Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily what Jun 13 2017













































For more infomation >> American Ninja Warrior returns: What's in store for season 9! - Duration: 1:44.


What is she saying?(31) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:15.

Hi everyone and welcome back to another lesson here at ForB's English.

In today's lesson, you are guessing what I'm saying.

So, here we go.

Forget it.

Forget it.

Forget it.

Can you guess what I'm saying?

Let's try it one more time.

This time with a hint.

Forget it.

Forget it.

Forget it.

Could you catch it this time?

Let's try it a little bit slower.

Forget it.

Forget it.

Forget it.

The answer is, "Forget it."

And at natural speed in English, in American English, in particular.

The "t" sound is dropped on the word forget, so it becomes forget, forget it.

And also, in British English in natural native speed, the "t" sound will become softer as well.

Sometimes it sounds like American English too but we will always have it become a stronger "t" sound

so we might say, "Forget it.", "Forget it."

And we will practice it a little together now.

So please repeat after me.

Forget it.

One more time. Forget it.


Now let's try it a little bit faster. Native speed.

Forget it.

And three times. Native speed.

Please repeat after me.

Forget it.

Forget it.

Forget it.


Good job.

So you can use this phrase if you want to say to your friend or colleague,

let's forget that idea or I give up on something and just forget it and move on to the next point.

Hope you find it useful.

Thank you very much for watching this video.

Please click like if you liked it and we'll see you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> What is she saying?(31) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:15.


molave - Wildest Dreams (What They're Going To Say) - Let it Go Mashup - Duration: 3:17.

And she says

I wish that I could be like the cool kids

'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in

I wish that I could be like the cool kids

Like the cool kids

I don't care

What they're going to say

Let the storm rage on

The cold never bothered me anyway

He sees them talking with a big smile

But they haven't got a clue

Yeah, they're living the good life

Can't see what he is going through

They're driving fast cars

But they don't know where they're going

In the fast lane Living life without knowing

And he says

It's time to see what I can do

To test the limits and break through

No right, no wrong, no rules for me

I'm free

And he says (I'm free)

(I'm free) I wish that I could be like the cool kids

I wish that I could be like the cool kids

'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in

I wish that I could be like the cool kids

Like the cool kids

Here I stand

And here I'll stay

Let the storm rage on

The cold never bothered me anyway

Don't let them in, don't let them see

Be the good girl you always have to be

All my life I've been good

But now


What the hell

And they said

I wish that I could be like the cool kids

'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in

I wish that I could be like the cool kids

Like the cool kids

Here I stand

In the light of day

Let the storm rage on

(Let the storm rage on) The cold never bothered me anyway

The cold never bothered me anyway

I wish that I could be like the cool kids

(I wish that I could be like the cool kids) Standing in a nice dress

Staring at the sunset babe

'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in

('Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in) Say you'll see me again

Even if it's just in your...

Wildest dreams

What they're going to say

For more infomation >> molave - Wildest Dreams (What They're Going To Say) - Let it Go Mashup - Duration: 3:17.


Buying a holiday home | What to look out for - Duration: 3:46.

Hello and welcome to Engel & Völkers

Channel 24. A level of demand

that remains high and a low level of supply.

Is it still worth entering into

Germany's holiday property market?

That's what we are discussing today with Kai Enders,

Member of the Board of Engel & Völkers AG.

Welcome Mr. Enders. Hello, Ms. Israel.

How would you describe the current

market for holiday homes in Germany?

Trends on the property market

usually have an impact in the longer term and

that is also true for holiday properties.

For many years now we have been seeing

strong demand, in contrast to

to a rather limited supply. Even the increase

in new construction and development

more recently hasn't been able to bring about

any considerable change here.

Prices rise. That's good news

for all those who've already

invested over recent years.

So is it still even worth investing

at this present time?

That's an exciting question. I am seeing many

people look at the increased prices with

a certain worry, thinking to themselves

that they have missed the right moment to enter

the market. But if you look at what has happened

in the classic international

holiday destinations

over recent years then it has

to be said: Many holiday countries have seen a sharp drop in tourism,

which has led to a tangible rise

in Spain, Greece and Italy,

as well as in Germany, which is

right at the top of the list of travel destinations.

High visitor numbers and people all want to

be accommodated somewhere. So acquiring a holiday property,

especially in view of the

low interest rates at present,

is still a good


Now for the exciting part: what returns

can be made from such an investment?

That depends to a great extent on whether you

use the holiday home yourself much

of the time, or whether you buy really purely as

a capital investment. If you do that,

returns of up to 8 percent

are possible. This in turn is

also related to the low rates of interest.

In other words, something that is wise to invest in.

The occupancy rate really needs to be

optimised though, meaning that it

needs to be a good property in a

good location to ensure that either side

of the high season there is still

a normal occupancy rate. Rentals during

the summer holidays are no

really feat, but it is at the bleaker times

of year that points also need to be scored.

But an occupancy rate of 200 days

and more is achievable if you go about things cleverly

and then this level of returns is possible.

What do I need to pay attention to when buying

a holiday property?

Of course there's that old and rather worn-out

agent saying: location, location, location

are the three most important factors

when buying. That is

doubly true when it comes to holiday properties,

because as I said, in the holidays, in the summer,

it is straightforward to rent out. But if you want to

rent in the springtime, in the autumn, perhaps

in the winter as well, then

the location has to be excellent and the property

needs to cater to the most sophisticated

of needs.

Then it will work.

As well as the price trend, the market report

has also observed various different

buyer groups.

To what extent do Germans, above all,

spend their holidays in Germany, or do

buyers tend to come from abroad?

We do of course have many foreign

tourists, but these tend to congregate

in the large cities.

The classic German

holiday regions tend to be predominantly occupied by

German citizens – who are both buyers and holidaymakers there.

If we take a look into the future,

how do you think

the market for holiday properties

in Germany is set to develop?

All the basic conditions currently in place

will not change at any time in the near future.

We continue to have a low rate of interest,

there is a high demand for

holiday properties, the availability of such

properties is limited by their very nature, and the increase in

new building construction

has not been able to change this significantly.

So we are expecting prices to keep

on rising in the medium term.

Many thanks for these exciting insights

and your overview of the holiday property market,

and many thanks to you for watching.

I hope you join us

again next time here at

Engel & Völkers Channel 24.

For more infomation >> Buying a holiday home | What to look out for - Duration: 3:46.


What if we could use machine intelligence to save more lives during a natural disaster? - Duration: 5:21.

What if there's a large catastrophe and there's complete darkness so

you can't call 911 and there are no phone networks, and

you're stuck in rubble or in debris in your house.

And an emergency manager gets this information live through our predictive

technology and is able to come and rescue you.



I am from a place called Kashmir in Northern India,

that has a history of being seismically active.

And we had this big earthquake in 2005.


So I was 17 when the earthquake happened and it was pretty bad.

Many places in my hometown were actually significantly damaged.

And they had a lot of buildings collapsed, and many people actually lost their lives.

So that was the initial drive, which caused me to take up engineering.

I went into structural and earthquake engineering, and

then I actually went to work for basically the government of India

building their thermal power plants across the whole country.

After completing two years there, my love for

earthquake engineering had not gone so, one fine day,

I actually Googled who's like the best structural engineer in the world.

And one of the people which comes up in the very first page is this guy named

Gregory Deierlein.

And I'm very interested in what he does.

He makes these innovative earthquake resilience structures.

I basically wrote a long email explaining everything I've done to him.

And then I was like, can I come to do a masters?

And the beauty was that he replied in ten minutes, and

that's how I came to Stanford.


I went back to Kashmir in 2014 actually to get engaged.

The day I reached back to California.

So, I'm an earthquake engineer, and many of my friends here said, hey,

you know what?

A few weeks back, there was an earthquake in Napa.

And it was a 6 magnitude earthquake, not really a big deal.

But, I was like, I'm an earthquake engineer, I should Google about it.

I learned that there were thousands of 911 calls right after the earthquake.

>> I don't know exactly what.

>> Is anyone injured?

>> Just wondering about that earthquake we had.

>> Yes, is anyone injured, sir?

If not, I have to let you go, we have many 911 calls.

We're gonna be there to get you, okay?

But we're gonna go help the people that got hurt first, okay?

>> And then, what the emergency departments had learned was, well,

the majority of the 911 calls did not even come from Napa,

because Napa didn't have phone network.

So I was like, wait a second.

These people are actually using their most critical resources to

not go to the people who require help the most maybe.


I had used artificial intelligence in my past research projects and I thought well,

there's a machine learning class, which is CS229, which is getting offered.

And I should basically take a combined project in Earthquake Engineering and

CS229, and let's see,

can we actually learn on how these buildings have behaved in the past.

And try to train models in order to basically make these predictions available

live at scale, and most reliably give them to the emergency operation centers.


CS229 has this poster presentation.

So everybody stands there in long queues in the Arrillaga Alumni Center and

many people walked by.

And the professor Andrew Ng, who teaches machine learning,

he walks by and he looked at this, and he's like, what is this map?

So I was like, well, this is the damage map for

building damage for the Loma Prieta Earthquake.

And building inspectors went house by house and tagged, green tag, red tag,

yellow tag on these buildings and it took them a year.

And he's like, well what is this map?

I was like, well, this is the same map, but we predicted this in three minutes.


So I was taking both these classes, the earthquake engineering class and

the machine learning class and this was a combined project.

So Nicole was my partner in the Computer Science class and Tim Frank, a PhD in

Earthquake Engineering, was my partner in the Earthquake Engineering class.

And we were all working on the same project.

Tim, after listening to Andrew Ng, he's like, I know who can use this.

There are these emergency operations centers, who have these large screens,

and they're at city, county and state level.

They manage the movement of police, paramedics,

fire, every rescue worker, everything.

And then we went to the first emergency operations center in San Francisco,

and those guys didn't believe us.

Those guys were like this is magic.


For more infomation >> What if we could use machine intelligence to save more lives during a natural disaster? - Duration: 5:21.


SkinFood | CUTEST Little Honey Pot Lip Balm REVIEW! | What the ***K?? | K-Beauty - Duration: 7:16.

Hello, my friends.

Welcome back to "What the ***K?" where we test out Korean beauty products to decide whether

they are worth your time and money.

Today we are going to be talking about this SkinFood Honey Lip Balm #3, the honey flavor

and I've got some tea to spill on this honey.

So, this is the honey pot lip balm.

There's actually 3 of these.

The berry one's #1, mandarin is #2, honey flavor is #3.

I paid $8.75 for this little tiny pot of lip balm.

This is now actually on sale at Amazon for $7.20.

As you know, Amazon prices can fluctuate a bit.

You can also get this on the SkinFood website for $10.00, so Amazon is the better way to


I did get it directly from SkinFood on Amazon.

It also has 4 1/2 stars on Amazon with 120 reviews which is pretty stinkin' good.

So, I was like, "Yes!

I want this in my life!"

They did not have the ingredients listed from SkinFood on this product and I didn't do a

lot of digging before I got it and I probably should have.

This is not the first time I've had issues with SkinFood ingredients.

Last time I reviewed a SkinFood product, it was their strawberry mask and I found discrepancies

between the mask that was sold on Amazon vs. the mask that was sold on Ulta's website.

This is not sold at Ulta.

I was contacted by SkinFood and there is a correction in the description there that,

basically, they messed up the ingredients on Ulta's website and they said, "Please contact

us if you have any other issues.

So, I contacted them.

I have not heard anything back, but I will put something in the description.

And now you're wondering what I contacted them about.

We're gonna pretend this is tea.

So, looked at the ingredients for this on SkinFood's website and I'm looking....and

I'm looking...I'm like, "Okay, textures, mineral oil....Ooooh!

We've got Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride.

That's a good one.



Yellow Lake #5, okay.

Where's the honey?

Where's the honey?

Where is the honey?

I'm gonna put their description of what this product is on the screen right now, and you'll

see here that they do claim that you do get benefits from honey in this product.

But there's no honey!

There's no honey listed here!

Some of their other products do have honey listed.

They have honey listed or honey extract listed.

There's nothing listed here.

Let's take a second to pause.

As I was editing this video, I was taking screenshots of things and I noticed something

on the SkinFood website that I wanted to mention.

You'll notice here that it says honey, and then it gives a description, and then after

that it says "additional ingredients."

Before I filmed this video I didn't see that it says "additional" ingredients.

Meaning, I guess, that honey is one of the ingredients and these are the rest of the


But that just seems fishy to me, because when you list ingredients you should list all the

ingredients because how do I know where honey falls on the list, so I decided to do a little

more digging and the only other place that I could find ingredients on a sales website

was on the Memebox website and as you can see here, there is no honey listed in the


So, I'm still gonna stand by, until I hear from SkinFood, that this product doesn't have

any honey in it.

I'm getting very frustrated with SkinFood and the way that they don't seem to care how

the ingredients are listed for their products.

As an ingredient junkie it just really is very irritating.

Alright, so now back to the review.

And honey might be something that you would really like to have in a lip balm.

I did a little bit of research on honey itself.

LiveStrong's website talks about it being a moisturizer for the skin, protecting against

damage, and promoting wound healing which would be great for the lips.

Different honey has different properties, though.

They say that the best honey is supposed to be Manuka honey, but there's a bunch of different

kinds that are supposed to be higher quality than other kinds, specifically for skin care.

On the other SkinFood honey products, they don't say specifically what kind of honey

they use, but honey could potentially be a very nice ingredient for this, but there ain't

no honey in it.

Just so ya know.

At least that's what they have listed.

I mean, I looked up all the scientific names trying to figure out, are they hiding it in

some kind of science that I just don't understand.

I can't find it.

So, let me just tell you a little about this product.

It is mineral oil based based on the ingredients.

And what you do is there's this little plastic thing here that holds this little drummette


And you take this little plastic piece off.

I don't know if you can see that, but it just barely holds that.

So you can take this really cute little wooden, I don't know what you call this thing.

Little wooden thing.

And you can pull the product here.

We're going to go ahead and apply with this, but again, you can apply with your fingers

if you want to.

It's just it's hard especially if you have false nails or long nails it's going to be

hard to get your finger in this pot, because it is quite small.

I think I got a little bit too much.

It smells fabulous.

It's got a great little flavor to it, a great scent to it.

It's not really overpowering in its scent.

But as you can see, it's just a mineral oil based shine.

A lot of lip glosses and lip balms have mineral oil in them.

It's not a fancy ingredient by any means.

It doesn't do anything magical as far as the look of it.

Actually, let me zoom you back out to tell you a little bit more.

Hold on a second.

So what you're going to be paying for with this product is the packaging.

I've used this 5 or 6 times.

I've used it before bed to see if there is a noticeable difference when I wake up in

the morning and there hasn't been for me.

This does have a very high rating on Amazon, so it's possible that someone else may have

some kind of magical things that this may work better for you, but this, to me, wasn't

any better than a $2 lip gloss except for the packaging.

The packaging is really cute.

I do wish that there was a way for this little thingy, this little wooden thing to stick

here without that little plastic piece.

'Cause I can see this being lost very easily.

I am glad that they included it though because it is a little bit difficult to get your finger

into the pot.

If it was a $3 product, I would say, "Yay!!"

But the fact that it was an $8 product, I think that is very overpriced for what you


There's definitely nothing magical in this product unless SkinFood somehow has something

magical in it and just didn't happen to include it in the ingredient list.

You may know that I'm about to go on a vacation with my family to New York and Canada, so

there will not be a What the ***K after next week, but I've got a fun one for you next


I ordered these off The Face Shop on Amazon.

I don't know if they're still available or not.

I don't think they are, but they are too fun not to do, and we're gonna get the whole family

involved next week's What the ***K.

It's gonna be epic.

And it's these Simpson's face masks.

I've got Homer for my husband.

I've got Lisa for my daughter, I've got Marge for me.

I've also got an extra Homer and an extra Lisa because I don't know what my son's gonna

want to do.

They didn't have a Bart one, so we will see what he wants to do.

Who he wants to be.

He can be anybody he wants.

But it should be a lot of fun next week for What the ***K, so make sure that you subscribe

so that you don't miss it.

Mad love, and I'll see you in a video soon.


For more infomation >> SkinFood | CUTEST Little Honey Pot Lip Balm REVIEW! | What the ***K?? | K-Beauty - Duration: 7:16.


when did I make this what (CC) - Duration: 0:42.

japan is religion by china

filed with crazy rice farms that makes you king

and its B E A U T I F U L

in the year japan might not have been here

in the year -40,000 it was here

and you could walk to it, and some people walked to it

then it got warmer some crazy rice farms melted

it became a china and now there's lost of tr-

c r a z y r i c e f a r m s

bc it's warmer

so now there's people on the island they're basically sorta hanging out in-between the mountains

eating rice and using the latest technology

like spies

DING DONG It's the outside world

and they have technology from the future

like really good metal and crazy rice farms

now u can make a lot of rice


that makes u king


that means if you own the farm you own a lot of food which is something everybody needs to SURVIVE

so that's religion


For more infomation >> when did I make this what (CC) - Duration: 0:42.


What is a Drei Ecke - Duration: 1:29.

Hey where is your Drei Ecke?

What's that bro?

Let me explain, bro

For more infomation >> What is a Drei Ecke - Duration: 1:29.


BREAKING President Trump Meets with Cabinet, What He Did Next Will Save America - News - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> BREAKING President Trump Meets with Cabinet, What He Did Next Will Save America - News - Duration: 2:36.


What to do during red rain storm signal A short Film - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> What to do during red rain storm signal A short Film - Duration: 1:48.


What is "My Mother and Other Strangers?" - Duration: 2:41.

(dramatic music)

- [Crew] You know the Irish song.

- 488 Take one A marker.

- [Director] Background, action.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey now!

- Now careful now, buddy boy.

- You're all right Yank, huh?

- It's essentially the story of Rose Coyne

who is an English woman living and working

in rural and Northern Ireland during the war.

She's an outsider.

She's surrounded by people

for whom the war hasn't really affected their way of life.

I play Michael Coyne.

He works in the pub everyday.

He runs the farm.

She's a school teacher

and runs the grocery shop.

The kids help out when they can.

And because of this constant work that they do,

there can be a vacuum sometimes.

- I play Rose Coyne.

I suppose the story centers

on Rose and Michael Coyne's family.

I should imagine there are times

when they could look at their marriage and go,

"Where's the romance gone?

"All we're doing all the time

is working and bringing up kids."

But there's a spark there.

She adores him.

But there are times

when she's feeling

a little bit restless.

Her soul gets a little bit starved,

I think, in the marriage.

- Of course it's the eternal love triangle:

A woman in a marriage

that has gone a bit stale through custom and whatnot.

The environment she finds herself in,

she's a woman who's alive to poetry

and to the imagined of life.

And she's working in a shop and in a pub

and she meets a rather glamorous American airman.

- Mrs. Coyne.

- Captain Dreyfus.

- I have something for you.

You may already have this.

It's about the lake.

- They have a connection and in some ways it's literary.

In some ways it's a sense of humor.

And in some ways it's just sort of maybe a place in life

where they both feel

that there's somewhere they don't belong.

And at the same time they're at the perfect place.

- I was aware that there had been G.I.s

in Northern Ireland during the war.

But I never really thought about the impact

that would have on our local population.

The kinda exoticism of Americans coming over.

It's like they're from a different planet really.

- When you put an American airdrome

in Moybeg or rural County Tyrone

with some American Soldiers,

it's just magic.

It's emotionally heartbreaking.

It's funny.

It's real life.

For more infomation >> What is "My Mother and Other Strangers?" - Duration: 2:41.


Transgender vs. Transracial: What's the Difference? || Third Rail With OZY - Duration: 1:52.

Speaker 1: I mean, I'm trans puppy.

I love everybody.

Speaker 2: I'm going to leave that one alone.

I'm going to leave that.

Speaker 3: Well ... Speaker 4: I feel like for me for the reason

why transracial isn't really appropriate at this time is that we're still dealing with

so much oppression of different races and so to claim that you are a race that maybe

was a minority seems almost inappropriate to me.

Speaker 5: I think it's totally cool to be trans anything.

Speaker 6: Trans fat.

Speaker 7: I feel like everybody is allowed to be who they are, but transgender is different.

I feel like transgender that's who you feel you're born to be.

Transracial i feel like it's more of an outside thing rather than an inside.

Speaker 1: You know?

Don't judge a book by its cover.

If you're a little boy and you like Barbie dolls and you're a little girl and you like

GI Joe or cars, who cares?

Speaker 2: I don't know how concrete that is.

Who says that people accept that more than the other?

Speaker 8: Just get with the program.

If you don't like something, listen, just move on.

That's not your thing.

You don't have to deal with it.

Speaker 5: How do we even define what is?

I think that's like what's black what's white?

You are.

Speaker 6: Mixed, yeah whatever.

Speaker 5: I think it's just like you bleed you're human.

Speaker 6: I'm half Panamanian, half Irish.

Am I Irish or am I Panamanian?

Speaker 9: Honestly, when it comes down to race is just the color of your skin and your

race has nothing to do with who you are as a person so I think at the end of the day,

whether it's race or sexual preference or beliefs, I think what it comes down to is

having an open mind.

For more infomation >> Transgender vs. Transracial: What's the Difference? || Third Rail With OZY - Duration: 1:52.


What's Happening to the Price of Ethereum? - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> What's Happening to the Price of Ethereum? - Duration: 1:59.


This is #MyTruth - what's yours? - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> This is #MyTruth - what's yours? - Duration: 6:27.


What If a Patent Is Based on Traditional Knowledge? - Duration: 1:26.

Traditional knowledge means different things to different people.

It may relate to genetic resources, plants, animals, insects,

that are native to the area where that particular community resides.

Indigenous peoples have an insight into sustainable development and conservation and protection of biodiversity

and that there's something important in that that we need to hear.

When Indigenous people suffer from illnesses from microbes, what have they done to combat those illnesses?

Have they used plants, have they used some food?

These are clues to potential sources of medicine.

It's about justice. It's about fairness.

That's ultimately what people working on TK are trying to address.

And that's why this project is important -

how to we find a way to provide protection for traditional knowledge

while maintaining incentives for innovation within the IP system?

For more infomation >> What If a Patent Is Based on Traditional Knowledge? - Duration: 1:26.



so my family keeps asking me to show them videos of my holidays with Adrian

my boyfriend as you all know he came to visit me so

that I could take some much-needed time off to be with him recharge my batteries

but my way of recharging is not by just laying around relaxing but rather going

on adventures so here is a short recap of everything we've done during those

days off. Mom, dad granny Emily; I hope you enjoy it.

The first couple of days were the coldest days of the month and I ended up catching a cold

but that didn't stop us from continuing our journey so we jumped into

the Hogwarts Express and ended up at Warner Bros Studios where I, yes I, had

the honor of opening the doors into Hogwarts

The very next day we took a plane and flew all the way to Israel

We went into the old city of Jerusalem. Saw the Holy Sepulcre

and the western wall, among other things.

Adrian even acted as proper jew.

we also climb up to a roof top to the see the old city from above

and there was a Jewish man singing Hotel California

We went into a famous market and walk through it without actually ending up obese.

So that's a miracle.

Then we grabbed our stuff and made a way to the Dead Sea, also known as the lowest place on

Earth. Did you know that?

out-of-this-world experience, where you feel that the water rejects you.

we also climb to the top of a huge mountain and saw the ruins of palace or

castle.. I don't know. You know I'm not good with history facts

Moving on.

Tel Aviv was the city were a lot of religions were mixed together in

perfect harmony

And yes. That man just looked at my ass.

we also went to a safari experience where

you enter a zoo in your car and animals can get close to you

It was very cool. But scary. But cool.

And then when we're back in the UK, escaping the city and

going to Brighton; a nice beach town where the beaches have pebbles instead

of sand.

the town has many things including a Pier with a lot of attractions to go to

back in London we took a riverboat and made our way through the city

Went all the way up to the Sky Gardens and saw the best views of London from above. I loved it.

We also finish the day by eating a matca ice cream with a sugar cloud and

oreos on it... because why not

Later that day Adrian waws still hungry

so he crossed the road to get a burger in the middle of the night

yeah, that's my boyfriend

and for our last day together we went to the oldest city in

the UK where apparently there are benches that talk to you

Yes, talking benches

For more infomation >> THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED DURING MY WEEK OFF - Duration: 6:40.


Mbappe outlines what he wants to achieve in football - and it could be really bad news for Arsenal - Duration: 3:22.

Kylian Mbappe outlines what he wants to achieve in football - and it could be really bad news for Arsenal

But according to the man himself, the north London club may be out of the running after he outlined what he wants to achieve in the game.

The 18-year-old wonderkid burst onto the scene this season after stunning the world on the biggest stage of them all, the Champions League.

He made history in the elite competition by becoming the first player to score in each of his first four knockout games.   Kylian Mbappe is on the radar of a number of top clubs .

Arsenal, who had already been keeping tabs on the forward, are keen to make a move this summer, but have a lot of competition.

Champions League winners Real Madrid are also very keen on the youngster, and, like Arsenal, have been aware of him for some time.

  The Frenchman outlined exactly what he wants to achieve in the game . To make matters worse, Los Blancos boss Zinedine Zidane is the teeangers idol, and it seems he would favour a move to Madrid over north London.

Speaking to French outlet TF1 in a recent interview, Mbappe opened up about his own ambitions in the game and outlined exactly what he would like to achieve.

  Arsene Wenger is keen on bringing the 18-year-old to the Emirates . The Champions League is a dream, a competition that everyone wants to win and that only a minority can win — the most important are the titles, said Mbappe.

That would be much more of an obsession for me than the Ballon dOr, for example.

  Zinedine Zidane is also keen on signing the youngster for Real Madrid . I want to touch the stars and, when you dream, you do not dream of playing the middle of the table or maintaining it.

The 2018 World Cup is the number one goal at international level. As I always say, dreams are good but its up to me to work for them..

  Mbappe caught the eye of the world in the Champions League this season .

Obviously Mbappe has many years ahead of him in which to reach the top of his game, but his comments undoubtedly put Arsenal on the back foot in the race for his signature.

The Gunners missed out on Champions League football for the first time under Arsene Wenger, and it seems this could have a profound effect on the club.

For more infomation >> Mbappe outlines what he wants to achieve in football - and it could be really bad news for Arsenal - Duration: 3:22.


What's Next in Real Estate Tech? - Duration: 4:24.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

Robert Rico here at California Realty Training.

Thank you so much for coming to our weekly video blog where we hope, hope, hope to share

some great information for you so you can utilize it, take it to your real estate career

and make some good money.

Listen, today I want to talk about communication.

Not just your average communication, but how technology has expanded, has developed in

the last, I don't know, 30, 40 years.

Do you remember the days where if you wanted to send a message to somebody across town,

we had to write a letter?

Or across the country, or you really had to sit there and write a letter, put it in an

envelope, put a stamp on it?

Not anymore.

Technology has developed so much, so much that you can instantly, instantly send a message

to somebody.

Through technology, market yourself.

Use the social media platform.

Utilize it to market yourself through Facebook, because I know you know Facebook, Instagram,


How about YouTube?

These are all great ways to set your foundation in regards to marketing and let people know

that you now exist.

There's a new sheriff in town and I'm here to make it happen.

The social media, these are great marketing tools I highly recommend.

If you don't know it, learn it.

Everybody else knows it.

If you have a cell phone you're going to need to know how this all works.

Once you've developed your Instagram and Snapchat account, it's very simple to utilize it.

Let's assume you're doing an open house.

Go to the open house, have your smartphone there and do a video of yourself when you

do an open house.

Share it with your followers.

Hopefully, you can get more followers.

Of course, these people now will know that you're doing an open house.

What will you be promoting.

Not just yourself but the house you're trying to sell.

What a great marketing tool.

Snapchat, Instagram, all these ways of getting your name and your business out there.

I love it, make it happen.

If you don't know it, learn it.

Heck, I'm still learning it.

I'm getting better at it.

Another great way of course is having a great CRM.

Now CRM, ready?

This is what it stands for.

Contact Relationship Manager.

All it is is a software, it's a software that once you get all your clients and contacts

and you bring them all here, they're all over the place.

You bring them all here and you put them in a list of course and then you put them in

this software called a contact relationship manager.

Now you have the ability to keep them all in their own little safe territory.

When I first started real estate back in 1995 I wanted to make sure I remembered somebody's

name and phone number because we didn't have emails back then.

I'd have to have a notebook, a pen, and I'd say, "Hey, what's your name and what's your

phone number?"

I'd keep it right here.

Now if I lost this huge notebook full of phone numbers and names, bye bye contacts.

Bye bye possible commissions.

Luckily today we have what's called a CRM so you can keep everybody in there and you

can put it in your computer.

I'm sure you could back it up.

I'm sure there's a cloud you can put it on.

I've heard of clouds.

Which is a great thing when it comes to real estate.

You don't want to lose any of your information.

Then another great tool that I want you to be familiar with is once you do get a listing,

we would take pictures of our listings and you will simple put them on the MLS.

It would tell of course the entire public, "Hey, look at these pictures.

Look at these pictures.

Look at these pictures."

Well, now we have the ability to put on the MLS not just pictures, but a 360 degree virtual


These are amazing.

I've done them to my own listings.

To where I have a professional show up with a special camera and this is just like Google


You have the ability to stand in an area of the home, I mean literally stand in an area

of the home and tell the computer, "Okay, computer.

Now I want to go straight down the hallway."

The computer takes it down the hallway.

Then you can tell the computer just like Google Maps, now take me to that bedroom over there

and then you take them over to the bedroom over there.

It's amazing.

You can travel inside this house without being there.

As we discussed earlier, don't forget technology has developed tremendously.

We have to move with the times.

The times today is social media, people reaching out to each other on Facebook, people reaching

out to each other, isn't it nice to be able to reach out to a client and immediately have

an answer?

It's beautiful.

I hope you learned something today.

Thank you for coming to our video blog this week.

You have any questions, comments, or concerns, do us a favor and leave that in the comment


Otherwise, please don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

Hope to see you next week.

Have a beautiful day.

Take care.

For more infomation >> What's Next in Real Estate Tech? - Duration: 4:24.


What's next for Stockton business forced to leave Miracle Mile building - Duration: 1:17.



















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