Love Nikki
Azad Purwa Village Has Better Nutrition Indicators Than The District It Is Part Of. Here's How - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
Darkness rises hack - Gems and Coins (Android/iOS) 2018 #DarknessRises #DarknessRisesHack - Duration: 4:31.darkness rises
I SPENT £500 AT GYMSHARK BUT IS IT CAMEL TOE PROOF? (TRY ON HAUL) - Duration: 22:44.hey guys welcome back to my channel so today I thought I would do a massive Gymshark
haul. If you read the title of the video video I wanted to start a new series that was "I
spent 500 pounds" and then insert a random online shop so if there's any way
you'd like me to do next please do leave a comment down below
but obviously today we are gonna be doing Gymshark which is a really hyped
brand I definitely started seeing them on Instagram when the Flex leggings are
like a huge thing you know the book contour and all that so we're gonna be
trying those on and seeing what's worth your money
what isn't worth your money seeing that this cameltoe if there's squat proof now
before you think that I am some bougie bitch who can afford to spend five
hundred pounds on just clothes all the time I definitely cannot so the catch
here is that we only get to keep one I am so frickin shocked I think we'll do
like one matching set every time we do this so that way it's not breaking my
bank but it's letting you see like a lot of new in stuff a big range of things to
try on and I really like try and clothes on but I absolutely hate shopping so I
loved spending loads of money knowing that I'm only really gonna keep a few
things and sending it all back I think that's fine you can spend enough that
you get the free shipping as well and then save your coin on shipping so yeah
I'm gonna assume you guys out we're gonna try on everything that I have I
think I have 16 items at all so this is gonna be it's gonna take a while and
it's really really high outside so if I get like super gross looking by the end
of the video it's because it is really really humid it's one of those horrible
days where the Sun isn't even out but it's really really humid so let's zoom
you out and dive into trying things on so this is the first set it's the energy
seamless and pitbull wash and I really like how the leggings fit I've seen a
lot of people online talk about how the leggings give them camel toe and I think
it depends on your height and your ratios so I'm wearing pretty much an
extra small in everything I'll have all of my size measurements and what I'm
wearing and what sizes they're in down below so I'm wearing an extra small in
the top and the bottoms I tried on a small in the top and it was just too
wide on my back I have a 27 around 27 inch waist and it was way too loose and
so this was all saying too low so I like how this fits but when I like do this I
got just a a bit of like accumulation but I reckon
in the gym you know you're gonna be doing all this you'll be doing that and
it's keeping them in nice and it does look good and it's practical and
comfortable it's just pancaking a little bit but it
does have some padding there's no nipple slippage or anything so it is really
comfortable a bit side doesn't quite support the girls as much as I'd hoped
but I think maybe the bra might do a better job but again if I go extra small
it might compress a little bit too much and just have like bulbs slipping out
everywhere that's kind of downside of having a smaller waist and a bigger chat
and ask for the leggings I am five foot seven and a half and they fit perfectly
where I want them on the waist with that little strip they are not to squat proof
over if you can see but you can definitely see the pattern like you can
see the polka dots in my underwear so they're not squat proof I don't really
care if people see my underwear or not and I like how they fit they have a lot
of material down at the bottom here so if you are short maybe go with the 3/4
length crop ones not the full length because you're gonna have a lot of
material and I reckon I'll sit up really too high and for me there's just no
camel toe I think these are perfect in terms of what I want in a legging I'd
have to like seriously make some contortions to make it look like I have
camel toe so I'm really happy with this I've seen other people try these on and
have camel toe so I think it does depend on your ratios and your height combined
so I don't think any like athlete is really lying per se if you can see like
my me it's no camel toe here so that might be on you it just depends on your
height but I really like these that really thick very compression if you
watch anyone try these on you'll know they just suck everything in and make
you look pretty good the peach is looking pretty nice okay it is
compressing me a little bit but I think my books pretty good but yeah and I've
talking about my moody I love the colour of a feel the quality and the design and
stuff they have like breathable air holes down here and yeah I love these I
actually think I will keep them if nothing else blows me out of the water I
think these will be the ones that I keep so let's I also got another pair of
energy seamless in a different style and fit these are the embracing
and I really wanted to get the peach one but it was out of stock so I got the
pink one instead I think these ones do fit differently so Chinese on so this is
the ombre seamless in light gray chalk pink and I'm not feeling the pink but I
really like the fit of this it is a little bit lower than the other one but
it's still above my belly button my buns down here so it's covering my belly
button it has a white in like underwire I really don't see the point of
especially in the long strong lighting you can see it even more it definitely
just show us straight up like so you can actually see the line of that on you can
see the line of my underwear this is definitely not squat proof you can see
the line so I'm wearing the the vest top underneath but I think if you had a
light colored bra it would be better this color purple is showing up so it
definitely did something light happy I actually really like the fit of this I
think it is making my butt look good even though it's see-through and I think
if I got the coral color I want to keep this it's not the kind of pink I would
go for so I think I'll get the coral if I do go with this one and again the
energy doesn't seem to give me any camel toe I think for my height it's just
perfect like absolutely no camel toe going on here which is great don't hell
are you it also has these thumb holes it is
really really comfortable and like wearing it over a sports bar I think is
really warm as well I'm actually getting quite hot in this so I'm gonna change
into another one but yeah quite like this one
okay so these leggings are the sleek sculpture leggings I thought I would try
out a different pair of their leggings and one that I don't really hear anyone
talking about they have a lot of different kind of leggings so for a few
different pairs and these feel a complete different material to the
seamless and edgy seamless they feel as like expensive these are significantly
like warmer to wear than the other leggings they don't have like Ariat
holes and there were different material entirely they're not as like compression
they don't feel as high quality but they do feel softer they actually feel quite
silky on the outside a little bit more like normal leggings or other than
workout leggings if that makes any sense you sit on me just above the belly
button I don't like having to keep pulling like leggings up they are not as
council friendly as this energy seamless I don't
Hamilton when I sound like this but if I like push super forward I get a little
bit of camel toe so if you want maybe a different height than me you might find
that you get camel toe in these I also think they make my booty look quite good
obviously with the black you can't like see the booty as well another thing is
that these actually also have pockets which I don't know why like that's
amazing every gym sock legging should have pockets like this which is really
really cool on the sides they have this like detailing here like mesh they do
feel a lot warmer than the other leggings but I like these quite a lot I
don't think I like them as much as the energy seamless just because they're not
as high high waisted I also Paddy's with the energy seamless brought in black
because a matching bra I didn't think it was gonna be very supportive and I got
the extra small and like I thought it is compressing a lot so when I bend over
it's okay like it's giving me good support it's holding me in but it's
giving me more like fat spillage over the side just for me this is just
compressing me in rather than like oh I think if I got this small again I would
probably have the same problem where the back would be to lose because this back
fits me quite nice and if I like pull and pack my boobs into this it's just it
it's too squished like when you look at it it's not like a nice cleavage it's
like my boobs are just you can see it's like it's spilling over cuz it's so
compressed if I pull it up like this it looks a lot better but that's when I get
a little bit more this village out here so it's not of room in this bra for my
boobs unfortunately but the leggings however I do really really like I think
they make the Toshi look good I like the design I think for the pocket it might
be worth trading be like the waist being a little bit lower down so if you're
someone who really likes everything to be super compressed and tight I would
probably just get the energy seamless in this color but I really do like the
pockets I think they need to add pockets and everything because it's it's really
nice okay so we have some hopeful the energy seamless bras these are the
dreamy leggings and we'll get to these in a second but I think the black things
in gym shock or sometimes tighter than the other colours so this actually feels
a lot more comfortable I don't if you can tell but my boobs from the front are
looking pretty nice that like sitting that quite nicely they are a little bit
squished on the sides because this fits me really nice on the back it's not as
tight as the black one so I actually think it's
the same as the best to me where I have a little bit of spillage which isn't
ideal but I like it so I actually love this color and I
think I want to get the matching leggings to go with this because this is
the tote and I really really like this this is an extra small and I got the
extra small dreamy leggings and thought I would try them on there you don't
match in color but sometimes mix matching is nice um so these I
definitely maybe like an old pair from gym sock I'm not sure cuz that totally
different in material but I don't like these ones as much they offer em nice
and high-waisted for me it might be the color as well I feel like it's it's
definitely giving me a little bit more risk on the camel toe the booty is
looking okay it's looking quite nice it feels a little bit compressed at this
part of the balm not the bomb but it's there like this part it's feeling like
it compresses more so let's get a side view yeah this is doing I think less for
the Bowie then the last leggings so this one's is pancaking I think the top the
band is kind of here the compression band is here so it doesn't have as much
compression at the top of the waist like the energy seamless does so I definitely
I think these are my least favorite paths that I've tried on they are a
really velvety material they almost feel like felt and when you're putting them
on like on the inside it feels kind of like I'm not so warps open swimsuit
material I don't know if that makes a sense if I stand together I don't know
how you can see these don't pass the cameltoe test for me personally it's
just a little bit too much obviously the color of this makes camel toe in this I
think a bit worse it's not as flattering especially in colors like this but I
actually want to keep this and get the matching bottom because I really like
this color on me I think this color would be even nicer on tan skin I think
it would be really complementary I don't know I think with my blonde hair I think
it's oh god I just realized the way I was standing yet these I don't like
these I don't feel like comfortable in terms of the camel toe area so depending
on your height these could be really nice on you and they all like a really
soft material and I think that one of the cheaper leggings
I'm Gymshark offers they don't have a pocket so I feel like this was like
maybe one of the first leggings they came out with but at
no idea and it's doing just a little bit of pancake at the top of the bomb so for
me these are my least favourite ones I tried on um they probably are the
cheapest but they all my least favorite so maybe you all came for price also if
you've noticed me getting like like a spotty or red chest
I get rashes and all these lights and I get rashes what I like change clothes
because my skin is so sensitive so I don't I haven't got like major chest
acne or anything going on it's just the lights although if I had chest acne that
would be okay I actually do get chest acne sometimes I just wanted to explain
why all of a sudden in this video my chest might be getting redder and redder
that's why actually before I take this off I have a matching kind of matching
it's on the same kind of color family this is the vital seamless crop top in
sand this is an extra small I think it's the same as the one that I had on before
this talk is very tight though so you kind of have to sacrifice your hairdo at
the expense of knocking make up on it which even then I feel like I may have
no okay well good oh I actually think this will go really nice for these
colors I think I want to keep this and this and get the matching seamless
bottoms because oh the Purple's also my favorite though but I think these might
be the winners yeah I think what I'm actually might do is keep this this and
then get them matching bottoms but she'll be technically keeping three
items but will will count it as a matching set and say how many items
count as a matching set so technically these colors do look really really nice
together I think if I got the energy seamless and taupe this is definitely
gonna be my favorite I still have some things to try on but so far I love the
colors yeah I feel banging us in this book outfit I'm not gonna lie like just
imagine that because of the energy seamless leggings I also love some holes
it kind of like satisfies my pokémon trainer fantasy I feel so asked that
click please in okay so we have another pair of leggings that have pockets which
are apps that you love and I really like the style of these it's like something
feels kind of Avengers Tony Stark battle suit like really modern about these umm
the leggings unfortunately are doing a little bit poor on me
cameltoe test I do cameltoe on this side but I get a little
bit of like lip accentuation if you will on this side with these leggings which
might just be to do with how high I have once I pulled up these fit really nice
my belly button is here but they're fitting a little bit higher above the
belly button than the other ones so the belly button isn't gonna wiggle out
these do feel like tighter on the waist have a pocket if they add a pocket to
the seamless energy that's my perfect legging my perfect perfect legging
because I love the material the seamless these pockets they really really get me
it has a pocket down here which if you loops off I bake and my risk under boob
on me it's like just just narrowly escaping having underboob on show so the
top for me is like a good practical workout top but it's really not doing
anything again the extra small it's just pulling me in I really do like the look
of the top I just don't think I've ever seen my chest
look at this flat in my life so if you have a bigger sized chest these will
hold you in on the booty scale this may be places like third-last it's not
really doing anything spectacular but I really like the design these also don't
like compress you in as much as the seamless too so the top doesn't have any
padding or shape to it at all and this one has more material on the side so
despite all the pancaking you can't see as much of the like fat squat test if
you're wearing black underwear these past the squat test at the bottom
of my squat like really low down you can see the white polka dots on my underwear
I think these are well as heavily squat approved they pass the squat tests
actually prefer these 2d flex which I've tried on before and on me I hated the
Flex so I don't have the Flex with me just the one that like has the booty
contour and everyone loves those I prefer the fit a lot better this is
thing nice out waist there's a little bit of micro material at the bottom here
so if you are shorter than me you're gonna have to pull these way up and I
think you might get a camel toe going so if you're my height and you have a
smaller chest I think you'd really really like this set especially with the
pocket like the pocket I feel like these are swept on no-one's like talking about
them at all but I think the design is really on point I think these might be
my second favorite or my third favorite my first being the energy seamless and
then the energy hombre seamless because there was slightly different in size
right I'm getting seriously sweaty right now these were a workout to get in I
think I found my least favorite pair of leggings maybe second least I think the
dreamy leggings really went for me these do feel like an exit material it feel
more breathable more like modern workout material and these are the reversible
and set I think that's what they're called the reversible leggings that they
do so I'm wearing the top of the other way and this reversed so without
flashing you too much you can reverse this and it can go purple and it can
also be black I feel like the bottoms don't quite look right reversed with
these Lions but you can reverse them if you don't mind the lion these ones I
feel like other West for the but I think they are pancaking my book quite badly
which might not be as noticeable on the black side the top does feel quite nice
but it has no padding and no supports just plain fabric so I feel less ii's if
you were to get a nipple on I feel like that might show through let's do a squat
test I guess for the sake of it okay so these bad boys are squat proof I think
that's because the black is on the other side so this is definitely squat proof
let's see if it's camel toe proof yeah it doesn't give you camel toe it gives
you a little bit of like it stops here so you can kind of see like a little bit
maybe like lines creases if you were to do this but it's camel toe proof and
squat proof which is good it doesn't have pockets
it has area it holds down the side and obviously it's reversible I feel like on
the black side this would be a nice little set but I probably would like
just getting the seamless this black sports bra I feel like is doing better
for my boobs and the energy seamless one was because that one was really just
squashing was this one because it's in having material it's still doing what a
sports bra does and making you look a lot smaller which is why I think I like
the padding and sports bras it kind of makes up for like what sports bras do to
compress just so you don't like you know what will about and just oops to the
wind these are relatively comfortable but I probably would pass on them just
on the fact that the pancaking the but alone
the top I feel like it could be a good substitute for the energy seamless if
that one was too tight on you as well but I feel like I would prefer something
with a bit of padding it just does feel a lot more exposed like there's a lot
less material which doesn't make me feel that's a tease see I feel like the top
could work for some people depending on if you care about the padding but the
bombs for me are just patent kicking me too much so definitely wouldn't go with
these the top is okay I just would prefer some padding so I also got myself
some casual loungewear I got the solace joggers in khaki and I was wearing the
sports bra I also got this matching so this sweat to go with it and I got the
sweater for some reason in a small so I definitely think I could why the extra
small so this is feeling way too baggy which is a bit of a shame I reckon like
it might have a nice crop fit yeah the small is just way too baggy on
me I'm not sure the material is quite nice I'm looking a bit like a pancake in
this though these are the soleus yoga set in khaki and I really like the
joggers except for the fact that I feel like it's giving me camel toes so I feel
like I could have went a small in these because it has a drawstring so you can
tighten it and I have it currently unlike the loosest one it goes on and it
fits me quite nice I feel like if I want to wear these high waisted being my
height I'm gonna have to get a size up I don't like anything to do with this I
feel like maybe the extra small could have fit me and I see maybe been like a
cute crop or something but I yeah I'm not liking how this looks so I
think I'll just keep it like this for now
yeah weirdly enough the joggers are the thing that gives me the most camel toe
of anything I've tried on which is very strange they have a zipper ball pockets
and the materials are really soft and nice for lounging the only thing is it
will absolutely show underwear through and I doubt you'll be squatting in
joggers absolutely not squat proof and my but I think it'd just make my butt
look quite nice although they all kind of see-through so I think if I go up
this size up I might like these that window shorter you would definitely like
these so yeah I feel like these are definitely gonna go back my favorite set
is the energy seamless hands-down if they added a pocket it would be my
favorite legging just in the universe I really like how it make
my butt look absolutely zero cameltoe for me and I really like the fit the
feel the breathability how it like sucks in your way it's definitely my favorite
thing that gym shop does I absolutely love this with the vest I feel like this
with the matching leggings and the vest absolutely would be my favorite if I had
ordered the matching leggings but I feel like since I haven't what I will keep as
a matching set will be the purple wash and I'll send everything back and I will
definitely be getting this set at a later date because I loved how this
looked I thought this was definitely my favorite and I feel like that makes me
look pretty nice feel like we're looking pretty good here so yeah the energy
seamless is definitely my favorite it's also I think one of the most expensive
the leggings are like 42 pounds we brought is 28 and invest is they and
that's quite a lot of money to spend Chesley for me I feel like I would wait
until November Black Friday sales June shocked just how to sail for the
birthday which is sadly over and that's when I did order all of this stuff so I
feel like if it's on sale definitely absolutely I would say it's worth it
because of the quality you're getting I just feel like I've never felt so good
in gym wear before I really only tried like a low-end gym brands I've never
actually tried a proper bougie brand and I know those others like Lululemon and
stuff that I see other athletes wearing which I've never tried so I can't
compare but for me personally if I could the quality you get and how it makes you
look it's worth it to splash out on that one nice pair of workout gear and I feel
most people aren't working out every single day so I'd be happy to have that
one set and just keep washing it just just to look of that good in the gym I
feel like they have really nice colors and the seamless as well I definitely
like the taupe it's definitely my favorite than the purple and I'd also
love to try the beet red but that was out of stock so putting in order from my
most favorite to my least favorite in leggings would definitely be first to be
seamless the energy seamless first and maybe second at the ombre seamless and
then I think the tonal leggings I also quite liked the sleek sculpture leggings
those were pretty nice as well then I think the job is I feel like they have
potential but just currently as they are an extra small I feel like they're just
too camel toe they don't have potential I feel like maybe they could be a
thicker material and I'm at least favorite but absolutely the reversible
and the dreamy I just for my body type my height and my like
measurements I didn't like how they made me look too much camel toe show too much
underwear and stuff so those are my least favorite I feel like the only
leggings that will be with a split would be the energy seamless leggings and the
energy seamless ombre maybe the tonal leggings as well if you're not too
bothered about your butt looking super lifted because the pocket those ones
really look awesome in the pocket was nice as well so for me those three are
the only ones worth like splitting on and then again I feel like the only bra
that's worth splitting on is the energy seamless one the other ones just didn't
have enough support for me and the vest as well especially if you have a smaller
chest size I feel like you're with you like the bras and the vests and the
energy seamless and the seamless crop top I absolutely love although these are
30 pounds so I feel like these are worth it if there's a sale for me I'd like 30
pounds is just a bit too much but I'm not getting any padding I get that I'm
getting a little bit more material on the arms I don't know these are really
really nice quality I just feel like 30 pounds is quite steep especially if
you're getting like a full outfit like it just it ends up costing quite a lot I
feel like Black Friday sales I would be buying every single color of these
because I really really like them so yeah I'm gonna end this video here thank
you for watching let me know what your favorite like piece was that I tried on
and what one set you think I should keep as well and don't forget to give this
video a like if you enjoy the series and you want to see more and let me know
what online shop you'd like to see next we do like a fashion one because I don't
normally shop fact I've wear that often I'm thinking about doing Zara next
because I absolutely love Zara but I really can't afford to shop there so it
would be nice to just keep one thing and try on a bunch of stuff so let me know
what you think and what shop you'd like to see I also think when I upload this
video that we might already be on 5,000 subscribers so thank you so much next
month I'm gonna be throwing content at you we're almost at my one-year
anniversary on YouTube so if you're wondering why my videos haven't been
posted on some weeks it's because I'm so busy and I'm about to throw a lot of
content at you so subscribe if you'd like to see that and I hope you have a
lovely day and I'll see you guys soon bye guys
Barack Obama Just Got A NASTY SURPRISE – THIS IS IT - Duration: 13:29.Barack Obama Just Got A NASTY SURPRISE – THIS IS IT
Barack Hussein Obama is used to the black community worshipping the ground he walks
on, especially in his adopted home city of Chicago, Illinois.
That's why it came as a huge surprise to him when Chicago's black community turned
on him this week over his controversial plans for building his Obama Presidential Center.
The Chicago Sun Times reported that black aldermen attempting to congratulate African-American
contractors that won the right to help build the center in Jackson Park found themselves
drowned out by protesters, many of whom were black themselves, demanding that Obama put
it in writing.
The clash was between black officials who are willing to take Obama at his word and
black activists who have lost faith in the former president.
These activists stormed the Black Caucus's press conference demanding a "community
benefits agreement."
The protesters quickly drowned out the officials by shouting things like "C.B.A." and "Shame."
The protest was led by activist Jitu Brown, who used similar, in-your-face tactics during
the drive that forced Mayor Rahm Emanuel's hand-picked school board to save Dyett High
"We cannot take the president's word on the fact that they're not gonna push African-Americans
out with the Obama Presidential Center.
There is no history that says their word is worth anything," Brown said.
"What we need is an in-writing community benefits agreement that says that people who
live in those communities will benefit — not in a profiteering way, but jobs, investment
in neighborhood elementary schools, transportation infrastructure.
That is not a lot to ask.
In the case of the Staples Center in Los Angeles, it kept people in their communities."
When asked why he was so sure Obama will break his promise, Brown held nothing back with
his response.
"The situation will not be different because our African-American president endorsed school
privatization — the closing of schools all across the United States.
Our African-American aldermen have sat by while 50 schools closed in the city of Chicago.
And it had a harmful effect on Chicago's children," Brown said.
"Just because you are African-American does not mean that you walk with the values of
people that live in those communities.
We're tired of people saying 'I'm from the neighborhood.'
Who is your allegiance to?"
It seems that even race-baiters are now seeing through Obama's nonsense!
Obama is surely in panic mode, as he has been able to count on this demographic to support
him for over a decade.
What do you think about this?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.
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is instead promoting mainstream media sources.
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Sam Heughan On What It Was Like To Film 'The Spy Who Dumped Me' | TODAY - Duration: 4:40.-------------------------------------------
Bonduelle canned vegetables, how it is made ? Légumes en conserve Bonduelle - le process - Duration: 4:53.Hello !
Today, I'm going to explain how we prepare our canned Bonduelle vegetables.
We'll be looking at peas as an example.
This is my kitchen. Behind you, yes, turn around !
We are in our Bonduelle factory.
Alright. Everyone settled ?
Then let's get started !
It all starts in the fields of our partner farmers, who plant and grow the vegetables.
When harvest times comes, this huge machine,
automatically separates the peas from their shells,
directly in the field !
Once they are harvested, the vegetables are delivered by truck to our factory.
Where they are received by our certified agents. The vegetables undergo several quality controls
troughout the preparation process to verify their taste, size and stage of ripeness.
As you can see,our products are selected to ensure you only have the very best on your plate !
Next the pears are separated from any remaining leaves and shells using pressurized air.
As final step, and to remove any foreign materials,
such as dirt, dust and insects that come from the fields,
our vegetables are washed with pure water in a stream of cold, running water.
Let's go !
Time for a bath !
The next step is to calibrate the peas.
They are separated by size using perforated cylinders.
The largest peas are categorized as small, followed by very small and extra small for the smallest peas.
The peas are then dipped in very hot water or steamed
to preserve their qualities, such as color and texture.
This is called blanching !
Afterwards, the vegetables are automatically measured out and placed into cans.
Most canned products, with the exception of steamed vegetables,
are covered with a juice that consists of water and spices. This provides and helps cook the vegetable.
You can see that some of the vegetables fall to the ground, but don't worry !
At Bonduelle, we don't waste.
It will be reused. It might be turned into animal feed for example.
The can is then hermetically closed.
This is called sealing !
Our canned vegetables are then cooked for a few minutes
at over 130° in the machine in front of you
to sterilize them. This is because we don't use any preservatives.
The cans are then stored throughout the year.
They are labeled and shipped to fill orders from distrubutors as they come in.
There you have it ! Now you know how we make our canned goods at Bonduelle.
I encourage you to find them in stores, where they are waiting to be enjoyed !
Is it Okay for a Christian to Practice Yoga? - Duration: 3:55.If you're like most people, you probably have a drawer
or two or three of old T-shirts.
You know, the ones from the run/walk you did back in 2009,
or the bar league volleyball T-shirt that you have with the clever name
from your buddy from college. Most T-shirts we don't wear,
we stick them in drawers. But I want to tell you today about
a T-shirt that I hope makes a big impact in a lot of ways.
Time of Grace is offering T-shirts that can
be yours if you request one through your donation.
A generous donor has offered to match, dollar for dollar, the first
$1,000 that we collect through these T-shirts.
And our hope is to spread the Gospel of God's timeless truth
to more and more people in the year to come.
We pray that your donation helps people understand Jesus,
his unconditional love and his crazy mercy.
And we pray that as you wear this T-shirt around, maybe someone asks,
"What's Time of Grace?"
And we don't want you to tell them just about a ministry
or website. We want you to tell them about the real reason,
the real roots of what we do:
God's grace,
the crazy love that just doesn't quit,
the joy that we have every morning because Jesus still cares,
he's still for us and he's not against us.
So we pray that we can give you some great fashion this summer.
Even more, we pray that you can give one more way for us to spread
God's amazing grace.
If you're part of a health club, you can guess that 20 million people practice yoga a year.
So the question is not, "Is yoga popular?"
The question that I get, "Is it okay for a Christian to practice yoga?"
Now, there's different types of yoga.
On the one side we have a purely physical form which is called Ashtanga yoga.
Ashtanga yoga is usually a series of poses that are linked together very closely
or you might see it in your gym as power yoga.
Those can be completely separate.
However, the most popular form of yoga is called Hatha yoga.
So, this is not to be confused with hot yoga but you could practice hot Hatha yoga.
Hatha yoga is spelled H-A-T-H-A.
This is the most common in your gyms and around the country.
Hatha yoga has a long history of being very closely intertwined with Hindu worship.
And the purpose of Hatha yoga, through this series of poses, meditation and discipline,
And the purpose of Hatha yoga, through this series of poses, meditation and discipline, is to connect your true self, your Atman they call it,
is to connect your true self, your Atman they call it,
with your divine, kind of this interpersonal spirit called "Brahman."
For a lack of a better term, it's like the force in Star Wars.
You're trying to connect yourself with the Brahman.
And, in fact, yoga itself means a yoke or bonding.
So where does this put us as a Christian?
While it might be possible to practice just the physical aspects of yoga,
maybe you go to your gym and they don't mention anything about meditation and
they simply go through a series of poses, you could probably do that.
However, the most popular form, Hatha yoga may use terms like, "connecting to the divinity within you,"
" your inner self,"
or "focusing on your third eye for healing."
Anything like that is just as integral a part to the Hindu religion and its practice
as bowing and worshiping five times a day in an Islamic mosque.
Now ask yourself this,
Would you go five times a day to an Islamic mosque if it made you more fit?
I think you'd say no.
So now ask yourself a little bit different.
Would I go to yoga three times a week, even though it's directly connected, in many cases, to Hindu worship?
I think you know your answer.
Our battle is not against the physical, our body.
Our battle really is against spiritual forces and when it comes to your own spirituality,
there's other ways to get fit rather than glorifying a practice of a fake religion.
What channel is Arsenal v Chelsea on? Team news, live stream info and more ahead of pre-season frien - Duration: 3:19.Two of English football's heavyweights go head-to-head In Dublin as they prepare themselves for a title assault this season
It will be a tale of two new men in the hot-seat as Unai Emery faces Maurizio Sarri
This game will show where both sides are in terms of fitness levels, as well as how both coaches are thinking tactically, with Emery looking to implement his 4-2-3-1 on Arsenal and Sarri seeking a change from his predecessor Antonio Conte's back-three system
The former Napoli gaffer is wanting to blueprint his 4-3-3 into the Blues' lineup, and will try to get the best out of Eden Hazard and Willian as he did with Dries Mertens and Lorenzo Insigne
However, returning World Cup stars could tip the balance in the Gunners' favour, with Chelsea still awaiting their key players, who rest after their time in Russia
Here's all you need to know. What time is kick-off?.The game kicks off at 7.05pm BST
Where will the game take place?.The match will be played at the Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland
What channel is it on?. You can watch the clash live on Premier Sports, but you can also follow every kick on Mirror Football
Team News Arsenal. Arsenal are two players light at this International Champions Cup tournament, with Uruguayan Lucas Torreira and World Cup semi-finalist Danny Welbeck missing
However, Torreira is in London and could meet the squad in Dublin. Chelsea.Centre-back Kurt Zouma will be sidelined for this match after sustaining an injury to keep him out of contention
Belgians Eden Hazard and Thibaut Courtois are still recuperating from their World Cup campaigns, as are N'Golo Kante, Gary Cahill, Victor Moses, Willian, Cesar Azpilicueta and Andreas Christiansen
Recent Form.Arsenal.July 28: Arsenal 5-1 Paris Saint-German (International Champions Cup)
July 26: Arsenal 1-1 Atletico Madrid (International Champions Cup (Arsenal lost 3-1 on penalties)
July 14: Boreham Wood 0-8 Arsenal (Friendly) . Chelsea.July 28: Chelsea 1-1 Inter Milan (International Champions Cup; Chelsea won 5-4 on pens)
July 23: Perth Glory 0-1 Chelsea (Friendly) . Odds Arsenal 7/5.Draw 12/5.Chelsea 3/2
Paul Manafort just revealed his desperate defense for Mueller trial and it's laughable - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Is It Worth the Money? 💸💵| Slime Kit Review - Duration: 12:37.-------------------------------------------
Can I Take Probiotics & Enzymes Together? | "Ask the Doc" with Dr. Daniel Nuzum - Duration: 1:46.Jonathan Hunsaker: On today's episode of Ask the Doc, we're talking about probiotics
and enzymes.
Stay tuned.
Jonathan Hunsaker here with Organixx, with another episode of Ask the Doc.
And today's question is, "Is it okay to take probiotics and enzymes together?"
Let's go ask the doc.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Okay, so the question is, "Can you take probiotics and enzymes together?"
Well, the answer to that is pretty simple.
Not only can you, but yes, you should.
They actually work better together than they do separately.
There's a few things in the Organixx supplement line that work extremely well together.
The enzymes, the OrganiZymes, and the probiotics work very, very well together.
They even work better when taken with the 7M+.
The 7M+, the OrganiZymes, and the probiotics all are very, very synergistic, and each one
amplifies the effect of the other.
They're very, very good together.
So, can you take probiotics and enzymes at the same time?
Should you?
They work better that way.
So, I hope that clears up that question.
Jonathan Hunsaker: Well, there you have it.
Do you have a question that you want to ask Doc?
Head over to, and submit your question.
Listen, do you like what we're doing?
Show us some love.
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Barack Obama Just Got A NASTY SURPRISE – THIS IS IT - Duration: 11:25.Barack Obama Just Got A NASTY SURPRISE – THIS IS IT
Barack Hussein Obama is used to the black community worshipping the ground he walks
on, especially in his adopted home city of Chicago, Illinois.
That's why it came as a huge surprise to him when Chicago's black community turned
on him this week over his controversial plans for building his Obama Presidential Center.
The Chicago Sun Times reported that black aldermen attempting to congratulate African-American
contractors that won the right to help build the center in Jackson Park found themselves
drowned out by protesters, many of whom were black themselves, demanding that Obama put
it in writing.
The clash was between black officials who are willing to take Obama at his word and
black activists who have lost faith in the former president.
These activists stormed the Black Caucus's press conference demanding a "community
benefits agreement."
The protesters quickly drowned out the officials by shouting things like "C.B.A." and "Shame."
The protest was led by activist Jitu Brown, who used similar, in-your-face tactics during
the drive that forced Mayor Rahm Emanuel's hand-picked school board to save Dyett High
"We cannot take the president's word on the fact that they're not gonna push African-Americans
out with the Obama Presidential Center.
There is no history that says their word is worth anything," Brown said.
"What we need is an in-writing community benefits agreement that says that people who
live in those communities will benefit — not in a profiteering way, but jobs, investment
in neighborhood elementary schools, transportation infrastructure.
That is not a lot to ask.
In the case of the Staples Center in Los Angeles, it kept people in their communities."
When asked why he was so sure Obama will break his promise, Brown held nothing back with
his response.
"The situation will not be different because our African-American president endorsed school
privatization — the closing of schools all across the United States.
Our African-American aldermen have sat by while 50 schools closed in the city of Chicago.
And it had a harmful effect on Chicago's children," Brown said.
"Just because you are African-American does not mean that you walk with the values of
people that live in those communities.
We're tired of people saying 'I'm from the neighborhood.'
Who is your allegiance to?"
It seems that even race-baiters are now seeing through Obama's nonsense!
Obama is surely in panic mode, as he has been able to count on this demographic to support
him for over a decade.
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He doesn't know where we're going. It is Silmido. XD [2Days&1Night Season 3/2018.07.29] - Duration: 10:15.I haven't seen him in a long time.
I asked him to come out.
Where are you?
(He pretends to be close.)
Hey, I'm sorry.
How have you been?
I'm about to leave. What's your address?
Did you move?
It'll be short.
It'll be short but long.
You haven't called me in 10 years.
It hasn't been 10 years.
(I'm on camera.)
We met up from time to time.
I haven't seen him in a long time.
(It's been almost 10 years.)
Will he show his place?
Didn't he invite us since he gave us the number?
(He carefully rings the bell.)
(It's been such a long time.)
- What's up? / - It's been so long.
- I don't invite everyone. / - Let me use the bathroom.
- I need to go. / - Really?
What's going on?
It's cool in here. May I come in?
- I also brought some friends. / - Hello.
(Brian is new to variety shows.)
(He's a member of Fly to the Sky)
(Brian has an amazing voice.)
Gosh, it's really nice.
Do you live alone?
Yes, but my cousin is staying with me now.
It's really nice.
It looks great.
(Cheerful Fool looks around the house.)
It looks great.
Are they sleeping?
- What is it? / - They're my dogs.
(He says hello to his dogs.)
Hello, guys.
Is it just you and I?
You'll meet the other members soon.
They're also bringing
and introducing their amazing friends.
- Am I your amazing friend? / - Yes.
- Why are you laughing? / - I'm not.
Could this special be about
introducing a bizarre friend instead?
No, you'll see.
Why are you laughing?
- It seems true. / - It's because you're so funny.
Did you sleep well?
Did you sleep well?
I did.
I'll come to pick you up.
What do I do? I'm nervous.
We'll talk in person.
- Okay. / - See you.
(He goes to pick up his nervous friend.)
(It's a makeup salon in Cheongdam-dong.)
(Who is Joonyoung's friend?)
I met him while working for the radio.
He's Yu Jaeseok in radio.
He's fun and talks well.
(Who is his fun friend who talks well?)
Don't overdo it.
(Ko Youngbae is new to variety shows.)
(He's loved for his warm and emotional music.)
(He's a vocalist with a sweet voice.)
Make a profile for yourself.
- You're introducing yourself. / - Age is 36 years old.
I'm 170...
- Should I be honest? / - It's okay.
My height is...
(He rounded it up.)
- What's your specialty? / - Specialty?
Being a guest on the radio.
(He's the king of radio guests.)
Is that your specialty?
I'm the king.
His nickname is Yu Jaeseok on the radio.
I used to be a fixed guest for 8 to 10 radio shows.
You also play the guitar.
I can play various instruments.
(He plays guitar and the piano.)
I'm one of the top in performance.
How can you say that about yourself?
I'm introducing myself.
- Isn't that too much? / - No.
I'm the prince of festivals.
(He claims to be the prince of festivals.)
I'm an MVP of festivals who won various awards.
A concert of 1,500 seats.
Tickets were sold out.
I couldn't even print out the list.
Is this enough?
Look on the back.
- Is there more? / - There's one more.
You have to sign a contract.
It's very important.
(He wrote it secretly while waiting.)
(It's the problematic contract.)
You're making me do them for my sake, right?
- It's to help me. / - So you're on camera.
It's for my success. Okay.
(He also signs the contract.)
How is he usually?
I haven't talked to him a lot.
- Be honest. / - I'll be honest.
He's so funny that I don't have a belly button.
(He's hilarious.)
- Really? / - He makes me laugh too much.
(She makes a confession.)
He's so funny that my belly button is missing.
People around here
- don't have their belly buttons. / - Right.
They don't have belly buttons?
I made them laugh too much.
I made them laugh a lot. Thank you.
(He's confused.)
- You'll do well. / - Really? Okay.
- She has no belly button. / - No.
I can't show it to you.
It's gone.
We're going to Silmido.
- Really? / - Yes.
- For real? / - Silmido.
Will they say, "You can do it" to a newborn like me
- or will they whip us? / - It's possible.
(Taehyun calls someone.)
- Hello. / - Where are you?
I'm at a salon.
That's not necessary.
(This is Two Days and One Night.)
I know that.
- Are you getting makeup? / - It's been a while.
Is it because you haven't gone out in a while?
My goodness.
Where's the salon?
It's in Cheongdam-dong.
That one in Cheongdam-dong?
I should eat something.
(You're going to eat?)
Don't eat too much.
You have to eat with me as soon as you arrive.
- Really? Okay. / - Don't eat anything.
I won't eat anything.
You won't eat anything today.
(You're not eating anything today.)
It's the H sound.
Right now,
I have double D and double J.
This is insane.
(Find menu with these letters.)
They don't exist.
I'll tell him that this is today's menu.
(He finds his today's guest.)
(Who is Taehyun's friend?)
You don't have to get your hair done.
(This is Taehyun's friend.)
I did it anyway.
(Lim Juhwan is new to variety shows.)
Your day was rough, wasn't it?
I'm Joonsu.
(Women fall in love with his acting.)
I'm sorry.
(Women fall in love with his acting.)
You didn't have to get your hair done.
Did you eat something?
- You told me not to. / - We should go eat now.
We should go eat.
- The menu is... / - Can we eat?
We have a lot on the menu today.
(We have a lot today.)
(He feels a rush of happiness.)
There's a lot on the menu.
That's not a menu.
(It's Taehyun's precious menu.)
This is today's menu.
(His happiness disappears.)
Make a five-syllable word with these.
- A five-syllable word? / - Yes.
Do you have an idea?
(He must combine them and make a menu.)
(Show us your variety show skills.)
- With these letters... / - Webfoot octopus, kimchi
and fishcakes tteokbokki.
(Webfoot octopus, kimchi and fishcakes tteokbokki)
(Is this what you mean?)
You're good.
Webfoot octopus, kimchi and fishcakes tteokbokki.
(Webfoot octopus, kimchi and fishcakes tteokbokki.)
Do we need two words with "ch"?
Two words with "ch" like kimchi and cheese?
("Kimchi" and "cheese" take care of two words.)
Kimchi, cheese, tteokbokki...
- We just need this. / - Yes.
We need a word with "j".
(He's thinking about it too.)
Ask them to add jjajang sauce.
(Jjajang sauce!)
- Jjajang tteokbokki. / - We can order that.
- Kimchi cheese jjajang tteokbokki. / - That's right.
That's perfect.
You're smart.
At least they're feeding you.
The title of this episode is
Variety Newborn Special.
(But I'm an actor with 15 years of experience.)
Am I the newborn?
- Newborn Special? / - Variety Newborn Special.
I couldn't digest well yesterday.
I kept having an upset stomach.
So I took some digestive medicine.
- Will I have to dive? / - In water?
They told us to bring extra underwear. It's possible.
I brought 10 pairs.
(Does he expect to dive nine times?)
We don't dive that many times.
You never know.
You sure are a variety newborn.
I'll do my best.
Sausage stew with extra rice cake, cheese
and vegetables.
(Taehyun calls someone.)
Hi, Taehyun.
- Have you eaten yet? / - I have.
- Is Juhwan filming? / - Yes.
He's eating.
We're going somewhere today.
But he doesn't know where we're going.
It's where you went before.
(Juhwan stops chewing.)
Do you remember where it was?
- Wasn't it Silmido? / - Yes, it was.
(Why are we going there?)
- Have a good trip. / - Thanks.
- One more rice, please. / - Pardon?
One more rice coming.
You seem nervous after hearing Silmido.
Nobody Is Paying Attention | Niels Jensen | Real Vision - Duration: 1:43.Think about how they interact with each other.
One could argue that the last one-- the minimum version of GDP-- is actually the end game
of the combination of all the other mega-trends It's a little bit different.
It's not necessarily a trend.
It's potentially more of an outcome that is of a result of the retirement of the baby
boomers, the end of the debt super cycle, et cetera.
And therefore, I categorize the mean reversion idea or trend a little bit differently than
I do the other ones.
I'm probably more worried about people not paying any attention to this than anything
I'm staggered, to tell you the truth, how ill informed many investors are about these
They are all literally set in stone.
I know you would like to ask me the question how could I be wrong, but I can guarantee
you that these mega-trends will unfold.
It's just a question of time.
I don't issue many guarantees.
My compliance manager will tell me that I'm not allowed to issue guarantees.
But when it comes to structural trends, it's pretty much a given that they will unfold.
And therefore, it's staggering how little attention people pay to it.
Worth It: Dirty Kanza - Duration: 3:47.We interviewed women at the Dirty Kanza about being there and representing.
Here's what they said.
When I'm out there and I get to see other women riding, I feel, y'know, a sense of being
part of a larger community of women who really believe in challenging and pushing themselves,
and just reaching out for something more.
To be able to be in this setting [Dirty Kanza], with all these women here, y'know, people
you might see on social media, coming to this one place to ride, I love it!
It really inspires me to go back to my community and to do more to encourage more women in
my town to get into it, too.
Y'know, we say it again, again, and again, but representation matters.
If you see another woman out on a course, it says so much more than just hearing stories.
And when you see someone who looks like you, who's the same body shape as you, who has
the same work schedule as you, that's the kind of stuff that I think we need to see.
It's really inspiring, y'know, it's — they actually asked me if I wanted to race with
them and I said, "No, absolutely not," but seeing so many women do it makes it a little
less daunting, because you can just see that.
If so many of these people can do it, maybe I could, too.
I love seeing other women cycling.
I think it just shows that women are just as strong as men and can do anything they
want to do.
If the community for women and cycling in general, if we want to continue growing, we
need to keep pushing ourselves and getting comfortable in doing things that scare us
and we never would have thought we would do in our entire lives.
I saw a video about Dirty Kanza about two years ago and it was after ____had won, and
that was the first time I had heard about the race, and I was like, "This is insane!
No one does this!
No one in their right mind does it."
And I was like, that's just nonsense, and two years later, I decided to do it.
I guess just to get more women on bikes, just like get out there and do it!
It's not intimidating, it's not anything you can't do.
Regardless of what gender you are, how you identify, it's just basically moving your
I don't know that I have advice for women, just get out and ride.
If you enjoy riding your bike, if you enjoy being outside, if it's something you enjoy,
whether it's commuting or doing it for exercise, or whether it's something competitive for
you, I think that just getting out there and doing it and then maybe not being afraid to
try aspects of it that maybe you didn't think that were really your thing.
When I started riding, I was a commuter, so it wasn't like I ever thought that I would
race, and I got into it because I saw other women racing, and I was watching them, and
I was like, "Well, maybe I could do that!
I don't know, but maybe!"
And then eventually, it became something that now I look back like, "I don't know why I
didn't get into that way earlier."
I've even said to other [women] like, "Girl power!" and "Let's go!"
To me, it's encouraging, all the women on the course are inspirations to me because
I'm kind of, more of a beginner gravel biker, which people wouldn't think in this event,
but I am, and to me it's encouraging to see them and their strength.
I'm planning on finishing and just being proud of myself and being someone who is here so
that other women who are not, don't have several hours in a day to train know that they can
do this.
It's hard, it's not an easy thing to do, but it's absolutely feasible for everyone to do.
So, not riding as super competitively, but riding as what I like to call a "normal person."
Meghan and Prince Harry's Romantic Monogram And It's So Pays Tribute to Princess Diana - Duration: 2:48.There's nothing like updating your stationery after getting married, and for Meghan Markle
and Prince Harry, that involved designing their own joint regal monogram.
Given Meghan's love of calligraphy, the design is as elegant and romantic as we might
have imagined.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's official joint cipher features an intertwined "H"
and "M" in the same style as both Harry and Meghan's individual monograms.
The royal blue initials are topped off with a matching coronet, which features two crosses
pattee, four fleurs-de-lys and two strawberry leaves, People reports.
Us Weekly notes that royal blue was also the favorite color of Prince Harry's late mother,
Princess Diana.
The new design was unveiled for the first time on Australian television last week, when
the presenter of The Today Show, Georgie Gardner, excitedly announced she had received a thank-you
letter from Kensington Palace, after sending the couple a wedding gift (a picnic rug featuring
a print of the Australian landscape), back in May.
Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan (née Markle) have a joint royal monogram that honors his
late mother, Princess Diana.
Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: A Timeline of Their Relationship
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex combined the "H" and "M" in their names under a
coronet in the royal blue symbol.
The design seems to be a tribute to Diana as Harry's own monogram, which he had made
in January 2017, also features the late royal's favorite color.
They personally signed the sweet note, "All the best, Harry and Meghan," showing off
the former lifestyle blogger's stylish signature.
The Suits alum, 36, who used to work as a calligrapher, released her own monogram in
It is styled similarly to Harry's and features a simple black "M" underneath a coronet.
Days after her wedding to the Captain General Royal Marines, 33, Kensington Palace revealed
Meghan's custom coat of arms.
It features two rays, a nod to the sunshine state, golden poppies, California's official
flower, and a blue background to reflect the Pacific ocean.
"The Duchess of Sussex took a great interest in the design," Woodcock said in the statement.
"Good heraldic design is nearly always simple and the arms of the Duchess of Sussex stand
well behind the historic beauty of the quartered British Royal Arms.
Heraldry as a means of identification has flourished in Europe for almost nine hundred
years as is associated with both individual people and great corporate bodies such as
cities, universities and for instance the livery companies in the city of London."
BMW M4 GTS vs M5 E60 | Is It Worth $137,000? - Duration: 11:31.Welcome back everyone mark with exotic car play place today we're going to talk
about the e60 m5 versus the m4 GTS which is that super rare ultra high
performance m4 that's dialed in for the track we're gonna talk about the
features specific compare one to the other now I've had the m5 here for quite
a while and I'm always looking for the next great thing and I would say the m4
GTS is the most hardcore BMW in the lineup today yeah there's the i8 that's
kind of a different animal but we'll talk about conventional sports cars by
BMW today we're gonna just preview some of the specs and some of the details but
before we get started don't forget to make sure you check out my merchandise
on the channel there's a hot link for that as well in the giveaway four
cameras no let's just do a quick look at the entire car and oh and we'll explain
it we'll make some comparisons now let's just start with the overall look of the
car the overall look on the e60 of course is the bengal era the bangl era
was crisp angle design where he created these sort of wraparound headlights the
taillights are unique and if you look at the spoiler on the m4 GTS it's very
aggressive then we come on over to the wheels
we have a standard 19-inch wheel on the m5 here and if you really look down
closely here you'll see we have steel brakes cross drilled ventilated disc
brakes on these cars not such as the case on the m4 on the m4
whose is carbon ceramic brakes then of course you have some of the telltale
symbols m5 you've got your traditional vent system here you've got the telltale
m5 and on the m4 you have its own style then we look at things like mirrors
definitely a simpler mirror setup here the m4 is a much nicer mirror it's more
than modern look now of course looking at the the entire rest of the bodywork
fairly traditional in this car but when you compare it to when we work our way
around to the back you'll notice the e60 here we have a little fin here
but that little Finn doesn't exist on the m4 GTS instead it has an oversized
carbon wing and then moving right along you'll notice as well on the e60 m5
we've got the quad exhaust tips here which you also have on the m4 GTS you
also have the quad exhaust tips there as well slightly different layout now
moving right along looking in the backseat of the e60 m5 now looking
through here of course this is an m5 they don't call it the ring taxi for
nothing the barn burner whatever you want to call it we have box seats here
not only do we have two seats we actually have three seeds if you look
here there's seating for three in the back as well as the two in the front
such is not the case in the m4 GTS where in that case the entire back area is
been stripped gutted and replaced with an aggressive racing roll cage and so
then we move more to the interior looking at the interior door panels for
example in this car typical for m5 and a lot of other BMWs of course you have a
well finished interior door panel very nice we've got leather touchier leather
in this case because I don't have the extended leather we only have the
plastic top finished off nicely with the brushed aluminum well when we look at
the m4 GTS it doesn't have any of that it actually has a single little door
pull and a slight little pad on the door which allows you a space to rest your
elbow not much more than that it's a very simple rig in the m4 GTS because
really the m4 GTS is about business racing business that's what that's about
ok so now we sit inside we look at the rest of the interior of
this car you'll notice in this car there's still a lot of plastic plastic
plastic plastic lots of plastic here this is not the extended leather as I
mentioned now in the m4 GTS they have actually a stepped-up level of trim on
the entire interior of the car as well you have a beautiful logo on the dash on
the m4 GTS that shows that that car means business and that is a special
engraved not faked well oh I know a BMW is traditionally known for stepping up
and badging non-m cars well that is a unique feature of the m4 GTS is they
have that nice little GTS logo on the dashboard here now let's go on the
inside here on the e60 m5 you actually have a very nice interior you have a
heads-up display here and you can tell the panel here this panel reflects the
heads-up display which gives you a lot of different features for sure
tachometer gives you your speed your rev count all that stuff it also sometimes
can give you some other details depending on how you configure it in
your I Drive system or M Drive but the m4 GTS also has the heads-up display as
well if you look at the overall interior here and the steering wheel this is
pretty traditional BMW product you have a leather steering wheel you've got the
paddle controls here but if you look at the m4 it has a much nicer Alcantara
steering wheel much fat are much more padded and and of course it has the dual
clutch transmission shift paddles which of course are vastly improved because a
dual clutch transmission is vastly better than the single automated manual
that you had in the e60 so there's some improvements there and that's more
justification for buying the m4 GTS now let's pop the hood let's look at where
the real magic happens
close the door here we're gonna check under the hood here pop it up now this
is the magic of the e60 m5 you have the infamous
s85 engine which essentially is the heart of this car this is the heart the
soul the f1 drivetrain in powering this car the m4 GTS on the other hand has a
much more aggressively tuned twin-turbo 6-cylinder engine that produces almost
500 horsepower way up from the standard 425 some odd horsepower that you find in
a standard m4 the m4 GTS has a lot more gem but not only that it has more torque
as well and it's just a finely tuned engine now some other things that you
want to take a look at here I'd like to make comparisons because the m4 GTS is a
very very cool car lots of trick features we have carbon fiber throughout
carbon fiber on the bottom carbon fiber on the wing carbon fiber parts on the
interior but it also has a carbon fiber hood now if you look up here you've got
your standard metal hood here pretty standard for most cars as well you've
got your heat shield and that's basically all metal pretty traditional
finishing well the m4 GTS has none of that the m4 actually has an entirely
complete carbon fiber hood that weighs almost nothing extremely light weight
then one more quick thing I want to show you on the exterior this car now we all
know that the m6 of this generation is 63 so the m6 had a carbon fiber roof
available as did some of the e90 and 92 BMWs had this available as carbon fiber
the m5 did not have that that was not available and so instead you have a
sunroof here and a standard metal roof where the m4 GTS has a wonderful
wonderful nicely finished high-gloss carbon-fiber roof on
there which thus results in a lower center of gravity reduced overall weight
and improved performance for the truck environment now to other trick things I
want to mention from the e60 and the m4 the one downside to the m4 is everybody
knows it is a track oriented car it's trying to compete with the likes of the
gt3 911 GTR Corvette with the modern dry sump systems it's trying to compete in
that marketplace unfortunately BMW looks like they have
elected to provide an integrated sump system so it's not a true dry sump that
you would find in like I said a gt3 for example that has a separate oil tank
that provides much better oiling under aggressive cornering situations the m4
does not have that they use some sort of baffling and whatnot but essentially
it's an integrated dry sump very much like what you would kind of find in the
SAT 5 engine in the e60 m5 so there's one other trick thing that the m4 GTS
has going for it is you don't have it in this car you don't have it in most cars
today because it's it's a bit more maintenance intensive if you will but
the m4 GTS has a little trick up its sleeve and its water injection because
of the high boost levels or the elevated heat that you find in the engine
compartment due to the intercooling the high turbo pressures the higher pressure
and overall higher performing levels of that engine produces a lot of heat up to
220 degrees in some parts of the intake manifold and such what it actually does
is it utilizes a water injection system that actually helps reduce detonation
and actually dramatically improve intake cooling if you were to actually improve
reliability for long hard driving for example in a track environment so that
is another trick you don't have that an e 60 here you don't have it in the F 90
or the F 10 you don't have it in any of the other m3 or m4 s you know what
is a specifically trick for that particular car the m4 GTS so guys
everybody I hope you enjoyed that really what I'm trying to get out here is I
love my car infinitely but I'm always looking at the
next great thing from BMW because I'm always possibly looking at my next toy
this could very well be the car it has so many great features to it it's just
you know it's certainly not a daily driver it is definitely a toy
and I'm looking at it because I like the extreme I like the cars that are dialed
in for the track do I always drive on the track oh no but I love that feel of
the car so everyone I hope you enjoyed the video you make sure you give the
video a like don't forget to comment and don't forget make sure you subscribe to
the channel and get in on that contest you might be the next winner of that
waterproof HD action camera thanks again everybody mark here check it out we'll
talk to you real soon bye bye
7 Reasons why it is worth falling in love with a complicated woman - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
How Much is Each Key & Skyshard Worth and Why Vale is 50k/h? - BFA Pre Patch Gold Farming / Making - Duration: 6:02.hey hey guys how is it going, welcome, BaROFIST, to another video. Guys in
today's video I'm going to answer a question that have been really commonly
asked on my stream and also on YouTube channel why you're farming the kids bro
and what is the each you know value of the key like how much gold provides each
key and in today's video I'm going to answer that stuff because BFA is coming
up and Vail is really profitable farming spot and I know that a lot of you won't
want to buy tokens or BFA with gold or something like that and I'm gonna tell
you exactly how much each key is worth and what you can get from them so let's
just jump into it first we're going to talk what the keys are basically the
keys are items that you can farm from Vale Vale is my favorite farming spot it
is so really worth so if you go into Vale and farm it you're gonna get from
like 20,000 gold to 50,000 gold depends whether you're farming it is twink
normal char how much gear you are and all this stuff is it easy to farm yes it
is easy to farm I have a guide about that I have a guide also how to open the
keys you can see me opening the keys in the background there in the you know on
the stream the other day I have opened 700 kids I said and it's really easy to
open them up as well they give reputation a lot of materials sky shards
oh and all this stuff so let's just jump into it after I open the keys I have
made a spreadsheet right you can see the spreadsheet in the skinny right now and
as you can see each key is giving all these materials this is all the stuff
that I've obtained from the from the keys which is 7 sky shards Imperial 651
Imperial silk by the way you need to get a reputation with August Celestials to
exalt it if you want to use for royal searches that's why what usually I do
from Imperial silk but if you don't want to do that you can also you know build
trance mugs with tailoring if you have tailoring I mean of course you need to
have tailoring because you don't get Imperial soaks if you're not tailors and
that's some loss of gold if you don't have so anyway sha crystal 7 magnifique
magnificent height 18 spirits of Carmen 66 black Trillium 85 white Trillium 81
Golden Lotus 39 both of you look lot 88 window cloth both of you plot the movie
plot the prices here you might see a bit higher because these are the prices if
you crafts cloaks with tailoring and seldom
- vendor this is how much you get fixed from selling the window cloth to vendor
you know this is not auction house this is pure raw gold so you sell this stuff
to vendor exotic leather is like as it is ghost iron or I calculated here by
you know crafting ghosts are no - cause ghost bar and the herbs I put all the
herbs in one basket so I don't have to like calculate green tea and then
foolscap and whatever I just put all the herbs in the same basket so the herbs
are around one golden my server you know some suburbs are like three goats some
servers like 70 servers or something but more or less like one gold each so dust
is 0.2 which is worthless and a row gold from 700 keys I got 22,000 gold so you
gotta ask me why the hell sky shards you say 26,000 because I sell a LAN amount
right I have made a guide how to sell on email but if you want me to make a new
updated guide how to sell on amount I can do that stuff as well and also you
can you can see the previous video that I've made you can click on the card
above how to find the Lani if it's skilled you know so if you have sky
shards but you cannot find a LAN unit server I have made guide how we can
transfer servers and find the line if it's killed already you can check out
the previous video about that I sell Aulani 65 K per person for people that
is around 260 thousand gold which is 10 sky shots which is 26 K per sky shot so
that's why I wrote there 26 thousand gold as you can see total 700 Keys I've
made two hundred and ninety one thousand gold and each key is providing me four
hundred and sixteen thousand gold now this I have deducted five percent of the
auction house auction cut even though the sky charts are not you know I are
not influenced by the auction cut because it's a row goal that people are
trading to you so this is a little bit less than what it's real number here for
my server but it doesn't matter because it's still a lot of gold right seven
hundred keys I farm in eighteen hours and if you divide by you know like
eighteen hours by 291 you're gonna see like it's like twelve thousand gold just
by Keys farming per hour right so if you add all the other
things like sky shots you're getting during farming and you're getting sky
shots from the keys and then you're getting some other materials during
farming rogue old green items and all this stuff
you gotta see that it's around 30,000 gold per hour if you add everything off
together so this is what you're getting perky since you've asked this a lot if
if if that answers your question and I'm really you know I'm really happy because
this place is still working in the pre patch now I don't know if you a BFA will
be working but since in the pre patch is pretty much BFA I don't see any changes
that will come into this place chickens to farm the place in pfn is to get a lot
of materials now the prices might change in PFA of course because old materials
might get higher or lower in price which I think it will be a little bit higher
maybe but it doesn't matter that's how a farm veil I mean that's how a farm Keys
that's how you open the keys that's what it is gold perky so that's all guys let
me know what you think it does in the comments below if this helped you in any
way like the video if you want to follow up with some gold videos or something
like that in be a fair leveling videos I'm gonna launch that as well in vfa
make sure to subscribe and I will try to keep up with the videos as much as they
can currently have some issues with hardware but I'm fixing that soon and I
will try to keep up with the videos and keep you updated on what's happening in
the gold world and one world and all that stuff anyway guys thank you for
watching you've been amazing Aburto fost and until the next time stay cool listen
to parents we could boys love you much so homo and see you in the next one
we're off
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