Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily can Feb 20 2019

(Rob in voiceover) In our quest to learn about fire out West,

we've been learning about the type of forests we've inherited over the last hundred years,

based on the way we've worked with fire.

Colin Hardy at the US Forest Service

helped explain it to us.

(Colin) Ninety-eight percent of new fire starts we put out

before they're, you know, an acre or two. Every time we do that, we predispose the

land to be sitting there longer, getting more decadent, more dead and down.

And so that when we do get a fire that we can't put out, we've handed that fire a vegetation

and fuel complex that's never been out there before. So we're getting

uncharacteristic fires because we're creating uncharacteristic fuel loads.

(VO) This message is something everyone has told us. It seems a big moral of the

story is we need more fire. This made us wonder: why don't we just let every fire

burn? We asked Colin that exact question.

(Colin) Our moral obligation to human health is one reason why we can't:

the smoke exposure over certain levels.

So we have to balance what humans value versus how much they value the natural ecosystem.

And we're trying to strike a balance. And we're moving in the right

direction in being able to enable more fire.

(VO) So that's the dilemma. We do need

more fire, but we also need a public that understands what they're trying to do:

to get the forests back to where they were in recent history.

(Colin) Historically if fire

were to run free, it would run into another old fire, which would run into

another old fire. We would have had tens of thousands of patches out here

that had 50- to 100-acre fires on them, and they would allow a fire to burn

freely, but be confined and kind of redirected by all these other patches.

(VO) Not only would the fires in the past have been smaller, they'd have been very

different. Now the fires are on the hundreds- to half-million-acre size.

And a fire like that isn't something this habitat has experienced before.

Colin describes it as an uncharacteristic fire.

(Colin) Uncharacteristic because it would burn more severely, there's more dense canopies,

more fuel on the ground. It would pulse into the soil deeper, cause more damage to the organic layer.

So in areas where we have critical infrastructure, like a watershed,

no matter how much we would like natural fire in there, it's really too much at risk.

We could burn the organic layer down and then get erosion and flooding

and those kinds of things. Had we kept up with the natural cycle of fire then

those uncharacteristic fires would be much less likely to happen.

Now they're norm rather than the exception here in the last 15 to 20 years.

(VO) So even though

we all know we need more fire, we can't just let it all burn.

It's all about finding the balance and working with everyone to hopefully get our forests

back to where they can tolerate more fire on them.

Thanks for watching this episode, everyone.

This is part of a whole series about the complexities of fire.

Watch more via the links below.

Well, as we were filming, they had a fire, so they had to run.

For more infomation >> Why We Can't Just Let Fire Burn - Duration: 2:58.


Can I say a Bad Word? | (idk if this is a meme, Portuguese subtitles) - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Can I say a Bad Word? | (idk if this is a meme, Portuguese subtitles) - Duration: 0:40.


Chelsea latest news: Maurizio Sarri knows only wins can keep him in a job at Chelsea FC - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Chelsea latest news: Maurizio Sarri knows only wins can keep him in a job at Chelsea FC - Duration: 4:36.


How Can I Find Gold? - Duration: 6:26.


Tonight we're going to talk about something that keeps coming up and it's not

too surprising.

I've been asked this question a lot lately,

especially as I'm going back and forth between gold in a storm and what happens

to concentrate it and how you can get started mapping and finding gold near you

and the two connect together with the following question.

How can I find gold?

This is a question that gets asked over and over again,

whether it's a novice or a professional,

they keep asking the same question because this is the one you should always ask


How can I find gold?

How can I find it near me?

What kind of tools am I going to need and how do I start this process?

So one of the first things I wanted to kind of go over was really when you're

looking at gold and the process of finding and recovering gold,

it's two stages.

Finding the gold or prospecting and then the recovery of the gold or mining.

And when you go into the situation where you're trying to mind first and ask

questions later,

that's a serious problem.

We've seen that in some dramatize television series.


The point is you really want to start out by looking at your prospect or your

place that you're thinking about and knowing where to go and we've talked about

this over the last few live sessions.

One of the things I want you to be aware of is this,

you know,

government gold maps,

the GGM thing,

that link I've got there at .

That is where I always start because when I build those maps in an area that I'm

starting to think about looking or when I'm looking for looking near me or near

where I'm going to be,

I can build my own custom map of that area and start with where gold has been

found before.

That's the number one step in any of these things is ask yourself,

is there a golden in this region?

Even the guys on Gold Rush will typically look and say,

you know,

"what's the history of this place?" By the way,

the history is a big part of what makes the show a success because the

characters that are bound in a place like that are amazing present and past.

You know,

Mark Twain did,

you know he lived up in the area around Angels Camp,

California and many of the things he wrote about prospectors such as roughing


were all about that area and all about the crazy life that prospecting is.

So you want to be aware of what's in the area and starting with a map is a great


but that's not the only thing cause you want to take that map and we'll go back

to the opening screen and take a look.

So here I've got a site survey map.

This is an example of a very rough draft that you can easily create in the field

on your site by simply taking samples and plotting them out with respect to the

different geographic features that your site has to offer.

A piece of flat rock that sticks out in the middle of a sandbar and all that

kind of stuff.

This looks like bedrock coming out here.

We've got the flow of the creek in summer.

We have an idea of what the flow was like in winter because of the width of this


edge to edge.

And what we've done here is sample from side to side,

perpendicular to the stream flow to find the concentrated zones for gold


This is where we find the most colors in our pan as we go downstream.

Building this kind of map is crucial to understanding what your prospect has to


When you go into the final phase,

which is the recovery and mining strategy.

That's when you go by the heavy caterpillar equipment and not before,

unless you need to do a lot of deep samples.

Then you buy specific pieces of equipment;

an auger or some kind of a diamond core drill if you need to go that route.

But the idea is you don't go there until you know you have some reasonable

chance of recovering that kind of money cause it's just a stupid waste.

You know,


it's a business eventually.

But as you're doing it as a hobby,

same problem holds true because now what you're wasting instead of money is


You want to basically work on the areas that are known to hold gold,

to start with,

have the highest probability of giving you gold and will eventually turn out,

or pan out - pun intended,

into something useful.

That'll give you a feel for where you're going.

Now let me get back to the screen.


so if you're working one of these areas and you start to find some gold,

you want to make sure that you don't get lost and just focus there.

Because it might be that that's just one of many areas and there's a higher,

stronger probability of finding golden and another section.

That's why you methodically plot this out.

And I go over that.

Some of the material that we have for training,

it's too detailed to go into in a show like this right now.

The idea would be,


how do I do that?

And how do I find that information so that I know what my prospect is going to


So one,

I don't waste my time if I'm doing recreation or professional.

Two I don't waste money or gasoline or anything else or trips or you know,

vacation time,

you name it,

it really doesn't matter because it all comes down to time and money,

and fun.

It's not much fun to dig a hole after hole after hole and I'd find anything.

So the idea is how can I find gold?

Spend more time where the gold was found before,

spend more time learning how to methodically prospect.

That's what I'm here for.

It help you learn that process so that you don't go in with kind of a wild

unstructured way of just going and wildly looking for gold.

Some say "gold is where you find it." That kind of strategy is wrong.

You want to basically go in with an idea that I think I know where the gold is

going to be and let's change that goal.

This is where you find it to "Gold is where I found it."

So that's the principle I wanted to teach tonight.

And that is where can I find gold?

Start with the end in mind.

Build yourself a map.

Make sure you understand what you're looking for.

Get into the business of looking for the gold and finding it.

So that's what Prospector Jess has to say tonight.

Prospector Jess,

over and out.

Good prospecting.

See Ya tomorrow.

For more infomation >> How Can I Find Gold? - Duration: 6:26.


Dollar Tree Chicken and Dumplings in a Can Comfort Creek Foods - Duration: 4:34.

dollar tree chicken and dumplings in a can comfort creek foods canned chicken and dumplings review canned food for preppers prepping food storage

hi it's AlaskaGranny Alaska Prepper we know it's important to stockpile food so that we

have an ample supply on hand for all kinds of situations

hey Sammy Shh my dog Alaska Sammy slurping up his water a mainstay of your prepping

supplies in your canned food storage prepper prepping supplies pantry should be easy open and eat full meal entrees

type meals something food you could just open and heat up and you have a meal in

any kind of an emergency situation those could be very important food meals to have in times of

emergencies one of the new canned food entrees that I added to my long term food storage prepping emergency food supplies I found was dumplings and chicken by

Comfort Creek foods I found it at the Dollar Tree store I've never seen canned chicken and dumplings it before

and I haven't tried it so a good strategy if you see food supplies something new and

you think you might like it buy one take it home and try it and if you do like it

go buy more don't stockpile a bunch of food or supplies them before you know if it's even any

good or useful each can has two servings 190 calories each and each serving has 10

grams of protein which is quite a lot if you figure the whole can of chicken and dumplings has 380

calories and 20 grams of protein that's pretty good for an open and eat canned food meal

as with other food storage canned foods chicken and dumplings it has a lot of sodium and the heating directions are

simple you can do it on the stovetop or you can heat it in the microwave you can

see the ingredients it's made in the USA if you look on the bottom you can of chicken and dumplings see

the best by date it has a pretty good shelf life but as with other canned

foods make sure you rotate food storage it within a reasonable amount of time it may not be

completely spoiled by that date but that's the date that the manufacturer

guarantees it will still taste good and so things

tend to decline over time and then the flavor may not be as good it may still

be okay to eat but it may not taste very good I'm going to open the can of chicken and dumplings pour it in a

glass dish and heat it in the microwave you can see the picture and it looks

like it's maybe in a chicken broth instead of perhaps a gravy with dumplings and chicken bites let's check it out open the can of chicken and dumplings that

looks like some kind of fat floating in there and I don't think I want to eat

that so I'm going to remove that it canned chicken and dumplings has a lot of broth some big pillowy dumplings

some little dumplings and quite a few pieces of bite-size chicken let's heat

it up and see how it tastes it's all heated through you can see there's lots

of broth dumplings and lots of bits of chicken

there aren't any vegetables in this you might want to consider adding something

like a can of mixed vegetables to make it more like a chicken pot pie let's

taste canned chicken and dumplings it see how it tastes first a dumpling

the dumpling is soft flavorful the broth is good let's try the chicken

the chicken is fine it tastes kind of like that texture of like a pressed chicken

not like something that you might have like not something that you just pulled

off the bone yourself but it's good this dumplings and chicken it's

something that I'm going to go get some more and put them away in my food

storage but I'm going to get some mixed vegetables to go with it just to make it

more of a complete meal when you find this chicken and dumplings or a shelf-stable meal that you like

stockpile them and then also store them with the things that you would want to

serve it with so then in an emergency in if you're in a hurry or you just need a

quick meal you can go grab a can of chicken and dumplings heat it up and get your meal and get on about your

business try the Comfort Creek Foods dumplings and chicken and see if

you like it and if there's a shelf-stable meal that you found that is in

a can that's quick and easy and tastes pretty good let us know what it is so we

all have a plan of a variety of foods to store in our long term food storage stockpile

learn more at please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel

For more infomation >> Dollar Tree Chicken and Dumplings in a Can Comfort Creek Foods - Duration: 4:34.


Who Can You Use In Your Ideas? (Crazyness With Ayden! Tutorials) - Duration: 1:28.

Why... Hello There, Everyone!

Now I Think It Is Most Important To Know The Characters Of CWA!

In Fact, There Is A Wide Range Of Us Here!

We Have...

Microsoft Sam

Microsoft Mike

Microsoft Anna

Microsoft Mary

Radar Overseer Scotty


Microsoft Will

The Wordshark Man




Microsoft David

Microsoft Heera

Microsoft Hazel

Microsoft Zira

The Crazy-O-Meter

The Snail Of Awesomeness




The Linux Penguins

The Numbershark Man



President Underdone Jr.




The Cameraman

The Taxi Driver

The Spirit


Baron Von Badly-Drawn


And Microsoft Lili

That Is About 35 Characters That You Can Use In Your Requests!

And Can I Just Say: 35 Is Quite High! (But Not As High As 36!)

Mind You, There Are Few More Characters That Will Be Seen Through Out CWA!

But The Characters We Chose Here Are What We Can Quite Easily Put Into CWA!

Thank You For Watching This Video And See You Soon For More CWA! Idea Requesting Tutorials And Other... Stuff.

For more infomation >> Who Can You Use In Your Ideas? (Crazyness With Ayden! Tutorials) - Duration: 1:28.


[360 VR] I can't without you! 没有你不行! 너 없이 안돼! EP.6 - Duration: 2:41.

Have you tried Korean food?

This is Samgyeopsal(Pork) in Korea.

It's a little strange, but it's really delicious. haha~

I don't know if you like samgyeopsal.

If you go to Korea next time, make sure to go eat.

For more infomation >> [360 VR] I can't without you! 没有你不行! 너 없이 안돼! EP.6 - Duration: 2:41.


🔥Top Bad Habits to Break so You Can Be More Productive!🔥 - Duration: 20:50.

COLLEEN HAMMOND: "Top Bad Habits to Break So You Can Be More Productive!"

Scientists have determined that there are nine

habits that you do that are crushing

your productivity.

If you can get rid of these 9 habits

then your productivity will skyrocket.

That's a topic of this morning's "Coffee with Colleen"

(Hit the SUBSCRIBE button and then the Bell to be the first notified when I upload a new video!)

So one of these nine habits is yours

and you can get rid of it.

Thanks for joining us.

My name is Colleen Hammond.

I am a former On-Camera Meteorologist

for The Weather Channel

and had been an Image Consultant,

coach, and mentor for over 35

years. I helped women take the guessing out

of dressing — we work on beauty

from the inside out.

Today we're going to be talking about the "inside"

and productivity.

Bad habits are killing ya!

And we know about that.

Talk about that all the time.

Bad habits slow you down.

They decrease your accuracy.

They make you less creative,

they stifle your overall performance

and happiness as well as your


Because at the end of the day when you've had things that

you've done that you've accomplished you feel really good about


So getting control of these bad habits,

especially these nine that scientists have

found to be the biggest offenders,

will help you be happier overall

and get more done.

Grenville Kleiser said,

"By consistent self-discipline

and self-control you can develop greatness

of character." So some bad

habits obviously are more crushing

and troublesome than others.

But getting rid of any bad habit

is really a good thing.

So number one bad

habit that we want to get

rid of is going to

be surfing the Internet.

And here you are on YouTube,


But we're talking about the surfing

that is unplanned

and like you're working on something

and then you just reach over

and grab your phone

and you start surfing the Internet.

It takes you 15 full minutes

to get totally focused on something.

15 minutes.

So that means absolutely no distractions.

You start working on something.

15 minutes. Now you're into what they call flow

or you're in the zone.

And that's where your brain is operating at

its highest efficiency.


When you're in your flow

or you're in the zone scientists have shown

that you're five times more productive.

And anything you do to get out of that?

It costs you basically 15 minutes

to get back into it.

So any time you're like,

"I'm not sure,

oh just a minute,

I just my phone beeped.

Oh here's something I'm going to go check this..."

Is going to take you 15 minutes of focus

and concentration to get back into

that highly productive state.

So any time you go away you're

causing yourself problems.

Number two is trying to get

it perfect all the time.


And actually Brene Brown has done a lot of research,

of course she's a shame researcher,

right? She's done a lot of research on...


and how really it masks

our insecurities

and our our

wanting to not be criticized by other people.

So we don't want to be judged.

We don't want to be blamed.

We don't want other people to think less of

us. And what

happens is sadly our self-worth becomes

tied to what other people think about us.

And quite frankly who really we shouldn't care.

Right. So when you try

to make everything perfect

and you can be ... You could have been raised in a home like

I was where I come home

with five As and an A minus

and the five As are ignored in the A minus

is like, "What's with the A minus?

Do I need to call your teacher?

What happened?" And so

then you don't want to do anything unless it's


So go back into your childhood.

Now look at your inner child.

As corny as that sounds it's really true.

Look at why you feel you need to

be perfect.

Why can't you release

something until it's A plus work?

My business coach told me go for C work.

I'm like a I don't think I've ever gotten a

C in my life! How about if I go for B work

and then release that.

So as a writer.

One of the examples that I love that I

read I forget where I read this

but it talked about you know when

you're developing these

fictional characters

and you're doing all the analyzing,

the analysis

and you're writing out all the stuff that it's not part

of the book, or it's not part of the short story.

It's not part...

Or even if you're researching to write a blog post

or some sort of article for Medium

or whatever.

You do all this research

and then you've got all of this...


I do this a lot. Got all this research

and your brain storming everything.

Because you know you have to research you have to

have a character development

or you need to do this research before you write about something

on in a column

or in a blog post.

Now you have all the research done.

But what about getting it down on paper

and getting things going as to the actual

story, or the actual article,

the actual column.

So again,

it's... You can't get anything out

there unless you get started.

But this author said that you can

edit a bad page you just can't edit a blank


So just get it out there

and get something on paper

so that you can start editing.

And it's the same thing

with anything you're doing.

You're creating programs, you're...

Anything that you're doing.

It goes for anything that you can look at...


Number three.



Let's get together and chat about this.

Meetings chew up time like

nobody's business

and if you've taken any of my courses on The

Temperaments you'll know that there's one temperament

type that if you have this as

a high

factor in your temperament you're

going to love meetings.

And that's a Sanguine.

These people love people.

They love friends.

They love chatting. They love getting together.

I'm a what they call a Choleric

or an ENTJ if you do Meyers Briggs.

Or a High D if you do the DISC profile.

Et cetera.

And I don't like meetings.

Um, I... It's not that I don't like


I want to get it done

and just get things accomplished.

So meetings...

Or maybe you think...

Do you think meetings?

Give me a comment below if you think

meetings are very very productive.

I mean they can be but that's just it.

If you go into the beginning of the meeting

and say, "OK here's our agenda.

These are the things we're going to be covering.

We have 20 minutes for this meeting

and at the end of the 20 minutes I have something else I have

to get to.

Y'all can stay and chat if you want

but these are the items that we need to address."

Boom boom boom boom boom boom.

Over. Done with.


So meetings can drag on forever.

Never unless you set clear limits

and boundaries.

And we've talked about boundaries

and other areas of our life too.

Number four is keeping your inbox


And then if you like..PING!

"You've got mail." Remember when that was a

thing with AOL?

And it was really cool when you'd get an e-mail.

So new and novel.

Now it's novel to get something,

you know, from snail mail.

But if you keep your e-mail

program open

and then you respond to e-mails as they come

in again you're losing that focus.

And every time you lose focus it takes 15 minutes.

Not only that,

you are allowing other people to set your


You're in the defense instead of being

in an offensive position.

So what you want is to set

time aside every day that you're going to

read e-mails.

Now, "What about important e-mails?" you say.

"Colleen, I've got something coming in!" You know what?

Gmail has all sorts of ways that

you can set up priority

or set it as a high priority

so it pings on your phone.

If you're expecting an e-mail from somebody that's very

important — a client,

your attorney,

your mom,

your wife, your spouse,


You can set those as priority so that

they will ping or show up on your phone.

So set those alerts

and then save the or save the rest for later.

You'll notice if you e-mail me?

You may get a hold of my virtual assistant Jennifer

but you will get a hold of me in the morning before noon.

I don't read e-mails until noon unless

I have labeled you as urgent

or important.

So don't let other

people's agendas set your agenda

for the day because you're going to just be chasing rabbits

all day long.


Don't respond by keeping

your inbox open.

Keep it closed

and set certain times a day where you open

your inbox, respond to e-mails,

and then shut it back down again.

Number five is the snooze button.

I'm not a snooze button person.

I'm also not an alarm person.

And the more I researched this the more I found

out why. Your brain goes through specific


You have to cycle through

certain things at night

and then your brain also washes itself

at night.

Between 2 and 4 your liver back washes.

So there's things that are happening

in your body. This is why sleep is so important.

But what happens toward the


toward that time that you have set on

your alarm, if you use an alarm,

your body knows subconsciously...

Have you ever woken up before the...

Like a couple of minutes before the alarm goes


You are that in tune

with your body and your body is that in tune

with things that are around you...

That it will start the "wake

up routine" for you

knowing that the alarm is going off.

And then it doesn't want to be jarred awake so you

will wake up.. Your body

and your brain will wake you up before that

alarm goes off.

So there's a whole process that your body goes

through to make you more alert

in the morning!

And when you hit the snooze button

and go back to sleep?

That body that..

Your body doesn't repeat that waking up process.

So once you are up.

Don't hit the snooze.

"Oh I need an extra nine minutes..." Then plan

that in the night before

and set your alarm for nine minutes later.

Because you're actually doing yourself a biological


And then... I make my bed every day.

But what I do, and what I taught my children to do,

is while you're in bed you're arranging

the sheets. And you can use that ....

Mel Robbins trick,

to trick your brain into reprogramming

itself to get out of bed,

if you're having a hard time!

Instead of hitting the snooze button,

make your bed while you're lying in bed.

And then while you're arranging your

bed sheets and your blankets

and everything. Five,

four, three,

two, one,


Now you can take for as long as you want to count that

down backwards.

But that counting process.

"On your mark, get set,

go!" It's something we've all

been raised with!

Or if you do better as,

"One, two, three, four,

five, go!" You know,


Depending on how you do it.

Using that process to get

yourself out of bed so.

Your body will be groggy

if you hit the snooze button because it won't be

able to re-go through that wake up process.

So don't hit the snooze button because it

takes hours for the grogginess

to (weight) wear off.

Number Six. Multi-Tasking.

All right. I used to think I was the Queen of Multitasking.

I had to give up my crown when I read

a study by the University of Minnesota that said

people who brag..

Or think, not brag...

But people who think that they're good multitaskers?

They put those in

tasks with other people who said,

"I do multitask on occasion because I have

to. But I'm just not that good at it!"

They found that the people who claim to

be really good at multitasking were worse

than the people who said they were bad multi -taskers.

So when you THINK you're really good at it...

Because think about it you can't chase two rabbits

at the same time.

If you hold your finger up in front of your face

you can't focus

and see your finger in focus at the same

time that you're focused on a

painting across the room that's hanging

on the wall. You can only focus on one

thing at a time. And then jump back between the two


And your brain uses glucose to

make that jump. We're gonna talk about glucose in a minute.

So you can't multitask.

You can't pay attention.

Your recall

is much much lower.

You have less capacity

to perform tasks well

or successfully when you're trying to do

more than one thing at a time.

So only do one thing.

Focus on it.

Get that 15 minutes in.

Get yourself in the zone.

Set yourself a time limit.

You know that jobs will expand

to fill the time that you have allotted for

them. So if you know it's going to take

you an hour to get something done,

set your timer for 50 minutes.

Then that timer goes off.

You know you got five or ten minutes to wrap it


Of course, that's probably a bad idea because it takes 15

minutes to get into focus.

But that's what I do

and I normally try to beat that 50 minute

mark. Because I can see it coming up on the clock anyway.

So really trying to

take a job

and get it done in the shortest amount of time

possible. And if you need an extra time...

You know your brain really focuses best on 50

minute chunks,

or 45 to an hour,

some people a little bit less you have to train your

brain into focusing for longer amounts of time.

But really trying to focus on one thing at a

time and getting that one thing done

before you move on to the next.

The number seven bad habit

is delaying tough tasks.

And I love Brian Tracey's book,

"Eat the Frog".

You have a limited amount of mental

energy... It goes back to glucose!

We'll get to that in just a second.

But when we exhaust that

brain energy.

Our decision making abilities

and our productivity just bottom

out rapidly.

And that's called Decision Fatigue.

That's why it's so important to have good habits

built into your life.

Have you ever driven someplace that you go to

all the time

and you get there and you go,

"How did I get here? I don't even remember driving

here!" Because you kind of did it on autopilot.

The more things you can put on autopilot

during your day the better off

you will be! Because you will have more

brain power for important things.

That's why as much as you can determine

the night before,

for your morning routine...

You know, laying out your clothes that you're going to

wear so that you don't have to get up in the morning

and try to decide what to wear.

Deciding the night before what you're going to have

for breakfast the next morning.

Do meal plans for the whole week is even better

because then it's done for the week.

Never have to think about it.

You know when you get up what things

need to be taken out of the fridge

or freezer to thaw

or what's going to be done.

So the more. The more that you can do the

night before when you're

still awake and you still have some glucose in

your brain leftover for making those decisions,

the better off you'll be.

So you don't need to decide what earrings

to wear.. "Do I wear these earrings

or those earrings?" You know?

They're just set out in the ready to go.

So when you put off doing

those tasks... so in the morning you wake

up, you go through your routine.

You have something to eat.

And now your body has glucose

to burn because you have to "break

the fast" because you've been fasting all night.

You break the fast (thus,


and you provide your body

with glucose that the brain needs to

make decisions.

And when you run out of that glucose is when you run

into Decision Fatigue.

So the sooner you can do

that tough task

and get it all the way, the better off you

are because now you're dealing

with your brain at its top point

of the day.

That's why they say get surgeries first thing in the morning

because a surgeon has just had breakfast,

he's awake, he's focused,

and that's going to be his best surgery of the day

because he has more energy

mental energy to make those important

decisions during that surgery.

Wednesdays is also the most optimal day.

So also what happens is when you...

You're kind of dreading doing that horrible task

it's kind of running on

a tape in the back of your head.

It's just kind of a little player

going in the back of your head

and that uses mental energy because

it's back there and you're constantly thinking about

it. So if there is a tough job

that needs to be done

or something you don't want to do,

don't delay it do it FIRST.

Number eight.

Any devices after dinner.

Your phone,

your tablet, your computer,

your television set.

Now they're saying the television set isn't that

big of a deal because you're far enough away from

a it, but it's still emitting those jaggedy


So they used to say an hour

before bed, get..

Get rid of anything that emits a blue

light. So your phones,

tablets, computers,

even television.

Then they said two hours before bedtime.

Now they're saying sundown.

And let me tell you why.

When you get up in the morning,

it's important to get outside

and get natural sunlight in

your eyeballs.

Why? Because of the angle of the sun

and how it cuts through the atmosphere there's more

blue light from the sun

in the morning than at any other time

of the day.

So blue light isn't the bad

guy. It's when you're getting it.

So what happens when you get blue light?

It hits the back of your eye

and it triggers your brain to stop

producing melatonin.


if you're familiar with sleep problems you know about

Valarian, and melatonin, and L-Tryptophan,

and all that stuff, right?

Chamomile tea,

lavender or whatever.

But melatonin

is something your body produces naturally to

help you wind down.

So when you get blue sunlight in the morning

it tells your brain stop it

with the melatonin which increases

your alertness because now you don't

have that groggy melatonin going on.

So preferably get outside.

Now you're going to get blue light from your phone

too. But you get a better

blue light from the sun.

Then as the sun goes through its cycled throughout the

day, it filters to the atmosphere differently

which causes less blue light.

So you're getting less blue light as the day goes

on until the sun goes down at night.

So as that blue light decreases

during the day your body is like,

"Oh, wait a minute!

I need to start thinking about producing

melatonin here.

Let me trickle out some melatonin.

Let me trickle out a little bit more."

So by the time the sun goes down,

your body goes, "Time!" And starts

producing melatonin in earnest.

Which is why,

if you're using anything

with a blue light on it like your phone,

your computer, your tablet,

your television...

It's telling your body to stop producing


Sure you can take it,

but the body produces the best

melatonin. It doesn't come from a pill.

So that short wavelength

blue light will shut

down the melatonin production in your body.

So by the evening time

after dinner.

Now they're saying that television isn't as

bad because you're far enough away from it.

But you're still getting the repeated images,

right? So avoid any of those

devices after dinner.

That's a tough one.

And finally,

number nine. Not that's not the full screen

here we are number nine sugar!

This is what I really wanted to talk about.

Eating too much sugar.

So the thing is your body needs sugar,

it needs glucose.

So let's talk about glucose.

Because your body will convert

things into its usable form

in the body which is glucose.

The easy way to convert

it is sugar. Just plain processed

sugar. And that will immediately convert

to the glucose in your body.

A little bit harder to convert would be fructose,

which comes from fruit.

Thus the name.

So you've got that.

But that still is digested

very rapidly in your body.

Only takes like 15 to 20 minutes to digest

a big piece of fruit which is why it's important

to eat fruit on an empty stomach.

Whole nother story.


Better off then

it will convert to the glucose.

But.. Your Glucose ,rather.

But you are better off with Complex carbohydrates.

Why. Because it takes the body longer to

process those and convert those into glucose.

So if you want energy

for your brain,

your brain needs glucose.

And the best way to get that is from

complex carbohydrates.

Too little glucose?

You'll feel tired,

unfocused, groggy.

Too much makes you jittery

and unable to focus

and get in the zone.

So there is that sweet spot.

And scientists have determined that about

25 grams of glucose

a day is what your body needs

to operate in optimum level.

So you want to space that out.

A little bit in the morning.

A little bit at lunch.

Actually probably more at lunch because you get that afternoon

nap time. Right.

And then just a little bit at dinner.

So you want the majority of your glucose to

be at breakfast and lunch because you're not going to need

as much brainpower at night.

Unless you work at night.

So just thinking about the times of

day where you need more brainpower.

Those are the days that you really want...

Or times of days,

rather. That you want to consume your complex


So remember that your refined processed

sugars will lead to a boost for about

20 minutes.

Takes about 15 or 20 minutes to digest a

piece of fruit and then you get about 20 minutes of

pro..... That's not true,

wait it takes 20 minutes to digest the

fruit but it gives you a little bit

longer. But the more complex your


So think first,

of course, of Greens.

Your rich greens like kale.

Kale is loaded

with carbs.

I think in a cup of kale it's six grams

of carbs where Romaine

I think has like point

five grams of carbs.

So those bright rich greens are

going to give you a lot of carbohydrates.

Processed.. Not processed wheat

but... Not wheat.

What am I thinking of? Rice!

You don't want white rice, you want brown rice.

You want quinoa.

Anything that's more complex it takes your

body longer to digest,

breakdown, and convert into glucose.

It will allow you to have that glucose

for a longer time during the day which will give

you more energy because

it's released slowly

and enables you to sustain your focus.

So some of these habits are minor

but the little things add up.

So think about it.

The worst....

Habit is losing

track of what really matters in your life.

So that's not included in those nine.

But look through those nine

and tell me in the comments section

below which one of those

habits are you going to focus on


And if this is something you enjoy

then give me some ideas of other other

topics that you would like to see included.

Because productivity.

Anything about developing your inner

self, as well as your outer self,

because of course I am an image consultant.

But we work on the total person.

So we work from the inside out.

We work on body language

and then we also work on your image

and what you wear.

So make sure that you subscribe,

if you're not subscribed already,

and click that BELL so that you are notified

the next time I go LIVE.

Thanks for joining us.

Take care.

For more infomation >> 🔥Top Bad Habits to Break so You Can Be More Productive!🔥 - Duration: 20:50.


Shifu , can you lower your voice? / 师傅,请你小声点儿可以吗? / shīfù, qǐng nǐ xiǎoshēng diǎn er kěyǐ ma? - Duration: 1:31.

Hey, there is a taxi in front, I run to the taxi and ask.

Hey, Shifu, I am going to Tiananmen Square, is it ok, do you go there ?

What, where are you going?

Tiananmen Square

No I don't go, don't go, don't go,

traffic jams, traffic jams, don't go,

sorry, I don't go

Oh, no. Ah, come one more, taxi----

where to go?

Ah, Shifu, I am going to Tiananmen Square.

Oh, okay, get on.

♪♫♬We are different, not the same♪♫♬

Hey, Shifu , can you please lower the voice?

Oh, ok, we are different, not the same.♪♫♬

♪♫♬we are different, not the same.♪♫♬


How much, Shifu?


Ok, thank you, goodbye, foreigner, Bye bye

♪♫♬We are different, we are different.♪♫♬

For more infomation >> Shifu , can you lower your voice? / 师傅,请你小声点儿可以吗? / shīfù, qǐng nǐ xiǎoshēng diǎn er kěyǐ ma? - Duration: 1:31.


Todd Pickett: Crazy Rich Christians: Why the Rich Young Dude Can't Abide [Biola University Chapel] - Duration: 23:01.

For more infomation >> Todd Pickett: Crazy Rich Christians: Why the Rich Young Dude Can't Abide [Biola University Chapel] - Duration: 23:01.


News24 - Solskjaer reveals Herrera is Man United player he can't afford to drop - Duration: 1:53.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has revealed Ander Herrera is the Manchester United player he cannot afford to drop

Herrera, who has missed just two of Solskjaer's 13 games in charge, broke the deadlock in United's FA Cup fifth-round victory over Chelsea on Monday night

Interim boss Solskjaer was full of praise for the 29-year-old midfielder following his performance at Stamford Bridge

'His energy and tenaciousness is vital for us,' he said.'And that's why he plays, more or less, every single game

 He has loads of energy, he can cover the right hand side, he runs forward. 'Tonight you can't just praise one, it's 11 players, plus the subs, but Ander has done fantastic

' Herrera's conversation with under-firing Alexis Sanchez at full-time went down particularly well with United supporters

Herrera made the switch to Old Trafford from Athletic Bilbao for £29million five years ago but his current deal runs out in the summer

 Sportsmail reported earlier this month that the Spaniard was close to signing a new contract at the club having re-established himself as a first-choice starter alongside Paul Pogba and Nemanja Matic


For more infomation >> News24 - Solskjaer reveals Herrera is Man United player he can't afford to drop - Duration: 1:53.


NY Court Rules Public Can See Police Body Cam Video - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> NY Court Rules Public Can See Police Body Cam Video - Duration: 0:21.


Bush's former Communications Director just sent Republicans a warning they can't afford to ignore - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Bush's former Communications Director just sent Republicans a warning they can't afford to ignore - Duration: 2:59.


Salatul Layl: How the night prayer transforms life of muslims? (And how can you benefit from it) - Duration: 7:14.

Praying at night washes away the sins that you commit are you committed during the day.

One of the signs of true love is to sacrifice some sleep and speaks

Allah. Have you ever seen people who are engaged. Have you seen people who are

they're they're engaged, they're getting to know each other.

When did they spend the bulk of their time talking you know especially, if you

have a sibling may Allah give you patience. You know you have a sibling

who's engaged. They're on the phone at night. They cannot go to sleep unless

they make that call and they chat. Why do they do that because they're in love,

because the night is when the lovers chat. This is why Allah says to Musa (A.S)

یا موسی كَذَبَ مَنْ زَعَمَ أَنَّهُ يُحِبُّنِي O Musa the one who claims to love me is a liar.


فَإِذَا جَنَّهُ اللَّيْلُ نَامَ عَنِّي ،

Because when night comes he goes to sleep. He forgets about me. In the month

of Ramadhan let's try to develop this habit. I'm not saying go from today

Salatul layl Eleven Rakat. just do Wazu, do Two Rakat and then go to sleep.

Train yourself. You know there was there's a beautiful story about Shaikh Jafar Kashful Gita.

He's one of the great scholars of Najaf. Shaikh Jafar Kashful Gita.

He was living in Najaf. He was a scholar and he had a teenage son.

You know this is advice for parents. You know you're not the only ones that have

teenagers even our Marajá are Alluma they also have teenage children. How do they

deal with them? Shaikh Jafar Kashful Gita, it's winter time and for those

of you who've been to Najaf in the winter.

You know how cold

those nights are, it's about 3:00 a.m. and it's the time of Fajar is

approaching it's about an hour before salat al-fajr. Shaikh Jafar , goes and he

wakes up and he goes to his son's room about 15 years old. He wakes up his son

he says o my son یا بنیکم let us go to the HARAM of 'Ameer-ul-Momineen'

let's do Salatul layl let's recite some Manajat and pray fajar there and

then come back home. When you're 15 years old.

How do you sleep. You sleep like a Ashabil Kaf. When you're 15 years old

deep sleeper. Shaikh Jafar tries to wake up his son. His son is reluctant. He tells his

father, that Oh my father you get ... I'll meet you there.

I'll meet you there. Shaikh Jafar of course you know you can't fool

the Najfi. He says I'll wait for you I'm not going anywhere.

He says it's gonna take me some time to get ready says ok I'll wait. I'll wait

for you to get ready. He waits for his son to get dressed to do Wazu, together

they leave their house, in the middle of the night about an hour before fajar,

and they're walking through the all the ways of Najaf. Shaikh Jafar is walking he's

looking at his son freezing, his son dragging his feets reluctantly going to

the harem probably mumbling under his breath probably, wishing his dad wasn't a

scholar. He goes Shaikh Jafar are notices that his son is bothered but he didn't

want to wake up. They reached the gates May Allah give us all the tofeeq to go

to the harem of 'Ameer-ul-Momineen'. They reached the gate and they see a

beggar someone sitting at the gate begging.

Shaikh Jafar Kashful Gita, He takes advantage of a teachable moment.

He looks at his son, he says oh my son.. What is this man doing? what is this?

He tells his father that oh my father this is a man he's begging, he's poor.

The Shaikh asks his son how much do you think he's gonna make this morning? How much

you think he's gonna get? The son says I don't know he's not gonna get a

significant amount of money something very trivial a very minut amount of

wealth, few Dirham maybe. Shaikh Jafar Kashful Gita: He says Oh my son do not

be less ambitious than this beggar. This beggar he woke up in the middle of the

night, he left his bed, he left his family, he walked through the all the ways of Najaf

in this bitter cold, he's sitting on the cold ground for hours extending his hand

because maybe, it's not guaranteed, maybe someone will give him something.

Oh my son Allah (SWT) has guaranteed. That those who rise up to

speak to him in the middle of the night, it's not a maybe, it's a guaranteed. That

he will give them something beyond their imagination.

:What is Allah say فلا تعلمو نفسم ما اخفی لہم من قررت عینن جزاء بما کانو یعملون

This beggar the possibility of getting a small

amount of dunya was enough to motivate him. Why don't you rise up and go towards

that which Allah has guaranteed you. The hadith from the Holy Prophet says:

انصلات المومن فل لیل Praying at nights

تذہبو ما املہ بنہار من سیعات و زنوب Praying at night washes away the sins that you

commit that you committed during the day.

For more infomation >> Salatul Layl: How the night prayer transforms life of muslims? (And how can you benefit from it) - Duration: 7:14.


How much experience can be obtained from tasks for hypixel/Как быстро поднять уровень на hypixel - Duration: 3:11.

Today I will tell you how to quickly raise the level of hypixel

And in which modes it can be done much faster.

If you go to the server every day

So in a week you will have 49.000 experience

For a daily reward

Also for doing 10 daily tests

235.200 experience

If you play SkyWars all week

So you get 154.000 experience

Now you will see a specific table and experience gained in the modes.

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