Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily can't sleep Jun 13 2017

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Hope you have a great time

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For more infomation >> 5 Awesome Fire Tricks - Funny Life Hacks You Can Do At Home - Duration: 3:22.


How you can make your life easier. - Duration: 0:27.

Hi everybody welcome to Jake's showcase i do videos on Wednesdays

Today were gonna talk about how you can make your life better.



Fuckin bitch


Fap material


WhAt A LeGenD M8


For more infomation >> How you can make your life easier. - Duration: 0:27.


Tristan Price - When your girl thinks that she can have guy friends.. 🤔 - Duration: 0:07.

When me and my girl out and about

and she go "Hey John!"

"Hey Michael!"

Get your a** over here!

This here mine!

This here mine!

For more infomation >> Tristan Price - When your girl thinks that she can have guy friends.. 🤔 - Duration: 0:07.


AutomaCover - #01 - Deixa Se Envolver/ Can't Stop / Vai Que Cola - (Cover Automasamba) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> AutomaCover - #01 - Deixa Se Envolver/ Can't Stop / Vai Que Cola - (Cover Automasamba) - Duration: 3:11.


This Herb Can Cure Joint Pain, Kidney, Pancreas, Liver Disease And Much More! - Duration: 2:18.



Coriander is a herb that has been used to flavor our meals since ancient times, but

it offers numerous health benefits as well.

This amazing herb can improve your digestive system, relieve irritation and stimulate appetite

and it has a rich nutritional profile as well, containing a lot of vitamins A, B, C, E and

K, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Besides providing the body with essential nutrients, coriander can detoxify the body

of heavy metals and eliminate them through sweat and urine.

Here are the main health benefits of the herb: Coriander is a powerful diuretic that can

treat kidney problems such as stones; It reduces inflammation caused by rheumatism

or arthritis and eases the pain; Coriander can boost your digestion and improve

the function of your liver and intestines; It relieves diarrhea thanks to the powerful

antimicrobial and antifungal properties; The leaves of the herb are commonly used as

an appetizer as they improve digestion; The herb can regulate the levels of LDL cholesterol

in the blood and the accumulated fat in the internal organs and blood vessels, effectively

preventing cardiovascular problems; Coriander can fight anemia thanks to the high

iron content; The herb possesses antibacterial, antifungal

and antiseptic properties that can treat oral ulcers;

It can freshen up your breath and is a great remedy for halitosis;

The herb can effectively treat conjunctivitis, age related macular degeneration and other

eye problems.

To treat these problems, boil a handful of coriander leaves in a cup of boiling water,

then leave the tea to cool down before soaking a cotton ball in and applying it on your eyes;

It can reinforce the immune system due to the rich antioxidant, iron and vitamin C content;

Coriander can regulate your blood sugar levels; The herb can reduce menstrual cramps better

than most drugs; Thanks to the powerful healing properties,

coriander can heal pancreas, liver, stomach, lung and endocrine gland problems.

As you can see, coriander is a healthy herb with numerous health benefits, which is why

you should include it in your daily diet.

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For more infomation >> This Herb Can Cure Joint Pain, Kidney, Pancreas, Liver Disease And Much More! - Duration: 2:18.


This Secret Arabic Homemade Soap Can Remove Facial Stains In Just 5 Days! - Duration: 2:03.



Arab women are known for their perfect spotless skin, but no one knew their secret until now.

Their secret is a homemade natural soap that can remove facial stains in just under a week

as well as the use of a veil that protects their skin from the harmful effects of sunrays.

Factors such as sunrays, age and acne can cause dark spots and stains on the face, which

look very unpleasant and can really affect your self-esteem.

One of the ways to prevent these stains is to protect your face from the sun, which will

also reduce the risk of skin cancer and keep your skin hydrated.

Besides this, you'll also need to make some lifestyle and diet changes.

You need to stay physically active and eat a healthy diet that doesn't include sugar,

soft drinks and alcohol.

Consuming tomatoes, carrots and grapes is great for your skin as they prevent premature

aging that causes wrinkles and stains on the skin.

However, if the dark spots have already appeared on your face, we'll show you how to prepare

a great homemade soap that has helped Arab women have beautiful skin for centuries.

The soap is easy to prepare and contains simple ingredients that will bleach your skin and

hydrate it.

Here's what you need to do:


A glycerin soap bar Almond milk

Aloe Vera Turmeric


Melt the glycerin soap bar in a microwave for about 30 seconds, then add 2 tablespoons

of turmeric and 2 tablespoons of Aloe gel to the melted soap.

Mix well until you get a homogenous mixture, then add some lemon juice and a glass of almond

milk and mix again.

Finally, pour the mixture in a mold sprayed with alcohol to prevent the soap from sticking

to the sides.

Leave it to solidify, then use the homemade soap to wash your face twice (in the morning

and evening) every day.

The soap will remove all dark spots and stains from your face and prevent numerous skin disorders

– just try it yourself and you will be amazed by the results!

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For more infomation >> This Secret Arabic Homemade Soap Can Remove Facial Stains In Just 5 Days! - Duration: 2:03.


This lung scan can save your life - Duration: 1:34.

I was seeing Dr. Jeremiah Reedy,

who's a respiratory doctor,

and he came in with a piece of paper,

said that there was a program

that was offering a CAT scan of the lungs

checking for cancer.

He recommended that I get it, but I didn't have to.

So, I kinda thought about it, and Dean and I discussed it

and decided yes, we'd do it.

And unfortunately they did find I had cancer.

-Lung cancer is the third-most common cancer

in United States,

and yet is the leading cause of death

relating to cancer in United States.

So, the lung screening program is designed

to detect lung cancer at early stage,

when it's highly treatable and curable.

It's very simple and very easy.

It basically,

it's a patient undergo a CT scan of the lung,

takes about 20 minutes.

I think I'm doing pretty good.

Then I'll have a CAT scan in July

to see the progress on this tumor,

but the last time I had a CAT scan done

it was shrinking.

Wonderful people, everybody has just been wonderful,

I just love them.

And I believe they saved my life, I truly do,

and yes, I am glad I had it done.

For more infomation >> This lung scan can save your life - Duration: 1:34.


Darius Hickman's Audition Wows Everyone | Season 14 Ep. 1 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 2:08.

[music playing]




Oh, oh.




(SINGING) Now the wind, now a voice that carries.

You know the one this time.


(SINGING) Now a breath.

Now a name I'm calling.

Yours is the one this time.

Oh, wow.

(SINGING) We are the ones this time.

We are the--


(SINGING) We are the ones this time.

We are the ones this time.

So soft, the landing.


(SINGING) We are the--





Young man, what you've been through.

For more infomation >> Darius Hickman's Audition Wows Everyone | Season 14 Ep. 1 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 2:08.


Warriors Fans Hopeful Team Can Close Out Cavaliers At Home - Duration: 1:29.













For more infomation >> Warriors Fans Hopeful Team Can Close Out Cavaliers At Home - Duration: 1:29.


What to Do When You Can't Choose Between Two Business Ideas - Duration: 7:14.

It was so aggressive.

You liked it though.

A little bit.

  Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching

MarieTV, the place to be if you want to create a business and life you love.

And I think you do.

Now, if you are a multipassionate entrepreneur who is torn between two business ideas, this

episode is for you.

Today's question comes from Tiffany who writes:

  "Hi, Marie.

Your videos have truly kept me afloat and motivated.

Like you, I consider myself a multipassionate entrepreneur.

I'm a full time bridal designer just getting my company off the ground.

In addition to my bridal business, I love self care and motivating others.

Sometimes I feel like I have too many passions and I always hit a wall not knowing what my

next steps are.

I'd love to know: how can I focus on building my bridal business and still build a platform

for my personal self care/motivation business as well?

Thanks so much, Tiffany."

  Tiffany, I love your question.

And you are so not alone in this struggle, girl.

Most creatives have more than one thing they want to focus on and it always creates some


Now, there's no one size fits all answer to this question, and in order to find the

best path ahead for you, the first thing you've got to do is get really clear on your goals

– both in the short term and the long term.

  So for instance, if fast growth and a greater

chance of higher revenue more quickly are really important to you right now, focus on

just one business.

I mean, give your everything to that business and trust that you can always start a second

business or you can transition to another business a little further down the road.

  Now, on the other hand, if you're like me

and you must, must, must do more than one thing because both these ideas are just burning

a hole right through your heart, know that you can do that but there are consequences.

Now, the positive ones include being able to strengthen different skills and learn more

about what you like and what you don't like.

But on the downside, you need to be okay with growing each business perhaps a little more

slowly, likely making less money, and you've got to embrace the fact that your life will

probably be a little more messy and chaotic.

  Now, here's an analogy that might help you


Let's think about this in terms of one of my favorite topics: food.

You can either have one main dish business or a main dish business with a little side

dish business.

  Now, each of them has their pros and cons.

So, for example, if you choose just one main dish business you keep things really simple.


I mean, everything is on one plate and you always know your next steps or your next bite.

It allows you to really focus.

You can really dig in and most of the time you can move a lot faster.

You do run the risk of a little bit of boredom though.

Now, if you want a main dish and a side dish business, then first you need to decide which

business is going to be the main and which is going to be the side.

Next thing, you've got to realize you're always going to be going back and forth between

the two plates and the meal will likely take a lot longer.

  So it's often more fun when you've got

two dishes because there's variety, but you never know.

You might wind up liking a side dish more than your main dish.

  Are you still working on that main business?

  You know what?

I'm done.

  Would you like it to go?


Not really feeling it.

  Was there something wrong with it?

  You know, it was fine.

I'm just really loving this side business.

You know, can I get this one as an entree?


Everybody is loving their side business.

  The bottom line, you have a menu of really

great choices in front of you.

And all of them, quite frankly, can be satisfying and fulfilling in their own way.

Now, the secret to making the best choice is to really step back, get ultra clear on

what you most want in your heart both in the short term and the long term, and then make

a choice and have total faith that you are on the perfect path for you.

  And Tiffany, so you know, I actually have

a lot more to say on this topic.

I created specific exercises and tools and worksheets especially for us multipassionate


It's all in an online program called Start The Right Business.

  And the thing that I love most about this

program that I haven't seen anywhere else is that it helps you try on different futures

and get crystal clear about your goals and your values and your unique vision so you

can bring it to life through a custom-designed business that's perfect for your strengths

and for the kind of life that you most want to have.

You should really go check it out.

It is beyond powerful and it's literally guaranteed to help.

You can learn more at

  Now, let's land this plane on a Tweetable.

  "The first step to a successful business

is getting clear on how you define success."

  And that was my A to your Q, Tiffany.

I really do hope it helps.

Now I would love to hear from you.

Have you ever felt torn between two businesses or two careers?

Are you going through that right now?

 So I want to know.

If you are going through that right now, what's your biggest takeaway from this particular


And if you've been there and done that, what wisdom can you share with Tiffany and

everyone else based on your experience?

Leave a comment below and let everybody know.

  Now, as always, the very best conversations

happen after the episode at, so go there and leave a comment now.

Once you're there, be sure to subscribe to our email list and become an MF Insider.

You want to be one because you're going to get instant access to a powerful audio

training I created called How To Get Anything You Want.

For reals.

You're also going to get some exclusive content, special giveaways, and some personal updates

from me that I just don't share anywhere else.

  Stay on your game and keep going for your

dreams because the world needs that special gift that only you have.

Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you next time on MarieTV.

  Have you been thinking about starting your

own business?

Is fear, confusion, or overwhelm slowing you down?

We can fast track your growth and save you years of expensive trial and error.

Get the guidance you need to make your dream business come to life, guaranteed.

Learn more at


We don't.

We don't get Marie giggly.

  Zach, put your farts back in your butt.

  I wanna go Hulk them and go like, "I crush

you all."

  Does anyone know what a delicate flower I


For more infomation >> What to Do When You Can't Choose Between Two Business Ideas - Duration: 7:14.


Alexis Gilbert's Audition Impresses The Judges | Season 14 Ep. 1 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 1:26.

[music - bishop briggs, "river"]

Shut your mouth and run me like a river.

Tales of an endless heart.

Cursed is the fool who's willing.

Can't change the way we are.

One kiss away from killing.

Don't you say, don't you say it.

Don't say, don't you say it.

one breath, it'll just break it.

So shut your mouth and run me like a river.

Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver.

Holy hands, oh, they make me a sinner.

Like a river, like a river.


[music - bishop briggs, "river"]

Shut your mouth and run me like a river.


Oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, oh.

Like a river.

All right.


For more infomation >> Alexis Gilbert's Audition Impresses The Judges | Season 14 Ep. 1 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 1:26.


Can a Pro Cyclist be faster than the Triumph Street Triple RS 765 ? - Duration: 9:08.

Just next door to the Moto Journal office is the office of this wonderful magazine Le Cycle.

You know what it's like with guys from different fields when they get chatting around the coffee machine.

Jokes and banter ensue.

And they reckon that with a pro in the saddle, a bike can go faster than a motorbike in a downhill race.

Pfffff, whatever!

But chatter and conjecture can only get you so far.

So to show the bicycle lovers who is really the quickest on the road,

we chose this: the new Triumph Street Triple RS".

The ultimate mid-size roadster sports bike.

It's true that with this motorbike, we're not really giving them a chance.

But what did you expect?

We weren't going to choose a big GT

with a 100kg cameraman on the back like something from the Tour de France.

We're not here to take part, we're here to win!

This is the kind of test we love: warped, pointless and therefore absolutely essential.

Unless our cyclist friend has shot a hefty dose of EPO into his legs,

he's going to struggle against the new Triumph Street Triple RS.

Indeed, this year the little British bike really is setting the world alight.

Its engine size has gone up to 765cc, its power has increased to 123bhp

and all its parts, from suspension, brakes or electronic assistance, are top of the range.

The icing on the cake is the extremely intuitive handling of this little beauty.

The frame is narrow, the riding position is sporty but comfortable

and from the first few turns, you can feel the chassis impressive agility.

Finally, although the power of this three-cylinder is well up-to-scratch, it delivers it gradually.

This means that you can accelerate very early coming out of the corner without ever losing control.

Hmmm, all of that sounds suspiciously sporty!

And the Pirelli Supercorsa SPs fitted as standard on our RS version are there to prove it.

I'm telling you, it's going to be tricky for the guy on the pedals.

Especially as we kept one last ace up our sleeves.

- I know there's no chance of us losing, but just to make sure, I'm putting my faith in Matt.

He's the fastest journalist in the Moto Journal team. We're going to squash that cyclist!

- We're going to destroy him!

And we needed a special location for such a momentous duel.

So we came here, to the west slope of the Col de Menté.

A peak in the Pyrenees with an altitude of 1,350m,

with an incline of over 8% over the 2.5km which we're going to use for this race.

For the curious among you, the 10th stage of the 2017 Tour de France will pass through here,

but they'll be going uphill.

And finally, we needed a top cyclist.

And we found one in Maxence Moncassin.

The son of the former pro cyclist Frédéric Moncassin

is also a cycling expert and is now in his 2nd year in the under 23 category.

80kg of muscle, most of it in the thighs,

meticulous hair-removal,

minimalist equipment and a completely fearless attitude at his young age of just 20.

In terms of his ride,

we know nothing about bikes but his Moreno DR2S looks pretty handy to us.

Carbon frame, Shimano Ultégra derailleur, slick tyres and aluminium rims…hmmm

OK, not bad.

Except that he's facing our colleague Matthieu

and the RS version of the Street Triple, which is the bike's most sporty model.

The basis of the engine is a Daytona 675, with an increased bore and stroke and over 80 modified parts.

Although its design remains identical, the aluminium frame has shed 2kg.

The Street is now light as a feather with a dry weight of just 166kg.

The suspension is made up of a Showa BPF fork at the front and an Ohlins shock absorber at the rear.

As for braking, there are 2 large Brembo M50 callipers squeezing 310mm disks.

But the key innovation is the master cylinder

which has a second dial allowing you to adjust the travel of the brake lever.

The further you turn it,

the shorter the travel becomes and the quicker the brake power is applied.

Finally, you can only really appreciate this superb dashboard in full colour.

There are 6 display options,

it is very easy to read and particularly intuitive when you want to access the engine maps,

traction control, ABS or even the sensitivity of the throttle.

And, in the end, when you've gotta go, you've gotta go!

Obviously, from the first few metres, the Triumph took a comfortable lead

thanks to the power of its 3 cylinders.

While it harnesses 123bhp, Max's legs can only offer 2.

And that's where the motorbike established an unassailable lead over the cyclist.

But our rival gave it everything: taking racing lines and shaving the verges coming out of the corners,

last gasp braking

and the acceleration of a sprinter

raising Maxence's heart rate to 180bpm.

But despite an average speed of 50 km/h with peaks of almost 85 km/h,

the bike took 2:41 minutes to cover the 2km course compared to the 1:49 clocked up by the motorbike.

"Just as we thought, there was no contest.

- Absolutely.

Under acceleration, once you're three quarters of the way through the corner,

the motorbike streaks ahead.

I think we must have carried about the same speed through the turn,

However, you're pretty good under braking up until the apex.

I think we must have carried about the same speed through the turn,

-At what point did you feel you not so far away from the motorbike?

-Under braking in particular I felt like was catching up.

But under acceleration, there was no contest, the motorbike has much more power.

Even though I was giving it all with my legs, it's hard to match.

-From your opinion Matthieu, which bike could be more equitable for a race like that?

-Honestly, unless you had a Goldwing with a trailer and the whole family in the back,

I don't see how you could lose.

-Even on a custom bike with no ground clearance, would it still be the same?

I think so. Obviously, he would catch up in the corners and maybe under braking,

but a motorbike has such fast acceleration that I would just streak ahead.

- Especially because you weren't even going flat out there.

-Maybe if I had a hand in my back

- OK, I've got an idea,

you were getting a hand from your engine,

but what if we did the same race free-wheeling? What do you reckon?

- What do you think?

- I'm up for it, you?

- OK, it's on, let's go."

"Come closer my children"

"Now you won't be so cocky.

- We'll see!"

This time, things are different.

Now, Matt will have to count on the finesse of his riding and the Street's chassis.

Luckily for him, the British bike is well kitted out on that side too.

Triumph has a habit of fine-tuning the geometry of its bikes,

and the new Street benefits from a very neutral behaviour

on turn in and changes of direction.

In the end, with a time of 3:23,

it was only 13 seconds behind a bike with the advantages of very narrow tyres and quality bearings.

But as well as the results of the race, we were taken aback by Maxence's speed and bravery.

Riding that fast in just a lycra outfit and cycling helmet, seriously,

the guys who go flat out in the downhill sections of cycling races deserve our utmost respect.

And it comes as no surprise that they give the media motorbikes a run for their money during races.

"In races, have you ever ended up overtaking media motorbikes?"

- Yes, it's happened to me before when I've come up behind motorbike riders.

But as you can see, when you have a rider on a really top bike, it's hard to compete, especially under acceleration.

- Before doing this video with us, what did you expect the difference to be?

- I didn't expect such a difference.

50 seconds over 2.4km, that's a lot. But I did my best, and I have no regrets

I got my revenge in the free-wheeling race

I thought the bike would be further ahead, but in the end it was only 15 seconds, so it was actually quite close.

- OK Matt, we kind of expected this victory. In your view, is the Street the best bike for this challenge?

- To be quite honest, yes.

It's got a great chassis, it's agile, it's light and since they've gone up to 800cc,

the engine has more power at low revs but also has good consistent power through the revs.

The shifter, the brakes, the front section, everything is great.

- We didn't give him a chance, poor guy.

- But even on a GT we would have thrashed him.

-Well,I need to finish this test, see you guys.

- Thanks

Delighted to have shut up our colleagues at Le Cycle magazine once and for all,

we headed home on the Street RS.

And we started to realise that it's pretty tough to find any flaws with this bike.

As for a lot sports roadsters, the protection is not fantastic,

it only takes passengers as a last resort

and the use of this type of bike is pretty limited since it's mainly designed as a high performance machine.

And then there's the price, €11,600, that's €2,500 more expensive than its immediate rivals.

But Triumph found a solution by offering 3 other less well-equipped, less powerful and less expensive models.

An R version costs €10,200, an S version for €8,900 and an S version suitable for the A2 licence for €8,500.

But there's just one issue. After clocking up miles and miles of winding roads like a maniac,

"Damn, I wasn't looking at the dash, we're out of fuel.

-Ha ha you, jokes on you now!

On the new Triumph Street Triple RS, we loved:

The efficiency of the bike,

the early avaible engine and the performance he proposes,

the very clean finishes,

the versatility for a sporty roadster

and the nice and clear dashboard.

We did not loved:

The price of the RS version

and the noise from the exhaust during long distances

For more infomation >> Can a Pro Cyclist be faster than the Triumph Street Triple RS 765 ? - Duration: 9:08.


Suicide Can Be Forgiven - Duration: 3:26.

If you saw the title of this video,

you might be wondering, is that true?

Can suicide actually be forgiven?

The lady that I was sitting by on the plane,

flying up here to record these devotions,

didn't think so.

We're casually talking, she's asking what I'm doing

"I'm flying up to record some videos to tell people about Jesus."

And I mentioned I was going to talk on suicide and she went off

that suicide always, only, will send someone to hell.

I gave her a copy of the sermon I just preached

at my church and I said, "Well, there just might be ability

because God is a God of grace."

We're going to discuss two different ways, today and tomorrow,

the different ways that God, in his mercy and his love,

can bring forgiveness, even to someone

who commits suicide.

A lot of people think that suicide is an unforgivable sin.

The Bible says there is only one

unforgivable sin.

The Bible says in Mark chapter 16:16

"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved."

So if you have faith and joy in Jesus and you die in that faith,

you're going to heaven. We know that truth.

But if you die in unbelief,

the Bible says you will be

condemned. That's the end of Mark 16:16.

The Lord gives more understanding and more teaching on that truth,

that there's only one unforgivable sin, unbelief.

In Mark chapter 3

God says the only unforgivable sin

is unbelief. If someone blasphemes or rejects the Holy Spirit, and dies in unbelief,

then they go to hell.

So, if someone commits suicide,

and they do that in unbelief, no faith, no trust in God,

then the Bible is clear that they do go to hell.

But God,

a God of mercy, a God of Grace,

a God who wants all to be saved,

can bring mercy to some.

An example that we'll use today

is dementia, or Alzheimer's Disease.

I know someone connected with our church

who was in church, in worship his entire life.

Like every weekend he was there praising God, loving God,

Raised his family in Jesus, served on board, after board, after board

but later on in his life got dementia.

Didn't know who he was.

They'd find him walking around in the streets not wearing much of any clothes.

And he ended up killing himself.

But in that act,

was that a defiance against God?

Was that him crying out against God with no faith?

He didn't know who he was anymore.

He didn't deny God.

That was an accident.

And God was a God of mercy,

and love, and forgiveness.

And even though he didn't know who he was,

he had forgotten who he was, God

did not forget him.

So for those who commit suicide that have dementia

or Alzheimer's,

and if they have faith before, God, in his mercy,

and God in his love,

can bring peace

and God can bring forgiveness.

If you know someone who is hurting, please share this message with them

to give them encouragement on this very, very difficult topic.

And then join me tomorrow as we continue the conversation

where we understand where God can bring forgiveness.

For more infomation >> Suicide Can Be Forgiven - Duration: 3:26.


Holly Jolly Holidays but they can't get Christmas correct - Duration: 1:50.

People smiling everywhere, it's that

special season, the best time of the YEAR

Something's shit in the air

All your friends are all your friends

It's the time for fucking - SHHHH!

We love Sportscandy!

Everywhere we go

And you can ways in different celebrate

Feel the spirit's spear

Ho ho ho, A PAIR OF SOCKS?!

We love Sportscandy!

Best time of the year!

dat sound tho

All the blinking colored lights,

Can only mean one thing

It's the time to give Ny-ahn snow

We love Sportscandy!

Everywhere we go

And you can ways in different celebrate


...el the spirit grow

Whore [x9]

Ho ho ho, A PAIR OF SOCKS?!

Now here we go

Holidays are holidays

We love Sportscandy!

Best time of the year!

. . g̵̲̻̳͙͈͂́͗͐̇̈͊̈́̚ĭ̛̛̥͍̮̟̙̱̅̾̅̔͝v̡͚̩̼̳̙͌̿͂͐̀͆͊̊͗́e̴̹̜̞͍̠̦̻̦̦͒͊̇̍̋̉͘͞͠͡ ä̸̢̨͚̝͈̻̯͙͛̓̓̕ ḽ̸̱͇͎̖͗̃̽̆̈́̾̂̈́͌͝ȋ̷̦̲̺̙͆̎̾̏̏̆̊̈́ͅt̴̳͍͕̭̏̑͋͑̑͒̕͘͟͡ͅͅt̡͔̗̟̱̙͖̬͂͊̈́̓̄͡l̶̡̬̖͚̻̳̻̻̬̏͛̈̔̓̽͑̑̏͟ḛ̹̩̘͒͌̉͂̽̓͊͢͞͞͝ s̡̛̺̬̫͖͙͎̺̠̿͂͋́̂̇̈̅̉o̸̡̤̗̞̘̙̞̪̮̿̍̀͆̊̆̑̃̕͟͠m̷̭̗̪̫͈̤̼̍̀̽̌͑̈́̑͗̍͘e̵̢̝̰͍͍͕̍̀̓̚̕ͅt̨̛͕̦̠͈̖̪̙͌̂̑̃͢h͍̪̟̠͍͚̭̬̪̣͐͂̋͒̇̓̅͠ĩ̤͚̺͙̗͐́͛́̉̅͢͟ṅ̵̝̩͍̙͈̏̾͑̍̽̈́̓̽g̷̹̱̣͚̪͎̳͓̰͊̑͑́̂̒̽̕͟͞ ț̴̬͔̤͎͔̲̄̈́̈͋̚ͅh̳̰̱̲̣̗͔̰̓͌̃́̄̉͜͡͝ȃ̧̞͇̝̮͚̺̯̱̅̋̌̄͟͝t̵̨̳̞̪͇̦̻̀̍͌̿͆̋͋͐̉͢͡ w̵̤͓̟̪̲̗̳͖͗̔̇̃͌̓͠i̘̱̲̰͍͚̇̈͗̄̃̎̚̚͠l̸̛̤̘̦͖̭̣͇͚̟͚̽̽͗͋̀͠͝l̴̨͙̜̥͖͈̾͋͐͒͂̍͑͢͞͡ s̶̨̢̧̠̺̳̪̟̔͐͛̓̆̇͘͠h̵̡̛̲̯̞̙̘̮͉̘̄͂̀̆̐̒̅̈́̊ǫ̶̧̣̦̝̦̣̼̔̑̓͌͂̓̕̚̚͞w̵͙̝̼̭͈̫̯̉̎͌̐͒͛̄ ţ̢̛̣̯̬̱͉͇́͊̓̋̀͂̽͟͢͞h̛͈̹̜̻̪̱͊͌͒̒̒̿ę͈̯͇̣̜͍͉̗̂̂̏̅̈̽̚͜m̶̨͕̞̫̪̅̉̃̃̂̈̓̓͘̕ y̸̨͙̮̝̝͗͗̆̇̈́͂̓́́ȏ̷̡̺̗̭̗̏̾̈̾̽͂̑̌͡u̳̩͕̬̘̬̙͗̄́̋̾̆͑͡ c̸̡̣̘̰̖͎̼̳̦̈́́͗̈̐̈́̿̒̎̉͜ä̧̜̻̟̦̰̹̪̥̜͊̐̄͌͊͊ṙ̸̛̮̜̠̤̖͖̜̩͕͐͌̂̀͝͝e͎̞̭̱͕̞͔͊͋͐̉̉̊͛̊̓̎͢ -̷̡͕̙̮̭̭̙͓̉̋̽̽͐̊̕͠͠ w̶̭͓̱͚̣͈̞̼̅̐̔̒̉̔́͋̌̿r̸̠̬̫͈̟̅̀̀̀̃̅̏̈́͘͡i̧͉̼͕̱͈͂͂̌̏͡t̤̭͎̣̗͔͆̽̀̂͊̄̉̕͞ë̺̪̺̌̅͒͘̚̚͢͠͝ͅ â̸̞̻̦͙̬͊̅̽͢͢͢͡ l̡͍̯̻̣̼̾͗́͂͋͋̒̓̚i̛̠̫̩͉̺̊̆̆̉̑͗́t̨̲͈̱͉̯͎͙̗̪̂͂̊̈́͋̈ţ͓̘̅̉͌̀̊͠ͅͅl̶̹͓̲̜̻̫̠̝̄̄̊̈͘͞e̩͓̤̩͎̦͐͑́̄̚͡ ǹ̶̡̟͈̋̓͘͟͟͠ǫ̸̟̣̮͈͋̂̈̂̚t̵̮͚̬͉̓͛͒͑͋͟e̵̛̮̗̺̦͓͇̜̍͒͗̓̈̓̃͞͞ ả̧͈̬̱̦̙̰͇̻̽͋͆̾n̨̛̝͈̮͍̻̤̱̾̔̍̇͜d̡̻̺͖͎̝̻͖̮̆́͆͗̏̕͞ t̸̯͓̙̮̗̩͚̪́̈͂̿̽͗̐̅̒͞ͅͅe̵͍͖̲̮̲̺͇̣͗̈́̋͝͝ͅl̸̫͔̗̙̱͈̹͈̪̈́̈͂͋̓̏̓͌͜͝͞ḷ̵̲̦̖̻͊̊̈̀͂̇͘ '̸̡̡̛͈͎̮̼͂̑̒̿̕͞ę̦̟͓̭̻̀̄̈̌̈̂͠m̶̨̳̮̣̝͈̜͈̓̄͂̓́͌͆̌̕͝ y̵͚̼̭̹̣̏̉̈͆͘͜ơ̳͚̥̬̯̲̊͊̈̄̉͂̏͘̕u̢̳͕͙̩̟̇̌́̿̈ w̶̢̢̢̝̗̜͗̒̋̉͊͟͟͡ī͔̱̱̗̫̽͒̽̉͘͜ḽ̢̻̫̝̰̘̣̒̂̑͋̇̈͌̓͘͢͠ͅļ̵͎̞̫̼̗̟͋̌͂̀̓̽̕͘͟͟ b̥̼̯̣̦̿͛̽̇͋̿̎̋̍̐͟e̛̛̠̯̯̰͇̔̄̉̑̍͘ t̷̝̭̬͖̝͔͎̹̀̉̃̈́̈̕͜h̛͔̬̱̗̣͒̉̎́̏̑̌̾͞ḙ̮̥͈̰̖̌̓̿͋́r̜͔̜̃̽̀͐͜͜͠ĕ̶̟̥̟̫̣̰̊̓͆͟͢͠ͅ -̸̧̧̖̣̯̤͎̪͔̩́̃̈́̐͗͝ s̡͓̗̖̝͙̭̠̭̾̇̽͊̈́ǫ̵̘͕̱͍͉̠̮̹̀͛̄̽̆̈ͅợ̧̲͉̯̠͛́̎̚͟n̨̗̳̭̯̣̍́̄̿̅̔̀͜͠͝ ỹ̡̰͖̰̙̰̍̓̆̂͌͆̉̕̚ó̷̧̡̖͙̩̺̯͈̥̤̀̓̇̄͘̚̕͝u̦̝̞͉̹͍͈̣̐̎̈͘͡'̷̣͖͚̼͙̻̳̪̑̃̐̉͊͊̓́͘͢r̸̢̹̞̟̖̺͈͖̽̀̿̅̕e͓̭̫̻̗̝̭̜̗͌̽̅̀̒̉̀̒̈́͞ ĝ̶̙̦̰͒̉͆͋̈́̌͌̕̕͟ͅō̸͈̥͉͍̤͇͙̠̝͔͆͒͌̈͡ǹ̥͉̹̠͇͎̈́́̆͠n̷̬͉̠̬̤͓̙̻̭̖͂͂̈́͊͛͒̂̋̕͞a̤̪͎̗̯̮͔͒͂͗̊̋͂͒̚ s̷̢̪͙̪̟̦̥͕̜̽̓͗̌̾͑͊͠ͅȇ̡͈͕̭̘͇̥̜̋̂̏̓̚ë̸͇̬̺̙̉̃́̒̊͋͟ y̶̦̣̭̦̅͐̋́̉̓̄͟͝ͅo̡̞͈̙͇̳̲͍͋̾̾̇̓̽͞ų͔̜̼̼̮̝̝̑̀͐̑̽̕'̶̨͖̩̼̟͙̿̀̓̒̕͠ř̷̦̫̫͍͈͎͔̤̯̖̽͒͛̓̕̚ē̝̭̥̰͔͔͗͌͆̄͢͢ n̷̢̤̼̠̱̼͙̥̎͌̂͊́̈́̎͝͞o̡̞̺̠͑͑̋̕͘͢ͅt̵̥̗̲̬̦̏́̉̑͋́͒̓͒̕ ȁ̶̢̼͓͕̩̘̦͆̾̂̚̕͢l̢͓̬̰̯̂̌̔̆̕͢͠ō̶͇̙̳̪͙̠̠̰͈̂̓́́̐̚͢ṉ̨͓̳̪̟̓̓̈́̆̉̚͞͡͠e͍̲͉̻͂̍̌͒͂̾͊̄͞ͅ f̨̡̖͙͓̭̘́͊̀́̿́̓̀̚͜͢ǫ̸̻̠̻̖͔̩͓͔̣̌̄̎̄͐̃͌̀͞r̼͇̪̹͙͈̬̐̑̀͑̎̓̉͊ ț̨͙̣̄͌͋͋͒́́͘̕͟͡h̵͚͖̞̣̯͋͑͛̉͠e̷̡̧͈͔̥̣̣̼̜̙͋̋̔͒͒́ ŗ͉̪͈͕̿̏̽̇̐̎̕͟ͅį̵̧̺̪̱͇͌͛̊̆͋͑̑̇̇́d̢̮̬̻͙̲̭͆̂͊͘͞e̴̡̡̛̩̼̭̲͛͋̍̊́̍͋̋͞ -̶̛̬̮͈͓̝̜̯̭̬̞̅́͛͐̓̆̚͠͝ ē͓̬͈͇̣̟͂̀̆͊̂͋͊̚̚v̴̬̥̹̱̪̦͚̪͚̽̽͐̒͐̿͗ě̶̢̝̯̣̠͚͙̻͗́̌͐͛̾̔͡r͖̹̙̩͓̥̫͒̆̓̍̾̃͟͢͠ỹ̹͍͎̼̭̋̾̒̄́͘͡ţ̷̢̫̲͓̓̍̓͋̈́̄͞ḧ̫̳̯̙̪́͊͛̅̈̏͜͡i̧͈̟͓̭̮͇̊̅̈́̾̕͜n̶̢̞̣̰̪̤̥̱͎̏̆́͆̍͢͞͝͡͡ğ̶̞̪͇̱̖̹͎͎͔͐̊̑̆̊̚͠ ȋ̴̡̧̧̪̣̜͕͔̪̉͗͑̐̽͟s̶̫̘̪̯̉̽̋̑̈́̀͋͌̚͢ b͙͔̠̟̣̦̄͛̄͑͡e̜̠̺̟͚̳͆̇̒̉͆͡t̨̧͇̖̣͇͉̀̌́̎̈́͜ţ̛̼̫̩̘̔͒̒̕͞e̩͉͔͎̱͈͖̫͋͋̽̂̍̔͊̕͜r̸̨̛̛͙̦̬̹̯̐̽̆͌̀̾̚͟͢͞ w̢̰͙͕̮̱̰̬̔̉́͒͗͋̽̈͐̚ḭ̰̦͖̞̽͛̽̓̍̂͘t̨̧̹̳͚̪̟̥͈͆̆̍̔͑̊̀̀̍͢͡ḩ͖͙̠̠͇̝͈͉̌̀̈̅̄͟ ą͎̩̰̮̻͕̀̉̾̂̚͠͠͝͝ f̧͓̰̠͎̒̐̓͐̆͜r̘̫̗̦͂͛͋̑͌̀̅͠ͅì̴̛̦̪̻̙̯̞̣͕͇̽͋̀e̶̜̫̭̯̯̠̖͔̺͒̓̂̽̆̈̏̅͊͟͞ṅ̡̯̞̥͎̏͗̒̏d̟͉̬̝͖͕͍̖̃̍͑̔͌̾̊͛̿͡ b͍͇̤͎͚͔̪̗̀̓͒̒͛̽͂͂̇y̵̤̼̖͍͈̆̍̈́̇̏͠ ỹ̶̢̛̲̼͇̘͚̩̔͛͂̈o̞͈͖̫͙̖̠̳̘̽͗̆̈̿̒͜͞ủ̱̣̫̟̲̪̤͚͊͊̌͌̀͡͞r̨̖͔̬̹̝͔̦̒̽́̀̓̔̆͒̂͘ s͓͍̬̝̤̖̅̂͛̿̒͛̍͋̑͠ͅị̶̡͚̯͓̤͙̤̐͑̽̃͐̕͠d͍͙͎͖͙̹̟̏̿͗̔̓͑͘͢͜͡ȩ͚̜̠̱̯̭̫̔̀̆͂͌͠ͅ

We love snow!

da fuk

For more infomation >> Holly Jolly Holidays but they can't get Christmas correct - Duration: 1:50.


The Young and The Restless - You Can Trust Me - Duration: 0:34.

>> Chloe: Kevin won't tell a soul.

We can trust him.

>> Kevin: She's right.

I won't say a word -- not to anyone.

I don't want to see her locked up.

>> Chloe: See?

We're all good.

>> Kevin: Thank you for looking out for Chloe until I could get

here, but now that I am, I got this.

>> Dr. Harris: Wait just one minute.

I don't know what you're thinking, but I am not letting

the two of you out of my sight.

And there is someone who won't be pleased with this turn of


>> Kevin: Tell me right now who you're calling.

For more infomation >> The Young and The Restless - You Can Trust Me - Duration: 0:34.


New Patent Reveals Facebook Can Secretly Watch You With Your Camera, Here's How to Stop It - Duration: 6:53.

New Patent Reveals Facebook Can Secretly Watch You With Your Camera, Here�s How to Stop


By Matt Agorist

A newly discovered patent , filed on behalf of the social media monolith, Facebook, is

disturbing, to say the least � and, grounds for the immediate covering of your webcam

or smartphone camera.

The patent, titled, Techniques for Emotion Detection and Content Delivery, explains how

the device�s camera will be used to view the user�s face to determine their mental

state: ie sad, happy, angry, etc.

When Facebook identifies your mental state, they will use it to keep you on the site longer.

Facebook would analyze the images of your face and determine how or what to show you

next to keep you engaged.

For example, if you smiled at a meme a friend posted, Facebook would recognize this via

your camera and it would work to show you more memes related to that one.

This patent, quite literally, puts the �face� in Facebook.

It�s not just facial expressions either; Facebook wants you to continuously stare at

their platform as well.

According to their examples in the patent application, if you were viewing videos of

a kitten and looked away, Facebook would take note and stop showing you videos that don�t

keep you staring directly at the screen.

The secret recording of your face also helps Facebook to directly target ads that fit your


If you watched an ad for scotch, Facebook would know you didn�t look away and it would

then target you for more ads of that nature.

The patent was submitted in February of 2014 and published on November of 24, 2015.

However, it was just granted on May 25, and discovered by the group CB Insights.

As CB Insights reports, aside from spying on you through your camera and recording your

face, the algorithm will monitor an entire slew of input and interaction methods to keep

you on the platform.











Naturally, Facebook is being as ambiguous as they can over news of the patent, claiming

they may or may not use it.

�We often seek patents for technology we never implement, and patents should not be

taken as an indication of future plans,� said a Facebook spokesperson.

However, as the Independent reports, the document raises yet more concern about a company that,

in 2014, was found to have secretly manipulated hundreds of thousands of users� News Feeds

as part of an experiment to work out whether it could affect people�s emotions.

The company later admitted that it �failed to communicate clearly why and how we did


What�s more, the world was shocked last year when an image of Mark Zuckerberg surfaced

which showed the social media CEO using tape to cover his webcam and microphone.

Zuckerberg clearly knows everything his company does and he�s taking no chances.

While there is no indication this secret facial spying has gone live yet, it is highly unlikely

that Facebook users would even be notified of its activation.

Given the already Orwellian nature of Facebook�s Terms of Service and Permissions for using

their app or platform, you�ve likely already agreed to allow them to watch you in bed as

you scroll through your newsfeed.

Just to use the Facebook platform, users have to agree to allow the social media giant access

to their camera and microphone � in the background � without their consent.

Once these permissions were released several years ago, users began to notice advertisements

based on sounds or images from nearby that did not take place on Facebook, or even on

the device.

The feature has been available for a couple of years, as a 2016 Independent article noted,

but recent warnings from Kelli Burns, mass communication professor at the University

of South Florida, have drawn attention to it.

Professor Burns has said that the tool appears to be using the audio it gathers not simply

to help out users, but might be doing so to listen in to discussions and serve them with

relevant advertising.

She says that to test the feature, she discussed certain topics around the phone and then found

that the site appeared to show relevant ads.

Although Facebook explicitly denies doing such a thing, the mass of claims by those

who�ve witnessed it first hand says otherwise.

Now for the good news.

The easiest way to stop Facebook from spying on you is to stop using it.

However, that is not an option for all folks.

Aside from the obvious taping of your camera and microphone, you can disable these functions

within the Facebook app itself.

For the iPhone:

Go into your �Settings� app and scroll down until you find the Facebook app, tap

it open.

Under �Facebook� tap on �Settings� and you�ll see a list labeled �Allow Facebook

to Access.� The microphone and camera will both be under this list.

Simply tap on the toggles to disable or enable any of the features you think violate your

privacy (location, camera, microphone).

For an Android phone:

Go into your settings and tap on �Applications� then �Application Manager.�

Once in �Application Manager,� look for the Facebook app and tap on �More� (top

right corner).

You�ll now see a list of options, tap on �Permissions.�

Under �Permissions� you�ll have the option to disable the microphone (simply tap

on it) and other features like the camera.

You can do the same with any other app you think is eavesdropping into your conversations.

For more infomation >> New Patent Reveals Facebook Can Secretly Watch You With Your Camera, Here's How to Stop It - Duration: 6:53.


Why Allah Can Never Be the Sacred Name of God Almighty? - Duration: 5:26.

Peace be with you.

What is the most holy name of God Almighty?

First of all, before an Arabic speaking Christian can defend the word Allah as the term for

Elohim, you should find one statement from Allah to prove that he is the same El-Shaddai

of Abraham.

Without an explicit word from El Shaddai that He is also known as Allah, then whoever asserts

that they are the same God, has blasphemed the true El Shaddai.

YAHWEH Almighty inspired the Hebrew word Allah to mean Oak Tree about 2000 years before the

advent of Islam vide Joshua Chapter 24 verse 26 and He inspired two other words Elohim

and YAHWEH for His Title and Name respectively.

So how could Elohim and Allah become overlapping with each other today???

Any mispronunciation of Allah as Alah, will encroach into another Hebrew word Alah codified

H423, for curse.

The Arabic word Allah is represented by a serpent crawling on its belly heading towards

the sword.

Serpent is cursed by El Shaddai since the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

for deceiving Eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil

and she in turn gave it to Adam to eat it.

Why would El Shaddai love such form of Arabic word which looks like serpent crawling on

its belly and the symbol of sword?

The sword can represent the Sword of El Shaddai which will crush the head of the serpent.

Ultimately, Allah will be destroyed in Hell fire.

Secondly, from the perspective of the Quran, Allah has failed the criterion stated in Quran

Al Imran Chapter 3 verse 81 whereby Allah is named the key witness besides the prophets

chosen by him to keep the covenant of prophets for helping a later apostle who have to agree

with the precedent laws in the scripture of the former prophets.

El-Shaddai had spoken His name to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Then El Shaddai spoke to Moses with about His former Name El Shaddai and latter name


Jesus Christ cried out the term El, an abbreviation for El-Shaddai, while He was hung on the Cross,

as Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My El-Shaddai, my El-Shaddai, why has

thou forsaken me?

The term Eli is found 35 times in the Hebrew Bible which means My El-Shaddai, that is,

My God Almighty.

The pattern as how El-Shaddai revealed His Names reflects His nature to mankind and that

forms the precedent examples of how He wished to be known to Adam and his descendants.

Thirdly, if Allah is the same God as Yahweh El-Shaddai, then he should have spoken both

names which Apostle Prophet John ben Zebedee spoke about Him in the Book of Revelation.

The term Yahweh El Shaddai is mentioned 5 times in the Book of Revelation, RNKJV Bible.

The four highest Angels of Worship used the term Yahweh El-Shaddai to worship Him and

the Lamb of Yahweh who are upon the Throne together.

Revelation Chapter 4 ; 8 says, And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him;

and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy,

holy, YHWH El-Shaddai, which was, and is, and is to come.

Then in Revelation Chapter 21 verse 22, Apostle Prophet John wrote about the New Jerusalem

City: And I saw no temple therein: for YHWH El-Shaddai and the Lamb are the Temple of


This is an explicit statement from Apostle Prophet John that Jesus Christ is equal to

YAHWEH El-Shaddai as they are the Temple of the New Jerusalem City where all the saints

of YAHWEH will worship both of them.

Jesus Christ as the Lamb is the light thereof.

In Revelation Chapter 21 : 27, Apostle Prophet John wrote:

And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh

abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

Basically, Paradise is created by YAHWEH El Shaddai for the worshippers of Jesus Christ

whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of life.

As we examine on the name of El Shaddai that He gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and YAHWEH

that He gave to Moses and other Hebrew Prophets, and El-Shaddai that Lord Jesus Christ cried

aloud from the Cross, and finally Yahweh El-Shaddai which Apostle Prophet John ben Zebedee heard

from the four highest angels of worship, singing to Him upon His throne, we can establish that

the wonderful Name of the Creator of the universe is Yahweh El-Shaddai which will meet the highest

standard of worship equivalent to the most noble angels of worship praising Him upon

the throne.

The Arabic word Allah looks like a crawling serpent about to be killed by the sword ahead

of it.

Surely such picture will generate the image of the defeated serpent who will be cast into

the lake of burning brimstone to be tormented day and night.

Revelation Chapter 20 : 10 says, And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake

of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented

day and night forever and ever.


For more infomation >> Why Allah Can Never Be the Sacred Name of God Almighty? - Duration: 5:26.


How Bulletproof is Money? Can you stop a bullet with $1,000? - Duration: 1:24.

Hi, I'm Tom from BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests.

Welcome to How Bulletproof Today we are going to find out how much money

it takes to stop a bullet.

It only takes 299 dollars to buy a BulletSafe vest.

But this is a lot more than that.

First we shoot our vest with a .50 cal Desert Eagle.

That's a .50 cal Desert Eagle being stopped by a BulletSafe Bulletproof Vest.

Now Let's shoot some money.

This is 1,110 bills!

The bullet went through it all.

Look, it was all fake money to begin with.

Folks, we are BulletSafe.

We don't waste money.

We make the best value in bulletproof vests.

It doesn't actually take a lot of money to stop a bullet if you buy a BulletSafe Bulletproof


Thanks for watching.

I'm gonna put these two bills back in my wallet!

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