Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily do Jun 12 2017

hi guys okay I'm experiencing a lot of revelations lately and another one is

like just move you know people telling other people to just move if they don't

like something just move and like I've heard that like too many times recently

here over the past few days but but the thing this is where I connected at is

you know being in a place okay so you know my history has been of being a

military spouse and so in 2000 I got this job and I was a supply clerk and I

was making only $7.25 an hour I actually I really liked the job it was

a lot of fun I learned a lot about the government

how things worked I learned but the only difference was okay I got paid less than

the soldiers got paid and so then if it I would have been in another type of

position may be working for oil company oil company or a manufacturing company

they would have got paid even more you know so I was kind of at the I suppose

the low end of the totem pole when it comes to pay you know $7.25 an hour and

that was back in 2000 it was a non appropriated funds job but it taught me

a lot how the government works so I learned how well how like the assets and

things were taken care of and they did inventory and and so they would like buy

things and well the towels was one of the ones that went through a pretty fast you

know because the towels when they started looking raggedy then they take

and put them in this box and then they donate them for rags to the to the O to

the carwash and to the soldiers when they were working on their cars and

things like that so they would have some grease

rags or they donate them back into the motor pools and things like that so they

would have something you know the cleanup spills and you know or just

clean themselves so so they were actually recycling them into a you know

into a place and some of the ones that were a little nicer you know I admit

like you know they they were getting rid of them and so me and my boss we took

towels home so I had some government towels myself and because I was thinking

actually the funny part was these towels some of them even though they had a

stain on them they said they had to get rid of them because they had a stain or

a mark on em like a big long mark and and so they said that that was one of

the guidelines for getting rid of them and I thought well heck even though it

has a mark on it it's nicer than the actual towel that I have a home so but I

was just thinking like okay there came a point that you know I don't know I kind

of felt like things needed to change and you know but I had nobody to actually

help me there and so there was a point like my parents came to visit at the

time of my daughter's graduation and my dad would be like we'll move you need to

move you need to move back to Iowa and you know and I couldn't figure out how

to do that on my own and he did help me my parents they did help me you know I

didn't have much money I didn't have much money saved and I just gone through

a divorce and I was doing really really poorly in Kansas in Junction City so I

went up to Iowa and I signed up to go to school college and you know do

everything that we were being told that was supposed to help us you know do well

and I went into multimedia marketing and for a couple years I was going to school

working at retail for $5.00 and it was started out as 5.95 cents an hour and

then he bumped it up to $6 five cents an hour (jcpenney) you know but it was

the only thing that I had that would fit in with what the school that I was doing

at the time then my son was going to school and my mom had told me that my

dad said he would help and but it was obvious over time that that became a

burden for him and he didn't want to do it anymore and but it was one of those

things you kind of wonder you know it's like you've got people in your ear all

the time telling you what you need to be doing but you kind of wonder it is it

actually just empty dialogue you know that that they really don't want to help

because what good this is what I'm asking

what good is telling someone what to do when the whole system is rigged against

them because I did everything I had the Pell Grant the government pell Grant I

went to school and then would eventually well a lot of stuff I actually it was

like everything for multimedia marketing was pretty much teaching ourselves

everything just about everything was teaching ourselves so that we paid for

overpriced books there was one of them and that taught us I think it

was Photoshop and so then I did an internship and so I had to teach myself

how to work the videos and this was when they did the high eight and they

transferred from the camera onto the computer itself so I had to teach myself

how to do that and it was I always thought it was strange its like here I am

paid to go to school but yet I'm teaching myself everything in these

courses that you know that didn't make sense to me well actually the government

paid for me to go to school college but in order to get the degree I had to go

to college to get the degree and and so anyway but then anyway to make a long

story we'll just pare it down a little bit I guess

I graduated and allows by myself trying to get jobs and all that was available

was temp jobs and that didn't make sense to me so there was really nothing in the

field of what I wanted to do and so and I was just getting temp jobs I was it

was still hard for me to make it there was nothing there but it's like no

matter how much I would tell this to my dad it was like he would just blow up it

was just like if me and my son wanted to talk about something he just would blow

up at me you know if we wanted to just express ourselves and say things he

would just blow up and say you you don't know what you're talking about you know

shut up and he you know actually it made me feel bad even with my son Caleb when

he was trying to talk about things and to hear my dad say that to him

it just cut it just cut and hurt and you know and I was just supposed to be quiet

and not say anything and it really made it uncomfortable and to the point where

I kind of felt like I didn't even want to go visit him for that reason because

it's like everything was so sugar-coated on every holiday and everything and you

know then I end up right back in the place where there's nothing you know the

place that I left you know the the place where in decades before you know I

started a bad marriage that I really didn't want to get into so really what

was there it's like these companies you know you'd have people telling you why I

came from the school of hard knocks you know and and it's like okay well that's

good but now we're being told that we have to be taught go to college and you

know so I mean I didn't know what that meant you know I was from a different

generation and I'd been out in the world and you

know when I moved back to Iowa I did see how people were kind of still the same

you know I mean in some senses there was a little

of oppression even in that community you know where some people were favored over

others and even the same thing like with women it kind of seemed like I went into

Walmart and the oh the eye doctor I was I want I went in there to apply for a

job and he was like well are you married and and I thought maybe that was there

was a law against that you know but the only thing I'm thinking is that by

saying are you married I'm assuming that he probably meant the job didn't pay for

he could you know so so I kept trying and trying and you know and it's just

like I was right back I was right back at where I started I went in one big

circle so I started there got into a marriage that that was horrible and you

know but but the thing is is the experience throughout everything you

know I can't dismiss that because the experiences I loved meeting the

different people and everybody and everything the places that I went even

though I wasn't happy with you know the marriage that I was in you know I mean I

have great kids and I end up right back where I started with nothing that's that

that's what it was and so that's the thing that I don't get with just move

because when you have nothing when you start out with nothing and you go back

to nothing how do you get something that is not intended for you that's by design

that's rigged for you to have nothing how do you get it and that's the

question that I have for well I mean what I see is this up of the attitude of

sorts that comes from certain places it's an uppity attitude that's past

based on the jobs that people are given and so how does someone who has nothing

get something when they've done everything that's described by your

telling them and you end up in one big circle how do you get something from

nothing and and so it doesn't make any sense to

me yeah it doesn't make any sense to me you always have someone in your ear well

moved you need to do this don't talk about that because you don't know you

don't know anything about that well the thing is this we're supposed to ask

questions we have the right to ask questions and what you it's this is my

opinion in what you guys who are saying is you know nothing what you're doing is

oppressing my voice you're pressing my children's voice you're oppressing

everyone else's voice and the thing is is that politics is mixed deep in our

families deep in the fabric of America politics is is part of it but yet you

want to hide it that's what you want to do is hide it and then you blow up when

we ask questions and say we don't know what they're what what we're talking

about and you won't have a discussion that's what that's all it boils down to

and that's the kind of home I grew up in when I was a kid as if we asked

questions if we asked questions about God I got punished I got my face slapped

and oh and I remember when I went to my dad when I was pregnant and my sister

and I had a conversation about that not too long ago she said that my dad got

mad and yelled at me and you know I guess some of these things I probably

shut out because of the fact that well I was yelled at a lot when I was a little

kid you know nothing I could ever do was right you know I was always always

yelled at all the time and you know I've always been trying to

figure out like what where it was the stem from doing this biting my

fingernails for 47 years where does that come from that's the thing I'm trying to

think where in the hell does that come from and I've tried and try to try to

stop doing it but I'm beginning to see that it's

something that comes from my child but it comes from

maybe even church you know the church the school system which was set up well

you know Rockefeller was heavily heavily invested in the school system and kind

of designing it I am thinking designing it based on product placement that's the

only thing that I can see designing it based on product placement and selling

products and ideas agendas ideologies and keeping people oppressed from even

asking questions that's wrong that's like the connection that I can see

because I otherwise it's like it's really hard to see because it was

happening before I was born you know I mean there's a lot of connections and

revelations here that I'm seeing and and so it's like but we were told not to

talk about anything to not question anything not to ask questions about

anything and it's like how do you have a conversation with people and you go to

your family and and and I I realize not everybody was like that which I'm

thankful for I am so thankful that everybody wasn't like that because

otherwise we would just like this would be it would be a terrible country you

know because there were other families who let their kids explore they let him

live fearless they let em be fearless and you know that was the thing I

started seeing on YouTube but what was it about you know what was it that

caused my family to have such the strict indoctrination or that we drew on things

that were I don't know it doesn't make any sense to me you know that some

people were targeted you know I mean it is there some some type of technology

that existed back then that targeted people in their homes you know aside

from the TV that's the thing that I wonder about and if so why did it target

the people because the things that the connection that I'm making here is that

it is the fact that my ancestry and I'm beginning to wonder

about the ancestry because it shows that I come from ancient ancestry

I have Balkan and native-american and so and then but then my maternal group

comes from somewhere in Africa even though the DNA marker is not there well

I don't know it is it went back further than eight generations maybe it could be

there I don't know I don't know if there's more that can be done with

ancestry or not but just the recent markers you know so I don't know that

much about the DNA but just the fact so were we targeted to try to get rid of

our DNA was that it that's that's what it has me wondering what were we

targeted to try to get rid of the DNA and fit into that it's almost kind of

like Germany and Hitler in the Jews and with Germany wanting to create the super

race of humans of blond hair and blue eyes and and it's kind of like that's

what was happening back then the blonde you know blond hair blue eyes and but

yet they you know because the thing is when you come from from from a place in

migrated around the world you know it kind of makes sense and and

I guess the thing I'm thinking is that what it was

I don't know love you guys thanks

For more infomation >> How do People JUST MOVE without any money or help? June 12, 2017 - Duration: 17:02.


Umboxing do novo Mega Drive Tectoy 2017 + comparativos com o modelo de 1991 - Duration: 22:49.

For more infomation >> Umboxing do novo Mega Drive Tectoy 2017 + comparativos com o modelo de 1991 - Duration: 22:49.


Roman the Talking Parrot - "Handsome Roman Must Go to Work" - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Roman the Talking Parrot - "Handsome Roman Must Go to Work" - Duration: 2:08.


Baby shark doo doo song I baby shark song do do I animal songs for children - Duration: 2:06.

Baby shark

Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo baby shark doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo baby shark

Mama shark doo, doo, doo mama shark doo, doo, doo mama

doo mama shark

Daddy shark doo, doo, doo daddy shark doo, doo, doo daddy shark

doo, doo, doo doo Daddy shark

Grandma shark doo, doo, dooo grandma shark

doo, doo, doo grandma shark do do do

Grandpa shark doo, doo, doo doo grandpa shark doo, doo, doo doo grandpa shark doo, doo, doo grandpa

Martial arts

Hungry sharks doo, doo, doo doo hungry sharks

doo, doo, doo doo hungry sharks doo, doo, doo doo the hungry sharks

Tasty fish doo, doo, doo doo tasty fish

doo, doo, doo doo tasty fish the detective fish

Let's go hunt today to do let's go hunt doo, doo, doo doo let's go hunt

let's go hunt

Let's run away to do let's run away

Put this to do next on my way to do that run away

Careersafe do to the do we are safe to do to do we are saved

We are safe

I'm just happy to do and is happy to do to do and this happy today


Not enough not enough

For more infomation >> Baby shark doo doo song I baby shark song do do I animal songs for children - Duration: 2:06.


Big Muck - Best Burger in the world - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Big Muck - Best Burger in the world - Duration: 0:30.


「Extreme Nightcore」 - Love Me Like You Do ✗ - ♫ Levi Nightcore ♫ - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 「Extreme Nightcore」 - Love Me Like You Do ✗ - ♫ Levi Nightcore ♫ - Duration: 3:01.


Sandwish Vegan | Receitinhas do Fabão Ep 6 (Eng. Sub.) - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Sandwish Vegan | Receitinhas do Fabão Ep 6 (Eng. Sub.) - Duration: 1:12.


Pres. Moon meets Japanese envoy and says S. Korean people do not accept 'Comfort Women' deal - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Pres. Moon meets Japanese envoy and says S. Korean people do not accept 'Comfort Women' deal - Duration: 2:25.


How to do Scheduled Split. - Duration: 5:20.

Hello! Are all very welcome! My name is Leonardo Antônio.

Today I'll show you a little More about the scheduled division here in

Wilcom EmbroideryStudio. Before that I I invite you to sign up for

our channel and enjoy this video. All as often as you enjoy a video our

here on youtube you give us fuel to bring a new video

every week. Sure you already likes this movie,

We begin our instructional video. Much Simple division is programmed

just this effect you can do right there in your Wilcom. You make the filling, using complex filling.

Then go to properties, filling, and will seek "PROGRAM DIVISION" .You saw that there has

star. Let me change here. It arrowhd that has the bars, the basket has the basket2, bird, blocks1, blocks2, breaker. Ie several types of points. Then you should already

know very well, you may have then used in your program. The question is as follows. - Leo I need to make a

scheduled division the way I want. Let's assume it's a scheduled division towards

we put here a moon or half moon as you need or what image you

want. You will do the following. I in my case I'll take the running stitch and I will do

drawing of a moon or a form of a moon

or 'c' it's up to you. You made

picture you need here at point run right? And now

you select, you come in special and search here make division

scheduled. You'll have to give the entry name

to this point. So let's put here moon, ok. This operation will affect all

new designs based on the Normal template.

Okay. Will you wait a minute to process and soon you will have a new point called moon. So it is

ready now. You go there, you select the object you need and nothing more

less looking for a point name called moon. There are several moons merged together.

thereby making a reference developed to the point you in the division

scheduled. So in Wilcom EmbroideryStudio we can do many

things, many things even They will save our lives or will save

our schedules, leaving them much more beautiful. And speaking of leaving

I want to invite you not to let their persistence aside and continue

programming in Wilcom EmbroideryStudio because it is the best program

planet. What means embroidered schedules. That

even, of all plants I've gone and that step, not only here in

Brazil as countries also away in América do Sul ever had

the opportunity to visit basically all

South American countries with hundreds of factories and I can tell you

Wilcom in 95% of the time is very used. So you're in

track, you're in the right channel, and you are where you can

acquire grants for you to continue to program this excellent program. Per

speaking program you can never forget to

subscribe to our channel and also enjoy this video. You know very well that all

times that you enjoy our video here on youtube you give us

fuel to bring a new video every week. So I'm here to

dozens of consecutive weeks bringing a new video for you. So I go,

but next week I'm back bye Bye!

For more infomation >> How to do Scheduled Split. - Duration: 5:20.


Comey Exposes The Sick Thing Loretta Lynch Forced Him To Do While Investigating Hillary - Duration: 19:43.

Comey Exposes The Sick Thing Loretta Lynch Forced Him To Do While Investigating Hillary

James Comey just confirmed what many people already felt to be true.

Loretta Lynch was tampering with the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton in order

to help her candidacy.

Comey described how Lynch instructed him to call the investigation a "matter" instead

of an investigation.

"Probably the only other consideration that I guess I can talk about in open setting is

that at one point the attorney general had directed me not to call it an investigation,

but instead to call it a matter, which confused me and concerned me," explained Comey.

He was asked for more details on this.

"Well, it concerned me because we were at the point where we refused to confirm the

existence as we typically do of an investigation for months," he explained.

"The Clinton campaign at the time was using all kinds of euphemisms, security matters,

things like that for what was going on.

We were getting to a place where the attorney general and I were both going to testify and

talk publicly about it I wanted to know was she going to authorize us to confirm we have

an investigation," he explained.

"She said yes, don't call it that, call it a matter.

I said why would I do that?

She said, just call it a matter.

You look back in hindsight, if I looked back and said this isn't worth dying on so I

just said the press is going to completely ignore it.

That's what happened when I said we opened a matter.

They all reported the FBI has an investigation open.

So that concerned me because that language tracked the way the campaign was talking about

the FBI's work and that's concerning," he explained.

"That gave me a queasy feeling," said Comey.

For more infomation >> Comey Exposes The Sick Thing Loretta Lynch Forced Him To Do While Investigating Hillary - Duration: 19:43.


Queen Elizabeth Disgusted: Kate Weak, Royals Do Not Need Psychiatrists Camilla Agrees - Duration: 2:48.

Queen Elizabeth Disgusted: Kate Middleton Weak, Royals Do Not Need Psychiatrists � Camilla

Parker-Bowles Agrees. Queen Elizabeth and Camilla Parker-Bowles

may finally be in agreement on something: Kate Middleton must stop publicly reminding

the world that, if there were a need, Prince George and Princess Charlotte would seek expert

support to cope with social problems or mental health issues.

If the Duchess of Cambridge is such a good mum, then Prince George and Princess Charlotte

should never have difficulty coping with problems and never need expert support, right? Queen

Elizabeth has allowed both Kate and William to work part-time in order for the Cambridge�s

to be as normal a family as possible. That�s a luxury Queen Elizabeth never had as a young

mother and Monarch. Royals always keep a stiff upper lip no matter

what. Look at Camilla Parker-Bowles, who has been bullied for decades by the press. Has

the Prince of Wales� wife ever gone running off to a therapist to cry about being called

the Rottweiler? And that is one of the nice things Camilla has been called over the years.

We�re certain there have been times when Queen Elizabeth or Prince Charles wished they

could call upon a trusted psychiatrist to discuss their problems. And Queen Elizabeth

and Prince Charles problems are much more complicated than Prince William or Kate Middleton�s.

This constant blathering about seeking expert help for the young prince and princess is

simply unacceptable! What is Kate so worried about? What kind of mental health issues do

the Middletons have hidden away in the family tree?

We all know Carole Middleton is manipulative, scheming, and conniving. How else did the

matriarch nab Kate Middleton the future King as a husband? And lest not we forget, Carole

also managed to snap up the very wealthy James Matthews as Pippa Middleton�s betrothed.

Royals absolutely, positively do not show weakness, and they certainly do not spill

secrets to psychologists and psychiatrists. Goodness, the Royals barely speak to each

other about their problems. No, as a good little Royal, you keep your feelings to yourself.

The Royal family was embarrassed enough when Princess Diana spilled all kinds of dirty

little secrets during her super-secret interview with Martin Bashir at Kensington Palace. You

can be certain Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles will never, ever let that happen again.

It�s time for Queen Elizabeth to rein the Duchess of Cambridge in. Wil her Majesty enlist

Camilla Parker-Bowles help in keeping Kate quiet?

thanks for watching. please subscribe my channel.

For more infomation >> Queen Elizabeth Disgusted: Kate Weak, Royals Do Not Need Psychiatrists Camilla Agrees - Duration: 2:48.


Why do we have Allergies ? - Duration: 3:18.

Hello guys!

When the time gets warmer flowers start to bloom, we go for long walks with our dogs

and spent weekends outside.Sounds wonderful, right?

But what if you have allergies?

If you're like many people around the world with allergies, this ideas brings dreaded

thoughts of allergy symptoms like itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, mysterious rashes, and unexpected

sneezes that rumble buildings.

So why do we have allergies?

Simply put, our bodies especially our immune systems are designed to fight.

Many generations ago before modern sanitation and medicine, there was an abundance of viruses,

germs, and bugs for our bodies to fight off.

Fast forward to present day, and we have evolved to be immune to many of those same bugs and


But, because our immune system is trained to fight, sometimes it diverts and starts

looking for new opponents.

That's where allergies come in.

Our immune system starts recognizing tree and grass pollens among other things like

molds and dust mites as targets, AND THAT MEANS WAR.

The allergy symptoms that we experience are the effect of our immune system recognizing

certain proteins as a threat, and responding to it.

Generally, our immune systems have two modes for dealing with foreign substances.

A type 1 response would kill an invader .This is used for bacterias and viruses, whereas

a type 2 response would just expel it from the body, like is done with parasites and

other large external threats.

Using a type 1 approach for something like allergens would be kinda like using a nuclear

bomb to deal with street crime.Maybe that was unnecessary , but I thought it would be

fun.Anyway, An allergic reaction occurs when the immune

system attacks a usually harmless substance called an allergen that gains access to the


The immune system calls upon a protective substance called immunoglobulin E ( IgE) to

fight these invading substances.

Even though everyone has some IgE, an allergic person has an unusually large amount of it.

This army of IgE antibodies attacks and engages the invading army of the allergic substances.

Specialized cells called mast cells also participate in the allergic reaction.

Mast cells release a variety of chemicals into the tissues and blood, one of which is

known as histamine.

This are the chemicals that cause allergic reactions.

These chemicals are very irritating and cause itching, swelling, and fluid leaking from


Allergies could also be the body's way of protecting us against toxins in the environment.The

immune system may consider allergens as toxins and creates antibodies to protect us in the

future .Just like we use vaccines to help us fight diseases caused by microbes.

So what about food?

Foods may have proteins that remind the body of other, harmful substances or that are related

to toxic plants.

Thus, in the course of evolution our bodies may have unwittingly lumped them into the

same category.

For more infomation >> Why do we have Allergies ? - Duration: 3:18.


Dołącz do spartańskiej rodziny! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Dołącz do spartańskiej rodziny! - Duration: 1:01.


10 things to do in Italy, Florence , Venice, Jesolo Beach, Excelsior Hotel , Burano | TyeChloe - Duration: 8:34.

hi Guys, we are going to Italy, I am TyeChloe

here we are at the hotel, Excelsior Hotel , it is very nice hotel,

everything is gold, gold sink, gold decor, gold wall, and very high ceiling

chandelier is very nice, love this hotel, they have everything

free breakfast in the morning, and free boat ride

this is the gondola ride, it is like $100 each ride, but it is worth it in Italy

city within the water, city is floating on water

St Marcus Square , Grand Canal

boat ride everywhere you go , it is a big island

get the famous Venice mask , pretend you are in the play

This is Burano, where the blown glasses are , very famous

dinner by our hotel with the sunset

fast speed train ride, first class, very nice with wifi and drinks and food

St Regis at Florence , 2 hours train ride from Venice

This is Florence , all the famous Dome and Cathedral

narrow streets of Florence

this is at Tuscany, wine country , very relaxing and peaceful , 2 hours bus ride from Florence

the famous St. Marcus Square at night , sorry so blurry

get in line to see the famous Cathedrals

there are tourists everywhere, go early in the morning

For more infomation >> 10 things to do in Italy, Florence , Venice, Jesolo Beach, Excelsior Hotel , Burano | TyeChloe - Duration: 8:34.


After Trump Fired FBI Director Comey, Now It's Time To Do The Same At The IRS VIDEO - Duration: 14:43.

After Trump Fired FBI Director Comey, Now It's Time To Do The Same At The IRS [VIDEO]

Congressman Ron DeSantis from Florida says in an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller

News Foundation that the FBI has a "fresh start" following James Comey's firing,

and now it's time President Donald Trump clean out the IRS, starting with Commissioner

John Koskinen.

In this wide-ranging video interview, he spoke with passion, authority and principle on issues

ranging from media bias, the IRS, James Comey's testimony, terrorism, the Paris Treaty and


A graduate of Harvard Law School and decorated veteran, DeSantis was elected to the House

in 2012, ran for the Senate in Florida until Sen. Marco Rubio re-entered that race, and

is now considering running for governor.

"Mr. President, you removed James Comey and we now have a fresh start at the FBI.

Do the same at the IRS," he says.

DeSantis escalated his repeated calls for Trump to fire IRS Commissioner John Koskinen,

who stonewalled the congressional investigation into the IRS's abuse of power against Obama's

political opponents.

No one in Washington has been held accountable for targeting conservative groups, DeSantis


He is "stunned at how the [legacy] media has behaved since Donald Trump was elected."

The legacy media has "stepped up the antagonism," suspended the normal journalistic judgment,

and instead, are running stories to foster their own narratives, according to DeSantis.

"Not only have they decided to be antagonistic, but they plan to be the force that just drives

him out of office," the congressman says.

Asked about Washington culture, DeSantis begins by saying newcomers to government need to

decide if "Washington is a swamp that needs to be drained or a hot tub, where you go in

and enjoy the party?"

He joins other conservatives in calling for Congress to work through their August recess,

rather than take a break when Trump's legislative agenda and Senate confirmations seem stalled

and obstructed by Democrats.

The Harvard lawyer and former military prosecutor is watching governors and mayors seemingly

align with the Paris treaty that the president pulled the nation out of on June 2.

If these governors and mayors think they can bind their citizens to the Paris agreement,

DeSantis argues, "the Constitution specifically prohibits" states from entering into international

alliances or treaties.

The chairman of the House Subcommittee on National Security supports Trump's recognition

of the ideological underpinnings of the violent Islamic terror we are watching escalate.

He condemns Democrats who too often blame America for antagonizing terrorism and having

few clear policy solutions to terrorism.

Explaining the embarrassing Republican disarray over repealing Obamacare, the congressman

reveals, despite all the campaign rhetoric, "we don't have a majority in the House

and Senate who actually wanted to fully repeal it."

As the Republican Congress continues to battle over health policy and a replace bill, he

believes the Democrat threats to use any House or Senate vote to replace Obamacare as a weapon

will evaporate if health insurance starts to become more affordable because of the policies

enacted in the coming consensus.

Towards the end of this interview, he says, "constitutional government is under a great

deal of stress right now."

Citizens lose when, as has happened, the Congress, in avoiding hard decisions, cedes ambiguous

power to the Executive branch, the administrative state, and judges.

For more infomation >> After Trump Fired FBI Director Comey, Now It's Time To Do The Same At The IRS VIDEO - Duration: 14:43.


ROLÊ ATÉ MONTE BELO DO SUL - PARTE 3 - Duration: 13:33.

For more infomation >> ROLÊ ATÉ MONTE BELO DO SUL - PARTE 3 - Duration: 13:33.


Why Do Women Have Affairs With Married Men - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Why Do Women Have Affairs With Married Men - Duration: 3:51.


DISTURBING Sick Liberal Bureaucrats Want Federal Employees To Do THIS To Undermine Trump - Duration: 2:05.

DISTURBING Sick Liberal Bureaucrats Want Federal Employees To Do THIS To Undermine Trump

By Emily Nowak

The American Constitution Society held a national convention in Washington this week, and the

discussions they had there were more than a little disturbing.

They were essentially discussing the �deep state� and how it can be used to undermine

the Trump administration.

Bureaucrats, students, and academics gathered to defend the bloated federal bureaucracy.

American University law professor William Yeomans said during a speech at the event:

�[President Trump�s] values are simply not consistent with the values of people who

are committed to public service and who believe deeply in the importance of public service.�

The liberals are threatened because President Trump wants to decrease regulations and thin

down unnecessary positions in the federal government.

Big surprise!

Not to be outdone, UCLA law professor Jon Michaels said something even creepier:

�We hear a lot of language about draining the swamp and this idea about a deep state

that somehow was going to thwart the intentions or the political mandate of the president.

I kind of embrace this notion of the �deep state.��

The �deep state� refers to a coalition of federal government employees who are actively

working against the Trump administration.

Michaels continued, saying that �leaking to the media� and �rogue tweeting� are

legitimate and necessary ways for federal employees to push back against President Trump.

Frankly, I find all of this totally disgusting, and just proves the incredible task President

Trump is up against�having to deal with rogue members of his own civil service.

Even more reason to Drain The Swamp!

For more infomation >> DISTURBING Sick Liberal Bureaucrats Want Federal Employees To Do THIS To Undermine Trump - Duration: 2:05.


What are "Suggested Clip" Featured Snippets, and How Do You Earn Them? - Duration: 5:43.

what's up boys and squirrels? A.J. Ghergich here, founder of Ghergich and company. it's been

a little while since I made a video but I wanted to share with you today some

new featured snippets some video featured snippets that are out and they

are Suggested Clips I'm going to show you how to earn them let you know what

the heck they are in a quick short actual video so you can go about

snagging some of them for yourself, let's dive in. alright so what is a suggested

clip featured snippet, essentially a suggested clip is a kind of special

video featured snippet it's new and it's where Google highlights a specific

section of a video to answer your specific search query. It'll be a lot

clearer for me to just show you so for example I've searched how to make a

lightsaber because I'm a nerd and you can see here this is a little probably

different than what you're used to seeing a lot of times you'll see just

you know videos in the SERPs and we're all used to that right but in this case

they it's the same video but they've highlighted a section of it and that's

the suggested clip part, so you can see it's a two minute and 31 seconds video but Google is saying

these 24 seconds I think will answer your question. So I hit play, notice it

doesn't take me actually the YouTube it's just like a module that pops up and

that's kind of interesting as well although I do have the typical YouTube

controls. I've paused the volume but I've turned on captions so you can see this

part of the video is exactly what I'm looking for it's like hey you know these

are exact steps you know you're well on your way to getting that lightsaber so

let's look at another example. This one is how to use an eyeliner brush and

again you can see that they're saying these 23 seconds starting at the 32

second mark we think that's what you want out of this three-minute video so

if we hit play notice it's a start of suggested clip if you watch to the end

not just the end of the video but the end of their suggested clip it'll say

end of suggested clip, just kind of interesting

as well so you're probably asking yourself okay that's kind of cool but

how do I go about earning a suggested clip it's actually pretty simple it's three steps.

Step one, you need to rank your video in the top ten. Each one of these

you've never seen a suggested clip that didn't also have a listing in the top

ten so they need a you need a video listing in the top ten what I would

suggest to you to do is audit your existing video content and see if you

have any in the top ten that you could optimize or look for video keywords that

you could take down with with new content new video content. So step two

after you rank in the top ten is to make sure that you've uploaded a very clear

transcript and so you can see Google actually knows very clearly what she's

saying as her tips and that's also because the

transcript has been corrected, so she's uploaded a transcript or gone in and

corrected the auto-generated one, I find for me maybe it's my voice I'm not sure but it

is a 50/50 crapshoot what comes out of the auto-generated transcript so I

always have to go in or have someone go in and fix those up or submit my own

transcript so that's going to help Google really understand

the context of your video so that you are set up to earn those

featured snippets and earn those suggested clips. Step 3 is very similar

but it's to do with your description you want a very detailed description you can

see she has a very detailed description here as well now I think she's gone a

little overboard and uploaded the transcript as the description. I don't

think you need to do that because you've already in step two you've already done

that with the transcript but you'll notice like in the video that I upload

today, this video, look at the description I will definitely put in

there you know the usual. Oh check this out it's going to teach how to do this

but I'll put in the exact three steps that I'm telling you here so that Google

it's just backing up the transcript and another place for Google to pull

featured snippet data from so simple three-step process you could go about

earning these and like I said if you've kind of

worried like yeah this is new, kind of experimental, I wouldn't be. Downside is

if you can optimize your YouTube videos better you can rank here, right you can

get really high engagement rankings upside is maybe you get a double listing

you get the you get the suggested clip and the video. Now a bonus tip would

be that for these suggested Clips I'm mainly seeing them around how to type

content so I would if I were making new content or if I were editing videos I

would definitely start with things that are how-to and have various specific

steps to do that tends to work so start there also these are new and so they are

a little hard to spot if down in the comments if you see some link them let

me know about them and then hit me up in the comments or always on twitter at @SEO

and let me know if you're able to earn any video featured snippets or any of

the suggested clips

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