pretty much everything you think about intuition is wrong stay tuned I'm going
to unpack intuition this is Damon Cart from NLP Gym the truth about
intuition is that it's counter intuitive If you haven't already please click
subscribe to this YouTube channel so you can get these videos on a regular basis
the video I'm about to show you was taken from the practitioner training and
we got a little off track we veered off the main topic and started talking about
intuition and what it really is have a look when people talk about intuition I
think we should really unpack it because what is really intuition it's
not some magical thing that happens into it just means that you've arrived with
some sort of conclusion or evaluation the means in which you've done it is
unconscious so you don't know how you've gotten there but you've arrived at some
evaluation there's a great book by Malcolm Gladwell called tipping point
and he talks about that where if you study something long enough if you
practice something long enough you can just make a split second judgment and
and yes that usually is the correct one it's because and it's not because
there's anything magical about intuition it's just that you trained your senses
to catch something it's when we step back a lot of times and overthink it in
question and end it evaluated too much that we can talk ourselves out of that
gut feeling but that gut feeling is based on solid sensory information
the certainly the hydrogen through sensory information 100% yeah I mean
where else did the information come from it's not like well some of the five
sensory the five senses or things you can measure is there a sixth sense not
to become I mean not that we can fit because we can measure yeah there's so
the limits of our knowledge mt5 areas so often when you talk about intuitions the
sixth sense it's out on bottom it's good I think it is before a five extreme
climate of and I think it goes back to what I was saying about it you take in
information from your five senses and and sometimes those auditory kinesthetic
visuals can be happening inside of you it's not information you're actually
taking out from externally and then you suddenly arrive as some sort of decision
evaluation judgment the first part was unconscious suddenly the evaluation
becomes conscious and you go oh there's that thing because the other part was
unconscious we tend to think of this as being like something magical something
extrasensory was because the the first part of that process was unconscious we
didn't we didn't we're not aware of the images we saw in our mind or the tactile
or proprioceptive feelings we had or the voices we heard in our head
but although all that came together and you'll learn more of this when you learn
strategies how we go about doing things and so like I did a demonstration with a
guy who recently bought a car and so we broke this whole thing down you know we
started from when he bought the car and we walked it backwards what work would
be see here and feel every step of the way before you finally made that
decision this is the car that I want not about you have evidence where I'm
walking to a lot and I looked around I drove a few cars and then I just go I
just notices the car that I want now there was a whole process to that there
was a whole process to what I saw what I heard when I fell but there was a moment
and all that was pretty much unconscious and there was a moment that I suddenly
go I just noticed the car that I want and in that sense I could be like an
intuition but there was a definite process to it there's a lot of it's
unconscious because it's unconscious it gives us a sense that it's like
otherworldly or extrasensory and what yeah when it's not it's really just a
combination of all that information came together and you finally made a decision
and when you did and became conscious as with most things that we can't explain
we like to give it some sort of magic quality or extra meaning and in this
case we like to think of ourselves as having a sixth sense or some psychic
ability there's nothing else I mean if there's even such a thing in the sixth
sense I'm not saying that well let me I mean I'm not saying there's not I just
think we haven't coded it and it will be call intuition like I was saying
yesterday about my cousin who he's completely apolitical and the sim says
he doesn't have he doesn't watch politics he doesn't do anything with
politics and when I said he just said I just know I hate Hillary Clinton max I
said how do you know that and he thought about it he goes intuition like no there
is a way that certain information came into you and you weren't aware of it you
know it's he's hearing whatever news is on or whatever and then suddenly just
arrives at a decision I don't like this one
is that psychic or is that extrasensory know the information just kept piling up
until he heard enough negative stuff about her and finally his conscious says
I don't like her probably environment yes he could not
explain why he had no good reason he couldn't say well because she did this
and this and he did not think yeah so there's nothing intuitive about that
it's just the media shapes his perception I was included into it should
not mean war him highly the two century to be as conscious and unconscious
though it doesn't even have to be highly attuned that intuition is wrong a lot
you know did sign and this in this exercise if you you're more likely to be
right to trust your intuition and these because you know like Dan Newton he knew
that something was different but he didn't trust that but he knew it and he
admit that in sensory perception he he caught something but he didn't trust
that how do we work with that is the same thing happened to me I knew
something with your time so doing those exercises you keep bringing your
awareness to this you keep bringing your awareness to these subtle details and
you will start to pick them up more and a lot of times when I get an intuition
now I I know that there was a whole process appreciated that that intuition
then sensory experience now that doesn't mean it came from out here it might have
come from inside me so then I want to walk it back and say okay well how did I
come to that intuition and that's why we're saying yes into it we have the
sense that our intuition must be right and that's not true and in a situation
like this it's much easier to trust it because it's happening right in front of
you by when we make intuitions about I mean it's always good to listen to your
intuition I'm not saying don't listen to it but it doesn't mean it's always
correct I've had intuitions and I was completely wrong
I didn't add an intuition that when my wife's um when she was pregnant that I
was gonna have a boy I was wrong in those but if you think about there was
no sensory based information for me to base that intuition on it was just I
felt like them I would have another part of the boys for my first kid just busy
person exactly and all I know is no well I
could call it that because it had I just had that feeling
there was no reason so that feeling but of course there was there was a lot of
unconscious stuff that was packed into that and suddenly I just had this
feeling that I was going to have a boy now I did it come true that I would say
I had this intuition I was gonna have a boy and a had a boy my intuition was
right you know and then it kind of confirms this idea of an intuition
that's why I'm sitting in a practice like this and an exercise like this you
could say yes it's better to trust your intuition but I'm even I don't like
calling it intuition because it's intuition implies a lot of times and
maybe not by the truest definition of the word it kind of implies like it's
something got piped in from some divine something or whatever and suddenly I
have this knowledge that is sort of psychic no it's on the information came
from somewhere and I might not be conscious of where it came from that's
why it seems logical when I have an exhibition so to compare these two
things I trust my intuition I chose my section
which feels better for you I would say I trust my senses but it's not just about
trusting your senses if I see something I saw the evaluation or interpretation I
make of that might be writer like it wrong where when you say conscious
consciousness is that thing that's often going to make a decision about something
and have a selective seeing about it are an evaluation about which does limit the
other information it sort of filters out that other information when you make a
decision about something you are going with certain parts of that information
and filtering out others because if you don't be using more options more options
student you loose or super more versatility more flexibility more
ability to pull in more information as needed
bringing your awareness to whatever it is that creates this feeling of
integration so I come suddenly come at this come to this position or this
evaluation and I say okay that seems right but let me backtrack on hatton it
and see how I came about this and sometimes there are biases that we have
and you know no it's a good way of bringing your consciousness to biases so
that you know your intuition is based on what you're actually taking in the real
information not in what you want necessarily makes me wonder if there's
some connection disassociation because we disassociate
you can see an evaluation is a disassociation so when you make a
decision you make an evaluation something you are stepping back out of
the situation you're saying this or that or you know create a part in a way
there's a disassociation
check out my website and if you liked this video please click
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