Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily have Jul 26 2017

have you filled recently have you failed again and again and again that right now

you just want to give up and you feel the pain of failure but right now you

want to throw in the travel and you say I'm giving up I won't try again I feel

for you because I've been there see the problem is when people look at

me they look only at my successes they look at okay rig my magazine is the

number one you know inspirational magazine and they could all look at the

fees is growing at an unknow way in your ministry for the poor oh look at your

business as your personal businesses are growing also my gosh everything you

touch turns to gold not really the reality is a lot of

things I touch turn to garbage not gold you know people look only at the success

but they do not understand that it went through a lot of failures kerygma

magazine one example they look at kerygma magazine and say wow took 27

years of blessing people amazing well what happened just take one step before

that and you will discover that I started a magazine and inspirational

magazine it was called Missy no that's that has nothing to do with noodles okay

but Missy because it was the Hebrew word for victory I chose that word I put it

in the magazine and I was the main writer basically the only writer I was I

was the illustrator I did all the drawings I did a cover no cover thing

like hiding everything well guess what after six months gone zero kaput we ran

out of money no more fold it up crashed my dear

friends when you look at any kind of success be sure you just be totally sure

before the success were failures people look at my businesses and they

say wow look at your business is there wait a minute wait a minute before my

successful businesses today I failed in 18 of them you got it right 18 of them

one failure after another failure after all painful you know if I could only

just describe to you how I failed in all these businesses I put up this this food

stall boom I organized a concert to the foreign artists boom you know one after

I wish I could detail with you because they're so nice right now it's so nice

to tell the the war stories of mine and how how I failed in such a bloody way

and how I lost money and time and reputation but guess what now I say I

say the stories of the smile but during that time I was crying and it was so

painful but the reason why I'm going through some success today it's because

I'm stepping on the failures of yesterday I've learned lessons that kind

of plying now you know people look at Ana when for example give me that one

last example I know him oh brother Bo I visited Anna loved your work for the

poorest of the poor it's so beautiful Wow and a five hectare property is

beautiful wolves wait wait wait wait wait

you know when we started 20 20 something years ago I was there and I had 12

volunteers and we lived in this place where there was no electricity and no

running water do you know what happened with my 12 volunteers that we dedicated

to live together for the rest of her life only one is remaining there

everyone else you know had to leave and and I and I'm telling you every success

went through a string of failure so here's the thing

will you stay on and not give up until the success comes that's my question for

you will you hold on endure persevere and never ever ever give up until you

know you change tactic you change strategy but you do not give up

are you are you listening to me hi my name is Bo Sanchez and welcome to full

tank this is your place of inspiration I pray that it'll equip inspire you

Matthew 13 that's my verse for today and yes it's the parable of the sower and

now think about it in apparel of the sower some seeds fell on on the

and it was eaten by the birds some seeds fell on rocky soil ah hot Sun burn and

some seeds fell on thorny bushes and the thorns choke the seed and the plant and

then only the fourth seed goes the good soil listen to me in school what's the

passing grade 75% whew you you're 74% you're gone

guess what in the parallels of sower the passing greatest 25 25 percent and

you're okay you're a champion you've done it

victory that reflects life by the way I want you to know that in business and

ministry in any area of life outside school success is really small you fail

nine times you're okay but if the 10% that's where you succeed the 5% that's

where you succeed bingo you're okay you're wonderful you're fantastic you're

amazing that my friend is the is how life works that's why I homeschool my

kids by the way if you're interested in homeschooling go to go to Facebook right

and just type in Catholic Filipino Academy that's my organization we help

you in homeschooling we don't believe in 75 percent passing grade in in the sense

that all their grades their grades but if if kids fail in their exams if my

son's fail in exam I just say take it again it's fake yet you know it's okay

it's okay to fix we you know that the number one reason why people don't

succeed I believe is it's fear of failure and but we need to embrace

failure can I pray for you father you have it in a mighty name of Jesus I pray

for this person praying with me that you would strengthen

give the spirit of endurance to never give up father God I pray for creativity

I pray father for wisdom to be able to know that one strategy is not working

and that and that person should change strategy and tactic but to continue to

pursue your father in heaven in the mighty name of Jesus strengthen this

person I'm praying for right now I feel this person is blessing and grace and

mercy in Jesus name Amen and amen in the name of the Father and the Son and of

the Holy Spirit hey hey I am so grateful that you join me here in full Bank and I

know that so many people have told me how how this program has blessed a lot

of people and I'm truly touched I have a webinar Success weekly webinar that's

live every Thursday 8 o clock in the evening Philippine time and you know

what I'm going to interview this wonderful couple friends of mine who

who've gone through so much and and how the Lord blessed them from their from

their humble beginnings to where they are now

they're investors and they are and and they are entrepreneurs and they lead

this huge companies is just beautiful just you're going to be so inspired

we're not only going to talk about business in Success weekly we talk them

we talk about all sorts of things marriage and faith in God and you will

be so inspired I I hope you join us it'll be a truly rich Club comm slash

webinar I will see ya tomorrow

For more infomation >> FULLTANK 235: Have you failed? - Duration: 8:00.


Jose Mourinho tells 28-year-old Man United have place ready for him – report - Duration: 1:37.

Jose Mourinho tells 28-year-old Man United have place ready for him – report

The Daily Mail is reporting that the Manchester United boss has gone to great lengths to make Bale aware that he would be interested in signing the Wales international.

The same article includes a video from Manchester Uniteds penalty shootout victory over Real Madrid in Santa Clara which shows Mourinho in discussion with the former Tottenham Hotspur star.

According to the Daily Mail, Mourinho told the Real Madrid star in Spanish: I cant buy you because you dont talk to me.

Manchester United have been regularly linked with a move to sign Bale over the past two summers since the Welsh star moved to Real Madrid from Spurs in a £85. 6m deal in 2013.

The Red Devils signed Swedish defender Victor Lindelof in a £30. 7m deal from Portuguese champions Benfica last month to strengthen their defensive options.

Manchester United managed to usurp Chelsea in the race to sign Romelu Lukaku after the Belgium star completed a £75m move to Old Trafford from Everton.

For more infomation >> Jose Mourinho tells 28-year-old Man United have place ready for him – report - Duration: 1:37.


Do Republicans Have The Votes To Begin Obamacare Repeal? - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Do Republicans Have The Votes To Begin Obamacare Repeal? - Duration: 1:50.


You Have to Watch! : Awesome Makeup Makeover Tutorials By ♥ Jenny Do ♥ - Duration: 6:26.


I hope you are well

I hope you enjoy watching this video




For more infomation >> You Have to Watch! : Awesome Makeup Makeover Tutorials By ♥ Jenny Do ♥ - Duration: 6:26.


11 Photos That Prove You Have A Dirty Mind In The World 2017 - Duration: 4:55.

11 Photos That Prove You Have A Dirty Mind In The World - People Are Awesome 2017

For more infomation >> 11 Photos That Prove You Have A Dirty Mind In The World 2017 - Duration: 4:55.


Kyrie Irving Will Be Traded And Have An Iverson Like MVP Season + Why Does Lebron James Want Smoke? - Duration: 10:16.


For more infomation >> Kyrie Irving Will Be Traded And Have An Iverson Like MVP Season + Why Does Lebron James Want Smoke? - Duration: 10:16.


5 New TECH LIFE HACKS You May Have Never Seen!(2017) - Duration: 2:37.

So if you're a tablet laptop or smartphone user

This video is just for you as I'm going to show you some life hacks

That every person should know

So head to google and write the words set timer and the timer with it and Google will automatically set a stopwatch

with an alarm that buzzes when the time runs out

So it comes really in handy when you are on a deadline and want to complete a task in a particular timeframe

Next up is the right way to plug in usB cables, so the probability of plugging a uSB cable in the right Direction

In the first attempt, but you need at least three attempts

So there are two ways of doing it initially you can you can always mark the side which goes up in this way

You can do it the very first time

Or you can remember that the site containing the holes of the usB symbol or the brand name goes on the top?

So it happens so many time that

you are in the middle of doing something important on your phone and your phone is about to die and

There is no power source nearby, but luckily your friend still has some juice left in his phone

And you have an otg cable then you can easily charge your phone just by connecting the two phones for the otg

Next up is wrap your headphones

There are so many ways to wrap your headphones to avoid tangling, but the best one and the easiest one is this

Just wrap your headphones in an eighth like Pattern in these two fingers

Then tie the end of the headphone jack in the middle and then insert the headphone jack in the other holes

the headphones would remain tangle free and are easy to untie

Just untie the other end and pull it apart

so if for that person which keeps a lot of batteries with them and

Want to know if there is any juice left in them

Just take the batteries out and drop them from say from six inches if the battery

Bounces back it is dead, and if it does not bounce

it has still some juice left in it, so if you are in an situation

But you need to mark the particular time in which this particular situation

Happened just do this thing you can either take a screen shot of a smartphone which displays the time so you can know?

The exact moment that it happened, or you can just call a random number as they would automatically create a direct

Extremely accurate timespan as to when that situation happened, so these were five more tech life facts

you should know you can also check my previous videos on Tech life hacks and

Just like always don't forget to like share and subscribe

For more infomation >> 5 New TECH LIFE HACKS You May Have Never Seen!(2017) - Duration: 2:37.


Have you received the Comforter? - Duration: 4:25.

The unbeliever, the person who is not born again of the Spirit of God, has no

relationship with Jesus Christ. He cannot sense Jesus, He cannot hear Him

and He cannot see the kingdom of God, but Jesus promised the Comforter, the Holy

Spirit, to be with and in those who believe in Him and who obey Him; those

who obey the gospel of Jesus Christ

repent and are baptized in water and who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and

Master. Jesus promised to give in them the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to be with

them forever, to guide them and to teach them. The world, the unbeliever, cannot

receive the Holy Spirit. It is only those who obey Jesus Christ that can receive

the Holy Spirit, the presence of Jesus, His Spirit with Him forever, to guide and

teach and coach them, to tell them things to come, to make them fruitful for the

kingdom of God. If we do not have the Holy Spirit, then we do not belong to

Jesus Christ. Many have received the Holy Spirit, but they have grieved the Holy

Spirit and therefore they do not sense the presence of God anymore. They do not

experience His presence anymore because they've gone their own way. They

disobeyed Him they disregarded Him.They have cut themselves off from the

presence of God. If they repent of His sin and of their

wrongful ways and go back to Jesus with remorse, with a contrite heart, then

He will restore them to His presence, but if we keep on grieving the Holy Spirit

then we will end up in damnation with the children of disobedience. Most

believers never received the Holy Spirit. Many of them do not even know about the

Holy Spirit, the Comforter, that Jesus promised to those who love Him and who

obey Him. He did not promise us a Bible or other people to comfort us. He

promised His own spirit, the Holy Spirit, to be with us to Comfort and to guide

us. Have you received the Holy Spirit? Are you being comforted and led by the Holy

Spirit? Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of

God. They are led by the Comforter. They experienced Jesus Christ, the presence of

God, with them all the time. Have you received the Holy Spirit? Does the Comforter

abide with you? Does He live with you? Do you listen to Him and do you obey Him? Do

you experience the presence of Jesus with you all the time? May Jesus bless you.

Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real. I am here to introduce you to Jesus

Christ so that you can know Him and follow Him and have eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.

For more infomation >> Have you received the Comforter? - Duration: 4:25.


US Navy's Newest Aircraft Carrier Doesn't Have Urinals - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> US Navy's Newest Aircraft Carrier Doesn't Have Urinals - Duration: 0:59.


Botched Butt Implant May Have Prompted Killing - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Botched Butt Implant May Have Prompted Killing - Duration: 0:55.


I have a terrible fear of spiders - Spiders in my basement - Arachnophobia Monday 2017-07-24 - Duration: 7:30.

hey guys it is Monday night tonight and guess what I just did so I have a

terrible terrible fear of spiders okay I've always had this terrible fear of

spiders I don't even know why I have no clue I don't think there's ever anything

that caused it or anything like that it just I I have a horrible horrible fear

of spiders and tonight I went to go put laundry and it's throughout the summer

in the basement there usually ends up being spiders throughout the basement that

makes it sound like there's like a hundreds of them or something

there aren't I but throughout the summer at night there are spiders in the

basement at least like they come out and they're on the walls and stuff I've only

ever seen like two or three at a time I'm getting shivers down my spine

talking about this and I apologize in advance if anyone here is listening is

afraid of spiders and I apologize if me talking about it is going to make you

uncomfortable if it is then I recommend that you just click away because I don't

want to force you to do that and to feel that way but yes at night in the summer

there's always spiders that you can actually see throughout the day they're

probably still there but I never see them throughout the day I only ever see

them come out at night and they scared the heck out of me right it used to be

at the point where I would scream and cry and be like oh my God that would yell

for my mother because I'd be that scared and now it is III went down I'm like

hugging myself like this and it took me ten minutes to go down three steps

because I was waiting three minutes on each step just trying to like kind of

look around and be like are there any close to me because there's any close to me

I'm not going down there they're only end up being one tonight okay there was

only one pretty close to the stairs but not that close where you know two

seconds it could touch me or something like that right it freaked

me out a little bit got down the stairs I went into the

basement into the room right and I'm just kind of like and I'm spinning

around in circles very slowly looking up and down looking everywhere leaning

around just like oh my god oh my god I was like freaking out this whole time

shivers down my back and everything right

well I the reason why I'm going down there is because that's where our

laundry room is and I forgot to do laundry this morning and yesterday and

the day before so I was gonna do that tonight because I kind of need it for

tomorrow and I only saw the one and it like it made me very very uncomfortable

but I came up the stairs and I'm talking to my mother about it because I'm just

like I don't know I guess talking about it somehow makes me feel a little bit

better I guess so I stood there talking for five or ten

minutes before I actually made the choice to go and take the laundry down

and I'm like I could wait till the morning

but I wanted to do it tonight so I did it now the thing here is our basement is

a little bit open the laundry room itself is tight as heck okay just wide

enough for probably two of me to fit side-by-side between the washer and

dryer furnace and the wall there and very very little distance to actually go

in so I took my laundry in there and I was fine just having a little bit of

shivers but I was totally fine for the most part until I went into the room

because in that laundry room because it's tight and everything because that

part of the basement is not finished you can still see like the the insides

of the walls there's no like drywall on it or anything right and it's just a

tiled ground it's it's it's disgusting and going in there because it's such a

tight space it was freaking me out a little bit more now at the same time

because it's unfinished that seems to be the place where I'm like oh there's

probably going to be spiders in there more so than you know out in the

finished area I don't know if that's true or not I've never seen one in there

but it's a tight space and it freaks me out

and I didn't want to look upwards I didn't want to look downwards I don't

want to look into any of the nooks or corners or anything in that darn place

because I knew if I saw one because of the tight space I'd freak out now not

looking anywhere causes me to freak out more inside my head because I'm like

there's probably some behind me I wanted I I I felt like I was going to faint

pass out be sick I don't know I just kept saying God please help me please

help me please I'm going to calm down because it'll be okay it's fine it's

fine it's fine it was a huge effort I was totally fine in the open area but in

that tight space could not handle it that was the most terrifying thing I've

ever done but anyway I did it put the laundry into the washer got out and once

I started going up the stairs I'm just like I start feeling a little bit more

sick again because it still just kind of like yeah I don't know my brain and body

is still just like freaking out a little bit about it and talking to my mom again

about it may help me feel a lot better but I

still want to have felt like I was going to fate I don't know like you seem

wanted but I still felt like I was going to faint for a little bit there or be

sick or something now it's fine now I feel okay but it's like I don't

ever want to do that in my life again though I will say I'm happy I did do it

sort of I'm happy that I was able to do it without passing out or being sick or

something but it was that scary on a more positive note earlier today my

friend and I went outside for a little bit of a walk we went to a park and we

actually had fun playing around on the park a little but he actually played

around on the park he has him for years so I'm that made me super happy that we

actually got to fool around a little bit and that he actually did so that was a

lot of fun that was the highlight of my day I decided to share the spider story

because it scares me so much but it's something that I guess I don't know like

maybe tonight as a start of me well not the

start but like a bigger step in overcoming this fear because I can't

think of a reason why I even have this fear and they're no different than any

other bug there's hundreds of other bugs out there there's tons of other bugs

that end up in our place why are the spiders the ones that scare me and I

don't understand it but so I don't know I felt like it was something I had to do

I felt it was something I wanted to do and it was terrifying it was very very

terrifying but I am happy that I was able to do it I guess anyway that was my

super exciting Monday so I hope you guys had a wonderful one and I hope you have

a wonderful Tuesday and I will see you again tomorrow so enjoy your day and Godbless

For more infomation >> I have a terrible fear of spiders - Spiders in my basement - Arachnophobia Monday 2017-07-24 - Duration: 7:30.


✅Business Goals - How to have your goals come to live - Duration: 2:03.

okay so there is so much love for this great way amongst many entrepreneurs

with this great way entrepreneurs are able to have their desired business

goals come to life so bright entrepreneur today I want to help you have

your desired business goals come to life God willing the way you can meet your

desired goal is by planning it out before you start here's how you can do

that break your goal into smaller goals for example say your goal is to have 100

leads within 30 days and of those leads you want to convert 10 people into

customers now in advance you will need to know what will it take for you to

achieve that goal to do this break that goal into smaller goals for example goal

number one what free value can I create for my target audience that they can

benefit from and that will educate them on what I do goal number two how will I

present it to them will I use video presentation or something else goal

number three then once I create the value how will I attract the right

people and so forth the overall goal is to break your goal

into smaller goals so that you can accomplish your desired business outcome

and then take the necessary actions to have it come true

God willing because the truth of the matter is no amount of planning can make

it come true it takes action to get satisfaction in

your business and remember God said if you're grateful I will surely increase

you my mercy embraces all wow that's amazing because it's always awesome to

have more to be grateful for well my friend that's it for today I can't wait

for you to return tomorrow God willing take care and thank you


For more infomation >> ✅Business Goals - How to have your goals come to live - Duration: 2:03.


First Look: "Elevator Seven" | Tyler Perry's The Haves and the Have Nots | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 0:41.

- What's so bad about your life that you don't wanna deal with?

WYATT: You have no idea.




CHARLES: What if I like her?

- She's bad news.

OFFICER JUSTIN: He's going to be charged.

HANNA: For murder?!

- You made some enemies in some very high places.

MITCH: Somethin' heavy is about to go down.

JIM: I'll find him.

MAMA ROSA: You've run out of time.

I need to send you a message.

DAVID: I've given you everything you've asked for,

what more do you want?





For more infomation >> First Look: "Elevator Seven" | Tyler Perry's The Haves and the Have Nots | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 0:41.


Hulk Spoils Movies - Duration: 2:05.

So you two have a new movie coming out.

Yes. Infinity War Ragnarok!... Oh...

what can you tell us about it?

well infinity war is the

culmination of all our adventures together it's where we finally get to...

Everyone Dies!

Dude! you can't say that, man!

oh. sorry.

What are you doing?

Everyone Not Die!

Happy Avengers!

I can't believe you said that.

Is Hulk in trouble?

I don't know. Maybe.


okay moving on

what was it like making a movie with everyone on set together?

What can I say? It was great to finally see the entire...



It's okay man I think we should just move on

Hulk almost as sad...

as when Han Solo die!

What!? Han Solo! I still haven't seen that movie man!


thanks a lot, Hulk!

Han Solo Not die.

Oh yeah sure I believe you now!

Hulk not understand sarcasm! Hulk confused! Almost as confused as

when Snape killed Dumbledore.

Man! What are you doing!? I just started

watching the Harry Potter's, man!

That surprising!

like Bruce Willis being dead at the end of sixth sense!

Are you kidding me! Is that what we're doing?

are we just gonna ruin all the movies now?

Tyler Durden not real!

just stop man just stop!

SoyLent Green is People!

Okay well that one's old. Nobody cares about that one.

The Vulture in Spider-Man...

Okay that's it! This interview is over! Just turn the cameras off let's get out of here!

Come on

What is wrong with you dude?!


For more infomation >> Hulk Spoils Movies - Duration: 2:05.


We Tried To Have Fun But Failed (Day 1941) - Duration: 11:33.

(upbeat music)

- Good morning, guys, it's Monday, it's about 7:00 A.M.

And it just started pouring rain.

(rain falling)

I was just outside, maybe like ten minutes ago,

putting the chemicals in the pool,

'cause it's Monday, Bryce normally does it,

but Bryce did the night at Tyler's house last night,

so he had a little sleepover,

so I woke up this morning, brushed the pool,

put the chemicals in, when I came back inside,

make a cup of coffee and then bam.

So, this should cool things off a little bit,

but make things humid, so it's a tradeoff,

drop the temperature down, but bring the humidity up,

so it's like, eh.

It's a tradeoff, but it always looks nice,

makes everything smell nice.

(rain falling)

Check this out.

It's been raining for like, about 45 minutes or so,

whole side of the yard is like, flooded.

It can't go, it can't move fast enough.

And this is clearly not designed to drain well,

'cause this is all full of water.

I showed you guys this like last, like, couple nights ago,

but look at this, look how deep, how full this is.

The whole yard is flooded back there,

all back there is flooded, all back there.



Definitely need to get some rain gutters.

You can get some rain gutters

that go all the way along here,

and that way all the water goes over there.

Morning, Sierra.

Alright, boys and girls, we are out of the house.

Bryce is back from his sleepover.

And we're heading over to Main Event Entertainment

for some fun and games and hopefully some food,

'cause I'm hungry.

It's Monday, and so they have specials and stuff.

- Yep. - Yep.

- Yep. - It's like $10

all you can play arcades and or activities,

we're not quite yet like, how it works,

as far as, is it $10 for laser tag and bowling,

and the zipline thing or is it $10 per thing?

We're gonna find out.

We're gonna find out.

Plus the arcade games are $10 all you can play,

minus the ones with tickets, so no tickets.

Which, you know our kids, they love our tickets.

Have you guys seen the sponsored video yet?

When we were in Tennessee?

It's here in the cards, if you wanna check it out.

We had a lot of fun.

We won over 50,000 tickets and we had a lot of fun.

You should check it out.

- Feels like we're back in Tennessee.

- [Clintus] 'Cause yeah, it's so humid.

- Really humid. - [Clintus] It's been raining.

But it's nice and sunny now.

- [Tiffany] Not this small.

- [Clintus] And then I gotta look and see if they got a--

- [Sierra] That's an eight, I need seven, that's a six.

- [Clintus] Maybe they don't have seven.

Alright, Mommy's up.

Here we go.

- It stuck to my thumb.

- [Clintus] It stuck to your thumb?

- [Bryce] Mommy, use this one.

You need a large?

- (inaudible) under pressure.

- [Clintus] Oh, oh.

Alright, sister's up next.

Look at our names.

Dad, Mom, Sister, Brothe, brotha?

How do you change it to brotha, (laughs) with an A?

- [Sierra] Woo, sorry.


- [Clintus] Hoowah.

Oh, let's see, oh, oh.

Saved by the bumper, bumper bro.

Saved by the bumper.

- [Bryce] Give Daddy a try.

- [Tiffany] Whoa, nice.

- I went with the bigger ball, heavier ball.

Too heavy?


You're trying to figure it out, trying to figure it out.


Oh, almost, almost.

Spare is 10.

- All right, our first game,

I won 101,

Tiffany and Bryce got 86.

Alright, taking a quick break from the bowling

for some dinner. We got some burgers,

we got some loaded tater tots, look at these bad boys,

these things are amazing.

Couple of salads, right, get our veggies in,

Sierra got a bacon cheddar burger?

No burger for Bryce, but Sierra got a burger?


That's all right, I told him I'd share mine.

Share mine, but mine's got jalapeños, though.

Good luck.

You've watched Bryce do it plenty of times.

You know how to do it.


Oh yeah. - [Bryce] Woo.

- [Clintus] And you're still messy than him,

I don't know how you do it.

You're always a slob.

Well, guys, we messed up, because of the Main Event

special deal they've got going on,

it gets super busy, super fast,

and after our first round of bowling,

we went and got something to eat,

and because, you know, it takes awhile to cook the food,

then it takes awhile for us to eat the food,

but by the time we got done eating,

and we went to go do laser tag and another round of bowling,

they were super busy, super packed,

and it was an hour or an hour and a half wait

for the activities, and it's already late enough

that we didn't want to spend the entire night,

'cause really there's nothing to do,

other than maybe go play some arcade games,

we would be sitting there for over an hour.

So we decided to pack it up, call it quits,

and we're gonna go grab some dessert, some bassert.

Do you think it'll be Froyo, Yogurtland,

or is it gonna be ice cream at Cold Stone?

Let's find out.

Kids are picking, looks like we're going to Yogurtland

for some froyo, froyo.

What's it gonna be, what's it gonna be?

Got some new flavors.

Big pop sorbet,

watermelon sorbet,

picnic favorite apricot mango tart,

strawberry banana taffy, mud pie, red velvet,

oh, taro, interesting, interesting.


Uh, lychee.


- What is it? - What is it?

- [Clintus] It's a fruit, Asian fruit.

Bryce is going with a double cookies and cream.


- [Tiffany] Going with all the fruit and all the nuts.

- All the fruit and all the nuts.

- [Tiffany] I'm going with chocolate.

- We're too predictable.

Alright, give us the rundown.

- Vanilla yogurt with Reese's Pieces,

Ghirardelli chocolate chips, white chocolate chips,

and gummy bears.

- [Bryce] Oh, good, eh.

- [Clintus] Tiff, what'd you go with?

- Vanilla ice cream, a brownie under there, some Snickers,

some Reese's peanut butter cup, some walnuts,

and some chocolate.

- [Sierra] Wow.


- Cookies and cream yogurt,

peanut M&Ms,

cookies and cream,

natural cookies, and Ghirardelli chocolate chips

and yogurt chips.

Are they yogurt chips or white chocolate?

- [Clintus] Cheesecake flavored yogurt,

blueberries, strawberries, pineapple,

walnuts, peanuts.

Let us know in the comments down below

your favorite frozen yogurt concoction.

Back home now, and Sierra has been dying

for me to play some Overwatch with her,

so I guess I'm gonna stream,

and we're gonna play some Overwatch, the three of us,

me and the kids, me and the kids playing video games.


Let's go play some video games.

I'm excited about it.

So we're gonna stream it on Twitch,

play some Overwatch on PS4,

the PlayStation, uh, the lights, lights?

There we go, lights.

So yeah, Overwatch, normally I play on PC,

used to play on PS4, switched to PC,

like it better on PC, PC shooters are better,

in my opinion, or playing shooters on PC is better,

is what I meant to say,

so we're gonna, but I still have it on PS4,

I still enjoy it, period, and if that's where the kids are

then that's where we're gonna play it.

So Playstation.

Oh my gosh, you guys, too much fun with the kids,

playing some Overwatch.

Overwatch is, I don't know, it's not anything special,

but the fact that we're able to play all together,

I guess it doesn't really matter what game it was,

if it was Destiny, if it was Call of Duty, I don't know,

it's fun playing with the kids.

My kids are older, right, 12 and 10,

play video games with them,

and now it's making me think more like,

logically, hmm, what other games can we play?

Right, Destiny 2 is definitely something

we can play together, I'm gonna play a lot of that.

Like what other games am I gonna play?

Problem is, I'm playing more and more PC games,

I love, I love playing shooters on PC

with mouse and keyboard, kids don't have a PC.

Bryce kinda wants one, but you know,

realistically, I'm not gonna drop another $2,000

on a gaming PC for him. It's just not logical,

it's just not logical.

You know, maybe someday, maybe one day,

maybe the next time I upgrade my PC,

he gets the hand me downs. I don't know, we'll see.

But for now, PS4 is our platform of choice,

and makes me think, oh, what other games can we play?

What other games can we play?

Maybe Rocket League, be fun, right?

Is there three-v- threes in Rocket League?

Maybe we can play Rocket League, I don't know.

Anyways, thank you so much for watching today's video.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Sorry that the bowling/ laser tag/Main Event

wasn't as exciting as I hoped, as we hoped,

kind of a dud, but it is what it is,

and we'll see you guys tomorrow for another day,

another adventure, and Taco Tuesday.

Vlog on.

Hi Clintus TV, my name is Kirk Castille

and I'm came from Bullet City.

Vlog on.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> We Tried To Have Fun But Failed (Day 1941) - Duration: 11:33.


Passenger Watches Uber Driver Have ORAL SEX | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 2:46.

Uber gave one of its users a $10 credit after the man witnessed his driver

engaging in a sex act while driving. Welcome back to What's Trending, I'm

Ava Gordy. Sometimes it's easy to forget that Uber is literally just

hitch-hiking, but with your phone instead of your thumb... and that things like this

could happen. Anwer Manuel posted a video of his Uber driver at first making out

with a female passenger in the front seat. Then, she suddenly performs oral sex

on the driver. Manuel said that he saw the woman sitting in the front seat as

he got in, but he didn't request an Uber Pool. If it were me I wouldn't get into

an Uber with someone in the front seat if I didn't request an Uber Pool. That

person's either a driving instructor or an accomplice to something bad. Manuel

posted the video to Uber's Facebook page along with his story. "As we pulled off,

the female in the front, who was clearly on drugs, attempted to open the door and

could not even sit straight as the vehicle was in motion. She then began to

grope him and grab him. She then proceeded to perform oral sex. This was

my last straw. I asked the driver to drop me off. Since, I've contacted Uber and

they refunded me for a trip and gave me a $10 credit." $10? You could buy a lot

with $10... your innocence back... I don't know? This story points to some of the

biggest issues that Uber is facing. Customers have basically no resources to

complain to Uber about their ride. There's no phone number to call Uber -- they really

only have social media. Another important point is that Uber's background check for

drivers is pretty unbelievable. In 2015 the city of Houston criticized

Uber for hiring a driver who was on the sex offender registry who later raped a

passenger. The man was able to pass Uber's simple background check system.

Obviously. And even without a criminal past sometimes your driver can

just be straight up creepy. Renee Hooray tweets,

"Well my 60 year old Uber driver said he wanted me to be his girlfriend but he

couldn't give me kids. He said he's good at oral sex though."

Brea Allen says, "Uber driver just asked me if it bothers me that he's only

listening to sex music." How do I put this gently? Yeah. M writes, "I'll never forget

the day my uber driver propositioned me to have sex with him in exchange for

money." Uber says that the driver

in the video has been fired and that they're looking into Manuel's

complaint. Meanwhile, Manuel... $10 write to ya! "The behavior of this former driver

is appalling and is not tolerated on the Uber app," a spokesperson said. "As soon as

this situation was reported to us, we immediately removed the drivers access."

If you're looking for more WTF stories, be sure to check out the Weekly WTF

playlist on Watchable -- link in the description below or go to

for the full playlist. So, tell us guys! What's the creepiest thing that's

happened to you in an Uber? Let us know in the COMMENTS below, LIKE this video

and SUBSCRIBE for more What's Trending.

For more infomation >> Passenger Watches Uber Driver Have ORAL SEX | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 2:46.


Beyoncé and Jay-Z Have Finally Found A Home | TMZ Live - Duration: 3:30.


































































































A 3 40.

For more infomation >> Beyoncé and Jay-Z Have Finally Found A Home | TMZ Live - Duration: 3:30.


This Woman Pays Drug Users Not To Have Kids (HBO) - Duration: 9:59.

Since the 1970s,

at least 45 states have prosecuted women for using drugs while pregnant.

Alabama has one of the country's strictest laws on the subject.

It's been used to prosecute women even before they've given birth.

And one woman in Alabama is on a crusade

to keep drug users from getting pregnant in the first place.

— Everyone knows a drug addict, unfortunately.

So if you know anybody who's using drugs that could get pregnant,

we'll pay them to use birth control.

That's what we do.

— Barbara Harris thinks drug addicts shouldn't have children,

and she's using cash incentives to make sure they don't.

— Nothing positive comes to a drug addict

who gives birth to eight children that are taken away from her.

This is a win-win for everybody.

— Her non-profit, Project Prevention,

pays addicts and alcoholics $300

if they get sterilized or put on long-term birth control.

— It says no left turn here.

— But you're turning right.

— I'm going this way—

Oh, I thought she wanted me to go that way.

— Over the last 20 years,

she's travelled the country in her branded RV

and paid 7,000 people to give up their fertility.

Most of them are women.

She launched Project Prevention after she adopted four babies in four years,

each born to the same drug-addicted mother.

— You've been doing this work for nearly 20 years now.

How have things changed?

— When I first started, the drug of choice was crack.

Now it's switched, and now it's meth and heroin,

and a lot of prescription drugs.

Nothing else has changed—

drugs are still just as bad,

women are still having numerous children,

foster care's still overloaded,

hundreds of thousands of kids are still in need of homes.

— The birth control she offers isn't condoms and pills,

it's IUDs, implants and sterilization.

Those who choose sterilization get a lump sum after the procedure.

Those who go for less permanent options are paid in smaller installments.

Thousands of women have taken her money in exchange for permanent sterilization,

entirely legally.

Project Prevention itself doesn't sterilize addicts,

just pays them—

Harris leaves the procedures to doctors.

She gets anything up to half a million dollars in private donations every year.

— I think if there's anything that everybody can agree on—

the left, the right, and everybody in the middle—

it's that it's not okay to abuse children.

— You think having a child when you're drinking and taking drugs is child abuse?

— Yes.

They say don't even drink caffeine when you're pregnant,

so I don't know how meth could be good for a baby.

— The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

estimates 4.7 percent of women aged 15 to 44 use drugs while they're pregnant.

And more than 32 percent of all children placed in foster care

were removed from home because of their parents' drug or alcohol use.

Harris made the nine-hour trip to Mobile

when she heard about a local woman who had been imprisoned for taking heroin while pregnant.

She doesn't want drug users sent to jail,

she wants them on long-term or permanent birth control.

— How is doing what you do,

without looking at the social causes that create a situation like this,

how is that any more than a Band-Aid on a huge problem?

— It's not a Band-Aid on the problem.

We're dealing with—

we're solving the problem we're dealing with.

We're preventing women who are strung out on drugs and alcohol from conceiving a child.

— Harris targets areas where she thinks addicts will congregate:

like cheap motels, liquor stores and methadone clinics.

It's not even 11 a.m. when she meets 33-year-old Alesia Robinson,

and Robinson already seems high.

She has seven children,

and used during all her pregnancies.

— Can you still get pregnant?

— Yes I can.

— So, have you thought about getting on birth control?

— Yeah.

— Well then, you need to do it. — Let's do it right now.

— We don't do the birth control,

but you need to do it, okay?

Okay, because that's gonna prevent the next heartache, right?

One less worry.

— One less worry.

— It doesn't bother you that, by virtue of what you do,

you're targeting a specific section of the population?

— No, no.

— It doesn't bother you at all. — No.

— A disproportionate number of people who use your services aren't white.

How do you respond to the claim that you are socially engineering?

— For somebody to hear about what we do and think we're only paying people of color is very racist,

because they're assuming that all drug addicts are people of color and that is not true.

— Is it really informed consent when they're in a chaotic situation?

— That's between them and the doctor.

He has to decide whether he thinks they're able to get birth control.

Nobody has a right to force feed any child drugs

and then deliver a child that may die or may have lifelong illnesses—

nobody has that right.

— I think it was some kinda flyer or something,

and all I remember is the number was 1-888-30-CRACK.

— A memorable number.

— Yeah.

For someone, yeah, who is an addict, yeah.

You can't forget it.

— Tina Boyd is a Project Prevention client who was sterilized eight years ago.

She's been clean since 2012,

but most of her life has been spent using drugs—

including when she was pregnant with her sons,

Joey and Michael.

— Do you think that your drug use has affected them long-term?

— I know it has, it's affected Joey.

— In what way?

— He has a receptive and cognitive delay.

He doesn't understand a lot.

They said that he'll probably have to live with someone the rest of his life.

Which, hopefully, will be me.

I love you, that's my baby.

— I love you too.

— After Joey was born,

Boyd took Harris's cash in exchange for getting an IUD,

but then Boyd decided to have another baby.

After Michael was born addicted,

she went back to Project Prevention to get paid for sterilization.

— Do you ever have any second thoughts?

— No.

— Not even when your youngest son says he wants a little sister?

— Could you have it, and then I'll give it back to you?

I can't.

I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't.

— Just listening to you, it makes me feel like you have…

you… don't believe in yourself.

— I believe in my limitations.

God forbid, if you guys had bought drugs with you…

I can't say that I wouldn't have sniffed 'em out.

And I don't want to live like that.

I don't want my children to have to live like that.

— Would you like the ability to be able to do things differently?

— Oh God, yes.

Are you kidding? Yes, everything.



— Barbara Harris's greatest impact is in perpetuating

really destructive and cruel myths about pregnant women and their children.

— Lynn Paltrow heads up the National Advocates for Pregnant Women.

She's been a critic of Barbara Harris's work for over 20 years:

— You're assuming every woman that's a drug addict is looking for treatment,

they're not!

— Paltrow works with Mary Barr,

a social justice advocate, former addict,

and mother who used drugs when she was pregnant with both her kids.

— I have two children who are incredibly healthy,

were born healthy.

They are 26 and 25, and they're very, amazingly, successful.

— If you had met Barbara during the height of your addiction,

what would you thought of that offer?

— I would have taken it,

because $300, you know, and all at once—

that meant, for me, three nights of sleeping indoors.

— Paltrow says it's the world the children of addicts are born into

that leaves them so disadvantaged,

not the substances they were exposed to.

— When you talk to the medical researchers,

the great news is that none of the criminalized drugs

cause unique, permanent, terrible damage.

Three percent of all women give birth to babies that have what are called serious birth defects.

None of that has anything to do with the criminalized drugs.

— Do you think Barbara Harris has quite a static view of addicts and addiction,

that once you're an addict you're always an addict?

— Yes, and she's not the only one.

When somebody was telling me I couldn't be a productive mother,

and that my children would be born, you know, disabled or something,

I mean, wow.

I believed that.

— The biggest threats to our children

have nothing to do with what any individual woman did or didn't do.

It has to do with poverty, the lack of access to health care.

It has to do with the stress created by racism.

— Do you not think that addicts might deserve a second chance and that,

by promoting sterilization, you're denying them a second chance?

— Well, we don't promote sterilization.

That's their choice.

They got strung out,

they decided they wanted $300 to sterilize themselves.

And if it's a decision they regret,

it was a decision they made—

just like prostituting and ending up with AIDS.

Because I watched how my children suffered and had to withdraw from drugs when they were born.

So no, I wasn't thinking about the women—"these poor women."

I was thinking, "My poor children."

— This is all very straightforward for you, isn't it?

It's very simple.

— To me, it is.

Nobody who disagrees with what we're doing

has yet to give me a logical, rational reason

why a drug addict or an alcoholic should get pregnant.

And I always say to them,

if you believe that strongly that these women should keep conceiving children,

then you should step up and adopt the next one born.

But most of the people who have a problem with what we're doing,

they would never consider adopting one of these children.

So if you're not part of the solution,

you're part of the problem.

For more infomation >> This Woman Pays Drug Users Not To Have Kids (HBO) - Duration: 9:59.


Senator Chris Murphy: I Have A Desire To Compromise On Health Bill | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> Senator Chris Murphy: I Have A Desire To Compromise On Health Bill | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 6:17.


Bitcoin madness continues, but if you have a long-term strong hand you will easily prevail! - Duration: 39:11.

Hello everyone this is Adam Meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to today in bitcoin today is July the 25th 2017 buy and hold strong

hand get rich by desiring little hey man this is sound and wrought rational and

logical cryptocurrency thinking you've come to the right place anyway let's

jump right into it I didn't even have time to prepare proper notes I'm gonna

update the links section below after the show so come back if you're watching

this live if you want to see if you want to click on proper links anyway some

people as a follow up to yesterday's video and everyone please check out

yesterday's video it was a lot of fun and it's about the current situation

that's going on in Bitcoin but some people are asking how much money could

the people behind some of these FUD coins some of these coins that are gonna

fork off a Bitcoin how much could these bad players have in terms of finances in

power can they be manipulating the market could they be bringing the price

of Bitcoin down so people are scared and buy up their coin and consider there

going to be the real Bitcoin you know it's just an altcoin that's not a

question to ask actually the question you should be asking yourself is how

strong is your hand how long-term thinker are you can you ignore peer

pressure can you control your worries or are you gonna are you gonna worry about

this cool this if there's a Bitcoin fork or the latest rumor is it gonna force

you to sell your coin your Bitcoin because in the long run if you panic now

and tell your Bitcoin you're gonna regret it

so it it boils down to what kind of self

control you have over yourself but we're doing stupid things not what some

mythical entity might be doing in China or you know don't react to something

that you don't have to react to just stick with a long term plan a long term

goal don't lose your Bitcoin people want to

take the big your Bitcoin from you whether it be from convincing you they

have the real Bitcoin or that you should start playing around with your Bitcoin

to extract the fake altcoin from it there are so many things you can do

wrong with your Bitcoin now that would be so tragic in the long run that it's

just even hard to explain so have it when I say have a strong hand that just

means hang on to your Bitcoin don't panic sell don't do something with your

Bitcoin control your private key have your Bitcoin stored on your trades or or

and you can buy your trades or at the link below and crypto HW while it

actually just sent me an update they're gonna they're gonna have and ready to

ship I think on Friday I got a look over that again I am sorry if I just butch

with that because the guy over there it sent me what I should say actually about

their stats but but what I'm saying anyway is you know with August 1st or

August 4th or November 15th or whatever data you want to pull out of your but

you don't have to do anything if you're a new person all you do is just hold

your Bitcoin you don't do anything everything will turn out alright and if

you one day want this forked altcoin from China or whatever you can get it

once it's everything safe but don't just do stuff with your Bitcoin on August 1st

but you heard you should've dug this other dude on the internet said by

steamer so I mean this is not a time to do insane things with your Bitcoin that

that's the bottom line here so just hold your Bitcoin it's really simple and you

know what nothing has changed in terms of

store your Bitcoin on an exchange and not you should never store your Bitcoin

a third party I've been seeing that for over ever since I created this channel

so nothing has changed I mean there could be a war in North Korea tomorrow

and that doesn't make a difference there could be the machine could come

from the sky and bring world peace that wouldn't change without it what how you

should store your Bitcoin okay yeah there's nothing has changed so if

you didn't buy a trace or a long time ago well you really should do it now you

shouldn't store your Bitcoin because if you start your Bitcoin on a third party

it's gonna get stolen eventually and you might say well that doesn't sound right

that sounds mean it's a bad wild wild west world out there things happen and

I'm gonna get into that later alright so again and I skip and pound that like

button people there's a lot of live viewers here at this lovely hour here

I'm in Australia you guys are in East Coast it's nine o'clock get back in

Baltimore long live Baltimore but here in Brisbane

Australia it's 11:00 in the morning I had a beautiful run this morning

I did my sprints this morning you should get guys learn about the why you should

do interval training Sprint's Google that it's really good for you alright so

something I skipped yesterday in check again check out yesterday's show Ansel

Linder we needed a great appearance on the show but I was talking about Jimmy

Songz article which was free propaganda for this um one of these fake bitcoins

is trying to come out out and use the bitcoin name to pretend to be Bitcoin

there's gonna be a few of them that are doing it in a really unfriendly manner

well the king of the trolls and I don't mention him by name because he's such a

trollers person and he's such a you know he was a big-time Bitcoin her back in

the day he's in Japan or whatever he I mean he's the one who has caused a lot

of trouble in the Bitcoin community totally a bad actor totally not a friend

of mine totally so and I would not want to be

friends with you through all these people before Oh king of the trolls is

such a good friend of mine unless ain't be bad about him and then what would

happen well anyway king of the trolls is

retweeting Jimmy's songs apparently you know everyone says well Jimmy's song

he's giving he everyone should get a platform so it's okay that he's giving

the the fork of Bitcoin the FUD coin a platform well lo and behold king of the

trolls is using Jimmy's son's freaking article as propaganda for why uh Bitcoin

should fork and all the things that we don't believe in all the to Bitcoin

horrible things king of the trolls is literally

retweeting jimmy signs article as propaganda for everything that is wrong

with bitcoin that they support over there these forking big blockers or

whatever they are I know what the heck they are anymore so it's so crazy the

ones who want to you know extend this period of uncertainty as long as

possible the FUD corners are using their king is using Jamie's article as

propaganda and again Jimmy is an unwitting tool in all of this but what a

toll he is if the king of the trolls is using his article as propaganda his

spread and you can check out the king of the trolls Twitter I don't link to it

below and again I have to update my links below but I will never link to

king of the trolls or article and I will never main him by name because I don't

respect him as a person and you know he was king of the trolls

well newbies look it up look up who was the Bitcoin Jesus all right if you don't

know that learn it pal that like button anyway because just look it up I'm on

tonics I'm not gonna say his darn name I don't think anyway um so if people are

asked me again I don't Adam do you think the chain will

fork do you think the chain will fork what kind of question is that

it can forfeit any time that that's what you have to understand anything like a

fork Bitcoin at any time he's the great contentious

work or not no it's not gonna be a contentious sport but if you keep on

giving them attention it causes problems the mainstream media picks up on this

one maybe there are two Bitcoin or so there aren't two Bitcoin they're not

only three big one for Bitcoin five people whatever how many Forks these

people try to throw out there then continue the trolls and all his buddies

out in China or whatever trying to make all these different Forks and how many

they threw out there there of course they can fork it anytime they're picking

August first because that is the flood the fun date that's been thrown out

there for a long period of time so yes they're going to be Bitcoin Forks people

there can be friendly ones there can be unfriendly ones there gonna be some

unfriendly ones but they're not going to be contentious we're not gonna end up

two-bit corn they're gonna fork into altcoins this be done at any time so

what I've been saying in the last video and this video if you don't understand

just ignore them don't give them attention do not worry about them don't

ask me questions about them okay just it moot put have your big coin on your

trees or I'm in hold it's that simple I mean how is this gonna change your

life in any way how does it go weren't you just holding your Bitcoin anyway you

did some trader dude that just likes to flip and this and that and so you want

to keep your coin at BTC - II for as long as possible

oh wait a second BTC - yeah interesting that sites been down for hours and hours

and hours has it been hacked is something going on at BTC - II have I

told you never to store your Bitcoin on an exchange because a site like btc-e

that's in Bulgaria or Albania or who knows where Eastern Europe just

disappear or maybe it really didn't just disappear Ian's gonna come back but I

love I bet a lot of you are wondering right now who is it going if did it get

hacked it's because a lot of you I don't know you're you don't listen you

short-term thinkers you're just trying to flip and play these games and this is

not a Bitcoin trading channel by the way not at all so I mean go away if you

wanted Bitcoin trading advice or something

like that but I just gave you the best advice in the world buy and hold and

don't store your stuff over at places like et Cie magically disappeared in the

last 12 hours and guess what it might come back I don't know what's going on

over there if you just buy and hold and control your own private key on your

trays or or your storage device or whatever your buy at the link below

you also buy the shirts these shirts of the Oh God you can also buy these shirts

and cryptography cryptography news site below anyway a lot of people like Adam

calm down calm down you're gonna have a heart attack or something like that

dudes I'm not gonna have a heart attack I run like 20 miles a week I'm in the

prime shape of my frickin life I can run 20 miles at any moment I could

go out there right now run 20 miles you've got no idea what health even is

if you say Adam Meister can have a heart attack

you have no grasp of what health is you have to come to like reality stop like

completely unhealthy bread eaters or carved loaders or whatever you can

darn do um pound that like bunny if you like that little know what I'm saying

all right so yeah guys if you say calm down Adam you haven't been around this

channel right now I've got a lot of energy have you ever noticed that before

did did you did you ever notice the atom eyes there's a lot of energy so he's

always his eyes are always kind of bulging and stuff and he seems like he's

just like on cocaine or something like that and by the way don't your trucks

never I don't do drugs stalking you obviously are newbies I'm a

total health nut run a lot you eat healthy I practice intermittent fasting

all sorts of things long-term thinking that that's what this channel is about

it's not about doing crazy and seeing things like banging into all points from

China and and being there being their tool and spreading word the word for

them and making them seem legitimate when they're just total flood coins

alright so what else do I have written down to say here and I don't want to

skip anything this way this time uh you'll be a so anyway if you guys wait

it out you guys are gonna get your free FUD

coins if there's gonna be Forks and all that if you really want it but there's

so many newbies out there right now tempted by free stuff I mean look at all

the suckers out there to get into cloud mining it's the same mentality but in

all I nothing is free either you give time or someone's gonna steal from you

or it's just a trick or a scam like with cloud mining and I mentioned in previous

videos how people are skipping very important steps in the Bitcoin learning

process like they own lick their own white coin before they've ever sent a

Bitcoin and so again I ask how many people in Fe reom even know what the Dow

was how many people know the BitFenix hack that just happened a year ago and

no wondering what's going on with btc-e BTC - me today that exchange how many

etherium people live through the etherium how many have any of you

remember when aetherium classic split off from aetherium i mean these are

these are all important things that people shouldn't know about and they

wouldn't be asking as many questions and again if you're a new person if you

there's nothing wrong with being a newbie there's nothing wrong with being

a newbie but you need to take the time to learn a lot of things a lot of things

before you get into some of these things people are gonna be suggesting you get

into like forked off alt coins or even even owning like a normal all coin like

light coin before they even do that you really have to get some basics down like

understanding the basics behind printed currency that you have to control your

own private key that you can't store it somewhere else are you gonna have

problems no matter what the situation is so if and thank you for the person who

just mentioned mgtow just sent five dollars he says it's going to fork I

have something to do speed up I heard about they should reach out is hilarious

he is Alerus he wishes some some funny things that his five dollar post just

now he mentioned this the shmita stamina and the web bot they see

that I don't believe in that shit that should make Alice a guy who believes in

the McTell philosophy everyone she Google what MIG tau is it is a great

philosophy of MIT lism and just getting man back to thinking like mannequin and

men caring about you know their future and not putting all their value in women

I mean women are great I mean I've had some beautiful women in my day okay but

that means nothing it means nothing you you make yourself a better person by

being a good person by being you i doing right not valuing a woman not not living

the life a normal lifestyle where you gotta get married have kids but

sometimes into these normal lifestyles the woman ends up divorcing you and

taking everything and then have to realize that and again women living a

minimalist lifestyle is great also checkout bench and Mick tells channel

and I wanted to mention this super chat thing where people give me five dollars

during the chat it is awesome so people want to do that do that you can also

check out my cryptocurrency links below if you want to send me cryptocurrency

but hey man I take fiat also I have dollars I never been to jail and stuff

ice for dollars okay I still learned it doc but hey cryptocurrencies future of

Bitcoin is the future obviously but hey I wanted to mention that invention me

tells a great guy Nick tell is a great thing to learn about Google it's

seriously a lot of control menthols for losers hey if you have a

closed mind you know you can get off don't leave them leave the channel

whatever I'm here to tell men and women about living more efficient lifestyles

thinking long-term thinking outside the box and being healthy individuals so

meet alves are some of the healthiest dudes out there because they realized

you know there's more to life than the superficial stuff and trying to just you

know get the most beautiful woman in the world and I'm so you know beforehand I

said I've had some great women or whatever who cares who cares what I've

had in the past because in the end of the day that's just some story that

means nothing okay it's nothing it's a story you have you have a beautiful

woman two seconds later it's a story and

people say it's a stay it's a lie or something like that so we live a healthy

life all right so check out tech bolt tech ball is my Twitter account I tweet

a lot during the day you'll learn a lot there's been some great I think I do a

great sure aiding we've had some Twitter battles and yes not back I don't get

into Twitter battles usually but this whole thing with the FUD coin and jimmy

song I've been tweeting at people a lot with that it's been a lot of fun and a

lot of people agreed with me and that was something else I forgot to mention

in the last video you should check out my video beforehand anyway someone

mentioned a very smart poster here and found that like button live viewers this

this Josie isn't going long today but we're having a fun time and but someone

a smart person in the comment section I'm gonna read some of your comments in

a second some really good ones a lot of people can learn about but I someone

remembered how I talked about the friendly fork with a Bitcoin classic guy

many months ago when I was in Lisbon Portugal and I still think you can fork

off big coin and it could be a friendly thing the people who are trying to for

Bitcoin now are doing it to cause trouble so I'm still I have no problem

people forking off bitcoin trading they're using the bitcoin name and

trying to pretend to be Bitcoin trying to fool people to try to pack perhaps

having read these replay issues come out where people are gonna lose their

Bitcoin because you're creating a fake Bitcoin dad I'm not down with people

giving legitimacy to these five coins these fake bitcoins I'm not down with

and I'm gonna call it out but hey if you want a fork Bitcoin in a friendly way

like was proposed back in March now if that person has changed his mind is not

on in his unfriendly now then that's not cool

but if you're if you're gonna do friendly fork be my guess if you want to

masquerade as a fake Bitcoin I'm gonna call ya okay

gonna call ya and I don't want you tricking people and I don't I don't like

these newbies getting fooled into whether it be getting into some scam I

see yo are getting into a scam fake Bitcoin that's nothing but an altcoin

the Jimmy song for some reason wrote about all right what we're saying here

I'm reading the notes here so uh I I had you actually send it again I want to

just straight-up say this this is something I sent in an email with

someone do nothing make sure your coins are not on an

exchange that is all it is really that easy all right there's your bullet

points everyone to like think about now with Bitcoin do nothing make sure your

coins are not on an exchange that is all it's that simple

I know it doesn't sound very fun sounds kind of boring doesn't it well sometimes

life is boring alright uh anyway tone bass has he makes like a

new video every day now but I I'm gonna link to a video where he mentions that

bitcoin is about to pop up $650 in value that would be awesome

that would be oh and that was one big he said that one bit my big homies like

around 2700 or 2600 what's it now 2,500 I don't even know the price dudes I'm

worried I'm caring about going out there go running and telling you not that you

know what's a fake Bitcoin what's a real Bitcoin I'm more interested in that type

of thing then where the price of Bitcoin is but if tone is correct

talking is only gonna be correct it if we as a community don't worry about FUD

coins okay because right now the price did drop yesterday okay the price did

drop yesterday be partially because people are talking about this FUD coin

and creating worry that doesn't have to be out there you just ignore

troublemakers but it's important to note that you know tone is very good with

technical analysis so you know once we all are mature and just don't pay

attention to these bad actors in the Bitcoin community who are trying to

scare everyone one we you know as a community and once your

people don't write you know legitimate articles about them because you know we

don't want to know platform these people you don't want to know platform these

people I mean come on come on are you a puck what kind are you a cup

others of these people we're not no platform I talk I'm giving them up flat

I'm not giving them their name not I'm not right now a nice little fluffy

article about them I'm giving another play you can give them a platform with

the tweet and explain what they are okay no platform I mean this is doggy-dog

world people here you're nice to people who are trying to screw you then you're

a kook okay that's I mean this is that's dirty language I'm sorry to use language

like that it's not one of the officials seven dirty words that you know George

Carlin used to talk about I wasn't even alive when George Carlin

now George Carlin is dead and I'm alive right tell that like button if you like

being alive and I do like being alive so you know drugs try to be healthy people

anyway um so yeah tone bass $650 pop that would be alts and tones a great of

die telling that like bunny if you liked own

bass oh um so here here's a comment someone left on my thing I'm all my

comments a really smart person left this comment I'm not going to breach my own

security ops by exposing my Bitcoin private key to say this guy's name once

I don't usually say his name G Hans rush code and Paulo G's said that and it's so

important to remember yeah don't you don't buy this coin that they're

creating out there this fake Bitcoin but you're gonna you might expose your

private key I don't know I don't know the code behind all this stuff and Paula

Paula G is very smart commenter by the way I'm gonna link to a Peter Schiff

video that just came out he goes on and on and talks about Bitcoin and you know

there's there's a guy out there who you know creates all these FUD who's who

Big Jim porn guy who I have no respect for at all and he says that Peter Schiff

is a government shell or something like that and Peter Schiff actually addresses

this dude in his video you know say what you want about Peters show he does a

Peter Schiff excuse me he doesn't like Bitcoin for whatever

reasons Peter Schiff is not a government shill ok don't say Peter Schiff isn't

but and Peter said in his video which I having washed the whole thing but I will

link to it he says I'm not a government shuts I'm listen same thing I've ever

heard Peter ship's father died in a federal prison gave his life for what he

believed in and died at the hands of the federal government and you call Peter

Schiff up that a government shill shame when a person who does that when he had

to see his father rot in a federal prison like that shame when a person who

just because Peter Schiff says things that you don't like about Bitcoin and I

don't like about Bitcoin you don't come you don't come up with a conspiracy

theory about Peter Schiff when his father rotted in a federal prison died

for something died for something he believed in and to say that Peter

Shapiro works for those people is is an insult a

complete insult to urban shit memory and if you don't like whoever ship is great

and I don't you know whatever whatever but people save and again Peter Schiff

brought up how people accused him of being in bed with Soros and all these

people and it's any and it boils down to you know who Peter ship is and Peter

ship's family's religion okay that's what why people say these things

about Peters Jets all right and you know what Peter Schiff is Jewish like I'm

Jewish okay his mother was Jewish oh he's a Jew Peter Schiff has done I don't

hear should isn't even religious she was person and people come up with the Peter

Schiff has intermarried his he has non-jewish children I believe and I

don't want to choose him of anything but but to come up with these to say these

things about Peter Schiff it is nonsense and people do it because it come up with

conspiracies about Jews and that's the bottom line that some of this stuff that

you hear so don't hate Peter Schiff because he's a Jew because I'm a Jew

and you know what get somebody hate a person and make up things about his

father and stuff he is Peter Schiff doesn't like right he doesn't like

Bitcoin great move on don't come up with crazy things about the man and add all

these conspiracies and stuff about controlling the world and Soros and all

this nonsense if you have nothing to do with and Soros is not a good person

people say when I sit when I defend Peter Schiff these morons out here think

when I have been Peter on the betting Soros or something like that

Flores is a traitor to the Jewish people a traitor to the Jewish people what he

is accused of the beat but he didn't hungry and I came and say what he was

accused of doing in hungry god forbid he actually did those things though if he

is a traitor to the Jewish people George Soros okay all right so we've done

twenty completely different subject so let's move on so again think about you

well know Peter Schiff don't get into conspiracy theories about Peters chest

there's more to like the conspiracy theories people all right so um what are

we doing here I want to make sure that I'm reading everything that's out there

uh campaign gets exchanges to refuse okay yeah so someone suggested that we

should have a campaign to get exchanges to refuse secondary coins with the

Bitcoin moniker it's deceptive advertising yeah it is there are other

coins out there that you try to using the Bitcoin name completely deceptive

advertising completely deceptive advertising

um and so yeah it's changes shouldn't deal with that uh and we should tell

exchanges we're not gonna do business with you a few listings of bitcoins

alright so as I said all the coins every coin in Bitcoin every coin is endowment

value last night at least it was or was last night for me and Bitcoin still is

beginning market share which is hilarious during all this people can see

what's going on here when we have fun with Bitcoin now with these fake coins

coming it's all of cryptocurrency alright we've

gone to a point where the situation with Bitcoin doing the right thing with

segregating witness getting implemented cleanly is so important then one there's

this fog out there it brings down all the crypto currencies so if you're a fan

of an altcoin out there you should be speaking out also against these faked

bitcoins that are that jimmy song is writing about that you should be like

you know what all this is bad for the entire cryptocurrency community people

trying to masquerade as Bitcoin okay so it bring it because it brings down all

of cryptocurrency um and by the way people sometimes think Adam or do some

kind of Bitcoin shield it always says good things that built that Bitcoin no

I'm not because I have told people that in the future we're gonna have bad days

in Bitcoin where bitcoin is like five thousand dollars and there it's gonna

drop down to four thousand dollars these things are going to happen over and over

we're going to have bad days in Bitcoin that's not what long-term thinking is

all about that's what having a strong hand is all about is knowing that you

know we're gonna ups and downs ups and downs so just be ready for that type of

stuff it's not all rosy stuff it's not all rosy that's not what life is they're

bad things you're gonna meet bad people they're stammers out there so get used

to it so I'm not all like Bitcoin is the miracle drug that'll grow every part of

your body and keep your sexy forever no no it's not it's not the meat things are

good there's many bad things that happen that's life the price drops but have a

strong hand in the long run it's worth more than it is in the future than it is

today 2020 it's gonna be work it's gonna be

worth more than it is today we have that Bitcoin having a 2020 learn what that is

so I cos people continue to cash in cash out this hurts aetherium and who knows

what else it helped it hurts maybe that's what's bringing down the

cryptocurrency total also I don't know the ICO

right now is just a roller coast you're saying it sometimes it helps

sometimes it hurts hey it's something we're gonna have to deal with so yeah

Big B T C - E is down last time I checked they have a tweet out there

saying we are still and this is exactly what it says they don't know prop they

don't they don't have proper English over there who wherever they're coming

from we are still continue to perform at

unscheduled ongoing maintenance we'll keep you updated sorry for the

inconvenience so that's your word so if you've got

money over BTC - EEE you have to rely on tweets that are in improper English to

tell you what's going on again buy and hold people don't keep your

Bitcoin on third parties and you won't have to deal with that type of thing

the SEC SEC enforcement which is a real Twitter account has a tweet out capital

raising through blockchain requires compliance with federal security laws

whoa so hey ICO people you might begin a letter soon from the SEC the some of you

pray like don't be a slave to the government Adam okay what are you gonna

do if the SEC sends you a letter III don't put myself in a situation get

letters from a sec how about that how about that

um so they're thinking about this this is this is this is something you're

gonna have to think about what's he gonna do to the price of Bitcoin maybe

this is one reason think point thing is down also alright so I am going to be in

Dublin Ireland this is amazing so I'm gonna be back in Baltimore on August 1st

and then I'll be in Dublin from the from the 10th to 17th I got a really busy

schedule and I'm there it's gonna be a lot of fun but there will be some free

time in the middle of my trip I don't know

send me email me Anna treasurer help com1 it's scheduled a meeting with me a

consultation uh it's all something we can do it over the phone - whenever ever

I do trays or setups also people need help summing up there

and again they're 11 new people in Idol need help setting up my trades are great

you're great obviously there are a lot of newbies out there who aren't as great

as you and because I've done pretty well with that consultancy with the Tresor

thing a lot of people come to me so don't feel bad if you need help I'm

there for ya and yeah I do charge and if you want to do it for free you know

google it there's probably stuff online whenever some people like to be walked

through it but anyway I do crypto consultations also which are a lot of

fun we can talk about how to be a healthier person with cryptocurrency or

in your life or whatever I mean I I talk about anything you got me for an hour

it's awesome it looks like I got one of those coming up in Canada soon so after

Dublin after Dublin on August 17th uh I will be in Quebec from about of August

17th I think for September 14th or 15th something that's a movie Quebec City for

a month so that's gonna be a lot of fun also so email me and Adam at Razer we're

help calm I've got I'm gonna be in Brisbane for a while longer until the

31st year of August I'm meeting with some people some great people 13 or 14

of you of contacting me now what an honor it is you know to be so far from

home and have people like know who you are

in Brisbane freaking Australia tell Matt like button people uh alright - what

else is there I'm not gonna mention his like pointing we'll do that tomorrow was

only a limited time here watch Sunday's show with rocky Palumbo we had a great

time I'll link to that below pound out like button I actually have that written

down this is kind of like fun uh oh yeah I've got new something so now I'm gonna

use new thumbnails in my videos they're gonna have cryptographic ripped ography

t-shirts designs in them just so you get more familiar with his thing

use the meister code below if you like these type of t-shirts explore what he's

got I again I think he's a great cryptocurrency entrepreneur and uh you

can get a discount by using the Meister code if you like cryptography

cryptography D uh a type of designs on your t-shirt

uh a and again reminder at FUD coin is an altcoin that is there to masquerade

as Bitcoin and cause trouble other off coins are fine they are not Trojan

horses or creations of bad actors is a big difference that some people have

been asking me like what you'd like other you mentioned other alt coins yeah

there's a difference so don't quick reminder Peter tied Peter tada

I share we all have to remember this Peter tried to time tweet and I

mentioned before if you want to guarantee bit 91 is enforced and segment

gets activated continue to scare miners by supporting bit 148 is a good strategy

so continue to do that but coin trading alright so that but coin is B is traded

out in some exchange in China that doesn't make it legitimate people they

can lie about the numbers they can lie about what the fun coin is being valued

at you think that is a word of legitimacy alright

they are gonna lie people are gonna steal from you this is the wild wild

west just because it's morally wrong for people to steal from you and you insane

things and lie about the value of their coin and pretend they're trading

something they're not really trading doesn't mean it's not gonna happen it's

happening bad stuff happens in the cryptocurrency space it's not all roses

and happiness you're gonna get ripped off you're gonna get ripped off if you

take chances in this space and if you believe charlatans okay and Liars you're

just gonna get ripped off cloud mining is a ripoff

just like these five coins are ripoffs so hey alright so another show of mine

recently went 21 minutes exactly which is kind of weird was there's 21 million

bitcoins out there also there is someone out there called art for crypto calm and

I said I mentioned this person's art I will link to art for crypto calm that's

not the number four that's the word for are

for fo are crypto comm so there's a plug I like to give artists and big artists

in the Bitcoin community I like to give them plugs like to give friends of the

channel plugs so if you want to plug email me Adam at reservoir help if

you're a legitimate nice person who's doing good things in the community and

wants to make this a better space who wants to get rid of this fucking

nonsense and you know it's just a happy non trollish person who is productive in

life and that's you I want to associate myself with in the Bitcoin community

positive happy people who want to speak the truth who aren't scared of you know

Ali like oh I want to have as many friends as possible even if these

friends are doing the wrong thing in the Bitcoin community no we want to align

ourselves with people who are doing the right thing who are not spreading flood

who are not trying to pretend masquerade as fake bitcoins or anything like that

and so I hope you've taken that away from this show today high energy show

that I have presented you today so i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the

disrupt meister remember who subscribe this channel like this video share this

video comment like button check up in the section below soon because I got to

update that right now I'm going to quickly say hello to people in the pet

and the chat so pound out like button bye bye everyone

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