Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily videos Jul 26 2017

Now, we're going to talk about one of the most important of the psychotic disorders,

which is schizophrenia.

So what is schizophrenia?

It's a psychiatric disorder

characterized by a constellation of abnormalities

in thinking, in motion, and behavior.

Here's some facts about schizophrenia.

It affects approximately 1% of people over their lifetime.

Men and women are equally affected.

Men present with a disorder around 20 years of age

whereas women tend to present a little bit older, around 30 years of age.

It's very rare for someone to present with symptoms of schizophrenia

before age 15 or after the age of 45.

Here's a question for you,

what season of birth is associated with higher rates of schizophrenia?

Winter birth.

And there are a few thoughts about why this is.

Maybe because environmental stressors such as cold weather,

nutritional deficiencies or exposure to infectious agents

during this time of year occur.

There are a lot of different hypotheses in terms of the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.

The most prominent of which are the dopaminergic pathway hypotheses.

So being that there's a disruption in either the mesolimbic pathway,

which creates what we call positive symptoms of schizophrenia,

the mesocortical pathway, which produces negative symptoms,

the nigrostriatal pathway, which is involved in extrapyramidal symptoms

and also tardive dyskinesia,

or the tuberoinfundibular pathway involved in hyperprolactinemia.

We'll go through each of these in a little bit more detail now.

The mesolimbic pathway plays a key and complex role

in our motivation, emotions, reward

and positive symptoms, therefore, of schizophrenia.

The mesocortical pathway is relevant to the physiology

of cognition and executive function.

This is in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

Emotions and affect are involved in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex

and hypofunction of this pathway might be related

to the cognitive and negative symptoms that are seen in schizophrenia.

The nigrostriatal pathway contains about 80% of the brain's dopamine,

a very important neurotransmitter that we think is highly dysregulated

in individuals who have psychotic disorders especially schizophrenia.

The nigrostriatal pathway is involved in motor planning

and dopaminergic neurons stimulate purposeful movements.

Dopaminergic projections in the tuberoinfundibular pathway

influence the release of prolactin.

The dopamine is released into the portal circulation

connecting the median eminence with the anterior pituitary gland.

The role of dopamine release in the tuberoinfundibular pathway

is to tonically inhibit prolactin release.

And so when this pathway is disrupted,

that's why we think people get hyperprolactinemia.

Other causes of schizophrenia include the downward drift hypothesis,

which is where individuals who are affected by the illness

tend to follow a downward trajectory in terms of

not always being very highly educated,

not being able to sustain stable jobs

and then basically deteriorating and drifting

downward in the socioeconomic stratosphere,

which then perpetuates meeting someone

and producing children who are going to be more susceptible to the illness.

Other neurotransmitters that are implicated include

serotonin, histamine, norepinephrine and GABA and glutamate.

You might ask why is glutamate an excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter

of any interest in schizophrenia research?

The answer is that the NMDA glutamate receptor is blocked by PCP

and produces a clinical syndrome similar to schizophrenia

including the positive and negative symptoms as well as formal thought disorder.

Here's a question as well,

what are the psychiatric indications for neuroimaging studies?

You want to do neuroimaging studies such as a CT scan of the brain or MRI

in any person who's presenting with a first time psychotic episode.

Again, it's very important to rule out medical problems.

You also want to do head imaging when somebody's acutely confused,

if there's dementia of unknown cause, prolonged catatonia,

if there's a movement disorder of unknown origin

or a personality change in someone over the age of 55.

These are all indications to do head imaging.

Another question to consider here,

what is the most consistent functional neuroimaging study finding

in people with schizophrenia?

The answer is hypofrontality.

For more infomation >> Schizophrenia – Psychiatry | Medical Video - Duration: 6:03.


Thought Disorders – Psychiatry | Medical Video - Duration: 7:29.

Now, let's talk a little bit more about the thought disorders.

There are different types of thought disorders.

We think about disordered thought content.

This looks like disruption in a patient's beliefs,

ideas, and interpretations of their surroundings.

Disordered thought process

is a manner in which the patient links ideas and words together.

Let's consider a couple of the common types of thought disorder.

What do you think it means when we say a patient has alogia or poverty of content?

Well, this is where very little information is conveyed by speech.

How about thought blocking?

In clinical practice,

this is when a patient suddenly loses their train of thought.

It's exhibited by an interruption in their speech

and then they have trouble picking right back up again.

Loosening of associations describes a speech content notable for ideas

presented in sequence that are not closely related.

So it's where somebody jumps all over the place.

Tangential though process is another type of disorganized thought.

So this is where answers to interview questions

diverge increasingly from topic to topic being asked about.

Some call this circumstantiality if the is eventually returned to the original topic.

When somebody's tangential, they basically go off course

and can never return to the point.

Clanging or clang association is another type of thought disorder.

So this is where words are used in a sentence

that are linked together by rhyming or due to phonetics.

Here's an example of what a patient might say.

"I fell down the well sell bell."

So things rhyme, but they don't really make any sense used together.

A word salad is another important type of thought disorder

and this is where real words are linked together but incoherently.

So it's nonsensical.

An example would be a patient saying, "Tree way of nothing house."

It makes no sense.

A perseveration is repeating words or ideas persistently

often even after the interview topic has changed,

so it's where somebody really can't let go of a point

and they just keep bringing it up over and over again.

I want to give you this case study to consider.

Mr. B is a 22-year-old man.

He's been having trouble in college.

Rather than graduating on time,

he has had to repeat a few years due to an inability

to get to class because he has low motivation.

So his parents come out to college to visit him

and they find his dorm room a complete mess.

Their son, Mr. B, is malodorous

and he has not been taking care of is hygiene.

He talks nonsense when his parents ask him what's wrong.

The only thing they can decipher is their son saying,

"My professor wants to kill me."

So you meet Mr. B in the emergence room and you start evaluating him.

If this is all you know at this point, what's your differential diagnosis?

Of course, it's broad, so you're going to consider all of these things.

All right, so you're going to consider general medical conditions.

Now, I can't overemphasize this point enough.

Whenever considering a psychiatric disorder,

you must always consider medical conditions first.

They're easy to treat and more likely to be reversible.

Also think about whether or not this disorder

and whether or not these symptoms are actually substance related.

Something else that can be quickly treated and possibly reversed.

Beyond that, you're going to think of some psychiatric disorders,

like a brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform disorder,

schizoaffective, schizophrenia,

schizotypal personality disorder,

a mood disorder with psychotic features

and you may think of schizoid personality disorder.

So when you consider that case of Mr. B,

you've got a broad differential diagnosis now.

And on the top of your list, of course, is a general medical problem.

So when it comes to psychosis,

what types of general medical problems are important

to rule out in treating your patients?

It's a long list, so let's go through it.

Delirium, you're going to think of this.

Of course, delirium is a frequent cause of psychotic symptoms, okay?

And this could be duet to fluid or electrolyte abnormalities.

Also, substance intoxication or withdrawal.

Hypoglycemia, hypercapnea, hypoxia or infections or from other medications.

These are all possible causes of a delirious patient that could look psychotic.

We're also going to think of endocrine problems,

things like thyroid disease, parathyroid or adrenal disease.

And then the liver can be disrupted and also present as psychotic symptoms.

So think about hepatic encephalopathy and uremic encephalopathy.

Other medical causes, you're going to want to rule out our infectious diseases,

things like syphilis, herpes, Lyme disease, prion disorder, and HIV or AIDS.

Inflammatory disorders like lupus,

anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis,

leukocytosis or leukodystrophies, multiple sclerosis.

And you're going to think of metabolic disorders

like porphyria or Wilson's disease.

Other things to rule out are neurodegenerative diseases,

things like Lewy body dementia, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.

There are other neurological conditions include space-occupying lesions like a tumor,

seizure disorder or stroke

and any kind of a head injury or trauma to the brain.

Finally, you want to rule out if there's a vitamin deficiency, especially B12.

Now, because there's a long list, we have here a summary,

an acronym that you may find useful in thinking about

what categories and groups of medical conditions can present as a psychotic disorder.

At the end of this lecture, now, I hope that you appreciate

how important it is to formulate a differential diagnosis

for the psychotic patient especially including general medical conditions

and the substance abuse problem

and to rule out anything that could be easily treatable

and reversible before formulating a psychiatric diagnosis.

For more infomation >> Thought Disorders – Psychiatry | Medical Video - Duration: 7:29.




For more infomation >> AISHWARYA RAI HOUSE INTERIORS | STUNNING | Aishwarya rai house INSIDE VIDEO AND PHOTOS - Duration: 2:13.



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For more infomation >> NEWEST ELECTRONIC FREE MUSIC TO USE IN VIDEOS VJ - Duration: 13:58.


SYFY LIVE FROM COMIC-CON | Stranger Things 'Upside Down' Parody Music Video | SYFY - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> SYFY LIVE FROM COMIC-CON | Stranger Things 'Upside Down' Parody Music Video | SYFY - Duration: 1:22.


👊Get More Video Views!!!👊YouTube Video Closed Captioning SEO Experiment. Does CCing YT Videos Help?? - Duration: 2:52.

I'm going to do a Demo on how Closed Captioning your youtube videos could have potential benefits.

I posted two youtube videos that have different intros but the same content, 90% of the same

description and the exact same title and tags.

The primary difference between the two is that the Orange thumbnail video has subtitles

which I created using an IOS App and the other one does not.

I will be doing 11 searches scrolling 20 pages max and note each video's page location to

see if subtitles could help videos be found more often.

My searches include variations of each video's titles and tags.

So let's get started.

So here is the summary of the results and as you can see subtitles could be an EASY way

to help you get a real boost of potential views of your youtube videos.

So if you are looking for ways to stand out from the older video posts with similar content

then adding Closed Captioning may be your answer.

Keep and eye out for my video on how I easily create my own accurate subtitles.

For more infomation >> 👊Get More Video Views!!!👊YouTube Video Closed Captioning SEO Experiment. Does CCing YT Videos Help?? - Duration: 2:52.


Funny Cartoon Video Clip for Children - BABY ANIMALS DANCE for Kids - Videos Compilation - Duration: 2:18.

Funny Cartoon Video Clip for Children - BABY ANIMALS DANCE for Kids - Videos Compilation

For more infomation >> Funny Cartoon Video Clip for Children - BABY ANIMALS DANCE for Kids - Videos Compilation - Duration: 2:18.


Colors for Children Learn with Color Soccer Balls | Color Soccer Balls Learn Colors for Kids Videos - Duration: 1:58.

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For more infomation >> Colors for Children Learn with Color Soccer Balls | Color Soccer Balls Learn Colors for Kids Videos - Duration: 1:58.


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Play doh ice cream Set

For more infomation >> Play doh ice cream Set │ Play-doh fruits │ Play doh videos │ Art for kids - Duration: 10:05.


Parents say an instructor showed inappropriate videos in HCC class - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Parents say an instructor showed inappropriate videos in HCC class - Duration: 2:45.


OxBlue How-To: Customizable Time-Lapse Videos - Duration: 1:24.

Hi, I'm Gabe with OxBlue.

Did you know your camera comes with three time-lapse options?

You can view your project using the automated instant time-lapse, the automated

customizable time-lapse, and the professionally produced time-lapse

provided at the end of your project.

Today, I'm going to show you how to make a customizable time-lapse directly in the interface.

Let's get started.

From the interface, click on the change viewing mode button located on the bottom bar of the

screen and then click customize time-lapse.

This will take you to a page that let's you customize your own time-lapse video.

You can choose parameters to create just the video you're looking for based on a time period

or specific dates, the time of day the images are going to be used, and the length of the

video ranging from 15 seconds to 90 seconds.

Enter the email address you would like to send your time-lapse to.

You can even schedule an automated recurring update on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Once you've set the parameters to your liking, click create time lapse.

In a few minutes, you'll receive an email with a link to download the video.

We hope you found this video helpful.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> OxBlue How-To: Customizable Time-Lapse Videos - Duration: 1:24.


School pet care learning videos my teacher for kids - Duration: 15:16.

School pet care learning videos my teacher for kids.

For more infomation >> School pet care learning videos my teacher for kids - Duration: 15:16.


Top 5 Ghost Hunting Videos! Season 1 Dead Explorer - Duration: 5:24.

Hey guys.

This is Alejandro the Dead Explorer.

You might have heard the big news that Dead Explorer is coming back on August 5th, but

did you know did know this will be the sixth season of Dead Explorer?

To help you prepare for the brand new episodes, let's take a trip down memory lane and look

back at the top 5 moments from season 1 of Dead Explorer.

Number 5 Jake's Road Would you let a ghost kid push your car?

Legend states that a deranged farmer killed his wife and son, Jake, near this central

Texas road.

Now people report that Jake pushes your car if you park in neutral!

When I tried it, it appeared that the vehicle actually started to move!

"Immediately after putting it in neutral, its already moving down, but the elevation

is going up and down.

Actually the elevation is going up.

I was not expecting that".

Now I know what sceptic swill says about gravity hills, but to test this legend in person is

nothing short of scary.

Number 4 USS Hornet The USS Hornet is the most haunted ship in

the Navy.

It downed 1400 Japanese aircraft during World War Two and even worse, the USS Hornet had

the most suicides of any ship in the Navy.

In addition, they say over 300 people died on board from freak accidents and that many

of those accidents happened in the engine room.

Back it 2012 when we visited the engine room we felt that a ghost was trying to get our


"Come on sailor.

Give it your best shot.

Copy this."

Unfortunately, there was a lot of engine noise so the quality of the sound was not awesome,

but being able to spend the night with my friends at this haunted place was epic.

Number 3 Wilson County From the big USS Hornet we go to the smaller

and less known Wilson County Jail Museum in Floresville, Texas.

Legend states that a prisoner was hung twice at Wilson County Jail after a failed first

attempt did not kill him.

Talk about intense.

Now locals believe that this mishandled hanging caused the prison to be haunted.

"I wouldn't last in here.

Dude, it's like.

One, two, and three."

<EVP come here> During this investigation we caught two CREEPY evps that blew our mind.

"That sensation, see if I pull it he feels the same thing".

<EVP Pull it> Number 2 La Borde House

La Borde House is the beautiful Victorian hotel in Rio Grande City, Texas.

But under all that beauty hides a tragic past.

Local historians claim a little girl drowned when this hotel used to be a home.

Any investigation with a lost ghost girl is going to be tragic.

This was confirmed when we caught the evp of the ghost girl looking for her mother <EVP

mama> and when we heard the disemobied voice of that girl telling us stay at the bottom

of the stairs <EVP stay down>.

Number1 Gonzales County Jail Now, before we start number one, I wanted

to warn you that this video contains extreme footage.

Viewed discretion is advised.

The old Gonzales county jail in Gonzales Texas held up to 200 prisoners and from 1855 to

1921 people were hung at the gallows outside the jail.

There is even a "Lunatic's Room" complete with the spooky wall scratches of those lost

souls locked up in that room.

It was in this room that the investigation went horribly wrong.

"Are you all right?

Yo, Jay you alright man.

You Jay, we got to get out of here bro.

Go, go, go.

Something was holding me down.

I see it man.

Your eyes are watering man.

I'm going to switch off night vision.

Dude I feel the pressure on my neck.

You got to see your eyes man.

I feel the pressure on my neck right now.

Something is chocking me."

So that is our list of the top 5 moments from Season 1.

Which moment was your favorite?

Let us know in the comment section below.

I hope this video got your imagination excited about the unknown world around you.

We will continue to release our favorite moments from seasons 1-5 throughout July as we prepare

for the August 5th premiere of all new episodes of Dead Explorer.

In the meantime, make sure you like this video and hit subscribe.

This is Alejandro reminding you that Exploring is Life.

Talk to you soon.


For more infomation >> Top 5 Ghost Hunting Videos! Season 1 Dead Explorer - Duration: 5:24.


Oddly Satisfying Videos #628 - Duration: 10:01.

💙 Don't forget to subscribe my channel to help us reach to 100.000 Subscribers 💙

For more infomation >> Oddly Satisfying Videos #628 - Duration: 10:01.


The Most Satisfying Video of All Time - The Best Oddly Satisfying Compilation - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Video of All Time - The Best Oddly Satisfying Compilation - Duration: 10:22.


The Most Satisfying Videos of All Time - Duration: 10:01.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Videos of All Time - Duration: 10:01.


Fun Bucket JUNIORS | Episode 11 | Kids Funny Videos | Comedy Web Series - Duration: 7:07.

You are going to start from tomorrow.. So don't forget to come regularly... Yes sirr..

May i come in sir.. Why you are late Gullu..??

Iam starting exactly from there sir.. Then why you are coming late if you start In-time from there...??

My parents are fighting sir.. What you do if they fight, Are you stopping it...??

Not only today, they are fighting daily.. So what..??

At that time, my shoes will be in there hands.. one with my mom and other with my dad.. So, it's getting late for me to take and come after their fighting...

Hai bro.. I came today morning itself from Banglore... Shoot was good there..

Yodha you are getting more complaints from school.. No.. Iam studying very good...

Okay... They said you are not writing notes.. Noo.. Iam writing regularly..

Bring your Book.. This is my book..

It's empty... Then where you wrote..?? I wrote bro..

I wrote while teacher writing on board and i erased it when teacher erased it on board..

Again she wrote and erased... I too did the same... That means iam following her class regularly right..

Likith why you are soo dull..?? Sister.. what madam said us one month back..??

What she said..?? She said us to plant a tree right.. Yeah..

We both done at-a-time right.. Which tree you have planted..??

I planted Tomato tree, i got many plants in one month.. Then what about you..??

I planted Carrot tree.. Then how many carrots you got..??

Tree became very big but i didn't get any carrots..

Gullu what you are doing here..?? GST increased right..

So what you are doing here..?? Last week me and my dad planted vegetable trees here... So, vegetables are free for us now..

So what you doing now.. All rates are increased due to GST right... That's why iam planting Hens feathers...

Why you are planting Hens feathers then..?? We will get chicken after some days right..

What happened to you bro..?? Mom cooked chicken today.. So i ate more...

Ohhooo chickennnn... After that i ate water melon too..

Water melon too..?? That's why iam getting scared..

Why..?? I ate water melon seeds also..

No problem don't worry.. But always my teacher calls me soil mind fellow.. So what

Iam feeling scared because those seeds may grow inside my side..

What happened to you.. have some water, you are getting Hick-ups right.. I won't drink..

Why..?? Mom prepared fish curry today.. Have to taken Thumps-up with Fish..??

I not even drunked water also.. Then how your Hick-ups will go..?? Drink some water come on..

I don't want.. why..?? What happened.. Why you are not drinking anything..??

If i drink water, that fish may grow in my stomach..

Yodha how you wrote your exam..?? I wrote well bro..

super.. Tell me one question in that..??

Where is Puri jagannadh's temple..?? Then what you wrote..??

I wrote Chapathi.. You have to write Puri... However we have puri in that right.. Why you wrote chapathi..??

No matter if Puri or Chapathi.. These two things will be prepared with same Wheat flour right..

Yes sirrrr.. I came to know, there are a lot of complaints on you.. Nothing like that sir..

Teachers saying that you are not attending to classes after 2 periods why..?? Iam not doing it wantedly sir..

I have a lot respect towards our country sir.. What is the relation between School bunking and country..

After 2 peroids, iam showing my Patriotism by going to cinema theater sir..

Again what is the relation here..??

This is what patriotism means.. How..??

Now a days Our national Anthem playing in cinema halls right.. So iam going there and showing my patriotism sir..

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