Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily about Jan 31 2017


by Catherine J Frompovich.

Finally it�s coming to light and the fact is being told: Vaccines given to infants contained

inordinate amounts of ethylmercury in the form of Thimerosal; the CDC knew about it

and conspired to keep the devastating reality of mercury damage from healthcare consumers

and public health agencies.

A true crime against humanity and nothing short of federal agency child abuse!

Thanks to the intrepid vaccine safety advocacy work by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his writing

partner Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN, we learn, FDA�s Center for Biologics Evaluation and

Research (CBER) was responsible for adding up the cumulative exposure to mercury from

infant vaccines, a simple calculation that, astonishingly, had never been performed by

either the FDA or the CDC.

When the agency finally performed that basic calculation, the regulators realized that

a six month-old infant who received thimerosal-preserved vaccines following the recommended CDC vaccine

schedule would have received a jaw dropping 187.5 micrograms of mercury.

[1] [CJF emphasis added] Those calculations were made back in the late

1990s and CDC officials have been covering up their voodoo vaccine consensus science

ever since!

Those actions should be prosecuted as crimes against humanity, including excessive child

abuse by a government agency, and the CDC should be revamped from the inside out; restructured;

and �surgically� separated from Big Pharma.

The CDC brainwashing of the global medical profession, international health agencies

and the media regarding the deceitfulness of vaccine �safety� is nothing short of

criminal action, which must be addressed at every level: local school districts, state

health agencies, national courts globally, and the World Health Organization, a �mouthpiece�

of CDC�s deceitfulness and fraudulent research and health recommendations.

None comes to mind more so than the CDC�s always trotting out the indicted Poul Thorsen�s

infamous research that vaccines don�t cause autism!

What does mercury affect in the human body?

The brain and central nervous system!

This chart represents models of mercury in blood and tissues formulated by Dr. Barry

Rumack, MD, a consultant who offered �toxicologic and pharmacologic evaluation of drugs, biological

and potentially toxic or hazardous agents for government and industry [1].�

Screenshot 2017-01-30 at 2.29.20 AM According to Kennedy and Redwood�s article,

There was no point in time from birth to approximately 16-18 months of age that infants were below

the EPA guidelines for allowable mercury exposure.

In fact, according to the models, blood and body burden levels of mercury peaked at six

months of age at a shockingly high level of 120ng/liter.

To put this in perspective, the CDC classifies mercury poisoning as blood levels of mercury

greater than 10 ng/L. [CJF emphasis] A most egregious aspect of the cover up is

what happened within the CDC, as reported: [T]he FDA assigned a pediatrician with little

knowledge of toxicology to oversee its public reporting.

When Dr. Leslie Ball was asked why she reported the mercury exposure levels in this deceptive

fashion, she responded, �That is what I was told to do.� [1, pg.2]

The Kennedy-Redwood article, which I highly recommend you read in full, ends with

Ignoring Etzel�s [U.S. Department of Agriculture�s Ruth Etzel, MD] wise advice, the CDC elected

to paper over their catastrophic mistake and double down on vaccine mercury.

By continuing to allow thimerosal to be used in vaccines, the CDC is causing harm to American

pregnant women, their growing babies and to 100 million children all over the planet.

And now we have proof that our regulators know exactly what they are doing.

President Trump has tasked Robert Kennedy Jr. with heading up an investigative commission

regarding vaccines.

Here are my concerns about: 1.

Robert Kennedy Jr. will meet up with his uncle�s and father�s fate of being shot.

It�s not past vested interests to go to any lengths to protect their turf and enforce

their agendas.


Big Pharma will be allowed to get more than its nose under the tent during the investigation.

Big Pharma should be kept in outer space with independent scientists performing all assessments.


Congress must not turn a deaf ear and blind eye on what�s being uncovered, as Congress

probably has more responsibility than anyone by granting vaccine makers what turned out

to be a �get out of jail free� card in the vaccine law Congress passed in 1986.

It must be replaced with equitable law, since the vaccine court masters do a very poor job

of implementing the real intent of the law.


Vaccine law in the USA must be changed to enforce consumers� rights to sue vaccine

makers individually and collectively for promoting fraudulent vaccine science; product liability

disasters; child abuse; and crimes against humanity.


Big Pharma and its lobbyists by law must be prohibited from lobbying Congress and federal



Pregnant women should not be mandated to receive vaccines.

Nothing short of the above even can begin to rectify some of the horrors perpetrated

upon several generations of children globally.

California should be ashamed of itself and its SB277 [2]!

Richard Pan, MD, should be struck from medical licensure and not permitted to practice.

By the way, if readers really want to know the health problems associated with many other

neurotoxins and chemicals in vaccines than ethylmercury, which still is in vaccines,

you may want to read my book Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don�t Know About Vaccines.

It discusses from published peer review science and journals what those toxic ingredients

do in the body.

However, I wish Robert Kennedy Jr. would also take a very serious look at microwave radiation

EMFs/RFs and the non-thermal radiation wave adverse health effects they are causing.

I predict they, along with G5-in-the-sky, will be worse than the autism pandemic we

are experiencing in our children: one in 10,000-15,000 in the 1970s; one in 68 in the USA.

Check out other countries here.

We�ve seen the demonstrations for women�s rights after the Trump inauguration.

Well, isn�t it time to organize about the rights of fetuses, newborns, infants, and

toddlers being subjected to apparently legal and condoned chemical child abuse which is

making them the sickest demographic statistic of all time for children regarding chronic


Chronic conditions now affect 15 percent to 18 percent of children and teens, and even

those estimates may not fully account for obesity and mental health woes, the Harvard

team said.

[3] Let�s protect the future of humankind, our




3 Things You NEED to Know About the Yan 3! - Duration: 2:46.

Hey YouTube it's me Spotty!

Hope you're all doing great!

Today, I'm bringing you guys the 3 most important things that you need to know if

you're looking to buy the Yan Cheng Yan 3.

So getting right into it, number 1.

This cube has a pretty painful break in process and it doesn't perform that well until you

put some TLC into it.

Out of the box this puzzle performs pretty well (?) but there's some really unbearable

catching that occurs, which makes solving on it not that pleasant.

Now lubing and tensioning will, but not by much.

What you really need is some serious breaking in.

The catches I experienced didn't start to go away until I put at least 300 or so solves

into it which normally isn't that hard to do.

It takes some time but the issue that I had with this particular cube is that while breaking

it in, I wasn't able to get my normal times on it and overall my solves were really inconsistent.

So on top of the catches, this made breaking in the puzzle even more tedious and just not

enjoyable whatsoever.

So if you're looking to pick up this puzzle then just keep in mind that this cube doesn't

'get good' until you put some time and solves into it.

Okay, number 2.

The Yan 3 is nothing spectacular or revolutionary, but great nonetheless after breaking in.

And for the performance you are getting, the price is really quite nice especially compared

to some other puzzles that have been released recently like the Valk 3 or Gans Air which

can normally be found from around $15 - $20 US depending on the store you pick these up


The Yan 3 can be bought for less than 11 at Cubezz which isn't a huge difference but

if you're looking for a very comparable option and wouldn't mind saving a couple

dollars then the Yan 3 is something you might want to look into.

And last but not least, number 3.

The feel.

Now no review would be complete without going over the feel because this is one of the largest

factors that nowdays would make you lean from one cube to another.

Now the feel of this cube is kinda strange.

It's smooth when turning slow but if you go a bit faster then the feeling is more crispy

and crunchy as well.

The turning all round is also really light and airy which I know a lot of people like.

(Cube noise) So overall, the Yan 3 is an interesting puzzle.

It has a painful break in process but otherwise very good performance especially for the price

you're paying.

This cube isn't going to become my main because I prefer the feeling of my Valk3 but

I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few people do switch.

If you are interested in picking up this puzzle then I will leave a link to it down below.

But, that just about wraps up this video.

Thanks to Cubezz for helping me get my hands on this puzzle, thank you guys for watching

and I will catch you all soon!

For more infomation >> 3 Things You NEED to Know About the Yan 3! - Duration: 2:46.


Netanyahu 'Trump is right' about border wall - Duration: 2:32.

Netanyahu 'Trump is right' about border wall.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called President Trump's proposed border wall

a "great idea" for preventing illegal immigration.

"President Trump is right," Neyanyahu tweeted Saturday.

"I built a wall along Israel's southern border.

It stopped all illegal immigration.

Great success.

Great idea."

Netanyahu's praise could appeal to Trump, who is under fire from international critics

over a series of immigration-related executive orders, including mandates to suspend refugee

resettlement in the United States and build the wall.

Trump cited Israel's wall throughout the presidential campaign to deflect criticism that a wall

on the U.S.-Mexico border wouldn't be prudent.

"Look the wall is necessary," Trump said Thursday on Fox News.

"That's not just politics, and yet it is good for the heart of the nation in a certain way

because people want protection.

And a wall protects.

All you have to do is ask Israel.

They were having a total disaster coming across, and they had a wall.

It's 99.9 percent stoppage."

The Israeli fencing hasn't been a perfect success at keeping illegal immigrants out

of the country.

"Depending on the season, up to 60,000 Palestinians without work permits sneak across the barrier

to work in construction, agriculture or service industries in Israel, either through gaps

in the route or by utilizing the services of local smugglers," according to the New

York Times.

"And occasionally, the system is defeated by Palestinians who carry out terrorist attacks."

The company that built the Israeli border fencing hopes to be involved in the U.S. project,

with the warning that walls are only effective in populated areas.

"If you're in an open spaces, which is more like a desert in a way, not a lot of vegetation,

and no nearby cities, then you know putting a fence for thousands of kilometers or miles

it just doesn't make sense," Hagai Katz, a spokesman for Magal Security Systems, told

the Intercept in August.

For more infomation >> Netanyahu 'Trump is right' about border wall - Duration: 2:32.


CHEAP VEGAN GROCERY HALL for Vegan Couple!! $22.50 Per Person Per Week! - Duration: 9:53.

hello everyone good morning welcome back

to our channel one-half of you can vent

out my boyfriend right now is out with

my dad in Georgia so I'm filming this by

myself i just finished grocery shopping

with his three different places and I do

that because I try to find all the atoms

because I can possibly get them i went

to 32 replaces to do that and i'm going

to show you everything now here we go

also guys just wanted to say if you hear

me like breathing heavily it's because

i'm just getting over a cold and my nose

is completely stuffed up and my throat

is still kind of sore a little bit and

that's what's going on with me right now

the first place I went to is a little

produce stand that I actually just found

in my town we moved here I would love to

say we just continue but we actually

moved here five years ago I still

haven't really gotten my bearings in the

area that we are at because I still

spend all of my time and the area i

moved from with a lot of time in the

town that I live in right now until

today I had fun a produce stand that I

liked as much as the protest and I

previously with two sorry for that

motorcycle class advice but I did go to

produce stand today the new one and it's

in my town to super close and that's

really awesome and the couple that only

are so nice

it was amazing i'm she actually cakes

and she says that they have a lot of

vegans that go to their priest and and

so the vegans would always turn down

their offers at the bakery items so she

converted everything to now her whole

bakery is beginning so i could not turn

down the opportunity to buy a strawberry

red so i will show you that as well so

here's what i got from the first place

to produce stand I got two things of the

manor house i usually buy a little bit

more than just because Chase loves

bananas but we actually still have some

left over from last week so we'll just

use those to about 1 green pepper which

i'm going to put in a curry soup

two onions with the disease for like

everything here is the strawberry red I

was telling you about mind to try it a

little bit

that looks really good the woman that

there's actually only five ingredients

and this whole thing so it's super

healthy and about three keys and going

to make the noodles tonight so that's

what i got in the first place and this

also holds up to be eleven dollars and

six of those dollars are from the little

things quickly dollars so everything

else would have been like this is

everything I got at the dollar tree and

spent ten dollars betting sense i got

two things of the heart which I really

good we're obviously oatmeal but if you

actually just water and coconut for

putting on the not gonna get super

creamy with all you've been cooking it

so I took it with me to work like that


so we got two of them this will last us

two weeks i got one set of mixed berry

was a dollar

everything here is one dollar peace

talks with distance movies i've never

tried to support that they are veggie

burgers they are being anyone is a

vegetarian I want to come with the

package I forgetting the try but I

normally do not buy this with large item

something else that was employed item is

this like an apple cider so that

photo destroyers I've never tried it

before but I love activity was really

good so I want to get out of my eyes

don't buy that and then back here we

have two boxes of pasta so I have over

and today's offset normally i do five

more positive and not because this is

the plus two weeks pregnant with you but

this stuff should last us two weeks and

on my hind more possible than that but

we still have tons of leftover pasta in

the pantry so not going to purchase any

more that we really needed some more

spices so i bought parsley and they look

and then I just got a garlic and herb

office and that is everything from the

dollar tree been ten dollars emphasis on

sex then here's the fun part

this is everything from walmart i got

cashews which I'm going to soak

overnight and using a recipe in second

alfredo sauce i got be brownies because

they are feeling i think i'm going to

school you're supposed to ask me two

weeks but Chase loves eating them so are

you end up buying one board then I have

romain letter i do have more likely to

spread but Romain is my favorite so

about domain so i gotta canada chickpea

case like the foot he called us being

soup mix mechana slappy and the canister

believe always resist and he was a

little bit of a good boy

so we have Montana's succeed for Kansas

lacking then we have all of our d items

i got two things to 52 contenders

these are one of the first things we

tried never repeated and we absolutely

love them and recommend to everyone

honestly I don't taste the difference

between this and two contenders before I

really get like these successes silks

highly highly highly recommend this is

there a beef with around the place we

probably we really like this it's not a

favorite but it down because he makes

paprika garlic powder and onion powder

it's really good so we use that in our

vegan shepherd's pie

the only difference is that these pieces

are a little bit like bigger in size

like that

so yeah sort of a little bit bigger than

the other of regular ground beef that we

got was the greenery being arrested

normal again two things green pretty but

I have one left over that my dad thought

so we have one of these and we put them

to make increasing so we just put this

with some coconut milk and green pepper

and onion and you

let's drop and expulsion

that I have this thing of mushrooms

chopped them up really finely indeed go

into our sugar pie

we don't really like well like mushrooms

I don't like them that left if I can

taste like they're very like

overpowering dirt taste

I don't like a stone they go inside of

other districts and we got grits for

breakfast again this business social

optimist about two weeks so we get one

thing Fred ignore my hat and keeping of

oatmeal two things of oatmeal so that

should last already established the

counter so that's so then we have our

captain crunch because it is my guilty

pleasure I love them and change those

serials but we really happened to your

own hand so we don't have to buy the way

so just to tell you again how much we

spent I spent eleven dollars at the

produce stand then at the dollar tree we

spent ten dollars and seventeen cents at

walmart we send thirty-eight dollars in

length and I got some stuff I bought

from the dollar tree was just on a whim

stuff I didn't have to buy it by any

means just also side note all the food

should last us two weeks but next friday

if we are running low on something i do

go out and purchase more food and I try

to keep that under twenty dollars so if

you're going off of everything we

purchased here for this entire week and

then allowing us twenty dollars to spend

next friday in case we need more food we

would spend ninety nine dollars and also

keep in mind i bought a strawberry bread

for six dollars that was absolutely not

necessary i just wanted to contribute to

the couple that owns the produce stand

because they were really nice so but six

dollars on that and i bought two things

at the dollar tree that we are

absolutely not necessary i shall go

ahead take four things at dollar tree

because the parsley in the basal i

normally do not have to buy so we spent

six dollars on that bread

like it's like fruitcake and then four

dollars at the dollar tree that we

didn't have to spend left ten dollars we

didn't have to spend that would bring

our total down to eight dollars for two

weeks so anyone who says it's expensive

to begin is like ridiculous and we just

have the research so yeah that is my

food hall and i will see been the next

video please make sure you subscribe to

our channels that you can stay

up-to-date when we post new videos and

help us spread the word by liking this

video and subscribe to us and we will

see you guys next time bye

so I already took a bite out of it but i

think i was telling my son it is the


I would read it maybe like seven and a

half a ton offense is awful

it's not usually it's like perfect

For more infomation >> CHEAP VEGAN GROCERY HALL for Vegan Couple!! $22.50 Per Person Per Week! - Duration: 9:53.



For more infomation >> THE ONE THING I NEED TO CHANGE ABOUT MYSELF | CNY 2017 - Duration: 4:23.


Machine Gun Kelly, Camilla Cabello - Bad Things (LIVE), The Ellen DeGeneres Show - Duration: 1:58.

Former Fifth Harmony member Camila Cabello took to the stage at The Ellen DeGeneres Show

for her first live performance as a solo artist. And she killed it.

She performed with rapper Machine Gun Kelly and all of her notes were on point. It was

arguably better than the original. She released the song back in October when she was still

with Fifth Harmony. It reached number 6 on the United States Billboard Top 100.

The pop superstar pulled a Beyonce and split from the group in December. Fifth Harmony

was formed on the X Factor and they still go by their original name. Her former bandmates Normani

Kordei, Lauren Juaregui, Dinah Jane and Ally Brooke alleged they were informed of her decision

only through her representatives. Cabello refuted those claims with a statement confirming

"the girls were aware of my feelings through the long, much needed conversations about

the future that we had during tour."

Fifth Harmony is still going strong however. They took the stage for the first as a quartet

during the 2017 People's Choice Awards. They also took home the award for Favorite


What did you think of Camilla Cabello and Machine Gun Kelly's Live performance of

"Bad Things" on The Ellen DeGeneres show? Let me know in the comments below and don't

forget to subscribe.

For more infomation >> Machine Gun Kelly, Camilla Cabello - Bad Things (LIVE), The Ellen DeGeneres Show - Duration: 1:58.


RHOA: Was Porsha Williams Attacked About Her Anger Management? (Season 9, Episode 12) | Bravo - Duration: 2:05.

- Wait, are you under emotional

distress or something

that you need support?

- If I feel like I'm under emotional distress,

I want my support.

I'm very open about the fact that I'm in anger management.

- You weren't that open.

- You weren't that open that day because we asked you about it

and you didn't want to talk about it.

- I am, but it was how I was being asked that day.

It was definitely condescending.

- Please don't use that word, that's such bullsh--.

- Well, if she can speak, then maybe you can understand

and be empathetic and hear her feelings out

and then we'll go from there.

- But anyway, the tone was very condescending,

I felt like I was being talked down to.

I felt like I was also being made fun of and provoked.

- By who pacifically?

- Well, at that moment, it was by Kenya.

- Of course. - It's how you proceeded

to ask and badger.

- All of us are in situations where we're uncomfortable

or things have been said to us and we're able to be adult

and have a conversation about it.

But from the first mention of it,

you had an attitude.

- How do you think I feel in a moment where I'm vulnerable

and someone's asking me about something that's private

and I'm being attacked as well as asked a question?

- Oh my God.

- If you say attacked one more time...

- We need to stop using that word,

somebody talking to somebody, always saying you attacked.

- I know what I felt that day.

Kenya, you were making fun of me.

- Use the word attacked, I'm sorry.

- I'm taking pills, do I get a certificate.

- That's some bullsh--, like everything else.

- What are you talking about, it's some bullsh-- over here?

See, those are the kind of things that I'm talking about.

- Lord have mercy, we can't even get out of the city limits

before these girls go to bickering and fussing

about absolutely nothing.

- Okay, we can't be so quick to get angry.

- I'm not angry. - You sound angry.

- And you should know about it. - Yeah, I do.

And I see it in you.

- We are getting off to a very rocky start.

- So I was having a conversation with her.

So you can listen.

Worry about you, don't worry about Kenya.

That's what you need to do.

Worry about you. - Watch your mouth.

For more infomation >> RHOA: Was Porsha Williams Attacked About Her Anger Management? (Season 9, Episode 12) | Bravo - Duration: 2:05.


Do Viruses Talk About Killing Their Hosts? - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Do Viruses Talk About Killing Their Hosts? - Duration: 1:01.


Everything You Didn't Want To Know About Snot - Duration: 4:26.

Here's everything you wanted to know about snot but were too afraid to ask.

I'm Anna and this is Gross Science.

It might seem like a bummer when you have a cold, but snot is truly terrific stuff.

Snot is what we call the mucus that comes out of our noses, but we actually produce

similar, slimy substances all over our bodies—from our lungs, to our guts, to our private parts.

And all this mucus is actually vital to our survival.

Mucus keeps us healthy by keeping our delicate body tissues moist, and by trapping particles

that might irritate or infect us.

And snot is one of our first lines of defense, since about 80% of our body's air filtration

happens in the nose.

So, how does it work?

Well, special types of cells called "goblet" cells in the membranes lining your nose produce

proteins called "mucins."

Mucins are long protein chains that are great at linking up with one another, and are heavily


That means that they have lots of sugar groups attached to them.

And this chemical sugar coating means that they can absorb lots of water.

In fact, mucus is about 95% water.

(And, as a quick side note, boogers are just snot that's dried up a bit.)

Anyway, we produce a ton of this stuff.

When you're healthy, you make a little under half a cup of mucus a day—and that's just

in your nose.

So when you breath in, all that mucus traps any harmful particles that may have hitched

a ride on the incoming air.

If any pathogens, like bacteria or viruses, are trapped, antimicrobial agents in the mucus,

like lysozymes, may help to destroy them, and antibodies may help recruit immune cells

to deal with the invaders.

Throughout the day, you have a steady stream of mucus moving over your nasal passages.

Certain cells lining your nose have small, hair-like projects sticking off of them called


These cilia beat through the mucus, and move it about a millimeter per second toward your

throat, where you swallow it down.

That's right, you swallow most of the snot you produce everyday, probably without even

realizing it.

And that's just when you're healthy.

But what about when you're sick?

A runny nose and nasal congestion mean that a pathogen has managed to sneak through the

mucus defense.

So, your body springs into action.

First of all, it starts producing more mucus, to flush the pathogens out.

But it also sends lots of immune cells to the area to battle the invaders.

Along with this influx of immune cells may come some inflammation of the nasal passages.

Specifically, structures on the sides of your nose that help warm the incoming air, called

nasal turbinates, may swell, making it difficult to breath.

So, it may not exactly be an excess of snot that causes congestion, but all the nasal


Your sinuses may also get infected and inflamed.

Sinuses are air pockets in the bones of your face, that also produce mucus.

You actually have four of them on each side of your head.

And when the membranes of the sinuses swell, mucus and air can get trapped, which cause

the headaches and facial pressure that can sometime come with a cold.

Anyway, while congestion and runny noses may be unpleasant, they're just a sign that

your body is doing its job and protecting you from invaders.

So maybe next time you get a sniffle, you'll be able to appreciate your snot a little bit



What do the different colors of snot mean?

And how do all those cold medicines really work?

Head over to Reactions to learn even more snotty science.

I've actually done a collab with Reactions before, because they're awesome.

But they also just joined the PBS Digital Studio family, so go check them out and subscribe

if you like their stuff!

And if you don't already, also subscribe to Gross Science!


I'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Everything You Didn't Want To Know About Snot - Duration: 4:26.


Jeff Sessions asks Sally Yates about saying "no" during confirmation hearing - Duration: 0:39.

Do you think the Attorney General has a responsibility to say no to the President if he asks for

something that's improper?

If the views the President wants to execute are unlawful, should the Attorney General

or the Deputy Attorney General say no?

Senator, I believe that the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General has an obligation

to follow the law and the Constitution and to give their independent legal advice to

the President.

You have to watch out because people will be asking you to do things you just need to

say no about.

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions asks Sally Yates about saying "no" during confirmation hearing - Duration: 0:39.


ACID : 2 local friends discussing about throwing acid | Corrupted Mind - Duration: 5:12.

back when I have

of course I put up you don't like yeah

we'll get our letter like that would

totally put a little money was going to

have an idea haha alright market- met a

lot of helpful i opened it already at my

little sequels that like ye merry you

got I it's today's students or SP do you

wanna Jana great at that

I didn't put it got very good stuff and

people talking about that is on the area

oldest daughter

yeah we're all now they will be easily

then it will love it i like all up it up

whenever I I so maybe it is haha why you

got a little one up but y'all tomorrow

what cha up here I on an idea

they're not providing did you are so

don't bother ye can talk about whatever

often be my enemy my often whenever

you're among other feet

yes let's go guys

Howie notice solution here and subscribe

our channel thank you

For more infomation >> ACID : 2 local friends discussing about throwing acid | Corrupted Mind - Duration: 5:12.


Vega Squadron CEO speaks about Dota 2 team (English subs) - Duration: 5:49.

When we were making a team the initial idea was to gather a team of people that want to work hard.

Sonneiko's and G's ideas on this topic were the same with ours. Combine that with their skill level and experience and you get this roster.

Both G and Sonneiko were eager to join the team that prioritizes not financial conditions but the team of hard-working people. This is what matters for them.

If we judge from old interviews and what community thinkgs, Sergey "G" Bragin is a person who likes attention, he demands a team that plays for him.

But as it turned out, he's a teamworking person and the guys are really united. There are no such cases when he stays on mid and everyone has to run around him.

What I really liked in G is that he's the person to initiate discussions about matches that have been played. This is what we really lacked in our previous roster.

It's very positive for the team.

I haven't spoken with Ditya Ra, we haven't gathered for bootcamps just yet. When you speak to someone in person or in teamspeak these are whole different stories.

I wouldn't say he's a very private person. We didn't touch personal issues or businesses, it was mostly about games.

There are no people in the team that are not open. Everyone's ready for discussion, they offer stuff, think of something new and speak about it.

Our latest results in official games may not really be inspiring for our fans, but be assured - it's not as bad as it seems.

The team is working, they have a coach now, can't call his name, he's on testing period - he tried working with us, we try working with him. We'll see how it goes.

Team has an analyst as well, so they have everything they need to improve and the progress is already there.

If we look at the games after the New Year, like 3 weeks ago or a month, our CW's were awful. Now it keeps getting better and better on a steady pace.

Our main aim for now is going to Kiev Major. We might not look good on Starladder, there could be defeats as this is not what we are aiming for. Not Starladder, not DAC, but Major.

So we move to this bit by bit. We could have losses, this is part of the job.

I'm trying to host all the practice sessions with my team myself. I don't have much time, but I do my best. Yesterday we were speaking about the games with Cloud9.

First of all, the picks were bad, they picked what they haven't played before.

There was an idea during drafting to pick a certain hero, team decided to go with it, give it a try, but there wasn't any practice behind it.

And yesterday after the games we were trying to find out how did it happen and what has to be done for this not to happen ever again.

There have to be certain drafts without unnecessary improvisation, this is not what we need.

What goes to our games with Liquid, this looked more like what I see on cw's. Picks were ours, game was ours. If it was bo3, I believe it could be a tough one. Who knows who would win.

Despite prioritizing Kiev Major, we will still try our best on SL and DAC qualifiers. It doesn't mean we consider these tournaments secondary or something.

We will put our souls in it, as professionals. Moreover, after DAC qualifiers team will most likely have a bootcamp. It's not decided when yet.

We might try innovations there with the help of professional psychologist, this is what we haven't tried before.

Thanks to everyone who still believes in our team, we'll do our utmost best to not disappoint you. Only Vega, only victory.

For more infomation >> Vega Squadron CEO speaks about Dota 2 team (English subs) - Duration: 5:49.


SOFTWARE PATENTS: It's about the TECHNICAL contribution! - Duration: 1:17.

Hi there, it's me, Bastian Best, European

patent attorney specializing in software

patents in Europe and beyond - and in

this one-minute video clip I want to

share with you the one fundamental thing

you have to understand to navigate the

world of European software patents. And this

is essentially 40 years of case law

condensed into one single sentence:

The invention has to provide a non-obvious

technical contribution. Repeat after me:

A non-obvious technical contribution.

Now what does that mean? It means that

for example if the unique thing about the

invention is really in the business idea,

for example a novel way of selling

advertisements, and the technical

implementation of that idea in software

is trivial, you will not get a software patent

in Europe. On the other hand, if your

software for example runs more

efficiently, more secure, more scalable,

more robust, more user-friendly, and you do

that in a clever way, you're in pretty

good shape. So remember it's all about

the technical contribution. The software,

the invention has to provide a technical

advantage over the prior art.

That's it for now, thanks for watching! If

this was of any help for you, share this

video with all of your colleagues. And

now put away your smartphone, get back to

work and keep innovating! Bye bye!

For more infomation >> SOFTWARE PATENTS: It's about the TECHNICAL contribution! - Duration: 1:17.



This is "Us Actually"

Hey guys.

Welcome to "Talk about it..


We're starting this series

'Talk About it Tuesday'

Where Bo and I talk about your questions

Since we didn't tell you we were doing this

There are no questions

So we are going to ask each other questions

And each week

if no one asks any questions

we'll just keep doing that

I like it


So whether you want it or not we're going to answer some questions

We're answering questions

Herbert got this card game in a meal from Chic-fil-a

They have questions

So do you want to start with these

Sure. Ok.

What makes you smile the most?


What is one thing that always makes you happy?

I already know the answer to that


Chic-fil-a sandwhiches

For free

This is not sponsored by Chic-fil-a

Oh here.

What movie makes you laugh?

Well, I don't watch movies.

I don't really watch movies.

Anything with Jim Carrey.

I do love Jim Carrey

Alright go ahead

Oh it's your turn

No you can't ask me that one though

No, you can't.

When you think of the best times your family has had

What makes them so great?

When Herbert got old enough

to start enjoying things and listening to directions

Like get excited about stuff. And Winnie is there too.

We get to be happy because they're so happy

I agree

What silly trick can you do that makes people laugh?

Flare my nostrils

Will that makes people laugh?

What about your high brow?

Well but if I flare my nostrils and do my high brow

See there you go

It may creep you out but you'll still laugh

This is a no brainer

What's the best smell in the world?

What do you think I'm going to say?

We'll see what you say


There you go

Baby smell is the best smell in the world


It is

What kind of weather makes you the happiest?

Cold. Dreary.

It has to look like it is about to storm but not storm

That's my favorite

Please demonstrate what you believe to be a dap

Is it a dap or a dab?

I think it's a dap

No, it's a dab

Is it a dab or a dap?

Well, when I see kids to it. They do it really quick

and it's kind of like half-effort

but it's like

And that's either a dab or a dap

One of the two

I think it's dap

I think it's dab

There you go

That's a little more dramatic

Alright guys

Thanks for all your questions

We try to get to as many as we can

But if we missed you this week

We'll try again next time

I don't know what you're saying

Ok. So, we're going to do this episode

of Talk About it Tuesday

on Tuesdays

And next week

We will answer your questions, if you have any

Or we'll just keep asking each other questions

So, if you enjoyed this video

please give us a thumbs up

And think about subscribing to our channel

So you don't miss our next video

That's it

Thanks America

Thanks guys

Welcome to







Hey guys Welcome to Talk

About it

It it

Hey guys. Welcome to Talk


No just A

Hey guys welcome to Talk







For more infomation >> SURPRISE BONUS EPISODE | TALK ABOUT IT TUESDAY Q&A | US ACTUALLY - Duration: 5:17.


If you care about climate change, you should care about indigenous rights - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> If you care about climate change, you should care about indigenous rights - Duration: 1:47.


The Return of the Gentleman Series with Dr Dain Heer - Duration: 8:27.

Hello gentlemen of the world, my name is

Dr. Dain Heer inviting you to a new

exploration called

Return Of The Gentleman.

In a conversation with a really dear friend

of mine, a twenty-three-year-old

brilliant young man, we were having a

conversation about some different

aspects of what it is to actually be a

man and he looked at me and he said I

have been looking for this my whole life.

I have scoured youtube I have looked all

over the internet for somebody to give

me this kind of information where being

a man is actually about being honorable,

being kind, being caring but also being

potent, also being sexual,

also being able to make money, also being

able to contribute to family and he said

I didn't realize this was possible until

we had this conversation and I looked at

that and I realize that we need to do

something different. So I created this

series, who knows what it's going to turn

into, but right now you'll be able to get

it on youtube and a few other places

called Return Of The Gentleman and what

it's really about is returning to the

gift of being the gentleman that you can

actually be. Now we're going to cover

subjects like relationship, sex, women but

not from the place of so many of the

videos I've seen on youtube and other

places at this point about

being a man is getting your

game on and and you know having a great

game so you can get women in bed and

dominating women, because that's all

I've seen and that's not what it is

at all. The most interesting part about

this for me is when you're truly being

you whatever that is for you when you're

being authentic as you women are

attracted to you and it doesn't matter

how you look, it doesn't matter that much

how you dress, although we're going to

talk about that too because that's

definitely an aspect of what you want to

have. But what I like to do is have some

frank, open, honest discussions with you

and also give you a place to get your

questions answered

where you can write in the stuff that

you want to know about and get it from

this different perspective. 16 years ago I was at a place where I

was going to end my life. I was with a

girlfriend who I thought was the perfect

woman and she hated me I was a

chiropractor starting my second practice

and I had so little self-worth that I

felt like the most insecure man on the

planet and I found a way to change that

but not only did I find a way to

change it I started actually liking me.

So what I would invite you to is the

awareness that there's something totally

different possible but it's actually

from you being honoring of yourself,

starting to trust yourself, starting to

actually be vulnerable with you, having

gratitude for you and then having no

judgment of you. If you could just

consider what it would be like to be

that for a moment, maybe an hour,

I mean imagine that for an hour.

Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and had

no judgment of you for the man you're

being in the world? Imagine if you

woke up tomorrow and looked in the

mirror at you and were like I like the man

that's looking back at me. This is where it all starts, this is

where we're gonna head. So you'll be able

to send in your questions, you'll be able

to get a as much information as I can

give you with the time I have because I

travel almost four weeks out of the

month right. I am an owner and facilitator

of a worldwide self-development business.

It's not like I have a lot of time

but I really want to give you guys this

information. The resources that are out

there for men,

there's so few available that are

actually about being the greatness that

a man can truly be. I want to read you

something and as just one tiny example

of where we're headed if you find that


you'll also find these videos

interesting. If you don't like what I'm

about to read this is probably not the

place for you. Go to one of those

alpha male channels where it's all about

dominating women.

Okay so give me just a sec I'll be right

back with that.

Okay guys I'm back and this is an

interesting facebook post that this

gentleman posted to his sons, who were

four and seven years old after

the thing with Donald Trump and how he's

treating women and Rudy Giuliani got up

and said "well men at times act like that".

So this is a facebook post this guy

wrote "Caleb and Ethan fortunately

right now you're too young to be exposed

to or interested in political discourse

and you're much too young to have

Facebook accounts but I imagine there'll

be a time in the not-too-distant future

when you're on facebook and will be


I also imagine that at some point after

that weather out of boredom or interest

you look back through your old man's

posts for some funny stories and maybe

some tidbits of wisdom. So I'm gonna

leave this right here for you. Men do not

at times talk like that

sure some individuals with an x and y

chromosome like you may say something

like that but we do not call them men, we

call them perverts, abusers or rapists, not

men. Real men don't do that and wouldn't

even think to say that. You hear a lot of

people tell you

what men do or what it takes to be a man.

The vast majority of it will be total

garbage. If you want to be a man forget

about machoism or sexual conquest. Being

a man is not about that, it's

about protecting those around you who

are weak or innocent, maybe a child being

bullied or your own children.

It's being awake at all hours of the

night to warm a bottle, change a diaper,

change the sheets on a wet bed or even

worse. Men get puked on, pooped on, blood on

and cried on. It's about being open

with someone, vulnerable and accountable.

It's admitting your mistakes and

failures in all its ugliness and seeking

forgiveness over and over and over again.

Real men play dress-up and enjoy tea

parties and we'll make a complete fool

out of themselves just to hear a child

laugh. They cry and even weep when the

situation calls for it. They respect

honor and cherish women because all of

them are human.

It's tough being a man, the hardest work

you'll ever do. So when someone tries to

justify abhorrent words and behavior by

sulling your good reputation as a man be

angry and speak up don't let them

defind you by their conduct. In short be a


Sincerely, Your Dad. So that's sort of

where we're headed where men actually

get to be men and actually get to be the

honoring beings that we are. But also

honoring of each other. I think one of

the biggest things that's missing here


men getting to actually support other

men contribute to other men, be grateful

for other men. It's like somehow we have this weird

macho football idea that you know what

testosterone tells us mount it or kill it are our

only two choices and you know what it's

not like that at all. In the last few

years I have had the the great, great

blessing of having some men in my life

who were there is really, really good

friends who truly have my back.

That's the energy i'd like to bring to

this conversation. So I hope you choose

to sign up and hope you get a heck of a

lot of information that's way more than

you ever thought you would get. It's my

desire to be a contribution to you and

all of us and the interesting thing is

as you start watching these videos, as

you get your questions answered, as you

start to explore this possibility for

being this way in the world the way

women will treat you in the way you'll

treat them will absolutely amaze you and

please no there's no particular

political point of view, there's no

religious point of view, there's nothing

other than us men getting together to

actually contribute to each other and me

hopefully sharing some wisdom that will

help you enjoy you as a man and have the

gratitude for you that you should have.

so thank you so much for listening, thank

you so much for watching. I look forward

to seeing in the next video bye

For more infomation >> The Return of the Gentleman Series with Dr Dain Heer - Duration: 8:27.


2160p 4K UHD Day trip to Wairarapa Martinborough Greytown Stonehenge Aotearoa EV Rapid Charge - Duration: 13:40.

[These subtitles are hand-transcribed and have a few minor variations from the spoke audio track]

Alright, Here is Wellingtons water supply

A couple of giant storage lakes,

up in the hills, above Upper Hutt.

These things [the lakes] are pretty huge.A beautiful day today, funny summer [weather].

The fun thing about this electric car charger, here in Featherston is that

Featherston is over a really big hill from Wellington.

The hill is about 500, 550 meters high

enough that you will get snow in the winter

during during a southerly storm.

If you

drove over the hill to get here, you'll

have some charge when you roll down

hill, but if you're heading back, you've got

to go up this 500 metre hill to get to Upper Hutt.

In that respect is

good to have a charger at the bottom of

the hill on this side, most people if they were driving

from Wellington ( it's very windy day

today) most people driving from

Wellington would have a full

charge when they leave home, so that

would easily get over the hill to get here,

but if you drive over [the hill], go for a

drive around to Martinborough or Greytown

which are a couple of cool little

towns to go for lunch,

go for a coffee got going to some vineyards,

and once you're heading back, then you

kind of need the

electric car charger before the hills, so

that you can recharge to get up and over

the hill on the way, because most people

will be fine, once they are on the downhill on

the other side in their electric cars.

this one's a good a good position to

site an EV charger,

especially the rapid charger.

Hi, I'm here in Featherston by an electric car charger,

There's car chargers now

in most places around New Zealand.

Almost enough, to sort of drive, almost

anywhere. In another year, most places

will be accessible by electric cars and this

is for electric cars,

that has a hundred kilometre range

or 110 to 140km range.

They [Charge.Net.NZ] are placing these

about every 80 kilometres, or better.

in a lot of places, like Auckland,

there are quite a lot of fast electric car chargers now,

so we can take a long journey.

We can go from one town to

another town, fast charge while you are there,

recharge and then go back.

In addition to it, some supermarkets have

chargers, some of these are free, but most

are pay, in the main network

this one, charge net, cost 25c per KWh

and 25c per minute to charge.

So it's kind of like about

ten dollars (NZ$10 = USD6.60) or somewhere around there to

charge of something like a Nissan Leaf

so they can drive another hundred km or so.

Thats car chargers in New Zealand. [Residential electricity cost about 20-30c per KWh]

This is the Wairarapa and I am at the side of one of the roads there.

[at the rift of the 1855 earthquake]

there's just a free-range apple tree

and this is an irrigated paddock, probably dairy farm

that's what people irrigate.

And, sort of, the dry hills over the back there.

This time of year, January middle of summer

see, those hills are really green

green for the time of year, those hills like

normally straw colour or brown colour

a bit like that beautiful one over there.

I'm just taking a drive over to Martinborough [behind the hedges]

to have a cup of coffee, I think.

Martinborough is a great place to visit if you're

on a holiday in New Zealand.

I'm just visiting a cafe in Martinborough,

Martinborough has a lot of vineyards and a few cafes,

in some nice hotels and other accommodation

its a good place to come for a weekend or a

wine or food festival.

I just found this cafe, that I have not been to before and it looks like they roast their own coffee.

If I look around me there's a coffee roasting machine

at the back of the cafe.

and it's quite good

right on the city square, there's a square on

the other side with the trees and stuff,

pretty awesome, and what else is good good?

we've got some music

I recognize the band from New Zealand its pretty awesome anyway.

I'll turn the camera around.

outside is the Martinborogh hotel.

And there's even a bus.

Look at that, I didn't even know you could catch a bus here.

Bus reads: Martinborough via Palmerston North, I don't know where that comes from.

May be a nationwide bus company.

Most people just drive here from Wellington

or Porirua for the day or even from. Napier or

Hastings that's probably a two-hour drive,

yeah maybe a little more up to Napier.

Its a nice drive on pretty empty country highways,

so its really good.

Another thing that's around here is ... Stonehenge Aotearoa.

If you go to Stonehenge Aotearoa

you can see a modernly built Stonehenge

You can go to a scientific talk

where they actually explain stone

circles and henges and how they

work as astronomy calendars,

they have a particularly emphasis on astronomy

rather than astrology, but they do cover both in the talk

the talk is about an hour long,

$20 adults, $15 seniors, $5 children, student ID discount

talk and then a one-hour look around the

Stonehenge, they demonstrate the things that

they explain in the talk. If you're interested in those sorts of stone calendars

I found that after

going to Stonehenge in the UK

the visit here is way more

informational. I learnt so much more by going to Stonehenge Aotearoa

near Masterron, near Greytown and Martinbourogh in the Wairarapa.


[New Zealand free range furniture]

This building is Martinborough Museum and the tiny building beside it is a

public toilet, public toilets in

New Zealand, they usually are provided

with a toilet paper and another thing

quite often they will be wheelchair accessible,

accessibility the big thing in New

Zealand, so much of our public buildings

are designed to be wheelchair accessible,

or mobility accessible.

this is a wind machine, at a vineyard,

a wind machine is used for moving the air

on the vineyard in case there's an early

frost near the harvesting time of the

grapes, so if you have a frost, it

damages the grapes, just before the

harvest time, and so with the wind

machine, there is a whole array of them on the field.

They use these on other orchards and New Zealand

as well, such as kiwifruit, the array of

wind machines will create a breeze which

will stop the frost from settling, which

will stop the fruit from being damaged,

so that it protects your crop. You can get frost

insurance but it's kind of a little

expensive, but in some places that's

affordable, some places frost insurance

was more affordable than wind machines.

But perhaps the wind machines that we

replace the frost insurance.

Heres the turn off for Stonehenge Aotearoa.

Stonehenge itself is located just near the hill,

near the big spooky house up there,

but can't quite see Stonehenge from this intersection here.

Will see if I can spot it, further down the road [it's hard to see from the road].

ok so I'm here at Stonehenge Aotearoa

iust behind me is the visitor centre,

I have taken the tour and totally recommend it,

I've done the tour two times.

It's really breezy again out there, at the moment so not very good for recording video outside.

But, I took a couple of still shots, I'll put them in the video.

This is Greytown, a small town in the Wairarapa,

notable for the craft shops, second hand shops, cafes just generally touristy stuff.

Its a real nice place to come in the summer,

The streets have a lot of real nice big trees,

there are a lot of traditional older houses

Its an archetypical old New Zealand town.

We have quite nice houses,

can't really see much, so many trees

in the neighbourhood. What else is good? There's a playgroup

in some older building

looks like a school down there,

Just a typical kind of kiwi town,

but because it's so close to Wellington, theres a lot of holiday houses here for people

who come from Wellington to come here for the weekends.

behind me here is the building which

I suspect is an an old church by its style

New Zealand's becoming a

increasingly less religious country,

so a lot of old churches, when they get kind of,

not really abandoned, they get sold,

and then they get often converted into

shops and cafes, because they're

interesting historical buildings, so they

they make nice businesses,

occasionally converted into a house or often the cafe.

Although we're out of the country,

there's fashion stores amongst the antique and tourist nick knack stores.

For more infomation >> 2160p 4K UHD Day trip to Wairarapa Martinborough Greytown Stonehenge Aotearoa EV Rapid Charge - Duration: 13:40.


Brian joins BNN to talk about uniting conservatives - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Brian joins BNN to talk about uniting conservatives - Duration: 1:40.


ELA 3: Writing about Differences and Similarities - Duration: 2:28.

We make comparisons every day!

Whether it's comparing the different lunch specials at the cafeteria...

Or comparing two different pairs of pants at the mall...

Making a comparison can be super useful...

Even if the choice might seem obvious.

Seriously, why wouldn't you wear the rainbow polka-dot pants?

That's a no-brainer.

Another place you'll find yourself making comparisons?

At school!

Yup, chances are pretty good that one day, you'll find yourself discussing the similarities

and differences between two works of literature!

And when it comes to putting this comparison into written words, there are two popular

ways to do it!

Let's compare them and see which we like better.




See what we did there?



The first is the block method.

You start by explaining all the aspects of the first thing you're comparing in one big

paragraph, or block.

Then, you explain the same aspects of the second thing in the same order.

This method works well for fairly complicated material, because it allows readers to easily

look for and locate information – the first block is about the first thing and the second

block about the second thing.

Easy peasy.

The other method of comparison is the point-by-point method.

This is when you write about each aspect in turn.

So instead of talking about all the aspects of the first thing, and then all the

aspects of the second thing, you would talk about one aspect of the first thing and the

second thing, then another aspect of the first and second thing, and so on and so forth.

This is best done on simpler topics, since it can be very useful for making comparisons,

but it gets a little confusing if your topic is kind of complex.

Once you've decided on a method, be sure that you're choosing which aspects to compare wisely.

After all, there are an endless number of ways to compare two things, but only a certain

number of them will be interesting and helpful!

For example, if you're comparing two books about Ancient Greece, it might be useful to

compare how they discussed religion, but it wouldn't be useful to compare how many times

each author said the word "the."

…unless you're trying to put yourself to sleep.

Then by all means, go for it.

But if you want to stay awake, do your best to keep things interesting!

Also, we're pretty sure you'd drive yourself completely insane if you tried to count the

number of "the"s in a book…

For the record, we said it thirty-one times in this video.

Yes, we counted, and yes, we're completely insane.

For more infomation >> ELA 3: Writing about Differences and Similarities - Duration: 2:28.


Trump supporters excited about Milwaukee presidential visit - Duration: 1:25.


















>> IAMB.
























6:00, WE



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