Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily do Jun 14 2017

How's it going everyone?

Matt Leighton and welcome back to another real estate video.

Today is all about title, title companies, Universal Title is going to help us out.

I'm with an expert here.


Sarah, how's it going?

Good, how are you?

I am doing excellent.

We got a killer view in the background.

Hopefully it's not so good where you can't see us.

I've completely adjusted the brightness on the camera, which I will adjust after the

fact to make us look good.

She doesn't need to look good, I need to look a lot better.

Either way, we're going to be talking about the top 5 best things you can do to have the

smoothest closing ever.

Because in real estate you jump through so many hoops.

You have to work with me, then you have to work with a mortgage officer, then you have

to work with a title company, home inspectors, termite, all of the above, and the last thing

you want to have happen is to get to the title company and for something to not go the way

it should.

So that's why we're here and Sarah why don't we start off with top 5 things we can do to

have a smooth close.

My number one goal for closing is to have everything go smoothly.

I want a smooth transaction.

I don't want anyone to be surprised when they come to the table.

Number one I want everyone to know the numbers.

Get the numbers beforehand.

Read them.

Know how much money you are bringing to the table and certainly know your bank account

information so we can wire that bank account information to you.

And that's a good one.

Let's talk about that one for a second.

Everything is so regulated these days that you're going to get the final numbers maybe

a week in advance or maybe a couple days.

Maybe 3 or 4 days in advance, so you have the opportunity to review it then.

Realistically, you shouldn't even be asking questions at the closing table.

I know that sounds ridiculous but you have a week before to ask what the Congestion Relief

goes to and ask what the taxes are.

You're provided with every opportunity to review the documents and you should take advantage

of that time window.

Another thing; be available.

Don't go on vacation the day after closing.

Or when the other side is supposed to close.

Nothing is perfect.

If we need another signature from you or if we have a question and for some reason, we

can't seem to figure out the wire instructions, we need you to be available to answer those

questions for us.

Yeah I think this one is a bigger one than it may seem because everyone loves to travel

and everyone is planning out their vacations.

I don't have any vacations because I am a loser, I mean, I like to work in the summer.

But I think I've worked with clients who have taken trips to Japan to close, Hawaii, and

one was even in the Marine Corps and didn't text me back.

Which I'm used to in my personal life, but in real estate, you gotta text me back.

If you will be going out of town, let your real estate agent know and everyone is on

the same page.

Don't get too excited that money wait until you have it.

Know your lender documents.

Review them with your lender beforehand.

When someone comes to the closing table and they've seen the loan documents and they know

what they are and they are expecting them, it just goes for so much of a smoother transition.

Truth of the matter is, we receive the lender documents at the title company relatively

beforehand, we've reviewed them but if you already know what they are and already talked

to your lender and asked questions to that lender, that's going to make it all the better.

Also, as a title company, we send you a welcome document at the beginning of the closing,

after the contract has been ratified.

It asks a number of questions.

So many times people don't read that letter or respond, or ask questions before closing.

They come to the closing table and they want to know what title insurance is.

Well you've already actually selected your title insurance policy by then and it's included

in the closing disclosure.

If you read that document and you respond and ask questions beforehand then it's just

going to be very fluid.

You'll definitely want to know about title insurance, you'll want to ask questions beforehand.

Also, you'll want to know how you are taking tenancy.

If it's tenants in common, tenants by entirety.

If you don't know what that is, you should be calling your title company and asking them

those questions.

Yeah and I think there's a lot of additional stress that is pushed on to first-time home

buyers especially and other buyers because a friend said that buying a house was stressful.

And that closing there's all these speed bumps that come up.

But I think that in a sense you need to be a little more trusting.

And if you just follow the directions.

And I'm not a big Philadelphia 76ers fan, but if you just Trust the Process, Joel Embiid.

A little Joel Embiid reference, but if you just trust the process that if you follow

directions, if you reply to Sarah's email, and you remember everything, then things are

actually going to be surprisingly smooth.

Why don't you tell the people how they can connect with Universal Title, where you're

located, and how they can get in touch with you.

We have many offices.

Our office is in Arlington.

We are just out of the Courthouse area and we have a lovely view on Wilson Blvd on the

5th floor.

It is walking distance to the ABC liquor store so if you would like to celebrate after the

fact Sarah and I probably couldn't drink with you.

And my office is strategically placed where it is next to the ABC store.

Right in the heart of Courthouse so be sure to check out Universal Title when you get

the chance.

I'll list and link Sarah's information in the description below so if you have any questions

you can follow up with her.

That's all we got.

Thank you very much for watching.

Until next time create a productive day.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Closing on a House | 5 Things to Do BEFORE Settlement for an EASY Real Estate Closing Process - Duration: 6:27.


#2 Why Do Women in Life Transitions Feel They Need To Be SuperWoman? - Duration: 2:09.

if you're anything like I was you've developed a thick skin a suit of armor

of sorts so you can control your emotions and pretend that everything is

okay you might even wear a mask showing a smile that says I'm just fine

after a while though you might notice the armor cracking and mask shedding a

tear it's hard to keep it all under wraps

it's hard to pretend that you're okay when you're really crumbling under the

weight of all the decisions you have to make and the choices that are around

every corner I've been there so I know all of this is true and I

suspect you may be thinking you should be able to handle this all by yourself

because that's what you do all day every day

I suspect that because that's exactly how I felt we're problem solvers

we're project managers we're people managers we are chief everything

officers we should be able to handle this we should ourselves to death I

should be strong I should be confident I should be able to do anything

For more infomation >> #2 Why Do Women in Life Transitions Feel They Need To Be SuperWoman? - Duration: 2:09.


Phyrom Vichetdara - Want to do business, Take Yourself As a Capital | Success Reveal - Duration: 14:51.

Success Reveal

Phyrom Vichetdara

Want to do business, take yourself as a capital

For more infomation >> Phyrom Vichetdara - Want to do business, Take Yourself As a Capital | Success Reveal - Duration: 14:51.


When children drunk! And do not know who you are! See silent smile xD. - Duration: 0:30.

It's over!@@ xD

Oh! Vy

Capture the image, :v

Do not approve,,, haha

Oh,,, Vy!

Wake up. ^^

Remove it

I do not drink, Here, wine to drink here

Drink the dyke

For more infomation >> When children drunk! And do not know who you are! See silent smile xD. - Duration: 0:30.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Discípulus: conheça a igreja mais importante do mundo! - 13 de Junho de 2017 - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Discípulus: conheça a igreja mais importante do mundo! - 13 de Junho de 2017 - Duration: 4:46.


Why do I love study in Taiwan!?!?[Eng Sub] #ちか友留学生活 - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Why do I love study in Taiwan!?!?[Eng Sub] #ちか友留学生活 - Duration: 3:38.


God of War PS4 - Bastidores - Christopher Judge ( Dublador do Kratos) legendado - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> God of War PS4 - Bastidores - Christopher Judge ( Dublador do Kratos) legendado - Duration: 1:12.


What To Do When Your Body Feels Like Sh*t! | Failed VBLOG? - Duration: 8:29.

look at that bun my goodness hey what my name is Mads and welcome to my during

exams attire, I got the unwashed hair the messy bun and

something that I have realized or remembered is that stress does take a

very interesting call on our bodies whether that is for exams, for works or for

life in general so today I thought I would make a video on how you can listen

to your body and figure out what it needs because I think one of the most

important parts of positive living is being able to be in tune with yourself

and also realize what makes your body and your mind feel at its most energized

most motivated and of course most content and also important part about

listening to your body it's been able to see and figure out what your body or

mind need in order to feel a hundred percent because during the past couple

weeks I don't know if it's just the weather lately or anything but my

body had had a bit of a immunity breakdown but luckily because I have

learned how to listen to myself effectively I have also been able to

heal myself more quickly as well and get better get back to 100% as soon as

possible so here are my three top tips on how you can better listen to your

body and figure out what it needs from you yeah let's get into it I hope you

enjoy if you do don't forget to give it a thumbs up and let's hope you feel

better soon, alright so I'm just about to head out to uni for a late night

study with my classmates I've been studying all day but why not study more

when you have exams yeah so if you are at uni, you may know it is a stressful time

and when you are stressed you don't always make the right decisions. Even

before then I've got I've got like my music and I've been going wrong and felt

like I've had a sore stomach I've been like I guess you'd go if I've

been getting like ulcers in my mouth and I've like had migraines and of course

naturally dress doesn't help but you know else doesn't help let me show you

now I just hit myself with it so this is going to lead us to step number that's

number one and that is to track your actions so what I mean by that is if

when you are feeling like meh, stressed whatever track what you've been eating

in the past few days obviously I'm not going to feel good if I've been eating

some junk food but I have been actually getting back on track and I am you will

see some of those tips I have for some of the things you should be eating when you

aren't feeling that good which will be later in this video but also with

tracking your actions it's not just talking about like the food you're

eating your diet anything like that think about also like your mind are

you thinking positively or negatively I know for example I used to get migraines

lot more than I'm getting me out obviously now if we could have stress and

overthinking which you know sometimes it's not that clear at the time but I

could get migraines literally weekly back when I was working in a job I hated

when I was like having a lot of shit going on in life and it happens so

you've got to be able to listen to yourself and see whether it's a diet

your mentality are you sitting at your desk all day what are you doing you got

to track your actions because it is very very likely that they are strongly

correlated with how you are feeling as of now whether that is is

like physically mentally whatever so yeah

and is step number one | This ladies and gentlemen is the aftermath of promo work

which I were doing on the weekend promo is basically promoting products I

was like one of those people that you know like in a stall in a supermarket

like hi you want to try these cookie they're every yummy and when I was

doing that I realized how much I love talking to people and like giving people

things. Like I think I did it especially standing in the same spot

like 8 hours and afterward my body was so like physically exhausted but my mind

was buzzing like I had so much energy usually I go to bed at like 9:30 cuz I'm

a grandma but I went to bed at midnight I was just so happy to have

been around people all day and I realized that something I really love

doing because I'm an extrovert and that brings us to tip number two and that is

to do what you enjoy and I know I always say this in all of my videos but

the reason is I think that we do seem to get distracted by our responsibilities

by pleasing other people by whatever last brings us that we do forget to do

things that we truly enjoy and that truly resonate with us

so tip number two tip number two do what you enjoy so we are up to the final step

and that is step number three to nurture your body with healing foods here I'm

making a delicious post study snack / lunch this is just full of some

nutritional broccoli some brain food and I've also put some garlic because

garlic has a lot of antibacterial properties and it's very good at

strengthening the immune system I've also added some turmeric which has strong

antiseptic properties which can help kill bacteria and also it strengthens the

immune system I've heard that too much is also good for your joints cause I've seen it

in a lot of vitamins for knee problems and things like that so that's another

interesting factor another thing I love to use when I'm feeling under the

weather is these echinacea tablets they are basically just

full of garlic zinc echinacea and I think vitamin C as well and these are just

a great natural way to boost your immune system and just give it some assistance

when you are feeling under the weather another important thing I like to use

when I'm not feeling 100% is lemon I usually put this in my water before I

have breakfast in the morning because lemon has great antibacterial

properties it is high in vitamin C which improveds the body's resistance to

infections and it also help with your digestion so if you have an upset

stomach this can be helpful as well some other things I love to do to stock

up on my chamomile tea all my vegetables my warm earthy soups and make sure I get

lots of rest and lots of water just to flush out any of the bad stuff in my body

here's some of the other things I love to use to give my immune system

bit of a boost thank you so much for watching my video I really appreciate it

I hope this does give you some insight on how you can better listen to yourself

and be more connected with yourself thank you for watching I hope you don't

mind a weird filming style as I said I do have exams at the moment I've been

trying to do it every day I have a little bit of time yeah so thank you so much for

watching If it did help of course remember

thumbs up it really helps my channel yeah and also comment down below if you

have any extra tips because we're all here learning together and I would love

to hear what has helped you as well because you know any insight

be helpful and I love to hear your contribution so thank you so much for

watching I will see you in my next video which should be soon thank you so much chau


For more infomation >> What To Do When Your Body Feels Like Sh*t! | Failed VBLOG? - Duration: 8:29.


Perfil #15 - Spinardi - Senhor do Tempo (Prod. Neobeats) - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Perfil #15 - Spinardi - Senhor do Tempo (Prod. Neobeats) - Duration: 2:37.


Protection Tigers eye Talisman ***MUTE IF YOU DO NOT LIKE METAL MUSIC - Duration: 7:21.


For more infomation >> Protection Tigers eye Talisman ***MUTE IF YOU DO NOT LIKE METAL MUSIC - Duration: 7:21.


What Mistakes do Companies New to Content Marketing Make? #AskaDigitalMarketer - Duration: 3:36.

content marketing is hard and there are a lot of different ways that companies

get tripped up when doing content marketing for the first time so me and

Ryan went ahead and detailed four different mistakes that companies tend

to make when they are brand new to content marketing so the first mistake

that companies who are new to content marketing make is writing about their

product too much so you've got product marketing content and you've got content

marketing and these are not the same thing so what ends up happening is that

your customers reading your blog post and they're expecting something that's

going to educate or entertain them and instead they end up getting a pitch for

your product that's disguised as a blog post this is really going to erode the

trust between you and your audience so when you're doing content marketing just

leave your products out of it content marketing is not about your products so

you do your keyword research you have a big list of topics and you go write a

whole bunch of blog posts expecting Google to rank you for these terms

there's really two problems with this strategy the first is that in most

industries today your competitors have already been doing this strategy for a

half decade or longer so you really have no competitive advantage in creating

this kind of content and you might not even rank at the end of the day for it

anyway so the second issue is when you write content for search engines about

keywords you sort of lose focus on solving your customers problems and

that's what content marketing is all about so the more that you can write

about the solutions to the problems that your customers have the better off

you'll be so the third mistake we see companies

who are new to content marketing making is writing about too many topics so

you've got your editorial calendar and you fill it up with news events and

those made up Twitter holidays like national unicorn day or national puppy

day and suddenly what happens is either your project is way too ambitious and

you can't get it off the ground or you just spread yourself way too thin

and you don't really end up seeing results from any of your content because

you're just all over the place so essentially what you want to do is

position yourself as an expert on one or maybe a couple of topics and the benefit

of that is also that you can then repurpose your content into ebooks or

courses or webinars and start to see results over time from one topic that's

really relevant to your business so we all know that content marketing takes

time to kick in it's not an overnight sort of band-aid you can apply on top of

your marketing efforts my best suggestion is in the short term to

choose your KPIs very carefully track them closely and stay focused on those

really important metrics that drive traction for your program look at sales

results three months later six months down the road maybe even a year down the

road but don't expect sales uptick from content marketing in the first you know

several weeks several months of your program so those are the four issues we

see companies who are new to content marketing running into most often if

you'd like to see one of your questions answered on video go ahead and shoot us

an email at hello at iterate marketing or leave us a comment below it's you

know so

For more infomation >> What Mistakes do Companies New to Content Marketing Make? #AskaDigitalMarketer - Duration: 3:36.


Fun experiments you can do with balloon and gun - Duration: 5:32.



For more infomation >> Fun experiments you can do with balloon and gun - Duration: 5:32.


🔵 Mesmo quando tudo parece desabar ... - Linda mensagem de Cora Coralina - Mensagem do Dia (#8 ) - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> 🔵 Mesmo quando tudo parece desabar ... - Linda mensagem de Cora Coralina - Mensagem do Dia (#8 ) - Duration: 1:12.


Manhã Leve | Confira um bate-papo com o fundador do site NERDPAI.COM - 14 de Junho de 2017 - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Confira um bate-papo com o fundador do site NERDPAI.COM - 14 de Junho de 2017 - Duration: 7:39.


''Do you have a specific reason why you want to learn?'' - Duration: 1:59:07.

Go in here and see..

I'm going right over there.

This is a food mart/gas station on Ohio State's campus.

It's kind of nippy out here today.

Yes indeed!

((Phone)) Yeah, strange. Very strange. Yep.

((Phone)) I don't know why it's like that sometimes.Uh huh. I don't know.

I'm gonna get some flaming hots.Yep.

((Phone)) About 10 or 15 minutes or something like that.


((Phone)) Yea, give me 10 or 15 minutes. I'm getting a few bags of chips.Huh?Nah, just two. OK.

How much?

$2.18. OK. Swipe your card here. You want credit or debit?


Slow today?


They have something going on today.

Oh yea?

Where's my buddy? I had a friend, but he probably doesn't work here anymore.

Guy from Senegal.

From where?

He was from Senegal. African guy.


That was like 5 months ago..

Yea, he was from Senegal, when I came in here at that time, but that was a long time ago.

It's not 5 months. It's more than that..

Oh, probably. It's been a while.

Where're you guys from?



I'm from Morrocco.


And you?

I'm from Jordan

((Arabic)) How are you?

((Arabic)) I'm good, thanks to god.

((Arabic)) I study Arabic as well, but...

it's been a while..

((Arabic)) But I think my Arabic is strange..

I don't know, it's been a while.

What do you want to say?

3jib is like ''Strange'' isn't it?

((Arabic))What's your name?


((Arabic)) My name is Moses. Nice to meet you.

((Arabic)) OK..What's your name?

((Arabic)) My name is Muhammad.

((Arabic)) My name is Moses

((Arabic)) Moses?

((Arabic)) Yes.

((Arabic)) I want to speak Arabic, because I think Arabic is very beautiful.

Oh yea?

((Arabic)) Very beautiful.

((Arabic)) Where did you learn Arabic?

((Arabic)) At home

((Arabic)) At home?

((Arabic)) Yes

((Arabic)) How did you learn at home?

((Arabic))Because,I have many books and I have a friend that speaks Arabic

((Arabic)) So I speak it a bit.

((Arabic)) A little bit, eh

((Arabic)) You speak Fusha

((Arabic)) Yep

We speak a dialect, but you speak Fusha.

((Arabic)) Egyptian Arabic?

If I talk to you in our dialect, you won't understand

Like, I'm talking to you in Fusha. If I talk to you in our dialect, you won't understand.

This dialect is mixed with French.You're not going to understand..

((Arabic)) You won't understand

((Arabic)) That's right.But, god

What do you want to say?

What is it? Say it in English

Nah, I know how to say it, I just...Oh

((Arabic)) I will....

You want to go somewhere?

((Arabic)) I want to go to Egypt..

((Arabic)) You want to go to Egypt?

((Arabic)) God willing..

When you go to Egypt and come back, they're going to stop you at the airport and ask why you went to Egypt.

((Arabic)) Why?

That's the problem now.

If you go to Egypt, when you come back, they'll stop you at the customs and ask a lot of questions.

Even if you go there to just have fun, they will stop you.

That's what they're doing with everyone now.

What is it?

I have a gas card from CFN. I'm going to my dad's funeral. And I need to use my gas card.

My truck got stolen here in Ohio.I had to pay for that on a credit card


So anyway,I just won a flying jackpot CFN card.. You know what a CFN is?


You don't know what a flying jr jackpot is?


We gotta get gas

Yea, but we don't accept, where's your card? You have the card on you?

Yes, sir.

Could you put the pin code on it?


OK, you bring it in then we'll do it here.

OK, I'll bring it in.I need to fill up my truck.

OK, bring it in and we'll see how much you want to fill it.

OK. Thank you.


((French)) You speak French, too?

((French)) Yes, of course.

((French)) Very good!

((French)) Very good?


((French)) I'm in the mood to practice it with you now.

((French)) No problem.

Anytime you want

((French)) Yes, yes.

French is our second language.

((French)) Really?

How much do you want, man?

I want to fill it up.


OK, we'll do that for you

Which state is it from?


Washington State or DC?

Washington State.


OK, go ahead.

This card is not allowed

Yea,it doesn't take these cards. I knew it didn't.

Hold on! Where's a flying J.R. jackpot?

No, flying jr pilot

Just relax!

I am.

Flying J.R. Pilot?

Come here!

God, she just freaks out, man.

A trip from hell, you know what I mean? We got four dogs.

We came all the way from across the country to go to my dad's funeral.That's her father-in-law.


So what do we do about this? Where's a flying J.R. jackpot? We need gas.

Flying J.R. jackpot? I don't know.

I'll give you ten dollars in gas.

Thank you, man. I appreciate it, man.

Oh my god! This is crazy!

I mean, trucks been stolen..I don't like Ohio. Thank you, sir. You're alright, man.

I just gotta get to a flying J.R. jackpot.

You can follow me. I'll fill up your tank.

Nah, that's OK.

I'll return the favor, you know what I mean?I'll fill it up, man.This is crazy.

Thank you, sir. I'm in the truck out there.

He gave you ten dollars. You can go and pump it.

Holy crap!


Your welcome.

He's driving and he's drinking.


He can't even drive because he's drunk.

Yea, I smell it.

See, if the police stops him, he'll be in trouble.


I've never heard of these names he was saying.

((French)) I don't now either.

((French)) He's drunk.

((French)) He drank a lot.

((French)) What is this?

He drank too much.


((French)) I don't like to drink. I don't do that.

((French)) It's not good.

((French)) It's not good for your health nor your pockets.

You know what I mean?

It's not good for your health nor your pockets.

((Arabic)) It's not good for your health nor your pockets.

In Arabic.

((French)) Many languages.

((French)) I like to study many languages. French, Arabic,Chinese, Japanese, etc..


((French)) I speak that too.

((Spanish)) You speak Spanish, too?

((Spanish)) I speak Spanish, too.You speak Spanish, too?

((Spanish)) Yes, of course.

((Spanish)) Of course.

Spanish is our third language back in Morocco.

((French)) Oh, really?

We got French, Arabic and Spanish.

((Spanish)) Then we can speak in Spanish now.

You speak German too?

((German)) Just a little bit. I speak a bit of German, but now my German is really bad ((French/Spanish))

((Spanish)) Because I don't study it much these days.


((Spanish)) I'm studying other languages such as, Japanese, Chinese..etc..

What about Italian?

((Spanish)) I was studying Italian a long time ago, too, but as this city has many people that

((Spanish)) speak Spanish, I've made an effort to learn more Spanish.

((Spanish))It's very important in this city, right?

((French)) That's good.

((Spanish)) Very very important.

((Spanish)) Very important.

((Spanish)) Yes.

((Spanish)) But a long time ago,I didn't like it that much.

((Spanish)) Because to me the most interesting are Asian languages.


((Spanish)) But it's important to study more

((Spanish)) Wow, I didn't know that they spoke Spanish in Morocco as well. I didn't know that.


In Morocco..

((Spanish)) I want you to speak in Spanish right now. Don't speak English.

((Spanish)) In my country we study Arabic and French in primary school.

((Spanish)) However, in secondary school, we have other languages.There's, if you want, Spanish..

((Spanish)) English, German and Italian..


((Spanish)) Well then..

((Spanish)) Then there are more languages in the university.

((Spanish)) Wow, and can you speak as well?

No, he doesn't speak

((Spanish)) Just English and Arabic


((Spanish)) I see.

He's from Jordan. I'm from Morocco.

((Spanish)) Oh, I see. He already told

((Spanish)) That's good.

((Spanish)) Well then, you can teach him Spanish.

((Spanish)) Yea, but not enough time here.Will need the time..

((Spanish)) But he works here with you..

((Spanish)) Yes, but I only work here here 3-4 hours.I work over on Hamilton RD.

((Spanish)) Oh, I see.

((Spanish)) There are many Spanish people over there. Many friends over there.

((Spanish)) Of course. Especially here in the U.S. there are many Mexicans.

((Spanish)) I lived in New York for 17 years?

((Spanish)) That's good.


((Spanish)) It's important to practice language as much as possible.

In New York there's a lot of them.Everywhere you go, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Salvadorians,Nicaruaga..all of them..

((Spanish)) The most are Puerto Ricans

Do you know what Boricua means? Puerto Ricans

((Spanish)) I didn't know

Puerto Ricans in Spanishm they call them Boricua.

''Boricua'' ((Spanish)) Thanks a lot.

Yea. Dominicans, they call them Dominicanos.

((Spanish)) Yes, I know that one.

Puerto Rican, you don't say ''I'm Puerto Rican. You say I'm Boricua''

((Spanish)) Boricua. ''I'm Puerto Rican''


((Spanish)) This is a new word for me. Thanks a lot.

((Spanish)) Actually, I must say that the reason I've come here is to practice langages with you guys.

((Spanish)) A long time ago as I've said,There was a guy from Africa. Moreover, he spoke Wolof, French and other languages so..

((Spanish)) At that time, I practiced a lot with him.

Oh, OK

I was telling him, this is the reason why I've come here. I cam here to practice languages

Where are you from originally?

((Spanish)) I'm American.

Where? I know you're American, but where? Which city/state? Are you from Ohio?

((Spanish)) I've here in Columbus for 10 years already.

((Spanish)) My city is Akron

Oh, you're from Akron, Ohio?

((Spanish)) Yes

Oh, so you're from Ohio State then

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) So now I live here. I have a family..

((Spanish))Are you studying at the University?

((Spanish)) Not now


((Spanish)) Before...

((Spanish)) That's good.

((Spanish)) I'm already married.

((French)) Married?

((French)) Yes. I'm married already.

((French)) Do you have any children?


((French)) Do you have any children?

((French)) Oh of course!Two kids.

((Spanish)) They're twins.

((French)) Two girls. That means girls.You got boys or girls?

((Spanish)) Girls


((Spanish)) But..

((French)) They're girls?

((Spanish)) Twins

((French)) They're twins

((Spanish)) Jumeaux is twins?

Yes, in French.

It's the same thing it's just the pronunciation.In Spanish they say ''Gemelas''

Because the ''G'' they call it ''kheer'' in Spanish, right? French is ''Jumeaux''

It's just a little different.

If you speak French, it'svery easy to learn Spanish quickly.

((French)) Really?

Because they are the same.

((Spanish)) Almost the same.

Yea, the same. The same words.But it's just mixed.

You know. Spanish words are like French words.In Italian too.

It's the same with a slight difference.

When you speak French, you learn Spanish quickly.

Less than three months, you will fly in Spanish.

((Spanish)) I agree.


But if you speak Spanish and want to speak French then it's very hard.

((Spanish)) It's very different

Yea, it's very hard. Especially with the pronunciation. But if you speak French,then you get Spanish quick and easy.

((Spanish)) I see.

That's why,the people in my country that's?? Because they are close to Spain.

All of them since they were young, they speak Spanish.

Then when they go to school they learn Spanish and French.

((Spanish)) I see.

Yea, so that's why in the South, everyone speaks French.

((Spanish)) So you speak German fluently?

((Spanish)) A little bit.

I used to, but I forgot most of it. Because I lived in Germany for two years.


I used to speak it fluently.I forgot. I didn't practice so I lost it.

I still understand it, anything you say

((German)) Practice, practice..

Yea, and I lost a lot of it.

((Spanish)) As you know, language is a living thing.


((Spanish)) When you begin learning a language, it's necessary to practice it as much as possible.

((Spanish)) Normally on the weekends,I like to practice like this..

When you speak Spanish, you speak it with Spain.

((Spanish))Castillian Spanish

Because when you go to Spain, when you speak..

((Spanish)) I want you to speak in Spanish

((Spanish)) OK, when you go to Spain,they speak with the Spanish accent?

((Spanish)) This is the first time I've heard this word.

''Spain people''

Do you know what Gayo is in Spanish?

((Spanish)) I don't know. What is it?

It's a rooster. You know rooster?

((Spanish)) Yes

And gayena is a chicken


the female of the rooster is a chicken, right?

Uh huh

So Spain, we call them gayegos because they talk like a rooster.

When you go to Spain,even if you speak Spanish from here like Mexico or anywhere in South America

they talk very fast. And they use the tongue.

The tongue, yes.

When they talk to you, they talk very fast.

((Spanish)) Very fast.

((Spanish)) I can't understand what they're saying.

Because I've been to Spain many times since it's close to my country.

First time I went there, I went to France because I have brothers and sisters in Europe

And a lot of cousins you know.So I went to France to see my brother and went to Germany. I bought a car from Germany.

It was a Mercedes? They have Mercedes over there for very cheap in Germany.


I was going to Morrocco, we went to..

((Spanish)) When we were in Luandania?? They were speaking so fast.

((Spanish)) During that time, could you understand what they were saying?

((Spanish)) Yes, now I can. But the first time I went there, it was just too fast. They would ask me...


((Spanish)) Since I lived in New York....


((Spanish)) They would speak to me and then say that they wanted to speak English.

((Spanish)) I told them that I couldn't speak English.

((Arabic)) I understand.

((Arabic)) You understand?

((Spanish)) Even in Spain, if they speak other languages, they don't want to speak them. Just Spanish.

((Spanish)) Why?

Because they say that they like their language.


They don't care, they say you came to our country so you gotta learn our language.

((Spanish)) That correct. I agree.If...

((Spanish)) I don't want to go to another country if I can't speak the language.

When you go to Spain and you ask them for something,you tell them like..

((Spanish)) Do you speak English?

They'll say, no.

((Spanish)) I don't know, I don't know..

Oh, with an S?

They call it ''no the''



When you talk to them, they don't wantto show you nothing..

They're very racist.

((Spanish)) Racist?

Yea, Spain they like their language. They say, you came to Spain, so you gotta learn our language.

I don't care, you gotta learn our language.


If you talk to them in their language, Spanish, then they will be very happy.

Especially when you're a foreigner and you want to go there and talk to them they'll show you whatever you want.

but if you don't speak Spanish then they won't..

((Spanish)) But I think that it should be like this, no?

((Spanish)) Well, no, but you gotta help the people, no?

You gotta help people.If you go their as a tourist, you gotta help them

Oh, I see.

They say no, they don't care.

((Spanish)) ''It's not my problema if you can't speak Spanish''

and if you don't speak Spanish, anywhere you go, restaurant, hotel, they're thieves.

They'll steal money from you.They're not honest.

If they know you don't know the language and the money, they'll rip you off.

((Spanish)) That's a problem


((Spanish)) Theives

((Spanish) Well then, I still have plans to go to other places to practice languages


((Spanish)) Now I'm going to a Mexican restaurant.

When Mexicans talk to you, they call you guey. Do you know what a guey is?

((Spanish)) What's up,man ''Bull''

Oh yea! I know.

You know what guey is?

((Spanish)) I know.

What is it?

It's like ''Dude'' or ''Man''

Yea, but what is it? What does it mean?

((Spanish)) It's like, man?


Like when you go to New York, they say ''What's up, dog?''


Now dog is a dog, it's an animal. What is guey? It's an animal.

Guey is....Which animal is it?

You know what ''la baka'' is?

Oh, baka is like a sheep or goat?

Baka is a cow

a cow, yea

now, what's the male of the cow?

the male of the cow is a guey

They say,''what's up, bull?''

like Chicago bulls?

((Spanish)) Yea, I know

The bull is a guey. Like in New York how they say ''What's up, dogg?'' They call each other ''guey''

((Spanish)) What's up, bull?

((Spanish)) How do you say that in Arabic?

Oh now, we don't have that in Arabic.

Like when you go to New York, they call you ''What up, dog?''

You can't say to people in Arabic''What's up, Dog''

((Arabic)) Isn't it?

Like if you go up to a girl and say ''What's up, bitch'' you can't do that.

((Arabic)) Bitch?

You can't do that in Arabic language.

You can't call somebody a dog.

((Arabic)) Is she Arab?

You can't say ''what up, dog'' to someone in Arabic.

((Spanish)) Alrighty, I'm going to leave now. Nice to meet you.

OK, when you go over to the Mexican restaurant say to them ''What's up, bull?''

((Spanish)) What's up, bull? OK, take care.

((Spanish)) OK, see you again.

((Arabic)) See you later.

((Arabic)) See you later.

((PHONE)) Yea, I don't know. It's like a different place.




I just saw this place and thought it was interesting. I saw the Korean.


So you guys sell antiques?

No, I'm selling Korean cosmetics.

Oh, Korean cosmetics.


Oh, ok. How long has this place been here for?

Seven years.



So, you're from Korea?

Umhm. I'm Korean.

((Korean)) Are you well today?

((Korean)) Oh, yea..Hello!

((Korean))Hello! I want to practice Korean since I'm studying it now.

((Korean)) What's your name?

((Korean)) My name is Moses. Moses or ''Mouse''. Nickname. It's ny nickname.

((Korean))Your Korean is good.

((Korean)) Well, I can't precisely say that I'm good, but I know a bit..

((Korean)) Oh, no no's good.

((Korean)) Thanks.

((Korean)) Your pronunciation is good.

((Korean)) Oh really?


((Korean)) You speak with politeness

((Korean)) Politeness?


((Korean)) It's better to learn the polite language

((Korean)) Yes

((Korean)) Well, right now I can't use the impolite talk.

((Korean)) That's right. You use that with your friends.

((Korean)) Yes, yes..

((Korean)) I can use less polite talk with someone who's younger than I. You understand what I mean?

I can use that speech with someone younger than me.

((Korean)) Yes, I understand.

I'm older than you, therefore you would use more polite speech.

((Korean))Yes. Great job!

((Korean)) Where did you learn from?

((Korean)) I'm self-taught.

((Korean)) Self-taught? Oh, good good!Where did you learn from? Youtube or?

((Korean)) I have many books at home and I can also use the computer.

oh. Good job.

((Korean)) Very good.

There's a Korean class at the Korean church every Saturday.

((Korean)) I see. Before a friend of mine told me that there's a Church

Every Saturday there's a Korean class.At the biggest Korean Church, there's a very good Korean class.

So you can go. They're not charging.

((Korean)) Oh really?

It's free

((Korean)) It's free?

((Korean)) Yes, it's free.

((Korean)) I don't have that much time now so I can't learn Korean in that way.

((Korean)) Good

((Korean)) So I will continue like this.

((Korean)) Right,there're so many Korean stores

((Korean)) I see

There's Mina restaurant over there, then the Bamboo cafe. Their owner is Korean, too.

And over there the bakery, next door to the Microcenter, there's a Korean place

((Korean)) Oh yes, I've been there before with my wife.

((Korean)) The owner there is Korean

((Korean)) I see. I've been there in the past.

((Korean)) Well, a long time ago I went there with my wife.

((Korean)) Oh, you know Cheepsaram ''Wife'' as well? Too good...good job.

((Korean)) You're being too nice.

((Korean)) No..

My kids were born here. You speak better than them.

((Korean)) Really? You must be joking..

((Korean)) No, I'm not.

((Korean)) They didn't learn Korean..

When they went to College they learned because at that time, they knew that I'm Korean.

But now they think they're Americans. They only speak English.You are very good.

((Korean)) They can't speak anything outside of English?

((Korean)) Just English...They speak Korean, too, but....

They speak Korean too, but, you're better than them

((Korean)) You must be kidding..

((Korean)) Now, I'm not.

You're doing a good job.

((Korean)) It's just because I think it would be great if I could speak like the Koreans.

((Korean)) I want to speak like a Korean, so lately I've been working on it deligintly.

OK, good job. If you want, are you going to Church?

((Korean)) No, but a long time ago when I was still a young child, I always went to church.

If you want to go to the Korean Church, you can so that you can make a lot of Korean friends there.

((Korean)) OK. Which Church?

Snow Polaris

((Korean)) I haven't heard of it before.

((Korean)) You haven't heard of it before?

Oh here, I'm going to give it to you.

((Korean)) OK.

There's a lot of Americans there, too.


((Korean)) Now I have kids so,I'm always at home.

((Korean)) This place is open everyday?

I just close on Sunday.


10am-7pm and closed on Sundays

((Korean)) Oh, I see

Our Church name, number. Sunday service is 10am.If you want to come, come at 10:30.

there's a lot of Korean people. Maybe around the same age as you. So you can make Korean friends.

((Korean)) I can make many friends?

((Korean)) Yea, it's better to learn Korean when you make Korean friends.

((Korean)) You're going to eat something?

We have a bible group on Sunday. Everyone will eat together

So, she said that I didn't have to bring anything

((Korean)) Eating together?

Yea. So, if you join that Church, they create small groups.

and then you can enjoy Korean food.


((Korean)) Seems interesting

and at the services we give out Korean food there. So everybody eats lunch there

Oh, OK.

((Korean)) Your welcomed to come

((Korean)) Thank you

What's your name?


Oh, Moses. I'm sorry.

You know, Moses in the Bible.

Oh, yea. Here's my name.

((Korean)) Nice to meet you!

((Korean)) Nice to meet you!

((Korean)) I like studying languages

((Korean)) Yea, that's good.

And I think you have a language talent.

((Korean)) The Korean language is difficult.

((Korean)) Yes, it is.

((Korean)) It is really difficult

((Korean)) I feel the same way.

((Korean)) There are so many things in the language..

((Korean)) Different levels of politeness, etc..

Many words that are similar as well..

and many meanings..

you have talent

((Korean)) But, despite it being that way, if you work hard everyday, you will be successfull.

((Korean)) That's right!So good.

You're speaking so good.

((Korean)) I need more practice.

((Korean)) Your pronunciation is good.

((Korean)) So, which part of Korea are you from?

South Korea

Most of the Koreans living in America, at least 99% are from South Korea.

((Korean)) Seoul or?

I'm from Seoul


Close to Seoul. Not exactly in Seoul.

Oh, ok

I was working in Seoul

((Korean)) I want to go to Korea in the future.

((Korean)) I've already been to Taiwan and Japan.

((Korean)) Since my wife is from Taiwan, we went there together to see the family.

((Korean)) Well, then..nice to meet you.

((Korean)) Come again..

((Korean)) Perhaps in the future when I want to practice Korean, I'll come here or go to the Church..

((Korean)) You're welcomed. You can make a lot of Korean friends there.

((Korean)) I would like that..

This isn't so formal

It's OK

((Korean)) Alrighty then..

((Korean)) Come again

((Korean)) Have a good day!

((Korean)) Have a good day!

I'm going to have to bring my laptop in because I have a problem with it.

actually, it's almost the same laptop.

on the side, the disc drive? It works, but whenever I put a disc in, it doesn't load up

even the external HD won't work

we can fix that

how much do you normally charge for that?



Yea. I have to take a look at it.

Do I just bring it in or?

Just bring it in anytime

you have a card?

Yep, there's my card with my mobile number. Tomorrow we open 11-4, weekdays 12-7.


You open tomorrow, too?

Yep. 11-4

OK, I might bring it in tomorrow

Wow, how long this place been open for?

5 years

5 years. OK, it's nice

So you guys also replace the motherboards

yes, we do everything


So, you're from India?


Oh, Pakistan?


Oh, OK

((Hindi)) How are you today?

((Hindi/Urdu)) I'm good

((Hindi)) Everything good?

((Hindi)) Yea

((Hindi))I hope that everything is well for you

Wow, you know everything, man

((Hindi)) Nah, nah

((Hindi)) I'm American, but I really like learning other languages.


((Hindi)) You really like it

((Hindi)) Yes

Very good

((Hindi)) Nice to meet you

((Hindi)) Me too. I'm happy to have met you.

Oh wow..very good. Where did you learn?

((Hindi)) From where?

((Hindi)) Yea, where did you learn from?

((Hindi)) Right now I'm learning Hindi at home.

((Hindi)) Moreover, I have a friend, but he's from Brazil.

((Hindi)) So, when I want to practice, I use the computer.We learn Hindi together.

Good. Very good. You're not bad.

((Hindi)) Thanks, but I'm still not that good. I need to learn more.

((Hindi)) At least, If I want to speak like an Indian, I have to work hard everyday.

Good, good.

((Hindi)) If you have someone to speak to just like we're speaking now, you will get better.

((Hindi)) Yes, then I will be very good.

((Hindi)) Practicing is like exercising. In this way...

((Hindi)) Yea, like this..

((Hindi)) Alrighty. Perhaps tomorrow, I will give you my computer

((Hindi)) No problem. You bring it in, then I'll take a look at it.

((Hindi)) OK

((Hindi)) OK

((Hindi)) Nice to meet you

((Hindi)) Nice to meet you. Alright. See you again.

((Hindi)) See you again. Take care.

((Hindi)) You take care, too? Because you just told me to take care.

((Hindi)) Yes, you too.

((Hindi)) OK, then

((Hindi)) Alrighty

I hope I'm not coming in here for nothing.

Oh, it's not happening today.

((Phone)) Nah, it was like before. My second time.

You have a small cup?

Yea, they're all over there

Oh, OK

The last opening.

Oh, OK

((Phone)) I don't know, wildberry..

What's the best flavor here?

Hey, what's the best flavor here?

I don't know

You can try it. There's small cups.

((Phone)) I don't know what to try, watermelon, strawberry..

((Korean)) Oh, you're Korean?

((Korean)) Yea

((Korean)) Are you good, today?

((Korean)) I'm studying Korean now so I really like practicing it.

((Korean)) What's the best here..

((Korean)) What's your major?

((Korean)) Oh my major. I'm not a student now.

((Korean)) Where did you learn?

((Korean)) Just learning alone.

Wow, very cool.

((Korean)) However, in my opinion, Korean is quite difficult to learn

((Korean)) Yea, it's difficult.

((Korean)) A long time ago I practiced with Koreans, but these days I don't do it that much.

((Korean)) It's

((Korean)) You're good

((Korean)) Well, I can't really say that I'm good, but I know a bit. Need more practice.

((Korean)) Nice to meet you

((Hindi)) Hello, brother

((Hindi)) Hello, brother, how are you?

((Hindi)) Everything is good

((Hindi)) What do you want?

((Hindi)) I want everything

((Spanish)) All of them?

Is that potatoe?


Oh no

((Hindi)) I want the potatoe

All of them?

Dang, how many should I get?

((Hindi)) 5 lol. 10

((Hindi)) 6,7,8,9,10.

I'll give you a free one.

((Hindi)) Thanks


((Hindi)) Is your family well?

((Hindi)) Yea

((Hindi)) Everyone is good?

((Hindi)) You speak Spanish?

I'm Pakistani, but..

((Spanish)) It's been a long time since I've spoken with you.

((Spanish)) How are you up till this point?

((Hindi)) Thanks.

((Spanish)) How are you, my friend?

((Spanish)) How are you these days? What's new?

((Spanish)) Good

((Spanish)) Nothing new? What's new?

((Hindi)) How are you?

((Hindi)) I want to practice Hindi.Because now I'm learning Hindi.

((Hindi)) You're learning Hindi?

((Hindi)) Yes

((Hindi)) I really like learning other languages, so...I decided..I'm not sure.

How do you say to decide in Hindi?

OK, so

((Hindi)) I like learning other languages so I decided to learn Hindi. Moreover, in the future I want to go to India.

((Hindi)) Where did you learn Hindi?

((Hindi)) Where?

((Hindi)) I'm learning at home. Well, actually,I have a friend, but he's from Brazil.

((Hindi)) and we learn Hindi together

((Hindi)) From where?

((Hindi)) At home?

((Hindi)) I'm serious

((Hindi)) But I still can't speak like an Indian so, I have to work more hard.

((Hindi)) What's your name


((Hindi)) My name is Moses or Mouse. Just a nickname.

((Hindi)) OK. Thanks.

((Hindi)) Thanks.

((Phone)) I'm looking at the menu right now.

Hey, what would you recommend? What's the best here?

The noodle soup.

The noodle soup?

Yea,the noodles, it's the best. It's like the rice noodles. with beef broth. It's very good. Tasteful.

Oh, we also have good fried rice.

Yea, I'm going to go ahead and get that.

What kind of fried rice?

I'll take the chicken. Is it spicy?


Can you make it spicy?

I can mix the spicy sauce if you want me to.




That Cantonese

Hey, this place is new?

We've actually been almost for two years now

two years?


It's been a while.

How long have you been working here for? You've been here for two years?

Yea, I've been here for two years

Oh, OK

This restaurant is Vietnamese owned?

Yea. He's the owner actually


The guy in the back

This is your first time here?

Yea, I normally go over to that plaza where arirang is. I normally go there because there's a Vietnamese restaurant there.

I had no idea about this place. I was just driving by. I saw Pho and was wondering if this was a Vietnamese restaurant.

You like working here?

Oh, I love it

You love it

Yea, it's a good part-time job


So, where're you from?

I'm from Indiana actually, but I'm half vietnamese half guatamalan

Oh, ok. What a combination.So you speak any of those languages?

I speak Spanish

Oh, ok. And I only know bad words in Vietnamese

((Spanish)) So you speak Spanish, too?

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) Well then we can speak it right now.

I'm kind of amazed. Are you Spanish?

((Spanish)) No, I'm trying to learn Spanish through self study now

((Spanish)) You've been to another country?

((Spanish)) Not yet.

((Spanish)) Actually, I've already been to Taiwan and other countries like Japan etc..

((Spanish)) Yes..

((Spanish)) Just two..

((Spanish)) But of course in the future, I want to go to Mexico or Spain.

((Spanish)) I haven't been to Spain myself. I want to go to Barcelona. I've just been to Guatamala, El Savador

((Spanish)) Oh, I see

((Spanish)) In my point of view, it's very important to learn other languages.

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) Especially if you want to understand more about the other cultures.

((Spanish)) It's important

((Spanish)) It's very important

((Spanish)) I want to know Vietnamese

((Spanish)) Then you can start learning it

((Spanish, I mean, as you're working here and there are people here that speak it, you can start

((Spanish)) But the people are Chinese

((Spanish)) Oh, just Chinese?

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) I heard them speaking in Cantonese

((Spanish)) Yes. You speak that too?

((Spanish)) Yes I can speak. Fluently. Perhaps I speak them more fluent than Spanish.

((Spanish)) Because I just started learning Spanish.

((Spanish)) Yes

I'm about to level up

That Spanish, man..

You come here very often?

Once in a while

Have you been to the Vietnamese place over near Arirang the Korean place called ''Lac Viet''?

Yea, I've been there before.

Is it better than this place?

It's good

It is?

It's a different taste

Oh yea

So where're you from?

I'm from Laos

((Lao)) How are you?

((Lao)) I'm good

((Lao)) I'm learning Lao

((Lao)) I'm learning Lao with....hmm

((Thai)) I have some Thai Lao friends so I learn Thai and Lao

You know Thai and Lao are very similar

((Thai)) Yes

It's just the different accent


((Lao)) What's your name?


((Lao)) My name is Moses

((Lao)) Where did you learn?

Where did I learn?

((Lao/Thai)) I learn Lao at home

((Thai)) I'm speaking Thai now because it's better than my Lao

**Making a correction**


You speak Cantonese?

((Cantonese)) Yes, I do

Oh sh**

((Cantonese)) I speak Cantonese

He speaks Spanish, too

((Cantonese)) Hey, we can use Cantonese to chit-chat today..

Oh my god..

He speaks Lao, too. Lao and Thai


((Thai)) Just a little bit..

((Cantonese)) Beautiful girl

((Cantonese)) How do you know how to speak?

((Cantonese)) Cantonese?


((Cantonese)) Because, I have many books at home. Moreover, I like to chat with people from Hong Kong

((Cantonese)) Oh, he likes to speak with people from Hong Kong

((Cantonese)) I really like to learn many languages

((Cantonese)) Oh yes

You're awesome!

((Thai)) I like to learn a lot languages

You speak Mandarin and Cantonese?

((Thai)) I speak Mandarin and Cantonese better than Lao and Thai

((Thai)) My wife is Chinese

She's from Taiwan

((Cantonese)) So, you're from Hong Kong?


((Cantonese)) Oh, really?

((Cantonese)) I came here when I was 5

((Cantonese)) 5?


((Cantonese)) So..I know that you speak Cantonese, but do you also speak Mandarin?

((Cantonese)) Mandarin? Yes

Oh, wow

((Cantonese)) You're cool

((Thai)) Very nice to meet you.

What did you say your name was?


((Thai)) I'm mouse

You know, it's my nickname

A mouse?


I eat at Bangkok very often.

Yea, that place is very good

((Thai)) I go to that place all the time with my wife

The restaurant, right?

Yea. They actually know us. When we call to place a particular order, they know it's us lol

Their food is excellent. They have the Pakemon...Dum yum goon. All of that stuff is good.

Where do you live?

You know where Easton is?


I live over there


Not very far from here

((Thai)) Yes, yes..

I live on the West Side


((Thai)) Nice to meet you. Take care

((Spanish)) What's your name?

((Spanish)) Moses or you can call me rat

((Spanish)) Rat?

((Spanish)) Yes, it's my nickname. Just a nickname


((Spanish)) Actually, this name is from Chinese

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) Because a long time ago I had a friend from China and at that time, he gave me this name

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) I don't know how to really explain it in Spanish

((Spanish)) It's cool. I understand

((Spanish)) If you don't speak a lot, you won't understand

((Spanish)) Yes, it's very important.

((Spanish)) As you know, language is a living thing, so it's important to practice it as much as possible

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) Listening to it, speaking it with the natives, etc...

((Spanish)) Reading

((Spanish)) Yes, reading...watching the

((Spanish)) On television. That's how i learn my Spanish?

((Spanish)) Oh really?

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) That's great!

((Spanish)) Usually when I want to practice Spanish, I use the computer all the time

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) To find the people in order to chat with them

((Spanish)) I'll be seeing you, then

((Spanish)) Of course. Perhaps next time I can come with my wife and the twins

((Spanish)) You know, I'm married and I have twin girls

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) Well then....what's your name?


((Spanish)) Nice to meet you

((Spanish)) Nice to meet you

((Spanish)) Take care

((Cantonese)) Good bye

((Cantonese)) Thanks a lot

((Cantonese)) See you next time!

Have you ever tried any other languages?

Um, no I just know Engliah mostly

how about you?

Yea, I've tried to study some other languages

Oh, that's cool

Are you fluent in any of those languages?


Which ones?

Mandarin, Cantonese

You spent time in Asia?

Nah, I started learning Mandarin when I was 18.And then I picked up some other ones like Japanese and Korean..

and just been doing it since then.

Oh, that's neat

My wife is from Taiwan so she..

Oh, ok. Well my wife's from Taiwan, too

You're from Taiwan?

I was born in Taiwan

((Mandarin)) You speak Mandarin?

((Mandarin)) Yes

Hahaha, he said ''What''

((Mandarin)) Which part of Taiwan are you from?

((Mandarin)) Tainan

((Mandarin)) My wife is from Chia yi

He's been to Taiwan

((Mandarin)) I've already been to many times..should be 3 times

((Mandarin)) To visit the family and take the girls to see them

((Mandarin)) How many children do you have?

((Mandarin)) Two

((Mandarin)) They're both twins

Oh yea?

((Mandarin)) Do you have any pictures?

((Mandarin))Well, I think I have one in my phone..let me see..

He's looking for a picture

((Mandarin)) My wife always uses this phone to take pictures

((Mandarin)) How old are they?

((Mandarin)) They're 16 months

They're 16 months


((Mandarin)) Thanks

They're cute

Do you speak Mandarin at home?

((Mandarin)) Well, my wife..

Oh, I'm sorry LOL

I speak with them in English, but my wife speaks with them in Cantonese..oh, not Cantonese. Mandarin and Taiwanese


They're cute

She speaks both.

((Mandarin)) Thanks

They're picking up some other languages too, because they hear..My wife she can speak Japanese fairly well and some Korean so she watches a lot of dramas

like Korean dramas, Japanese dramas...

so yea, there're a lot of languages they're exposed to now

That's good's very important for them to learn because, like her family? They can't speak English at all


the communication is very important so..

have you brought them back to Taiwan yet?

((Mandarin)) Actually, we went back last year in December to see the family

They're identical, right?

Yea, but...

((Mandarin)) I'm with them everytime most of the time so they don't really look that much alike to me

That will be $12.50, please. And he will be out shortly.

Oh, OK

((Vietnamese)) Thanks.

Thank you

((Mandarin)) Yea, I'm with them everyday so they don't look that much alike

I'm with them everyday so they don't look that identical to me

((Vietnamese)) Are you Vietnamese?

((Vietnamese)) Yes, I'm Vietnamese. I'm from Saigon

Born in Saigon

((Vietnamese)) Oh really?

Wow, man you speak with a Southern accent. You must have a girlfriend or something

((Vietnamese)) I'm already married, but my wife is Chinese

((Vietnamese)) Vietnamese?


((Vietnamese)) My wife is Chinese

((Vietnamese)) Chinese?

and you speak Vietnamese? Wow

((Vietnamese))Just a little bit though..

You're doing good, but you have a Southern accent

((Vietnamese)) No, Northern accent

((Vietnamese)) Northern accent?

Well, you're doing good!

No, you have a Southern accent

So have you ever lived in Vietnam?

((Vietnamese)) Not yet

((Vietnamese)) Not yet?

Wow, you're doing good for not having lived in Vietnam

((Vietnamese)) I want to go to Vietnam in order to understand this country


Yea, you've been to the wrong places, man like Laotian, Cambodian etc ((Restaurants))

Taste the food here and you will see the big difference

I was born in Saigon, but you have to have-??-from the North

((Vietnamese)) You speak any other languages?

I speak with a Northern accent because mom and dad were originally from the North.

My mom's from the South.

Same with her mom. Her grandfather is Northern and her grandmother is Southern

((Vietnamese)) Do you speak Chinese?

No, no

((Vietnamese)) Vietnamese and English...

((Vietnamese)) French

((Vietnamese)) French?


((French)) French?

I was educated in the French system.

((French)) You speak French, too?

((French)) Why, yes..


((French)) You speak French?

((French)) Your accent is very good

((French)) Not good yet,but..

((French)) Your accent

Most people speak French with an American accent, but..

((French)) I would like to learn because I love learning languages. I think that languages are very good

((French)) Languages are apart of the culture

When you learn the language and culture, it's beautiful. And the food..beautiful

((French)) Of course

When you go there you say ''Indosheen'' not ''Indoshine'' you know French

If you ask them if they have lamb pho, they'll jump up and down. That's not Vietnamese. That Laotian

They haven't been to Vietnam lately. Vietnam now has a lot of lamb. If you know the history of Vietnam

I came here in 75

((French)) Interesting.

((French)) I want to come here with my wife and kids

((French))You have children? two?

((French)) Two

Very interesting

Yea, we're very different, kind of Vietnamese, you know, so..

You will see. Most Vietnamese restaurants around here are Laotian, Chinese, Korean.

back here is Cambodian so..oh yea..You'll taste a big difference. Taste it then you will see.

((French)) OK

So..what side of town you live on?


Easton? Yea, you will see the difference. Indochine is not even Vietnamese. The guy is Laotian.

So his food is very sweet, know

((Vietnamese)) Really

Yea, so..we're very different here.

((Vietnamese)) What's your name?

((Vietnamese)) My name is Thang

And yours?

((Vietnamese)) My name is mouse

((Vietnamese)) Mouse?

((Vietnamese)) My nickname..

((Vietnamese)) Nickname?

((French)) Mouse

Oh mouse, yea

((Vietnamese)) Just a nickname

OK, then you must have many Vietnamese friends

((Vietnamese)) No, I don't have many

((Vietnamese)) No friends?

So, where did you learn the language?

((Vietnamese)) I'm learning and home, because I have many books


Very interesting

((Vietnamese)) I can use the speak in order to understand about this country


Very interesting. Next is the food. After the language.

((Vietnamese)) Food? ''To eat food''

((Vietnamese)) Food

No Thuc an means food, but Thuc pham means ((French)) ''Food''

I don't make Pho like everybody else

So, you will see

((French)) Nice to meet you!

((French)) Nice to meet you!

((French)) See you again next time..mouse..

Nice to meet you

((Mandarin)) Nice to meet you

Oh she's Chinese. You're from Hong Kong?

No, I was born in Taiwan

Oh, born in Taiwan so she's Taiwanese. So you speak Mandarin, isn't it?


So you speak Mandarin too?

Oh, very talented. For self-taught, that's very good, man

((French)) Your French is very good. Your accent.

Most Americans, when they speak's...

((French)) Very bad?

((French)) Very bad

So, your accent is OK. The first thing you want to find out is the accent.

The rest you don't expect much because..that's a foreign language

Accent is very important, especially French, man

He's funny lol

When you go to France,Paris,when you speak French to them, they don't want to talk to you if you have an accent

The French, they're very very....

So, you're not interested in Chinese?

Oh yea, I'm interested. It's finding the time

The time

I'll get there eventually

You know, you should try..I don't know if you've heard of it or not..

have you ever heard of Chinesepod?


It's really..If you go to, they have a lot of good content that you can use

Like, I'll show you, for example...

this is just MP3

See they have the uh..

English and the Chinese

This is more advance, but they have the beginner stuff as well for you

That's cool. Yea, I'll check that out

and it's easy because, if you're busy, all you would need to do is listen to it and you'll pick it up quickly

and then she can speak some to you..

that would be good. I would like that because her parents speak some English, but..

Yea, I know...

have you been over there?

Yea, I've been over there twice ''Actually three times''

It's fun isn't it

Yea, I love it there. I can see myself living there

When we go over there, they speak more Taiwanese than Mandarin

Like at home, so when we I first went there, of course they spoke Mandarin with me

but when you're sitting around listening to everyone speak, it's all Taiwanese

right, right

so it's like ooh...

so I started taking Taiwanese more serious. I'm not as good with it as I am with Cantonese or Mandarin

but, I'm picking up a lot

I have some friends who're learning Mandarin, because there's a bible study that they're having

because there're so many Mandarin speaking people in the area

Oh yea So they learn and help out during bible study

yea, most definitely

it's cool

so, like I said, if you're busy, all you would need to do is listen to it..

when you listen to's just like a child


when we were children, we just listened to the language, then eventually piece things together


next thing you know, you're putting sentences together than you're like ''wait, how did this happen?''

what's your name?


Moses. Or my Chinese name is ''Mouse''


Nice to meet you

I'm Helen

Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you. You guys take care.

You have a good one

you too, take care

Thank you!

Thanks. Bye.

Look at that Malaysian and Singapore food

((Phone)) Yea, we'll see. It's pretty interesting to know.

((Phone)) Yea. Huh? Oh, I don't know yet. I'm going to look at the menu first.

((Phone)) Huh? Oh, I don't know. This is actually my first time. Give me about 10 or 15 minutes then I'll be back there.

((Phone)) I'm going to take some time and look at the menu. Alright. Alright, bye.

What would you recommend? What's the best?

All of these pictures are our good stuff

So everything's good?


OK. Let's see. I'll try...

If this your first time, you can try our specialty

Is it spicy?

Do you like spicy?


I can make it spicy. It's this one.

oh, ok

it's $7.50

OK, let's go with that one

It comes with BBQ pork, Chinese sausage and some vegetables in it

is it possible to just get chicken?


Chicken. No pork, right?


It will be $7.50. So..we have a 75 cents charge?

That's fine

that will be $7.75



would you like a credit card receipt?

No, that's fine.


OK, thank you. It will be ready in 10 minutes

OK. I'll hang out.

Yes, so feel free to take a seat


I'm about to level up

I didn't even know this place was here. I was doing some searching for like different restaurants.

Like Malaysia Singapore and this one came up..This is the only Malaysian and Singapore restaurant here?

I think so, yep.


So, this is the only one in Columbus, I think


So, you're from Singapore?

Yea, the chef and everybody else is from Malaysia

((Indonesian)) How are you?

((Indonesian)) Do you speak Malaysian, too?

I don't know. Maybe I can get someone for you

I don't speak Malaysian.

Are you from Singapore?


((Indonesian)) I'm American, but I'm studying other languages.

I don't know at all..

Oh, so what languages do you speak?

I speak Cantonese..


((Cantonese)) I speak Cantonese, too

((Cantonese)) You speak Cantonese?

((Cantonese)) So, I can practice my Cantonese with you

Oh, OK

((Cantonese)) If you want, we can chat

((Cantonese)) So you lived in Malaysia or something?

((Cantonese)) No, I'm just living here and an American who really likes to learn other languages

((Cantonese)) How many languages can you speak?

((Cantonese)) Too many lol.

((Cantonese)) Perhaps around 50..but all of the languages I'm do you say it..

((Cantonese))Not very fluent

((Cantonese)) Do you know how to speak Mandarin?

((Cantonese)) Yes, I can

((Cantonese)) I can speak both Mandarin and Cantonese

((Cantonese)) In fact, my Mandarin may be better than my Cantonese because I know more words

((Mandarin)) I can also speak Mandarin

((Mandarin)) I can speak it too. There aren't that many restaurants in this city that have many Cantonese speakers

((Mandarin)) That's correct

((Mandarin)) There are very few Cantonese people

((Mandarin)) There are mostly people who are from Fuzhou living here. Opened up Fuzhou restaurants..

((Mandarin)) Also many Chinese students.Therefore, there're more Mandarin speakers

((Cantonese)) That's right.There are more..

((Cantonese)) So this is a very special occassion because I can speak Cantonese

((Cantonese)) Actually, my wife is from Taiwan so, of course when I'm at home I can practice Mandarin with her

((Cantonese)) But Cantonese, she doesn't know how to speak it

((Cantonese)) Your Cantonese is very good

((Cantonese)) Really?

((Cantonese)) Yes,I understand you well

((Cantonese)) You understand..

((Cantonese)) Have you ever eaten that before?

((Cantonese)) No, I haven't

((Cantonese)) This is a famous name in Singapore

((Cantonese)) Really?

((Cantonese)) Yes

((Cantonese)) Are there any others that're very delicious?

((Cantonese)) This is the most delicious?

((Cantonese)) This is quite good. Next time you gotta try this one..and this one..

((Cantonese)) Maybe I'll try this one

((Cantonese)) This one's not bad

((Cantonese)) Perhaps next time, I'll come with my wife and try it

((Cantonese)) At that time, we can try this one and maybe some other things..


((Cantonese)) Hello, hello

((Cantonese)) Hello

((Cantonese)) I'm learning Cantonese

((Cantonese)) You're learning Cantonese?

((Cantonese)) Yes, yes

((Cantonese)) How are you guys today?

Ok, ok. Do you have a camera?

((Cantonese)) No, this is my phone

Oh, I thought you had a camera

((Cantonese)) So where are you from?

((Cantonese)) I'm fron Canton

((Cantonese)) What's your name?

((Cantonese)) What's my name?

((Cantonese)) Guan

((Cantonese)) My name is Moses or Mouse which is my nickname

((Cantonese)) Oh, your nickname,eh

((Cantonese)) I'm happy to chat with you in Cantonese

((Cantonese)) Who taught you? School?

((Cantonese)) At home. I'm self-taught

((Cantonese)) So, I think this is a special occassion..

((Cantonese)) You're trying to pick up Hong Kong girls, eh?


((Cantonese)) She speaks too?

((Cantonese)) No, she speaks Mandarin

((Cantonese)) Mandarin?

((Cantonese)) Yes

((Mandarin)) I also speak Mandarin

((Mandarin)) Oh you speak Mandarin, too?

((Mandarin)) Yes, I can speak Mandarin and Cantonese

((Mandarin)) How long have you studied it for?

((Mandarin)) I've studied Mandarin already for a long time. Maybe 10 years..

((Mandarin)) Which one do you speak better, Cantonese or Mandarin?

((Cantonese)) Well, this is tough to say..

((Cantonese)) Chopsticks? **I said it in Japanese by mistake** lol

((Mandarin)) Chopsticks?

((Mandarin)) Oh, chopsticks

((Cantonese)) You don't use the spoon or fork?

((Cantonese)) I do..When I'm at home I often use chopsticks

((Cantonese)) You know how to speak Malay?

((Cantonese)) Yes, I can

Do you speak Hakka?

((Cantonese)) I don't know that one lol

((Malay)) How are you?

((Malay/Indonesian)) I'm good, thanks.You?

((Malay/Indonesian)) Same here

((Malay/Indonesian)) Actually, I learn Indonesian because I have many books in the language

((Malay)) Oh, you learn from the book?

((Indonesian)) Yep, in Indonesian

((Indonesian)) I like to study many languages


((Cantonese)) Yep


((Indonesian)) Yep, I can

((Indonesian)) And you?


((Indonesian)) Just...Indonesian..

((Indonesian)) Malaysian, English and what else?

Hakka, Cantonese, Mandarin...

((Indonesian)) That's cool!


((Indonesian)) Do you know this word? Maybe it's just Indonesian and not Malaysian

It means cool

((Indonesian)) The indonesians always use this word

You're the best

Are you an interpreter or no?

((Cantonese)) No. I'm a language teacher. Teaching other languages.

((Cantonese)) For example, if you want to begin learning another languages, I can help you with it ((Cantonese)) This is my job

((Cantonese)) Oh this...

Wait a minute..oops

((Mandarin)) Mandarin, Mandarin...What was your question? You just asked me something

((Mandarin)) Which is better, your Mandarin or Cantonese?

((Mandarin)) As far as this aspect, it's hard to say.

((Mandarin)) In the aspect of pronunciation/Accent I would say my Cantonese is better

((Mandarin)) He just told me that your Cantonese is very good. That it's very accurate

((Mandarin)) Whever I speak **Cantonese**with Chinese people, many of them say that I sound like a Canton person

((Mandarin)) But, my Mandarin isn't good in that way

((Mandarin)) But your Mandarin isn't bad either

((Mandarin)) Which part of China are you from?

((Mandarin)) I'm from Beijing

((Mandarin)) Oh, the capital of China.

(((Mandarin)) Yea

((Mandarin)) **Beijing Dialect**Male buddy...female buddy

((Mandarin)) Oh speak Bejing language

((Cantonese)) Do you guys always come to this restaurant?

((Cantonese)) This restaurant?

((Cantonese)) I live around here

Oh, OK

((Cantonese)) What do you do?

((Cantonese)) What do you think I do

((Cantonese)) I mean, are you studying at the university or?

((Cantonese)) I'm working

((Cantonese)) What type of work?

((Cantonese)) I opened a restaurant

((Cantonese)) Oh, that's a good thing

((Cantonese)) You study at OSU?

((Cantonese)) Not now

You can study linguistics at the university

((Cantonese)) I don't have any interest. That's not the same..

((Cantonese)) Linguistics is do you say..linguistics only teaches you...

((Mandarin)) It's the science aspect of the language, you know?

((Cantonese)) How do you say science in Cantonese?

''FO HOK''

((Cantonese)) Yes, the science aspect

((Cantonese)) I'm not interested

((Cantonese)) You're not interested, eh

((Cantonese)) How many languages to you speak?

((Cantonese)) This is my secret.

((Mandarin)) This is my secret

((Cantonese)) I can't tell you!

((Spanish)) Do you speak Spanish?

((Spanish)) Yes. You speak Spanish too?

((Spanish)) A little bit

((Spanish)) A little bit?

((Spanish)) Yes

((Spanish)) Well in that case, we can speak it right now

((Cantonese)) I don't get that lol

((Cantonese)) Do you speak Teochow language?

((Cantonese)) Do I speak what?

Do you speak Teocheow?


((Cantonese)) Oh, that one. I don't..


((Cantonese)) I don't..Sorry...

((Cantonese)) When you study a languae, how do you go about doing it? What's the best way to progress?

((Cantonese)) You mean??

((Cantonese)) I mean, when you go about studying, how do you do it?

((Cantonese)) How I go about doing it?

((Mandarin)) It's a bit of a long story..

You search google?

((Cantonese)) When I start on a language the first thing I do is...

((Cantonese)) The first thing I like to do is buy books, then have to find the people who speak the language.

((Cantonese)) I use the computer..go to this way..


((Cantonese)) Finding opportunities to practice

((Cantonese)) You know there are other languages ''Dialects''besides Cantonese. Do you know any of them?

((Cantonese)) Others? I don't understand your question

((Cantonese)) You don't understand?

((Cantonese)) You know, there are other languages besides Cantonese in the city..

((Cantonese)) You mean dialects?

The slang?


((Mandarin)) Oh, the dialects?

Yea, do you know any dialects?

((Cantonese)) No, I don't. Cantonese, Mandarin, a bit of..Taiwanese..My wife is from Taiwan so I can speak a bit of Taiwanese


((Cantonese)) A little bit


((Cantonese)) Do you speak English well?

((Cantonese)) I mean, is your English good?

((Cantonese)) Oh, my English? Of course...lolol I'm American..

((Cantonese)) If you talk like this other people will think you're mixed

((Mandarin)) Mix them together?

((Cantonese)) Yea

((Cantonese)) Your Cantonese accent is more close to Hong Kong

((Cantonese)) Oh, really?

((Cantonese)) You used books to learn Cantonese?

((Cantonese)) Yea. Through self study, reading books...


((Cantonese)) I use...Let me show you

((Cantonese)) He's awesome

((Cantonese)) This is Mandarin

((Cantonese)) I don't have any Cantonese right now

((Cantonese)) Hey mouse, can you write Chinese?

((Cantonese)) Yea, I know how to write

((Cantonese)) I can write both traditional and simplified characters

((Cantonese)) I can too

((Cantonese)) Well, of course. You're Chinese lolol

((Cantonese)) Can you read those words over there?

((Cantonese)) Yep

((Cantonese)) Southern style snacks?

((Cantonese)) Awesome

((Cantonese)) Do you have any other questions?

((Cantonese)) No questions

((Cantonese)) None

((Mandarin)) Do you have any other questions?

((Cantonese)) Any tips to give me??

((Cantonese)) I don't understand...

((Cantonese)) In the aspect of language?

((Cantonese)) You want??

((Cantonese))If you have any questions how should answer them?

((Cantonese)) If you have any questions?

((Cantonese)) Yes.How should you help me?

((Cantonese)) You want me to teach you?

((Cantonese)) No, I don't want to learn a language..

((Cantonese)) Like if I have any question could you answer?

((Cantonese)) Sure....

I'm just joking..

((Cantonese)) Let me eat

((Cantonese)) Go ahead and eat

((Mandarin)) We'll chat again

Nice to meet you

((Mandarin)) What's your name?

((Mandarin)) My name is Wang Lu

Wang lu?

((Mandarin)) Right

((Mandarin)) I'm mouse

((Mandarin)) Mouse?!!??!

((Mandarin)) You know the song ''The mouse likes to eat the rice''

((Cantonese)) I've heard that many times

((Cantonese)) Do you listen or know how to sing the Chineses song?

((Cantonese)) Not so much..

((Cantonese)) Not much?

((Cantonese)) I think you can learn a lot by singing and listening to the music

((Cantonese)) Oh really?

((Cantonese)) Yea, really fast

((Cantonese)) Yea, really fast by singing

((Cantonese)) Listen listen a lot..

((Cantonese)) Perhaps sometimes we can talk since I don't have many friends here that speak Cantonese

((Cantonese)) OK, you can give me a call. My phone number is ********************

((Cantonese)) Is that right?

((Cantonese)) Yes

((Cantonese)) You can teach me English


((Cantonese))Maybe your English is better than my Cantonese

((Cantonese)) No..

((Cantonese)) I want to say that your English is perhaps better than my Cantonese

((Cantonese)) My English is like your Cantonese

((Cantonese)) Call me real quick..

((Cantonese)) Yep,mouse...

I'm a guan

((Cantonese)) Alrighty, I'm going to leave

((Cantonese)) Take care..

Bye bye

((Mandarin)) Take care!

For more infomation >> ''Do you have a specific reason why you want to learn?'' - Duration: 1:59:07.


Managing Water in Soils, What Do South Dakotans Say - Duration: 4:14.


The research we've seen from Dr. Tom, Al Miron and Anthony Bly in the previous

videos strongly supports the idea that no-till and cover crops actually

increase infiltration of water into the soil. But is that research reflected

across South Dakota? Before we find out Dr. Dwayne Beck poses an interesting

rhetorical question and producer Doug Sieck lays out a challenge......

I always used to ask farmers when that came up: "If you get caught in the back 40 in a rainstorm,

do you drive home across the pasture or the plowed field?" and as soon as you ask

that question........

And and you go so well no-till is like a pasture if you're doing no-till right.

It's like a pasture so why are you worried about excess water?

We need to challenge ourselves and quit saying" "it won't work here!" and we need to start

saying to ourselves: "How do I make this work here?"

Now that is some food for thought! Yes and it serves this context for three

simple stories from Vermillion, Selby and Box Elder, South Dakota.

On some of our farms we used to have waterways and our waterways are gone now because our soil

structure is holding there so now where we used to have a ten-foot wide waterway

we now farm through it and there's a little - you feel a little bump with the

planter when you go through it but that's it

and you can come back in the fall and there might be a little bit of dirt had

moved where that waterway was where it used to be a four-foot crater because

now just a six inch divot.

So we started shifting i nto this no-till not because

we're great conservationists, we started shifting into because there was an

economic advantage to doing that we could make more money and then when we

were doing that we started learning that okay here's another benefit that I never

gave any thought to look you know look at how well the water soaking in the

soil here it's it's not that it's not that we're we're just winning because

we're not tilling and losing the moisture we're winning because that

water's soaking in for some reason why that's soaking in and went up to

Burleigh County [ND] and again and they were talking about this aggregate stability

and see in your soil where it would look like cottage cheese once you were doing

things right and I went home and I thought well I I wonder how this is

working what's going on out in my field I'd never really dug in a field with a

shovel and I went out dug down in a field this picked a field at random and

lo and behold there was the cottage cheese structure there and and there

were night crawlers or earthworms anyway crawling around in the soil and I didn't

expect that at all what I was out there doing was trying to conserve moisture

and I didn't realize that I was affecting the soil in a positive way the

actual structure of the soil.

This.... water infiltration into this ground it's

so incredible that you would be amazed after an inch rain that I can be out

here doing some some stuff within you know 24 to 48 hours.

Is that very different to what your neighbors might be doing?

Absolutely, like I say with the high

organic matter and the condition in this ground right now that the neighbors

won't you know they've got some summer fallow that after half-inch rains got

standing water and I haven't got a spot anywhere out here that even holds water.

In the last five videos we've heard from farmers and researchers about the

relationship between tillage and infiltration and it looks like the

message seems to be consistent across the state: no-till and cover crops do

these help or hinder water infiltration and improve soil water management ?

Merit or Myth?

You decide!


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