Do you want intros?.
Do you really want it?.
I will help you.
It's Templates.
Panzoid Templates.
Mine-Imator Templates.
Lion&Freddo Thanks For Fix This.
Channel Update! (Shoutouts) - Duration: what's going on guys this is charlie here are welcome to mad paintball but
we're not I'm not gonna be talking about mad paintball okay just that actually if
you wanted to see me play mad paintball well that's fine I will probably play mad
paintball and some time yeah it's been a long time since I've played ROBLOX you
know what let's just get to the point so this videos gonna be something different
starting to be doing on my channel that I begin a lot of quests shall we say for
shoutouts I don't really do shoutout's on my channel but that's going to change
to remain safe nobody get killed come on come on come on lemme grab your bike you
will have to fight come on action no no no no wait wait right now you wanna
Dont have fight whilst stuck outside
oh no I died! so from now on I'm going to be giving a shout-out every single video.
áááá I see you I see you now you better go back you coward
yeah oh come on the one again shotgun Oh what it realizes you guys never learn
yeah there's only a few things you have to get a shoutout.
not going to be a shout-out series or anything like that it's gonna be one
shout out per video people same guy here? Is he gone oh come on I'm not going to
force you to subscribe to people who get the shout outs
although I'm sure they'd love you to subscribe their channel. To get a shoutout you need to subscribe &
like the video and that's basically it After you've done that make sure you stay active on the channel
by active I mean commenting liking and being apart of the community
if you want a shout out you have to have a youtube channel otherwise there no point
because im giving a shoutout to someone that doesn't have any content
the shoutout will happen at any time in the video meaning you will have to watch the whole video
to find out if you won the shoutout why do one step ahead of me it will be
it could be anywhere on my screen
alright come on come on come on come on can I get kill before the end?
wouldn't get one kill can I at least get one kill come on come on I was doing
really well earlier with my sniper but I can't get up close now just like I get
i guess i can get a kill (Noice)
And if you guys did enjoy this video make sure you drop that like button and of course you did enjoy and i'll of course see you in the next one!
How To Set Up A YouTube Channel- Use Your Primary Email For Every Channel You Create - Duration: 1:02.Taylor here with Financial Potion where we believe video is the potion to relieve business
owners from their financial worries.
I know many of our clients who prior to working with us thought they had to have a gmail account
per every YouTube channel.
That's not the case.
Always use your primary gmail account to log into YouTube and then just create separate
brand accounts for your separate businesses and channels.
This way you just need one set of login credentials to get to your other channels.
I hope this tips saves some of you from login confusion.
Please subscribe if you haven't already to get a new video every Friday at 5pm AZ
Connect with me on Patreon for extra training opportunities and stay engaging!
BABY Channel - Trò Chơi Nấu Ăn Trẻ Em Cực Hay I Children's Cooking Game - Duration: 12:09.-------------------------------------------
Quick update on the channel and Milestones! - Duration: 1:20.Hello there guys!
It's CoolFox over here and today I'm bringing you a quick update video to update you guys
on what's going to happen in these upcoming weeks.
I will be uploading content 2 days a week instead of
1, and those days will be Monday and Friday.
I will leave the time for the upload at 6:00pm or around 12:00 pm in America depending on
were you live for both Monday and Friday.
I have 2 videos already made for next week and the video on Monday is going to contain
my new style of editing which you will all hopefully enjoy more than
the normal style.
Friday's video will be the old type as I edited it before.
I would also like to share with you guys that we have just hit 350 subscribers and we're
getting around 9,000 views per month which is insane!
We also got to 90,000 views in total which I can't thank you guys enough for!
That is all for today guys, as I said this is only a quick update on the channel.
I hope you will enjoy Monday's video more than the other videos and if you enjoyed this
announcement be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more content every Monday and Friday!
This was CoolFox and I'm out, peace!
Welcome to the Channel! - Duration: 3:05.What is up Youtube, my name
is Falcon Gamer and today--I'm gonna cut with the BS...
Today is a "Welcome to the Channel" video because this is the first video I've ever made.
This is the first time I show my face--obviously--because, you know,
f**k it! No one actually cares what I look like and if you see me on the street say
"Hi, how you doin'? You're Falcon Gamer, I watch your videos--" Well, one video so far, you get the point.
What the plan is and what I plan to do in the future--which is gonna be awesome, OBVIOUSLY!
the people that are gonna come on these videos are gonna be people like Abraham Nuñez--check him out, subscribe and like his video,
he also made one like this.
(Mine is better!)
Like his video, subscribe--he's awesome, he's an awesome dude, he's an awesome person.
He's pretty RADICAL, if you know what I'm saying.
Also, other people like my friends--
otherwise known as a bunch of people that I met in my school, and now they're gonna come over.
I love them like they're my family and please give them the support and love that you would to your family.
What we're going to do for this channel: we're going to be playing some...
challenges, some...
gaming! We got some vlogs! We got trips planned!
Just kidding, no we don't but if we DO, we'll vlog in those trips--it's gonna be SICK NASTY.
(Backstreet's back ALRIGHT.)
So today, I plan on doing this video and that's it!
We're gonna see--I want to group together with my friends and do one for the big channel.
The group channel, you don't know what the name is yet, but we're GONNA get there!
I promise!
It's gonna be *makes heart shape with hands*
Overwatch is gonna be a great game [to play], it's gonna be awesome.
We're gonna play that a lot.
I don't know what we have planned for the ~future~, it's gonna be amazing!
besides that, nothing else planned... :/
We might go together as friends and--
*suspenseful music*
We might go together as friends to a place that's kinda cool, kinda neat, kinda wacky!
We're gonna do vlogs,
it's gonna be amazing. If you like this type of content come--come on back!
Get a--get a sip! Get a--get a--something to eat! Watch my videos! And be like,
*slo-mo* "HA. THAT WAS FUNNY."
Well, besides that...
Thank you all for watching. If you liked it, come on back,
it's gonna be great.
I know you--you liked it. If you didn't, weeell don't leave negative comments because that's mean. Rude.
*deep bass sound*
If you liked it, please leave a comment, like, tell me how I should be better in the comments, subscribe--I said comments twice,
that's not the point.
But besides that, thank you all for watching and I hope you have a good day.
See ya.
*record scratch* *funky blooper music*
We're gonna be doing gaming videos,
we're gonna be doing challenge videos,
we're gonna be doing some random b******t,
some sketches, I don't know!
How--how's it goin'?
How ya been?
HEY *voice crack*, that's pretty good.
I love you too, I love you.
Salvo's Room [Channel Presentation] | WELCOME! ♥ - Duration: 1:39.Hi guys! I'm Salvo, welcome to my new channel!
It's been a long time since I decided to create a channel on YouTube, but I didn't know what kind of video to share.
Then I decided to upload different types of video: Photoshop tutorials, how to use Social Media (especially Instagram), how to edit videos, how to make an intro,
but I'll post also vlog, challenge, tag videos, and many other things.
I decided to add English subtitles to reach as many people as possible.
If you want come adventure with me, subscribe to my channel, click like and leave a comment.
You can also follow me on Instagram, the link is in the infobox.
See you guys next time, Bye!! ♥
Introduction to my Channel! - Duration: 0:13.Welcome to my channel DragonSoulsYT (What's poppin b?) here you can find past
live streams, reviews, stories from my past, and more! I hope you find yourself
welcome here at my channel, and don't forget to subscribe! see you around!
Introducing our channel. - Duration: 1:26.
8 ball Pool! Winners of 30M coins ACC are Announced !Subscribe my channel for more giveaways - Duration: 1:40.Hello Guyzz how are you I hope you All are fine
Now lets Pick The winner of my previous Giveaway Are you Readyy!!
Ok! LETS Copy my giveaway video Link.
Lets SEE! Who who is the winner ok!
WHo ever is winned contact me on fb And just inbox me Ok !
Sorry its comments problem! i will not give you 2 acc only 1 ok Zombie freaK!
Jeez and who ever is winned CONRATS!!!
What the f.... FUN HAHAHAHAHA
Not be choosen again Only 1 time but i can give you 1 acc only
Ok its time to Close my video plzz hit like if you win or lose and subscribe Now
If you want voice video just cmmnt!
How to Grow a YouTube Gaming Channel Fast 2017 | YouTube Gaming Channel Tips #1 - Duration: 11:14.How to Grow a YouTube Gaming Channel Fast 2017 | YouTube Gaming Channel Tips #1
Make Audio Spectrum on Android | For Your Creator Channel - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
ELDERS READ TWENTY ONE PILOTS' HIT SONGS (React) - Duration: 10:57.- I think I know this song. - ♪ ...ask you who you know ♪
♪ Please don't make... ♪ - Oh, I love this!
- ♪ ...any sudden moves ♪
♪ (hard rock music) ♪
- (FBE) So today, we're gonna have you
read some lyrics from top songs by an artist
and have you tell us the meaning and what you think,
then you'll get to listen to the songs you read
and tell us your thoughts.
- Well, I don't know what to expect,
but I do hope to identify with the lyrics.
- When I was a teenager, rock and roll had just started,
so I kind of go back to that era.
- The way the artists are today, I mean,
some of their shit is really out there.
- It's only when I hear the melody with the lyrics
that I get a clear feeling of what they're saying.
- "I'm just being dramatic.
In fact, I'm only at it again as an addict with a pen.
Who's addicted to the wind as it blows me back and forth,
mindless, spineless, and pretend."
- "Of course, I'll be here again.
See you tomorrow. But it's the end of today."
- This sounds like they're addicted to writings songs.
- If he's writing, why would he say he's mindless and spineless,
someone who's cowardly?
- He has no direction.
He's letting the direction take him to his destination
as opposed to going down the destination himself.
- I like the lyrics.
He's got kind of an open heart there.
- (FBE) Here are the first lyrics to your second song.
- "I ponder of something great.
My lungs will fill and then deflate.
They fill with fire, exhale desire, I know it's dire, my time today."
- It's gonna be filled with fire, so that's excitement,
and desire, which could be love or lust,
and then dire means it's not going to be a good ending.
- He wants to fill up for something that's real to him
and he's been deflated before.
- He's living moment to moment
and he's not gonna have that moment again.
- "I have these thoughts so often I ought to replace
that slot with what I once bought
'cause somebody stole my car radio, and now I just sit in silence."
- I listen to the radio, not sitting on the edge of my seat,
but just to pass the time of day while I'm driving.
- I know how he feels.
I know when my radio goes out, it's like, "I gotta sit in silence.
Now what do I do?"
- Well, that, to me, could also epitomize a relationship
where the car radio was someone who was always there with them
and keeping their interest, and now they're alone
and depressed and not caring about anything.
- It sounds like somebody that does a lot of introspection
and thinking and they're in their own little world, I think.
- "She asked me, 'Son, when I grow old,
will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me?'
I will make you queen of everything you see.
I'll put you on the map. I'll cure you of disease."
- It sounds like a son who really loves his mother.
- There's a lot about life.
"You know, when I get old, will you be there for me?"
"Yes, yes, mom."
- That's a thought that is with every senior, basically,
is there gonna be somebody there for me
when I get really old?
- That would be a beautiful thing for my child to say to me.
- "I wish I found some better sounds no one's ever heard.
I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words.
I was told when I get older, all my fears would shrink,
but now I'm insecure and I care what people think."
- Every word in the English language has been used and you try
to express yourself-- you think you come up with something clever,
and it's already been said.
- That is so interesting because you think,
you really do think as you get older that you've overcome
a lot of your fears, a lot of your insecurities.
- We all have some insecurities that we have to deal with,
and I guess it's the way we deal with them
that makes us who we are.
- Maybe when you get in your 30s, I think many people
start to develop more confidence in themselves,
and when you get much older like me,
you really don't care what people think, you know?
That takes many years.
- Well, I don't care what people think anymore
since I've gotten older. (laughing)
I really don't give a [bleep] what anyone thinks.
- "I just wanna stay in the sun where I find.
I know it's hard sometimes.
Pieces of peace in the sun's peace of mind."
- He just wants a peace of mind, just like, "(sighing)
Just let me lay in the sun. Let me close out everything.
Let me just (groaning)."
- Sometimes you feel you're in the sun,
everything is right with the world, you're relaxed, you're warm.
- Everything around you really doesn't matter
because you're in that nice place where you're warm
and you can feel God's love, you can feel the sunshine,
you can feel people around you, and it feels good.
- "Yeah, I think about the end just way too much.
But it's fun to fantasize.
On my enemies, I wouldn't wish who I was.
I'm falling, so I'm taking my time on my ride."
- As you get older, you think about the end too much.
It's gotta be a young person.
"But it's fun to fantasize." I don't fantasize.
- Sometimes I feel like that myself.
Like, I think about death too often,
so I can understand where they're coming from.
- That certain times, for sure, you wish,
"Oh, why can't this all just stop?
Why can't this all just end?"
And he's saying he's hurting so much
he wouldn't wish it on an enemy.
- "Taking my time on my ride," even though they're fantasizing
and thinking about dying,
maybe they just don't want to die right now.
- "All my friends are heathens.
Take it slow.
Wait for them to ask you who you know.
Please don't make any sudden moves.
You don't know the half of the abuse."
- Usually, when people say you're a heathen,
that means you have no morals, you have no caring.
- "Heathens" means they don't believe in God,
but that's a normal condition among young people
and middle-aged people.
- He's asking people not to make any sudden moves.
There's a little fear there. (laughing)
Maybe you're gonna touch me.
Maybe you'll get too close.
- (FBE) So any idea whose lyrics you've been reading?
- I have absolutely no idea whose lyrics these are.
- No, I don't know at all.
- I have no idea.
- (FBE) These were lyrics to songs from Twenty One Pilots' repertoire.
- I've never heard of Twenty One Pilots.
I bet my daughter has, but I haven't.
- I've heard of the name,
but I haven't really checked out their music.
- (FBE) It's hard to assign Twenty One Pilots
to a specific genre because they have so many musical influences
and they bridge a lot of genres,
however some fans affectionately call them "schizophrenic pop."
- (laughing)
- (FBE) The band says their purpose for making music
is to make people think, as well as encourage them
to find joy in what they come to believe in life.
- I think they've kind of accomplished that.
- The schizophrenic part, I like.
I can really agree with it because all the songs
have different, you know, things that they're talking about
and just different parts of life.
- These are philosophical and deep, yes.
- I'm not a poetry fan.
I don't know much about poetry,
but I think this is very well-written.
- (FBE) So now let's play you the songs you read.
- Let's do it!
- ♪ I'm just being dramatic ♪
♪ In fact, I'm only at it again ♪
♪ As an addict with a pen ♪
♪ Who's addicted to the wind ♪
♪ As it blows me back and forth ♪ - Yep.
- ♪ Mindless, spineless, and pretend ♪
♪ Of course, I'll be here again ♪
♪ See you tomorrow ♪
♪ But it's the end... ♪
- I didn't expect it to be that poppy and in your face.
- I liked that. It has a nice beat to it.
- I don't know why, it just reminds me of Eminem.
- ♪ I ponder of something great ♪
♪ My lungs will fill and then deflate ♪
♪ They fill with fire, exhale desire ♪
- Uh, I don't know what he looks like,
but I can picture his face. (laughing)
This brings offense to mind.
- ♪ To replace that slot with what I once bought ♪
♪ 'Cause somebody stole my car radio ♪
♪ And now I just sit in silence ♪
- He's sittin' in silence.
I think he's doing a lot of thinking, though,
and it comes out in what he says.
- I think the wording is well done.
- That was more of a dance beat. Yeah, I like that one.
- ♪ She asked me, "Son, when I get old... ♪
♪ ...will you buy me a house of gold? ♪
♪ And when your father turns to stone... ♪
- It's more-- yeah, this is more rock and roll time, yeah.
- ♪" ♪
- ♪ I will make you queen of everything you see ♪
♪ I'll put you on the map ♪
- (singing along) ♪ I'll cure you of disease ♪
See, if I can sing the melody, hearing it for the very first time,
there's something good there.
- They have a nice rhythm, nice beat.
His voice gets kinda strange. I like that.
- I didn't expect the music to change that dramatically.
- ♪ I wish I found some better sounds no one's ever heard ♪
♪ I wish I... ♪
- Yeah, and now it's about the hip hop beat.
- There is meaning to these lyrics.
- ♪ But now I'm insecure, and I care what people think ♪
- Very good, I really like them.
I think it's a very good sound.
- Instead of sticking with the other rhythm,
it's like, "Okay, rap, boom. Done."
- ♪ I just wanna stay in the sun where I find ♪
♪ I know it's hard sometimes ♪
♪ Pieces of peace in the sun's peace of mind ♪
♪ Yeah, I think about the end just way... ♪
- Oh, okay, that's better.
- ♪ But it's fun to fantasize ♪ - I like that.
- ♪ On my enemies, I wouldn't wish who I was ♪
♪ But it's fun to fantasize ♪
- I don't know-- there's just something nice
and bouncy about them, something hip and trendy.
- ♪ I'm taking my time on my ride ♪
- Oh, I like that beat. I liked the bit at the end.
It sounds like a little reggae at the end.
- Once again, a real different shift in the type of music.
- They're really showing that they're vulnerable,
and I think that's what young people need to know,
that other people are vulnerable also.
- ♪ All my friends are heathens... ♪
- Yeah, this is more of a modern--
modern songs you hear on the radio now.
- I think I know this song.
- ♪ Please don't make... ♪ - Oh, I love this!
- ♪ ...any sudden moves ♪
- I'm slowly drifting toward the point
where I like 'em a little more.
- ♪ ...the abuse ♪
- I think that's depressing. (laughing)
Don't know if I'd be singing along with that one.
- You're really drawn to what the guy's talking about.
I mean, you could really listen to this
and start memorizing the words because they have importance.
- I'm very impressed.
I think it's a very good song.
It's a very beautiful voice and very nicely written.
- Thanks for watching us take on Twenty One Pilots
on the React channel.
- Subscribe, we have new shows almost every day.
- Bye, everyone.
- Hey, guys, I'm Katie, a React channel producer.
It's because of your suggestions that we were able
to cover Twenty One Pilots, so let us know
in the comments what artist we should listen to next time.
Thanks, guys!
why my channel is so inactive? - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
New Bangla Waz Mahafil 2016 By Maulana Tarek Monowar Islamic Channel BD - Duration: 1:01:53.New Bangla Waz Mahafil 2016 By Maulana Tarek Monowar Islamic Channel BD
Motu is fighting courageous with giant snakes to save life [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:38.Motu is fighting courageous with giant snakes to save life [Youtube Channel For Kids]
#김정숙 Channel:연정훈·비·송중기, 초특급 아내 사랑법은? - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Arsenal vs Benfica – Emirates Cup: What TV channel is it on and what time is kick off? - Duration: 3:32.Arsenal vs Benfica – Emirates Cup: What TV channel is it on and what time is kick off?
ARSENAL and Benfica go head to head in the annual pre-season tournament, the Emirates Cup, in which looks to be a hugely entertaining game between two huge European clubs. The Gunners are aiming to win the competition for the fifth time.
Alexandre Lacazette has impressed during pre-season for the Gunners. Benfica have appeared in the Emirates Cup only once before in 2014 and finished bottom of the pile that year behind Monaco, Arsenal and, eventual winners, Valencia.
Here is everything you need to know about the opening fixture at the Emirates. When is Arsenal vs Benfica?.
The Emirates Cup takes place on Saturday, July 29 and Sunday, July 30. Arsenal take on Benfica at 4. 20pm on the Saturday and Sevilla at the same time on the Sunday.
In the early matches, RB Leipzig face Sevilla and Benfica at 2pm on Saturday and Sunday respectively. What TV channel is the match on?. Arsenal vs Benfica will be shown live on Quest TV. How do I watch Quest TV?.
The channel is available on terrestrial TV through Freeview channel 37. Sky subscribers should tune in to channel 144, while users of Virgin will find Quest on channel 172.
Hector Bellerin and Theo Walcott train at the clubs Colney base. The Discovery-owned channel normally shows lifestyle programmes but has shown pre-season tournaments before.
In 2014, Quest showed the Schalke 04 Cup, which featured Newcastle, West Ham, Schalke and Malaga. Do goals really count as points in the Emirates Cup?.
A statement on Arsenal's website reads: "Teams will be awarded three points for a win and one point for a draw. The competition also rewards attacking play, with teams being awarded one point for each goal they score.
"In addition, shots on target will be taken into account and will be used to decide the tournament winners if teams are level on points and goal difference, with the winning team being presented with the Emirates Cup trophy after the second match on Sunday, July 30.
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger talks about Alexis Sanchezs return and Arsenals pre-season.
How To Create a Channel art & Logo | it baba - Duration: 14:12."Subscribe To My Channel"
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