Top 10 Tv Child Actresses Who Turns And Grown Up So Beautiful
RuppertBrasil TV Reportage - Samba-Festival Coburg 2017 - Duration: 28:49.-------------------------------------------
Ashta Chamma Serial Full Episode 1241 Today 29th July 2017 Maa Tv - Duration: 2:38.Ashta Chamma Serial Full Episode 1241 Today 29th July 2017
WBZ-TV News Update For July 29, 2017 - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
LG OLED TV | Evento para consumidores em Beaugrenelle, Paris - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Lầy TV | Tập 4 | Những Tình Huống Lầy Lội - Duration: 6:12.-------------------------------------------
সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর দেখুন চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ নিউজ ২৯ জুলাই ২০১৭ bangla tv news today - Duration: 12:26.-------------------------------------------
LG OLED TV | O maior display OLED do mundo, no aeroporto de Incheon - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
KDKA-TV Afternoon Forecast (7/28) - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Volksfestwirt TV 2017 - Tag 2 - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Música para las plantas de marihuana, broma telefónica, lirio box - Duration: 25:34.- Hi welcome again to Lirio Box. We've got a really special guest... Victor, our traducer and member of
- a few music bands... Between other jobs... He almost pilots planes.
- Well Maka... Let's see what can we do this morning with you... Tell us a little bit...
- What are you handling now? As you know... We're always doing all we can... Someday we
- changed to a non stop chip... Too much sative... Really bussy with Bohemios,
- Last week we were playing at Apolo, as all of you know, this week we'll be playing at Garraf beach, and
- we'll be ready to start the summer tour. We're going to Andalucia this year... Looking for the cold.
- We hope the beach and roasted fish saves us!!
- Rasted fish! Look at this... Wow. High sative... Auto Lenon
- by Pyramid Seeds... Really interesting... Worthy to taste. It remains to Jack Herer a little bit...
- Yes it's a selection of this original variety... My favourite weed, in auto version this time.
- Little rudelaris touches but almost nothing. Really interesting because, maybe you don't know,
- we have a call today... You were the first one... Oh the calls...
- It was really nice... It was a honor to be the first... All of it was new, private jet, you got caught.
- I saw myself flying... Great bud... Break it in 2 pieces... Zoom here Isaac... I want to see this.
- Auto Lennon by Pyramid Seeds... Nice production and even if you have to wait a little bit more, its flavour
- and effects are worthy. What do you want? Top or bottom? I want the top... Maybe a little less... Top.
- Nice bud... Wow awesome fragrance dude... Brutal Lennon.
- Well tell me a little bit about your collaboration with us... Traducing all our chapters...
- As you know, you can find all our videos traduced, only activate subtittles... Victor is rally faithful and you can
- even learn with that. Well maybe you don't remember but... You Victor... Could do this better?
- Yes i can... A little more time.
- We're trying to traduce all chapter as faithfully as we can to english,
- as in the joke... Then we can maybe do this to russian... To make a bigger company to East Russia.
- There we are trying to traduce Maka and giving you all info we have... WOW. I spend like...
- All my time listening him again and again... Well that's true... Of course true... More than my girlfriend.
- Wow... Major words... Your girlfriend doesn't watch Undergrow Tv for sure... Did you eat the package?
- Man there was no paper in W.C... Wow and you use cardboard instead the paper? Rude guy.
- Well tell me a little bit about Cadiz's tour... Followers want to know... You'll be there with Damian, our
- Rasta cheff, Bohemios' drummer. Well... Early this August, all the team will be ready to take the van ...
- As you know, we're Damian, Jony, who all of you know by my prank... Rodrigo Búho,
- with collaborations of a few trumpets... María la Blanco and her voice...
- Looks really nice. All the team, a van... Beach gigs, hall gigs... You can check all info in our Facebook
- whenever... Wow that's really nice... Tremendous, i've smoked almost the alf already.
- I want to dedicate this chapter and this strain to a special collaborator of the channel... He's helping us
- a lot, specially in our Instagram campaign... We want to recommendate his page...
- A really nice page with garden following... GanjaSpain. Easy to find in Instagram... Follow him.
- Greetings for Ganja Spain. Super Sative Lennon... What did you say we had to do? I use to smoke indica but...
- I heard something about calling somebody... Myth call... We'll try to call Rodrigo, sax player...
- We'll try to make him talk about medicinal sax, how to increase cultivation skills...
- He must be Rodri... Is calling back... Yes? Who's there? You called me 3 times.
- Ah ok... Rodrigo? Do you play sax? Yes, alto sax, yes.
- I also play tenor... Yes i contact you throught Apolo... Yes the discotheque?
- Yes we played there last week... Yes you did it really well...We saw
- the band's show but we only need a sax player if you're interested... Well...
- For what? Well that's a project... You're deeply related with Mary Jane no?
- Yes a little bit... It was because of Bio Cup... Well that's an important project with headquarters in
- a few countries from China to Spain... Well... Maka? Are you Maka? What an asshole!!
- I was not sure but... I just recognised your voice... Rodri man... That was the call?
- I'm with Victor... Rodri... I said you was not a good victim... Yes i'm a dumb but not that level...
- It was entering but... The history was a little bit strange and i'm so high just right now so...
- If i was not so high... Maybe. Thanks for let us try this. Rodri listen a moment.
- We're going to try with Maria... Send a message... Tell her that you need voices for a project.
- They'll call you now... Ok thank you.. Se you guys.
- Why don't you send a message to her too? Well... She could suspect... With the other message too...
- This could be a nice base to try something like Mars Project.
- Hello... Hi Maria? Are you Rodrigo's partner?
- Yes it is. Sax player... Yes he is. Ok we have a music project
- and Rodrigo is on it... Could you be interested? Well...What kind of music?
- We saw Apolo's show... We contacted Rodrigo... We don't know what's your relation... Rodrigo yes but...
- Your relation with cannabis sector... Yes... Well not too much but... Well it would be
- for... Music for the plant. What? Music for the plant. Do you understand this concept?
- It's on the top now... Are you Maka? No i'm not... You're voice is like him... I'm Marco.
- No... That's a prank for sure... We've been caught again. That was first try! I'm here with Víctor...
- It was a fail... We tried first with Rodrigo... But no way. You were the next.
- Yes but they sent me messages... I heard your voice... That's a prank. Are you in the club?
- Yes... Trying to f*ck people up no? Typical joking section...
- Well Maria... Thanks... We're going to try to find someone to lie... Whenever you want i can sing to
- your plants. Ok. Victor is looking for other contact... Don't miss new Brother L's videoclip,
- in wich you can watch use... Don't miss it.
- Yes? Hello... Eric? From La Jonkollective? Yes i'm... Who's calling? I'm Marco,
- from Porfilo Planet. I don't know if you know...
- We've been talking with other member of the band... Victor. He's interested in the project and we want
- to compare with other instruments... What do you need? I need rythm. Ok
- Victor was interested because it's related with other activities... We're a green sector company... Yes.
- Ok so... The main theme... This is Rythm for the plant project. Project about visiting gardens...
- Yes... And play. Cannabis sector garden...
- Yes and we could pay with a part of these gardens' production... Really well payed... Victor has no doubt.
- When it would be? It is in Bcn? Not possible there... It's semi legal... It would be in other places.
- That's it... Semi legal. We could pay more if it's not legal but we could take you to California, for example,
- Where all gardens are legal... And no problem. I don't know your normal salary... Big gardens
- Well... It depends on the gigs and the job... Well you should cover garden's track
- like... An intensive work week playing into different gardens on a movile platform,
- throught big cultivations... Yes... A platform? How do you say... Float? Yes that's it. Ok
- In a float between big plants in big gardens... Playing nice rythms... Yes ok .
- Is it possible Eric? Yes it depends on the dates. Well so if you're agree,
- the next week... A private jet from Reus... We have partitures designed to increase growth.
- Ok but... With a band? No... At the beginning we wanted to use real musicians,
- but later we thought it could be enought with a drummer. Ok nice. When we did the study,
- musical wave is not important... They receive basic percussions... Ok everything ok.
- A few are better than others... I've got a list of rythms... Zumba for example? Yes, Rumba?
- No, no... Zumba with Z.... Yes ok. Techno percussion?
- Tecno? Yes tecno percussion... Yes. And Reggaeton... Ok. No problem to play that?
- Yes no problem... It would be nice to play for you and you could tell me what do you want because i can play
- reggaeton so many different ways. Do you need some kind of naked girls motivation to play this music?
- Yes this kind of music is done to make almost naked girls and boys to dance... Well this project
- keeps special link with plants and nature protection. It's necessary to avoid all kind of contamination.
- So it's necessary to avoid all kind of clothing during the percussion show for the plants.
- Yes i knew... No problem with this? Yes no problem. Plants are in public places.
- Yes public places... Yes, but there is no acess... Only visual contact... Naked in the float.
- We must ask if there is some kind of problem. Without any clothing? Yes a lot of tourists shooting pictures...
- Yes... So i must play totally naked? Without nothing? How many hours per day?
- All journey except while sleeping no? Eating and sleeping on the float.
- Ok. Non stop. You must alternate with other drummer. You have to sleep with isolant headphones.
- Well... 2 drummers changing... 12 hours and then 12 hours... That's it.
- 12 hours playing and then 12 hours sleeping next to the other drummer. 2 drummers playin on the float
- totally naked... No problem? Yes of course... A lot of hours so if i tell you
- a prize... If i must be 3 or 4 hours i use to receive 200€.
- We normally prefeer herbal payement because it's a big payday...l like the idea. You can choose
- monetary payment if you're agree... You would loose a little bit... Less money? Yes... In € it would be like...
- 8000 or 9000 € per week... And the other guy is really cute. I've seen him...
- Last thing... Do you know Justin Bieber? Yes... He could get up to the float. Ok.
- No problem? No problem of course. He pays really well too... No problem. One moment,
- speak to my assistant... He's near here... Close details about private jet to take you to Russia.
- Eric? We must to review the following list.
- You're agree with 12 hours journey... No rests? Yes you should eat on the float...
- Yes... Playing 3/4 rythms all day long? Yes... Without stop?
- Without any kind of rest? Yes 4 hours pass to cover 4 hectares... Totally naked. We could provide you with
- all kind of protection creams... Did you like the idea no? Yes of course... Any girl?
- Well... We only have Justin Bieber's collaboration... As the essential member of the expedition... Of course
- only as a promotion... You would sleep on the float while the other drummer plays... Yes i understand.
- Yes you said you like the idea a lot... Yes i said. There is a plus with Justin Bieber if you are willing
- to do some kind of special work with him... Other plus... But it's optional. You can choose.
- Tell him... No musical work. Yes sorry... I was not clear... That's not a musical work.
- Video appearing with Justin... But not in a music clip. You would not touch nothing... Maybe some member but...
- Yes... Totally naked in the countryside, all day long in movement... Sleep in the float... 3/4 Rythm... Plus
- vieoclip... Other member of the float will be Victor, your partner.
- Yes, the bohemian... He aproved all about playing naked with Justin Bieber... Are you going to sign no Eric?
- Yes... Victor? Te contract is really well... A full week naked playing in the float, sleeping there... Justin Bieber
- is coming too...It looks really nice. I've already signed... All day naked. Yes but no problem... There is
- some cream... What do you say? Wah man you fully ate it... This is a prank for UndergrowTv man.
- Yes i was suspecting a little bit... It was really well payed... All day long playing for the plants naked...
- Yes i was freaking out... 2 drummers... You was loving the idea... Marcu tell him something.
- Marcu... From where? I was not understanding nothing. You don't ever remember the company for sure...
- No no i don't remember. The company was Porlafilo Planet so... Prepare yourself... There will be revenge.
- You got caught! You're the third try today... A full success. Well man
- We owe you a joint... Come to smoke it when you want. You can come dressed.
- Eric! Greetings! Thanks for your patience and for being ready for everything... Now we know you're opened
- to all kind of options. Good smoking.
RIT on TV: Solar Eclipse 2017 - Duration: 2:18.>> A total solar eclipse.
It's basically the Super Bowl for astronomy enthusiasts.
But for cities and towns in its path, it's just as big an event for tourism.
>> It's the sort of event that I think is important to experience.
I think it's that dramatic of an event.
>> RIT's Roger Dube lives for eclipses - total blackouts like this one making landfall in
Oregon on August 21st.
On the shadow's center line day will turn to night for up to two minutes and forty seconds.
>> The eclipse will cause that central region to go into complete darkness.
It's going to be night time, there will be stars that will be visible.
>> I'm looking forward to meeting people from around the world, taking in this solar eclipse
of 2017.
>> Joe Alteri is a member with the astronomy section of the Rochester Academy of Science.
He's headed down to Missouri.
Due to cloud cover and weather patterns, they expect it to be the best view of the eclipse.
>> This is one of my bucket list items.
The excitement level is about as high as it can be.
It's one of the most awe-inspiring phenomenon that people look for.
>> And Altieri is certainly not alone.
>> This is definitely over and above anything we've seen before.
>> Beth Conway works with the Visitors' Center in St. Joseph, Missouri -- a town of
about 75,000 people.
For the week of the eclipse, estimates say St. Joseph could see as many as 500,000 tourists
-- six times the population.
>> Typically St. Joseph isn't a market for airbnb or vrbo or any of those home rental
sites, but we are now and they're all booked.
>> Some hotel rooms have been booked for three years.
RV parks and campgrounds have been sold out for more than a year.
The state expects the celestial event to bring millions in revenue.
>> We've never seen anything like this, to be honest.
We don't host Super Bowls, we don't have huge rock concerts here, it's just not our market.
But this has far surpassed anything we've seen before.
>> And Rochester needs to get ready.
The next total eclipse is in seven years and it's coming here.
>> I've grown up in Rochester my whole life, and to know that one of the most sought after
events to look at is going to happen right in our hometown is just gonna be -- it's exciting,
it's thrilling.
>> Visit Rochester says they're keeping a close on the tourism generated in the Midwest
for this solar event.
But seven years away from an eclipse traveling over Rochester, hotel rooms haven't started
coming off the market just yet.
Samantaha Larocca, News10NBC.
[어제TV]'나혼자산다' 한혜진, 달심→똥멍청이 된 사연 - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
Lời nguyền khủng khiếp - Tập 24 | Hai Cao TV - Duration: 10:09.-------------------------------------------
[日本語字幕] MY KNK TV 2 #14 雨(Rain) ジャケット撮影現場 - Duration: 9:31.-------------------------------------------
Linda Robson is kissed by Luke Goss on Loose Women - Mullu TV - Duration: 3:09.Linda Robson is kissed by Luke Goss on Loose Women
As twin brothers and members of band Bros, the pair enjoy a friendly rivalry.
And Luke Goss was determined not to be upstaged by his sibling as he planted a kiss on Loose Women panellist Linda Robson - one year after Matt did the same thing.
The singer, 48, swooped down on the presenter as soon as he walked into the studio. Luke, who rocked a leather jacket and jeans on the morning show, placed a hand on Lindas cheek and bent in for the kiss.
The presenter looked slightly tense in the moment as she clasped her hands together. But the flushed panellist appeared to be pleased as she said: You're so much better than your brother, love.
Matt appeared on Loose Women in June 2016 and he took his chance to kiss Linda. Beaming as he released his grasp, the mum-of-three then quipped: Now if I get pregnant you have to stand by me!.
She added: I love my job! as she proceeded to take off her wedding ring whilst laughing.
Linda - who has been married to Mark Dunford for 25 years - also piped up when the Bros singer described his perfect woman as kind and cheeky, chipping in: Im cheeky! Im up for anything!.
The Bros singer recently reunited with his twin and the pair are setting off on tour in August. Luke revealed the brothers got back together earlier this year out of fear that a reunion could never happen.
He said: My brother and I were like The clock is ticking for all of us, so let's take a moment to love each other, because one of us will go first.
The musician said he still loves performing and enjoys being back with his brother. He said: I was just happy. If there wasn't an audience we'd just be a bunch of loons doing our thing.
It's a wonderful thing and 30 years is a serious commitment, so thank you very much. Luke also revealed his new show has a segment dedicated to George Michael, as his wife was a backing singer for him.
He said: My wife Shirley, he was like a brother to her. I have great love for him and I was lucky enough to hang out with him.
What a lovely lovely man. My wife's going to sing because she did every song with him. We're going to take a moment to honour a lovely, lovely man..
Matt and Luke shot to fame in the eighties as two thirds of Bros, alongside Craig Logan. The band charted six top five hits in the UK charts and their 1988 re-release of I Owe You Nothing hit number one.
Even though the boys split in 1992 to pursue solo careers, Matt and Luke reunited earlier this year to continue the band.
CuBi TV | cosplay girls - Mẫu Tóc Dài Sexy Aó Ngắn Đi Tiệc -Game cho bé - Duration: and sub channel , thanks
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