Oddly Satisfying Video
Oddly Satisfying Video
Oddly Satisfying Video
"Lela, post more videos!" - Duration: 2:06.Hey guys, how you doing?
First things first, I'm gonna mention my hair.
It's brown.
Also, I'm sick.
Kind of.
I mean it's just allergies, but it's plenty bad enough that I can call this being sick.
For me and a bunch of other people, when the seasons change, our allergies get terrible.
And we get things like a sore throat, runny nose, puffy eyes, and just being extra tired.
Which makes no sense, I mean it's just allergies.
But you know, it happens.
I haven't been able to breathe through my nose for three days now.
And I just wanna breathe through my nose again, and I wanna be *snorts*
I'm sorry, I'm not gonna put that in the video Oh my god!
MOVING ON So I have a few reasons why I haven't been
And like, the first obvious one is being sick and whatnot.
Cuz like, I don't wanna post when I'm sounding like this, but I feel bad that I haven't.
So I'm going to anyway.
Then like, another reason is college, obviously Because, well last week I had two tests, which
luckily I did pretty good on so
there's that And another reason, I don't have curtains
yet, which I mean is a stupid reason,
but I just didn't have curtains, and I'm tired of looking like a cloud cuz I'm just so white
and then my fourth and dumbest reason probably, is that I didn't want to clean my room
I did I mean, it's still messy, but I did clean
my room I even bought a broom from Goodwill, to clean
my room with here she is
and it works really well!! even though it doesn't look like it would
I mean, a broom's a broom, right?
So that might be all for this video I accomplished nothing, but, I mean, maybe
next video I will I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be recording in a
different spot probably I'm gonna try something out next time, uh
if it works If it doesn't work, then I'm gonna be here
again, because, yeah, I don't have anywhere else
and um, Like, comment, subscribe
I'm gonna go cough now bye
Top 10 Video Games That Are So Bad They're Awesome - Duration: 7:20.Video Games so Bad theyíre Awesome Hey guys!
Welcome back to Top 10 Gaming, Iím Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.
There are some pretty terrible games out there.
Iíve touched on some of them in other videos.
But sometimes, a game is just so bad that it goes all the way around and is good again.
These are some of the best worst games out there, where you can just zone out and enjoy
them without all that pesky ìthinkingî nonsense.
So give your brain a rest and get ready, because itís time for the Top 10 Video Games so Bad
Theyíre Awesome.
Number 10: Deadly Premonition.
Deadly Premonition was a survival horror game from 2010, and reviews were heavily divided.
The game is best known for being extremely chaotic and weird, with lousy graphics and
To some, this game was terrible; bad voice acting, weird characters, crazy story, and
just overall lousy.
But to others, itís so wonderfully strange and whimsical and gruesome, that itís epic.
It was also made better with the release of the Directorís Cut, which polished it up
and gave an extended ending.
Give it a try if youíre a fan of the weird!
But Iíd highly advise the Directorís cut.
Number 9: Two Worlds.
Two Worlds came out back in 2007, a year after Oblivion, which would make you think it would
be pretty polished.
For whatever reason, the game creators decided to voice the characters themselves.
Incredibly awkward fake Olde English vocabulary spoken with mostly American accents, combined
with largely expressionless actors, gives you one painfully-voiced game.
That said, there were some pretty neat monsters, a decent number of spells, and a bunch of
factions, which is pretty sweet.
Plus the voices are so terrible that theyíre super entertaining.
Iím a bit biased because Two Worlds was the first RPG I ever played so it was all just
a magical experience for me, but I still love it.
Even though itís kinda poop, especially compared to Oblivion.
Number 8: Survival Arts.
Survival arts was a Mortal Kombat style arcade fighting game from 1993, and itís widely
viewed as one of the worst games of this type ever.
The characters look lousy and were very large, the actors clearly didnít know how to fight,
the game was imbalanced, and the moves were just frustrating to play.
However, many of these ridiculous aspects actually make the game pretty hilarious to
Even if youíre getting destroyed because the other person just keeps using the stupid
freaking machine gun, you can still take solace in the fact that the game is hilariously lame,
and revel in the fact that someone made that game and went ìYep, thatíll do.î
Number 7: Manhunt.
Manhunt isÖ not for everyone.
Letís get that out of the way right now.
Itís an unforgiving and incredibly brutal stealth action game with 24 levels.
Itís also one of the most absurdly violent games ever created.
To the point where itís kind of stupid.
That said, if youíre able to just accept it and enjoy it, itís kind of a blast.
Plus Brian Cox does voice acting in it, which is just awesome.
I love reading the reviews for this one, youíll read one that says ìThis canít be a game.
This is trashî and then one that sincerely says ìThis game is one of the best made to
date.î Talk about divisive.
Number 6: Harvester.
Harvester was a point and click adventure from 1996, so right there you kinda know that
it wonít be the king of games.
Then you find out it uses full-motion video and you get a bit more worried.
Then you find out that itís a really strange horror thatís confusing, stupid, and frustrating
and you might just say ìscrew itî and put it away.
But donít!
Because Harvester, while totally messed up, can actually be pretty awesome if you play
it with the right attitude.
Just sit back and go along for the ride, enjoy the gory strangeness.
Itís even been compared to Twin Peaks in that respect, so if you like Twin Peaks, maybe
give it a shot!
Number 5: BloodRayne.
Half human.
Half vampire.
All woman.
No seriously, thatís a tagline.
Thatís your first sign that this wonít be the most thought-provoking of games.
And it really isnít.
But you know what it is?
A game where you play as a sexy vampire woman who carves dudes up with swords.
Itís like Lara Croft meets Selene from UnderworldÖ meets a stripper.
Itís pretty silly and clearly using sex to sell, but honestly there are some pretty badass
Drink enough blood and you go into a bloodrage, and just go bananas tearing apart zombies
and Nazis, and itís just ridiculous, gory fun.
Not the best graphics or controls, but likeÖ just smash the buttons.
Something will happen.
Number 4: Shaq Fu.
Okay, this may come off as a bit of a flip flop because Iíve already used Shaq Fu in
our ìworst gamesî video.
But as stupid as it is to have Shaq doing Kung Fu, on the other handÖ youíre playing
as Shaq doing Kung Fu.
Thatís amazing.
This isnít the kind of deep, thoughtful fun that you get playing games like Portal or
Wolf Among Us, this is just straight up turn off your brain because itís time to enjoy
the stupidest thing ever kind of fun.
Yes itís a bad game, butÖ Itís ShaqÖ doing Kung FuÖ Itís awesome.
And it couldnít be any worse than his foul shooting.
Number 3: Link: The Faces of Evil.
There is some dispute as to which Zelda game is the best.
But there can be no argument about the worst.
Because this is it.
Link: The Faces of Evil was a CDi game from 1993 that took Link, the beloved star of the
Zelda franchise, and just pissed all over him.
It was not pretty.
And ironically, Linkís face looks pretty damn evil.
Putting Link in a stupid side-scroller was terribleÖ but at the same timeÖ itís just
Itís kind of like the video game version of that video where the woman falls when stomping
Itís painful, but you just.
Plus, the backgrounds are pretty nice, and itís actually considered one of the better
CDi games out thereÖ only problem is, that isnít saying much because CDi sucks.
Number 2: Desert Bus.
Around the time that Penn and Teller were blowing up in pop culture, they came out with
a Sega CD game called Penn and Tellerís Smoke and Mirrors, and in the game were a bunch
of ridiculous mini games.
My personal favourite was Desert Bus, where you drove from Tucson, Arizona to Las Vegas,
In real time.
For 8 hours.
Without pausing.
It was created to be as boring and inoffensive as possible, to poke fun at the rising movement
claiming that video games were corrupting kids.
It was the worst thing everÖ but that made it pretty great.
To be clear, this wasnít FUNÖ but itís pretty awesome.
Number 1: Pretty much any Kusoge game.
Turns out, it isnít exactly uncommon to enjoy terrible games simply because theyíre terrible.
Itís so prevalent in Japan that there is actually a word for this, Kusoge, which translates
to ìshit gameî.
These games are often created to be as terrible as possible, with ridiculous bugs, awful voice
acting, atrocious graphics, and stupid gameplay.
And theyíre hilarious, both playing and watching them.
Check out the Cho Aniki series, theyíre ridiculously campy games that justÖ words fail to describe
Just watch.
I didnít want to include too many but let me know in the comments if youíd like a Top
10 Kusoge Game list because holy moly there are a lot of winners.
Thatís it for today!
Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top
10 Gaming for more videos!
Whatís the best worst game youíve ever played?
Let me know in the comment section down below!
Until next time, Iím Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 Gaming.
Later gamers!
How To Add Subscribe Logo on YouTube All Videos | Add Youtube Watermark logo | Tips Bangla Pro - Duration: 7:46.-------------------------------------------
How to make the knit beginner Crochet Shell Stitch Original Video - Duration: 23:09.this will show how to work the crochet shell for this demonstration I am using
a larger size crochet hook 4 ply yarn we will start by attaching a slip knot to
the crochet hook take the loose end wrap it over the main strand now you have a
loop take your loop wrap it over the main strand put your hook below the
center strand back up the opposite side this creates the slip knot the multiple
is 6 so we will be working chains in increments of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 that's the
first set 1 2 3 4 5 6 that's the second set 1 2 3 4 5 6 this is going to give us
3 shells there will be 1 shell for every 6 chains and that will include a single
crochet and skipping over some chains I will be working 2 extra chains I can get
it to work with 1 or 2 so sometimes the amount the plus amount does not matter
the two extra chains will be the plus amount I'm going to work the first
single crochet now I'm skipping one 2 chains in the third chain I'm putting my
hook right below right through the chain below these two loops and I'm working
five double crochet one putting my hook right through the chain like that
working the second there will be five double crochet in each shell working the
the fork
and the fifth double crochet this is showing how to do the basic shell which
is five double crochet but you can modify it however you want to we will
skip one two chains work a single crochet in the third chain just like
that this is what it looks like and I'm going to skip one two more chains and
work another series of five double crochet which is called the shell all in
the same chain
to you
five we will skip one two chains in the third chain work a single crochet skip
one two chains in the third chain we will be working our last shell which is
our third shell five double crochet in the same chain one
bye I'm skipping 2 Chainz working in the last chain working the last single
crochet and we have completed Row 1 with the shell stitch they alternate so we
will be working the shell in the single crochet on row 2 the first set will be
half of a shell so I'm going to chain 1 that will be my step up I'm not counting
that as a stitch and I am going to work three double crochet there's two
three now I'm going to point out that you are going to come across some
written instructions that will use a chain three on the edge I have found
that the chain three creates gaps and holes that's why I like to use the chain
one that pulls the stitches together and creates a nicer edge so you can do it
either way if you prefer to use a chain three is your first stitch you're
welcome to use that instead for this demonstration I'm using a chain one now
we will skip one two stitches in the third stitch and working right through
the top of the stitch putting my hook through right like that wrap the yarn
over working the single crochet this is our half of a stitch which is the first
part of row two in the next single crochet I am working five double crochet
this will be a full shell so we will have two full shells on row two and two
half shells there's two and then putting my hook right through the single crochet
working all double crochet in the same stitch that completes three four
five skip one two stitches put your hook through the third stitch I'm putting it
right below these two loops at the top of the stitch working the single crochet
now we'll skip two more stitches working in the single crochet do five double
crochet one two three
skip two stitches work a single crochet in the third double crochet skip two
stitches now we are on the edge and we'll work three double crochet for our
last half shell one two
three and that completes Row 2 I will mention
at this point that you do want to make sure your chain is loose at the
beginning if the chain is too tight you may end up with your stitches closer
together down here at the bottom and as you work the piece will start to fan out
kind of in a v-shape the reason that happens is because your beginning chain
is too tight so what you will want to do is work a loose chain or get a larger
crochet hook and work the beginning chain with a larger crochet hook then go
back down to a smaller crochet hook so everything is even Row 3 work a chain 1
turn now in the first double crochet and this is the same double crochet we just
completed put your hook below the top of the stitch work a single crochet now
skip two stitches work 5 double crochet in the next single crochet one
five skip two double crochet work a single crochet in the third double
crochet skip two double crochet work five double crochet in the next single
crochet one two
five skip two double crochet work a single crochet right through the top of
the third double crochet and that's working in the center of the stitch you
may hear it called in the center of the next Shell in the third double crochet
there's going to be a variety of ways that working this stitch is going to be
described with your written instructions skip two stitches work five double
crochet in the next single crochet one
five skip two stitches work a single crochet in the last double crochet and
this is what we have through three rows
row four work a chain one then turn work three double crochet in the single
crochet one
skip two double crochet work a single crochet through the next double crochet
skip two double crochet work five double crochet through the single crochet one
five skip two double crochet work a single crochet in the next double
crochet this next stitch will be in slow motion there will be no sound
that completes Row 4 Row 5 chain 1 turn work a single crochet in the same double
crochet work five double crochet in the next single crochet and by process of
elimination you know it won't be this stitch or this stitch because their
double crochet when you hear the term work 5 double crochet in the next single
crochet that's going to be this one because it's the only single crochet
that's number three
five now sometimes you may hear the term work
a single crochet in the center of the next set of stitches well we have five
stitches so the center is going to be the third stitch over if you do not hear
specific instructions like skipping two stitches just work it in the center it
will work out correct work a single crochet in the center of the next set of
stitches work five double crochet in the next single crochet one two
five skip two stitches work a single crochet in the next stitch skip two
stitches work five double crochet in the next single crochet one two
five skip two stitches work a single crochet in the last double crochet this
is what we have through five rows you will continue repeating rows two and
three for the length of your project you will work six additional chains for each
shell that you would like to include for the width
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