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Tony Robbins Unshakeable: How to Achieve Anything You Want - Duration: 21:02.Tony the idea of being unshakeable it's
clearly more than money but in this
context what is it truly mean to be
unshakable it's a state of mind it
relates to money because most people
when they're trying to figure out how to
create financial freedom create more
stress for themselves worrying about
what's going on and when you're truly
unshakable you have the mindset where
you understand how the market works you
understand that real estate can go up or
down stocks can go up or down but your
family can still do well unshakable is a
bear market can come a correction can
come and there's no fear in you or if
there is a little fear we're all human
you don't stay there you find a way to
break through you find your Center and
when you have that Center you do what's
right to be able to take care of
yourself and your family and I was
interviewing about a year and a half ago
you know the former fed chair Alan
Greenspan who for 19 years the most
powerful man in finance in the world
under four different presidents spent
five hours with him about three
privately and to one stage and from her
group and one of my final questions to
him when we talked about all this crazy
change and all this volatility and how
do people get things together I said
look if you were back head of the Fed
today what would you do and there was
this long pause it pause we pause and
they leaned in me said Tony I'd resign
it did not build much confidence in me
or anybody else would be watching and
yet in the midst of all that as you well
know there's a few unicorns in the
financial market very few these people
that have found a way to do well overall
the decades in good times and in bad and
they know what it takes to be unshakable
and it isn't just guts or confidence
it's understanding certain facts that
when you know them they for you the
metaphor I give people is that you know
if you go yeah most of us have heard the
old Sufi metaphor of you know the man is
walking along in the middle of the night
and he sees a snake and freaks out runs
away and he comes in the morning and
what does he see it was a rope and so
once you know it's a rope you'll be
there in the middle of the night you're
not scared again this book unshakable is
this it's really a financial freedom
playbook for anybody it's the real
essentials about how to go from where
you are to where you really want to be
but how to do it with peace of mind how
to do it even when things are volatile
and enjoy yourself and I'm really proud
that we're also donating a hundred
percent of the profits as we did with
money master the game to feed another 50
million people we're going to feed I've
said 200 million people the last two
years with feeding America is my partner
I'm going to feed a billion people and
this is part of that so this book is
something that can change somebody's
life and while you're doing it really
take care of other people that are in
need Tony part of this is about
psychology right sometimes for some
reason we focus more on the negative
events than we do in the long term
positive ones so even though and I think
this is freedom fact number five that
historically bear markets only happen
every three to five years for some
reason they seem to make in an overlarge
impression on an investor psychology
well I don't care you know I was talking
to Jack Bogle who started a guard you
know three trillion dollars in assets
and he said I said what do you do in
America mark I cuz I read all my books
and remind myself not to sell anything
because it's it yes it happens what
let's just say it figures everybody
understands it since nineteen hundreds
115 years we've had 34 bear markets
since 1947 we've had 14 so overall in a
hundred and fifteen years it's averaged
every three years in the last you know
50 years or so it's an average about one
every five years but the problem is that
the average drop is thirty-three percent
right and you know roughly a third of
the time the market drop is forty
percent or more well when you lose at
least on paper in your head that still
the part of our brain that allows us to
go into fight or flight that survival
mechanism is triggered by money issues
they've done MRIs and shown it is if
you're literally your life was being
threatened and so when that happens
unless you train yourself to be in Jacob
unless you know hey look this happens
every three to five years and if I try
to get out is we're going to show you in
a few moments I'm gonna have the wrong
timing I just need to stay in and won't
lose in it he'll look like I've lost but
over the long term if I want to stick
with it I can make it happen because we
know what the returns are afterwards we
know how the market jumps after we've
taken this hit in a bear market
everybody members where were we in 2009
we today but what's really important to
know is that in the midst of all this
these bear markets last on average a
year there's a few times in there a
couple of years but usually on average
it's a year so a year really is any
other business if you could get a
Ferrari for 50 percent off you would be
pretty excited right but is a stock
markets the only place in the world when
things go on sale where people freak out
and what you want to be as the
unshakable when everyone else is in
turmoil you want to go this is the
greatest opportunity my life let me get
these things now because you're going to
go back up and value because
historically that's what's happened in
the US markets for 200 years two
centuries no matter what you do American
business seems to find a way to resolve
and become more profitable whatever you
do part of that is our population grows
part of that is inflation and so the
combination of these factors and our
increased productivity as a society
which keeps growing especially with
technology allows these markets to
continue to grow so it's going to happen
every three to five years it's going to
be a thirty-three percent drop a forty
fifty percent drop but what we're going
to show you in this book is how to set
up a portfolio how to diversify so that
when that happens you don't take that
kind of a hat you're still in really
great shape but more importantly as
Peter proved with all this clients
during that time let's go in and let's
take advantage of this this is the
chance to leapfrog from wherever you are
financially to where you really want to
be because this is where you going to
see the greatest growth number seven the
greatest danger is actually being out of
the market now this is totally
counterintuitive right cuz everybody
says look the ideal would be you get in
at the right time and go up and then you
get out before it goes down but you know
no one's ever been able to predict Adam
the best of the best of the world but
here's the fact that will blow your mind
JP Morgan did a study and schwab open
until we did studies over 20-year
periods of time so in 1996 to 2015 and
they found it on average if you're in
the sp500 of um an eight point two
percent return which compounding over
time is extraordinary for people who
helps you get to that wealth but in
those 20 years if you just miss the 10
best trading days 10 days out of 20
years and your return would be four
point five percent it would
always be cut in half just by missing
those two days how are you going to know
in 20 years which of those 10 days are
give me other statistics about 20 days I
think one of the big misperceptions is
ok if the markets at 10,000 like it was
a few years ago and I wait well what
what what are their only three things
that can happen if I'm in cash one is
the market goes down I feel great but am
I going to go in at nine thousand do I
really feel great about the market at
nine thousand I didn't feel good at ten
I still have not met that investor in my
long career second it goes sideways I
lose dividends are better than being in
cash or CD third it goes up now the
problem with it going up is it might not
come back to 10,000 it might do exactly
what it did go to 11 12 13 15 19 9 you
know extra even you've lost your
opportunity now if I go in there's three
things that can happen it goes up I'm
high-fiving everyone around me it can go
sideways I better than cash it can go
down big deal I can buy more or I wait
it out that's the worst thing in the
world that happens is I wait it out so
being out so like Tony says
counterintuitive being out is what
results in permanent loss being in the
worst outcome that can happen and it's
still a low probability event is
temporary loss of capital so Peter isn't
it also true that those advisors who are
not fiduciaries who are brokers they
will make money whether they're
encouraging you to buy or sell so they
actually have a disincentive to advise
you hey don't do anything stay the
course you're going to be fine I think
it's when you're in the brokerage world
you just don't know how anyone's being
compensated if they disclose it to you
usually there will be conflicts
sometimes they get paid commissions so
there's an incentive for activity
sometimes they get paid a fee but only
if you're in certain asset classes so
there's an incentive for you to be those
asset classes sometimes they get paid
different fees a different asset classes
so there's incentive for you to take
risks you might not want to take those
incentives have nothing with your best
interest that's just the incentives of
what makes the most money when I
corporation they might have their own
bond-esque they might have their own
mutual funds they might have their own
hedge funds I mean so I think the key is
you want to have an advisor you pay a
fee and that p is the same on all of the
investment advice all of the time and we
you can get yourself to that which I
mean like Tony sit at the top of this
that's extremely rare unfortunately in
this profession but if you can find
somebody who's investment these the same
no matter what they
do what no matter what they recommend
that's the best case scenario in terms
of at least having an alignment before
we even get to the next steps with
advisor and I want you to know I give
the 10 days motive in the second
statistic that I found in those 20 years
if you have a market 20 days the 20 best
days you're 8.2 drops 2.1 you might have
have your money on a Treasury or
something of that nature right and if
you missed the top 30 days in 20 years
you lost money and so how are you ever
going to time that and then even the
best fact that we found is extraordinary
and this was done by JP Morgan they
found that six of the 10 biggest trading
days up sides were within two weeks of
the 10 worst trading the hazel so it's
like when peoples guts are being ripped
open that's when the greatest explosion
of opportunity happens you know really
what we're talking about in real wealth
is what is it that makes you feel truly
abundant what makes you feel totally
alive you know what's what's life on
your terms look like because everyone's
different you know some people's idea of
wealth is a beautiful home of the white
picket fence and three beautiful
children some people's idea of
extraordinary life is writing beautiful
poetry are growing a garden or building
a multi-billion dollar business and
employing people producing resources
there's no right or wrong the question
is what's going to light you up because
I can't tell you how many people
including billionaires you know
interviewed 50 of them over a period of
three years lien half years and i would
i would not say they all sound happy if
that's totally not true you could be
rich and happy you can be poor and you
could be happy at you know problems are
not I with some people problems and
happiness have no relationship you can
have tons of problems and be happy
you're going to be rich and unhappy
exactly right now what has happened so
it really were talking about true up is
between your ears it's your brain and
your heart working together and it's
defining what is life on your terms look
like and then putting a plan in place
that really makes that happen and then
making sure you're truly enjoying a long
way because to me there's nothing worse
than an angry rich man or woman you want
to slap them they got every resource on
the planet but the challenge is we all
have a 2 billion year old brain and it's
it's it's basically trying to not
trained to make you happy you're
rain is trained to make you survive so
survival means I gotta look for what's
wrong all the time be prepared for it so
I can fight it or flight from it and in
reality we don't have a saber-toothed
tiger to fight off any more so now
people get stressed even when they have
money to think about what do people
thinking of me or you know or do I have
enough money when you know the average
American who's in dire straits and I
don't see anybody in dire straits you
know what I see the hundred million
people here for the last two years I'm
going to feed a billion people through
my partnership of being America over the
next eight years I care but I also know
that if you are in poverty in this
country you're in the one-percent a
financial baby you're not the
ninety-nine percent you're one percent
of the world so the resources are
available but what we don't do is
appreciate enough we let little stuff
stress us out and dig stuff stress us
out so in the book the last chapter of
the book is how do you organize your
life so you don't just wait til someday
when you have a certain amount of money
and then you're happy because a lot of
people get that amount of money and then
they go is it still enough or or what
don't I have or what's happening with my
family they still find a way to be
stressed so money's not the solution
it's a vehicle and if we use it right it
can enhance the quality of life
let me give you a simple example let's
say you have two people at our 35 years
old and they've accumulated $100,000 of
the entire life and they're going to
invest that hundred thousand and nothing
else again and they're going to leave
that money in the stock market say for
30 years till they're 65 years old well
65 years old if you paid three percent
of these 3.12 is the average according
to Forbes you got forward and thirty-two
thousand dollars so your hundred went
before it's pretty nice but if you paid
one percentage sees your hundred
thousand went to seven or and sixty one
thousand dollars I mean here's the other
big difference if you're taken away say
sixty thousand dollars year for your
retirement the person who got four
hundred thirty two thousand dollars it's
going to last till or 79 and the average
lifespan is 85 + so what's the biggest
fear everybody has today baby boomers
especially if they're afraid I'm gonna
write they're not afraid of death death
is way down hat or two number one is
living without any money being totally
broke right and it's going to happen to
them the person that you know only had
one percent of these they're gonna last
till there are 92 years old and that
same out of money and they can take more
money perm you know year for their
income so these people have to
understand when you hear a one-percent
number you know what's 1% 2% amongst
friends yeah but those one and two
percent of 3% numbers can be the
difference between whether you're going
to be financially free or you're going
to have to work full-time at walmart can
old age you know being a greeter or
something that's insane nobody should
have to do they want to do that that's
totally different but having to do that
because someone else got always sees is
just unacceptable so our goal is below
open the door and show people the truth
once people know the truth is so easy to
put yourself in a position with those
fees disappear and yet you get greater
returns the worst part is these guys
overcharged for underperformance and
it's a fact it's not an opinion that
we're expressing its you know studies at
Yale studies in the book we fill it with
study so you know there's nothing here
is opinion this is all unassailable
because it's coming from the greatest
investors in the face of the earth and
the studies at the universities of that
step one is obsessed get totally focused
unleash your desire that gives the
energy step two is not waiting its
massive action key change your approach
until you find effective execution if
you're running east looking for a sunset
I don't care how positive you are you're
not going to be the sun's that is the
wrong strategy it's just not going to
happen so you got to have a proven
strategy and you can get there faster
same we have done it with these books
you're saying I could go this or I could
spend four years interview 50 of the
smartest people in the world all
billionaires are started with nothing
and binder what they did and take
compressed decades in today's that's
really the purpose of everything that I
do so when you have that plan and keep
changing your approach I always tell
people you know how long would you have
average kid to learn how to walk before
you turn the kid who said dude it's
never going to happen you're not a
walker just give it up you know are you
crazy think it's going to keep trying
until well that's really step two you
keep changing your approach into your
fine and then the third step to
achievement really is simple as it may
sound if you're obsessed you know what
you want you take a massive action maybe
you modeled somebody figure out the
right action so you get there quicker
and you're executing you still need a
little grace some people call it luck
you could call God but I really believe
that there's the part we do and then
there's the part that comes to us but i
do know grace shows up a lot more when
you do the first two steps on your own
and grace shows up a lot more when you
acknowledge grace in your life when you
acknowledge that i was born in world
what I didn't have to build this
internet that I can pull out of my
pocket answer anything on earth I'm
driving on streets I didn't pay I'm
reading books I didn't have to write
that's the gift of our lives and I think
when we experience that grace we don't
just experienced more achievement but we
start to experience more fulfilling and
grace not only affects your ability to
get there but it affects what you do and
how you lean you live once you are there
it really determines the quality of your
life because unless you live in a state
of gratitude yeah I did an interview
with sir john templeton as you know is
one of the first billionaire investors
and just a brilliant man he came from
nothing and he don't eat I think with 7
and 15 they still do it the Templeton
fund i think it's 750 million dollars a
year it's bigger than a Nobel funds that
he donates and one day asked him I said
what is the secret to wealth he looked
at me paw
big smile his eyes got really bright
like they always did and he said Tony is
what you teach my kids a lot of things
you know it's begging said gratitude he
said because you night only know
billionaires that are miserable and it's
because they're not grateful for what
they have and we both know people have
no money seemingly but they're so
grateful for their health for the
husband for their life for their
children are so grateful that God this
or maple for their life that they're
rich you know so I think I think it
starts with that gratitude it starts
with that connection to grace is
simplistic as that sounds and so it's
not enough just have your financial plan
you have all the money and be miserable
what's up the money and be really rich
emotionally psychologically it's lovely
David Swensen who is the chief
investment officer at Yale took them
from 1 billion which it took them almost
200 years to get to 225 billion in less
than 20 years he's considered the
institutional superstar and
institutional investing said to me the
mutual funds charge absorbent fees for
our shocking to service to investors and
he does not pull punches he says it's
insane freedom investment and actively
managed mutual fund because when you
take all these additional costs in there
there's just no way they can
consistently beat the market so all
you're doing is giving up your income to
someone who's not doing you a service of
any sort it sounds shocking it sounds
absurd but it's even worse than the 401k
industry I mentioned in the other
podcast for 30 years that industry which
is a six trillion dollar industry
there's 90 million Americans that have a
401k more people have a forum cape and
have a home to give you an idea but for
30 years they didn't have to tell you
what they charge you so they just took
these some of those fees can be as much
as four percent you could say I want it
invest in an index fund and many of them
won't offer it but even the ones that do
sometimes I have a sales load of three
percent up front three percent to get in
the game for something that costs point
zero five percent five you know five
hundredths of a percent by basis points
right so it's just crazy the world we
live in and every one of those one
percent above that first one percent
that you've got to pay or less that's a
decade of income so if you're paying two
percent more that's two decades of
income and you got nothing for it it's
nuts and it can only happen because
there's no transparency and what we've
done with this unshakeable book is bring
you that transparency and show you
exactly what it is and that's also what
Peter's firm does this looks at it and
shows you exactly they read the forms
they figure it out
let's start with most people at this
stage and if they listen our first
podcast know you want to be in the
market right and so you'd seem it might
be simple put yourself and low-cost
index funds might be the description a
lot of people tell me a la journalist we
can say to me isn't it just the solution
can I'd say yeah that's part of the
solution but let's look at reality
reality is that most individuals are
putting their money in the market
they're usually doing it through a
mutual fund and if you look at the dal
bar did a great research study they said
30 year study from 1985 to 2015 and they
said you know what did the sp500 ooh
that's easy to calculate 10.28 percent
so you double your money about every
seven years with that kind of
compounding that's how people become
wealthy that's how they get financially
free the only problem is they
fortunately figured out what the average
investor actually made and they didn't
make the 10.28 and the reason is because
and the number they got was 3.6 six
percent huge difference gigantic now
you're doubling every 20 years as
opposed to every ten years to give you
an idea over that period of time if
you're compounding through time $50,000
compounding at 10.28 you're going to
have just under a million dollars 940
1003 point six six percent you're gonna
have one hundred forty six thousand
dollars not a million it's mind-boggling
what happens so why the discrepancy
between what the market offered what the
average investor got the answer to that
is two things fees and fears right we've
talked a little about fears in the last
podcast oh you haven't watched that help
you will but we're going to talk about
these here because these can destroy
your financial future you can do
everything right you can make all the
right investments be all the right piece
and you're you got your financial boat
moving towards you know your ultimate
goal and you got not a hole in your boat
you got have to both missing if the fees
are too high
How to Make Hot Chocolate the Best Homemade Step by Step-How To Make- - Duration: to make hot chocolate
How to stop Your iPhone's Screen from Randomly Turning On in iOS 10 // WiKi How - Duration: 2:05.How to stop Your iPhone's Screen from Randomly Turning On in iOS 10 // WiKi How
After updating your iPhone to iOS 10, you may have noticed that your screen will wake up whenever you pick up the device to look at it, or even when its just in your pocket or dangling in your hand.
This is because of a new feature called Raise to Wake.
It doesnt unlock your lock screen, just wakes it so you can see the date and time quickly, which is pretty damn useful if youre not into wearing watches around your wrist.
It also gives even quicker access to the widgets screen and camera shortcut. However, its not all sunshine and roses.
If you already have a time-teller around your wrist, and dont really use widgets, this action can be fairly annoying and unnecessary. Plus, it can come on when you dont want it to.
Just imagine the disgruntled patrons next to you in a movie theater when you accidentally light up your seat.
Additionally, if you happen to have a small child who likes to play around with your iPhone, it makes it easier for them to take photos or access the passcode screen.
If they button smash enough, they could potentially lock you out of your iPhone—or possibly even wipe it if you have Erase Data enabled in Touch ID & Passcode.
This feature is only available on the iPhone 6s, SE, and 7 models, and while its on by default, is super easy to disable. Just navigate to Settings -> Display & Brightness, then toggle Raise to Wake off.
If youd like to try it out again one day, just go back in and toggle it on.
How Hootsuite Helps with Social Media - Duration: 1:34.Social media - it's tightly woven through the fabric of modern day business.
In just a few years, social media has grown
to become a critical communication tool for businesses big and small.
It is used to provide customer service,
leveraged to empower sales professionals to foster new relationships,
and is a critical component of nurturing online communities
of dedicated fans and customers.
But with the fast-paced nature of social media,
how can your company sift through the chatter
to identify relevant online conversations?
Using Hootsuite, businesses can save time
managing all aspects of their social media presence
while revolutionizing the way they reach their customers and prospects.
Use Hootsuite to schedule your social messages,
filter and find relevant content on Twitter,
collaborate with your team to manage an overwhelming number
of questions on Facebook,
and monitor Instagram for mentions of your brand.
With Hootsuite, you can analyze your social media efforts
and adjust course, based on a number of key metrics.
Whether you're a small business looking to build meaningful relationships
with your online fans
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across multiple departments,
Hootsuite has the tools to support your business objectives.
HOW TO Sensative Strip Z-wave Sensor + EcoBee3 + SmartThings + Stringify+ Wink Hub 2 - Duration: 8:02.- Looking for outdoor window and door sensors
to improve your smarthome automation setup?
Today I'm going to review and set up
the Strips by Sensative invisible door and window sensor.
Stay tuned.
(futuristic music)
- Hi again, John Stone, the DIY Smart Home Guy
here to let you know about a door and window sensor
that's relatively new to the smarthome world.
The Strip sensor is a battery-operated Z-Wave Plus device
that has an incredibly low profile
and can be used indoors or out.
Most battery-operated sensors are big and bulky,
they're difficult to conceal,
and the battery life is usually one year or less
but not the Sensative strip.
Not only are they ultra thin,
they have a 10-year battery life, 10 years!
It's important to note
that the strip relies on a magnetic sensor.
This means that you can only mount it on wood,
aluminum, or plastic frames.
My first choice was to put it outside on my gate,
but since it's a wrought-iron gate, that's off the table.
The sensor communicates to your hub
using the Z-Wave Plus protocol.
One advantage to this is that the strip
can be an extended distance from the hub
since Z-Wave allows you to use other power devices
like switches and lights as repeaters.
The manufacturer does warn
that using repeaters will reduce the battery life,
but who the hell knows what that means?
Is it like 50%, 10%? I don't know.
At the time I recorded this video,
he Sensative strip is not supported
by the Wink Hub for the Wink Hub 2,
however the Sensative strip does work
with FIBARO Home Center 2, FIBARO Home Center Lite,
VeraEdge, SmartThings, and a few others.
So I'm gonna go ahead and connect this
into my SmartThings hub.
Let's go to the lab and get this thing installed.
When you first pull the Sensative strip out of the box,
it's going to have this square magnet on one side,
and it's going to have this round magnet on the other side.
The round magnet will be attached to the round end.
It will be taped on there.
In that square magnet
will be taped on the square edge right here.
What you are going to do inside your app
is you're going to do the Add a Thing,
then you're going to do an Add Device Manully,
and we're gonna scroll down here to
and then we're going to have open close sensors.
At the bottom of that list
we are going to have Sensative Strips.
Once you have this on the screen,
you're going to hit the Connect Now.
It's going to be looking for devices.
You're going to pull both of those magnets off,
and it's automatically going to go into pairing mode
and it should get picked up
right into your SmartThings hub.
Right here I have this, called Open Window.
Now it's saying that my sensor's open.
When this contact plate,
so nice to have a logo on it and everything.
When that covers up the logo on the strip,
you'll see that on the app, that went to Closed.
Go to open, Open. It goes pretty fast.
Then you're gonna go to closed, and it's as simple as that.
Now the other thing I want to point out, as we said,
that you have that 1.4 centimeters,
so let's look at that in the app.
I'm gonna put that magnet right there,
maybe just about a centimeter away,
and you'll see there in the app it went to Closed.
You do have a little bit of distance,
if you come back let's go maybe about half an inch there,
still closed.
Were gonna come off their.
I'm almost an inch away still showing Closed.
And then we go over there to Open,
as they do still have a little bit of play with.
If I try to go to through my finger,
if you have too much in the way,
it's going to be a little sketchy,
but you can see there it went back to Closed,
so we're okay there.
Now that this is set up in the app,
I'm going to mount this into my window.
The kit comes with this little towelette
that you can use to clean the surfaces
that you plan to adhere the strip and the magnet to.
Make sure that the surface is very clean,
and that you have the necessary clearances,
and I recommend that you do a few test fits
before you mount the sensor.
Okay, so we are gonna take our towelette here
and I'm gonna put that strip on the side of the window.
Let's get that all nice and clean.
Yucky crap.
I'm gonna put the magnet on the inside here,
so get that all nice and clean.
All right, I've got this stop.
I'm gonna put that magnet
right here on that stop.
All right.
I'm gonna put that in.
I'm gonna slide it all the way to the bottom,
so I have no worries about where that's gonna end up.
There it is down at the bottom of that jam there.
this is what I'm trying to make contact with right here.
That's gonna be about an inch off the bottom of that.
I'm gonna come about an inch off that to jam.
Right in the center.
There's that.
I should be able to close this window, open that up.
Right now on the iPhone,
you see that that office window open
inside my SmartThings app.
We are just going to go ahead and give that window a close,
and the app is to Closed.
That's just the way it should be.
Come back to open,
and my window is open.
Now that this is installed,
I want to connect this into Stringify
so that I can do some other cool things.
I installed this in my office window
because I'm always forgetting to close the darn thing.
I like to open the window
and get some airflow through the house.
The problem is this,
if the AC or the heater comes on while the window is open,
I'm just dumping money out the window.
My solution is this,
when the window is open,
I'm going to trigger a Stringify flow
to turn on my TV backlight and make it green.
At the same time,
it'll automatically place my Ecobee 3 smart thermostat
to a setting that widens my
high and low comfort setting range
which will prevent the thermostat
from being too sensitive.
This way I'll have a constant reminder
that the window is open with the green light
and not have the HVAC system cycling on and off
while the windows are open.
On my TV backlight at sunset,
what happens is this Strigify flow automatically triggers
and it cycles my lights every 10 minutes
through these various color changes.
This is kind of a nice sunset, sun is going down,
let's cycle through the various colors of the sky
around the time of the sunset.
It will automatically cycle ultimately through to a blue
and the blue state is where the television basically stays
during the evening while we're watching TV,
so now when we open the window,
that's gonna turn that backlight to green,
and when the window's closed,
it's going to resume it back to the blue.
On top of turning that TV backlight green,
you can also see that my thermostat
has switched into Away mode,
and when the window closes,
you can see that it returns to the At Home mode.
As I've mentioned before,
one cool thing about creating your custom DIY smarthome
is that you can save on energy costs.
This solution will help me achieve that goal.
Now, here's the fun part about the setup.
The Sensative Strip is connected to my SmartThings hub.
When the sensor's triggered,
it sends a notification over Stringify.
Stringify, in turn, runs a flow that controls the lights
that are controlled by my Wink Hub.
It's just like the Sensative Strip
is giving commands directly to my Ecobee 3.
The power Stringify is this,
my home automation is now able to control
my heating and cooling system
based on if I have windows open or closed.
This is a much better level of control
than what can be achieved through simple schedules
and home-versus-away detection.
I can also control the lights to provide a subtle indication
of how the house is configured.
Thanks for watching.
Don't forget to subscribe,
and don't forget to click Like.
Over here are a couple other videos that you might enjoy.
For more reviews, tips, and DIY videos, visit
Thanks to all of you that already follow me
over on Facebook, or Twitter, Pull
or @DIYSmartHomeGuy.
Until next time, cheers.
How to Recover from a Ransomware Attack - Duration: 3:47.Hi, this is Hans-Eirik Hanifl for E-Commerce Gorilla and in this third and final part of
our ransomware series, we're going to be discussing recovering from a ransomware attack.
First, how do you know you've been infected?
These types of attacks only work when the user knows they have lost access and the perpetrators
will make sure you're aware of it.
Generally this is done with a blocking screen.
So what do you do if you're a victim of a ransomware attack?
The absolute first step is to get the infected system offline and isolated from the rest
of the network.
This can be as basic as just pulling out the cord and powering it down.
If you have other systems on the same network, these need to be isolated as well and after
isolation the systems need to be scanned with an anti-virus before bringing them back online
to ensure they were not subsequently infected.
Now would be a good time to notify your local law enforcement.
In the United States, this would preferably be your local FBI field office.
While they might not be able to assist in recovering your files, it is important to
remember this is a crime and the only way these criminals will potentially be caught
is if law enforcement is aware of them and their crimes.
Assuming you haven't received alternate instructions from law enforcement, you can
now begin scanning and cleaning up your infected system.
First, using a top-tier anti-virus program, from vendors such as Norton or Kaspersky,
scan and disinfect the system.
It will be unlikely that the anti-virus will be able to decrypt the data that was ransomed.
However, you need to ensure the system is no longer infected.
Once this is done, you can begin attempting to decrypt the data.
There is a free service put together by law enforcement and cyber security firms called
No More Ransom.
This is a project with the goal of stopping ransomware attacks, for which I've included
a link in the description below this video.
No More Ransom provides a free service called CryptoSherriff, which reviews a sample of
your encrypted files and then provides additional reference as to how to decrypt the files,
if at all possible.
Now it's important to note that not all ransomware can be decrypted, and this is where
you hear stories about law enforcement recommending to pay the ransom.
It is the recommendation of most cyber security specialists and law enforcement to never pay
the ransom.
There is absolutely no assurance that you will receive the decryption key once payment
is made, and you may further open yourself to additional extortion, as well as reinforcing
that ransomware is a functional business model for cyber criminals.
If you are unable to decrypt the data, it is then time to reload your data from backups.
The inconvenience of restoring data is by far the better decision than opening yourself
up to further attack.
Thank you for watching.
Please make sure to subscribe to the channel and if you liked this video, give us a thumbs
Also, if you have any questions you'd like answered in upcoming series, please visit
us on the Web at and let us know.
My name is Hans-Eirik Hanifl for E-Commerce Gorilla and we'll see you next time.
Ghost Recon Wildlands DEU | Outfits | The Division | GER | how to | for free - Duration: 2:24.
In a recent attempt to understand how conventional physics �explains� reality, I began to
read Lawrence Krauss� A Universe from Nothing
Krauss is one of those famous scientists like Richard Dawkins who doesn�t find anything
strange about the fact that existence IS.
Instead he takes EVERYTHING for granted and attacks, like Dawkins and Bill Maher, the
low hanging fruit of organized religion and its dogmatic, unproven Gods created in our
When I tried reading his book I got a bit frustrated and then checked the index for
the word �consciousness,� and when I did not find it, I put the book aside.
The question really is � �what� exactly is �nothing�?
First and foremost it is a concept.
Nothing does not exist.
What exists is, well, everything.
Nothing is the word or placeholder we use for null � similar to zero in math � but
in both cases (words and math) they are human abstractions or interpretations of Nature.
As such they are a step removed from reality and flawed by the limitations of our own perceptions
and consciousness � a fact that escapes many modern physicists but which was in fact
apparent to great thinkers like Einstein and Schrodinger.
As I�ve noted, we can use the concept �infinitely large� to �understand� the truth about
� and yet, for example, while we know what a prime number is, and we know that there
must ALWAYS be one larger, we are incapable of going to the �next� larger prime without
� now � a supercomputer.
We can�t identify the greatest prime, but we can inadequately describe it as �infinite,�
and as soon as we do we know that, yes, there must be another.
How he finds geometry within a vacuum, or what science deems to be �nothing,� is
similar in my view to finding code (DNA) running in our cells.
His description of a mathematical geometric structure potentially at the heart of nature
(or a vacuum � or �nothing�) that has energy flowing equally in all (infinite) directions
is to me very dramatic.
It �resonates� profoundly (Nassim�s website is the Resonance Academy) with the
notion of dimensions that was described in a recent article on similar thinkers.
What I loved about the video above is how it directly supports the notion of �As Above
So Below� in the same way propounded by Rodney Collin � that 3D may be infinite
at a lower scale; that is perceived as a line a level below (2D) and as a point (one dimension)
from another level �lower (1D).�
(So that, for example, what we deem �infinite� as the Universe is limited in our view (by
our instruments) to a perspective related to our relative (smaller) scale.
A year for us is but a moment for the Sun, or more accurately its relatively shorter
movement in its scale).
Nassim also relates this sacred geometry to nature, pointing out the ubiquity of Phi (the
Fibonacci sequence) in how life manifests, among many other examples, and of course relating
both Phi and Pi to the ancient monuments of Egypt and other civilizations that did not
suffer from our own myopic scientific constraints.
�It was Buckminster Fuller who discovered the significance of the full vector symmetry
in 1917 and called it the Vector Equilibrium in 1940.
With all vectors being exactly the same length and angular relationship, from an energetic
perspective, the VE represents the ultimate and perfect condition wherein the movement
of energy comes to a state of absolute equilibrium, and therefore absolute stillness and nothingness.�
According to the physics of Nassim Haramein:
��the 64 tetrahedron grid is the seed geometry of what eventually becomes, with
more and more octave growth, the infinite holofractographic vacuum structure of the
entire universe.
As well:
64 codons in human DNA.
64 hexagrams in the I Ching.
64 sexual positions in the Kama sutra.
64 classical arts listed in many Indian scriptures.
64 �tantras� (books) of the �tantrism,� which is a form of Hinduism.
64 is the maximum number of strokes in any Chinese character.
64 is the number of cells we have before our cells start to bifurcate (differentiate) shortly
after conception.
64 is fundamental in computer memory bits and coding.
64 things are needed to be able to approach the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord according
to the 2 copper scrolls that were found among the 300 Dead Sea Scrolls.
64 is encoded in the description of the Tetragrammaton in the Hebrew Bible, which is the 4-letter
theonym YHWH which means God in Hebrew.
64 is the number of generations from Adam until Jesus according to the Gospel of Luke.
64 forms or manifestations of the Lord Shiva in Hinduism
64 squares on chess and checker boards.
64 Braille characters in the old 6-dot system 64 demons in the Dictionnaire Infernal
64 is the smallest number with exactly seven divisors.
Even The Beatles knew: �When I�m 64� (hehe)
This all could, of course, just be a coincidence�� (Nassim�s Facebook Page)
(Note: I find the use of the word �octave� extremely interesting in the context of how
Gurdjieff and Ouspensky use this same term for the energetic unfolding of everything
in their cosmology.)
This is the essence of both number and dimension to me, then � both are pointers, as are
most philosophical statements, to a greater Truth that we can only know beyond the intellectual
� that Being is a vastly infinite and intelligence field in which �we� (another unexplained
concept) operate temporarily.
And the true science that can help describe it needs to be not only �scientific� but
also reverently �Sacred� in the face of its immensity.
This is a notion to which today�s most vocal atheists remain oblivious.
How To Use Onion For Hair Growth Using 3 Easy Home Remedies - Duration: to use onion for hair growth onion
for hair growth onion is a natural
remedy for hair loss hair thinning and
baldness owing to its richness in sulfur
onion is a great food for the scalp is a
boosts blood circulation and deeply
nourishes the hair follicles by making
them strong in preventing hair breakage
also onion has antibacterial properties
which staves off fungal and yeast
infection in the genus which are the
primary causes of hair fall onion
enhances your hair growth by making its
thick glossy and healthy and also
fighting premature graying how to use
onion for hair growth we propose three
easy homemade remedies using onions to
fight your hair fall problem these
recipes are effortless and inexpensive
and you can make them in a matter a few
minutes your hair will be lush shiny and
thick in one month of using this
naturally you will thank us later for
the recipes recipe one onion juice
nourishing conditioner 1 take 1 big
onion slice it into 4 pieces and make a
pulp out of it in a blender to pour out
the squishy onion juice in a bold 3 now
dip the cotton ball and apply it on your
scalp covering your roots for you need
not apply it to your entire hair but
make sure you have parted your hair well
and covered the whole scalp generously 5
once done massage your scalp thoroughly
for a few minutes to let the onion
extract seep into the scalp and enhance
blood circulation 6 leave it on for
about 1 hour rinse off with a mild
shampoo 72 this twice a week for at
least three weeks to see visible results
recipe to onion and olive oil hair tonic
1 this is another easy remedy that uses
onion for hair growth take about three
to four onions slice a lemon juice it in
a blender to
the onion juice into a clean Bowl using
a sieve 3 add to the mix a teaspoon
olive oil or coconut oil and blend
thoroughly for apply this mixed your
hair from root to tip especially over
the bald patches Emma scalp 5 the entire
length of your hair should be covered
with this onion tonic 6 leave it on for
about 30 to 45 minutes 7 rinse off with
a mild shampoo 8 repeat this ritual
twice to thrice a week for about a month
and you will surprise everyone with your
dense black hair growth recipe 3 onion
hair wash 1 take a large onion slice it
and then make a pulp out of it in a
blender to extract the clear juice into
a small bowl using a strainer 3 in a
large bowl pour out a leader of hot
water for add a tablespoon onion juice
to the hot water and stir it properly 5
allow the water to return to room
temperature 6 shampoo and condition your
hair the usual way in the meantime 7
finally rinse your hair with this onion
juice water 82 this twice a week for
about three weeks and all your hair
thinning and hair fall problems will be
behind you nothing like using onion for
here of growth it will not only nourish
your scalp and make your hair growth
thicker and faster but also add gloss
and volume to your hair extremely
cost-effective no blowing up money
needlessly in a salon thank you for
watching the video please subscribe my
channel for more videos
How to Draw an Octopus Easy Step by Step | Teach Drawing to Kids | Art Video for Children - Duration: 9:58.How to Draw an Octopus Easy | Step by Step Teach Drawing to Kids | Art Video for Children
How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles – Home Remedies For Wrinkles - Duration: 2:44.How to get rid of wrinkles.
A wrinkle basically is a crease or fold in the skin.
Wrinkles usually appear on the skin as we grow older.
Wrinkling of the skin is a natural aging process.
As we age, our skin also ages and become thinner, drier and less flexible.
When we are young, the skin has a natural ability to protect itself from damage.
However, with the passing time, this natural ability of the skin reduces, and ultimately
wrinkles appear on the skin.
In this video I am going to show you best 4 home remedies for wrinkles.
So click the subscribe button now for next videos.
Coconut Oil.
Coconut oil will give your skin a natural glow and radiance.
Using it often will help to fade wrinkles and lines as coconut oil is moisturizing and
hydrating for the skin.
Massage coconut oil under the eyes and other affected areas for a few minutes.
Use gentle circular motions.
Leave the oil on overnight.
Repeat this every night before going to bed.
Castor Oil.
Apart from being an emollient, castor oil enhances the production of elastin and collagen
in the skin.
As a result of this, the wrinkles and fine lines start to diminish and even disappear
over time.
Use a cotton ball to apply castor oil on the affected areas.
Do not rinse the oil.
Keep it on overnight.
Do this every night for better result.
Apple Cider Vinegar.
The pH balancing property of apple cider vinegar, along with healing properties of honey, will
make your skin glow with a youthful appearance.
Mix the vinegar and honey and apply this mixture on your face and neck.
Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type.
Apply this twice a week.
Honey balances the skin�s pH and conditions it to decrease the appearance of wrinkles
and fine lines.
Apply honey on your skin and massage for a minute or so.
Leave it on for a half an hour and then rinse with lukewarm water.
You can also shred a small piece of ginger and add it to the honey for added benefits.
Do this every day for healthy and youthful skin.
What is Sciatica and How to Treat Sciatica - Duration: 7:45.-------------------------------------------
How to Get Fluent in English with 3 (not so) Simple Tricks - Duration: 6:22.Hi there, Vladimir here, with another video on how to learn English
How to become fluent in a foreign language, in English in our case
How to become a fluent speaker of English?
Fluent is such a hot word nowadays, everybody on the Internet is promising to make you fluent
here is my 2 cents/opinion
First we need to define the word fluent.
I use the definition given by Cambridge Dictionary
when a person is fluent, they can speak a language easily, well, quickly and without many pauses
The first thing you need to do is ask yourself Are you a fluent speaker of your native language?
do you speak your mother tongue easily, well, quickly and without many pauses?
it is not possible to be fluent in a foreign language/English, and not be fluent in
your native language first.
Don't blame the foreign language alone for your lack of fluency
your second language fluency is likely to mirror your first language fluency
this was the first condition for fluency
to be fluent in English you have to be fluent in your native language first
Second condition for fluency is to read a lot, yes you heard me right, read a lot
lots of reading and listening practice, it's what we call input, but mainly reading.
Many people blame their poor language fluency on their lack of speaking practice.
let me let you in on a secret: speaking is overrated
the reason why you don't speak English fluently is because you don't read enough
read and listen
Just consider how long it takes a child to start speaking somewhat fluently
at least 6-7 years of intensive listening
reading can shorten that time, it's the 1 huge advantage adults have over children
we can start reading English texts from day 1
The third condition for speaking fluency is to use Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries,
read a lot and use Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries every time you come across a new word
As I said, everybody is making videos about how to become fluent
the most popular fluency video by far is titled Get fluent with 1 trick - become a confident
English speaker with this simple trick by one Drew Badger and the simple trick is
to learn English like native speakers
learn English like a native speaker, what the hell does this mean?
how can a 30-year old learn English like a native speaker, wait to be reborn in an
English speaking country with English speaking parents, go to English only school
the most popular English learning video on YouTube
help me understand, I am simultaneously discouraged and encouraged by this video
ask yourself this simple question:
what does a native English speaker like Drew know about how to become fluent in English ?
It's like Shaquille O'Neal teaching you how to dunk
I would much rather Allen Iverson taught me how to dunk
Allen:183cm, 75 kg Shaq: 216cm, 155 kg
I bet Drew's Japanese isn't as fluent, he should make a video to demonstrate how his
1 simple trick helped him learn a foreign language Japanese in his case
you won't see that video
learn English like native speakers, native speakers never use Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries
so many fluency videos on the Internet and nobody talks about Monolingual Dictionaries
why? because native speakers don't have to use Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries
the last condition for speaking fluency is of course speaking
but make no mistake
in order to make a single sentence in English you have to have read at least 10 pages in English
That's my 2 cents/opinion, for what is worth, after all all I've done is become fluent in English,
here I am speaking English fluently and confidently
as I said, I am both discouraged and encouraged by videos like the 1 simple trick video
discouraged because I truly, honestly don't understand why the 11 million views
and encouraged because there is room for some real, helpful stuff on the internet
like my book Virtually Native
Everything you need to know about how to become a fluent speaker of English is in that book
Virtually Native is available at Amazon and
Como Pintar - Cadian Shock Troops - How to paint (ENG-Sub) - Duration: 21:06.Greetings Wargamers & Players, Welcome to Miniature War, I'm Meinkopt and in this painting guide we shall see how to give in a easy and fast way to the Troops from Cadia and it's characteristic official scheme.
We start with the color of the fabric of the uniform.
The layer base that we're using it's Zandri Dust and we apply it softly until we cover it completely in the parts to paint. Remember to use diluted paint cause we're going to give several layers in this manner and each layer it will be very fine that will help us to not give more layers that we need.
With the layer base applied, we proceed to give a slight wash with Reikland Fleshshade.
Once the tint it's dried, we shall give a soft stroke with Zandri Dust again to start to stand out the volume. Next we mix Zandri Dust with Ushabti Bone in a proportion of 70/30 from start and from there we start adding everytime more of Ushabti Bone to get up the light.
For the few metals that the miniature have, like the parts of the weapon and the zones of the helms, we're using a layer base of Boltgun Metal and Abaddon Black.
Then we give a little wash with Nuln Oil and finally we give soft strokes with Ironbreaker Armor to create the effect of worn out.
For this characteristic green of the Cadian Armor we use for the layer base a mix of Caliban Green with Castellan Green in a proportion of 40/60.
Once the layer it's dried we give a soft wash with Nuln Oil.
Once we have the layer ready and the wash, we start giving a little of light to the armor. First we do it with pure Castellan Green, trying to create a soft effect to degrade so some of the zones will keepp the base tone.
Then, we add a little of Loren Forest to the Castellan Green to create more luminous zones.
For the white parts like the symbols and the unit marks, we give a base of Celestra Grey and then we mix it with White Scar to create the final white tone, leaving in the background the base tone and then create a little of contrast and deep.
For the boots, belt and straps we 're using black tones with a layer base of Abaddon Black.
Then we add a little of Eshin Grey to create the lights.
In this case we're going to create an effect of burnt really easy and fast. Very useful for the weapons that generate heat, like a flamethrower.
First we give a generous layer of Agrax Earthshade in the mouth, without covering completely to the metal and leave it to dry.
Then we give soft strokes with Abaddon Black in the tip of the mouth of the weapon and finally we give an even more soft stroke to the edges of the tip with Leather Brown from Army Painter.
This technique will be with more detail in the future in a mini painting guide in the channel applied in multiple situations.
For the skin of the Cadian we give a base layer of Doombull Brown mixed with Cadian Flesh tone in a proportion of 50/50.
For the different lights that we're going to create in the features of the face, we add more Cadian Flesh Tone to the base mix. Adding for the final lights a little of Ushabti Bone.
To create an effect of shaved beard, to the mix of medial light, we add a little of gray tone and apply it in the zone that we wish to have that appearance.
And with this little steps we soon shall vea all the Cadian Troops to neutralize the enemies of the Imperium. Hope that you Liked this new painting guide. Give it a Like if you do and it will get to more Wargamers.
Suscribe if you're not to keep up to date with our news. Thank you for watching us and till next time.
How To Tie A Tie If You Have No Time To Tie A Tie (regular ties,zipper ties) - Duration: to tie a tie in second first of all
you want the inside of the tie to face
upwards and then we make a loop with the
end the type and flip it like this
we do each side that this side is still
facing up then we make another loop at
the other end of the tie smaller end
of the tie this time is sort of coming
up down we are going up but at the same
time want to ensure that the inside of
the tie the whole time is facing up
what you are going to do is that we are
going to hold their right and the
smaller end with the right hand and flip
it like this and then put it underneath
the bigger one and then we take that
smaller part of our tie and then pass
it through both loops like this and
there hold it together now what we are
about to do is a bit tricky we are going
to hold this smaller parts the parts we
just put under new book fields and then
we're going to pull it gently to get our
were to put it slightly like us like
that I guess and voila we have ourselves
a tie knot so this ladies and gentlemen
is how to tie a tie when you have no
time to tie a tie however if you find
that this method is a bit complicated
for you I'm going to leave below this
video a link where you can order your
tie that is already a dupatta that is
already done on Amazon you can order it
and bite so that you don't have to go to
all of this
Bad Baby crying and learn colors-Colorful Lolipops- Finger Family Song Collection - Duration: 1:59.Bad Baby crying and learn colors
-Colorful Lolipops-
Finger Family Song Collection
كيف تحمي هاتفك من تطبيقات التجسس / كيف تعمل / طرق ازالتها - Duration: 12:40.-------------------------------------------
Cara Menenangkan Diri (HOW TO CALM YOURSELF) - Duration: 4:16.Are you tired when returning to work?
density of activity to work from morning to evening certainly make you feel tired and bored
Relaxation is rated as one of the most effective ways to relieve tiredness
f done with the correct technique will make you feel relaxed and body back in shape.
so then you will be more comfortable to rest and be ready to face tomorrow
then any kind of relaxation that can be done to overcome tired after a long day of work?
The following explanation of this information
check it out!
Meditation is one way to make your mind more calm
This exercise should you do in the atmosphere is quiet and silent
focused in meditation is concentration and focus, combined with the breath
with this exercise,
then you will always feel calm and avoid burnout
so that makes you truly relaxed for tomorrow
to make the body is relaxed and comfortable, massage can be one solution
you can bring in a relaxing massage that has been professional in his field
body parts such as arms, shoulders and back will feel more comfortable when in massage
so the blood circulation will be more smooth so overcome fatigue
music with soft tones would make your mind becomes calm
While resting ,
turn the music that so it will make you more comfortable and can get to sleep
the sooner the break, the better for your recovery process
while enjoying a cup of coffee, you can read a book
reading could be one way to unwind
by reading it will eliminate the stress that you feel after a day of activities
you can read a book or writing on blogs and online media website
Thus some of the things you can do to cope with fatigue after a long day of work
AQW How to earn player xp,gold,and class points(easy) - Duration: i will be showing you how to earn quick and easy gold and xp
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