Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily google Jun 14 2017


For more infomation >> NEW YORK'A GİTTİM!! (Google Gezmeleri) - Duration: 16:26.


HOW TO CREATE a Google Business Website with free domain - Duration: 1:24.

HOW TO CREATE a Google Business Website with free domain

HOW TO CREATE a Google Business Website with free domain

HOW TO CREATE a Google Business Website with free domain

HOW TO CREATE a Google Business Website with free domain

For more infomation >> HOW TO CREATE a Google Business Website with free domain - Duration: 1:24.


BiblioTutorial Google Scholar - Académico - Duration: 9:03.

For more infomation >> BiblioTutorial Google Scholar - Académico - Duration: 9:03.


Google Local Guide Summit 2017 - application clip - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Google Local Guide Summit 2017 - application clip - Duration: 0:54.


Google Cloud Platform 導入事例 - 任天堂株式会社様 - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Google Cloud Platform 導入事例 - 任天堂株式会社様 - Duration: 1:36.


Get Paid Apps For Free on Android | No Google Rewards - Duration: 3:28.

hello everyone this is Joel here in this video I'm going to show you guys how you

can get any Android app or game for free so without wasting much time let's start

so there are two ways by which you can get free applications or games on your

Android device the first one is the official method from Google itself by

using your opinion reward application but in this video I'm not going to explain

you that but this is a very different method and by which you can get icon

packs, games anything which is available on Play Store in my opinion so first of

all head over to the Play Store the first thing you have to do is go on Play

Store and search for this application called app sales just search for this

application and you will get it on the first link as as you can see over here

this is the application install this it only has 500,000 downloads and 4.4

rating on Play Store so as you can see it's a very high rated application in

terms of and as you can read from the comments it is really useful when just

open it up and you will be greeted with highlights where you get all the

applications which are available for discounted prices or for free

so as you can see over here there is latest sale these are the new

applications which are just added as you can see this application was added seven

minutes ago on something on this app and it is survival island and online pro or

something like that previously it was available for 15

rupees and right now it is available for free so for your convenience I will just

download an application so i am just gonna download this alarm clock make your own

time as you can see it shows me free so I will just click on that and I will

head over to Play Store and it will directly take me through the

applications page and from this I can download the application as you can see

the sale ends in four days so I will just click on install accept and the

downloading started here as you can see i will not read the description and

just going to show you that it's downloading so that you guys can know

that's freely working I will just stop the download because I don't want this

application now whether it is worth trying out yes it's worth trying out

because you will get the application games, icon packs, launchers everything for

free or relatively for a discounted price so this is something really useful

and it is a must have app in android users app drawer that's for sure you

should have it so if you liked today's video then don't forget to like this

video and definitely comment down if you have already been using this application

or not or what I don't know it's up to you guys and that's all for this video

thanks for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one

For more infomation >> Get Paid Apps For Free on Android | No Google Rewards - Duration: 3:28.


Expansion Falcon, which will simplify your life. Extension for Google Chrome! - Duration: 3:04.


Are you Comp Help channel.

In today's video we you talk about expanding

for Google Chrome browser that indexes the text on the visited

your websites, and later help find the desired page

by keywords.

When you start typing the letters in the address bar,

the chrome immediately respond and select popular search

requests that match text that you entered

or offer suitable site.

The expansion of which is we will talk with you today,

changes a habitual the behavior of the browser, it

It analyzes your story visits and lists

pages that match Text of your request.

You may ask why this is necessary?

The answer is simple.

For example, you remember that, read somewhere that the aloe juice

very useful for health, tell your friends about it,

and they, in turn, are asked to link to a page which

do you get the information.

And you are immersed in the story which consists of browser

from a variety of references and review them manually is not the best option.

So you call the search and it is driven into the aloe juice

or something like that, at best, case you find the right

article if its title or the URL has the key

the word for which you make Search.

And then everything will be fine, but there are situations

to find the desired page It did not succeed.

And here we come to the rescue and Falcon browser extension

Google Chrome.

Let us produce it installation.

Link on the extension you You will find in the description.

Expansion installed.

Now to enable it put

the cursor in the address bar enter the English letter

F, and press the spacebar.

Now the extension works.

Falcon offers very easy distinguished from the proposals

Chrome itself.

Falcon on the proposals before reference image will


additional commands the search will help you

clarify the issue, but the team must be in English


A list of commands that need to be will be administered prior requests

I'll leave the description.

They will help prizvesti more detailed search.

And if you do not understand them, then Google with their translator

easily translate and you You understand what's what.

The Falcon also settings you can make a list

sites that are not worth index in the future,

as well as there is available with a list of pages that

We have already been analyzed.

There is also a button which removes all collected

Advanced Information.

Also lastly add that the extension provides


And stores the data on a computer, and not in the network.

That's all for today.

Thank you all for watching.

Loved or been useful to put this video

Like, who do not like it dislayk place.

Click the bell to do not miss the new video.

Write to someone comments it is not clear, share

this video with your friends and subscribe to my channel,

as well as to my group social networks.

All links in the description.

Bye everyone and see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Expansion Falcon, which will simplify your life. Extension for Google Chrome! - Duration: 3:04.


WICKED - For Good (Google Übersetzt) with Malinda Kathleen Reese - Duration: 5:38.

I heard it said

They come from the core of our lives

To learn something, there is nothing

He led us

US aid for people with the greatest rise


We help them return

Well, if you do not believe me, but the truth is

But I know I am

Because I knew you were

Download a similar trajectory of a comet

Sun returning

River met as rock slowness

On the side through the wood

I say if there is no change for the better?

Because I know

I've changed for a good one

It will be a good one

Because if we do not fulfill again

This is live

And so is the point that I say

So much of me

He studied

Are you with me

Because my handwriting

The story about our end in any case

I know she wrote me

I have a boyfriend

As if the ship was blown up, the gang went out

Ocean winds

When the seed fell from Skybird

Remote Tree

I say if it is a change for the better?

But I know you because

Because I know


Then remove the air

I apologize

It was not my fault

But then, I think we know?

Not that the share is not to blame

And it seems to be more

Download a similar trajectory of a comet

Sun returning

River met as rock slowness

On the side through the wood

I mean, if it is so

It changes for the better?

I believe in you

Change the best

Because I knew

Because I knew

Because I knew

I have changed to undetermined time

For more infomation >> WICKED - For Good (Google Übersetzt) with Malinda Kathleen Reese - Duration: 5:38.


Google's Engineering Residency - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Google's Engineering Residency - Duration: 2:39.




BY Terence Newton,

Google has developed a new system which uses access to billions of consumer credit card

transactions along with the multitude of data if collects from its other products to prove

that its ad serving platform, AdSense, is effective in prompting you to buy at brick

and mortar retail stores.

The megalithic company recently said that the new system creates digital trails for

individuals, following them from their search boxes and email inboxes to actual stores,

knowing when and where people are buying what.

While the advance is being hailed as the revolution of online advertising, as it �closes the

loop� between online and offline behavior, this is an admission of serious new surveillance


�The advance allows Google to determine how many sales have been generated by digital

ad campaigns, a goal that industry insiders have long described as �the holy grail�

of online advertising.

But the announcement also renewed long-standing privacy complaints about how the company uses

personal information.

To power its multibillion-dollar advertising juggernaut, Google already analyzes users�

Web browsing, search history and geographic locations, using data from popular Google-owned

apps like YouTube, Gmail, Google Maps and the Google Play store.

All that information is tied to the real identities of users when they log into Google�s services.

The new credit-card data enables the tech giant to connect these digital trails to real-world

purchase records in a far more extensive way than was possible before.�

Remarkably, Google is also saying that it can do this type of data mining and tracking

even without the use of location tracking technology in smartphones and handheld devices.

Leaving your phone at home won�t prevent them from making a connection between your

online activity and your whereabouts via your shopping habits.

�Tuesday�s announcement gives Google a clearer way to understand purchases than just

location and allows them to understand purchase activity even when consumers deactivate location

tracking on their smartphones.� Final Thoughts

Technology is moving far faster than our cultural ability to understand and prepare for the

implications with such rapid advancement.

It moves much faster than the speed of law, and by the time the general public gets wind

of a new technology being used on them, its use is already ubiquitous.

While advancements like these are indeed fascinating, they are also disturbing, especially in the

context of a near-future cashless society, where all transactions between human beings

are monitored and tracked by government and all-seeing corporations.

Naturally, though, Google wants you to know that they have your best interests at heart

and that they are doing everything they can to make sure that only they have access to

the history of your every thought and move.

�Google executives say they are using complex, patent-pending mathematical formulas to protect

the privacy of consumers when they match a Google user with a shopper who makes a purchase

in a brick-and-mortar store.�



How to download driver app- x Google Play Store - Duration: 4:35.

Click on Play Store

Enter "Autocab Driver Companion" and search

select Install

Click OPEN

Click " System Setting"

Turn it On: You need to change system settings

x All questions select "ALLOW"

Keep Going!

Enter the activation code Meridian Limo provide you

4yr4r56afi9jsfy it is just for test (this is not your personal access key)

Select your phone memory location to store maps

You will need to start shift in order to get trips

This is the heath map, trips available now, and in the next minutes, and how many cars are on the area

Change Your Picture!

TIP: a smiley selfie with a suit make a big difference to increase your booking chances

No duck Face Please! LOL

Don't be afraid to play with buttons.

Thank you for watching, any questions send a text with your name to 1-800-462-1550

For more infomation >> How to download driver app- x Google Play Store - Duration: 4:35.


How to determine the benefits of "Google Play" in Android - Duration: 1:41.

How to determine the benefits of "Google Play" in Android

Hello everyone

This time, we will introduce how to verify the benefits of "Google Play" in Android

Such as discount coupons for a discount coupon of "Google Play" in apps, games, and the "Google Play Books" has been distributed for a limited time

However, many also be suddenly distributed, and since what has been decided the distribution period and the expiration date of most, benefits that are available now are easy to lose track of what it is

You can see the benefits of such a coupon that can be used from simply "Google Play Store" at such time

How to determine the benefits of "Google Play" in the Android First, launch the "Google Play Store" app,

Touch the upper left corner of the menu icon, and then touch the "account information"

Touch the "benefits" from the menu that appears is "account information" page

Then it will be displayed such as coupons that can be used now

Of course it is also possible to go on using the coupon from this page

Since the majority those coupons that are suddenly distributed period of "Google Play" is completed, let's do not lose to check diligently

Above, it was the introduction of how to determine the benefits of "Google Play" in Android

For more infomation >> How to determine the benefits of "Google Play" in Android - Duration: 1:41.


Google Chrome Extension Error - How To Fix |Error Occurred|Download Interrupted|Network Fail Etc - Duration: 3:11.

Google Chrome Extension Error Fix Check Description For Details/Updates

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