Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily bit Jul 26 2017

In the wake of the death of college student Otto Warmbier,... the U.S. government announced

this month that Americans will soon be prohibited from traveling to the country.

While it's expected to deal a heavy blow to North Korea's small tourism industry,...

ONE official claims Pyongyang isn't that concerned.

Cha Sang-mi tells us more.

A senior official in Pyongyang told the AFP news agency on Tuesday that North Korea "doesn't

care a bit" about Washington's ban on U.S. citizens traveling to the country.

Han Chol-Su, the vice-director of the Wonsan Zone Development Corporation, instead took

aim at the U.S.,... insisting the travel ban was purely political motivated.

Travel agencies that offer North Korea as a destination are certain the U.S. travel

ban will greatly impact the small tourism industry in the North.

"Because this is you know, how they make money individually, as well as as a company.

And people working in tourism is their mandate and their responsibility to host guests.

And this will of course, reduce the number of guests they have so..."

The U.S. State Department said the move was due to "mounting concerns over the serious

risk of arrest and long-term detention under North Korea's system of law enforcement."

The plan will take effect in late August, 30 days after the notice is posted in the

Federal Register this week.

Experts say the ban is setback for North Korea which has strategically been developing Wonsan,

a port city in Kangwon Province, as a tourist hotspot.

About five-thousand Western tourists visit North Korea every year, with around 20 percent

of them Americans.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea 'doesn't care a bit' about U.S. travel ban: Official - Duration: 1:49.


North Korea 'doesn't care a bit' about U.S. travel ban: official - Duration: 1:47.

In the wake of the death of college student Otto Warmbier,... the U.S. government announced

this month that Americans will soon be prohibited from traveling to the country.

While it's expected to deal a heavy blow to North Korea's small tourism industry,...

ONE official claims Pyongyang isn't that concerned.

Cha Sang-mi tells us more.

A senior official in Pyongyang told the AFP news agency on Tuesday that North Korea "doesn't

care a bit" about Washington's ban on U.S. citizens traveling to the country.

Han Chol-Su, the vice-director of the Wonsan Zone Development Corporation, instead took

aim at the U.S.,... insisting the travel ban was purely political motivated.

Travel agencies that offer North Korea as a destination are certain the U.S. travel

ban will greatly impact the small tourism industry in the North.

"Because this is you know, how they make money individually, as well as as a company.

And people working in tourism is their mandate and their responsibility to host guests.

And this will of course, reduce the number of guests they have so..."

The U.S. State Department said the move was due to "mounting concerns over the serious

risk of arrest and long-term detention under North Korea's system of law enforcement."

The plan will take effect in late August, 30 days after the notice is posted in the

Federal Register this week.

Experts say the ban is setback for North Korea which has strategically been developing Wonsan,

a port city in Kangwon Province, as a tourist hotspot.

About five-thousand Western tourists visit North Korea every year, with around 20 percent

of them Americans.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea 'doesn't care a bit' about U.S. travel ban: official - Duration: 1:47.


North Korea 'doesn't care a bit' about U.S. travel ban: Official - Duration: 2:05.

It's been 77 days since President Moon Jae-in was sworn into office... and today marks the

beginning of his first big government shake-up, with ministries being renamed, restructured,

and one ministry being newly created.

Our Ji Myung-kil takes a look at the changes.

Taking a look at the government's new organization under President Moon Jae-in... one of the

major changes is the creation of a new ministry solely dedicated to supporting small and medium-sized

businesses, venture startups and micro-businesses.

The Ministry of SMEs and Startups had its status elevated from the previous government's

'Small and Medium Business Administration',... signaling President Moon's promise to allow

small and medium-sized firms to compete on a level playing field with Korea's major conglomerates.

Staying with ministries related to science and the economy,... a new vice-ministerial

trade negotiations bureau has been installed in the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning has been given a new name:...

'The Ministry of Science and ICT'.

A vice-ministerial science innovation headquarters has been created within the renamed science


Another noticeable change is the dissolution of the Ministry of Public Safety and Security,

which was created in November 2014,... in the wake of the Sewol-ho ferry disaster which

claimed the lives of more than 3-hundred people.

A public safety and emergency countermeasures center was set-up under what was formerly

called 'The Ministry of the Interior',... and which will now be known as 'The Ministry

of the Interior and Safety'.

Also, the Coast Guard and the Fire Service, which were previously under the safety ministry,

have been separated to function as independent bodies.

Finally, the role of vice-ministerial chief of the Patriots and Veterans Affairs Ministry

has been elevated to that of a minister.

The National Assembly approved the government reorganization bill last week, and it was

given the green light at Tuesday's Cabinet meeting.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

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