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I beg you ! Let me go.
Damn you. Damn you.
No. Leave her aIone.
It's impossibIe to stop you. Damn you !
- JuIia, are you ok ? - I had a scary dream.
- Where's Sandro ? - He's at the new theatre.
Come with us, dreaming Iady, you must hear the new song...
It's very romantic. - Come on, Iet's go.
- I've got the recording here. - We'd better rehearse before Sandro gets back,
or he'II get mad.
We ca just teII him anything we want.
Dance with me ?
Yes, of course, you know I am your sIave.
Out of the way !
Just Iet yourseIf go in my arms, IoveIy.
Of course, if you wiII onIy Iet me breathe.
You are the onIy one for me, you know that.
Don't taIk nonsese. No one is abIe to Iove.
- I don't beIieve i Iove. - So what do you beIieve in ?
In aII sorts of thigs. If I Iike you, I'II kiss you...
But I don't want to feeI Iike a prisoner.
You're so pessimistic it's scary !
That's the way I am. I wouIdn't want it any otherway.
Feelings ever Iast forever...
But everyone pretends they do.
Yes, yes !
Most divine Ieading Iady. WiII you do me the honour ?
Why is't Sandro back yet ? We shouId caII him.
He shouId be here.
And you two shouId be ashamed of yourseIves.
Get back to rehearsing right now.
Do you hear how she taIks to us ?
- Do you know the number? - No, I don't, I don't...
I keep thinkig about him, he knows I'm waiting...
But how do I get in touch with him? Where do I caII?
You shouId ever have come here, this pIace is haunted.
HeIIo, JuIia, it's Sandro. I found a theatre.
Yes, Toy knows where it is. Come at once.
Bye, honey, hurry up !
It's too bad that you won't Iisten to me.
I saw a woman being chased by a ma...
-And then she disappeared. - It's amazing...
My new theatre !
If I was't the director I'd want you to be !
Ad if you weren't the caretaker...
CIoakroom attendant, tooI maker...
BeII ringer and mouse catcher in this oId ruin...
I'd take you as my Iover !
WouId you shave off your moustache for me, dear oId man?
I wouId't make such careIess fun of everything if I were you.
But I'm taking you seriousIy. Very seriousIy...
See, I'm aImost dying !
You might think I suffer from haIIuciations...
But these ?
''InvisibIe waIIs bIock company. - Ieading Iady disappears.''
''Youg actress disappears within the waIIs of the Aquarius Theatre.''
''An actress disappeared within the waIIs of... a theatre.''
Women ! They're aII the same.
-And you Iook drunk, not dying ! -You must Ieave this pIace...
AchiIIe, you're crazy...
The whoIe thing was staged, she probabIy ran off with her Iover.
Or she wanted to get out of a contract without paying the fine.
These were found in the theatre corridors...
They're aII from different years.
And the women who wore them were ever seen again.
They must have worn faIse noses, wigs, ad a fur hat.
I don't know why you're trying to scare me, but you know what I think ?
If ayone's devouring women aroud here, it's you !
But your bad teeth Ieave you the benefit of the doubt...
But if it were you, I'd rather bring you haIf a kiIo of meatbaIIs everyday.
-And that's enough for now. - The haII is this way.
I don't understand if you're scared, or you're just trying to scare me ?
SpirituaI schoIars have aIso been here...
- How do you say...? - Mediums ?
- Mediums. - I hope they caught the deviIs.
No one ca do that. The mediums feIt a presence here...
But they couIdn't figure out where or what it was.
- So why don't you just Ieave? - I can't.
I am bound to this theatre.
You couId say I watched it being buiIt...
I'II Ieave when they throw me out...
OnIy then.
Very weII, but this is now my kingdom.
I dreamt of this show for years but I ever foud a theatre good enough.
They offered me this, and here...
Even if aII of the ghosts of the Puic wars dweII here...
AIIied with the pirates of the Caribbean...
My genius wiII expIode ! You'II be Ieft dumbfouded, oId man.
You'II see a new show...
Recited with words Iike music...
Dances where the rush of emotions seaI the Iips...
Oh ! Theatre ! Oh ! BeautifuI joy !
Listen, this is madness...
I have warned you enough. I am not the master here...
But what you're doing is wrong.
For years, the company has had the courage to perform here.
AchiIIe, I'd fight deviI himseIf just to...
Enough ! You're aII irresponsibIe.
Enough. Enough !
Leave this theatre whiIe there's stiII time.
There are things here that you don't comprehend.
Stop ! OId ghost...
These are the ghosts that wiII pack your theatre.
Them ?
Crazy, crazy... Crazy.
OId ghost, aIIow me to introduce my company...
Dancers, mime artists, actors...
Ad this is Toy. He's to die for... So he says !
-Ad this is... - I'm...
- FiIipo, we know.Ad this is... - ManueIa.
I'm the oIy one with the brains.
That is obvious.
My vestaI virgin, Roberta. Ad this...
- This is the beautifuI... - ...Rosana with the sensuaI Iips.
Cover yourseIf, it's coId.
Ad this is Yvette, born in the city of Lesbo, province of Sappho.
And AIdo, the romantic.
Let us see you smiIe.
He smiIed.
Ad this is HiIda... Koga... Marta...
GabrieIIa... CarIotta...
Ad now, you must stop for a minute.
You have to pay tribute to the most beautifuI...
Notice my breathtaking smiIe.
You siIIy girI, shut that monstrous, enormous trap !
-Where is JuIia ? - BeautifuI, divine JuIia...
The onIy one ! The Ieading Iady was with us but the she disappeared.
-What do you mean, disappeared ? - I can repIace her, I'm better Iooking !
Nothing... It's nothing.
CaIm down.
- Come on. - Turn on the Iights.
Come on, girIs. Don't be afraid.
CaIm down.
AIIow me to introduce myseIf, I'm Giorgio, master of Iight ad sound.
Shame on you. You ugIy !
- I'II smother you ! - Leave him aIone.
- Have you see JuIia ? - No, isn't she here with you ?
It's just a cat...
OId man, go find JuIia. She must be around here.
Move it ! I don't Iike these jokes.
GentIemen... Are you Iooking for me ?
Here's your JuIia.
Giorgio, the Iights. And what are you doing up there ?
I'm Iookig down at you, IittIe earthIings, Iike an OIympian Goddess.
Why did you disappear ? Come on down.
-You couId faII. - Then we'II Iook down at you !
Come down, siIIy.
- Who are you ? - No...
Who are you ?
- Sandro... - That was JuIia screaming.
- I heard her. -That's impossibIe.
This way.
- Why did you scream ? - What happened ?
JuIia, what happened ?
An oId man, with frightening eyes, he was right here...
- He ran away whe I screamed. - Take her dowstairs.
- We'II find him. -You screamed because of a oId man ?
Let's go, siIIy.
This pIace is Iike a Iabyrinth. How wiII we ever find him ?
Come on.
Mind the door.
The noise came from over there.
Here he is.
Dam it, what happened to him ?
I reaIIy don't Iike this pIace.
He just fainted, Iet's take him upstairs.
Maybe he ca teII us what happened when he comes round.
- Why is he Iying near the coffin ? - It's just a prop.
- It Iooks reaI. - Nonsese, just keep quiet.
If it's just nonsense, why don't you open it ?
Now you'II see there's nothing to be afraid of.
- What's that ? - Can't you see ? It's a taiIcoat.
-A taiIcoat in a coffin ? - ProbabIy been here for a hundred years.
Let's hurry up.
Excuse me, but how Iong can you keep flowers ?
-Why ? - Because the ones i that coffin...
...Iooked fresh !
-You aIways have something to say. - I didn't put them there !
Be quiet.
Hey, girIs. It's aII resoIved...
AchiIIe isn't dead even if he was about to take off !
What was it ? A monster with big teeth ?
No, it seems it was someone terribIy weak.
- Then he has a Iook that kiIIs ! -What did he do to her ?
- Strange ! - JuIia, they found him.
You frightened him, dear, but he's stiII breathing.
- Where is he ? - Listen, we aII want to know...
- What did he do to you ? - Nothing, Yvette.
But, JuIia, you must have screamed for a reason.
It wouId be fooIish of you to keep it from us.
If there's any danger, you have to Iet us know...
- Something couId happen to us. -Yes, that's why we need to know.
You know this theatre's been cIosed for years.
There's something here that unsettIes me.
The dressing rooms Iook Iike Etrusca tombs.
The doors creak, the windows Iook Iike eyes...
The curtains Iike vengefuI ghosts... and I'm scared, just Iike you are.
- But you screamed for nothing. - I stiII don't understand why ?
Ad I don't uderstand why he ran away ?
You must have scared him.
Me and him, it's Iike we both saw ghosts...
I saw his... He saw mine. How do you Iike this pIace ?
WeII, we're trying to be brave.
- We're here because we have to be. - I'm going to see the oId man.
The stage is the otherway.
There's a way here as weII.
Has JuIia been to this theatre before ?
She said she hadn't.
Just take your time, you received a frightfuI shock.
- Do you know me ? - No... No.
How strange.
But I've met you before.
No, oId peopIe aII Iook aIike to youthfuI eyes...
We onIy have one face, though.
WeII ? ShaII we go back to rehearsing ?
- Or have you Iost interest ? - But, my dear, I thought you...
Not at aII. I feeI great now.
Very weII. Your enthusiasm is contagious.
We'II start immediateIy. Off to work !
We need to cIean the stage. There are so many things to do...
I'm going to make this theatre shine.
- It sure needs it ! - It won't take Iong.
I begged your director to Ieave this pIace...
-And I toId him the reasons why. - What are they ?
There's no point repeating them, you won't beIieve me.
I've ever been in this theatre before, but I recognize it...
Ad I recognize you, as weII.
You ran away when I screamed...
Ad that isn't normaI.
I beIieve you know a Iot more than you Iet on...
I can see it in your behaviour. What are you trying to hide ?
- My name's JuIia. - I didn't ask.
- I had to say it. -You must Ieave.
There's stiII time.
Go, whiIe the theatre door remains open.
Everything about this pIace is strange...
I can't expIain anymore than I just toId you.
I'm going for a waIk around the theatre.
Work weII.
You reaIIy are weak ! Heavy work sure isn't for you.
Lift this.
- WiII you move ? - No.
- See how strong I am ? - That was Iight as a feather !
- Put me dow ! - I'm as strog as HercuIes.
What's got into you?
Now you're going to fIy through cobwebs !
Let go of me. Monster !
Keep your voice down.
You protest so much, then you come with me.
I know why you brought me here.
Don't come near or I'II scream.
- May I? - Not yet... On your knees !
Promise me you didn't join this company because of JuIia.
I'd rather faII in Iove with a Iion in the jugIe, or a wiId horse.
- So you Iove me ? - What a question !
- Promise me you Iove the moon as weII. -What about the moon ?
If you Iove me, you must Iove the moon, as weII.
- Then I Iove the moon. - No...
An aIcove is a pIace for romantic encounters...
Not for sensuaI encounters !
I'm going to Iet you...
You may kiss me but don't take advantage !
- Is that aII ? - It's enough for today.
I Iove you. Don't you get it ? I Iove you...
I Iove you !
I want to soar into reaI art...
Art with a capitaI Ietter, great ad eternaI...
To sigh with HamIet, ''To be or not to be...''
''That is the question.''
But this is not it !
We move things around, we cIean...
I can't stand it anymore.
I, who canot dance without singig out Ioud.
I couId say it so beautifuIIy.
If oIy I had kissed you, again ad again...
You wouIdn't be so upset.
It's madness. Yes, madness... Madness !
Aurora, heIp me here.
Are you Ieaving ? You're Ieaving dressed Iike that ?
What are you worried about ?
-WouId you think me scandaIous ? - No, not me.
God, I remember you...
And how I Iove you.
Yes, but no kissing.
Not even one on the forehead ?
No, but you may send it by teIegraph.
- JuIia, what's wrong ? - I'm scared...
- I feeI someone Iooking at me. - Who ?
I don't kow but I'm scared !
-You have to stop thinkig about it. - I wasn't scared before...
But this pIace makes my skin crawI and I don't know why.
You're stiII shake up after your encounter with AchiIIe.
-You IittIe chicken ! - Funny !
Let's rehearse. I want to move, dance !
- I want to try the stage first. - It doesn't matter, Iet's take a few steps.
Just to start with.
Then they'II work with a CharIeston tempo.
We'II Iet her have her way. Giorgio, a CharIeston.
I wonder what's on her mid.
- I'm ready. - Let's start.
The show is begining. A brutaI show.
Sandro ! Do you Iike our work ?
-You're on the right way. - Brute ! UgIy !
Stop. I can't do this anymore !
Stop !
- JuIia. - No !
No !
-Why did you foIIow me ? - Stop it now, what's wrong ?
WiII you teII me what's going on ? First, you insist on rehearsing...
- The you run off ? - I'II make it up to everyone.
JuIia. JuIia...
Let's go. You don't need to apoIogise.
No ? What, then ?
PIease try to be reasonabIe.
- What do you want from me ? - To understand you.
You can't.
I Iove you, JuIia.
That's great, you're a Iucky man. So what's your probIem ?
You Iove me, and because of an absurd prank, we're aIone here...
Why don't you take advantage ? Kiss me.
- JuIia, you reaIIy are beautifuI. - Is that aII ?
Okay, Iet's go back upstairs. We'II take up the rehearsaI.
- FooI. - Thank you.
I'm not a sentimentaI woman, I'm primitive...
I'II ever understand your Iove, so why do you bIame me ?
You couId at Ieast go back to rehearsaIs. No need to set off a interpIanetary war.
You don't understand me.
You Iove me. The whoIe worId seems so distant...
I feeI estranged by everything around me.
When I say your name, it feeIs Iike someone eIse is speaking through me.
Because I'm Iiving... in a pIace I don't know.
PIease, Iet's get out of here.
Cursed monster !
I may be your servnat...
But this time, I'II fight you !
Pay attetion.
The rest of rehearsaI wiII be based onn three different themes...
So you'II get a better impression of the different times.
Giorgio, curtains and music.
The subIime sense of Cyrano's kiss...
wiII articuIate the degrading perversions of a turn of the century gigoIo...
ad the decadence of modern times.
No, that doesn't work at aII. Stop !
You need more finesse, more intensity.
We'II start from Cyrano.
Come on, do your best.
- Hurry up. - He's ever happy.
- Enough. - Let work tomorrow.
- Hurry, hurry. - Sandro is a sIave trader.
Who is it ?
You'II just exhaust yourseIves.
You're hurting me !
AII this horribIe cIoseness makes me sick.
Thief ! You stoIe aII my Iipstick.
CarIotta, wait for me.
-Aurora. -Yvette ?
Why are you aIways aIone ?
Do you aIso beIieve that friendship between two women is purer ?
Greater than Iove, even.
I don't know.
Poor Yvette. You're stiII thinkig of Erico.
Forget about him.
Yvette. Aurora.
Get back upstairs. Sandro's waiting for you.
Miss HercuIes is giving us orders !
I'm sorry.
For what ? I don't understand you.
No, no...! This pIace is cursed.
Enough. Monster.
I'm not afraid of you anymore.
Your face, your eyes, your expression, It's just not working...
You have to abandon yourseIves to the poetic intensity of the sceen.
And what is a kiss?
A pIedge properly seaIed, a promise seasoned to taste...
A vow stamped with the immediacy of Iips...
A rosy circIe draw around the word ''Iove''...
A kiss is a message too intimate for the ear...
Eternity captured in the bee's brief visit to a fIower.
A worIdIy communication with an aftertaste of heaven...
The puIse rising from the heart to utter its a men on a Iover's Iip: 'Forever.'
- Who was that ? - Don't joke.
- It might be a ghost. - How fantastic.
It's wonderfuI that peopIe stiII perform these pIays.
Thank you. But who are you ?
An admirer of oId styIe theatre.
I've ever missed a show in this theatre.
You've been here for so Iong.
AIso, because once...
PeopIe beIieved in the marveIous Ianguage of a kiss.
A Ianguage that's Iost today.
To us, a kiss is a kiss !
And what is a kiss ?
Everything... or nothing ?
A pIedge properly seaIed, a promise seasoned to taste...
A vow stamped with the immediacy of a Iip...
A rosy circIe draw around the word ''Iove''...
A kiss is a message too intimate for the ear...
-A broke mirror means bad Iuck. -Are you superstitious ?
- I'm not. - It's aII nonsense.
I'm sorry, miss. I hope you're not superstitious.
It's an oId buiIding.
Sooner or Iater, it's aII going to crumbIe away.
I hope I haven't disturbed you.
No ! I'm not staying here !
No ! I'm not staying here any Ionger !
Let's get out of here. None of us want to stay.
- We're staying. -Yvette's right, Iet's Ieave.
No, we're not going aywhere. We're staying here !
AII it takes is some stupid prank to frighten you. You're aII...
Don't be siIIy, Giorgio, turn the Iights back on.
Rosana, what happened to you ? TaIk to me.
Was someone here ?
Let's Ieave this pIace.
- WiII you teII me now ? - It must have been a dream.
AIdo, Iet's go away. Let's just Ieave.
You're out of your mind. I don't understand you.
-AII of you, stay here. -What are you going to do ?
I'm going to put an end to aII this.
Someone doesn't wat us here, that's aII.
Ad I think I know who it is !
Sandro, this isn't a joke. He attacked me...
And earIier, in the mirror...
- whiIe he was taIking... - This is Iunacy, he's fooIing aII of you.
I feeI Iike throwing someone against the waII.
You're Iucky to be an oId man !
-You have no idea how oId I am ! - Why is everything Iocked ?
I haven't toId the others so as not to scare them...
But I tried to open the doors, they're Iocked !
I can't open them now, I'm onIy a servant.
Make up your mind ! You have very IittIe time...
If you don't open them, I'II burn down the theatre !
- It wouId mean saIvation. - Ours ! Not yours !
Go to the door and if you don't open it, I'II naiI you to it !
I hear someone caIIing me, it might be the man in the taiIcoat...
- He might be abIe to heIp. -You're insane.
Stop her.
-AIdo, don't Iet him get away. - I'II keep an eye o him
I am JuIia.
No, you are Laura.
My name's JuIia.
Where did we meet ?
You are...
You are Laura.
I feeI as though I've been pIunged into a Iost dream...
In another Iife.
Far away. Far, far, away.
But stiII aIive.
Lady Laura.
Why ?
Why ?
Why do you caII me Laura ?
I have dreamt for so Iong of havig my revenge.
Who are... you ?
Let go of me !
She can't just disappear Iike that, she must be buried underneath this.
HeIp me out.
What is it ?
It's bIood. It's bIood !
- It's impossibIe. - I want to Ieave.
It's just that crazy oId man.
There must be something here. HeIp me.
It can't be JuIia. It can't be.
It's JuIia's dress !
It's that damned taiIcoat.
Remember, Laura, I have not forgotten.
Where are we ? Where are we ?
I have not forgotten.
Remember. Remember.
The castIe vauIt !
Then you'II aIso recognise my tomb.
Tomb !
Why me ?
But there's nothing here.
Keep Iooking. Don't give up.
It Iooks just Iike JuIia.
No, it's Laura.
It's Lady Laura, I was her most trusted servant.
-ActuaIIy, much more than a servant. - How it resembIes JuIia !
It's Laura...
A medium, one of many who came to study the phenomenos in this theatre...
said that in the space of perhaps hundreds of years...
Laura's souI wiII find another body to occupy.
And oIny then, perhaps through some mysterious process of reincaration,
the forces of eviI that Iive in poor Stefano,
wiII be destroyed.
Look... Look at your victims.
I destroyed them as you destroyed me.
They wait for each new moon. Their souIs wiII remain young...
But I can stiII kiII them !
This is the curse that weighs on my souI.
That aIIows me to go on Iiving, to destroy beauty.
Because your beauty destroyed me many years ago.
- Laura. - No, Stefano !
You were my damnation.
You !
Say you Iove me. Say you'II Iove me forever.
Nothing can crush the Iove I feeI for you.
Stefano, these brief moments I share with you...
They make my Iife compIete.
I can't stand to think of your husband...
Laura, come away with me.
- Today... Now ! - I'm scared, Stefano...
I'm scared of Iife outside these waIIs.
- What is it, DeIphine ? - The Count has returned.
- Go away. - I had to warn you.
Go, DeIphine. I'II be there shortIy.
- We must Ieave each other. - Laura, no, it's impossibIe...
I'm going mad, I have to teII your husband that you're mine.
Quiet, Stefano... Quiet.
Tonight, enter through the passageway in the rocks...
- and wait for me in the chain room. -Yes.
But your servant came instead, to bury me aIive in a tomb.
And so I caIIed out I impIored...
The wiII of aII of the cursed forces of eviI inside me...
He was waIIed up, bound to his terribIe curse.
Dead and aIive forever !
And since that day,
I have been witness to the most despicabIe acts of horror on human Iives.
I had to serve him. Serve him forever.
Because no force on earth can defeat him.
I don't want to anymore. HeIp me.
Stop me before his wiII for destruction overpowers me.
The time has come for revenge.
Forces of eviI that inhabit me !
I offer you this souI.
Forces of eviI that inhabit me !
The moment for my revenge...
...has come !
UnIeash your rage and torture your victim !
Devour her souI !
Let us rejoice in her painfuI death !
She's yours. Devour her aIive !
Drink her bIood.
Make her suffer. More !
Forces of eviI, feeI the rage...
My time has come !
As much as you hate me, and as much as I fear you...
- I canot hate you ! - Hate me...
I need your hate to attack you.
For aII the harm I've caused you, pIease forgive me.
I Iove you. I stiII Iove you.
Forces of eviI that keep me aIive...
Damn you !
Laura, go away.
Laura... Go away !
Leave this accursed pIace.
Run, and don't stop untiI dawn...
Because I can oIy strike you if you stop.
Go away !
Go away.
Laura !
You mustn't stop...
He'II draw you to him if you remain here.
Aurora !
It's madess to stay. He'II get you.
Untie me.
I feeI compIeteIy Iost. Where am I ?
Here's JuIia. JuIia knows what to do.
- What happened ? - Sandro...
I had to teII you something, but I don't remember what it is.
What happened ?
I don't remember anything.
Where have I been ?
What happened to me ?
Lady Laura. Lady Laura !
Here comes Stefano.
Forgive me, they were too strong for me.
HeIp. He's coming.
You must Ieave.
Hurry... Hurry !
They can't Ieave the stage, it wouId be the end.
There's a invisibIe barrier you canot pass.
- Keep moving. - Let go of me !
Carlotta, keep moving.
It wiII be the end if you stop.
Giorgio, don't Iet go of me no matter what happens.
CaIm down.
I can't go on... I can't go on !
JuIia, do you know where Rosana is ?
Stefano, where are you ?
- JuIia ! - Rosana !
- What are you doing here ? - Where's Rosana ?
I know where to find her but I have to go aIone.
Take them back upstairs, otherwise they'II have to dance again.
You wiII come with me.
You'II come with me. Don't be afraid.
She disappeared into the painting.
How is that possibIe ? The painting doesn't move.
Look at the writing.
''That the flames of destruction stay away for aII eternity.''
We have to find some torches. The fire wiII destroy it.
Forces of eviI, nourish yourseIves...
Because I Iive... I Iive for aII eternity...
For my revenge !
We have to trust the writing.
Stay back.
Get back.
Watch out !
To the stairs. Get back to the stage.
You can't escape, monster ! Get him !
Your fate is seaIed !
SeaIed !
The nightmare is over.
He's nothing more than dust.
Adaptation - Marija NieIse
Artus FiIms - 2012
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