[JI] Hello, I'm Jill.
This is ASL Stew.
(♪electronic music♪)
So today... I am filming in front of a green screen.
Now, this green screen is actually painted on the wall.
So what I am going to do is show you how to
use this green screen to make interpreted videos.
Kind of like what I showed you in my e-portfolio.
where I was standing there and I had the video in the background.
So I'm going to show you that scenario.
Obviously you need to have a green screen.
This one has a specific color,
which I can try to find the name of the color.
If I can, I'll leave it down below in the description
or something close to it.
But you can paint like I did which is a more permanent solution
because previously this was used as our filming room and that was it.
So we could paint it and it was cheap.
Now we are actually changing it to a nursery
so that means we're going to cover this up.
So I will have to purchase a green screen.
If I do buy one then I will go ahead
I will let you know maybe on ASL (Stew) Life and give you a review.
But, now I'm going to film this
and then I will use this and show you on the editing page what to do.
So now I'm going to transition to the editing screen with the bubble interpreter!
OK, so now I'm going to show you the editing part
of using the green screen for making interpreting videos.
Umm, now the video that I'm going to put up here in the corner
and what I'm saying are not going to coincide.
Just because I didn't actually record myself interpreting something,
but you'll get the point of what you do and what it looks like.
So, I set up a new project in Final Cut Pro (X).
So you just go into File, which you can't see what I'm clicking.
But you'll go into File, click New,
and then you'll click Event, you'll download your video,
and then once you have your event, you'll set up a new Project.
So I just set up a new project and here is the clip that I downloaded.
So just click and drag it into the screen.
I'll just show you here.
Then as you can see here, I do have audio.
So if you're doing what I normally do,
which is interpreting, and you want to use the audio from the video clip,
then you'll just double click on your trackpad,
detach the audio, click and hit the Delete key.
That gets rid of your audio.
But I'm going to delete this clip because we already have it here.
This is just the introduction.
The rest of this is where I would put the video.
So what I am going to do is
I'm just going to use one of my videos to demonstrate.
But you can take a video from online if it's public domain
or a video that you've made yourself
or that someone else has made that you can permission to use,
and download the video.
So I'm just gonna go into our most recent vlog
which is "So Much Paint!".
Which is on the ASL Stew Life channel if you haven't seen it.
I'm gonna take this clip because it has good lighting.
I'm just gonna take the whole clip
and I'm just gonna drag it and stick it ON TOP of the other clip.
So now let's go back to our video.
So as you can see, if I move the cursor,
you're only seeing the vlog video until
here we go we're seeing the green screen again.
So just put your cursor somewhere right in the middle of the video right here
and when I click on the video, you're going to notice there's this button here.
This is the Transform button.
So I'm going to click the video so it's yellow.
I'm going to click the Transform button
and then you're going to have these little dots.
So you can squish the video if you'd like.
I'm going to click Edit at the top and Undo that.
But what I'm going to do is click it in the corner,
click and drag it in to make it smaller.
OK, and then I'm gonna click and move it.
So normally when I film on a green screen,
I always make sure that I'm filming a little bit over here and off to the side.
That way I can make the video itself kind of...
let's say about this size.
Then I'm over here interpreting,
but this is just a demonstration so it doesn't matter how big the video is.
So I'm just gonna make it about yeah big. OK?
So now we have our video, the one that we'd be interpreting for
and the green screen of what we're interpreting for.
Now, normally you'd have to sync these together.
So I would go through and let's say I'm talking here
blah, blah, blah... you'd have to sync these two.
So you'd have to kind of take this clip and move it to about here
or to about here or whatever.
So you would have to sync the videos up
which really isn't that hard.
So you just go down here... so let's say it started saying
"Hi, my name is Jill..." and here it took me a minute,
I just kind of move my cursor until I'm ready
and then that's about that.
So syncing them is not too hard.
So, as you can see here... (garbled audio)
there's audio on this top clip
and that's the audio that you want to use.
When you are recording yourself on the green screen part,
there's going to be audio on there because
you're normally listening to the video.
So make sure you take the audio off of the green screen video
and leave it on the original video. OK?
So I'll do that for now.
So now we still have this green screen
which we don't want as the background for our video.
So what I'm going to do is
I'm coming over here to the bottom right corner
and I have a little button here, it says Show or Hide The Effects Browser.
So let's say if it was clicked on this one, you're gonna click on this.
Then it's gonna say Video.
You're gonna go down to where it say Keying, K-E-Y-I-N-G, Keying.
There's two options.
I'm going to pick, just Keyer.
So there's Luma and there's Keyer. I'm going to take the Keyer.
As you can see, it shows a preview of what it's gonna look like.
So I'm going to click and drag it onto the green screen part of the video.
So now it takes away the green screen.
This right here, this static looking,
that's because I had a shadow when I was filming.
So be careful about that to avoid shadows,
but ours was just a quick demonstration. So that's why it is there.
So now I need to add a background
because I don't want to have a black background.
So I'm going to come up to the top left
and it has a little "T" button here.
It says Titles and Generators. I'm going to click that.
Go to the Generators and I have all of these options that you can pick.
So I want something pretty neutral.
So I'm going to pick the Organic background.
So it's going to look kind of like this.
Or you can just pick Paper...
you want something that's pretty neutral.
Pinstripes would be OK, even Retro,
but I'm going to pick the Organic.
We're going to click and we're going to drag it UNDER the green screen video.
So don't put it here. I'll show you what it looks like.
If you put it in between, it's going to....
cover up the green screen which we don't want.
So I'm going to take it and move it UNDER the green screen.
I'm going to drag it out so it matches our video.
As you can see, now I have a background behind me.
So I'll just let it play for a few seconds.
I'm just going to disable the umm... get rid of the audio here
just so that you don't hear background noise.
So this is what it's going to look like now.
So, as you can see, this is what it would look like
if you set up an interpreted video.
So you would have your main video playing here.
You would have yourself interpreting here.
Then you would have your background.
Again, you can change out this background.
If you wanted something that's darker,
click, hold, and Replace.
Then just drag it out
and then you have a different background.
As you can see, this one doesn't look good for interpreting
just because it's got all the dots on it.
If you wanted to, you could literally just have a black background.
If that's what you wanted.
Again, it's just gonna kind of depend on your preference,
but I didn't like it because it had the static.
So I'm going to go back to the Organic.
I feel that one had the best option for me.
So Replace and then just.... there you go!
So, that is pretty much what you do.
Then from there you can add on any effects you want to.
If you want to put a watermark on here, you can do that.
Umm... again, sync up your video
so that your video and your interpreting match.
You can make the interpreting video lag a little bit
to mimic more of a natural interpretation
OR you can, because it's pre-recorded,
you can take the interpreted video
and sync it so it's literally almost in real time with what the video is saying.
So it doesn't really look like an interpretation.
It looks more like somebody is signing and talking right at the same time.
So there's no lag.
Uh, talking and signing at the same time so there's no lag.
So, that's pretty much what you do.
I hope you guys have enjoyed this video.
If you have any other questions about what to do for the video...
like I said if you guys really want to see how to do this in iMovie,
let me know. That's a little bit trickier.
Final Cut Pro X is definitely worth it
if you do any sort of video editing.
It's a little bit expensive,
but you definitely get your "bang for your buck" as they say.
So, hope you guys have enjoyed this video.
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We really appreciate all of your support.
I'll see you in the next video. Bye!
[JI] (sighs)
[JI] Oh my legs!
[JE] (laughs)
[JI] (laughs)
(♪chill electronic music♪)
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