Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily how Jun 12 2017

Hi guys, this is TIMOTHEVS!

I recently purchased and watched the 2016 remake of Ben-Hur so I thought I'd do another review.

I recently purchased and watched the 2016 remake of Ben-Hur so I thought I'd do another review.

I hope you like it!

As I'm sure a lot of you know, the most famous version of Ben-Hur is the 1959 version starring Charlton Heston,

but this was actually a remake of a 1925 film (and a 1907 film), which in turn was based

on a late 19th century novel by Lew Wallace.

Lots of comments and reviews I read praise the 1959 version, which is often incorrectly

described as "the original version" by the way, whereas the 2016 version is bashed

for lacking depth and relying too heavily on action scenes.

Before I state my opinion about the story and the characters, I should say that I only

saw the 1959 version for the first time a few months ago in anticipation of the new

one, so I didn't grow up with it like many people did.

That probably explains why I am a bit more critical of it.

I personally thought that both movies relied heavily on action scenes and both lacked depth

when it comes to characters.

Especially the character of Messala, Ben-Hur's Roman adoptive brother and later archenemy,

he was way worse in the 1959 version though.

He was such a caricature of an evil villain there that he was a bit hard to take serious.

Although the rest of the Romans were still depicted as one-dimensional evil bastards

in the 2016 version, at least the character of Messala felt somewhat like an actual human being.

in the 2016 version, at least the character of Messala felt somewhat like an actual human being.

The last thing I'll say about the story is that the storyline of the 2016 version

differs quite substantially from the book and the 1959 version so the makers tried to

do their own thing, which I thought was good.

For the rest of the video, I'd like to discuss the historical accuracy of props and things

like that.

The movie is set in Roman Judea, but as I am not too familiar with ancient Judean clothing

styles and artefacts, I will mainly focus on the Roman elements.

But first, about the appearance of the characters: The location being Judea, it would make sense

if the characters looked Middle-Eastern.

Although most of the Judeans were still portrayed by non-Middle-Easterners, at least Hollywood

seems to have gotten over its 20th century obsession with blonde hair as Juda Ben-Hur

is portrayed by an actor with dark hair this time.

Just to be clear, I'm not disputing that Charlton Heston deserves credit for his acting

– I just didn't find him very convincing as a 1st century Judean as far as appearance

is concerned.

When it comes to the props in general, I definitively feel like the moviemakers made an effort.

Nice details include the typical Roman fish-scale windows and sellae (chairs),

…the "Opus spicatum" or a herringbone pattern on the floor,

…earrings shaped like "peltae", the shields of the female warrior tribe, the Amāzonēs,

…and authentic-looking lanterns.

Quite a few oil lamps were shown, and that's also something I tend to notice.

A few of them looked quite good, better than in the average movie set in ancient Rome,

…but they couldn't resist using the brass Indian ones too.

In fact, I think it's the exact same prop I've seen in several movies and series,

like in "The Eagle" or on "HBO's Rome".

It doesn't look Roman at all, so I hope future moviemakers will omit this particular


Oh well, I've seen worse things I suppose.

To name one, those cuffs.

I've talked about this before, but what's up with male actors always wearing cuffs when

they have to portray Romans?

This is just pure fiction!

There are thousands of depictions of Roman men, and to my knowledge, not one of them

shows a man wearing these weird genie cuffs!

If someone involved in the production of a film or series set in ancient Rome ever sees

this, I beg of you!

Leave out the cuffs!

You'll save money, and it'll look way better!

Since I'm begging already, I might as well continue for a bit! (^_°)

Please stop with the Nazi salute!

I understand it looks powerful, especially if you want to depict the Romans as the bad

guys, but there's just no grounds for this.

In fact, it's been well-established that the misconception that this type of salute

was used by Romans originated from the painting shown here.

Related, but somewhat lesser known, is the so-called forearm handshake which was supposedly

used in the Roman army.

There are many depictions of Romans shaking hands, especially in a marital context, but

to my knowledge none exist of the forearm handshake.

It's become very common in Hollywood recently and apparently even among re-enactors.

Even the otherwise reasonably well-informed Youtuber METATRON talks about this gesture

as if it was actually used.

If any of you have proof that it WAS, by all means, let me know!

But I'd be very surprised to be honest.

One of the most famous scenes of the Ben-Hur movies is the scene where Judah Ben-Hur is forced

to become a galley slave.

In reality though, oarsmen were almost always free citizens and though there are records

of emergency situations during which slaves temporarily served as oarsmen, the concept

of galley slaves in ancient Rome is almost certainly a modern invention.

Then, concerning the equipment of the soldiers: Although it does not look perfect by any means,

I think it looks acceptable overall.

Most of the helmets look similar enough to excavated ones from that period, like this

Imperial-style legionary helmet, though there are some details that look a bit strange like

the shape of the peak above the face.

For the characters with a higher military rank, they went for helmets loosely based

on the Neo-Attic helmets one can encounter on Roman reliefs, like the one shown on the left.

on the Neo-Attic helmets one can encounter on Roman reliefs, like the one shown on the left.

Though this is not an indefensible choice in itself, the actual helmets that were used,

have weird proportions and almost look like they are made out of plastic, especially the

details, so I'm not a fan.

When it comes to the body armour, they equipped the actors with three types of armour that

we know were used at least to a certain extent during this period, so that's great, though

there are some authenticity problems with all of them.

Unfortunately, those weird and utterly useless leather segmented cuirasses you can see in

many movies also makes their appearance here.

At least the leather ones are tied up at the front like evidence suggests the originals

were, unlike the metal ones used in this movie.

Anyway, I'm starting to believe that there is one rental service for Roman props that

has some weird stuff, but as every movie and every series set in this period uses this

service, things like the cuffs, leather armour and Indian lamps keep popping up everywhere.

Perhaps someone should just take a look at the depot and get rid of some of the worst stuff.

Perhaps someone should just take a look at the depot and get rid of some of the worst stuff.

Maybe then -all of a sudden- the average authenticity of Hollywood depictions of Ancient Rome will increase spectacularly!

Maybe then -all of a sudden- the average authenticity of Hollywood depictions of Ancient Rome will increase spectacularly!

I've mentioned this before, but although some of you may think that

all these details don't matter and I should relax and enjoy, I do believe it is valuable

to portray history as correctly as possible in movies.

I personally love it when a movie entertains AND subtly educates at the same time!

If a historical movie succeeds in giving us an idea of what it was like to be alive back

then it definitively adds to the watching experience, I think.

Adding elements to depictions of ancient Rome that we know to be historically inaccurate

just muddies the water for people who want to learn more about this period!

After all, it is only thanks to systematic criticism that many people today know Romans

did not look anything like the people in these old paintings, so we've definitively made

a lot of progress in our understanding of antiquity.

But we're not there yet, so I suggest we carry on.

In conclusion, I'd like to say to ancient Rome-enthusiasts who haven't seen the 2016

version of Ben-Hur: it probably won't be the best movie you'll ever see, but as far

as accuracy goes, it could be far worse.

They clearly made more of an effort to do things right than the makers of say the Netflix

series "Roman Empire Reign of Blood".

(For a review of that series, check out the link in the description).

That's it for this time!

If you enjoyed the video, please like, comment and share, and if you would like to see other

reviews or get more info on ancient Rome, please subscribe to my channel!

If you would like some extra info and pictures, follow me on Facebook.

The links are in the description below.

This was TIMOTHEVS, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Review: "Ben-Hur" (2016) How authentic does this movie look? - Duration: 10:47.


How do People JUST MOVE without any money or help? June 12, 2017 - Duration: 17:02.

hi guys okay I'm experiencing a lot of revelations lately and another one is

like just move you know people telling other people to just move if they don't

like something just move and like I've heard that like too many times recently

here over the past few days but but the thing this is where I connected at is

you know being in a place okay so you know my history has been of being a

military spouse and so in 2000 I got this job and I was a supply clerk and I

was making only $7.25 an hour I actually I really liked the job it was

a lot of fun I learned a lot about the government

how things worked I learned but the only difference was okay I got paid less than

the soldiers got paid and so then if it I would have been in another type of

position may be working for oil company oil company or a manufacturing company

they would have got paid even more you know so I was kind of at the I suppose

the low end of the totem pole when it comes to pay you know $7.25 an hour and

that was back in 2000 it was a non appropriated funds job but it taught me

a lot how the government works so I learned how well how like the assets and

things were taken care of and they did inventory and and so they would like buy

things and well the towels was one of the ones that went through a pretty fast you

know because the towels when they started looking raggedy then they take

and put them in this box and then they donate them for rags to the to the O to

the carwash and to the soldiers when they were working on their cars and

things like that so they would have some grease

rags or they donate them back into the motor pools and things like that so they

would have something you know the cleanup spills and you know or just

clean themselves so so they were actually recycling them into a you know

into a place and some of the ones that were a little nicer you know I admit

like you know they they were getting rid of them and so me and my boss we took

towels home so I had some government towels myself and because I was thinking

actually the funny part was these towels some of them even though they had a

stain on them they said they had to get rid of them because they had a stain or

a mark on em like a big long mark and and so they said that that was one of

the guidelines for getting rid of them and I thought well heck even though it

has a mark on it it's nicer than the actual towel that I have a home so but I

was just thinking like okay there came a point that you know I don't know I kind

of felt like things needed to change and you know but I had nobody to actually

help me there and so there was a point like my parents came to visit at the

time of my daughter's graduation and my dad would be like we'll move you need to

move you need to move back to Iowa and you know and I couldn't figure out how

to do that on my own and he did help me my parents they did help me you know I

didn't have much money I didn't have much money saved and I just gone through

a divorce and I was doing really really poorly in Kansas in Junction City so I

went up to Iowa and I signed up to go to school college and you know do

everything that we were being told that was supposed to help us you know do well

and I went into multimedia marketing and for a couple years I was going to school

working at retail for $5.00 and it was started out as 5.95 cents an hour and

then he bumped it up to $6 five cents an hour (jcpenney) you know but it was

the only thing that I had that would fit in with what the school that I was doing

at the time then my son was going to school and my mom had told me that my

dad said he would help and but it was obvious over time that that became a

burden for him and he didn't want to do it anymore and but it was one of those

things you kind of wonder you know it's like you've got people in your ear all

the time telling you what you need to be doing but you kind of wonder it is it

actually just empty dialogue you know that that they really don't want to help

because what good this is what I'm asking

what good is telling someone what to do when the whole system is rigged against

them because I did everything I had the Pell Grant the government pell Grant I

went to school and then would eventually well a lot of stuff I actually it was

like everything for multimedia marketing was pretty much teaching ourselves

everything just about everything was teaching ourselves so that we paid for

overpriced books there was one of them and that taught us I think it

was Photoshop and so then I did an internship and so I had to teach myself

how to work the videos and this was when they did the high eight and they

transferred from the camera onto the computer itself so I had to teach myself

how to do that and it was I always thought it was strange its like here I am

paid to go to school but yet I'm teaching myself everything in these

courses that you know that didn't make sense to me well actually the government

paid for me to go to school college but in order to get the degree I had to go

to college to get the degree and and so anyway but then anyway to make a long

story we'll just pare it down a little bit I guess

I graduated and allows by myself trying to get jobs and all that was available

was temp jobs and that didn't make sense to me so there was really nothing in the

field of what I wanted to do and so and I was just getting temp jobs I was it

was still hard for me to make it there was nothing there but it's like no

matter how much I would tell this to my dad it was like he would just blow up it

was just like if me and my son wanted to talk about something he just would blow

up at me you know if we wanted to just express ourselves and say things he

would just blow up and say you you don't know what you're talking about you know

shut up and he you know actually it made me feel bad even with my son Caleb when

he was trying to talk about things and to hear my dad say that to him

it just cut it just cut and hurt and you know and I was just supposed to be quiet

and not say anything and it really made it uncomfortable and to the point where

I kind of felt like I didn't even want to go visit him for that reason because

it's like everything was so sugar-coated on every holiday and everything and you

know then I end up right back in the place where there's nothing you know the

place that I left you know the the place where in decades before you know I

started a bad marriage that I really didn't want to get into so really what

was there it's like these companies you know you'd have people telling you why I

came from the school of hard knocks you know and and it's like okay well that's

good but now we're being told that we have to be taught go to college and you

know so I mean I didn't know what that meant you know I was from a different

generation and I'd been out in the world and you

know when I moved back to Iowa I did see how people were kind of still the same

you know I mean in some senses there was a little

of oppression even in that community you know where some people were favored over

others and even the same thing like with women it kind of seemed like I went into

Walmart and the oh the eye doctor I was I want I went in there to apply for a

job and he was like well are you married and and I thought maybe that was there

was a law against that you know but the only thing I'm thinking is that by

saying are you married I'm assuming that he probably meant the job didn't pay for

he could you know so so I kept trying and trying and you know and it's just

like I was right back I was right back at where I started I went in one big

circle so I started there got into a marriage that that was horrible and you

know but but the thing is is the experience throughout everything you

know I can't dismiss that because the experiences I loved meeting the

different people and everybody and everything the places that I went even

though I wasn't happy with you know the marriage that I was in you know I mean I

have great kids and I end up right back where I started with nothing that's that

that's what it was and so that's the thing that I don't get with just move

because when you have nothing when you start out with nothing and you go back

to nothing how do you get something that is not intended for you that's by design

that's rigged for you to have nothing how do you get it and that's the

question that I have for well I mean what I see is this up of the attitude of

sorts that comes from certain places it's an uppity attitude that's past

based on the jobs that people are given and so how does someone who has nothing

get something when they've done everything that's described by your

telling them and you end up in one big circle how do you get something from

nothing and and so it doesn't make any sense to

me yeah it doesn't make any sense to me you always have someone in your ear well

moved you need to do this don't talk about that because you don't know you

don't know anything about that well the thing is this we're supposed to ask

questions we have the right to ask questions and what you it's this is my

opinion in what you guys who are saying is you know nothing what you're doing is

oppressing my voice you're pressing my children's voice you're oppressing

everyone else's voice and the thing is is that politics is mixed deep in our

families deep in the fabric of America politics is is part of it but yet you

want to hide it that's what you want to do is hide it and then you blow up when

we ask questions and say we don't know what they're what what we're talking

about and you won't have a discussion that's what that's all it boils down to

and that's the kind of home I grew up in when I was a kid as if we asked

questions if we asked questions about God I got punished I got my face slapped

and oh and I remember when I went to my dad when I was pregnant and my sister

and I had a conversation about that not too long ago she said that my dad got

mad and yelled at me and you know I guess some of these things I probably

shut out because of the fact that well I was yelled at a lot when I was a little

kid you know nothing I could ever do was right you know I was always always

yelled at all the time and you know I've always been trying to

figure out like what where it was the stem from doing this biting my

fingernails for 47 years where does that come from that's the thing I'm trying to

think where in the hell does that come from and I've tried and try to try to

stop doing it but I'm beginning to see that it's

something that comes from my child but it comes from

maybe even church you know the church the school system which was set up well

you know Rockefeller was heavily heavily invested in the school system and kind

of designing it I am thinking designing it based on product placement that's the

only thing that I can see designing it based on product placement and selling

products and ideas agendas ideologies and keeping people oppressed from even

asking questions that's wrong that's like the connection that I can see

because I otherwise it's like it's really hard to see because it was

happening before I was born you know I mean there's a lot of connections and

revelations here that I'm seeing and and so it's like but we were told not to

talk about anything to not question anything not to ask questions about

anything and it's like how do you have a conversation with people and you go to

your family and and and I I realize not everybody was like that which I'm

thankful for I am so thankful that everybody wasn't like that because

otherwise we would just like this would be it would be a terrible country you

know because there were other families who let their kids explore they let him

live fearless they let em be fearless and you know that was the thing I

started seeing on YouTube but what was it about you know what was it that

caused my family to have such the strict indoctrination or that we drew on things

that were I don't know it doesn't make any sense to me you know that some

people were targeted you know I mean it is there some some type of technology

that existed back then that targeted people in their homes you know aside

from the TV that's the thing that I wonder about and if so why did it target

the people because the things that the connection that I'm making here is that

it is the fact that my ancestry and I'm beginning to wonder

about the ancestry because it shows that I come from ancient ancestry

I have Balkan and native-american and so and then but then my maternal group

comes from somewhere in Africa even though the DNA marker is not there well

I don't know it is it went back further than eight generations maybe it could be

there I don't know I don't know if there's more that can be done with

ancestry or not but just the recent markers you know so I don't know that

much about the DNA but just the fact so were we targeted to try to get rid of

our DNA was that it that's that's what it has me wondering what were we

targeted to try to get rid of the DNA and fit into that it's almost kind of

like Germany and Hitler in the Jews and with Germany wanting to create the super

race of humans of blond hair and blue eyes and and it's kind of like that's

what was happening back then the blonde you know blond hair blue eyes and but

yet they you know because the thing is when you come from from from a place in

migrated around the world you know it kind of makes sense and and

I guess the thing I'm thinking is that what it was

I don't know love you guys thanks

For more infomation >> How do People JUST MOVE without any money or help? June 12, 2017 - Duration: 17:02.


Malpua Receipe With Condensed Milk - Easy Malpua Receipe - How To Make Malpua At Home - Duration: 10:47.

for malpua batter - take a big pot add maida, suji, cardamom powder or sanuf, mix it well

now add condensed milk and mix it well

we don't want any lumps

now we add little milk at a time and mix it

we want a smooth batter

i used only 1/4 cup milk for malpua batter

batter is ready , keep aside for 4-5 hour

for chashni - heat a pan add sugar and water, stir it well

let the sugar dissolve completely

after 1 boil reduce the flame and add kesar and stir it

let it boil for about 7-10 minute

switch off the flame. sugar syrup is ready . keep it aside

after 5 hour check the batter and mix it well

heat a kadai on medium flame , add ghee ,let it heat

mix the batter , reduce the flame on slow

pour 1 ladle of batter in the center of pan

fry it for 1 minute

after 1 minute flip it and again fry it for 1 minute

fry it till it turns golden brown from both the sides

take it out from the ghee

repeat the process

all malpua fried now we heat sugar syrup till 1 boil

now switch off the flame and soak malpua in sugar syrup for about 10 to 15 minute

after 15 minute take out all the malpua and serve it

garnish with condensed milk or chopped nuts

yummy malpua is ready to eat

like my receipe and subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> Malpua Receipe With Condensed Milk - Easy Malpua Receipe - How To Make Malpua At Home - Duration: 10:47.


How to Pass The 2017 CPA Exam Quickly While Working (How to Study For CPA Exam) (Part 1 of 3) - Duration: 11:57.

hello how's it going thanks for dropping by this channel today I know you've come

here because you're thinking about taking the CPA exam or you're looking to

pass that CPA exam because it's driving you nuts well guess what you've come to

the right place now I want to let you know I originally put this video

together a few weeks ago and guess what I when I put the footage together it was

over 30 minutes long I like whoa hold up that's way too much and I don't want to

put you through a 30 minute long video so what I've done is I'm taking this

video breaking it into three parts so in part one which you're about to watch

it's going to have five tips in part one there's 12 tips and off with a few bonus

tips there's technical tips in non-technical tips because in order to

the pass the CPA exam you need to know folks and a lot of this stuff a lot of

the non-technical stuff in my opinion is more important than the technical stuff

but with that being said I want to go ahead and get you guys started in part

one I hope you enjoy the video I hope you find this information helpful and

best of luck to you in your journey hello YouTube Mike here of MK chip I am

so excited to be sharing this information with you today I'm going to

be talking about how I passed all four parts of the CPA exam in less than nine

months while working a full time job and how you can too and that's coming up

right now I am MK The CPA and along with my sidekick

chipper we teach people things that you did not learn in school such as finance

investing taxes and more now generally I talk about financial subjects on this

channel but as you guys know if you follow my videos I often talk about

having career and life success now as a professional CPA and as a tax accountant

in real life I am very happy to be sharing with you how to pass the CPA

exam I feel like this is a very big question people have and it's something

I struggled with for a while until I passed it in today's video I have 12

very details very specific tip how I went about passing that exam

these are tips I have shared with my co-workers and it works if you put it

into play it's going to work for you so that's why I'm so excited to share this

information with you today so please watch this whole video from start to

finish it will be worth your time the information I have to share with you

literally and I really really mean this might save you months or even years of

trying to scrub your way through this exam so please watch this video from

start to finish and with that being said let's go ahead and get started

hey guys these tips are going to help you pass all four parts of the exam

there's audit BC


oh and of course there's far

my first tip I have for you guys it's probably the most important and I want

to lead off with it and that is you in order to pass a CPA exam you must be a

crazy intentional disciplined focus there's no substitute there's our

there's no review course or anything I can tell you today that that will take

the place of your dedication and your hard work the passes exam it's new truly

and truly not how smart you are i if you knew my background or not you know that

I am not the sharpest tool in the shed I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer

but it's more about how much time you will dedicate to studying how much work

you're willing to be put in that is overall going to be the main factor of

you passing your exams more than anything else that is what's going to do

it is you stay in this is it I'm going to do it I'm going to commit to this I

don't care what it takes I don't care how much time it takes I'm so serious

about this and I'm going to make it happen that's the kind of intense

discipline focus that's going to keep you coming back at the attacking that

task day and studying day after day after day night after night after night

until it's done if your family's telling you they miss you why are you studying

so much if you feel like you're in prison being a like your own prison like

solitary confinement that means you're on the right track because that means

you're studying enough number to understand what it takes to pass this

test guys this test is hard in fact it's very

freakin hard it's one of the hardest test on the Flannan that's not even a

joke I've had attorneys come up to me and said that the attorneys who've

patents taking both the bar exam and the CPA exam they're saying Mike the CPA

exam was harder this isn't some cute little monkey test that you can play

around with this test some freaking

I'll be telling you those guys I played around with this test when I first

started with it and it dominated me dominating my bit

one of my biggest regrets in life and was this test is that I didn't know how

much effort and how hard this test actually was until later on in my life I

probably wasted a good two to three years of my life now at the end of this

video I'm gonna be showing you my real scores and you're going to see every

time I failed in every kind of path you're going to see when I started and

when I finished but truly what my biggest regret is not knowing how much I

actually need to study in order to test exam so please realize this test is hard

you really need to commit to it number three you need to know why you're doing

this this because it's test so hard it can be very frustrating for many people

so you have to have a very strong reason why I don't know why you're taking this

test you but you better know why is it because you want more money is it

because you want to have a better stability or career do you want to go

open your own CPA practice do you want to be able to provide better for your

family whatever that reason is write it out and put it somewhere you can see it

because I can tell you there might be a day or several days that will come why

why you start question yourself why am I not out with my friends why am I not

seeing my family why am i spending so much time studying so you have to have

that strong reason why and keep it out in front of you and always keep it by

you so where you can see it put it on your fridge put it on top of your

notebook whatever you need to do in order to see it do it that's number

three number four understand that there's a lot of emotional but I still

mean emotional struggles with his exam there's going to be days when you're

tired you you've gone to work and you don't want to study days when you know

you just want to do anything but study and you're mentally drained now the

hardest part at least in my experience was telling my friends and family no

because I had to learn to tell them no and it was very hard because I wanted to

see them I said guys I love you I want to see you but I

really really just need to commit to this test I need to do this and what I

want you guys to understand now you're going to try to help them understand

what you're going through because there's a lot of study time required for

this test in fact if you use Becker CPA Review

you know they recommend the good 150 hours 200 hours of study before each

test but what I need you guys understand is that they are not going to understand

what you're going through most of them cannot understand how much time that's

required for this test so please understand that they are not going to

understand they might be a little earthed for a while hey why is he

spinning wire why is he or she's spending so much time not hanging out

with me and studying for that test why are they doing that well they just they

just can't understand what it takes to pass this exam number five before you're

studying be ready to study now the reason I say

that is most of these CPA exam review courses are several of them let's say

Becker for example has an expiration date on it so that's why when you're

ready to be ready to study you put that review course if you're not

quite ready to study I would hold off from doing it because what I don't want

to happen to you guys is for you to pay for that and then have it expires

because you weren't totally ready to study there I did some really dumb

things and I mean dumb things when I was trying to take these exams for example I

decided that I was going to take an exam before getting the week in before

getting married

Everage dum dum dum dum dum I ended up getting this 72 on that exam so but

don't worry doesn't in there gets better so then I decided since it was so smart

for me to study while trying to get married I thought it would also be a

good idea for me to study whilst trying to but for just a house in fact the very

house I'm in right now it's okay I still love your house and guess what buying a

home takes a lot of time I ended up getting the worst score possible I got

the 74 it hurts so bad there was nothing I will tell you guys

there is nothing that will hurt more than a 74 there is nothing that will

light a fire under your butt make you madder than a 74 and all I need to tell

you this after I got that 74 I never failed again be ready to study

when you purchase a review course and really commit to it and just don't don't

be trying to do any major life events because it might really throw you off

course and what I would recommend doing when you start studying i I never

scheduled more than two tests at a time I would recommend trying to knock out

one of the harder tests right off the bat such as rehgar far the first test I

pass was regulation at least that's what I did and that's what I would recommend

you've made it through part number one congratulations

in part number two we're going to get much more testicle as we lay out the

Nick set of tips so I hope you stick around for the next part because there's

a lot more helpful information coming your way if you liked the video do not

forget to hit that like button before you leave on this channel we make videos

that help you become more successful with your money and in life and also we

cover career videos such as this one so if you're not already subscribed you

know what to do hit that subscribe button down below so you can do not miss

any of our future videos don't forget guys you can follow me on Facebook and

Twitter right over here alright I will hope to see you part

number two and until next time I hope you have a great week and I'll see you

in the next video bye bye

For more infomation >> How to Pass The 2017 CPA Exam Quickly While Working (How to Study For CPA Exam) (Part 1 of 3) - Duration: 11:57.


How To Live More Peacefully With A Messy Partner | Corrina Gordon-Barnes - Duration: 6:45.

Hi, I'm Corrina Gordon-Barnes here to help you feel more peaceful and connected

with the ones you love today I'm responding to a question about

how to live more peacefully with a really messy partner and you may apply

this to living with a messy child or children or a messy house mate or

housemates - anybody that you are living with who's messier than you'd

like them to be and you know I really get this it can be incredibly

frustrating you feel that you can't enjoy your space the way you want to, you

can't move around freely it doesn't look beautiful when you look

around and you can feel hopeless like am I never going to live in a space I

actually enjoy being in so we're going to look today at something that you can

do about this to move forward. Now you may have heard of the saying it's from

the Bible about not being a hypocrite, as in: when you're judging

someone else look for the plank in your eye before you take out the speck in

theirs. Now, I'm going to adapt this because often it feels like actually the

plank is in their eye and I only have a speck if anything so let's work with

this let's work with the idea that actually they have the plank so their

messiness is a major character defect, it's on a 10 out of 10 scale they

are so messy but it's really really worth looking for your speck looking for

where you can be 1 out of 10 messy. Now if you don't want to look for this, if

you don't want to look for your speck if you don't want to look for where your

1 out of 10 might be then please these videos are not for you they really are

not for you. This approach that I share is not going to be a fit for you this is

for people who really really want to be self aware, who want to be honest, who

want to come back into their power and peace when it comes to relationships

because for me there has never been a time where I have seen someone else's

character defect out there and not been able to find a tiny speck within

me where I do that same thing so really these videos are for you if you want to

look for that. So first look at your physical space – can you find

your one out of ten on a messy scale? If you really can't find it there

if there's no mess anywhere then look to your digital space:

your computer your files anything online your phone can you find a tiny bit of

messiness. How about if you can't find it there, then how about your schedule your

calendar can you find one out of ten where your calendar is a little bit

messy if not there, maybe your emotions so

maybe your emotions can feel messy and how about your thoughts can they

sometimes feel messy? Now why would we look for this? Fiirst of all because it

brings us empathy and empathy is a solid basis for any relationship. Can you

emphasize with messiness even if you only have one out of ten even if you

only have a speck you can find that characteristic within you, you can find

that tiny part of you that's a little bit messy and that collapses the

separateness between you and your loved ones. It's no longer you and them, it's no

longer this separateness this distance but actually yeah I have that a bit you

know we have that same characteristic maybe in different degrees different

levels but I have it a bit. That empathy can just soften us and have

us enjoy much happier healthier relationships. The other reason to look

for your speck is that you come fully then into your power. When you look

for your speck of messiness you can then take responsibility for clearing up

your tiny bit of messiness and that is so much more satisfying because if you

live with someone messy yes you can ask them to clear up wonderful if they don't

you can set consequences of what's going to happen if they don't clear up

and in certain situations you have the option that you can leave a

relationship where you cannot live with that person if their messiness is not

tolerable. But literally other than going behind

someone and physically moving their body and moving their hands you can't make

them tidy up you can't make them be cleaner or clearer so you spend all your

time in this futile trying to change something that is not yours to change

but when you look for your speck and you get yourself fully involved with

clearing up your own mess you're putting all of your time and all of your energy

and all of your attention in an area where you have full power. It's so much more

satisfying that way. So you find empathy you come into your

power and then something quite magical happens. Anytime when I have taken care

of my speck, the other person's plank has changed. When I have fully taken

care of my part something quite extraordinary has happened on the

outside – that person has changed their plank, they've dealt with their plank in a

way that just wouldn't have happened if I'd kept on at them about it. And I

can't really say more because this is for you to discover for yourself but

when you change within yourself your world changes and I'm just so excited

for you to discover that and have that experience. So take care of your speck and

I would love for you to commit to this I'm going to really ask you to step up

to this challenge and commit and say I'm going to look for the speck I'm going to

take care of my speck. If you're watching this on YouTube or Facebook then leave a

comment below and commit! Say: yes I will look for my speck, that's what I'm going

to take care of and if you're looking at this on my website then drop me a line

use the Contact page link here or you can click that button there drop me a

line and say yes I am committed to taking responsibility for my speck and

clearing up what is mine and your world will change and if you found this video

useful and you feel like others will too please share this with them, subscribe to

this YouTube channel and come over to and sign up

for email updates

For more infomation >> How To Live More Peacefully With A Messy Partner | Corrina Gordon-Barnes - Duration: 6:45.


Stop Overeating | How to Stop Overeating Using My Hunger & Fullness Scale - Duration: 8:46.

In today's video we're going to talk about how to stop overeating and what I

call the hunger and fullness scale. Hi I'm Linda Poirier with and welcome to my channel where i help mommies of all ages fit

into their jeans, get their sexy back and find a life of happy. How many times have

you snacked on food at night while watching TV and then BAM you look down

you finish what you've eaten and you didn't even realize it or you think

you're hungry and you're actually just bored so you go find something to eat or

we sit down for our dinner and we eat really quickly and we eat the whole

thing on our plate that it doesn't even give us time to register that we're

actually full or our portions are too big and we eat everything on that plate. I

know for me growing up we had to sit there and eat everything on our plate

and to this day I have to be careful because when I eat I have that same

thing that I have to eat everything on my plate and it wasn't until maybe ten

years ago that I actually realized that's what I was doing so awareness is super

key to having these issues and finding a resolution for it.

When I grew up I had to eat everything on my plate and it carried through my

whole life. We'll go out for dinner and if the portions are too big I

consciously look at it okay you know I can't eat that much otherwise I'm gonna be

gaining weight but I will eat everything on there if I'm not conscious of it and

it's just one of those things you just start start eating I'm used to it I grew

up with it and unless you change that habit and be conscious of it you're

going to still do it. This tool that I'm going to talk about is really powerful.

It really helped me it's helped other people and I hope it helps you too. You'd

be amazed at what you learn about yourself and your patterns when you

become aware so what I call the hunger and fullness scale can be used both for

hunger and the degree of fullness you are. You can use this when you are hungry

and assess the degree of hunger that you actually are at or if you think you are

hungry and just wanting to eat boredom sadness you know emotional

eating. You can also use a while you're eating to assess and be aware of the

degree of fullness that you are so that you know when to stop... okay

so how to do it... on the hunger scale ask yourself am I really hungry

am i bored am I just eating because I'm mad am i eating because I'm sad is my

stomach actually empty or is it that I'm thirsty or am I craving food for another

reason like acceptance and love and something to make us feel good. I'm a

chocoholic the first thing I will do if I'm upset if I'm sad if I'm mad if I'm

nervous if I have anxiety I will go for chocolate so I have to be aware of that

but that's my thing is just yeah straight to the chocolate need it want

it can't get enough of it if you assess yourself and you're like yeah I'm

actually hungry then figure out where you're at in the hunger scale are you

famished like I could eat the dead end of a horse okay I don't know I don't

know where that came from so on a scale from one to ten one is you're famished

like borderline hangry not full at all you need to eat. From two to three you're

hungry this is when you should eat you're not full you're hungry you're not

angry but you're hungry from four to six you are satisfied you're comfortably

full you don't want to push it anymore because then you're going to be full

this is when you should stop eating so seven to nine is when you're

uncomfortably full and number ten is you're stuffed

you gotta unzip the zipper you got undo the pants it is Thanksgiving dinner and you

are ridiculously full and most likely regretting what you ate so as you eat

you check in with where you're at when you're just right and comfortable which

is at four to six mark you stop and there's no regrets I love this it took

me some time to figure it out only because oh yeah I

forgot to do that and it takes a bit of practice but once you do it it's really

helpful so you sit down you have your food in front of you you assess yourself

ok I'm ridiculously hungry which means I got to be careful not to overeat so

here's some extra tips to help you along the way be sure to take time to actually

chew your food it sounds so silly I know which you are food but some people

inhale their food or if you're in a rush sit down take your time and actually

chew your food and enjoy what you're eating when we slow down we're less

likely to overeat because we're shoveling ourself so fast that our brain

doesn't even know to say hey I'm full so take your time into your food drink

water with your meal that'll help you with that fullness and it will help you

to not overeat the other suggestion I love is to use a different size bowl or

plate instead of the big dinner plates put your food on a smaller plate your

mind actually psychologically thinks you're eating a big plate even though

the portions are smaller I have a client in my past who ate ice cream and he

would have a bucket of ice cream each night in front of the TV a full-on

bucket of ice cream by just changing the portion sizes but him still going oh

awesome I still get a full bowl of ice cream he was eating over half less than

what he was typically eating any lost 80 pounds by just changing his ice cream

habit at night and I also want to add he had a full thing of whipped cream also

with that ice cream so he would just put a little bit on there he'd enjoy his

bowl his brain was thinking I still have a full bowl and he was satisfied and he

lost 80 pounds so that's another wonderful trick I do really like it

another tip is don't eat from the package you're standing there at the

sink your shovel food in or you're just grabbing a

package put it in a bowl be wary of the calories obviously read the labels and

I'll do another video on a label soon but read the label and check out what

your portion is put it in a bowl that helps to not overeat as well now this is

another hard part I know sometimes we crave things but try and eat the healthy

option first see if the healthy thing first helps satisfy those cravings and I

really hope that this can help with those of you who have troubles

overeating I know there's different types of overeating this one really

helps with assessing yourself and it's just the beginning journey of really

learning how you are and over time these things get better and it really helps

you it really helps me I mean there's days where I'm in a rush and I'm

shoveling food and I have to remind myself to but you know what it's so good

to just sit there and go yeah here's where I'm at

ok I'm eating am i full yes then I don't need any more and maybe you need to have

a conversation with yourself ok I don't need any more I'm actually full just

gonna have the rest of my water and call it a day or call it a couple hours so I

eat again so action steps this week try it comment below what you thought of it

maybe you need help on it maybe you loved it comment below if you liked this

video or liked the idea of the video please click the like button below click

the subscribe button and I'd love for you to be a part of my channel thank you

so much for watching until next time

For more infomation >> Stop Overeating | How to Stop Overeating Using My Hunger & Fullness Scale - Duration: 8:46.


How To Stop Caring What People Think - Duration: 2:10.

I never wear makeup and one of the reasons I got rid of it was because I

felt like the Steve Jobs story about how he only had you know the one shirt and

the one pair of jeans he special ordered them and it allowed him to spend

a lot more time with his family and on his business and less time making

decisions that were not really decisions that were I mean nobody cares what you

wear well the people that do or the people they don't matter so I was like

you know why do I care about wearing makeup and even just a few minutes ago

my girl Sunny Lenarduzzi freakin love that chick her and Gary Vaynerchuk are I

mean they are mentors to me like they have not yet but she was posting picture

of her on Instagram with her cute little curls and she was like all natural and I

was thinking oh my god this so adorable why do you spend the time to sit there

and flatten your hair every day and just the other day I even saw cause one of

the interns she's so sweet and oh she's probably gonna watch this so I'm not

hating those hips but I was sent her watching like how long it took her

Fetterman and I was thinking this chick is so cute I don't even know she didn't

have her makeup on until I saw her putting it on and then I was like

somebody took her like an hour so not only did she come to work and then once

she got to work she started her makeup on and then it was like an hour later

and I was like okay we could already start this and everybody so fixated on

this like beauty thing like nobody cares you get you could get in a car wreck

tomorrow and the person that you love may not look the way that they look

today or that I may not look the way that I look today you know I could get

cancer and lose all my hair like I'm serious you really think about reality

because I've been through some hard to get where I am and have this RV I've

sold everything that I own to get here and it's like you're preparing for the

worst the world has hardwired you to prepare for the worst and think of these

external things and worry about what everybody else thinks everybody else's

point of view is not your concern there's only one person that matters

For more infomation >> How To Stop Caring What People Think - Duration: 2:10.


[번역] How to Fly the P 47 - High altitude flight and Aerobatics - Duration: 21:11.

For more infomation >> [번역] How to Fly the P 47 - High altitude flight and Aerobatics - Duration: 21:11.


How To Create macOS High Sierra USB Boot Disk - Duration: 2:38.

Hi I'm Serge Siou and welcome to macStudioA.

In this episode, How To Create a macOS High Sierra USB Boot Disk.

Straight to the Demo.

Soooooooo, Let's Get Started.

Let's First Begin With The Prep Work:


You're logged in with an Admin account on your Mac and running one of the following



You have at least an 8 GB blank USB 2.0 or 3.0 Disk.


Have a copy of macOS High Sierra Installer and that it's located in the Applications


macOS High Sierra Developer Preview Beta, is available for download from Apple's Developer

Program by buying an annual membership.

A free Public Beta Preview will be available for download via.

Apple's Public Beta Program later this month.

And when officially released this fall, macOS High Sierra, will be available from the Mac

App Store as a free download on all systems that supports Sierra.


Open TextEdit and make document as plain text.


Copy and paste the following one line Terminal command, which I've included in the description

of this video, in the text document:

Now, with all the prep work taken care of, let's begin creating the USB Boot Disk.

Insert your USB Disk in an available socket and note the name.

In my case, the name of the USB is "USB1".

From the text document created earlier, replace "NameOfUSBDisk" with the name of your

USB Disk.

Final Steps: Open Terminal and copy and paste the one line Terminal command from the text

document, followed by carriage return.

You'll then be asked to enter your Admin Password and after pressing carriage return,

the creation of macOS High Sierra USB Boot Disk Installer will begin.

I'll just time-lapse the process from here.

In My Case: Using a USB 3.0 disk, it just took under 2 minutes to complete.

And for a USB 2.0 disk, it took just over 30 minutes to complete.

And that's all there is to it.

Thanks for watching and thumbs-up if you liked this video, and please, don't forget to click

that subscribe button to be notified of the next episode.

Thanks and Peace.

For more infomation >> How To Create macOS High Sierra USB Boot Disk - Duration: 2:38.


How to Give a Great Best Man Speech - Duration: 5:03.

Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette and our wedding series.Today, we discuss how to

write and give a best man's speech.


You've been asked to be someone's best man and that entails a lot of things including

giving a best man's speech.

No pressure, but it's a big deal!

Once, I was in a wedding and the best man's speech was given by the brother of the groom

and it started out with "Growing up, I never thought my brother loved me" and at that moment,

everybody paused, was embarrassed and it was just a huge let down and it ruined the entire


Now that was terrible, your goal is to give a heartfelt, funny, appropriate, and unique

best man's speech that most importantly is not too long and to the point.

Most impoprtantly, Prepare your speech in advance because I've never seen one that was

given off the cuff that was actually good, to the point, or funny.

Usually, what ends up happening is just people ramble on and it's way too long.

Write it down.

If you're not comfortable speaking in front of people, it's a good idea to start with

word by word but you don't want to have more than one piece of paper or one card so I suggest

to bullet point your speech because nothing makes people less interested in the speech

if you have to flip through pages.

Most importantly, Be yourself.

If you usually don't joke and you try to crack jokes, it's just unfunny and superficial and

people won't buy it so be true to yourself and it will be a good speech.

Be sober enough to deliver your wedding speech.

There may have been toasts before, you may have had a drink and that's okay but I remember

a wedding once where the best man was absolutely drunk and he just made inappropriate jokes,

slurred, rambled, and it was just a general embarrassment.

Don't be that man.

Make sure to mention the bride in there and it's not just an ode to your friendship, maybe

you can have a little story about how they got to know each other or how you learned

about her from your friend, something that incorporates her and makes her shine in a

positive light.

Very important, be tactful.

Don't talk about the groom farting, don't make any dirty jokes, don't talk about sex,

or exes, or anything else that could embarrass his grandma, not him, his grandma!

Keep your speech short and to the point, because otherwise, people won't pay attention and

honestly, no one really cares.

People want to be entertained and five minutes is the maximum attention span.

I know, it may look like five minutes on paper but actually, the best way to make sure you

hit that goal is to give your speech, you can either talk to the mirror and time yourself

with a stopwatch or even better, give your speech to actual people so they can give you

instant feedback.

That way, you know how long it took you whether it's funny or not, inappropriate or too crass,

and that way you ensure you'll deliver a perfect speech when it matters.

So what should your speech look like?

I'm a big opponent of giving you a cooking recipe because that's too static and it's

important that your speech has a personal touch.

That being said, there is a basic framework that works for most best man speeches.

So what should your speech look like?

I'm a big opponent of giving you a cooking recipe because that's too static and it's

important that your speech has a personal touch.

That being said, there is a basic framework that works for most best man speeches.

Introduce yourself.

Tell the audience who you are and how you know the groom.

Thank everybody for coming, thank the people who made it possible if that's not just the

bride and groom and just make sure everyone feels welcome.

Explain how you know the groom and what your relationship is to him.

Come up with the story of how you got to know the groom and/or how you learned about his

bride and how it all goes together.

Ideally, it should be a little funny or at least entertaining maybe with a little twist.

Maybe you also have an interesting incident where you maybe asked him how did you know

she was the right one, and you remember that answer.

Just something that's heartfelt and touches people.

Now if you want, you can thank people for coming again but more importantly, thank the

couple and send them your best wishes for the future.

It's very important to have a common toast to the couple and their future.

With this framework, you'll be able to stay within the 5-minute mark, have a really good

best man speech that is well-remembered and respected and thought of fondly in the future.

To learn more about things related to weddings, such as what to wear, dress codes, how to

get a wedding band or engagement ring, stay tuned!

For more infomation >> How to Give a Great Best Man Speech - Duration: 5:03.


How to Increase Your Memory? - Duration: 2:05.

It is reported that when you forget something...

You say:

Allah (swt) opens your doors.

You remember Allah, Allah will remind you.

So when we forget something, it is from shaytaan.

When you forget something good is from shaytaan.

So this is why we should constantly try remember that which is good.

How to increase your memory?

Cut out everything unnecessary from your life.

We are not talking of sins. Sins are supposed to be out anyway.

But we are talking of unnecessary.

Some people have a habit of sitting and chit chatting late at night.

Following morning they can't remember how many rakat in fajr. But there is only two.

They can't remember. Why?

Because your mind is rewinded all night with that beautiful stories you had all night...

...and you are standing now in salah, you just... You can't remember.

Too much in your head.

Take out some of that.

This is why nabi (saw) says:

"One of the signs of a good muslim is that he leaves that which does not concern him."

It does not concern me throw it out.

Today we are at an age where we are bothered about everybody else's life.

And this is a problem wholesale.

Nobody can say: "I'm not guilty."

When we hear a juicy rumour, mashallah it's like we squeezing the lemon.

Allahu Akbar.

May Allah (swt) grant us goodness. Really! We need to be bothered about our own lifes.

Cut out unnecessary riffraff and see how your memory improves.

May Allah open our doors.

For more infomation >> How to Increase Your Memory? - Duration: 2:05.


tech word how to download i tunes on computer windows xp,7,10 - Duration: 5:37.

hi guys welocome to tech word

today i am teaching how to instasl i tunes software on pc

press the i tunes

now click on to the download button

and again press the download button

now its downloading wait for the two minutes it ill download

now i tunes is inatalling

now press the button next to instal i tunes

and now u can open the i tunes software on ur computer

if u like this video please subscribe our youtube channel

thank you for watching the video

For more infomation >> tech word how to download i tunes on computer windows xp,7,10 - Duration: 5:37.


How to Make a Man Fall in Love - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> How to Make a Man Fall in Love - Duration: 2:24.


How old is the Queen and how old is Prince Philip? The royal couple's ages - Duration: 1:45.

How old is the Queen and how old is Prince Philip? The royal couple's ages 

Queen Elizabeth II is today marking the 64th anniversary of her coronation on June 2 1953 at Westminster Abbey. How old is Prince Philip?  Prince Philip is 95 right now.

The royal consort will celebrate his 96th birthday on June 10 2017.  How old is the Queen?  Queen Elizabeth is 91 years old.

The Queen celebrated her actual birthday was on April 21 but her official birthday celebrations are not until June.  How old were Prince Philip and the Queen when they met?  The love story of Philip and Elizabeth, who are distant cousins, began in 1939 when the young princess was just 13 years old.  The then Princess first met the dashing 18-year-old royal during a visit to his naval college in Dartmouth.

  How old was Queen when they got married?  The dashing young Greek prince and the 21-year-old Princess Elizabeth walked down the aisle of Westminster Abbey in 1947.

How old was the Elizabeth when she became Queen?  Elizabeth took the throne at the age of 25 after the death of her father in February 1952.  How old was the Queen when she was crowned?  Elizabeth was 27 when she was crowned in June 1953. .

For more infomation >> How old is the Queen and how old is Prince Philip? The royal couple's ages - Duration: 1:45.


How I got Verified✔ on YouTube! - [How to Get Verified ✅] - Duration: 5:05.

Hello everyone I'm Andrew Kan, and one question I get asked a lot is, "How did

you get verified with such little subs?" Which is a rude way to ask that...

(Please Laugh....)

However, I'm here to explain the differences between YouTube verification, the YouTube,

verification badge, and how I got verified on YouTube.

(Fire Swoosh) (Marimba)Ding

First it's important, we distinguish between general YouTube verification and the YouTube

verification badge. Most channels are already verified here on YouTube. However,

to check go to this just enables your account more

features such as unlimited uploading, custom thumbnails, etc. However, it does

not mean that you are eligible for the YouTube verification badge. what exactly

does the YouTube verification badge do? this is what YouTube has to say about it.

When you see a verification checkmark next to a YouTube channel's name, it

means that the channel belongs to an established creator or is the official

channel of a brand, business, or organization. Verification badges don't

affect search results for the channel or grant access to additional YouTube

features. To recap the badge is just a cosmetic item and in no way helps you do

better on YouTube it's just a check mark in the past YouTube really didn't have

that strict requirements on YouTube verification. However, since then they've

added some new eligibility requirements directly from YouTube once your channel

gets a hundred thousand subscribers you're eligible to submit a request to

YouTube for a verification badge note that we've made changes to this process

over time so you may see many types of channels with verification badges on

YouTube note if you're an advertiser interested in a verification badge

contact your sales manager to learn more the first thing in reference to my

channel weighs note that we've made changes to this process over time so you

may see many types of channel with verification badges on YouTube my

channel is Andrew Kan and WeKanGame were both verified before the changes, so

I got to keep my badges here on YouTube. Second, you need 100,000 subscribers

there's no way around it MCNS can't verify you before a hundred thousand

subs any more you have to have 100,000 subscribers. Another channel I work for

TubeBuddy, which is an established YouTube certified brand. Wasn't eligible

yet and we have over 92 thousand subscribers

YouTube is pretty serious now when it comes to the verification badge

Finally, you can learn how to get verified through Google+ communities

however my friend Preston McNair goes over this more on his own video and you

can click the card on screen check out that video for yourself and see how you

can get verified through the Google+ community, but keep in mind it is equally

as hard as getting a hundred thousand subscribers here on YouTube. The overall

point is the only way to get verified on YouTube now is to have a hundred

thousand subscribers and be a verified creator, brand, or company. The reason for

the requirement being a hundred thousand subscribers is because before this if

you knew someone who has access to Content ID and a CMS here on YouTube

they could invite you into their network and then verify you regardless of your

subscriber count this led to many multi-channel networks and people ending

up selling YouTube verification or using it to haggle YouTubers to join their

network they (YouTube) never implied or met for verification to be a bargaining chip for

multi-channel network and thus the verification badge was regulated however

it's important to note the reason I got verified was because I worked for an old

MCN. That MCN I worked for I created content on their channel. Some users

decided to troll the community by creating fake accounts of the users in

the community. Myself included, so to be safe the MCN verified certain accounts

of that community to make sure the community in the comments could tell who

was the real account and who was the troll. That could cause confusion for any

company and caused a lot of PR nightmares, so that's how this channel

Andrew Kan and my gaming channel WeKanGame both got verified. However, please

keep in mind that the verification badge is only a cosmetic item and doesn't mean

anything what really matters is the discipline you have for your channel and

the amount of content you create if you want to get verified now you need to

reach that 100,000 subscriber mark. Let me know, what are your thoughts on the

new verification? Do you think it's too high? Let me know in the comments below!

Also you can click the links in the description to see all of my sources for

the information provided here today, and before we go let me read off some more

questions about verification I got before this video! Hey man your

videos are nice I was wondering how you got verified on YouTube with so little

subs? Awesome video how'd you get verified? whatttt sir u r verified with 300 sub. how ?

I'm surprised theres no comments about u being verified. Great video, how are

you verified at such a low number of G Plus followers is it possible for me to

get verified? Oh, Oh Wow! congratulations Lewis tech on

verification up I guess you figured it out! And because I know someone will ask

no I can't get you verified. But, if you enjoyed this video please consider

subscribing I'm Andrew Kan, and I hope you have a great day!

For more infomation >> How I got Verified✔ on YouTube! - [How to Get Verified ✅] - Duration: 5:05.


(Hang On Logo Fix ) How to fix hang on logo after write by COMBINATION file (bypass google account) - Duration: 8:18.

bypass google account

For more infomation >> (Hang On Logo Fix ) How to fix hang on logo after write by COMBINATION file (bypass google account) - Duration: 8:18.


Here Is How She Lost18 Kilograms:You Can Lose Up To 5 Kilograms Per Week With These Two Ingredients! - Duration: 0:48.

Visit Our Website Here :



This diet will be effective and you will lose weight if you consume bananas with warm water.

This combination is very healthy.

In a natural way will boost up your metabolism and in that way you will lose weight very


How to consume it: in the morning, on empty stomach you should eat 2 bananas and drink

2 glasses of hot water.

It is interesting that in your meals you can eat everything you want, but it is important

your last meal to be before 18 hrs.

Banana and glass of warm water can be your snack between meals.

It is recommended to be careful with consumption, or even better to avoid eating candies and

all sugary stuff.

You can replace them with banana and water.

Also it would be good if you drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Thank you For Visiting Our Youtube Chanel Please don't forget to subscribe our channel

Subscribe :

For more infomation >> Here Is How She Lost18 Kilograms:You Can Lose Up To 5 Kilograms Per Week With These Two Ingredients! - Duration: 0:48.


HOW TO model installing handrails with the Hilti PROFIS Engineering Suite software - Duration: 3:56.

Welcome to the Hilti PROFIS Engineering

Suite handrail design module tutorial.

First navigate to the handrail design

module from the setup screen.

From the header bar you can access resources, help

functions and take virtual tours of useful features.

In the far right corner

you can manage your profile settings, by

clicking on the wheel at the top you can

change the name and location to your file.

Now let's move to the 'Navigation' pane.

The first button on the 'Navigation' pane is

the 'Home' button that will take you back

to the setup screen.

Next we have the 'Favorites' input, which is pre-populated

with the design parameters that users

tend to use the most.

Handrails can typically be fully designed using the

pre-populated inputs but as you become

more familiar with Hilti PROFIS

Engineering Suite

we recommend customizing your favorites

list based on the parameters that you

use most often.

Now let's click on the 'Application' tab.

Here you can choose your application. For example:

handrails that are fixed on top of slabs or those that

are on the sides of staircases.

We'll use a handrail fixed on concrete

plate example here. Below the application

option is where we can define

environmental characteristics like if

the handrails are inside or outside, and

how far apart the posts are. Here's where

you can select the shape of the railing

of the post. You can also select the

steel grade, rotation and the location,

plus whether or not you'd like to change

the weld design. Under the 'Loads' tab you

can select what type of a building

you're working on. The loads will be

automatically selected based on

regulatory conditions for your project

location. Keep in mind that if the

building is outside, the wind load needs

to be set for each region.

The dead load is the weight of the handrail including

the weight of cladding

and flower boxes.

Under 'Base Material' you can choose

properties like type of concrete being

used, concrete strength, reinforcement

conditions, temperature, geometry and

installation conditions.

Under the 'Base Plate' tab you can choose the shape

of the base plate, the dimensions and

define any standoff.

Beneath that you can define the base plates position,

thickness, offset and material.

You can also activate the normal stress

distribution on 3D and select optimized

anchor plate thickness.

On the anchors tab you can choose the type of anchor

that you want to select, as well as view

the approval. You can see the relevant

anchor item number here.

This is also where you can change the layout of the anchors.

Let's move on to the '3D' pane.

In this tab you can manage and change

dimensions with access to a redo and

undo button on the top.

Below that the 'Multiple Load Combinations' feature shows

all the load combinations that are being

calculated in the background.

In the 'Output' pane on the right, we can see the

capacity of the anchor being used.

The decisive multiple load combination is

shown on the right.

You'll receive notifications when the

design input is inconsistent and needs

to be fixed or if the software has any

other recommendations to improve the design.

Finally, once we have a working

design it's time to save it or output a

PDF report. A CAD drawing can also be


Hilti PROFIS Engineering Suite

Here's an example of the PDF report

containing the design conditions and


Thanks for watching! We hope you found

this tutorial helpful.

For more information please visit

For more infomation >> HOW TO model installing handrails with the Hilti PROFIS Engineering Suite software - Duration: 3:56.


How to do Scheduled Split. - Duration: 5:20.

Hello! Are all very welcome! My name is Leonardo Antônio.

Today I'll show you a little More about the scheduled division here in

Wilcom EmbroideryStudio. Before that I I invite you to sign up for

our channel and enjoy this video. All as often as you enjoy a video our

here on youtube you give us fuel to bring a new video

every week. Sure you already likes this movie,

We begin our instructional video. Much Simple division is programmed

just this effect you can do right there in your Wilcom. You make the filling, using complex filling.

Then go to properties, filling, and will seek "PROGRAM DIVISION" .You saw that there has

star. Let me change here. It arrowhd that has the bars, the basket has the basket2, bird, blocks1, blocks2, breaker. Ie several types of points. Then you should already

know very well, you may have then used in your program. The question is as follows. - Leo I need to make a

scheduled division the way I want. Let's assume it's a scheduled division towards

we put here a moon or half moon as you need or what image you

want. You will do the following. I in my case I'll take the running stitch and I will do

drawing of a moon or a form of a moon

or 'c' it's up to you. You made

picture you need here at point run right? And now

you select, you come in special and search here make division

scheduled. You'll have to give the entry name

to this point. So let's put here moon, ok. This operation will affect all

new designs based on the Normal template.

Okay. Will you wait a minute to process and soon you will have a new point called moon. So it is

ready now. You go there, you select the object you need and nothing more

less looking for a point name called moon. There are several moons merged together.

thereby making a reference developed to the point you in the division

scheduled. So in Wilcom EmbroideryStudio we can do many

things, many things even They will save our lives or will save

our schedules, leaving them much more beautiful. And speaking of leaving

I want to invite you not to let their persistence aside and continue

programming in Wilcom EmbroideryStudio because it is the best program

planet. What means embroidered schedules. That

even, of all plants I've gone and that step, not only here in

Brazil as countries also away in América do Sul ever had

the opportunity to visit basically all

South American countries with hundreds of factories and I can tell you

Wilcom in 95% of the time is very used. So you're in

track, you're in the right channel, and you are where you can

acquire grants for you to continue to program this excellent program. Per

speaking program you can never forget to

subscribe to our channel and also enjoy this video. You know very well that all

times that you enjoy our video here on youtube you give us

fuel to bring a new video every week. So I'm here to

dozens of consecutive weeks bringing a new video for you. So I go,

but next week I'm back bye Bye!

For more infomation >> How to do Scheduled Split. - Duration: 5:20.


how to make my own blog hindi 2017 - Duration: 14:07.

[intro music]


welcome friends, this my new youtube channel video, called blogging hindi tips

here you will teach all hindi blogger tips and solution all of your query

so lets start

today we learn ' how to create/make your own blog step by step'

first you need to open your broeser

and type

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