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How to get more INSTAGRAM LIKES with FEW followers (2018) - Duration: exactly you can get more likes on your Instagram post in August 2018
welcome back and you're watching Mike the dope toast with all the algorithm
changes this video is especially targeting for people like me with
smaller amount of followers leave a comment down below and tell me how many
followers you have on your Instagram even though you have a small amount of
followers on Instagram it doesn't matter you can't hit explore page you can't get
more eyeballs from people beyond your followers you can't get more likes you
probably didn't get many eyeballs from your followers nowadays on Instagram
anymore because the algorithm only released for about 10 to 12 percent you
know to your followers even this perform well it probably just reach about 20 to
30 percent most of my posts are showing me that 80 percent people are not my
followers and how crazy is that and you get it right today we're gonna focus on
hashtags I have a whole playlist dedicated for hashtags you can
definitely refer to that check it out I'll link in the card description probably
the easiest one definitely go to research on the hashtag first know that
okay some of the hashtags are very important to you because they're really
relevant to your niche tap on the follow button and try to follow couple of
hashtags is something that people don't usually do it because they probably
think it's useless following a hashtag is actually helping
you like indirectly because actually encouraging you to do something so what
I mean do something is you want to take action when you're taking action
basically you go to the hashtag tab that you're following in your following tab
on your profile when you have the time I would suggest you to check out some of
the hashtag you already follow and look at these hashtags whether they have a
high amount of recent post in the recent tab every five minutes there is one new
post or every 10 15 this is definitely the best practice for you to just go
over there and trying to click on the few posts and check them out basically
what I mean is you know double tap their posts so like their posts or even
leave a comment you probably go to do about you know 15 to 30 different people
and after that the best practice is to get their real attention is to go to their
profile and like a few more of their posts but not a lot of people willing to
spend their time to niche down and targeting and like the posts that is
completely relevant to them and the reason why you need to go to a higher
capacity of hashtag to search for these people is because these people are most
likely still pretty active on so they might actually notice you in the notification
and they might go back to check your profile and like a few of your posts and
that's how exactly you get more likes so you want to be the opportunist to
actually get to the point that where people can see you everywhere on
Instagram it's not just on your feed nothing is organic today you have to
reach out beyond that you know homepage so now we go to a little advance to get
more likes is to get more reach and impression we can guarantee to say more
reaches to different accounts it actually proven that you will get more chances to
get more likes and comments that hashtag is actually the biggest solution right
here hashtags actually help you to reach out to more people but what matters is
that listen not just only relevant to you and your posts but basically it is
completely relevant to each other for example you're using hashtag A and
hashtag A is basically suggested along with hashtag B C & D so what you need to do
is look at the B C and D hashtag whether these hashtags have a good amount of
capacity 1k to 1 million probably is the most optimum so you wouldn't be
over-saturated by the hashtag most important thing is to get their eyeballs
the relevant hashtag help you to rank better in a hashtag feed
because of the new explore page now you're not just targeting to get to the
explore page hoping to get more likes and comments from random people (but) to get
people that's actually interested in your niche in your post that will
eventually give you genuine like and may actually give you a follow if you
are lucky to get a follower from that trying to track down trying to narrow down
everything topical channels are now introduced on explore page so it's
actually pretty helpful when you actually understand which
hashtag belong to which category is just like the YouTube algorithm if your video
has the same keywords with the another video
you will be suggested along with it so it's the same to Instagram you're
helping yourself to get to the right audience and that is how exactly you
should do when I actually use hashtag effectively my post actually reach out
to more people it was like 80% of them but when I actually use hashtag that's
so saturated I actually lost a lot of opportunity so always be the
opportunist right here and another secret um a lot of people don't really
exactly tell you overlooked by a lot of us so when you look at analytics you
probably think that why am I not getting any you know like impression from
explore page but why you know in the home section there is just a lot of it
well the reason is pretty clear follow hashtag so people are able to
see your post if you're using the hashtag in the home page and if you're
ranked at the top of the hashtag Instagram algorithm might push your post
randomly in between a few posts in your home feed they will show up the hashtag
that somebody else is following if you are ranking at the top you get a chance
to be on their home page as well and that's how exactly homepage section
might get more than your explore section Use hashtag that will have a chance
to be at the top and hit to anybody seriously anybody's home page so I also
want to clear another myth which a lot of people say you know you need to
change hashtag in every single post so you don't wouldn't be repetitive
Instagram wouldn't see you as a spam Instagram wouldn't see you in this way and that way
well personally I would say you know you don't have to change the hashtag I
actually try a couple of times I'm using the same hashtags I'm still able to reach
to more people so let's say your content is good if you're changing the
hashtag just because you're worried you might get banned then you are actually
making a very wrong decision if your hashtags are completely relevant to what exactly
your post is representing I don't find there's any problem in fact when I'm
changing to different kind of hashtags which is not so relevance to each other
my post is actually hinder its growth because of my foolish act if you have
the magic group of hashtag if you find a way for yourself
don't simply change it! experiment it from time to time before
you are able to hit to a number to change the hashtag it's not about
just one hit and you gone you want to have sustainability and that's how
exactly you need to work on the things there's a lot of rumors you might get a
shadow ban because you joined the DM groups so at first I do trust it that
but all I can say is that shadow ban doesn't exist direct message group is
actually pretty helpful when you join the right group I mean how do I join my
DM group? basically someone else invited me to the DM group because we are
all artists so we're doing the same things on Instagram basically everyone
is so different they're like people with you know like 6,000 followers there are
people with like you know just 200 followers they actually will help you to
hit to the explore page because it's a snowball effect so it's all about the
quality pretty good when you're joining right one if you're joining the bad one
you're basically you know sending yourself to hell in the next video I
would dedicate the whole thing for DM group I'll talk about how to use direct
message to contact with your followers getting your eyeballs and the next time
when you post something they will be notifying without you you know asking
them to turn on the notification and as well as how exactly you can use DM
group to connecting with the right minded people make sure to subscribe hit
the notification bell what are you waiting for? like this video share it out
anything else leave a comment down below send me a
message on Instagram check out the links down below there's a lot of playlists as
well cards and I'm Mike and I will see you guys in the next one so peace out
Gloria Maria faz comentário indiscreto em foto de Chay Suede no Instagram - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Scheduling Instagram Posts with Hootsuite: Direct Publishing for Business Accounts - Duration: 2:41.Posting to Instagram in the Hootsuite dashboard is different than publishing
to your other social networks. There are two methods for sending an Instagram
post based on the type of account you have and the type of content you want to
share. Direct publishing is available for business profiles posting single images
while the mobile notification workflow is used for personal profiles and
publishing video content.Tthose using direct publishing can switch between
workflows as needed. Hootsuite will automatically detect if you upload video
content and switch your post to the mobile notification workflow. To get
started, add your Instagram business account to Hootsuite or reauthorize your
existing account for the new workflow. To do this, click your profile picture in
the top right corner, then select manage social networks. Select your Instagram
business profile, then connect with Instagram. Now follow the prompts to
authorize your account. This involves logging into your Instagram account as
well as Facebook. All Instagram business accounts are connected to a Facebook
business page, so you'll need to log into Facebook using the credentials of an
administrator of that page. With this authentication step complete, direct
publishing is enabled. You can now publish individual images to Instagram
the same way you would for any other network. Craft your next Instagram post
in the composer, add your copy along with hashtags, then, add your image and perform
edits using Creative Cloud. Here you can add filters and resize your image. When
editing your image, make sure it fits within instagrams accepted aspect ratio.
When you're done, check out the post preview to ensure it will appear exactly
as you want it. Now, either publish it or schedule it for
a later date. Video posts can still be composed and scheduled in the
Hootsuite dashboard. However, publishing videos to Instagram
requires using the mobile notification workflow.
Popek został ojcem. 20 minut później miał wypadek. Zdjęcie. Instagram - Duration: 2:29.O Popku znów zrobiło się niedawno głośno. Wszystko za sprawą jego udziału w polsatowskim "Tańcu z gwiazdami"
Mimo iż na parkiecie radził sobie dość dobrze, programu nie wygrał. Już w trakcie trwania show zdradził natomiast, że spodziewa się kolejnego dziecka
Popek został ojcem. 20 minut później miał wypadek Dziś już wiadomo, że córka Popka Julia doczekała się brata
Wszystko wskazuje, że gdy raper dowiedział się o porodzie swojej partnerki Katarzyny, natychmiast wsiadł do samochodu, by przywitać na świecie syna
Niestety, Popkowi wybiegł na drogę dzik. Samochód rapera został uszkodzony, a na miejscu zjawiły się służby porządkowe
"Przód auta rozje**ny, dzik leży w krzakach. Co za dzień! Urodził mi się syn 20 minut temu" - powiedział w filmie na Instagramie Popek
Całe szczęście, że w wypadku nie ucierpiał nikt i nic więcej oprócz dzika i samochodu
Popkowi serdecznie gratulujemy narodzin syna. Ciekawe, czy tak jak tata zostanie raperem
Zobacz również: Dziennikarz
**NEW** free instagram followers - get followers on instagram lesson than 5 minutes - Duration: 4:12.
Como Usar Stories do Instagram para Você Vender Todos os Dias - Parte 2 - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
Instagram Fotoğraflarımın Arkasındaki Gerçekler | İlayda Akdoğan - Duration: 18:32.Hello again everybody, today
I decided to make a video about social media.
Don't let my seriousness belie you from the fact that
the subject is not too profound at all.
We upload
numerous posts and stories on Instagram every day.
But what lies in the background of these contents?
Or what are the stories lying behind these posts?
And what are underlying facts behind these photographs which we see
and like on social media?
I chose some photographs from my profile.
I have been using Instagram for a good bit,
approximately 5 years or more.
Imagine how many photographs I uploaded and deleted repeatedly.
There's been a huge circulation.
I will mention my old photos, new ones,
the circumstances and conditions in which they were taken
and the stories lying under them.
There are really funny photos, and there are photos
which were taken in pretty weird circumstances.
Let's see what we have in my archive.
I'm opening my Instagram.
I created an album here
about the photos which I want to mention.
The photo on my mind is nonsense, but we will mention them all.
We will proceed from old to new videos.
There are actually pretty complicated photos.
According to me, there are a bit old photos and pretty new ones,
they're mixed, let's begin.
The first photo
is inconceivably nonsense.
When you have a look here, you'll get what I mean.
The story behind this photo is;
we made a movie called Mustang couple of years ago.
We were literally traveling the world with it, we were traveling movie festivals.
We were at Toronto Film Festival and our hotel
was called Festival Tower
the hotel had a red carpet in front of it.
While chilling in the balcony, we were watching the red carpet below.
Like ''Who's at the red carpet today, let's see which celebrities are here today,'' etc.
We had returned from a Q&A and
there was a huge crowd in front of the hotel. And we were like
''Oh my god, who is here? Let's go and have a look''
We ran outside and smuggled into the middle.
And awkwardly, there was no one around us. We were at the very front but nobody was around us.
Maybe it was forbidden to stand there but they didn't see us or something.
We're standing in front of the barriers as you guys can see.
Imagine the place in a big ''U''shape,
the celebs walk around from here,
make a big ''U'', then surpass us and get into the building
and participate in their movies' screening, Q&A's,
speeches, photoshoots, etc.
We were waiting to see the incoming celebrity and
we saw a head full of grey hair, and suddenly we say George Clooney.
And then we started yelling as much as we can, like we had been waiting to see
George Clooney or like we had been waiting for him for 50 years,
George, George!
But one of
the girls in our group, didn't even know George Clooney.
We kept yelling until our throats hurt,
but he was already going to walk near us, why did we get so excited?
We were yelling, screaming,
imagine four girls screaming ''George'',
it was disgusting but everyone else was also yelling, so we were neutralized.
Whatever, while he was walking near us, I don't even remember it.
The only thing I remember is we were mad screaming,
and then I was like ''Can we take a picture?''
I was like a crazy fan girl. But I can't count 5 George Clooney movies.
But I love George Clooney.
I think he's handsome, charismatic and a successful actor.
Whatever, we asked to take a picture and he said ''sure'' but you should have seen him,
he was excessively cool, he was dying of coolness.
Since we were very excited, here's what our
photo looked like:
I'm holding the camera like this,
only the upper side of my face is in the shot,
a huge smile on my face.
It's an awful photograph.
Whatever, he surpassed us,
and there is a chaos back here.
A chaos of me and Güneş. Here's what that chaos i about:
Güneş has an awful attitude when she's photo is taken.
She takes the phone to see how she looks,
and if there's any problem with her look,
she deletes that photo right away. Without any consideration.
I would never let her delete that photo,
we took a picture with George Clooney, which is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Güneş was like ''let me see it, give it to me''
And I was like ''No, I won't give it to you''
We were going mad crazy. We were
mad yelling at each other. But there was so much noise in the place anyways.
We were fighting like small kids.
And in that moment, the festival photographer
decided to take a picture of George Clooney.
And what's in the back? Weird faces of two maniacs.
But you can still see the coolness of the guy. Ruthless about everything,
walking, swinging and us going
mad crazy in the back. Then I gave the phone to Güneş.
She was yelling ''I won't delete it''. She didn't delete it, I would never let her do something like that.
This is one of our memories.
I think it's one of the funniest posts on my Instagram account.
This was actually not by chance,
it was planned.
We had a Q&A for Mustang,
Emilia Clarke was our moderator.
Again we were very excited. We had dinner first,
but we were sitting like this, staring right into her face.
And here eyebrows were moving so much that you could only focus on them,
while she was talking, she was like ''yeah, yeah''.
She was made out of eyebrows.
We kept staring for a long time but we were very repulsive.
We were also ashamed and didn't know what to say.
When they asked us whether we wanted to ask any questions,
we were like, ''How was your first acting experience?''
It was none of our business, there are tons of interviews of her on the Internet, we could have read it from there.
Whatever, she was our moderator,
she asked us some questions, we had some chit chat
and took a picture like this, it was of course a big deal.
Due to my excitement, my face looks kinda weird
but since my dress is very nice, it covers it up.
She was a cute woman, she hung out with us in a nice manner.
Her eyebrows move way too much but she's beautiful, her skin, etc.
Alright, here's one of the
most distasteful and irritating sisters
in the world.
When I was younger, I took a role in a TV series called ''En İyi Arkadaşım''.
There were sisters called Eda and Seda
who had the attributes I just mentioned. They always called each other
''sweetie'' and cheered for Kenan Doğulu.
A friend of mine called Burak
recorded this from the TV.
I'm probably dying here.
They used to play music in the set and we were to dance.
My favorite thing in the world was
to dance when I was young.
I'm really into it, dancing with enthusiasm but
what are these moves? My mouth looks like
I'm holding my breath. Some nonsense movements.
This might be one of the funniest videos of my childhood.
I can see that I really loved dancing, as much as I am told today.
It looks very irritating in my opinion, but
I give it to my youth.
This photograph remained as my
Instagram profile photo for a long, long time.
Literally for years.
The only thing I can tell about this photo is I was very happy.
I don't know why I was so happy but I wanted to America so much
since I was young. I used to look at planes and say ''I will go to America one day.''
Since it was Mustang's festival process,
we were at Los Angeles and I was
very excited and happy. We went to the beach on that day and
we were just running around, yelling, laughing, etc.
We were having so much fun. Fly, you're not involved in the video.
We were having so much fun,
I scraped that moment in my mind as the happiest moment ever.
Fortunately this photo was taken,
my happiness is pretty obvious.
That's why, it's a photo that creates nice feelings in me.
I love this photo very much, it's a living photo.
In this one, again 5
girls are going delirious.
This was Mustang
competing in Oscar. It was the Oscar day.
We were not participating. They gave us
a restricted ticket. What I mean by a ticket is
an invitation. Not all of us could attend,
2 people had to be chosen.Since we didn't want to
fall apart, we sent the director and the producer only.
They hired us a Mustang on that day, the car Mustang and
we were wandering with the car everywhere.
We were yelling, screaming ''Mustang'', etc.
We were just like American teenagers but
we were actually Turks in the middle of America.
It was so much fun, I really like this photo.
We had so much fun, we waited
for the results of the Oscar, almost crying.
We couldn't win the Oscar, but it was such a nice day.
This is from the evening of the previous photo.
This is from the party in which we watched the Oscar.
Since it was related to Oscar and we were invited,
it was an event to which some celebrities attended.
Kristen Steward also attended to that event.
Of course we were excited again.
We got excited whoever we saw.
We were like ''Oh, a celebrity, wow!''
We were excited but this time we were pretty cool.
Because it was our Oscar party. We were not indulged by the way,
we were just cool and calm.
Then this photo was taken, thanks to Nazlı, we could never dare to do it,
Nazlı is the one on the very left.
Nazlı was very outgoing, like ''let's take a picture, Kristen!''
And Kristen was like ''Oh, okay.'' She was
very cool and a little bit raunchy.
Once I misspelled a word and she was like ''Fuck, don't you know how to pronounce that?''
She was tripping about it and I was like, why is she doing that?
She's a very cool and oil headed woman but
she's cool. She Kristen Stewart, she's got a name.
This is another
ironic photo of me and Güneş.
One of the dumbest
things that could happen to me literally happened.
We went to Japan for Mustang,
Interviews, speeches Q&A's, etc.
I went to Japan for the first time
I was going to stay there for 4 days,
wanted to travel around, feeling very excited, etc.
I got sick.
I caught a disgusting virus and got very sick.
I couldn't talk, I was passing out.
I had extreme fever.
I'm in Japan, I went to
the hospital to inform the doctor about my situation.
I couldn't express myself. I had a Japanese translator with me
I was sick but we still had things going on like Q&A's.
And in order to keep up with the rhythm,
I attended to the Q&A's, but the only problem was
I lost my voice. I couldn't talk. I couldn't communicate with people
so I was writing on the board in my hand.
When we were asked a question, someone else was responding
while I was writing on the board.
It was tough
but I hope to visit Japan again.
I couldn't visit the city as much as I wanted to.
This is a photo with Özge from Dolunay times.
We weren't expecting this photo to look this good.
It ended up looking like a cover page of a magazine.
We were giving directives to Ersin like ''take two pieces from there,
make sure the branch is visual,
make sure we look good, etc. And when we ended up with this shot
we were like ''wow, what is this?'' It looked like it was taken by a Beauty Plus.
Of course Özge and her Cool Lime which she never dropped off of her hand all summer,
settled right in the middle of the photograph.
I definitely recall Starbucks when I hear the name Özge.
''Honey, do you want anything from Starbucks?'' or while Özge was coming to the set
I was like ''Okay, it's time to give the Starbucks orders.''
I love this photo, it's
both effortful and effortless at the same time but a warm photograph.
Cute, we look cute.
This is a photo of my most favorite scene in Dolunay.
With Hakan, it was the 19th episode as I remember,
when I first read the scenario, I almost died of excitement.
I was like ''Oh my god, I'm very happy, it's a great scene.''
And my energy was up here all day.
You wake up in the morning and your energy level may vary.
I was jumping and hopping around all day, I was thinking that I was Harley Quinn, I guess.
With the baseball bat in my hand. I was even going to the
restroom with the baseball bat in my hand.
I was that happy and excited. It took very long to shoot but
we never got bored even in one scene.
And we ate McDonald's for lunch,
which was one of my biggest passions back in the day. I was like, ''Can today get any better?''
It's a scene in which I had so much fun,
it's also my favorite scene in Dolunay.
And this is a pretty cool photo, dangerous duo.
It seems like I love my whole Instagram content, as we can see from this video.
This is a pretty new photograph.
A couple months ago, we went to Salzburg with Red Bull.
To taste Red Bull's new flavor; the Summer Edition.
And they took us for a flight in a private plane, Red Bull has a hangar there.
I recorded a video about it,
about me flying a plane, you can see how excited and happy I am in the video.
I'll put it up around this area,
I still couldn't figure out where it pops out from.
I ran and sat right in the front
in order to be able to see the view.
The pilot suddenly gave me the control.
I was recording my video from the back, putting my hand on the lever, pretending like I was flying it.
Cool movements, etc.
The pilot said ''Come on, take control'' and I was like ''Huh?'
I literally said ''Huuh?'' Then he said, ''Come on, fly it''
and I was like, ''Oh, okay then''.
I wasn't expecting him to give me the control.
Hilal was in the back and she is
very frightened of planes.
She was crying like ''Take control, take control'', yelling at the man.
Telling him to take back the control.
I was trying to tell Hilal that I wasn't actually doing anything.
But I actually was flying it.
The pilot told me that I had all the control and I asked ''How?''
He told me to pull the lever and I did.
I pushed the lever down and we were
exposed to a colossal G force.
You can see the funny expressions on my face in the video,
because of the G force. Then I realized that I was actually flying it.
I flied it all around a mountain.
He let me fly it for 5-10 minutes.
It was a great experience. After landing,
I probably kept screaming ''I flied a plane, I flied a plane''
for like 3 hours.
I took the footage from my Gopro and sent it to my
relatives. I have like 5-6 relatives, not much.
I was like ''Look, I flied a plane,
yes I flied it, I swear'', etc.
I couldn't get out of its effect, it was so much fun.
This is a very very new photograph, like literally new.
What's up with this photo is, when you look at it,
it seems like a pretty nice shot.
In the sea, on a swing, kinda different, etc.
But we were definitely not expecting to capture this shot from this place, to be honest.
We woke up very early in the morning, in order to take this photo.
I woke up at 4.30 AM, got prepared, put on my makeup, etc.
People on the comments asked why I was wearing make-up in the sea.
It's because I wanted the photo to look good, it was a photoshoot, I didn't go there to swim.
Of course I wouldn't go swimming with my eyeliner on.
We were taking a photo after all, whatever,
we got prepared, walked down to the sea,
at those hours, it's not crowded.
The beach is very crowded in the day, many people try to swing here so
in order to take a nice shot,
we went there in the morning.
There was too much sunlight, more than there was supposed to be and
I can never keep my eyes open in the sun,
I might be one of the most sensitive people about sun.
I was trying to look at the camera, my eyes are already small and they were
just disappearing under the sun.
I couldn't look, Alp was counting up to 3 and I was opening my eyes to catch the shot,
but I was struggling, my eyes were tearing up.
The main problem, I couldn't climb on the swing.
The swing was higher than I had expected.
Other than that, while I was trying to
climb on the swing, I was slipping due to the seaweeds on the surface.
I couldn't sit on the swing, and the swing itself
was also slippery and unstable.
I tried to climb it nonstop, I mustn't fall into the water, etc.
Alp was holding the iphone and the surface was
full of sharp stones.
Alp kept slipping and falling nonstop.
Since there was no solid surface, we were
two people distilling in the water, trying to take a good shot.
We kept trying to take the shot we wanted but it seemed impossible.
When we found out that we took this shot,
we were proud of ourselves.
It was literally tough, Alp kept falling,
I kept falling. I mean it, I couldn't stand
still on the swing. But when you look at the photo,
it looks effortless, like an easy shot. It looks like
I sat on the swing and posed while sweeping.
That's not the case, that's definitely not the case. Early in the morning and lots of struggle.
I'm not even mentioning how cold the water was.
When I first put my feet in the water, I was like
''Shall we give up?'' You can imagine the morning breeze.
I couldn't walk and in my each attempt
of climbing on the swing, a new dry area of my body was getting wet.
And I was like ''Is this worth it?''
It was cold, it was very cold.
But it ended up being a nice shot.
It's also liked, seems like it's nice.
These were the photos which I wanted to mention.
Since there are more than 1k photographs in my Instagram,
I chose the ones with the best stories.
But as you can see, behind the photos
which you like or dislike, or think that is simply just a photo,
there are stories and memories lying.
We do not just put the phone here and take photo.
There are thousands of things that happen and they sometimes have pretty funny stories behind them.
I just wanted to give a little information
about the photos which you see pretty superficially and
wanted to mention the stories lying under them.
This is it from today's video,
see you guys in next week's video, I upload my videos each Wednesday at 6PM.
I'm very consistent about this. So, see you guys
next Wednesday at 6PM, bye.
How To Use Viral Instagram Traffic To Explode Your Shopify Profit! - Duration: 12:52.what's going on guys welcome back to another video in today's video I'm gonna
show you how to use viral Instagram traffic to explode your Shopify sales
now you don't have to go out and get the traffic we're gonna be finding people
who already can make things go viral for you and get you lots of sales so we've
been testing this for quite a while now and I understand that people don't have
time to grow instagrams and get sales as well now we've been testing this method
and one of my students has been doing this but my first piece of successful
Shopify thanks to a viral Instagram video 18 sales and he actually missed
down on a bunch of sales cuz he had a problem with the store so he sent a
thousand visits to a store and he had a problem and then he found the problem
fixed it and then he that the total number was one point two thousand so one
thousand two hundred so he sent 1200 visits basically from the two hundred he
made around about $200 $190 from the first thousand visits he had a problem
so he would have made a lot more guys so I'm gonna take you through step by step
how this works what to do and stuff like that but remember guys I give away
access to one of my trainings in every video do you want it from the last video
is in the Pend comment if you want to win we'll have a chance to win this
stuff make sure you'd like and subscribe it's really important that you like
because if I get over say 400 likes on this video then we'll be adding an extra
person into the drawer for the next video so make sure you like and
subscribe to jump into this competition and leave a comment okay you've got to
leave a comment as well those three things alright guys so how does this
work what do we do now if you've been following me for a while you know that
we've been working on a massive kind of like a project on how to go viral on
Instagram and has been working very very well the video on the right is actually
a product that got promoted on my Instagram that's why I've blanked that
out but this product got over 500,000 views one hundred eighty one hundred
eighty three reach maybe we've got more maybe we've got listviews than that
anyway we've got a bunch of stuff made a bunch of money this one here we got lots
of views but understand that people don't have time
to get all of these views and try and make money at the same time it's hard to
juggle all of that so what you can do is you can actually go out there and find
pages that are already doing this and I'll tell you what to look for what
signs to look for now this is actually a product here I've blanked it out to keep
this is actually the oh this is the product here that from here so 500,000
views this is kind of to give you an idea of what to do so there was a video
here the video is real easy guys you probably just order the product to self
or see if your supplier has one but the products that we're promoting are really
easy to do videos for you can do them in a couple of seconds this is the caption
the product and then we link to the profile that wants to shout out and then
we do 50% sale today and then put the website as well and then link again to
the profile really really easy to do so simple to do now what we've linked we
don't put the UM link in our profile unless they ask if they ask us we will
so just make sure you ask the profiles if you can put your link in their
profile so how does this work guys I'm going to jump into my phone in a second
but first we're gonna go to Aliexpress and look at the kind of stuff that is
really good for this type of stuff so really anything can the travel niche and
the automotive niche so let's go to LX press real quick and first will do I'm
automotive keychains because those do really well so keychains and so stuff
like um these turbos do well these nice bottles do well these mag wheels do well
these actually do surprisingly well and these little gearshift the things you've
probably seen them on Instagram we might actually see them on Instagram when we
could jump to my phone in a second these do really really really well because
they're cheap and you can make a pretty good profit but not like a massive
profit but if you keep doing it over and over again you're not only getting money
but you're gonna be building up an Instagram page at the same time you're
basically guys this guy here is basically making money and promoting his
own Instagram profile at the same time so you can keep making money forever as
long as that page is getting built up so essentially his
his own client base by giving out shoutouts and he just just keep
snowballing guys it's a big snowball effect so there's that niche the
automotive niche is huge but it's also the outdoor niche so outdoor I don't
know what's going to show up but haven't really looked at this maybe like a
waterproof bag bella clovers do well those I kind of knew that those buff
things I think it's what they're called I don't know if you could do an ex
yeah these here so these fishing buffs do really really well and like the
travel outdoor kind of niche but you'll just go on guys oh this isn't a video
about finding products you'll just go and find products that all travel like
maybe those air beads that you blow up off the wind this you know these travel
pull things I don't know but you can go out there and find the products to sell
what I want to do is show you how to go out there and find look for signs to
find these Instagram profiles that you want to go and promote on okay and the
aim of the game is to get the video viral we don't really care about
anything else we want to find a page or profile that can get our video viral so
I'm gonna jump it to my phone right now give it up on the screen and I'll show
you exactly what to do alright guys so in my Instagram right now and depending
on what you're doing like if you already have a store then you probably obviously
want to pick a niche there on the products you're selling but if you're
new and you don't have a store or selling any products things like luxury
luxury is good for like I'm carbon-fibre money clips so we have luxury travel
automotive and probably some other stuff fishing as great outdoors this is also
the stuff you could probably do so what you want to do is go to the search thing
and you're going to come to the explore page now if you don't know how that
algorithm works anything that's going viral is pretty much on the explore page
what happens is a lot of people do what we call engagement groups and they boost
their content to the explore page and we want to find videos so first you
obviously want to pick your niche at the top okay
or in the search bar so you've got food sports travel all sorts of stuff we're
gonna go audio what you want to do is look for videos in the
big square okay so something like this let's see no so that was posted over a
week ago and it's only got 40,000 views we want videos that have lots of views
at least half a million so we'll try this one here 13 hours ago a hundred
thousand this might be okay so what you do now is you go to the profile and you
look at all of the all of their other videos so these guys don't actually have
many videos then one has 400,000 views so I wouldn't bother with that you want
someone with videos because they know how to get videos to go viral if they
have lots of videos so at this point you can actually just keep scrolling down
here if you like okay but it's really important to make sure they are on the
explore page okay if they're not it has to have to be the explore page because
you know that they can get to the explore page 200,000 views in one week
that's still not really what I want to go for here we go
200,000 views in 15 hours excellent 180k and you see they post a lot of other
videos and they're getting really really really good amount of views okay
not the greatest to be honest we could probably do better this is pretty this
is the right but you just go here and you just go DM them send them a message
and you can say hey can you do a shout out I want to do a video only please and
give them the video now if you have trouble making a video just get some
images of your product and match them together and put them on a loop that's
all you got to do right it doesn't have to be crazy hard don't pay over 60 bucks
per shout-out for this type of stuff okay like maybe 60 more if it's a really
really mess of patient that gets millions upon millions but at least
don't go over $100 but definitely definitely go over 100 don't go over 60
unless you really think it's worth it so that's not a very I'm trying to find a
good example here nope see we get asked up the go super viral okay here we go
800,000 views in three days turn a thousand okay I'm
gonna pause this video guys and try to find a profile that does relevant to
what we're talking about alright guys so I found one called super audit autos 365
the reason you want to find profiles that go that have videos that go viral
all the time is because you know that yours will go viral okay so this video
here half a million views this video here half a million views this video
here half a million this video here a quarter of a million now this is the
Russian account so I don't know it might not be the best but the reason we do
this guys is because there's a method to growing these accounts and going viral
they use engagement groups to good engagement groups and that's really the
secret so these guys are in the good engagement groups and they put the work
in to get their content to go viral 300,000 views you don't want to go for
profiles they have one video that's gone viral there is heaven or a couple of
videos and or it's really inconsistent you want a profile that has videos that
go viral every single time they post them ok that one didn't but you see what
I mean so that's all you do guys you go to the explore page you find the
particular the particular topic that you are the niche that you want to travel is
a big one ok so travel everyone always goes viral in this your 700,000 views 1
million views 1.8 million look at this one I less 30,000 that's that's not very
good but you get the idea okay you need to go for profiles that make videos go
viral all the time every single time they post look at this one one more they
don't do any videos but when they do it looks like they go viral 1.8 million and
all you do guys did you say hey can I get a shout out but it has to be a video
and I want to put a link and stuff like that and are you interested in putting
my link in your profile sometimes they'll do that for free sometimes I'll
charge you for it depending on the price sometimes it's not worth them but the
whole aim of the game here guys is to get the video to go viral just like we
did here 500,000 views just like my
studentid here 400,000 views maybe that's all we do but the you have to
have a video and that's really how it is because videos are going viral right now
like think about it for a second if you do a shout out with an image you might
get like I don't know a few hundred a few thousand likes or something maybe
and you might get like I don't know a bit of reach but with videos you're
getting millions and millions sorry hundreds and thousands of views
some of these videos over 1.8 million views right so you can make so much
money doing this stuff and at the same time you're building up your profile as
well alright guys that's it for this video I just want to show you that this
is how we're going out who I'm I'm doing this as well that this student here is
going out and doing this because these students this is what it's about getting
students results these guys are going out and doing this and getting these
results and Mitch got the city's name but he would have actually gone out and
got a lot more money if he if his site was working properly at the time all
right guys that's it for this video go and find those profiles super super
simple go to here and they have to be on the explore page and they have to be
always posting videos and gaining lots of views that's really the most
important thing look seven hundred thousand seven hundred thousand seven
hundred thousand right that was a perfect page to go and do this one
called discover all right that's if this video guys like subscribe all the
details for the competition are below on the pin comment and I'll see you in the
next video
SHOT ON INSTAGRAM LIVE! Rapper Project Youngin Apparently Survives Assassination Attempt - Duration: 4:01.Florida rapper Project Youngin was apparently shot at while previewing a
new track on Instagram live on July 29th. You're watching What's Trending, I'm
Martine Beerman. Make sure to subscribe for more trending news stories. Project
Youngin whose real name is Rasheed Jamaal Hall is a promising up-and-comer
in Florida's rap scene, known for his collaboration with lil baby. And the
track "biggest blessing" featuring Young Boy Never Broke Again. In May he released
a track with Quando Rondo called "Yesterday." On Instagram live. youngin
was sharing a track from his upcoming mixtape "thug soljas."
After about 40 seconds though, shots ring out and young and falls out of view. Youngin: "oh
man. 'Thug Soljas' on the way man, that's how we rockin' man..."
there hasn't been a ton of
information released about the incident since Sunday, but youngin' apparently
survived the attack. His team on Twitter wrote "thank you everyone for your
prayers, we'll let you know about Project youngin's condition soon." His latest
Instagram post is from the day of the shooting it's a clip of a track from
thug soulja's. Youngin's friend Julio Foolio posted a video of them together on
Instagram along with the caption "stay up Big Brother."
And we're hoping that this indicates that youngin
survived the attack, but he may not be out of the woods yet. There are also a
few comments putting forth that the shooting is fake, including this headline
from scallywag & vagabond that starts with the headline "PR job?" but at this
moment, there's no indication that that was the case and right now we have every
reason to believe that somebody shot at Project Youngin. Plus, like who fakes
their own potential death at the hands of a shooter for a PR stunt? That would
be awful. He had previously shared photos from a
recording studio in Broward County Florida which double-xl magazine pointed
out is the same area where xxxtentacion was shot and killed in June. Four
suspects have been indicted connected to the death of xxxtentacion. Three of
those suspects have been taken into custody. A fourth suspect Trayvon Newsome
remains at large. As of right now, there's nothing really to connect the shooting
at Project Youngin' with the murder of xxxtentacion except for the fact that
they're both rappers in South Florida. And with live streaming being more
popular, incidents like this have unfortunately become more common. In 2016,
Bryan Fields was shot in the street while he was streaming live on Facebook.
According to police it was retaliation for a crime fields had allegedly
committed. And we previously told you about Prentiss Robinson who was always
seen live streaming around Wingate North Carolina. He was also shot and killed on
camera. Right now, we're hoping for a swift and full recovery for Project
Youngin and our thoughts are with him and his family. And if we get any
additional information about his condition after this video comes out,
we'll update it in the description below. Thanks for watching and for more stories
head to
KOMPYUTERE [İNSTAGRAM] İNDİRME - Duration: 16:40.-------------------------------------------
Is Naomi Campbell Pregnant At 48? — See Instagram Post That Has Fans Speculating - Duration: 2:59.The Internet is abuzz with rumors that Naomi Campbell may be expecting a child at 48 years old after Skepta, who she was romantically linked to earlier this year, posted a sonogram on Instagram
Could Naomi Campbell, 48, really be pregnant?! Speculation that the gorgeous model might be expecting a child began when Skepta, 35, posted a photo of a sonogram to his Instagram page on July 30
Remember, Naomi and Skepta were first rumored to be dating in Jan. 2018, and seemingly confirmed their romance by posing for a PDA-filled magazine shoot in April
Naomi is the last woman Skepta was linked to, so fans think that she might be the mother of the child he posted on Instagram! However, a source tells HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY that the rumors that Naomi is pregnant are "not true
" Naomi and Skepta have never confirmed if their relationship is anything more than just professional and/or platonic, but their social media flirting led fans to believe that there was definitely something romantic happening between them
Besides Naomi, there's been no other chatter about who the mother of the baby might be, but the sonogram certainly has the Internet buzzing either way
However, along with the image, Skepta didn't include much information. He captioned the pic with a rose emoji, and the sonogram image shows that the baby is referred to as "Baby Adenuga," which is Skepta's real last name, but no other hints were given
However, the unborn child does appear to be pretty developed, and Naomi hasn't sported any signs of a baby bump in recent months
In fact, the 48-year-old looked thin as ever when she stepped out in Paris wearing a form-fitting, black ensemble just earlier this month! HollywoodLife has reached out to reps for Naomi and Skepta for comment
Drake and Lil Yachty showed their support for Skepta's baby news by commenting on the pic with "Dada" and "Congrats," respectively
Regardless of who the mother is, this is very exciting news for the rapper!
Kylie Jenner Just Launched Her Own Instagram Face Filter - News Today - Duration: 2:50.You can now sport Kylie Jenner-approved lips! The youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner family, who recently graced the cover of Forbes, just launched her own custom face filter on Instagram
Starting Tuesday, Instagram users who follow Jenner can swipe over to their live camera and see what they look like with a Kylie Cosmetics lipstick
The filter allows users to virtually wear seven of the most famous Kylie Cosmetics lip colors — Candy K, Dolce, Posie K, Say No More, Shady, Boy Bye and Glitz — which are sold on KylieCosmetics
com, as well as at the brand's various pop-up shops and mobile truck events. In addition to testing out the ultra-glam virtual lipstick, the filter will also define and darken lashes, softly blur the face and give users a Jenner-like contour
At just 20 years old (she turns 21 on Aug. 10), Jenner was named one of America's richest businesswomen by Forbes earlier this month
Jenner, who's surpassed older sister Kim Kardashian West as the most profitable member of the family, swiftly turned her idea to launch lip kits into a $900 million business
After launching her namesake makeup company, Kylie Cosmetics, Jenner's used her loyal fanbase and powerful social media platform to catapult the brand into one of the fastest-growing companies in the beauty business
Forbes reports that Kylie Cosmetics has sold more than $630 million worth of makeup since its initial launch, which includes an estimated $330 million in 2017 alone
Jenner credits her more than 100 million social media followers as one of the keys to her success
"Social media is an amazing platform," she said in the Forbes cover story. "I have such easy access to my fans and my customers
Kylie Jenner Just Launched Her Own Instagram Face Filter - Duration: 2:29.You can now sport Kylie Jenner-approved lips! The youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner family, who recently graced the cover of Forbes, just launched her own custom face filter on Instagram
Starting Tuesday, Instagram users who follow Jenner can swipe over to their live camera and see what they look like with a Kylie Cosmetics lipstick
The filter allows users to virtually wear seven of the most famous Kylie Cosmetics lip colors — Candy K, Dolce, Posie K, Say No More, Shady, Boy Bye and Glitz — which are sold on KylieCosmetics
com, as well as at the brand's various pop-up shops and mobile truck events. In addition to testing out the ultra-glam virtual lipstick, the filter will also define and darken lashes, softly blur the face and give users a Jenner-like contour
At just 20 years old (she turns 21 on Aug. 10), Jenner was named one of America's richest businesswomen by Forbes earlier this month
Jenner, who's surpassed older sister Kim Kardashian West as the most profitable member of the family, swiftly turned her idea to launch lip kits into a $900 million business
After launching her namesake makeup company, Kylie Cosmetics, Jenner's used her loyal fanbase and powerful social media platform to catapult the brand into one of the fastest-growing companies in the beauty business
Forbes reports that Kylie Cosmetics has sold more than $630 million worth of makeup since its initial launch, which includes an estimated $330 million in 2017 alone
Jenner credits her more than 100 million social media followers as one of the keys to her success
"Social media is an amazing platform," she said in the Forbes cover story. "I have such easy access to my fans and my customers
Jennifer Garner Juggles It All in Hilarious Instagram Post Every Mom Can Relate to - News Today - Duration: 2:25.Celeb moms — they're just like us! Jennifer Garner proved that she's like every mom out there with a funny picture on Instagram Monday showing the star struggling to hold too many things
Among the pile is a hat she's holding between her teeth, an iced coffee, her keys, a paper that looks like homework titled "Thoughts For the Day," her phone, a water bottle and a book
"Every single time I get out of the car. How? Why?" the actress wrote alongside the shot, adding that it wasn't staged
The actress often opens up about her daily mom struggles on her Instagram and recently shared with PEOPLE how she likes her kids Violet, 12, Seraphina, 9, and Samuel, 6 to eat healthy
"I'm not worried so much about junk food, because we don't have it in the house—although I don't want to be a freak about it, so that they just want to get their hands on it at all costs," she said
"It's more that you just want to make sure they're getting a rainbow of flavors and of foods
" Now as her kids have gotten older, one of her tips for encouraging them to eat healthy is to get them down in the dirt tending to the food they consume
"I think growing your own food helps," she said. "When I was a kid, I didn't like tomatoes, but then my mom grew cherry tomatoes, and if I picked them straight off the vine, they tasted so good
My oldest didn't like blueberries until we had blueberry bushes. Now in blueberry season we take colanders down every night and they bring their friends over and we pick
Gloria Maria faz comentário indiscreto em foto de Chay Suede no Instagram - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
How to download instagram data - Duration: 1:09.If you want to download a copy of your Instagram data then what you do is go ahead and open
a browser.
Open the site
Now log into your Instagram account.
Now once you log into your Instagram account, click on this icon at the top.
Click on this "Settings" icon.
Go to "Privacy and security".
Now under "Data Download", click on this "Request download".
Now select "Next" and enter the password for your Instagram account.
Now you can see that the data for your Instagram account will be collected and it will be emailed
to you within 48 hours.
Temptation Island, Martina sbaglia il nome del fidanzato: su instagram commenta - Duration: 1:31.Come pronosticato quella di ieri, è stata una puntata di Temptation Island ricca di sorprese e colpi di scena
Falò di confronto, litigi e chiarimenti nel reality di Canale 5
Se per adesso tutte le coppie uscite da Temptation Island sono rimaste fidanzate (Oronzo e Valentina – Ida e Riccardo) quella formata da Martina e Gianpaolo potrebbe scoppiare, perché la ragazza si sarebbe invaghita del tentatore Andrea Del Corso, noto ai più come Andrew
Se la frequentazione iniziale non interessava Gianpaolo ora le cose hanno preso una piega inaspettata, perchè Martina ha fatto un'esterna molto romantica con Andrew
Durante il falò di confronto, poi la fidanzata rivolgendosi a Gianpaolo durante una discussione, l'ha chiamato "Andr…" (come il corteggiatore che ha baciato prima di rivedere il fidanzato), come riportato dal sito bitchyf
Sul web sono nati centinaia di meme e tweet ironici e la ragazza si è giustificata così sul suo profilo Instagram:
Bruno Gagliasso postou uma campanha em seu Instagram para uma marca de cuecas em que o ator é garoto - Duration: 5:41.Na noite desta terça-feira, 31 de julho, Bruno Gagliasso postou uma campanha em seu Instagram
Trata-se de uma publicidade para uma marca de cuecas em que o ator é garoto propaganda
No post, Bruno legendou: "Eu gosto de indicar coisas legais pra vocês e hoje eu vou dar essa dica de projeto super bacana: A mash lançou o MASH DE VERDADE
São pessoas normais, gente como a gente, contando suas histórias. Sem retoque, ali, pau a pau
É pra mostrar que todo mundo tem algo de extraordinário pra mostrar. Acompanhe no @cuecasmash #soko"
+Galã bonitão da Globo comemora aniversário de 47 anos ao lado do namorado 20 anos mais jovem E os internautas mais atenciosos repararam em um detalhe da foto: apenas o corpo de Bruno Gagliasso tem sobra
A bola laranja não apareceu no fundo rosa. "Faltou só a sombra da bola!! Kkkkk", "Gente como a gente, Photoshop como Photoshop
Aiai" e "A bolinha não faz sombra?" foram alguns dos comentários deixados pelos seguidores
Confira a imagem abaixo: RICOS, NOVOS E PODEROSOS: SAIBA QUANTO GANHAM E QUAL É A FORTUNA DE NOMES COMO BRUNO GAGLIASSO, FELIPE TITTO E ANITTA Muita gente tem o sonho de ficar rico e não precisar pensar nas dívidas
Isso, por sinal, já é um sonho realizado e concreto para alguns artistas bastante conhecidos do grande público, que apesar de muito novos, seguem firmes e fortes e enchendo os cofrinhos
Quem vê, por exemplo, Bruno Gagliasso com 36 anos apenas mal pode imaginar que o bonitão é um dos empresários mais bem sucedidos do Brasil
Isso mesmo! O pai da pequena Titi possui pelo menos 15 negócios diferentes, entre eles uma pousada em Fernanda de Noronha avaliada em mais de 5 milhões de reais, lojas de sua própria marca de roupas, um restaurante Italiano de alto luxo, uma hamburgueria em São Paulo, um luxuoso Salão de Beleza, uma academia, além de diversos contratos publicitários e o salário fixo na Globo estimado em mais de 70 mil reais
Ainda falando de jovens bem sucedidos, Felipe Titto é outro que se encaixa nesta categoria
O bonitão tem dois restaurantes, um salão de beleza masculino, um estúdio de tatuagem, um centro esportivo, uma oficina de moto, um site de classificados, uma marca de comida fit e outra de roupa, bonés e acessórios (com os quais ele fez questão de posar para as fotos), além de cuidar do gerenciamento artístico de famosos como Arthur Aguiar, Lucas Lucco e Kéfera
Ufa! Outra artista bastante nova e rica é a cantora Anitta. Com apenas 25 anos de idade, ela é considerada um sucesso nacional e internacional
O cachê de Anitta para um show não sai por menos de 250 mil reais e recentemente ela foi considerada a mulher brasileira mais bem paga quando o assunto é publicidade, superando, inclusive, nomes como o da apresentadora Fátima Bernardes
Para fazer uma campanha nacional comercial em todas as mídias, Anitta embolsa nada mais nada menos do que R$ 4,5 milhões
Está bom para você? Bruna Marquezine tem uma carreira sólida na Globo e um salário de aproximadamente 100 mil na emissora
Fora isso, a estrela cobra bastante para fazer campanhas publicitárias. Um simples post nas redes sociais da atriz não sai por menos 60 mil reais
E não para por aí. Recentemente a estrela ganhou 900 mil reais apenas para estrelar uma campanha publicitaria de uma famosa marca de roupas para o dia dos namorados
O cachê da atriz para presenças vips então nem se fala. Mas o que esses quatro casos seletos têm em comum? Todos eles trabalham muito mesmo, com eles não existe brincadeira e é trabalho duro mesmo e, claro, tudo com um boa pitada de sorte também, por quê não?
How To Take A Good Selfie For Instagram - Duration: 7:08.Hey, welcome back to the Six Figure Mastermind.
Today, we're talking about selfies.
And if you want to take a good one for Instagram, you're in the right place.
So, stay tuned.
You know, the funny thing about selfies is that, people think that they're new.
Selfies aren't new.
We just used this new word called selfie.
Back in the day, before selfie or the word selfie existed, we use to call it a self portrait.
It's actually a very old art form that ancient painters and artist and even Egyptian artist
used to use, okay?
It's a self portrait.
So, when you hear the word selfie, don't think of it as a new juvenile, young thing that
you don't need for your business.
It's actually very important.
And you need to be able to take a good self portrait or selfie for your business.
Specifically today, let's talk about Instagram.
Now, Instagram, you're going to use pictures in 2 places.
Your feed, first and foremost and your profile picture.
So, it's very important for you to be able to take a good selfie for both.
Your profile picture on Instagram may change often and it may not.
It really depends on how you branding yourself.
If you're using your business as your primary brand, you might even have your logo as your
profile picture.
Which in that case, you won't to even change it often, if at all.
Because your logo holds your brand for you.
If you're marketing yourself as your brand, you may want to consider changing that profile
picture on Instagram a little more often.
Maybe 3 or 4 times a year.
So that people get a fresh new look at you.
People change every 3 months.
And if you're using yourself as your brand, you going to want an updated look every time
you're Instagram.
Let's go through the break down of the steps on how to take a good selfie and use it for
The first thing you need to consider for your selfie is the angle.
This is the biggest problem I see with people taking selfies on their phones, especially
in the social media community.
The angle is so important.
If you got a bad on a photo guys, it's not going to spell good things for your image,
literally, okay?
The best way to put an angle on you, no matter where you from, no matter what style you putting
out, no matter what your body type is to focus the camera just above your eye level, right
about your forehead.
That is the angel the phone should be at when you're taking a selfie.
If you take the photo down low, it's not going to do good things for your physique or your
I'm just being honest here, guys.
We all want to look good on Instagram, okay?
So, take the photo, hold the camera with the phone right just above your eyes, right between
your eyebrow at about halfway up your forehead.
That's the best angle for a flattering photo and a good selfie.
The next thing you need to be aware of is lighting.
Lighting means everything.
Now, I've been in a photography business for 20 yrs.
And the first you nail in photography is lighting because nothing else matters if don't get
that right.
So, there are good examples of lighting and they are bad examples of lighting.
And remember, your phone is not as capable as a good, big, heavy dslr camera at spectrum
of light.
The spectrum of light on your phone is a lot smaller.
So, you're going to have to give your self a more light on the face to compensate for
Meaning, if you've got a great background behind you but the sun is shining on it.
And you find the selfie with that background is going to feel amazing, you're probably
going to be silhouette at it.
Which means, your face is going to be the darkest thing in the image.
Rule number 1 with lighting, your face needs to be the brightest thing in your image.
You also don't want your face to compete with anything else.
So, for example, if you have a selfie with your hand in the picture or anything, look
at this, your hand is about the same surface area as your face.
So, when you're taking a selfie, your hands need to be out of the picture or turn it to
the sides.
So, they're not competing visually with your face.
Another things to consider with lighting on a selfie is that it can be fixed so easily.
Lighting, if you have bad lighting and your face is the darkest thing.
Or maybe you have harsh shadows crushing your face on a weird angle, simply turn towards
your light source.
That's easiest way to fix the lighting in a selfie image.
If you can defuse your light source, that's even better.
And diffusing generally looks like, just getting the harsh shadows off your face.
Either it's stepping to the side of the window if that's your light source or getting in
the shade of the tree if you're outside.
Diffused direct lighting on your face is going to be the best lighting for your selfie.
Other things that you need to be aware of that, you probably wouldn't think of, is your
You know, a lot of photography students when they first start out, they feel like they're
constructing a beautiful image and maybe they are.
But they're not paying attention to what's going on behind the image or the subject of
the image.
Your background needs to be there on purpose.
Everything that falls within that frame needs to be there for a reason.
The colors, the shapes, the lines.
You don't want a big poles sticking in the top of your head if your taking a selfie outside.
You don't want strangers walking by you.
You definitely don't want photo bombers in your selfie.
So, make sure that background is clean and crisp and on purpose.
Couple more things to consider.
Instagram is all about filters.
But don't over do it.
There are couple of filters that you can look up on the internet that are great for selfie
Clarendon is one of my favorites.
But don't over filter.
If your selfie looks too fake, people will consider you a little bit of fake.
I'm just being honest guys.
It's a subconscious thing that brain does this.
Makes this snap judgements all the time.
So, yeah.
You can use filter if you want to but if it looks doctored up or too filtered, it's going
to look really immature for your business.
And that's definitely not what you want when your building your six figure business.
Last but not least, be dynamic.
Take a selfie that's not like everybody else's.
Look up online and see different ideas for different selfies.
You may want to include, if you're an artist, maybe a paintbrush or painting art on your
face in your selfie.
If you're a photographer, maybe half of your face is covered by the camera.
Be dynamic and show your personality with your selfie.
That's going to share your brand.
Because it's part of you, it's part of who you are.
Remember that when you're creating a selfie, your audience is going to see it in one of
two places.
We've talked about this before.
It's either going to show up in your feed as the square image of you're on Instagram
or it's going to show up as your profile image and that's actually going to be cropped as
a circle.
So, when you're taking a selfie and you want to have everything in it, that square image
is going to show it all.
But when you're taking a selfie for a profile picture, remember that those corners, you're
going to lose them.
They're going to be cut off.
So, if there's any important imagery or information in those corners, you might want to consider
recomposing that photo for that profile picture.
Again, selfie is, it's super simple, it's super easy.
Once you know the techniques to get a good picture that's well lit, well composed and
background is on purpose.
Remember your audience, remember your brand and remember where it's going to show up in
social media.
Hey thanks for watching today, thanks for tuning in.
Hit that subscribe button and ring the bell.
And then I can notify you in my video for tomorrow's pops up.
I'll see you then.
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