Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily channel Jul 26 2017

Chelsea vs Inter Milan: What time is the friendly and what TV channel is it on?

ANTONIO CONTES Chelsea side hope to continue their impressive pre-season campaign when they meet Inter Milan in Singapore.

The Blues boss is set to give more game time to Tiemoue Bakayoka and Alvaro Morata as they look to justify their hefty transfer fees that saw them sign from Monaco and Real Madrid respectively.

Alvaro Morata is Chelseas latest summer signing after joining from Real Madrid for £65 million.

The last time these two clubs faced each other was in the 2009/10 Champions League campaign when Inter beat the Blues 3-1 on aggregate to knock them out of the competition.

The Italian side will hope to improve on their recent domestic form which has seen them fail to win the league in each of the last 7 seasons.

Luciano Spalletti hopes to improve on Inters domestic disappointments. When is Chelsea vs Inter Milan?. Chelsea will face Inter Milan at 12. 35pm BST on Saturday, July 29.

The match will be played at Singapore National Stadium. What TV channel is the match on?. The match will be shown live on Premier Sports. Coverage starts at 12. 30pm.

For more infomation >> #Chelsea vs Inter Milan: What time is the friendly and what TV channel is it on? - Duration: 1:51.


Pushing the Limits: This Grandmother Became Oldest WomanTo Swim The English Channel | TODAY - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Pushing the Limits: This Grandmother Became Oldest WomanTo Swim The English Channel | TODAY - Duration: 5:19.


PLEASE WATCH! - Channel Content Update (Choose What Next!) - Duration: 0:24.

Lol u clicked captions heh

For more infomation >> PLEASE WATCH! - Channel Content Update (Choose What Next!) - Duration: 0:24.


Tiết lộ thú vị về Góa phụ nhí Ruhana Khanna || BEN CHANNEL - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Tiết lộ thú vị về Góa phụ nhí Ruhana Khanna || BEN CHANNEL - Duration: 4:58.


#김정숙 Channel:송혜교와 결혼 발표 후 다시 주목받는 송중기 과거 인터뷰 발언 - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> #김정숙 Channel:송혜교와 결혼 발표 후 다시 주목받는 송중기 과거 인터뷰 발언 - Duration: 1:51.


#김정숙 Channel:'군함도' 송중기 "여자친구이자 선배 송혜교, 일적으로 피드백 받아 좋아" - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> #김정숙 Channel:'군함도' 송중기 "여자친구이자 선배 송혜교, 일적으로 피드백 받아 좋아" - Duration: 3:22.


Sidecop's Channel trailer - Duration: 0:31.

hello guys this is SIDECOP TGG where today my channel I make daily videos and

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put on a notification bells and I make daily videos I have no content you

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I make daily videos sometimes not all the time and thats my channel


For more infomation >> Sidecop's Channel trailer - Duration: 0:31.


jinsi ya kuweka logo kwenye channel yako ya youtube. ( create logo to your channel) - Duration: 1:40.

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For more infomation >> jinsi ya kuweka logo kwenye channel yako ya youtube. ( create logo to your channel) - Duration: 1:40.


"ANCIENT REVELATION" Prophets Of The 5th Sun | History Channel Documentary - HD - Duration: 42:20.

welcome to ancient revelation. the number one investigation Network decoding

primordial secrets of the earth from tribal priests in Africa to shamans in

the Americas every culture has its prophets can their predictions be true

in Babylonia 5,000 years ago Kings employed astrologers to help them make

crucial decisions of state in Central America the ancient Maya are said to

have predicted the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors

more than six centuries before their ships loomed on the horizon in Tibet

many believe that Buddhist holy men foretold the invasion of the British

Army a hundred years before it took place but were these accurate

predictions of the future or nothing more than coincidence some researchers

go as far as to suggest that with our expanding appreciation of a mysterious

universe peering into the future could now be scientifically feasible we don't

know a whole lot about time physicists at many levels believe the time might go

both ways that you might be able to pick up

information from a future that's probable or definite depending on how or

what you believe perhaps the most famous of all seers was the French visionary

Nostradamus he's believed to a prophesied of what a terror of the

French Revolution and the rise to power of both Napoleon and Hitler but his

Nostradamus reputation for accurate predictions deserved did he truly

possess the ability to see into the future

in France in the early 1500s Nostradamus first earned fame is a

physician by treating victims of the dreaded plague an epidemic that was

wiping out much of Europe's population and yet his worldwide renown comes not

from his medical achievements but from what some assert was an extraordinary

ability to see into the future he recorded around a thousand prophecies

written in cryptic four line verses called quatrains followers of

Nostradamus predictions insist he foresaw turbulent events in France's

history in remarkable detail they maintained that he predicted the bloody

terror of the French Revolution climaxing with the execution of the king

and that he went further Nostradamus is uncanny perception of future events of

the French Revolution doesn't end with the death of louis xvi he also gives us

details about how his queen Marie Antoinette would meet her end that the

Committee of Public Safety would decide by Lots her death but of all Nostradamus

predictions the most famous and controversial are those concerning the

rise of Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler some researchers believe

Nostradamus foresaw Napoleon's entire career from his meteoric rise to power

to his final defeat at Waterloo in 1815 for the 20th century

Nostradamus enthusiasts believe he predicted the rise of the Third Reich

the occupation of France and the Battle of Britain

some even maintained that he actually identified Hitler by name and

thinly-veiled it in his prophecy as histor these ferocious with hunger

swim across the rivers the greater part of the battlefield will be against

history Nostradamus in the century tune our

training 24 the Nazis themselves seized on Nostradamus his words as a weapon of

war the wife of Joseph Goebbels the Nazis infamous minister of propaganda

first brought Nostradamus to her husband's attention she went hey honey

look at this book look at all these references to a history and a captain of

Greater Germany isn't this interesting do you think he's talking about our

Adolphe gurbles immediately saw the ancient

prophecies immense propaganda potential he employed a celebrated astrologer Karl

Kraft to write interpretations of Nostradamus that would be favorable to

the Nazis but his Nazi fortunes flagged Hitler turned against his soothsayers in

1941 the Gestapo arrested Kratt as part of a ruthless Nazi sweep of astrologers

crafts died a broken man in 1945 sent to the Nazi death camp of Buchenwald a

victim of the dictator he had helped to glorify

today fervent dispute still rages over whether Nostradamus really prophesied

the rise of Adolf Hitler people say wow the history that's just one letter away

from Hitler in fact if you look at the history history was the name of a river

the Lord an you nothing more a lot of debunkers will say well history

is is just the old name for the river Danube that's right

but there was also a boy named Adolphe Hitler and most of his demonical ideas

for world conquest came in his childhood when he was playing on the banks of the

Danube but experts are intrigued by an even more perplexing mystery

Nostradamus vision of the future itself for instead of a predetermined destiny

he envisioned a malleable fate forged by the free will of humankind nos Thomaston

right prophecies that are written in stone there are many potentials coming

out of these prophecies our free will in fact he uses the word the I predict

things and then we see how they future inclines itself towards these events or

these events according to sceptical experts these ambivalent predictions

means simply that Nostradamus was hedging his bets they dismiss him as a

charlatan from my reading over the years I don't

see very much at all that is specific enough to be considered prophetic I see

a lot of generalizations that you could apply to a lot of different eras in

history and yet some researchers believe it could just be that Nostradamus was

perceptive enough to foresee he would be criticized for obscuring his prophecies

the reason why Nostradamus used this obscurity is mystical one of Nostradamus

has mystical devices is to use his prophecies as a sounding board as a

controversy that keeps us continually generation after generation thinking

about how we affect tomorrow but whatever the truth of Nostradamus his

role as a seer he has certainly exerted through several centuries a strong power

or people's imaginations and he's taken his place in a broad pantheon of figures

who appeal to our sense of mystery thousands of people have experiences

that are precognitive you know ordinary folks nothing special about them it may

happen once in their life twice and that's all on the other hand there are

clearly individuals who seem to have better access to this ability at least

one United States President Abraham Lincoln is said to have had mysterious

encounters with the supernatural arguably our most spiritual president

our most psychic president if you will was Abraham Lincoln in 1860 Lincoln was

elected to his first term as president early one morning while looking in the

mirror he saw a double image of himself one face was clear but the second was

faint Mary Todd said it means that I think in

the first term in your office you are going to be fine and the presidency will

be successful you will be reelected and I see that second mirror where the image

is broken as a sign that something will go terribly wrong in your second term of

office of course she was correct two years into his first term as President

Lincoln's son Willie died at the age of eleven to make contact with her dead

child Mary Todd Lincoln had a young medium named Nettie Colburn lead several

seances in the White House Lincoln is said to have attended at

least one Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln both were strong believers in

omens in addition to anything they believed about the paranormal or

spiritualism they believed in signs portends and omens absolutely but did

Lincoln himself possess some power to see the future one of the most

significant omens in Lincoln's life occurred in a dream the president

dreamed he heard the sound of distant weeping he followed the mournful cries

to the East Room where a line of people were filing past a casket Lincoln

approached a soldier guarding the coffin and asked him who had died the soldiers

response startled him awake the president he was killed by an assassin

soon afterward Lincoln's nightmare became a tragic reality perhaps Lincoln

would have lived after all had he recognized his dream for what many

believed it was a premonition of his own death

intriguingly the life of ulysses s grant was spared thanks to a premonition about

that fateful night at Ford's Theatre one of the things about this story with

President Lincoln that most people don't know is that on the night that he went

to Ford's Theater he was supposed to be accompanied by General Grant but general

Grant's wife had a premonition that something bad would occur and so she

insisted to her husband that they met he not attend in fact he did not attend on

that very night that Lincoln was assassinated

Nakano later by looking at booths list of people who he had intended to

assassinate and General Grant was one of those people so it appears as though

general Grant's wife paid attention to her intuition and saved her husband's

life the curious psychic dimensions to Lincoln's death didn't end with the

assassination for years afterward reports surfaced to say that his

Restless spirit was wandering the hallways of the White House during the

20th century a powerful government institution moved secretly into

mysterious regions of the paranormal they spent you know millions and

millions of dollars on this they tested whether you could actually psychically

influence some object it all began in 1972 when two physicists Russell Targ

and Harold Puthoff started research on a telepathy concept called remote viewing

at the Stanford Research Institute near Palo Alto California the remote viewing

would involve your ability to describe a picture that's in our opaque envelope or

describe what somebody is doing at a distant place or what's inside a distant

building one of the most persuasively successful

viewers was a retired police commissioner named Pat price who had

used his psychic abilities to catch criminals in a series of stanford

experiments researchers were positioned at target sites around the Palo Alto

area from an isolated laboratory room price correctly pinpointed and then drew

one site after another the drawings that he made are correct a better than 90%

accuracy in 1973 Targ and Puthoff brought their results to the CIA the

director of intelligence had yet places in the Soviet Union that would really

benefit American national security if we could describe them the agency wanted

proof that remote viewing could be used in espionage so they selected a test

target a military site in the Soviet Union that the agency had been spying on

for years so a CA physicist came to us and gave us

geographical coordinates latitude and longitude price concentrated on these

coordinates and made a detailed sketch of a large crane that towered over one

of the buildings his drawing was a direct hit the agency wanted more and

asked price to psychically look inside the building to determine what the

Soviets were doing at this top-secret installation so once again price and I

climbed up into our shielded room and he described to me the fact that they were

building a giant steel sphere

at the time there was no way for the CIA to confirm this piece of intelligence

but three years later new satellite technology verified what price saw

inside the Soviet structure the Soviets were in fact building a particle beam

weapon inside that building and at the time that price gave those descriptions

no one in the Western world knew that the CIA was convinced that psychic

espionage was possible and for the next two decades they funded a covert project

on remote viewing at Stanford so we began working for the CIA specifically

under the control of the director of intelligence by the early 1990s these

programs known by various code names including Stargate and scan eight remain

top secret only rumors of their existence leaked out to the public then

in 1995 targa finally convinced the CIA to declassify the project so that was

the first public opportunity I had to use the words ESP and CIA in the same

sentence without fear of going to prison I was glad in 1995 when the classified

work much of it but not all became Declassified because then anyone who

wishes to read the record can find that for many many decades the US government

has known that some psychic phenomena are real today the search for proof of a

world beyond our five senses continues at the Institute of noetic Sciences in

Sausalito California director Maryland Schlitz is testing a group that has

scored exceptionally high on ESP tests classically trained musicians for her

experiments Slits uses a specially equipped soundproof room and a technique

called the ganzfeld method the experiment we're doing now is

attempt to bring classical musicians into a laboratory to see if there's

something unique about their ability to process information in this test

experimenters prepare a receiver by attaching electrodes to a cap on her

head an EEG scan will monitor her brain waves during the test she is then taken

to a soundproof room and given final instructions before the doors shut for

the next 30 minutes she remains alone with only the eerie illumination of a

single red light in a second room a sender sits across from a computer

screen that plays a short video clip the center focuses on the image and tries to

transmit it to the receiver in a third room the experimenter listens to the

receiver observes her brainwaves and records any images that receive a

release during the 30-minute session the person described her impressions of

being in a helicopter repeatedly reported the experience of a helicopter

firing missiles and indeed the person the center was watching a video a video

clip that included a helicopter firing missiles so it was a pretty exciting and

important match for us these results match previous studies done by Schlitz

and other scientists in the mid-1990s I did a study at the Juilliard School what

we got with a just a general population was about a 33 percent success rate the

classically trained musicians stood out at a 75 percent success rate which is

just astonishing it's it's very exciting to get these kinds of results in a

laboratory for scientists like Marilyn Schlitz and for many others in the field

of parapsychology these experiments are the proof that telepathy is possible

lending some credence that other abilities such as clairvoyance

precognition and telekinesis may be untapped human resources the data

suggests that some of these phenomena are real

century ago there was no way in the world it was impossible today it's

possible generally than in science the truth is inescapable eventually if

something is true we'll figure it out someday historians will look back on

this and see it for what it is we'll see that yes the government using psychic

phenomena and business uses it and people use it it's it's no big deal

May 1917 World War one was devastating the globe but in the quiet countryside

of Fatima Portugal three children claimed that a strikingly beautiful lady

started appearing to them hovering in the air above the Cova dariya she called

herself Our Lady of the Rosary she was all light and she was brighter than the

Sun there was something hanging around her neck a ball a globe as well as the

rolls which she carried in her hand if the children are to be believed it was

the Virgin Mary on one especially fateful day July 13 1917 Mary gave the

children a harrowing message that according to rumours at the time

contained three prophecies this clearly profound experience prompted a marked

change in these once light-hearted children notably the eldest ten-year-old

Lucia dos Santos Lucy was a normal little girl she loved to sing or dance

she could tell stories she was a leader but Lucia suddenly transformed into a

pensive young woman after hearing what came to be called the three Fatima

secrets and the other younger children Francisco Marco and his sister Jacinta

also turned quiet and withdrawn by 1920 Francisco and Jacinta had both died of

influenza and in 1929 after eight years of silence

Lucia by now a nun divulged at least the first two secrets of Fatima to her

confessor and then in 1941 she made the two secrets known to all when she

published her memoirs the first secret was learned to be a ghastly vision of

sinners burning in hell when our lady revealed held the children she put down

her hand and when she did the earth was opened up there was a sea of fire and

these disgusting looking animals and people that were singed like whole our

Blessed Mother after this consoled them telling them

that they would go to heaven just so they wouldn't die of fear but the second

secret more focused on earthly events than the first was especially chilling

in its employment of some specific detail you have seen Hell where the

souls of poor sinners go when I say to you is done many souls

and there will be peace when people do not cease offending God a worse war will

break out Russia will continue to spread her errors throughout the world causing

the world's persecutions of the church with the annihilation of Nations

this prophecy seemed to foretell a second world war and the Russia being

conjured here was suggestive of communism's totalitarian rule and its

suppression of religion but now that the prophecies were open to public scrutiny

they provoked some serious questions did the holy figures predictions passed on

by Lucia really date from before the historical events portrayed in them or

in fact afterward the second Secret of fátima was a prediction that there

would be a second great war but Lucia wrote this as a recollection

in 1941 and when we realized that we realized this can hardly be called a

true prophecy certainly would convince only those who want to be convinced the

Catholic Church was convinced maintaining that pope pius xi was given

the first two secrets in 1929 and in 1930 rome had authenticated the Fatima's

apparitions of 1917 declaring them worthy of faith but the Third Secret

still known only to Lucia was almost lost forever when she fell gravely ill

in March 1944 during her weeks of recovery

Lucia committed to paper it's prophetic contents this letter would be locked

deep inside the Vatican not to be made public until 56 years later by another

faithful disciple of the Holy Virgin

Rome 1981 the recently elected Polish Pope was already proving himself a vital

force in combating communism in his home country and throughout the Soviet bloc

on May 13th he was blessing crowds of the faithful marking the anniversary of

the first Fatima vision is the Pope bent down toward a child wearing a picture of

Our Lady of Fatima the unthinkable happened

Turkish assailant shot and it's very very grievously wounded the Pope in st.

Peter's Square John Paul the second was rushed to the hospital given last rites

and quickly taken into surgery after losing 60% of his blood the Pope was

convinced his survival was the result of a miracle the Virgin Mary diverting the

bullets course during his long recuperation John Paul had the near

fatal bullet encrusted among the jewels of the crown on the Lady of fátima

statue and he immersed himself in contemplation of the Fatima story it is

said that at the time he asked for the documents of Fatima to be given to him

it is not known what exactly the Pope concluded as he studied the records but

soon after he quietly had the Lady of Fatima statue installed in his private

chapel John Paul spent hours on his knees there praying for her guidance he

clearly felt gratitude to Mary but many wondered was the Pope also pondering her

third still secret Fatima prophecy

as Poland's solidarity crisis reached a critical peak in 1988 prayers to our

lady of the cold war as she had come to be called seemed to be answered Poland's

political masters in Moscow turned to the Catholic Church for help and a

peaceful agreement was brokered with the dissident trade union it was a very

bloodless kind of end when you think of all of the munitions and the guns and

the missiles and the money that has been spent by both sides since the Cold War

started the wider collapse of communism followed as The Velvet Revolution of

1989 freed Europe's Eastern Bloc from Soviet control in 1991 even Russian

communist rule came to an end for many these astonishing events were further

proof that the 1917 predictions made to three children in Fatima were coming

true and curiosity grew feverish about what the well guarded third secret might

contain may 13 2008 II 3rd anniversary of Mary's reputed apparition almost 1

million pilgrims gathered in Fatima to celebrate the beatification of sister

Lucia's childhood friends Jacinta and Francisco the beginning of the process

toward awarding them sainthood sitting on the dais near the Holy Father sister

Lucia now 93 years old listened as a Vatican official prepared to announce

the Third Secret the Pope had finally agreed to make the prophecy publicly


the Crown's in fátima town square including sister lúcia finally heard

the third Fatima prophecy proclaimed the vision included a bishop dressed in

white who led a procession of clergy through a half ruined City and up a

steep mountain praying for corpses strewn along the way he knelt before a

cross suddenly he was attacked by soldiers there shooting at him with

bullets and with arrows and he has struck down they're all struck down

they're all killed this Third Secret of fátima unspoken for over eight decades

dwelt on the horrors of slaughter and it's revelation made headlines around

the world from television to cyberspace but what did it mean when John Paul

learned the contents of the third secret in 1981 he thought he was the person

dressed in white he had been the victim of an attack and so I think he

interpreted this vision in terms of his own life and experience and and of

course in terms of his belief that Our Lady of Fatima protected his life when

during the assassination attempt many accepted the Pope's and the church's

official interpretation of the Third Secret and they breathed a sigh of

relief that the prophecy well certainly violent signified what is now with the

Pope's survival simply a historical footnote

but others charge the Vatican with sinister manipulation a cover-up of

divine proportions what I believe is that there's two documents about the

Third Secret one was released and one has not been released yet this missing

document supposedly contained the words of Mary given to Lucia and the other

children along with the ghastly vision the centres accused the Vatican of

withholding this message because it exposed corruption inside the modern

church but the conspiracy theorists received no help from sister Lucia in

2005 the sole surviving original witness to the Fatima prophecies took any

remaining secrets with her to the grave

in the early 20th century an apparent visionary with an unholy reputation

transfixed Russia and much of the world what was the strange power he exerted

over one of the world's most aloof monarchies Rasputin story is really one

of power and sex and scandal and secrecy and it's all wrapped in intrigue and

mystery his full name was Gregory of femme avec Rasputin born January 10th

1869 and raised in the Siberian village of pokrovskoye a testimony from his

fellow villagers tells that a misspent youth he had a bad reputation you didn't

want your daughter to date your SP nor even more than that he drank heavily he

led a wild life he was a kind of a party type of a young peasant party time

his approach was very direct to the village girls he'd simply go up and

start undoing their bodice --is and blouses you know and and pursuing them

in that way and the often got slapped and kicked and bitten yet the rough

often brutal music or peasant had a mystical side he was a horse whisperer a

man who could sue the disturbed animals with the sound of his voice he also

showed remarkable powers of deduction which many thought were second sight

well there's one incident that we know of where someone had stolen a horse and

as a very very young boy he identified the horse thief in an act of

clairvoyance at the age of 18 he connected the two poles of his

personality the sinner and the potential Saint a brush with the law led him to a

monastery and his life started to change dramatically he dressed like a devout

monk once illiterate he now began teaching himself to read scripture and

to write despite his youth he came to be regarded as a spiritual elder a guru his

real strength was the eyes they could look at you and they could read and make

you feel but he had a power over you not evil hypnosis but rather a soothing

power that lifted your troubles from him if even his spirituality had a profane

side he was influenced by the teachings of an illegal sect called the Kleist's

the Kleist's believe that sin is purged from the soul by practicing it with the

body most notoriously they conducted ritual orgies in a secret chamber he dug

beneath his house now shared with a wife and three children Rasputin indulged in

Kleist style ceremonies the Rasputin began to interpret that as his own

doctrine and essentially was preaching to the villagers back into cross Square

that in order to attain salvation first they had to center and of course it was

best to sing with him his personal magnetism seemed to outweigh his

criminal associations and he eventually charmed his way in the st. Petersburg's

royal court reigned over by Czar Nicholas and his arena Alexandra he won

the confidence of the royal couple themselves especially Alexandra when he

performed an apparent miracle he seemed to heal their hemophiliacs son Alexei

according to an eyewitness account he stood at the foot of the bed he prayed

the whole scene was very quiet and the boy woke up and saw rescue astonishingly

the boys pain disappeared and a bleeding stopped Rasputin did come and did

relieve his pain and suffering and and help and the real question is what did

he do and how did that work some people argue for hypnosis some

people argue for coincidence some people argue that he actually had an accomplice

in the palace he would make Alexis sick and then call Rasputin just as the boy

was about to be about to recover the fact of the matter is that for over 10

years Rasputin systematically healed the boy every time he was attacked by


the doctors who hated you were amazed and his ability to do what he did but

they were envious they were very impressed and I submit that that's an

interesting piece of evidence for the fact that he had a healing gift of some

sort Rasputin's influence over the Royal pair

was cemented by this success they came to rely upon him for advice in many

fields as World War one loomed he advised the Tsar not to enter it a

terrible storm cloud lies over Russia disaster grief darkness and no light at

all ocean of Tears there is no account exam and so much

blood the disaster is great the misery infinite this time though Azhar ignored

a rescue Tintin and when war began in the summer of 1914 Russia was soon fully

committed but as Rasputin had predicted it it was to go badly

with an ill equipped army and inept generals Russians were slaughtered by

the hundreds of thousands Tsar Nicholas took command of the army

personally and headed for the front lines with her husband away Serena

Alexandra's closeness with Rasputin increasingly believed by court officials

to be sexual provoked some aggrieved courtiers into taking desperate measures

they resolved to get rid of the so-called mad monk but it wouldn't be

easy by December 1916 there was panic on the streets of wartime st. Petersburg

Russia the bare necessities of life food and fuel to stave off the winter chill

were in short supply and in far-off Germany a generation of Russian men was

being decimated by the world war for all this heaped up misery

many Russians blamed Rasputin and many simply wanted him dead a group of

assassins plotted to kill the monk they were led by 29 year-old Prince Felix

Yusupov who was reputed to be a drug addict and bisexual

on the night of December 30th 1916 they descended to the basement of Prince

Felix's palace they'd invited Rasputin to a party enticing him with the promise

of meeting the princes beautiful wife arena it cranked up the gramophone with

their one record Yankee Doodle Dandy and awaited their guest of honor it's hard

to say what Rasputin was expecting to find it that palace the night that he

was killed whether it was Irina Yusupov and sex with her or Felix Yusupov and

sex with him or a whole group of gypsies and sex with them or just lots of drugs

and you know alcohol their planned means of assassination poison the peasant monk

had a famous sweet tooth so they piled the table high with pastries in Madeira

wine all of its fight with deadly cyanide Rasputin arrived while he waited

for the princes wife he reportedly ate the poisoned pastries drank the cyanide

laced wine and nothing happened two hours passed and Felix panicked he says

the poisons not happening what am I going to do shoot him they say so he

gets his gun comes downstairs again and finds respiration admiring rather and

elegance crucifix and he super says I should have a really good look at that

if I were you you may be I think I've been needed allegedly in the hope that

the crucifix is going to help him have his bullet not be deflected by his magic

powers he keels over and you super go skipping up stairs again saying I've

done it I've done it I've done it and they all start celebrating after a few

celebratory rounds the prince went back downstairs to look at the corpse and

encountered the humble though poisoned and shot Rasputin was

still alive his eyes were bugging out of his head

and he ran screaming through the palace he's still alive he's still alive

promptly ran into his mother's bathroom where he started to vomit all over the

place then passed out according to his own life story Prince Felix recovered in

time to catch Rasputin trying to make his escape through the courtyard another

assassin then pumped two more bullets into the holy man the conspirators beat

and kicked the apparently lifeless body bound the hands with rope and tossed it

into the neva river yet Rasputin still seemed to have had one more surprise in

store with Rasputin in the grim waters of the neva river

the assassins thought he was quite dead finally but was he when his body was

found two days later they'd actually found that he had still been alive when

he had gone into the water because he had managed to work free one of his

hands and tried to raise his right arm and sign of making a cross so he

actually ended up drowning after being shot and poisoned and stabbed and


but historical suspicion hovers over Prince yusupov's account of the killing

perhaps to glorify his own determined role in his memoirs he painted Rasputin

as a superhuman devil who would not die but testimony gathered by the Russian

secret police told a different story when you begin to compare these memoirs

this testimony of different eyewitnesses you understood that this night was a

little bit different for one thing the poisoned pastry story may have been a

fabrication by the time of his death Rasputin had reportedly sworn off sweets

the possible three cakes he could diet special diet of HeLa doubt has also

centered on the supposed final cause of death death by drowning may have just

been a convenient story for his enemies because it was such an inglorious end

for to some a holy man a lot of people were terrified Alexandra would want to

make restitution saint price written if he dies by drowning

he cannot be a saint and so I am convinced that there are enough people

interested in rigging the cause of death even in death

Rasputin's reputed gift for mystical prophecy seemed to prevail a few days

before his assassination Rasputin had composed one last prediction in the form

of an ominous telegram dispatched to the Tsar at his headquarters near the war's


if you hear the sound of the bells it's signals and dead if I'm killed by my

brothers the Russian peasants you have nothing to fear if it is your relations

who have brought about my death then none of your family will remain alive

more than two years they will all be killed by the Russian people after

rasputin's death brought about indeed by royal family relatives events moved

rapidly the Czar headed hurriedly back home on news of bread riots in the

streets he was forced to abdicate and soon the Bolsheviks seized power the

Tsar's entire family was taken to Yekaterinburg a city in the mountains

where they were held captive July 1918 18 months after resp utens final

prophecy its prediction came true Nicholas Alexandra and their five

children were lined up in a dingy basement and shot the executioner's

rifled through the clothing of the former imperial family Alexandra and her

young daughters were found to be hiding precious than jewels sewn into their

dresses and around their throats were religious medallions containing prayers

and portraits of Rasputin the all too accurate profit

thanks for choosing ancient revelation your number one ancient investigations

channel we are sorry all of our operators are busy at the moment please

subscribe and we will get back to you as soon as possible thank you

For more infomation >> "ANCIENT REVELATION" Prophets Of The 5th Sun | History Channel Documentary - HD - Duration: 42:20.


[Lyric MV] Ta Đã Yêu Chưa Vậy - Issac, BigDaddy || Music Channel - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> [Lyric MV] Ta Đã Yêu Chưa Vậy - Issac, BigDaddy || Music Channel - Duration: 4:11.


#김정숙 Channel:송중기 "이광수-박보검, '군함도' 출연 부럽다는 말. 뿌듯했다" - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> #김정숙 Channel:송중기 "이광수-박보검, '군함도' 출연 부럽다는 말. 뿌듯했다" - Duration: 4:52.



I do not use this YouTube channel so do not subscribe to it

For more infomation >> I DO NOT USE THIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL - Duration: 0:10.


뽀모 게임채널소개 PPOMO GAME CHANNEL (ENG SUB) - Duration: 8:12.

(Sorry for awkward translation. - subtitler.)

Stolen bag? Where? (Sorry for awkward translation. - subtitler.)

(Sorry for awkward translation. - subtitler.)

Okay! I'll help you! I will, I will! Okay! Okay! Okay! ...Okay!


Where is he?


Who? Who Who Who? Ah, he was back there!

Turn, turn turn...

I can't lose~~~!

Wait!! Where am I going~~~? Where~~?


No guys~

Right here, a Hotdog shop... If I stand still here...


Loo.. Look. Why I can't stand next to you?

I just standing!

This is a self-defense! Self-defense!

This is a self-defense!


Wha~~t~~ He kicked my wrong place~!!

Bad driver~

A car... NO! No! Don't fall~~~~!


Super car! Super car!

Now, this car is mine... Oh!?

I want that car!

I want that car!! That!!

Aww... I want that...

Aww.. I really want that~ that car~

That car... That cute car! I want to get on that car too!

Car! Give me that car!

The car!

Give me the car! That car!


The car...!

I... really want to get this car, guys...!

I really want to get this!

It's so cute~

Guys, I really... really like this car...!

Not super car, but cute one.

I got this~ This is mine now!

Now you are mine!

I like this sound!


I have to buy that sound!

And I bought already!


Color! I want to change color.... and painting!

Primary color

It's beautiful~ It's an icecream car!

So cute~

My car is so cute~

Let's run away~ run~

Run~ run~

Bumbo is dying? No~ don't die Bumbo~

What is this...!

What is this~~?

Guys, what the hell is happend~?

What just happend~?

This... Bumbo... kicked me out...!

This... Bumbo~ Did you hate me~?


When... When I can...

It's too far to get~


Bumbo~!? Bumbo's wing is...!

A car door!

No door, so I'm gonna bounce back again!

No car door. The car door is so weak!

My Bumbo's pink wing...!

My Bumbo's pink wing is falling apart!

Now, I go to north~

Finally I found it! Finally!!


Final.. Funally I found it! Finally!

(Whenever she found a fruit shop, she always hits it by a car.)


Finally I met! finally!

Alright! but there is no owner~

There should be owner.

Okay, that's pretty bad.

I luv it!

Why... Why are you hitting me?

What!? This man!

The police could follow.

Alright~~ it's gurgling~ gurgling~!

gurgling gurgling~


No! What... Why are you beating me no reason?

What? This man... I might die!

If you do that, I will die!

I'm going to die this way!

I'm going to die this way!!

I can't lose my fire truck!

I just sprinkled some water! It's cool!


I just sprinkled some water~ He was mean!

This is mine!

They are couple?

Cou... Couple...!

No couple! No couple!


No couple...!

There are.... burn in the passion of youth!

And I pour cold water to the passion of youth!

Police again...! The police are always coming after the mischief.

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