Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily Follow Jul 26 2017

A riveting kwicklip about a stick who lays in the woods, trying to control his nervous twitch...

I'm the main character in these opening scenes here. Although it is totally off context to the "flipstick" plot, we voted unanimously to include it anyway...

"..heyyyyyy!!! I have something in my hand, haha."

Did you see that? Flipstick just flipped over down in the left corner, WOW! He's quite the little showoff...!

Awww, isn't that precious!!!

He should be in Hollywood though, rather than hardwood, with talent like that, huh? WOW!...what a professional..

Hi there, Flips......ha ha ha...such a darling!

Okay...time for some pickup shake 'n rock! Yabba Dabba!

Let's end the video after the deer count. I need to rehearse my lines.The deer will be walking by for some num-num anyway...

For more infomation >> "FLIPSTICK" (make sure cc is on to follow dialogue) - Duration: 1:25.


(ENG Sub in CC) Ryujehong's Follow-up Service [Lunatic High School] - Duration: 3:01.

ryujehong's follow-up service - Group up with me.

- Uhh... I am a Grandmaster user who has practiced Ana for three months watching ryujehong's Ana on Twitch.

As a player who selects Ana most, I respect you.

While watching your streaming, I often think 'This ain't a man's play.'

It is good to learn positioning or sense through watching your streaming.

I started playing Ana when Ana was first released and playing Ana was so fun. I was in low Platinum then.

I came to hear about you while searching for streamers good at playing Ana.

I feel as if you gave me much help to me until I reached Grandmaster.

I love you ryuDDaezi*. * ryuDDaezi is a lisping of "ryu Pig" in Korean.

Practicing for 3 months is a very long practice.

Frankly speaking, 3 month of practicing is enough for anyone to reach Grandmaster. Or maybe less.

Still, I feel thankful for respecting me.

About streaming, this person is right. Learning positioning is the best.

Actually, you have to find your own style when it comes to aim.

Learning positioning. I think this person watched my streaming properly.

And I don't like that ryuDDaezi part.

썸녕씌(user name). The greatest lesson was "Know yourself and just heal."

I think I said it a bit roughly, what I meant was "Just do what you can."

I see no difference. Anyway.

How should I put it... I appreciate your great attention and support.

Ana is a very attractive character, so I think playing Ana has been a great help for me.

I will tell you a lot about Ana so that everyone becomes good at playing Ana.

Thank you.

- You're blushing.

For more infomation >> (ENG Sub in CC) Ryujehong's Follow-up Service [Lunatic High School] - Duration: 3:01.



and I want you to listen to me and let

me tell you where we're headed you see

you can turn your living room into the

bar room in other words what it says

eating and drinking with the drunken it

means that you're eating the same food

drinking the same food that's

intoxicated the world they are

intoxicated now with sports and

entertainment aqui en but lead the

intoxication you go to Dallas Texas when

the Cowboys are playing on Sunday

morning if the service isn't over 12

if the Cowboys are playing at 12 o'clock

they dismiss at 11:30 and there's a

screen in the basement for everybody go

down and watch the kickoff God can wait

for the Cowboys there's an intoxication

with sports in the United States that is

absolutely demonic we sell brother Dave

come on sports that's innocent it can

become so addictive that you can eat and

drink with those who are drunken with

entertainment and you can bring those

videos into your house and get so

involved in eating and drinking and

folks I will tell you this begins to

satiate the mind it begins to affect

your thinking you know there's some

Christian men if the church has three or

four services on Sunday they get to the

earlier service they hope it was six

o'clock in the morning so they can go

for the little our religion and then

they go all day long for football games

basketball and sit there suck in potato

chips and not one thought for spending

an hour along with Jesus in the world I

know men for Christians who can't

memorize two verses but they contain him

every basketball player every football

player the height their weight and their

statistics now folks I'm not not trying

to be facetious I'm tell you that's a

shame and that's what's happening in the

body of Jesus Christ today sports it can

kill you

it can rob you of your spiritual life

you eat and drink with the drunken do I

hear a whole lot of wise said Amen cause

they give it let me talk to you just to

what are you eating and drinking are you

eating and drinking with the drunken

there's nothing filthier than soap

operas nudity filth adultery fornication

and I'm going to look you right in the

eye and tell you that if you're sitting

there when Jesus comes

and you're watching that film how do you

expect to come out of that cesspool

suddenly into the arms of Jesus how do

you sit there and watch those talk shows

that are nothing but slop from the very


absolute filth and you're gonna feed on

that you're gonna drink that drink

you're going to eat that food with the

drunk and get intoxicated with this and

you come to the house of God and you're

still think what's going to happen to

Mary because she's in her third husband

and you're gonna sit here all these

things going through your mind you go

praise the Lord in light of what I'm

talking to you about right here I want

to get dead serious with this church

we're talking about walking and holiness

and discouraged

we're talking about set an example for

the Lost we're talking about being free

to worship the Lord with clean hands and

if your heart and you hear us talk about

this idolatry and yet I get the feeling

that some of you are not hearing a word

I say or any other pastor this mess of


that you're not hearing it all but I'm

going to ask you a question I want to

sit in very great love right now who

told you who told you it's okay to sit

for hours drinking and filth in front of

television booth told you it's not

idolatry to sit and watch something

that's totally corrupted out of the pits

of hell who told you that's not corrupt

who told you it's not an idol with the

Jesus who told you that

where did the Holy Ghost said you're

mature brother days just got a hang up

right now he'll get over it no folks I

hear the holy Thunder in my soul I hear

it God said you don't sit the seat of

the scornful I hear a scripture that

says I'll set the evil thing before my

eyes I hear the words you said bring no

abomination into your house I hear it by

the hundreds of scriptures and I don't

understand why our people in this first

are not hearing it you say you are

believer just say you want to go all the

way with Jesus who told you it's okay

just only go tell you you can sit down

what Gallus and dynasty if the Holy

Ghost say that you're mature you can sit

down what wireless you can bring those

automated movies and videos into your

house and come into this house and place

but who told you that

you know the question in love as a

bastard who weeps over this congregation

who's talking till you narrow it's just

a devil going to tell you to tear it

away and get me for my daughter three is

that the enemy is the devil saying get

away from a nucleus

is that the devil that breaks my heart

over this kind of iniquity in the search

is it for again if it's God you've got a

dilemma you have to make a choice you

cannot save brother Wilkerson is

legalistic you cannot say I'm sick and

tired of hearing this you have to make

your choice and I'll tell you why the

choice has to be made because it's

getting worse and if you can't handle it

now and this gets ahold of you the lust

when the filter comes out of that tomb

if it gets ahold of your heart and in

London it has now no angel nobody is

going to break the trumpet in Revelation

the twelfth chapter there's a war going


the Bible says war is declared the

devil's declared war is an angry devil

coming down the scripture says in this

chapter he has great laughs he's going

to send out a flood when the dragon saw

he was cast to the earth he persecuted

the woman which brought forth the

manchild the manchild is the Church of

Jesus Christ the Bible makes it very

clear that the devil and the last day

the war that he declares is on the

church that they may be carried away the

scripture says he's going to send this

flood of filth must temptation he's

going to come against the physical body

he's going to come against the mind he's

going to come against everything to

carry them away the Bible's that they

may be carried away with the flood we

see many being carried away today he has

bought he is take literally taken over

television was fill closer to that

does it matter about the Jerusalem

that's in our own hearts the sign of

ruin that slowly draining spiritual

power and passion flying to lukewarmness

blind to the mixture that's creeping in

you see when spiritual blindness comes

Murph you recognize it it's the last

recognised thing that happens to the

child of God if I as a pastor knew you

personally and I was watching your life

and it's one of the fastest Church I

come to you and say I I love you but I

have to tell you the truth

you're changing

you know what you were something in the

world has got in your heart I don't know

if it's television I don't know what it

is it has your heart but I see changes

in you I I don't see the brokenness I

don't see that compassion you had once

for your family I don't see concern for

your unsaved loved ones you're changing

little by little something's happening

to you would it bring you to your knees

when the ruin that you are not even

aware of is suddenly brought before your

eyes but the truth of the matter is in

all honesty that my numbers among us

that are changing and they don't know it

you've lost your fight

you see when you're when you read the

book of Joshua is almost a book of

failure because they lost their heart

they lost the fight that's all the devil

wasn't to do is get the fight out of you

and kill it so you won't labor in prayer


you won't weep before God anymore you

can sit watch television your family go

to hell let me ask you it is what I just


convicted you at all did you just let

that go in one in or out the other when

a pastor tells you right now hey and I

don't know who you are but the Holy

Ghost is speaking through me you're

changing little by little you're losing

the love of God the love of Christ

little by little these things are making

inroads folks why do you think your

pastors cry out against television you

think we get any pleasure out of the


this is no pleasure in somebody coming

say I heard your mess and I threw away

made television that doesn't give me any

pleasure then give any pastor pleasure

we have given a Kemp because we watch

for your soul these things I don't know

where it is on the job things we listen

these things that creep in and suddenly

this Jerusalem the walls go down ruin

sets in

doesn't really matter to you that your

unsaved loved ones you're dying and

we're getting closer and closer to the

end they think that doesn't really

concern you they could die go to hell

even though your love of Christ

a statement in Isaiah basically saying

the world is falling apart staring back

at Israel saying judgment is turned away

backward and justice stands afar off for

truth is fallen in the street and equity

cannot enter once a God to do

and he saw that there was no man and he

wondered that there was no intercessor

an intercessor basically means one who

fills the gap

if you have a Wang City and there is a

hole in the wall see this little part

that is like broken down it's like a

pile of rubble one actually you can

sneak through it you know there's a

vulnerability in a time of war if you

have an enemy

what's an enemy looking through the gate

to try and scale the gate they're

looking for breaches or holes in the

wall they're not stupid they're not

gonna waste their time going through the

front door when they go through a side

little broken down breach so the enemy

by his very nature is constantly

watching the integrity of the wall he's

looking for holes we have massive holes

in our life that give the enemy access

to do with our life what he sees fit to

do we say that's horrible I'm a

Christian yeah you're a Christian with

breeches you are not supposed to be a

Christian with breeches one of the key

definitions of Christianity could be a

man or a woman

these walls are repaired who has made

strong wine so that they are useful to

God they're not just constantly inwardly

fighting demons they can be outward

focused God says to Israel will bless

you so that you can become a blessing to

the nations God's pattern is to make you

strong so that you're useful there is a

hedge that is supposed to be build up

around your life and it very likely

isn't you need a strong man you need

someone who can step in and fight off

that enemy to make you strong so that

you can start focusing outward instead

of on your own issues most of us is

Christians the church is so weak because

we have literally less than 1% of our

time that is able to focus outward

because we are so caught up in our

issues and our difficulties even the

healthiest among us we have issues we

have difficulties whether it's

relational whether it's financial

whether it's health we have issues and

there's a dying world out there you


mated 150,000 people died and went to

hell today let's think about this what

did we all do about it did we take a

step forward and beginning to do

something about it

are we just ending the time for our life

falling apart even more than it is we

are living on the defensive instead of

the offensive

what we need is the same thing God was

looking for back then

the walls are broken down the city is in

disrepair Israel's is without a defender

where's the intercessor you know who

Jesus Christ was in a nutshell

he's the inner sense he's the man who

stands in the gap he's the strong man

who came and took a full blow upon

himself so that we could gather our wits

spiritually and awaken and say

thank you sir estuary

literally heat hook the blown everything

that was aimed right at you to

absolutely decimate your life he took it

square on

without even a whimper he took it for

the joy that was set before because he

found you so much he took the ball see

one of the things that happens with the

life of Jesus we have a tendency to make

him a mousy character we have a tendency

to diminish his manly strength we are

talking about the greatest warrior of

all time in the Old Testament the term

is Lord of Hosts the captain of captains

the general of generals and he's a

general that led his trucks in the

battle with his own wife he's the one

that did it all the rest of the army was

powering in the background they couldn't

fight this army and he stood up

single-handedly and defeated them that

is our intercessor that is our key

in the same way that he stood for you

then I want you to know he still stands

for you now when you behold the cross

and you behold the resurrected Christ

when you behold the Ascended Christ who

sits the right hand of the Father you no

longer will just remain where you want

you will say God do it all within me for

your glory

make me strong make me strong to give

God is looking for an intercessor

someone who will make up this breach we

need to become a body that is thinking

about every single one around us as

opposed to ourselves coming to church

going I need to be praying for the truth

what about who can I pray for this week

just a different mindset that's not what

this church can do for you but what you

can do for Jesus Christ and this church

think of that attitude shift thank God

you made this life and you've called me

for more than just to save me you have

rescued me so that I can become a


who needs rescue who needs help who

needs me to stand in the gap and take

the hit

that's the attitude it's not your skin

and how you can save it it's how you can

spend it for his glory



Otter Follow You 撒嬌水獺愛跟主人走路,超粘人可愛 カワウソ 수달 水獭 - Duration: 0:44.


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