Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily so Jun 13 2017

Good Job! You Listen!

Dang girl, surprised you don't weigh a million pounds

Yes, I Have...


Lol I went silent to test you! I did really bad at cooking that!

Lol, I haven't edited that into it at this time!

Go check out Justin Higens, or Savage Games, and sub

Basically I have to combine the intro and original video but i must upload the video first. So if you see me release a video saying Sample don't watch it.


For more infomation >> Whoa, So Many Burgers! | Papa's Burgeria Ep. 3 - Duration: 10:10.


Why so many half-filled packages? - Duration: 0:47.




























For more infomation >> Why so many half-filled packages? - Duration: 0:47.


"Let's Dance": So rührend übergibt Gil den Pokal an Papa Abi - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> "Let's Dance": So rührend übergibt Gil den Pokal an Papa Abi - Duration: 1:50.


Duisburgs OB: So wichtig ist die Kindernothilfe - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Duisburgs OB: So wichtig ist die Kindernothilfe - Duration: 1:12.


Marketing is hard and TV beer has gone stale - OMR Briefing #3 - Duration: 2:30.

Marketing is so hard; TV beer gone stale

Marketing is so hard. What do I mean by that?

The people at Check24, Germany's largest comparison portal,

take to the airwaves every night

to tell us on TV how crucial it is for us to use their portal

to compare prices for electricity and sometimes change our provider.

You, too, can save up to 500% on electricity.

Compare now, switch and save!

The campaign is expensive, too.

Per quarter, Check24 has over EUR 40 million

in marketing and media expenses alone.

Just to tell us we should a switch.

And in the end, hardly anyone's switching.

According to Germany's Telecommunications Regulatory Board,

only 6% of households have changed their electric company.

To put that into concrete numbers:

only 3 million from a possible 40 million households

switched electric companies.

What can we learn from that?

Marketing is no easy proposition,

and it's also incredibly expensive.

If in the electricity sector,

it's so hard to get people to conduct a desired action

how difficult is marketing then in other sectors?

TV Beer gone stale

Who else is having problems

getting their TV ads to perform at the moment?

That would be none other than the folks at the big German breweries.

TV-beers, if you will,

have gone flat.

In the end, they are mostly on offer at a huge discount.

Three out of every four crates of beer

from the big German breweries

end up on the sale's rack.

Beer sales in Germany have shrunk by 30% since the 90s.

At its peak, Warsteiner sold 6 million hectoliters.

Today, it's only 2.3 million hectoliters.

One possible explanation?

There are better, more personal,

.authentic, endearing storytelling alternatives out there,

namely, craft beer producers.

What can we learn from that?

Happy dudes in lush natural settings

and boats on TV, don't whet people's whistles any longer.

Today, you need:

digital, storytelling and, ideally,

some hip, cool, bada** influencers.


Finally, my big YouTube moment has arrived.

Me as a YouTuber says

like me, comment me

share me and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Marketing is hard and TV beer has gone stale - OMR Briefing #3 - Duration: 2:30.


'This Day, so Beautiful', Eorann's aria from Mad King Suibhne by Noah Mosley - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 'This Day, so Beautiful', Eorann's aria from Mad King Suibhne by Noah Mosley - Duration: 3:25.


THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!! 😳📢 - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!! 😳📢 - Duration: 7:06.


Alexis Gilbert's Audition Impresses The Judges | Season 14 Ep. 1 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 1:26.

[music - bishop briggs, "river"]

Shut your mouth and run me like a river.

Tales of an endless heart.

Cursed is the fool who's willing.

Can't change the way we are.

One kiss away from killing.

Don't you say, don't you say it.

Don't say, don't you say it.

one breath, it'll just break it.

So shut your mouth and run me like a river.

Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver.

Holy hands, oh, they make me a sinner.

Like a river, like a river.


[music - bishop briggs, "river"]

Shut your mouth and run me like a river.


Oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, oh.

Like a river.

All right.


For more infomation >> Alexis Gilbert's Audition Impresses The Judges | Season 14 Ep. 1 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 1:26.


Power-Familie Kroos: So helfen sie schwerkranken Kindern! - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Power-Familie Kroos: So helfen sie schwerkranken Kindern! - Duration: 0:50.


Vanessa-Mai-Hochzeit: So romantisch war die Trauung! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Vanessa-Mai-Hochzeit: So romantisch war die Trauung! - Duration: 0:53.


Darius Hickman's Audition Wows Everyone | Season 14 Ep. 1 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 2:08.

[music playing]




Oh, oh.




(SINGING) Now the wind, now a voice that carries.

You know the one this time.


(SINGING) Now a breath.

Now a name I'm calling.

Yours is the one this time.

Oh, wow.

(SINGING) We are the ones this time.

We are the--


(SINGING) We are the ones this time.

We are the ones this time.

So soft, the landing.


(SINGING) We are the--





Young man, what you've been through.

For more infomation >> Darius Hickman's Audition Wows Everyone | Season 14 Ep. 1 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 2:08.


Schon 2 Jahre her! So schön war Sofia bei ihrer Hochzeit! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Schon 2 Jahre her! So schön war Sofia bei ihrer Hochzeit! - Duration: 0:53.


So geht's weiter in der "Lindenstraße"! - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> So geht's weiter in der "Lindenstraße"! - Duration: 1:27.


Luke Dryjski's Audition Is Cut Short By Nigel | Season 14 Ep. 1 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 0:55.


[music - the weeknd, "starboy"]

I'm trying to to put you in the worst mood, ah.

P1 cleaner than your church shoes, ah.

Milli point two just to hurt you, ah.

All red Lamb' just to tease you, ah.

Pockets overweight gettin' hefty, ah.

Coming for the king that's far cry, ah.

I come alive in the fall time.

Switch up my style, I take any lane, ah.



For more infomation >> Luke Dryjski's Audition Is Cut Short By Nigel | Season 14 Ep. 1 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 0:55.


Why it's so hard for the White House to change the conversation - Duration: 7:59.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And to continue our politics conversation, we're joined now by Tamara Keith

of NPR and Stu Rothenberg, senior editor at Inside Elections.

Thank you both.

It's good to have you.

So, Tam, you just heard Chris Ruddy, who does talk to people in the White House -- he said

he talked to the president on Friday -- say that he thinks the president is considering

terminating Robert Mueller.

Is that something we were aware of?

TAMARA KEITH, National Public Radio: Certainly, there has been stuff around on Twitter of

other Republicans raising questions about Mueller.

But the way that Ruddy just couched that, he made it clear that -- and maybe he was

protecting himself and the president, but he made it clear that he was basing that on

something that one of the president's lawyers had said on TV over the weekend.

The other thing that stood out to me is talking about Robert Mueller having had a meeting

at the White House, having met with the president, possibly to take the job of FBI director,

which is a job he had held before.

NPR and Carrie Johnson, my colleague at NPR, had been reporting that Mueller had met with

Justice Department officials and also White House officials.

But the idea that he also met with the president himself is new, to me at least.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Stu Rothenberg, this is -- these are -- the story just keep bubbling up about

Mr. Mueller, Mr. Comey, the president, the Russia investigation.

This is a White House that, this week, is trying to get -- clearly get away from this.

STUART ROTHENBERG, Inside Elections: Right.

JUDY WOODRUFF: They have labeled it Workforce Development Week.

What -- can they have -- can they make any progress in changing direction when you have

this kind of conversation going on?


I think it's a great idea that they should try to change the discussion and narrative.

But, in this case, as you point out, there's too much is going on.

During Workforce Development Week, tomorrow, we have the Sessions testimony on the Hill.

We have two attorneys general, one from D.C., one from Maryland, announced that they're

going to sue the president over the Emoluments Clause.

We had today the Ninth Circuit Court issuing an opinion upholding the travel ban.

It's as if the president has already kind of broken so many bottles and glasses that

there is glass strewn on the floor and any step he takes, he's going to crunch something.

So, I think it would be a wonderful idea for the White House to change the subject, but

you can see what happened in the last 24 hours.

JUDY WOODRUFF: But, Tam, they're still trying.

Last week, it was infrastructure week.

TAMARA KEITH: And that was not...




TAMARA KEITH: And Mr. Comey week is actually what it was.

And so the president is flying tomorrow.

He's going to Waukesha, Wisconsin, to tour a technical college and talk about apprenticeships.

On a slow news day, any other president, that might sort of be a headline, but it certainly

wouldn't be a front-page headline.

If you're trying to distract some very big headlines, going to a technical college isn't

necessarily the answer.

Here's the other thing.

We have been trying to press the White House to find out what policy change the president

actually envisions or they say that they want more private-to-private partnerships, to do

more apprenticeships.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Around this work force development, right.

TAMARA KEITH: Exactly, around this work force development.

But then they're saying, well, you will have to wait until Wednesday to find out exactly

what we're talking about.

And that's a long time to wait and it's a long time to expect people to pay attention

to something that is not related to the biggest news of the day.

STUART ROTHENBERG: Two other points.

One is, are there tapes?

That hasn't been answered, so, every day, reporters are going to ask that.

And the other thing was, I think Chris Ruddy made some news today.

He said the president is considering the firing of the special counsel.

Isn't that the next week's discussion now?

So, it's hard for me to believe that...

JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, and we couldn't tell -- as Tamara was saying, we couldn't tell

if he was just referring to what one of the president's lawyers is saying, but the fact

that he said it has...

STUART ROTHENBERG: And the way he said it, yes, absolutely.

JUDY WOODRUFF: .. has to make us wonder.


JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, as you mentioned, Stu, you have got the travel ban decision today

by the federal court.

There doesn't seem to be good news.

I mean, health care reform seems to be, at least for the time being, slogged, stopped


Stopped up, is that the word in the Senate?

There is nothing happening yet.

Maybe it will happen.

We haven't seen a tax reform plan.

Are we just going to watch the news develop every week like this?



So, there is a problem for the White House on a number of levels.

The president wants to change the narrative.

He also wants to accomplish things.

He hasn't yet.

Maybe he will.

But one of the things I believed for many weeks and months is that he has to worry about

the fatigue factor on the American public.

I remember thinking back to Bill Clinton and all the drama in the Clinton White House.

And after a while, people thought, ay yi yi, another thing we have.

Oy gevalt, as we say.

This is the same kind of thing.

It's -- there is another crisis every day.

And after a while, people just -- they don't want that.

They want things to return to normal.

And Donald Trump's -- the whole premise of Donald Trump is upsetting normal.

Well, you can only do that if you accomplish certain things and people start to feel better

about themselves and the country.

JUDY WOODRUFF: How much do they recognize this at the White House, do you think, Tam?

TAMARA KEITH: Well, they're obviously trying to correct it.

They're trying to do things that normal presidents do, like hold a Cabinet meeting, as they did

today, though it turned into somewhat unusual session of every Cabinet head praising the

president in very effusive ways that is sort of beyond what would be normal for one of

these types of events, one of these types of photo-ops.

JUDY WOODRUFF: I want to turn you to something -- because we do pay attention to parts of

the country, Stu, outside of Washington occasionally.

But there are a couple of elections coming up.

Tomorrow in Virginia, there's a primary as they choose their governor.


JUDY WOODRUFF: A week from tomorrow, there's a much-watched vote to choose the next member

of Congress from the 6th District in Atlanta, Georgia.

STUART ROTHENBERG: Yes, and I think that special election is a really big deal.


STUART ROTHENBERG: I think Democrats have been hoping...


STUART ROTHENBERG: In Georgia, right, the Georgia 6th special.


STUART ROTHENBERG: Democrats have been hoping for a victory to take off over a Republican


This one was very close.

Donald Trump won it by a point in November.

And the Democrats feel like they have a great opportunity here.

And if they do, then we will have another news story, another data point that the White

House will have to respond to.

If the Democrats lose, I think, after losing in Kansas and Montana -- and, yes, the Democrats

kind of exceeded expectations -- but losing in the Georgia seat, there will be a sense

of just, are the voters really turning on Donald Trump or not?

So I think it's a big deal for both parties.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Is the White House watching that one?

TAMARA KEITH: Oh, absolutely they're watching it.

And just today, President Trump was saying, look, we did well in Kansas, we did well in

Montana, Democrats think they have something going on, but, no, they don't, look at what

we have done.

So, the president himself is watching this closely.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And he said complimentary things about Karen Handel, the Republican candidate.

TAMARA KEITH: I think he would take it as a personal loss if she loses.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Because -- is it, Stu?


It would be.

JUDY WOODRUFF: A statement about Donald Trump?


Neither Karen Handel, the Democrat -- the Republican, nor Jon Ossoff, the Democrat,

are perfect candidates.

They have raised a lot of money.

There is a lot of energy, and most of it is national money and energy.

But I don't -- think there's no doubt.

If there was a Democrat in the White House, I would expect the Republican to win the race


And now, with a controversial Republican in the White House, no, this election is -- it's

about Donald Trump.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Stu Rothenberg, Tamara Keith, this is about the two of you.

Thank you.


TAMARA KEITH: Thank you.

For more infomation >> Why it's so hard for the White House to change the conversation - Duration: 7:59.


Citroën DS3 1.6 SO CHIC | Clima | LM | Navi | PDC - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 SO CHIC | Clima | LM | Navi | PDC - Duration: 1:01.


DS DS 3 1.2 PURETECH 110PK SO CHIC * NAVI * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> DS DS 3 1.2 PURETECH 110PK SO CHIC * NAVI * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:54.


DS DS 3 1.2 PURETECH 110PK SO CHIC * NAVI * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> DS DS 3 1.2 PURETECH 110PK SO CHIC * NAVI * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:59.


Coconut Yogurt Smoothie - So Delicious Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Smoothie Recipe - Duration: 6:26.

Hey everybody! Today we are making the So Delicious Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Smoothie, and guess what? It's gonna be so delicious!

For those of you who are new to our little piece of the internet, welcome! Feel free

to put your name and where you're watching from in the comments below. Let

me know if you've ever used coconut yogurt in your smoothies before, or

yogurt in general in your smoothies before. For those of you who don't know

who I am, my name is Jenna, hello nice to meet you. I'm the founder of GreenBlender

and GreenBlenders a smoothie delivery service. Every week we send all

the pre-portioned ingredients and super foods to make amazing smoothies at home.

We get to explore new ingredients and it is really fun! So today we're going to

actually be using So Delicious coconut yogurt in our smoothies today. I live in

Brooklyn, and I went to brunch the other day and you know you like kind of look

at the menu we scope it out. And you're like okay that sounds good, but then we

got into the restaurant, we sit down and I kept looking at the menu. Something

felt amiss, and we had just stumbled on a vegan brunch spot. Now, there's not

there's no problem with vegan brunch spots, but I do like to have some

half-and-half in my coffee and I ordered the yogurt granola bar or the granola

bowl and it was so good. So good that I had to ask what yogurt they

were using and guess what? They were using So Delicious yogurt, which is

really has a great mouthfeel; its very creamy and rich. There's no added sugar

in this one and actually, I thought it would make a great smoothie base to

get a rich creamy coconutty flavor and of course it's going to taste great in

the Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Smoothie. So I thought I would give it a shot and let

you guys know what - let you guys all try this out since it's going out in boxes

this week. So let us talk about what else is in this recipe! We are going to put in

one of these little containers, which is five and a half ounces - I think - five

point three ounces, four ounces of strawberries, one banana, two little

spheres of rhubarb, and some lucuma powder - my favorite superfood of all. I go

really hardcore in depth about lucuma in the Cinnamon Rice and Everything

Nice Recipe. So, let's try this out! We're going to put in some water, a cup of

water, and a cup of ice and we're going to throw in this coconut yogurt

alternative. You can - coconut yogurt - I mean, I don't eat a lot of dairy. I really,

like I said, just have a couple tablespoons of half-and-half in my

coffee. I'm going to try it out tell you what it tastes like, but so because of

that, I really get I don't really eat a lot of dairy products - maybe a little

cheese and a little half-and-half in my coffee. So I found that if I ate too much

dairy, it kind of upsets my stomach these days. So this is like the yogurt

alternative yogurt - coconut yogurt is a great way to get that creamy factor in

without getting an upset stomach. If you have, are so low sensitive to dairy. Mmm...

it's really good, really creamy; there's no like gridiness. It has the same

consistency as dairy yogurt. It has as a little bit of a hint of vanilla. It's going to

really go great with the strawberries in here. So I'll just throw this in, oh yeah!

Alright, they have a bunch of different flavors

in here, but I like to stick to just the vanilla unsweetened because the fruit

and veggies or yeah the fruit and veggies and the smoothie are going to

really take center stage and the coconut yogurt it's going to be like it a nice

creamy afterthought. I'll throw my banana and I'm going to put in this my rhubarb, which

rhubarb is actually a vegetable, even though you find them in strawberry

rhubarb pies. Don't eat the leaves; they're poisonous. So if you ever see - usually you

can't buy rhubarb with leaves on it, since they are poisonous, but if you

do find some rhubarb with leaves on it, do not eat the leaves. I'm going to throw in my

lucuma powder, which is a great natural sweetener hailing from south america.

Kind of tastes like caramel maple flavor - gonna go great in this this little pie

smoothie. Who loves - who doesn't like to eat pie for breakfast - you know?

I'm going to throw this over here, let's see...oh you know what I forgot my ice. I always do that!

I can feel you guys

saying "No, the ice!" Thanks everyone.

Alright, look how beautiful this is! Mmm... strawberry rhubarb pie. This looks so creamy; let's try it.

Just as I suspected; its so delicious! Thanks to the So Delicious coconut

yogurt. This tastes like...really a strawberry rhubarb pie. It's a little bit

tarter than you would imagine because of the rhubarb. Rhubarb is actually pretty

tart. The strawberries in here, we get organic strawberries, so you don't have

to top them. You can throw the whole thing in. I don't like to waste

strawberries because they're just too good!

This smoothie is low-calorie, only about 107 calories per serving, low sugar and

immune boosting and finally it helps your skin look great! So let me know what

you think about this. Let me know if you use yogurt or coconut yogurt in your

smoothies. I'd love to hear your ideas for that! Until tomorrow, Cheers!

For more infomation >> Coconut Yogurt Smoothie - So Delicious Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Smoothie Recipe - Duration: 6:26.


Here's How Produce 101 Star Kang Daniel Got So Good At Dancing - Duration: 1:13.

Here's How Produce 101 Star Kang Daniel Got So Good At Dancing

Produce 101 contestant Kang Daniel has captured the attention of fans for his dedication and hard work.

As one of the shows top trainees, his performances are always top-notch, but in order to hone his dance skills to this level, he had to put in an incredible amount of work.

It was recently revealed that when Daniel was still training as a dancer, he would travel for 3 hours in order to learn from the best.

He even sought out training from Son Byunghun, a well-known dancer who appeared on Mnets dance survival program, Dancing 9. While he was training, he never limited himself to one genre, and practiced many styles from Bboying to Modern dance.

His versatility eventually led him to become a backup dancer for Fiestars Cao Lu on the MBC reality show, Her Secret Weapon. Now, all this effort and dedication is paying off as every one of his performances on Produce 101 has been flawless.

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