Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily we Mar 29 2017

Hey guys and gals, Compulsion Games here

with some very exciting news.

After a gruelling Montreal winter

full of wet snow, dry skin, and hard work,

we are finally ready to present to you:

the Maidenholm Update for We Happy Few.

This is the second, major content update for We Happy Few,

and we're so pleased to share it with you.

We've developed brand new content,

and included some long-awaited community requests.

So let's get to it.

First off: welcome to the new,

weird and wonderful island of Maidenholm!

This second Village island very mysteriously appeared offshore,

and with it, a bunch of new encounters

for you to explore.

Maidenholm is a significantly greater threat

than any you have ever faced before in our world.

The encounters are more dangerous, more ridiculous,

and everything I hope my Granny never sees,

for reasons that will be obvious to you.

Also, Faraday and the Houseboys have moved

from the first Village island to Maidenholm,

so be prepared to work hard if you want to pay them a visit.

Second, we have implemented playstyles!

This is one of your most highly requested features.

You now have a choice at the beginning of the game

to play in one of three different playstyles.

If you have been asking for us

to remove the survival aspects of the game,

then you are in luck.

The new Birdwatcher playstyle focuses

just on the quests and exploring the world,

and you no longer need to eat or drink.

If you have been asking us to make everything harder,

well, you can now go full rage

and select the Vigilante playstyle.

Combat will be harder

and survival will be brutal.

Things are not gonna be easy

and the game will be punishing.

Or if you were happy the way things were

then you can continue playing on the Downer playstyle,

which is basically what we have now,

just with a few additional balance tweaks.

These Playstyles have been designed

to accommodate a wide range

of different types of players.

As always, we'll be looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Third, in our first, major world generation change,

we added support for regions in the garden district.

The map is now divided between different types of areas:

wilderness, abandoned neighbourhoods and small hamlets,

each with their own resources and threats.

This is the first in a series of large changes

to our procedural system,

and there is more to come.

We hope the new regions will add

even more personality to

the ever evolving world of Wellington Wells.

Fourth, the shelters have been revamped,

and you'll no longer get these for free.

You'll face challenges

in order to unlock each one,

but on the plus side, once you do,

it'll be just as safe as usual,

and since the new shelters will introduce

key mechanics useful to the game world,

you'll be better prepared for

exciting new challenges down the road.

Come on guys, it's for your own good.

Fifth, because we are never short

on finding ways to complicate your life,

we added a bunch of different deadly features.

The so-called Toxic Fog has been expanded.

I'm afraid this put an end to the easy

night errands in the Garden District or the Village

while gently reminding you that ecologic catastrophe

is probably more real than some believe.

Meanwhile, our very own and

never drunk-on-duty Wellington Wells police

found ways to improve the security in the Village District.

No, they did not build a wall.

Instead, we would like to welcome

their new pet, the Peeper.

It's a delightfully evil device

that scans your soul for residues of Joy,

oh but it isn't it just so gosh darned cute.

Sixth, we added a butt load of options in the main menu,

so you can customize your desired playthrough.

This allows Playstyles and Permadeath

to be displayed all in one place,

as well as providing an option for multiple save slots.

Speaking of Permadeath,

please note that it is no longer the default option.

Many players were recklessly clicking

through the menus without realizing

what permadeath was.

Now, it must be a conscious choice,

which doesn't take anything away from permadeath players,

and will help us not get screamed at quite so much…

And finally, we have a ton of stuff

but we're out of time.

So here's the rest of the video

condensed into 5 seconds.

After so long working on our previous update,

it felt really great to be working

on all this cool stuff.

We'd love to hear what you think of it,

so come say hello on the Compulsion Forums

or on your most convenient social media.

Until next time,

happy update everyone,

and don't forget to take your Joy!

For more infomation >> We Happy Few - The Maidenholm Update (Game Update) - Duration: 4:44.


Dustin Hoffman Movies List - Duration: 2:27.

Dustin Hoffman Movies List

For more infomation >> Dustin Hoffman Movies List - Duration: 2:27.


👪 First time YouTube Live Saturday Brunch with us in Vlog #51 - Duration: 13:34.

please a Saturday that's like what yeah

so I probably be skewed morning people

it up Saturday morning ah just getting

up would ya there's no lower ok where is

this somebody's hiding somebody didn't

want to end of long there's Liam okay

we're gonna go shopping now we're going

to get some stuff for breakfast and then

we're going to have breakfast right here

since we're doing the live stream

Saturday morning brunch with family and

drug Saturday morning brunch I'm going

to link it right here and then you check

we tried is it yeah right here should be

right there the link it every Saturday

morning have live brunch so we're going

to get that and then we're going to go

live and most importantly about saturday

morning light brunch is now we do not

included in our blog it is a live event

on our youtube channel does not get

saved does not get safe it's a pure live

event so do check out the link and join

us saturday morning european time

saturday night us time saturday evening

asian time and so forth take it

tonight welcome to the car we're going

shopping shopping time

what are we going to go shop without

shop for breakfast so a brunch breakfast

and lunch equals branch for those of you

who didn't know since it's already nine

or it's going to be 9 a.m. by the time

we have brunch we call it brunch because

our kids usually have four exist at what

536 till 9am for them is or in brunch so

we're going to get some cocoa we like

our hot chocolate we're going to make

some pancakes you want pancakes right

now let's make some pancakes for Emma

and might do some eggs I want to make

you an egg haha I know what you're doing

why aren't you in the picture he'll be

back you want eggs I can make it yeah so

we might get some bacon as well eggs

bacon some toast huh what else what do

we need for our brunch toast with butter

with butter

bullshit butter

yeah so just once again just to

reiterate to repeat to let you guys know

we're doing 12 week live event

especially when I'm at home every

Saturday morning we do our brunch

saturday morning the live event I'm

YouTube all you have to do is just go to

our youtube channel family

on drugs and then you can see the live

event every Saturday morning it is not

recorded not like facebook life where

afterwards you can watch it not record

it it's a lighter than its on or

tomorrow so you gotta tune in at the

time and I do understand that our 9am is

probably in the middle of the night for

example let me give you some examples

9am in Austria would be three in the

morning for New York or midnight for Los

Angeles so I do understand we do

understand that our US subscriber your

viewers have to get up quite early in

the morning yeah better be up at 3am to

watch our live brunch the way it is guys

I mean you know priority okay

touching my camera here hey so uh yeah

just need to get up at 3am to watch our

brunch against in New York but for Asian

viewers it would be around yes laughter

noon afternoon evening time 3 4 5 p.m.

here did I calculate the time from like

Austria to Asia because I traveled a

long slit got the time to my head one

thing I'm talking really fast anyway so

that's that every Saturday morning

brunch live with family and drugs we're

going to be pushing it out on Facebook

and Twitter and Pinterest letting you

guys know that we're doing this okay I

think it's a good idea once a week to do

a live event you see us unfiltered you

see us uncut which we are usually anyway

it's not like we headed out all our

funny stuff and weird stuff anyway so

we're arriving at the store now you guys

want to come to the store with us have

you ever been to an Austrian store up

what happened to your moving and what is

he doing here I I get this some form

work pieces in our life three on youtube

every Saturday rush with Johnny Andros

license when he's at home the husband

I'm not doing this alone this is

Saturday that's like one yeah so what

was it that early every morning together

Saturday's Restless you are nobody's

bourbon so saturday morning he's at home

that's all we haven't run time T I have

my Easter decoration up Roundy's time

every time look at this love with Tom

back here he was so nice out I'm not

renege ok next plan is Q we're gonna go

to the garden come on you must have to

pursue them on you can who's that easy

opening we're going to go to the garden

we're going to build a kind of a

terrorist thing out of your palates

moves and stuff like this so we're going

to pick up some shallots first and then

we're going to lay it down under the

grass right down the glass put some wood

over it and we have like in a bargain

kind of like a patio kind of a thing

that we can put a table on and chairs

that's the plan taking the kids and ya

might do a time lapse for you guys of

how we build it hey good ID here we go

with time right ok I'm just having a

move over there just having dinner don't

talk with a full mouth am I got a

lollipop stones right show us your

lollipop well let it pop I just came off

dirty leader your eyes you cannot make

it so what do you guys guys what did we

do today right here would build the

patio I feel like a big game all day


all day long uh-huh so song by them we

built the wrong ok can you saw the video

so we built that thingy in the middle of

garden so next week we most likely will

get furniture for it garden furniture so

that would be kind of cool and we'll

have that during the summertime ok

really building it don't air your word

give me a word i'll sing a song come on

so it's march go do it on large and we

already finished the patio so it's kind

of cool i'm still going to be cold

weather but definitely done for the

summer so that was that now just having

some Chinese food Thai curry like my

Thai curry punk we're after and then

homology can always have too much that

was the weekend for saturday for now but

nothing special for tomorrow Oh your mom

said the film is already in your dish Oh

to stomp ya so I would look at us to go

there and or she hasn't gone that

dramatic good movie though tombstone

check it out Val Kilmer yeah also check

out what I watched today and the reason

was so excited that I watched it it's

like I sing a 10 minute music video by

Guns and Roses what your watch too much

yeah I was Beastie Boys no guns and

roses november rain oh yeah it's like

the longest song ever in the charts in

the US he made me watch it well if I

fell asleep and then there wasn't that

the greatest movie ever yeah I'm gonna

link it right and check where am I

linking I always I think where am I

thinking humbly here or here all right

i'll link it check it out it's really

good i'll give you some facts about it

Axl Rose wrote it 10 years before he

released it so it was really

I think 92 he wrote it in 82 it wasn't

quite done but he wrote that song

actually actuals the singer of governor

roses the video was done in LA in an

operator come on it's about hears about

that there there used to be a show on I

think MTV where they would show music

videos and they would slash in these

these facts about the music video who

done it where it was filmed stuff that

happens in it is the first time that in

a music video they used as a helicopter

and now they would use a drone but these

day let's check it out just check out

the video you're going to love it

believe me don't listen to my ten year

younger wife who doesn't know music from

the 80's rock and roll base comes roses

well thanks give it



For more infomation >> 👪 First time YouTube Live Saturday Brunch with us in Vlog #51 - Duration: 13:34.


Our Vegan Anniversary!! 😍😘😊 - Duration: 2:04.

Hey guys, Vegan Vendetta here.

Today is our two year anniversary.

Kayla: Two years!

Chase: Yup.

So we're on our way to get dinner right now.

Whenever we get there we'll show you where we're going and what we're eating.

Change of plans.

The doughnut shop was going to close so we came here first.

We went to Valkyrie doughnuts.

I don't know if you can see it on there.

Valkyrie doughnuts.

Want to show what you got?

Chase: Yeah.

It's in Orlando.

Kayla: He got like doughnut holes.

Chase: yeah.

Kayla: What do they call them?


Chase: Yeah.

Kayla: and then I got.

It's huge by the way.

Which it should be because it's three dollars.

A thin-mint.

A Thin-mint doughnut.

And it looks so good so we're going to eat this.

Chase: This is good as hell man.

Kayla: So update these are so good I'm pretty sure I'm like completely ruining my makeup.

oh my god, 10 out of 10.

Kayla: Hey everyone so the audio was really messed up for this part so I'm just going

to voice over it.

We went to Ethos, the whole menu is 100% vegan.

There's Chase reading his little menu.

And this is me just explaining to you what we're getting.

So we're getting the "Bruschetta" I think is how you pronounce it.

And garlic knots as appetizers.

So that's the Bruschetta.

oh my gosh it's so good that's my favorite.

And then those are garlic knots and those are amazing too.

And there's Chase.

So Chase and I both got the same thing pretty much inside of our Calzone.

We got black olives, onions and banana peppers and red peppers.

And we got Sausage and ham.

Also side note the Calzone's at this place are so amazing and I even let my dad try it

and he loves it.

(Sped up voice) And obviously we ate way too much so that is Chase stuffed to the max acting

like he's about to die.

So we just got home from the restaurant.

We actually couldn't finish all of our food so we took some to go boxes home.

Kayla: Yeah.

Chase: It was delicious.

Kayla: It was so gooooood.

So worth it.

Chase: As usual.

Kayla: So we're probably just going to go in and maybe watch a movie or something and

then go to sleep because it's late. and it's dark outside.

Chase: Yep.

Kayla: Yeah.

Happy two year.

Chase: Happy two years baby.

Kayla: Yep so goodnight we'll see you guys in the next video!


For more infomation >> Our Vegan Anniversary!! 😍😘😊 - Duration: 2:04.


Project EOWR: Launching a "CanSat" Probe with a Water Rocket - Duration: 2:00.

So, back in october 2016, two students reached

out to us, because they needed help with a

graduation project.

The goal was to build a water rocket,

which collects data of the environment, such as

particulate matter, carbon dioxide, humidity and much more.

Luckily, it turned out that the university was pretty close

and so we decided to help.

But we didn't want to build just a water rocket

but something a little bit more challenging...

...and well - that's what we did!

For more infomation >> Project EOWR: Launching a "CanSat" Probe with a Water Rocket - Duration: 2:00.


How to say I, you, she, he, it, we, you and they in 6 languages - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> How to say I, you, she, he, it, we, you and they in 6 languages - Duration: 5:49.


TOP5FactsAbout Moonshy - Duration: 1:04.

Mikki Islandhaze

For more infomation >> TOP5FactsAbout Moonshy - Duration: 1:04.


[Horror] Bendy And The Ink Machine-CHAPTER 1- CAN WE PLEASE JUST LEAVE NOW - Duration: 19:17.

Alright, Joey. I'm here.

Let's see if we can find what you wanted me to see.

I don't get what Joey's plan is for this company.

The animations sure aren't getting finished on time anymore.

And I certainly don't see why we need this..MACHINE.

It's noisy, it's messy and who needs that much ink ANYWAY?

Also, get this, Joey had each one of us donate something from our work station

We put them on these little pedestals in the break room.

"To help appease the gods" Joey says. "Keep things goin'."

I think he's lost his mind but, Hey- He writes the checks!

But I tell you what! If one more of these pipes burst, I'm OUTTA HERE!

For more infomation >> [Horror] Bendy And The Ink Machine-CHAPTER 1- CAN WE PLEASE JUST LEAVE NOW - Duration: 19:17.


What we all long Phở - Duration: 5:08.

When? That is a long story

I moved to Canada from Vietnam in 1984

1984, but did not go smoothly. I escaped from Vietnam

escaped by boat from Vietnam to Hong Kong

I stay in Hong Kong two and half years

and after that we come to Canada and

when I come to Canada, I meet my wife

we don't know about America

United States we know a little bit

Because that time I am a teacher in Vietnam Oh

Oh teacher. Yeah.

get some information from Canada and after

that Canada government take some people

from Hong Kong to Canada I am in that

in that group to go to Canada. I am lucky

When we come here

then we know Canada

Now I can say one thing

Canada very good

I think the best place in the world for living

Calgary I worked in there

after I move to Vancouver move to Nanaimo

and after that I have the business and

after the first business in Nanaimo

and then we move to Victoria for second

business about 1990. Before I

had the

first business in Nanaimo right? that

I work for company

that called Edo Japan

fast food international. I work for them from 1985

that I come to 1984 then

1985 I start cooking for

them. I start cooking and I working hard

I get up a little bit. Boss

know me working hard because I was

not by hands but by my heart too

Edo Japan... you know... Edo Japan... somewhere in

Victoria in the Bay Center in the

Bay Center that one, my business before

and I open second one there from 1990

well...who live in Victoria know

when the Bay Center in that open right?

that's my business open to yeah I worked in

in there for...we work in there, me and my wife

working there 19 years...19 years right yeah, we working hard

we have open one business for Vietnamese

for Vietnamese food I will let

people know the Vietnamese food like that

right I opened up... We are Vietnamese,

we open Vietnamese food. Let all people know about us

I want to let everyone know about my culture

special food

There are too many things about cultural right?

but the food the main thing , the one of them

In Vietnam I never make that food hahaha no

no I teach kid ok but I don't make

I didn't make it because I do know how to

make. Second thing not that

not my job because I go to school I am the teacher

and no time to make that one. Our noodle

noodle in Vietnamese we call "phở" , yeah

everyone knows. No, no pho. Everyone like

Vietnamese food because at home beacause

you born in Canada but at home we eat all

Vietnamese food

Sometimes we change. Sometimes we go out. Special(ly) my two girl

They don't like hamburger.

We are Vietnamese, I don't change. I don't need to change

like culture, I know everything about Vietnam, I don't need to change.

but I think in Canada here, lots of Vietnamese

here but for me

I don't change anything from Vietnam

because we are Vietnamese, we try to keep same thing from Vietnam.

For more infomation >> What we all long Phở - Duration: 5:08.


Magic The Gathering: Modern Masters 2017 BOX 3! We got 3 FETCHES! and A FOIL Goblin Guide!! - Duration: 13:40.


<Its raining outside...Rainfalls!>

Your Minotaur!

oooo my minotaur...

wah not bad mah, I like!


check how much?

I think 40 dollar or 30 dollar.

It smells like "dua kaki" ( 2 legs)

what's a "dua kaki"?!?



Oh 2 kaki!

"Look at that!" she is making a Rudy impression!

"oh my god look at that!" another impression! LOL

Sell it to Simon!

I dont want foil cards!


That was SO FAKE!! SO FAKE!!

I HATE IT! I hate those troll cards!

I hate it I HATE it so much!


I thought it was foil Arid Mesa!

For more infomation >> Magic The Gathering: Modern Masters 2017 BOX 3! We got 3 FETCHES! and A FOIL Goblin Guide!! - Duration: 13:40.


Moses: Strongman | Training For A Better Life - Duration: 9:40.

For more infomation >> Moses: Strongman | Training For A Better Life - Duration: 9:40.


The Ascending Man What Is 5D Masculinity - Duration: 7:51.

The Ascending Man What Is 5D Masculinity

by Gabriel Heartman,

We are learning so much about what we as human beings are capable of in regards to our potential

and expression.

How we have so many gifts that lie dormant in our DNA and arising light bodies.

A power of creation that seems mythical in proportions to our current limited consciousness.

There is a general human frame that surrounds it and that is all true.

I have also been very interested in how this plays out in our gender expressions.

Do we just become less polarized this way and become more androgynous?

I certainly feel this when it comes to our Star Being brethren.

But does that mean we lose our humanness the way we know it now?

I suppose, like all things in this unknown and unknowable time, it all depends on where

we come from and where we want to go.

I feel we are being offered a Golden Age of Humanity.

One in which we live both in unity consciousness and individuality.

An individuation that is the Me within the We.

Being connected to Source and having an awareness of our integrated fractal expressions.

A higher vibratory dualistic experience.

So in that picture I see a New Woman and a New Man.

Or just remembering what it is we always were and even ARE currently.

I feel this Golden Earth that we are desiring to be a part of and co-create together, is

lead by the return and rebalance of more feminine and yin energies.

This has been talked about for a long time and we see its need even more with the state

of current affairs.

The more wounded masculine psychic overlay is seeing its consequence and demise.

Current disclosure revelations are showcasing the depths of this condition and awakenings

are increasing.

Men are scattered just as much as women among the dimensional consciousness spectrum but

women are closer to the frequency of 5D, at least in my opinion and experience.

The awakening is happening mentally for most men and then as the vibration continues to

raise on Gaia we are being invited to go more into our hearts, as that is what the core

of 5D is.

To live in the fullness of authentic BEingness.

There are no more 3D wound-based blocks that cap or prevent our access to our more crystalline


So when we as men begin to heal the Heart what does that look and feel like?

Clearly we are honest with our emotions.

We are vulnerable.

When a feeling arises we express it with clarity, certainty, and openness to perspective and

counter emotion.

We are not afraid to get into the fray to burn away what is old and arise what is truly


We invite the shadow reflection as a gift to deeper understanding and healing.

There is a reverence for ourselves in the path of this integration.

There is no longer self-doubt and self-judgment.

We see ourselves as true Kings and proport ourselves as such.

The 5D masculine has met, wooed, and integrated his inner feminine.

This creates a self-contained and balanced male BEing.

The love and acceptance of the inner feminine reflects the reverence of the outer.

The healing of the mom wound feels vitally important as it holds the energy of our relationship

to the feminine and our subsequent sense of power and sexuality.

There is the need for union with Woman as an alchemical and powerful dynamic of intensely

epic proportions.

This mating and integration of this inner feminine aspect brings us a more heart-open,

softer, and less linear way of expression.

There is less DOing and more BEing.

Being with what arises in our desire and creative abundance.

We clearly respect Gaia in all Her splendor and weep at the sight of Her stunning beauty.

We are more connected to Her creatures and the guides and totems that they represent.

Meat eating becomes a thing of the past that no longer has a place on our plate�our diet

just changes with the integration of this new consciousness.

One of the biggest pieces to me is the shift from competition to cooperation as we become

more aware of our connection to All That Is.

We are One of the same so competing serves less purpose.

I can feel a healthy form of competition possibly but my jury is still out on that one.

As men begin to heal their father wounds the more we begin to open our hearts to each other

in beautiful male bonding that is alive with wonder, exploration, and leadership.

A cauldron of possibilities are shared and MANifested.

No longer will men feel responsible to achieve, but rather responsive to the call of building

galactic bridges and to co-creating with their feminine counterparts in sacred union.

The weight of the world and the need to control and provide are felt through and healed with

love so that we can access our more authentic power that is in alignment with Source and


The chains of our own captivity are melted away with the tears of remembering what we

have always been and why we chose the density of 3D.

This healing will open up our Galactic chakras and become more in tune with the energies

of the universe.

Many men are being awoken today only to be left with the question of what it all means

and what to do with it.

The grounding into Gaia and the heart feels like it will help with this feeling of uncertainty.

This connection between our humanity and our universality is what creates a powerful new

conscious cosmic experience.

The heart opens up and grounds in.

The service to others becomes 5D man�s new frontier.

I feel such a plethora of possibilities.

Our expanded heart consciousness will open new doors of relationality among ourselves

and our galactic connections.

The relationship to Gaia will be in alignment with Her consciousness and Love.

Living and breathing with and alongside her.

Setting off into unknown realms to encounter new and exciting territory with the desire

to learn and spread more love.

Implementing and encountering new technologies and wisdoms.

It is a great time to be alive.

But there is work to do on ourselves.

Some more or less than others, but needed healing just the same.

We are all in this together.

All looking for those who are resonant and can provide support, reflection, and love.

The old male collective is feeling the press of this continued flow of energy that is coming

at us in Love each moment.

Following Yin is to respond to the pings that are going off inside and to meet them with

a gentle curiosity that brings them out into the light.

No need to excavate or drill in the old way.

Feeling each of our desires and fears are what leads us the next choice point of healing

and ascending above what used to keep us down.

I look forward to this New 5D Man within me and within You to see what amazing experiences

we can have together and with our counterpart 5D Woman.

Now THERE is something to show up for!

For more infomation >> The Ascending Man What Is 5D Masculinity - Duration: 7:51.


[44th HCSC Elections] Apollo - Sunny-side UP Campaign Video - Duration: 5:27.

Good morning, this is Sunny News

I'm Sunny, your newscaster for the day

Currently, there is a zombie outbreak at Botanic Gardens

They are heading towards Tan Kah Kee train station

The police urges the public to stay away from that area

Thank you

Eh it's very near to Hwa Chong le

What should we do?

Should we ask someone for help?

Oh! Ask Shifu

Yah, Shifu got Skype hor

Shifu, got zombie outbreak

How do we defeat them?

I think...

We have to find the root of the problem

See ah..


These zombies right

Because of the stressful school life right

Everyone got rekt eh

I think

to defeat them

you cook the perfect sunny-side up egg

to liven up their mood

Why sunny-side up egg ah?

Aiyah trust me la

Shifu knows what's good

Okay lor

Start your mornings right!

With Sunny-side UP!

Vote for Sunny-side UP

Start your mornings right!

P.S. It was pouring

It's just 2 lines bro

Got people

For more infomation >> [44th HCSC Elections] Apollo - Sunny-side UP Campaign Video - Duration: 5:27.


Memory Game 5 - Famous Characters And Objects - We Challenge You - Duration: 0:33.

a challenge for our subscribers

share if you get all six

are you ready


now say them out loud

subscribe and join in the fun

For more infomation >> Memory Game 5 - Famous Characters And Objects - We Challenge You - Duration: 0:33.


Best Binary Options Estrategy ►Awesome Indicator◄ - Duration: 10:45.

the binary option strategy that I'm

going to teach you today is one of the

best strategies that i have used in the

last four years that I have been trading

binary options I will try to explain it

in the simplest possible way so that you

can apply it today I recommend that you

stay until the end of this video as I

will implement this strategy with a real

account if you do not have a broker

account that we will use I'll leave you

the link here below in the description

of this video or in the first current

you can open an account with $1,000

include for you to practice I hit a long

and boring video so let's go to action

let's see the compilation of this

strategy I remind you that you no longer

have to download any additional software

or anything like that since this

platform includes all the tools we are

going to need let's go here to the

bottom left where our dramas are and

we're going to click here where it says

chart type which use candlesticks later

in time travel we will choose 15 seconds

also you can try with 30 seconds also in

this occasion we are going to use 15

seconds we go where it says in the

caterers and in the indicators of moving

averages we click and in the type of

setup and apply we will choose seven

then in the WM a type and the yellow

color the pigment we put it in second

and apply again we go to ma indicators

now with a period of 18 the type Emma

the color we left in the red and the

average thickness

we apply again we go to Ma indicators

but now with the period of 25 the EMA

type red color and medium thickness we

apply and this is almost all our

configuration we just need to add the

indicator awesome oscillator today's we

are going to put 35 and the other period

of four we apply and now if we already

have our configuration ready to be able

to apply this strategy of binary options

another thing that I would like you to

commend and you must be check-in is your

timing it has worked to me and what has

given me better result is to put it to

three or four minutes although it will

depend a lot on how the graphics are

behaving as the debts are behaving with

what you're working with other extra tip

that I will like you to give and that

will increase by a lot the odds that you

have more signals with that indicators

is to divide our screen into four if you

already had other screens except here we

will close them and we will open them

again I like to work a lot with


and as you can see when you open them

again you will automatically load the

configuration that you put in this first

then you no longer have to reconfigure

everything and now we are here

ingredients layout and we choose in for

graph now we are ready to implement our

strategy let's see how it works when we

will buy a call option will do this when

our yellow line crosses up our to read

exponential means this is going to be

our first indication of for change and

the second will be when down here an

hour I'll see you later passes from

negative to positive I do not know if

here you can see it but here is a small

line a very thin line that divides

between negatives and positives so here

we will have our first sign of poor

chains and here we will have our second

signal then we will be buying our option

right here and as you can see the graph

continues to rise and deception we have

won it

and now we'll see when we show by putt

option it's exactly the same but the

other way around as you can see it's

very easy we are just going to wait for

our yellow line to now cross down to our

two exponential means and that down here

in our also oscillator there was a

change from positive to negative here we

will have our first signs of purchase

and here we will have our second sign to

buy as you can see here it change from

positive to negative then we will be

making our poor chase here and we will

have won this option because the graph

continue to fall well now I'm going to

show you a couple examples so that you

can fully understand this strategy well

here we are on our trading platform and

apparently here we're going to make our

first purchase we are just waiting for

our day load line to cross and it

already krause let's weigh a putt option

of one hundred dollars as you can see

our yellow line have crust or two

exponential means down and our office

later steps from positive to negative we

will see if we see more psych notes

I remind you to always be patient be

patient and do not rush to buy an option

without having it there are two signals

since many times the graph can change

direction and the the yellow line does

not cross our two red lines and commit

the mistake affiant and lose that

operation if you're going to finish and

we want this operation eighty dollars of

profit we will continue to look for more

options to buy here's a very good one

the crossing is a very clear and the

awesome of the layer change we are going

to put our time in treat me needs and

apparently this option we no longer rich

to buy it I feel that we already lost

that and it doesn't work risking for it

if we had Bob it when we were given the

signal we will have entered a very good

time but right now we lost it completely

we will continue searching and waiting

for more signals

well apparently here is already crossing

our yellow line to our two exponential

means up and a half trust now we will

only need our own set of later the

change is from negative to positive we

will put our time in two minutes and we

will wait for the signal of our awesome

also later ready we already buy it we

did not get to buy we buy again and

ready we are ready but our up

it will and six five four three two one

and ready we 12 $85 with our impressive

and caterer strategy and well here's

where I'm going to leave this video I

hope you have understood everything at

one hundred percent anyway you know that

here down in the comments you can leave

me any questions or requires you have I

remind you that this was done in an

account with real money and then here is

links for you to open an account in the

broker that we use you will reset 1003

dollars into a demo account for you to

practice remember to subscribe to my

channel for more binary options strategies and videos

of binary options

For more infomation >> Best Binary Options Estrategy ►Awesome Indicator◄ - Duration: 10:45.


Tony Robbins: Thought Breeds Fear (Tony Robbins Unshakable) - Duration: 19:11.

why does somebody you know get that fat

or they're out of control and they hate

themselves but then they go have another

piece of chocolate or you know why does

the person is just the doctor just told

may have cancer lung cancer is you got

to stop smoking and some study shows

seventy percent of people keep on

smoking so you're not talking about a

minor issue here right it's part of life

but there is an answer because there are

people who do follow through and they're

people that never did before and then

they've never fall through my life

enough finally they break through and

that's when I try to focus on is what

those people did what are these people

need to get started why aren't there

starting we all know the answers here

but the difference with you guys or me

or anybody's followed through is more

more afraid of what life would be like

if we don't follow through then the

person is willing to settle for what

they got and kind of hope it'll change

and maybe purchase something for the

moment and then not follow through on it

it's almost like people over achievers

have a little more fear they're a little

more afraid of missing out they're

afraid of not being there or they got a

strong enough reason to follow through

I'd say if you're looking at home you

want to get somebody value go where do I

start I'm sick of this that's a damn

good place so because it what guess what

what makes it look site is progress you

don't have to be at the goal yet to feel

alive again you have to be progress in

the first step to progress and make an

incision buying the product but then

it'll take a second step she's open the

damn thing up some cases it's also a

recognition of who I am and what I'm

capable of so for somebody whose life is

already great this is about what if I

could take on another skill it was great

more freedom for my life and just saying

i'm not i'm going to go out and try and

do it all perfectly right now what I'm

going to do for the next eight weeks I'm

gonna do a great little ritual I want to

do one thing a day to condition my mind

right so like it's slowing so I follow

through I'm going to read from I'm going

to listen to something I'm gonna immerse

myself I'm going to go for an intense

jogger I'm gonna go lift late so I'm

going to do it consciously to get in a

state where I'm gonna follow through

that's number one cuz people fault you

when you're in state second I'm going to

get clear about why this is a must for

me and work of my backs against the wall

but because I want to master your life

that could create some freedom I'm not

going to master it overnight but I got

the system i got the plan with the one

thing a day i'm going to work on one

subject week this week's going to be

about figuring out what the right

product or industry is next week going

to be basics of building traffic in each

week on to make a little progress and

i'm going to get to a goal whatever that

is they told me when out on stage I have


audience about 15,000 people the

Continental Center was during a stretch

break I was doing my love rocking the

house if we going crazy and he goes to

start responding million bucks right now

is like wow that's cool like okay that's

known so stupid it's like what's next I

went right back to what I loved once you

break through then adjust to come to

gain the people that are getting your

products have not yet broken through in

most cases the breakthrough happens by

conditioning your mind every day by

eating it a role model or story it's

putting yourself in a pink state when

you follow through by getting physically

strong it's creating a little ritual of

doing a little bit each day and then you

get momentum the most important thing of

all let me start out with why absolu is

it a must for you it doesn't have to be

here against the wall but it has to be

something you're hungry for because the

only difference in people is hunger Nick

you're not hungry get around people that

are hungry and something will hit you

you launch a conversation get around

people are doing better and all the

sudden you start going my life sucks i

never i went to a guy in LA one of the

most multi-billionaire guy never forget

and I lived in the Del Mar castle and I

was really proud that was like the

symbol of me having picked myself from

being poor to providing for my family

there's great place gokhan castles in

Europe overlooking the ocean not far

from you and I went this guy's house his

billionaire he took me down to his wine

cellar honey bring wine look at this

whole thing at the other night I was

depressed I lived in the Del Mar

tenement far as I was concerned it

really was i was like i live in a copy

place and all my standards changed all

said i wasn't low and settled for a

living that all of a sudden my back was

to the ball in a different way because

as a man I knew was capable of more so

people can change their standard by

getting around where the better people

can change their standard by getting

associated what's true like the bills

they gotta solve the problems they got

to do it or they can do it because

they're excited because it's something

new they want to take on everyone's

different but they gotta find the Y and

they got to come up with some daily

rituals to get them going and just do a

step at a time that's where you get no

matter that is awesome so you know think

about what's the Holy Grail between

somebody taking action or not it's one

word certainty when somebody is

absolutely certain they carbon worded

believe right but you know you can

believe in a general level or you can

believe what certain when your apps

only certain that if I do this it's

going to get that result and that

results going to change my life you'll

do it when you think it absolutely is

not going to work you're never going to

do it the middle no man's land of maybe

the work maybe it won't that's the piece

that kills people right so if it's a

must for you you got to make it work

that in our case right with an example

there's not a much for you and you're

not sure you don't know what to do so I

years ago I'd look around and say okay

how do people get them stuff to follow

through that haven't been following

through what's the difference and I

started interviewing hundreds of people

literally eventually thousands could

have thousands of my best so I'd ask the

group to give me the feedback they came

to these models like the holy grail of

beliefs or the holy grail of Momentum's

like the difference between what makes

the rich get richer and the poor get

poorer right and the difference male

knows mindset but like how does that

bill so this is logically just stupid

little puzzle boxes and I'll scribble

here for it you think about the first

thing that determines whether you can do

something or not and I put that this

first box with the top here on the left

side of its potential like what's the

potential of the end they like when you

guys started you proved something known

it done a history around the four-minute

model right golly knows how many

centuries they're trying to run a

four-minute mile Roger Bannister does it

how did he do it do you remember you did

it in this industry right you made a

million bucks in a day no one had ever

done that in history right after you did

it a bunch of the guys are doing it the

case became possible Roger Bannister

didn't just go physically practice he

made a shift in his hat he practiced in

his head because you could never achieve

it physically so you had a change of his

head first so the result became certain

enough he believed it and his body got

him through after Roger Bannister in

that four-minute mile within two years

37 people around a form in a month well

when no one in history never done now

here's how it works the potential for

anybody getting your product is

extraordinary they could do what you've

done is much more or less like they can

do whatever they want to do the

potentials their markets proven that

whether or not they happen and potential

has a lot to deal with what option they

take which is the question of Kingdom it

was right like you know God Leone's

potential they're not taking action and

we all know that the action that deck is

going to determine the results they get

a pre obvious so most people have a

belief about what their real potential

is no matter what you tell them

and that affects how much action they

take and of course that affects the

result and then ironically that result

reinforces their belief in the bleep

that's it so I'll give an example let's

say a person has unlimited potential we

all agree but they take little action

little results why because they have to

start with a problem with their belief

they don't believe it's really going to

happen for me maybe for Frank Kearns

because it got the cool hair and stuff

or maybe it's for you because you're so

driven but it's not me maybe Tony

Robbins because she's a freak up these

pinky whatever their thought process is

right they got this thing right but what

happens is if you believe that there's

very little potential how much actually

gonna take profit little and when you

take little potential with a little

action what kind of results you get

lousy little results we need a little

results what does that do to your belief

you go see I told you this was a waste

of time soldier this wouldn't work and

then what happens you tap even less

potential take even less actually even

worse results and your belief could see

the weaker and this fucker feeds on

itself until you are in a downward

spiral poisonous it's poisonous in its

self fulfilling now what if something

could happen they could come along and

fill you with a sense of absolute

certainty not like I believe but me

where you know and you guys this case

mine as well we knew because we had to

because we burn the boats there was no

other option we had to find a way we

have we were going to live that way we

all did it in different ways and for

different reasons but in essence that

was it if you get yourself in a state of

certainty but this is going to work I'm

gonna find a way and it doesn't work I

will make the way then you tap a lot

more potential and when you're certain

when your potential you take massive

action when you take massive action you

really believe in something you get

great results when you get great results

your brain go see I told you others of

stud I told you this thing would work

out now you even stronger you tap more

potential take greater action be a

result that's how you went for three

hundred bucks in a week to 2500 and five

days to 100,000 in a month to a million

bucks in the day same thing with you and

we get momentum swing the rich get

richer the poor get poorer now some

people go out they go well I'm gonna

take a bunch of action all right I'm

going to open this product when I try it

they'll say to you I even did it but

it's like a Salesman it goes and knocks

on the door Dino

100 doors and says you know exactly

right anybody because it's been verbally

his face as it because he doesn't

believe it's going to work to his voice

his body the execution is so weak maybe

if he talks a hundred people somebody's

gonna buy on a pity I'm gonna want his

kids to starve right but he's not going

to get the result so the core different

some people is how do you produce

certain date when the world isn't giving

it to you go out and try and you try in

your case your hundred thousands of that

nothing's working how do you keep

yourself going the way you did it the

way I did it the way you're doing it

when you're not doing it consciously is

we didn't change our potential that was

there and it wasn't even taken more

action taking more action with beliefs

not going works not going to change

anything we got results in our head that

made it feel certain as if it had

already happened now here's the

difference the potential was there the

first time and you took action and you

got a result but it was fifty percent

less than what you did later on and the

only difference is I changed you believe

how do i change your beliefs we didn't

work harder on your potential we didn't

take more action I got you to see the

result in advance I get to see it

digitally two or three times that's all

I'm going further and they bring oh I

know what to do boom it went there isn't

that what you did by looking at your

cars every single day and envisioning it

isn't that what you did when you created

whatever division was it was 300 otters

twenty-five hundred dollars a million

bucks in the day that's what's missing

for these people they're not getting

that execution is everything but it

doesn't happen if you don't get the

psychology set of a set of state of

total certainties what is that different

people this changes people certainty

people are uncertain they're going to

succeed they want it but they're afraid

the best way if you will the fear is get

a big enough reason makes you have to

succeed or condition yourself well you

see it and feeling so often that you're

certainly you just do it probably think

i'll tell you when i was with under a

gassy in 1993 i think it was he's been

number one he dropped a 30 second in the

world and he was ready to literally

ready to quit with no exaggeration whose

father was managing and he was so angry

with his life and he went through so

many wrist surgery at the time and he's

working on a swing and that he was

dating brooke shields at that point they

weren't married and not his current

marriage obviously and so she said you

gotta come see Tony cuz i dont even

motivation because he's not motivation

and he strata

he'll show you how to make that shift in

your hands it comes I work with a guy

and the beginning is saying you know do

your magic stuff like oh yeah great

thank you and I said tell me here to

test fall perfectly and I'm trying to

get him in his own to remember that time

I my division where he was perfect at it

it was of course i have and i get a

vision over and over again and finally

he's in the zone he's feeling that again

I eat seeing it and feeling certain and

the swing is going perfect I so how's

that feel cuz it feels perfect that's it

but are you thinking about the swing

you're not thinking about the swing

you're not thinking about how to do it

you just seeing the result you want so

vividly that it's there all we did was

trained him how to go on that stand over

and over again he won the next weekend

the second weekend came in second within

six months he was number one in the

world again he gave me unbelievable

credit but all it was is conditioning

the mind you do with tape sota guy I

that we're just talking about this

earlier Pam and Isaac I used to go on

our 17 years old in a downtown Los

Angeles this place called night

education k ni gh digs like it the night

I'd save up all my money where as a

janitor and I'll get these tapes and

listen to these things over and over and

over again I went there for years and I

didn't have enough money and i leveraged

everything i had but i knew how to turn

in my mind it's the one thing i knew how

to deal man's name is mario i saw him in

his 80s you know obviously knows how my

life turned out and was very proud of

the role he played and that process you

tell people the story this guy's the

real thing he didn't just start out this

way this how 20 didn't he listen he's

tasty condition himself right this is a

real stuff he passed away a few years

ago I'm calling his house and he passed

away in his his daughter was there and

she wanted to share with me that how I

touched his life and so forth but the

best thing was I thought you know what I

want to get those tapes I'm gonna get

that stuff at condition you know I want

to go back to that moment like you did

of you know that moment was visualizing

non-living it and she said he left all

this and his will to you so I have all

these tapes now when I from the time

when I originally went through and like

I'd go to sleep and I'd be sleep tapes

that condition my mind to believe that I

could succeed he want to sleeping or to

build energy in my body and anybody

wants to succeed has got to know it

doesn't just happen you can buy a

product but you also with that product

have got to condition yourself you got

to make it a must hey you got to get a

ritual and you do it whatever used to

dream about you thought was so huge

order to limit you'll live it like your

live this yesterday like we're all

living with life

we envision because we had two and

because we played this game with our

head we got the belief to be real I've

seen it enough time feel it enough times

to our brain believe it and it made it

happen which raised the potential which

made us take more action which got us

better results which raised our beliefs

again that's right I mean that's what I

the rich get richer and the poor get

poorer so it's bit of bitching about it

change it on the side chain like a

self-fulfilling prophecy completely

pretty easy to change just how one

simple exercise was amazing i'm still

like calling card no wonder what else i

can do now but look what most people do

most people do the opposite of that

right they get the product or they think

about doing it what are they envision

it's not working that's right the

excuses so they vision it not working

since the envision I'm merkin they feel

uncertain to the vehicle on suit and how

much potential it out little if anything

and so they send back your product mean

listen to the damn thing you know and

guess what what does that do by the way

they make that is another allows you

result in their life I didn't even

follow through on that and they believe

even less this process is the holy grail

it's for the whole game changes that

anybody can do it they can do it a few

minutes and if they do it a few minutes

each day then they get a different life

they do it a few min at one time their

life changes for the day it's we're

defined by our rituals everybody's got

rituals certain things they do every day

and what we should we have in common and

anybody that I know of them has a life

that they're living that was once a

vision because we saw it again and again

again even when it didn't work even when

you lost on a grant you were working as

a janitor there's something we would not

give up on and somebody watching want to

change their life they got aside what

they won't give up on and then put

themselves in the state at momentum by a

couple of rituals okay but here's the

truth and somebody says to me and my

business even worth because a lot of

people think I'm a motivator I hate that

term that's never been what I've done I

do believe in energy and I'm passionate

you know they see 10,000 people in Rome

rock and egg Ollie's motivating them I

believed in peak state you get a top

athlete you get in a concert you getting

state right the problem is to defend

themselves that it will be disappointed

again they lower their expectations so

someone will say to me well I'm

skeptical or I'm pessimistic and my

response to them is no man you're

gutless it takes no guts to be skeptical

you don't have to have any capacity to

be a critic and now with the web you

don't even have to own

one being the critic and burn somebody

and your anonymously right I said you

know what it takes guts to believe and

if you think something's gonna do it for

you without you putting your guts on the

line you might forget it right now so

this idea that I'm skeptical or they got

a proven thing it's the biggest lie what

that really is your fear talking you're

so scared of failing you only want to

get your hopes up and if you don't get

your hopes up you might say well what

are their up something somebody gets

disappointed how many disappointments

that we experienced in our business

careers and in our lives the difference

is some people say disappointment let it

destroy them other people take

disappointment let it drive them and you

get the juice are you going to turn this

thing into why it didn't work in a bunch

of stories and excuses are you going to

take this thing that didn't work and

figure out what are you going to do to

make it work and it may not happen the

first time the second time the third

time but the people that are relentless

find the way and it's to come and

eliminate on all these guys that are

kind of our friends our family money

masters you know new many masters is

they all did it with will nobody here

inherited this stuff everybody figured

it out and keep figuring it out and it's

going to keep changing and you say you

know what you know one percent of ninety

percent of the money they made they made

by one percent of the people because

only one percent of people will

condition their mind and condition their

body and fold the screws from daily

rituals the rest will tell a story about

why it didn't work I wasn't their fault

and you got two things life you got

results you got a story no too many

people think that that one percent is

somehow entitled to it and they're not

which is you know stall in the head to

all have believed it which can be

changed with some conditioning basically

condition you just proved it yeah two up

that's why I made get the ads in person

powers because I understood that from

the very beginning I could originally

was 30 days and yours later people say I

you know I've heard all the great

results everything else man but and I

don't have 30 days and I'd be behind the

glass you know focus group watching

people to want to shake it like you on

30 days to change your life you know and

i'll make it seven days yeah just one

because after seven days you get

momentum and you think about it wouldn't

be the life change in a moment it

doesn't change in 10 years you're like

me to suck for 10 years but there's one

moment when your life change the moment

you decided you said no more and i'm

doing it and you kick yourself in the

ass and you made yourself go do

something right when you finally said

enough no more I quit or let's begin

or I love you there's a moment when

somebody's life changes and that can be

gotten in a couple of days so people

want to don't have to wait until they've

mastered everything they got to get

started and do what's next and just put

themself in a state where they start

making some progress there did it I

think that's the answer that can help

solve that problem a lot of people will

just pay attention to it and do it the

bottom line is you know all three of us

and some of the people that we consider

a family they're part of this process

we've all done well we don't need to do

this stuff we're able to do the stuff

because underneath at all people can see

in your eyes Frank when you talk about

twenty-five hundred dollars you made

that day and the joy right are you

talking about not willing to settle you

know and just I don't care what they say

I'm able to sit here and I should lower

my expectations I'm going to be driving

my car in here and they're going to be

delivering a video to me there's

something inside of every human being

that will make it click then I'll make

it so that today is not like yesterday

and tomorrow will be different forever

and that process is an emotional hook

and on what I hope is people watching

the stuff maybe something in here will

piss him off enough or remind them of

something or say there is a plan and it

isn't just luck and if I just get my big

enough why and I get a little system for

get to conditioning myself and if I

start to feel overwhelmed I just do one

next step and then keep learning to keep

moving forward I will get there that we

accomplish that out of this conversation

this conversation was kick ass and find

not just for us but will be something

that will be really proud of long time

whether it happens not really has

nothing to do with us but whether or not

people take it in is real and do

something with it I hope they will

For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: Thought Breeds Fear (Tony Robbins Unshakable) - Duration: 19:11.


We've Reached Our Limits Greece Begins Blocking Refugees - politics - Duration: 2:54.

"We've Reached Our Limits" - Greece Begins Blocking Refugees

Greece will cease taking back refugees under the controversial Dublin Regulation, as the

country�s limited capacities to host people are already on the brink of collapse, the

Greek migration minister announced in an interview.

RT reports that as the European Commission pressures Athens to re-implement the Dublin

Regulation � stipulating that refugees can be returned to the first EU state they arrived

in � the Greek migration minister told Spiegel his country is not in a position to do so.

The agreement was put on hold for Greece back in 2011 over problems in the country�s asylum


�Greece is already shouldering a heavy burden,� Ioannis Mouzalas, the migration minister,


�We accommodate 60,000 refugees... and it would be a mistake to make Greece�s burden

heavier by the revival of the Dublin agreement,� he said, also adding that Germany, the primary

destination for most refugees, �wants countries where refugees arrive first to bear a large

portion of the burden.�

Asked if Athens is ruling out implementation of the Dublin Regulation, Mouzalas answered

in the affirmative, adding, �I want the Germans to understand that this is not because

of political or ideological reasons, or failure to appreciate Germany�s assistance.�

�Greece simply has no capacities to cope with additional arrival of refugees,� he


�We�ve just pulled ourselves together, so please, don�t make us falter again.�

At this stage, Mouzalas said, Greece is ready to accommodate only a small number of refugees

as a symbolic gesture, showing �that we�re not opposed to the Dublin agreement.� Greece

�reached its limits� and �we can�t bring in a single refugee,� he reaffirmed,

appealing �to the common sense of Europe.� Human rights groups warn that imminent transfers

from other EU countries back to Greece in line with the regulations are likely to cause

more refugees than ever to go underground in western European countries, as many are

desperate to stay there because of family links or successful attempts to start a new


The scheme also adds even greater pressure to existing refugee facilities in Greece and


Of course, should Greece really go against Merkel's dream of assimilation, she will simply

unleash further austerical despair on the nation in return for their next bailout.

How much longer will the Greeks take it?

For more infomation >> We've Reached Our Limits Greece Begins Blocking Refugees - politics - Duration: 2:54.


Top 10 giraffe trends on youtube Live with Teresa March 29 2017 Savannah Georgia - Duration: 2:28.

hi YouTube Teresa here live with Teresa

Savannah Georgia okay we're going to

look at giraffe today in the trends

we're going to take a look at giraffe so

i'm going to type in let's start over and I'll

spell it gir a FF e so this is what we

have i'm going to show you guys here i'm

going to get my trusty little pen here

we've got giraffe giving birth giraffes

fighting giraffe giraffe sounds giraffe

mating giraffe vs lion giraffe tongue

orchestra giraffe birth giraffe noise

and giraffes can't dance so that's the

top 10 right there for giraffe and so I'm

gonna well let's see a giraffe sounds I

didn't know giraffes made a sound but I

guess apparently here's what the giraffe

says what does the giraffe say and what

sounds does a giraffe mak and why can't we

hear them but apparently giraffe must not make

a very big sound because apparently we

don't hear them or something or people can't

hear the giraffe hum at night to

communicate so apparently the giraffes

hum and then there's another one what

sound does a giraffe make and then okay

hang on let me move you guys here please

remember to ring my bell to please

remember to ring my bell to subscribe

and get notifications in our Bell the

notifications and emails and things like

that so you guys can follow my stuff Oh

a giraffe tongue wait a second I got to show

you guys this look at that right now

look at that let's look at it from an

angle okay okay that's really

interesting let's give it a little or

are you guys getting sick by now I hope

not but ok I want to thank you guys

so much for watching this video please

thumbs it up share it with your friends

subscribe leave comments suggestions

ideas ring my bell and I'll see you

guys soon peace love avocados I love you

For more infomation >> Top 10 giraffe trends on youtube Live with Teresa March 29 2017 Savannah Georgia - Duration: 2:28.


VISION HAS RETURNED - Duration: 11:21.

I know i look bad and all, it's all good though

Y'all don't know bout that.



For more infomation >> VISION HAS RETURNED - Duration: 11:21.


Playa Del Carmen, Cancun, Tulum, Riviera Maya - Travel Montage - Duration: 2:19.

Riviera Maya - Mexico

Akumal Beach

La Buena Vida - Restaurant / Café

The Palm at Playa del Carmen

Tulum Ruins and Beach Area

Playa Paraiso


Isla Dorada - Cancun

FuckUp Night - Playa del Carmen

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