Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily do Jun 15 2017

It has been way too long since we've seen our friend!

We had a lot of good interaction on our last video on how to get rid of crabgrass.

There was lots of good comments, and questions and I wanted to speak to some of those.

But first let's see how our crabgrass is doing.

The product I used gave it a real good punch in the gut.

Not a lot of green left.

Lots of brown, some shades of purple, but not a lot of green.

So it's dying off.

In the comments of that video people asked me why I didn't just use Glyphosate to really

just wipe it out of this area.

The simplest answer to that question, I've heard a lot of people using the product that

I used for crabgrass control, and I just wanted to try it out and see how it worked.

I think it's done a pretty good job, so, good product!

Another comment, or question really that we got on the last video, asked if we would do

some kind of overview or recap of everything that we've done in the yard so far.

This person said that they've been watching the videos as they've been coming out, but

it would be really helpful if we would just recap all the stuff that we've put down and

when we've done it.

When I first started shooting this series, it was the beginning of fall here in Georgia.

Fall time, here in Georgia, it's kind of a funny thing.

It's either really warm, or it's starting to cool and things are starting to go dormant.

This past year, it was the first part of that statement.

Weather was still pretty warm.

This is when I should have taken the opportunity to do my fist initial pre and post emergent


The first video was all about figuring out where my yard was at, as far as the weeds

that I have, what kind of grass I'm dealing with, and just formulating a game plan, and

putting together a rehab program for my particular needs.

Doing that, opened up my eyes to the fact that I've got a lot of tress on my property

and they're really overgrown and kind of out of control, so that's what the second video

was about, pruning.

Pruning those trees back to open up the yard and get more air flow and sunlight, so that

I have a better chance of getting grass to grow.

After doing some pruning, I busted out the tape measure to figure out how much square

footage of actual lawn I'm going to be tackling.

This is a really smart step to do at the beginning of a rehab program.

Because you want to figure out the actual surface area of the lawn that you're going

to be dealing with, to maximize the product that you're putting in either your sprayers

or your spreaders.

The last thing we want to do is waste or money by putting down too much or too little.

So knowing the square footage, that will tell us how much we have to mix up or put into

our spreader to put into the yard.

And speaking of spreaders and sprayers, that's what the forth episode was about.

I went over the basic tools that you need to tackle a rehab program.

Following that, and this is where I kind of messed up, I did my first initial pre and

post emergent applications to the yard.

What I should have done at this point in the game is what I did in episodes nine and eleven.

Episode nine was dethatching and episode eleven was aerating.

And I should have done those before I put down my pre and post emergents.

And the reason for that is, I put those pre and post emergents down and then later on

is when I dethatched and aerated, thus breaking the protective barrier that I put on the lawn.

I should have done it in reverse.

Should have dethatched and aerated, and then put the pre and post emergent down, so that

those could stay in the yard and really do their job.

Episode six was all about getting soil samples of my yard to take to my extension office.

The extension office, again, for a small fee will take those soil samples that you gathered

out of your yard, they'll do a test on it, and that test will tell you where the pH level

is, where your nitrogen, your phosphorus, and your potassium levels are.

It will also tell you what nutrients are missing from the yard, if there are any.

And they'll recommend what kind of fertilizers that you're going to need going forward.

The next thing that I did after getting my soil samples, was a spot kind of treatment,

to get my weeds under control.

I awaited the allotted time per the product label that I used in my first weed control

application, to do a follow up application to really try and wipe out a lot of the weeds

in my yard.

The next thing that I did was tackle the moss problem that was in the back yard.

The main reason for getting rid of the moss was to prep for fertilizing and more specifically

over seeding the back with a dense shade tall fescue mix.

After hitting the back yard with a power rake to get all that moss out of there, that's

when I took the manual dethatching rake and dethatched the entire yard.

Now at this point in the series, the weather was being really up and down.

It was warm, it was cold, we had a freeze come through.

It was really just kind of chaotic.

So I kind of had to pump the breaks and wait for the weather to get a little bit better,

for the temperatures to get a little bit warmer before I could move forward.

And it worked I bought myself some time, the temperatures started to climb after that last

frost, and I started to notice some growth happening in the yard.

Once the weather got nice enough, I was able to bust out the core aeration machine for

episode eleven and aerate the entire yard.

The day I aerated, I also fertilized and over seeded, but I made separate videos for each

one of those steps.

So in one day, I aerated, I fertilized the front and over seeded the back.

Three videos in one day.

That was a long day!

Having shot those three videos in one day, this bought me some time.

Because we release these videos every week, I was able to just kind of back off the yard

for three weeks, and let it sit and kind of do what it needed to do to bounce out of the

winter and going into spring.

That pushes us to episode 14, my Poa Annua problem!

Episode 14, we're now getting into spring time, and the yard was starting to come back

to life.

Or so I thought.

Like I explain in episode 14, a lot of the grass that I saw, was actually Annual Bluegrass

or otherwise known as Poa Annua, so that's what I tackled there.

I tackled getting rid of the Poa Annua out of my yard, so that the Bermuda could pop

up and thrive.

After that, we talked about watering the lawn in episode 15.

Following our watering episode, we talked about general maintenance tips in episode


More specifically talked about good mowing practices.

And after that, we talked about doing preventive fungicide applications; so that we don't get

a disease setting into our yard.

And because I live here in Georgia, everything that I've done so far applies to warm season


So, we wanted to do something for all of our friendly folks up north, so we covered our

lawn care guides for episode 18.

In the lawn care guides episode, we went over the cool and warm season maintenance calendars.

We also talked about the different grass types that you'll find in the cool, warm and even

transitional zones of the United States.

We also talked about the five most common weeds, pests, and disease that you find in

the lawn.

Which brings us to the last episode on how to get rid of crabgrass.

We talked about what crab grass was, the best ways to knock it out of your yard, the products

that you could use, and then I used a post emergent to spray the area where I got a lot

of crab grass growing to help knock it out of my yard.

So, short story long, that's everything I've done to get my yard where it's at right now!

And again, I cannot stress this enough, what I've done for my yard is most likely going

to be different for your yard.

It's not a one size fits all program.

I've preached it in a couple of different videos.

You have to factor in weather conditions, the region you live in, the climate, the type

of grass you're dealing with, the weeds you're dealing with, your soil type, all of that

stuff plays into what kind of rehab program you're going to take on to fix your yard.

Now I know that was probably pretty hard to follow, so, in the description box below,

I'll list out what I did for each episode, and any kind of products I used for that episode.

Going forward, we still have a lot of work to do.

Like this problem!

One of these days, the jungle will be no more.

I have plans on making videos on how to tackle that back portion of the yard, aka, the jungle!

We cannot thank you enough for following along with us, and learning what it takes to do

your own lawn care!

It's really satisfying for us to get phone calls of people saying that the series has

really helped them out, that it's saved the money, and that they've empowered themselves

to take care of their own lawn.

If you have any other further questions, leave them in the comments section below like you

have been doing, you can email our customer service staff or pick up the phone and give

them a call!

I hope you'll continue to follow along with us, please subscribe to our channel by clicking

this button, you can click this playlist to see all of those videos that we've recapped,

and you can click this playlist to see our Do My Own Gardening series where we're learning

how to grow a tomato garden!

And as always, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Do My Own Lawn Care - Lawn Care Recap - Ep20 - Duration: 9:13.


AVE PRESA EM ÂMBAR DO CRETÁCEO ~ 100 MILHÕES de anos - BN#20 - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> AVE PRESA EM ÂMBAR DO CRETÁCEO ~ 100 MILHÕES de anos - BN#20 - Duration: 1:47.


How to do a perineal massage - Duration: 2:18.

how to do perineal massage step by step

How to do a perineal massage

cut your fingernails short so that they can't scratch you the tissues in your

vagina and perineum are very delicate cutting your nails short will prevent

tearing the skin or discomfort of the body note this is very important for you

wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water you don't want to introduce germs

into the birth canal so be sure to properly wash you hands before you begin

here's a lubricant you will need to lubricate your thumbs and the perineum

tissues with a water-soluble lubricant the best lubricants to use our vitamin E

oil almond oil or olive oil place your thumbs about one inch inside your vagina

rest your fingers on your buttocks press down towards the anus into the sides of

the vaginal wall hold your thumbs in this position for about one minute you

will begin to feel a slight burning or stretching sensation gently massage the

lower half of your vagina use a u-shaped movement by going back and forth and up

and down try to relax your muscles while you are performing the massage perform

this motion for two to three minutes

repeat the massage by the end you should spend about 15 minutes on the massage it

may take up to several weeks of this daily massage before you notice that

your perineal area has more elasticity

For more infomation >> How to do a perineal massage - Duration: 2:18.


Pose Tips - What to do with your hands on your photos - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Pose Tips - What to do with your hands on your photos - Duration: 4:19.


[Vietsub CC] Lí Do cam - PD 101 - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> [Vietsub CC] Lí Do cam - PD 101 - Duration: 4:45.


High Society || How Do You Love Someone - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> High Society || How Do You Love Someone - Duration: 1:15.



For more infomation >> 🔴 CANTO DO GOLINHA 30 MINUTOS PARA ENSINAR E ESQUENTAR - Duration: 31:20.


Conheçam o Amadeu Neves do Cirque du Soleil. Um boss. - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Conheçam o Amadeu Neves do Cirque du Soleil. Um boss. - Duration: 6:46.


5 Things Narcissists Do To Be The Center of Attention - Duration: 2:43.

Chances are, you have come in contact with a narcissist in your lifetime.

They are people who want to always be the center of attention.

They love talking about themselves.

They feel that they are superior to most people.

Now, all this self-love comes with a price.

A narcissist will project their own insecurities and unworthiness to those around them.

One particular trait of a narcissist is the desire to be the center of attention at all


In this video, we will discuss behaviors that narcissists exhibit in order to become the

center of attention.


Constant Blaming

Narcissists like to change your attention towards something against you in order to

put you into defensive mode.

They will question you and will focus on all of your faults, real or not.

This will cause you to defend yourself while they continue to tell you that you are wrong.

Then, they will tell you that you created those problems in the relationship and not

accept any responsibility for their own actions.


Reverse Projection

A narcissist has the ability to twist words and change a conversation around to make you

feel as though you have done something wrong.

They then somehow magically make themselves a victim in your conversation.

You will begin to feel responsible for the narcissist's behaviors.

But, this is just they want.

They want to be in control of you and your emotions.


Playing The Victim

Narcissists love to play victim, since they will get attention and undeserving pity from

the masses.

However, narcissists usually steal this from a true victim, who is actually deserving of

well wishes and good will from others.


Shock and Awe

Many times, narcissists do not demonstrate vocal or physical behaviors, such as anger

and rage.

However, this does happen and it is to bully you into giving up.

The intent of this tactic is to confuse and intimidate the victim.

Narcissists want their victims in a weakened state as then they can better control them.



Narcissists want to be the center of attention, all the time.

If the topic of the room does not involve them, they will quickly change the topic to

insert themselves back into the conversation.

If someone tries to halt the narcissist in this, they will neutralize this person and

silence them.

Have you ever been in contact with a narcissist?

Do any of these ring true for you?

Let us know in our comment section.

For more infomation >> 5 Things Narcissists Do To Be The Center of Attention - Duration: 2:43.


How to do A Kettlebell High Pull - Duration: 1:54.

So here's the high pull...

The high pull

The kettlebell is the clean..

It's not going to come too much forward like the swing.

Instead, it's going to come up to the top of my chest.

We're going to do this yanking motion

With our elbow

As if..

We're going to hit something behind us.

The kettlebell needs to be projecting- the bottom of the kettlebell- facing that way

Towards the front

If you're doing this..

You're using your deltoids and you're not generating enough power with your hips.

So again..

Let me show you the movement.

As you can see the kettlebell is right next to my ear. Right next to my head.

I'm yanking my elbow back,

I'm...exhale as I produce force. Inhale..

I control force as it goes down..

You're going to absorb that force on the way down.

And produce it again

Don't let gravity just bring you down.

Don't let the kettlebell travel too close to the ground.

Don't do this...look.

Don't go too close to the ground.

Don't let it drop. not safe for your back ok?

Now...let me show you from the side view.

Here we go. Athletic position.

Toss it behind you.

Root yourself into the ground.

Squeeze your butt.

Nice hip snap.

The you do that..

You're moving the kettlebell up here in this direction.

Pretend there is a wall to you.

And you don't want to hit that wall.

So you want to bring it close to your body.

You don't want to do this..

You don't want to do this

The bottom of the kettlebell needs to be projecting that way. Not facing down

For more infomation >> How to do A Kettlebell High Pull - Duration: 1:54.


Thing you do wrong while eating the oreo with cappuccino - Duration: 2:01.

Hey guys, before we start the video

if you want subtiles click on this

and then click on your language

it's just for subtitle

and... yeah... let's start

ahh...!!! good day every one and welcome to this video

and in this video i wanna how you thing you do wrong with cappuccino and OREO !

we are using PorLeo 'cause we don't have oreo

so PorLeo it's look like leo...

um.. um.. i mean it's look like the oreo

so YEAH !!

What you do is

that's what you do

and it's wrong way !!

so what you should do is

the best way you would do

you need first a fork

and you need to put the fork in the middle of this

and this is the right way

so this is the video for today in hope it useful and if it please leave a like and subscribe to my channel,

and i'll see you in the next video love you all bye !!

For more infomation >> Thing you do wrong while eating the oreo with cappuccino - Duration: 2:01.


What Do We Drive?: Tyler's EcoDiesel - Duration: 1:27.

Hey guys, Tyler here at Diesel Power Products.

Today we're going over my personal rig, which

is a 2014 Ram 1500 EcoDiesel, starting off

with some of the performance mods we've got done to it.

Just some basic things here.

We've got PPEI ECM tuning.

We've also got an S&B cold air intake and a sprint booster.

And then on the front of the truck

here, as far as visual updates, we've got--

I'm doing my best to block this thing out,

there's too much chrome on it--

started out with the factory black Mopar bumper,

factory black headlights.

Baja Designs Squadron Sports.

We've got the wide cornerning down low

and the combo spot up top.

Moving down the truck here, we've

got Method race wheels, the NVs 17 by 8 and 1/2,

got those wrapped up in a Nitto Terra Grappler G2 35x1250.

We've got Fox 2.5 Factory Coil-Over replacements

in it, Remote Reservoir Factory Coil-Overs.

We've got the matching shocks in the back, Flo Pro

intermediate pipe.

And then we've got the MBRP side exit,

the dual side exit exhaust for your DPF back.

That pretty much sums it up.

If you're looking to get some parts for your EcoDiesel

or any other diesel truck, don't forget to hit us up,

For more infomation >> What Do We Drive?: Tyler's EcoDiesel - Duration: 1:27.


Things Women Do That Men Hate - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Things Women Do That Men Hate - Duration: 3:58.


Alerta sobre o uso do lápis de olho - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Alerta sobre o uso do lápis de olho - Duration: 1:57.


What to Do When Clients Think Your Price is "Too Expensive" - Duration: 4:15.

Has this never happened to you? you hear from a client that is so excited to work

with you but the second you tell them your price all use your back is it you

are too expensive. What do you do? stay tuned and find out! Hey guys and welcome

if you're new to me I'm Kristin Kaplan and I help small business owners make

more money in less time as a pricing and productivity strategist today we are

talking about what to do if you are constantly hearing from clients that you

are too expensive now there are a few reasons that this might be happening but

essentially it all comes back to value if you are not showing your clients or

customers the value of what you provide they are never going to pay for it so

let's go through my four reasons that you might be hearing the you are too

expensive first you might be targeting the wrong clients if you are trying to

sell a premium service to someone who is looking for an affordable or budget

option they're never going to pay for it that's like trying to sell a BMW to

someone looking for the most affordable car you have to be sure that you are

reaching the ideal audience for your product or service and that the audience

that you're targeting can actually afford it next you might not be solving

a big enough problem honestly the bigger the problem and the bigger the need that

you're fulfilling and you're solving the more money people will pay for it now of

course everybody has different needs everybody has different priorities of

what they want to spend money on but you need to make sure that the audience and

the client that you're targeting has a very specific need for what you are

offering I've got a kind of gross example for this one so a couple of

years ago for the first time ever I saw an actual bug in my child's hair yes no

parent ever wants to deal with the whole lice situation but of course it happened

to us and it was terrible now in that moment I had a huge problem I had to get

the lice out of my house as quickly as possible and at that moment I was pretty

much willing to pay any amount of money to make that possible, so you see with a big need

like that the cost was going to go up and I actually did spend a ridiculous

amount of money having someone come to our house I think it was a Saturday and

comb lice out of my child's hair and show me everything I need to know and it was

worth it I probably do it again honestly the third reason that you might

be hearing that you are too expensive is that you're not selling the benefits of

your service you are selling the features and what this means is everyone

when they first you know send out information to a potential client they

have this laundry list of things that they provide but what they're not

focusing on is the end result how was your client going to feel at the end of

working with you what is that end result that they are going to get and it's not

always you know the number of hours that you're giving them or specific items or

products that you're giving them it's that end benefit that's where the real

value is so make sure that when you are communicating to your client about your

services and what your price is that you are selling that end goal and that

benefit and not just a laundry list of features and things that you're going to

be giving them and the last reason that you might be hearing that you are too

expensive is that you haven't created scarcity you need to make sure that your

client believes that you are the only one that can solve their problem because

if there's somebody else that can solve that problems equally well and for less

money guess what they're going to go with that

person so you need to convince them that you are the only possible person for

them and that they have to have you over anyone else when that happens price no

longer becomes an issue and there you have it make sure that if you haven't

signed up for my 3 day mini course that you go check that out it's over on my website I go through the six most common pricing mistakes that

creative business owners make if you like this video give it a thumbs up

and I'd love for you to subscribe to my channel

I'll talk to you soon!

For more infomation >> What to Do When Clients Think Your Price is "Too Expensive" - Duration: 4:15.


How do I - Use Networking and Webservices - Duration: 9:50.

In this short video I'll cover some core concepts of networking and webservices on

mobile devices and Codename OneFirst and most importantly for those of you coming from the

desktop or server world, this might not be a shock that network on mobile devices is


However, the extent of this is sometimes surprising to developers who are new to mobile.

That's why many low level networking strategies are discouraged on mobile devices.

Another big surprise for developers is that Apple literally blocks HTTP on their devices

unless you have a really good excuse.

If you will try to connect to HTTP from an app that doesn't explicitly enable that

the connection will just fail.

You need to use HTTPS or ask for a special permission, notice that if you ask for that

permission and don't have a good enough reason your app will be rejected from the


Sockets are usable on mobile devices but they are flaky and hard to use across NATs and


We only got server sockets working reliably on Android, they are possible on iOS but they

are pretty different there.As a solution of sort to some of those issues websockets have

risen in recent years and are shaping up to be a very interesting midrange option.

The most common networking API in Codename One is Connection request which is paired

with the network manager.

It's inspired by JavaScripts asynchronous networking but tries to provide more low level


The connection request API was developed with a goal of extreme portability and best practices


It's seamlessly threaded and can automatically work with the EDT as a synchronous or asynchronous


We also have some support for the URL class which helps port Java SE code to Codename


It doesn't use the network manager API and goes directly to the low level API's.

As a result you need to take care of threads yourself and might need to work thru some

low level differences in behavior between platforms.

We have two socket implementations, one is builtin to Codename One and works asynchronously

thru a callback.

The other was implemented as a cn1lib and is a lower level API that works directly with

the streams.

Sockets are inherently very low level and are an advanced API to use.

Web sockets serve as a middle of the road approach.

They are implemented as a cn1lib as well but use a simplified asynchronous callback API.

Since common servers already support websockets, the server side should be a breeze.

They are relatively easy to work with and allow sending messages back and forth from

the server.

Before we go to the code notice that in order to use this code you will need to import the

CN class statics.

Creating a hello world get request is as simple as adding a new connection request to the


Notice that the second argument indicates that we are making a GET request and not a

POST request which is the default.

Also notice that the request is asynchronous so it might not have completed after the addToQueue


So how do we get the actual data from the URL?

There are 3 options…

First we can override read response and read the stream directly.

This is arguably the best approach as we will only read the data once.

Read response is invoked on the network thread so make sure not to change the UI from that


That is a good thing though as all your processing won't block the event dispatch thread and

won't slow the app noticeably.

The second option uses a response listener to get the result from the connection request.

Notice that a response listener occurs on the event dispatch thread so this will slow

down execution slightly but you will be able to make changes to the UI directly so the

code will be simpler.

The same is true about the last and arguably simplest option.

When you use addToQueueAndWait instead of addToQueue the current thread is blocked using

invokeAndBlock and we can then extract the data.

This is pretty convenient for simple requests and we use that often for those cases.

The builtin sockets use an asynchronous API where the callback method is invoked once

connection to the server is established.

At that point you will have a thread with two streams and you can just read or write

from the streams as you see fit.

Web sockets are easier, you just receive messages and can send them using the web socket API.

Notice that you shouldn't send any message before onOpen was invoked as you might fail


Web sockets are excellent for API's like chat where a server might trigger a message

to a device without the device making a request.

This is far more efficient than approaches such as polling which can result in serious

battery drain and low performance.

I've mentioned URL before and indeed you can use the Codename One URL to port existing

code but this also begs the question: why not use URL instead of connection request?

Threading is hard would be the first and obvious answer.

This is especially true on devices where QA needs to go far and wide

Connection request has some builtin capabilities that bind directly to the EDT for instance

addToQueueAndWait, progress indicator etc.

URL is inherently less portable since it is low level and might expose platform behaviors

that you don't expect a common example is different redirection behavior on 302 for

the various OS's.

Webservices can be implemented in many ways in Codename One, a common approach is the

webservice wizard detailed in the developer guide.

It generates method calls that map to server code and allow us to generate a remote function

invocation on the server.

You can use connection request to invoke rest API's from the client

You can use one of the 3rd party or builtin API's to connect we have some great API's

such as the REST api that lets you invoke server code with almost no effort

You can use the builtin JSON and XML parsers as well as the Result class for xpath expression

style parsing.

You can also use some of the 3rd party parsers for JSON and XML in the cn1lib section

Here is a sample rest request from the kitchen sink, you will notice that there isn't much

here, we just parse the data and pass it on based on the response

We've ported that older kitchen sink code to use the new Rest API and this code is even


It removes the need for additional classes and can be chained to generate a short expression.

We just get a result as a parsed map we can work with, which is very convenient.

This API also has an asynchronous version which is similarly convenient

Thanks for watching, I hope you found this helpful

For more infomation >> How do I - Use Networking and Webservices - Duration: 9:50.


Do You Know What Hibiscus Is? Here'S Why The Plant Is So Beneficial For Our Health! - Duration: 2:51.




Hibiscus is a plant which grows in tropical climates and is ornamental in nature.

However, it has numerous health benefits as well.

It contains many essential nutrients and is a great remedy for the circulatory system.

Hibiscus is rich in vitamins A, B1, C and E and minerals such as phosphorus, iron and


The vitamin C is especially beneficial for our health – it can strengthen our immune

system, fight infections, boost digestion and prevent premature aging.


High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and should

be treated on time.

Luckily, hibiscus can reduce the blood pressure and the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases.

According to studies, hibiscus tea can prevent the development of high blood pressure and

reduce up to 35% of the bad (LDL) cholesterol in your blood.

The studies have shown that it can reduce the level of triglycerides by 19% with regular

consumption in less than a year.


Hibiscus tea has a soothing effect on the nervous system and can significantly reduce

the symptoms of anxiety and depression.


One of the main benefits of hibiscus is its ability to boost the metabolism promote weight


It is a powerful diuretic which can prevent fluid retention in the body and eliminate

toxins from the blood


Studies have shown that hibiscus tea can also regulate the blood sugar levels and prevent


The tea works by reducing the activity of the alpha-glucosidase enzyme in the gut and

preventing its passage to the blood.

This results in lower glucose levels and reduced risk of diabetes.

And, the benefits of hibiscus tea don't stop there!

The tea has shown that it can relieve flu-like symptoms, skin disorders, insomnia and night

blindness, while also reinforcing the bones and teeth.

Finally, the tea can fight respiratory infections, fatigue and anemia.

Here's how to prepare hibiscus tea:


1 l. of boiling water 1 l. of cold water

50 gr. of hibiscus flowers Honey to taste


Boil a liter of water in a pot and put the flowers in, then simmer the tea for a while

before allowing it to cool down a bit.

Now, pour the warm tea in a liter of cold water and add some honey to taste.

Drink 2 cups of the tea a day before your breakfast and dinner and you will surely improve

your overall health!

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