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Robert Kiyosaki - How to become a Millionaire in 3 Years Or Less in Khmer | Success Reveal - Duration: 10:53.Success Reveal
Robert Kiyosaki
How to become a millinaire in 3 Years or Less
EQ Tutorial: How To Easily Add Clarity To Your Mixes - - Duration: 17:45.Are you struggling to create clarity in your mixes?
If so, keep watching to learn an easy EQ technique that will help.
Hey, this is Jason Moss from, and this EQ technique I'm about to show you
is really a foundation of my mixing process.
It's gonna add clarity to your tracks and just make mixing a whole lot easier.
Now the problem with many tracks in your mixes is that they often have resonances.
And these are buildups of energy in certain areas of the frequencies spectrum, caused
by things like room acoustics, or just resonances on a certain instrument.
Sometimes this stuff sounds good and we don't wanna get rid of it.
But sometimes, it can contribute to a muddiness or a murkiness in a track.
Or it can even cause harshness or edginess.
And these problems can actually obscure the clarity in our mixes.
Now the tricky thing about resonances is that they can often be hard to identify within
the context of a full mix.
Because whenever we have a bunch of different tracks playing, it can be hard to figure out
where a muddiness is coming from.
Or if we hear something that sounds harsh, it's hard to figure out which track is causing
the problem.
And so a lot of these resonances end up just being left in.
And so, again, they just contribute to this muddy, kinda murky sound.
And so instead of addressing them within the context of the mixing process, I find that
it can be helpful to really address these resonances up front, before we start mixing.
So this is a technique that I call sweep and destroy.
And the idea is that we add an EQ to every track in our mix before we start the mix process.
So this is a part of really prepping our tracks for mixing.
And we sweep a boost up through the frequency spectrum on each track and try to find these
resonances that really stick out and sound ugly to us, and we take them out.
The analogy I like to give is, let's say you're about to cook a soup, and so you have all
these different ingredients that are gonna go into the soup.
It's almost like cleaning off the vegetables and washing everything and cutting off the
stems and really preparing all of your ingredients before you start cooking.
By doing this, you're gonna find that the mixing process is just so much easier.
Tracks are gonna come together, they're gonna sound great right from the start.
And that clarity that you're looking for is gonna be much easier to achieve.
So, next, I wanna jump into my DAW and show you how I use this sweep and destroy technique
on a couple of different tracks in a mix.
So the first track I wanna show you this technique on is this loops track here.
So I'm gonna add an EQ to this loops track as the first insert.
And this is the FabFilter Pro-Q 2, which is my favorite EQ.
It's probably what I use near-100% of the time when I'm EQing.
And there are a couple of features in this EQ that make it really easy to apply the technique
I'm about to show you.
With that being said, you don't need this EQ, you can use this technique with any EQ.
So don't worry if you don't have this plugin, you're totally fine.
Now the first thing I'm gonna do is pull up this preset that I've saved called "Subtractive
And you'll see that we have a boost right here at the bottom of the frequency spectrum.
And the gain is +18 dB.
Now, this is a number that I found works really well for this technique.
I've also set the Q to 8.
And again, also a number that I think works really well.
So if you're using another EQ, just copy those numbers and you'll get similar results.
And I have the frequency set to 10 Hz.
So we pulled it all the way down to the bottom of the frequency spectrum.
And the last feature that I have set up here is, the Pro-Q 2 has something called Auto
And so you can see it right down here at the bottom, that little A. And I have it turned
on, which means that the EQ automatically compensates for the level increase as we move
that boost up the frequency spectrum.
So we're not gonna hear a dramatic change in level.
And it's not an essential feature, you don't need to have that turned on, but I find it
can be really helpful, because we just take that kind of level increase out of the equation.
And it's much easier, just more pleasant to listen to.
Because sometimes using this technique, some of the things that we're gonna be doing can
get a little bit aggressive and can kind of hurt your ears.
So I'm gonna go ahead and play this track.
And I'm gonna slowly sweep this boost up through the frequency spectrum.
And I'm gonna start to listen out for areas that sound aggressive or harsh, or boomy,
resonances, just things that kinda jump out to me as just really ugly sounding, and stuff
that we might not want in this track.
Okay, so that's interesting.
So I'm hearing this kind of harsh ringing right here around 4570.
Take a listen again.
So, to me, that's really poking out, it sounds just kind of ugly and aggressive.
And I'm gonna probably wanna get rid of that.
So we found our first problem here.
Now step number two is I wanna make sure that I have this frequency knob set perfectly.
So I wanna make sure I've really found where the problem sounds its worst.
So I'm gonna play the track one more time and just kinda fiddle around with the frequency.
I'll move it up and down a little bit.
And make sure that we found the spot where this problem area really sits.
Okay, so it sounds like it's right around there.
So after I've found the frequency, what I'm gonna do is solo this band.
And FabFilter has a feature that allows you to just listen to that band on its own.
So it's like soloing that specific part of that frequency spectrum.
Now this is not an essential thing to do, but I find it can be really helpful for this
next step, which is we're gonna find the right Q for this band.
And the goal here is, we want the band to contain as much of the problem frequency as
possible, but we also wanna exclude the good stuff on the left and the right of that problem.
So we don't want there to be frequencies that sound good within this band, we just want
to have the problem there.
So I'm gonna solo this.
And now with the Pro-Q 2, if I scroll up and down, you can see we make the Q either wider
or narrower.
And I'm gonna play the track, and I'm gonna try to find a spot where I hear as much of
the problem as possible, but I don't hear any of the good stuff that I don't wanna get
rid of on the sides of this problem.
See, you can hear that's too wide, right?
Because we're hearing some good stuff on the left and right of the problem.
So that sounds good to me.
So a Q of around 12 sounds like we're containing the problem, but we're not getting a lot of
the good stuff on the sides of that problem.
So now I'm gonna reset this gain back to zero.
And I'm gonna give my ears a couple seconds to rest.
Now we've just kind of slammed our ears with this loud annoying resonance.
So we wanna kind of give ourselves a couple seconds to reset.
And I think that's really important.
So now I'm gonna play the track and I'm gonna try to identify that problem resonance that
we heard in the track.
And I'm gonna slowly pull this gain knob down until that problem disappears.
Okay, so I found around -8 to me seems like it gets rid of the problem.
So the last thing that we're gonna do is test our fix.
So I'm gonna bypass this cut and I'm gonna listen to the track before our cut.
And then I'm gonna enable the cut and see if the cut is an improvement.
So this is without our cut.
And this is with the cut.
So, to me, with the cut sounds much more natural.
There's not that kind of harsh ringing that pokes out of the track.
The track just sounds more balanced, more solid.
And this is gonna fit much better in our mix.
So after we've applied this cut, we wanna make sure that we finish sweeping up the entire
frequency spectrum, because sometimes there can be more than one problem frequency.
And so we wanna make sure we don't miss anything above that problem that we just found.
So I'm gonna go ahead and add another boost, set it up with a Q of 8, and a gain of 18.
And then I'm gonna start where we left off, and just continue sweeping all the way up
to the top of the frequency spectrum.
Cool, so I don't hear any problems, so I'm just gonna delete this.
And then we can move on to the next track in our mix.
So there's a couple things you wanna watch out for when you're using this technique.
The first is you wanna make sure that whenever you hear a problem in a track, it's actually
in the track itself.
And it's not being caused by the acoustics in your room.
Now most rooms, especially home studios, where the acoustics aren't ideal, are gonna have
peaks and valleys in certain areas of the frequency spectrum.
And so if you're adding a boost on an EQ, and sweeping it up through the frequency spectrum,
if the frequency that you land on corresponds with a peak in your room, that frequency is
just gonna get brought out in a really aggressive, kind of ugly way.
And so you might hear that and say, "Wow, that's a big problem in this track and I need
to cut that out."
But that problem isn't actually in the track itself.
It's being caused by your room.
So the best way I've found to address this is to use headphones when you're using this
sweep and destroy technique.
Now I don't recommend mixing on headphones exclusively, I think that can create other
problems, but headphones are really helpful for this technique in particular, because
they remove the sound of the room from the equation.
So if you're listening through headphones and you're using this technique, and you hear
a problem, you can be much more confident that that problem is actually in the track
itself and is not being caused by the acoustics in your room.
The second thing you wanna watch out for is, you wanna make sure that whenever you're taking
a problem out of a track, that that problem is something that appears consistently throughout
the course of the performance.
So it's not just a problem that kind of jumps out on one note and then goes away.
Now to demonstrate how important this is, I wanna go ahead and take a look at this bass
track here.
So let's solo this.
And then I'm gonna add an EQ.
Now the interesting thing about bass is that when we get to the bottom of the frequency
spectrum, the notes that the bass plays correspond directly to frequencies.
So to demonstrate this, I'm just gonna play this track, and I want you to take a look
at the spectrum analyzer on this EQ plugin here.
So you can see that these bumps here on the analyzer's display mirror the notes of the
bass performance.
So when the bass goes up, the bumps go up, when the bass goes down, the bumps go down.
Now the problem with this is that if we were to apply our sweep and destroy technique,
so let's just pull up our preset, and then I'm just gonna turn this up so we can hear
it a little bit more.
And I'm gonna sweep this boost up slowly through the frequency spectrum.
So you can see, like right at that spot there, the bass just kinda jumped out.
We just heard a ton of boominess on that one part.
And so if we're doing this, we might find, wow, there's this area here that sounds really
And it sounds like a problem, and maybe we should pull it out.
But I wanna play the track again and I want you to listen to this.
And notice that the problem comes and goes.
So it's not always a problem, it just appears when the bass hits a certain note.
So right there.
But only on certain notes.
So this isn't actually a problem that we need to fix.
This just means that we've hit on a certain frequency that corresponds with a note in
the bass performance.
And so whenever the bass hits that note, that frequency is gonna get boosted aggressively,
and the performance is gonna sound too loud.
So you wanna make sure that you watch out for these types of scenarios.
And make sure that when you find a problem, that it's consistently a problem throughout
the entire track, because whenever you're cutting something, you're making a hole in
the track.
And so if we take something out, we wanna make sure that we're fixing a problem that's
a problem throughout the majority of the track and doesn't just appear on one spot, because
otherwise, we're gonna make the track sound worse.
So the last track I wanna take a look at is this acoustic guitar track here.
So let's solo it.
I'm gonna add my EQ plugin.
And we'll pull up our preset.
And then I'm gonna sweep this boost up through the frequency spectrum while the track is
Okay, so this spot around 190 is poking out to me.
I think we could probably clear this up a little bit.
So I'm gonna play the track again and just move the frequency of this boost from left
to right a little bit and find the spot where this problem sounds its worst.
Sounds like around 195 or so.
So let me solo this.
And the next thing I'm gonna do is just adjust the Q until we feel like the problem is contained
within this boost, but we're not hearing a lot of good stuff on the left and the right
of the problem that we don't wanna get rid of.
That sounds pretty good to me…we could probably go a little bit narrower.
Okay, so now that we've found the right Q for that cut, I'm gonna go ahead and reset
the gain.
I'm gonna give our ears a couple seconds to rest.
And then we'll play the track again.
And we're gonna slowly dip this frequency out until the problem disappears.
So, to me, around four, four-and-a-half dB sounds great.
And often times, these cuts are not gonna be super aggressive.
Just dipping something out by three or four dB can make a big difference sometimes.
So now that we have our cut figured out, I'm gonna go ahead and flip this in and out of
bypass and just listen to the track before and after our cut and see if we've made an
So, first, let's start with the track without our cut.
This is with the cut in.
This is with it out.
With it in.
So it's subtle, but it sounds like there's some muddiness that kind of got cleared up
And these are problems that build up over the course of an entire mix.
And so often times, you're not gonna hear these types of things in context with the
rest of the tracks, but they'll just contribute to a sense of muddiness and kind of murkiness.
And so by clearing up these problems right at the beginning, before we start to mix these
tracks together, often times, you're gonna be able to achieve better results.
And then when you start mixing, you don't have to worry about soloing things.
You can just focus on context and focus on making these tracks fit together.
So I hope you found this sweep and destroy technique helpful.
And if you use it, I promise you it's gonna be much easier to achieve clarity in your
And if you wanna dive deeper, I put together a free EQ cheatsheet with tips and tricks
for EQing common instruments, as well as my favorite EQ plugins.
And this is really gonna help you approach EQ with clarity and confidence, so you can
use it like a pro in your next mix.
Click the link in the description below or in the video and you'll get free instant access.
For more mixing tips, you can also check out my website,
Thanks so much.
How to Make Play Doh Heart Shaped Rainbow Ice Cream. Learning Playdough for Kids - Duration: 7:46.-------------------------------------------
How to make your own dog bed. EASY AND FUN! (English and Nederlands.) - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
How To Prioritize - Duration: 3:47.hey this is Darryl and in this video I hey this is Darryl wait I thought I was
going to do a webcast right now not a video
hey this is Darryl do you have challenges prioritizing what you need to
do in this video I'll share some simple and powerful techniques and how to
prioritize you may feel yourself feeling overwhelmed and frustrated even a little
angry because you're scattered and your license seems to be swirling all the
time you have so many thoughts on what you want to do but find it difficult to
take action so of course this leaves you frustrated because it makes you feel
like you're stuck and you're not making any progress in your life you might be
great at making that list of to do's but once again this isn't working you don't
use it effectively and it leaves you disappointed I've coached amazing of
people who have had a very difficult time prioritizing how they should take
action on what they want so here are some simple but powerful strategies and
how to prioritize drum roll please number one get clear know what you want
in your life part of the biggest challenge for most people as that
they're walking around and life without a clear focus so what do you want here
lies the challenge you want a lot I get that but you need to go deeper inside to
figure out what you really want right now in your life
number two make a decision Napoleon Hill said indecisiveness is something or
other basically you need to build some muscle to make decisions become a
decision making machine number three file
all through and accountability this is another hole people fall into they stink
at following through and holding themselves accountable to their actions
what happens is you don't follow through on your decisions so then you stop then
you rearrange your priorities to cover up for the lack of accountability be
accountable on what you say by following through
number four stop the story you've created a story about what you can't do
this is complete BS and you know it create an empowering story that you know
how to prioritize because you got clear your decision-maker and you do what you
say implement these very simple strategies and watch the difference in
the impact in your life I'll look forward to hearing your comments if you
liked my video let me know by clicking the like button and please subscribe to
my channel in your comments are welcomed you have complete permission to go ahead
and share this video with anyone you would like thanks for watching and
you'll see me on my next video that's great Shay thank you that's great
my production team is not paying attention to the refrigerator
How to hide a file inside a image - Duration: 2:24.I'm using 3 dummy files for this guide
Now right click on the file that you want to hide and choose the option add to archive
Open Run by hitting Windows key + R then type cmd and hit enter
Navigate to the folder as my case its in Documents
Now type the code in the decription
Give your folder name and image name for this
Thats it easy right??
Now last step is to recover hidden files
Just right click on the image and extract using WinRar
Thanks for watching guys please subscribe for more videos
HOW TO DO 10, 20, 30, 50 , 100 PUSHUPS - HOW TO INCREASE PUSHUPS - Duration: 7:41.Hello everyone! I'm Mario Gabud and today I will say a few words about push-ups
or rather what is it that you need to do to increase the number of push-ups you can do.
This video is intended for beginners but it is still great for advanced exercisers.
Before we start talking about push-ups,
I will demonstrate a few common mistakes that many people do when doing push-ups.
Mistake number one:
pushing your elbows to the side when they are actually supposed to move to the back or at a slight angle to the side.
I will now demonstrate this mistake. Like this, moving your elbows to the side...
This isn't good and there is a chance that you will injure your shoulder by doing it.
The correct way is to move your elbows to the back.
Mistake number two: arching your lower back. It looks something like this.
It mostly happens when you start feeling tired and by doing this you are trying to decrease the tension in your shoulders.
Like this, the hips go down.You will see this quite often if you look for it. This is also bad.
Those are the two most common mistakes when doing push-ups and now we move to push-ups for beginners.
First, I'd like to introduce the beginners with the method of performing a push-up.
When I say beginners, I mean those that can do less than 10 push-ups or not even 1 push-up with proper technique.
So, the first, easiest variation would be for you to do the push-ups from your knees.
Again, watch out for the mistakes I just mentioned.
How wide you should put your hands depends on your personal preference
but I'd recommend you to put your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
Put your knees on the floor and begin.
Lower yourself all the way down to about 2 cm (1 inch) from the floor.
Don't hit the ground, it would provide your muscles with some rest and you don't want that,
keep them under tension the whole time.
This is the easiest variation of a push-up, intended for beginners than can't do more than 5 or so regular push-ups.
You simply can't improve by doing that many push-ups.
What should you do to increase the number of push-ups?
I'd recommend you to do push-ups 2-3 times a week,
5 sets, every set until failure i.e. when you can't do any more…
If you already can do 10 pushups,
then do 5 sets of 10 push-ups with about 2-3 minute break in between sets.
So, do 5 sets of as many push-ups as you can do,
rest 2-3 minutes between sets and repeat all this 2-3 times a week.
Listen to your body to decide when to do these push-ups.
After the first day, wait until your muscles stop being sore and then repeat the workout.
That's all for beginners, let's move on.
For those slightly experienced exercisers, you will be doing similar things.
The only difference is that you won't be doing push-ups from knee position but regular push-ups instead.
So, it looks like this. Put your hand slightly wider than your shoulders are.
Don't do those mistakes I mentioned!
Lower yourself all the way down (slightly above the floor) and then extend your arms completely.
When I say slightly experienced exercisers, I mean those that can do 30-40 push-ups.
The training program is the same as that for the beginners.
Do 5 sets until failure, 2-3 times a week, rest 2-3 minutes between sets and repeat all this...
Let's move to advanced exercisers.
When I say advanced exercisers, I mean those that can do 50 or more push-ups.
Advanced exerciser should start using additional weights when doing push-ups
because it's hard to increase the number of push-ups any more if you only use your body weight.
For example, a vest like this adds 10 kg (22 lbs).
If you don't own a vest like this, use any regular backpack with load in it
or get your training partner to hold the weight on your back while you are doing push-ups.
Again, all the same. Of course, if you are able to do 50 or more regular push-ups,
after adding some weight you won't be able to do 50 anymore.
Let's go again…
The training program for advanced exercisers depends on the person
and if you are able to do that many I'm sure you already know how much time you need to fully recover before exercising the same muscle group.
In addition to adding extra weight, advanced exercisers should try different variations of push-ups,
alternate the angle of the body by putting your legs or hands on different levels (e.g. bench).
More of this in another video, this one was only intended to demonstrate the proper technique for push-ups.
I forgot to mention at the beginning of the video,
when doing push-ups you are mostly activating your chest muscles (pecs) and triceps.
Advanced exercisers can also work on these muscle groups
and increase the number of push-ups by doing bench-press and triceps exercises with dumbbells.
Why would you want to increase the number of push-ups?
Well, I get asked this a lot from people that are trying to join an army or police
or any other profession that requires the applicants to perform the certain number of push-ups.
Thank you all for watching this video.
Please hit the like button, subscribe to my channel… Thanks again! Bye!
How to Draw a Carrot - Videos Learn - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
How to Style the Handlebar Moustache with a Flat Iron (ASMR) - Duration: 0:34.Brush your moustache and beard
Clamp and pull on beard when the iron is hot to straighten it out
Clamp, twist, and pull moustache ends like you're curling ribbon
Be careful not to burn your face!
Gather wax from container
Use nails on thumbs to collect and warm between index fingers and thumb until ready to apply
Apply on moustache ends
Don't forget the upper lip - it'll help prevent food catching on your moustache hair
Apply remaining wax on goatee and spread evenly
Perform last adjustments before the wax sets
That's How You Learn - Episode 5: Power and Electricity Testing - Duration: 8:56.Hello friends! Guess where I am today. I'm at the UL lab in Melville, New York,
which is just outside of New York City, and today we're going to learn some really
cool things about how electronics, electricity, and power is tested here at the Melville lab.
So come on, let's go check it out.
OK friends, so I'm in Melville at the Power Distribution lab and I'm here with Ed.
Say "hi", Ed. - But I'm Ed! You're not Ed
Oh "Hi Ed"! - So tell me how long have you been here at UL?
I've been here quite a while... (how long?) I've been here, well let's
put it this way when the Lord said let there be light
who do you think did the investigation?
When Ben Franklin and I were
inventing the lightning rod and running a kite up with a key, we figured out
that cloud-to-cloud lightning strikes could put a big impulse on the power lines,
come on down, and give you a problem with your computer or your Xbox...of course we
didn't have an Xbox back then, but that's okay. And you have your power strips that
usually help you protect from those power surges, and the little device
that's inside that is a small device called an MOV or a metal oxide varistor.
This little guy is going to give you the protection that you want to keep the
insulation system in a good safe condition, and prevent fires.
-Now why is this testing and everything that you do here, so important?
This is designed to come and allow us to evaluate the products so
that the MOV - the device - can be matched to the proper application.
If it's not, this test will demonstrate what could happen.
- Great. Is it is it alright if we run the test? - Sure, let's go ahead.
Right now we have a surge generator that's going
bring a surge on the power line, and go right to that component,
and we're going to cover it with cheese cloth to demonstrate any fire.
Right now we're applying an impulse of about 6,000 volts, 3,000 amperes
to this product to see how it reacts.
Wow! Okay, now why did it do that? - The energy contained within the impulse
was more than what this was designed for. They normally would not react like this,
now you know the limitations of this particular product. - Wow!'s all for safety.
Perfect! Thank you very much, Ed! - Oh, you're welcome!
So I'm now here in the core electrical lab and I'm here with John, say "hi" John.
This is how you learn. - No, John, that's my line!
-Oh, sorry Dennis. - Just say "hi" John - Hi John!
So John, tell me, what do you do here at UL?
I test appliances, appliance controls...controls are the things that are inside the
appliance like the guts of the appliance that make the appliance work.
Now why is that testing so important? - It's important because the
appliances can have things happen to them that might make them unsafe and the
control is supposed to protect the appliance but also protect your house.
It's supposed to protect your house from something that could heat up and
catch fire or something that could shock you
that if you touch the outside of the appliance it could shock you, so we want
to make sure that the designers of the appliances make them safe from shock and
fire hazards. -Perfect! Now what kind of test setup do you have here?
Well I'm testing a component today, a switch that comes from an appliance,
and we're using a robot arm to move the switch back and forth.
The switch gets mounted in a vise, and then I use the robot to turn it on and off.
In order to make the robot work I have to type in computer code.
It's sort of like learning a new language. It's not exactly English.
It looks like English but I had to study from the robot manual before I was able to make it work.
The reason why we're flipping the switch on and off is called and endurance test.
The appliance, you can imagine, throughout the course of the
life of the appliance, it's going to get turned on and off many many times.
So we want to make sure the switch can survive the life cycle of that appliance.
So in this case it could be running for 30,000 times or for a 100,000 thousand times.
So John, why do you use these kind of light bulbs that we see here?
Actually, Dennis, today I didn't have to use these light bulbs but I chose them as a
tribute to UL because they look kind of old-timey light bulbs.
UL has actually been testing products for over 120 years, so I wanted to choose
something that that sort of a tribute to that. And it's kind of to show a balance of how
we have been testing products for over 120 years,
but we also are testing the latest technology today.
This is excellent, John! Thank you so much for your time and for explaining all of this to us!
You're welcome, Dennis.
So I'm in another section of the power distribution lab and I'm here with Jim. Say "hi" Jim.
"Hi Jim!" - Why do you always go...I don't understand...
So Jim what do we have here? What is it set up?
This is is a test demonstration how a circuit breaker works and how it's supposed to
protect the wires in your wall from overheating and starting a fire.
- What do you do here, specifically, at UL? - I test circuit breakers,
electric vehicle charges, ground fault circuit interrupters, switches, relays...
...anything that has to do with high power turning stuff on and off to make sure that it works safely,
and that you don't have a fire or a shock hazard. - Now why is this testing so important?
Because people are misunderstanding what circuit breakers do.
A lot of times they think it's people protection and they're
actually protection for wires in your walls, and if they're not used properly
or setup properly you can start a fire in your house. - Oh really? So if I were to
like grab a fork and put it in a socket, this won't protect me?
No it won't, because it's not a GFCI circuit breaker.
This is made for overcurrent protection. It has two bi-metals in them, and when the
bi-metals get hot, they open up which causes the circuit breaker to turn, just off like that.
But it's mainly to protect this wire here. And if this wire gets too hot?
It will start the insulation in your house on fire.
Here we have common household wire creating a short circuit on a 20 amp circuit breaker.
We have 5000 amps at 240 volts going through this breaker. When we start the test,
breaker should trip and the wire should stay intact, the cotton
should not go on fire, and that will show that the product did it's job.
And you see, we had a failure. What we had here, the circuit breaker worked,
the wire turned off but the arc shoots were a little too big, so the spark
went too far, which set the cotton on fire. That would be considered a failure
This is a 7 and a half-inch piece of standard copper 12 gauge wire
that you would find in your home, and what we're doing is we're creating a dead short circuit
across the 5,000 amps, 240 volt circuit.
Now you see how electricity...
You see why circuit breakers and fuses are necessary.
All that's left of that copper wire is just the sleeving.
We had an excellent day today here at the UL
lab in Melville, New York, where we learned so much about power and
electricity and some of the tests that are done on products that we use every single day.
It's not only very important for us to test these things, but as you can see,
it was a whole lot of fun! For UL Safety Smart, I'm Dennis Avelar
and That's How You Learn.
طريقة عمل شيش برك بصلصة اللبن - الزبادي 2 | How To Make Shishbarak in Yogurt Sauce II 4K - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
How to Make a Match Cube - Duration: 5:16.-------------------------------------------
How to make money on youtube - Duration: 3:59.Hi viewers
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for the beginners
Thank you. Thanks for watching please like and subscribe for more
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How to make letters from paper with your own hands. 1 video. Do the Decor! - Duration: 14:04.-------------------------------------------
How I Do My Makeup - Queen Uyen - Duration: 5:36.First, I'm going to spray on the Smashbox primer water.
Next, I'm taking the Benefit porefessional primer and rub that all over my face.
Now, I'm taking the Maybelliine BB cream, dotting it on my face, then blend it out using
a damp Beauty Blender.
I'm using the Maybelline Fit Me concealer and putting it under my eyes.
I'm putting more concealer on the forehead, bridge of the nose, and chin.
I'm setting my face, using the Maybelline Better Skin powder.
I'm using the Benefit cheek parade, taking Hoola Lite to bronze up my face.
Then I'm taking the Galifornia blush and putting that on my cheeks.
I'm going to highlight using the Milani strobelight highlighter.
I'm highlighting my nose using the Becca Opal highlighter.
I'm just going to brush my eyebrows with brow gel.
Moving on to the eyes, I'm putting the Hoola bronzer in the crease.
Next, I'm putting a light brown shimmer in the center of my eyes.
Then, I put highlighter in the inner corners of my eyes.
I'm curling my eyelashes because my lashes point straight down.
Then I put mascara on.
Lastly, I'm putting my favorite pink lipstick from Colourpop.
I almost forgot to highlight my cupid's bow.
Stay (How Much Longer) - Alex Thomas & Panini - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
How to Fix screen overlay detected | How To Turn Off Screen Overlay Detected - Duration: 1:32.
How To Turn Off Screen Overlay Detected
How to edit like CB Edits||CB Edits manipulation||Awesome CB Edits tutorial - Duration: 12:33.subscribe my channel
🔥Emotional Healing: How to Deal with Sadness, Boredom, Illness, & Other Emotions 🔥 Colleen Hammond - Duration: 24:47.EMOTIONAL HEALING: How to Deal with Sadness, Boredom, Illness, & Other Emotions with Colleen Hammond
Boredom. Anger. Moods. Sadness. Agitation. What helps you relieve the distress?
That's this morning's topic on Coffee with Colleen! Let's get started.
Watch COFFEE WITH COLLEEN Monday - Friday at 9am Eastern (link in show notes below)
Good morning and welcome to Coffee with Colleen! I'm Colleen Hammond. I am a
former on-camera meteorologist for the Weather Channel turned executive image
consultant, coach and mentor. In 30 days or less I teach women to take the
guessing out of dressing we talk about style grooming and business etiquette as
well as manners for everybody else so what relieves distress how do you
deal with your emotions what do we do with all these emotions well it seems
like a lot of people right now are turning to outside means instead of
learning how to deal with the emotions there's so many things that are rub it
readily available in our life whether it be drugs or alcohol or or other types of
addictions but ultimately we are responsible for our own emotions so I
want to talk about 10 tips for dealing with emotions or going through emotional
healing and how to do that within ourselves how to deal with our board on
how to deal with our sadness basically how to grow up foods the other one Thank
You Liz so number one is the ability to to know who you are and be comfortable
in your own skin and just be yourself a lot of our own de-stress comes from
internal talk about that in just a minute but learning to ask for what you
want don't be passive-aggressive about it if they love to me they figure it out
no just tell people what you want and ask for it learning to set your own
boundaries learning you know what are your non-negotiables we talked about
this many times in the past what are your beliefs what are your opinions and
being comfortable with that allowing other people to have their own beliefs
and opinions but being firm in your own beliefs in your own opinions standing up
for your values like I said your non-negotiables being able to wear the
clothing that you want to wear other people pressure you you know a lot of
this you know outside influence how much do we let that impact us and how
comfortable are we being in our own skin be comfortable to where you don't have
clothes you know we talked about all the time with my clients you have different
style personalities but you put that link and on determining your style
personality so what I comfortable may in may not be what
you're comfortable in and what you are comfortable wearing may not quite be my
own personal style so being comfortable to be able to wear the clothing that you
want to wear eat the foods you want to eat if you're a vegan be a vegan if
you're on a keto diet be on a keto diet if you're gluten intolerant deal with
that so what kind of foods you it's saying the things that you want to say
there's a million different ways of being yourself because when you're not
yourself you're a little bit off you don't feel comfortable you're trying to
be somebody else but it's false it's not who you are so learning number one to be
yourself and be comfortable in your own skin be comfortable being yourself
number two invent yourself if there's things about you yourself that you don't
like change them your you be who you want to be you know it's these things
aren't in control of you you are in control of them so if there are certain
abilities you want to learn things you want to learn to do learn them you know
you're in control of your environment you know just so decide who do you want
to be who do you want to be when you grow up right and a lot of these
emotional things that are bothering us can be reduced when we can decide to
become a column or person we can decide to be a less critical person a less
gistic ulverston a less lazy person we can decide to be more productive we can
decide you know whatever we want to be so in the process of number one being
yourself do a little bit of self analysis a self critique right to say
okay here are my good points don't don't neglect your good points here are my
good points here are things about myself why do I react this way I don't know
probably started when I was five you know I was listening to a Tony Robbins
recording this morning who's going to say Cape that's how long I've been
listening to Tony Robbins was back in cassette tape but I was listening to a
Tony Robbins recording this morning and there's so many different triggers in
our life and one of the triggers he mentioned was when you came home from
school did your there give you a snack what time of day
was that for me it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon I'd get home from school my
mom would have a snack we would have you know cheese and crackers and now in my
life I crave cheese and crackers and a glass of wine at 3 o'clock I added the
glass of wine when I was older my mother did not give me a glass of wine when I
was growing up so when you look at yourself you may be doing things and
responding things that started as habits when you were a child doesn't mean you
have to continue to be oh that's just the way I am and just get no you change
that so number one be yourself number two there's things about yourself you
don't like change them a lot of these outside emotions in dealing with our own
own emotions come from in here and the things that we do that we're not happy
with or embarrassed about or we're not comfortable with so number three love
and allow yourself to be loved it really is amazing to me when I worked with some
of my clients and there's this we all have this need to be loved and the best
way to do that is to stop thinking about it and focus on loving others but also
being open to other people loving you being charitable towards you and it's
really kind of surprising to me the number of people that aren't aren't
comfortable that yes we do need our solitude our alone time are obviously
our individualism but we are happier healthier we live longer lives when we
allow ourselves to be loved so that that takes some learning to of how to relate
to other people maybe you've shut other people off because of painful
experiences maybe you've shut it or whatever for whatever reasons there's a
variety of reasons but getting into the habit of including other people in our
plans instead of always going along learning to actively listen and that's
in the emotional intelligence course about learning to be aware of other
people and actively listening to the words that they're saying you know the
most successful people at meetings don't take notes you know they're they're
engaged they're eye-contact they're looking at other people they jot things
down on occasion but they're engaged and open
into the meeting so eliminate your more egregious fault and you know like I said
say to my children just grow up alright number 4 learning to get a grip on your
own mind because it's the thoughts that we think remember how powerful your
thoughts are when you think about a time that you were embarrassed
you'll blush again that's how powerful your thoughts are just thinking those
thoughts will have physical reactions within your body so the thoughts that
you think are really what's causing you the emotional distress it's not the
outside influences those may trigger the thoughts but by continually thinking
these thoughts and allowing these things to remain in your head that's what's
causing us to have these emotional reactions and when you think the
thoughts that cause physical reactions within your body so the stress can cause
tell the problems because of everything that's going away so identify your
thoughts learn to have that emotional intelligence where you can sit and
really analyze instead of reacting to a situation emotionally you can learn to
respond appropriately and that comes with emotional intelligence so identify
your thoughts find out the ones that aren't serving you these thoughts are
not helping me so I need to dispute them demands that they go away and replace
them with other thoughts because it's like when you want new furniture in your
house you take the old furniture out but you need to replace it
you can't leave an empty living room right so it's the same thing with your
thoughts you you get out the bad ones but then you have to replace and
substitute them with ones that are more productive and helpful finding you know
this emotional distress comes from how we choose to allow our mind to go so get
a grip on it get a grip oh the things you think yeah that's right dr. Seuss so
but here's the only one that can do that you're the only one that can get a grip
on your own mind and the grip on your own emotions and if you don't then
you're going to continue to live in emotional distress and sadness and
boredom and and all these other emotions that are you know like a bit in our
mouth like a horse it's just pulling this one way in another so you either
spits a bit out and you get in control or it's going to control you so that's
number four number five is the past let go of the past forget about it you know
there's that saying forgive and forget but you don't want to forget so much
that you keep putting yourself back in the same bad situations right so but why
are we allowing these night sweats to come from thoughts of the past it is
what it is live and learn deal with whatever has to be dealt with
but don't wallow don't keep recalling the past it's already done it's gone
it's the poof right live and learn from it don't repeat the same mistakes
because you don't want to be hurt again obviously but the sadness that we can
sometimes feel are these waves of anger that we can sometimes feel morning
Bradley they come from our thoughts of past things so we can eliminate that we
don't want to wallow there we need to tell ourselves okay I'm going to stop
thinking about that I'm going to move on don't you do that you think about it a
time in the past or a person that there was somebody that did something and get
angry all over again your heart rate goes up your place why why are we doing
this to ourselves right but some people have this little secret attachment to
misery and they like to wallow then if that's what you want to be new you want
to wallow that's fine just stay there but don't don't try to you know don't
try to bring me into this so I said this to my children all the time growing up
if they were having a really emotional time and like you know what you need to
work that work this out you need to go to your room deal with your emotions and
when you can respond appropriately come out and we can discuss this but I'm not
about having tender champions in public and I don't want people like because
it's abusive when people use their emotions to try to impact you or change
your mind or or cause you to do some just because of their moods that's
abusive and I don't I don't I don't stand for that so be in a room and
worked it out right so observe you will have an attachment to misery and they
want to wallow go ahead and do it but I'm not going to and I'm not going to
participate in it right so letting go over the past forgetting the past and
not allowing all these things to continue to work through your head and
bringing up all this just let it go you know if there's somebody you have to
apologize to or you know sometimes you just have to accept the apology from
someone that they're never going to give you do you know what I mean you say that
again you need to accept the apology from someone that they're never going to
give to you so if there's somebody who's offended you you may never see them
again or they just may not be the type of person that will ever apologize for
what they've done then you know what you're just going to have to like okay
whatever let it go don't expect the apology just assume it's already
happened and moved on with your life number six find your internal switch
that anxiety switch the boredom switch the nervousness switch whatever and flip
it off there's going to be things that trigger you there's going to be stuff
that just flips your switch right you have to find out okay why am I thinking
this why am I feeling this way what's going to stop for three minutes and
maybe even one sometimes you can find it right away sometimes you can right but
if you can find what that trigger is and what that switch is just flip it off if
somehow it gets looked on and as a Christian sometimes I just think it's
the double flip it off and if you can't really work it out then you start using
your coping techniques right okay I need to work through this anxiety I need to
work through the sadness I need to work to just boredom so breathing techniques
I've got a little app a breathing app on my phone that reminds me to stop and
just do a one-minute of mindful breathing any kind of cognitive
techniques or relaxation techniques whatever but something that will help
you find that inner switch and flip it to
the off position so you're not going to be
overdramatizing or over emotionalizing this thing and making it into a bigger
catastrophe than it really is and you're not going to feel fearful of
life because you know you have control you can stop and take control of the
situation and not create unnecessary anxiety for yourself so number six it's
flipping that binding the switch and turn it off make life meaningful
good morning Diana meaning is nothing more than what we assign to it right and
in life has the meaning that we assigned to it so sometimes in the search for
happiness we were talking about this Sunday after church from my husband my
husband my son and his girlfriend and my daughter and her boyfriend and all that
we were all sitting around talking and it's like this in the search for
happiness is not when you find happiness happiness oddly enough seems to come
after the great periods of sadness so you have to it's like you have to have
pain to really appreciate joy and you have to be unhappy to really appreciate
happiness so the good has to come with the bad the bad has to come with the
good so when you know you look around and go what's the meaning of life the
meaning is what you have given your life what meaning have you given your life so
stop looking for the meaning because it's within your power to create meaning
in your own life does that make sense cease those daily opportunities for
being productive for being helpful to reaching out to other people to living
your life and love and charity and and when when you serve others and bring
happiness to others that's when you will experience the true happiness within
yourself so make those daily investments in your own happiness and in your own
meaning and and by using that that kind of x7 but that ties into H because when
you assign your own meaning and making life meaningful for yourself when you
assign that that this is my life this is my purpose
for today that type of thing good morning father you decide that that
meaning is going to overcome whatever mood you woke up in this morning right
so if you wake up and you're not feel so good you can either choose to wallow in
that all day while I was the word for the day right or just say you know what
I'm a business to build today or I have you know a book to write or what's a
consumed kitchen to go and serve in or but you start each day with the meaning
that you assigned to it and this morning at almost because I was doing all these
other things I almost didn't do this live show this morning because a good
friend of mine passed away last night and I was afraid I would start crying
and as I shouldn't even mentioned it and I thought no I honor him in so many
other ways and I will honor my friends by doing my show this morning and
keeping my commitment there today has the meaning that I have assigned to it
and I know Mike would want me to continue to serve because that's how he
devoted his life in service to women with cancer and helping them feel
beautiful through the organization hello gorgeous and he and his wife Kim so
start each day announcing to yourself if you have to what's your meaning for
today what routine chores are you going to do
do them for the greater glory of God I'm going to sweep the floor to the best of
my ability and make it shine now because I expected a reward from somebody but
when I do a job well done I feel good about it and so I do that for myself and
for God so reduce your emotion or emotional distress by checking in to
what meaning you have assigned for today you're right Frank exactly it's a
transition number 9 again like I said earlier if you don't like something
about yourself change it so you may not be the person just to upgrade your
personality so earlier we're talking about some activities and stuff and now
we're if you're to Aang or impulsive or whatever now work on
your temperament you have the temperament you were born with and we'll
get into the four temperaments course that's another course it's being
upgraded but you were born with a temperament that God gave you and then
your nature nurture so then you you develop other things based on who raised
you so for example I would buy my very nature on that all that organized but my
mother was so I to learn to be ultra organized I'm very left brain so if
there's something about yourself that you're not comfortable with change it
now in terms of emergency or extreme distress
you'll fall back on your natural tendencies of what you were born with
and the way you grew up and that's everything but you can choose to behave
in a different manner you can choose to grow up
alright so ask yourself does this method of behavior align with the meaning I
have assigned to my life and working through that
so think the thoughts that you want to think take the actions you want to take
you know I hear so many excuses of I'm just not that type of person well why
not just become that type of person if you're not now aand is not a morning
person well you know you can train yourself to get up earlier you know some
people or you know aren't necessarily a morning person but what happens if they
have a job that starts at 5:00 a.m. guess what they're getting paid for that
they'll get up and become a morning person just go to bed earlier so if
there's things about yourself that you don't like change them
number 10 your circumstances match her so learn to deal with them you know that
your money things the money situations and always manners and money is a big
thing our relationships how we stand in our relationships that matters how
things are going at work that matters how things are within our own body our
own health that matters politically where our nation stands that matters
these are all things that can be outside of our control you know we can't control
sometimes what happens being in the economy we can control how we respond to
it and how we control our own wallet we can't always control the relationships
that are going on around us our own personal relationships do we want them
to be good but sometimes when you're involved with another person things
happen that are outside of your control there's a lot of things that happen at
work that are outside of our own control our health for the most part can be with
inside our own control but sometimes like in the case of my friend Monica
passed away last night at a very young age he just had a health condition that
he was not able to control burn of course the nation's being at peace is
not something we control so these are all circumstances in our life that are
outside of our control but how we respond to them is truly what matters so
you can change your relationship you can change your job you can do different
things in eat different foods to respond to you know the health situation but do
what you can do when outside circumstances are impacting you but a
lot of times that's outside your control but control what you can control and
just by controlling what you can control you can emotionally feel better so you
can see with all ten of these it's we the action that you take and it's how
you choose to respond to things you ultimately are in control of your
emotions not other people outside circumstances happen and it may trigger
an emotion and a feeling within us but ultimately how we choose to respond are
you going to stay depressed are you going to stay bored I used to tell my
children all the time and low board intelligent people are never bored and
then my son who's you know like the IQ of 160 or whatever he's like yeah I
guess I'm not that smart because I'm bored so how you choose to respond to
that go outside and create something or sit on a smartphone or play a video game
I mean what are you going to do with that boredom what are you going to do
with your sadness and remember the body is very powerful so
how would you sit if you were bored how would you sit if you were excited right
so changing your physiology will change the chemical reactions that happen in
your body and change the way your thinking so again we go back to oh I
don't have my pen handy all I have is a makeup brush go back to this by holding
your pen in your mouth for two minutes whether you're emptying the dishwasher
cleaning the bathroom or brushing your teeth shaving let's say that by holding
that pen in your mouth it forces your facial muscle muscles into a smile which
triggers certain chemicals to be released in your bloodstream which are
happy chemicals so respond to the circumstances around you in a different
manner and we live in a society of self help so for heaven's sakes get on
youtube and google it do a search on YouTube and find a video that might be
able to help you you'll find other ones too but by taking and being proactive in
your own emotions and understanding that you and ultimately only you are in
charge the motions that you're feeling taken of course that is that you know
somebody has a chemical imbalance and we're talking that's an extreme case but
in general you are totally in control of your own emotions and if you take
control of them recognize them and deal with them in these 10 different ways you
have an amazing ability to reduce your emotional distress and improve your
emotional help health so I hope those were helpful to you if you're watching
on YouTube make sure that you subscribe to my channel and click the little bell
so that you will be notified of every time I upload new videos and like
comment and share and let me know in the comments section of any of these ideas
were helpful to you thanks for joining us and we will see you next time Monday
through Friday 9 a.m. Eastern on Facebook live take care god bless
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