Column Construction | How to Rendering Sand and Cement on concrete or column
For more infomation >> Column Construction | How to Rendering Sand and Cement on concrete or column - Duration: 12:53.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO MAKE FAKE VIRUS Or prank with notepad. All window you have notepad - Duration: 6:21.
Health Truth or Scare, Series 2, Episode 1 - Duration: 43:30.
CNCO: Truth or Lie *Subtitulado en español* - Duration: 1:41.
"Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over" has whole new meaning this Labor Day Weekend - Duration: 1:37.
Which Deserved Best Picture: Forrest Gump or Shawshank Redemption? - Duration: 11:06.
The four of us have debated this many
times. This has been an ongoing
conversation, and this one's kind of
apples to oranges a little bit, and
there's one particular reason we always
talked about these two movies, because
they are both up for Best Picture in the
same year. I believe it was the 1995
Oscars. Yeah, you can check that too, if
you want. It is. It is. Okay, so these two
movies are very classics, we all know
them, Forrest Gump, or The Shawshank
Now to clarify, I think, I think the
question shouldn't be which one's a
better movie, it should be which one
should have won Best Picture?
Oh man, I don't know? Somebody else go on
this one - and the reason I say that is
because it is so apples and oranges, it's
hard to debate, you know, which one's a
better movie because they're not related
in any sense because.. just because they
came out the same year, but I think which one
should have won the Oscar is more
detailed question. So we can kind of focus
in on that at least. Well, it's hard to -
Cody, I want to hear your thoughts first. I was gonna say
the same thing, I want to know what Cody has
to say about this? You know, I have to say
Shawshank should have won, you know all
the way around, because... Are you playing a
character, right now? You caught me. Dude,
Joel's drunk and Cody's high.
I thought, you know, both good movies but
Shawshank, it just had that friendship
aspect to it. I'm always going back to
the friendships and (I know you) later so
the emotional side of things. Okay, what's
wrong with me? Cody - Cody's starving for a
We love you Cody! I just want more Morgan
Freeman! If Morgan Freeman could be the Terminator. No, you know the
friendship that they had with Andy
Dufresne and what was Morgan Freeman's
name? Red? Red, yeah.
Their relationship was something special
and you know there's so much character
development and changes and
I feel like Forrest Gump was... it was good,
it just didn't have as much emotion to
it and that's and that's how we get and
that's how we relate most the characters
is by the emotional side of things and
you're not gonna be maybe as invested. I
Forrest Gump did suffer a lot but I
don't think it was, I don't know, I don't
think it was to the same degree. When
Jenny died, I... I'm still crying. Wait, Jenny
died!? Jenny
Cody hasn't seen either film. Very passionate
argument for him. I haven't seen Shawshank Redemption either. Cody's just
reading reviews offline. No, Cody, I would
I would agree with that.
I think Shawshank should have won. I
think, I don't think anybody's debating
that Forrest Gump is a bad movie
because it's a great movie, but I think
-that it's I think Forrest Gump is a very
fun movie and has very bizarre elements
in it and it's a fun idea and that's
entertaining, but it doesn't go any
deeper than that, in my opinion. I think
Shawshank plays on deeper themes that
relate - that are more relatable like hope
and tragedy and perseverance, whatever it
may be, whatever you take from the film. I
think Forrest Gump... it's hard to come up
with, at least for like an average
moviegoer, it's hard to come up with a
theme that Forrest Gump had and that
you're taped - like you're not
leaving Forrest Gump
thinking like, oh you know that
relates to my life because it doesn't,
but I think Shawshank plays on those
human elements of like hope, especially
obviously that's the main theme going on
there, so well and it's so well shot and
it could have been a very very boring
movie - it's a stupid Prison Break - but it
turned out to be
fantastic for many reasons, a lot which
was why it was nominated for so many
Oscars, but frickin lost every single one
of them. I know, I think overall it's just
a much more well-rounded movie compared
to Forrest Gump. I think Forrest Gump
just it shines on just a few elements as
far as the film goes. I a hundred percent
agree. Um, if you everybody, I don't know
there are a lot of naysayers - Forrest
Gump and and and I would I would not
agree with those naysayers. I think
Forrest Gump is a fantastic movie. Yes, it
can be easily, I don't want to say
debunked, but it's if you look at that
movie from a 10,000 foot level, it's
It's a ridiculous and you're right,
Shawshank Redemption plays on like very
real themes that are like... that go way
deeper than just some dude that gets
really lucky in his life. Now, I will say
I am biased: Shawshank Redemption has been
like probably my number one, number two
favorite movie since I was.. I don't know,
15? So, that is by far in a way my choice
for for the Oscar Best Picture. I will
say one little piece of trivia: run time
on both movies: 2 hours and 22 minutes
exactly. They're exactly the same thing.
That's very interesting.
I almost still refuse to go. I can't make
up my mind on this, so torn. I think that...
I hear all the points you're saying. I
think this kind of goes back to my
original statement what I was saying
about which one would I give my money to
in which when I give the award to - kind
of two different categories because I
think I've seen both films just as much.
Like if I were to sit down and want to
watch one, I probably wouldn't pick
Shawshank, I'd probably pick Forrest Gump
because it's just a more fun movie, I
think someone said entertaining? I would
say that's a more entertaining movie the
than Shawshank. Shawshank is a heavy film.
There's a lot going on.
It's exhausting. Yeah, it is exhausting. After it's
over, you're like, 'Man, that was intense,
but it's really good!' But I think if I
get - if I had to give it the award and I
think Forrest Gump was deserving in its
own right. Tom Hanks is, I think, is a more
memorable character; Forrest Gump the
character, is more memorable than any of
the characters in Shawshank Redemption,
is at least in my opinion, but when it
comes to an overall movie, I think the
key difference between the two where I'd
be like: No, some I think I think one
movie has the clear better side of
this is the ending. The ending of Forrest
Gump has always bugged me. I've always
hated this idea of... the Jenny character
always annoyed me. Just this girl that's
got her problems. I'm sure we all know
why - her dad was abusive and she always
running in and out on Forrest and then
she finally comes in, she sleeps with him,
she gets pregnant, she runs off, and she's
like well I have a kid and I'm dying and
you got to take care of him... that was the
worst thing that could happen that guy.
Like he did nothing wrong and she just
at the end, he's just kind of sad. He's
like well, that was a really sad movie,
like just kind of was a bummer.
Like we're having a great time with this
guy, just a bunch of great things to
happen to him but it's just the love of
his life just kind of kept, you know,
messing up and just causing him problems.
At the end of Shawshank is so powerful
and it's such a like happy ending. It's
almost the ending you don't see coming. You're
like this movie's just been a downer
this whole time and now it's uplifting,
like, Wow! I didn't see them - this movie ends
on a beach. You come in - that wasn't the
original ending though, it was supposed
to be him driving away which I actually
think might have been a better ending. I
agree I was just about to say that.
So the original ending was the very
second last shot is Morgan Freeman, Red,
riding on the bus after he gets out of
prison for however many years he's in
there, and he's basically it's just like
a monologue in the background basically
saying you know he wants to see yeah he
wants to see his friends get or his
friend again he's trying to see Andy
Dufresne and like last words are: "I hope,"
and it's like fades of black and then it
comes back into focus and you know,
spoilers, they're both you know finding
each other on the beach, but the original ending
was, it just fades to black, while he's - as
he says I hope, and that's it, and I think
that's so much much more powerful,
because it really just like punches that
theme into the viewer of like does he
see him? Does he not? It doesn't matter,
because he hopes - that's the point. Yeah,
yeah I think that I mean if you took the
whole beach scene at the end which
leaves us on a very happy like, Oh man -
they made it! They made it to the the
Mexican beach - Zihuatanejo. Zihuatanejo.
They make it down to that beach and is
uplifting as it is like the a would have
been just fine him finding that letter
by the rocks, and the music, the score
that's playing, and Morgan Freeman's
voice, it's it's all just, they could have
ended right there, no but like man this
is just so good. I can't deny that at the end
of Forrest Gump, he's literally sitting on a
log and just staring off of the distance
going, "Well, I guess that was a good time?"
Right? But, as far as like as far as I'm
looking at all the awards that Shawshank
was nominated for, just go down the list:
Best Picture. Best Actor, Morgan Freeman.
Best Screenplay. Best Score. Best Sound.
Best Cinematography. Best Film
Editing... lost all of them. I think that at
least I would say one of these, Best
Actor, it was basically Morgan Freeman or
Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump. I think Tom
Hanks should have won even though it's
Morgan Freeman's, you know shining hour
on film, it's one of his most iconic
characters. However, Tom Hanks, you can't beat Forrest Gump.
Playing that character is difficult and
crying at the end of it when he's like
finds out he has the son is the one of
the best that scenes. That's - that's like
top ten scenes that will make guys
cry is that. Right. Yeah, yeah - yes yeah I
think we're all we're all in agreement
that Shawshank then. I think we would all
would have disagreed with the Academy.
That's a first. Idiots!
Confusing English Words - SOUND or NOISE - Duration: 2:11.
What is a sound?
And what is a noise?
And what's the difference?
Hey, Alister from Al's Action English.
If you want to learn English on the go you should consider subscribing.
Today we're going to look at the difference between two confusing English words: sound
and noise.
Let's start with our daily question: What's your favourite sound in the whole world?
Comment below and talk to each other.
Also, let me know which confusing words you would like to look at in our next lesson.
Sound and noise are nouns.
They can both be used as countable and uncountable nouns.
They both refer to when you hear something.
When a sound is unpleasant or unwanted we say it is a noise.
When a sound is unpleasant or unwanted we say it is a noise.
I should point out my natural Northern Irish accent here and how it is different.
We say sound with a short vowel.
However, most of the world says sound with a long vowel.
Sound, sound, sound, sound.
Unfortunately, as my family say, I've somewhat lost most of these dulcet tones in the 14
years since I left Northern Ireland.
Let's look at some examples together.
Listen to the beautiful sounds of the forest.
Light travels faster than the speed of sound.
The people talking in the library were making too much noise so I couldn't study.
Funny noises were coming from my car engine.
Also note that noise becomes the adjective noisy and the adverb noisily.
The people in the library were noisy.
The people in the library were talking noisily.
Thanks for watching.
Please leave any questions and answers to the daily question in the comment section.
If you've enjoyed this video and would like to keep improving your English on the go,
please like, subscribe and share with your friends.
I'll post more videos and see you soon.
Nom or Not? Avocado! | Genius Kitchen - Duration: 19:13.
Beginning or Returning to Makeup Tips with Only 8 Items for Both Younger & Mature Women over 50 - Duration: 25:22.
Okay awesome ones. Well you know I love our subscribers and I'm still reading
pretty well every single comment that you put down and I'm really surprised
that how many of you after watching a makeup video have never worn makeup
before or maybe you haven't worn makeup......... some people are saying I haven't worn
makeup in like decades. Thank You Heather. And I thought what I would do is I do
this video for you rookies out there or you returners to makeup out there.
I'm just going to use eight products. So I'm going to really really keep it
simple and some of you who, you know are thinking well you know what, I don't want
to use all those 20 products that Heather's using, you might really find
this informative as well. It starts in just a few seconds.
So I wanted to do this video just to help those of you that, you know, need a
little bit of enhancement. You really want to get a little bit of confidence
back and what I'm using here are just eight products. I'm showing them here and
they really really cover everything that I need to do a full makeup on my face.
And the other thing about these products is I really made sure that they're
pretty reasonable. I know the mascaras a little on the high end but I also will
tell you about an option where you can get a drugstore product that actually
works just as well as well. So as you know I'd like to keep it real. I have
absolutely no makeup on my face and as a former 80's model that was really hard to
do, but I want to give the best to you guys and so I'm used to it now, but
anywho what I would suggest if you're just, you know starting on makeup or you
want to do a minimalistic kind of makeup or you're just returning to it is let's
start with a concealer. Now this concealer we're only going to use one in
this video, because I'm keeping it minimalistic as I said. It's a little
lighter than my skin tone and what I'm going to do is I just....yes you have the
lipsticky kind of thing, but what I like to do when I'm doing this kind of
an application is just, I don't know if you can see that...... they're kind of rolling
on my fingers a bit. I've got to start with underneath these eyes because I really
usually have like dark circles under my eyes sometimes. I even have bags, not
today but that's a good thing you know and I just sort of dab it, just kind
of dab underneath here and as you can see yes it's a little bit lighter......
just dabbing underneath again, these are great blenders and you have ten of them
here, it's called your fingers. Alright so there you go.
Now.....that you might say....ah that looks really really bright, but we're gonna
tone it down in a minute. Now if you have blemishes, if you have age spots, if you
have whatever which I got pretty well everything on the list.
Oh yeah, yeah um but just use this like this you see how that's covering up
there. Blend it in. I also like to put a little bit in between my eyes here
because, I don't know, it's kind of purply in there but I'll sort of show you this
one. Dab it on, blend it in, oh I got more here sorry this is gonna take up a lot
of the video all my spots that I have to cover up, but yep they're there. I got
some redness here, my nose a little bit on my nose and then can you see these
guys here, so I'm gonna go like that and just do
some blending. Now one little final look here, what's that, blemish I guess and
a final little look. Oh you know what, this was nasty, this one here is really really
dark, so had to add a little bit there. So there you go.
One concealer that's all you need for this minimalistic kind of makeup and
it's a very natural makeup even though I'm not using a lot of products it still
works just fine. So let's see step number two while this dries. So well that's
drying we're gonna use eyeliner pencil. Alright and a sharpened one, make sure
it's sharp now. I'm using black for this video but you might feel a little more
comfortable with a softer kind of look. Maybe a brown would work for you and
this is a little bit tricky, you might need a little bit of practice at it, but
basically what you're going to do is...I usually start from the inside and work
my way out. Now you might be saying to yourself, oh I don't I think I'll skip
that one, I don't need the eyeliner. Well if you have droopy or hooded eyes and
actually I'm gonna put a link up there for the hooded eye video, you'll realize
why you need a little swoosh at the end, because we want to liven up your
eyes a little bit and you know the eyes are magic, so we do want to work a little
bit on them. So all I'm gonna do is......kind of hard to show you, but I started here,
see I'm just kind of feathering it out a bit, it's not a great big line, it's just
giving your eyelashes a little bit of definition and as we age, I don't know we
seem to lose some eyelashes, so this really just helps a bit, doing doing here
and don't...kind of do it several strokes, you see I'm not just
going zoom like that, just kind of lightly brushing it and then at the end, I do a
little swoosh. I'll get back to the swoosh in a minute and I'm just gonna
quickly do my other eye.
There we go and the little swoosh. Alright next step. So the third item you're going
to need is an eyeshadow palette. Now this one I found is fabulous. It's not very
expensive either. It's by Burt's Bees. There's all kinds of different palettes
that you can get and actually I found this Burt's Bees makeup line really
really awesome and I'm gonna put a link up there for a video that I did on it
because it wasn't even a sponsored video but I applied the makeup and I really
really loved it. So let's choose this palette um this does not come with a
brush hmm so you might want to get a palette like this instead with a number
of different colors in it and that's going to come with your with a couple of
brushes which are good. Now if you're saying to yourself, you know what, I don't
really want to invest in brushes right now.
Well these work just fine little um little cotton swabs here and just
remember to throw them out occasionally, but I've used these before and they work
just fine, so let's just um go ahead with this and what we're going to do with
this is we're going to put this just above the eyes.
That's just on the eyelid there so I just want to make sure that I got it
straight, hold on for a second. Oh yeah very natural, a very natural look, also
what I'm going to do is.....sorry I'm kind of melting in here under the lights, but I want
to keep going with this and we'll cool off in a minute. Also put a little
highlighter up there right underneath the brow bone, that's really really
lovely there. Now what do you do with this color?
Well this color, if you can see just the natural....I don't have any makeup on, but
I've got a kind of a natural crease here, so what I'm going to do is, I'm just
gonna go along that natural crease there.
See it's looking pretty....yeah and I'm going to go along that natural crease
there and because of the hooded eyes that I have....didn't have them when I was
younger, but I got them now. I'm gonna just do a little swoosh out like that
and I am going to brush it out with my fingers there, all right so now there's a
third color in here and in this particular palette it's like a lavender
sort of color, but they also have pallets with Browns and other colors that you
might prefer. Now this is when you're a little bit daring if you want to do this
you might not want to do it the first try if you're just a beginner you're
getting back into makeup, but I will show it to you as for the people that are
just sort of want to do this, okay so first of all I use a brush like this or
you could use a q-tip, just be really really careful with that and I'm gonna
go underneath the eyes.
Notice I'm not using a liner, but this is really a pretty look just under there
and then right across here in the crease with that darker one to just show some
definition. See all these wrinkles I've got over here. I'm just trying to hide
them with the darker one and then that little swoosh that we made there we're
just gonna bring that up, there we go. I am literally melting it's really hot in
here under these lights. I'm going to go back but I'll be back in a second. I got
a fan here for a second. I'll be right back.
Alright I'm cooler. I'm keeping it real. Sweet....sweat
beads and all, but anyway, so I'm much cooler now and oh I wanted to mention to
you also, makeup brushes. If you do want to get some makeup brushes, I did a video
on that too on makeup brushes. I'm gonna put it up there you know the right kind
of makeup brushes to use so you might go...... I kind of like this makeup thing. I think
I'm gonna toss the cotton swabs and I'm gonna go ahead and use some proper
brushes. So I'll put a link up there to that video, but let's move on to the
foundation. so for this foundation I want to keep it easy-peasy for you guys again
this is a Burt's Bees product and I love this little compact because it has a
mirror on it but it also comes with an applicator so that's always nice to have.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to just sort of dab this into the
applicator. I want to dab and brush a little bit like this so a little
bit of a stroke there and I'm going to try to now put this on my face. Let me
see if I can do it with this mirror. Hopefully this works for you guys and I
am not going to go under my eyes yet. I just want to cover you know we've got
we get discolorations when we get older and and you know even when we're younger
we've got some discolorations on our face. So what we want to do is cover them
up, not with a lot and again I'm just sort of scraping and dabbing on this a
little bit. I don't know if you can see that, but yeah so lets go up here taking
that nice shine off. Well it wasn't a nice shine, it was
taking the shine off as well. All right and you can sort of see the difference
in the coloring here and over here.
This is really nice. I think it's got bamboo in it or something this some
powder so it's a hundred percent natural - I believe so that's always good and
what am I going to do with this last little part under my don't want
to put too much powder under your eyes, that's where all the wrinkles are so if
you put too much powder under there all of a sudden you're going to age yourself
ten years. So just a little dab, little dab will do you guys remember
that saying oh wow, going back probably long time ago. Now look at the difference
between the two. You got this side and this side, but I didn't put too much on
so now I'm going to take the shine away from this side and if it's too greasy
under there your mascaras gonna transfer. You can have all kinds of yucky things
happen. So there we go. That's it just small dab and we are done.
Next is the blush. So next as I said it's the blush and I really like this kind of
three color brush, a blush rather. I'm using a brush like this, but if you don't
want to buy the the brush quite yet you can use a little bit of cotton batten
and just very carefully put it on. Not too much. You're gonna have to be really
really careful with this, but for me since I have the brush I'm gonna use it.
I just dab, just dab and I'm going to put a little bit here on the apples of my
cheeks I think that's what they call it. You see how that is and I'm pretty yeah
so just put a little bit there. Now if you noticed here there is a kind of a
darker part of this blush, so if I wanted to I can using a different brush here I
could do a bit of contouring with this and I don't know when we get older it
seems that our faces get wider. So sometimes you know I really want to show
yes I still have cheekbones and I'm going to put a little bit here and here
also the word I hate to use is jowls. The words awful but anyway put a little bit
of that contouring under here as well and that will sort of take away some of
the look of the jowls. Now also that blush brush that I had here just you
know just want to give it a little bit of color all over and yeah. So next is
the mascara and I absolutely love this mascara, it goes on well it comes off at
night well, it doesn't sort of go underneath my eyes it's a little bit
pricey though, but I also in the Burt's Bees I also tried the burst B's
and it was really quite good and I think it was at least half the price of this
one. So you know if you're on a budget or whatever you could certainly do that, oh
and by the way I'm going to link both of these and all the other products that
I'm using in the description. I'm going to put a link to the blog and then at
the blog you'll be able to click on these products, see really what they were
and if you want to purchase them I have to say this on the video we do get a
little bit of a commission and that's really helping us to keep going with the
videos. A big THANK YOU if your doing that. Okay we
really appreciate it. Mascara time.Now what you want to do
with mascara, first of all thank you to all of the comments that have told me, do
not pump. I used to go pumping the mascara in here and do not pump your
mascara just pull it out of the wand like that if you pump the mascara you're
gonna put air in it and it'll dry out faster. So that's good thing to know
thanks everybody for those wonderful comments about that. Okay so I'm just
feathering the upper lashes here just a little feather
not too much and I'm gonna do another coat again but that's about it for now
and we're gonna let that coat dry and now we're going to work on the next part.
So we're waiting for that to dry. I've got this eyebrow pencil and you can
see it's got a little spooley on the bottom and the color I'm using is blonde.
Now we're all different colors and that sort of thing, so blonde is good for me
it's also you know a lighter color if you've got the silver hair growing in or
maybe you dyed your hair silver but be really careful that you're not getting
too dark of of an eyebrow look cuz it's really gonna be harsh on this. We're
going...that we want this to be a natural enhancement that's what the whole thing
is all about. A little natural enhancement and my
really true heartfelt wish is that you know maybe you've got a little more
confidence with that especially as you're maybe rising up in a few years
here. Brush the eyebrows up. Now if you are a mature woman some of your eyebrows
have left and not returned. So we've got to fill that in here .I just sort of
brush up like this. I don't go zoom again so brush up and this one here, look at the
mess that is.....maybe Bill can show you the close-up of that like okay my eyebrows
are missing I don't know where they went but they just decided to be missing one
day oh and by the way I did a video on shaping your eyebrows so you really
should take a look at that. I'll put the link up there somewhere for you because
if I did all of these steps in length this video would be like three hours
long and we don't want to do that. It's just going to should be able to
put on this real quick makeup in under five minutes
easy. Maybe not the first time, but you know so I'm drawing in those little
And then she had hairs on her eyebrows.
Just brush them back up again. All right so we can do another coat of mascara
here and again just very carefully.
See how pretty that is and the eyeliner that's there is just kind of blending in
it's not really....can't notice that eyeliner which is what I wanted.
Now I also at this particular point, you don't have to do this if you don't want
to, but I like to just do a little bit on the bottom lashes. I find it really
really enhances the whole eyes and I
think it's a very worthwhile step. So for my eighth product it's this lipstick
crayon. You know what? I just found this lipstick crayon. I absolutely love it.
It's amazing and I'm going to just put it on here, but you know what, looking at
our lips what happened to our lips, like it's just when we're young we've got
those red lips and everything else and then the color just disappears
anyway, so let's just lighten them up a little bit and what I love about this
crayon is you can outline your lips and fill them in and you're done. The other
thing I love about this little crayon is the fact that it does have a lid for it.
I could put this in my back pocket I could really easily put it in my purse
and so it's really easy to carry as well. So all I'm gonna do I'm not gonna go
crazy here I'm just gonna outline my lips the way they naturally are.
See that.....
then I'm done. That's done. So hey for sure you got to put on a little bit of
lipstick because that bland look, not working is it. So there you go. I hope, I
really do hope that this makeup video really helps the rookies or those of you
that are just getting back into makeup. It's also great for those who are on a
budget or that don't want to do like the 20 odd steps that I did in some of the
other videos where you go, man you know this is gonna cost a fortune or
this is too long. This is really as I said easy peasy and some of the things,
some of the steps that I didn't use on this particular makeup is....I did not, you
know I really didn't use a lipstick liner. I didn't use my anti-shine cream
that I love. There wasn't highlighters and all that
sort of thing the other thing that I didn't use in this video was primer so
some of you are probably thinking oh my gosh should I get primer.
Well I found that the the Burt's Bees foundation that I use and probably other
foundations as well they work okay on your bare skin, but I would suggest that
at night time you put on a night cream and then the next day don't put on a day
cream because sometimes if you're putting on these powders it's just gonna
get really really blotchy or oily and that sort of thing. So I just put it on
the fresh skin of the morning which still has a little bit of the night
cream on. So at the end of most of my videos we bring in the cuteness factor
our little Yorkie. Hey Hurricane our little Yorkie Hurricane, lots of kisses
today don't you. And little Hurricane and I would like
to thank all the subscribers, you guys are just amazing, you're so awesome and
as I was mentioning, you know I....we're like a little community here, so if you
want to subscribe there's a button down there and please come on down
and just like a bunch of friends hanging out we share stories and you know other
makeup tips that some of you may have as well. So it's it's all fantastic and we
put out videos on Tuesdays and Fridays. The Tuesdays are more inspirational,
trave,l fun, lifestyle videos and then on the Fridays of course its beauty and
fashion. So oh and by the way I also started up an Insta gram account so if
you want to sort of get the awesome over fifty kind of touch every single day, I'm...
everyday I'm putting up something. A post or a little tiny video or something like
that. Just search Awesome over 50. So a lot of beautiful people out there
right Hurricane. Yes there really are and so in the meantime you know if I can
help you with these videos to just get a little bit of confidence you know it
just means so much to me and just let me know. Let me know how the the makeup goes.
Remember start off really really light with it and I just love to hear it you
know, you you just make my day when you let me know that I'm doing something
to serve and to help and that's what makes the world go around and until next time,
keep it awesome. We'll see you later. Everyone's invited to subscribe and join
us on our videos.
How To Get Your Friend Arrested (In Spanish) - Duration: 2:22.
(Latin Music)
(Latin Music)
What is a self charging hybrid is it a REX BEV or a PHEV? ITS NON! 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 6:51.
welcome to this week's vlog on this week's vlog we're going to be talking
about an amazing system that's called the self charging hybrid system yes you
heard me right a self charging hybrid system
now if you've seen Toyota and
Lexus is adverts obviously Toyota owns Lexus they have gone for an
amazing self perpetual-motion device called a self charging hybrid yes they
have a hybrid that completely charges itself what an amazing piece of
technology I mean Newton would be proud they have
basically broken all the barriers of physics and invented a device that
completely self charges now if you see Toyota and Lexus advert it clearly says
they've chosen a device it charges itself and does not require a plug yes
that's right Toyota chosen not to put a plug on their hybrid
no no there's self charges itself now if you weren't aware Mercedes yes right
under here is Mercedes self charging hybrid battery yes you heard me right
right under here is a 12-volt standard okay it's time to drop the sarcasm
obviously Mercedes do not make a self-driving hybrid but also neither do
Toyota it's time I get technical for the first time ever in my videos and explain
the full difference between different cars so obviously got a ICE combustion
car which is a pure petrol or diesel car runs on combustion fuel 100% that drives
the wheels we all know what they are they've been around for decades the next
car is what we call a battery car BEV but a battery electric vehicle which
basically means the whole car is powered purely by electric so that includes the
Renault Zoe and obviously the Nissan Leaf and all the Tesla's we then have a
REX which is a range extender this has a electric motor and it also has a small
engine the engine charges the battery and the wheels are
powered by the battery alone so basically the even that has an engine a
combustion engine combustion engine is there to facilitate the energy of
electricity so therefore it's more efficient the engine is tuned to run it
the most efficient rate and therefore that's why REX's are actually not that
bad we next then move on to hybrids now a hybrid car works a bit like a Formula
one kurs system it constantly recharges the battery from the motion of
regenerative braking so same as what your electric car does anyway all our
cars regenerative braking but a hybrid car regenerates just purely from that energy
that loss energy doesn't it runs purely purely mainly on the ice engine the ice
engine is the main form of that movement and it uses the petrol of the ice and
the driving normal driving to repower a battery to that then gets put back into the
wheels it's more efficient than an ICE better for the environment than a
ICE but it's not as good as the other two that I've just previously mentioned
we then move on to a PHEV now this is a PHEV BMW i8 a PHEV is a
vehicle that has a plug the plug powers a battery the battery powers the wheels
now being a PHEV bit also has an internal combustion engine which also
powers the wheels and also charges the battery when the battery runs low the
idea of a plug-in hybrid is you can select purely run off the battery London
taxis are PHEVs Outlanders are PHEV's a PHEV is obviously a lot better than their normal
hybrid because you if you wanted to you could run it purely off the battery and
never use a combustion engine as long as the rangers in the battery range of the
vehicle they obviously have a much smaller battery than full BEV's but
there are a lot more environmentally friendly than some of the other options
that you can get the question is where does Toyota's system fit in would you
say it's a range extender which what it sounds like a self charging hybrid
sounds like a range extender it's not a range extender
it's also not a plug-in hybrid it's also not a full BEV it's also not
self-charging what it basically is just a hybrid it
uses the ice engine and then almost like a Kurs system like Formula one like I
mentioned before it's using the motion of the wheels of slowing down
regenerative braking to charge a little battery which then puts a couple of
miles extra range onto the ice motor yes it's better for the environment than a
full ice but it's certainly not a self charging vehicle and it certainly
shouldn't be advertised as well there was nothing wrong with the term hybrid
hybrid just means exactly what's Toyota have got they're very very first
electric car was a hybrid they called it hybrid and now they've invented a new
term called a self charging hybrid which is just a way to mislead people and
consumers into buying vehicles I find that confusing so someone who doesn't
work and sort of study the electric car industry is going to find the even more
confusing than I do now the reason I've mentioned all this is I want you to go
down to the description below there's a link to the
Advertising Standards Agency and I want you to report Toyota for they're really
basically trying to take advantage of customers poor knowledge of electric
vehicles now I've not got any problems with a hybrid which doesn't have a plug
I've got no problem with it it's better than ICE car so before everyone starts
pulling in the comments no you shouldn't say this yes it is better than than a
ice car but no problem with that my issue is the confusing advertisement
that they're using and they're doing it on purpose and I think it's deliberately
misleading to fool people into thinking that it it's got some sort of fake
collection energy device it's very poor practice of Toyota they know exactly
what they're doing and they need to stop it now you might
want to know why I was making a little joke about the 12-volt battery on the
Mercedes the reason for that is self charging hybrid gives the impression
that a battery that charges itself up now 12-volt battery on any ice car
charges itself up from an alternator so does that mean that all ice cars are
self charging hybrids no it doesn't so really what Toyota should
be doing is just calling it a hybrid like everyone else thanks very much for
watching this week's video don't forget to click here to become a
patreon click here to subscribe and check out my other videos down here
thanks very much and I'll see you again next week goodbye
Spa Water 好用吗? All in one essence IS GOOD OR BAD? - Duration: 5:21.
Hello everyone, I'm Sylvia
Welcome back to my Youtube channel
Today I want to show you a beauty product
Water Spa from its coll
Suitable for Asian skin
Very moisture
This is all in one essence
Makeup Base
If you don't have all these
and you want to buy each of them
This product is for you
This is all in one essence
You can save money
It has 50ml
This is gel type
A little bit of cream type too
Non greasy
Very moisture
Actually this brand is quite popular now
You can smell lavender
Smell so nice
Everyone love lavender
Ingredient is
Oryza Sativa (Rice) Extract
Portulaca Oleracea Extract
Sakura extract
Lavender Angustifolia oil
If you have skin problem
Skin aging problem
Acne skin
Uneven skin tone
Acne skin + small wound
Sensitive skin
Pores problem
How to apply?
Wash face -> Dry your face with clean towel -> Apply Spa Water to entire face (Face and neck)
Very moisture
I will use spa water to maintain my skin moisture
My face become very smooth
Skin moisture is very important
No matter you are a boy or girl
By the way, I will added my moisturizer to my liquid foundation
Your makeup can stay all day long
Look at my makeup. My liquid foundation mixed with moiturizer
This is the result
This product is suitable for sensitive skin too
Sensitive skin will be like skin start peeling, itch and redness.
You can try spa water
If you like the smell of lavender
This is totally for you
Since I try this product for months already
I quite satisfy with this product
I create this video and show you guys
No matter you are boy or girl
You all must take good care of your skin
If you want to purchase Spa Water
Please add her Wechat: May0385 by via Wechat
Ask her if you want to know the price
Ask her if you want to know the postage
If you have any problem, you can ask her
By the way, if you try this product before
If you have any opinions and thoughts
You can share your opinions and thought in the comment section below
That's all for today
See you next time
Love you always
Big thanks for watching my youtube videos
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I must see you next time
Love it or hate it, Pumpkin Spice is having a moment - Duration: 2:16.
Replacing a Fuel Tank Filter Element or Canister - Step-By-Step - Duration: 1:57.
This video will show the simple process of how to replace a Goldenrod fuel tank filter
element or canister.
To replace the element in a See-Thru bowl filter,
start by turning off the flow of fuel,
then remove the bowl from the top cap, ideally with the 491 fuel tank filter wrench.
Its specially designed grooves fit over the notches on the side of the bowl,
greatly reducing the chances of cracking or breaking it.
Once you have taken off the bowl, unscrew the element,
then completely screw in your new element.
Since a new gasket comes with every new replacement element,
now is a good time to replace it from the top of the bowl (or it may be stuck inside
the top cap).
Insert the new gasket into the channel at the top of the bowl,
screw it tightly back into the top cap,
then you can resume the flow of fuel through the filter.
It's even easier to replace the canister on Spin-On canister filters once you've shut
off the fuel flow.
Simply use a pipe wrench or something similar to loosen and remove the canister from the
top cap,
and don't worry about scratching or otherwise damaging it,
since you'll just be throwing the entire canister away once you get it off.
Screw a new replacement canister into the top cap until it's tight,
then you're free to re-start the fuel flow.
Thanks for watching!
Visit our YouTube channel for more videos about Goldenrod fuel tank filters,
then let us know what else you'd like us to cover about our filters or any other D-L product!
Roth or Pre-Tax: 4 Considerations - Duration: 2:19.
Deciding whether to contribute to your 401(k) plan on a Roth or Pre-Tax basis can seem like a tough decision,
but it doesn't have to be.
I'm Shelly Freemole, Wealth Management Officer at Hills Bank and Trust Company,
and I'm here to offer 4 things to consider when deciding how to contribute to your 401(k) plan.
There are some general principals that your tax advisor will likely consider, and here are some of those considerations.
First, think about your tenure in your career.
Generally speaking, if you are young and just starting out in your career, you are probably earning less than you will when you are further into your career.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but in the years that you earn less money,
because you'll be in a lower tax bracket,
you'll want to make more Roth contributions and pay taxes in those years.
Your age and ammount of tax deductions also makes a big difference.
People in their 20s or 30s and early in their career, often have children and a mortgage
which result in tax deductions that push them into a relatively lower tax bracket.
Now, if the reverse is true, and you think you are paying at a higher tax rate now than you will be during your retirement,
then it makes more sense to contribute on a pre-tax basis.
Keep in mind that within a 401(k) Plan, you can make changes to the way you are contributing over time, as your situation changes.
So for example, you may start your career by contributing on a Roth basis,
but as you gain experience and your salary grows, you may want to contribute more pre-tax.
And remember, you can do both!
Many plans will allow you to contribute on both a Roth and a pre-tax basis simultaneously.
This can be beneficial if you simply aren't sure if you are in a higher tax bracket now compared to where you will be later.
Of course, no one knows what tax rates will be in the future.
Contributing on both a Roth and pre-tax basis is a way of hedging your bets
and can also lead to significant tax flexibility in your retirement years.
Check with your tax advisor to help you decide which contribution option is best for you.
If you have any questions about the benefits of participating in your plan on either a pre-tax or Roth basis,
please feel free to leave them in the comments below or reach out to one of our Retirement Plan Services officers.
To Hack Or Not To Hack That Is The Question IYP #87 - Duration: 8:24.
Hey, I would say holy shit 487 anymore we are live we are igniting your perfect and
Free ramble ramble
episode 87
Today I saw my feed on Facebook
post by
Dyer know about
Product you can buy that cuts the sugar spike after mail by 20 30 40 50 % whatever
And I wanted to throw this up in the air and if it works
Amazing. I'll get back in my box. But is it just another shocker or another hack?
We all like to hear good news about our bad habits
And here's a product like that another way for us to not face the reality that remain making
less than optimal choices in the first place
So Oh max is gonna smile on his face man. You know, it's is there's so many things happen in my brain
I'm like as an entrepreneur. I'm like that that good hustle on that guy. Cuz he
What Gary Vee says he reverse engineered something, right?
Us as a society or at least in you know, first world and second world nations
We do we we are programmed again for that pill that quick fix and I'm not disrespecting that because it's in us it's it's
It's not like I'm holier than thou or she is or he is it's it's what's in us where it's our system of schooling
It's our system of business. It's our system of of work. It's our system of the healthcare. It's you know, take this to
You know
Polish the the issue you have not not really fix it or cure it
It's it's just gonna you know code it them and that's what we're taught
So at the one side, I'm like Tam the guy the guy's smart
Whoever came up with this right and if it does do what it says, that is a beautiful thing
It's a bonus. But what John said is the straight of fact, man, why?
Why are you you know?
Why are you needing to cut your sugar and take 50% with a pill instead of just cutting that stuff?
Oh because if we're talking about what ignite your purpose which is longevity in this game called life
Then you would want to make the better decision for that longevity because even if it's cutting down the sugar man
That's still not doing anything inside your body to heal you right?
So maybe you could go into what the sugar is doing inside the body either way
Now it's a complex subject but basically
We eat food gets turned into to glycogen. Okay, then that's
Where glucose then it's thought in
Lausanne the liver is glycogen ready for use when we want to do some exercise
We have a limited amount that we need in our body. So once it's taught the muscles and stored the liver
Then gets rid of the rest and it gets a little nicer by our process within the pancreas creating inch alone there now
To be able to shortcut. That system is great
My first thing is how much of the chemical shitstorm is it one is it natural?
probably not and
Ultimately for me
It's just it's just a fucking shocker. Yeah
This tastes good it looks amazing
We all know what's good for some knob it's bad for me. But if I take this little pill then that was okay
It's just
Bollocks, it's like extracting
beta-carotene from the claritin and expecting it to do the same job as a carrot the carrot Scott looking thousand things in it that
Interact with every cell in the body in some way shape or form
Correct. The hormone that does this are creating a trick in whatever it is
So great. I love the hustle. You can read books. I hope he's going to shortcut
few people's issues and challenges
but for longevity
It's not the best thing you can do today better today than yesterday better than tomorrow than today
Yeah, we could go talk about about the
Insulin BTS and sugars and fats and all these how they interact
Cause not every blood nation. The inflammation is where it we're all all the issues and that's where sugar is right? It's the inflammation
Toxicity oh
Yeah comes down to toxicity
There's a there's a tribe in Africa. I was doing some studying on back in the day and
They went without honey for so long, right they but but once a year
They know they go to this pilgrimage and they they find these beehives that are they're massive
It's once a year and these guys indulge they indulge this, honey
because they only get it so often right and they talk so much that they they throw up they they puke because
They over indulge now if we all did cat once a year, we probably wouldn't need a pill right?
So again, it's about balance as well. But anyway
but we do these things each and every day over and over and over I
Remember as a kid
You know
Run down a short and get yourself a 10 P bagger on it
yeah, it's not a paper bag and you pick one of these a
Pencil yeah since and literally that was like that's my treat for the week
and the colon we might have got jelly at the weekend or
If we were out on a trip somewhere occasion and you get no screen, but not every time not every time you Ricky managed to
Write your own name a straight line or wipe your own after that
Ya know up your fat when we reward ourselves for everything every single end in our lives these days
Yeah, the breaks but food and if it was incredible whole food natural unprocessed
Let's celebrate the shit out of that. Yeah, but it's not it's the highly processed
crap that we know causes these
degenerative diseases true
And we you know, we are of this earth. We are of this planet so, you know John when you come out here
Hey, maybe we'll indulge in a treat. I mean it's gonna be our version of a treatment which is gonna be pretty healthy
But if something you and I probably wouldn't do all the time, but we get together and let's have a treat
It's a human thing. We're here to enjoy but if you're here, let's say for eight days or 15 days 25 days
We're not gonna do it three times a day every day, right? Oh, it might be one time, you know
Yeah, it's it
You know That's part of enjoying
back in the day got the wicked deserts where you know a part of the routine now a true russ is we always
Always got frozen bananas in the break
I just I just put another batch in that's hilarious
And we've got a Vitamix or another blender and literally you can chuck it through crushed and pecan nuts
No, maple syrup all took some berries in it
There's a thousand ways to do it and it's freaking frozen banana when it tastes like ice cream every time
This business in London. It's all I doing
Frozen banana and your choice of toppings. You've got freaking business out of it max
Let's make a business. I don't kid right there. Boom percent over time baby summertime. That's called living the dream
Yeah, okay, beautiful people yogurt, right. We just try and give you our take try and be a little bit better
We put our shoes on everyone to be better. You know, you could be anywhere in the world. Can we? Thank you
I know John's gotta go. He's got his hustle to get to
We'll talk to you tomorrow with 88. What do you think John?
Thank you, thank you. Oh you've just mentioned your epiphany from last night's dream so one that's right
You will look forward to that. Like I say, these are our ideas our thoughts they work for us. They might be wrong
They might not be wrong. But which are sharing this with you all thanks for tuning in whether you're listening or watching or
Texted in and we will see wool in Morgan chow
The Mouli - Love or Toy Story? (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:54.
I was screwed up Until three years ago
I don't know what to do Everyday eating junk
Furthermore, I played with junkmen I was seriously junky
I loved gambling
I was sitting in a chair Without back
Playing a slot was very funny But I felt the isolation
Wondering and rumbling man Now I got it that was ridiculous
I was seriously a goof and fool But don't think it easily
That is a major problem for you all
愛されたいのに愛せない 外の景色がよく見える
誰か誰か誰か 出してよここから
I'm always crazed and sad I wanted to creep out
I wanted to change my life I wanted to change my wife
I wanted to change your life
How much is your love?
Wanna buy…
We want a love story and wanna Toy story? See a poor man story
When did it end?
愛されたくても 愛されない
隣の芝生が眩しく見える いつかいつかどこか誰か
That is a boring problem for you all
I was screaming out Until seconds ago
I don't know what to do Everyday eating junk…
Health Truth or Scare, Series 2, Episode 3 - Duration: 43:58.
Hello everyone and welcome back to another video today
I'm going to be updating the California Game Change guide that I posted in
2017 because SB 310 takes effect today and this law finally makes it possible for people in prisons and county jails to legally change their
name and gender before this law took effect it was almost impossible to legally change your name or gender while in a county jail or prison
I've actually had a few people ask about this since I posted my original name change guide back in 2017 and
I unfortunately had to tell them that they couldn't change their name or gender yet
and now they can which I think is really great because people in prison or jail deserve to have their name or gender legally recognized
by the state so starting today people in prison or jail can change their name or gender just like everyone else
I know that some people in prison or jail might not be able to watch this video
so if you are looking into this for a friend or family member
feel free to email me and I'll help you get the forms ready for your friend or family member and we can send them out
so that your friend or family member can contact the court about filing even with this new law
it can still be kind of difficult to change your name or gender while in prison or jail
because you can't just easily pick up these forms or go to a self-help center
so if you need help with this, feel free to contact me
that's pretty much what this bill does
if you still have any questions
feel free to comment down below or DM me or email me and I'll try my best to answer them
I just want to wish you all the best of luck and let me know if there's anything that I can do to help
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