Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily so Jul 26 2017

10 Best PS4 Exclusive Video Games So Far

For more infomation >> 10 Best PS4 Exclusive Video Games So Far - Duration: 7:29.


The Not So Quiet Woman - Duration: 43:05.

For more infomation >> The Not So Quiet Woman - Duration: 43:05.


The Story So Far - Duration: 1:26.

In the beginning...

But of course we never see the beginning.

We come in in the middle, after the lights have gone down,

and try to make some sense of the story so far.

We get by. Never mind.

We have seen stranger things in dreams;

and fictions are merely frozen dreams,

linked images with some semblance of structure.

They are not to be trusted, no more than the people who create them.

Are we dreaming?


We strain to listen: the story so far...

If there are no beginnings, then there can be no endings.

We are alone in the darkness.

Every answer prompts another question, and things are happening all the time.

That's all you need to know for the time being.

Trust me.

'The story so far'.

Maybe it's all we can ever hope for...

For more infomation >> The Story So Far - Duration: 1:26.





[繁中/ENG]20170724蘇志燮 SO JI SUB@軍艦島STAR TALK LIVE(1) - Duration: 4:57.

The reason that I was able to focus on my acting is because...

We have HJM sunbae and SJS sunbae...

Why call me sunbae?

You debut in 1995

I debut in 99, you in 95

You can't say things like that, sunbae

My debut year is 99, thank you!

...and also SJK and KSA

We are our characters when we are at the set

not ourselves as stars

that has helped me to stay focus on my acting

We can feel how harmonious it was at the set

Let's look at the next still-cut

I found it...

very wild

It's the most impressive action scene in recent K movies

I've been naked (in the scene)

Wait, let me roll it up

Thanks to SJS, the audience could enjoy this scene

But for the actor, it was pretty dangerous

How did you feel?

The environment and the fact that we can't wear protection make it a bit dangerous

But the director has a lot of experience doing action scenes

we prepared thoroughly

so filming was smooth

no one got hurt, it was done successfully

You end the scene with the line "I'm the boss of the Korean"

How did you feel when you say it? Do you remember?

Well, I said "it wasn't me" to the director after the cut

(Fan) What?


It doesn't look like me

It's different than all characters I've played

"It's like a new me", I told the director

Director must feel happy hearing this from the actor himself

You seldom see yourself with weird haircut and wearing t-string, right?

You must find it weird

When we were doing that scene...

Our choreographer...

I remember this well, there's little protection

Although we have prepared well

but fighting in the water is prone to accidents

so I was worried

But SJS and his partner actor work well together

And SJS himself...

as our action choreographer has said, he's an action genius

he knows how to utilize his body

What's wrong with you guys?

The way action scene is set up is that...

After the scene is designed by choreographer and stunt team

It would be shown to the actors to let them practice

Most actors need to practice to get familiar

But SJS can learn it by looking for one time

Our action choreographer has worked with a lot of actors

But he said it's the first time meeting actor like SJS

He's really good at action scenes

I feel very good, not because what others say

I think in the camera

Choi Chil-sung by SJS is very handsome, very nice

For more infomation >> [繁中/ENG]20170724蘇志燮 SO JI SUB@軍艦島STAR TALK LIVE(1) - Duration: 4:57.


Not So Berry | Part 1 - Duration: 12:17.

Hey guys my audio didn't record but this is my first video so I kinda expected that

This is my not so berry household and I'm on gen 3

If you want a video with audio and a not so berry LP to keep up with then be sure to like and subscribe

This is Bee Bumble and she is the third gen

Sorry it is so laggy but I will try to fix it next time

Ill introduce you to more of the characters in part 2 and hopefully I will have better quality prepared for next time

But until then make sure to like and subscribe for very under average content;) Bye

For more infomation >> Not So Berry | Part 1 - Duration: 12:17.


It All Happened So Fast! - VidCon Day 3 | Kate's VidCon Adventures - Duration: 6:08.

Hi folks, it is Saturday now and the third day of VidCon, third and final day

and I am running incredibly late so we're gonna walk and talk.

The first place that I'm going to today is a captioning workshop

with a couple of the people who work on the captions tool from YouTube.

And I know about captioning, my channel is 100% captioned.

Apparently 12% of my views in the last 28 days have been with captions on

so I think it's a wonderful tool but I think it's also very important for me to go along,

connect with those people, find out maybe things that I don't know about,

encourage other people to caption as well, so that's why I'm going along to that workshop.

It starts at 9:30 and I think it's 9.10 right now so that's why we're walking and talking

because this isn't going to work.

This is actually the first time this VidCon I've actually been to any of the workshops

and in these rooms it's like everybody's kind of set up to learn.

I love it. So I made it here with about ten minutes to spare maybe.

Here we go, let's sit here.

Ooft! Okay, we got here [LAUGHTER]

That was a really really good workshop. I learned so many things that I thought I knew already

but then just speaking to other people, making connections, it was absolutely amazing.

Now I'm ten minutes late for the Disabilities Panel.

It's at the Press Play stage so I'm going to get going. I'm so busy today but at least my hair is dry now.

And the strange thing was I actually met somebody from South Wales at that panel

and she knows about a choir that's starting in my area. How crazy is that?!

So I might end up going to that as well because I haven't sang for a very very long time.

So anyways I'm going to get going and I'm onwards and upwards to the next panel.

So after that big rush to the stage, it turns out I'm not 10 minutes late, I'm 20 minutes early! So there we go.

This is the Accessibility Panel, I think it's called Accessibility on YouTube.

It's got Rikki Poynter, Molly Burke, Tommy Edison, Annie Segarra and Alexandria Taylor

who I all love. I really feel like today is Accessibility Day in terms of my VidCon schedule.

I didn't mean for every day to have a particular theme but that seems to be how it's going.

Okay I ended up back downstairs again.

Somebody that is a fellow creator said that they were basically downstairs

in the area that I'd been in earlier and they wanted me to come say Hi.

So I went and said Hi and ended up watching the panel with Ash Hardell and Ricky Dillion and various people.

It was called "There's a Troll in the Dungeon" and it was actually really cool to listen to.

It seemed like a really fun panel and there was a really funny moment

where one of the panelists needed the toilet halfway through so he just quickly- thank you -

so he just quickly ran to the toilet and back and it was really really funny.

So yeah we're just- I'm just heading back up again, just kind of wandering right now.

I'm going to kind of connect with Dan at some point hopefully but other than that

I don't really have any plans so I'm just gonna go back to the Creator area, see who I meet

see who I connect with and just see where my day takes me cause I don't really have any plans.


Well that was the Twix Prom, folks! I stayed there for about 50 minutes

I heard a couple of good songs, there was one that was from when I was at school

that I probably wouldn't have danced to otherwise but the fact that it was

from around about the time I went to prom, I had to kind of appreciate that.

But really I don't think the music they were playing was really my scene.

Yeah, but it was nice to see Lawrence again, I met Lawrence yesterday so he was there as well

and I got to say Hi to him again and say Bye, but I am going back to the hotel now.

I should probably be packing tonight. I have done some packing.

I'm not terrible of packing, I'm just not particularly good at packing either.

But it's gonna be okay, we'll figure it out.

So a couple more stories from the time period between switching the camera off and now.

I just switched the camera off and there was a massive group of people

and they were all lined up and they were high-fiving everybody that went past

and it was the coolest thing ever, I just got like 10 high fives.

And then I'm not sure if I heard a car alarm or music. Security guy: Get me on your vlog!

Kate: There was a sound that sounded like it could have been the intro to a song

but it also very possibly could have been a car alarm and I can't tell the difference.

Probably because I'm old, I'm too old for this stuff which is exactly why I left prom.

So although it looked like a really good night for some people, it wasn't really my scene

I'm gonna go home and pack so thank you very very much for watching everybody.

There's various suggestions around the screen, thank you so so much and good night.

This man is part of the wonderful team has been keeping us safe this week

so thank you very very much ("You're welcome") Thank you, have a good night.

For more infomation >> It All Happened So Fast! - VidCon Day 3 | Kate's VidCon Adventures - Duration: 6:08.


DEADRISING 2 part 6 (SO MUCH DEATH) - Duration: 1:28:34.

For more infomation >> DEADRISING 2 part 6 (SO MUCH DEATH) - Duration: 1:28:34.


State senators pass so-called 'bathroom bill' in overnight session - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> State senators pass so-called 'bathroom bill' in overnight session - Duration: 2:26.


What makes a good jungler? A breakdown of why LirA is so highly praised - Duration: 7:03.

In League of Legends, the jungle role controls the pace of the early game.

In competitive, it's no different, but for a spectator, it can be hard to recognize all

the little things a jungler is doing and how impactful his early actions are.

For roles like mid or top, one can look at experience or CS leads to judge performance.

For jungle, the intricacies of the role make it hard to figure out who is actually impacting

the game and who looks good simply because their laners are doing well by themselves.

One hallmark of a good jungler is his pathing: how he decides on what camps to clear and

in what order, and it isn't always about maximizing experience efficiency.

A good jungler will adapt his jungle route depending on a number of factors, such as

the strength of the jungle matchup, which lanes he needs to get rolling or help support,

and predicting where the enemy team will focus.

Knowing how to best gank a lane, how to avoid common ward spots,

and how lane matchups play out is also super important.

Last but not least, they need to have the raw mechanical skill to fully utilize the

full potential of their champion.

Everything is connected, which is why good junglers are rare and highly coveted.

Team EnVyUs's LirA is considered by many as one of the best junglers in North America,

but aside from being a very strong mechanical player, what makes him so special?

NV is number one in the league in gold@15, and it's partly because LirA works intelligently

to give his team advantages in the early game.

His synergy with Hakuho makes for strong early game vision, but more importantly, LirA is

constantly adjusting his pathing based on his lanes and opponents.

He's unpredictable and dangerously aware, and to see why, let's pull apart his play

in Week 6 of the NA LCS.

In Game 1 of C9 vs NV, LirA had to play Gragas against Contractz's Elise, a matchup that

favors the Spider Queen.

Elise has the damage to burst Gragas down, can reliably stun him if he tries to engage

with body slam, and can dodge barrels with rappel.

If Gragas ever meets Elise in the jungle by himself, he's going to have a bad time.

So, LirA needs to play this match up cautiously to ensure he doesn't get invaded and fall


If NV can get through the early game on equal footing, Gragas will naturally be a bigger

threat than Elise in teamfights.

In this game, Cloud9 wants to get Renekton ahead.

He has a favorable matchup against Shen and can snowball easily when ahead--not to mention

that, between Elise and Renekton, there's plenty of crowd control and damage to go for

a tower dive and get out unscathed.

NV knows this and adapts accordingly for it.

At the start, Seraph places a very late ward at Cloud9's blue buff and LirA chooses to

start his jungle clear from bot to top.

At 2:10, the ward spots Contractz doing his blue, which gives away the impending topside

aggression: Contractz will either invade NV's red or gank top.

Meanwhile, LirA also makes it to the top side of the jungle.

Instead of directly going to his red, he wards it and does his raptors first.

LirA is adapting his clear because of the potential invade coming from Contractz.

By doing raptors first, he can hit level 3 and be better prepared against Elise's invade.

However, neither he nor the ward ends up spotting Contractz, so NV knows that the top lane gank

is likely C9's play.

Sure enough, Contractz attempts to dive Shen, but safe positioning and a good flash by Seraph

stops the play.

LirA also shows up to prevent any further aggression.

Shen is now safe.

The next series of events showcases one of the most important qualities of a good jungler:

the ability to track the whereabouts of your enemy.

When Contractz attempted the dive, he showed himself to EnVy and thus revealed his CS numbers.

Knowing your enemy jungler's CS allows you to pretty reliably guess which camps he's

done, and predict accordingly where he'll go next.

After the dive, Contractz leaves vision with 15 CS.

LirA knows that Contractz stole some of his krugs, as he saw the 2 minis still up.

Contractz was also seen with both red and blue buff, plus he ganked top lane relatively


The timing and CS numbers allow NV to deduce that he had cleared both red and blue buff,

most of the NV's krugs, and also 5 of his small raptors.

Equipped with this information, NV knows that the next camps Contractz will likely be clearing

are his Gromp and Wolves.

NA, likely LirA himself, pings them and starts setting up for a countermove.

A good jungler can figure out where the enemy is, but a great jungler will take advantage

of that information.

And of course, part of that is coordinating with the rest of the team.

This is a team game after all.

With Contractz on the top side of the map, Apollo and Hakuho quickly push in the bot

lane, using Xayah's AoE feather mechanic and her attack speed steroid, and freely roam

into the enemy jungle to place down vision.

They also take out the blast cone and use the Scryer's Bloom to scout out any additional


From this point onward, both the bot lane duo and also Nisqy, who also has lane priority

in his matchup against Corki, continue to push their lanes.

This plus the vision setup earlier allows LirA to confidently move into Contractz's

bot jungle to ward and even turns the matchup on its head: he is able to become the aggressor

and steal camps from his opponent.

With the ward placed earlier by Hakuho, he spots Contractz at krugs, body slams in to

steal them, and then gets out with a Thresh lantern.

This may not seem like much, but the early experience is crucial.

But that's not all that results from this setup.

You can see that, as the game plays out, LirA has constant vision of the raptor bush because

of the ward he was able to place from the earlier invade.

That ward eventually spots Contractz heading for his red.

With help from Nisqy, LirA casually steals away the red, takes his raptors as well, and

ends up hitting level 6 first.

Finally, he is then able to find an opening to gank bot lane and grab first blood for


In this one game, LirA showed why he's so highly praised.

He understood his losing jungle matchup, knew where Contractz was likely to focus, and pathed


He, along with the rest of Envy, took advantage of Contractz's path using lane pressure,

vision, and CS tracking.

From there, LirA played around his winning lanes, invading Cloud9's bot side jungle.

All in all, it resulted in an EXP lead, stronger map pressure, and even first blood... in what

was supposed to be a losing jungle matchup.

For more infomation >> What makes a good jungler? A breakdown of why LirA is so highly praised - Duration: 7:03.


The sound illusion that makes Dunkirk so intense - Duration: 3:02.

Hans Zimmer's score for Dunkirk starts with the sound of ticking.

And that's a common theme in the legendary composer's work — you can hear it in Interstellar…

...and in Sherlock Holmes…

But in Dunkirk, the ticking makes way for an overwhelming orchestra that seems like

it's rising higher and higher, but never actually does.

It's so tense, it makes you cling to your seat.

That is because Zimmer is taking advantage of an auditory illusion caused by something

called a Shepard tone.

It consists of several tones separated by an octave, layered on top of each other.

As the tones move up the scale, the highest-pitched tone gets quieter...

... the middle pitch remains loud ...

... and the lowest bass pitch starts to become audible.

Because you can always hear at least two tones rising in pitch at the same, your brain is

tricked into perceiving a constant ascending tone.

Loop it all together…

… and it sounds like a piano scale going

on for infinity.

When the transition between tones is continuous, it's called a Shepard–Risset glissando.

And it can sound really spooky:

This can happen in the opposite direction too.

You can hear it in the Endless Stairs in Super Mario 64…

And in Pink Floyd…

It's like a barber's pole of sound, constantly seeming to rise without actually going anywhere.

Put that in a soundtrack…

… and it creates this sound of rising tension that carries the screenplay forward.

Christopher Nolan loves this illusion — you can hear it in the Batpod sound effect in

his last two Dark Knight films…

And in the music of The Prestige, composed by David Julyan.

Nolan's films are often all about time — how it warps in space, in our dreams, and in our memories

— and there's tension that comes with that.

An illusion like this makes that tension palpable — all it takes is clever

sound design.

I just wanted to give a shoutout to Jason Guerrasio at Business Insider for doing this great interview

with Christopher Nolan.

In the interview, Nolan confirms that a lot of the soundtrack was built around

the effect of a Shepard tone.

And he also reveals that the ticking that Hans Zimmer uses at the very beginning of Dunkirk

is actually a recording of a watch that Christopher Nolan owns.

For more infomation >> The sound illusion that makes Dunkirk so intense - Duration: 3:02.


Khim Sokheng - So Funny Mr Khim Sokheng talking about Kinds of Student | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:31:11.

Mr Khim Sokheng

So Funny! Mr Khim Sokheng talking about Kinds of Student

bring to you by Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Khim Sokheng - So Funny Mr Khim Sokheng talking about Kinds of Student | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:31:11.


Retro-Pics zum GZSZ-Abschied: So sah Janina Uhse früher aus - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Retro-Pics zum GZSZ-Abschied: So sah Janina Uhse früher aus - Duration: 1:37.


Nach Sex-Eskapaden: So emotional war "Love Island"-Finale! - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Nach Sex-Eskapaden: So emotional war "Love Island"-Finale! - Duration: 2:00.


So FINDE ich meine TRADES! - Duration: 17:49.

For more infomation >> So FINDE ich meine TRADES! - Duration: 17:49.


Adam Ruins Everything - The Real Reason Hospitals Are So Expensive | truTV - Duration: 1:17.

I know the hospital is expensive

but it is worth it if I get the best treatment.

No, it isn't.

American health care is not the best in the world.

But despite that, we spend more per person annually

on health care than any other developed nation.

And a big part of the reason for that

is that American hospitals overcharge patients massively.

(music playing, cheering and applause)

This neck brace is worth $20.

But the hospital charged him... $154.

This I.V. bag cost less than a buck.

But she was charged $137.

These are real prices, folks.

Hold up.

Wildly inflated health care costs? health care costs?

health care costs?

This sounds like the work of politicians to me. of politicians to me.

of politicians to me.

Was it Obamacare?

Trump Aid, McConnell Med?

What did you do?!

I'm not a politician.

I'm just a boring white guy.

Why does this keep happening?

Sorry, Rachel, but this time,

it's not the politicians' fault.

The problem starts with something called

the "Chargemaster."

The Chargemaster is a secret document full of insane prices

that hospitals use to charge us whatever they want.

Let's go on a trip through the history of medical billing.

Wow, I'd rather not.

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