Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily or Jun 13 2017

Immi Account or Registered Migration Agent?

The DIBP (Department of Immigration and Border Protection) has a website where anyone can

lodge their own visa application online.

You can make your own "Immi Account", click the buttons and away

you go.

Is that all you need?

Or is a successful visa application from Philippines to Australia a bit more

complicated than that?

Many will assume that an easy online application system will make the process also easy.

Well, guess what?

The statistics don't back that up at all!

Immi Account online applications get refused every day,

just like the paper ones always have!

Australian visitor visas - more than just forms

The biggest mistake anyone can make with an Australian visitor visa application from Philippines

(aka "tourist visa" application) is to think it's

just a form.

You still have around a 1:4 chance of a refusal or

having to withdraw your application because of errors.

Filling out the form is about 10% of the work in a successful visa application.

You may even fill out the form correctly, and still face a refusal.

This isn't like renewing your drivers license.

This is an application for a grant, and there remains a real possibility that you won't

earn that grant because it's about fulfilling criteria

set into Australian law in the Migration Regulations (Cth) 1994.

And that takes more than ticking the right boxes.

What makes a successful tourist visa application?

Meet the criteria, and you will get a visa.

Don't meet the criteria, and you won't.

You need to prove to the Case Officers at the Australian Embassy

that you meet the criteria before they will grant the visa.

If you don't, they literally have no choice.

And they do this because they have so many who try to do the

wrong thing.

It's the nature of things when you have a rich country and a poor country.

Many in the Philippines see wealthier countries as lands

of opportunity and would love to be there to share in the


And tourist visas seem like the easy way in.

So many will have wrong intentions in their attempts

to get into Australia.

What are the visa criteria?

I won't list them all, but I will tell you that the main issue is around the word


Tourist visas are for visiting family and friends and for doing tourist-things.

They are not for working, or for seeking work, or for staying

for a long time and avoiding a more expensive partner visa


They want to believe absolutely that the visa applicant has a good reason to visit that

matches what tourist visas are for, and will be on the plane home before the visa stay

period runs out.

Sound simple?

I suppose on the surface it does, but the weakness in doing your own application is

that you see it through your own eyes and naturally

will assume that what you're submitting is good enough

and is exactly what they want to see.

I know this, because every client who comes to us for help after

their application was refused is shocked and dismayed.

Many are angry and indignant, feeling that they

were singled out and given unfair treatment.

When we look at what their application consisted of, we

normally disagree.

Bottom line is that the Australian Embassy staff in Manila don't know you or anything

about you.

They have your application form, be it a paper

Form 1419 or an online immi account application form, and

they have whatever else you submitted with it.

And if what they have doesn't paint a very clear picture

of a genuine applicant, then yes they will refuse it instantly.

That's their job.

I asked before "What makes a successful tourist visa application?"

A well-prepared and well-presented collection of information and evidence that the visa

applicant meets the visa criteria beyond reasonable doubt.

This is what an experienced Registered Migration Agent does

for you.

And what makes that happen consistently?

Ticking the boxes correctly on an online form and clicking SUBMIT?


What it takes is knowledge, skills and experience in managing these applications

hundreds of times per year for Australian Filipina

couples, and to keep doing it again and again.

Sounds to me like a Registered Migration Agent once


For more infomation >> Immi Account or Registered Migration Agent - Duration: 5:28.




For more infomation >> SACHA PIYAR KYA HAI [[ OR KASE HOTA HAI - Duration: 8:12.


Who will be king after the Queen Elizabeth – Prince Charles or Prince William - Duration: 3:50.

KING CHARLES III imagines what might happen after the Queen dies, with a fictional Charles

and William warring over the crown.

But who will be our next king?

The BBC drama is set immediately after the death of the Queen and shows Prince Charles

ascending to the throne.

After Charles refuses to give the royal assent to a controversial bill, a constitutional

and political crisis threatens to engulf the royal family.

The Duchess of Cambridge is portrayed as a Lady Macbeth type figure who encourages Prince

William to muscle in on his father�s position and replace him as king.

the drama ends with the coronation of King William and Queen Catherine.

But who will be our next king in real life?

Prince Charles is first in line to become king after the Queen, although many have speculated

whether he might step aside to make way for Prince William.

At 68 years old, the Prince of Wales is the longest serving heir in UK history and would

become the oldest ever British monarch to take the throne on accession.

In recent years, Charles has been the subject of much controversy, with his divorce from

Diana, Princess of Wales, his affair with Mrs Parker-Bowles and his �black spider

memos� to government ministers all sparking outrage.

Sources have claimed that Charles plans to make �heartfelt interventions� on public

affairs when he becomes king, leading to fears that he could bring down the monarchy and

spark calls for a republic.

Some royalists believe that Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge would be better

suited as king and queen and could help to cement the royals� future.

William enjoys better approval ratings than his father and is almost as popular as the


Charles has never spoken about the possibility of stepping aside to make way for William,

to do so would break with royal protocol.

In recent years he has taken on many of the Queen�s responsibilities as the 90 year

old lightens her workload.

He has spent most of his adult life in training to become king, and is enthusiastic about

his royal duties.

Regardless of his personal feelings, if Charles were to step aside for his son he could spark

a constitutional crisis.

Author Vernon Bogdanor explained: �You can't just decide to skip a generation, it's not

going to happen.

A 2016 poll found that 79 per cent of Britons support William, while just 60 per cent are

in favour of Charles.

The Queen garners 81 per cent approval.

The Ipsos Mori survey revealed that 76 per cent are in favour of keeping the monarchy,

but it is thought that support for the royals is largely linked to the Queen�s personal


Under the Act of Settlement of 1701, the eldest son of the monarch took the crown even if

they have an older sister.

But the Succession to the Crown Bill of 2013 changed the law so that males no longer precede

their elder female siblings.

Prince William is second in line to the throne, with his son Prince George third and his daughter

Princess Charlotte fourth.

They are followed by Prince Harry, Prince Andrew, his daughters Princess Beatrice and

Princess Eugenie, and the Queen�s youngest son Prince Edward.

tell us your thoughts in comments below.

thanks for watching.

please like,subscribe and share my videos.

For more infomation >> Who will be king after the Queen Elizabeth – Prince Charles or Prince William - Duration: 3:50.


Zakir Naik !! Where should the women pray taraweeh at home or in masjid ?? Peac Episode 14 ( Part 2) - Duration: 13:28.

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity as-salamu aleikum welcome back

to the show Ramadan a date with dr. Zakia I'm your

host use of chambers and today we're answering your questions on the topic ER

malayil the night breath as Hermione come dr. Zaki

while it was bolometer wake up next question where should a woman pray that

are we and involves a party on to this question at home or in the Masjid if she

prays at home can she lead the congregation or a congregation of women

it's mentioned in feed that give Hadid number 36 where the blood perfect said

that the best mosque for a woman is her innermost room I know most chamber in

the best place for a woman to pray is her inner room that's the best and in

another hadith of muscle damage all number six

Hadid number - 7 - 0 - which also mention in fayette target indeed number

25 once a lady has the Prophet I would love to play with you the ready set and

the Prophet replied I know you would love to pray with me but your player in

your inner room would be better and praying anyhow the player in your house

would be better than praying in the courtyard

you're playing in your courtyard will be better than praying in the mosque where

you lived there are only people you're playing in the mosque you lived along

with people is better than praying in my mosque that means for a woman the best

player is the inner loop now shine away is a deed that praying in your room in

better than house house better than the courtyard code rather than the mosque in

your area then mosque no better than the mosque of the Prophet though the Prophet

said is mentioned in say Muslim mode number two is number 2 - 1

that praying in my mosque is equivalent to a thousand beers but no soliciting

the Mohammed assalam it is equal to praying a thousand times in any other

mosque but this hadith it mainly referring to the men because no tools I

had encountered a so they had admitted to the men further woman the best place

in the house especially her inner room and there's a hadith in soon and abroad

volume number one book of Salah hide number 591 America Melaleuca Vita I mean

she come to the Prophet and save that I would like to her more than in the house

and the Prophet gave her permission the next Hadid Sunan Abu Daoud one

number one rockefeller height number 592 it fade that room of salah solemn even

to a house after point in the mountain and he asked her to lead the prayer in

congregation and the woman in the house they joined her and the red the face

that he saw the more then you are the old person it for the mission in a fire

hadith of Becky hadith number one nine two two Elisha Millar visitor who's the

wife of profit she says that she led the congregation of the woman to of Imam but

she stood in the middle of the road and another hadith in sana said 'no be Shia

edit number phone and five three say Oh miss Alma was also device apartment

Lobby visitor when she said that she led shall be mom of our congregational woman

and she was standing in the center of the first row so we had indicated that

the woman they can't pray but it is better for them to pay in the inner home

better than working in the mosque but they are probably to go in the mosque as

we discussed near earlier yesterday the praying in

the mosque is permitted but for them the inner room is better than the house the

house burned in courtyard quartet better than they

most close to them then the mosque of the Prophet but they can play they can

go to the mosque if the prayer room they can have a congregation there is no

problem at all an omen can lead the congregation of

choral diversity imagine with women yes yeah next question

dr. Zakir is it ok for a person who's following an imam in a congregational

seller to hold a Koran in front of him while the Imams reciting as far as

holding the Koran for a mock today my lovely Gamal Eldin done and we do see

that sometimes people hold and we see the life to the cast of the Tamil Eelam

ban from the harem you find some people holding the most of the copy of the

Koran is it allowed when you realize that if a person holds the most of the

copy of the Quran he is unable to follow that keep his right hand over his left

hand which is a requirement for Salah he can't for the dryden or the left hand so

he's not following one of the requirements of salah furthermore it

will be distraction for him to turn the page over you know with the imam keeps

on reciting fronting it's a discussion furthermore it will also prevent him

from looking at the place of stitute normally your eyes should be looking at

the place of so dude that's mode on each case so if they're looking at the most

of the cannot birthday and prevent them from very hard actions of rook will be

uncomfortable sujin comfortable so it is not advisable

for a person to hold the most often in a while the imam is reciting he should

just listen to the Quran what he knows by heart

alhamdulillah why doesn't know should pay attention and try and listen as the

Quran say that when we had the Quran we heard the Quran then pay attention to it

and listen to it so that's what we should do it's not advisable to hold the

muffins okay that's well arm said thank you very much

totally agree with you on that one and Allah another question for you dr.

zakir the viewer says I pray that are we in the mosque behind the imam

but i want to pray more raka in - shoot should I avoid Witter behind the Imam or

should I pray the winter behind the Imam and later repeat my Witter as far as the

practice and the sale of Muslims inside a beloved Prophet said they're smashing

son Abu Daoud on number one Book of Allah

I did number one three seven zero the beloved prophet is dead that when the

people asked him to stay longer and pray more so he said that a person who prays

with the Imam tilly ends it has the highest rate for the full name and the

other hadith of Seibu Harry Lime Des Moines in Bacchus Allah indeed number

472 we said that when the person asks the Prophet about gamil el prophet said

that you have to pray 2 rakaat followed by 2 rakaat then to decide name to Rahad

and when you feared on coming and pray one aha and the other this is that you

can pay as much as you wish so based on these two hadith the best a person can

ask two options one is that he has to pray to the end of the Imam you can come

away from the Salah and not operator because then he will not be as the

Prophet said it would not be like a person who's paid till the end

along with imam I have the hadith of Abu Dawood one 310 Xerox case if you please

till the end along with the Imam at least wait the full night so the best

case he played along with a mom also prays with her and then afterwards later

on if you want to offer tahajud Taj is the famous camel l-arginine waking up

again he goes only sleeps and he wakes up again again again pray but he should

not offer with her because there's no - with her the only one with her or the

other option is that he plays along with the Imam and when they Imam in the last

Locker of width many inves Allah this person should get

up and prove America so any proven or Akkad it doesn't become better and when

he goes home please attach it and then press the waiter here he's following

that the display until end with the Imam they give the salawa bring for the full

night and he goes home and he played and the

return is normally the last dress preferably they go home and you again

take the budget and after that the debate the victor that's the second

option which is preferable with the first lost time okay an excellent thank

you next question how much Quran should one

recite in each raka of far away there is no fixed rule per se

there's no limitation but the Prophet did said that as much as bill said is

better we have in the hadith of Mustafa lacking hadith number one months in zero

that the beloved prophet he said that anyone who decides hundred verses he

will be counted among those were obedient the next Heidi daus was the

duck a lucky and it number one one six one that anyone recites hundred verses

will not be counted among the negligent and added of Sunan Abu Daoud one number

one in the Rockefeller how did number one - 930 that anyone who resides ten

verses in the Quran Lail that will denied peer it will not be caught on

with the negligent anyone who recites hundred verses will be counted among the

obedient and anyone who recites a thousand verses they get huge sum of

rewards so as much as we recite better its machine say Muslim oil number one

how did number one 697 but asaba join is a prophet and in camel led and the

prophets continued any as I mention earlier he plays surah bakra anything's

gonna rain after hundred verses he continued toward was in the continuous

he thinks he'll and you go in ruku after suitable for a prophet continues officer

a in far many things after for initial good and you can't insulin bran and

continue spraying that means you know more than fighters that's how long the

perfect paid we also have the hadith which is mentioned in Mata

na Moloch volume one in the book of Peter chapter number 204

we're open cab then he led the salah' used to decide hundred verses on the

flora long with lanyards additional slope so people used to get tired and

lean on the stick and many time it used to continue to close to fight a fella

very long but the Prophet also set mentioned in say Muslim my number one

focus Allah hide number nine for three that when you are leading a congregation

not send in your salah too much because there are women the elderly people the

end you take a tad so you have to shorten your prayer and prefer to get

you said that if you are praying in congregation and see the Dolan in too

much but if you're praying alone you can pray as much education as the Prophet he

prayed modified you if you're alone you can pay as much as you wish but in a

congregation you can lengthen it but don't make it too much don't go too much

it will cause a problem to the people who are in your congregation the young

children the women the elderly people so that should be the face be balanced in

other words stop hamdulillah next question dr. Zakir is it permissible to

pray taraweeh at home ok if a husband leaves the wife and children in thereare

we will he get the reward equal to those who pray there are we in congregation in

the mosque or Masjid being in Bangladesh is preferable than being alone as we

discussed earlier bring in the mosque is preferably bring at home so for the man

it's preferable that he goes to the mosque and join the congregation but as

far as Dominic concern depending the room is better than playing the whole

house bird and courtyard khodabandeh mosque

so it's preferable to the woman pray at home and if the one they can be a

congregation at home that set aside they discussed earlier that would be the best

at the moment retro and have a congregation but the man is preferable

that he plays in the mosque ok excellent hamdullah physical I have the answer

well dear brothers and sisters inshallah we'll meet soon after a short break


For more infomation >> Zakir Naik !! Where should the women pray taraweeh at home or in masjid ?? Peac Episode 14 ( Part 2) - Duration: 13:28.


Legal Weed in Pueblo: Economic wonder or public health crisis? - The Feed - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> Legal Weed in Pueblo: Economic wonder or public health crisis? - The Feed - Duration: 8:54.


Valentus Review or Scam? $2040 USD In 3 Weeks - $2743 CND Slim Roast Coffee 2017 Breakthrough - Duration: 6:07.

hi guys so here in our latest update with volantis I'm just going to

basically crank this out really quickly I don't want to waste a lot of your guys

time but to prove that you know product works I mean I'm getting amazing results

from it I love the energy drink a drink a lot of that energy drink and that's

because I don't drink coffee and I don't drink a lot of different things but the

products work the immune Beus works I use it it's it actually helps when I

take it before I fall asleep it gives me some crazy energy when I wake up so the

immune boost works if you're a big coffee drinker this is a el client-based

coffee so it's really healthy for you unlike a lot of different coffees

they're they're really acidic so it's not good for your stomach your

intestines and stuff this coffee is really healthy for you and you're going

to lose weight too in the process its overall I mean if you're looking for

really high quality products you need to get involved with this company apologize

for my son screaming around the background users outside running around

and uh and uh like jumping around in a pool there but um so yeah ah yeah let's Valentus,Valentus reviews

check out the leaderboard see some still on yep I'm on the leaderboards eighteen

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continue to build this company and I really enjoy the products too so um yeah

get a hold of me shoot me a tax if you like my numbers in a description there

um I showed you proof for making money here uh actually this this information

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website but I hacked because I haven't set up my Payoneer credit card yet I

haven't received those Commission so they're just sitting there and I'm just Valentus training,Valentus aron parker,valentus power team,valentus breakthrough

accumulating them so I haven't touched them yet but they're there and that's

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clearly and yeah so I'm gonna I'm gonna help you succeed with this you know

you're gonna get some bonuses you're gonna you're gonna have a team there

it's going to be helping you succeed with this um you'd be silly not to join

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process so win-win situation here if you ask me Oh life's like subscribe comment

on the video please I got I know I love the engagement and follow me on Mondays

my every Monday the motivational Monday videos just to inspire and motivate

people sharing my wisdom and my knowledge of life and also my journey in

internet marketer

For more infomation >> Valentus Review or Scam? $2040 USD In 3 Weeks - $2743 CND Slim Roast Coffee 2017 Breakthrough - Duration: 6:07.


Say Yes! or No! Learn Colors Rhymes Game for Kids with Animal & Surprise Eggs by PoyoPuyo. - Duration: 9:52.

This is Yes or No

Say "YES" if it's right

Say "No" if it's wrong

And you'll get Surprise Eggs

Don't go anywhere

we'll open it after the game

Let's pick 4 Surprises

First one

Big Hero6

Next one

Let's Pick


Ok~ Which one should we pick next?

How about

Winnie the Pooh

Hi~ Tigger

Last one

How about you pick??

This one

Ohh~~ L.O.L Surprise

Are you guys ready to open Surprises?

If you're ready say yeah~~~~

First Surprise

Big Hero6~~~

Yummy chocolate~

Come out you little toy

We got Flier

Big hero6 collection


Let's open play Doh


Pink Play Doh

Shake Shak


I got more Surprise inside the Playdoh

Ohh~ Looks like My little Pony!

Ohhhh~~ She so pretty.

Let's open Winnie the pooh

Yellow egg

We got a cookie.


We have a Tigger Sticker.

And we got pencil eraser.

And who's shadow is that?

You guys want to open that L.O.L Surprise.

Let's open it together

Pull here

we need to pull and open one more time.

Where's Toys?

Yeah~ we did it!

Water bottle.

There's another bag!

Let's see what's inside~

Silver Shoes

WOW another bag!

pink dress

we got matching belt and shoes

Both Silver

I wish I can have it all!!

Pink Sunglasses

Ohhh~~ little baby.

Let's put some cloth on her.

Look at her now

She looks like superstar.

That's all for this time guys

Thank you for watching PoyoPuyo's video.

Good Bye~

For more infomation >> Say Yes! or No! Learn Colors Rhymes Game for Kids with Animal & Surprise Eggs by PoyoPuyo. - Duration: 9:52.


Kate Middleton's Test Tube Babies – Royal Family Hides The Truth – Twins or Triplets Expected! - Duration: 2:47.

Everyone is rejoicing now that Kate Middleton is at last pregnant, even though they are

hiding the truth about the nature and circumstances of the pregnancy, according to GLOBE.

Prince William is overjoyed that he will be a dad and satisfy his duty to Queen Elizabeth

to produce an heir to follow him on the throne.

Nevertheless the future King of England is insisting on total secrecy surrounding the

fertility treatments that made pregnancy possible, and the fact that The Duchess of Cambridge

is likely carrying twins or even triplets.

GLOBE reports in the December 24th print edition that a royal insider said: �William wants

to keep it quiet that they turned to in vitro fertilization when Kate couldn�t get pregnant

because she was too skinny.

He�ll do anything to spare her from any possible embarrassment.

They decided on IVF after she dropped to only 96 pounds.

Her dramatic weight loss was put down to the stress of joining the royals.� Much of that

stress is blamed on the awful behaviour of Camilla Parker-Bowles who fears and loathes

her more attractive and popular rival.

The source reveals that on many occasions after dealing with cruel Camilla, �Kate

would end up in tears in her husband�s arms.

It took its toll.� The story is that as hard as Will and Kate

tried to conceive, and try mightily they did, they couldn�t get the job done.

Kate was photographed visiting royal gynecologist Dr. Alan Farthing in March but the palace

demanded that the press not report the visit.

In desperation the royal couple turned to IVF because they wanted to get the show on

the road and satisfy expectations.

The source continues, �As they explored their options, William and Kate prayed a miracle

would happen but when it didn�t, they decided a test tube baby was the way to go.�

GLOBE�s insider confirms that embryos were implanted in mid-September and, �incredibly,

they got lucky first try.� When Kate was rushed to the hospital recently, suffering

from hyperemesis gravidarum, the couple apparently learned that the IVF treatment was royally

effective and that they can expect twins or even triplets.

The insider confirms, �The Queen�s dying wish is to hold a new heir to the throne in

her arms.

Now she�ll have two at least, she�s overjoyed.

tell us your thoughts in comments below.

thanks for watching.

please like,subscribe and share my videos.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton's Test Tube Babies – Royal Family Hides The Truth – Twins or Triplets Expected! - Duration: 2:47.


Jetcoin Review or Scam? Watch Me Put 1 Bitcoin Into Jet Coin Investment Compensation Plan - Duration: 10:15.

what up what up what up G wolf here a k-8 to Jedi marketer and we are in

another live journey into a company a really risky company and I don't mean a

risk in that you know it might go scammer in here like that but risking

that you know I'm risking my own money okay so the company is called jack coin

I'm pretty sure you're probably heard of it or you're going to hear of it but

it's it just recently launched and it's exploded I mean people have making a lot

of money really quickly and I don't see it stopping anytime soon because there's

a lot of top earners and when I say top earners I mean super affiliates getting

involved not your traditional super affiliates either we're talking like Jetcoin, jet-coin,

some serious super affiliates people who are bringing in hundreds and hundreds

and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds thousands of people so this platform is

going to explode companies you know this is called check coin and if you're doing

research on it more than likely it's because you you're catching drift of jetcoin review, jet-coin review,

this momentum that's being built up by a lot of these top earners and so me being

a marketer and also an investor like I I invested myself I invest in business

platforms I invest my money so that I can increase my revenue and my profit so

that I can grow my business even more I take educated and timely risks and the

reason why I say timely is because timing is kind of everything when it

comes to investments um either you have good timing you have shitty timing and

I'm at the beginning of this thing so I have really good good time and going for

me right now now disclaimer I have to provide this

disclaimer I'm not providing you with any financial advice here this is this

is just a review and I'm sharing my actual personal

investment into this platform to show you that you know I'm putting my own

money into this but with every company you know carries massive risks so

there's a there's a there's a chance that I could make nothing or it could

make a lot however I'm pretty good faith at the time of this video I've pretty

solid faith in this company that it's gonna be here for at least you know at

least half a year maybe I have to reevaluate the situation but I give it a

solid three months now I'm not saying it's going to collapse in three notes review jet-coin, jet-coin compensation plan,

from this saying I'm gonna give it three months and the reason why is because

there's some massive big time markers involved in this company recruiting

people into this thing so with that type of understanding that tells me that

there's always going to be funds coming into this company so there's always

going to be money money being able going out of the company right so as I said

I'm not giving any financial advice here with every company business opportunity

or investment platform carries massive risk so you need to be an adult about

your decisions and what you want to invest in right so check coin is

basically that sand invest pretty much an investment platform built on with a

binary binary opportunity

the owners behind us I don't know the owners I just know my sponsor and my

sponsor basically you know he's a trustworthy dude like I know he wouldn't

steer anybody the wrong way but then you know as an adult I still got to carry my

own risk right that's just the way it is you know but you have one two three four jet-coin proof, jet-coin opportunity,

five six seven eight different a different investment

packages that you can invest in once you come in I'm at the one Bitcoin so these

are all activated and all the way up to one Bitcoin for me

this basically earns me 0.9% Terra China I don't get the exact return on

everything but I've imagined it's about 1% per day right so 1% from each level

which would equate to about 0.5 no point zero five

yeah but point zero five yeah maybe point zero three something like that

around their back per day so just to prove it to you uh yeah let me log in


give it a sec here to load up so I mean a nutshell I mean you don't necessarily

have to recruit to make any money with this program just by the investment

packages if you decide you want to share your results go for it I mean the

easiest way to recruit these to share results so you don't need to be some

heavy rock super monster super affiliate to be getting anybody involved with the jetcoin opportunity, what is jetcoin,

platform as you can see here my plan jc5 let's go up to this tree transaction

history just to show you I initially bought this one which is the point zero

five and then I upgraded a couple minutes later to one Bitcoin so as you

see I came in with one Bitcoin and I'm putting my money where my mouth is right

basically let me pause this for a sec because I want to take a look at their

investment return so that I can give you an understanding of what you're going to

get back mathematically if you came in with one Bitcoin it's give me a sec here

alright so the math is actually relatively easy okay so when you work it

out if if I'm getting if I bought one BTC and it's doubling every 50 days then

basically in a nutshell it's saying that I should have to be TC divided by 40 jet coin review, jet coin compensation plan,

days this is used 40 days so 1 BTC per 20 days divided by let's say that's 3 what is jet-coin, jetcoin reviews,

weeks so I should be getting over 3 weeks about 0.3 Bitcoin back

a week yes a week and divided by divided by seven so divided by seven yeah one

sec here point three divided by 7 which would be point four about point four

point five point zero five Bitcoin per day is what I'd be getting back each day

about one point one Bitcoin every two days so that's about the return you're How to make money with bitcoin, jetcoin scam,

going to get daily using the format of doubling every 50 days above doubling

doubles every 50 days so two bitcoins you know one Bitcoin every 20 days so

yeah it's the boat would make sense that's that's how the math was work um

if you wanted to come in and anything lower that's so key it I mean that's

totally up to you but I'd advise you if you want to get

the maximum return and leverage fast come in with one dick one um but you're

an adult so you make your own decisions right get a hold of me if you're going jetcoin investments, bitcoin,

to get involved let me know and because we have a support group we have a you

know with all pretty much all the top earners who are in this company I'm

working with them we have a support group or private chat group and a

private Facebook support group so you can get like the updates from the you

know the main honchos in charge right and I think that's really good for you

it puts you in a place where you're you're you're in the know right so if jetcoin withdrawal proof, jetcoin top earners, join jetcoin, gladiacoin,

they know something then we're gonna know right away right and so like I said

before timing is everything right now with this company if you get in early

you're looking at some massive returns pretty quick and with all these big gladiacoin review, gladiacoin scam, gladiacoin compensation plan, jetcoin vs gladiacoin,

massive marketers coming involved I could see this companies staying around

for a little bit but with everything like companies like this

it carries a bit of risk so you know you need to make that your own educated

decision on whether or not you want to roll with this company but let it be

known I put one Bitcoin in myself

For more infomation >> Jetcoin Review or Scam? Watch Me Put 1 Bitcoin Into Jet Coin Investment Compensation Plan - Duration: 10:15.


Creating a PIN for a Microsoft-connected or Local User Account in Windows 10 - Duration: 1:26.

Speed up logging in to Windows 10 by creating a PIN for a Microsoft-connected or local user account.

First, log in to Windows 10 using a Microsoft-connected or local user account.

Click the Start button.

Type Settings and then select it from the results.

Click Accounts.

Click Sign-in options.

Under the PIN section, click Add.

Your account must be secured with a password before creating a PIN.

If Add is not available or the PIN section is greyed out, create a password for you account.

Enter your account password and then click OK or Sign In.

Create a PIN at least four numbers long and enter it in both text fields.

With your PIN entered and confirmed, click OK.

Log in to your computer, Microsoft account, and other apps and devices using your PIN.


For more infomation >> Creating a PIN for a Microsoft-connected or Local User Account in Windows 10 - Duration: 1:26.


Advantages of Living in the City or the Town - Listening & Comprehension Practice - Duration: 6:30.

Extra English Practice [EEP squeak]

Hey, guys. Welcome back.

Today, Larissa and I are going to have another conversation

so you can have a little listening practice. Here we go.

Hey, Larissa. Yeah? Did you grow up in the city or the country? (country side)

Oh, I was born in a city, but we moved to a small city,

which I consider a town, when I was 2,

but then most of my life, I lived in another small town,

which really was a small town. It had 12,000 people. Oh, that is small.

So that's what I consider the place I grew up. How about you?

I I grew up in small towns, also.

When I was really little -- when I was born -- we lived on a farm.

So that was definitely out in the country, the countryside.

Yeah, but then we moved into a town where I lived until I was a grown up.

And now you live in a city? Now I live in a city.

We live in the same city, not a big city, I guess,

especially compared to international cities

Yeah, compared to the world, it's a very small city,

but it is probably in the top 20 cities size-wise in Canada. Yeah. Probably. We'll look it up after!

So what do you prefer? Now, I prefer living in a city,

mostly because I don't like to drive,

and if you live in the countryside, you have to drive to get anywhere.

But here, I can just walk to restaurants or catch a bus to work,

or you know, so many options. Yeah, that's a good point.

What about you? Do you prefer the town or the city?

Hmm, I like the convenience of it, of the city. I like that everything is here.

If I want to see a doctor, it's nearby. If I want to go out to anything,

to the museum... to... I mean, there's stuff.. great, great libraries, great restaurants...

There's all sorts of conveniences, but I like the pace of life in a small town or in the countryside.

I've never lived in the countryside, but in a small town,

people seem to know each other more. That's right; they're friendlier on the street.

Plus, I think you know.... raising kids or when I was a kid, the town was nice then...

because you're right -- I knew everybody, I felt safe,

you know, there was always someone to go to if I needed help or something.

It's a good place for kids maybe.

Oh another thing: there's usually a lot more opportunity in the city. Yeah, for sure..

So when you think about getting a job, or changing jobs or going to school, like university,

a lot of people move to the city for those things. Yeah. And then they tend to stay.

What's the biggest city you've ever lived in?

Ummm, ahhh.....

In University I lived in Montreal, which is one of Canada's biggest cities.

It was the biggest city I've lived in.

It was awesome. I loved it. I was studying art, so it was the perfect place to be.

Yeah, that would be great. What about overseas? Like you...

Well, I don't know... I don't know how big... I lived in the capital of Laos,

which is Vientiane, but I don't know how many people live there.

I think Montreal is probably bigger. Interesting. I'm not sure though...

and in India, I lived in the countryside, on a small campus outside of town, so..

You? Where's the biggest place, the biggest city you've lived in?

I was born in Toronto. Oh, that's a big one, by Canadian standards.

But I was only there 'till I was two, so I don't remember it.

I lived in Doha which was a pretty big city, for the country,

but same thing, like, talking about the big cities in the world..

I've really never experienced something like Tokyo, Seoul or Mexico City,

I've never lived in a place like that. One day, maybe. Maybe, but it seems intimidating to me.

It does, it seems like a lot. Overwhelming. Yeah. Like, the people, and the hustle and the bustle

I like to have some quiet, along with some convenience. I just want it all!

Yeah, exactly, the best of all worlds? Yeah, the best of all worlds, that's right.

Do you think you'll stay in the city, or do you want to move back to a small town someday?

I, you know, now that I've lived in the city, I don't think I'd move back.

I wouldn't TRY to move back. Whatever happens, happens, but....

no, I think in the city, at least in a small Canadian city, it's easy to have both:

the convenience of city, but the small-town feel,

and so I think I would stay here. You too?

Yeah, for sure. I don't... I really prefer the city. I like being close to museums..these sorts of things,

and being able to see my friends easily, ride my bike, you know? For sure I'll stay in the city.

Good. Great. We can stay neighbours! We can be neighbours forever! I'm excited about it.

Extra English Practice [EEP squeak]

[laughter] Misha, in a squeaky voice: Awwwkward!

For more infomation >> Advantages of Living in the City or the Town - Listening & Comprehension Practice - Duration: 6:30.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome A Secondary Effect - Carpal Tunnel Master'S Fake Or Real - Duration: 4:13.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

For more infomation >> Carpal Tunnel Syndrome A Secondary Effect - Carpal Tunnel Master'S Fake Or Real - Duration: 4:13.


''You Just Suddenly Decided To Learn It or What?'' ((LEVEL-UP)) - Duration: 1:11:32.


**My Twitch ID is: Nezumi505000**


((MANDARIN)) You come from Shanghai?

((MANDARIN)) Where do you come from?

((MANDARIN)) Oh, Fujian

((MANDARIN)) Oh yea?

((MANDARIN)) I know

((MANDARIN)) She's also from Fujian?

((MANDARIN)) She's my cousin

((MANDARIN)) Right

((MANDARIN)) How long have you worked here for?

((MANDARIN)) I've worked here for 4 years

((MANDARIN)) Oh, 4 years?

((MANDARIN)) What do you think?

((MANDARIN)) It's not bad

((MANDARIN)) Actually, I come from Columbus. I live in Columbus

((MANDARIN)) We're visiting this place

((MANDARIN)) So, this is my first time coming here

((MANDARIN)) Does he speak Chinese?

((MANDARIN)) He can speak a little bit

((MANDARIN)) You may practice with him a bit


((MANDARIN)) I'm very good


((MANDARIN)) Keep going, keep going

((MANDARIN)) Is there something you would like to eat?

((MANDARIN)) Do you want to eat something?

((MANDARIN)) Be quiet

((MANDARIN)) Let him practice a bit

((MANDARIN)) It's difficult to choose because we don't eat meat

((MANDARIN)) You don't eat meat?

((MANDARIN)) You speak better

((MANDARIN)) Of course, because I've studied longer

((MANDARIN)) Do you know how to write?


((MANDARIN)) Besides Mandarin do you know how to speak any other languages?

((MANDARIN)) Yes, I do. I speak our language which is Fuzhou language.

((MANDARIN)) Thank you

((MANDARIN)) Goodbye

((MANDARIN)) Can you speak?

((MANDARIN)) Chinese

((MANDARIN)) Chinese?

((MANDARIN)) You know how to speak?

((MANDARIN)) A little bit?

((MANDARIN)) I can speak

((MANDARIN)) A long time

((MANDARIN)) Where do you parents come from?

((MANDARIN)) It seems....

((MANDARIN)) Yes, I know

((MANDARIN)) Thank you

((MANDARIN)) What's your name?

((MANDARIN)) You don't have a Chinese name?

((MANDARIN)) Impossible

((MANDARIN)) You don't have one?

((MANDARIN)) My name is Moses

((MANDARIN)) Nice to meet you

((HUNGARIAN)) Do you speak Hungarian?

((HUNGARIAN)) I do, how about you?

((HUNGARIAN)) Yes, yes

((HUNGARIAN)) A little bit

((HUNGARIAN)) Unfortunately, I've inly learned a little bit of Hungarian.

((HUNGARIAN)) I'm self-taught

((HUNGARIAN)) Where are you from?

((HUNGARIAN)) Me? I'm from Hungary

((HUNGARIAN)) Where in Hungary?

((HUNGARIAN)) Oh yea?


((HUNGARIAN)) What about you?

((HUNGARIAN)) I'm American

((HUNGARIAN)) Where are you from?

((HUNGARIAN)) I live in Columbus, Ohio, but I'm from Akron

((HUNGARIAN)) Yes, yes...I like to learn languages

((HUNGARIAN)) Therefore, now I'm learning Hungarian

((HUNGARIAN)) Difficult

((HUNGARIAN)) Very difficult

((HUNGARIAN)) Yes, very difficult

((HUNGARIAN)) Very difficult, but very cool!



((HUNGARIAN)) Hello, hello!

((HUNGARIAN)) Hello, everyone!

((HUNGARIAN)) How are you?

((HUNGARIAN)) How are you?

((HUNGARIAN)) I'm good


((HUNGARIAN)) American

((HUNGARIAN)) But I've already learned Hungarian for 5 months

((HUNGARIAN)) Very good

((HUNGARIAN)) Who taught you Hungarian?

((HUNGARIAN)) I'm self-taught

((HUNGARIAN)) Chatrooms........speaking...

((HUNGARIAN)) Very difficult

((HUNGARIAN)) Yea, yes

((HUNGARIAN)) I think it's very difficult

((HUNGARIAN)) But I like meeting people from all over so...


((HUNGARIAN)) You're right

((VIETNAMESE)) Do you speak Vietnamese?

((VIETNAMESE)) Do you speak Vietnamese?

((VIETNAMESE)) How are you?

((VIETNAMESE)) How are you today?



((HINDI)) Hello, hello

((HINDI)) Hello

((HINDI)) How are you?

((HINDI)) Very good

((HINDI)) I'm OK

((HINDI)) Where are you from

((HINDI)) Thanks a lot

((HINDI)) Do you speak any other languages?

((HINDI)) I don't know

((HINDI)) See you again


((TAGALOG)) How are you?

((TAGALOG)) I'm good

((TAGALOG)) Where are you from in the Philippines?


((TAGALOG)) I don't have many, but I learn Tagalog and other languages

((TAGALOG)) Oh yea?

((TAGALOG)) Do you speak any other languages?

((TAGALOG)) Thanks a lot

((TAGALOG)) How are you?

((TAGALOG)) I'm good, how are you?

((TAGALOG)) I'm good as well

((TAGALOG)) Are you learning?

((TAGALOG)) I learn Tagalog and other languages

((TAGALOG)) Not yet

((TAGALOG)) I haven't been to the Philippines yet, but...

((TAGALOG)) It's beautiful

((TAGALOG)) Oh yea?

((TAGALOG)) Where are you from in the Philippines?

((TAGALOG)) Nice to meet you

((TAGALOG)) Very beautiful

((TAGALOG)) No joke

((TAGALOG)) Thank you


((TAGALOG)) Yes. I live in Columbus, Ohio

((TAGALOG)) You're from Columbus?

((TAGALOG)) Have you been there before?

((TAGALOG)) There's a lot of Filipinos living there

((TAGALOG)) Many there

((TAGALOG)) When will you go to the Phillipines?

((TAGALOG)) I don't know

((TAGALOG)) I don't have a lot of money now so...

((TAGALOG)) You can speak Tagalog?

((TAGALOG)) Just a little bit

((TAGALOG)) Where did you learn?

((TAGALOG)) At home. I'm self-taught

((TAGALOG)) Good!

((TAGALOG)) No joke?

((TAGALOG)) This is my brother here

((TAGALOG)) Your brother

((TAGALOG)) I understand

((TAGALOG)) Cool!

((TAGALOG)) Thank you!

((TAGALOG)) Thank you

((TAGALOG)) You're welcome

((TAGALOG)) Good


((ARABIC)) Egypt

((ARABIC)) Egyptian Arabic?

((ARABIC)) I'm from America

((ARABIC)) Yes

((ARABIC)) Just a little bit

((ARABIC)) Goodbye

((MANDARIN)) Are you Chinese?

((MANDARIN)) Do youspeak Chinese?

((MANDARIN)) I can speak Mandarin

((MANDARIN)) Where are you from?

((MANDARIN)) Where are you from?

((MANDARIN)) Where at in China?


((MANDARIN)) Bruce Lee

((MANDARIN)) This my idol

((MANDARIN)) He's your idol?

((MANDARIN)) Right

((MANDARIN)) He's awesome

((MANDARIN)) Very awesome!




((MANDARIN)) How's it going?

((MANDARIN)) Right, Bruce Lee

((MANDARIN)) You really like him?

((MANDARIN)) Yes, of course because he's my idol

((MANDARIN)) Idol?

((MANDARIN)) Right



((MANDARIN)) Speak Chinese

((MANDARIN)) I see it

((MANDARIN)) Let me see

((MANDARIN)) Yes, because this one here is fake


((MANDARIN)) This one is fake?

((MANDARIN)) It's just that there is some jade that's not made as good, that's good

((MANDARIN)) Yours was made by the heavens?

((MANDARIN)) It was given to me from the heaven

((MANDARIN)) Are you from the same place?

((MANDARIN)) Because he just told me...

((MANDARIN)) That's my husband

((MANDARIN)) Do you know what ''laogong'' is?



((MANDARIN)) Are you going to get something?


(MANDARIN)) Do you live around here?

((MANDARIN)) I live in Columbus

((MANDARIN)) 2 hours

((MANDARIN)) I know

((MANDARIN)) I heard wrong

((MANDARIN)) Right, you heard wrong

((MANDARIN)) I screwed up

((MANDARIN)) You are the first person I've met here with good Chinese.

((MANDARIN)) Oh yea?

((MANDARIN)) You're being too nice

((MANDARIN)) You're the first one

((MANDARIN)) Out of everybody who's spoken Chinese here, you're the first one

((MANDARIN)) You make me happy

((MANDARIN)) She's also Chinese?

((MANDARIN)) Oh yea?

((MANDARIN)) Yes, she speaks Chinese

((MANDARIN)) What else can she speak?

((MANDARIN)) Indonesian?

((INDONESIAN)) Greetings

((MANDARIN)) How are you today?


((INDONESIAN)) Where are you from in Indonesia?

((INDONESIAN)) I can't say...

((INDONESIAN)) Many languages

((INDONESIAN)) I know that there are many Indonesians that can speak Chinese, Cantonese

((INDONESIAN)) Is that true?

((MANDARIN)) A lot

((KOREAN)) Hello

((KOREAN)) You can speak Korean?

((MANDARIN)) I only know one thing

((MANDARIN)) Do you want to eat something?

((MANDARIN)) Just potatoes

((MANDARIN)) We don't eat meat

((MANDARIN)) Then just the potatoes?

((MANDARIN)) It's kind of spicy

((MANDARIN)) That's my favorite thing to eat

((INDONESIAN)) What's your name?


((MANDARIN)) No, that's OK

((MANDARIN)) He speaks Chinese

((MANDARIN)) I can speak Chinese

((MANDARIN)) How much is it?


((MANDARIN)) Goodbye

((MANDARIN)) Goodbye

((MANDARIN)) Nice to meet you

((MANDARIN)) Goodbye

I'm about to level-up with her

OK, bye bye

((THAI)) You speak Thai?

((THAI)) Yes, I can

((THAI)) How are you?

((THAI)) I'm good

((THAI)) Vey good

((THAI))I don't eat...

((THAI)) Thai language?

((THAI)) Because I learn Thai at home

((THAI)) Where at?

((THAI)) In Columbus

((THAI)) Yes

((THAI)) There's a lot of Thai people there

((THAI)) There's a lot of Thai people there

((THHAI)) Therefore...

((THAI)) I can speak Thai with them

((THAI)) You're Thai, right?

((THAI)) You speak Thai, English and any others?

((THAI)) It doesn't matter

((THAI)) Nice to meet you

look, he looks like he's from somewhere


You look tired, are you tired? Are you ready to go home?



((TURKISH)) Greetings!

((TURKISH)) How are you doing?

''how do you know that?

((TURKISH)) Because other languages...

((TURKISH)) I think it's good to learn other languages

((TURKISH)) Where did you learn Turkish?

((TURKISH)) At home

((TURKISH)) At home?

((TURKISH)) I learn by myself


((TURKISH)) I teach myself, but I always practice with my friend

((TURKISH)) But I only know how to speak a little bit of Turkish

((TURKISH)) Many

(TURKISH)) I'm a teacher

((TURKSIH)) Teacher

((TURKISH)) Really?

((TURKISH)) Which...

((TURKISH)) I live in Columbus, Ohio

((TURKISH)) I want to practice more Turkish

((TURKISH)) I want to practice more Turkish because I want to speak fluently

((TURKISH)) I want to practice more Turkish because I want to speak fluently

((TURKISH)) I want to practice more Turkish because I want to speak as fluent as a bird

((TURKISH)) Which languages....

((TURKISH)) You?


((TURKISH)) Nice to meet you


((TURKISH)) Have a nice evening

''Hello. My name is Moses and I am an American. Now I'm learning Turkish because I like learning other languages. I really like it.''

((TURKISH)) That's it

((TURKISH)) Goodbye

For more infomation >> ''You Just Suddenly Decided To Learn It or What?'' ((LEVEL-UP)) - Duration: 1:11:32.


$20 bn deal for the latest F 16s or Gripen Fighter Jet within a Year - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> $20 bn deal for the latest F 16s or Gripen Fighter Jet within a Year - Duration: 2:37.



For more infomation >> TRY NOT TO SING ALONG OR DANCE (FIN/ENG) - Duration: 7:14.


Tangdasti Ka Wazifa or Ameer hone ka wazifa | Peer k din ka makhsos wazifa by kamran sultan - Duration: 1:08.

Tangdasti Ka Wazifa or Ameer hone ka wazifa | Peer k din ka makhsos wazifa by kamran sultan

For more infomation >> Tangdasti Ka Wazifa or Ameer hone ka wazifa | Peer k din ka makhsos wazifa by kamran sultan - Duration: 1:08.


PJ Masks Owlette Crying FATTY or SKINNY Superhero Workout Funny Story Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 17:02.

Welcome to Superheroes Kids TV

PJ Masks Owlette Crying FATTY or SKINNY Superhero Workout Funny Story Cartoon For Kids

For more infomation >> PJ Masks Owlette Crying FATTY or SKINNY Superhero Workout Funny Story Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 17:02.


Is Taylor Swift's Latest Move Against Katy Perry Petty Or Brilliant? | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:09.













































































For more infomation >> Is Taylor Swift's Latest Move Against Katy Perry Petty Or Brilliant? | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:09.


Tapes or No Tapes? - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Tapes or No Tapes? - Duration: 6:22.


Secret Service says it has no 'audio copies or transcripts' from White House - Duration: 0:43.

now if there are tapes of president Trump's conversations at the White House

the Secret Service says it doesn't have the Secret Service said Monday then it

has no audio copies or transcripts of recordings from the White House since

President Trump took office the statement came in response to a Freedom

of Information Act request filed by the Wall Street Journal is however does not

rule out other entities having them according to the journal with Secret

Service handled recording systems for past presidents President Trump raised

the prospect of recordings last month in a tweet after firing FBI director James

Comey saying Comey had better hope there are no tapes

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