Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily instagram Jun 14 2017

hey everyone this is far from and this is Bob's

Den. In this video I will show you how to view an Instagram profile picture in

full size with the help of a web browser.

Alright, to view an Instagram profile picture in full size on your Android

device what you need to do is to go to that particular profile and go press on

the three dots on upper right hand corner and go to copy profile URL press

on that and that will automatically copy the link on clipboard of your device

and now what you need to do is to go to your web browser I'm using Chrome here

so go to Chrome and paste this URL you just copied onto there and hit go and

that will pull up the particular profile from Instagram on that web browser

you're using and now what you need to do is press and long hold on that picture

and you have different options that you can download the image and I'm going to

open image a new tab that will actually open the image in a new tab I'm going to

go open that, So this is the image that has been uploaded to that profile but to

view the full size of that picture what you need to do is go to the URL and

scroll through that until you see this part which says in my case s 320 by 320

it could be different on your device depending on the resolution and once you

delete delete that part so that you'll get the full size of the image but keep

that front slash or that forward or backward slash there and hit go and that

will give you the full size image that has been uploaded to that profile as the

profile picture alright I really hope that now you know how to view an

Instagram profile picture in full size on your Android device and iPhones make

sure you subscribe to my channel here and you're also welcome to follow me on

instagram epic aperture and I'll see your next video bye

For more infomation >> How To View/See Instagram Profile Picture In Full Size - Duration: 2:07.


Top 10 Most Followed Instagram Girls That Are Too Hot To Handle | | Hot Girls Vol - 1 - Duration: 10:03.

she is an American singer, song writer an actress. she is known for her crazy

dressing sense she has 68.5 million followers

on Instagram

she is an American actress and a successful businesswoman she is very

famous for her hourglass glass shape and She have 68.2 million followers on


she is an American singer, rapper and model. she also writes songs she has

81.2 million followers on Instagram

she is an American fashion model and television personality she has

81.9 million followers on Instagram

she's very talented and do many work a socialite model television personalities

and fashion designer she has 95.2 million followers on Instagram

mostly everyone know her she is actress socialite model and businesswoman she

have great hourglass shape and beautiful looks she has 101 million followers on


she was an American singer, song writer and actress as well

she has 103 million followers on Instagram

she is great as well a song writer

she has 102 million followers on Instagram

she is an American singer and actress she has 109 million followers on


she is an American actress and singer

she has 122 million followers on Instagram

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Followed Instagram Girls That Are Too Hot To Handle | | Hot Girls Vol - 1 - Duration: 10:03.


[Eng sub] 170614 EXID LE 인스타그램(Instagram) Live - Duration: 11:25.


(??) Are there many people at the live?


I'm in the studio

Here is my bro

He is working hard. Bring my coffee

Bring my coffee

We have to work in the dark for good works

Inju Hi

Boram Hi

Haein Hi..

What is that bald oppa (*Big Tray. from JiggyFellaz)

We didn't turn off the light

We turned it on

Hearts are coming now

Your back is on air


You must have a tool likes it always

(??) How many people are looking at? (LE) What?

(??) How many people are there?

(LE) Now... How can I check it?

(??) How can you not know that?

It's my second live cast

I'm in the studio

I'm working..


I have swollen face due to cold

That's good

My bro is working hard

under my surveillance

I'm not sleeping

I didn't see other's instagram live. So I don't know how it works

I heard my instagram notification is slow. Is it?

I'm reading all replies

We go to the Hongkong on Friday

See you in Hongkong

Jiyeon unnie is here.. (*Hair artist)

This dark place is our studio

Why I feel it keep tangled?


I go to work

Bye Bye

Bye Bye

For more infomation >> [Eng sub] 170614 EXID LE 인스타그램(Instagram) Live - Duration: 11:25.


� How to Watch Instagram Stories on Your Computer (Chrome IG Story) - Duration: 1:28.

Hello friends!

You are with Larisa Levinskaya again.

And today I want to share

with you as you can

view Instagram Stories

(short video stories users Instagram)

through your computer. This is done quite simply.

We will use one of the plugins

Google Chrome. I download Google Chrome.

In the search box, specify the name of this plugin

Chrome IG Story.

Press The Enter Key.

Chrome Instagram Story

The first reference to read a

It beats out link to directly himself

Google Chrome, turn on her.

Offer a link to this plugin.

Top right choose "install".

Click on it.

Set the resolution.

Chrome Extension Instagram Story

found me tells myself

Google Chrome. Posted in Chrome.

Close this plugin.

And let's see how it will operate.

I open my Instagram.

And here's the Ribbon Instagram

There are all the Stories,

all participants

at the current moment.

You can view.

Let's try to show this girl

with these beautiful flowers.

As you can see all the works!

I hope that today's short video

It was useful for you.

Place the Huskies, Subscribe to RSS feed!

With you was Larisa Levinskaya.

See you soon!

For more infomation >> � How to Watch Instagram Stories on Your Computer (Chrome IG Story) - Duration: 1:28.


Snapchat Vs Instagram stories for Businesses - Duration: 2:06.

Hi my name is Erika Peter, and this is the two-minutes branding tips.

So today, I'm going to compare Snapchat and Instagram stories for brands.

So, I'm going to say it right away, Instagram stories is better for branding.

And I'm going to tell you why. The number one reason is that in only 8 months Instagram Stories grew more users

than Snapchat. That's big! Alright? The second reason is that on Snapchat, you cannot tag people and you cannot

add a link, which is a huge bummer.

So basically, on Instagram Stories, what you can do, when you are posting your videos or pictures

you can tag somebody; that someone can be a partner, which is great.

The second thing is that when you have a sale, for instance you have a 20% sale on your last digital

product, you can just tell people, go check out the link in my bio.

And people will just click on it. I know one link is not enough, but still it's better than not having anything.

And the third thing is a huge bummer, according to myself, it's that on Snapchat you cannot

be found. So basically, the way Instagram works is that it suggests accounts based on your likes and comments.

On Snapchat you don't have that. For people to find you, they need your username. They really need it.

There is no other ways. I mean usually users send people to their Snapchat or they get recommendations

from other Snapchaters. But anyways, at the end of the day, when you have a business and are building it,

you need to be found. And I think that Instagram provides this.

Alright? So if you have any question, please ask them below, and I will see guys from Monday to Friday.

For more infomation >> Snapchat Vs Instagram stories for Businesses - Duration: 2:06.


鈴木愛理、Instagramを開設 ℃-ute愛にあふれる投稿にコメント殺到 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 鈴木愛理、Instagramを開設 ℃-ute愛にあふれる投稿にコメント殺到 - Duration: 2:54.


How To Link In Instagram - Jessica Payne | Brand Organics - Duration: 4:48.

Hey, you guys Jessica Payne here with a quick how-to on how to hack the

Instagram bio link and this is important because if you are starting to use

Instagram like we are and you're starting to see success one thing that

can hold you back is the difference between Instagram and Facebook the

Instagram actually doesn't allow you to link inside the text of your post so

like on Facebook and Twitter you can include text and you can include a link

and you can include hashtags well Instagram actually doesn't allow you to

link in the body of the text and this can actually be a huge headache for

marketers and brands because we always want to point people somewhere typically

a web site so I'm gonna use my own profile here my own personal profile

here to show you about how to actually hack it and anyone with an Instagram

profile can do this I'm actually showing you from a desktop just because it's

easy for me to show it to you but you can do this straight from your

smartphone so the first thing you want to do is actually look at your profile

and what we're going to be hacking is this area right here it's going to be

we're going to leave the name alone but we're going to be hacking this copy

right here which is typically a description of your service or your

brand and then an area for a link which folks typically use their website fair

enough but if you're ever running a promotion or you want to drive traffic

during a specific moment in time you should hack this area because everyone

discovering you will be reading this first and it's really the only place on

Instagram you can actually link to so let me show you how to do it the first

thing you want to do is jump into the edit profile so make sure you're logged

into Instagram and you're going to pay attention to two areas one is the

website URL address which actually when you're into the personal settings

appears on top but when you are actually in your own profile this copy appears

first and then the link so just keep that in mind especially if when I use

like pointer finger emojis or whatnot so here is my current setting and we're

actually going to change it to something new now I have a promotion right now

because I have a new cheat sheet that teaches people how to use a social media

kind of going along the lines of strategies like this and other tips and

tricks so I want to point to that so that

folks discover my profile they'll go there instead of just my website so

here's what I've done and here's my tip the first thing you want to do is like

write out what you want to appear in this section first and gather your link

and just have it handy especially if you're updating this on an iPhone it's

so much easier just a copy and paste this and try to think of it on the spot

so that should say to save you some time so I've actually tossed it into just at

Google Drive a doc right now but here is the copy then I'm actually going to

replace here's the link of the page that I want to bring people to so they can

download my free cheat sheet and here is my text pretty straightforward so I've

actually written it out I'm actually hitting copy right now and I'm going to

jump back into Instagram and again you can do this right from your smartphone

it's super simple so boom download my new free cheat how to inspire action on

social media in five simple steps right maybe I'll put it in my couple of

exclamation points and I'll just throw in a smiley face for good measure

right now that's done now all we need to do is update this website so I'm just

going to jump back in here copy this jump back and paste it guys that's it

why you do is you hit submit give a sec and check it out look at that now if

you're on your smart phone this is going to be a little bit more contracted and

this link will go down here but guys that's it so every person that discovers

my profile and this is great especially if you have an ad campaign or whatnot

you're doing advertisements or sponsored ads on Instagram they're going to be

looking at your profile well everyone now is going to be taking a look at not

just me and instead of it saying kind of my standard award-winning brand

strategist it's not going to say hey download my new free cheat sheet so

that's literally all you have to do it took me longer to explain it than it

will actually take you to do it so if you're using Instagram or just starting

out on Instagram don't forget it up this really popular and underutilized tool

and frankly the only way that you can link using this

a social network all right so any questions on this you can always find me

on insta you can comment on any one of my photos follow me and find us on other

social networks like Facebook and Twitter so that should do it guys good

luck and let me know if you have any questions I think you'll really enjoy

using this hack.

For more infomation >> How To Link In Instagram - Jessica Payne | Brand Organics - Duration: 4:48.


Steven Gerrard branded 'sexist p***k' in MAJOR Instagram backlash - Duration: 2:15.

Steven Gerrard branded 'sexist p***k' in MAJOR Instagram backlash

The Liverpool and England legend shared an adorable photo of all four of his kids to his 6.1 million followers.

Stevens three daughters – Lilly-Ella, Lexie and Lourdes – are all crowded around his one-month-old son Lio and looking down lovingly at him. However, what Steven wrote alongside the photo ignited fury among some.

Looks like his ironing and washing is sorted when he gets older, the doting dad captioned the photo.

Some of his followers were furious and claimed that he was enforcing outdated gender stereotypes on his daughters, and soon a fiery debate ensued in the comment section.

A football player is a sexist p***k? Funny how thats always the case. A**hole, one user fumed. Cant they do anything else for their little brother aside from being his maid? another asked.

And one added: Thats not funny – thats disrespectful. Disgusting. However, many also jumped to Stevens defence and urged others to stop being so sensitive.

Some people need to lighten up – the caption is a joke. It isnt like hes going to force his daughters to do it. Get a grip! one follower commented. Another wrote: People are pathetic.

No one can have a joke these days without someone getting offended..

While one added: What a massive over reaction! Gorgeous picture buy the way. Beautiful family [sic]. Now this hasnt been the first event which has caused feminist uproar this week.

Amber Rose made a powerful message in the name of feminism, vowing to bring back the bush with a X-rated pic of her nether regions. Daily Star Online has contacted Stevens reps for comment.

For more infomation >> Steven Gerrard branded 'sexist p***k' in MAJOR Instagram backlash - Duration: 2:15.


Rihanna Posts LeBron James Memes Featuring Lion King, Crying Jordan on Instagram - Duration: 2:59.

Rihanna Posts LeBron James Memes Featuring Lion King, Crying Jordan on Instagram

After the Golden State Warriors defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers in Game 5 of the NBA Finals on Monday to win the championship, Rihanna took to Instagram to show her continued support for LeBron James.

As seen in the following video, Rihanna likened herself to Simba and LeBron to Mufasa from The Lion King as James laid it all on the line in a losing effort:Rihanna also posted the following crying Jordan meme with Michael Jordans face on her body, complete with a No.

23 as a head nod to King James:The renowned musical performer is a well-known LeBron fan, and she attended Game 1 of the Finals in support of James and the Cavs.Rihanna and Durant made headlines for reportedly interacting with each other during Game 1 of the NBA Finals.

Rihanna apparently yelled brick during a Durant free-throw attempt, and KD later stared her down after hitting a three-pointer, per USA Today.

After winning the championship Monday, Durant had the following to say to Rihanna, according to Josh Peter of USA Today: Love you, girl, but I got to do it. Gots to do it! You understand me?.

Despite losing in five games, LeBron made NBA Finals history by becoming the first player to ever average a triple-double in the Finals with 33. 6 points, 120 rebounds and 100 assists per contest.

Durant was dominant in his own right, however, and took home MVP honors with 35. 4 rebounds and 5. 4 assists per game.

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