Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily what Jun 12 2017

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going to go discuss the broadest of topics: what is a peer-reviewed or a scholarly


A journal is a scholarly periodical that is different than a magazine.

A journal is geared toward academic pursuits and is meant to inform and educate.

The publication is usually peer reviewed which means experts in the specific field review

the content prior to publication to determine if it is worthy of publication, meaning it

adds to the particular field of study.

The peer review is usually blind which means the article authors and the reviewers are

reviewing the content and are not told who the author or reviewer is.

Journals may be subscription based, or they may be sent to all the members of a particular

association society as part of their dues or they may be open access, meaning they are

free to be read by anyone at any time.

A journal may be in paper and in digital form or, increasingly, in just digital form.

Journals are likely to be less reliant on advertising income versus magazines, supposedly

making them less influenced by advertisers.

A journal is composed of articles which are authored by experts and outsiders from the

journal, as opposed to staff written articles in magazines.

There are many different types of articles some of which include review articles, research

articles, articles from supplements, letters, case reports, survey article, position papers,

columns or departments, and many more.

The journal normally has an Information or Guidelines for Authors which details what

type of articles that journal is interested in, what format submissions need to be in,

and how to submit an article; among other things.

Articles usually include the authors credentials and contact information to establish the authors

credibility to discuss the topic.

Articles can be lengthy.

Journals are very interested in being included in such places as Google Scholar and in abstracting

and indexing services as Pub Med and many, many others.

Journals also are interested in metrics such as article downloads, citations in other articles,

Altmetrics, and others that help determine which articles are having significant impact.

Journals can be found in many academic disciplines such as STM, or science/technical/medicine,

law, engineering, social sciences, and the humanities, as well as other areas of scholarly


Well that's it.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the playlist to see more videos about

academic journals and the articles in them.

And make comments below or email me with questions.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> What is an Academic or Scholarly Journal? - Duration: 2:41.


At Issue: What's Next for Oakland - Duration: 4:41.









For more infomation >> At Issue: What's Next for Oakland - Duration: 4:41.


Accounting for Beginners #28 / Assets / What is an Asset ? / Accounting Basics / Balance Sheet - Duration: 7:32.

what I put up put up CPA strength strongest CPA in Florida back again this is

the classic series man you know what it is a FB account for beginners number 28

veinte Y Ocho you know what it is come on let's go let's get it in assets

what are assets I know I just did a whole bunch of videos as increase assets

CPA strings you should have put these before the other ones I know but my mind

too jumbled mess and I'm not perfect and I'd rather just show out and put videos

out instead of trying to be perfect not have enough videos out let's go what is

an asset so first I know you've been studying look if this is your first one

welcome I'm going to put a Oh up here my playlist best accounting playlist on the

interwebs just saying a low bias but you know what it is I know you have your DC

aid ler I know you already have that what is d saidler

debit credit asset drug expense liability equity revenue and you know

all these are the normal balances so if you notice we have 6 1 2 3 3 debits 1 2

3 3 credits in the normal balance the positive balance I have done I think

accounting for beginners number 18 we will put a card up here was on draw

today we're doing what is an asset we're concentrating on one of the six boxes

that a transaction could be in it is asset today great assets very important

as you can see assets assets equal liabilities plus equity so I'm starting

with assets right now it's number 28 next video we're going to do liabilities

and the next one after that it's going to be what is equity

now assets equal liabilities plus equity that is the balance sheet assets equal

liabilities plus equity is the balance sheet

so that's why we're doing we're going to take these on first and then we're going

to have the balance sheet which is also see look this DCA learn and you know

this always you always owe is equals so there's the balance sheet in dc-8 ler

but and also assets equal liabilities plus equity it's also called the basic

account equation now if you're taking this in school you're going to see

what's the basic an equation what's the basic an equation and to be honest I

don't even know why that matters really after school because like assets equal

liabilities and equity it is the base account equation but I don't tell like

my clients or around on QuickBooks going to is the basic account equation I say

oh it's the balance sheet then the balance sheet is in my opinion the most

important financial statement I need a balance sheet and I need an

income state and rated every year to do a tax returns so what's it all about

anyways right making money and paying them taxes so and balance sheet is on

the top because that is reused every single year updated every single year

every single year the income statement is just for that period of time just for

that one year and whatever happens on that goes over to the balance sheet but

some balance sheet is super important super important in accounting it's the

basic kind of equation is assets equal liabilities plus equity so all three of

these are super super super important but let's think about this now if I once

if they equal it's a balance so it balances a balance sheet right one half

of its the assets so and on the other half there's two things liabilities and

equity liabilities and equity so this must be pretty important it seems to be

the basis of everything assets okay the definition of the book says assets

what is an asset so resources owned by a business

thanks a lot all right so resources owned business I would say almost

instead of you know resources owned by a business Oh should I'm blinking I'm

almost out of battery I want to finish up so those resources owned by a

business what did businesses do businesses want

to make money now we're just going to go through common assets that would be in

here on a journal entry common assets cash cash or checking account all right

so now we're going to go Mike now cash it's like okay

cash is like tippers like Scrooge McDuck ish or your checking account now you

have some you have some money or money a checking account can I make more money

with it because businesses want to make money that's going to help me make more

money yes it is make more money make more money make money make them shippers

get the money yes this is going to help me make money equipment

I got equipment I got a laptop I got a printer is that going to help me make

more chippers yes it's an asset it's a resources out I'm getting more chippers

accounts receivable someone owes me chippers so I can go make more chippers

with them shippers you so yes accounts receivable asset loaned and mister never

pay me back I loaned somebody he says he's gonna pay me back he ain't never

going to pay me back but if he did I would have more chippers so I can make

more chippers I got cash so I can make more cash so loan to somebody who ain't

never going to paying back the no never fucking paid no never pays you back

that's an asset inventory I got products man I got products I got

widgets out - I got widgets out the door so I'm going to sell these widgets to

get more money so I can go make more money so that's an asset it's a resource

yeah inventory yeah land building I got a building I own a building on

some land and with this building I got all my stuff going on I'm gonna make

more money I'm gonna get more money so I can go spend it make

money yeah buddy thank you so much for watching if you liked it hit a light

because it helps me more than you would know to have the video reach a wider

audience leave a comment for future questions

anyways I can't believe it I am at right now almost 18,000 subscribers which is

crazy I think this is the first time I might have talked about subscribers on

my on my YouTube page it's growing rapidly I could have never imagined how

many people that I would be helping throughout the whole world and I think

when I get when I get to 20,000 I might do a but thank you or I just just talk

about 20,000

For more infomation >> Accounting for Beginners #28 / Assets / What is an Asset ? / Accounting Basics / Balance Sheet - Duration: 7:32.


What happens if a spinning basketball falls from 400 feet? - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> What happens if a spinning basketball falls from 400 feet? - Duration: 1:19.


What Will It Take For You To Shoot Par For 9 Holes - Duration: 4:24.


I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And today I'm going to talk to you about how you can shoot par.

I know that seems like it is a long way off.

But I'm going to show you a good way that you can practice and will get you shooting

par in no time.

No matter what your standard.

Stay tuned.


So if this is your first time to this channel.


This channel is all about helping you play better golf.

And today I'm going to show you a way that you can actually shoot par.

So that might seem strange.

You might think I am not very good at this.

I'm only new.

I don't play well.

You can still shoot Par.

So what is it that's stopping you from shooting par right now?

And you might say ability and all sorts of things.

But really the only thing that is stopping you from shooting par is length.

What if I said to you.

We are going to play 9 holes.

And we are going to play 9, 30 meter holes.

Every hole is 30 meters in length.

Is that going to put the odds more in your favour of shooting par?

And a lot of people are very quick to say oh.

30 meters, that's not very far.

I could easily shoot par if I played 9 par 3 holes that were 30 meters.

Well I have got a challenge for you.

Go out and do it.

And a good way of doing it might be to go out and play 9 holes in your home course.

Hit your driver from the tee.

Once you have hit your driver from the tee.

Walk go find it.

Pick it up.

Put it in your pocket.

Walk and keep walking until you get to 30 meters from the green.

Put your ball down and your score counts from there.


So you have got 30 meters to the flag.

Hit your shot and try and 2 putt.

On the next hole do the same.

If it is a Par 3.

Walk 'til you're 30 meters from the green.

Hit your shot from there.

Can you make par?

And you do that all the way round.

If you want to keep working on your driving.

You can certainly drive off the par 4's and 5's.

But once you have hit your driver.

Pick the ball up.

Walk up and once you are 30 meters from the green and try it from different locations.

Try it from the rough.

Try it from the middle of the fairway.

Try it from the left of the fairway.

Try it from the right of the fairway.

But we are trying to play 9 par 3 holes of 30 meters in length.

It would really be a surprise if you did shoot par the first time.

And you may find that you get on the green or pretty close to the green every single


But what's actually stopping you from shooting par in these circumstances is going to be

your putting.

You will get the ball on the green and then you will leave your first putt too far from

the hole.

which puts you under pressure and you will probably miss the putt.

So the thing about this is you really have to work on that distance control with putting.

It's something I keep banging on about.

But it's just so vital.

No matter what your handicap.

If you can improve your distance control.

In other words have a very short putt for your second putt.

Your score is going to drop substantially.

So this is a great thing.

You can do it all over summer.

If you have got kids or you want to go and play with some kids or some grand kids you

can go and play with them.

Get them playing 30 meter holes.

Now my goal is.

Once you can shoot par or better from 30 meters.

Go back 10 meters and try it from 40.

And keep progressing back as you do it.

It's actually a very fun way of practising.

It gets you used to shooting birdies.

So treat it as a par birdie, that sort of things.

Do it on a regular basis.

And I think you will find your short game will improve and if your short game improves.

So will your score.

In fact I can almost guarantee if you can shoot par on that 30 meter hole on that 30

meter hole course for 9 holes.

You will definitely be breaking your handicap in the near future.

SO let me know what you think.

If you do anything like this.

Have you ever tried anything like this in the past.

Is there things you do that can help improve your score?

I'd love to read them in the comments below.

Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And if you like my videos you can give me the thumbs up and you can subscribe by clicking

the round avatar down the bottom there.

And you can get further information on my FaceBook page and my Twitter feed.

And you can sign up to my electronic newsletter at

For more infomation >> What Will It Take For You To Shoot Par For 9 Holes - Duration: 4:24.


What Is Octane? | Everyday Experts - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> What Is Octane? | Everyday Experts - Duration: 2:07.


People Start Screaming When They See What Happened Seconds After Trump Landed In Cincinnati - Duration: 26:51.

People Start Screaming When They See What Happened Seconds After Trump Landed In Cincinnati

President Donald Trump dropped everything this morning to get on Air Force One en route

to the Mid West.

He landed in Cinncinatti, Ohio where a swarm of people were standing on the tarmac awaiting

his arrival.

However, seconds after he stepped off the aircraft, onlookers began to scream when they

saw what happened after he started to walk toward him.

During Trump's campaign, he famously said that he "only works for one special interest


The American people."

He proved that by making middle America he spent the majority of his time campaigning,

even after he won the election to thank his faithful voters.

He returned to the heartland of the country this week to make good on a campaign promise

that he vowed to keep when something unexpected happened.

Air Force One landed at Lunken Airport where a podium was set up for him a few feet from

the steps descending from the aircraft.

He was set to speak there to a crowd of people eager to hear what he had to say about one

important item of business and the perfect guests there he brought along with him to

drive his point home.

While the crowd knew that the president was going to speak about the epic failure that

is ObamaCare and what he plans to replace it with, they started screaming and cheering

after hearing what else he had for them that day.

Of critical concern to every citizen in Ohio and around the country, is the health care


Americans have been bullied into paying sky high premiums through ObamaCare and financially

punished if they can't afford it.

The cost is only part of the problem as the system has made it difficult to get adequate

coverage and find a provider despite the price people are forced to pay for something less

than they had before.

WCPO reports:

"At Lunken Airport, Trump spoke briefly in favor of his proposed health care reforms.

He was joined by families from Ohio and Kentucky he described as 'victims of the Obamacare


"Trump said the families represented others 'going through turmoil' because of health

care and blamed the Affordable Care Act for increasing premiums and insurers exiting the

marketplace, including Anthem's announcement they would withdraw from the Ohio exchange

at the end of the year."

"Trump praised the House of Representatives for passing a health care reform bill and

called on the Senate to do likewise, denouncing 'obstructionists' who oppose the plan.

'We're working very hard to fix this big problem', he said."

Today's visit to Cincinnati marks the first for Trump since becoming the Commander-in-Chief

and he had a lot of ground to cover with the group there to hear what he had to say.

Outside of health care, infrastructure was on his list of topics to discuss, which he

addressed to a cheering crowd excited for what the man they voted for was going to do

in return to fulfil the promises he made to them.

Trump has been critical of the country's failing infrastructure which doesn't compare

to the innovation in most other countries.

It's essentially no different than the failure of ObamaCare which is why it's not a coincidence

he's addressing his plan to fix both to the people in Ohio today.

"Standing along the Ohio River with coal barges behind him and workers in hard hats

in front of him, Trump said his administration will launch an infrastructure program that

will rebuild the nation and produce millions of jobs," reported.

"It's time to recapture our legacy as a nation of builders," President Trump said

from his tarmac podium today.

"The future is going to be beautiful and the future is going to be bright."

"He said the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is dying and can only be saved

by Republicans," the report by explained.

Trump's stop in this great state was more than well received as the droves of attendees

there didn't just hear what he had to say, but know that it's more than just words.

Trump doesn't want to be made to fool to say he's going to do something huge, that

people are counting on him to do, and then disappoint by not delivering.

He's not a man of false promises like his predecessor.

He will tirelessly until he fixes the insurmountable issues he was handed with this presidency

because he knows that the American people are counting on him

and they

are who he works for.

For more infomation >> People Start Screaming When They See What Happened Seconds After Trump Landed In Cincinnati - Duration: 26:51.


How To Stop Caring What People Think - Duration: 2:10.

I never wear makeup and one of the reasons I got rid of it was because I

felt like the Steve Jobs story about how he only had you know the one shirt and

the one pair of jeans he special ordered them and it allowed him to spend

a lot more time with his family and on his business and less time making

decisions that were not really decisions that were I mean nobody cares what you

wear well the people that do or the people they don't matter so I was like

you know why do I care about wearing makeup and even just a few minutes ago

my girl Sunny Lenarduzzi freakin love that chick her and Gary Vaynerchuk are I

mean they are mentors to me like they have not yet but she was posting picture

of her on Instagram with her cute little curls and she was like all natural and I

was thinking oh my god this so adorable why do you spend the time to sit there

and flatten your hair every day and just the other day I even saw cause one of

the interns she's so sweet and oh she's probably gonna watch this so I'm not

hating those hips but I was sent her watching like how long it took her

Fetterman and I was thinking this chick is so cute I don't even know she didn't

have her makeup on until I saw her putting it on and then I was like

somebody took her like an hour so not only did she come to work and then once

she got to work she started her makeup on and then it was like an hour later

and I was like okay we could already start this and everybody so fixated on

this like beauty thing like nobody cares you get you could get in a car wreck

tomorrow and the person that you love may not look the way that they look

today or that I may not look the way that I look today you know I could get

cancer and lose all my hair like I'm serious you really think about reality

because I've been through some hard to get where I am and have this RV I've

sold everything that I own to get here and it's like you're preparing for the

worst the world has hardwired you to prepare for the worst and think of these

external things and worry about what everybody else thinks everybody else's

point of view is not your concern there's only one person that matters

For more infomation >> How To Stop Caring What People Think - Duration: 2:10.


Q&A – What is this weed? - Chameleon Plant - Duration: 2:37.

- "I have a weed growing in my yard.

What is it?"

And this is from Shawn, so what is that?

- That weed is one of my mother's favorite plants, so you know, being a weed is situational,

or this plant is very invasive.

A common name for it's chameleon plant.

The scientific name's Houttuynia cordata.

Mom used to like the name, she used to call it hootenanny.

Like nanny, for a southern party.

There's a lot of variation of the leaves, some of 'em are green, some of 'em have red

margins, there are actually named cultivars, and this plant in the wrong place can be an

invasive thug, it particularly likes part sun, moist soil.

I saw it recently for sale in the garden store.

- Really, okay.

- Yeah, a lot of people grow them near water features.

- Yeah, I've seen 'em near ponds.

- They grow great near ponds.

I've got some in a wooded area of my house near the irrigation system.

But yeah, once you get it, if you don't want it, it's a challenge, you've really got to

dig it out.

- 'Cause it grows by rhizomes.

- It does, it blooms, but I don't believe seeding is necessarily a reliable way to grow

those if you want 'em.

In Tennessee, I don't think it's an invasive hazard as far as outcompeting wildlife because

it's limited in its grow requirement, but in some states, it is considered a thug.

But some, if you like mint, a lot of people grow mint in containers, the main thing is

the sides, the rhizomes will grow out, if you can stop that growth out, you'll keep

it contained.

- And that's gonna be the key, yeah, stop that growth.

- Exactly.

But really just dig, dig, dig if you're trying to get it out.

- It is pretty though, those things are heart-shaped leaves.

- I like it, it's tender.

It got killed back this year by the freeze, but it came predictably right back up.

It's an Asian introduction, it's not native, but one of the names, I did a little research,

found out, is fish-smelling herb.

And apparently, in Asian cuisine you can use it.

You can surprise your family with a fishy kind of off-tasting herb.

Actually, I went out and tried after I read it, and it's--

- Not so much right?

- I wouldn't add it to the herb garden just yet.

For more infomation >> Q&A – What is this weed? - Chameleon Plant - Duration: 2:37.


"Jake, You're Evil", Mark Levin Eviscerates CNN's Jake Tapper For What He Just Did - Duration: 12:00.

"Jake, You're Evil", Mark Levin Eviscerates CNN's Jake Tapper For What He Just Did

CNN and the other mainstream news networks responded to Comey's testimony in a shockingly

partisan way.

Conservative Host Mark Levin attacked the way CNN covered the event.

"You can see how CNN has changed its coverage.

CNN is at war with Trump.

CNN is violating – CNN is destroying the First Amendment and freedom of the press.

And when Jake Tapper says, 'How dare the President call us evil?'

Jake, you're evil.

You're unconscionable.

All of you – because you know exactly what you're doing.

You don't care," said Levin.

"I think you get more truthful reporting on Russia TV, which I have never watched in

my life, than you get on CNN," said Levin.

"How do I know?

Because you don't get truthful reporting on CNN.

And you know what you're getting on Russia TV.

They call themselves 'Russia TV.'

'Oh – must be about Russia or something, Russia TV.'

CNN pretends to be something it's not – an objective news organization," he explained.

"It's not an objective news organization.

They got one clown after another, one fool after another, one Democratic appointee after

another," said Mark Levin.

Do you think he's right?

Does something have to be done about the way news is conducted

in this country?

For more infomation >> "Jake, You're Evil", Mark Levin Eviscerates CNN's Jake Tapper For What He Just Did - Duration: 12:00.


Q&A – What is eating holes in my green bean leaves? - Duration: 2:21.

- "Something is eating holes in my green bean leaves.

What is it?"

And this is from Sharon in downtown Memphis.

All right, Miss Sharon, bean leaf beetles.

They feed underside of the leaves, they like tender plant tissue.

- What do they look like?

- They actually look like lady beetles.

Some of 'em have stripes, some of 'em do have spots on them, but they resemble lady beetles.

Some are tan in color, some are a little orange, rusted color, but yeah, they look pretty similar.

And they eat the little holes in the leaves, of course.

The plants can survive it.

Unless you have a large population, that's gonna reduce plant vigor and your yield, but

for the most parts, when the bean plants get large enough, they're gonna develop more leaves.

So you'll be fine.

Now if you must, there's some less toxic means.

You can use neem oil, your insecticidal soap, pyrethrins.

And then if you wanna go with the contact pesticides, which some people do, carbaryl,

is something you can use, or bifenthrin.

If you wanna go that route, but I always like to stay with the less toxic routes.

- Would that be a good case for rotating your crops?

Would their larvae be in the ground underneath?

- Right, because, they'll adult overwinters in crop residue, still adult.

So we always tell people to practice good sanitation, because if you don't, you're gonna

have neighbors.

- By cleaning up, you're helping inhibit their life cycle.

- Yes.

- When do the eggs hatch?

- They actually come out, April, late April, early to May, is pretty much when they come out.

Now the larvae actually starts feeding on the roots first.

Because of course, your bean plants, nitrogen fixers.


So the larvae's gonna be feeding on the roots, the stem first, and then, yeah, here comes the adult.

For more infomation >> Q&A – What is eating holes in my green bean leaves? - Duration: 2:21.


Hannah's Poem • "What if my melodies are the one's nobody hears?" - Duration: 4:44.

Wow, this is scary.

Today, I am wearing lacy black underwear.

For the sole purpose of knowing I am wearing them.

And underneath that?

I am absolutely naked.

And I've got skin.

Miles, and miles of skin.

I've got skin to cover up all my thoughts like saran wrap

that you can see through what leftovers are inside from the night before.

And despite what you might think

my skin is soft

and smooth

and easily scarred.

But that doesn't matter, right?

You don't care how soft my skin is.

You just wanna hear about what my fingers do in the dark.

But what if all they do is crack open windows?

So I can see lightening through the clouds.

What if all they crave is a jungle gym to climb

for a taste of fresher air?

One, two, three.

Some girls know all the lyrics to each others songs.

They find harmonies in their laughter.

Their linked elbows, echo in tune.

What if I can't hum on key?


Come back!

What if my melodies are the ones nobody hears?

Some people can recognise a tree

a front yard

and know they've made it home.

How many circles can I walk in before I give up looking?

How long before I'm lost for good?

It must be possible to swim in the ocean of the one you love without drowning.

It must be possible to swim, without becoming water yourself.

But I keep swallowing what I thought was air

I keep finding stones tided to my feet.

It sounds like shit.

Do you write?

You look like you write.

I do but-

not in a show anybody - ever.

You knew the shit I shared was personal.

You knew where it came from

and you knew it would get people talking.

You should publish this.

No - no way.

And then you turned around, and made my most private thoughts a public spectacle.

[Today I am wearing lacy black underwear]

[I wonder who's the skank who wrote this?]

Why would she write something like this?

It's so humiliating.

It's her writing. I can totally recognise it.

What the hell, Ryan?

So you bare your heart to one person

and everybody ends up laughing.

How could you do that to me?

I did you a favour, Hannah.

You're a beautiful poet

your work deserved to be heard.

It's my life Ryan, it's not yours!

Get your own!

I wonder who wrote it.

One dark human being, that's for sure.

I'm not sure I'd want to hang out with her.

Hannah, was crying out for help

right under their noses.

And under ours.

And we need to move.

No, I'm a-

paperback, write in the margins kind of girl.

I'm never going back.

Hey, it's so good to see you. We've missed you.

You have?

Shit happens, and people suck.

Well um-

I don't really write poetry anymore.

Maybe that's why I stopped writing?

And eventually started making tapes.

I started with Justin

Hannah, right?


and then Jessica.

Who each broke my heart.

Fuck you!





Who each helped to destroy my reputation.

What the fuck, Courtney?

Yeah, everyone already thinks she's a slut

so why not just pile on?

On through Zach, and Ryan

who broke my spirit.

Why me, Zach?

Why me?

Through tape number twelve.

Bryce Walker.

We're just having fun.

Who broke my soul.

But a funny thing happened as I finished number twelve

I felt something


I had poured it all out.

And for a minute

just a minute

I felt like maybe I could beat this.

For more infomation >> Hannah's Poem • "What if my melodies are the one's nobody hears?" - Duration: 4:44.



A morning in China, coming out of my house in the cold.

All these women are on their way to work.

Shenzhen is filled with working ladies

they all came out of my building.

I'm on my way to Tai-Chi.

The construction is still going, so noisy it's annoying.

But anyway, nothing I can do.

A lot of women in Shenzhen

Wow, a lot of women actually.

Hey isn't it funny, they all came here to grab a cab and so did I.

All of them are alone, they all live alone in their apartments.

Well, I'm not that positive they live alone but

that building where I live is mostly for single people not married ones.

I love these types of taxis, just look at it.

Look, another girl waiting for a cab.

Guess what you guys

this is quite sad, they're talking about

how many women come to the park alone everyday looking for a boyfriend

she says she has a house, car, money and she is all independent but can't seem to find a boyfriend

she says she is 44 years old

Mar you need to escape from Shenzhen.

Shenzhen is an amazing place to develop profesionally but that's it!

What do you guys think?

That this lady has

several women neighbors that come to this park

they put their adds and look for men, but they don't find any at 44.

While in Shenzhen

there are many many beautiful, young, smart women

Very beautiful.


In China they call them Sheng nv

Guys, we're talking and this is super interesting

They say that there are certain types of women who

have like 38 years old who have a house in China

they have a job and a car

and that they're looking for someone because they're left out.

They say they want a man who is taller than them

like I think we all do


well in better shape than they are.


she says, really funny, that

ok the man must have a house also so they can't like use both houses

but they think it's unfair if they have a house and he doesn't.

And then the other woman said:

Well I have some friends in which she had a house and he didn't

but still they live together, he went over to her house.

But many women don't accept that.

It's like

I have more than you so why should I invite you over to my house

you should have a house also.

They say "Well you can't use both houses that's ridiculous".

It's funny but this is the problem that women live nowadays in China.

I think I can also relate

to this

I'm not going to call it problem per se

in this

social situation that exists

in which

here in Shenzhen many women came migrating from many provinces looking for a job

specially because it's so close to Hong Kong so that makes it easier to find a man with money.

Like me

Just kidding! I came here for the job.

But still I can look here and there.

It's funny

but the

conditions that women have here


the woman is saying "As long as he has a house it's ok."

I love it.

And we the young ones are like "Do you know how much a house is?

There are not cheap houses anymore nowadays." Having a house is extremely well.

Houses here are like

I live in an appartment

one bedroom only, its 40 mt. square

and it's selling for like $440,288 dollars.

I mean just imagine

like the lady says

"As long as he has a house it's ok" I mean a house for two people to live or to fit in a family

it's around $20 million mexican peso. It's not that simple.

And we're like "Come on lady, it's hard, we're not in your century anymore."

Most people nowadays, young generations

can't afford to buy a house

they have to get loans and then they owe a lot of money

and in China houses are very expensive, it's a big issue in here

economically speaking.

Women's conditions here are

they must have a house and have a car.

It's not that simple.

Now it turns out that if men do have it, they want him to have more.

Even though

I don't know how they can live in two houses, but oh well...

I guess they say "I'll sell mine" or something like that.

I live in a rented apartment

buying a house in China would be... wow.

Anyway, this is what women live here

and it is interesting because like I tell you, I have my friends

like my friend Kelly, I think you guys have seen her, she is so pretty

and she is 26 years old.

I've been her friend for almost 3 years and

she hasn't had a serious relationship

she has gone out with some guys but then they dump her.

Two dates and then they disappear.

Like I've said in previous videos

they take you out and then I don't know what happens but they don't invite you anymore.

That's what happens.

I have another friend also who is really pretty, great body

a really nice girl


I think some of you already know her too.

Same thing.

I've known her for 3 years, we met in yoga class

and she hasn't had a serious relationship in all this time.

I was the one who did have a serious thing, my Chinese ex-boyfriend

we didn't last long, only like 6 months or so

and things were serious, I went home to visit his family

you know, to give one more step into the relationship


we broke up, many of you ask me why we broke up

I don't think he was the guy for me.

We broke up, I'm quite happy now, the breakup didn't hurt or anything.

I mean we had a great time, it's not like I was super happy to break it up.

The teacher is coming to yell at me because I'm in here filming.

He is going to say "Mar

you are not coming here to study Tai-Chi, just to gossip in your phone."

Well I'll tell you more about it later on

but my point was

just like my friends, there are many other women

and we always say we're going out to meet some guys and

yeah you know

here they mean going to a restaurant, a bar, movies

all these places

to try and get noticed.

People are really busy I mean

if you're working a lot

go from home to work, it's really hard to find someone

'cause people here don't look at each other on the streets

it's not like Mexico or another country where you walk by and they're like "Oh look at her."


Here it's not that common to meet a person on the streets.

On your way to work or back.

And well, this is what it is.

I'm going to get together with my friends to talk more about this situation

so that they can tell you from their point of view

of Chinese women living in China

around 25 to 35 years old, I have many friends in the market who are older than 30

who are really pretty, smart, they have money and their business in the market

but don't have a boyfriend.

And that's how it is

The lady here says

that in this park she has previously put out some videos

about some advertisements

some advertisements have really strict requirements

of women who are around 38, 44 or so

who want him to have a salary of many thousands a month

to have a house, a car.

I thought people who came over to the park were more simple

and just put an advertisement looking for a man and that's it

but no, they don't settle for that.

And here we are laughing with the lady

What man, successful and rich enough is going to be here in this park looking for a woman of 40 years old

I don't mean to be rude with the age thing

but I mean come on

the moment he rides his Porsche around the streets of Shenzhen

he is easily spotted by many young and beautiful ladies.

I don't know, the lady was saying that this whole thing is kind of unrealistic

for people to come here and have such high standards

after they have that age and

I mean yeah, they have their own money but I mean come on

be a little more

realistic to the situation.

It doesn't make sense I mean, I'm this many years old

I have this much money and I want this, and nothing less. Nothing less.


It's something that

it's something that

it's kind of funny in a way but it's a serious matter because

there are many people who are not going to get married

or are not going to have a family and be all alone.

I live in an apartment which is kind of like a studio and

it's only for one person

and in that building many of the apartments are for one person only

I mean, next to me, thousands of women

not thousands, maybe hundreds

of women who are single, they go to work, earn money

they travel.

In my WeChat

in the Chinese social media

many women appear that they go give their own luxuries

travel, massages,

shopping, everything all alone.


they don't find anybody because their requirements are higher

and it's complicated

and they don't lower their standards


they stay single like that, years go by.

What do you guys think?

I think it's really different, you guys please comment.

Me in Mexico, actually

it's been around 10 years that I don't live there so I wouldn't really know

but my experience was that

there they don't

if a woman wants love then

she goes with something that is good

and that's it, it's not like

here they want gold all wrapped up

yeah, it's quite unreal

and impressive

I mean it's great that you give high value for yourself but

I don't know I think it's something


Please give me your opinion, I know you guys live in many parts of the world

and it would be interesting to see how the situation is in your countries.

To the women older than 30, who are still single, what does society say about them

expectations, what do men think?

If you're a man what are your thoughts?

Gotta go.



Money Monday: What does it cost you to live? - Duration: 2:16.

Hi everyone Happy Money Monday to you

What is this all about?

Well, this week we're gonna be creating a spreadsheet!


And adding up what exactly it costs you to live.

And getting a figure.

Getting hard numbers together.

This is something that Simone Milasas and the Joy of Business has really taught me to

do and I've been creating this for awhile where we add up all of our expenses,we know

exactly what it costs us to live in REALITY, not what we want to be spending, not a budget,

not 'I'm over-spending', or this isn't ... - just "this is what is".

This is how much money went out last month.

This is how much money went out the month before that.

And getting a whole, if you can, a whole year's worth and getting an average.

If you are not keeping track of your numbers, start!

And if you have an accountant, great.

Just get them to pull a profit/ loss statement for you.

But get exactly how much it costs you to live every month.

Because how will you know how much money you need to create if you don't have any idea

what it costs you to live?

So this is one of the most important tools that I've found in the Joy of Business 'toolbox'.

And I do it regularly, but we're also moving house in two days, so all of our numbers are


So it's time to do it again.

So we're going to look at actually what our new numbers are.

How much is our rent, how much is our food, how much is our utilities, car payments, all

that stuff.

And know exactly what that number is.

And get an average for, if you can, a whole year.

And break it down, so you know what it costs you to live every month.

Now, a year is great because you have those things that only come up once a year like

new tires, or the Christmas expenses, or the annual vacation that your family takes or

whatever it is.

So if you can, do a whole year, break it down, divide by 12 and get a monthly total.

That's going to be your challenge this week is to get your number!

So who's in?

Who's ready to create?

For more infomation >> Money Monday: What does it cost you to live? - Duration: 2:16.


What I Learned as a Brand New Bicycle Commuter - Dunna Vlog #019 - Duration: 8:39.

good morning it's another glorious day in Edmonton and I actually managed to

get ready in time today so that I could take a bike ride to work maybe stop in

the river valley and get some photos but if I want to make it happen

I better get going

lets go!

so today marks the one-month anniversary since I made the video of me starting to

bike to work I've gotten the chance to bike to work four or five more times

since then and I've learned a lot the first important thing being sunglass

these things are super important when you're biking and the reason for that is

not just because it's sunny out but because it protects your eyes from the

wind I'm sure that there's lots of other things that they protect your eyes from

but that was the one thing that I found was that I kept catching my eyes

watering like crazy one time when I tried to bike without my glasses on

I'm also learning really quickly that mosquitoes are crazy when you're going

through the forest-ey parts of Edmonton another thing that I found so far on my

bike a couple of times is it knowing your way knowing exactly where you're

going it's super important the first time I looked it up on Google Maps it told

me an hour and five minutes to get from home to work the first time I actually

biked to work it took me about 55 57 minutes three or four times after that

once I had learned the way I shaved it down to 45 minutes now given I wasn't

taking a bunch of breaks or anything like that but just knowing the way

really well really helped me get there faster

I'm pretty sure I just jinxed myself by saying that you should know exactly

where you're going because the minute I finished filming that I took off and

there's all this construction and it got really confusing and I missed my turn

which unfortunately means that I missed the whole River Valley so I don't get to

stop and take photos today but I'm starting to run out of time anyway apparently the

third thing that I'm learning from biking is that if I want to vlog while I'm

biking it takes a lot of time

the crazy busy streets are super scary which is why there's no footage of me

riding on them

one second that's better

I think it hit home pretty

hard about knowing your route when I got a little lost there because of the

construction and missing my turn but overall another successful bike

commute to work I feel pretty good about it

now it's time to make some music I'm going to get to that because another

thing that I learned about biking is that if I try and go home and it's

already dark it's pretty freaky riding through the River Valley and in all the

trees and you can't see anything you kind of always feel like something is

going to jump out at you at any given moment even though in the back of your

head you know that's probably not going to happen

Just finished up with

Natalia Chai in the studio and its time for a little break, a little snack

so I'm taking the ol' skateboard down the Safeway gotta grab my bananas

whats a man to do without his bananas? I mean come on!

this place popped up outside a resonate a little while ago they're there pretty much

every afternoon now they make rolled ice-cream where they like roll up four or

five little roll things of ice cream give it to you in a bowl I think

but there are lineups there every day and I've heard the people will stand there and

wait like two hours for this ice cream someday I'll have to go check it out and

see what the big deal is

banana stand

they're a little under ripe but just gonna go for it anyway oh look

at that not peeling at all its like peeling an orange banana doesn't know

what's up I've never had a banana do this in my life not this bad anyway aw

it's so hard well that was the worst banana I've ever eaten so I got some

coffee to wash it down get that taste out of my mouth so much better only got

a couple hours left to work on today's track so time to play some drums

drums are done tight and groovy now it's time to pack her up and bike back home

biking home is always a little interesting depending on how much light

there is left so I got a hustle

I'm in a bit of a race against time here the Sun

is going down pretty quick the moon is out so I'm trying to book it as fast as I

can I had to take the sunglasses off because it couldn't see anything anymore

and remember how I said that there was crazy construction on the way?

This is the home stretch so got a little bit of light its beautiful in there but right

now there are a ton of mosquitoes out and it's starting to get dark I got my

little light on the front of my bike but that's about it so let's do this

well the plan was to get a shot at the other side but the minute that I stopped to

try and start filming I got swarmed with mosquitoes so

they're hitting me in the face is I'm trying to ride right now but I'm almost there home

stretch so that's it for the vlog this week if you had fun make sure to give

that like button a tap if you want to see more videos like this make sure to

subscribe if you hit the little bell beside the subscribe button it'll let

you know every time I post a new video thanks so much for watching and I'll see you

next time

if you had fun make sure to give that ahhhh bugs!

For more infomation >> What I Learned as a Brand New Bicycle Commuter - Dunna Vlog #019 - Duration: 8:39.


What does 1 Thessalonians 4:13 mean when it talks about "those who are asleep"? - Duration: 1:55.

In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 the apostle Paul wrote the church at Thessalonica, and he said


He says: "I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep,

that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus

will God bring with him.

For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain until

the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep."

Then he says: "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the

voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise

first: then we [Paul includes himself] which are alive and remain shall be caught up together

with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the


Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

Dr. Ed Hindson, explain the background of this passage to this wonderful church at Thessalonica.

What did they know, and what were their questions?

And what was Paul telling them?

Dr. Ed Hindson: Paul came there on his second missionary journey; he only spent three weeks

in Thessalonica, preached the gospel, planted the church and taught them Bible doctrine,

including the doctrine of the second coming of Christ.

And part of that was that Jesus was going to return for them.

The questions were, what about the people who had died in the meantime?

Had they missed out on the second coming?

Are they going to be disembodied spirits in eternity?

Are they second class citizens?

Are they going to miss the great reunion of believers that's coming in the future?

What about those that have died in the meantime; what's going to happen to them in relation

to us?

For more infomation >> What does 1 Thessalonians 4:13 mean when it talks about "those who are asleep"? - Duration: 1:55.


What is Feminism? - Duration: 2:07.

As it turns out, feminism can be a little bit harder to define than you think it might


Just by simply googling feminism, you come up with a whole number of very different definitions

that often times contradict each other.

You get the definition, "the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the


Feminism advocates for not only women's rights but, actually, people's rights as a whole

when you look at issues like toxic masculinity that are also influenced and benefit from


"The belief that women are and should be treated as potential intellectual equals and social

equals to men."

"The biggest disgrace to my gender."

The fifth entry on Urban Dictionary starts with, "First of all, I want to say that most

of the entries on feminism are disrespectful and infuriating," which is the best way to

start an Urban Dictionary definition.

So, it looks like all of these definitions, while being sort of all over the place, do

tend to come back to women's rights or advocating for women.

Not everyone that benefits from feminism are women.

Again, just through a quick google search, you can find a million and a half different

names and types of feminism, things like anarchist feminism, black feminism and womanism, cultural

feminism, environmental or eco-feminism, liberal feminism, which is often referred to as mainstream

feminism, and radical feminism.

Intersectionality is the way the different social categories like race, social class,

and gender come together to form different variations of oppression and discrimination.

Essentialism is the idea that every construct or political group has certain characteristics

that link it together and is used often to define it.

Essentialism poses problems because it asks questions like, "What is true of an issue

that all women face?"

When you start asking questions like this, you're getting at essentialism.

You're trying to get to the root of what feminism is.

However, it's problematic because anytime you get to a definition of feminism that is

so general that it includes all women, you start to exclude women that belong to minority


The non-inclusive nature of feminism has been the major critique of feminism for over the

past century.

Mainstream feminism today is white feminism, as it's more often than not exclusionary of

women of color and trans women.

So, while coming to a good, theoretical definition of feminism that encompasses everything feminism

is while separating it from everything it's not is nearly an impossible task, we can find

a good operational definition for feminism.

Feminism is about advancing people who are marginalized based on their gender.

For more infomation >> What is Feminism? - Duration: 2:07.


What Donald Trump Can Teach Us About Building A Personal Brand: Personal Branding Tips - Duration: 37:06.

for all of those funny cats or up and down on your timeline I wonder who I am

my name is Jamila Corbett I'm a multi award-winning entrepreneur branch

strategist and speaker and the founder of the global community I am a brand

where we're helping you build a purposeful and profitable brain through

learning and collaboration so if you came as a result of someone also been

amazing sharing me on their timeline here's what I need you to do I need you

to go ahead and share this out because I'm going to be giving out some relevant

information so you click the bottom share button at the bottom left hand

corner also and I know this how man is kind of glitchy also you can join the

journey by clicking me three dots in the right-hand corner and turn on live

notifications today is a little bit different because I'm coming on and I'm

served those neat simple textures what's up Terry so today I'm going to be

talking about what we can learn about from common talk about building our

personal brand thank you so much for coming in and pumping those reactions

really do appreciate that so here's what I need you guys to do if you're feeling

at content here you can give me some thumbs up you should give me some hearts

you give me some Wow's you could give me some angry faces however you're feeling

about the content go ahead and share that with me oh my gosh it's choppy I

apologize if we're experiencing a freeze maybe I should come back no we're going

to keep the bar tweaked okay we're going to keep the party rolling hey what's up

essence appreciate you guys being in here so while you guys are I'm going to

be sharing as well and this is a different this is a different type of

scope usually I come on every single day and I share my journey journey trying to

impact a hundred million people by the end of 2017 but today I wanted to share

some meet the protectors with you guys because I think we can all take a page

from Donald Trump's book whether you love them whether you hate him it was a

genius what he did what he did was a genius and I'm a brand

strategist by trade and I look at things from the perspective hey Dana with some

Nancy hey Adrian I love you and I miss you thank you so much for being here

really do appreciate you guys for being here and if you think this is relevant

content relevant information for your friends and your family because we do

always take a page from Donald Trump's book do me a favor share this broadcast

to the bottom left-hand corner lighter you guys might catch us on a replay cuz

it's freezin but we gonna get through this freeze because I want to deliver

these I want to deliver these meet up with that dog essence says I was just

finished watching your last broadcast when you went oh yes yes so I know that

broadcast is a bit choppy but we're going to work

working out okay so I'm going to be sharing it in two places number one I'm

going to share it on my personal timeline follow those who follow me on

my personal timeline and I'm also going to be sharing it in my private Facebook

community be oh you could join it at bit dot ly / in ski O's is bi CI li / I in

th eh triple o to the molder extra do SP alright so two places and I'm over here

on my computer sharing it in both places because it's so choppy y'all still

choppy I apologize on office me if my internet connection or is Facebook it

might be a little bit of a little bit of all three so share on my own timeline

sharing some useful information okay so boom shares on my own sound lab

one more place to go we're going to share it in the house how you guys how

are you guys really filling about the election what's happened and how you

guys really feelin just just be honest how you guys feeling because a lot of

you guys has been some mixed emotions I have both types of supporters on my

timeline I have supporters of Hillary I have supporters of Donald Trump and how

do we begin to mend the relationship because I think people they've lost some

friendships because of this election this is choppy on oh fuck I don't know

if I'm gonna be able to get through this broadcast because this is really choppy

for me all right so I'm going to share in a group aru's meet simple meat and

potatoes all and maybe potatoes Wisconsin all right so we're going to

share it in house Nancy says she's ready to move on I so am I I'm ready to move

on as well you know what here's what I'm gonna do I need to put you guys let me

put you guys down here real quick okay I'm gonna put you guys down here I like

this angle better actually eyes this angle just a little bit better alright

so let's talk about this let's talk about what Trump can teach us about

building a personal brand okay so when we build a personal brand and this is

what I do the branch strategist I help people authentically communicate their

message and and value to the world so people buy into the brand and buy from

their company so what can but people and Trump's can't help him do is they helped

him create a strong personal branch that appealed to certain groups of people and

I'm going to teach you how to do that actually this is

things are well are we're going to touch on in my master class and the price goes

up so make sure you guys sign up to that bit dot Lee slashed influence to profit

is the link to the master class reserve your seat the price goes up in a few

hours but I'm gonna be talking about a little bit about one of the lessons is

going to cover briefly go over how to create that emotional peel with your

audience okay so bit Dali slash influence to profit essences are so good

I was sharing your same feelings on people the heck up and see you next week

we got work to do we do have work to do but let's all take a page out of Donald

Donald Trump's book and brand ourselves just as effectively so number one here

here's the thing that he did the first thing the first biggest point is he

created an emotional appeal if you look at all the big brands in the world

they're able to consistently evoke specific emotions with their audience so

look at Apple what does Apple evoke Apple evokes that wow factor that

excitement that new technology hey there you shock value as well Nancy but Apple

is like oh yeah Wow I need this put my gosh it's you know

it's it's earbuds and we don't have anymore we don't have the witty she

connected to our phone anymore like wow it's the wow factor with Google if you

look at Google what is Google what type of emotion does Google it evokes they

evoke they piqued our curiosity it's like oh whoo ah okay so in what Donald

Trump did and remember we're talking about personal branding I'm looking at

this from an objective perspective love them or hate them you can't deny the

genius behind this what Trump evoked was fear excitement visit nostalgia fear

excitement nostalgia he evoked those three emotions consistently and because

he evoked those three emotions consistently he was able to build a

cult-like following and I can I can come on to another broadcast to talk about

the art of cult branding which I did talk about before and I talked about how

Beyonce has built a cult brand but when you when you evoke when you evoke

certain emotions and a group of people share collectively share those emotions

that's how you build a cult-like Brandin exactly fear anger that's what

I'm saying answer he evokes all these emotions okay so number one is he

created that emotional appeal so how to dis relate to us we have to create an

emotional appeal to our audience so when you when you think of me look at my

brain when you think of me it's like oh my gosh I love you i evoke the emotion

of you know playfulness happiness Julie consistently I consistently do that and

because I've consistently done that I'm a peon to me they're drawn to my energy

so as we build our personal brands we have to think in the in the back of our

minds what type of emotion do I want to evoke with my target audience and that's

what we that's what branding is branding is all about evoking that emotion it's

creating an emotional appeal so people buy into your brand if you get people to

buy into your brand to buy that emotion that you're selling they're going to buy

from you this is what this and I'm telling you this is all of these all of

these mean potatoes I'm going to use service level information make sure you

reserve your seat make sure you reserve your seat of my master class all because

we're going to talk about all of this and telling you all of this because we

can take a page from Donald Trump's book and if we do that effectively we can

make a lot of money from that so big that Lee slash influenced the process so

number one he created an emotional appeal if you're getting anything out of

this content you catch me on the replay even if I ever click that share button

click that share bite so your friends and family who give this information to

associate their business owners or even if their career professionals this is

this translates across all industries my master class translates across all

industries because you could be a career professional and you're trying to move

up that corporate ladder you still need to create a personal

brand a strong personal brand so you can then be a co branded and plea and bring

your reign to the company and then you could call the shots so he evokes he

created that emotional peel number two his message was super simple remember I

told you the demotion appeal Donald Trump evoked with fear anger and

nostalgia his messaging was super simple or slogan y'all was a slogan Nancy says

and doing that it made the media to follow me

please exactly essence says one big reality so but we love reality show we

live in a reality show society oh and I even said that she's pure comedy that's

why we followed him that emotion at that wow factor he had wild fact they're not

necessarily meaning it was he used it for good but he had that he had that

we're talking about personal branding if people wanted to hear more we always

wanted air what what the heck is this guy gonna say today that's what we were

talking about it as American people what is he gonna say out of his mouth we were

like huh oh right right y'all telling you so you have to you have to create

that emotional people in the number to the messaging was super simple his

slogan his motto was make America great again

who did that appeal to who did I mask you guys who did that appeal to it

appeal to the group of a group of people who thought America was better during a

certain era he appealed to the people who were in a stall jig about the old

America remember we're going back to his emotional appeal of fear anger and

nostalgia make America great again for these group people for his target

audience during his rallies if you ever listen to his rallies I will listen I

would actually watch his rallies and I would go back look look at him on

YouTube and they all they all had the similar messaging it wasn't saying

anything of substance hey Helen hey Veronica he wasn't saying anything of

substance if you really listen to him what he was talking about he talked

about a few points here the key main points that he thought about he was

talking about he was focusing on Mexico we need to build a wall right every

every every two words out of his mouth with Mexico Mexico Mexico you talk about

Muslims again we need to get these Muslims out of our country that radical

Islam you know and then it pear is the building bomb Isis we need to stop Isis

we need to have one order we need to get those we need to get basically this code

word I'm sorry I'm speaking of kohalon or code words I'm not going to take your

guns away because we need to protect ourselves from them rowdy

african-americans in the inner cities right because all african-americans live

in the inner cities apparently because the inner cities we need

to fix the inter-cities right because that's where African Americans want to

make your guns they talk about this is what you talked about this beat this is

the code the code they use to communicate to his target audience he

talked for life giving jobs this is what this is the overall thing this is a

overall thing so his messaging was super simple his Nancy says his rhetoric was

fifth grade level and I'm not going to say all Donald Trump supporters were

bigots I'm not going to I'm not going to say all of them were biggest because all

of them weren't biggest there were some people who voted for specific things

like some people voted for him just because he promised I still voted for

him just because he wanted to build the wall well that could yeah you might be a

bigger or the race is because of that some people genuinely wanted immigration

reform there were there were people who specifically voted for him for

specification and then there was those people those openly white supremacists

who voted for him because they spoke to his interest all right that a white

nationalist state voted for him because they he specifically spoke to their

interest we're talking about braining emotional appeal this is what we can

take from Donald Trump's book as we continue to build our brand as we

continue to build the rise of our company we have to think what type of

who's my target audience what do they want to hear how do I need to brand

myself and what type of messages do I need to say to align myself with people

who think like me and that leads me to number three he was very nice Andre he

was very unapologetic about who he was and what he stood for let me say hey I

don't think y'all get this he was unapologetic about who he was and what

he stood for he aligned himself because let me tell you let me tell you this he

aligned himself with people who agreed with his ideology so if you let me if

you align yourself with people who who agree with your ideology why should you

apologize for being a loud obnoxious rude sexist you know misogynist why

should you apologize the people who you're aligned with day one apology

that's why he never really Apollo as for the things they said he just kind

of dismissed it yes like her I'm talking about a lot because of people who were

voting for him didn't they didn't want an apology and since the people the

people who were offended not his target audience so why would he apologize to

people who weren't his target audience think about this we have to we got to

think about we got to think that look at this from a business perspective look at

this from a personal branding perspective Helen says there's some

things he said was not the greatest but it is what it but it was what is needed

well it's what is according to his constituents according to the people who

voted for him it's what was needed but I'm listening I'm not scared of Trump

I'm not scared of a trump presidency he's a charlatan he could go in and do

it a complete 180 I don't put anything past that man and he did what he had to

do to get in office he branded himself effectively to get that White House and

if we we need to look at Trump and model what he's done not necessarily the the

negative part look at how he built his brand and we can do the same thing

what's up chasity we could do the same and she says if you don't think you're

wrong then don't apologize it he didn't think he was wrong and his the people

who were on that all right yellow so they they don't they didn't think he was

more neither because he demand with his ideology when you create that emotional

pill you free you can create a cult-like following I talked about this would be

on sale she's been able to create a cult-like following there's this I don't

want to get too deep into it but there you ever you guys heard of Maslow's

hierarchy of biological needs and Maslow's hierarchy I don't want to if I

put diagram I will have to draw backwards and it's really weird because

it's Facebook live and it's going to you know it's going to invert my drawing but

there's triangle and the higher you go up right so at the bottom level at the

bottom level that the triangle of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs at the

bottom level it's like the basic physiological needs like food water

shelter the higher you get the higher you get the higher brands get on that

Maslow's hierarchy of human needs the more cult-like following they have so

one level of Maslow's hierarchy of human need is like friendship the need for

friendship the need for companionship coke if you think a coca-cola the

coca-cola brand is on that level the highest brand is self-actualization is

when you can see someone is when you can see a brand and you see yourself in that

brain and you see that brand as a god-like figure it's like trance-like

you transcend they transcend all other needs like the highest no Maslow's

hierarchy of human needs I could get real deep into it but I don't really

want to go there on this on his broadcast pump was at the top of

Maslow's if you think about Maslow's hierarchy of human needs Trump with at

the top but to hit to hit the people that he appealed to and because he was

at the top of that it's like he could do no wrong he built his branch so solidly

that he created a cult-like following beyonce is a great example she built her

brand so solidly that she created a cult-like following some of these things

I'm telling you got observe eat for the master flash show if you hadn't reserved

your seat you need to reserve it because this is one of the lessons that I'm

going to shoot and this is going to be like in this is going to cover in the

introduction I'm going to talk about how to build your influence the art of

influence of profit Trump built his influence and because he built this

influence and he's on the top of that on the top of those needs he won that White

House he won it Hillary didn't stand a chance because of the way Trump built

his brand I'm telling you you better reserve your seat for this master class

you gonna be like oh my gosh I should've did it I should is it it I like I said

procrastinator I'm telling you this is this isn't like lesson this is gonna be

like lesson one right here because in order for the master class in order to

build in your influence you have to understand how to build your brand so I

have to cover that in my master class I have to cover the basics so we have an

understanding of how to build your brand so then I can help you once you build

your brand I can help you build your influence and then profit from the

influence that you build to step one step two step one builds brand set to

build influence step three process from the influence to build this is why it's

called the master class I'm revealing all of this information all this stuff

this is elementary this is elementary to what's going to be

in a math class like nothing I'm not telling anything that's going to be in a

class this is this is just going to cover just a little bit of it

Talan says it's like you said before with Apple Google Facebook whatever else

that is out there that made our sighted great in America and across the world

but they also appeal to our emotional needs like I said they appeal to that

wow factor like wow wow thank you thanks thank you chassis for sharing swipes if

all of those who are coming in please share this out because I'm given some

relevant information this is this is the page that we needed to take from Donald

Trump's book this is what this is how if you're a business owner if you're an

entrepreneur and your tribe is trying to build a brain these are the things we

need to look at we have to look at things from a marketing perspective from

a branding purses from the lens of the aren'tyou preneur this is how I look at

every single thing in our society I look at from multiple lenses so I can learn

from it and implement the things into my own personal life you can love them you

can hate the guys but you can't deny the genius you can't deny the genius if we

can appeal to people's emotional needs hoo-wee look at me just look at my brand

I want you guys just to look at my brain I don't I don't preach anything that I

don't practice Veronica says he was seriously talking about he could shoot

someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue or still be President exactly because he's

built his brand that way he's like God he's at the top when you're at the top

of that those needs you're like God to people God so we're my brand Falls I

want to I actually want to get I want to get to that to that top level I'm not

there yet oh I'm not there yeah I'm probably on the middle when it comes to

Maslow's hierarchy of human needs I'm probably on the middle it's the same

level where it was like Coca Cola I appeal I know where my brand stands on

that hierarchy I'm like I appeal to people's emotional needs of community

people's needs a friendship companionship relationship you know I

make you feel all warm and fuzzy I make you feel like you're my best friend in

the world every single one of you guys by learning

your names by creating a relationship with you guys

I know where my brand flows and nothing I do is by accident I'm a brand

strategist nothing do is by accidents because I understand

branding 100 and if you want to understand this you better sign up to my

master class food but not lean from the Prophet SAW let me do a quick reset for

all of those who are coming and you're new to me and like who is this girl

chocolate no I talked about Brandon and Donald Trump my name is Jamila Corbett

my name is Jimmy Micawber on the multi award-winning entrepreneur brand

strategist in speech and bio we're freezing we're good and the founder of

global community I am a brand where we're helping you to build a purposeful

and profitable brand through learning and collaboration join a masterclass

join the community where we're gonna get there y'all we gonna get there with you

if you can get to that high level I'm trying to get to that high level but

it's gonna take me a little while you get to that high level you gonna write

your own check so sup Shanice Nancy says or the or the god of this earth if you

know what I mean I don't know what you mean Facebook legs I couldn't connect

that I can't connect that to what I was saying I'm right on point thank you so

much so is there anyone that I hadn't greedy if you think this is relevant

content that your friends and family would benefit from they will because I

spit the hot fire this isn't this isn't my journey scope this is one of those

broadcasts where I'm serving up if they don't want to help you get ahead get

further in life click the share button at the bottom left hand corner I need

you guys to share this out and telling you we have to look let's just start

bridge defeat as a business owner as entrepreneur please start looking at

things and seeing how you can implement marketing strategies into your everyday

life you can love the man you can hate the man I don't particularly care for

the man whatever but you can't deny the genius his messaging was super simple he

appealed to the people who wanted to make America grin the people who wanted

to law and order the people who wanted immigration reform the people who who

thought the african-americans are running rampant we need some more order

we don't take our guns so we could protect our families he appeals to a

specific group of people through his simplistic messaging he did I'm not

going to say that that's that much Nancy you guys can have your own opinions

about him I'm not going to say what I think about this man our our future

president I won't do that because I'm going to give the man a benefit I'm

going to give them the benefit because he's so manipulative because

he's so conniving I didn't believe he could take actually get into the white

house and pull a 180 and be the president that we needed me that's me

being optimistic but I believe he's that manipulative that he said everything he

wanted people wanted him to stay so he could get the White House and then do

whatever he wanted to do so maybe that's me maybe that's be maybe naive but just

look at his track record if you look at his track right great

the chief is word if so why would I why would people think he would keep their

word with them it's like children I don't use filter know you like your turn

like he turned on everyone else is come away come on don't I'm not I'm full just

keep your one out just keep your eyes open y'all keep your eyes open Helen

says I might yes go ahead if you can't do it that's

fine but if you want to join the community

there we go I'm a brand Co you know i cement class isn't for everybody my

master class is for people who were serious about running a brand growing

their business taking themselves to next level but we're happy with the broadcast

take what you guys deliver a lot of content via my broadcast and I want a

wonder to the content I want to deliver the value to you guys so you can take

your brand to the next level but if you really want to take it to the next level

I teach everything in ten minutes I simply can't fit every single thing into

a broadcast and I all thank you all of my knowledge into a broadcast I just

can't this is like I said this is this is service level formation is nothing

compared to what's going to be in a class always essence they will but

America is now oh great look is it safe to say we finally woke up from that

dream of Barack Obama is it safe to say get the hell with dreaming you were

dreaming yeah you're dreaming you hoping oh yay Great America they were different

no no no coolant is all a dream I love you guys gonna check off now Veronica

says me too that's what I've been saying see my hard Democrat and he switched it

up you related it's pushing that with the last minute like I'm gonna run it

run on the public thing get as maybe I have the best chance when it on the

Republican ticket in all ways you can all

some positive making explicit positivity RH all right my broadcast is freezing I

don't know why it's freezing but I love each and every one of you I hope you got

a less meat and potatoes out of this meat the professor be typical to it

don't you think because some awesome an amazing person shared me on their

timeline welcome to the Jamila Corbett experience

my name is Jamila Corbett pollination we're brand strategist and speaker and

today I want to talk to you about how we can build our brand similar to Donald

Trump you could tip each other his book build our brand build our influence and

profit from the influence that we build and I'm gonna teach you how to do this

in my upcoming course the art of influence to profit bit deep influence

the process so go ahead and join that also share this out at the bottom left

hand corner because always the high five I'm gonna connect engineer by the end of

2017 and I'm coming on behind the scenes and showing you how I do it today with

the different ways I want to make sure that I shared this information with you

this is very relevant information whether you're a business owner for

professional entrepreneurs you can take a page out of Donald Trump's both back

with all your auto translate I'm about to check off I love you I love you we

don't wake up the nation but I'm not going to I don't force people to wake up

patients already look if you're not woke some you go your what your going your

what but I don't believe my job is to wake people up because when you wake

people up they're going to do the kick they scream they're going to fight

people wake up the time that my job is to plant seeds and that seed that I

plant will germinate at the right moment but it has to give us the information

that I'm telling you and jameelah Corbett

delivers the meet the professor didn't meet Terry Porter who was the mid

sailors baby I feel like I want to stay on should I stay or should I leave do

you guys have any questions and relates to building your brand influence the

message the upcoming master class that you guys are going to sign up for the

special pricing it hires in a few hours so if you haven't signed up yet y'all

which you waiting for what you waiting for if you love my country to follow me

from the from the get-go you know I bring the heat if you download it my

free ebook is nothing paired of what's going to be in this master class nothing

I did that ebook in two days the master class is going to be that times 100

times 100 just be ready sign up if you're not ready to take your

brand to the next level please don't do it

I want you to play janinacords class Network no you're just lazy and you

didn't want to put in the work it's not going to happen overnight this is going

to be a constant effort trunk didn't build his brains overnight it took a

consistent effort consistent messaging to build that cult-like following if

you've been following me from the beginning if you've been following me

from the get-go you know my messaging has been consistent I have a couple of

nuts and bolts when it comes to my brand like the position things that nothing is

by accident so watch people watch how they build their brand watch their

messaging think in and just take a page out of their book out you guys want me

to say won't you with me cuz you're oh man the

broadcast is shopping because the internet connection but what I will do

what I will do is I'm going to start doing two and A's in our private

Facebook group that's right fine yes Helen Helen I want you to get

as much information as you can please get as much information as you

can this is why I mean why I'm here I'm here to serve you when I started doing

the private knock it's decided to our Facebook group I'm going to start doing

Q&A sessions in our Facebook community okay I'm not going to do this on my page

so if you had enjoined your favor you guys he put the bitly

link to our private Facebook group bit that Lea I came in hold on by okay I'm

going to have to write it backwards you know how hard it is ricer

you do realize our roads is backwards do you realize in order for this to show up

in real life I had to write this backwards right sighs I'm not writing

I'm not writing icing backwards so bit dot Lee slash in the O's in the house in

the house okay which what about whoa what's what about

thank God Jesus semi is that your name your name is kind of long what's what

about what can I ask for you Veronica says is a great way to take place and

the people on your frequency will fight you find you by your energy this is why

I operate in the fact that I'm operating okay we're going to talk about my

personal brand for 2.5 seconds operate in the space that I put in because I

believe that people will find me based on my frequency

we will attract each other it's not by happening happenstance that you guys are

here that i attracted ronica that I try to sense that i attracted femi it's not

by accident the people who come to my broadcast people who follow me the

people who resonate with my messages not by accident kind of the messaging that I

put out there is because of my energy I expect to attract those people so that's

what Donald Trump did about a certain frequency that attracted certain groups

of people despite the demographic whether you're

African American whether you're Muslim American whether they know whether it

was his frequency that attracted certain groups of people

the psychographics you have to understand graphic other audience

demographics are important but psychographics are just as important as

well Nandi also attracted Nancy like always attracts life so if you just now

entering we're talking about what fucking suggests about building a

personal brand I'm going to go through the content again if you have any

questions please tell me questions I'll answer them for you I apologize if it's

choppy to share the broadcast out because this is a relevant information

the bottom left-hand corner and also follow the journey subscribe to the lab

notifications you're now part of the jameelah corporate experience 35.3 right

guys three dots in the right-hand corner turn on notifications I'm the founder of

the flow community I a brand we're helping you build a purposeful and

profitable brand through learning and elaboration please

Derby from other classes on it if I was like some cereal if you like the content

here here is the link of the upcoming master class okay bit dot leaf slash

influence of profit and I'm just giving you service levitation tell me how we

can take a page from Donald Trump's book the master class is going to cover all

this play Morris so what did was he created an emotional

appeal all great brands of the world create that up VOC certain emotions from

there following from their cult life on great brand think alike followings like

Apple Google they have a cult-like following Star Wars oh that's a good one

Star Wars Beyonce they all evoke a certain emotion so as we continue to

build our brand you had to evoke emotions that that that we have to

generate that emotional appeal to attract those people do it also number

two his messaging was super duper duper simple so make America great again thank

you thank you for the faces you don't know how hard it is the right backwards

make America great again make America great again so his Donald Trump the

emotions that he evokes fear anger and nostalgia and his messaging was centered

around fear anger Italia y'all who are y'all with me your are you with me know

what me thank you here it is join our private information station

Batali slash in the O's yellow mark is who you tell it Hotel AMARG as always

they don't wanted this to be great but we won't be great anyway because the

playback is going to be alright I don't know what it is will Facebook

with the papers to playback swimming Chris he was and okay was messaging his

messaging was super simple the emotions that he evoked aligned with the messages

and in Mexico get me you know the next kinzig are you know the race is they're

gonna take your booty and hide your wife hide your kids they're gonna steal from

me rob from you they're illegals all of that stuff let's close up order same

group of people let me show you the same group of people that shared that

ideology with the brexit there are over to remember breasts

reckoning just went through this they just went through this boa system says

to AB cute but really we need to take our country back and sell your ankle

those same type of people over there they're salad majority existence country

as well our silent majority they spoke they've spoken they've spoken they want

their country back maybe they wanted they want law and order so they we could

stop these studs in these inner cities aka these african-americans we need

something we need on or is this is the people he appealed to this isn't my

words this is these are his words this is perfection exiting was super simple

super simple and he was unapologetic he was unapologetic about what he who he is

and what he stood for on apologetic like I'm Trump I'm misogynist I'm bullying

something - you're fat you're ugly and no poems of idolized Phoebe this is why

I'm unapologetically Who I am and most people are like oh you should talk up

clinics age you know you're an entrepreneur you're gonna alienate a

certain group of people no I won't because people we're going to do

business with me will align and attract to my ideology all y'all are still here

right y'all feel here because I feel like we can share our opinions we can

share what we're thinking in a very peaceful and intelligent manner that's

what it's about because I'm about taxing on being tactful and intelligent not

Donald Trump he's not about he's not about being tactful he's not he's a

bully he's crude all that but bad or fam there's a horse it just goes to show

there's a whole roofie there's a whole audience for you so this is why share

matting I'm not scared to share what I believe in because I believe that I'm

still going to attract the people who are aligned at frequency you don't have

to necessarily agree with me but we're still on the same frequency

you're attracted to me how can you agree because we're we're we're the state were

of like energy that's what it is world Mike please excuse the first president

that openly will grab women by the chemo I never said on this broadcast but you

know because you might keep a broadcast PG and he still no apology because his

target audience didn't expect the apology as far your audience was like

what are you Trump it was a mistake we still love you okay great hashtag Matt

Smith make America great again hashtag mega you know yeah the people

who wanted an apology for nice target audience they they were excited not with

us the whole you know I'm not going to ignore but Americans that didn't

necessarily agree with him they're not his target audience so why should you

apologize oh I love you all i'ma check off here fuck Truffaut true

I can't even saw enough room for the night I hope you appreciated the cousin

you added I've been saying I was gonna check off for like the past 30 minutes

I'll be keeping me all here you do this on purpose I love you all up I really do

love you I'll sign up for the masterpath the special pricing is in a couple hours

or if I don't succeed if you love what I'm sharing if you love this right here

please share this out share the scope out cuz always then blue bomb not know

Dom and subscribe with the the three dots click on turnout start up to the

master class we're going to do we're going to go over all this this is less

than one I'm going to cover this a little I'm just giving you several

information but I'm going to cover this in detail and less than one because I

need you guys to understand that as well as hierarchy of human needs

I need you guys under Nana builds your brand how to rebrand yourself before I

teach you how to build your influence okay because it's a business 30 to 50

games my strategy the strategies that I've used the blueprint that I've used

as its helped clients increase by 300% and more some 150% some 300 percent but

it just depends on your your industry your goals you're talking you could go

at your own pace go at your own pace that's not launched yet which is why we

have the special pricing bit Dali flesh and so we'll put it up to see you guys

in there want to see you guys in near future if you're loving this you're

going to need the master class I love you guys gonna check off Oh James

the trophy but did you catch the replay

For more infomation >> What Donald Trump Can Teach Us About Building A Personal Brand: Personal Branding Tips - Duration: 37:06.


Judge Jeanine Just Outed James Comey As A "Predator", What He Did Is Sickening - Duration: 12:00.

Judge Jeanine Just Outed James Comey As A "Predator", What He Did Is Sickening

Judge Jeanine Pirro was disgusted by the testimony that James Comey recently offered in front

of the Senate committee where he claimed that President Donald Trump told him to put a stop

to any action against his former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

During the testimony, Comey also stunned the Senate panel by openly admitting to leaking

information about his meetings with President Trump to his friend who is a law school professor.

Judge Jeanine summed up her thoughts on Comey and what he is trying to do to Trump in a

scathing statement.

Pirro recently appeared on Fox & Friends, and did not hold back on James Comey.

She said about the disgraced former FBI Director, "Jim Comey comes across as someone who is

so wily and so calculating — he's a predator."

She addressed Comey's leaking problem head on, saying, "Why is he so comfortable leaking?

What is it about his history, his background as a prosecutor?"

She also hinted that Comey could have been responsible for previous leaks.

Continued Pirro about what Comey is determined to do now that President Trump fired him and

he appears to have nothing to lose, "He was looking to take Donald down — or the

president down, excuse me — and what he wanted to do is preserve himself.

He is an operator.

He is part of the Washington elite."

Do you think Pirro is right

about Comey?

For more infomation >> Judge Jeanine Just Outed James Comey As A "Predator", What He Did Is Sickening - Duration: 12:00.


Stop Lying! How To FINISH WHAT YOU START as an ENFP - Duration: 9:54.

it may come as no surprise to that accountability staying accountable and

staying on track is sometimes just sometimes a bit of a struggle for us

enfps and in this video I want to share how

we're different in terms of our wiring with accountability and how we can hold

ourselves accountable and actually follow through on things this may also

be very important actually even more important if you are dating living with

or working with an ENFP and you'll be able to figure out how to help hold them

accountable so they can get things done because the traditional way does not

work so well so a bit of quick backstory here is I am an ENFP personality myself

but I also run a coaching business in addition to making these lovely videos

where I don't exclusively coach enfps but maybe because of my videos here or

just the life I have where I live abroad and have my own business and all this

stuff I tend to attract quite a few ENFP and INFP clients so I one-on-one worked with a

lot of you know peace some of which who are very successful and gotten a lot of

insights into the mindset and how we work and how we're different than other

people but can still succeed and do really really awesome in life if we know

ourselves and we know our operating system so with accountability the

traditional way when people come to me as a coach is they think of a coach is

like a kind of parent like hey can you make me do that can you tell me when to

do that and my answer is no that is not going to be very fun for me to have to

keep like a checklist and I know there's lots of your coaches who do that who

kind of function like an assistant almost like they track things for you

and make sure you're following through but that is not what I do and that is

not going to actually work for an ENFP you're not going to be held accountable

properly by just doing like a list or having someone else tell you to do it

probably the worst long-term is having someone else tell you to do it and to

get accountability that way thing is it might work in the short-term

like if you have a lot of external pressure from a boss or a parent you

probably will work for you the thing is is then your atrophying your own

internal accountability more and more so let's say you have a job the first

couple months you're like okay the pressure from the boss and that becomes

your accountability so after four years five years you're wondering like why

haven't I started my own business yet I've been talking about this for three

four years about how this job was going to be temporary and I was going to start

my own business well the reason is is all your accountability has been shifted

to external accountability from your boss just telling you what to do and

that is not going to work very well with starting your own business where you are

the boss and you can see the conflict there how that works right so as an ENFP

the way to hold yourself accountable the way that's going to work really well is

to come up with a clear statement something that you cannot turn around

you cannot adjust you cannot find excuses for have a clear statement of

what you're going to do and then commit to that to someone else they do not hold

you accountable but you externally or you commit to someone externally this

could be a group of people or just one person and here's why that works so well

is as in FPS we hate hypocrites we hate people who lie who are inauthentic who

say something that they aren't going to do that isn't true at least the enfps

are good there's some evil ones and stuff like that now a lot of it the

funny thing with this is a lot of enfps come off as very flaky or like I don't

not necessarily just honest but they come off as dishonest because they say

they're going to do something and they don't do it but what's happening

internally for an ENFP is they didn't say they would do something and not do

it they didn't lie they changed their direction for good reasons because as an

ENFP you are able to bullshit everyone including yourself

when you want to quit something rather than just owning up to it in st. I quit

this I gave up you find an excuse you find a reason you justify it after and

because you're such a good bullshitter you can justify it to yourself and to

other people so even if you had a coach like I had a coach once who held me

accountable to this like old school system like she'd write a list of okay

next week you'll have done these things it never worked because I was smarter

than her and I could BS around it so if I didn't do something I would kind of

come up with an excuse and a reason and she'd never just say Dan you're full of

shit you didn't do it like you're a liar she would oh that makes sense right

because I could just make up stuff and probably you are the same or the ENFP

that you're trying to work with is the same now know that most of the time we

don't BS with negative intentions we're not trying to be bad people but it's

just how we're kind of wired in terms of justifying stuff and our emotions will

lead us and then we'll rationalize it later so this is where the second part

comes in whatever statement you commit to whatever outcome it has to be really

clear so you have to word it in a way where there's no getting out of it

there's no changing direction later so it should be a very clear statement for

example when I was finishing this draft of the book I finished recently what it

was I will complete draft by this date and it will be at least 40,000 words and

it was very clear now in my case I actually ended up asking for an

extension to the group that I was holding myself accountable to but I left

it up to them so I said hey guys I know I committed to this date I'm a week away

I don't think the book will be the quality it can be if I have to finish it

in this week it's going to be really rushed can I finish it within three

weeks let me know if you think I'm biessing or this is legitimate and they

said that sounds legitimate and I and it was legitimate it was

really a case of making a book of better quality but that's what I would say to

do is have a clear statement a clear outcome essentially you commit it to

someone else so you don't make someone else say hey you're going to do this and

you say right you have to say I am going to do this I am going to finish this

book by May 17th and it will be at least 40,000 words I promise you that and then

you are committed and generally enfps at least as I said the good ones we don't

want to be liars we don't want to let people down and so this is the best way

to hold yourself accountable is by making this statement to someone else

that way there's no sort of change in it like ideally you make it in writing as

well as verbally and that way there's yeah you can't adjust it you can't kind

of vaguely remember it and like what did I commit to and adjust it you just have

a clear commitment that you'll hold yourself to and you're holding yourself

to because it's a reflection of your character because it's something that

you've committed to and you don't want to be a hypocrite you don't want to be

someone who lies to people and lets them down and ultimately good way to see it

is if you tell someone you will do something and you don't it might be good

to see that as a lie not to beat yourself up over but as kind of

motivation to not want to be a liar and to want to hold yourself accountable

with it so that's it that's kind of my my tip here on how do you follow through

and be accountable or if you're working so quickly if you're working with an

ENFP or you're dating one living with one

whatever what you want to do is help them come to their conclusions and

commit to you you might want to share the video with them and I would guess

they will agree with you with it and and then come to that compromise together

risa okay like can I help you come to these commitments or whatever involve

them in that process if you have an employee who is an ENFP they're not

going to do as good of work if you just make them do stuff as if they feel like

they're part of that decision-making process and they come

to the outcome themselves as well and that so create a clear outcome do this

as the ENFP internally where you come up with it

and are just yeah committed to it yourself and then make sure it's clear

and that at least one other person knows about it and you're going to find you

get a lot better result and you're much more likely to remain accountable and

follow through on whatever it is you promised you would do if you've enjoyed

this video then follow through and subscribe to the channel because I make

new videos every Monday Wednesday and Friday I also have a ton of videos about

a couple different personality types but particularly the ENFP personality type

and I'll link to a few of those at the end of the video that you should

definitely check out and that's it catch you in another video soon

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