Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily we Jun 12 2017

What good is power

If you cannot protect the ones you love?

You can avenge them

You loved your family

Avenge them

Someday I'm gonna put a sword through your eye

and out the back of your skull

You are no son of mine

Everyone who isn't us

Is an enemy

Let's play a game

I win

You don't fight with honor

He did

I'm sorry

Go on, do your duty

Kill him! Kill all of them, I command it!

Night's watch!

With me!

Bring me his head!

You're real shit at dying, you know that?

You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton

Sleep well

Every ambitious move is a gamle

You gambled when you drove a dagger into Robb Stark's heart

The Lannisters send their regards

You betrayed me

Oh, fuck me

Hold the door!

I choose violence

The first sword of Bravos does not run

Where are my dragons?

Here, that should help you remember

You raped her!

You murdered her!

You killed her children!

Chaos isn't a pit

Chaos is a ladder

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones || We All Still Die - Duration: 3:18.


We Tried to Model for the First Time - Duration: 4:38.

I'm Dalen

this is Alia

this is Uyen

and this is Raihan

and we are


We do the toy story challenge.

"Andy's coming!" Then we like..

trying to attach the camera to the tripod

Are you gonna open your eyes?

*Dalen's laughter*

That was such a tiring *more laughter*

Why you two hold this?


Can you don't distract me?

The floor is lava.

Dalen, the floor is lava.

Makes no sense to me.

The floor is lava you're gonna die.

Just die

*high pitch scream*

Hey guys, it was such a good experience from today's session.

I do really admire professional models because

it really takes professional skills and perseverance

to create such good videos and photos as well.

And also because it is our first time

involving ourselves in a photoshoot

so we found ourselves like getting quite distracted

while getting our photos as we were laughing a lot

so from here, we understand that it's not easy

for the models and professionals to get their photos taken

and mainly focus at the same time.

Yeah, I really had a lot of fun.

We all managed to like release our inner "divaness" or something

so it was a very hilarious experience

Thank you for watching our video, we hope you liked it.

Do remember to like our photos and subscribe to our channel

in the description down below.


For more infomation >> We Tried to Model for the First Time - Duration: 4:38.


We Gotta Power ( DBZ op2 ) doppiaggio italiano - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> We Gotta Power ( DBZ op2 ) doppiaggio italiano - Duration: 4:19.


WHO WE ARE II ROZE Nation - Duration: 8:29.

♩Hit record (yuh), flash on and so she knowit, she know it, she know, she knows.♩

♩Diamonds so big in the rollie, jumping in a whip do a donut. ♩

What up guys it's your boi, ROZE nation, over here we got

Roze Alpha, Roze Blizzard, Roze Globe, Roze Moosey, Roze Diamond and this is our YouTube channel that we started to

want to entertain you guys a prank, vlogs and everything. We also want to achieve our

dreams of becoming MLG gaming. Yeah so like we're going to have our personal

accounts we are going to make vlogs there. And you can check us out on Instagram, Roze Nation underscore

on Twitter you can add is that The Rose Nation capital T R N and

also be the link in the description. Yea so we're going to give you a mini

pretty much introduction on who we individually are and like our

information and stuff.

Hey what up guys

we in this gang gang its y your boy ROZE Alpha um today I'm just going to tell

you guys why I joined a clam and what my purpose is and what I'm trying to do in

the future um so first of all I started out an Xbox and they call me buyingbigfoot

so I go by ROZE ALPHA now. Ive been with my boys since day one.

And we were like man if we have the same dreams why don't we do it together

so our goal is to get big you know we wanna be big in MLG big in Youtube

in entertainment so we want to make it out they want to change stereotypes

change a bunch of things right if we're actually yet to determine

and we actually all want to do it.We can actually get up there. ROZE will rise to the top, mom you will see.


Ayo guys it ROZE Blizzad here to tell you a little bit about myself so. I like gaming so that's why I

i joined this clan ROZE. So our dream is to be a pro MLG players and I kind of like

FaZe like optic and we're going to become like big youtuber

In the future im hoping to in the future to like get my a big house and nice car so yah.

Its ROZE Diam ond and yeah I'm about to do some stuff in this gang yea

most people think im verry cringe but yeah yeah

you don't take it funny its alright I'm just being me I do a lot of stupid stuff like

a lot of stupid stuff so yeah we're gonna do gaming I think

Yo guys I gonna tell you why join this clan and what I'm going to be doing I

joined ROZE nation because its my dream or what is going to happen

YouTube channel like be successful and that's what I'm going to do we're going

to grind to the top and we're gonna be pro gamers and when we get there

You already know whats happening

what's going on its ROZE Moosey and I go by moose. I'm just

here to give you guys the introduction of Who I am

so basically I started gaming about like a year ago and I fell in love with

it and I've seen how when the other people have becoming pro at it going to

competitions and make a lot of money so I thought it would be a good thing to do

with my friends and all that and also start YouTube and of yeah here's a

For more infomation >> WHO WE ARE II ROZE Nation - Duration: 8:29.


We will get there (remastered) - With lyrics - Duration: 3:56.

Remember the days

we set out together with faith?

Remember the times

so fine

when we thought that

Nothing could stand in our way?

Then things weren't the same

the life that we knew

had to change

We've struggled through

the darkest storms

We thought we couldn't tame

Together we've tried

as we stood side by side

I knew we'd build a new world

A world

of hope for ever after

Deep in my heart

I just know

Right from the start

we will grow

Look where we are

we've come so far

And there's still a long, long way to go

With all of my heart

I will care

I'll play my part

I will share

With family and friends

together we'll stand

And in the end, hand in hand

We will get there

So now we begin

working together to win

Believing in trust, it must

Be possible to overcome anything

There's so much to do

there's so much we can contribute

By sharing just

a little love

We will start again anew

So why don't we try?

If we stand side by side

I know we'll build a new world

A world

of hope for ever after

Deep in my heart

I just know

Right from the start

we will grow

Look where we are

we've come so far

And there's still a long, long way to go

With all of my heart

I will care

I'll play my part

I will share

With family and friends

together we'll stand

And in the end

hand in hand

We will get there

Deep in my heart I just know

Right from the start

we will grow

Look where we are

we've come so far

And there's still a long, long way to go

With all of my heart

I will care

I'll play my part

I will share

With family and friends

together we'll stand

And in the end, hand in hand

We will get there

For more infomation >> We will get there (remastered) - With lyrics - Duration: 3:56.


Why We're Always Attracted To The Wrong Guy - Duration: 5:08.

Ever wonder why you keep falling for the wrong guys?

Been searching non-stop for your very own prince, but you're just landing frog after


The good news is, once you recognize the reasons why you keep choosing Mr. Wrong over Mr. Right,

you'll finally find the fairy tale ending to your love story.

"Dear Nnamdi"

"You were the one for me from the very start."

"And knew that from the depths of my very doubtful heart."

Check your selfie

A 2014 Glamour survey revealed that over 50 percent of women are unhappy with their bodies,

and roughly 80 percent of women can't look in the mirror without feelings of disappointment

and self-loathing.

Ladies, with these sad stats, it's not surprising women can end up attracting men who don't

treat them well.

Research has also shown that many women are more than willing to stay in unhappy and unfulfilling

relationships because they're afraid of being alone.

And another thing?

Fear of commitment.

Some women purposefully sabotage their relationships by pursuing men when there's no possibility

of a future — just because there's also no risk of getting hurt.

"So I was thinking some day we could catch a movie some time… nothing scary."

"That sounds great, Kathy."

"You know. You're going to love my boyfriend.

He's like a total chick-flick nut!"


Some women think they can change a man into the person they want him to be.

There's the way he dresses, how he behaves, what he eats, his profession, his thoughts

about marriage, his relationship with his family, or his smoking and drinking habits...the

list goes on, right?

But if you fall for a man you think you can "change," the only thing he's likely to change

is his relationship status — to single.

So rather than hunting down "fixer-uppers" you can mold, shape, and rebuild, it's time

to look for guys who already have your top qualities, characteristics, and priorities

in place.

Material girl

Do you care most about what a man looks like, what kind of car he drives, or how much money

he makes?

Sure, you don't wanna settle when it comes to choosing a potential partner, but it's

equally important to dig a little deeper to connect with someone on a meaningful level.

Are a man's looks your number one priority?

Or do you care more about his other interests, passions, and personal attributes?

Once you clearly understand what specific qualities and beliefs you truly value in another

person, you can then pursue the right man who meets your new and improved standards.

Going in blind

You might be falling for the wrong guys because you're not paying attention to red flags.

"And if you ask her what she does… she'll tell you 'I'm a dancer.'"

"Red flag."

Does your guy behave in a rude, possessive, dishonest, or jealous way?

These are clear indicators that he's not the guy for you.

According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, his incessant need to spend every

waking moment with you, his moving your relationship at warp speed, as well as his tendency to

deflect blame, are also red flags that can have serious consequences for your mental

and physical health and well-being.

So rather than playing it cool, pay close attention to his unsettling behaviors from

the get-go.

Back to the future

According to Current Psychology, research has shown that people tend to pick partners

who share similar characteristics with their opposite-sex parent.

And when these shared characteristics are highly negative — like, your partner and

father are both short-tempered — it's been shown that your relationship satisfaction

is lower as well.

Creature of habit

If you look back at your past relationships, do the men you've been with seem to share

similar negative qualities?

Were they narcissists, unwilling to commit, or did they treat you poorly?

Many women can become trapped in a negative relationship cycle that causes them to keep

falling for the same type of wrong guy over and over again.

First, recognize that you do have a pattern of choosing the wrong men.

Then, make a list of your relationship non-negotiables.

With this knowledge in hand, you'll be setting yourself up to meet the right man who changes

that pattern for good.

Drama queen

Many women act like drama queens who not only overreact, over-exaggerate, and over-complicate

different situations, but they thrive off of the attention.

And by seeking out men who are disrespectful, self-centered, or immature, these women have

the perfect excuse to go full-on drama queen mode.

"I'm not a kid and you're not a kid, you're a grown woman, you are a grown woman."

People who seek out drama simply want to feel cared for and loved.

So if you lean toward the dramatic side, it's time to put the focus on yourself and take

steps toward improving your self-esteem.

Mismatched and looking for Mister Right

Maybe you simply haven't met the right person yet.

Perhaps you're not truly putting yourself out there, haven't made dating a priority,

or feel a bit discouraged because of the different duds you've dated thus far.

But, if you're wondering why you keep falling for the wrong men, it might just be that you

haven't yet crossed paths with the right one.

Put the odds in your favor by signing up for dating apps, asking others to fix you up,

factoring time for dating into your busy schedule, and seizing the opportunity to meet new people!

Clearly, there are many different reasons why women fall for the wrong men.

Fortunately, once you fully understand the underlying causes, you can close this chapter

in your life and look toward a better and brighter future.

Mr. right around the corner.

"What's wrong with being confident…"

"She's re-writing her happy ending."

"Bring on the men!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Why We're Always Attracted To The Wrong Guy - Duration: 5:08.


Why do we have Allergies ? - Duration: 3:18.

Hello guys!

When the time gets warmer flowers start to bloom, we go for long walks with our dogs

and spent weekends outside.Sounds wonderful, right?

But what if you have allergies?

If you're like many people around the world with allergies, this ideas brings dreaded

thoughts of allergy symptoms like itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, mysterious rashes, and unexpected

sneezes that rumble buildings.

So why do we have allergies?

Simply put, our bodies especially our immune systems are designed to fight.

Many generations ago before modern sanitation and medicine, there was an abundance of viruses,

germs, and bugs for our bodies to fight off.

Fast forward to present day, and we have evolved to be immune to many of those same bugs and


But, because our immune system is trained to fight, sometimes it diverts and starts

looking for new opponents.

That's where allergies come in.

Our immune system starts recognizing tree and grass pollens among other things like

molds and dust mites as targets, AND THAT MEANS WAR.

The allergy symptoms that we experience are the effect of our immune system recognizing

certain proteins as a threat, and responding to it.

Generally, our immune systems have two modes for dealing with foreign substances.

A type 1 response would kill an invader .This is used for bacterias and viruses, whereas

a type 2 response would just expel it from the body, like is done with parasites and

other large external threats.

Using a type 1 approach for something like allergens would be kinda like using a nuclear

bomb to deal with street crime.Maybe that was unnecessary , but I thought it would be

fun.Anyway, An allergic reaction occurs when the immune

system attacks a usually harmless substance called an allergen that gains access to the


The immune system calls upon a protective substance called immunoglobulin E ( IgE) to

fight these invading substances.

Even though everyone has some IgE, an allergic person has an unusually large amount of it.

This army of IgE antibodies attacks and engages the invading army of the allergic substances.

Specialized cells called mast cells also participate in the allergic reaction.

Mast cells release a variety of chemicals into the tissues and blood, one of which is

known as histamine.

This are the chemicals that cause allergic reactions.

These chemicals are very irritating and cause itching, swelling, and fluid leaking from


Allergies could also be the body's way of protecting us against toxins in the environment.The

immune system may consider allergens as toxins and creates antibodies to protect us in the

future .Just like we use vaccines to help us fight diseases caused by microbes.

So what about food?

Foods may have proteins that remind the body of other, harmful substances or that are related

to toxic plants.

Thus, in the course of evolution our bodies may have unwittingly lumped them into the

same category.

For more infomation >> Why do we have Allergies ? - Duration: 3:18.


Hannibal | Way Down We Go - Duration: 2:10.

You can make it all go away

Put my head back

Close your eyes

Wade into the quiet of the stream

I feel crazy

I don't feel like myself

I feel like I have been gradually becoming different for a while

I just feel like somebody else

It's beautiful in it's own way.

Giving voice to the unmentionable

I'm alone in that darkness

You're not alone, Will

I'm standing right beside you.

For more infomation >> Hannibal | Way Down We Go - Duration: 2:10.


Florida Sheriff Just Gave Citizens Brutal Message Why We Needs To Arm Ourselves Right Now - Duration: 19:43.

Florida Sheriff Just Gave Citizens Brutal Message Why We Needs To Arm Ourselves Right


Sheriff Wayne Ivey is disturbed by the lax response many in government have toward the

threat of radical Islamic terrorism, particularly after the recent terrorist attacks in the

cities of Manchester and London in England.

Terror has struck close to home as well for Sheriff Ivey, since his jurisdiction in Brevard

County, Florida is not far from Orlando, where a terrorist mowed down clubgoers at a night


Sheriff Ivey recently posted a video on Facebook with a serious message to all Americans about

how we need to arm ourselves now.

Said Wayne, "This is war, and you better be prepared to wage war to protect you, your

family and those around if you're attacked."

He continued, detailing the wide range of weapons used by terrorists, "Guns, knives,

trucks, hammers, and even explosives have all become the weapon of choice for murderers

who only have one goal, killing innocent and law-abiding citizens.

It seems that almost everyday we hear of another attack taking place at a concert, tourist

destination, church, business, or anywhere else in the world where they can strike fear

in the hearts of citizens."

Sheriff Ivey was displeased with the London police's message to British citizens to

"run, hide and tell."

Commented Ivey, "Really?

Coaching citizens that the best way to save their life, and the life of a family member,

coworker or friend, is to run, hide and tell?

What's next?

Ask you to run, hide and then draw a line in the sand while daring the cold-blooded

murderer to cross it?"

He continued, "Terrorists and active shooters know that our citizens have been coached to

run and hide, and then patiently await help.

In fact, they count on it so they can strategically target as many citizens as possible.

What they don't count on is being attacked themselves.

Having to become defensive to save their own lives."

Wayne concluded, "No matter who you are or what your position is on guns, there is

no denying the fact that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun–or a knife–is

an armed and well-prepared citizen or law enforcement officer.

There is no doubt that as soon as 911 is called law enforcement is on the way, however, until

they arrive it is up to you and those with you to neutralize or eliminate the threat."

Do you support Sheriff Ivey for speaking out?

Watch below:

For more infomation >> Florida Sheriff Just Gave Citizens Brutal Message Why We Needs To Arm Ourselves Right Now - Duration: 19:43.


We Love eTwinning! eTwinning for the future! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> We Love eTwinning! eTwinning for the future! - Duration: 0:54.


We Come Running (Calc Music Video) - Duration: 4:02.

Under Mr. Hall's watchful eyes

Now I feel so smart

Another sleepless night

Time to test our calc skills

How do you recognize

The trig integrals

I always forget but

More practice makes us perfect

Diving into our prep books

Tell me what I need to review

Let's go over some limits

Limits are the value

A function approaches

Is it continuous?

One condition is

F(c) must exist

(Re)member a function

Ain't differentiable

When there is a cusp

Derivative is just

The slope of a line

The product rule is important

Fg' +gf'

Also, the quotient rule

Gf'-fg' over g squared

With the knowledge gained

Use L'Hopital's Rule

For limits undefined

Soon we'll do implicits

dy/dx, respect to x

Crossing the IVT

Real life applications

Optimize your grades

To maximize GPA


For function in a function

Integrate, integrate is

Area under the curve

Derive in reverse

Reverse the old rules


Always e^x


Except when it's defined

Too hard, too hard, too hard

Then U-substitution

Headed for that gym door

Time to get that 5

Remember the derivative of sin

Soon you'll know that it's cos

The day, the day, the day

When we come prepared

May 9th, May 9th, May 9th

When we come ready

The rules, the rules, the rules

We came with them memorized

When we come ready

When we come running

For more infomation >> We Come Running (Calc Music Video) - Duration: 4:02.


We Made a Super Flowy Parkour Line - Parkour Silliness - DragoNate Daily Vlog - 2017-06-10 - Duration: 2:30.

well after a good day of training we came home had supper fell asleep for a

little bit and then no we laughed a lot first we couldn't stop laughing at all

and then we fell asleep for a little bit and now it is the past midnight quarter

after midnight and we're drinking tea yay

all right I hope you enjoyed watching those parkour clips if you're wondering

why my eyes are closed is because this light from my phone is way too darn

bright so I can't even see anything right now but I hope you guys have a

wonderful Sunday and I will see you again tomorrow

Godbless now let me put my glasses on even though I don't even have eyes open

see ya

For more infomation >> We Made a Super Flowy Parkour Line - Parkour Silliness - DragoNate Daily Vlog - 2017-06-10 - Duration: 2:30.


Why we work at DWP Digital - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Why we work at DWP Digital - Duration: 1:48.


Microbiome We Are What They Eat - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Microbiome We Are What They Eat - Duration: 5:41.


WEIRDEST ADVICE WE'VE EVER GOTTEN #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 6:40.

• From where your first time should be to how to pick up girls, the Planet Dolan crew

re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about more of the weirdest pieces

of advice we've received.

I'm Doopie, and I'm Pringle, And today we'll both be narrating!

Number 10 was submitted by TonyTheAvenger CivilSpider

The friend of one of CivilSpider's grandparents once gave him some advice.

He was talking about that children should get their first alcohol experience at home

and not out somewhere in an alleyway, and that it should be forced on the child.

The conversation continued with CivilSpider's grandfather and his friend arguing over the

same advice, but the most ludicrous thing that his friend said was, "Children should

get also sexual experience at home".

His grandfather almost burst out laughing when his friend said that, so that is definitely

the weirdest and funniest piece of advice he ever heard.

Number 9 was submitted by Memaymoo Pandora When Pandora worked at her part time job as

a shelf stacker, she crouched down while stacking cat food on the lowest shelf.

She turned when she felt that someone was watching her.

It was an old man, and he was standing behind her.

He said, "You are ruining your legs for your future husband".

Pandora then said, "Well I don't know about my future husband, but my current husband

likes my legs the way they are."

With that, she turned and hurried away from the man so she could resume her job.

That was the weirdest advice she has ever received.

Number 8 was submitted by MercurysFallenSky Grgak

The advice Grgak got was from his grandmother.

When he was twenty, as a joke, he asked his grandmother, "How do you put on a condom?"

She looked at him, laughed, and said "Why?

Your mom and dad didn't use one.

On second thought… just slip it on your thing.

We don't want another one of you running around.

That would be hell."

Number 7 was submitted by AnahiJelly11 Gooby One time, when Gooby went to the store with

her grandma, she saw these beanbags that she wanted to sit on.

So when she asked the manager if it was ok to sit on them, the manager said, "Well, yes!

It is my advice that you come and sit on my beanbag!"

After that, Gooby ran to her grandma while freaking out that he had said that.

She still gets weird looks from him whenever they go to that store.

Number 6 was submitted by Illumilenny Nixxiom Nixxiom usually goes to his friend Hellbent,

who is slightly older than him, for advice.

One thing he learned the hard way was that he sucks with girls.

One day, Nixxiom asked, "Hey Hellbent, Do you have a good pickup line?"

Hellbent said, "Just pull down your underwear and say, 'let's fuck' a few times till they

give you a blowjob."

That advice literally made him sit down for hours, wondering what mental condition Hellbent

had or what drugs he might be on.

It was so cringey and weird.

Number 5 was submitted by Viva-La-Assbutts Shima

The weirdest advice Shima ever got was from her best friend.

He told her that if she ever came to class late that she should put moss on the teacher's

desk and leave a note that said, "I already got my TARDIGRADE" (the organism Tardigrade

lives in moss).

Another time, he told her to make a connect-the-dots on any paper that she didn't feel confident

with, and that the dots had to spell out "100" so the teacher would connect the dots and

Shima would get an automatic 'A' every time.

She ended up trying both, and the teacher died of laughter both times.

Number 4 was submitted by Thewhitehairedman Ramona

The weirdest advice Ramona has ever received was when she was five.

While talking to one of her friends, a guy they had never seen before said, "Never try

to set up a camera, or you will have bad luck small child."

Being the naïve child she was, Ramona asked him why.

He looked at her with a very serious look which got her scared.

After that, she didn't record a video or take a picture for five years.

Number 3 was submitted by ITZKIWIZ Melissa While Melissa was walking to school, she played

with her phone when a homeless weirdo went up to her and said, "Download Pokemon Go.

It will make your hair curly".

Melissa said, "Thanks," but the man kept grabbing her and saying things like, "Goats

are made of plastic", "Your mom is a laptop", " Are you hungry?"

Then he invited her to a cardboard box, saying it was his home.

Eventually, Melissa said, "FUCK OF YOU PERVERT GO FUCK YOURSELF!", and then he lay on the

road and cried.

Melissa just kept walking to school and, because of him, she was late.

When she got home, Melissa looked at the news and saw his face.

It turned out he was on the news because he raped someone.

Number 2 was submitted by Lunerchild96 Robo When Robo was twelve years old, her mom took

her to New York City for her birthday.

They spent the night in a nice hotel and walked around the city for hours.

They stopped at pizza shop for lunch, and a man came up and sat across from them.

Robo and her mom were uncomfortable, so they were about to leave when the man took Robo's


She got scared and tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let her go.

He stood up, leaned right next to her ear, and told her, "Don't use the bathroom at the

McDonalds across the street.

They have a camera in each stall of the women's bathroom."

Robo asked him how he knew, and he said his daughter told him.

Then he let go of her hand and left.

Number 1 – What was the weirdest advice I ever received?

Huge thanks for the folks over on our Planet Dolan subreddit for

submitting their stories.

We have another question for you: "What's the worst way you found out you no longer

have a romantic partner?"

Let us know in the reddit page linked below and you might be featured in a future countdown.

For more infomation >> WEIRDEST ADVICE WE'VE EVER GOTTEN #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 6:40.


The Leftovers || We're All Gone - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> The Leftovers || We're All Gone - Duration: 2:52.


THE IDOLM@STER.KR Ep. 7 Clip - We'll be performing on an actual stage?! - Duration: 1:26.

We're renting a music hall for you, so you don't have to use the studio.

- Really? - Why?

There's the sound equipment,

and since you'll be singing live,

it'll be better practicing there than at the studio.

Wow, I'm suddenly so nervous.

And excited.

We'll have to redo our moves to fit the stage.

We'll talk about it after practice so don't go.


Practice again. Yay.

We have to practice harder starting today.

Deliveries are backed up and there's also a group reservation.

I need you to come quickly.

Going to work again?

For more infomation >> THE IDOLM@STER.KR Ep. 7 Clip - We'll be performing on an actual stage?! - Duration: 1:26.


Disturbing Bachelor Secrets We Were Never Supposed To Hear - Duration: 4:04.

The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are enough on TV, but sometimes the behind-the-scenes

drama actually eclipses the action onscreen.

Since the show began back in 2002, three former contestants have committed suicide, and several

others have been arrested, or had criminal records even before appearing on the show.

Here's a look at some of the most disturbing secrets of former Bachelor stars.

Chris Soules

The star of season 19 of The Bachelor, Soules was arrested on April 25, 2017, after he allegedly

rear-ended a tractor in northern Iowa, sending his own pickup truck and the tractor each

into two separate ditches the night before.

Soules called 911 immediately after the accident, TMZ reported, before he fled the scene.

The driver of the tractor, farmer Kenneth Mosher, was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Soules has been officially charged with a felony hit and run, and could face up to five

years in prison if found guilty.

This isn't the first time Soules has been in hot water with the law because of driving

indiscretions, as court records indicate he was arrested for driving under the influence

back in 2006 as well.

Drinking problems

It's well known that the show's producers provide alcohol to the bored contestants in

hopes that it will cause them to do something dumb on camera.

That fact becomes more disturbing when you realize several other contestants besides

Soules had alcohol related criminal records before being cast on the show.

According to the National Enquirer, season 17 contestant Amanda Meyer was charged with

public intoxication back in 2011, while Radar Online reported that fellow season 17 hopeful

Leslie Hughes was arrested in 2007 for driving under the influence.

Season 18 contestant Kat Hurd, meanwhile, was reportedly arrested in 2004 for possession

of alcohol while underage during her college days.

That's small potatoes, though, compared to season 19 contestant Jade Roper.

Like Hurd, Roper was also ar rested in 2004 for possession of alcohol when she was just


She didn't learn her lesson, though, as she was arrested again in 2005 and charged with

a DUI.

And in both 2006 and 2011 she was arrested on theft charges, though in both instances

the charges were eventually dropped.

Given the issues these contestants have clearly had with booze in the past, the show's decision

to cast them anyway seems manipulative at best - and dangerous at worst.

Rozlyn Papa

While season 14 contestant Rozlyn Papa didn't

get a rose from Jake Pavelka, she still went home with a man.

Papa was booted from the show because she was hooking up with a staffer who then got

fired from the series.

"We feel, because of what's happened, it's impossible for you to continue on this show."

Host Chris Harrison told People, "She had a physical relationship with a producer on

our show.

You cannot do that.

There is no gray area…

I never witnessed anything like it onscreen or off."

Taryn Daniels

It sounds like season 17 contestant Taryn Daniels doesn't respond well to authority.

Star magazine reported that while working as a waitress in 2003, Daniels flipped out

and slammed a salt shaker in her boss's face during a meeting.

Daniels' boss reportedly pressed charges, though it's unclear what other consequences

she faced from the alleged incident other than landing a gig on television.

Brad Womack

Two time Bachelor Brad Womack was apparently a real bad boy before he became America's

least sweet sweetheart.

Radar Online reports that the hunk was arrested in 1993 for carrying a forged driver's license,

serving 180 days of probation and paying a $200 fine.

The New York Daily News reports that Womack was also busted for public intoxication and

writing a bad check.

Womack later told People of his past, "It was just part of my growing pains back when

I was still young and naive.

You learn from your experiences good and bad — and you move on.

It ultimately builds character."

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For more infomation >> Disturbing Bachelor Secrets We Were Never Supposed To Hear - Duration: 4:04.


For Those We Lost And Those Who Survived: The Pulse Massacre One Year Later - Duration: 4:10.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] It's been a year

since the deadliest mass shooting in America

at Pulse, an LGBTQ nightclub in Orlando.

Where gunman Omar Mateen killed 49 people

with an assault rifle during the club's Latin Night.

Ricardo Negron and Patience Carter were there

when it happened.

- The gunshots, initially,

I thought it was part of the music.

But then, everybody just hit the floor.

- I just got shot.

We're trapped in this bathroom with this man with a gun.

My friends, are they okay?

I look up, I asked Akyra are you shot?

She said, "yeah, I got shot in my side."

(somber music)

- [Narrator] Negron moved to Florida from Puerto Rico

in 2015 and frequently went to Pulse to find his community.

He was closing his tab when he heard gunshots.

- Obviously I didn't realize the magnitude

of what was happening, I thought it was something outside.

Everybody was obviously scared, I remember

I went down on the floor and I had somebody on me.

Everybody that was there just kind of got down on the floor.

So when the shooting stopped for a moment

people started going out that way and

at that moment I went out to the patio area.

- [Narrator] While Pulse was significant for Negron

because of its community,

Patience Carter was on vacation with her friend Tiara Parker

and her cousin Akyra Murray,

who just graduated from high school.

- We kind of danced the whole night away, like literally.

And that sounds cliche' but we had

the best time of our life and then all of a sudden,

you start hearing the gunshots going off.

- [Narrator] At first, Carter and Murray exited the club.

When they realized they couldn't find Parker,

they went back in to look for her

and rushed into the bathroom.

- And then you hear his footsteps,

the shooter's footsteps walk into the bathroom.

And then for a split moment, there's a silence,

a moment of silence and then you just hear him

blasting into the bathroom.

- [Narrator] The stall was filled with other people

trying to escape the attacker.

Carter's leg was in excruciating pain.

She was shot and her femur bone was shattered.

Murray, the youngest victim killed in the attack,

was shot in her side.

- I look up, I see my friend, Tiara,

holding her cousin across her lap.

And then the guy Richard, he's trying to calm us down.

He was coherent enough to check her pulse

and he said "she's fine, she has a pulse."

- [Narrator] After three hours trapped in the bathroom,

police blasted a hole into the wall

to get people out of the club.

Carter was in the hospital by the time she found out

that Murray didn't survive.

- I felt extremely guilty, I felt like it was my fault

and it wasn't until I spoke to her mother, Akyra's mother,

and she told me, you shouldn't feel guilty because

if either one of you were inside,

the two would've came back in for the other.

We walked in together and we're gonna leave together.

- [Narrator] Carter's leg is healed, but 12 months later

she and Negron are still grappling

with the aftermath of the attack.

- As we're approaching this one year,

what has really changed?

What progress have we made to make sure situations

like Orlando doesn't happen again.

- Even if I go out to have a nice time,

I'm very aware of where the exits.

I try to avoid super crowded spaces.

- [Narrator] Negron has become the Director

of Proyecto Somos Orlando, an organization that provides

bilingual and culturally competent

mental health resources for survivors.

- And it's important to identify

that I have been to the Latinx community

within the LGBTQ community mostly

because it's important to identify the different needs

to provide services to those who were affected.

- [Narrator] Carter is finishing college

at New York University.

She credits another victim, 19 year old Jason Josaphat,

for sacrificing his life to save her.

He blocked her from gunfire in the Pulse bathroom.

- I feel like my life has to do something,

it has to give back something, it has to do something,

just understanding what happened in that situation.

I just feel like I have to live for him,

I have to live for Akyra, I have to live for everybody

that didn't make it out of there.

(dramatic music)

For more infomation >> For Those We Lost And Those Who Survived: The Pulse Massacre One Year Later - Duration: 4:10.


170611 ELRIS - 우리 처음 (We, First) @ World Friends Music Festival [M Super Concert] - Duration: 3:22.

Close to my dream

Deeper into my heart

ELRIS, Here i am

The day we met for the first time

I will never forget

This wind, this fragrance

Even the temperature between us

Just like the flowers that just bloomed

By enduring the cold winter

My dreams, my heart, deeper and deeper

I want to bloom them with you

I've never felt this way before

What do you call this feeling?

Even though i bite my lips

In this strange air

I can't help but smile

In just one single sweep

I feel like I've fallen into

Another world

The day we met for the first time

I will never forget

This wind, this fragrance

Even the temperature between us

Just like the flowers that just bloomed

By enduring the cold winter

My dreams, my heart, deeper and deeper

I want to bloom them with you

So many stories around the world

They sound like mine

I feel like i'm asleep in a forest

Waiting for you to come

What if i wake up and it's a dream?

Will i be in my familiar room?

Then that would be a problem

That cute rabbit

I don't think i should follow it

It's my first time

I'm a little afraid

One by one

I want to take it slowly

My heart is racing fast

And i am curious about so many things

But little by little

So i don't get tired

I want to walk with you

What is this feeling?

It doesn't make sense

I don't know how to answer to it

(My heart already says yes)

I keep smiling, Hey

ELRIS, Here i am

The day we met for the first time

I will never forget

This wind, this fragrance

Even the temperature between us

Just like the flowers that just bloomed

By enduring the cold winter

My dreams, my heart, deeper and deeper

I want to bloom them with you

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