Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 2, 2019
Youtube daily how Feb 22 2019
- Today on the Hero Nation podcast,
we are gonna be talking about
when to fire,
how to fire,
how often to fire,
everything about being fired.
Right now on the Hero Nation podcast.
(upbeat music)
Welcome to the Hero Nation Podcast.
The place for entrepreneurs and business owners
just like you.
Where they come to learn tactics and techniques
to live more epic lives.
I'm your host John Rinehart.
And across from me sits Wayne Salmans.
We are the co-owners of Hero Nation
and today we are gonna be talking about
one of my favorite subjects.
And that's about firing people.
- You're fired.
Easier said than done.
- Alright so I'm gonna ask you this.
- Yeah.
- When was the last time that you fired someone?
- Oh like,
man, several months ago.
- Was it just several months ago?
- Yep.
- Alright what was it?
Give me some dirt.
- So I had an amazing person that wasn't a great fit.
It was a fit in some elements
and not every element.
Which is tough.
I think that's really tough
when you have someone that fits.
That checks a lot of boxes
and not all the boxes.
And what do you do with that?
And I see so many people struggle with this.
They struggle with when do you fire somebody?
How do you fire somebody?
But they're super nice.
Like what's the stuff you hear
when people don't want to fire somebody?
- Oh gosh.
You know they're going through a really hard time
right now so personal.
I don't know what I would do without them.
Is it just me or is it them?
- Is it me or is it them?
That's a big big one.
- That's a huge one.
Let's see what's another couple?
- Yeah, there's so many.
I like them.
They don't bring in a lot of revenue
but everybody loves them.
That's a big one.
- They're a really good person.
- Yes, yes.
- 'Cause here's the thing.
So for me, I'm gonna answer the same question.
I just finished firing four people.
In a row.
Wham, bam, slam, dam you're done.
(sighs deeply)
- Was it easier than it used to be?
- Oh yeah, totally.
I think, for me,
the big aha
on firing people
was that often times,
I was needlessly suffering and actually causing them
to suffer as well.
And I,
if you really care about someone
and it's really not gonna work out,
you're not gonna help them by them being in a place
where they're not going to succeed.
- So I think that's the big first thing
is are you suffering once or twice?
And what I identified so many times
is I was suffering twice, right?
I knew that I needed to go through the pain
of that five-minute conversation,
that half-hour conversation of letting somebody go.
And I didn't want to do it.
And I didn't want to do it.
So I'd let it go on weeks, months,
drag and drag and drag.
And internally, I was going through all this suffering
as I built up to this conversation.
And looking back I would've much rather
just suffered once instead of suffered,
to avoid suffering, and then suffer anyway.
Just suffer once and get it over with.
- Okay so, let me ask you this.
When you're talking to someone,
do you actually ever say, you're fired?
- I don't know if I ever actually said those words.
- 'Cause I feel like knowing you
and having seen like some of your firings, - Yes.
- I think your soft skills are
at such a level, I don't think the words,
you're fired, would ever come out of your mouth.
- No I don't so.
- So I want you to go through and fire me
and I'm going to go ahead and I'm gonna fire you.
So go ahead and let's have that conversation
real fast, ready?
- Alright so what role are you in?
Give me kind of like a role you're in.
- I'm an admin.
- Okay awesome, admin, awesome, cool.
- Cool.
- So John, first off, thank you for coming in today.
- Yeah.
I love being able to sit down with you.
Here's what I, one of the things I think
you appreciate about our relationship
is that I've always been upfront with you, correct?
- Yeah, yeah, always.
Yeah I really admire that about you.
- Yeah.
And this is going to be kind of an
uncomfortable conversation probably
and yet that I really don't want to have.
And yet the reality is I care enough about you
to have this conversation.
So is it okay if we just kind of dive into that?
Now I'm going to take my friend hat off
and I'm gonna put my business owner hat on for a minute.
And just dive into this, is that alright?
- Oh yeah, you're kind of making me nervous but okay.
- Well good, we're both nervous.
So here's what we see so for the last several months,
now we give some specific things, right?
For the last several months we've seen
this, this, and this not happening.
And the short-term impact of that is
we're losing trust among the team.
Our clients are having issues.
Kind of give an impact of issues to short-term.
Yet here's the reality.
The long-term impact of this is
if this kept going on for another several months,
'cause it's already been going on several months,
if it keeps going,
I think it's going to build up
a lot of resentment between you and I.
And I think it could potentially build resentment
amongst you and the team.
And I think it could hold you back.
If I allowed you to stay here for another six months,
I think I might hold you back
from somewhere where I really
truly believe you could be a ten.
- Okay so what are you saying?
- So I'm saying is that this isn't gonna work out.
It's been wonderful, the time we've had.
We've had some really good stuff.
And I think that right here
what you're showing up is like a five or a six.
I think that that's because some where else
you could be a ten.
- That's great but I mean I have a family to feed
and is there like anyway I can kind of stay on
for a little while 'til I find someplace else?
- Yeah, so here's the reality what I want to do
'cause I care a lot about you,
it's Friday afternoon.
What I'd rather do is we're gonna stop
working together today and yeah,
I'm gonna pay you for another two weeks
to give you some opportunity
to go find a great job.
Instead of holding you here for another two weeks,
I'm just gonna pay you for the next two weeks
and let you go pursue that opportunity.
- Okay, well that seems
I think.
- Yeah, yeah.
- I mean is there any chance I can get
a recommendation for another job
or anything like that?
- Yeah, so I think it depends
on what you're gonna do.
And I trust that you're okay with me
just being open and honest.
I think there's some things you nailed here.
And then there's some things that
it wasn't a great fit.
- Yeah, well I mean, obviously,
there's some things you can improve on too.
- Yeah, yeah.
I'd love to hear those in an email six years from now.
No (laughs) so here's where I think
you have to be careful.
I think that you've got to have
some specific examples that have led up to this moment.
And I think that
as leaders we're very apt,
and very quick to throw ourselves under the bus.
- Yeah we are.
- And that's why when we'll get to it in a second
but like talking about when you're firing an agent,
I think it's very different.
It'll be a very different conversation.
- Okay, so you ready for me?
- Yeah.
Okay, so we'll do I'm an editor for you.
- Okay.
So Wayne I've been noticing
some interesting patterns for the last couple of weeks.
- Mm-hmm.
- I want to ask you some things.
What are the most frustrating moments,
currently, in our business relationship?
- When you don't like what I did
or you want me to do it faster.
- Okay.
So in order to do this job at the level
that this company currently has,
I require that you both do it
at this level and still be able to hit the speed.
Because it's not a win for me
if I'm losing money.
And it's not a win for you
if you feel like you're being used.
- Yeah totally gonna get there.
I really think that I'm gonna get there.
- That's great, and I want to see you get there.
as of today,
with my clients,
and with our current relationship,
this is not working out
in a way, that is a win for me and a win for you.
And I don't do business without it being a win-win.
If it's a win on your side
but it's not a win on my side,
we're not doomed to do business together.
So here's the reality,
as of today,
you will no longer be working for Free Dream Studios.
As of today, you're out the door.
However, I want to help you.
And I'm gonna send you some resources
to help you up your game.
- Yeah.
- To put it out, to go faster, to get better.
So that if you buckle down,
and then the next two three months,
you really pull that level up,
I think you could really be fantastic
but today, which is where I have to judge from, right?
This is not gonna be working out at all.
So as of today, you're terminated.
- Dude, I love that.
And I love the clarity and I love how you said,
today where I'm at, here's the decision
I have to make based on today.
I think that's huge.
So let me.
- It's not quite, it's not as nice as his.
- No, yeah.
- His is a lot more flowery.
So here's where I think that I want to go
if it's okay with you?
- Go for it. - A lot of our leaders,
and I just want to talk mostly to leaders
of like real estate teams and things like that.
They don't have,
it's very tough for them to hire.
Especially people like buyer's agent and listing agent.
Maybe they're on commission.
It's tough.
So can I go through a couple things
that I think are huge here. - Go for it.
- And I want you to speak to this.
First off, it's been amazing.
I didn't know when to fire people.
So in other words, you come to me six years ago,
when I was still in real estate,
and said what are the qualifications
for someone to get fired?
I would've had a very hard time answering.
I would've been like when the pain gets bad enough.
I don't have a way.
So I think the biggest thing they're missing is
when do you fire?
And can you actually tell someone you fired them?
And I think that's what I ended up having to do
was actually write out, here's what triggers probation
and then here's what triggers firing.
And I would actually tell them that at the beginning
in the hiring 'cause when I see it happen over and over,
what I did was it would almost
for the person on your team,
it would seem to come out of the blue.
- Right.
- Because I hadn't led well
leading up to that moment.
- Right. - And that's what made it
really awkward for them and me.
I was setting myself up for failure.
- What I also think that sometimes,
what kind of leads to that,
is sometimes we're kind of scared, right?
Sometimes I don't know how many times I have seen,
I remember the first time I honestly,
I think I dodged for probably close to a month.
Like actually firing someone.
Because I was like,
I didn't want
to go through this process of looking someone in the eyes,
telling them they weren't good enough,
and moving on.
Here's the reality.
I fire fast now.
- Yeah.
- Because if there's a pattern
that I don't like in the front,
now there's a difference I think
in between skill and character.
And I think I actually,
I think I fire more off of character,
than I do off of skill.
Because if their character is there,
I can work with really fantastic character.
Because fantastic character,
will beat out skill any day of the week.
However, if someone is super skilled,
but their character sucks,
I know it's actually gonna cost me more,
to keep them on as skilled as they are,
because they're gonna ruin team dynamics.
They're gonna ruin relationships with clients.
It's a deal of like results now
or results over a lifetime
inside of a business and reputation, right?
So I actually fire probably 90% off of character
and a lot of the flaws that I find in skill
often actually points back to character.
- Yeah, I think there's a lot of truth to that.
And I think that instead of character,
I would use the word values.
Here are our values in alignment.
'Cause I think you can have a great person
that just has different values.
Doesn't make them a good person or a bad person.
Their values just don't line up with your values.
So here's the problem,
can you actually articulate your values?
And most teams they just go,
oh we're not a good fit.
It just doesn't feel.
Are you able to articulate some of that?
And I push the people that I work with
to write down what their values are
to get clear on that.
And be able to do it.
So let me ask you this question,
can you ask enough questions leading up to hiring
to actually know somebody?
- No.
- Yeah.
- No, there's no way.
- You're not gonna know who they really are
until they're in the job for two, three, four weeks.
- You can try and I know
there's all the different.
- And do all this.
That's all good stuff.
- Do all the personality stuff.
If you want to.
Go ahead, do it.
Leave it to your gut if that's what you do.
But understand, there's a reason why trial periods exist.
Ladies and gentlemen,
if you do not have a trial period,
for your employees,
you are in trouble.
- Yeah.
- Right? Here's the other thing.
If you do not have evaluation periods,
if you do not have personal development meetings,
PDM's, right?
If you do not have PDM's set up every week,
personal ones not just group,
personal development meetings for each one
of your people every week
at regularly scheduled times
where you are there
and regularly scheduled times.
If you don't have those every month,
if you don't have those every quarter,
if you don't have all that stuff laid out,
you're gonna be disappointed.
You can be disappointed by the best employee ever
who honestly didn't get,
if you're not feeding into that development cycle,
you can be let down
by literally one of the best people in the world.
And that all comes out with like
laying in the ground work at the beginning.
- Yeah, well what makes me think about what you're saying,
are your team members surprised when you let them go?
- Yeah absolutely.
- And if they're surprised,
it probably means you dropped the ball.
It doesn't mean they shouldn't be fired
but it probably means you dropped the ball
in those weekly appointments.
It probably means you weren't
having real authentic leadership-syle
conversations with them
over the past several weeks or months or whatever it is.
If they're genuinely surprised,
either they're way out to lunch
and they're not paying attention.
Or you haven't been having those conversations.
'Cause I think too often we let that stuff undercurrent.
We don't have the real conversation.
And then we wait 'til it gets bad enough.
And then we just fire the person.
- Right, absolutely.
I totally agree.
- So two to three pointers or things you need to do
to get better at the firing process.
What would your advice be on this?
- Be direct.
Don't dance around stuff.
Don't say things that you don't mean.
If you don't mean it, don't say it.
I'm not gonna sugar coat it.
Don't sugar coat things.
I'm not saying be an ass-hole.
I'm saying don't sugar coat it.
Number two.
Number two, and I say this
if you're not looking at every person on your team
at least once
I would say once a quarter for me, personally.
Some people would say once every six months.
But if you're not looking at every person
on the team and saying,
is there someone better that could fill this position?
Who do I need to fire?
Or is there a better place for them to be moved to?
If you're not having that conversation
at least once a quarter,
in my opinion,
there's something wrong.
Because that tells me that
your business is on auto-drive.
So those are my two things, what are yours?
- I think my two things are
and I'm still working on this.
I think you've got to practice and develop
the ability to have tough conversations.
You've gotta learn there's pathways.
You've gotta develop the ability
and figure out how to have great tough conversations.
They don't have to be brutal.
But they can be tough to the point to awesome conversations.
I think the second thing is when you bring someone in,
are you able to articulate
what would cause them to get fired?
- Yeah, that's good.
- When you bring someone in, right?
You go, hey, here's what's gonna make this awesome.
Here's what would cause you to go on probation.
Here's what would cause you to get fired.
Is it clean and clear and does it make sense?
- Absolutely.
- Yep, and I think to your point it's a journey.
If you haven't been through three or four bad hires,
you're just starting, right?
It's a process.
It's a skill you gotta go out and craft over time.
You're not gonna nail it day one.
Don't tell yourself you're a bad leader
because you didn't nail your first couple fires and hires.
It's just part of the process.
- Everybody gets fooled by people.
- Yes.
- There's no one out there that is such an amazing
people person, people-reader that they don't get fooled.
- Yeah.
- Sometimes multiple times.
- Yeah.
- So awesome, I think this has been really helpful.
I mean I've learned something.
- Yeah, I think it is.
- Did you learn anything?
- Yeah, a lot.
- I need to be more direct.
- Alright guys, so thank you so much
for tuning in to the Hero Nation podcast.
As always, Hero Nation is the Hero Nation podcast
is brought to you by Hero Nation FUEL.
If you are not a part of Hero Nation FUEL,
you need to get in today.
Guys if you want to be able
to have these kind of conversations
with people that are as experienced as us.
Some people that have a lot more experience than us.
And be able to pick their brains.
Get in there.
Have people that are on your side.
Rooting for your business.
That's the place to be.
If that's the place for you to be, go ahead.
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Plus you can also get one-on-one coaching
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or you can have a personal conversation with Wayne or Kelly.
Guys there's stuff available for you
to have an amazing life
and be your own hero.
- Boom.
- See you next time.
- See you next time.
(upbeat music)
For more infomation >> HOW TO FIRE EMPLOYEES THIS WEEK ON THE HERO NATION SHOW - Duration: 18:26.-------------------------------------------
Bet365 account verification bangla tutorial 2019 | How to create bet365 account in bangladesh 2019 | - Duration: 18:02.
Bet365 bangla tutorial 2019. How to open bet365 account from bangladesh. Bet365 account verification bangla tutorial 2019. How to verify bet365 account.
How To Lower High Blood Pressure In 1 Minute - Duration: 4:48.
High blood pressure is a dangerous condition that can damage your heart.
It affects one in three people in the US and 1 billion people worldwide.
If left uncontrolled, it raises your risk of heart disease and stroke.
In this video we share our top tips to lower blood pressure.
Any extra resources or information will be included in the description so make sure to
check it out.
Our first tip is to Walk and exercise regularly.
Exercise is one of the best things you can do to lower high blood pressure.
Regular exercise helps make your heart stronger and more efficient at pumping blood, which
lowers the pressure in your arteries.
In fact, 150 minutes of moderate exercise, such as walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous
exercise, such as running, per week can help lower blood pressure and improve your heart
What's more, doing even more exercise reduces your blood pressure even further, according
to the National Walkers' Health Study.
Our next tip is to Reduce your sodium intake.
Salt intake is high around the world.
In large part, this is due to processed and prepared foods.
For this reason, many public health efforts are aimed at lowering salt in the food industry.
In many studies, salt has been linked to high blood pressure and heart events, like stroke.
However, more recent research indicates that the relationship between sodium and high blood
pressure is less clear.
One reason for this may be genetic differences in how people process sodium.
About half of people with high blood pressure and a quarter of people with normal levels
seem to have a sensitivity to salt (11).
If you already have high blood pressure, it's worth cutting back your sodium intake to see
if it makes a difference.
Swap out processed foods with fresh ones and try seasoning with herbs and spices, rather
than salt.
Our third tip is to drink less alcohol.
Drinking alcohol can raise blood pressure.
In fact, alcohol is linked to 16% of high blood pressure cases around the world.
While some research has suggested that low-to-moderate amounts of alcohol may protect the heart,
those benefits may be offset by negative effects.
In the US, moderate alcohol consumption is defined as no more than one drink a day for
women and two for men.
If you drink more than that, cut back.
Our fourth tip is to Eat more potassium-rich foods.
Potassium is an important mineral.
It helps your body get rid of sodium and ease pressure on your blood vessels.
Modern diets have increased most people's sodium intake while decreasing potassium intake.
To get a better balance of potassium to sodium in your diet, focus on eating fewer processed
foods and more fresh, whole foods.
At number 5 we recommend to Cut back on caffeine.
If you've ever downed a cup of coffee before you've had your blood pressure taken, you'll
know that caffeine causes an instant boost.
However, there's not a lot of evidence to suggest that drinking caffeine regularly can
cause a lasting increase.
In fact, people who drink caffeinated coffee and tea tend to have a lower risk of heart
disease, including high blood pressure, than those who don't.
Caffeine may have a stronger effect on people who don't consume it regularly.
If you suspect you're caffeine-sensitive, cut back to see if it lowers your blood pressure.
Our sixth tip is to Learn to manage stress.
Stress is a key driver of high blood pressure.
When you're chronically stressed, your body is in a constant fight-or-flight mode.
On a physical level, that means a faster heart rate and constricted blood vessels.
When you experience stress, you might also be more likely to engage in other behaviors,
such as drinking alcohol or eating unhealthy food, that can negatively affect blood pressure.
Our seventh tip is to Eat dark chocolate or cocoa.
Here's a piece of advice you can really get behind.
While eating massive amounts of chocolate probably won't help your heart, small amounts
That's because dark chocolate and cocoa powder are rich in flavonoids, plant compounds that
cause blood vessels to dilate.
A review of studies found that flavonoid-rich cocoa improved several markers of heart health
over the short term, including lowering blood pressure.
For the strongest effects, use non-alkalized cocoa powder, which is especially high in
flavonoids and has no added sugars.
And for our final tip we recommend loosing weight.
If you're overweight, losing weight can make a big difference for your heart health.
According to a 2016 study, losing 5% of your body mass could significantly lower high blood
In previous studies, losing 17 pounds (7.7 kg) was linked to lowering systolic blood
pressure by 8.5 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 6.5 mm Hg.
To put that in perspective, a healthy reading should be less than 120/80 mm Hg.
The effect is even greater when weight loss is paired with exercise.
Losing weight can help your blood vessels do a better job of expanding and contracting,
making it easier for the left ventricle of the heart to pump blood.
So that sums up our top tips for lowering blood pressure.
If you found any of it useful then hit that like button and if you're new here feel
free to subscribe.
Scampi from Endless Alphabet - Learn How to Draw and Color | Kids Joy Fun Educational Video - Duration: 4:51.
Scampi from Endless Alphabet - Learn How to Draw and Color | Kids Joy Fun Educational Video
Scampi from Endless Alphabet - Learn How to Draw and Color | Kids Joy Fun Educational Video
Canva Tutorial: How to use Canva Tips and Tricks (2019 update) - Duration: 12:45.
How I Manage My Bank Accounts and Budget - Duration: 14:23.
Budgeting and managing your money can be really quite difficult. I found it really difficult
for a number of years, even just wrapping my head around what kind of bills I had and
how to best manage my money, what I need to focus on and what I need to automate. So in
this episode I want to share with you exactly how I managed my money. So we're going to
look at how I create a budget for the year. We're going to talk about how I have a weekly
discretionary spending fund and basically look at how I manage my different bank accounts
as well as saving accounts and what I'm trying to achieve. So this will be an insight into
how I've found works for me to manage my money. But this may help for you as well. If you've
been struggling with budgeting and trying to work out a system that works for you, you
might be able to steal some of these ideas.
Hey, I'm Ryan from on-property dot com dot. A U helping you achieve financial freedom.
And in order to achieve financial freedom, you do need to get your budget. In order us.
Okay, so let's jump on the computer and we're going to look through the way that I organize
my bank accounts and we're also going to look through how I actually go about setting a
budget for a year, so I have a spreadsheet where I put the figures in for the big bills
for a year and that helps me to really manage things. So I just want to say from the outset
that this is just one way of doing things. I tried a whole bunch of different ways to
budget over the years. I really struggled with a lot of them are not very good at budgeting.
This one I found works for me for the primary reason that it automates a lot of the decision
It automates saving for all of those bills that come up during the year. Everything from
your regular monthly bills like phone bills, internet, car insurance, stuff like that,
as well as saving for those bigger bills that come up less frequently. We're talking car
registration, we're talking health insurance. For me, it's private schooling as well because
my kids go to a Montessori school here in Sydney now, so it really automates all of
that so I don't need to think about it and then I can just focus on how much money am
I spending each week and then I can focus on my business and earning extra money. So
let's go ahead and jump on the computer now and how, look at how I arrange my bank accounts.
I will just say before we jump into it, I am recording and my mum's house today, so
you'll see the kitchen in the background.
It's a little bit messy, but check out this view of Cronulla. Absolutely awesome. Mum's
got the best place and I think it goes without saying that this is not to be considered financial
advice. This is how I manage my bank accounts. What you do is up to you and seek professional
advice if you do need help. Okay, so here we're looking at my bank accounts. All right,
we've got the two bank accounts up the top, the pot and everyday spending and I've blocked
off how much is in them for privacy reasons as well as the account details because I know
so many of you out there, it will send me millions of dollars if you know them jokes.
Obviously no one's going to do that. But just for privacy reasons, I've closed those out.
So I worked two main bank accounts that actually have cards attached to them.
So these ones I can actually go out and I can spend money on, I can pay bills on. And
then I have online savings accounts as well, which you can see here. Splurge, holidays,
happiness, fire hydrant, big bill savings, and the thousand dollar project, which we'll
talk about all of those as well. So basically the way that it works is that all of my income
goes into the pot. So I call it the pot because it's like a big stirring pot. Everything goes
in there and everything kind of comes out of there as well. So my income, which gets
paid weekly from my business, goes into the pot from the part, I then have automatic payments
set up to send money where it needs to go. So automatically each week money goes from
the pot into the everyday spending account. So that everyday spending account is where
I actually spend my weekly money.
So I have a weekly discretionary budget. I did an entire video on that, which I'll link
up in the description down below. But this is where things like petrol, groceries, clothes
for myself or for the kids, I'm going out entertainment, all of that sort of stuff.
Even presence would fit in there as well, except maybe for Christmas. So each week I
have a set amount of money that I'm allowed to spend. And so that money on a Sunday gets
moved from the pot into everyday spending. And so then what I have is just one card with
everyday spending and on my phone I've got an ing app that can show me exactly how much
money's left in there. So I don't need to add things into a budgeting APP. I don't need
to track things. I have my everyday spending account each Sunday that gets renewed and
when I log onto ing I can see how much is left for the week.
So there's no guesswork in how I'm going towards my budget. And if I go over, well then my
everyday spending gets declined and then I have to make a decision what to do, where
I'm going to pull money from, or if I'll just stop spending for the week. Money also goes
from the pot into these different savings accounts. So big bills is to pay for the bills
throughout the year that are less frequent. So it'll pay for things like car insurance,
it'll pay for things like registration, it'll pay for school fees, it'll pay for health
insurance, that sort of stuff. So basically I work out how much that's gonna cost me per
year and each week a set amount goes into big bills. Fire hydrant is the amount of money
that I'm putting towards paying off debt as well as once debt's paid off. That will be
going towards investing.
Holidays and happiness is putting towards holidays or things that are going to make
me happy. Splurge is just things that you could splurge on. And then, um, this savings
account I don't use, but I've set it up and the thousand dollar project is things that
I do outside of my regular budget to generate little chance of income I put into there.
And then that's going to be used to either pay off debt or to invest. So let's go ahead
and have a look at how I actually work out, how much money is going to go into each of
these accounts by doing my annual budget. So here we have the spreadsheet and this is
the spreadsheet that I use to work out how much money I'm going to be spending throughout
the year. And then as a result of that, I can work out, okay, well how much money do
I need each week?
So the idea here is that you go through and you feel this out and it's going to give us
a weekly and an annual figure. And for most of us that needs to then line up with obviously
how much we are earning. And so that's the goal here is you, you go through this and
you move stuff around and you work out can I afford to live and where am I willing to
spend my money? So you've got things like rent here. Um, weekly rent. So let's say maybe
$500. I moved to Sydney, now I've got three kids, school fees. If you pay for private
school then you can put that in registration for cars. That might be $1,000 electricity,
maybe $50 per week. Uh, insurances, probably another thousand dollars, I guess. Car Servicing
at least another thousand health insurance. If you have that, you can go ahead and put
it in as well.
Phone and Internet, you can put in that a lot of people spend about a hundred bucks
a month on phone and internet. I think I spend more like $30 and $40 per month. And then
as well you can go through and these are the more discretionary items. And so you got your
investing, you've got your saving, and so barefoot investor recommends that you put
20% towards that. So depending on your income, you could then adjust your interests and savings.
But let's just say for this one, we're going to put $500 a month, so $6,000 per year. Uh,
we can also put money aside for holidays and things like that. So for holidays, I think
I was doing, you know, $50 per week putting aside, um, I don't, how much is that per year?
25002000600 okay. So let's say we're doing that. Okay. And so basically this is going
to give us a total bills figure and these are our big bills that were saving towards.
Then we've got our weekly expenses as well. And how much are you going to be spending
each week? Now, if I was a single person and didn't have any kids, then this could be a
really affordable figure if I wanted it to be. So somewhere probably around, I would
imagine a $200 or something like that. I've got three kids. So let's call it $500 so we're
talking petrol, we're talking food, we're talking close, we're talking pharmaceuticals.
If someone gets sick, all of that sort of stuff. So $500 per week and then that's going
to give us our total here. Now that total should ideally be equal to or less than income
after tax or less. So then when we're going to do from this to make things automatic,
it was we're going to look at our weekly expenses and we're also going to look at yes the total
bills but more so we're money needs to move.
So back into ing, we saw that my weekly expenses is $500 so I get paid from the business, I
send money across on Thursday so that I know it arrives in my bank account on a Friday.
And then I have the transfers each week reset on a Sunday. So what I then do within ing
is, and you can do it within any bank account, is to set up automatic transfers. So automatically
on Sunday from the pot to everyday spending, $500 is going to move across there. So as
we saw weekly spending was a $500 so each Sunday it's going to move across there. We
can also look at this spreadsheet and see that rent is $500 per week. So each Sunday
rent would then be paid automatically via bank transfer to my rental manager. So $500
would go across to them. Then as well, we have money saving into big bills.
So the total of this column here, which at the moment is about $155 so $155 would go
across two big bills. Now I have, I pay for private school as well, so the money that
I need to move across the big bills is actually higher than this. But yeah, you would work
out your amount and then basically each week you would move that money across into big
bills. Okay. You would also move the money that you wanted to say for your holidays into
holidays and happiness you and move the money that you wanted to use towards paying off
debt or investing into the fire hydrant. And this is in line with what bear for it invest
our talks about. So the splurge, um, he calls it the smile account and the fire hydrant
or in line with that. So if you want to understand that more, I will link up down below to my
barefoot in best invest our bank accounts.
Explain so you can understand that in more detail. But yeah, so each week money automatically
goes from the pot into my everyday spending. This is where I focus on my weekly discretionary
income and also money moves into my splurge account, my holiday savings, my paying off
debt or investing account as well as saving for big bills. And that is basically how I
manage my money. Everything moves across. I just live off the everyday spending account.
And then when a build needs to be paid, because these ones down here, just online savings
accounts, I can't actually send money, other bank accounts. So big bills will accumulate
over time, become bigger and bigger. And then a big bill might come in. So it might be health
insurance or it might be school phase or registrations up. And so whatever the amount of the bill
is, I will transfer it from big bills back into the pot and then I will pay money out
of the pot.
I do also leave some money in the pot because things like car insurance come out by direct
debit. So I don't move that into big bills. I just kind of leave some extra money in the
pot to make sure that when car insurance comes out, there's money for it there. But as you
can see, everything is basically automated with the exception of what I spend my money
on each week. So yeah, so that is how I manage my finances. I hope that this has been interesting
and insightful to you. I know it kind of sounds pretty complicated and it was, I guess it's
not super complex to start up and to get running, but it did take a few steps, but now that
it's up and it's going, it's really easy and as my life changes, it's really easy to adjust
as well as at the moment I'm not paying rent, so just canceled that rent payment.
At the moment I am saving to pay off debt so then that payment is actually higher than
what it previously was as well. So more money's going towards paying off debt then is going
to my weekly discretionary money than in the past. So I can adjust those things I had.
I just simply go in and adjust those automatic transfers and change them to what I want them
to be and yeah, that is how I manage my finances. If you enjoyed this video, then please don't
forget to subscribe to the channel. Also, go ahead and check out the videos that I talked
about, the one on my weekly discretionary budget where I talk more about that as well
as the barefoot investor bank accounts explained. I'll link those up in the description down
below so you can check them out or go to today's episode, which is on dot a u
four slash six 30 and I will link up over there. So if you're listening to the podcast
on to you forced her six 30 and that will link to those other two videos I
talked about. Really key to get on top of your finances this year. This is something
that's worked for me. If you've been struggling with managing your money, managing your budgeting,
then this might be something for you to try it as well. I wish you the best in your personal
finance journey and your journey towards financial freedom, and until next time, stay positive.
Kitchen Instruments | How to Make Rice Without a Rice Cooker (Fullproof Method) - Duration: 3:09.
hello everyone and welcome back to kitchen instruments now today's gonna be
an episode dedicated oh you're ace lovers out there who may have problems
making rice if they don't own a rice cooker now is that gonna be a problem no
no it's not because I'm gonna show you guys a foolproof method on how you can
make perfect rice each and every time so let's get to it
and there you go foolproof rice pilaf in the bag now you can kind of do whatever
you want with this dish if you want to add carrots to it or something like that
feel free to add carrots if you don't like peas don't add peas if you don't
like shouts don't Matt shouts won't add herbs at herbs you know kind of whatever
you want to do so feel free to go out there and get creative and make some
rice all right well that's all I have time for today thank you for stopping by
and if you have any comments questions concerns or suggestions for new episodes
by all means leave them in the comment section down below that's what it's
there for and I'll see you guys later on the week
where we're gonna be making scallops rockefeller I'll see you then Oh before
you go check out the new logo
How To Animate Hair Blowing In The Wind (Tutorial) - Duration: 5:31.
Hey Guys!
Welcome to my channel
So, In this tutorial
I'm going to show you how I animate flowing
In Paint tool sai
Lets get started
First, you want everything to be on separate layers
As you can see, I have a layers With the entire body and then
A layer with the cloak above that
Then I separated the hair into two layers
One behind the head and the bangs
Next, you need to be familiar with the wave principle
This is basically how the hair flows in the wind
You can erase the color layer so you're left with just the line art
But I like to keep mine so I can use it as a guide
Select your line art, hold shift then tilt it to the side
You CAN NOT move the entire hair
Unless you use one consistent line to draw the entire hair
Now move the middle section of the hair further to the right
Then adjust the ends to follow in that direction
To color you new line art
Erase the entire color layer
Select it with your selection tool
Then Press CTRL+F to fill the entire selection
Same process with the bangs
Hold shift and move them to the side
Or just do it manually
Remember to move the middle section then have the end follow
Now lets shift the cloak
It doesn't necessarily have to follow the wave Principle
Depending on the type of material
Then we repeat the process a few more time
Until we're satisfied
Import your images into your editing software
And sequence them as you see fit
Then have it loop
Add a background, some lighting and you're done
Hope this helped
Thanks you guys for watching
Please like and subscribe :)
How I feel playing against mono red | Magic the Gathering | Pixie Kitten Plays - Duration: 1:06.
Um, pass to you
okay I'm going to play a land
cast a lava coil on your creature
guttersnipe will deal two damage to you
enter combat swing for four with the steamkin
cast a shock for two damage
so steamkin gets a plus one counter
cast a lightning strike for three
going to cast warlords fury to draw a card
guttersnipe will deal two damage, electrostatic field will deal one damage, and oh you're dead
This video brought to you by Cardsphere! Click their link in the description below!
How Not to Summon a Demon Lord 2 - El Juanito Reviews - Duration: 7:47.
Last time, Diablo promised Rem he won't abandon her even if she has the soul of Demon King Krebskrem sealed inside her body
This guy... Into Furry and L0L1S
He takes advantage that in that world she already has age to get married and there's isn't Social Media to tag him in memes #Furry
No, but here's always some dude bothering you
Celestine Baudelaire lap dog appears: "You're the n00b, I'll beat you even worse than the Vaevictis eSports All Female Team"
Yo mama makes quesadillas without cheese
Whoa! If I were you, I'll be so mad I'll throw him my wine bottle
The guy gets mad! What's with you? HUH!? You want some of this?
Chicken, you play Resident Evil 2 with the lights on
Oh yeah, you can't sleep after watching The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror
They're like an arguing couple, kiss and make up already
that guy with his hommies, already drunk, yeah, in a group they're so brave
But the A Whole summons a f'n Level 30 Salamander
I'm gonna leave you like charcoal for BBQ Grill
Dude! Really? Take out that thing inside the city?
The other day, my pal "Macaw" went to visit his girlfriend riding a horse
and the police already wanted to fine him for obstructing a public alley. Now this :v
And his pals are like when you're already wasted, and want to do something stupid
they tell you "don't do it", but don't really do anything to stop you
'cuz they actually want to see you do it
and the salamander does attack with Fire Breath, like a liquid-fuel rocket
But Diablo is like, meh, and this isn't even 10% of my power
Man! He's like Terminator at the end of the 1st movie
So, the NEET takes out a stick from his A55
and performs the most powerful spell in the universe
Dude! That's the same magic of Megumin from KonoSuba, but he does it without chanting
At least he uses it against giant monsters, not flying cabbages
Another fact, this mage doesn't end up lying on the ground after burning everything in a 180 feet radius
She can barely move after performing that magic, after doing so, she's basically a dakimakura like the one oniichans sleep with
What did you say about my waifu?
Dude, and you notice that after dropping that bomb everybody is still sleeping? AS IF!
in my neighborhood if you go out and explode some firecrackers, all the meddling neighbors go out to see if it isn't a gun fight
Yeah, but that butthead already died :v
Takuma will take advantage of the new "scholarship" for NEETs
and with that, he'll have even less of a reason to go out and find a job if he gets paid to play games all day
Money does not motivate lazy kcufers to go stop sitting on their behinds and actually work while they are being kept
hunger does
and don't say something like people steal fuel "because they're in need"
Yeah right you mother kcufers, and farmers work all day in the sun digging fields for fun, you SOB
and there are gamers that get $$$ just to play all day, but they're actually good at games & making videos
and forget about having a cute cosplayer girlfriend that likes you just because you defeat bosses for her
You are not Juanito, stop dreaming about a gamer waifu
The next day, the guy wakes up, and sees he's still in a medieval hotel
Dude... That thing about being Diablo wasn't a dream... I was really summoned in another world
WEll, is not like if in mine I had a life outside the game, I won't get sad :v
Mhm, there's a weird lump in this matress
Oppai /._./
And the dude massages her like an Italian Chef preparing pizza dough
I'd eat something baked by Satania from Gabriel DropOut :3
As soon as she wakes up, he's gonna lose his hand
I didn't mean to, I didn't know you were there... I'm a sleepgroper
You mean if I choose you as my master, I get bewbs?
But this dude, he's into furry and L0L1S
I'm sure he finished Nekopara with Chocola Route
Of course he won't let that slide just like that
Uh, he called you board
and speaking about furries, Senran Kagura Peach Ball is available now, with all the exquisite stuff on Nintendo Switch
The physical imported game plays fine in an American system, and you can order it online on
They also sell the Special Edition of Burst Re:Newal
Yeah, I was playing that one on Steam PC
Another thing hommie, here you can buy Nendoroids, King of Fighters figures, waifu toys and pokemon plushies
The American version of SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy is on Sale
Dude, currently they have sales up to 90% 0ff because of the Chinese New Year, take advantage
In the Video Description below is the link so you can go to the store
Buy Something by entering with our link... ANYTHING! That way you'll be supporting us to continue El Juanito Reviews
Yeah, if we're gonna continue, we need cosplayers for Rem & Shera, just like I did with Maika and Hinata in my review of Blend S
When El Juanito Reviews - Blend S 3 ?
Well Socky, they haven't bought any coffee, and I need a budget for Mio's waitress uniform
Ha! Admit it, the one you like is Mafuyu
He he, this sock...
She's 20 Socky
【RAW ENG SUB】【How Boss Merry Me】Ep11【English Subtitle】Episode11 - Duration: 44:24.
Episode 11 sub by Dr Krishna
CEO Ling, Since your wife was badly upset and was also anemic
That is why she fainted.
But she has not become anemic for a long time.
May be because of continuous work she might have suffered from it.
If she rests for a while
She will be fine.
Thank you
Mo Mo
What shall I do?
Good Morning Madam
Where is Ling Yi Zhou?
Mr Ling has already gone to office and he want you to have good rest
Madam, did you guys quarrel?
No,we didn't. Huang Aunt, i have to go.
Madam, outside there are some... What is outside?
The profit of company has risen by 3% in comparison to previous year.
Among them, the real estate income is 62%
The net profit in electronic market has fallen than previous year
However by taking various control measures, the affect was not large.
Boss, your mobile is ringing
Hello! Ling yi zhou, this is illegal restraint.
Mo Mo
Whatever you have to say, just say it after I return home. For now, have a good rest.
You don't have any rights to restrict my freedom
If you don't want to see me, i can temporarily stay at the hotel
I want to leave now, right now.
It's not possible now.
What the hell happened recently?
Is it related to our boss wife?We are done(Chinese expression :)
Boss and his wife seems to have quarreled His face did not look happy either.
Group leader, should we be on our guard while working?
Everybody, be careful, it's orange level warning
During meeting, your mobile must be turned to silent mode.
5 points to be deducted from everybody's merit points and .
no one is allowed to ask for leave within 3 months of time period
Meeting dismissed.
Madam, what are you doing?Sir, just wants you to have a good rest at home.
Does that mean to lock me inside and not let me go out?
Where is my marriage certificate? I clearly placed it here.
It surely must be him who took it away.
Madam! For what reason are you searching your Marriage Certificate?
Do you know where he has kept it? No
Madam, why not you go and have your breakfast first?
Do you think i can't go out from here if you lock me like this?
You just wait and see.
Aunt Huang, Aunt Huang
Madam, what's the matter?
Aunt Huang, I think I am sick.
38.7 degree Celsius.
Madam, how did you get such high grade fever?
Aunt Huang, I am feeling uneasy
Can you take me to the hospital?
But sir has said... He can't allow me to die here at home from fever.
Mo Sao Sir
Would you call the doctor for the visit
Ok sir
No Need
Mo Mo
Why are you searching for the marriage certificate?
Other than buying house, giving birth
don't you know what other things can marriage certificate do?(she means divorce *poor him*)
Mo Mo i made a mistake. Can't you forgive me?
It is not about whether you made mistake or not ling yi zhou
you like to control other people
even feelings of others!!! I really meant to protect you
You protected really well( sarcasm :P)
I am really unable to breathe
Then what do you want me to do?
Remove the two guards downstairs immediately or else i will call the police.
Mo Mo
I will not allow you to leave me
Leave me. Let me Go.
Let me go. Don't hold my hands.
I won't forever.
Hello, Madam Ling! What's the matter?
Is it convenient for you to pick me from my home?
Did you quarrel with your husband?
Is it convenient or not?
You really have quarreled with you husband!!!
Oh! Don't you make me lose my sleep at such late night.
I have to go out tomorrow morning.
Ok then! Have a good rest.
Oie! Is everything ok?Oie...
SIr, Madam haven't eaten anything today.
I know it
Just avoiding food for one day i am feeling dizzi
What shall i do tomorrow?
Mo mo
I heard Aunt Huang saying you don't have appetite.
Why are you not eating food? There is nothing wrong with my Appetite.
If you don't free me for one day then i won't eat for one day
Even if you are angry, don't sacrifice your own body. Let;s go... have some food
LIng yi zhou! I am not your pet. That's why
i don't want to be raised by you.
Everything else I can promise you except letting you go.
Except you letting me go, i don't want anything from you.If you don't have anything else then just go away.
Let me go!!
What are you doing?Just let me go
Aunt Huang please warm the rice and food.
Mo Mo you have to eat today.
I don't want to. Just because you are angry with me
don't let your body suffer from it.
Ok, I will eat. But i have a condition. OK say it
I don't want to see you. Ok i will stay at the hotel from tomorrow onwards.NO!!! I don't want to see you from now.
Ok! I will go back to my room.
Can you come here quickly?Sir and Madam seems to have quarrelled.
Can someone come quickly? CEO LIng's door lock has been broken and it's not opening.
Come quickly
Come quickly and see.
Mu Mu open the door.
Is there anyone outside?
What happened madam?The lock is not opening!look at it.
Is there anyone outside?
Open the door fast. Boss wait for a minute. I will find Aunt Huang.
Aunt Huang Aunt Huang
Please quickly bring the keys.I'm Coming.
Open the door Mu Mu
What's the matter? How come the door is locked?
Where is she? She just went down.
Don't chase anymore.!
Grandmother why did you come? If Aunt Huang did not give a call
i can't imagine what turmoil you guys would bring to this house?
What things can't be talked by sitting!!
Mu Mu are you ok?
Mu Mu did this child bully you?
If there is anything just tell me
I will help you to decide.
Mu Mu
Grandmother told
you said divorce just casually
so that you leave from here quietly, is it true?
True or false: Is it important now?
I am wrong.Don't go ok?
You are wrong??
Do you really know that you are wrong?
If you really knew you would not restrict me here.
You are right. At the beginning i did not thing about divorce.
I just wanted to carefully think about our relationship
But i did not think that you would imprison me
You did not think me as an independent minded women at all
You just satisfied your perverted possessiveness and controlling desire.
Mu Mu
Don't you want to know
when was the first time we met?
At our birthday two years ago
Please welcome sir
I want a birthday cake. Ok sir.If your Birthday is today then
you can use membership card to buy one and get one free sir. No need
Sorry sir. Our card reading machine is not working today and can't swap any cards.
Let it be. Sorry!!
Use my membership card then, Today is my birthday too.
Membership card can buy one get one free.
That cake is from me. aaw no need. Thank you
It's all right.Anyways I Can't eat it all.
That is gift for you..
Happy Birthday to you
Waitress, two cakes. Ok
So your name is xia lin
So last birthday
you took me to the cake shop
was the shop we met for the first time.
I did not remember at all.
Because it was just an unintentional action for you
It was nothing special for you but for me
that was the day when my life was entered with warmness.
Just because of one cake
you started taking notice on me(*liking :😜)
We met again
after half a year
728 00:44:16,345 --> 00:00:00,000
How Chelsea can still sign players in the summer despite transfer ban - Duration: 4:15.
FIFA have hit Chelsea with a two-window transfer embargo. Following a thorough investigation into the signing of youth players, FIFA have announced that Chelsea will not be allowed to register any new players in the next two transfer windows
A statement on the official FIFA website read: "Chelsea was found to have breached article 19 of the Regulations in the case of twenty-nine (29) minor players and to have committed several other infringements relating to registration requirements for players
The club also breached article 18bis of the Regulations in connection with two agreements it concluded concerning minors and which allowed it to influence other clubs in transfer-related matters
"The Disciplinary Committee sanctioned Chelsea with a ban on registering new players at both national and international level for the next two complete and consecutive registration periods
This ban applies to the club as a whole - with the exception of the women's and futsal teams - and does not prevent the release of players
"Additionally, the club was fined 600,000 Swiss Francs (approximately £460,500) and given a period of 90 days to regularise the situation of the minor players concerned
" Chelsea have appealed against the decision, however, saying: "Chelsea FC categorically refutes the findings of the FIFA Disciplinary Committee and will therefore be appealing the decision
" As such, there are two key points to make when suggesting that the Blues can still sign players during the summer transfer window, despite the decision made by FIFA
Firstly, the ban laid down by FIFA is a ban on registering new players in the next two transfer windows
That does not stop Chelsea signing players, but it does stop them being able to play these new players
Diego Costa left Chelsea for Atletico Madrid in September 2017, despite the fact Atleti were under a transfer embargo
It just meant that Costa could not play for his new team until the ban was lifted, which happened to be in January 2018
The Blues would have a bit longer to wait, given the two-window embargo, meaning if they were to sign a player this summer he would not be able to feature until the 2020/21 season, but they could sign someone, not register them and loan them out
Secondly, the ban is under appeal now. And the embargo would be placed on hold until such time as the appeal was heard
Previously Real Madrid were given a two-window ban in January 2016. The appeal was not heard until December of that year, meaning Real could sign players in the summer window and the ban was then cut to one-window, effected during the following January
Should a Chelsea appeal take as long to hear, they could sign players, and register them in the summer as normal
Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football
london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play
Police Fear Jussie Smollett Case Could Impact How Hate Crimes Are Handled | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:33.
黒ニンニクの作り方 - Duration: 4:54.
We are going to make black garlic using garlic we grew last year and make them dry.
We would cut the stem, and roots, and we would peel the outer skin to make them clean.
We have some with sprouts, so we would cut it too.
Now we would put them in an older rice cooker, the one that doesn't shut off after a certain amount of time (Japanese rice cookers today automatically shut off), because we would warm them for about 2 weeks.
We would place some kitchen towel (two may be good enough), and we place garlic neatly.
After we place the garlic that are only good (that is, remove bad ones) in the pot, we would put the pot back in the cooker and warm (not cooking mode, the mode just to keep rice warm) for about 10 days to 2 weeks. We would recommend to keep the cooker outside because this would smell.
This is after 2 weeks. Now it's about ready but we would wait for half a day with leaving the lid open to make them dry.
It's after leaving the lid open for half a day. Now we have beautiful black garlic. It's said that these are good for recovery from exhaustion.
They are sweet and yummy. Now it's all done.
How to grow and care Orchids (With English Caption) - Duration: 12:59.
this is an orchid plant
a few days ago I brought this plant from a nursery
One year earlier also, I have brought many orchids plants and also repotted them
these orchids plants are cultivated in the winter countries
in our country like India where it is mostly summer, its growth happens in only winter season and in other times we have to keep this in a shady place
in the roots area, it is given some mos and nothing else
it needs water but remember that, water shouldn't remain absorbed here as it will rotten the roots
that's why when we plant this plant and repot it in our weather we have to use this coconut husk
and, we cut it into cube size pieces and then set it into this type of pots.
the most important thing they need is dead tree bark
like this. but this kitchen waste
this is my homemade compost which I made from kitchen waste, these are mainly rotten vegetable that have taken this form with time
the food for these plants I use is N.P.K 20-20-20 in half spoon quantity mixed with 1-liter water
and use it in the roots area at an interval of 15 to 30 days
use it after seeing the growth of the plants
we have to give water daily but always have a look so that there is no overwatering
we have to keep an eye on the drainage system and the oxygen passing system
that's why in orchid pots there were many holes in the sides. I have made in the pot holes like this
you can even make more holes in the pot than me
I have planted this orchid plant a few years ago
you can see I have planted this plant using this coconut husk
but I think we have to check this every year, and if you observe that the coconut husk is getting rotten and the roots are getting jammed
in that case, we have to lift up some coconut husk and and replace that with some new ones
how to do it I will show you now
this is made of bamboo, you can make it with wood also, but don't use metal as it can harm the plant
lift the husk this way you can see the husk has got rotten and some fungus are also here
this fungus can damage the roots
that's why we have to change it once in a year, but be very careful to not hurt the roots when you do it
lift these slowly.
you can understand after seeing it that this coconut husk is newly set, after planting this plant
you can see all the newest ones present inside has got rotten
but don't clean it much because the roots may get hurt
so clean as minimum as possible and replace them with new husk
now spray any anti fungus over the roots of this plants, at an interval of 15-20 days
like I use bavistin fungicide
I used it at an interval of 15-30 days in 1 spoon quantity mixing with 1-liter water
and then spraying it on the roots area and also in the leaves
then the fungus infection will not happen again, this fungus is very harmful to plants as it will damage the roots
Give water after watching the soil, don't dry this root area as the plant growth will get affected
so when you see the roots area is getting dry, supply water to it
if you see that the soil is damp then don't give water
so give the water after seeing the soil.
like in summer season, we may have to water it daily
because it needs water to survive and although it needs less water but still some amount is necessary
spotify premium free | how to get free spotify premium (iOS/Android) - Duration: 3:03.
spotify premium free | how to get free spotify premium (iOS/Android)
Boost Your SexualLife With Honey | How It's Work ? - Duration: 3:22.
boost your sex life with honey suffering from low libido or reduced stamina
during sex the beasts can help you with this honey extracted from a few deer
sick flowers like jasmine an orchard can increase the potency in a man even the
word honeymoon came up from an aunt Saint practice of love when couples
would go into seclusion and take the magical honey drink and it was believed
it would be increased their sexual desire the honey base is full of a
mineral called boron which is known to boost testosterone while metabolizing
east region two spoons of honey are enough to keep you going all night long
honey powered with milk and increase the stamina and would definitely make your
honey happy and content here are some ways how honey can help your sex life
bedtime boost honey makes a perfect pre-bedtime boost if he were flagging
after a long day try a spoonful in a cup of relaxing herbal tea with cinnamon to
get you warmed up and in a mood bath time fun need any fancy bath oils when
your fancy relaxing in the tub just add three tablespoons of honey and two
tablespoons of olive oil to your bath water soothing healing and delicious you
will feel like a goddess whether you are batting alone or not
kissable lips the sweet chest of honey on your lips is guaranteed to excite and
as honey is a potent moisturizer - it makes the perfect ingredient to add to
this simple home medley balm you can add your own sensible essential oils - in
flavors you and your partner love luscious locks pampering yourself boosts
self-esteem gives you a real glow in the bedroom sit aside some time for this
revitalizing honey hey treatment and you will feel great with hey that looks and
smells too gorgeous to resist just massage half cup of honey into your hair
and sit back for 20 minutes then shampoo and condition as usual for ultra soft
sensuous locks get smooth researchers decayed honey for sexual
regard and advocated the drinking of milk and honey to induce love and
ecstasy give it a modern twist and turn your milk and honey into a delicious
smoothie go for protein-rich bananas creamy yogurt sweet honey and juicy
strawberries for an instant healthy libido booster keep it raw of course
there's one very simple way to sweeten things up with honey in the bedroom and
that's to use plain unadulterated and oozing out the jar so include honey in
your regular diet and enjoy your sexual drive
How to Buy A Second Hand Vehicle from Private Seller & Dealership - Duration: 14:06.
Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about
how to buy a used vehicle. And when you think of going out and buying a vehicle
is this what you think of: [BUYING A CAR :: TRANSFORMERS] "Son, I'm a lot of things.
A liar's not one em'.
Especially not in front of my Mammy.
Yes! Getting swindled
at the sleazy car dealership. Well today we're going to talk to you about some tips
and techniques about getting the best car for your money. Stick around, we'll be
right back with that information.
Hi there smart drivers. Welcome back. Rick with
Smart Drive Test talking to you today about buying a used vehicle - a secondhand
vehicle and how to get the best value for your money. And getting the car that
you want. Not settling for some car that you think is a good deal. So we're going to
give you some tips and techniques about how to do that and the first thing that
I want to say about buying a used vehicle or any vehicle: know that the
price is always negotiable. It's not the sticker price that's on the windshield.
Do not just pay that...actually barter and negotiate for a better price. So that's
we're going to talk about. Now if you're new to Smart Drive Test, Smart Drive Test
helps new drivers get a license, veteran drivers to remain crash free, and CDL
drivers to start a career as the truck or bus driver. So if you're new here,
consider subscribing. Hit that subscribe button just about there. [POINTING TO THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON] As well, hit that
bell. That way you'll get instant notification when I get the videos up
for you. Now as I said, all prices are negotiable for cars. And you can
negotiate. And yes some of you are thinking, why don't I buy a new vehicle. I
know exactly what my car payment is going to be every month. I'm going to get a bumper to
bumper warranty that's going to be five years. And yes that is an option for some
of you if you can afford to purchase a new vehicle. But I'm going to say to you
that you're going to get a lot more vehicle for less money if you're willing to buy
a vehicle that's a couple of years old; maybe even four years old. Because
oftentimes when you buy a second-hand vehicle or a used vehicle, it's got good
tires on it. It's got - some times it'll come with a set of winter tires or it'll
come with a Thule (roof rack and cargo box) or other accessories for the vehicle. If you buy a brand new
vehicle, one of the most prominent things that you're going to pay money for off the
hop is, you're going to buy new tires twenty or thirty thousand
kilometres, fifteen or twenty thousand miles down the road because the tires
that they put on these new vehicles only last a short amount of time, and you're
going to have to put new tires. So you're going have to make an investment of
about a thousand dollars on a brand new car within a year of owning that vehicle,
which is very frustrating for a lot of people. So if you buy a vehicle that's a
couple-of-years old, four-years-old, you might even get some warranty left over
on the vehicle. As well, you're going to spend probably half of what you would
for a new car. So think about that in terms of purchasing a second-hand
vehicle. You're going to get a lot more vehicle for a lot less money. Now the first
time I bought a vehicle, a long time ago, a couple of decades ago, it was a 1971 half-ton GMC,
with three-in-the-tree (column shift) manual transmission, and an inline-six motor
under the hood. It had a top speed of 85 miles an hour, about 145 kilometers an
hour. And it was what we call in this day and age, a beater. And for some of you who
are young you just got your license this is unfortunately what you're gonna be
looking for. You're going to be looking for a beater that's gonna be a few hundred
dollars. And you know, try and get the best vehicle that you can. There are still
beaters out there, and you still can buy vehicles for less than a thousand
dollars. But it's not going to last you more than a couple of years. And it's not
going to be very much fun to drive. So know that in terms of your first vehicle.
And my second vehicle wasn't much better than that: it was a 1975 Honda Civic as
you can see here in the image. And it had a four-speed manual transmission in it and it only lasted
about a year before the timing belt went in it. And I sold it to a wrecker for
$50, which was kind of frustrating because I put a new
windshield in it and the windshield was $50, and they only gave me $50 for the
whole car when I got them to pull it off the side of the road. So these are some
of the experiences you're going to have when you're buying a car. now if you have
help from your parents or family or friends. That's going to be a lot easier for
you. Now the first thing you need to figure out is how much money do I have.
Okay how much money do I have? What kind of a car can I afford? So you're going to
need to do a little bit of research and go on the internet and figure out what cars
are available for the price range in which you're in. If you're in the less
than a thousand dollars, it's going to be probably a twenty-year-old vehicle. And
try and find something that's going to be reliable. And the internet
will give you that information. If you just type in the vehicle that you're
looking for. The place to get started is either eBay or the Auto Trader here in
North America. Those are going to be your two places to get started in terms of
finding out what vehicles are available, how much these are worth. As well, you can
do some research on the internet and find out the reliability of the cars. People
will give you reports of whether the car is reliable, it lasts a long time, certain
things go wrong after a while and those types of things. So Carfax, Blue Book
value, and Auto Trader, and eBay. Those are the places that you're going to need to go
to start doing your research on your vehicle to figure out what kind of
vehicle you can get and how much money you're going to spend on that vehicle. So
for some of you, buying a vehicle is not going to be your first vehicle. you're going to have
to buy a replacement vehicle. And some years ago, I had a friend of mine who
crashed her vehicle and the insurance company wrote it off. So we had to find
her a new vehicle. And interestingly enough, we had lent her our second vehicle to
drive around so that she had some transportation. And she came back some
time later--and she wasn't very good at buying vehicles and those types of
things--and she said she'd found a vehicle. So we went down to look at it. It was at
the Honda dealership there in Kelowna, BC, Canada. And it was a Toyota Corolla. It was beige-
on-beige. It had a beige interior and beige outside [LAUGHING]. And in my mind, they were asking
way too much for it. I think they wanted thirteen thousand five hundred dollars
for it, and I thought it was only worth about nine thousand dollars. First of all,
I knew that this was not the car that she wanted. She was embarrassed that she
got into a crash, she was embarrassed that she was driving our vehicle, and
wanted to give it back to us as soon as possible. So I said to her, I said listen
this is not the vehicle you want. We're going to offer them a low price. And so when
you go into a dealership, what they do is you go in with the salesperson
into his or her office. You make an offer. And then they get up and they go and
talk to the manager. And they come back to say yes or no. And so this all went down, the
salesperson is behind the desk and we said $9,000. The salesperson said, I'll have to
go and talk to my manager. So he left the room, and I said to my wife and my second
mom who was buying the car. And I said to her, he's not going to take it, so we're just
going to leave. So he came back. And of course he didn't take the deal. And we
just left. And I just said okay fine. So I asked her after:
what kind of car do you want? She said, well I want a blue car. That was it!
She just wanted a blue car. So I looked around on the internet for a reliable
car and I found a Honda Civic that wasn't too far away. It was in her price
range, and it was blue and it was an automatic transmission. It was a good car. So I went
down and it was at the dealership in Penticton, BC, Canada. I drove down there and had a
look at it. I went through the whole vehicle, did a pre-trip inspection. And
this is one of the other things you want to do, is do a pre-trip inspection on the
vehicle. And I'll put a card up in the corner here for you on the pre-trip
inspection and how to do that and make sure that everything's working, and make sure
it's been detailed properly. What had happened with the Honda Civic, the blue
Honda Civic that I had found, was that it had been owned by a single mom. She had a
couple of kids, and when they detailed the car at the dealership they hadn't
cleaned in behind the rear seats. So I was able to negotiate with the dealership
for a couple hundred dollars off the price because it hadn't been detailed.
Now a couple other points about going to dealerships. Know that there's going to
be additional costs in addition to the vehicle's price itself. They're going to
charge you for processing paperwork and those types of things. And in my
experience, that's about five hundred dollars at dealerships. So there are all
kind of bonus things that dealerships charge for. And you know, I try not to adhere to conspiracy, but it tends
to be a bit of conspiracy that they have all these administrative costs. So know
that those can be negotiated in terms of the price that you're going to pay for
the vehicle. At dealerships, you're going to deal with sales people, you're
going to deal with managers, you're going to deal with finance departments, and those
types of things. And one other point - some years ago I had a friend of mine--a
really close family friend. His wife had passed away, and as part of her passing
away, there was insurance money that came. And she was going to donate a portion of
this money to the summer camp that her kids went to. So he had asked the summer camp what they
needed. And they needed a truck. So he called me. I was in Kelowna at the time.
And he was looking at a truck there. And he asked me to go down and test drive the vehicle.
And I went down and test drove it. And it was an old Chevy with a flat deck on it. And
I said, no this really isn't what they need. So I started looking around
Kelowna for vehicles. And I found these pickup trucks that were just straight
cab pickup trucks, which is something that's really difficult to find. Today most
of them are going to be crew cabs and
there going to have another set of doors and seats
behind the driver's seat. And it was spring and and in the
picture it was wintertime. So I called and I said, do you still have these
vehicles. Well it turned out that they were Ford trucks at the Chrysler
dealership. And what had happened was that somehow the Chrysler dealership was
responsible for leasing to Telus, which is one of the big phone companies
here in Canada. And they said, yeah we still have a bunch of them. So I went
down and looked at them. And the salesperson was really good. He went out
and he picked the best one out for me. And you know, up until this juncture I
hadn't dealt a whole lot with domestic vehicles--you know Dodge, Ford and
Chevrolet--General Motors rather. I'd been dealing mostly with imports - Honda
and Toyota. And I went in, we took the truck for a drive. We decided
that yes, we're going to buy it. And we started negotiating the price. And I sort
of went $5,000 below price. They were asking twenty thousand. I said fifteen thousand. And
they were like yeah. They didn't even balk at the price. And when that happens, and you're
negotiating prices, you're thinking, "oh I should have started at ten thousand
instead of five thousand lower." So know that in terms of negotiation. And of
course, there was the the paperwork fee and those types of things. And they
agreed, and by the time we got done, I think it was about fourteen thousand, five hundred,
everything in for the vehicle. And it was a fairly decent vehicle that we got for
the summer camp. It was a leased vehicle and it was fairly good. So make sure that you do a
pre-trip inspection, you take the vehicle for a drive,. and drive it fairly
aggressively if you buy it from a dealership and those types of things. And
as well, when you do buy it from a dealership, know that once you pay the
price, it's very difficult to get anything else out of them once you have
finalized and actually paid them the money. now the final story that I'll tell
you is the buggy (1998 Honda CRV). I bought the buggy about four years ago.
And I bought it privately. And the person that I purchased it from - the seller that
I purchased it from wanted $4,500 originally. And it wasn't worth $4,500. I had
done my research on the internet. I'd driven the vehicle before because I had
another Honda CRV of a similar vintage previously. And I felt he wanted too
much money. So I only wanted to pay him about $3,500, but he had a set of winter
tires and what not with it. And I took it for a
drive. It was a good vehicle. it has been good vehicle for the last four years.
It's got three hundred and twenty five thousand kilometers - two hundred thousand
miles on it now. So it's been a good vehicle. But unfortunately, what had
happened was that he had smoked in it. And it still smelled of smoke, even though he
had tried to detail it. And you can get smoke smell out of cars if sellers have
smoked in the car. Use a lot of vinegar and get one of those aerosol bombs from
your local auto parts shop and let one of those off in there. And that'll get
rid of the smoke smell for you. So you need to do a bit of work. So if somebody
smoked in the vehicle, you can get a really good price on the vehicle because
they're going to have a hard time selling it. As well, my vehicle is a manual
transmission for those of you who have watched other videos. It was a
really good negotiating point (smoking). And after talking to him for a while and just
saying to him, no I don't want to pay this much for it. And we went over and
looked at the winter tires, and those types of things. And I said listen, I'm
going to have to put new tires on it because the tires--the all-season tires
on it--weren't very good. So finally in the end after negotiating, after
bartering and telling him that I was only going to pay thirty five hundred
dollars. And I paid him $3,500 cash. He accepted thirty
five hundred dollars cash because that's what I had in my pocket at the time. And that's
what I was willing to pay for the vehicle. So last point on terms of cash.
If you're going to a private seller, cash is going to work for you and it's going
to give you some leverage in terms of getting a better price on the vehicle. If
you go to a dealership, cash is not going to work for you. Don't let on to the
dealership that you're going to pay cash for the vehicle. Let on that you're going to
take financing, because dealerships get a kickback, they make money from the
financing. So know that. So don't let on that you're going to pay
cash for it. Let on that you're going to finance the vehicle if you go to a
dealership. And also, dealerships are going to have warranties and those types of
things that you could also consider in terms of purchasing a vehicle. So those
are a few ideas and tips and techniques that you can use in terms of
purchasing a vehicle. Do your research, figure out what kind of
vehicle you want. If you want a blue car, then buy a blue car, if you want an
orange car, buy an orange car. Because there are tons and tons of vehicles on
the market, And if you do a little bit of work you're going to be able to get the
vehicle that you want. And know this is going to be your second largest
purchase next to buying a house. So spend a bit of time and get the vehicle that
you want. And know that you're going to get more vehicle for probably half the
cost of what you would pay for a new one. So in this day-and-age, considering a
secondhand vehicle is really an option that you can consider in terms of
getting a vehicle that you really want and want to drive every day. And you know,
spend a considerable amount of time in. Question for my smart drivers: do you
have any tips or techniques for new drivers--smart drivers--who are looking to
purchase a vehicle and get the best value for their money. Leave a comment
down in the comment section there. All of that helps us out. I'm Rick with Smart
Drive Test. Thanks very much for watching. Good luck on your road test. And remember,
pick the best answer not necessarily the right answer. Have a great day.
Bye now.
How to turn Jupiter into a Star - Duration: 1:50.
It's sometimes said that Jupiter nearly became a star, but that's a bit of an exaggeration:
it would have needed a lot more mass.
To turn Jupiter into a star, just follow these easy steps:
First, grab a carton of a dozen Jupiters and slowly mix them into the planet you want to be a star.
Don't be alarmed if your planet doesn't grow in size, or even shrinks slightly,
planets don't get much wider than Jupiter and just get denser the more massive they are.
Congratulations, Jupiter is now something called a brown dwarf.
Brown dwarfs sit between planets and stars, they can fuse certain uncommon isotopes of
atoms together but aren't heavy enough to fuse regular hydrogen into helium.
The heat that they generate isn't enough to keep them warm, and they'll cool from
an orange glow when they're freshly made, to a dim red glow after a few million years.
To be a true star, we're going to need more mass.
Mix in another 65 Jupiters.
You can substitute three Saturns, nineteen Neptunes or three hundred and eighteen Earths
if you're running low on Jupiters.
Jupiter will continue to shrink, but once you add the last few planets… voila.
Now hydrogen is fusing into helium in its core, and you've made yourself a star...
a very-low-mass red dwarf star that's only 1,700 degrees Celsius, and a million times
dimmer than the sun to the naked eye.
To get it as bright as the sun, you're going to need another thousand Jupiters.