Moskau, Moskau
Wirf die Gläser an die Wand
Russland ist ein schönes Land
Ho ho ho ho ho, hey
Moskau, Moskau
Deine Seele ist so groß
Why we rely on the Sennheiser AVX system - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Moranbong Band - We Have Our Great Party - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
While you were sleeping » Jae Chan + Hong Joo ► Until We Go Down - Duration: 4:13.All of your dreams come true, you know.
What's the matter? Do you know that man?
In a dream I had about three months ago,
It was snowing. As soon as he flicked his lighter for a smoke,
he caught fire.
You have to listen to me. You'll die if you smoke!
- A massive explosion was caused by a civilian who was smoking while filling up gas.
Hey, isn't he that guy from the other day?
You told him not to smoke. It's that guy, right?
Hong Joo.
Mom, that man died just like what I saw in my dream.
The future doesn't change!
No one believes me no matter how hard I try to explain.
I'll believe you.
Thank you...
for saying that you'll believe me.
- No!
Have you lost your mind? Call the police and say what?
"According to my brother's dream, there will be an accident soon"?
This is crazy.
You're acting so weird.
Why do you care so much about that girl?
Who on earth would believe that?
Who'd believe me...
if I say that I saw you in my dream...
and that I came here to change what I saw in my dream...
because you looked so sad in it.
No one will believe...
that I changed your future.
believe in you.
Because it's me,
I can believe you.
Thank you.
Unit 8 - Are we addicted to games? - Duration: 4:12.I'm at a Premiere of a major blockbuster opening in London
but the stars here are not Hollywood actors
they're virtual characters in a computer game
I just can't believe how many people are here
just to buy a game
in the past five years computer gaming has exploded in popularity
I love playing video games
I play games everyday
we spend more than 3 billion a year on gaming
more than we spend on film or music
as a parent I often wonder what effect it will have on my children
its an imersive interactive cinematic experience
but is it too much for some people to handle?
When Alice Danton's son, Chris, started refusing to go to school
she had no idea why
Inittially we didn't connect it to the computer game playing
at the start
because it was just something that every boy did
and particularly a lot of the boys that we knew and
friends of ours
Chris had been playing World of Warcraft through the night
he was playing for up to twenty hours a day
once I understood that this game was online
I said, right okay the answer to it is we cut off the Internet. That's it!
and the response was just an outpouring of violence
he just went beserk
I just smashed anything I could see
that was the point that we started to really understand from a parental point of view
Gosh! This is dangerous.
In the U.K we still play mostly console games
but that's changing
Within five years the government wants all of us to have broadband Internet access
one inspiration for this plan is South Korea
the country with the world's most developed Internet Network
85% here have fast broadband and more than half play online games
but the government says it's created addicts
This is a book camp for Koreans youngsters addicted to gaming
Sang Uk has been brought here by his mom
Why did you send him to the camp?
He was too engrossed in the games
He would sometimes spend ten hours playing them
Bhens Uk says gaming has taken over Sang's life
He's stolen from her to play at Internet Cafes and his education is suffering
The Korean Government believes that 2% of Koreans 11 to 16 years old
are seriously addicted to gaming
I went to see the man charged to prevent the next generation of so-called 'addicts'
While gaming addiction is yet to be officially recognized as a medical condition
he believes it's real and is heading our way
I believe without proper counter measures the U.k will also face the same problems that Korea is facing
when games become more accessible through high speed Internet throughout your country
I've come to a major exhibition in London to see the latest generation of games
it's easy to forget the benefits and shed joy they could bring
I don't want to stop my son from gaming
but I'm going to keep an extra close eye on him to make he games safely
THOUGHTS WE HAVE WHILE STUDYING - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
We are the Union: The Origins of Organizing at The University of Pittsburgh - Duration: 3:33.So, the efforts to organize graduate employees at the University of
Pittsburgh actually date back a handful of years at this point.
A few of us in our department got word that some of our colleagues had had their funding cut
or weren't going to be asked to return for the ph.d program after completing a
master's, and and so some of us were a little worried by this.
In the early days, it was really quite informal. It was effectively a handful of friends and colleagues.
We met at Coffee Tree Roasters on Craig Street and we started talking about unions.
It became pretty clear that we needed a lot more support
if we're going to to see a union form here at Pitt.
A few of us sort of broke into teams and we agreed to contact several different unions.
So each team would have one union that get in touch with.
AFT, UE, these were some of the some of the names that we were throwing around and we did talk to all of them
so we did our research and by far USW was the most responsive
Not only were they our home union, not only were they working with the faculty and adjuncts at our own
university, not only had they had a recent win at Point Park but there was
also a clear interest, energy, and readiness to support us in the ways that
we needed to be supported.
And so we put all the issues on the table we looked at pros, cons and we decided for USW
There was a clear sense that they were here to support us.
The campaign changed dramatically. It was no longer
kind secret conversations behind closed doors
It was no longer just folks sneaking in kind of hours here and hours there
going department to department kind of scattershot.
Suddenly it was a massively organized outreach effort.
First and foremost was a greater sense of purpose. It shifted from being sort of this disorganized
enthusiastic campaign to one that seemed achievable.
Of course it was a watershed moment when we were finally able to go public
because it was at that point that we were able to say to the university administration, to graduate
student employees at large - we're here, we're not going anywhere and we're gonna
continue to fight for this Union until we win it.
There were more and more people and there was more and more enthusiasm and that was palpable for me
because I started with a core group of activists who were really dedicated to
this and then just to see it grow has been amazing.
All of a sudden we're having this this giant card launch and all these people are here
signing cards, interested in the Union yeah it felt really amazing.
This campaign started with graduate students who recognized the basic insecurity that
we all face. And this campaign is only going to be finished, it's only going to
reach its goal with graduate students taking action and realizing how vital
they are to this University.
Shitlords Anonymous : Articles, Videos & anything else we dig up - Duration: 2:21:12.-------------------------------------------
'Will And Grace' Stars: 'We're Still The Same People' As Show Returns After 11 Years | TODAY - Duration: 6:03.-------------------------------------------
Why We Stand - Duration: 1:01.My name is Lauren
I served in the US Army for 8 years
We at Nine Line want to make it clear
why we will always stand for our national anthem.
The anthem was inspired by the patriotism
and love of country felt during the war of 1812,
It is this same patriotism that elevates the anthem
from a simple song, to a deeper representation of America
It is this patriotism that drives men and women
to join the world's greatest military
selflessly serving our nation and all its people.
The same patriotism
symbolized by a flag-draped casket
of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice
We stand in support of
all those who have served.
We stand
not in an attempt to trivialize
the plight of those seeking change
but because we respect what the anthem represents.
We stand
to represent unity
in times of division.
If you absolutly won't stand
don't worry
I can't either
Designer Series: We Are Kindred Preview | GlamCorner - Duration: 1:24.Kindred is very much about florals and that actually started from when we were
little girls our mum was really really great at making our home really
beautiful we were really inspired by that. I now know who the Kindred girl is
we know that she's coming to us for those beautiful floral dresses and
that's how we actually start the design process which we work from prints first
and then we move them into shape and you know certainly for Kindred because of that
beautiful florals and great for the spring garden weddings and for the races
and everything I think you just need to keep accessories neutral like invest in
a really great pair of nude shoes have a great neutral handbag. For special
occasion dressing where you might not need the full length special gown in
your wardrobe other than for the wedding that you're going to in September so I
completely understand that it's a great service. We love working with GlamCorner
they're on brand for us which is amazing!
A young friend of mine, who was 17 years old when we met, was going through what so many young men h - Duration: 10:22.A young friend of mine, who was 17 years-old when we met, was going through what so many
young men his age go through today in this sick society.
He was uninterested in education, heavily into drugs and partying, mixed up with the
wrong crowd, and so warped with anger that he couldn�t control himself, even in the
face of the law.
He and I clicked immediately, kindred spirits of sorts, and he opened up to me about his
life. He had been kicked out of school for being intensely violent, and he was on probation
and facing the prospect of juvenile detention, but was still selling drugs and just not giving
a fuck. His good friend, a high-school kid, had just been murdered, stabbed some 77 times
or so, but this young friend of mine was too �hard� to grieve or show sadness. Or so
he thought at the time.
We met at an ayahuasca retreat. The young man�s parents were very spiritual people,
you see, and they had lived amazing, conscious lives enriched by introspection and self-exploration,
and marked with abundance in wealth and happiness. Yet, no matter how deeply they longed to help,
they couldn�t figure out how to set their boy on a meaningful path. All seemed lost
to them, so as a last resort they escorted the kid to the jungle.
Next to this young man in a hammock all night during his first ever medicine ceremony, I
was taken by the fact that he never moved, not once, the entire journey. Some 9 hours
motionless in a hammock he laid in a deep trance, as if asleep. In the morning he and
I sat together in a tropical garden listening to the waves of the Pacific crash upon the
nearby beach, and he described to me his journey.
He drank a single cup of brew, he told me, and watched as his everyday self melted away
and his consciousness was transported into another realm where he waged an all night
war for survival. When he had arrived in this realm, he found that he was mounted on a magnificent
dragon, a mighty and benevolent beast, unstoppable, unshakable, and utterly fearless. This was
his true self revealed, for the kid was no doubt a warrior, albeit a lost warrior.
For nine hours in the saddle on this primal beast he waged a fierce war for his life.
Locked in air-to-air combat, he was assailed non-stop by malicious dragons, one after another,
hour after hour. They came to him as beasts of destruction, of illness, of greed, of damnation,
of fire and brimstone, self-destruction, and of hate and anger.
One after another, from atop his mighty dragon, he slew each and every one of these devilish
creatures, cutting them down with a finely honed blade, engaging them in aerial dogfights,
valiantly slashing at them with his sword, screaming and howling, madly fighting them
When the light of day began to cut through the interminable darkness and the ceremony
came to a close, there he was, still in a trance, flying high above vast valleys and
over massive mountainous peaks. Below him, everywhere, laid the scattered and bloodied
carcasses of his foes, the dragons who fought so viciously to take him down, now all dead,
all smote by his own hand. He was victorious.
My young friend was never the same after that. His life immediately pivoted one-hundred-eighty
degrees. He negotiated with the court to avoid prison. He nailed his high school equivalency
test and left his friends and his hometown behind embarking on a mission to master himself
and to help others. He went to the Amazon and studied plant medicine with traditional
masters, and eventually came back to the states to study permaculture and to work with a youth
organization helping kids like him find their way.
I was reminded of this story recently while I was reflecting on my own inner journey,
my own quest for peace and purpose. Unlike him, though, my dragons were conquered with
books, with knowledge, with the wisdom and experience put down on paper by other souls
who�d made the hero�s journey and had returned home with a pearl, a gift to share
for whomever may need it.
There are so many books that have changed my outlook or have inspired me to take my
life more seriously and to treat myself with more care and more respect. Books have taught
me to love myself and to forgive myself, so I thought to share just three of them here,
in the hopes of paying it forward to others who are seeking a victorious way out of the
darkness, and an end to the everyday struggle of existence.
We all have malevolent dragons that must be checked if we are to individuate and step
into our power. We all have gifts to offer in this world of competition, but for many
of us, these gifts lay hidden in the caverns of the unconscious mind, recognizable as self-doubt,
as fear, as helplessness, and as self-destruction and confusion.
Perhaps these books will work their powerful magic for others.
1. Man and His Symbols by Carl Gustav Jung
The voluminous works of renowned psychoanalyst Carl Jung are unrivaled in value with regards
to insight on the phenomenon of personal transformation. While the bulk of his works are largely academic
and scholarly in nature, making them somewhat dry to the lay person, Man and His Symbols
was a successful attempt to make the breadth of his message available in a singular volume,
easy to understand and directed at the everyday seeker of inner truth.
The importance of recognizing myth, symbolism, archetypes, synchronicity, dreams, and the
contents of unconscious mind as signposts on the path toward a life worth living is
critical to the process of awakening. This book is absolutely essential for understanding
the hidden forces at play in our daily lives, and at drawing them out in the open so they
can then be used as allies.
Every transformation demands as its precondition �the ending of a world�-the collapse of
an old philosophy of life. ~ C. G. Jung, Man and His Symbols
2. The Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
American mythologist and scholar Joseph Campbell was especially gifted with the power of translating
collective myth into personal guidance. Of his many works, The Hero With a Thousand Faces
pulls together the stories of many human cultures, past and present, in order to reveal the timeless
that we are all the same, and that the journey from birth to death is a grand adventure,
if we will only make the choice to follow our bliss.
The agony of breaking through personal limitations is the agony of spiritual growth. Art, literature,
myth and cult, philosophy, and ascetic disciplines are instruments to help the individual past
his limiting horizons into spheres of ever-expanding realization. As he crosses threshold after
threshold, conquering dragon after dragon, the stature of the divinity that he summons
to his highest wish increases, until it subsumes the cosmos. Finally, the mind breaks the bounding
sphere of the cosmos to a realization transcending all experiences of form � all symbolizations,
all divinities: a realization of the ineluctable void. ~Joseph Campbell, The Hero With a Thousand
3. The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven
Written by the contemporary historical fiction writer Steven Pressfield, this simple, short
book does something imperative for those who are struggling to realize their purpose and
see their greatest dreams become reality. The War of Art identifies, defines and precisely
explains how to overcome the regressive force which keep us from taking action in pursuit
of our true purpose. He calls it Resistance.
To Pressfield, Resistance is a vicious and unforgiving dragon, standing firmly between
us as we are and us as we wish to be. This book is essential for its clarity and practicality,
for any dream, any venture, any goal, and any hope we have requires action over the
inertia of Resistance.
Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the
two stands Resistance.
Resistance is the most toxic force on the planet. It is the root of more unhappiness
than poverty, disease, and erectile dysfunction. To yield to Resistance deforms our spirit.
It stunts us and makes us less than we are and were born to be.
Look in your own heart. Unless I�m crazy, right now a still small voice is piping up,
telling you as it has ten thousand times, the calling that is yours and yours alone.
You know it. No one has to tell you. And unless I�m crazy, you�re no closer to taking
action on it than you were yesterday or will be tomorrow. You think Resistance isn�t
real? Resistance will bury you. ~Steven Pressfield, The War of Art
Final Thoughts
Not everyone is meant to, or able to go on an exotic plant medicine journey where the
ancient spirit of a sacred vine vividly reveals to us our demons, as happened to my young
friend. Not all of us are meant to have that kind of experience. Yet, we do all struggle
with overcoming that which holds us back, and there is nothing more valuable in the
struggle for personal triumph than the experience and wisdom available to us in literature.
It is my sincerest wish that this message will reach those who need it most and will
offer them an unforeseen chance at winning the
war against themselves.
Why are we moving from bags to bins? | Auckland Council - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Puerto Rico Governor: We Need All Hands On Deck | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 7:25.-------------------------------------------
Milo murphy's law We're Going to the Zoo Episode 9 -Pink Pig - Duration: 17:13.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, SUBCRIBE videos! Thank you!
feversense - We Remain Nothing [CC EN, PT-BR, ES] - Duration: 4:50.We are children of the moon
Dancing like the mad, maniacs driven to the excess
Let we have our feast prepared
for we shall swallow it at once when we are hopeless for tomorrow
We are waiting for the sun
dancing like the beasts, savages for no tears we shed
Let we have our plays
in the streets we forge our stage when we are eager for escape
Desperate, we cry
for our heart to restore our bright,
crystalline essence for we are children of the innocence
living in a madhouse
We are children of the moon
sailing through the desert, empty, sands poured into our flames
remains of cinder inside our chests misguided, young and brave
howling like wolves
Outside our dreams we remain nothing.
Outside our dreams we remain nothing.
We remain nothing.
50 Years: Together we're making history - Duration: 14:38.If we took the pioneers, those guys who originally thought of developing the
oil sands they would be staggered by the success. And I think their overriding feeling
would be one of great pride, pride that we've supported the
communities, pride that we're willing to stand up and be leaders on the environmental front.
Fort McMurray was a quiet settlement and gateway to the
north in the early 1950s when a much-anticipated Government of Alberta
report confirmed the surrounding oil sands deposits
could be developed at a marginal profit.
And so in 1953 Sun Oil acquired an oil sands lease
and established Great Canadian Oil Sands company (GCOS).
Construction of a test plant began in 1963.
By 1964 construction was underway to build a plant that would
produce 31,500 barrels of oil per day.
With a whopping price tag of $240 million,
it was at the time the largest single private
investment in the country, and also the biggest gamble in Canadian history.
At the outset of this undertaking I told our stockholders
that unless projects of this character
were periodically challenged and solved,
our organization would become soft and eventually useless.
When I started, there was nothing running in the plant.
We had to commission the first river water lines, the instrument air system
all the utilities.
Everybody trained how to start that plant out
and how to operate it for six months before we actually touched anything.
In those early days the industry was a leap of faith.
This is a historic day for the province of Alberta.
It is fitting that we're gathered here
today should dedicate this plant,
not merely to the production of oil,
but to the continual progress and enrichment of mankind.
I now declare
this Great Canadian Oil Sands complex
to be officially open.
The plant experienced upsets, which resulted in cascade failures to the
point where basically there was nothing working, not even a flame and a boiler.
The operation was kind of problematic if you want to put that politely.
We had we had lots of challenges.
We quit counting after about 80 power failures,
and we froze that whole plant up badly once and it took us six months to get it
back up on its feet.
Winning oil from oil sands is hard work,
there's no substitute.
It wasn't what I would call an ordeal, but it was
just a new experience that nobody had a map for.
Talking to the retirees,
the pioneers of our business,
the thing that catches me is their
never say never attitude. There was lots of opportunity for them to throw their
hands in the air and and give up and say you know this is for somebody else,
but they stuck with it.
As production increased through the 1970's so did the financial losses.
In 1979 the company reorganized and Suncor Inc. was established and continued to
operate the plant.
Back in the early 80's our business was struggling economically.
There was talk about it becoming an unviable business.
How are we going to get through this, how are we going to get through the challenges of
being a sustainable company?
I do think to some degree it's a bit of a metaphor
of our journey that it always hasn't been great, like it wasn't like Howard Pew,
1967, we start-up the facilities and it's just been a gold mine ever since and it's
been a straight line and everything's been easy.
It hasn't been.
The company literally, entering the 90s, was struggling financially
and the shareholders decided to cast it to the sea.
In fact, in 1991 the Globe & Mail dubbed Suncor the unluckiest oil company in Canada
Something had to be done, and fast. So six areas of improvement were
recognized and prioritized with every decision made.
So was this going to make things more efficient, was going to be better quality for the customer
was it environmentally sound, did it fit with the community need,
did it make the employees feel like
their needs about safety and safe awareness and managing the risks of the business feel
more confident about our ability to deliver and so on, that we would actually
move all fronts forward, and that's exactly what we did.
But it was a we thing, and that was what was so exciting and we had so many
things to fix, we could only get better.
It was a transformative change.
Costs were cut by four to five dollars per barrel.
Revenue increased while improving
operations on all fronts.
So it's incredible how an idea and a passionate
person that decided to make a difference created this whole industry that we all
commit our time and energy to.
We reorganized again to form Suncor Energy in 1997.
The same year the Steepbank bridge was open to the east side of the river.
When I think back to that day today, the bridge was kind of symbolic of
our bridge to the future.
We're always kind of offended by being a footnote and the global views of
energy and oil specifically. And then we emerged into prominence, and I think as
Steve Williams says, sometimes you got to be careful what you ask for.
This transformation brought us to the world stage, and the scrutiny of the
world to Suncor.
Climate change is a reality. We have real challenges around developing the oil
sands and oil industry. It's so easy just to stand in one place and be critical of
something else. I think we have to have an honest debate, we have to recognize
the benefits and the costs, and we'll best do that by working together.
We do have to recognize that there are alternative viewpoints and diversity of thought that
exists externally that make us better.
It's a changing world right now and there's
a lot of challenges out there. We're in the energy business and there's a lot of
negative connotations to that out there in the world. You know so I think our
challenge going forward is to advance new technologies, continue to innovate and progress.
We're going to have to manufacture goods, extract energy in a
way that's sustainable.
We're going to have environmental limits
economic limits that will be within the way we do things. So you know it may be a
way that I work myself out of a job, but I actually think it will be the jobs of
everyone in the future.
Technology and innovation has been our hallmark for success, allowing us to
pursue sustainability, while lessening our environmental footprint.
This track record as a pioneering innovator and leader is both cause for celebration and
inspiration in the future.
And really the enabler on so much of that is our people
our our determination, our willingness to push through in the face of challenges
that are in front of us. Those two things are going to set the course for the next
50 years for us.
We were opening up the first reclaimed tailings pond and I
couldn't have been more proud than to stand with people from Fort McKay who
say I used to play here when I was a kid and that's where we picked berries and
to be on a piece of land where you could actually see nature coming back
and the knowledge that you know down the road they may well be doing some of
those activities again in the future.
By investing in R & D innovation technology
it's going to help us quite a bit. We have good people so we should be able to
be quite competitive in this environment. But at some point the world
will change, but I'm sure we'll be able to adapt like we did in the past.
We are in an era now where not only our economic, environmental, but our social
performance is actually vital for our business.
It's a long-term play that we're in and we can't be in it on our own.
It's really easy, to, relatively easy
to you know cut a cheque to support a bricks and mortar project, but what it
takes to be in that solution space and working alongside community groups is a
long-term commitment.
And in this Canada's 150th year, we also recognize
the shared history we have with our Aboriginal neighbours, and the need for
greater understanding and reconciliation.
We know that they are interested in playing a greater role in how energy is developed in Canada.
And so, we are committing through our social goal, and our activities in communities, to better
understand what that looks like and think about ways we can partner in a different way moving forward.
It's a difficult journey I would say even more so it's kind of like walking a balance between two worlds. And if
communities get connected to the social goal, they understand what we're doing,
potentially that could be our way of saying to them that we are trying to do
things better and different.
Suncor's greatest asset is its people.
That's the thing which has carried us through the difficult times in terms of
economy, the difficult times in terms of technology, the difficult times in terms
of the attention we've attracted. And that's what's carried us through the
most important piece which is building trust with the communities we work with.
Suncor is the lifeblood I think of a lot of the economic activity in the
region, and even when our economics are challenged, Suncor remains at the table willing to proceed.
All of Canada is benefitting from what goes on here in
Fort McMurray with Suncor and its oil sands operations in terms of having
employees come move to Fort McMurray to work here, buying tools and parts and
machinery and equipment from Quebec, Ontario, BC, Newfoundland. It is a Canadian
company and it stretches from Victoria to St. John's and then is now even
global, so it starts here in Fort McMurray, but has its arms everywhere.
Oil sands has become a big part of the Canadian story and I think people
realized during the fires how important it was. You shut off some of this
resource, not all of it, but some of this resource for a six week period and the
entire economic indicators of the country dropped. And I think it just
emphasizes how important these humble beginnings came with Karl Clark to where
we are today and how important that is across our country.
We're willing to do the right thing. We will take on those challenges, we will step out,
we will be a leader, and it's just incredible to be part of something bigger than yourself.
What's helped us move forward so successfully has been our willingness to
innovate and learn new practices as we go forward. That's even more important
for the next 50 years, so innovation is critical to our success.
As long as there continues to be a demand for for the things that we're producing, our
obligation is to do that as safely as possible and as environmentally sensitive as possible.
We are lucky to be in such an exciting time. I mean last
year we had the acquisition of the biggest stake in Syncrude, now we have the
Fort Hills start-up this year, the replication strategy with the in situ
world and the expansion, that's pretty much on the horizon now. There's so many
things happening, it's very exciting to be a Suncor employee right now.
Looking at the last 50 years, looking at the next 50 years, I'd just like to say a sincere
thank you to all of our stakeholders, and of course that includes our employees,
the communities we operate in, and our shareholders.
What We Eat in a Day | Vegan Van Life | Eamon & Bec - Duration: we're gonna show you what we eat in a day we're doing this video for two
reasons prove to the people to prove to that
people that you can epic meals when you live in a van and when you're vegan we've actually got all the
ingredients for tofu scramble lots of fresh veg so probably throw a pepper in
there I've actually got these portabellos I
might chuck one of those in that some spinach for sure a hint guys we're going
all out this morning look this we got the field rose sausages these are amaze
and apple-smoked sage this is a great little tip for cooking guys my brother
who's a chef taught me this but is using a bowl for compost really helps clean up
your area while you're cooking don't worry that one's great
you're so free including free I said enough is just enough we are trying to
make it to t Bay no we're not going to our thing oh right
Thunder Bay which is nine hours so we got up nice and really start with a
really solid breakfast just you should stay tuned for two reasons one through
two we're going to friggin the west coast it's gonna be amazing so we've got
lots of good crime tank coming your way but for today what eight minute imagine
is just like when I ain't in the day and you just fed me how they all right funny
you're the first thing you're gonna eat today is the day
close your eyes buddy no I don't want anything raw onion I will tell me
I love you just dump the sausages into another poll now we're just gonna get
started on the scrambled but we've got garlic salt turmeric what's that onion
salt paprika and cumin things are like a giant sponge you don't want it to be all
watery get your finest TP you can find and just Pat her down we're just gonna
crumble up puppy in I guess that'll do for a breakfast spot so so one of my
tips is like I use the extra left over hot water from making tea because we
don't have hot water blocks on lock's off
guys we've been listening to lime Tom its new podcast oh my god this chicks
crying I just I just screaming in the last one screaming and I've had
permanent goosebumps like I'm freaked out
but the reason we really turned on the camera was because we made the
minimalist Baker vegan banana muffin this is the last bucket of our batch
we're gonna share
snack number two is a banana it is what time is it 10:23 sipping on some Aguas
what was the extent of your knowledge in terms of the experiments of a team place
they made us believe that there was an experiment taking place in life town
only that wasn't true
I don't know how to blog you guys wanted guys I know this has nothing to do with
what I eat in a day but we just finished lime town the podcast is actually real
we're both like freaked out right now
working our way and recommend leftovers
I repeated the entire conversation to him and he said you know Jen you keep
doing what you're doing because that woman's gonna be working for you one day
just stopped off at White Lake Provincial Park we're gonna make some
lunch and here's what I'm thinking really like quesadillas with some of the
leftover tofu we've got diet cheese which is pretty
good it melts and maybe you'll do some fresh pepper in there and make like
little quesadillas with some hot sauce it's like my pop out okay here we go
that one can be yours where's my quesadilla
here's Becca's that basically sums up our relationship our personality all
right let's see how chef Eamonn did today
I never good
nice and hot which I really like and spicy hot the piri piri is hotter than I
thought it'd be yeah mmm very good
you spell Yin without Ryan hmm did you soul show them how bad you aren't eating
hot burn in the car no I'll show you when we get back but
aim in the letter oh you did before I could get it on film yeah cheater I met
a lot of people similar to me Freeman and then you pop run
you try and grab as much as you possibly can in your head I just taste so much
better like yeah but it's actually disgusting try one corn at a time I
actually really like one gram it's just not who I am now
snack these coconut clusters so if you got pumpkin seeds sunflower seeds chia
seeds and coconut a little cluster eBay
okay okay guys we've made it to Thunder Bay we're heading into the superstore
we're gonna grab some food we were trying to debate what we wanted and
we've ended on our famous rice paper wraps they're amazing we usually put
like avocado and mango and mushroom and onion and they're really really good
really fresh I think you're overwhelmed check those avocados for both grapes
strawberries tell about the other day when we were shopping and I'm like a
baby go pick up like the mushrooms and I come back and I guess he's a pop no
mushroom talk Lucroy I guess I get very overwhelming grocery stores I like just
look at people and like me observing what they're doing and what they're
buying and all that kind of thing do you see the look Kroy can you see the
Lacroix the Lacroix mission has been unsuccessful to say the least
Lucroy you guys need to breach Thunder Bay Ontario lots of Lucroy drinkers here
we just had a major breakthrough in the Lacroix mission
I'll deal with Perrier yeah can't get a coconut water alright I'll
just do this you're talking about right
now alright let's uh the dark chocolate
hundred colors of glass this stuff here is ridiculous absolutely ridiculous
whatever you do do not turn around and look at the kettle chips
some of us just can't handle it we're warming up the van fogging up the
lens I freaking love cutting mushrooms
then once those are just starting to get a little wet and I check my booms in
there I've done a couple peppers and I find it's really good in these wraps if
they're like really thin thin yeah and that's why I actually feel like you have
oh and we got the mango boom sews peanut butter maple syrup soy and I just like I
don't have a recipe or anything but I just start going on it the main
ingredient is the peanut butter and there's no that's nice and hot I'm going
to add that to the regular cold water to give us sort of rice paper rolls you put
them into our Lukesh warm water so then I lay that out on my plate and then you
basically just load it up with whatever you like inside and fold it like a
burrito baby you guys probably want to close up don't you
yeah I'm not sure if that looks as lush as it should but I'll show you in a sec
here so then I folded me and I put the sauce on the inside because I find it
too messy to try to dip that's pretty key move I've been an
amazing oh thanks buddy your hair in there so we need a
thumbnail maybe we should Jim what focus just
making another one here I think I'm on all three or four okay yeah we we
usually make like a big enough dinner that we can have leftovers for lunch
yep because they ain't nobody got time to do dishes again so I wonder how this
video is gonna turn out I hope you enjoyed it yeah if you did like the
video please give us a thumbs up that way we know you want to see more what I
ate in a daze or just like the day-to-day of a band life stuff but also
to help our channel grow make sure you guys subscribe if you like what you're
seeing let us know write it in the comments Beck will reply to every single
one I do I'm there for emotional support if you're gonna comment back from us and
it's just thanks then Amon has happened if you get a loving caring comment back
yeah I call me people call me because we both genuinely love that you're here and
a part of our journey we do I mean that but imager sucks at anything you don't
fires attention we'll catch you later guys see you next week and thanks again
for watching we love you all so please sponsor us
we spent too much money on your trifle now how good is that
honestly it's better than my childhood and I had a really good childhood
I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ATE THIS... **RAW** - Duration: 16:20.Bro bro i'm not Glad i did this man don't Judge a book by it's cover this Is so bad
Oily meats boiii!!
(Screaming uncontrollably..)
Good morning logang
whats popping
Oh snap yo the Water is very cold
As y'all Know we're in the beautiful country of Italy Currently in florence we came Here to pick up my brother's lamborghini
Too Soon okay if you guys did not see that video
That is definitely a Thing That Was a Disaster
Happen Yesterday i Was Possibly gonna Get one too but the whole experience Kind of went south but Whatever bro were in italy this place
Is freaking Gorgeous
Speaking of Good-Looking Yo Andy's next-door neighbor Is the Mostess She's a cutest Lady I've ever
Seen Bilateral Baby Mama mia She's Like This tiny old Lady Like a Short Little Haircut
and shes like I wanna just kiss her cheeks bro!
No disrespect do you think She's gonna have any Idea What i'm Doing with This camera?
Rita Rita Rita
If you have a Daughter i would like to take her to la and Put her in a mansion
Louis Volant
She only has guys
F*** it
Its 2017 ill take it
Me tomorrow yeah?
I have a Pet His name is Kong He's like You but hes a dawg i miss you cause by the way buddy i love you
Oh you watch speaking of dogs
My Roommate
Evan, Dwarf mamba haha, dwarf Mamba, he got a dog dude so when i go back freaking
Kong is gonna Have a Sister Oh my God
It's gonna be lit, new house new car new school Bus new dogs look at Everyone Just
Corrugating Out Here enjoying Italy mamma mia Andy also bro yo
I've Been in the family for many many years yo seriously This Place is Historical as you Guys Saw in the morning montage This Place Is
Amazing olive Trees Grape Vineyard Friends Pool CHOCH
Mama Mia and i Guess it's a Good time to say IF you're not a part of the logang make sure to subscribe hit the
Button My brother's Here but i think the fastest growing Channel on youtube?
Hit the Button Now wait i'll wait here
Did you hit it yet NICE.
We have rode into the town, we are about to get paid.
Oh, hi how are you Brendan camera. Hyundai Says the pastries Here are like Legendary can You Verify legend Daddy oh They're like a
Nona's Cooking Like My grandma The Daughter's cocaine no cooking oh There's fish Here how much for the fish can i eat Those?
Sue She's good too you got cross on sign crossing on some pastries That Look like Boobs they can't be not good yeah cheers Brother
Oh my God
Reo The cocaine right lease you're so perfect - mamma mia but What's better Than Food more Food
We are at an Italian Grocery store Right Now i'm gonna stock up on the essentials
Fruit Water a Condom Telling Ya The produce Here is second to none oh?
They own me you know What's Crazy look if They sell Olives Here right these are all super fresh but we have?
olive Trees at Our Villa Later Logan I Think we Should Go pick some olives Put them in our miles
Maybe Butts and pick Grapes -
Its aggressive Here bro he did Brendan
Cha-Cha Llamo he's gone he did no my worst nightmare has come true this is the war cereal Just
Rows of Corn Flakes and It Doesn't Any some poolside cardio meal my Heart is about, to stop oh?
Sorry Dude i'm a Blogger i know they don't have many Bloggers
I was a lamborghini oh?
Daddy came to deliver Summer Calling Bobby hey papi
Thanks Brendan Yo we've Been here for five Minutes maybe come in it's my brother in its Natural element Chuck What are you doing bro
yeah i know how you Feel
Thanks Jake Just Cuz we don't have lambos doing me we're not brothers oh speaking of i got you this
Jake Still Really Upset about it he was gonna Get His lambo Now he's like making The the factory owners like apologize i don't know?
What i gotta say This Wouldn't be Italy if there's Just Random Sheets Just Hanging Here drying
Stuff You see Movies look at Who they have drying Machines or washing Machines?
AnyWays Like i Said earlier Andis Got Olives dude andi this is truly remarkable
can I pause you for once i Get Your American Bro You don't have a Italian accent so i
Can't i can't do this Yeah he's a Hundred Percent of American Stuff but i know but this is Actually dope i'm not a huge
Ala fan but like look at You can't. Eat These right on the spot right you gotta like soak them in liquid Mr
Vinegar so they Need to brine them so if you
Day Andy
Let'S go look at the grape
Beautiful Bad Bt in the Middle of These Vineyards Enjoy Pick some Grapes you know oh you thought i was gonna Say Smash
That too i've never Seen a Grape like This pure purple speaking of smashing Though Andy has Picked some Grapes for us and Tomorrow we're
Gonna Make gonna Make Wine or maybe Worse Master Gregg's with Their Feet smash it
And You're American bro Go praying Mantis
Yo How did you see this brendan i don't know it moves differently Than a Leaf Pick Him up you can pick up a praying
Mantis he's not gonna pray on my mantis oh?
Not even Kidding The last time i Picked up a praying Mantis i Was like Seven Kind of since i act like A 10 year
Old But Yeah dude look at Him Just ready to prey on everyone's mantis i bet he's praying he Just Wants a free maverick Mercy
he can get on logan
I don't blame you rose the hardest merge in the game Copy why you can't did i Just use a praying mantis to plug
Skated Literally Just Hitting me right Now Why they're called a praying Mantis
Because he puts his Hands like a
Bitch i will make You my babies with Your Husband i might have a Yard sale with your Load change
What are you Saying Andy have you ever Eaten a Fig
That Is alive Big like fig Newton Fit no never like a
Testicle Looking Thing Yeah eat enough to treated it'S alive oh, alive it's real Living oh?
But Have you ever Eaten alive I'M Guessing it's a book Pear on the tree he's awesome bro c'mere pear oh? Oh?
Whoa yeah yeah yes Brendan Juggle the life Beards yeah yeah fun fact about i'm dying he's Got Really old. Ham
Like Your grandma oh, oh?
Andy Bro you're Crazy bro it's like a Secret Room for a first story ham and Possibly Killing People This is cool look it's Just
a time
Wow he's Great Just cause like you know ham comes from
Boars is that is Just The hand we're gonna be Just sitting right There oh Great Wow
You Could Say we're Having
live Life or the
Experiences it'S it's fresh Ham Andy Said this would cost Two Thousand Dollars in the united States House bill There's a Lot of Money for
Pizza like me
Happy relic Apology for all my Vegan Slash and
Vegetarian Low
Gangsters I know It Looks Bad it's not that Bad I'm Just like pretending for comedic Purposes this is Actually That Kind of cool so
Yeah Let's cut This Thing open
I'm to like i Enjoy Good piece of meat i'm actually I'm Actually Pumped for This this is my big baby
Bro, oh i'm Glad i did this Man don't. Judge a book by it's cover This Is so Good
shoot oh cheese and a Glass of Wine This is the most italians ever done and It Feels Amazing Plus you Got this view
So Good Right Now i'm not even Kidding Guys This iS some of the best meat i've ever tasted and with the cheese and the
It's a Good day to be the logo also i Just want to apologize if i'm making you Jealous in any Way i know it
Like Food Makes me Jealous like if i have a girlfriend and she cheats on me whatever like I'M Not gonna be like That Jealous?
But don't take my Food i'll be pissed
Absolutely wrap the cheese in the Middle bro little prosciutto cheese Italian Sandwich oh my god chase it with the vino
That's a Wrap That's a wrap okay we're going to florence downtown florence i'm a Happy camper Let's do this
You're my twin you look at me bro wow
This is Awkward Now i'll see you Later there is apparently a Dome here it's called the duomo
Apparently Though It is a How do They Say It Dear my buddy Babel fish
Just Reminds me of the Mini horse we're gonna Get for Evan in the new house
By The Way Evan bro This is a message to you i miss You roommate and i love you That's all
Just Like When the Plumber comes Over and you know i Kinda see his butt Crack When he bends down i see That
This Thing
Wow This is nice i've open about with me my garage has Mojo's
Grazie mama mia, papa var d mo, come on to the file to me and we Go?
I Just Got Suddenly more Italian This is incredible pendant Let me tell you something about being
Multicolored Iversity diversification
Donald trump I don't think that Donald Trump Brendan You get that Photo
Pesum above Know it's logan paul calm Stop Just Get there be a maverick you know how it's logan paul calm
Shop Know exactly Logan Paul calm
Did Not Get Killed but you bet your ass to go buy submerge bro What What
That's my Brother That's my Brother you maverick you're not a maverick
The Most Real Answer i've ever had that he's a Conformist What Does that Mean That's the opposite of a Maverick no?
No, no Way don't conform don't conform. No, no no i'm Wearing It straight up on my chest he's like nah dude i'm Unsubscribing
Don't yo hold Up hold Up go tell me i'm a maverick man no
Funny Story about being a Maverick no Way were you were you guys Just the ones cheering with my Brother yeah yeah?
Let'S cheer Louder Now
Just Like Who i am it's hard to like Go places and not cause nothing i think That's i think That's What Makes me such?
A charge i think i'll get Position okay Guys Ready Yeah That's great oh Excellent i Feel like Hayden Was taking Selfies?
Most Definitely Taking Selfies yes Your friend Brendan What What What
No you're not come get Away from me you're not
Good What is his name What is his name What is It did she say It called me a Rake
I'm not
He could be a Rake oh yeah yeah he's good he could definitely be a Rake he could that Would be Right
And okay low gang That is the vlog i gotta say Italy Has Like tired me out bro like I'm Pretty Exhausted i don't remember
End inspire so tired i don't know Why cuz i normally like don't Get tired high your Kids
Loki What's your boy as you know is a Certified savage so i'm gonna do savage Things tonight i
Shouldn't Say That Sounds like I'm gonna Smash Which What Happened but i might like partying but
One quick Thing the show i shot you Guys know what you love It Logan Paul versus yet Another episode has come out it comes
Out Every Week on my Facebook page Logan Paul i will put the link for in the description
The episode for this week is logan Paul versus
Demolition Derby Yes Like The Cars like you get in the car you Just Like Run into other Cars but you get to go
Absolutely and Say Nearly Broke Every bone in my body butts so
Here is a Little preview of That
Think you got the balls to do it no Absolutely not Better Go find some i'd be a vet
So yeah i want you guys to go watch That link in description it's on my Facebook page like i said Just Logan Paul While
I'm plugging if You are not a part of the Logan make sure to subscribe hit the button for me did you do it yeah
Hit the Button for me bro
Join The Strongest Family on YouTube Copy of maverick Merch Every day We are out Here being Mad not being afraid to be different Breakout
of or Whatever bubble You live in travel Explore
Immersing Yourself in life That's What being a Maverick is about Logan Paul that cop slash Shop Link in description ok i will see you
Guys Tomorrow I love y'all TAKE IT EASY PEACE
@ruba.awadalla <- insta #alwaysplug
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