when you faced a ghost game
you only have a flashlight
you met a mysterious girl
you have to escape from this place as fast
all of that said is the content of the game
watch at bussang ch.
coming soon
Best Tools For YouTube Channel 2017-2018 Urdu | Hindi - Duration: 16:48.Subscribe YouTube Channel
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Shorewood family sets up YouTube channel to shame speeders - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Lynda Carter Snaps at James Cameron: STOP Dissing Wonder Woman |K CHANNEL - Duration: 6:31.Lynda Carter Snaps at James Cameron: STOP Dissing Wonder Woman
OG Wonder Woman Lynda Carter just told James Cameron to STFU when it comes to the new Gal Gadot movie.
To James Cameron -STOP dissing WW: You poor soul.
Perhaps you do not understand the character.
I most certainly do.
Like all women--we are more than the sum of our parts, Carter wrote on Facebook.
Your thuggish jabs at a brilliant director, Patty Jenkins, are ill advised.
This movie was spot on.
Gal Gadot was great.
I know, Mr Cameron--I have embodied this character for more than 40 years.
While the movie won over both critics and the box office this year, Cameron aired a few of his grievances with the action movie in a recent interview with The Guardian.
When asked what he thought about about all the excitement over Patty Jekins blockbuster, he said All of the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywoods been doing over Wonder Woman has been so misguided.
Shes an objectified icon, and its just male Hollywood doing the same old thing, he continued.
Im not saying I didnt like the movie but, to me, its a step backwards..
He then compared the movie to his Terminator franchise, which starred ex-wife Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor.
Sarah Connor was not a beauty icon.
She was strong, she was troubled, she was a terrible mother, and she earned the respect of the audience through pure grit, he explained.
And to me, [the benefit of characters like Sarah] is so obvious.
I mean, half the audience is female!.
He doubled down on the criticism just this week during a Hollywood Reporter interview, which is probably what prompted Carters comment above.
Yes, Ill stand by that, he said when asked about calling the female superhero an objectified icon.
I mean, she was Miss Israel, and she was wearing a kind of bustier costume that was very form-fitting.
Shes absolutely drop-dead gorgeous.
To me, thats not breaking ground, he said.
They had Raquel Welch doing stuff like that in the 60s.
It was all in a context of talking about why Sarah Connor — what Linda created in 1991 — was, if not ahead of its time, at least a breakthrough in its time.
I dont think it was really ahead of its time because were still not [giving women these types of roles]..
Cameron insisted Hamilton looked great in Terminator without being treated as a sex object.
She wasnt there to be liked or ogled, but she was central, and the audience loved her by the end of the film.
So as much as I applaud Patty directing the film and Hollywood, uh, letting a woman direct a major action franchise, I didnt think there was anything groundbreaking in Wonder Woman, he said.
I thought it was a good film. Period..
I was certainly shocked that [my comment] was a controversial statement, he continued.
It was pretty obvious in my mind.
I just think Hollywood doesnt get it about women in commercial franchises.
Drama, theyve got that cracked, but the second they start to make a big commercial action film, they think they have to appeal to 18-year-old males or 14-year-old males, whatever it is.
Look, it was probably a little bit of a simplistic remark on my part, and Im not walking it back, but I will add a little detail to it, which is: I like the fact that, sexually, she had the upper hand with the male character, which I thought was fun..
I NEED A BREAK (from the channel) - Duration: 2:20.I need to take a break, lords and ladies.
I'm tired.
More importantly I'm stressed.
I put myself into these high-stress situations thinking, "If I plan ahead I'll be able
to do it!" but then I just fall further and further behind.
Right now, sure, I'm not too far behind on videos, but I just don't feel like I'm
putting out the best quality videos I can.
I watch an episode, sit down to write the review, and nothing comes out.
So I end up BS-ing my way through it and the video suffers.
So I decided I needed a break.
Which isn't the best option because I'm gonna fall further behind on videos, I know
I can't help it because right now I'm not firing on all cylinders and if I keep
going I'm gonna burn myself out and never want to do reviews again.
And I'd hate for it to have to come to that.
I'd probably be less stressed if I didn't have so much content coming out this fall.
I have to launch Archaic Reads next month and I have no content recorded.
Thanks to a bad planning, I have next to no content for Naughty November, and I have nothing
planned for Halloween on Cartoon Hangout.
I want to bring Skullface back, a character I invented last year, but all I have are vague
Add all that together and it feels like the walls are closing in on me.
My only options are keep working and get more stressed out, take a break and fall further
behind, or take a break and not do the videos I skipped.
None seem all that great, but I can't help it.
So yeah, gonna be taking at least a 2 week break.
It's a pseudo vacation because during times where I feel a little more motivated, I'll
probably dabble with reviews.
And then after the break is over, I'll release a few of those, hopefully catch up ones I
missed, and be ready to tackle the new episodes I have to review.
Hopefully you understand.
I don't feel like I'm doing my best with this channel and I want to take some time
to recharge and come back with better quality content.
Fingers crossed.
Thanks for listening and take care.
Napstasoul's channel in a nutshell 2 | Where are All Boss Themes videos | About my OCs - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
St. Pete family to be rescued from Puerto Rico after News Channel 8 story - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
How to make beautiful logo for Any channel Photoshop Tutorial ll How to I.T JESA LOGO Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 11:12.Click On Subscribe Button
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Reaching at 1000 subscribers! Introduction to my channel. チャンネル紹介動画。登録者1000人が見えてきた!毎日更新してます! - Duration: 2:38.
Hi, it's Harumi.
I started this channel in October, 2015
then about for 2 year so far
I've been working on it quite relaxed.
And now subscribers is reaching at 1000.
It wasn't very quick but I started without knowing anything
having no plan so I feel like
now at this moment I'm about to be at the start line.
In June, 2017 I started to upload more videos
in September I started Vlog.
Besides Portuguese lessons, not only for those who're learning Portuguese
but also those who aren't can learn something about Brazil.
I'm currently taking care of kids
so sometimes I film when I just get up with a tired face,
I have to show our messy room...
so the both my life and YouTube are under the process of trial and error everyday.
But there're people who encourage me, so
all of that makes me want to do more.
I won't change my style that I do this relaxed
but there're many things I wanna try out
so I'll be trying them out in this channel.
Those who want to learn Portuguese especially who's starting from zero
I want you to watch from Lesson 1.
I'll make more intermediate and advance videos
a little by little.
And there're English version of Portuguese lessons
and they're mostly the ones that you learn words and phrases
so not only who knows English but others can try it.
In the Vlog that I mentioned earlier
I'm trying to put English subtitles recently.
And also for Brazilian subscribers
I'm starting to make videos that talk about Japan and Japanese
and also I'm thinking to make videos with Bruno
like "What do Brazilians think about Japan."
So there're full of stuff in this one channel
but I'm trying to make everyone happy
so please support me!
Always feel free to leave comments, questions and requests
on the videos or facebook fan page.
Don't forget to like the videos and subscribe the channel, please!
See you until next time! Kisses.. Thcau
Growing and Editing a Rainbow Six Youtube Channel - Duration: 7:09.hey what's going on guys today we're gonna talk about growing and editing a
rainbow 6 channel first and foremost somebody put a
disclaimer out there that every channels growth is gonna be on a case-by-case
basis and I don't believe there's a universal way to grow at the same rate
as the next guy that being said I wanted to tell you guys about my beginnings
getting the first 100 growing fast and the setup and editing process I used to
make videos that you guys see today I'll be including a link to my full gaming
setup down below if you're interested in purchasing any of the items because if
you do from the site it actually helps me a lot that's kind of stuff that
really butters my hook that by the end of this you feel motivated to take on a
YouTube channel and to begin seeing growth yourself with that out of the way
I also want to make sure this is as quick and entertaining as possible so
here we go a lot of you wondered how I got interested in YouTube and why I
started in the first place well my interest in YouTube came when I was
about 10 years old I had a friend named Preston who told me we should totally
upload a video to YouTube and I had never done anything on the internet
before and even wondered if my parents would allow it
we made toontown in free roams videos and it all began no those videos are no
longer up they were doused in gasoline and burned with fire once I realized
people might actually go looking for them a little over a year and a half ago
I decided to take my love for movie editing to Rainbow six my brother told
me about the game so I found some people when we made a channel called normal
people play yes it's still up if you'd like to watch them cringy videos and
stunning 30 frames per second upon realizing that I wanted to make a
channel for just me yo boy Roy gaming was born
and holy smokes did it suck six months of 50-plus videos in 720 30fps and I was
no where hours of time I put into videos that were seen only by my refresh is not
gonna lie it was discouraging so what changed Roy how did you get out of the
pit of despair how did you get your first 100 subs let me tell you what
worked and what didn't personally first things first if you hope to be noticed
montages probably won't cut it unless you're insanely creative and find
unique ways to make stunning montages most of the community doesn't want to
watch a no-name get three kills here and there it's the harsh reality I had to
deal with everything I made was a montage funny moments epic moments you
name it it didn't work unfortunately my friends and I didn't quite have the
appealing personalities the community was looking for so my channel remained
stagnant that spurred me to be more creative in my edits I started making
spectator type cinematics that attracted some attention it was different and it
did the trick to get me to my first 100 now one question I had on a consistent
basis when trying to grow was where do I go to get my videos in front of more
viewers I tried reddit for the longest time and
had some success here and there but the community could be pretty toxic and
brutal especially if it was just another montage wow this is garbage so I went to
all my PSN friends and sent them a link to my channel asking for their sub and
feedback this was the best starting point to some growth in addition if you
guys are looking to make this reality consider pursuing the investment the
investment starts with taking your seven twenty thirty and making them ten eighty
sixty chair factory on PSN is super limited but if you can get yourself a
capture card you'll stand out more on PC OBS or shadowplay are great software's
to capture anything you're looking for a nice quality so I finally hit my hundred
subs it took me six months well I felt good and I was very proud of myself but
of course you always want more so let's talk about what the heck happened from
100 subs and beyond well I posted my first diamond tips and
trick video called top 5 diamond habits that got me rolling I realized several
components that made this different from the rest first I had researched on
YouTube what videos were missing basically ideas nobody thought to do yet
I made the video and it set me off on a nice grow
three-second my metadata tags weren't just one word keywords they were common
phrases I felt like people would use that they were actually searching for a
certain video tag like how to get to Diamond on ps4 are a lot better than ps4
diamond highlights what will the community be looking for most on YouTube
what would you type in the search bar if you were looking for a certain video
third I tried to be unique I wanted my tips to be unique to myself so I didn't
watch what other people had to offer on the subject matter so as to remove any
possible copy or similarity forth I started to pick certain people to play
with based on personality and skill a one of my viewers to not only enjoy my
commentary but the people in my games as well if your friends tend to be a bit
obnoxious or overly toxic you might try and settle them down for your videos or
find others to play with YouTube is a big waiting game stay diligent to
uploading consistently because the more you posts the more likely you're going
to be noticed and to have that one video that sets you up I know you guys want to
hear me say here's the magic formula to instant growth but it just doesn't exist
it's a bitter brutal patient waiting game that leaves you hoping to be
noticed try and implement some of these components I used and hopefully you can
start finding your groove now let's take a closer look at my setup and how I edit
my videos I think the three biggest upgrades I took to get myself on the
radar we're the elgato hd60 capture card the blue yeti microphone and my editing
software Final Cut Pro improving these three things really make the viewers
experience with your videos far more enjoyable so I definitely start here if
you're thinking of upgrading your setup for those of you who don't know the
elgato capture card works by plugging it into your computer via USB and then
running an HDMI from your monitor to the capture card and then another HDMI from
the capture card to your console this allows the screen to receive the ps4
signal but for the software on your computer to pick up everything going on
in the game the software is very easy to use featuring string capabilities and
recordings the blue yeti Mica's what you're listening to now it's my own
personal choice but I know that there are a lot of cheaper and still nice
sounding mics out there so definitely look up what the mics sound like on
YouTube before you buy the editing software is also super important
unfortunately this is the priciest part of the journey my software cost me about
300 bucks but it was so worth it I used iMovie in Windows Movie Maker for a
while but they were limited in the amount of overlays and things I could
add to the overall video nevertheless if you're looking for a free software to
get started definitely check one of those out to
help out little things to your videos you can use cool
to respond sir thumbnails and pop-ups in your videos this is a really cool site
to give you cooler style for music I use epidemic sound which provides copyright
free music so I never have to worry about strikes it does require a
subscription but I found it's a nice place to get those beats you'll enjoy so
much and the inside the amount of a diamond series of which another episode
is coming out this week to get behind the scenes on how I edit this is what
videos typically look like Final Cut Pro allows me to add a lot of stuff on top
of each other and to get the frame by frame that I need to add subtitles to
funny moments compilations don't buy all these things at once but start working
to checking some of those things off your setup list YouTube is an investment
and I hope it pays off for you guys coming from a guy who thought he was
stuck at a hundred subs forever it is possible to grow I wish you guys the
best of luck I hope you enjoyed the video stay diligent in your YouTube
careers and I can't wait to read comments about how you guys grew into
YouTube beasts do the next months and years to follow take care guys and I'll
see you all very soon
"DROP IT" Trap Beat Instrumental 2017 | Dark Hard Dope Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beat | Free DL - Duration: 4:31."DROP IT" Trap Beat Instrumental 2017 | Dark Hard Dope Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beat | Free DL
সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 16:16.Bangladesh news 24
সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 10:03.bangladesh news 24
Hai Số Phận Tập 83 - Harman cố gắng che giấu nổi đau || BEN CHANNEL - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
learn colors with magic and vehicles a coloring book video for children by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:24.PINK
Guy Incognito Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:02.Getting good ham.
Mice I bubble you for addict.
Oh, Nevada hear, homo.
Horse is homo?
I mom is Guy Incognito
Buy log!
His mouth ExLax bubble!
That dog has app ugly
Eat love!
New knowledge channel. Please Subscribe! - Duration: 0:11.-------------------------------------------
[C-MORE CHANNEL] Thời Kỳ Mãn Kinh | Menopause - Duration: 3:01.
Menopause is a natural biological process in a woman.
It usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 years old.
It's primary results are when there is a cessation in ovarian functions.
It also marks the end of fertility and menstruation for the woman.
Menstruation and fertility are possible
because of the presence of eggs that are released during the monthly cycles.
So when there is no more ovarian function, menopause happens.
Symptoms of menopause can occur even before the woman actually stops her periods
and there are commonly hot flushes, night sweats,
dry skins, insomnias and frequent urination in the nights.
The more severe complications that can arise when a woman has menopause
would be effects on the heart as well as on the bones, that's osteoporosis.
For the heart, they can experience heart attacks which will become increased
as a result of the presence of hormones that protected them when they were in the fertile phase.
The minor side effects that occur after menopause like hot flushes, night sweats,
can easily be taken care of by topical applications like vaginal creams.
can easily be taken care of by topical applications like vaginal creams.
There are those in the markets, which are unlike the previous ones, which were found to cause breast cancers
and these can be taken by the woman
to relieve her symptoms if they are severe.
And usually, we would recommend a lowest possible dose for the shortest possible time.
Obviously, the woman doesn't need to use birth control after menopause
because it marks the cessation of ovarian function.
In fact, a lot of people are happy when they get their menopause
because they don't have to worry about pregnancy anymore.
Khloé Kardashian Posts Sexy Photos Following Her Pregnancy News|K CHANNEL - Duration: 3:30.Khloé Kardashian Posts Sexy Photos Following Her Pregnancy News
Khloé Kardsahian returned to Instagram after news broke of her pregnancy to share some sexy snaps of herself — and her latest Good American clothing for sale.
"Our @goodamerican Chunky Zip bodysuit just dropped in black and red in a full and inclusive size range," Kardashian, 33, wrote alongside three photos of the mom-to-be sitting on steps in a black-and-red pantsuit, with her legs splayed open.
On Tuesday, PEOPLE confirmed the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star is expecting her first child with boyfriend Tristan Thompson.
"Yes, Khloé and Tristan are expecting and they are absolutely thrilled," a source told PEOPLE.
"This isn't something they were in a rush to announce to the whole world, and it's only been in just the past week or so that they've felt comfortable telling most of their inner circle.
Khloé one of three Kardashian-Jenner siblings expecting a child.
Khloé's pregnancy news came just days after sources confirmed to PEOPLE that Kylie Jenner was expecting a baby girl with her boyfriend Travis Scott.
On Thursday, Kim Kardashian West confirmed that she and her husband Kanye West are expecting their third child via surrogate in a teaser trailer for season 14 of KUWTK.
During a 2017 teaser for KUWTK, the Good American designer said, "Tristan and I definitely talk about starting a family.
He wants to have about five or six kids with me and that's lovely.".
"We could start at one and we could grow from there," she added.
In an interview with YOU magazine in August, she elaborated, saying, "Tristan is a great dad and he definitely wants more children, but we both feel that it will happen when the time is right.
We're still in a new relationship and I love us having time together.".
In Dec.
2016, Thompson had his first son — Prince Oliver — with his ex-girlfriend Jordan Craig.
This channel's kinda dead lol [Q & A video] not voice reveal, activate subtitles n look desc - Duration: 1:47.I WAS HAVING ONE OKAY, I MADE THAT VID AT 12:23 AM SEPTEMBER 28 AND I WENT TO SLEEP AFTER THAT
i sound like a mouse irl
they're now 1,812 why do u all keep coming
hey don't cry
ya drama quee- who am i kidding i did cried i love u all
it was like 20 u liar
u better turn them on or imma kick ur b u TT-
"Azu, do you talk spanish? :0"
mAYBE(? -is my natal language uwu-
she's like, really good i mean i love her content
sm O OCH---
like srsly i love u so m U CH----------
not that kind of love im a rlly jelaous person donT T E LL H IM CUTE STufF- ok that enough azu
"Do you use something to make animations ?And if you do, How's it called/What is it?"
It's not only for animation (its for drawing 2)
It's a Wacom Intuos Small (80 dollars) <-I THINK SO I DON'T REMEMBER
Also, i didn't used the paper u have me in history class(? -i used my sketchbook-
im not
" "AZU LOVE ME" put that one"
"Which was ur first game? I mean, that you've played in a console"
"Which color are your socks rn? xd"
The song is "This is home" by cavetown
i'm actually learning ukulele because of him tho
i'm like the worst at it lol
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