Used commands cuz i dont have years to play hoi4
Only Time- Enya (Enjoy this serene Music as you view the Road with my eyes). - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
Kaepernick and Lynch jerseys used as doormats at Missouri bar, owner accused of racism - Duration: 2:32.Kaepernick and Lynch jerseys used as doormats at Missouri bar, owner accused of racism
adventures with abby : ASBURY PARK, NJ VLOG + WHAT I EAT IN A DAY AS A VEGAN #3 - Duration: 9:28.Hello, guys!
Today I will be doing a 2nd vlog.
I haven't done a vlog since June, so for this one, I'm going to be going to Asbury Park, NJ.
Today's going to be real hot, like, in the upper 80s.
So I'm wearing jeans.
And I don't care!
I'm also doing a What I Eat In A Day As A Vegan #3 for this video too.
That way, I'm going to be out most of the time and you'll be able to see what I'm doing.
Tonight, I will be going to see a concert, which is cool.
maybe I'll get that on camera.
I have no idea what the band's name is called.
So I'll have to ask my parents for that.
that's pretty much it.
As you can see, I already packed up my...bag...already.
That way I'm ready to go.
I haven't been to the beach in a long time.
And I've been craving for it!
Since school started.
To be honest, school already sucks.
I don't like it.
I'm looking forward to it!
After we walked on the boardwalk,
I got very hot.
And now, we're just chilling out in our hotel room 'til the concert starts.
Um, to kill time, I'm going to do my homework.
That way I don't have to do it tomorrow, which is Sunday.
Hubbard VFW post bans NFL games as players kneel for anthem - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
O.J. Simpson Could Be Released On Parole As Soon As Monday - Duration: 0:25.-------------------------------------------
Connect with Anyone, As if by Magic | Corporate Speaker Brian Miller | TEDx Celebrity - Duration: 3:19.80,000.
That's how many people you will meet and personally interact with
over the course of a lifetime. It's true.
Eighty thousand people.
Which means that at this point in your life,
each and every one of us in this room
has already met at least
20,000 people.
And the question I want you to roll around the back of your mind
this weekend and over the course of today is:
How many of those 20,000 stories do you know?
The conference is all about connections.
Brian Miller he is more than a magician.
I would say he's an expert in connections.
Have you ever asked for somebody's name,
and instantly forgotten what it was?
You know why you forget people's names?
Because while they're telling you their name,
we're thinking about how we're gonna say ours!
"Mr. Miller, first name, put on my hand..."
We're not listening!
We're on our end of the conversation too often.
See magic isn't about the technical skill,
magic isn't about a trick,
or even the secret.
Magic is about connecting.
Life is about connecting!
We meet an average of three new people every single day of our lives.
Three new people every day of our life on average.
That's a thousand people a year.
Will you use those three opportunities today
to make your life,
and the lives of the people you meet better?
It's not enough to care about somebody.
It's not enough to understand them.
They have to feel understood.
They have to feel cared about.
And this technique, I'm going to teach it to you.
It's an acronym, 'cause speakers we love our acronyms.
For remembering active listening is E.A.R.S.
His E.A.R.S. formula I thought was just absolutely brilliant.
It was brilliant. We learned about E.A.R.S. and we need to
push that door.
I'm gonna be using E.A.R.S. from now on.
Pompeii is the ancient city that was covered in ash by Mount Vesuvius.
Well, I'm in Naples and Mount Vesuvius is outside my window!
So I said, "Yes!"
So we go up you pay like two
American dollars you get to walk around this ancient city.
I'm walking around, you just get to explore.
And I went down this this alleyway and it just emptied out
into a massive outdoor amphitheater.
And I realized I was standing on an ancient
stage, thousands of years ago where
entertainers, actors, and performers
they entertained their audiences.
And it was a surreal moment in my life.
A moment that only existed because five years ago,
one stranger said to me,
"I like your hat."
You have no idea what kind of opportunities await you just on the
other side of that next connection
Our world is truly a shared experience.
Imagine if we could all feel understood...
'King Jeongjo and Hamlet' play held at Seoul palace as part of arts festival - Duration: 2:17.Chuseok, one of Korea's biggest holidays is right around the corner.
With it,... the nation's cultural calender is packed with options.
One standout show is a unique performance infusing Shakespeare's works and traditional
Korean music at Gyeongbokgung Palace.
Cha Sang-mi takes us there.
Passersby are mesmerized by an intriguing performance of Korean traditional music and
As part of this year's Korean traditional music festival, a contemporary fusion performance
is being held at Gyeongbokgung Palace - the largest of the five remaining Joseon Dynasty
palaces in Seoul.
(Stand-up) "The palace setting adds something to the
play's atmosphere,... and if you really want to get in the mood,... entry is free of charge
for those dressed in 'Hanbok', Korea's traditional clothing."
The Korean Traditional Performing Arts Foundation, under Korea's Ministry of Culture, Sports
and Tourism, was founded in 2009 with the purpose of preserving and passing down Korea's
traditional arts.
(KOREAN) "We've hosted this program since 2010.
Previously, visitors to the palace would briefly drop by, but our shows have become massively
popular over the years.
Now our audience comes to the palace just to see our plays."
This year's Gyeongbokgung performance features a contemporary interpretation of Korean King
Jeongjo's encounter with Prince Hamlet of Denmark.
(KOREAN) "It's obviously nice to perform inside halls,
but the scenic beauty provided by the palace makes it a whole new experience.
I believe it makes our performance all the more fascinating when its held in this ancient
(KOREAN) "I wasn't sure what kind of play it was from
far away.
I thought it was a Korean traditional play, but I saw it was a mixture of Western and
Korean figures.
It was really well-made."
Over the past several years, some 380-thousand Koreans and foreigners have enjoyed the program,...
while soaking in the stunning night view provided by Korea's palaces.
The concert program takes place twice a year in four different palaces and shrines in Seoul
during spring and fall.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
Servicing Windows 10: Understanding the Windows as a service process and improvements - Duration: 1:24:08.-------------------------------------------
'Suicidal' Australia MUST upgrade missile defence as North Korea could strike at any time - Duration: 4:12.'Suicidal' Australia MUST upgrade missile defence as North Korea could strike at any time
Former Pentagon official Dr Brad Roberts warned that unhinged Kim Jong-un could follow through on threats to devastate Australia with his arsenal of missiles and nukes.
Dr Roberts said: "Unfortunately, Australia doesn't really get to choose whether or not North Korea threatens it — it's the choice that the North Korean leader.
"His objective is to make us fearful so that our leaders will not stand up to his threats and coercion.".
Australia landed in Pyongyang's crosshairs after the decision to participate in joint military exercises with the US and South Korea. North Korea branded the decision "a suicidal act".
State news agency KCNA said: Australia followed the US to the Korean War, the Vietnamese War and the war on terrorism, but heavy loss of lives and assets were all that it got in return.
Countries like Australia that join the military adventure against the DPRK, blindly following the US, will never avoid the counter-measures of justice by the DPRK.
"This is a suicidal act of inviting disaster, as it is an illustration of political immaturity, unaware of the seriousness of the current situation." The hermit kingdom's surprising missile development means the more targets come within their range as they carry out more successful tests.
Their most advanced missile tested to date, the KN14, has a range of 4100 miles is capable of reaching the Australian city of Darwin. While the untested 7150-mile range KN-08 could reach every major city including Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne.
Speaking of Kim's current array of deadly rockets Intelligence Studies Professor John Blaxlan said: "It is increasingly evident that North Korean missiles could strike parts of Australia, particularly Northern Australia.".
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said his country was behind President Donald Trump and would come to America's aid if they were attacked.
He told local media: North Korea has shown it has no regard for the welfare of its own population, no regard for the security and good relations with its neighbours and no regard for international law.
We call on all countries to redouble their efforts, including through implementation of agreed UN Security Council resolutions, to bring North Korea to its senses and end its reckless and dangerous threats to the peace of our region and the world..
Mr Turnbull was attacked for his comments which his opponents claim could put Australian cities on North Korea's "map of death". Professor Blaxland claims Australia simply could not defend itself against a strike by Kim Jong-un.
He said: "On our own, we likely would not be successful in defeating an incoming ballistic missile.".
Melania Trump flaunts serious businesswoman style as she speaks on opioid abuse - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
If You Love Cheese As Much As We Do, This Is the Tutorial for You - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Childhood Trauma: How To Become Stronger As Female Leaders - Duration: 4:34.- This is an invitation for women, and female leaders
to listen to the little girl inside of them
that is screaming for your attention
that's throwing temper tantrums all over your life.
I just want to warn you that this may trigger you
as I'm going to share detailed experience
about sexual abuse.
It totally amazes me that I can be a powerful priestess
and at the same time, a scared little girl.
And that each time I uplevel my leadership
and want something more from myself and from my life
I need to go back to that little girl
and see where she's holding me back.
My name is Janelle Fraser, the expert to follow
to become genuinely happy,
wildly successful and a Naked Leader.
I was sharing with a fellow Naked Leader
that I felt stuck in my business
like I was in this box that I couldn't get out of.
I couldn't walk forward and I couldn't walk back.
Like there was something, and I can feel it
in my throat and in my neck.
And it's just like, as soon as I go to make a decision
in my business, it was like ugh and stuck.
And she said, 'Are you willing to get naked about it?'
In our world that means, that's just the surface.
I'm stuck, I don't know what to do.
But are you willing to look underneath of that.
What's causing that, what's creating that?
What's the real issue?
At the age of seven, I was caught up in
childhood sexual abuse.
And when I mean caught up, it was because
at first it was something that I was kind of interested in.
I was getting attention, it was playful,
and I remember the day where that changed.
I remember the day where, this interaction
was no longer playful and was no longer wanted.
But my belief as a little girl,
was because I played along, that I couldn't say no,
now that it got more serious.
And so the day that this happened,
was the day that this abuse when from
more minor things to more major.
Like oral sex and penetration.
And the very moment that was locked in my memories,
and in my nervous system, was the moment where
this boy wanted me to give him oral sex.
And I didn't want to, and I remember
him being, and his penis being here in front of me,
and his hand being on the back of my head,
I just got shivers down my spine, on the back of my head,
and it was like I couldn't move forward,
and I couldn't move backwards,
it was like I was stuck, and I was trapped.
And at that point I lost my voice
because I couldn't say no,
because I felt like I initiated it,
or I was playing a role in it.
So the thing we're talking about,
and we're struggling with on a daily basis,
99% of the time it's not the real issue.
And so are you willing to listen
to the temper tantrums that that little girl
is throwing in your life?
You may not have been abused, this isn't about that.
It's about each one of us, had experiences growing up,
with lessons we learned,
and decisions we made about ourselves,
and beliefs that we adopted, that are impacting
the way you lead and live your life today.
So we all know that children can throw temper tantrums,
and they are freaking good at it, right?
So what happens if we don't listen to her,
she will throw a bigger and bigger and bigger
temper tantrum, in your life, until you listen to her.
Don't make her do that, listen to her today,
she's already giving you signs and symbols,
of what you need, of what she needs,
and what needs to be healed.
So heal the girl to expose the woman.
If you like this, please give it a thumbs up.
I would love it if you'd share it with your friends,
and absolutely be sure to subscribe,
so you can get my next video.
Make it a great day.
Jared Kushner registered to vote as a woman. It's not his first paperwork mistake. - Duration: 1:21.On Sunday, Politico reported that the presidential son-in-law and adviser corresponded with top White House officials through a private email server (and he wasn't the only one). On Monday, a prankster impersonating the real estate scion — apparently convincingly — asked his lawyer what to do with pictures "featuring adult content" he said he had received. The lawyer responded: "Don't delete. Don't send to anyone. Let's chat in a bit."
While reports about Kushner's emails are not analogous with those on Hillary Clinton's, they nonetheless raised questions about security and hypocrisy in the chaotic Trump White House, from which Trump ridiculed Clinton for her use of a private email server long after Election Day.
The news on Wednesday was different, but nonetheless eyebrow-raising: When Jared Kushner registered to vote in 2009, he apparently identified his sex as female.
It prompted any number of questions. There were only two options on the New York voter registration form he filled out: M, for male, and F, for female. Did he mean to register as a female? Was it unintentional? If so, how did he mess that up? A spokesperson for Kushner did not respond to a request for comment. Before 2009, his New Jersey voter registration noted his gender as "unknown," The Hill reported.
It's not the first time Kushner has run into trouble with important paperwork. This summer, The Washington Post's Matt Zapotosky reported that three times, Kushner had filed updates to his national security questionnaire because of missing information.
The first time Kushner's national security questionnaire was submitted Jan. 18, the form did not list his foreign contact and got the dates of his graduate degrees and his father-in-law's address wrong.
"Kushner can't even fill out the most basic paperwork without screwing it up, so it's a mystery why anyone thinks he's somehow going to bring peace to the Middle East," Brad Bainum, a spokesman for the Democratic political action committee American Bridge, told Wired.
A small group of White House lawyers this summer reportedly urged Kushner to step down amid a broadening probe into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russians in the 2016 election, but the idea to force him out was ultimately rejected.
The news that Kushner had registered to vote as a woman also struck some as ironic, given Trump's emphasis on rooting out allegedly rampant voter fraud, which he has so far failed to identify.
Trump has given Kushner, his son-in-law and senior adviser, a long list of responsibilities. Among other things, the 36-year-old has been charged with bringing peace to the Middle East, reforming care for veterans and fighting opioid addiction.
Kushner, along with former White House press secretary Sean Spicer and former chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon, had registered to vote in two states during the fall election, The Washington Post reported earlier this year. Dual registration was one of the signs Trump pointed to when claiming widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election, which has led to a "major investigation" into his unsubstantiated claim that millions of people illegally cast votes for Clinton.
As BEE - Dança Mana (Teaser Oficial) - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
North Korea missile launch 'IMMINENT' as US deploy nuke detection plane - Duration: 2:47.North Korea missile launch 'IMMINENT' as US deploy nuke detection plane
The suspicious activity prompted the US to deploy their Cobra Ball missile detection aircraft. The rogue state seems to have established an ICBM-capable launch site on their west coast in the countrys Kusong region, according to reports.
Two Nightwatch and two Looking Glass aircraft also reportedly rushed to the skies as the US looked to verify whether a North Korea launch is imminent. The Cobra Ball is an intelligence-gathering aircraft equipped with powerful radar to detect ballistic missiles.
The plane was used to monitor all of North Koreas most recent missile tests. Chillingly, the development comes on the same day the hermit kingdom released propaganda images to prepare Kims people for war with the US.
FEARS: The US deployed the Cobra Ball detection plane amid fears of a North Korea missile test.
Earlier, posters warned of a coming "great and decisive war against America", urging North Koreans to prepare for battle. Citizens in the capital Pyongyang were snapped pasting the propaganda messages on all public places to hammer Kims point home.
And Kims top diplomat has already threatened to shoot down US planes after B-1B bombers blasted over the region. Fears of a conflict in the region reached boiling point recently after President Trump warned he would "totally destroy" Kims regime.
He described the tubby tyrant as a "rocket man on a suicide mission" in a barnstorming debut speech at the UN. And Pyongyang responded by stressing their right to nuclear weapons, labelling Trump "deranged" in the process.
Kim has repeatedly launched missiles and detonated his most powerful nuclear weapon in a series of tests this year.
He believes expanding his nuclear arsenal will secure the regime's rule and allow the North to defend itself from its neighbours and the threat of a US invasion.
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