Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily an Jun 12 2017

Trey Gowdy Just Ripped To Pieces A Gun-Hating Liberal Bureaucrat On Live TV, This Is Epic

Trey Gowdy is an American, a leader and in conclusion, a lawmaker in a specific order

and his needs are on full show as he supports the Constitution of the United States and

the Second Amendment specifically when a liberal weapon detesting Obama manikin tries to make

their silly point.

Obama and Hillary have gone up against the cause to utilize a "no-fly" rundown to

limit the privileges of law-abiding American nationals.

Obviously permitting terror suspects to have guns is something no one needs yet having

a rundown kept up by liberals in Washington with no lawful method for getting off this

rundown is a protected infringement.

In a hearing Gowdy empties on an authority after she is gotten some information about

the unlawful practice and abandons her absolutely quiet.

Crickets women and man of honor and she merits the mortification that Gowdy hands out.

We can't quit giving a shout out to Trey Gowdy as he goes to bat for your and our rights.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.



for reading.



For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Just Ripped To Pieces A Gun Hating Liberal Bureaucrat On Live TV, This Is Epic - Duration: 16:33.


What is an Academic or Scholarly Journal? - Duration: 2:41.

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going to go discuss the broadest of topics: what is a peer-reviewed or a scholarly


A journal is a scholarly periodical that is different than a magazine.

A journal is geared toward academic pursuits and is meant to inform and educate.

The publication is usually peer reviewed which means experts in the specific field review

the content prior to publication to determine if it is worthy of publication, meaning it

adds to the particular field of study.

The peer review is usually blind which means the article authors and the reviewers are

reviewing the content and are not told who the author or reviewer is.

Journals may be subscription based, or they may be sent to all the members of a particular

association society as part of their dues or they may be open access, meaning they are

free to be read by anyone at any time.

A journal may be in paper and in digital form or, increasingly, in just digital form.

Journals are likely to be less reliant on advertising income versus magazines, supposedly

making them less influenced by advertisers.

A journal is composed of articles which are authored by experts and outsiders from the

journal, as opposed to staff written articles in magazines.

There are many different types of articles some of which include review articles, research

articles, articles from supplements, letters, case reports, survey article, position papers,

columns or departments, and many more.

The journal normally has an Information or Guidelines for Authors which details what

type of articles that journal is interested in, what format submissions need to be in,

and how to submit an article; among other things.

Articles usually include the authors credentials and contact information to establish the authors

credibility to discuss the topic.

Articles can be lengthy.

Journals are very interested in being included in such places as Google Scholar and in abstracting

and indexing services as Pub Med and many, many others.

Journals also are interested in metrics such as article downloads, citations in other articles,

Altmetrics, and others that help determine which articles are having significant impact.

Journals can be found in many academic disciplines such as STM, or science/technical/medicine,

law, engineering, social sciences, and the humanities, as well as other areas of scholarly


Well that's it.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the playlist to see more videos about

academic journals and the articles in them.

And make comments below or email me with questions.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> What is an Academic or Scholarly Journal? - Duration: 2:41.


Accounting for Beginners #28 / Assets / What is an Asset ? / Accounting Basics / Balance Sheet - Duration: 7:32.

what I put up put up CPA strength strongest CPA in Florida back again this is

the classic series man you know what it is a FB account for beginners number 28

veinte Y Ocho you know what it is come on let's go let's get it in assets

what are assets I know I just did a whole bunch of videos as increase assets

CPA strings you should have put these before the other ones I know but my mind

too jumbled mess and I'm not perfect and I'd rather just show out and put videos

out instead of trying to be perfect not have enough videos out let's go what is

an asset so first I know you've been studying look if this is your first one

welcome I'm going to put a Oh up here my playlist best accounting playlist on the

interwebs just saying a low bias but you know what it is I know you have your DC

aid ler I know you already have that what is d saidler

debit credit asset drug expense liability equity revenue and you know

all these are the normal balances so if you notice we have 6 1 2 3 3 debits 1 2

3 3 credits in the normal balance the positive balance I have done I think

accounting for beginners number 18 we will put a card up here was on draw

today we're doing what is an asset we're concentrating on one of the six boxes

that a transaction could be in it is asset today great assets very important

as you can see assets assets equal liabilities plus equity so I'm starting

with assets right now it's number 28 next video we're going to do liabilities

and the next one after that it's going to be what is equity

now assets equal liabilities plus equity that is the balance sheet assets equal

liabilities plus equity is the balance sheet

so that's why we're doing we're going to take these on first and then we're going

to have the balance sheet which is also see look this DCA learn and you know

this always you always owe is equals so there's the balance sheet in dc-8 ler

but and also assets equal liabilities plus equity it's also called the basic

account equation now if you're taking this in school you're going to see

what's the basic an equation what's the basic an equation and to be honest I

don't even know why that matters really after school because like assets equal

liabilities and equity it is the base account equation but I don't tell like

my clients or around on QuickBooks going to is the basic account equation I say

oh it's the balance sheet then the balance sheet is in my opinion the most

important financial statement I need a balance sheet and I need an

income state and rated every year to do a tax returns so what's it all about

anyways right making money and paying them taxes so and balance sheet is on

the top because that is reused every single year updated every single year

every single year the income statement is just for that period of time just for

that one year and whatever happens on that goes over to the balance sheet but

some balance sheet is super important super important in accounting it's the

basic kind of equation is assets equal liabilities plus equity so all three of

these are super super super important but let's think about this now if I once

if they equal it's a balance so it balances a balance sheet right one half

of its the assets so and on the other half there's two things liabilities and

equity liabilities and equity so this must be pretty important it seems to be

the basis of everything assets okay the definition of the book says assets

what is an asset so resources owned by a business

thanks a lot all right so resources owned business I would say almost

instead of you know resources owned by a business Oh should I'm blinking I'm

almost out of battery I want to finish up so those resources owned by a

business what did businesses do businesses want

to make money now we're just going to go through common assets that would be in

here on a journal entry common assets cash cash or checking account all right

so now we're going to go Mike now cash it's like okay

cash is like tippers like Scrooge McDuck ish or your checking account now you

have some you have some money or money a checking account can I make more money

with it because businesses want to make money that's going to help me make more

money yes it is make more money make more money make money make them shippers

get the money yes this is going to help me make money equipment

I got equipment I got a laptop I got a printer is that going to help me make

more chippers yes it's an asset it's a resources out I'm getting more chippers

accounts receivable someone owes me chippers so I can go make more chippers

with them shippers you so yes accounts receivable asset loaned and mister never

pay me back I loaned somebody he says he's gonna pay me back he ain't never

going to pay me back but if he did I would have more chippers so I can make

more chippers I got cash so I can make more cash so loan to somebody who ain't

never going to paying back the no never fucking paid no never pays you back

that's an asset inventory I got products man I got products I got

widgets out - I got widgets out the door so I'm going to sell these widgets to

get more money so I can go make more money so that's an asset it's a resource

yeah inventory yeah land building I got a building I own a building on

some land and with this building I got all my stuff going on I'm gonna make

more money I'm gonna get more money so I can go spend it make

money yeah buddy thank you so much for watching if you liked it hit a light

because it helps me more than you would know to have the video reach a wider

audience leave a comment for future questions

anyways I can't believe it I am at right now almost 18,000 subscribers which is

crazy I think this is the first time I might have talked about subscribers on

my on my YouTube page it's growing rapidly I could have never imagined how

many people that I would be helping throughout the whole world and I think

when I get when I get to 20,000 I might do a but thank you or I just just talk

about 20,000

For more infomation >> Accounting for Beginners #28 / Assets / What is an Asset ? / Accounting Basics / Balance Sheet - Duration: 7:32.


Synthesizing an Acoustic Filter by a Residual Extraction Technique - Duration: 6:42.

The following is a video clip from the webcast, "Four Ways to Boost Simulation Data Processing

Using Python".

In this segment, Matt Ozalas talks about how to compute circuit and model values prior

to running a simulation.

Matt shows us an example of how to synthesize an acoustic filter by using a residual extraction


All right.

So back to the presentation.

We've got three down and one to go.

In the previous three, I've really talked about how to post-process data.

This has been all about post-processing, right?

Basically, what we've done is taken the data that we have after simulation and manipulate

it into some manner.

Well, in this last example, we're going to do something a little bit different.

We're actually going to preprocess data.

So we're going to synthesize the filter before we run the simulation and get those filter

values in.

And the filter that I'm going to synthesize is an acoustic resonator filter.

So these are widely used in RF systems.

And generally speaking, if you told me to go design a filter, the first thing I would

probably think about doing is synthesizing it.

But for acoustic filters, it's really challenging to synthesize something.

I haven't seen it in any of the software packages out there, the ability to do that.

So, I spent a lot of time in Python and looked at some of the stuff in the literature and

basically wrote a Python script to synthesize a ladder filter.

And I actually had that before I built any of this data link stuff.

It was already kind of there.

And so, given that I've got this Python script, I want to show you how to tie it into the


So I'm going to synthesize the filter and Python.

And how can we tie this together with the simulation so that the values from the filter

just preload right into the schematic and I can immediately validate if I've done a

synthesis step, whether or not my filter response agrees with what I thought it did from the


And just to give you a little bit of background on acoustic resonators, the challenge with

synthesizing them is really that they're not one element.

They're at least three elements.

And so it's usually a Series LC.

That's the acoustic part of it.

And then there's some kind of parasitic-like overlap capacitance.

And just digging in to that a little more, the Series LC, the mechanical or acoustic

elements give you this series resonance, and the parallel capacitance gives you a parallel


And those happen pretty close in frequency.

So usually these are very, very high Q resonators.

And the way that they're built is by cascading sets of them together.

So we can create a ladder network by doing a series resonator and a shunt resonator.

And usually the shunt resonators are detuned in frequency.

So those set the lower band pass null and the series resonator will set the higher band

pass null.

So we can improve the rejection of the nulls by just adding more elements to the filter.

That's usually what's done.

The challenge is, so you can get great, here's the rejection that you get out

of the null.

So you can see the nulls are getting much, much deeper as we add more elements.

But the problem is, let's say I use the exact same element in series and then I use the

exact same elements in shunt.

If I did that, I would get a passband response that doesn't look great.

It ends up looking kind of ripply.

So it's not completely ideal.

So to achieve a nice passband response, the filter elements need to be tuned or optimized

or designed to get some kind of response.

So I don't have nearly enough time to cover all the details about this.

This is another area where I could spend the entire webcast just talking about this one


But there's a paper out there that I based this on.

And what I do is essentially obtain a characteristic Chebyshev polynomial with finite transmission


And so I can take the specs that someone gives me and generate this type of polynomial.

So I've done that for the input impedance here.

So the key is keeping the numerator and denominator s-domain polynomials intact.

And then I pass those s-domain polynomials into a separate function to generate the filter.

So I start with an ideal Chebyshev response.

Then I generate a realistic filter with these resonator components.

And basically what I do is I use this residual extraction technique where we look at the

filter response at each of the zeroes.

And when we do it in the right way, everything else just kind of disappears and we're able

to focus in on a particular resonator.

So the output of this Python script, it's really just we print out a few values here.

And that was the state that it was in.

So linking it to ADS, I actually start in the data display and I specify some filter


And then I'm going to pass those into Python and it's going to synthesize the filter.

And what it will return is the low-pass prototype response.

To it'll send me the frequency response of the low-pass prototype that it generates.

At the same time, it's also going to make a file.

So it'll do that in the background.

And this file is going to have the elements of each of the filter components in it.

And so I can access that in simulation using a data access component and just preload those

values directly into my simulation, so all I need to do is hit simulate and I have the

simulated response of the ladder network.

So, I'll give you a really quick demo of that, too.

So here's my schematic.

This is my ladder network.

And just to kind of push in to each one of the components, these all look the same and

they're just series resonance and a parallel resonance here.

And in this case, if I try to hit simulate, I'll get an error because the file doesn't

exist yet.

I haven't synthesized anything yet.

So I'm trying to read a file that doesn't exist.

But let me open the data display now.

So this is the Python script I'm going to use.

It's called Ladder Synthesis BVD.

And these are the specs.

So this is the low and high side of the band pass, and then these are the transmission

zeroes that I specify.

And by the way, I can specify more zeroes.

I just, in this case, did four of them.

And I'm also going to specify the return loss.

So let me do that.

And it's going to go in the background in turn and give me a prototype filter response.

So that's return directly from Python.

And you can see that this is an equiripple response.

And also it's low pass.

So this is not frequency scaled yet.

So when I go over to the simulator, what happened is, hopefully, this file was created.

And so when I hit "Simulate," now it simulates.

And that's it.

There's my response with all my resonators that have been synthesized at 2 gigahertz.

So this is the scaled version of this filter.

So I can sit here and now start evaluating the filter.

Rather than typing in values from the synthesis to the simulation, we can do that pre-computation

step and just have everything get populated into the schematic.

For more infomation >> Synthesizing an Acoustic Filter by a Residual Extraction Technique - Duration: 6:42.


700 Sq. Ft. Little Cabin on a Lake in Olympia, WA | Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 2:30.

700 Sq. Ft. Little Cabin on a Lake in Olympia, WA | Small House Design Ideas

For more infomation >> 700 Sq. Ft. Little Cabin on a Lake in Olympia, WA | Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 2:30.


Trey Gowdy Is Working On A Totally Unexpected Project, Will You Support It - Duration: 19:43.

Trey Gowdy Is Working On A Totally Unexpected Project, Will You Support It

Congressman Trey Gowdy's career seems to always keep reaching new stratospheric heights.

Following his investigation into Hillary Clinton's role in the Benghazi tragedy, he was tapped

to serve on President Trump's transition team, and then he was named to the powerful

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Lately, he has become the favorite to take over for outgoing Rep. Jason Chaffetz as the

chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

However, Congressman Gowdy just revealed that he has become involved in a different project

that is completely separate from his political career in Washington, D.C.

Rep. Gowdy is close friends with Republican Senator Tim Scott, who also hails from South

Carolina, and they announced that they are writing a book together about their friendship.

Senator Scott told Palmetto Politics that they have not decided on a title, although

they are considering Cotton, Courtrooms and Congress.

Described Scott about the project, "We're still in the middle of developing chapters,"

and stated that they are getting tips from professional writers.

He added, "Trey wanting me to write an autobiography.

I didn't want to write an autobiography."

They decided on the compromise of writing a book together.

Said Scott, "We're two very different people — two different styles, a lot of

things that are polar opposites except we happen to have core principles which make

the friendship work very well."

Scott stated that he is "a poor kid from North Charleston, a single parent household,

mired in poverty."

By contrast, Scott said Gowdy is "a doctor's son, mom and dad in the house, sisters."

Speaking about their differing styles, Scott said about Trey, "He's an analytical thinker.

I'm more of a big thinker.

I like to talk about things that are possible; he likes to talk about things that are happening


The book will be put out by Christian publisher WordServe Literary Group, and has a planned

release for April 2018.

Will you support


and Scott's project?

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Is Working On A Totally Unexpected Project, Will You Support It - Duration: 19:43.




Astronomers at NASA have uncovered a solar system they believe to be �remarkably similar�

to Earth�s.

The discovery is considered a possible breakthrough in better understanding how our planet and

its neighbours were formed.

The system, around the star Epsilon Eridani, was discovered just 10 light-years away in

the constellation Eradinus.

According to the astronomers, it is the closest system that includes a star as youthful as

our own.

But while Epsilon Eridani looks like our own star, it�s actually one-fifth the age, and

it resembles the sun as it was long ago.

�This star hosts a planetary system currently undergoing the same cataclysmic processes

that happened to the solar system in its youth, at the time in which the moon gained most

of its craters, Earth acquired the water in its oceans, and the conditions favorable for

life on our planet were set,� said astronomer Massimo Marengo, one of the authors of the


Marengo, an Iowa State associate professor of physics and astronomy, along with other

astronomers, had been studying the star and its planetary system for more than a decade.

A 2009 scientific paper explained how the astronomers used data from NASA�s Spitzer

Space Telescope to describe the star�s disk of fine dust and debris left over from the

formation of planets and asteroid and comet collisions.

The team found the disk to have separate belts of asteroids resembling the asteroid and Kuiper

belts of our solar system.

In the new paper, data was used from NASA�s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy,


Residing in an aircraft, it�s able to take detailed pictures by aiming at distant stars.

Astronomers analyzed the mission and sifted through infrared data about the star, ultimately

finding that it was surrounded by two structures: an inner and outer disk, with a gap possibly

created by planets.

�But we can now say with great confidence that there is a separation between the star�s

inner and outer belts,� Marengo said.

�There is a gap most likely created by planets.

We haven�t detected them yet, but I would be surprised if they are not there.

Seeing them will require using the next-generation instrumentation, perhaps NASA�s 6.5-meter

James Webb Space Telescope scheduled for launch in October 2018.�

While it�s true a lot of time and attention has been spent on one nearby star and its

debris disk, Marengo says it could help give astronomers a better look at the very ancient

past of Earth and the planets surrounding it.

�The prize at the end of this road is to understand the true structure of e Eridani�s

out-of-this-world disk, and its interactions with the cohort of planets likely inhabiting

its system.,� Marengo said in a newsletter story about the project.

�SOFIA, by its unique ability of capturing infrared light in the dry stratospheric sky,

is the closest we have to a time machine, revealing a glimpse of Earth�s ancient past

by observing the present of a nearby young sun.�

For more infomation >> NASA DISCOVERS AN ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM THAT IS 'REMARKABLY - tech and science - Duration: 3:36.


Inside the FBI: New York | The FBI Nabs An Uzbekistani Criminal | USA Network - Duration: 1:43.

narrator: FBI New York's

Cyber Crime Task Force

is getting ready to take down Uzbekistani Vyacheslav Khaimov

for his role in a malware scheme.

But intel is suggesting Khaimov may have been

tipped off to the arrest.

- Be cognizant. He might not just be answering his door.

He might be in play.

- Just keep your head on a swivel, make sure you know

what's going on around you until we're all the way

back to the office.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Just made the right turn on Coyle.

Arriving in the area.

Team One, get ready to roll out.

♪ ♪

[banging on door]

- FBI! Search Warrant! Open the door!

narrator: Just before 10:00 a.m.,

the FBI takes Khaimov into custody.

- He was likely very surprised, you know, shocked to see us.

And we'll take him over to U.S. Marshals

and the Eastern District, which is downtown Brooklyn.

- The subject looked like he was right about

to leave his house.

It looks like we kind of surprised him.

But surrendered quietly and peacefully.

He's now in custody, en route to the FBI office

for processing and then eventually to the court

for his initial appearance.

narrator: Vyacheslav Khaimov pled guilty for his role

in the international cybercrime operation.

- We're in a new era of cyber

because our lives have become digital.

Whether we're working a criminal violation, an espionage case,

or a terrorism case, it all happens online.

We need the bad guys to feel our breath on their neck

when they're sitting at that keyboard in their pajamas,

stealing your identity or threatening a child.

For more infomation >> Inside the FBI: New York | The FBI Nabs An Uzbekistani Criminal | USA Network - Duration: 1:43.


A Tiny Icelandic Cabin Under the Northern Lights | Maja Siska | Small House Design - Duration: 2:33.

A Tiny Icelandic Cabin Under the Northern Lights | Maja Siska | Small House Design

For more infomation >> A Tiny Icelandic Cabin Under the Northern Lights | Maja Siska | Small House Design - Duration: 2:33.


Ek Monosen - Problem Just An Exercise | Success Reveal - Duration: 8:51.

Success Reveal

Ek Monosen

Problem Just an Exercise

For more infomation >> Ek Monosen - Problem Just An Exercise | Success Reveal - Duration: 8:51.


【My Girlfriend's Boyfriend】Ep11 (Eng-sub) (Love Triangle between An Otaku and 2 Robots) - Duration: 28:37.

Subtitles by Hotpot Fansub

<i>Episode 11</i>

President, though Pei Ni's gone abroad

Animation Festival is going to be held.

How can you take the activity room back in preparatory period?

I'm so sorry.

Although the rehearsal room has been used by you

the school resources are limited.

We'll allocate it to who deserves a pat.

It's routine.

Hope you can understand.


I hope you can understand.

Good job, Su Zi Xuan!

Just wait!

I'll get you into trouble with all my members.


President, do you know Morphy's Law?

What you don't want to do is going to be done.

So from probability,

you don't believe that anime club can have a success

it may achieve a huge success.

Sorry, I hope it can succeed.

Based on your words, is it going to fail?

So why don't we give the room to other clubs that deserve it?

It seems I get stuck by myself.

Are you cowing me?


I'm showing the physical qualities of being a coser.


I know all you have done to anime club is because I didn't respond to you.

If only you would return it to us, I'll accept your love.

Don't let me see them anymore.

It's about our club site...

How can you hang on without a heroine!

Don't talk about your club site anymore!

No site!

No Animation Festival!

<i>[Recruitment You can be the next princess]</i>

<i>[1 Na Na's Audition]</i>

My Knight!

I hate to part with you! <i>[Princess, Ajatar]</i>

Oh, my Knight!

Oh, Ajatar!

Though you're evil, domineering, and unreasonable

you still have tenderness.

Oh, I was moved by such a guy.

I will abandon my love, my Knight.

I'm willing to be with you.

Na Na.

Na... Na Na.

Do we have it?

No, we don't.

She added it.

Shall I act with her?


I'm a creative actress who can play in 180 kinds of ways.

Come on!

Ajatar! Give my princess back to me!

You, you kidnapped my princess

and you... you turned her into a loony!

I'll kill you.

I'll kill you!

Oh, my Ajatar!

How could baby and I live without you!

How can we live without you!

You can't die!

My Knight!

I know, you and my Ajatar love me in the same way.

As the most beautiful princess in the world

my existence is a sin!

Up yours!


I won't let you take her away.


I'm already his woman.


Here's our baby.

And we will have more

little dragon babies.


My princess, please come back with me.

Oh my goodness!

Why do you punish me like this?

Why do you make all the men in the world fall in love with me?

I love my Knight

but I can't abandon my Ajatar!

My death is the only way to solve this problem.



The way I acted just now should be called Na Na's 1 minute inspiration.

How is it?

Na Na, you performed very well.

Thanks, monitor.

We won't hold the Festival.

Thanks a lot.

Go back to rest.

This day makes us remember the desperation

without Pei Ni, without Meng Shan

and without anime club.

<i>[The Most Powerful Handmade Show]</i>

Your phones should be available

to contact for 24 hours.

Sorry to disturb.

I'm Ah-Zhai, a member of anime club.

Sorry, loony from anime club is not welcomed.

Just one word, then I'll leave.

Could you please back the site to us?

We must hold the festival.

This is the last wish of Pei Ni.

Pei Ni.

We need to give you the site to complete her wish?

Excuse me, Mr. Ah-Zhai.

What makes you believe we'll give you the site for your pleading?

Because she's Pei Ni.

She's your ex-girlfriend.

If you hadn't cheat on her

she won't go abroad.

So you...

Mr. Ah-Zhai.

You're out of line.

Right, it's my sake.

Well, so what?

She has gone.

She's not here.

You should remember that in the past 2 year

what you can have is because of Pei Ni.

Now, she is not here and you guys can't hold it

unless she comes back.

By the way

I won't approve it.

OK, let's move on next part.

So if Pei Ni would come back

we can get back the site and go on to hold the Festival?

How could Pei Ni come back?

Two days ago, I still bickered with Jin Gang.

We all think we are more important to her.

But now, we can't finish her last wish.

Well, we still can finish it.

What could we do?

I can.

You're right!


Do you have anything to tell me?

It doesn't matter. Say it out.

Ah-Zhai is not here.

I'm not sure whether he hides something or not.

How can I suddenly have personality disorders.

Do you really forget your past?

Do you remember how you regained memory?

Have you found any suspicious people?

Oh, shit!

Be quiet!

There's one special thing only you can get it done.


To hack into our school web.


Just consider it.

Eve is Pei Ni.

We need to activate Pei Ni's school archive ASAP.

Let Eve return to school and attend it on time!

Why is it always so exciting to be with you?

Does Adam know?

Don't tell him.

Why are you sitting here?

Come with us!

Come on.


Go back home.


Aren't we going to the Festival?

Do you have no rehearsal today?

Pei Ni!

Pei Ni, you're back!

Aren't you studying abroad?

When did you come back?

I must be dreaming.


I decide to postpone studying abroad.

I'm now dealing with renewal formalities.

I decide to stay here.


Welcome to stay!

Because I heard from Ah-Zhai,

you need me now.

Ah-Zhai, you did the good job!

Ah-Zhai, you're so great!

Ah-Zhai, you...

Ah-Zhai, you're amazing!

How about...

Isn't Pei Ni pretty?

Pei Ni.

Something wrong with you.

I'm seeing her.

None of your business.

Why do you have so many problems?

Pei Ni.

Thank you.

Pei Ni, go to change your clothes.


Who is prettier, Pei Ni or Meng Shan?

- Pei Ni, is Pei Ni. - No, is Meng Shan.

- No, Pei Ni. - Meng Shan.

Not Meng Shan, is Pei Ni.

Ah-Zhai, can you come and help me?

Me... Me? It's me?

Well, it's not proper.

It doesn't matter, we know each other so well.

Ah-Zhai turns to a winner!

What are you doing?

Help Eve to pack up.

Where's Eve?

She went to girls' dorm.


I forget to tell you that I've sent her to school.

From now on, no Eva only Pei Ni!

But you know she's Eve not Pei Ni.

You will hoist with your petard!

Her condition is still very unstable.

Do you know her condition?

What can you do if she's out of control?

You think too much, dear.

<i>[Girls' Dormitory]</i>

<i>[Dragon Knight]</i>

Mr. Big, Please.

It's a great shame in my life.

I'll get even with her.

Isn't she Pei Ni?

Well, why Pei Ni is here?

What happened?

Why she come back?

Pei Ni is back like this.

So what happened between Su Zi Xuan and her?

Who knows.

You see, it seems nothing happened to her.

This isn't like her boyfriend cheating on her.

Ignore them.

Women are gossip.

Actually, they're right.

To be honest, he didn't abandon me.

Any other hidden reason?

You're bigger gossip than women.

What the hell is that?

I can't tell you.

I need to protect his self-esteem as a man.


Men's self-esteem?

What do you mean?

In my experience of being a man

wouldn't it be that?

Don't misunderstand.

However, we have been in love for 2 years.

Nothing has happened yet.

Well, the reason he has no affair with her is that he is impotent.

Though I'm a female, I can understand it.

Su Zi Xuan is impotent.

That is very informative!

Pei Ni, I

As soon as I know you're back I come to explain to you.

Could you give me a chance?

Pei Ni, can we get back together.

Su Zi Xuan, I've got my Mr. Right.

Mr. Right.

His impotency leads to their break up.


<i>Did you know?</i>

<i>The real reason of their breaking up</i>

<i>is involved in a man's self-esteem.</i>

<i>He dares to cheat on her when he is impotent?</i>

<i>Maybe because of his proud.</i>

<i>Lack what, seek what.</i>

<i>You know?</i>

<i>So Pei Ni said good-bye to him?</i>

<i>Oh my lord!</i>

<i>This's a big news!</i>

<i>Just like apple of Sodom!</i>

<i>Does he have an Adam's apple?</i>

Oh my goodness.

Why is there a rumor like this?


Su Zi Xuan must be crazy about it.


Let's have a meal.

This is yours.

When did they have such a good relationship?

Fu Gui told me, Pei Ni came back

is because he went and persuade her.

Who knows?

Men's heart, submarine pin.

He chased me before.

Accept the fact.

Stop dreaming.

I've told you not to come here.

The weather changes today.

Here's your clothes.

Subtitles by Hotpot Fansub

For more infomation >> 【My Girlfriend's Boyfriend】Ep11 (Eng-sub) (Love Triangle between An Otaku and 2 Robots) - Duration: 28:37.


Ausbildung an der AKNZ - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Ausbildung an der AKNZ - Duration: 0:32.


Tổng hợp : Những nhầm tưởng mất an toàn - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Tổng hợp : Những nhầm tưởng mất an toàn - Duration: 4:11.


Stop Lying! How To FINISH WHAT YOU START as an ENFP - Duration: 9:54.

it may come as no surprise to that accountability staying accountable and

staying on track is sometimes just sometimes a bit of a struggle for us

enfps and in this video I want to share how

we're different in terms of our wiring with accountability and how we can hold

ourselves accountable and actually follow through on things this may also

be very important actually even more important if you are dating living with

or working with an ENFP and you'll be able to figure out how to help hold them

accountable so they can get things done because the traditional way does not

work so well so a bit of quick backstory here is I am an ENFP personality myself

but I also run a coaching business in addition to making these lovely videos

where I don't exclusively coach enfps but maybe because of my videos here or

just the life I have where I live abroad and have my own business and all this

stuff I tend to attract quite a few ENFP and INFP clients so I one-on-one worked with a

lot of you know peace some of which who are very successful and gotten a lot of

insights into the mindset and how we work and how we're different than other

people but can still succeed and do really really awesome in life if we know

ourselves and we know our operating system so with accountability the

traditional way when people come to me as a coach is they think of a coach is

like a kind of parent like hey can you make me do that can you tell me when to

do that and my answer is no that is not going to be very fun for me to have to

keep like a checklist and I know there's lots of your coaches who do that who

kind of function like an assistant almost like they track things for you

and make sure you're following through but that is not what I do and that is

not going to actually work for an ENFP you're not going to be held accountable

properly by just doing like a list or having someone else tell you to do it

probably the worst long-term is having someone else tell you to do it and to

get accountability that way thing is it might work in the short-term

like if you have a lot of external pressure from a boss or a parent you

probably will work for you the thing is is then your atrophying your own

internal accountability more and more so let's say you have a job the first

couple months you're like okay the pressure from the boss and that becomes

your accountability so after four years five years you're wondering like why

haven't I started my own business yet I've been talking about this for three

four years about how this job was going to be temporary and I was going to start

my own business well the reason is is all your accountability has been shifted

to external accountability from your boss just telling you what to do and

that is not going to work very well with starting your own business where you are

the boss and you can see the conflict there how that works right so as an ENFP

the way to hold yourself accountable the way that's going to work really well is

to come up with a clear statement something that you cannot turn around

you cannot adjust you cannot find excuses for have a clear statement of

what you're going to do and then commit to that to someone else they do not hold

you accountable but you externally or you commit to someone externally this

could be a group of people or just one person and here's why that works so well

is as in FPS we hate hypocrites we hate people who lie who are inauthentic who

say something that they aren't going to do that isn't true at least the enfps

are good there's some evil ones and stuff like that now a lot of it the

funny thing with this is a lot of enfps come off as very flaky or like I don't

not necessarily just honest but they come off as dishonest because they say

they're going to do something and they don't do it but what's happening

internally for an ENFP is they didn't say they would do something and not do

it they didn't lie they changed their direction for good reasons because as an

ENFP you are able to bullshit everyone including yourself

when you want to quit something rather than just owning up to it in st. I quit

this I gave up you find an excuse you find a reason you justify it after and

because you're such a good bullshitter you can justify it to yourself and to

other people so even if you had a coach like I had a coach once who held me

accountable to this like old school system like she'd write a list of okay

next week you'll have done these things it never worked because I was smarter

than her and I could BS around it so if I didn't do something I would kind of

come up with an excuse and a reason and she'd never just say Dan you're full of

shit you didn't do it like you're a liar she would oh that makes sense right

because I could just make up stuff and probably you are the same or the ENFP

that you're trying to work with is the same now know that most of the time we

don't BS with negative intentions we're not trying to be bad people but it's

just how we're kind of wired in terms of justifying stuff and our emotions will

lead us and then we'll rationalize it later so this is where the second part

comes in whatever statement you commit to whatever outcome it has to be really

clear so you have to word it in a way where there's no getting out of it

there's no changing direction later so it should be a very clear statement for

example when I was finishing this draft of the book I finished recently what it

was I will complete draft by this date and it will be at least 40,000 words and

it was very clear now in my case I actually ended up asking for an

extension to the group that I was holding myself accountable to but I left

it up to them so I said hey guys I know I committed to this date I'm a week away

I don't think the book will be the quality it can be if I have to finish it

in this week it's going to be really rushed can I finish it within three

weeks let me know if you think I'm biessing or this is legitimate and they

said that sounds legitimate and I and it was legitimate it was

really a case of making a book of better quality but that's what I would say to

do is have a clear statement a clear outcome essentially you commit it to

someone else so you don't make someone else say hey you're going to do this and

you say right you have to say I am going to do this I am going to finish this

book by May 17th and it will be at least 40,000 words I promise you that and then

you are committed and generally enfps at least as I said the good ones we don't

want to be liars we don't want to let people down and so this is the best way

to hold yourself accountable is by making this statement to someone else

that way there's no sort of change in it like ideally you make it in writing as

well as verbally and that way there's yeah you can't adjust it you can't kind

of vaguely remember it and like what did I commit to and adjust it you just have

a clear commitment that you'll hold yourself to and you're holding yourself

to because it's a reflection of your character because it's something that

you've committed to and you don't want to be a hypocrite you don't want to be

someone who lies to people and lets them down and ultimately good way to see it

is if you tell someone you will do something and you don't it might be good

to see that as a lie not to beat yourself up over but as kind of

motivation to not want to be a liar and to want to hold yourself accountable

with it so that's it that's kind of my my tip here on how do you follow through

and be accountable or if you're working so quickly if you're working with an

ENFP or you're dating one living with one

whatever what you want to do is help them come to their conclusions and

commit to you you might want to share the video with them and I would guess

they will agree with you with it and and then come to that compromise together

risa okay like can I help you come to these commitments or whatever involve

them in that process if you have an employee who is an ENFP they're not

going to do as good of work if you just make them do stuff as if they feel like

they're part of that decision-making process and they come

to the outcome themselves as well and that so create a clear outcome do this

as the ENFP internally where you come up with it

and are just yeah committed to it yourself and then make sure it's clear

and that at least one other person knows about it and you're going to find you

get a lot better result and you're much more likely to remain accountable and

follow through on whatever it is you promised you would do if you've enjoyed

this video then follow through and subscribe to the channel because I make

new videos every Monday Wednesday and Friday I also have a ton of videos about

a couple different personality types but particularly the ENFP personality type

and I'll link to a few of those at the end of the video that you should

definitely check out and that's it catch you in another video soon

For more infomation >> Stop Lying! How To FINISH WHAT YOU START as an ENFP - Duration: 9:54.


The "Disavow Game" Of The New Right: A Comment On Association Fallacy - Duration: 1:42.

I wanted to talk about a favorite tactic of dishonest people.

Have you noticed, when a horrible event occurs… a brick being thrown in a window, firecrackers

thrown at right wing protesters, or even a bike lock swung by a maniac etc.

When an event like this takes place and the right wing OUTRAGE MACHINE kicks into full

gear and a call for everyone on the left to disavow the actions of a violent few regardless

of how out of the ordinary these attacks may be.

This "disavow game" of the new right has grown rather boring, so I'd like to take

the opportunity to offer a blanket disavow to any violent act for the next… oh… lets

say year or so, committed by anyone on the left end of the spectrum that the right wing

trolls will ask me to disown.

The tactic is somewhat dishonest however, since I have yet to meet the right winger

that would disavow more than a tiny fraction of the violence coming from their side of

the spectrum.

Policies, data, and facts are what we will focus on here...

I will NOT play the disavow game.

For more infomation >> The "Disavow Game" Of The New Right: A Comment On Association Fallacy - Duration: 1:42.


What is a mental health advocate? - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> What is a mental health advocate? - Duration: 3:58.


[ENG sub + RUS sub] Alpamys, PR manager of Dimash, gave an interview / Алпамыс дал интервью - Duration: 7:03.

When did you come? What time? Please tell us

We came just yesterday

Good morning, Kazakhstan!

Good morning, Dear all audience!

I am very happy to have a chance to come to our native national TV programm,

and to give an interview today

We arrived just yesterday

And yesterday we participated at a ceremonial congratulatory welcome event of Dimash

Today we have another events

Hereby we came back to our country safely


We are very happy. Every day you pleased us with a superb news when you were in China

And we are thankful for you both

Every broadcast of Tansholpan wasn't without a news about Dimash till this time, I guess

Yes, you are right

Thank you

Truly it is a great pride to all of us, that our kazakh son achieved such successes

And also your support, trusted companion and a friend like you near Dimash

might that is like a badge of a proof of magnanimous, generous, strong unity of our country

And now, the most popular questions amoung our audience are:

We are very happy, that Dimash came back safely to the homeland

They (audience) wrote: Everyday we were traced Web news about Dimash and Alpamys

Will Dimash stay in China under the contract? Is that a true?

Definitely no.

He was born in KZ land. His heart beats "Kazakh". He sings in kazakh

He reads and promotes Abai Zholy, he recites poems of Mukagali, he sings Daididau, he plays dombyra.

How he can live in any other country.

He has his own homeland

However the singers like Dimash belongs to the world

He is a world level singer

He will have to work much abroad in order to address properly all those proposals we are currently receiving

Currently we receive many proposes, invitations from China, Europe, America, Australia and countries that we doesn't even know

Many proposals?

Yes, really

Everywhere Dimash shows his thought, sings kazakh songs.


Who is dealing with contracts of Dimash? Who is responsible?

Dimash has a main life producer, his father - Mr.Kanat Aitbayev, he is responsible

Mr.Kanat and me consult all about together

Nowadays Dimash received lots of proposes from a huge world brands

amoung them we have finished 30-40 % parts of advertisement of one of them

And Dimash will work with another well known brands in future

Trully Dimash has a good ratings,

because, as we all know, he made a rekord when he was in China

The broadcast live show where Dimash had participated had millions views

More than 50 millions in the same time, I guess

That is surely, very amaizing

Yes, I would like to emphasize that nowadays in China Internet channels on a par with TV channels are developed very good

Thereby they determine ratings: track how many "likes" and how many views has a guest

Nowadays DImash did a rekord in the live show that was held in Shankhai city in China

At this show Dimash narrated about a novel "Abay zholy" (The way of Abay) of a kazakh author Mukhtar Auezov

From that moment, lots of Dimash's fans, named "DEARS", that means in kazakh - "Kurmettilerim" (dears)

started to read a chinese translation of a book "The way of Abay".

Alpamys, we have a phone ring from our audience, lets listen

Good morning! Hello!

Please introduce yourself

After this I have one question


Allo. You are online

Allo. Good morning!

Yes, we are listening


Hello! Your question?

We are greatful to Dimash son, that makes our country known abroad

Yes, she tells her wishes

Thank you, for your wishes. Sorry, we have a concise time

And now, Alpamys, when Dimash can give interviews to KZ TV Channels?

Does this have something to do with any contract in China?

Yes, Daniyar

We entered a contract with Chinese TV channel before the start of the Singer project.

Dimash will be able to give interviews to KZ TV channels after the end of this contract duration. Unfortunately I cannot tell you the end date of the contract.

After it ends Dimash will give interviews to our native TV channels

As I said before, we made a rating of the questions of our audience

On the 2nd place of the questions rating is:

Now Dimash is forced to go to the scene many, many times

you said advertisement roliks and he is forced to work 25 hours of 24

And there are so many audience that tracks of his every step, every action, mood, fatigue, happiness, every moment

Fans in social networks frequently express their worry about Dimash's health, physical and mental condition because of his too busy schedule. What is done to take care of Dimash?

A lot people express their worry about Dimash' s because of his heavy sheadule

I would like to thank them all and Dears for their support, wishes and care about Dimash, his health

Dimash has his parents and me by his side (laughs) as his best friend that compassion.

I think, 1st love of his parents gives him power. Thus, all of them control and take care of his health condition

Yes, of course, the schedule is very taugh.

Even we had a time when we perform in three different cities in one day

Just before arriving to Astana

we went to Changsha region, then to Siyan city, the first capital of China

after that in the evening we went to Beijin city

It was really hard to perform in three different cities in during the day: travelling to and from airport, etc.

However, his health is under control

I think, Dimash is powered by love and support of peoples and fans

Therefore, we always suppot Dimash and wish him success and great achievements

Thank you. Thank you very much

We thank you, Alpamys, for coming and you interview, wish you further success.

There are a millions of questions come from the audience

For more infomation >> [ENG sub + RUS sub] Alpamys, PR manager of Dimash, gave an interview / Алпамыс дал интервью - Duration: 7:03.


Trey Gowdy Just Made A Brutal Move To Stop Obama's Shadow Government - Duration: 19:43.

Trey Gowdy Just Made A Brutal Move To Stop Obama's Shadow Government

Former President Barack Obama found himself in deep trouble earlier this year when it

was revealed just what an extensive surveillance operation he had been running through the

federal government against some of its citizens, including Donald Trump before he entered the

White House.

Many have expressed concerns that Obama is now running a "shadow government," despite

the fact that he is now a private citizen.

He and Michelle just bought a mansion in Washington, D.C. not far from the White House and has

stated his intention to remain in the city for the next few years, which is irregular

for a former President.

Seeing this and the surveillance operation that Obama formerly ran, Republican Congressman

Trey Gowdy just took action to effectively neuter Obama's shadow government.

Obama ran his surveillance program through the National Security Agency, an organization

where Obama reportedly still has many allies despite the change in the White House.

Congressman Gowdy told Fox News' Bill Hemmer that he is going to stop the NSA from running

these programs.

Stated Gowdy to Bill, "We're not going to reauthorize these surveillance programs

if the American people are not satisfied that their security is not going to be safeguarded."

Trey detailed just how deeply Obama had abused these programs, saying, "This unmasking.

That is a privilege to be able to request that a U.S. person's name be unmasked.

I want to know who's making the request [and] what is the evidentiary basis of that


And if it's late in your tenure – like the day before you leave office – that should

send off alarms and sirens in your head as to why that person did



you glad

Gowdy is going

to stop

the surveillance program?

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Just Made A Brutal Move To Stop Obama's Shadow Government - Duration: 19:43.


Ocean Circulation Plays an Important Role in Absorbing Carbon from the Atmosphere - Duration: 0:42.


The ocean plays an important role in absorbing heat and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation draws greenhouse gases and heat

deep into the ocean, helping alleviate early effects of carbon emissions.

As the ocean warms, the circulation may slow down, making it less effective

at drawing carbon dioxide and especially heat out of the atmosphere.

Studying the ocean and its capacity to absorb carbon and heat

can help scientists better understand our changing climate.

For more infomation >> Ocean Circulation Plays an Important Role in Absorbing Carbon from the Atmosphere - Duration: 0:42.


An Animal Jam Horror Story : Trailer - Duration: 0:48.

when I was a little girl my mother always told me monsters weren't real that they

were made up but you would still always ask them to check under your bed before you

went to sleep I used to watch scary movies when I wasn't allowed as a kid

now I don't need to I have my own do you always remember staring at a creepy doll for so

long, like it was staring at you, studying you and if you stared long enough you

thought the you might see it move. Well here's the scary part. Mines did

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