Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily how Jul 29 2017

Yo, whats going on guys?

This is boom beach strategy here.

Welcome back to another episode of Boom Beach Gameplay.

Today in this video, I am going to show you, how I have taken down Gearheart War Factory

and unlocked Captain Everspark for fighting with us against the blackguard bases.

Captain Everspark is mostly used hero by most boomers among the 3 heros.

She is good to use in operation to remove key buildings with her super hacking ability

and you mostly find her with most of the player who are using Tmed and RZM to clear and dominate

PVP bases.

So I consider her very important hero for our regular gameplay.

Here it is, you guys can see that the base of War factory 45 is already appeared in my


Though she appeared few days back, but as I don't get enough time to make videos,

I didn't try her.

After that, I have Upgraded Zookas to 14th level also.

So now I think, it is enough wasting of time, lets go to take her down and unlock the new


After beating her only you can be able to face her every week on Thursday.

And she will bring lot of Prototype Tools as rewards for our Weapon lab to build special


By the way, let me tell you guys that, this base is not new to me.

For those whoever is watching my video first time let me tell you guys that, I have done several

solo attacks on this type of base from other high level account.

But that is totally different, far harder than this.

But it is also true that if you really wana take this base down in one shot, you must

have to use smoky zooka.

That's why I have already loaded 7 lc full zookas and I am going to send Dr. Kavan with


So if you start using the Smoky zookas from the beginning of War Factory, you will probably

take her down every week on Thursday, easily and confidently.

It's time to chalk out a plan.

It's a safe beach; no defenses are reaching here, so you can easily collect some extra

GBE here if you don't have enough gbe in your hand.

After that you have to use the Light flare to the corner to accumulate all troops and

hero there.

Must use a smoke at corner as the multi hitter Rocket launcher has the range to that position.

Then flare exactly under the blind spot of Rocket Launcher.

Drive them carefully covering with smokes.

Be patience, no need to be hurry.

As soon as the smoke expires, use shock on the Shock Blaster and Flame Thrower.

No need to shock other defenses.

Clear all the defenses nearby and then accumulate some gbe to use barrage and artillery on those

snipers which are very near to hq.

So the plan is ready and the troops are as well.

Let's go in real and fight like a pro.

I have enough GBE in hand, so I am not going after those innocent boxes to farm some extra

gbe. 69 point of gbe is really considerable as high gbe in this low level account.

So directly I have flared on the corner to accumulate all the zookas and hero as well.

By the way, it is important to stick on the plan; I am also having a habit to follow the


The first step is done.

They are landed safely at the corner and now all of them are covered under the smoke.

Time to flare another one, exactly under the blind spot of rocket launcher.

Here it is.

Oho Dr. Kavan didn't get inside the smoke.

That's why his health downed by 90%.

No problem.

I will carry on.

Changing plan during combat often creates probability of failure.

So I'm following each and every step of the plan and moving forward.

Cool and calm.

Here goes the shock on the Shock blaster and Flame thrower as exactly the plan is.

Oh no.

Dr. kavan is no more.

That mean I can't use his second wind ability.

Ok, no problem.

I think there are enough zookas fighting on the war field.

main threads are gone

Now I can pull them towards the Left wall

to take out those cannons.

here it is


its done

there are no more threads for those ladies

Now, it's time to gather some gbe in hand.

As I don't want to lose many zookas for these snipers, particularly these snipers

I am going to use few barrages and artilleries on them.

These snipers are the closest to hq.

So here are some barrages and few more artilleries for them

so its done

I have successfully removed some of the closest snipers.

Now I can place rest of the zookas at just above of 9 o'clock of the hq.

I think, nothing can reach them now in that place

oh no! watch out the doom canon.

Need little more adjustment. Yes

here, ya

now they are safe and cool

That's it.

So matter of few seconds guys,

the head quarter is going to down.

Let's start the countdown.



1 and boom.

Here goes down gear heart war factory 45 with all zookas.

let's take the rewards guys, it will be huge


Also it will add 5 victory points.

This is a part of Hammerman's base.

So always whenever you complete a giant event of such, you will be able to get lot of good

rewards or resources with some Power stones like valuable crystals and your victory points

will be increased by 5 points.

By the way, Hammerman's black guard bases never give intel.

Intel is an element which is required to start an event to send Task Force's members to

a bigger operation to achieve bigger, but together.

I have such a task force, named as BB Strategy YT.

If you will search it, you will find a 25 men task force.

You can join us and together we can learn and grow.

Its a new Task Force, especially for medium level aggressive players like me

As I forgot to show my offensive status and troop's level at the begining, here it is.

My Zookas are at 14th level, artillery at 13th having damage of 2449, Light flare at

5 having duration of 20 seconds, barrage at 9th having damage power of 6105, smoke at

2nd has 9 seconds duration, the medikit at 9th can heal the troops up to 375 within 7.5

seconds and the shock bomb at 4th level having duration of 8 seconds.

Gunboat at 16th having total 69 point of gunboat energy.

That's it.

So this was all about for today's video, hope you guys have enjoyed the episode.

Thanks for watching.

If you find this video useful for you or for your friends, please do like, share it with

your friends and subscribe my channel to support me, if you have not done yet.

Also see you guys very soon in the next episode with another strategic gameplay, till then keep

it tuned right here.

And as usually, have an awesome day to all, peace out.

For more infomation >> Boom Beach - How to Unlock Capt Everspark with Smokey Zookas - The Start of War Factory - Duration: 8:22.


vixen how much love sub en español - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> vixen how much love sub en español - Duration: 4:28.


How to replace fuel filter BMW 3 E36 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> How to replace fuel filter BMW 3 E36 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:42.


How Trump Could Oust Sessions if He Declines to Quit - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> How Trump Could Oust Sessions if He Declines to Quit - Duration: 7:55.


✓Parmanent Skin Whitening With Boiled Potato | How To Brighten Skin Naturally✓ - Duration: 1:48.


A very common vegetable, Potato have all its benefits related to skin care and beauty regime.

Apart from consuming it just as a food, you can get advantage from it in variety of ways.

Since potato is used in almost all the vegetable dishes, people do not need to engage much

time in searching the particular ingredient.

You just need to pick one potato and use it for variety of skin care and beauty care processes.

It is a kind of vegetable that include good amount of starch in it which can be consumed

but excess consumption of this vegetables is not good for health.

But, fortunately potato has variety of beauty and skin benefits which people can enjoy availing

even if they cannot consume the vegetable.

Today we�re going to show you how to prepare a simple natural skin whitening pack that

will brighten your complexion and provide long-lasting results.

Here�s how to prepare it:




Lemon juice



Wash, peel and boil the potato, then mash it and add the yogurt in.

Now, add a bit of lemon juice and honey in the paste, then wash your face and apply it

on your skin.

Potatoes contain a lot of vitamin C which can brighten your complexion and improve the

quality of your skin.

For best results, we suggest using the remedy twice a week.

For more infomation >> ✓Parmanent Skin Whitening With Boiled Potato | How To Brighten Skin Naturally✓ - Duration: 1:48.


How To Do Acne & Rosacea Treatment In Best Way Possible In Home - Best Rosacea Treatment - Duration: 2:57.

Rosaria most people are unaware of its very existence but if you have ever

woken up to see an outbreak of acne on your forehead chin and even cheeks you

dear viewer had a close encounter with rosacea thinking what is it today's

video will discuss Bester's ASEA treatment even in your home before you

watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by

clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be the first

to know when we post new videos daily one comet with Calvin aya

when those red patches played knew it is time to soak half a dozen chamomile tea

bags in three cups of boiling water once this concoction becomes tepid use it on

the affected areas canna mile contains anti-inflammatory properties by applying

cloth compresses of this concoction to the affected areas you can not only

reduce the redness or inflammation but also allow ingredients such as turbine

oil and flavonoid to soothe the skin giving it the glow you've always wanted

to go green tea green tea is a rage today be its weight loss or a glowing

skin the goodness of green tea is undoubted the anti-carcinogenic

antioxidant present in an aromatic cup of green tea not only reduces the harm

caused by rosacea but also flushes out toxins from the body indulging in this

remedy is the ultimate detoxifying tool in the most effective way to treat a

background of rosacea similarly cold tea compresses can

prevent pustules from emerging and cools the skin from within 3 oxidizing the

oatmeal and a whole cup of powdered oatmeal into a quarter cup of water and

apply a generously on to affected areas this will bring down the itching in no

time do take care that you don't rub the

mixture too harshly on your skin and irritate it even further the softer the

mixture the better for latch on to Nikolas if

the redness does not abate with any medication it is time you trial Icarus

this extract not only works as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent but

also creates new and healthy cells a mixture of liquid powder aloe vera gel

and honey might just be the thing you're looking for

leave this mixture on for 15 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water for

instant relief which is your best treatment for rosacea let me know in our

comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share with

your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> How To Do Acne & Rosacea Treatment In Best Way Possible In Home - Best Rosacea Treatment - Duration: 2:57.


How to Run an Airbnb Business from Anywhere in the World! - Duration: 9:26.

hello youtube this is richard founder of short-term rental and

Airbnb super host on today's episode we're going to answer a subscribers

question which is how do you manage listings remotely ie in places that you

don't live day to day so in my personal experience there's three different

business models that all work one's not better than the other they just have

different pros and cons and price points and the question is how much involvement

do you want and so we'll get into that in a second but let's go ahead and label

what they are so the first one that you could work with is what's called a full

scale property service team this is likely a corporation it might be called

Acme property managers and they're in and around the community where your home

is and they likely manage 20 30 50 60

different properties and you're just one of their portfolio of properties that

they've managed from A to Z the second one is a much smaller scale much more

entrepreneurial it might be an individual or a couple like Billy and

Monica they may not even be incorporated but they make all of their income from

managing the vacation properties or the remote properties in your area and

instead of having 40 50 or 60 under their belts they really can't handle

more than say five or six and so that's a second alternative and then the third

alternative is to not have property managers at all but go out and assemble

your own cherry-pick team of people that do things like cleaning and when there's

a plumbing issue a plumber and so you basically oversee it you are the

property manager and you just have hands and feet on the ground so the obvious

question is what are the pros and cons for each one well let's start with

number one the property manager likely the most turnkey solution the most

scalable the most automated requires the least amount of time and energy from you

but it comes at a price likely they're going to charge the most

maybe as much as twenty or more percent of your rental income to handle it and I

also think that the quality of service can be variable since you don't have a

consistent team always working on your property they have different employees

coming and going and so on sometimes I have found that there's a variability in

the quality of attention that my property received the second business

model the Nouriel individual or the couple is a

solution that I tend to look for but the pro is that you really get personal

experience they get to know your home they get to know the area their

dependence on you for income so like to actually care about the relationship and

therefore they really try and make it work you know for both you and them and

the guests so that's a really good solution it comes at a lower price point

typically than a full-service one because they don't have the same

overhead but it is still relatively expensive now the con is they can be

hard to find and you are dependent on an individual or a couple and things happen

to an individual or a couple like they get sick or they take vacation or they

move out of town or god forbid somebody passes away and now your business is in

jeopardy the third option where you assemble your

own go-to team of people the pro is the cost is the lowest and the quality can

often be the highest because you're actually involved the attention to

detail and the quality control is the highest the con is it's hard to find

these people there may be turnover so you may be looking for them you know

repeatedly or time and time again and thirdly if you're new to the area

entirely like for instance I bought a home down south I'd never really been

there I don't know who the good plumbers are I don't know who the good HVAC

people are I had to develop that network over time and that can take some time

and effort and if you're not prepared to invest that that's a negative so let's

turn to how do you actually find these people and how do you differentiate you

know between and amongst them so the first one is relatively easy on the

property management side just Google look at Yelp reviews the one thing that

I would recommend and I think people just don't do enough of is before you

hire them ask for a list of references and then actually I call them and ask

some questions how long have you used on how many times

have they done turnover did they ever miss a same-day turnover have you

noticed any deterioration in your reviews you know like the cleanliness

gone down how attentive are they just ask like questions that would help you

make a decision between hiring Acme property management and beta

property management so the second group of the individual or the couple the

entrepreneurs that handle they're a little bit more challenging to

find and really you have to do a little bit of legwork and that includes going

into the local real estate offices and asking them if they know anybody

oftentimes they do rights like my sister does this on the

side or you know I know this homeowner and they seem to have a caretaker that

might be what they call them a caretaker that takes care of their property

they're really happy with and again you're going to need several different

names and numbers and you're gonna have to question them but speak to everybody

when you go down to this property ask your contractor ask your electrician ask

the waitress ask whomever you want to assemble as many opportunities and names

and then speak to them and see which one is the right fit because that fit is

really important they're all going to do good work but who do you get along with

working well when it's midnight on a Friday and there's an ice storm and you

need help the cleaning team is an interesting one because there's a couple

of different things you can do you can literally do a google search and then

just look at reviews on Yelp and so on and here you might find entrepreneurial

people that are advertising or have their own website and you want to try

and strike a business relationship right beyond transactional you don't want to

be just somebody's called them and hired them once you want to explain to them I

bought this property I have a 30-year mortgage I'm going to own this thing

outright I'm going to be here for 30 years and what I really want is somebody

on the ground who is responsive to me and doing the cleaning to my level I'd

like to try you out I want to see how clean it is and so like that's one

option is where you're looking for somebody and you're partnering with them

and then of course the other alternative is to do and I recommend you do them

both a ton of networking and find out who's good in the neighborhood heck find

other hosts in your neighborhood and ring their Bell and knock on their door

and say who does your cleaning and are you happy with them so this requires a

little bit more legwork but if you find a good team you're going to be really

happy so just to give you a very broad sense of what you might expect to pay

for these different levels of services and again there's different geographies

and different vacation versus urban but let me just try and paint a broad stroke

that full-service property management team is likely going to be somewhere 20%

or north of your entire rent role now that might be an obstacle and make it so

it's not even possible if you're trying to pay your mortgages and expenses and

so on you have to take a look at your net number and make sure that

after you pay them their fee their cut that you have enough money left over and

you may not so like don't consider that that second group which is more

entrepreneurial they do similar services that's going to come at a discount

because they don't have all the same overhead and office staff and people

answering the phone and so instead of paying 20% you should look to pay 15% or

ideally 10% maybe even less it really depends but it should be at a discount

to that first group where it's a property management and then the third

one which is really just a cleaning team if you will there I recommend that you

strike a flat rate so for every turnover you pay a certain amount and it should

be based on how many hours you think they need to spend there and what the

local wage is but just to give you an example it might be 15 to 20 dollars per

hour and for a modest-sized home it might be a four hour or six hour

turnaround and so maybe it's a hundred one hundred and fifty two hundred

dollars and if you watch my should I charge a cleaning fee video you'll see

that I suggest charging even a premium of that so you make a little bit of

money on the cleaning fee so currently I use a mix of the second option and the

third option I don't use any full-scale property managers I really solid people

in place both at that second option and the third and it works really well for

me but one tip that I would share with everybody is no matter where you go

whether it's the first second or third you want to be really involved you want

to be really knowledgeable you want to be really clear and train these people

to work with you for your standards right just because they're professional

cleaners or professional property managers doesn't mean that they know the

way that you want your home cleaned or the way that you expect it to be set for

guests and so be really thorough and be really detailed and have them come clean

when you're on location as you start to build the trust in your team you can

spend less and less time and rely on them more and more knowing that they're

fully trained and capable and executing at your standards the subscriber thanks

so much for asking the question I'm sure it's a question that's on many people's

mind and I just sort of take it for granted so I really appreciate you

reaching out if anybody has any comments or questions go ahead and leave them in

the comment section like the video please I'd really appreciate that and

like I said we have a lot more content coming

including how to automate all of this and to stay in contact go ahead and

subscribe now please go ahead and subscribe we really appreciate it they

have content coming out Monday Wednesdays and Fridays on the primary

voice of more money in your pocket until then happy

For more infomation >> How to Run an Airbnb Business from Anywhere in the World! - Duration: 9:26.


How To Make A Selfie Flashlight At Home | DIY | Easy - Duration: 4:47.

Things required to make a selfie flashlight

Take the bottle cap and make a hole for the LED

Use Fast Gum to stick the LED

Sloder the wires to the LED terminals

Remove the outside casing from OTG

Glue it in place

Connect the LED leads to the OTG

Take a piece of butter paper and cut to the shape

Glue it in place

Trim the edges

Ready to Test

Connect to the charging slot of your device

Hurray! Its working

Ready to take cool selfies even in low light

Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE

For more infomation >> How To Make A Selfie Flashlight At Home | DIY | Easy - Duration: 4:47.


2017 Fiat 500 | Cargo Capacity Review in 4k UHD! | How Much Stuff Can Fit In That Trunk? - Duration: 11:57.

Hey guys and today we're going to see how much stuff can fit into the trunk of

the 2017 Fiat 500!

Now before I get this review rolling I would like to thank Rick cake Fiat in

Weston Florida for allowing me to review this vehicle for you guys. If you are

interested in purchasing a brand-new Fiat and live in the South Florida area

don't hesitate to check them out. They will get you into the perfect Fiat in

no time, and remember that all of DriveAndBeDriven's reviews are 100% Honest and 0%

Biased. So, let's get started! Now, I did conduct a complete in-depth

review of the 2017 Fiat 500. So, if you are interested in knowing more

information about the 2017 Fiat 500, don't hesitate to check out that full

in-depth review, but today we are going to see exactly how much stuff you can

fit into the trunk of the 2017 Fiat 500! Now to unlock the trunk of the 2017 Fiat

500 there's actually only one way to do that, and there's also only one way to

open up the trunk of the 2017 Fiat 500. So, to unlock the trunk just come to your

key fob design, right here, come to the very bottom button and it is going to pretty

much show a trunk opening up. All you do is hold that button down, and it will flash your

hazards indicating that the trunk has been unlocked. Then, all you have to do is walk

up to the trunk, come beneath the Fiat logo as well as beneath the 500

numbering, press the rubber pad right there, and it will pop the trunk open a

little bit... and you press it again to open it up the rest of the way. Now, what

you are going to be looking at right here is going to be nine point five

cubic feet of space with the rear seats folded up. Now in comparison to its

competitors... Now the Fiat 500 doesn't really have any direct competitors, but

if you are comparing it to vehicles that people may be cross shopping this Fiat

500 with, it is going to be on the lower end of the spectrum with the rear seats

folded up. So if you are looking at this cargo area with those rear seats folded

up the Chevrolet Spark is actually going to be at 11 point 1 cubic feet of space.

That Smart Fortwo is going to have twelve point four cubic feet of space,

the Mini Cooper Two-door Hardtop is going to be around thirteen point one

cubic feet of space, the Volkswagen Beetle will be ranking around, right

behind that, at just about fifteen point four cubic feet of space, and the Nissan

Versa Note will have just about 18.8 cubic feet of

space. So, like I said, the Fiat 500 is going to be lagging behind some of its

competitors with the rear seats folded up... and the main reason for that is going

to be because of the fairly short rear overhang that the 2017 Fiat 500 does

have. It's not going to be that much of a rear overhang that the Fiat 500 has...

Other competitors are going to have a little bit more overhang allowing for

you to pack a little bit more stuff into your trunk. Also, another thing that is

going to decrease that cargo rating is going to be the sloping rear-end because

this rear end is going to slope down just a little bit... there is actually going to be quite a

bit. So, that is going to eat up some of your cargo area, but once you fold down

these rear seats... and it's actually fairly simple to fold down these rear seats,

you just press this button, right here, and push down the seats all the way

down... and I do have both the front driver and front passenger seats adjusted to my

comfort at 5'11" and these seats do fold down with no problem. Let's also fold

down this seat here as well and these seats do fold in a 50/50 split fashion

So, what you are going to be looking at right here is going to be thirty point

two cubic feet of space with those rear seats folded down, and in comparison to

those same competitors that I mentioned earlier... This is when the Fiat 500

actually jumps up the grid line quite a bit. So, if you are looking at the Smart

Fortwo... The Smart Fortwo actually does not have any back seats so it's seats down

rating, as well as, it's seats up rating is going to be that same twelve point four

cubic feet of space. The Chevrolet Spark is going to rank in at just about twenty

seven point two cubic feet of space. The Volkswagen Beetle will have twenty nine

point nine cubic feet of space. Then, this is when the Fiat 500 will come in at

thirty point two cubic feet of space. Then, the Nissan Versa note has thirty

eight point three cubic feet of space, and the Mini Cooper hardtop two-door at

forty point seven cubic feet of space... And the main reason why the Fiat 500 is

going to jump up all of a sudden in its cargo area space with the rear seats

folded down is going to be because of the overall roofline and proportions of the

Fiat 500. Fiat did give this vehicle a very high roof line right here and, as a

result, that is going to allow for this vehicle to be able to fit lots of things

into the trunk and pretty much pack things all the way up to the ceiling. So,

that is going to give the Fiat 500 an advantage over a lot of its competitors,

but looking inside of the cargo area at the overall material quality inside

of here it is going to be pretty basic inside of here. You are going to have sort of

like this lining that is going to be very traditional to most vehicles... Not

much plastic lining in here at all. You are going to have a little bit of a

plastic bumper guard portion, right here, just protecting a little bit of "portions",

right there, but overall not too much going on inside of this cargo area. Also,

right here Fiat also gives you a single incandescent bulb back here, as well as,

your amplifier "that is going to be your amplifier". So, it is going to eat up just

a little bit of cargo space there as well, but not too much to where it is

going to be too much of a problem. Also, if you do try to lift up this floor

there's actually nothing underneath this floor, but Fiat does offer a spare tire

which you can mount underneath the Fiat 500, but I believe that it's going to be

a dealer accessory or an aftermarket option. I'm not 100% sure on that, but

they do not offer any fix-a-flat kit or spare tire underneath this cargo load

floor. Also, with those seats folded down you are going to see that is not going

to be a completely flat load floor. It is going to have quite a bit of a "hump"

there, and Fiat doesn't give you any cover to pretty much cover up the bottom

of the backs of your seats. So, that's definitely something to keep in mind, but

Fiat also gives you this pretty helpful cargo cover, right here, to keep people

that may be wanting to look inside of your trunk. It is going to be very small,

but it does serve its purpose since it pretty much is going to cover

everything instead of this trunk. You cannot see anything when this trunk is

closed, and Fiat will also give you this helper lever right here... Which is sort of

like a vinyl material. You just put your finger in there, and you close it right

on up, and the tailgate of this vehicle is also pretty small! Alright, so now

let's see how a pool noodle with a 5.3 foot long length fits widthwise inside

of the trunk of this Fiat 500. So, let's put on this pool noodle right inside of

here put it against the wall right there, and coming all the way over here you

will see that the Fiat 500 does not fit this pool noodle widthwise. It is going

to arc up quite a bit, but not terribly bad. Fiat also gives you a mini cutout

right there. So, that is going to help the pool noodle fit in there a little bit

better, but overall this pool noodle is not going to fit, but it will still

receive a couple of points for that. Alright. so now let's see how this pool

noodle fits lengthwise inside of the trunk of the 2017 Fiat 500... And I do have

that front driver's seat adjusted to my comfort at 5'11". So. let's slide this

on in there, and you will see that the pool noodle is going to protrude out

just a little bit. So, it is going to lose probably a point for that. Alright, so

now let's see how a suitcase... a 22 inch suitcase fits heightwise, as well as,

length wise inside of the trunk of the 2017 Fiat 500. Alright, so now let's see

how a 22 inch suitcase fits height wise inside of the trunk. So, let's put in our

suitcase, right here, push it all the way back to the back of the rear seats, and

you are going to see that it is going to protrude out quite a bit there because

of this sloping rear portion of the vehicle. So, let's close up the trunk, and

see if it is going to fit and it is not going to fit because this is going to

protrude out quite a bit, but let's see if it is going to sit lengthwise. So,

let's fold down this suitcase right there and you're also going to see that

it is not going to sit lengthwise. It is also going to protrude out there quite a

bit. So, I would definitely like to see Fiat improve this. They probably can

improve that that much for this model year since it (the Fiat 500) does have quite a short

rear overhang, but if they are considering to redesign this vehicle I

definitely recommend that they add just a little bit more rear overhang to

this vehicle, or move up the seats a little bit more, and add a longer

wheelbase. So you can fit a 22 inch suitcase lengthwise laying down inside

of the 2017 Fiat 500, but let's see how many laundry baskets can fit with the

rear seats folded up. Alright so now let's see how many laundry baskets with

an 11 inch height, and a 17 inch diameter fit inside of the trunk of the 2017 Fiat

500 with the rear seats folded up. So, let's put in our first one... One... Two...


And Four... Alright, so let's see if our tailgate will close with four laundry

baskets inside of here, and the trunk will not close with four laundry baskets.

It is just not enough for the Fiat 500 to squeeze inside, but let's see

if we can put three inside of here I'm going to put this in the center, and

maybe a little bit easier since this vehicle does have that window cut out in

the center. So, let's see if this will close... and it does close so you can't fit

a total of three laundry baskets with the rear seats folded up inside of your

2017 Fiat 500. Alright, so now let's see how many laundry baskets can fit with

the rear seats folded down. Alright, so once again let's fold down these rear

seats. All you have to do is come right over here push down this button, and then

push this button down, as well. 50/50 split... Very, very easy to fold down!

That's actually a really neat addition that Fiat decided to add in here. I

really like that feature a lot, but let's see how many of these laundry baskets

can fit on the surface of the trunk with the rear seats folded down. So. we have

One... Two... Three...

Four... And five... And it looks like you can only fit a total of five laundry baskets

inside of here. We can't fit another one over here because it will begin to start

overlapping with the rims of that one, and we can't fit another one here because it

will also begin to start overlapping with the rims of that laundry basket, as

well. So, overall we can fit a total of five laundry baskets with the rear seats

folded up.

Well, that's it for this cargo review! Comment, and tell me what you

would like to see in future videos! Don't forget to Like, Subscribe, and Share. This

is Marcus, and thanks for watching DriveAndBeDriven. Keep it positive, and I'll

see you next time!

You can become a DriveAndBeDriven "Driver" today. Just simply click the

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Subscribing will allow for you to stay up to date with the DriveAndBeDriven

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like this one!

For more infomation >> 2017 Fiat 500 | Cargo Capacity Review in 4k UHD! | How Much Stuff Can Fit In That Trunk? - Duration: 11:57.


[FREE template and tutorial] How to make paper Iris flower from coffee filter - Duration: 4:10.

To make these paper Iris

... only need coffee filter and simple supplier...

Cut the petal along the template

Glue the petal with wire gauge26

Color each petal segment...

Use your finger, the edge of scissor and a ball stylus to form the petals

Use the floral tape to wrap the petals together

Wrap with a wire gaure20

Insert the wire20 to the transparent pvc tube and wrap with floral tape.

Glue the 2 small sepals

wrap by floral tape

Glue the tissue paper under the leaf

For more infomation >> [FREE template and tutorial] How to make paper Iris flower from coffee filter - Duration: 4:10.


How To Mix And Match Stripes With Florals, Ginghams With Prints | TODAY - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> How To Mix And Match Stripes With Florals, Ginghams With Prints | TODAY - Duration: 3:13.


How to grow Ajwain Plant from Cuttings easily | Ajwan Plant Herb care video tips in English - Duration: 4:51.

Hello Friends!

Today I will show you how to grow Ajwain plant from cuttings with time lapse or results for

a cutting done about 50 days back.

Stay tuned� Welcome back.

Before I show you the cuttings, a glance about plant reproduction:

Sexual �reproduction � That�s Growing from seeds.

Then Asexual (vegetative) reproduction � for example from offsets and bulbils that eventually

become independent like we have shown you in aloe vera propagation video.

But this method of vegetative propagation , that�s growing from cuttings - is really

awesome, a complete plant can be regenerated from a cut piece of stem or root, a bud, even

a leaf.

Most of the herbs like Ajwain, this is the preferred method of propagation.

How do these Cuttings Root?

Generally the Best time to grow from cuttings is summer, but for ajwain plant you can grow

from cuttings anytime.

SO the basic concept here is: When you cut off the end of a stem, you inflict a wound

and cut off the water supply, and those two events determine what you and the cutting

must do next if the cutting has to survive.

Its job is to heal the wound and make new roots; your job is to provide a suitable water,

light, air, temperature, and soil-to keep it alive during that process.

Roots are most likely to develop at a stem wound that is in firm contact with moist soil.

When a plant is wounded, hormones called auxins collect briefly around the wound and alter

the -nature of cell division in the cambium (inner �bark� of the stem) so that it

begins to form embryonic root tissue.

Meanwhile, callus material forms over the wounded area � similar to fracture healing

in humans.

If the wound is �exposed to air, the callus dries and becomes hard; in contact with moist

soil, the callus remains somewhat soft, and the roots beneath it can emerge.

One thing you can do like to be more successful in cuttings is : Prior to Taking cuttings,

Water the mother plant well at least 12 hours before you plan to take cuttings.

So, if you are a newbie gardener, believe me start your task of growing from cuttings

from Ajwain Plant.

Its really really very easy to grow plant.

Look at these two cuttings, its nothing done for these cuttings, just strip the leaves

near the bottom and insert them into the potting soil to about 2 inches deep.

That�s all.

No rooting hormone, or any special requirements, its grows in any well drained soil or even

coco peat.

Then water it thouroughly for the first time and see how easily it grows.

Also look at this small cutting inserted about 50 days back � when I created my first video

on the benefits of ajwain plant.

And look at the same plant to present date.

Its grow so tall and healthy.

Hmm, That�s all in this

video friends.

See you in my next video.

Take care..

For more infomation >> How to grow Ajwain Plant from Cuttings easily | Ajwan Plant Herb care video tips in English - Duration: 4:51.


How To Use The Leaves Of Soursop To Kill Cancer Cells (1000 Times Stronger Than Chemotherapy) - Duration: 4:40.


How to Use the Leaves of Soursop to Kill Cancer Cells (1000 Times Stronger Than Chemotherapy)

Graviola (soursop) is used to treat infections caused by bacteria and parasites including

leishmaniasis, a disease caused by parasites transmitted through the bite of sand fleas;

herpes; coughs; and cancer, according to WebMD.

It is also used to cause vomiting and to empty the bowels.

Some people use graviola to help them relax.

Cancer Prevention

The leaves of the graviola tree have powerful anti-cancer properties coming from phytochemicals

in the plant.

The journal "Cancer Letters" published a study looking at the impact of graviola

on pancreatic cancer.

Supplementing with graviola stopped cancerous pancreatic tumor cells from replicating and

caused them to die.

Researchers suggest this natural medicine may prevent and treat cancer.

The leaves may also be useful for treating skin cancer when applied topically.

Treating Viral Infections

Traditional medicines use graviola leaves as treatment for viral infections.

An article published in "The Journal of Ethnopharmacology" in May of 1998 found

that extracts from the leaves suppressed the herpes simplex virus.

The herpes virus is spread through bodily fluids and often transmitted while kissing

or through sexual contact.

According the University of Maryland Medical Center, up to 90 percent of the U.S. population

has been exposed to one form of the virus and there is no cure.

Some anti-viral medications can reduce the number of outbreaks or lessen symptoms.

More research is needed to determine what role graviola can play in the treatment or

prevention of herpes.

Pain Reduction

Supplementing with graviola leaves may reduce swelling and pain, according to a study published

in May of 2010 in the "International Journal of Molecular Sciences."

Researchers gave mice with burned paws extracts of graviola leaf and observed their behaviors.

Those given the supplement had less swelling and demonstrated fewer indications of pain.

However, more research is needed to determine the safety and efficacy of this use in humans.


The appropriate dose of graviola depends on several factors such as the user's age,

health, and several other conditions.

At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range

of doses for graviola.

Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician

or other healthcare professional before using.

Possible Side Effects

DO NOT EAT THE FRUIT: Eating the fruit could lead to movement disorders similar to Parkinson's

disease, according to a case-control study in the French West Indies.

No established human dosage for graviola leaf exists yet.

Long-term or high-dose supplementation may cause damage to the myelin sheath, disrupting

normal nerve function.

Movement disorders may also occur because of compounds called alkaloids present in the


Symptoms of these conditions are similar to those of Parkinson's disease.

Talk with a doctor prior to taking a graviola leaf supplement or making/drinking soursop


How to Make Soursop Tea


Boil 1 liter of water, then take 15 soursop dry leaves (fresh or dried ones both have

same value) and 1 small stem, cut into small pieces and put into the boiling water.

Don't close the vessel and Continue to boil the water on small flame for 30 mins,until

the water evaporates to 500 ml . Now the soursop tea is ready to drink.

Drink 1 cup (165ml) filtered soursop tea hot or warm or cool , 3 times every day, in the

morning, afternoon and in the night.

For better taste you can add 1/2 spoon of lime juice ,2 pudina leafs and add some honey

(not sugar).

After drinking, the body may feel the effects of heat, but no side effects.

To cool the body drink 3 glasses of fresh watermelon juice, and drink 3 glasses of goats

milk every day.

In 2 weeks time you can feel the benefits of soursop yourself, and in 4 weeks time the

improvements can be felt clearly.

Note: Drink soursop tea 30 minutes before eating.

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For more infomation >> How To Use The Leaves Of Soursop To Kill Cancer Cells (1000 Times Stronger Than Chemotherapy) - Duration: 4:40.


How to reopen accidentally closed Chrome, Firefox, IE window 2017 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> How to reopen accidentally closed Chrome, Firefox, IE window 2017 - Duration: 1:42.


Paperclip - How to Print in Google Sheets (GSheets) - Duration: 9:08.

For more infomation >> Paperclip - How to Print in Google Sheets (GSheets) - Duration: 9:08.


How to make yogurt or yoghurt recipe (Homemade – Cheap, EASY, Healthy!) - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> How to make yogurt or yoghurt recipe (Homemade – Cheap, EASY, Healthy!) - Duration: 4:53.


How To Avoid Mosquito Bites - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> How To Avoid Mosquito Bites - Duration: 1:50.


How to protect your eyes during the eclipse - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> How to protect your eyes during the eclipse - Duration: 1:12.


How to make Jelly roll cake ♡ English subtitles - Duration: 4:58.

Hello! My name is Elena Bazhenova.

I am glad to welcome you at my kitchen!

Adults and children like homemade cakes.

One of the simplest types of baking - Jelly roll cake.

Even a novice cook can make this.

There are many options for the sponge cake roll batter, I will share with you my recipe.

For recipe, we need: 4 tbsp all-purpose flour, 3 tbsp sugar,

10g vanilla sugar, 4 eggs, 1/2 tsp baking powder,

1 pinch salt, 50 ml refined vegetable oil and jam.

Heat oven to 200`C / 400`F.

We will need a preheated oven.

Lay only bottom of baking tray with cooking parchment paper.

Crack the eggs into a bowl.

Jelly roll is cooked very quickly.

You will not even have time to notice how it's already will be cooked.

4 eggs.

Add sugar.

Not much sugar.

Vanilla sugar.

A pinch of salt.

In a large bowl beat eggs with electric mixer on high speed.

The egg mixture`s increased in volume 2-3 times.

I was whisking it about 5 minutes.

Sift the flour here.

Baking powder.

Do it gradually.

Gently mix by hand.

Add the vegetable oil.

Gently mix.

Pour onto the parchment paper.

Empty the bowl.

Spread evenly.

Spread to corners; shape the rectangle.


Bake in a preheated to 200`C / 400`F oven.

It took 5-6 minutes. The sponge cake is ready.

This is very easy and fast.

Leave for 2-3 minutes to cool down.

The simplest filling for a roll cake is a jam.

You can use condensed milk,

curd cheese (quark),

whipped cream, sour cream with sugar.

All that you will find at home.

I found the jam.

You can roll up cake through the length and breadth.

On serving platter, make up the cake, seam side down.

You can pour on some melted chocolate.

You can just sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The jelly roll cake is ready!

Trim off stiff edges of the cake.

Let's taste!

A small piece.

The sponge cake is tender, soft.

Delicious pastries! And this dish is very quick to prepare.

Your family and friends will appreciate this jelly roll cake.

Cook with pleasure and enjoy!


For more infomation >> How to make Jelly roll cake ♡ English subtitles - Duration: 4:58.


Ξ喬治英文Ξ How to Disagree with your boss. 如何和老闆唱反調 - Duration: 5:03.

Hello everyone, I'm George. Today let's talk about How to disagree with your boss.

Okay! A lot of people are working in companies, and when your bosses are

presenting some ideas that sound not so wise,

do you know how to disagree with them without provoking them?

You do not interrupt me when I am busy. Do you understand me?

The main technique is very simple. First of all, you have to

apologize or say something nice about them first, and then say what you really mean.

So today we're just going to talk about five phrases that you can use to

disagree with your boss politely without making them angry.

Number One.

I see where you're going but... I see where you're going but...

Here, "see" does not really mean to see something.

"See" means to understand and when you say I see where you're

going, that means I know this plan is probably going to go somewhere or I know

your plan is going to take this company somewhere. This is you say something nice

about this plan and you present what you really believe later. Let's take a look

at the example sentence. I see where you're going but we're a little bit

short on budget. I see where you're going, but we're a little bit short on budget.

and Number Two. With all due respect, ... With all due respect, ...

"due" here means required, needed.

So with all due respect means I'm going to show you as much respect as

possible but I still have to say something

that is different from what you think. Let's take a look at the example

sentence. With all due respect, it sounds more like pie in the sky.

With all due respect, it sounds more like pie in the sky.

Number Three. I totally get your point, but... I totally get your point, but...

In English when you say get it also means understand. So when you say "I get it," that

means "I know what you're saying." This sentence "I get your point," means I know

what your argument is, or I understand what you said. In this part, you're

telling your boss that you are 100% on board. You know exactly what your boss

is saying. But you still have to tell the truth. Let's just take a look at the example sentence.

I totally get your point, but don't you think you're a little bit too optimistic.

I totally get your point but don't you think you're a little bit too optimistic.

And Number Four.

No offense, but... No offense, but...

To offend people means to orally or physically

make people feel uncomfortable. Offense is the noun of offend.

So when you say no offense, it means I'm not trying to make you angry.

Or I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable.

That is to apologize first and then you say what you want to say.

Let's take a look at the example sentence.

No offense, but what they've kind of done that before and failed.

No offense, but what they've kind of done that before and failed.

And Number Five. Not that is not awesome, but... Not that is not awesome, but...

This phrase is giving compliments first. Say something nice about the plan before

you tell your boss there is probably some kind of flaw. So the bigger the

adjective you give, the better it'll be. I think. Let's take a look at the example

sentence. Not that it's not awesome, but don't you think it's a little bit too

hasty. Not that it's not awesome wise don't you think it's a little bit too hasty.

These are the five phrases that I introduced today to disagree with your

boss without making them too angry. Of course, it's always better that you tell

the truth, but the art of conversation is very important. Next time when you really

want to tell the truth to the boss, try to use these phrases, and maybe your boss

is going to be nicer to you. If you're interested in the video today, you can

click to subscribe and subscribe to the channel. I'll see you next time. Bye!

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