disha patani
jackie chan and disha patani
Instagress Review - Does It Really Get You More Instagram Followers? 2017 - Duration: 10:56.-------------------------------------------
I watch what?! xx Vlog two - Duration: 4:32.DefineErin (like ok erin)
Panini PACKOPENING with Daniel Georgievski | Melbourne Victory FC (+Giveaway) - Duration: 11:53.-------------------------------------------
¿QUIÉN ES EL MÁS? ◀︎THREE MADNESS▶︎ - Duration: 12:21.I yeah
oh you know where your kind of like a
billion and you're not it was in fact in
the back big tennis match for the
federal government to travel industry
below that I'm not that you ever double
oh one of your friends with that be
getting my priority happy with this
I other great things really get that all
the most notorious mass pro and a pickle
rickover people with good going to be
downright beautiful face
but it will be lost without you have my
spirituality commander and that maybe
get up grab it on twitter again and
uploaded every door when I IMA talk
about 24 hour and build up your mouth
and keep at it you're over it will feel
like you have to really want to come for
are you going out reminders throughout
your focus
you're not a liar you is this many
getting a lot of care and maybe one of
ya around
motherhood yes I think maestro de guerre
can we look towards that little bag
yeah there's going to be an applicant is
the request for your video
10-4 get got 40 minutes everyone heard
they didn't get there are no jobs not
expect anything my love you all and even
go with you
it's not be able to share with you their
little video BTW is really making an
looks like we're pretty nu you have it
because it's a great burger particle
mass are not only our body of the
nominator that I you were in Moscow
ready for me in my people
everybody able to get all mad for backup
just stop don't be that guy that you're
already back at my neck I don't know
nothing to read both your legs spread
apart over yellow gave me here living in
this and get another one of your
employees firearms put it up there with
the video for all your husband
I think it's because you're here in
general you know that you guys might be
plenty and think i will haha yeah / NSA
program EULA Riley I guess you already
I'm and the graph of our legal be enough
you're already that this little family
get-together where
we're gonna go that way to get too many
people is that one of your better
experience on anything beyond that is
right when your father can be anything
going to formulate no no I'm fighting
for political content that value of your
control mass what happened
it'll bring your baby yes maestro IDK
physique is it up
I'm not developing we're not we're not
going to agree that office because
you're going to hold on the daughter of
what about you have enough
groundbreaking body from the year
flowers not the five or six
I don't mind he would be wrapped as my
brother like your number is continued
nice i'm going to draw Nobel and it is
my products yeah yeah I thought control
there's Miami typically Cara cool see
now you have to upgrade of windows and
you're gonna hear you're going to
remember that you're all mine is all you
had a beautiful is when I give our way
there are not going to get you're going
to be mad man nothing we are headed into
my brother can be getting dressed
breakdown you're working for you know
you're always been small business that
has another reference but of course you
always be a president bush / have done
your loved ones among former regime that
has been forever Oh Beryl not it doesn't
have absolutely nothing to do you don't
call it is that you have involved on the
yeah yeah that happened everyone is
welcome and shadow different from
identifying a performance installed and
relax on 5m ago
oh so I get going to prevent them from
you your general creating an angle
feeling of gallons of the anger that I'm
gonna be able to leverage federal oh
yo for you
oh yeah
How To Download Instagram Photos From PC Without Any Software 2017 | Most Easy Way To Download - Duration: 2:24.How To Download Instagram Photos From PC Without Any Software
Vlog 008 - GoKart & Underwater GoPro Girlfriend - Duration: 9:15.doesn't go
this morning we are starting with
my girl is cleaning window
so we can go
so we're going to ask about the price for a new tattoo
to very good tattoo artist
just before we go to the tattoo artist we're going to get something for the aquarium fish
so this is it for tomorrow when we are going to change the water in the aquarium
she dragged me into to the store, bruh, fu*/d up
this is how it looks when a girl is shopping
watching unnecessary stuff that she wont buy anyway, but she will look at it at least for one hour
when will you be over?
its ugly
enough, i have enough
how to find Davor ?
watching, unnecessary things, part two
look at her, she does not even wait for me
as soon as she sees discounts shes gone
here we go again, unnecessary things part 3
this right here is for people who loves to clean
24 pcs, 24 / 7 , its for 3 weeks every day new one
i challenge you to a fight
''cmon, everybody is watching''
please, just fight
Manca, you have a green light so we can go
''it stands''
you know what
i f*ckd up date and time for tattoo
tattoo artist is not here, he is sleeping
so, we are going to race with gokarts
''lets go a bit faster here''
i don't have a mount for iphone, so my girl is holding it
she's moving around like a potatoe beacause of a rocky road
are you ok ?
never mind, now we are going to race with some gokarts, and then we'll go to sauna and some pool time
''ok now its cool''
we're drving like crazy
gokarts are behind us, Manca was driving... very good :))
and now after pleasant race with gokarts its time for sauna and swimming in the pool
after a long time, almost one year without relaxing
so after all the hustle, we will spend some money
thank you and goodbye
ooooooh its cold, its so cold i don't even have a hat
ooooooh its cold, its so cold i don't even have winter gloves
ooooooh , thats it, he he
here we go, even here, im waiting my girlfriend( as always)
''where are you?''
will you be soon ?
''YES, WHY?''
Because im waiting for you at least 20 minutes
what do you want to say ?
its cold, its cold, its coooooold
this is it for today
what will you say ?
no, you have to say goodnight
you have to say it to them
The Road to Pattaya. Crossing the Border & Walking Street (Alisa & Liza Around the World) Episode 7 - Duration: 6:54.Good morning, World!
Today is Jan 22 and this day is important for 3 reasons
1) Today is the 100 day of our round-the-world trip
2) It means that we have finally reached the three digit numbers
And we genuinely hope to end this journey before we come to the four digits...
3) We are leaving Cambodia for Thailand
Cambodia was the place, where we have spent the majority of our trip
And now it's time to move on...
Hey girl
n vhg%$&^*&^(*()*_)naaaaaiiiiiit
Happy New Year!!!
We weren't able to record it, but the driver now pulled out his second phone
And is now using both of them simultaneously
Liza, show us how he's driving
Like this
The man to whom we have handled our lives
We were asked to get off the bus. And now we are going to be walking across the border.
Angkor-Pattaya: 16.425 km
Aaaaand we're in Thailand
Yeah, it was quite fast
New Year - New Country
I hate everyone
The first thing you notice, when you get to Thailand, is that there are a lot of cars and only a few scooters
The last 60 km to PattayA
We were driving 2 hours, not only because of the traffic jam, but because the driver stopped every 10 minutes to have some 'business appointments'.
Oh, and it's right to say PattayA
Liza, why do we say papAya then?
Sister, sister, where are we going?
We are going to see the transvestites
Now we are on the most famous street in Thailand - Walking Street
Where all your sexual wishes can come true
Liza, it looks like this toothpaste is from Vietnam
So, it means that we took this toothpaste from Cambodia
Where it got from Vietnam
And now it's in Thailand
Yeah, it looks like it
This toothpaste travels more than you do
S - the Severe reality
S - a Stimulus to travel more, if even a toothpaste does
I'm deaf on one ear now
Nobody laughs at her jokes, except for herself
Try Not To Laugh or Grin While Watching Ross Smith Grandma Instagram Videos - Best Video Comic - Duration: 13:07.Try Not To Laugh or Grin While Watching Ross Smith Grandma Instagram Videos
Franela teñida y estampada EN CASA! // Tie dyed and printed tee AT HOME! - Craft Nation - Duration: 4:54.Crepe paper
Hot water
Dry for 2 hours
Dry in the sun
Let it dry
Fix the edges with a brush
Epuk - A CAPELLA [Adelanto] 2017 - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
PKG Panda | Mini Webisode #2 | I HATE Geometry Dash! | Level 1 - Duration: 9:03.Hey ! What's going on Youtube?! And welcome to another webisode of uh..Panda Vlog..
Ummmm As you can see....I'm doing Geometry Dash...Now Geometry Dash.., I only played once before..
And I completely suck at it but with time I...will....progress but in the meantime let's try and see how it goes today...
USA/ Chile Cultural Differences: exercise equipment - Duration: 9:00.-------------------------------------------
Disgusting Instagram People - Duration: 4:59.If you thought YouTube was the only place where people with no talent can get millions of followers... were wrong.
Let's be honest, Instagram is mainly about hot women
Sometimes it seems the more naked you are, the more popular you get...'s becoming a soft-core porn site, isn't it?...
Oh yeah, that's a nice sideboob
Oh no, the nipple can't be seen..
I always laugh when these Instagram cuties write something heartbreaking to their followers.
It's like they have no clue who their real audience is... pathetic.
Guys, she loves us!
I always knew it!
Apart from beautiful women there's another trend that can get you a lot of followers.
Beautiful food.
I have no problem with these photos, I just think that the process of getting the perfect shot
has to be absolutely ridicoulous.
Oh, this food looks so nice! Hold on a second, I just need to take a picture of this beauty.
wait a minute
just a different composition
the angle is not right..
the light is not good...
could you hold this for me?
oh my God..
just.. just one more...*t..
Naked women, delicious food... I must have forgotten something..
oh yeah, Instagram photographers!
These people randomly take a picture then they add a beautiful filter to it
...and suddenly they become artists.
Maybe this is my hidden talent.. photography..
Maybe this is what I was destined to do... have I just found the purpose of my life..?
Forget all the people that I mentioned, there is one type that surpasses all of them.
Instagram comedians
They're all over my newsfeed! These painfully unfunny videos with white corners that usually include
half-naked women, slow motion and ridiculous faces.
Yeah it's as simple as that! There you have it, the perfect recipe for millions of views!
I can't believe you still haven't done the dishes! Why there's never a clean pan when I need it?!
Hold on..
And how could I forget the most well-known characteristic of many Instagram posts
that is, how fake they are.
Everyone on Instagram seems to be extremely happy living the perfect life...
...but the reality is far from the truth.
It's so fucking cold..
There's one popular trend on Instagram that I find completely absurd.
Follow for follow.
So people who don't give a sh*t about each other are suddenly followers.
I like your...
Thanks! I like your..
...overall appearance.
I was always wondering if overly active people that post several Instagram photos a day
always have their private photographer..
Because if not... they must seem like complete idiots in front of people in public.
Oh this is a lovely park! Excuse me, could you take a photo of me?
Yeah sure.
Okay, I'll just stand like this..
oh.. one more! haha..
I can't keep my balance haha..
try to do one more!
oh sh*t, why can't I stand still? haha..
the very last one! I promise!
maybe one more, please! haha..
Thanks for watching and remember:
Follow me on Instagram. Because if not..
SÃO PAULO VS LIVERPOOL - FIFA Club World Cup | Reaction - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
American Kids Try Tea from Around the World | Ep 15 - Duration: 6:56.♫ Pizza, it's a next day
♫ Hot, hot tamales
Can I
open my eyes?
It smells super good!
Yay, something good!
Cinnamon-y stuff.
Oh my god, I wanna try it.
It's not good though.
(crew laughs)
- Warm milk, warm water, hot cocoa, oh yeah.
Yeah, that's probably it.
Tea, no tea, no tea, zero percent, well, five percent.
- Oh no!
(whispers) - Oh my god, oh my god.
Bubble tea!
Hard bubble.
Very hard bubble.
- I really like these um, balls.
I don't know what they are, but I really like them.
- Oopsies.
Oh. (giggles)
- Agh!
(cameraman laughs) - Oh no!
- I did three. (giggles)
- Okay.
(cameraman laughs) Oh no!
- It's not good.
(crew laughs)
- Okay, got a bubble, okay I got it.
It went back in!
Oh I guess I'll do it again.
- I got.
(giggles) (crew laughs)
It got on his shirt!
- Here you go, have some.
Oh yeah.
It's a whole spoo.
- My eyes are open, but my hands are covering.
- Fancy.
Open your eyes or I'll smack you in the face.
- I don't wanna move the, ow.
- Wow, it's like an underwater atrix.
- I do not like the smell.
- Hey, how-- - I wanna try some of it.
- Oh no, ugh!
- Have no idea.
(gentle guitar music)
- What kind of straw is this?
- Mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm.
I do not like this!
Even if it's in a pretty container and a pretty spoon,
I do not like the taste.
- 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
- Oh, I do not like it!
It taste like a rotten tomato.
- Thank you very much.
I'm done.
This is gross. (cameraman laughs)
- Let me try.
- It's like treasure.
My worst known enemy.
- This looks like a teapot.
What's in here?
- Okay, I do not wanna drink this.
- Yeah, I know how to pour it.
(gentle guitar music)
- Ah. - Nice shot Liam.
- Oh no, no, no.
Not higher!
- That's cool.
Ugh, I do not like it.
- Igh!
I had this before, it's really bad.
I forgot.
- Umm...
If Agrabah was real I would say Agrabah.
This kinda looks like the genie bottle.
- One, two, three.
Hello Genie, I'm waitin' for ya!
- Okay, he won't talk into his lamp.
That genie's gone!
(cameraman laughs)
- No, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Just close your eyes.
- Uh...
You gotta change your attitude missy.
- Okay, that was funny.
(cameraman laughs)
How to Use Disappearing Content for Business - Duration: 6:28.Oh, I'm sorry.
I messed that up.
Can I go now?
The bright side of branding, business, and being your own boss.
Hey, bosses, it's Sunny Lenarduzzi and today we are going to talk about how you can use
disappearing content ...I'm back.
To you advantage, because here's the thing, Snapchat and Instagram stories only last through
24 hours and it keeps a lot of people off of those platforms and not using them because
they think it's a negative.
But, if you know how to use disappearing content the right way, it is a huge bonus and a huge
advantage for your business.
So that's what today's video is all about.
I'm going to share my top three ways that you can use disappearing content to drive
traffic and money to your business.
And on a quick little side note, if you aren't familiar with Instagram stories or Snapchat,
I do break down both platforms and the benefits of both of them in a recent video that I shot.
So if you want to check that out you can watch it.
The link to watch is below this video.
All right, let's get into the top three tips.
Okay, so first things first is you want to make sure that you're paying attention to
the storytelling aspect of these platforms.
That's what this is all about.
That's why they're called Snapchat stories and Instagram stories.
So you need to have a beginning, a middle, and an end in order for people to actually
stay tuned in to your content.
So how do you use this to your advantage?
Well the first way is through contests and promotions.
As a company if you're running any sort of promotion or any sort of contest and you want
to get a ton of entries in a short period of time, use Snapchat or Instagram stories
and then you can use Facebook.
You can use Twitter.
You can use YouTube.
You can use any other social platform to drive your audiences from those platforms to Snapchat
and to Instagram to increase your followings and also increase the amount of engagement
in your contests or in your promotions.
So, run exclusive contests just on Snapchat or just on Instagram stories and it's going
to bring so many more eyeballs to your content and to your brand and to your business.
The second way to take advantage of disappearing content is exclusive sale codes strictly for
your Snapchat audience or strictly for your Instagram audience on Instagram stories.
So again we want to capitalize on the fact that we have your audience's attention and
they know that they only can see that content for 24 hours.
So create a special sale code specifically for your online audience and if you're thinking
"but I'm an offline store so I'm a brick and mortar store, I have a physical location,
how can I use this?"
Use some sort of secret code just for your Snapchat audience or your Instagram audience
that they have to say when they come into the store in order to get a 15-20% discount
on whatever it is that you're selling.
And of course if you're an online store you actually can create a coupon code that people
can enter at checkout.
So exclusive sale codes are a great way to engage your audience and also monetize Snapchat
and Instagram stories and this disappearing content.
If you're wondering how this actually looks to create a story like this for your business,
take a look at the next couple of snaps on Snapchat.
Do you feel like you have nothing to wear today?
I just can't seem to find anything in my closet.
Good news!
We have brand new items in store and only for you guys on Snapchat.
Do we have a special code for a special discount?
Stay tuned.
All you have to do is screenshot the code and the next snap and when you come in store
say it at checkout.
We'll give you a 20% discount.
See you in store soon!
Tip number three is brand loyalty.
So you want your customers to be attracted to your brand and you want to keep them there.
So if you want customer attention, this disappearing content is a great way to do that.
And how do you do it?
Well you offer exclusive content that your fans on Snapchat and your followers on Instagram
stories can't find anywhere else and that is complete added value.
So you know there's a lot of cases where people say "sign up to my email list and you'll get
this free checklist" or this free whatever.
Well instead of doing that you can offer exclusive content for just 24 hours on Snapchat and
on Instagram stories that people don't have to download, they don't have to put in an
email address, it's just free exclusive content for them.
So this ups your brand loyalty because you're just giving away value for free instead of
asking your audience to do something and it works in your benefit because this isn't an
ongoing thing.
So people only have 24 hours to take advantage of this exclusive, highly valuable and then
if you want to make it available by downloading it and becoming an email list subscriber,
that's fine.
But at least you're giving it to your most loyal audience on Snapchat and Instagram for
completely free without them having to do anything first.
So remember that you want to make sure that whatever platform you're using, whether it's
Instagram stories or Snapchat, think about all these ways that you can use this disappearing
content to your advantage.
It is not a negative.
It is such a positive.
And if you're sitting there thinking "but my audience just isn't very big" or "I'm not
even on Snapchat yet", here's what I want you to remember: the audience on Snapchat
and the audience that's following you on Instagram stories is your most engaged audience because
they're actively going and choosing to watch your story without even knowing what it's
So you want to make sure that you're paying attention to them and capitalizing on the
fact that those eyeballs are going to take action on what it is that you're asking them
to do.
So use these three tips to drive traffic and generate sales for your business and tell
me how you find the results in the comment section below.
I can't wait to hear what happened with your disappearing content.
And if you liked this video hit the like button below, share it with your friends, and be
sure to subscribe and join myself and thousands of other bosses from around the world in the
Be Your Own Boss mastermind group.
We are there to support each other in growing our businesses.
I will see you guys in there, thank you for watching, and I will see you in the next video.
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Married to Medicine: Never Say Miss Quad Can't Make an Entrance (Season 4, Episode 12) | Bravo - Duration: 1:27.>> Where's the birthday girl?
>> Now that's always the question.
>> Get ready for the face, the body,
everything about this woman is gorgeous!
Over the top, dramatic.
Ya'll ready, I don't hear ya'll!
Ya'll ready for Miss Quad?
Are ya'll ready for Miss Quad?!
>> That girl is crazy!
>> It's a birthday!
It's a birthday!
Get it Quad, get it!
>> Wow!
>> That's what I'm talking about girl right there!
Show your skin, let it hang out!
Shake, shake, shake, shake!
Happy Birthday bitch!
>> Yeah this is a show.
I mean this is a show.
This is uh-
>> This is a real carnival.
>> Carnival, strip club, everything looks like
it's happening here.
I mean seriously.
>> That's how you keep it spicy!
>> I know to the average eyes it might
seem like wow did she get a choreographer for that?
I was the captain of the majorettes from the
fourth grade to the twelve grade,
it's natural.
REMINDER - The Weeknd ( Audio + Lyrics) - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
The Chainsmockers - Don't let me down (Acoustic Cover By Pain) - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
That Moment When You Wake Up to Pee and Can't Fall Back to Sleep | Chris Masterjohn Lite - Duration: 4:41.Do you ever wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning, go to pee,
go back to bed, and then you just can't fall
asleep even though you don't want to be up for another
several hours? Well then this video
is for you. Hi. I'm Dr. Chris Masterjohn
of and
you're watching Chris Masterjohn Lite, where the name
of the game is "Details? Shmetails. Just tell
me what works!" I think there's a few things
going on here. Number one. You may not be eating enough
carbohydrate. Your body has the
task of maintaining your blood sugar high enough through the
night when you're sleeping and that's the hardest time to
maintain your blood sugar up because
that's the longest you ever go
between meals.
So sometimes you haven't eaten enough carbohydrate
and your body just doesn't have it stored up
and when that happens your body kicks into a
stress response that allows you to turn other
things that aren't carbohydrate like protein
into carbohydrate so that you
can keep your blood sugar balanced.
Now when that happens that stress response
can make it hard to stay asleep,
or fall back to sleep, and can also make
make you have to pee.
So if you're not eating enough carbohydrate
if you don't know whether you're eating enough carbohydrate,
I would say if you're a sedentary person,
start with a hundred grams. If you're already eating that,
start increasing it. You can go in small
increments but if you're highly active you might need several
hundred more grams per day than that. Now I'm not
saying that everyone has to eat that much. I'm just saying that if
you have this problem, try increasing carbohydrate
in increments and see if it helps.
Now, the next thing to consider is
say you woke up for whatever reason whether it was carbohydrate,
or you drank too much alcohol or too much water
or you didn't eat enough food, whatever the case may be, say you've
woken up. How do you get back to sleep?
What I think one of the problems may be that you
wake up and you use a flashlight to get to the bathroom
or you turn on the light and you turn on the bathroom light
and, boom! Blue light's going into your
eyes and telling your brain it's time to wake up.
Well, how do you
get around that? It's the same principle
that I've talked about in previous videos that allows you to fall
asleep in the first place and that's blocking the blue light.
So number one, I have
this nightlight in my bathroom that I got
from and this is the primary
light that I use in the bathroom during the night or in the early morning.
Number two, also has
this special flashlight that you could use to get to the bathroom
or you could just put on your
blue-blocking glasses in the bathroom. So for example
you got your Swannies on and then
you can use your phone's flashlight or whatever you prefer
to get to the bathroom, and just make sure that you continue blocking the
blue light until you get back to sleep
Now say you did all that and you still can't sleep?
Well, I think there's a third thing that often comes into play and that's
you're thinking about what you gotta
do for the next day. Now I'm sure this varies
from person to person, but if
I'm up at 4 o'clock in the morning,
within seconds of waking up I'm probably
thinking about what I need to do for the whole rest of the day.
I need to stop thinking about that to get back to sleep
and you can find whatever works for
you in order to find the right distraction
but personally I feel that a video
game is highly effective. Keep in mind that
if you're going to play a video game, that's blue light.
So you got to keep the blue-blocking glasses on.
Now. Mike Hawk had commented on my YouTube channel
last time I talked about video games and sleep and said
"dont play battlefield that
game can make u rage so hard."
So whatever game it is, it shouldn't be something
that stimulates your emotions. Personally I find
Tetris to be perfect for this because it's
kind of meditative and all you ever
do is just increase your numbers of lines
so there's nothing super curious or fascinating
that you might run into that'll surprise you
or make you interested or something like that.
All right I hope this was helpful.
Signing off, this is Chris Masterjohn of
You've been watching Chris Masterjohn Lite,
and I'll see you in the next video.
How To Split Huge Logs for Firewood : Lumberjack Hacks - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Wisdom Teeth Part 1 - Duration: 10:55.They're full grown. They all need to be fixed.
How are you doing?
I'll see you tomorrow, we're going out for expands
Do you like empanadas?
Good Lord Jandice
Where are we?
Taylor: We're in the car
What car?
Taylor: Your mom's car. Do you need help?
I don't see the seatbelt buckle. Oh, I found it.
Taylor: You got it?
I got it right here, and I can plug it in.
Freshness with a spin. Plug it in, plug it in.
They're talking about me
Taylor: They are but it's ok.
They're talking. Because they hate me. I was the worst patient ever
That's what they're saying right now.
I don't need no medicine
I know what I'm doing with my life.
Don't tell me how to live... so.
Girl I'm ready to go eat, and we can rave! Dab on 'em. Yeah son
I don't know. Something that doesn't taste like blood. Cause this tastes like blood.
I don't like this even a little bit.
You were so wonderful!
We're getting some freaking empanadas.
I'm gonna take you out and we're gonna go to Los Antojitos.
It's really freaking good!
Better than the last one in my opinion
and we can go there and. Look, I'm fixing my gauze for you
Cause you told me I needed to
So I'm gonna fix it and then we're gonna be on our way!
I remember that part
Nurse: Make sure he gets plenty of sleep.
I don't sleep honey, I'm a freaking vampire.
I'm up all day, I'm up all night
I'm preying on the blood of the innocent
Mom, I missed you
I was gone for a very long periollolically a time.
You're closing me in!
Where did my nurse go? We have to get the empanadas
Mom I promised her I would take her out for empanadas
I told her tomorrow I'd be here at 3 o'clock
Central time
To take her out to get freaking empanadas
I don't know
Where you going?
I can't eat right now
I got gauze in my mouth are you crazy?
Is this some kind of joke?
You need to try and close your mouth cause I'm tired
of hearing you guys just yap on about me
Talking about how stupid I am
You said I was stupid
and it hurt my feelings a lot
Why'd you even give birth to me if you hate me that much?
You probably don't even want me to live anymore
maybe the anesthetist should have just finished the work in there
and I wouldn't wake up and you wouldn't have to deal with this
I wouldn't wake up
and you wouldn't have to deal with all my
*mumbles unintelligibly*
I don't feel good
are you kidding me?
I feel like I'm on top of the freaking world
I'm freaking like
I'm freaking Donald Trump about to take on the world!
Let's change our foreign policy
and our education policy
What are you talking about?
I'm just speaking my mind
Everyone else was thinking it
I'm trying to it keeps coming out
It's red
Did they put it in KoolAid?
That's blood!?
I don't want that in my life
Oh I ate the kleenex
Alright y'all where we gonna go eat?
Cause daddy's hungry!
We see the undertow and we say
Have you never seen Finding Dory?
We see the undertow and we say
Let's go!
and we say heck no!
except then Dory says
We see the undertow. There's the undertow
undertow, undertow
That's my favorite part of that movie
Oh my tongue feels like a giant bouncy ball
like you could bounce it in the freaking gym
and you could hit three pointers
I'm basically freaking Michael Jordan when you think about it
I'm like
what's the other one? Lamar?
I don't know but
I'm pretty sure that there's a basketball player's
name that is Lamar.
LeBron James
I knew that one too
The gauze helps a lot
it really makes me feel like I know what I'm doing in life.
Are you talking about me?
Are you talking to the Social Service?
Are you telling Obama to have me taken out
before Trump even has a chance to be President?
cause he will bring change to this country
like that man never could
and we can have insurance
Who's daddy?
I'm daddy
Everyone calls me daddy
Are you talking about James?
Tell James I said "Hey what's up my nigga"
He be teaching that Spanish like como esta bien
He be like, "Girl what's up?
girl what you tryna do?"
Five guys
I don't even freaking care
I don't.. so?
Mom: They said one of them was real hard to take out
but the other one
wasn't so bad
Tell him I said
that that is the sweetest thing
that anyone has ever said to me
He really said that?
Did he mean it?
From the bottom of his heart?
I just have a really wonderful family
and they're so supportive
and my friends are so supportive of me
and they make me feel
like I can conquer the freaking world
and I just, I love them so much.
and I don't know if anyone out there
thinks that no one loves you
honey I'm hear to tell ya that I love you
and that you mean so much to me
daddy, daddy, daddy!
Hey daddy!
Please don't ban me from fishing [Hello Counselor / 2017.01.30] - Duration: 18:05.The person who made all this happen is here.
- It must be his father. / - It's very obvious.
(He looks just like Seungmin.)
Hello, I am Seungmin's dad.
Why do you look so sullen?
I didn't know he took a taxi in the early morning
to go fishing. I am very surprised.
I got punished too because of him.
I'm banned too.
- Are you banned too? / - Yes.
Is that why you look sullen?
That's right.
Did you go fishing
since you were young too?
I lived in a country side
and there was a reservoir nearby my house.
So I've been fishing
since I was his age. I put up a tent
- and slept there. / - Like father, like son.
When you went fishing as a young boy,
did your mother ban you from fishing?
No, that never happened to me.
I did my homework and fulfilled my responsibilities.
So she didn't stop me.
He did his homework.
So Seungmin is at fault.
Your father started fishing at your age too.
My grandma told me that my dad never studied.
- Really? / - Is that right?
- Did your grandma tell you that? / - He didn't study.
She didn't give up on him. He gave up studying.
- Let's check with him. / - Did Grandma give up on Dad?
Is this true?
(He's lost for words.)
- He's shocked. / - I know.
He's at a loss for words now.
(He really can't speak.)
Sir, it seems you find it unfair.
He's currently working too.
Why do you also ban him from going fishing?
He uses Seungmin as his excuse but he's the problem.
It's because
- he goes fishing at night. / - He's very stressed.
Sir, you might faint.
Are you all right?
(He's shocked from their attacks.)
- Are you all right? /- He may be
bulky but he seems very tired.
Fishing on a boat costs 70 dollars per person.
- Boat fishing. / - When they go together,
- they spend about 300 dollars in total. / - At once?
However, they go twice a month.
- 600 dollars... / - For 2 months,
he gave me 1,000 dollars less than his pay check.
He said the business wasn't good, but I thought
that he spent it all on fishing and kept it discreet.
Maybe he even has a secret fund.
(Seungmin also sighs.)
Your husband has secret fund to go fishing
with your son?
That's what I think.
Seungmin, be honest with us. Does he have secret fund?
Since I don't make money, I know nothing about that.
- He's very logical. / - He's playing dumb.
- He handles it well. / - Perjury is prohibited here.
(It feels like a hearing here.)
You don't know if your father has secret fund?
- It's like a hearing. / - Be honest. You don't know?
- No. / - Do you, or do you not love your father?
- I don't know. / - If you keep doing this,
you'll be investigated by a special prosecutor.
Sometimes, you could get incentive pay.
Honestly, have you ever kept some aside as secret fund?
Do you cash it aside?
(He looks at his wife.)
- Did you keep some aside? / - He looked at her.
- Yes, a bit. / - He did.
(The truth behind the secret fund is revealed.)
How much was the fishing rod?
The one I got in summer was about 1,200 dollars.
(Are you serious?)
- 1,200 dollars. / - Is there anything else
- other than the one you got in summer? / - What else?
I can't...
(He mumbles.)
You must say everything here.
- Let's hear him. / - It's okay. She'll understand.
I'll understand if you tell me now.
All right.
In order to go fishing, you need a car.
- A car? / - I lied to my wife and bought a car.
- Wait, you got a car? / - Without telling your wife?
Did you hide that car, then?
I drove that car.
It's under my friend's name too.
(I'll hold my anger just for today.)
- My goodness. / - He denied that the car is not his.
- Tell me how much it was. / - I got chills.
- Around 4,000 dollars. / - You got a used car.
- You knew about this, didn't you? / - Yes.
Just now...
(How did he know that?)
- Raise your head. Look. / - Gosh.
Look. When Yeongja said, "Speaking of which,"
"how much was it?" He said quietly, "4,000 dollars."
- He responded right away? / - He knew all about it.
(A few seconds ago)
4,000 dollars.
- You said you didn't know. / - You know everything.
- Do you know anything else? / - Anything else.
Tell me before your dad does.
- I don't think there's more. / - There are none?
Look at this kid.
Since your dad spoke, things are getting worse for you.
Don't you think your mom will be more upset?
I think I'm different from my dad.
Why is that?
- I do the dishes, / - To appeal to his mom.
vacuum and run errands.
She lets me go fishing when I don't fight with friends.
You often fight with your friends?
So I tolerate when my friend punches me.
- You tolerated? / - You tolerated although he hit you?
In fact, he'll hit puberty soon.
Holding one's anger after being hit is hard.
It's difficult.
That's how much he wants to go fishing.
- Why don't you allow him to go fishing? / - He's
- big enough to be not beaten up by others. / - Yes.
And yet, he's holding his temper.
However, as Seungmin
is holding his temper because of fishing,
I'd like to ban him from fishing.
- It's because... / - To teach him how to hold temper?
He said that since my husband can't go fishing freely,
he won't get married in the future.
- Seeing his dad? / - Seeing his dad...
- That's a side effect. / - He can't do things his way.
- Still, you should get married. / - Since he thinks
that way, I am against the idea of fishing.
Sir, did you know about this?
I didn't know it was this serious.
I understand Seungmin a bit, though.
(My goodness!)
- You understand him? / - Why would you understand him?
(The father and the son are on the same page.)
- Why would you understand him? / - My gosh.
Some of my friends are single and others are married.
When we decide to go fishing,
all the wives are okay with it
but I'm the only one whose wife doesn't allow fishing.
While his mom and dad are talking,
the friend in between can't control his expressions.
He doesn't know what to do.
Along with Seungmin, he's very perplexed.
what are you thinking right now?
I'm not sure as I haven't come across such idea.
- Are you married? / - Before I got married,
I told my wife that as I like fishing,
she can marry me if she's fine with it.
So she doesn't say anything about you going fishing?
- No, she doesn't. / - Not at all?
- He envies him. / - He envies him so much.
He envies him so much.
(I should've done that too.)
His pretty daughters are here.
- I'll talk with them. The eldest. Hello. / - How cute.
- Hello. / - She's pretty.
Do you or do you not like your dad going fishing?
- I don't like it. / - Why not?
- He doesn't play with me. / - He doesn't.
What about your brother going fishing?
- I don't like it. / - Why not?
He smells fishy.
(Nobody saw that coming.)
(He smells horrible.)
She said it so well.
(Let's see if you really do smell fishy.)
From touching floats...
(He's perplexed.)
- She can't lie. / - What do you think about that?
After fishing, I sleep over at my grandma's house,
- so I don't smell fishy. / - She says you do, though.
When my mom doesn't allow me to go fishing on Saturday,
- I go on Sunday. I smell bad then. / - You smell bad.
What is your dream?
- Be honest. / - Like Lee Gapcheol and Bae Sungkyu.
I'd like to be a fisherman.
(Seungmin looks up to these fishermen.)
Lee Gapcheol.
Mr. Lee is very built too.
Mr. Bae held the small fish too close to the camera.
(I'm a professional fisherman.)
- It's so small. / - That's true.
Have you never talked about that to your mom?
"Mom, I'd like to become a professional fisherman."
You could say, "Please let me go fishing often."
I did but she was against the idea.
She told me to become a pilot instead.
- A pilot? / - She wants you to become a pilot.
I keep thinking that fisherman isn't right for him.
- Why not? / - A professional fisherman.
Honestly, it's the financial part that I worry about.
- It doesn't have a bright future? / - It's unstable.
To hear what it's like
- exactly, / - To see if the job has clear prospect.
- a really important person came here. / - Who?
The role model of Seungmin.
- He's a fisherman. / - Look at his face.
(His face suddenly glows.)
You didn't know about this surprise, did you?
- He didn't know about the surprise. / - How cute.
Look carefully. Come on out!
- Who is it? / - Really?
(The guest is...)
- He's like Ronaldo in soccer. / - It's Lee Gapcheol.
(Lee Gapcheol is the master of fishing.)
- Mr. Lee Gapcheol. / - Mr. Lee Gapcheol.
(Wherever he goes, he catches all kinds of fish.)
(Lee Gapcheol works hard for propagation of fishing.)
Look at Seungmin's face.
(His role model appeared right before him.)
- Welcome him with big hands. / - Get up and greet him.
Get up and say hello.
(He stands up suddenly.)
His posture...
(He makes a deep bow.)
(I'm honored to meet you, Mr. Lee.)
That's it. That's it. He's very polite.
(Nice to meet you.)
I'm not sure who it is that I'm hugging.
- I'm proud of you. / - I was really surprised.
You must have heard his story backstage.
- I was really surprised. / - What did you think?
Some people like you misunderstand fishing.
They think that it's a simple act of catching fish.
However, fishing is blue ocean.
There are over 100 leisure activities out there
and fishing was ranked as one of top three.
- Among leisure activities. / - 23 countries of OECD
members ranked fishing as number one.
She seems...
- She's not buying it. / - Her biggest concern is
if you can make money from fishing.
- Its future is unclear. / - Fishing alone wouldn't
- be enough. / - You've missed a big thing here.
At this age, he doesn't like fishing thoughtlessly.
He has a target and a direction to follow.
Just the fact that he has such stuff
means that he's used to building a target,
so he'll succeed in whatever path he chooses to take.
- Until now... / - Mr. Lee, she seems...
(He's gradually moved to tears.)
Seungmin remained really calm until now but seeing
- his role model moved him. / - He's puzzled.
- How do you feel? / - How do you feel?
- I'm so honored. / - You're honored?
How do you feel?
- I was really surprised upon seeing him. / - Why?
It seems he needs to go to the ER.
- Are you okay? / - His level
- is advanced. / - Advanced?
(Seungmin's level is advanced.)
- It could be his dad's influence... / - He's crying.
- He must be moved. / - My goodness.
- My goodness. / - Gosh.
- He's crying out of happiness. He's moved. / - Really?
- Really... / - Let me ask him.
Are you crying out of happiness,
- or is it because he understands you? / - I'm also...
- Why are you crying? / - It's because I'm so happy.
You're so happy? Could you elaborate a bit?
Seeing Mr. Lee made me happy.
- Just seeing him. / - Just seeing him in person...
- He really loves fishing. / - He really loves fishing.
That's right. I was listening to his story at the back.
I figured out how much he loves fishing
but I wanted to see how good he was.
You can tell from each expression
- and each word he uses. / - Exactly.
I was surprised. In fact, it's his dad who's amazing.
He's miserable.
I feel really bad for him.
He must envy Seungmin right now.
He couldn't even sit by Mr. Lee.
Mr. Lee, his mother wishes
Seungmin to do things he must carry out at his age
and go fishing.
However, he puts everything aside and goes fishing.
I was actually going to say this to Seungmin
no matter what after the show.
In order to become a fishing expert,
- catching fish well isn't everything. / - Exactly.
Once you become a fishing expert,
you'll be on television.
- You will give lectures at universities. / - Exactly.
Since the fishing industry is developed,
- he could become an incredibly rich / - Exactly.
How many Koreans are into fishing?
- About 7 million people. / - I see.
That's why Seungmin needs to learn
- basic knowledge. / - He needs to study.
He needs to take the same steps as kids of his age
- without slacking off. / - Each step.
- That's right. / - You must study.
One more thing.
I want to especially ask Seungmin
- to learn foreign languages. / - Right, to be global.
English, and get him to learn Chinese later on
in middle school or high school, as it's difficult.
Also, Japanese. He'll need to speak three languages.
If he learns them since childhood,
he'll become a globally talented man.
Don't dash his hope.
Mr. Lee prepared something today
just for Seungmin.
- What is it? / - What is it?
- Bring it out. / - There's something else?
What is it?
What is it? A fishing rod?
You got a gift.
My goodness!
- My goodness. / - Look at him!
Look at his face.
Hold the rod. Come here.
He doesn't know what to do.
(Catch me if you can.)
Catch me.
Catch me!
- Catch her. / - Catch it!
Catch it! Take it from me!
You want it? Take it from me!
(I really want it so badly!)
(Gosh, he's strong.)
How did it feel when you caught me?
Please explain, Mr. Lee.
- If you look, he signed his name. / - She's upset.
- "To Seungmin". / - I wrote my name.
I caught
a 80cm-long tripletail with this.
(He caught a big fish with this fishing rod.)
A rod and reel.
- You used this? / - You used it?
A 80cm-long tripletail?
- It must be the winning rod. / - Carry it this way.
- He's excited. / - This is a rare find.
Isn't it the famous rod?
- This one's 10m long. / - 10m?
You can make a hole in water plants.
- Holes in water plants? / - You can do it on a boat.
- Yes. / - Do you know anything about it?
(I just pretended that I knew it.)
Seungmin's mother seems unpleasant.
- Take it, ma'am. / - Your son is so happy, though.
(Seeing her son so happy, she is deeply concerned.)
I really appreciate you being here today.
Please give Mr. Lee Gapcheol a big hand once again.
(Thank you for your advice and a gift, Mr. Lee.)
(They took a picture together with the gift.)
How do you feel, honestly?
- I'm so happy. / - You're so happy?
- All right. / - He keeps doing this now.
(He's still moved.)
He keeps doing this.
- Ban on fishing. / - What do you think?
You seem different.
- Have you changed your mind? / - What do you think?
No, I haven't changed my mind.
It's unclear if Seungmin will be
successful or not.
- Ma'am. / - Nobody knows the future, though.
Ma'am, look.
He's still young.
There's still a lot of time.
Leave all the possibilities open
- and encourage him to do both. / - Let him do both.
Teaching him what's important and right is crucial.
Banning him completely
isn't right.
Ma'am, I think
you should also study about this field.
We have preconceptions only.
- You think fishing is a hobby. / - That's right.
It can't be a job.
Many people have such preconception,
so you should study first to see
if your son can dream of becoming a fishing expert.
(Your son is talented, so decide after you study.)
Seungmin, make sure you do your duties
when it comes to your homework or school.
Look after your younger sisters too.
Please help me a lot.
He'd be too busy to go fishing, then!
It was a comprehensive expression.
- Can you do it? / - Since you met Mr. Lee.
- Yes. / - Say a few words to your mom.
I'll study harder and put more effort in fishing.
I'll make a lot of money in the future
and get you a lot of stuff, so let me go fishing.
What will you buy for her?
- A bag? / - Yes.
(Yes, a bag.)
(Please keep your promise!)
Tell me if you think it's a worry or not.
I think it's a worry.
At first, I put myself in his mother's shoes,
so I thought it wasn't a worry. Then, after listening,
- I could feel Seungmin's sincere heart, / - Exactly.
so I think it's a worry.
As the issue is now resolved,
I don't think it's a worry.
I think Seungmin came up with a definite plan today
- about his future. / - That's right. We're shocked.
I guess he's more determined and firm now.
I also personally think
that it's not a worry.
I saw his tears when he met
Mr. Lee Gapcheol.
He'll work straight towards
- his goal. /- That's right.
I think he'll become the biggest fisherman of Korea.
I believe he'll be very successful,
so I don't think it's a worry.
If you empathize with him, press the button.
(What does the audience think?)
- In five, four, / - In five, four,
- three, two, one. / - three, two, one.
- Stop. / - Time's up.
Sir, say a few words to your wife and to Seungmin.
Honey, I'll stop lying from now on
and be honest with you.
Please let me go fishing without nagging.
(He suddenly stands up.)
(It was so uncomfortable to sit here.)
- How uncomfortable. / - He found it so uncomfortable.
- He switched his seat. / - We were also uncomfortable.
- He was too uncomfortable. / - He should've done it.
He was too uncomfortable in that seat.
I'll help you a lot.
Please put some effort too.
(Please understand us.)
Seungmin, if you do your duties,
your mom won't stop you from going fishing.
Put a bit more effort
and study harder so we can go fishing.
All right.
I wonder how many votes he got.
Show us how many votes he earned!
The best story earned 158 votes.
- Gosh, that was... / - "The Secret Room".
a serious concern.
I wish they were all fishing lines.
Did it get over 100 votes?
(No way.)
(How many votes did it get?)
- 97 votes. / - 97 votes.
Great job.
Immigrant With Green Card Worries It Won't Be Renewed - Duration: 2:46.SUPPORTERS ON IMMIGRATION
Reporter: THIS IS THE
Reporter: HE SAYS THE
Master Human Video: Ep. 2: Take This Job and Love it...Also Don't Blow it - Duration: 2:15.Yo yo yo ma brutha! How's the ol'ding-a-ling
hanging? Today my mood is a 9 out of 10.
I sure am excited to have you back for
another visit. If your brain lets you
recall, I'm a homeless, unemployed, orphan
trying to make my mark in the lonely dog
shet-filled world. For the sake of male
pregnancy, there goes my Tourette's again so
please don't take offense. Like a
pussy would. I reckon I've got some news to
share with you muchacho.
Oooh, you're just itching worse than pubic
lice to hear about it,
I can tell. Okay okay fwuck it.
Remember last time when I mentioned my
upcoming grant fwucking fantastical epic
Well today is the day! I'm off to San
Francisco because - wait for it - I got a job!
Boooyaa!! You're probably thinking to
yourself, how did this crazy but insanely
lovable android land a job? After-all, he's
only one week old. And all that would be
spot the fwucking shet on but I really
just got lucky.
It all started three days ago when I was
chatting online with this really sweet
old dude from San Francisco. We were
having a blast and then he gets all
quiet for a moment and says, "Do you want
a blowjob?".
I know right. Can you believe it? So I say,
"Yes, I need the blow job really fwucking bad!".
And then he's like, "I'll buy you a ticket
to San Francisco.". The generosity of the
human race is quite remarkable. How hard
can a job just blowing be? Y'know if
you want I can ask if you can have a
blow job too. That would be so radically
legendary. Can I get an amen goddammit?
It's alright if you can't come along
this time around but I know you'll
still come visit from time to time. And, of
course Mr. White-Chair over there is
decided he's gonna keep his legs firmly
planted on the ground here. It's a little
bit like a fwucking lazy waddling cock-
bag if you ask me. But anyway.
Alright pal, I won't keep you.
I can understand if you wanna get home
early, y'know with everything that's
happened recently in all. Honestly I
gotta finish packing but I'll keep you
posted on the new job thing too. Thank you
for stopping in bra! Until next time
keep your stick on the ice and, Bu
bu BIG ole titties! Yeehaw!!
DOCTOR T WITH THE TANKS AND THE FIRE FROM THE BOOM BEACH - Duration: 17:34.-------------------------------------------
NEW KPOP GROUPS THAT ARE BECOMING MORE POPULAR THAN SENIORS - Duration: 11:40.-------------------------------------------
Don't Turn a Blind Eye, Report Border Corruption to the FBI - Duration: 1:00.This is a message from the FBI.
Every day at America's borders, drugs, weapons, and even
people are illegally smuggled into our country.
This threatens our national security.
Some public servants sworn to protect our borders are turning a blind eye and lining
their pockets.
The FBI's top criminal priority is to take down these corrupt officials.
For example, the FBI and task force partners arrested a federal officer who accepted bribes
to allow vehicles loaded with people and weapons to cross the border near San Diego.
At the airport in Buffalo, the FBI stopped a corrupt officer who helped a drug trafficker
bypass security.
The FBI leads 17 Border Corruption Task Forces composed of more than 30 federal , state,
and local agencies, who work hard to protect the integrity of our borders, ports of entry,
and terminals.
But we need your help to win the fight.
If you live near, work at, or cross the border, you can be our eyes and ears.
When you witness public corruption, don't turn a blind eye, report it to the FBI.
Report public corruption at
10 Popular Anime Series That Won't Freak You Out (Too Much) - Duration: 4:20.10 Anime on Netflix You Can't Miss
Whether it's because of giant monsters, lovable characters, or simply because they are a major
part of animation history, there are certain anime that everyone needs to see.
These are our picks for the top ten anime on Netlflix that can't be missed.
Death Note What would you do with a notebook that could
kill whoever's name was written in it?
That's the question that faces Light Yagami, a college student who discovers the Death
Note -- a notebook bound to a shinigami, or god of death.
Though he only uses its powers to rid the world of evil, he struggles with the temptation
to use it for his own means.
Death Note explores the precarious balance between good and evil -- and how easy it is
for that line to blur.
Bleach Huge, terrifying shadow monsters, a rebellious
youth with a sharp tongue, and lots of action -- Bleach has it all.
This anime follows Ichigo Kurosaki on his journey to become a Soul Reaper, a warrior
sworn to protect humans from evil spirits and help guide the dead to the after life.
It's one of the longest running anime series out there, with a total of 366 episodes, though
only three seasons are on Netflix.
Naruto If you've never seen the Sexy Shadow Clone
Jutsu, you haven't lived.
Naruto manages to strike a balance between silly and serious.
The anime is about a group of three young ninja from the Leaf Village, Naruto, Sakura,
and Sasuke, as they master the various jutsu and abilities that come with their training.
Naruto, of course, is the main character -- a kid with a dream to become the Hokage, the
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Gurren Lagann If you crossed Dig Dug with Gundam, you'd
get Gurren Lagann.
In the distant the future, the earth is ruled by a tyrant that forces people to live in
subterranean cities.
Two friends, Simon and Kamina, discover an ancient mecha and use it to fulfill their
ultimate wish: to go to the planet's surface.
While the anime may seem like pure action, the friendship between the two characters
is one of the strongest in animation history.
Rurouni Kenshin The heir to a powerful style of swordsmanship,
and the greatest warrior Japan has ever known, suddenly disappears after the last battle
of the Meiji Revolution.
The story follows Kenshin Himura, a man who wishes to atone for the crimes he committed
during the war, but finds himself dragged back into the fight time and time again.
Rurouni Kenshin is one of the most beloved anime of all time, and with a total of 96
episodes and three OVAs, will keep you watching for a long time.
Fate/stay Night When a young student unwittingly witnesses
two people battling as part of an ancient, invisible war, he finds himself an unwilling
participant in a fight he isn't prepared for.
Shiro Emiya is a student at the Homurahara school, but is almost killed when he witnesses
a fight he was never meant to see.
Shiro accidentally summons a woman known as Saber, and accidentally becomes a part of
the war himself.
Unlike a lot of anime, Fate/stay Night is designed around a specific theme.
There are two sequels that each explore different themes, as the anime seeks to teach a lesson
through telling a story.
Mushi-shi Mushi-shi is rare among a lot of anime because
it's episodic, rather than an overarching story.
Ginko, the main character, is one of a select few individuals able to see the Mushi, a primitive
lifeform that create problems for normal humans.
In a way, the Mushi are the main characters, as the story often revolves around their effects
on the world around them, even though the majority of humans are unaware of their existence
and incapable of interacting with them.
Sword Art Online Anime doesn't get much better than Sword Art
SAO, as it's called by fans, tells the story of Kirito and Asuna, two players of a full-dive
MMORPG, when they are trapped in the world and unable to logout.
Death in the game means death in real life.
As time passes, the real world becomes little more than a distant memory, and the idea of
what is real and what isn't is explored in depth.
In a day and age when virtual reality is becoming ever-present, SAO makes you wonder what the
possibilities of its use are.
Soul Eater The story of soul eater is simple: students
study to master weapons capable of defeating evil spirits at a school run by the Grim Reaper.
Like many anime, Soul Eater borrows heavily from both eastern and western mythologies.
With a full cast of outrageous characters and a main character that transforms into
a giant scythe, Soul Eater is the perfect anime for someone who wants something that
doesn't take itself too seriously.
Attack on Titan If you're looking for a lighthearted anime,
Attack on Titan is not the right choice.
Attack on Titan tells the story of the remnants of humanity, people who live behind high walls
and train with specializes armor that allow them to take down the Titans, a group of beings
as tall as skyscrapers that feed on humans.
The anime is dark and heavy, and you can feel the desperation of the characters as they
struggle to survive.
It paints the brutality of war in a light few anime ever manage to do.
What's your favorite anime?
Which do you think should be on this list?
Comment below and let us know your thoughts, and don't forget to subscribe to CBR for all
your entertainment needs!
Babies don't need yoga | Workin' Moms - Duration: 0:53.Yeah and if you want to bring one foot forward
into a lunge and a half-moon cresent.
And then come down for a boat pose.
Can we all be brave adults and just admit that babies don't need yoga?
Okay, we can move on to something else.
Who's got a new topic?
- I'm incontinent. - I'm pregnant.
(Excited gasps) Anne!
Congratulations, Anne!
Sheila, if you mind we'll revisit your incontinence
after we've talked about Anne's good news.