Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily what Jun 15 2017

lulu: -king god

susan: *laughing like a white girl*

ren: i need a drink

lulu: *sighs*

susan: *once again, laughing like a white girl* what's wrong lulu

lulu: nothing. Nothings wrong

susan: what's wrong?

lulu: Oh nothing

susan: *laughing* is there something wrong

susan: you seem kinda distressed. lulu: no there's nothing-

lulu: there's nothing wrong. i don't know why you think That!

susan: are you Sure?

lulu: absolutely nothing

susan: are you positive?

lulu: Yeah


susan: *softly laughing*

lulu: God

susan: Kwhat's wrong?

lulu: nothing's..wrong...

susan: a-are you sure

Lulu: yep

susan: Hold on.

lulu: Hngngg,.>.Pelase.... Don't.

lulu: ,mh. idk what you're gonna do but don't

susan: um.

susan: how about this?


susan: um. um um

susan: how 'bout this?

lulu: hhg/ what are y. what are you making me look at? i.

lulu: what the fuck?

lulu: WHAT

lulu: I JUST

lulu: What the- susan: do you like it?

lulu: NO!!!

susan: why not??

lulu: WHAT THE HELL!!!

susan: why not???/

susan: what's wrong??



susan: hold on im almost done

susan: i got one more.

susan: come on in Jexi the water's fine!


lulu: WHAT!!!! ren: *burps*

susan: *SQUEAK*

susan: poop AND pee

lulu: poopay and peepay

ren: hey guys

susan: hey whats up lulu: hehgheyg

ren: i. i think

susan: mhm? ren: dshfjk susan:uhhuh?

ren: HDFSJK my fans

susan: what?

ren: I GET it

ren: cause i think it's funny

susan: *sends candance brain picture*


lulu: candance's BRAIN SDFJKXVCH

susan: *laughing like a white girl. again*

ren: it's like. GG. GG. GO. GN.

susan: i love jexi's good favorites so much

im too tired to keep subbing SDJKF

For more infomation >> what's wrong lulu - Duration: 4:10.


What did the early Christians believe about the doctrine of imminency? - Duration: 1:31.

Now the doctrine of imminency was held by the early Church Christians.

We want to show just a few examples.

There's over 44 examples that you can look in the New Testament.

Give us one of your favorites, Ed.

Hindson: 1 Corinthians 1:7, you "wait eagerly for the Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed."

If you're waiting eagerly with anticipation, you're looking forward to what is coming

because He is coming for you.

Ankerberg: Mark?

Hitchcock: Philippians 3:20, "But our citizenship is in heaven," we eagerly wait for a Savior

from there, the Lord Jesus."

We're eagerly waiting for Him to come; I believe that tells us that He could come at

any moment.

Ankerberg: Ron?

Rhodes: Titus 2:13-14, we wait for "the blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our

great God and Savior, Jesus Christ."

Now, it wouldn't be much of a blessed hope if you've got to go through half of the

tribulation, or three fourths of the tribulation, or all of the tribulation.

It's a blessed hope precisely because we escape the tribulation.

Indeed, we are kept out of the time period all together.

Ankerberg: Yeah, my favorite is Maranatha.

You have an Aramaic phrase, and you're using it to a Greek church, so they all knew what

it meant.

And it meant "Our Lord, come."

So their greeting was "Shalom," hello, and/or "Our Lord, come," okay?

Why would they say that?

Because they were expecting the Lord to come any moment.

They wanted Him to come.

And Paul included himself in that.

For more infomation >> What did the early Christians believe about the doctrine of imminency? - Duration: 1:31.


What Would Jill Zarin Say To Bethenny Frankel Today? | WWHL - Duration: 0:39.










For more infomation >> What Would Jill Zarin Say To Bethenny Frankel Today? | WWHL - Duration: 0:39.



For more infomation >> WHAT DOES HARDCORE REALLY STAND FOR? - Duration: 13:04.


Pose Tips - What to do with your hands on your photos - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Pose Tips - What to do with your hands on your photos - Duration: 4:19.


What the UX?! - Duration: 3:30.

Welcome to what the UX?!

Plan B.

Plan A involved explaining the user experience

of a live ferret, but it turns out that

if you call a store and ask to rent a

ferret they will laugh you off the phone.

We are no longer welcome in pet shops.

But either way, let's talk user experience.

What is it? Why does it matter? How do I

use it? Would this video be better

with a ferret? The answers are simple

[What?] Good UX design makes your website easy

and fun to use, [why?] because it gets you more

customers, [how?] we're about to tell you, [ferret] and

yes. Very much so

(apparently they don't travel well.)

But let's talk about UX, baby. Let's talk about you and me.

Well, actually okay, let's just talk about

you, because good UX puts the user first.

All day, every day, every camera, every way.

When they come to your site, the customer

wants to get somewhere – and it is your job

to get them there. So, make everything

easy to find. Like those enthusiastic

wanding guys at the airport. Start by

making your site intuitive. You should

know what your user wants, you should

speak their language, you should finish

their – sandwiches.

Did you bring that from home?

Mmm, my pocket.

Basically, look at the site from a users

point of view. Figure out what they like

and more importantly what they don't like. joke...

Ask yourself stuff like

how many clicks does it take to get here?

Is that too many clicks? Is the information

laid out clearly? Is there a good

logical flow? Which side of the page are

users eyes naturally drawn to?

Maybe throw in an animation or responsive

button to surprise and delight people.


Kick-ass UX is also consistent.

Keeping things the same across all the

pages of your site means people will

already know how to use it, because they just

used it two pages ago.

Don't throw in a whole new way of navigating –

or god forbid – suddenly hijack the scroll bar.

It's just rude.

Keep things nice and repetitive. Like the

movie Groundhog Day. I haven't seen it

but it's like every day someone keeps telling me about it.

As Steve Jobs said, "It's not the

customers job to know what they want."

It's your job. Or a UX designers job.

Or our job if you hire us.

[wink wink]

What are you doing with your face?

I can't believe you made fun of my fun of my wink!

You know I have amblyopia. That is a $5 word!

So, how do you know if you're nailing UX?

All you have to do is ask.

Recruit your friends and co-workers to test your

website before it goes live. Maybe even

email industry experts like we did and

ask them to help you out. Here's what

they said:

'Randi, I'm your gynecologist. Not sure I

can help. Please return my calls about

the rash.' And, 'Thanks for your email. I'm

out of the office for some much-needed

R&R and will be returning in a couple days.'

And, 'We said it was a hard no on renting a ferret. '

Crushed it!

Want more UX and more? Check out our

blog where we go into as much detail

about creating amazing content as we do

how Randi's rashes. They're unstoppable

It so itchy.

Don't know what's wrong. It spreads and then you touch your co-workers. It's really unsettling.

It looks like dinosaur skin. I don't know. It's so weird.

We both have it.

For more infomation >> What the UX?! - Duration: 3:30.


General Hospital Spoilers: What Choice Could Valentin Make? - Duration: 2:26.

General Hospital Spoilers: What Choice Could Valentin Make?

For more infomation >> General Hospital Spoilers: What Choice Could Valentin Make? - Duration: 2:26.


The 'Cars 3' Cast Theorizes What Happened to Humans in the 'Cars' Universe - Duration: 2:18.

hey Jackson storm right great race today

Wow Thank You Mr. McQueen you have no

idea what a pleasure it is for me to finally beat you

oh thanks wait hang on, did you say meet or beat?

I think you heard me

Oh, what?

what I want your theory I want you to just hypothesize wildly what happened to

all the humans in the 'Cars' world?

Instead of cars running off fossil fuel they run

off human fuel now so they're now being used to create the fuel for the cars

wow that is a good that is a good theory

so okay I'm traumatized by the idea

that this was the machines rising and that like cars did away with human

beings I cannot wrap my head around that because how do I love these cars

so I can't think that they were the demise of Homo sapiens as we know them

I think that maybe they live in an alternate universe we don't even know if

this is earth in 'Cars' so think about it Star Wars takes place in other planets

other you know galaxy far away long ago so maybe that's what cars is maybe humans

live at the same time in another place

yeah so there's just fields of bodies

that are like decomposing into sludge and then that gets purified and then they

put it into their cars

this will be the last junket Pixar ever invites me to

I'm never invited back to a 'Cars' junket yeah

so what I choose to believe is that this is an

alternate parallel universe where as we were going from like invertebrate to

vertebrate to human they were going from like I don't know cell phone to laptop

to car so they were evolving in their own alternate universe is what I believe

Wow that is hopeful and incredibly detailed but my question why is there a school

bus when there aren't any children


but as I'm looking at Cruz she's got door handles


they're called ears they're called ears get out of here

they we our spirits have passed into them so I think that's what's

happened that's why we relate to them so much because they're us

I love that, very cosmic

For more infomation >> The 'Cars 3' Cast Theorizes What Happened to Humans in the 'Cars' Universe - Duration: 2:18.


DoA on the challenge with using stats to evaluate OW players: "What stats are actually important?" - Duration: 3:33.

You made a lot of recommendations to the Overwatch developers and they've already implemented

some of them immediately for the visuals, but also you talked about deepening the pool

of information to pull from to analyze game play and strategy.

What would you like to see in that department?

Well ideally at some point they'll release their API so that stat sites can draw info

from games more directly.

Right now in my opinion the best stats site out there is Winston's lab., there's a little plug for those guys.

I love them, they're awesome.

I think they're like two dudes in Germany that make this site.

If I remember right.

But they actually, they have a way to read the VODs to aggregate information.

And so there's some fancy like software trickery there that lets them do all that and get all

these stats, but once you know Blizzard allows more direct access to things then the opportunity

for stats just goes through the roof right.

And a lot of that is going to be really useful in the broadcast.

But you know that brings us into the interesting conversation about Overwatch, and what stats

are important because that's been one of the most surprising challenges actually.

I don't know if I'm getting too far from a question here but that's been one of the most

interesting challenges in Overwatch is what stats are actually important because you look

at the traditional kills, deaths assists.

There's so many factors that go into it.

You look at something like...

If you want to judge a tank--I was just having this conversation with some of the guys from

Blizzard at the office yesterday--how do you judge tank stats properly.

And you're like well you know you could look at time spent alive, and you're like well

yeah but you know what if their healer is having a bad day and or what if you know their

Zarya is having a bad day, and she's not shielding the Winston when he jumps in.

Or what if they're just playing more aggressively.

Or what if it's like a Reinhardt that's too afraid to engage.

So he lives a long time but it's only because he's not contributing like he should to the


So they're like but what if you look at damage blocked, and it's like well you know again

is damaged block really a good stat because yes sometimes it could be a sign of them preventing

damage from hitting their team.

Other times it could just be the width of Reinhardt's shield catching things that wouldn't

have hit anyone any way.

You know it could be a team that's you know too nervous to engage again so is that really

a good thing.

So there's lots of stats that look good on the surface but then once you think about

it, there's so many extra factors that factor into that you can't really use that as a litmus

for judging players.

So yeah, finding the stats to judge players properly is going to be one of the toughest

things to do in Overwatch.

I know that right now we're liking stats that are based on minutes.

Like damage per minute for instance seems like a good stat.

There's other stats that I like like time to first ultimate is a stat that I like.

If you want to look at like one Tracer versus another Tracer, you know if you have someone

who over a season consistently gets their ultimates or First Pulse bomb like five seconds

faster than everybody else then I think that's a good indicator that that person is really

good at getting in there and doing damage and surviving you know and building that ultimate.

So there's some stats out there that I think will be useful, but it's going to be unlike

any other esport so far statistically.

And I'm terrible at math and all that stuff but it's still very interesting.

I try, I try at least you know?

For more infomation >> DoA on the challenge with using stats to evaluate OW players: "What stats are actually important?" - Duration: 3:33.


what happens if you put garlic in this body part - Duration: 2:25.

what happens if you put garlic in this body part :

nature has an answer to most conditions and diseases in case you recognize wherein to


there are literally hundreds of plant life or greens that have distinct health blessings

and have been used for them for millennia.

some of these vegetation and herbs are still used today even when remedy has advanced so

much, this means that that they�re powerful.

garlic is one of the healthies meals on the planet.

except giving our meals a splendid taste, the vegetable additionally has numerous fitness


it is a powerful antibacterial agent, which means that that it could address infections

within the frame easily and quickly.

in step with ultra-modern research, putting garlic in an infected ear can relieve the

infection and decrease the discomfort and ache. many people used garlic towards hearing

issues as well.

but, if you don�t word enhancements after some time, we strongly endorse traveling a

medical doctor.

except defeating infections, garlic is wealthy in severa important nutrients that allows

you to nourish your body and enhance your normal health.

further to these characteristics, garlic presents:

potassium alcina

quercetin vitamins c, b6 and b1

calcium match

glutamic and aspartic acid

garlic for vaginal infections: garlic can be used for other infections as

nicely. for instance, if you have a vaginal contamination, garlic assist you to to heal


all you need to do is to sleep with a garlic clove in your vagina throughout the night.

simply go through a garlic clove with needle and thread. then, region it in your vagina

with the thread at the outdoor.

you need to sleep with it in the course of the night time.

the following day, when you take away it, the infection could be long gone.

For more infomation >> what happens if you put garlic in this body part - Duration: 2:25.


What's Up for June 2017 - Duration: 2:28.

[ ♪ ]

What's Up for June?

Plan a planet party and compare Saturn and Jupiter.

Hello and welcome! I'm Jane Houston Jones from

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

Why not meet at midnight for a planet party,

when you'll be able to see both Saturn and Jupiter in the sky

at the same time?

The best time to try will be a few hours after

Saturn rises at sunset

and before Jupiter sets.

Jupiter sets at 3 a.m. at the beginning of June

and 1 a.m. by the end of the month.

To see cool details, you'll need a telescope.

Saturn reaches opposition on June 15

when Saturn, Earth and the Sun are all in a straight line

with Earth in the middle.

Opposition provides the best and closest views of Saturn

and several of its brightest moons.

If you just see one, that's Titan.

Titan is 50% larger than our own moon.

It orbits Saturn about every 16 Earth days.

Our moon takes 27.3 days to orbit Earth.

Through a telescope you'll be able to

compare the cloud bands on both Saturn and Jupiter.

Saturn's cloud bands are fainter than the bands of Jupiter.

On Saturn you'll see

delicate shades of cream and butterscotch,

while Jupiter's bands are shades of white, rust and ochre.

A telescope will also show

Saturn's rings tilted toward Earth about as wide as they get:

26.6 degrees.

The sunlight reflecting off the ring particles

makes the rings look even brighter.

You'll also have a ring-side view of the Cassini division,

discovered in 1675 by Giovanni Domenico Cassini,

namesake of NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

The spacecraft has been orbiting Saturn since 2004.

Cassini is on a trajectory that will eventually

plunge into Saturn's atmosphere

and end Cassini's mission on September 15, 2017.

NASA's Juno mission recently completed

its sixth Jupiter flyby.

Through binoculars Jupiter's four Galilean moons --

Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto -- are easy to see.

You can catch up on all of NASA's missions at

That's all for this month. I'm Jane Houston Jones.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

For more infomation >> What's Up for June 2017 - Duration: 2:28.


Just In President Trump Meets with Cabinet, What He Did Next Will Save America - Duration: 10:26.

Just In President Trump Meets with Cabinet, What He Did Next Will Save America

President Donald Trump met with his cabinet on Monday, giving Americans an update on everything

his administration is doing to make the country better.

"We're going to make the American dream come true for a lot of people," Mr. Trump


"So we're here to change Washington.

Return power to the people."

Mr. Trump boasted that despite Democrat opposition, his administration had already accomplished

a great deal, citing positive economic numbers.

He pointed to the unemployment numbers at a 16-year low, nearly $4 trillion in worth

created in the stock markets, and 700,000 jobs created since the election.

"We're very proud of it," he said.

"We have a phenomenal team of people, a great group are really now seeing the early

fruits of their labor."

The public nature of the meeting allowed the president to refocus on his agenda, looking

beyond the ongoing media obsession with the Russian investigation and accusations that

he tried to obstruct justice by firing FBI director James Comey.

The president also discussed progress in Congress surrounding his legislative agenda — replacing

Obamacare and passing a big tax reform package.

"Mitch McConnell is working very, very hard, as are the Republican Senators," Trump said.

He also praised his Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin for "helping us put together

one of the biggest tax cuts in American history."

Trump sat at the table in the Roosevelt Room with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sat

at his right and Defense Secretary James Mattis sat at his left.

After his remarks, he asked each of his cabinet members to talk about the things they were

working on to make Americans lives better.

Members of Trump's senior staff were present in the room, including his son-in-law and

senior advisor Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon who were seated together in the room.

"On behalf of the entire senior staff, Mr. President, we thank you for the opportunity

and the blessing that you've given us to serve your agenda and the American people,"

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said, who sat at the table.

"We're continuing to work very hard every day to accomplish those goals."

For more infomation >> Just In President Trump Meets with Cabinet, What He Did Next Will Save America - Duration: 10:26.


What does drywalling mean? - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> What does drywalling mean? - Duration: 0:50.


Getting Started in Video Marketing and What Video to Make First - - Duration: 4:29.

Hey everybody Gabe Michael co-founder forge Apollo here!

And today we're going to talk about getting started in video marketing

and the types of content you need to make first.

Often clients come to us with misguided information about

what types of videos they need to make for their marketing efforts.

Everyone's starting from a different place so when I go through this list I want to look at it

as if I had zero videos to start with and go through them in order

of importance of which ones to make first.

First you need to start with a video that explains the very basics of your brand and what you do.

Some people call this an explainer video but it can be much more than that.

Usually this video explains the very core nature of your business and how you set yourself

aside from everybody else or set your product aside from all the other

products in the marketplace. For Forge Apollo we've broken down the three

things we do really well at our company. Number one we build out video content

strategy. Number two we make awesome videos. And number three we get those

videos seen. Using these three main selling points it's easier to expand

into the how from there and the video the one that we made for ourselves kind

of wraps itself around that core messaging and essentially creates itself.

Once you have your explainer video up and active on your website the next

thing to move on to is product or service related videos.

These videos explain in detail your individual products or your services

and act great sales tool to live your website or all over your social channels.

Side note: notice I haven't said anything about making a commercial or viral video yet?

This is for a reason keep watching to see why.

Okay now that you have an explainer video and you have videos about your products and your services

I would next make educational videos about you and your brand.

One of YouTube's best features is its search function

and most people honestly go to youtube or to Google to search for very

specific answers. There's great opportunity for exposure here and some

major brands like L'Oreal are doing this for massive success.

Coming up with content ideas for these videos is actually pretty easy.

Just write down a list of every question that your customers already make or that you think

that they'll make and make videos on each one of those subjects.

Being the expert in your field or about your product, you're the only one that

can actually truly know and answer all of these questions and getting it

straight from the horse's mouth is very helpful. One thing to keep in mind though

is that these videos shouldn't be treated as commercials or be thought of

as the tentpole of a marketing campaign. These are strictly to lay a foundation

of content that sets you aside as the expert in your field and lets people

come to you and naturally find you and start engaging with your brand early on.

At this point you may say Gabe in the past you've told us that brands are now

entertainment companies and these videos you're telling this to make don't really

look like entertainment. You're a hundred percent right.

What I'm telling you to make right now is the foundational content

but that doesn't mean that this content needs to be boring

and doesn't need to have any sort of entertainment value.

you can make these as creative as you want to and I actually recommend

that you try. Doing this foundational level of content first sets the stage

for you to focus on the viral type videos and entertainment programs you

want to create later for your brand. At Forge Apollo we've created a system

that's called Siphon which is really just a strategy that leads to driving

sales, social interaction, and actually growing your business with video.

In this strategy we show a content and sales funnel that starts with viral and

entertainment based content up top and leads down to these foundational videos.

And this is exactly how we want you to eventually run your video content as a

funnel in order to generate leads, make sales, or drive more subscribers - whatever

your end goal actually is but to start you need to turn that pyramid upside down

and look at that as your to-do list this way that foundational elements can

be done first and start working for you right away.

Thank you so much for watching this video.

If you have any questions or suggestions please put them

in the comment box below. Don't forget to Like subscribe or visit us

and I'd be happy to answer any questions

For more infomation >> Getting Started in Video Marketing and What Video to Make First - - Duration: 4:29.


Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - What We Know Part 2 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - What We Know Part 2 - Duration: 2:46.


Here's what Emre Can's Germany teammates think about the Liverpool star - Duration: 2:04.

Here's what Emre Can's Germany teammates think about the Liverpool star

Liverpool midfielder Emre Can. Hes a popular guy amongst amongst the Liverpool squad, and it appears Emre Can is just as well liked by his international colleagues too.

The German international midfielder is currently on duty with the world champions for the Confederations Cup in Russia, which gets underway on Saturday.

As part of their build up towards their opening game against Australia on Monday, Die Mannschafts official Twitter page released a video of a number of players giving their thoughts on Reds star Can.

They included Julian Draxler, Antonio Rudiger and Jonas Hector - with all three praising Cans ability and his personality away from the pitch.

Paris Saint-Germain star Draxler said: He is very positive. I like him a lot. Hes a fighter, a machine, very strong in the tackle.. Roma defender Rudiger thinks Can is the complete package in the centre of midfield.

  Emre Can in action against Middlesbrough in the Premier League at Anfield. Just his physical presence, says the defender. As well as his close control and technique. They are all so good.

The good thing is he is still so young, so he can develop further. Hector adds: Emre Can? Hes a very laid-back guy that you can have a good laugh with.

Hes unintentionally funny, I have a good laugh with him and at him!.

For more infomation >> Here's what Emre Can's Germany teammates think about the Liverpool star - Duration: 2:04.


What is a Drone? (Future A to Z) - Duration: 3:01.


Drone is a word you see pretty often in today's pop culture,

but drones seem to be an extremely diverse species:

Everything from this,

to this! Even flightless vehicles are occasionally referred to as drones.

So what exactly is a drone?

Unfortunately there isn't a simple answer to this,

because although the word has become very popular,

it isn't rigorously defined.

A term which is more descriptive, and is most often what people are referencing when they say the "d word" is unmanned aerial vehicle.

Essentially if it flies in a controlled way

and there isn't anybody on board, it's a drone.

Whether it is controlled entirely by computers and artificial intelligence or, on the other end of the spectrum,

entirely controlled by a remote human makes little difference.

But most often when you see a vehicle described as a drone today, it is a little bit of both:

Piloted by humans,

but capable of some degree of navigation on its own if necessary. In the future of course, this is likely to change.

Just as driverless cars loom on the horizon,

drones of the future will be overwhelmingly automated. The hypothetical UAV that delivers a package to your doorstep

won't be flown by a bored pilot on the internet.

So why in pop culture is this a drone,

but this usually isn't?

Culturally, your father's 35 year old RC plane

gets disqualified for appearing insufficiently futuristic. The word [Drone] today is

associated with the technologies of tomorrow,

even though it seems likely that the word was coined in the early days of aviation,

in reference to remote-control target drone airplanes.

The first common Target drone design was appropriately enough called a 'Queen Bee.'

Drone is a fickle word.

Maybe what the future really needs is a little refining of the 'D word.' After all, if the person next to you remarked:

"There is a drone overhead!" It would be good to know they meant a two-pound glorified helicopter, or a

5,000 pound killing machine.

But this reflects the larger question:

Will automated vehicles be primarily used as tools of peace and commerce, or of war?

If history is anything to go by,

probably both.

If you enjoyed this video like, comment, subscribe, and check out our other videos. Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> What is a Drone? (Future A to Z) - Duration: 3:01.


Valley lawmakers ask what's next after shooting stuns D.C. - Duration: 1:31.

1:17 Rep. Mike Kelly-Republican,


This day started off like a lot

of days start here.

Mandy Noell-WKBN 27 first news:

But not for long...

Rep Kelly: You can feel it.

There's a cloud

hanging over Washington right

now. Mandy Noell-WKBN 27 first


for Congressman Mike Kelly-- who

serves Mercer and Lawrence


He soon found his colleagues

were targeted at their softball


Rep Kelly: To see what happened


happen... it makes us all

understand that we are all truly

vulnerable. There's 435 of us, I

don't know how you protect all

of us, it's very hard.

Especially when you're at home.

Mandy Noell-WKBN 27 first news:

Representative Bill Johnson left


Republican baseball practice

about 5 minutes before the

shooting. He was

pulling out of the parking



male who was very

lethargically slowly getting in

and out of his van parked along

the street."

Mandy Noell-WKBN 27 first news:

He described the man meandering

in the street... which he

thought nothing of... until


Mandy Noell-WKBN 27 first news:

Congressman Tim Ryan was on the


side of town practicing with the

democrat team...

They took shelter when they

heard about the gunfire at the

other practice...

then prayed together when it was

clear there was no immediate


Congressman Tim Ryan-DEMOCRAT-


"My hope is this will be a wake

up call to both political

parties, and all americans to


down the heat and the rhetoric

and the words we use, and the

posts on social media."

Mandy Noell-WKBN 27 first news:

The charity game... will still

be played

tomorrow. With a hope that

tomrorow may not

bring politics as usual from

both sides of the aisle... but

maybe a chance to move the

country forward in a positive


For more infomation >> Valley lawmakers ask what's next after shooting stuns D.C. - Duration: 1:31.


Kate Middleton, Prince William and the Queen Elizabeth, oh my! What is all? - Duration: 2:22.

God save me from the queen.

I know those are fighting words in the culture right now as the rabid and frothing worship

of pretty people born into tremendous power, wealth and prestige seems to be reaching an

all time high.

But I still feel the need to vent my annoyance at the prevailing Buckingham Palace fetish.

Certainly the notion of being rich beyond the dreams of avarice holds some appeal, but

I really, really, really don�t understand why Americans, who supposedly believe in equality

and democracy, and who once fought a long and bloody war to win independence from the

crown, now salivate over news of Prince Harry�s twee garden party or precious Princess Charlotte�s

second birthday.

Just when did the monarchy get so trendy?

What did these people ever accomplish besides being spiffy dressers, and in the case of

the queen, master of the art of the insane flower hat?

With all the staggeringly important news we have to keep track of today, from the death

of the arctic to the decline of healthcare policy, the constant bombardment by vapid

palace gossip feels like a royal nuisance.

If, however, you are among those uber Anglophiles who are shocked and dismayed that the Duke

and Duchess of Cambridge only want two children (horrors), or if you find yourself beset with

curiosity about the contents of Kate Middleton�s breakfast (she swears by spirulina) or what

kind of foot cream she fancies for her royal tootsies, then you folks may just want to

move along now.

I am a hater when it comes to the royals, so please excuse the rant.

Perhaps it has something to do with being the child of Indian immigrants.

To me Britain stands for more than just tea and crumpets and marmalade.

I also associate it with the brutality of an empire determined to keep its colonies

in their place of servitude.

If you dig deep into all that chipper queen and country stuff, things get pretty dark

and disturbing.

tell us your thoughts in comments below.

thanks for watching.

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For more infomation >> Kate Middleton, Prince William and the Queen Elizabeth, oh my! What is all? - Duration: 2:22.


What Makes Your Father Special? - Duration: 13:16.

My father is a taxi driver.

He works at a company in Provident Village.

He's hard working and patient with his job.

He gives us everything we need

When I was in the 5th Grade,

My grandfather died.

My mother told us that she'll go back to province for 45 days

But years has passed and she never came back.

We just found out that she has a new family in he province

So now it's just my father and I living together.

My mother wants to get me from my father but I don't want to go with her

I don't want to abandon my father

So I'm staying with him until now.

Our father's leg is amputated

But he still works and helps our family

Our parents doesn't have a stable work they are earning money from getting garbage

My father is a jeepney driver

My father is diligent and loving

And he takes care of us really well

I'm actually much closer to my father

Before he takes me to school

Then we do jogging together

And we always go out before

My father works as a chef in a restaurant

As a father he does his job well

He takes care of us

He really works hard for us

My father's resting in our house

He had stroke

That's why he doesn't have work these days

My mother died along time ago

My father's name is Joshue

He's a family driver

As a father, he doesn't really show his feelings

He doesn't show affection that much

But I can still feel that he cares for me

For example, when eating, he wants us to eat together

My father is always there for me

(I feel like crying already)

My father and my mother are separated

So it was really hard for me

Since I've always been a 'Papa's Girl'

The hardships that we faced when my mother left us

During those times, I can say that God has guided us through all the way

My mom and dad are fighting over me but in the end, I stayed with my father

It's really hard when your parents are not in good terms

Those happened when I was a kid but until now, I still can't forget it

Those times when we were struggling financially,

We we're able to get through those hard times because God helped us.

He takes are of his family really well

He's always putting his family first before anyone else

For me, my father is special because

even though it's only the two of us,

he still tries to do his best for us

Maybe it's because if not for him, I wouldn't also be here

That's why my father is special for me

Right now he's my inspiration in achieving my dreams

He really wanted to be a police before

I know that being a part of the police is hard because I'm a girl

My father became my inspiration to make it happen

And I will make his dream come true now that I've finished studying and I'm applying to be a policewoman

My father is special for me

Because he supports us

He's working for us

Ever since before, I've always favored my father

The bond between father and daughter is very different

I learned alot from my father

For me, his whole personality

He's really sweet

When I go to my OJT or when I go to school,

He's always the one providing everything for me

He's always there when I have a problem

Even though he's not with my mother anymore

Even though we can't see each other that much

We make sure that we have time for each other

We meet, and we also talk about certain things

Our bonding time would be going to church together

His personality that he's always there for you

That he won't leave you

He's just one text away



He's strong because we overcame everything just by ourselves

He stayed strong for me


He's like Superman. he'll do everything for you

I'd say he's brave

Ever since we we're kids up to now, he's always defending us

No matter where we go, he'll always be our source of strength


Because he'll try to do everything for us


Because he's been through alot

His mother died when he was born

And his father died when he was young

At such a young age, he has been through alot

He also did alot of jobs

Until now, I can see that he's strong

Despite the fact that we're a broken family, he still stays strong


For me, if I have a problem,

I'll just send one text to my father

and he comes up to me

When I need someone to tell my burdens

he's always there for me

telling me: "You can do it."

"Few months more and you'll be graduating."

"You'll be able to achieve your dreams."


They have to work for their family

They might not be able to do what mother's do

But maybe they can do it

It depends on the situation

Yes they can.

I wouldn't be able to grow like this if my father wasn't able to raise me alone


Like how we see other dads, they can do it

Yes, they can do it

Fathers can do it

The love that a father has for his child,

That alone serves an inspiration for him to work hard


Because that's part of being a parent

I think he can do it as a father

In our case, yes

Father's can do it

That's what our situation is like

He's doing his best

We don't have a choice, it's just us

We only have ourselves


For me right now, my father shows me that he can really do it

I don't feel that he's lacking

Even though my father and my mother are separated

Even though we don't have a complete family

I never felt like my father's love was lacking

"Pa, I love you. Happy Father's Day"

"Let's stay strong."

"Tay, please stop drinking alcohol."

"Because it's also difficult for us."

"My message to my father,"

"I love you so much."

"Even though sometimes you're quick tempered,"

"I still love you."

"Happy Father's Day"

"Dad, even though it's only us together,"

"I still love you."

"Stay strong for the both of us."

"Pa, I love you alot."

"I'll achieve your dream of being a police."

"Always have good health."

"Always take care."

"I love him alot as my father."

"Pa, I don't know if you will be able to watch this,"

"Maybe not."


"I love you."

"Even though I'm not showing it,"

"We're not like how we are before when it comes to expressing our feelings,"

"But still, I want to tell you that I love you alot."

"You're the only one I have."

"Let's just stay strong."

"I know we can overcome all of these."

"I'll also give you the house that you're dreaming of."

"Don't lose hose, Pa."

"I'm always here. I won't leave you."

"Papa, if this airs, I'll have you watch this."

"But you know that I love you alot right?"

"No matter how hard school is, I'll do everything to pass."

"Even though I don't have high grades, what's important is I passed."

"I just really want to give you a graduation gift."

"Which is to be with you on my graduation."

"That will make me happy because that's your dream for me."

"I know that you are enduring everything at work so I can graduate."

'I love you Papa, Happy Father's Day."

To all father's in the world,

"Happy Father's Day."

"God bless."

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