Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily Instagram Jun 16 2017

- Today on the Ask Brady show, I get really introspective.

Oh, and here's some new intro music.

(funky electronic music)

- [Both] Well, hey there!

- And welcome to the Ask Brady show,

my name's Brady, this is Roxanne.

It's my left, your right,

and we're here to answer your questions

pertaining to church media/church compt...

turch digital and everything in between.

(British accent) Michael Caine.

And we're here to help you, really,

and help you help yourself, just as the Bible says.

So, what's new here in Pro Church Nation?

Oh! The Ursa Mini Pro just came in

right before we hit record on this.

- That's true.

- The brand new Blackmagic Ursa Mini Pro.

Hand-delivered to us,

and we haven't even opened the box yet.

Still wrapped up right outside of this boardroom

on the table, and we are excited

to dive into our new camera.

This is our third Ursa Mini,

but this is the pro version, Roxanne.

Oh, the other two versions were crap.

- Mm, right.

- Speaking of crap, I got an email,

no, a YouTube comment, it was actually a YouTube comment,

and I must've said "crap" or "freaking"

and this person was like, (laughs)

I wish I had it in front of me now,

because the comment was so funny, it was like,

"you used a substitute for a curse word,"

"have you ever read the Bible? God hates that."

And I was like "that's a specific thing for God to hate!"

"I'm into it!"

(both chuckle)

"How dare you substitute a bad word for another word."

- YouTube comments are always the worse, though.

- Not you, Pro Church Nation,

you leave great comments, especially on Ask Brady,

but it's the random comments.

- Yeah! I just meant in general.

I don't mean, obviously, our videos.

- That's true, in general YouTube comments

are the plague of online comments.

- It's true.

- Like Reddit can get a bit intense

but there's nothing as plainly unkind as YouTube comments.

Just for no reason.

Like, someone will log onto this and be like,

"why do you even have that nose?"

(Roxanne laughs)

And you'd be like, "that's a weird thing to criticize."

(both laugh)

Anyway, on that note, I feel like

there's more things that are going on.

- There probably are, but it's so hard to remember

by the time you get to talking about it.

Because so much happens.

Oh, we've been filming a lot.

- We have been filming a lot.

And, oh I know, a couple of days ago on Instagram

I introduced a new podcast that we're going to be doing,

if you don't listen or subscribe

to the Pro Church podcast, head over


and you can hit subscribe there.

We're going to be doing this thing where, for an hour,

I'm going to do free consultations with churches,

we can talk about anything that they want

and we're going to spend a whole hour with them.

Think about it like Ask Brady,

but if you had an hour, not just submitting your question,

but like talking to me back and forth for a full hour.

That's what we're going to be doing,

we've got like 30 churches already signed up for that.

Which is great!

So we're going to spend an hour with them,

talking back and forth

and really it was spurred by this thought that

like, one of the sucky things,

and this sounds like a fake sucky humble-brag,

the thing about our company is,

because it's profitable the way it is,

it doesn't make any fiscal sense to consult with churches

because the amount I'd have to charge them

would just be obscene,

and I don't feel comfortable charging churches that much

and so it's actually, by myself,

not consulting with churches ever.

So we do stuff like Ask Brady,

but I thought, what if we did consultations

with churches, for free,

but we recorded them and then shared them

with Pro Church Nation?

And so this is going to be like giving you

the ability to actually listen to

what other churches are facing,

and listen to me consult with them,

and hopefully it'll be helpful to everyone.

- I like it.

Do you know when they start?

- Well, I've got like, four,

already for tomorrow and the next day.

So we'll release one new one each week.

But the first one should be available this week or next.

Only on the podcast feed,

so if you're watching the video version of Ask Brady,

it won't be there.

With that being said, first question, Roxanne,

let's do it!

- The first question comes from Ashley,

and she sent in a video.

- Hey Brady, this is Ashley coming to you

from the wide open spaces of Wyoming,

I thought you had an article on your blog,

but it's a couple years old so,

wondering if you have any new recommendations:

my church is looking at changing web host

for various number of reasons,

and wondering if you recommend any in particular.

Right now we are with a church-specific web host,

wondering if you recommend going that route

or if it's better to go with more of a generic

just general web host.

Of course thinking long term for our church

we want somebody, or something, that anybody can step in

and edit, so we need something pretty straightforward

and simple once it's up and running.

Then we do have people available that are capable

of doing the front end work,

so we don't necessarily want to hire that out,

but just wondering what your recommendations are.

Thanks, Brady!

- So, I am a little bit, tiny bit confused,

by Ashley's question, because the word website host,

refers to the actual hosting company

that would host your website online.

Like for instance, a Bluehost or a HostGator.

At first that's what I thought she was asking,

but it kind of ventured into the territory, in the end,

of like, website provider like a Squarespace

or a Clover Sites sort of thing,

so I'm going to hit on both,

but I was kind of preparing for this

to be like a question about the host itself.

Why is your website's host so important?

Your web host has so much to do

with your website's speed and security.

And those two things are obviously vitally important.

If your page loads slowly,

search engines like Bing and Google

will penalize your sites, and you won't rank as high

because if Google is going to take you from their site

and send you to your site,

they want their visitor to have a good experience.

And if they know that sending that person

to your site will be a bad experience

because your website loads slowly,

they are less likely to give preference to your website,

if that makes sense.

And your host has so much to do with this.

Now, obviously loading times

have things to do with other things like,

are the images on your site really big,

is there a ton of load-bearingness

within your actual html and CSS

and all of the actual files that are hosted on your server.

It's like, how many requests are being made,

Javascript, MySQL, all this fun stuff,

but your host has so much to do with it

and they also have to do with security

and we've had a little bit of fun on that

on the Pro Church Tools site recently.

- [Roxanne] That's true.

- You know what, you may not know this Roxanne,

but we've actually got into

the scammy prescription drug business.

- [Roxanne] Oh.

- And if you've gone to some of the

Pro Church Tools site pages on the site lately,

you may have noticed that we are into really poor ads

for weird prescription drugs.

That was a hack, and it's a very sophisticated hack,

and so we've actually moved to a new server

to actually fix that.

For the longest time though,

we used a website hosting company called

Flywheel, you can go to their site

and they are highly recommended.

Now, they do host specifically WordPress sites

and so if you're not on a WordPress site

you wouldn't be able to use them,

but they are absolutely fantastic and when we used them,

for the two years that we were with them,

we had a couple of hacks and I would just send in a request

and within hours, even if it was midnight,

they were on the west coast, whatever time it would be,

they would go in a fix it for us.

I actually, when the hack came in,

on the Pro Church Tools site, I sent them an email

and they're like "I don't think you're with us anymore."

And I was like "oh" and I was kind of sad,

because I knew if I was with them

they would be able to fix it.

And so that, I highly recommend Flywheel

if you're using a WordPress site.

Having a good host is so important

for speed and thus SEO, and also security.

There will be a day when your site gets hacked.

It's going to happen eventually

and having a good host backing you up

and investing the extra bit of money in that each month,

is so worth it.

If you're with something like HostGator or Bluehost

and you're paying like three dollars a month for hosting,

you get what you pay for

and they won't have the infrastructure or resources

on your account at least,

to help you with an advanced hack or something like that.

And so that is something to consider.

Now, if you, Ashley, were asking about

website providers on the whole,

what I would say is pretty much

every church website provider is quite trash.

And I say that having used all of the big ones, personally,

and knowing that the big ones all were just bought up

by Ministry Brands, which is a bad sign going forward

for consolidation and innovation.

They were bought up,

meaning they are now owned by a big conglomerate,

so if you're at Ekklesia 360 or Clover Sites,

two of the big ones, and then there's a bunch

of other smaller church website providers,

they were just bought up.

And then if you're onto the train

for something like Sharefaith,

well what I don't love about Sharefaith is

all they are is a website provider for churches

built on top of WordPress

and I've used the Sharefaith editor

and it is not intuitive and it's highly complicated.

I don't know why you would take WordPress

and all of its elegance and awesomeness

and then build something complicated on top of it

in the name of core churches and then charge for it,

hey WordPress is free so I don't really get that

and I don't really care for it.

And Sharefaith also is the absolute king

of marketing when it comes to

we will give you everything you need in one spot,

all your mini-movies, all your presentation software,

your graphics, your app, your children's curriculum,

your website, look, no one company can do all that well,

so you might be able to save some money there,

but again, you get what you pay for.

I will be like, very honest, and say that

I wish there was a church provider that was better

and there is a chance and a hope

that one day Nucleus can go into that,

you know, there's a long way to get there.

There's a reason why Squarespace and WordPress

are so great, it's because they have the infrastructure

and the tens of millions of dollars of money

that's gone into it over the years, decades,

especially when it comes to WordPress, that've made it great

and the support, you know, worldwide, communitywide,

so I would recommend something like Squarespace.

When you have something like Squarespace,

and there are some providers that do this,

hosting is actually built in.

So if you were on Squarespace,

you wouldn't need something like a Flywheel

or a WP Engine or another great host

because it's already built into

Squarespace's actual cost and infrastructure.

So if I had to say there was a big goal for Nucleus,

it's that I do want to build the best

church website builder of all time

because I recognize that there aren't any good ones

and the good ones that used to exist

like Clover, they had to redo themselves

once Flash became obsolete,

and then they sold to Ministry Brands.

The scope and landscape of church website builders

is very grim right now, and the reason for that is

church websites, oh sorry,

websites in general and website builders

are becoming more and more sophisticated.

That said, there are unique things

that churches need that most websites don't,

and so there is room there

for a great church website builder

to rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

- [Roxanne] Hmm.

- Maybe Nucleus can be that,

we've got a long way to go and right now

we're just focusing on the central hub part of websites,

but there is a hope that that might be available eventually.

To Ashley, if you need a host go with Flywheel

or another one that is reputable

and similar in features,

and if you're looking for a provider,

I would stay away from the church-based ones.

Go with something like Squarespace or WordPress.

- Alright, the second question comes from

Maco_Nix on Twitter.

- Maco_Nix!

- And they ask "you say FB post boosting isn't worth it,

"so Insta: worth boosting there,

"or always target via FB Power Editor?"

- I'm pretty sure this girl's name is Margo

and so I'm going to go with that.

- Okay.

You can, I was just reading her username.

- Yeah, yeah, she's a part of a bunch

of Facebook groups and I've seen her a lot.

Okay, so just to clarify,

Facebook boosting is mostly useless

except for the one small use case

that is if you want, if you're frustrated

with the organic reach of your Facebook posts

and you want to get your posts to the actual people

that already like your page more,

boosting the post that's already performing well

might not be a bad idea.

We posted a video on our Facebook page this week

and it was also on YouTube,

but it did really well on Facebook,

it was called Start Up: Office Tour

and we basically did a behind-the-scenes tour

of the Pro Church Tools offices.

The post was doing exceptionally well

on Facebook, organically, and so I said,

"hey, let's throw a $50 dollar boost into this,"

and then it got 10x the reach.

I waited for a post that was

already performing well organically

and then paid for the boost,

because I wanted more of the existing likes

on our Pro Church Tools Facebook page to see that post.

I've boosted posts that have not done well,

organically, before and I've just felt

like the money was wasted.

If it's not already performing well organically,

it's not worth a boost.

But that being said, boosting is mostly useless

and most churches have small marketing budgets,

very small, very, very small,

and most church Facebook budgets almost are not existent,

so don't waste that money on a boost.

If you've got a ton of money to throw around

and you've got a great post and you're like

"hey, might as well boost it," sure.

Very small amount of churches are going

to be in that situation.

So, when it comes to Instagram,

I've actually tried to boost on my Instagram

and I'm going to show you, Roxanne, right now,

if I go to boost an Instagram post,

and I'm like "oh great, this is great,"

I'm going to click promote,

and when I click promote, I decide what I want to do,

and then this is the page that I get.

I don't know what this page is,

but there is a weird thing happening

with my Instagram account and for those that are listening,

I just get a blank page.

It's as if you went to a website

and you got a 404: Error, except there was no 404.

It was just blank.

So there's something wrong with my Instagram

that won't allow me to boost,

with that being said, for most churches,

you're going to have a bigger audience on Facebook.

Which means you're going to get better ROI on Facebook.

And if we're trying to maximize our budget,

promoting on Instagram, I, you could try it out,

but make it small.

- [Roxanne] Mm-hm.

- When you are inside the Facebook Power Editor,

Facebook now will give you a bunch

of different placements.

It'll say the Facebook feed, the Facebook sidebar,

Instagram, and the Audience Network, I think it's called.

Whenever I'm doing a Facebook ad,

I deselect Instagram and the Audience Network

because I just don't see value in it.

I might try Instagram in the future,

I do have a little bit of a personal vendetta

against them right now because I've tried

to boost a post just to experiment

and they won't let me,

so I'm a little upset about that,

but I, unless you've got a big Instagram audience already,

or you know your audience is on Instagram,

it's probably not worth it.

The reason I've thought about actually experimenting

with Instagram is because our Instagram account

is like where our most engaged users are right now.

Our Instagram account is growing faster

than any other social platform,

and we get more views on my Instagram stories

than anywhere else.

And so there's obviously a big need there

so it might be worth it for me.

If you don't see a similar type of traction,

I would probably stay away from it.

- [Roxanne] Yeah. That makes complete sense to me, for sure.

Alright, question three comes from Josh and he says,

"Do you have any thoughts or strategies

"on encouraging sign ups to events/camps?

"E.g. early bird pricing, how long early bird goes for,

"do we hype it for a few weeks before allowing registration,

"what price incentives are effective,

"email hype via Connect Cards,

"Social Media hype/announcements? Thanks!"

- Great!

So the word that I want to kind of dial into

on Josh's question was hype.

And this is something we see churches doing a lot.

It's like, "how can we pimp this event,"

"how can we hype this event,"

"I know, we'll just hype it here."

I was just on a call with a church

between 10 and 20,000 in Florida

and I asked them, they were asking me

for advice on their social media

and I said "well what are you using it for now?"

And they say "I don't know, promoting events."

And so, it's not uncommon for churches

to just be like yeah, all we're doing is

"how do we get our events on there?

"How do we hype it up?

"Well, let's use social,

" that'll be the perfect way to do things."

But hyping things up doesn't actually,

usually, drive action.

There are tons of psychological triggers

when it comes to actually getting people

to do what you want them to do,

to persuade them to get them

to take a commitment to make a commitment,

and hyping things up and using words like

"don't miss it" rarely works.

What does work are a variety of different

psychological triggers, that I will go over now.

And Josh did hit on one of them: deadlines.

This is the psychological trigger of scarcity.

FOMO, is what the kids call it.

Fear of Missing Out.

The thought that soon what is available

will be unavailable and I could miss it.

Every time we do a launch,

we saw this most recently with the Nucleus launch,

we'll always have a time where something closes down.

So with Nucleus we actually closed down registration.

Right now we're working with about 1,000 charter churches

and we're building out Nucleus

to be the robust platform we want it to be.

We're going to re-open later in 2017

and that was the scarcity that we told people about

as the deadline got closer.

We said, "look we're closing down Nucleus

"and we will re-open again in 2017, late 2017,

"we don't know when, TBD."

And that caused a lot of people

to jump onto the Nucleus train

because they knew "oh, this is going to be available now

"but soon will be unavailable."

The psychological trigger of scarcity.

There's another psychological trigger: price.

When price goes up, people do not like that,

and we all know the type of people

that will do anything they can

to avoid even the slightest increase in pricing.

Roxanne, my dad.

- (laughs) Yeah.

- The people that will go to an intersection

with two gas stations on it.

One gas station on one side, the price is,

we do it in liters here in Canada,

it's like 99.9 cents per liter.

And the other side, 99.2 cents per liter.

A .7 cents difference, let's say you have on average

50 liters in a tank, 50x.7 is a difference

of 35 cents, 35 cents total.

35 cents.

You will look at the two gas stations

and there will be a line of cars out onto the road

for the one that will save you .7 cents

people will wait 10, 15 minutes

to save 35 cents, my goodness.

I love it!

I roll into the one that's like,

"35 cents? I'm not waiting 15 minutes for that junk,

"I fill up my car, and away I go!"

- [Roxanne] That's true.

- People will do whatever they can to save money.

We did this with the Nucleus launch as well!

The price went up after the first 48 hours.

The price is going up when we re-open later this year

and so people knew, "oh, the price is going up,"

and so early bird pricing, there's a reason people do that,

with conferences, with events, it does work well.

Those are two of the biggest psychological triggers

but here's the other one, and that is story-telling.

Story-telling is a huge psychological trigger

because what it allows you to do is

engage someone with a narrative

and earlier I kind of condemned the idea of

hyping up events, what you want to do instead

is tell stories that get people excited about it.

What will be better, let's say you're doing a VBS,

saying, "we need you to sign up your kid, don't miss it,"

or tell them the story of little Johnny.

Little Johnny, Roxanne, who was a community kid,

never gone to church before, parents had split up,

little Johnny got bust in to the VBS

and it was amazing, he signed up for the hockey,

because he came to a Canadian VBS,

little road hockey, loved it.

Went to a little devotionals,

little Johnny was the firey one in the group,

he was always loud, jumping around, making jokes,

he was a young Brady, you could say,

and little Johnny at the end of the week

committed his life to Christ.

Here's a picture of little Johnny, wassup little Johnny.

That is gonna resonate so much more

and I did that in a little tongue-in-cheek way,

obviously you wouldn't do it that way,

but that is going to resonate so much more

than saying "don't miss it."

Because saying "don't miss it" is lazy

and people do not respond to that.

People respond to stories.

We are wired to engage, listen, and tell stories.

So those are the three things I'd recommend.

Scarcity with price, scarcity with availability,

and then story-telling instead of hyping up things.

- You know, I don't even have kids

and I almost wanted to sign up for VBS, so.

- Because of little Johnny, Roxanne.

- It works.

- Love me a little Johnny.


- Alright, question four comes from Cody and he says,

"currently volunteering my time and talents

"for my church's media team.

"I want to do more work for them,

"but it's hard since I do the same time of work

"for my normal 8-5 job

"(sometimes the last thing I want to do

"on my time off is design and edit.)

"How can I better balance this so that both sides

"don't suffer and so I don't experience burnout?"

- Last week I posted on Instagram

kind of this revelation that we had

had this project going on for a long time

at Pro Church Tools,

and that even despite all of my best efforts

we eventually ended up nixing it

and that was the Pro Church vlog.

We spent thousands upon thousands of dollars

of research and development, and on gear itself,

buying stuff and trying to make it work,

I so, so wanted to create this daily vlog,

this daily kind of documentary

of what we were doing at Pro Church Tools.

We want to build the greatest website builder

of all time, that's not very easy,

come on the journey with us.

Over the years as we actually try and do that.

We had two of our best employees,

best creative minds on it,

and at the end of the day it just wasn't working out.

For this reason: it was just too much of a workload,

too much of a burden on me.

And it sounds like Cody is experiencing something similar

where he really wants to do something,

he sees value in it, and you can ask Roxanne,

and Roxanne can give her take on this,

but we had meetings where I said

"guys, I value this, it's so important,"

and I believed that, and yet the same time

I had to say no to it.

And these two things can exist simultaneously,

they can both be true.

You don't always just say no to things that you don't like,

sometimes you have to say no to things

that you desperately want, give up the great for the best,

give up the good for the great.

What was your perspective on that?

- Well, I definitely was disappointed

that the vlog is not going to work,

but I definitely understand also

that it's a lot of work for somebody

and it wasn't going to be me that was putting it together.

Yeah, so I completely understand why you decided it,

and it was a lot of work,

especially with all the other projects

that we have at this moment going on

and we just had to prioritize, I think,

what we were going to invest our time and effort into.

And so for us, a vlog was going to be fun,

but it wasn't a top priority, I don't think.

- We've got Pro Church Tools,

we've got Nucleus, we've got Pro Video announcements,

we've got secret project codeword Story Tape

coming later in Q4, and we've got the Pro Church vlog.

Five things, which of these five can we cut?

I don't want to cut any of them,

but we had to and it was so disappointing.

That's the word Roxanne used and I'll use that word again,

I'll reiterate that: it was disappointing.

And I was sitting out on the couches yesterday,

yesterday evening with my parents

and my mom, and I was sitting there and I was like,

"I just, I wanna do more

"but every time I try to do more it hurts

"but every time I do less I feel like I'm not doing enough"

and she's like "it's okay,

"you need to think about is this sustainable?"

Like, how do you sustain yourself?

And this is like the type of things,

there is no easy answer to this for Cody.

It's not like I can say, "well Cody

"it's easy, if you just devote 90 minutes

"every third day and not when it's a super rainy day

"and only when the sun comes out in a quarter moon,

"I'm sorry, when the moon comes out,"

and like "full moons only, Cody!"

Like, there's no formula for making this work,

the only thing that you're able to do is

internally look into yourself and be like

"am I over-indexed?"

- [Roxanne] Mm-Hm.

- The great thing is that,

and this is kind of the tension of Cody's question

is like, I want to do this for my church.

This is something that has merit, it's valuable,

it's helpful, it's worthwhile,

and yet I still feel a little bit burnt out on it.

Maybe you gotta pull back,

maybe you've got to sacrifice

some of the things in your own life

that you haven't already.

This is the flip side.

Me? I have like no hobbies.

- [Roxanne] It's true.

- Aside from sports I set my ambitions high,

I set my goals high, and then I work

to match those ambitions.

The problem is sometimes I set those ambitions too high

and I have to dial it back.

Cody, that might be him, he might be

of the other type of person.

The person that has really high ambitions

and doesn't put the work in to match that.

And that sounds unfair to Cody, I don't know him,

this is just the type of person that says like

"you know what, I'm going to do this

"I'm gonna start my own business"

and then all they do is watch House of Cards on Netflix

and you're like "shut up, put in some work, you fool,

"do something!"

And so either you are doing way too much

and you're over-indexed because

you're a husband and a parent

and you're working hard at work

but you want to help your church.

Or, and you have to dial back,

or on the flipside maybe there are things

that you can sacrifice.

You have, maybe watch House of Cards just a little bit less.

Maybe scale back on that hobby just a little bit more

and you're able to then, reallocate that time

for something more useful.

But at the end of the day

we all have the same amount of hours

and we also have different amounts of capacity.

Some of us are more robotic than others.

Some of us don't require as much self-care.

Like I'm a, I would say I'm a pretty high-performer

and high-capacity individual,

but I'm also very delicate and sensitive

and if I don't get my R&R in there in some way

I'll just become like a mess

because I'm that, I'm like 50% business 50% creative.

Some people are like 100% business

and are just straight robots.

They're just like work, work, work, work

and it's all fine, so you just have to be

self-aware of who you are

and you also have to be self-aware of what you're doing,

your calendar as it is, what can be reallocated,

what can be removed and what can be added.

- Yup, I think like, I like what you said

about finding something sustainable for you.

Like, because I think there are times in your life

where you can kind of slide up the dial on certain projects,

like a big Easter project for your church.

For a couple weeks it's okay to go hard,

and put in several hours on that project,

but you know that's not going to be sustainable long term.

So I think finding a sustainable balance long term...

- That's a great extra dimension to this

that we should probably talk about

because there is seasonal projects.

Like, the work I was putting into Nucleus,

right up to the Nucleus launch, was unsustainable.

Couldn't have done that long term.

But I knew, okay, this is going to end

on April 25th or May 2nd or shortly after,

and then we'll return back to a more sustainable pace.

But then, when I was thinking about doing this

consulting podcast we mentioned earlier,

that is permanently adding another hour or two

of work into my week every single week.

And the only way that that was able to fit in

was I cut out two other things,

that were taking about half an hour each.

And so I just replaced one thing with another,

and even that replacement was a positive replacement

because the other two things required me

to be fully creative and proactive

whereas this consultation podcast,

while I'll still have to be creative,

will require me to be more reactive

which is actually easier than being proactive

at least in the podcast space.

And so that was the only way that that got to be in there,

but that wasn't a seasonal thing,

that was permanent and if I'm going to commit

to doing it every week, I mean, so.

That's another dimension to it,

I'm glad you brought that up.

Any other thoughts?

- No, I think that's it.

- Okay, great, well, that's it

for this episode of Ask Brady.

If you want your question answered,

of course send in a video question

because you will be sent immediately

to the top of the queue

because we prioritize video questions.

- That's true.

- If you want your question answered, #AskBrady

on Facebook and YouTube in the comments,

#AskBrady on Twitter and Instagram. Anywhere.

We will find it.

Thanks so much for watching.

For Roxanne, for Brady,

and for the whole Pro Church Tools team, seize the 167.

We'll talk real soon.

Today on the Ask Tristan show: the show gets canceled.


For more infomation >> Changing Web Hosts, Instagram Boosting & Avoiding Burnout | #AskBrady Episode 20 - Duration: 28:47.


3種濾鏡調色分享 How I Edit My Instagram | 達拉's Life - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> 3種濾鏡調色分享 How I Edit My Instagram | 達拉's Life - Duration: 4:49.


Giving my mom an ''instagram'' make-over | Renate - Duration: 5:51.

Hello everybody and welcome back to Renegate

this week im giving my mom a makeover

have fun watching

so im giving my mom a makeover today

she already used moisterizer

so im starting with primer

i use the same primer as i would on myself

prime light from milani

but im not using much

i never did anyones makeup

so this is going to be an adventure for us both

im using my milani foundation

my mom got an eyebrow treatment done

i do not agree with it

so im going to make it better

its gonna be fun

winged eyeliner doesnt fit your eyes

oh nooo

plan b

ur a woman

dont you do your waterline?


why not

i never do

what do you do then?

below it

should i give you a makeover?

how did i get these lines?

thats your skin mom

i never have those

its your skin mom this is an intervention

very pretty....

its doesnt look better up close

this is gonna be the tumbnail

that was the video

do you feel beautiful?

yes i feel amazing

im gonna walk the dog like this

do that

i dare you

that was the video

see you next time

see you next week

For more infomation >> Giving my mom an ''instagram'' make-over | Renate - Duration: 5:51.


Una foto en Instagram aumenta el rumor del nuevo amor del 'Canelo' Álvarez, la ex de otro famoso - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Una foto en Instagram aumenta el rumor del nuevo amor del 'Canelo' Álvarez, la ex de otro famoso - Duration: 1:15.


How To Upload Gaint Square Images On Instagram - Duration: 3:12.

Hello Friend's I'm Nikhil And You Watching TechnoWorld4U

Friend's Today You Will See In This Video How To Upload Gaint Square Images On Instagram

Let's Go

Firstly Open Play Store

Then Search Here... Instagrid

As You See Here Many Apps Available

But You Install This One Because This App Is Too Good and Also 1 Millions Downloaded This App.

Install This App.

I've Already Installed It.....So I'm Going To Open It

As You See After Open This App .....This Is The Interface Of This App.

Then Click On This Gallery Image Icon and Choose Your Image Which You Want to Upload

As For Example I'm Going TO Choose This One Images

And You Choose Format .... in Which Format You Want To Upload

Then Adjust This Click on Dotted Point And Scroll .....

After Adjust ....Click On Done

As You See Here Your Images Is Cut Into Nine Square Parts

Then It's Time To Upload It......Just Click on One and You See Automatically your Instagram App Opened And Post This One.

Upload All Image

if You Uploaded All Nine Image ....

Open Your Instagram App

Then Go On Your Profile ....and You See

Your Gaint Square Image Uploaded Successfully.

Well You See Here Gaint Square Image it's Looking So Good...

So Guy's It's Enough For This Video ...

We'll Meet In Next Video with New Intresting Topic

Thank You.

For more infomation >> How To Upload Gaint Square Images On Instagram - Duration: 3:12.


¡Insertan virus en el Instagram de Britney Spears! - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> ¡Insertan virus en el Instagram de Britney Spears! - Duration: 7:08.


Naomi Campbell shows off 'hot, sexy' yoga moves in Instagram video – but there's a twist - Duration: 2:03.

Naomi Campbell shows off 'hot, sexy' yoga moves in Instagram video – but there's a twist

The 47-year-old posted the video to her Instagram with the caption: Yoga time The footage shows a woman in a black leotard standing on her hands under an archway in her living room with her feet touching the ceiling.

She then walks backwards until her toes touch the wall before bending her spine down until she has created a tricky Z shape with her body.

Showing jaw-dropping upper body strength, the bendable star then pushes herself across to the opposite wall and hooks her left leg backwards over her body until her foot touches her head.

Finally the flexible woman wows with an F-shape pose that almost defies the laws of physics before performing the splits upside down.

The clip has been watched over one million times in just a few hours and viewers were impressed by what they saw. Sexy.

You look amazing with those legs, wrote one Instagram user. Another commented: I was looking for some hot stuff and I got it.

And a third added: Wow. How do you even do that? Incredible. But fans were shocked to discover that the woman in the video is not actually the supermodel.

Naomi uploaded a video belonging to LA fitness babe Danielle Acoff and failed to explain to viewers that it wasnt her.

But the Californian star didnt mind, reposting the Londoners video with the caption: Thank you for the love Naomi Campbell and thanks to everyone who tagged me!.

For more infomation >> Naomi Campbell shows off 'hot, sexy' yoga moves in Instagram video – but there's a twist - Duration: 2:03.


Ngebahas Video Instagram Sendiriiiii...... - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Ngebahas Video Instagram Sendiriiiii...... - Duration: 3:40.


İnstagram Programsız Takipçi Arttırma Hilesi - İnstagram Takipçi Arttırma - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> İnstagram Programsız Takipçi Arttırma Hilesi - İnstagram Takipçi Arttırma - Duration: 7:26.


Instagram model Jojo Babie's boobs spill from pointless bra - Duration: 1:46.

Instagram model Jojo Babie's boobs spill from pointless bra

Instagram model Jojo Babie is entirely devoted to her followers. In fact, the blonde bombshell is constantly keeping them up to date with motivational messages, replying to their comments and sharing her fitness advice.

But today, the bodacious beauty has gone back to basics and given her fans a special snap, where she can be seen flashing major cleavage.

Jojos boobs could barely be contained by the flimsy fabric of her bra, as her chest dared to break free.

To be entirely honest, it looked like her enormous assets were ready to break free from the pointless underwear at any given moment.

Offering the camera a plump pout and wearing her long blonde locks down to one side, the model looked sensational.

Writing to her 7 million followers, Jojo said: THANK YOU so much for the daily love and support. I wish I could give every one of you a HUG! I try my best to respond back to your comments…you guys are AMAZING!.

I love and appreciate you! It comes as the stunning model recently showcased major underboob in a flesh-flashing image. Sporting a tiny crop top and high-waisted bikini bottoms, it was certainly a double whammy.

For more infomation >> Instagram model Jojo Babie's boobs spill from pointless bra - Duration: 1:46.


Two Tips When Uploading Videos to Instagram - Duration: 0:56.

Okay! Two tips today. Two for the price of one.

And you get the hood on because it's raining. Crazy lightning storm coming

through Nashville today. So the two tips are, yesterday I posted a video directly

into Instagram using the little place where you can go and make a video. Don't

do that. One, I made the video and then got interrupted while I was posting it

and the video goes away so that kind of stunk. So, this time, I'm actually using

the camera recording on the phone. And then the other reason for that is if you

do decide to then go in and use the content for something like YouTube, it

looks super bad because you get the black boxes on the side. So your two tips

use the camera video and then you can still just post it directly to Instagram

but it's much more versatile and it doesn't just disappear by accident.

I hope that helps thanks everybody have a good day. Hopefully it's nicer wherever you

are than it is here.

For more infomation >> Two Tips When Uploading Videos to Instagram - Duration: 0:56.


Top 10 Most Followed Instagram Girls That Are Too Hot To Handle | | Hot Girls Vol - 1 - Duration: 10:05.

she is an American singer-songwriter an actress she is known for her crazy

dressing sense she has 68 point five million followers

on Instagram

she is an American actress and a successful businesswoman she is very

famous for her hourglass glass shape and have 60 8.2 million followers on


she is an American singer rapper and model she also writes songs she has 80

1.2 million followers on Instagram


only lucky she is an American fashion model and television personality she has

eighty 1.9 million followers on Instagram


she's very talented and do many work a socialite model television personalities

and fashion designer she has ninety five point two million followers on Instagram

going like a dull truck

mostly everyone know her she is actress socialite model and businesswoman she

have great hourglass shape and beautiful looks she has 101 million followers on


only lucky healthy she was an American singer-songwriter and actress as well

she has 103 million followers on Instagram

only lucky girl she is great as well a songwriter

she has 102 million followers on Instagram

she is an American singer and actress she has 109 million followers on


like yourself she is an American actress and singer

she has 122 million followers on Instagram

like the show cap

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