's like insane and I don't want you
guys to get screwed over on ebay because
so yeah one of three things will happen
you'll end up with the switch which is
what you want you'll end up with the box
in the box only with nothing in it
or even worse you'll end up with
literally what I have right here nothing
so yeah I'm just saying be extremely
cautious on there and like honestly
waiting a month is probably better than
spending a hundred and fifty dollars
we're making even fifty dollars extra
because that can buy you like a game or
like Nintendo's internet later this year
of course it's going to be paid online
so you'll be able to probably file i get
an additional game and that stuff with
all the money you'd be able to save with
it not buying it that way so i'd say
just try and wait if you do happen to
really really want one and you don't
want to spend money on it which I'm by
all means don't spend money on it if you
don't want to I don't want you guys to
spend money on I don't even know I'm
just trying to say be careful and do
what you guys still want to do just I
just want to say be careful if you do
decide to buy one online but the better
option is yes do ask around for
retailers see when they're going to get
stock in and if you do extremely one
more have your parent take your work you
have a car whatever just go go there and
camp there for like the whole night I'm
not even kidding that could probably be
fun if you have somebody who's willing
to take you or if you're just willing to
suffer through an entire night which
honestly I can think it's that would be
kind of fun just just camping in front
of the store I don't I've never done
that but honestly I'd like to do that i
would sm that sounds like something i do
but yet in terms of stocking situation
hasn't been that bad they have double
deduction they are working on it i have
confidence that they will be able to get
everybody who wants one a switch now
games on the other hand aren't as big of
a problem because you have the option to
download them that does require you to
buy a micro SD card because of the
switch is lousy 32 gigabytes of storage
please don't tell me Nintendo I still
love you anyways yeah I know it's pretty
lousy but you can buy a micro SD card
they support up to two terabyte microSD
cards which don't even exist yet so good
job Nintendo on that i'm wade proud of
you for somehow managing to support that
I don't even know how the switch can do
that anyway yeah definitely buy a
microSD card honestly it would be worth
it it's nice having games right on your
system you can usually get away with
buying like one card
game 4 I don't even know what I'm
talking about anymore that's completely
besides my point but you can just we
have to option to download games so you
guys just download your games if you
really want them that bad we download
them don't buy the retail version unless
of course you're a collector which that
really didn't even come to my mind okay
yeah do whatever you want with your
games too but once again I'm just saying
that's an option downloading them is
always a good option because for one
thing it's more convenient and if you're
on one hundred percent like giant
collector oh I mean it's not going to be
that big minissha now as for me on the
other hand I cannot seem to find a
screen protector at any single store to
save my life i I don't know i mean i can
find them but I the reviews of thousands
of the specific one that I can find our
literally one star and I've seen this on
target I should probably do more
research on this one but apparently it's
a bad screen protector and the thing
this goes for like all switch
accessories stock every single item
Nintendo has for the switch Oh a
separate enjoy common bro controller
they really aren't haven't had any
issues with those but practically every
single thing you actually have to really
like search for it be really careful
like I know the tell them evil I have it
right over there you guys can't see it
right now but the Zelda and Guardian are
like the more uncommon ones right now
the Cobb won the link the archer link
and the whole pot up ranalli are still
available I think I believe those are
the ones that are still available but
yeah I believe Nintendo has this all
under control don't worry don't freak
out don't go online and buy one don't
try to think I'm saying hey go online
and buy one is a great idea cuz it's not
I'm just saying don't be afraid to buy
one just be extremely careful um and
yeah if you have the option ask for
stock if it's going to come in like the
next week go and try to camp out there I
don't yeah I mean forget school that's
never a thing because I know you guys
have school but doesn't this which is
more important than school I take that
back that's probably not true anyways
guys I just decided I'd give my opinion
with the Nintendo switch stock in
inventory situations right now yes I
know it can be frustrating but just
with it you can do it wait for it yeah
you'll find one eventually I believe you
guys will and I really want you guys to
get it don't say like on trying to break
with my switch you know I want you guys
to get one I really hope you do with
actually because it's really great and
you guys need one and once again is
something like I'm bragging right but
anyways guys let me know what you guys
think of this whole stock and inventory
stuff in the comment section below let
me know what you guys can't find what
you guys have seen sold out and
everything just I'm just curious about
it once again just start a conversation
of the comments always pumped anyways
guys think that's all so much watching
this video very much appreciated be sure
to subscribe knew each other feel like
ass those grandmas for me your cell
phone me on Twitter and obvio social
media strip loyalty I think as well so
much for watching this video we have
appreciated as usual ye
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Fight Over Daddy's Attention - Duration: 2:10.- (clears throat) Ah excuse me Dad, sir.
I just wanted to come by and see if you needed any help
with anything from Jared, maybe on China, no?
Leave now? I'm bothering you?
Got it. (laughs)
Loud and clear.
I will shut the door.
Do you want it all the way,
or a little crack for air,
just to get that circula ... all the way.
Got it, okay.
Here I go, bye Jared.
Love you Dad.
(door closes)
- You failed Jared.
You failed to get Daddy's attention again, didn't you?
- No, no.
Actually, I wouldn't call it a failure
'cuz I tried really hard, and it's just that
your dad is in there in a very bad mood.
- So funny, he's literally never in a bad mood
when he talks to me.
It's only when he talks to you
that he gets in such a bad mood.
- I'm sorry.
I could get that oxygen facial you want me to have.
- Do you wanna be a powerful boy?
- Yes, so bad.
I just wanna have power, for everyone can call me a rich,
fucking moron.
- Good, you have two jobs.
Keep Daddy very happy
and fuck me once every two months,
and right now, neither is going very well Jared.
- I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, I love you.
I'll do better,
and every two months I will hit that now.
- (sighs) Daddy, I'm coming in.
- And so is Jared. - No.
You stay there. - Sure.
- I'll be here. - And hold this.
- Daddy hates all fruits and vegetables.
- Right.
- (laughing) No you're a pretty girl.
(door slams)
- Eat it. - Eat that.
Eat it.
- All done. - Eat the whole thing.
Stay. - I'll be here.
And hold this. - Of course.
Daddy hates all fruits and vegetables.
- I will.
I'll keep it warm for you. (laughs)
- [Ivanka] No. - Okay.
Stay. - Yes, I'll be here.
Stay. - I'll be here.
Text me if you have any questions, or ... You know.
Oh god. (blows on banana)
Frozen 2 Elsa is a Bad Baby Doesnt Follow RULES with Hans! TV ichibi Parody - Duration: 1:06.Frozen 2 Elsa is a Bad Baby, doesn't want to Follow rules in any Games, Hans didn't like the attitude of Elsa.Tv Ichibi
Top 10 Airports In India - Top 10 Facts - Duration: 3:28.Hello Friends! welcome to Just For You Channel.
Today I give you some information about top 10 airports in India, those are very busy
. So, watch this video and know best Indian airport at the closeup view.
Indira Gandhi International Airport,
Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi, Total passengers visiting the airport in one
year, 39,752,819
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport,
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Total passengers visiting
the airport in one year, 34,993,738
Kempegowda International Airport,
Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru, Karnataka ,Total passengers visiting the airport
in one year, 14,470,870
Chennai International Airport,
Chennai International Airport,Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Total passengers visiting the airport
in one year, 13,811,191
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport,
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata, West Bengal, Total passengers
visiting the airport in one year, 10,735,531
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport,
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad, Telangana, Total passengers visiting the airport
in one year, 9,786,914
Cochin International Airport,
Cochin International Airport, Kochi, Kerala, Total passengers visiting the airport in one
year, 6,167,265
Sardar Patel International Airport,
Sardar Patel International Airport, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Total passengers visiting the airport
in one year, 4,809,999
Goa International Airport,
Goa International Airport, Dabolim, Goa, Total passengers visiting the airport in one year,
Pune International Airport,
Pune International Airport, Pune, Maharashtra, Total passengers visiting the airport in one
year, 3,945,256.
Hope you like this video, if you like this please thumbs up below and if you are new
viewers don't forget to subscribe my channel and click notification bell for upcoming video
notification in your mail box.
Feel free to comments and share this video.
This Week's Ride: AMG GTS with Iké Amadi - Duration: 6:14.There's buttons for starting and, like, a place to hang your suits!
This is cool, yeah, this is amazing. There's even a race button right here. It says race!
Man outside: What are you doing in my car?
Philip: But it's This Week's Ride.
Philip: I'm Philip Pisanchyn, this is what I do for fun.
Man outside: Get out of my car.
Philip: This Week's Ride is the inimitable 2016 AMG GTS, the successor to AMG's first fully built sports car, the SLS,
Philip: which they said generated so much downforce it could drive upside down in a tunnel,
*Engine Starting Noise*
Philip: highly unlikely.
Philip: My co-host today is Iké Amadi.
Philip: Now you may not have heard Iké's name before, but you've certainly heard his voice.
Philip: Iké does network promo work,
Philip: Iké does network promos, in addition to voiceover work for a ton of video games, including Halo and Call of Duty!
Iké: Uh...Remind me to stop for eggs. Philip: Oh yeah! Right!
*Engine Accelerating*
Iké: Just something special about this car, I mean, you look at it, it's beautiful from every angle...
Iké: ...there's no...
Iké: ...there's nothing it's lacking, it's powerful, it gives you control,
Iké: it's really well balanced, it's fun to drive, it's comfortable inside,
Iké: you sit in here, it's like a cockpit.
Iké: I feel like none of the rest of those cars offer all those things at once like this one does.
Philip: it reminds me a little bit of the old Dodge Viper...
Iké: Except this car isn't gonna try to kill you!
Philip: So I think, uh, I think maybe it's time we switched seats.
Iké: Uh...no.
Philip: Have you been in the passenger seat when someone's done this?
*Engine Accelerating Noise*
Philip: Oh My Gooooohahahaha!
Philip: Oh my god that's fun.
Iké: No, no I haven't haha.
*Engine Accelerating Noise*
Iké: There's a quiet button.
Philip: There's a quiet button?
Iké: Yeah. Philip: Is it next to the race button?
Iké: Yeah, actually it is. Philip: Let's try it in quiet mode through this tunnel, see what actually...
*Engine Accelerating Noise* Philip: Oh my Godddd hahahahah!
Philip: That quiet button does not do anything. Iké: No.
Philip: It does absolutely nothing. Iké: Nothing.
Philip: It's like the Close Door button in an elevator. Or the walk button at a crosswalk.
Iké Laughing
Iké: Yeah.
Iké: It will slow you right down.
Philip: So, we're going to try parking this car now,
I'm fairly certain I'm going to mess it up because it's big and expensive....
But one small fact does help out immensely, it's not my car!
Oh, uh...
Iké from outside car: Don't mess it up!
Philip: Oh there are so many cars. OHHH there's a '92 Corolla!
Philip: Oh my goodness, there's a minivan. Oh my god what's this!?
Maybe this is good, maybe he won't notice the dings. Maybe.
Philip, off camera: What's wrong?
Hate to be that guy, but...it's in a bad spot, people could bump into it, all sorts of things could happen to it, maybe we can change?
Philip, off camera: Yeah, sure, absolutely.
*Car Beep* Iké: Much better!
Philip: This car is named "GT". Iké: Yeah.
Philip: Obviously stands for Grand Touring. Iké: Yep.
Philip: Since we're on a highway we might as well rate its Grand Touring Abilities. Iké: Its Grand Touring Abilities?
Iké: I gotta say the roads here in LA are just awful.
Iké: Just terrible, consistently, and this car does,
Iké: for being so low to the ground does such a good job with, I mean, like
Iké: I mean like this terrible road that we're on right now!
Philip: Long term seat comfort?
Iké: I feel like I could sit in this all day.
Philip: Pretty good, pretty good. It's firm, but certainly supportive.
Philip: What about the Pee Test?
Iké: The Pee Test?
Philip: Yeah, you see how much water you can drink, and is the car exciting enough to not have to pull over and pee?
Iké: Ok...never heard of that before, but ok.
Philip: I have some water bottles here, and I've already gone through...
Iké: You're in?
Philip: Not it's not urine, it's just regular water.
Philip: At this point, I mean, I haven't peed since Thursday.
Philip: What don't you like about it?
Iké: *Sigh* Nothing. There's nothing I don't like about this car.
Iké: Actually, there's nothing I don't LOVE about this car.
Philip: It's Classy: Iké: Yeah.
Iké: And that's what my wife says all the time.
Iké: That's why she likes the car, because it's a classy car.
Iké: You drive it, it feels nice. It's nice, but it's not hyper flashy, it's not mundane either, its just...it's just nice.
Philip: Man, I always like this part of the weekend drive, it's like the high after a good workout.
Philip: I mean, I dont workout, but I've heard that you get a high after a workout.
Iké: Really? You don't work out?
Philip: No not at all.
Iké: Really? Philip: Nope, nothing.
Iké: Oh! The eggs! I totally forgot about the eggs!
*trunk opening noise*
Iké: Ahhhhh...
Iké: Yep, they're useless. They're smashed
Iké: Great.
Iké: Fantastic.
uProfit Review 2017 | Watch My Honest Review | Product Review | High Quality - Duration: 1:33.uProfit Review
DJI Follow Focus - Duration: 0:13.-------------------------------------------
WEEKLY HUGE OURWORLD GIVEAWAY plus PROVES - Duration: 5:18.WHATS UP GUYS AND WELCOME TO A NEW VIDEO by gamers nation today video gon be a giveaway
so as you know guys i told you before i do a giveaway every week so lets get into this
giveaway im gon show you the proves right now before we start this giveaway so those
are the last winners of the last two giveaways so yeah those are the last winners with the
proves as i promised before this giveaway gon be a little bit random prizes so this
giveaway gonna be 4 resident passes actually i only have two now im gonna buy the rest
so yeah four resident passes flow shovel bubblegum 3 Zoes club passes this giveaway gon be for
a full week so yeah im gonna announce the winners after a full week im pretty sure its
worth it so let's get into the steps so for u guys who are already subscribed to my channel
and already followed the last steps of the last giveaway and you already subscribed to
my YouTube channel and already followed my Facebook page all you gon have to do is just
click the links of the Facebook and the YouTube and just wait 5 seconds and then skip the
ad and just don't subscribe agin or don't follow me agin just click the links wait 5
seconds click skip ad then close the page then follow the rest of the steps of this
video because this video gonna be last video was only two steps this video gonna be four
steps so let's get into it so first go to the first link in description
im gon make them arranged the first thing you gonna go to the first link in the description
which gonna take us to this page we just gonna wait 5 seconds just click skip ad close this
one and gonna take you to my YouTube channel don't subscribe from don't subscribe to my
YouTube channel directly you have to go through the links so i know that you subscribed to
my YouTube channel through the link and did all the steps so go to the first link and
click subscribe then go to the second link and then click skip ad just like it and follow
so after u follow my Facebook page go to the second link and then click skip ad this one
gonna take us to my instagram so yeah just follow my instagram and like my two or three
of my pictures and go to the fourth link it woudnt take a minute from you im sure its
worth it because anyways you gonna win something if u didn't win Zoes club u gonna win a resident
pass if u didn't win a resident pass you gonna win a flow shovel if u didn't win that you
gonna win something else if you didn't win anything of the big items for sure u gonna
get a coin box or a flow box maybe 2 coin boxes i im gonna give everyone two coin boxes
so yeah fourth thing you gonna need to do is just follow my follow my twitter i am gonna
make a tweet i'm gonna call it retweet for giveaway like it and retweet it so you make
sure you are in the giveaway so those are the four steps so after u do all the full
steps just go back to the video just like the the video and comment your our world so
for example you write username then write you our world username and then write done
and then click comment so yeah that's it for the steps guys im gonna announce the winners
after a week a week from now so
If I Were Rich... #WithCaptions - Duration: 2:17.Last weekend I took my little brother out for a milkshake and he said something interesting
"if I were rich I would just tip them 100 dollars."
I think any sentence that has the structure "If I had more of something then I would help
others is a weird sentiment for 2 reasons: 1.
It completely disregards anything you could do right now in your current situation to
help someone.
The focus isn't then on helping someone else or putting anything good into the world, but
on gaining more of something for yourself, getting more of what you think you need to
even begin helping someone.
We know that the middle and lower classes give a greater percentage of their wealth
to charitable causes when compared to upper-class households so we know that there are people
who already doing more with less.
Now, this channel, in its current form exists to help my brother navigate life and to teach
him how to person.
So, how do you avoid falling into the idea that if you had more you would do more - or
at least do something.
First, do what you can now.
When we went to get milkshakes I had Zach put some money into the tip jar.
It wasn't 100 dollars, but it was what we could afford to tip.
There are things you can do to help your community every day:
- if you see garbage on the ground, pick it up
- Say something nice to the people around you
- Donate toys and clothes that you no longer use
There is lots you can do to help the people around you live better lives.
And if your focus is on helping people, instead of getting something in order to help people,
I promise you you'll get more done and make a bigger impact on your community.
People always want more of what they idolize - so if we idolize money because we could
help people instead of working to help people then we will never get around to the act of
helping people.
Down in the comments tell me something you've done to help someone today.
And if you want to help me you can subscribe, watch my last video, or support me on patreon.
I'll see you tomorrow.
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