You want to fight?
OK. Box!
You can't guarantee a win
But you can guarantee a fight
Don't want a ticket? Keep phone off while driving - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
BBC 6 Minute English - What can't computers do? - Duration: 6:19.Welcome to 6 Minute English, where we bring you an intelligent topic and six related items
of vocabulary.
I'm Neil.
And I'm Tim.
And today we're talking about AI – or Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence is the ability of machines to copy human intelligent behaviour
– for example, an intelligent machine can learn from its own mistakes, and make decisions
based on what's happened in the past.
There's a lot of talk about AI these days, Neil, but it's still just science fiction,
isn't it?
That's not true – AI is everywhere.
Machine thinking is in our homes, offices, schools and hospitals.
Computer algorithms are helping us drive our cars.
They're diagnosing what's wrong with us in hospitals.
They're marking student essays…
They're telling us what to read on our smartphones…
Well, that really does sound like science fiction – but it's happening already,
you say, Neil?
It's definitely happening, Tim.
And an algorithm, by the way, is a set of steps a computer follows in order to solve
a problem.
So can you tell me what was the name of the computer which famously beat world chess champion
Garry Kasparov using algorithms in 1997?
Was it… a) Hal,
b) Alpha 60 or c) Deep Blue?
I'll say Deep Blue.
Although I'm just guessing.
Was it an educated guess, Tim?
I know a bit about chess…
An educated guess is based on knowledge and experience and is therefore likely to be correct.
Well, we'll find out later on how educated your guess was in this case, Tim!
But getting back to AI and what machines can do – are they any good at solving real-life
Computers think in zeros and ones don't they?
That sounds like a pretty limited language when it comes to life experience!
You would be surprised to what those zeroes and ones can do, Tim.
Although you're right that AI does have its limitations at the moment.
And if something has limitations there's a limit on what it can do or how good it can
OK – well now might be a good time to listen to Zoubin Bharhramani, Professor of Information
Engineering at the University of Cambridge and deputy director of the Leverhulme Centre
for the Future of Intelligence.
He's talking about what limitations AI has at the moment.
I think it's very interesting how many of the things that we take for granted – we
humans take for granted – as being sort of things we don't even think about like
how do we walk, how do we reach, how do we recognize our mother.
You know, all these things.
When you start to think how to implement them on a computer, you realize that it's those
things that are incredibly difficult to get computers to do, and that's where the current
cutting edge of research is.
If we take something for granted we don't realise how important something is.
You sometimes take me for granted, I think, Neil.
No – I never take you for granted, Tim!
You're far too important for that!
Good to hear!
So things we take for granted are doing every day tasks like walking, picking something
up, or recognizing somebody.
We implement – or perform – these things without thinking – Whereas it's cutting
edge research to try and program a machine to do them.
Cutting edge means very new and advanced.
It's interesting isn't it, that over ten years ago a computer beat a chess grand master
– but the same computer would find it incredibly difficult to pick up a chess piece.
I know.
It's very strange.
But now you've reminded me that we need the answer to today's question.
Which was: What was the name of the computer who famously beat world chess champion Garry
Kasparov in 1997?
Now, you said Deep Blue, Tim, and … that was the right answer!
You see, my educated guess was based on knowledge and experience!
Or maybe you were just lucky.
So, the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue played against US world chess champion Garry Kasparov
in two chess matches.
The first match was played in Philadelphia in 1996 and was won by Kasparov.
The second was played in New York City in 1997 and won by Deep Blue.
The 1997 match was the first defeat of a reigning world chess champion by a computer under tournament
Let's go through the words we learned today.
First up was 'artificial intelligence' or AI – the ability of machines to copy
human intelligent behaviour.
"There are AI programs that can write poetry."
Do you have any examples you can recite?
Afraid I don't!
Number two – an algorithm is a set of steps a computer follows in order to solve a problem.
For example, "Google changes its search algorithm hundreds of times every year."
The adjective is algorithmic – for example, "Google has made many algorithmic changes."
Number three – if something has 'limitations' – there's a limit on what it can do or
how good it can be.
"Our show has certain limitations – for example, it's only six minutes long!"
That's right – there's only time to present six vocabulary items.
Short but sweet!
And very intelligent, too.
OK, the next item is 'take something for granted' – which is when we don't realise
how important something is.
"We take our smart phones for granted these days – but before 1995 hardly anyone owned
Number five – 'to implement' – means to perform a task, or take action.
"Neil implemented some changes to the show."
The final item is 'cutting edge' – new and advanced – "This software is cutting
"The software uses cutting edge technology."
OK – that's all we have time for on today's cutting edge show.
But please check out our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube pages.
I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! • VLOG 003 - Duration: 4:11.
Good morning guys!
I know i also said this in the 2nd vlog but this vlog is going to be much shorter than my first 3
Cause I really didn't do much in the past week
Monday & Tuesday
Wednesday was kinda the same except for… Can you guys hear it?
Can you guys hear it?
I just woke up from a 10 minutes nap and this happened
Can you guys see that spot?
I just got a message from the manager and he said
The apartment upstair is flooding...
Are you guys gonna come back to paint the wall?
May be you guys can't see it through the camera, but my rest room is also flooding rn
It's not until Thursday, I finally got out of the house to do some photography
It was in Downtown like always, but we found a cool fire escape this time
When you get a hold of it it's pretty easy to pull down right?
After that we were pretty tired already but on the way back..
I thought you were all upper body
Grab the bar
Congrats, bud!!
How does it feel?
It only took you 6 hours...
As you guys can see, I'm on the train right now
I'm going to Dallas to see a good friend of mine from Freshmen year
I've just been doing homework and edit some of this vlog in the last 12 hours
Oh, before getting on this train at 3 am today
I'm sorry if this vlog was hella boring, but October is going to be much better
So if you haven't subscribed yet, smash that button rn
Oke, See you guys next week!
don't smile plz - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Lazy High Protein Vegan Recipe That 'Don't Taste Like Ass' - Duration: 3:10.vegan meals quick easy for beginners
vegan meals that don't taste like ass, this was commented by check below. so I'm
gonna give you guys two quick and easy recipes high in that good ass nutrients to get them
vegan gains in stick with me guys let's go, my brother's my sister the first
thing we're gonna do is weigh up our lentils, 1 cup is about 250 grams, water ratio one to 2.5, cut your
plantains and add it in, that was a bit too lazy don't do that, drop it gentle, not we
literally chopped up everything and put in it in the pot, and let it to boil, let's go. Dice your spring onions.
add it in, dice some ginger, add it in. dice some plantain, slap it in the
oven gas mark 200 , dice your okra, major key add it in
dice your mushrooms and add it in, cutting the mushrooms that's 50% lazy , if you want
to go all the way 100 just crumble it with your hands doesn't make no
difference, that will save you about 2 minutes, lazy man recipe. Broccoli use your hand
separate, add it in, now is the time you want to cover the pot, add some fresh thyme, add it in.
now it's time to put in our fresh herbs you know I love cooking with
fresh herbs so we've got parsley coriander we've got some basil I will just put a little bit of each in there. lazy man recipe but you guys home
you might want to adjust it to your personal tastes and after that we pour a
little bit of salt a little bit of curry powder and that is your meal down. 20
minutes Bon Appetit, sea salt, curry powder cayenne pepper, mix , close, avocado and so
living baby
everything really complements each other. and the plantain! this is an
actual size , i may go back for number 2
friends my family I see you on part two let's go ready guys we're gonna start
with the quinoa it's a quick recipe for the lazy
14 Reasons You Can't Understand British English | British English Words - Duration: 8:34.Right, I wanna have a cuppa and a sarnie and then this arvo I'm deffo gonna
watch the footy on the telly with a few bevvies.
What?? Yes, in this video I'm going to teach you 14 wonderfully British English words
which is part of the reason that you don't understand native speakers when
they're speaking between themselves and also why American English speakers don't
understand British English speakers. So, if you want to learn 14 wonderfully
British English words... keep watching!
OK, I'm Greg from and if you want to take
your spoken English to an advanced level for better professional opportunities
then you're in the right place. Click up there and find out more!
Right, so let's have a look at these 14 beautifully British English
words. Remember the video comes with subtitles if you want just click below.
And yeah, I was thinking the other day, why do you have such a problem
understanding native English speakers? And then, when I was speaking to a friend
of mine and I used two or three of these words I thought, it's obvious, there's no
there's no wonder, it's no surprise that you have problems understanding British
English people when they're speaking together because we have so many slang
words but words that we shorten to make them understandable for us but
definitely incomprehensible for you. These words don't appear in a textbook
so the only way you're gonna learn them is by watching this video. OK, I've made
a list of 14 words and they're all words that we shorten as much as
possible so that we spend as little time talking as we can. So let's start with
number 1. TELL. Telly, alright if you watch the telly
you watch the television. Television. We shorten the television to telly. You can
also say TV - I think TV is a word that you would
probably learn in a textbook in your school but telly is a wonderfully
British English word for the TV. Alright, and what do we watch on the telly?
Well, normally I want the footy on the telly. The footy. Footy. Football. Instead
of saying football we say footy. Footy. Are you watching the footy
this evening? Yeah, come round to my house we'll watch
it on the telly! Number 3 is sarnie. Sarnie. Sarnie is
short for sandwich. Sandwich. Ham sandwich? Ham sarnie. Cheese sandwich? Cheese sarnie.
Do you want a sarnie? Yeah I'll have a sarnie. Number 4 is a brolly. And a brolly
is something we take outside with us often in winter in England or in the
summer. When it rains you need your brolly. Brolly is short for umbrella.
Umbrella... brella... brolly! Brolly! Don't forget your brolly! Now many of my
students have problems pronouncing the word vegetable. Sometimes they say a
vegeTABLE. You know what? It doesn't matter, because in England we often say
veg. What are you gonna say: vegetable – 4 syllables – or veg – 1 syllable! Veg!
You can also say veggies, veggies! So yeah, if you go to the green grocers you buy
fruit and veg. Fruit and veg. Fruit and veg. Talking of food, the first meal of
the day is brekkie. Yes, breakfast is far too long, it's an
enormous word breakfast, so we make it shorter and we simply say brekkie. And
what does every English person drink with their brekkie? They have a cuppa.
Cup of tea. We can shorten to cuppa. Do you want a cuppa? Of course I want a cuppa!
I'm English! Alright, the next word is bevvie. Bevvie and bevvie
is also a type of drink, it's an alcoholic drink, it doesn't matter which,
it could be beer, it could be wine, but it is short for beverage. Well really it's
short for alcoholic beverage, but when you're in a
pub with your friends you could say, 'do you want a bevvie?' If you are not in the
pub but you want to buy an alcoholic beverage from a shop or a specific type
of shop that only sells alcohol you go to the offie. The offie. And the offie is
short for the off-license. The off-license is.... is that, it's simply
a shop that sells alcoholic beverages so yeah you go to the offie to buy your
bevvies on the way to your friends house to watch the footy on the telly. The 10th
word is deffo. Deffo is short for definitely. Definitely. Do you want a cuppa
with your brekkie? Deffo!! Definitely is such a long word that we have to, we
have to shorten it to deffo. Another extremely long word is afternoon. Oh so
long! So instead of afternoon we say arvo. Arvo. Yeah I'll see you this
arvo. Have you got any plans for tomorrow arvo?
OK, the next word is congrats. Congrats is short for congratulations.
Congratulations. We very, very oftenly say congrats. And finally we have two grammar
words which we always shorten in spoken English. I'm sure you've heard them
before, you've definitely seen them before and you've definitely heard them before
in music and English films, I'm sure. The first one is gonna. Gonna. This is short
for going to. Gonna. And it's often followed by a verb, so instead of saying,
'I'm going to watch the television', we could say "I'm gonna watch the telly" or
instead of saying "I want to watch the football this afternoon with an
alcoholic beverage" you could say "I wanna watch the footy this arvo with a bevvie.
I wanna watch the footy this arvo with a bevvie. There you go!
14 superb reasons why English is so flippin' difficult to understand for
you if you're listening to two British people speaking to each other. But there
are many more and if you can think of any other words that we shorten in
English write them in the comments below. I know there are more and I know you
know more too, so put them in the comments and let's help the community
learn all these shortened words to help everybody learn British English together.
So if you like this video please do 3 things: give it a thumbs up, share
it with your friends and click Subscribe for more videos from me. Alright, thanks
for watching, I'll speak to you soon and yeah have a good week. Until next time,
Bye bye for now!
25 Uncomfortable Things You Need To Do If You Don't Want To Regret Your 20s - Duration: 6:30.25 Uncomfortable Things You Need To Do If You Don't Want To Regret Your 20s
Have the courage to say when something isn't working.
Have the courage to commit when something is.
Take a look at yourself and ask: If I stopped growing tomorrow, is this the person I would want to be for the rest of
my life?
Decide what doesn't matter, so you can invest your time and money into what does.
Think regularly about how you would live your life if social media didn't exist,
if you weren't documenting your every move, or if you didn't have glossy, edited pictures to compare yourself to.
Stop overreacting.
Have something to talk about that isn't other people, and your judgments of them.
Stop worrying about inane things like whether or not you are "fat." Nobody will be at your funeral blessing your life
because you maintained one pant size.
How you look is not an accomplishment.
Ask questions about other people more than you make statements about yourself.
Stop trying to have the most nuanced, complex opinions more than you try to be the kindest,
most empathetic person you know.
Cut yourself some slack.
One of the biggest regrets most people have about their 20s is that they didn't enjoy them more.
And I'm not talking about "buy more expensive dinners, take another trip to Thailand" type of enjoyment.
I mean having the ability to take a deep breath and sip coffee in the morning knowing that you have done,
and are doing, your best.
Read books.
Learn how to be nice.
This is the most insanely powerful life hack, and yet the most overlooked.
Learn how to genuinely be nice to people.
This will get you farther than anything else.
Live so death has nothing to steal.
Leave everything on the table.
Don't hold back your thoughts, your love, your creativity for another day.
That path leads you to becoming a fraction of the person you were meant to be.
Stop saying you want to be in a forever relationship, and be in one.
Your soulmate relationship is something you build, not something you stumble upon.
If you don't figure this out, you will be perpetually disappointed by the person you end up with.
Live within your means.
If you don't learn to do this when you have little, you won't be able to do it when you have more.
High-earning people can also be the most indebted and financially unstable,
because they are always living just a bit outside of what they can afford.
Accomplishments don't change your life, habits do.
Write a mission statement and use it as your guideline.
Define your most essential values and make sure your thoughts, actions and decisions align with them.
This is how you live an honest life.
Don't burn bridges.
Learn to bow out of friendships, relationships, jobs and parties with grace.
Ask for the truth.
Be in the discomfort that's leading you to your bad habits.
Whatever it is that's holding you back in your life is actually a symptom of some unmet need.
Figure out what it is, and feed it in a healthy way.
Your external issues will start to dissolve as you do.
Recognize the ways in which you've projected blame onto others.
"What you love in people is what you love about yourself; what you hate in people is what you can't see in yourself."
Learn to seek purpose more than you do pleasure.
Pleasure does not change your life, it makes discomfort bearable.
Purpose makes discomfort worth it.
Don't let comfort be your first virtue.
Home is where you make it, so make it somewhere.
Break free from the illusion that what you see on Instagram is "real life." It is not "real life." It is a highly
curated, aspirational, photoshopped, filtered vignette.
Learn to be happy here, now, today.
If you do not learn how to be happy in the present, no job, no partner, no success, no trip, no money,
nothing that you are working for will be as enjoyable as you think.
You cannot save up your happiness to be released when you think you deserve it.
You either have it now, or you have it never.
Extreme Yoga Challenge *I CAN´T SEE!* - Duration: 10:15.
Today we will do the ...
Because... one moment
Because I'm going to do the challenge but blindfolded
Yes, because I am savage
okey, here we go
Lets see the video!"
I don´t know if the photo can be seen
But we put the photo here
Wait. I'll see the photo first
which is the photo?
Hold on
You are not in 90º
You have to climb on my ankles
Okey let´s go
We did it
Sure , the hardest for me
This is the photo
Okey, let´s go
have i the body totally straight?
Really? I can´t see
It has been very easy
It has been very easy
Which is the next photo?
This is the next photo
What are you doing?
it is not like that
I can´t do it
Here begins the complicated thing
I'm afraid of falling
Hold on hold on
you are very tall
come on
I can´t do it
i have a pulled muscle in my leg
we put the photo here
or here
test passed
Which is the next photo?
This is impossible
I can´t see
i can´t see
Come on
This is the photo
Where are you?
Which is the next photo?
that's right
This is the photo
what happened to you?
well.. I have not seen your legs and I have fallen
now the hands on the legs
it's harder than I thought
ha it´s a joke
okey, let´s go
this is the photo
Houston we have a problem
aaaaa I can´t
ELVIS PRESLEY - Can't help falling in love (TERJEMAHAN) EIN STYLE - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
The Vamps play Who's Most Likely | Don't Bore Us - Duration: 3:27.Hey guys Sarah here from Don't Bore Us and I am with The Vamps
Welcome, and we are about to play a game called Who's Most Likely!
Are we ready?
I love it, yep!
I think so!
Who's most likely to injure themselves on stage?
Us two at the end.
Has it ever happened before?
What happened?
Tell us the story.
I had to have an operation, I ripped the cartilage across here, it got tangled behind my kneecap.
Who's most likely to embarrass themselves in public?
Any one of us!
All of us maybe.
Who's most likely to use tinder on the road?
Well Brad's...
I don't think, yeah I'm single but I haven't even downloaded Tinder,
I've never been on it!
Who's most likely to talk to an animal like it's human?
I do that all the time!
You more a dog person or a cat person?
Dog at the moment.
At the moment?
It varies.
It goes through seasons.
Who's most likely to be last in bed on tour?
Last in bed?
Oh last in bed!
Probably Tris.
You out partying?
Well, or just like eating.
Yeah that's fair enough!
Who's most likely to be first in bed on tour?
Like your sleep?
We've got a lot in common!
Who's most likely to call their mum on the road?
Who's most likely to laugh at the wrong moment?
Definitely me!
Has it ever happened before?
Yes it has
A dog got flattened
We got Punk'd, and um, basically a dog got crushed by an amp, but not really, I just
burst in to laughter
It was too serious, I can't deal with serious moments I just can't!
A dog got crushed and you're just like 'haha!'
The camera like panned through all of us, two of us are like nearly in tears, and then
it gets to Tris and he's just like,
like trying to hold in
I don't want to laugh!
You're bad as well
Yeah but I knew it
Nah when it's genuinely bad like I don't laugh, but like I was in on the joke, but I looked
like a right chump
because I was laughing but I knew, because they told me before
yeah you have an excuse!
I just look really heartless though
Who's most likely to get a drunk tattoo?
Drunk tattoo.
Well Connor's the only one with tattoos
Are any of these drunk tattoos?
None of these are drunk tattoos
these are all decisions?
Well that's a joke isn't it
I mean this is stupid
That's a stick on that one
Who's most likely to die first in a zombie apocalypse?
Die first.
We have a, it's a band like topic a zombie apocalypse, as to what we'd do
We discovered the new mode of transport and weapon yesterday
we were in a golf cart, we were playing golf, in a golf cart with was it a driver?
James was driving, or whoever was driving, then the passenger has a golf club,
hanging out the side taking some knees off
That's a nice way to pick the zombies off
I feel like a golf cart is a little slow...
Well, you say that,
I mean I don't want to poke holes in your theory but um...
I feel like you are poking holes in our theory!
Who's most likely to take a girl to Macca's on the first date?
Macca's, McDonalds, what do you call it in England?
Macca's yeah
Not James,
I love McDonalds
Filet o Fish
It depends where you meet because if you like, meet on a like night out or a bar or something,
it could be a date and then if you...
Hey we are The Vamps, and thank you very much for watching Don't Bore Us
We will see you next time!
え?何か変わった?I Don't See Any Difference! 特殊メイクの落とし方 How to: Remove Special Effects Makeup - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
Tony Stark "You Want My Property, You Can't Have It" Scene | Iron Man 2 (2010) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:20.He asks us to trust him
as we cower behind it.
I wish I were comforted, Anthony. I really do.
I'd like to leave my door unlocked when I leave the house,
but this ain't Canada.
You know we live in a world of grave threats,
threats that Mr. Stark will not always be able to foresee.
Thank you. God bless Iron Man, God bless America.
Well said, Mr. Hammer.
The committee would now like to invite
Lieut. Col. James Rhodes to the chamber.
Hey, buddy. Didn't expect to see you here.
Look, it's me. I'm here. Deal with it. Let's move on.
- I just ... - Drop it. - Alright, I'll drop it.
I have before me a complete report on the Iron Man weapon
compiled by Colonel Rhodes.
and Colonel, for the record, can you please read page 57, paragraph 4?
You're requesting that I read specific selections from my report, senator?
Yes, sir.
My understanding that I was going to be testifying in a much more comprehensive and detailed manner.
I understand, a lot of things have changed today.
You do understand that reading a single paragraph out of context does not reflect the summary of my finding?
Just read it, Colonel. I do. Thank you.
Very well.
As he does not operate within any definable branch of government,
The Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation
and to her interests.
I did, however, go on to summarize that the benefits of Iron Man far outweigh the liabilities
and that it would be in our interest
to fold Mr Stark into the existing chain of command.
I'm not a joiner but I'll consider Secretary of Defense, if you ask nice.
We can amend the hours a little bit.
I'd like to go on and show, if I may, the imagery that's connected to your report.
I believe it is somewhat premature to reveal these images to the general public at this time.
With all due respect, Colonel, I understand. And if you could just narrate those for us,
we'd be very grateful.
Show the images.
Intelligence suggests that the devices seen in these photos
are in fact attempts at making manned copies
of Mr. Stark's suit.
This has been corroborated by our allies
and local intelligence on the ground
indicating that these suits are
quite possibly at this moment operational.
Hold on a second buddy, let me see.
There's something here. Oh, boy I'm good.
Now can I get more screens.
I need them. Time for a little transparency.
- Let's see what's really going on. - What is he doing?
If you'll direct your attention to said screens,
I believe that's North Korea.
Can you turn that off? Take it off.
No grave, immediate threat here.
Is that Justin Hammer?
How did Hammer get in here?
Justin, you're on TV, focus up.
Wow. Yeah, I'd say most countries, 5-10 years away.
- Hammer Industries 20. - I'd like to point out that that test pilot survived.
I think we got the point that he's making. I don't think there's any reason...
The point is you're welcome, I guess.
- For what? - Because, I'm your nuclear deterrent.
It's working. We're safe. America is secure.
You want my property? You can't have it!
But did I you a big favor.
I've successfully privatized world peace.
What more do you want?
For now!
I'm tired of all of these ass clowns!
Fuck you Mr Stark. Fuck you buddy.
- We're adjourned, we're adjourned for today. - Okay
You've been a delight.
My bond is with the people.
And I will serve this great nation
at the pleasure of myself.
One thing I've proven is that you can count on me... pleasure myself.
I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ATE THIS... **RAW** - Duration: 16:20.Bro bro i'm not Glad i did this man don't Judge a book by it's cover this Is so bad
Oily meats boiii!!
(Screaming uncontrollably..)
Good morning logang
whats popping
Oh snap yo the Water is very cold
As y'all Know we're in the beautiful country of Italy Currently in florence we came Here to pick up my brother's lamborghini
Too Soon okay if you guys did not see that video
That is definitely a Thing That Was a Disaster
Happen Yesterday i Was Possibly gonna Get one too but the whole experience Kind of went south but Whatever bro were in italy this place
Is freaking Gorgeous
Speaking of Good-Looking Yo Andy's next-door neighbor Is the Mostess She's a cutest Lady I've ever
Seen Bilateral Baby Mama mia She's Like This tiny old Lady Like a Short Little Haircut
and shes like I wanna just kiss her cheeks bro!
No disrespect do you think She's gonna have any Idea What i'm Doing with This camera?
Rita Rita Rita
If you have a Daughter i would like to take her to la and Put her in a mansion
Louis Volant
She only has guys
F*** it
Its 2017 ill take it
Me tomorrow yeah?
I have a Pet His name is Kong He's like You but hes a dawg i miss you cause by the way buddy i love you
Oh you watch speaking of dogs
My Roommate
Evan, Dwarf mamba haha, dwarf Mamba, he got a dog dude so when i go back freaking
Kong is gonna Have a Sister Oh my God
It's gonna be lit, new house new car new school Bus new dogs look at Everyone Just
Corrugating Out Here enjoying Italy mamma mia Andy also bro yo
I've Been in the family for many many years yo seriously This Place is Historical as you Guys Saw in the morning montage This Place Is
Amazing olive Trees Grape Vineyard Friends Pool CHOCH
Mama Mia and i Guess it's a Good time to say IF you're not a part of the logang make sure to subscribe hit the
Button My brother's Here but i think the fastest growing Channel on youtube?
Hit the Button Now wait i'll wait here
Did you hit it yet NICE.
We have rode into the town, we are about to get paid.
Oh, hi how are you Brendan camera. Hyundai Says the pastries Here are like Legendary can You Verify legend Daddy oh They're like a
Nona's Cooking Like My grandma The Daughter's cocaine no cooking oh There's fish Here how much for the fish can i eat Those?
Sue She's good too you got cross on sign crossing on some pastries That Look like Boobs they can't be not good yeah cheers Brother
Oh my God
Reo The cocaine right lease you're so perfect - mamma mia but What's better Than Food more Food
We are at an Italian Grocery store Right Now i'm gonna stock up on the essentials
Fruit Water a Condom Telling Ya The produce Here is second to none oh?
They own me you know What's Crazy look if They sell Olives Here right these are all super fresh but we have?
olive Trees at Our Villa Later Logan I Think we Should Go pick some olives Put them in our miles
Maybe Butts and pick Grapes -
Its aggressive Here bro he did Brendan
Cha-Cha Llamo he's gone he did no my worst nightmare has come true this is the war cereal Just
Rows of Corn Flakes and It Doesn't Any some poolside cardio meal my Heart is about, to stop oh?
Sorry Dude i'm a Blogger i know they don't have many Bloggers
I was a lamborghini oh?
Daddy came to deliver Summer Calling Bobby hey papi
Thanks Brendan Yo we've Been here for five Minutes maybe come in it's my brother in its Natural element Chuck What are you doing bro
yeah i know how you Feel
Thanks Jake Just Cuz we don't have lambos doing me we're not brothers oh speaking of i got you this
Jake Still Really Upset about it he was gonna Get His lambo Now he's like making The the factory owners like apologize i don't know?
What i gotta say This Wouldn't be Italy if there's Just Random Sheets Just Hanging Here drying
Stuff You see Movies look at Who they have drying Machines or washing Machines?
AnyWays Like i Said earlier Andis Got Olives dude andi this is truly remarkable
can I pause you for once i Get Your American Bro You don't have a Italian accent so i
Can't i can't do this Yeah he's a Hundred Percent of American Stuff but i know but this is Actually dope i'm not a huge
Ala fan but like look at You can't. Eat These right on the spot right you gotta like soak them in liquid Mr
Vinegar so they Need to brine them so if you
Day Andy
Let'S go look at the grape
Beautiful Bad Bt in the Middle of These Vineyards Enjoy Pick some Grapes you know oh you thought i was gonna Say Smash
That too i've never Seen a Grape like This pure purple speaking of smashing Though Andy has Picked some Grapes for us and Tomorrow we're
Gonna Make gonna Make Wine or maybe Worse Master Gregg's with Their Feet smash it
And You're American bro Go praying Mantis
Yo How did you see this brendan i don't know it moves differently Than a Leaf Pick Him up you can pick up a praying
Mantis he's not gonna pray on my mantis oh?
Not even Kidding The last time i Picked up a praying Mantis i Was like Seven Kind of since i act like A 10 year
Old But Yeah dude look at Him Just ready to prey on everyone's mantis i bet he's praying he Just Wants a free maverick Mercy
he can get on logan
I don't blame you rose the hardest merge in the game Copy why you can't did i Just use a praying mantis to plug
Skated Literally Just Hitting me right Now Why they're called a praying Mantis
Because he puts his Hands like a
Bitch i will make You my babies with Your Husband i might have a Yard sale with your Load change
What are you Saying Andy have you ever Eaten a Fig
That Is alive Big like fig Newton Fit no never like a
Testicle Looking Thing Yeah eat enough to treated it'S alive oh, alive it's real Living oh?
But Have you ever Eaten alive I'M Guessing it's a book Pear on the tree he's awesome bro c'mere pear oh? Oh?
Whoa yeah yeah yes Brendan Juggle the life Beards yeah yeah fun fact about i'm dying he's Got Really old. Ham
Like Your grandma oh, oh?
Andy Bro you're Crazy bro it's like a Secret Room for a first story ham and Possibly Killing People This is cool look it's Just
a time
Wow he's Great Just cause like you know ham comes from
Boars is that is Just The hand we're gonna be Just sitting right There oh Great Wow
You Could Say we're Having
live Life or the
Experiences it'S it's fresh Ham Andy Said this would cost Two Thousand Dollars in the united States House bill There's a Lot of Money for
Pizza like me
Happy relic Apology for all my Vegan Slash and
Vegetarian Low
Gangsters I know It Looks Bad it's not that Bad I'm Just like pretending for comedic Purposes this is Actually That Kind of cool so
Yeah Let's cut This Thing open
I'm to like i Enjoy Good piece of meat i'm actually I'm Actually Pumped for This this is my big baby
Bro, oh i'm Glad i did this Man don't. Judge a book by it's cover This Is so Good
shoot oh cheese and a Glass of Wine This is the most italians ever done and It Feels Amazing Plus you Got this view
So Good Right Now i'm not even Kidding Guys This iS some of the best meat i've ever tasted and with the cheese and the
It's a Good day to be the logo also i Just want to apologize if i'm making you Jealous in any Way i know it
Like Food Makes me Jealous like if i have a girlfriend and she cheats on me whatever like I'M Not gonna be like That Jealous?
But don't take my Food i'll be pissed
Absolutely wrap the cheese in the Middle bro little prosciutto cheese Italian Sandwich oh my god chase it with the vino
That's a Wrap That's a wrap okay we're going to florence downtown florence i'm a Happy camper Let's do this
You're my twin you look at me bro wow
This is Awkward Now i'll see you Later there is apparently a Dome here it's called the duomo
Apparently Though It is a How do They Say It Dear my buddy Babel fish
Just Reminds me of the Mini horse we're gonna Get for Evan in the new house
By The Way Evan bro This is a message to you i miss You roommate and i love you That's all
Just Like When the Plumber comes Over and you know i Kinda see his butt Crack When he bends down i see That
This Thing
Wow This is nice i've open about with me my garage has Mojo's
Grazie mama mia, papa var d mo, come on to the file to me and we Go?
I Just Got Suddenly more Italian This is incredible pendant Let me tell you something about being
Multicolored Iversity diversification
Donald trump I don't think that Donald Trump Brendan You get that Photo
Pesum above Know it's logan paul calm Stop Just Get there be a maverick you know how it's logan paul calm
Shop Know exactly Logan Paul calm
Did Not Get Killed but you bet your ass to go buy submerge bro What What
That's my Brother That's my Brother you maverick you're not a maverick
The Most Real Answer i've ever had that he's a Conformist What Does that Mean That's the opposite of a Maverick no?
No, no Way don't conform don't conform. No, no no i'm Wearing It straight up on my chest he's like nah dude i'm Unsubscribing
Don't yo hold Up hold Up go tell me i'm a maverick man no
Funny Story about being a Maverick no Way were you were you guys Just the ones cheering with my Brother yeah yeah?
Let'S cheer Louder Now
Just Like Who i am it's hard to like Go places and not cause nothing i think That's i think That's What Makes me such?
A charge i think i'll get Position okay Guys Ready Yeah That's great oh Excellent i Feel like Hayden Was taking Selfies?
Most Definitely Taking Selfies yes Your friend Brendan What What What
No you're not come get Away from me you're not
Good What is his name What is his name What is It did she say It called me a Rake
I'm not
He could be a Rake oh yeah yeah he's good he could definitely be a Rake he could that Would be Right
And okay low gang That is the vlog i gotta say Italy Has Like tired me out bro like I'm Pretty Exhausted i don't remember
End inspire so tired i don't know Why cuz i normally like don't Get tired high your Kids
Loki What's your boy as you know is a Certified savage so i'm gonna do savage Things tonight i
Shouldn't Say That Sounds like I'm gonna Smash Which What Happened but i might like partying but
One quick Thing the show i shot you Guys know what you love It Logan Paul versus yet Another episode has come out it comes
Out Every Week on my Facebook page Logan Paul i will put the link for in the description
The episode for this week is logan Paul versus
Demolition Derby Yes Like The Cars like you get in the car you Just Like Run into other Cars but you get to go
Absolutely and Say Nearly Broke Every bone in my body butts so
Here is a Little preview of That
Think you got the balls to do it no Absolutely not Better Go find some i'd be a vet
So yeah i want you guys to go watch That link in description it's on my Facebook page like i said Just Logan Paul While
I'm plugging if You are not a part of the Logan make sure to subscribe hit the button for me did you do it yeah
Hit the Button for me bro
Join The Strongest Family on YouTube Copy of maverick Merch Every day We are out Here being Mad not being afraid to be different Breakout
of or Whatever bubble You live in travel Explore
Immersing Yourself in life That's What being a Maverick is about Logan Paul that cop slash Shop Link in description ok i will see you
Guys Tomorrow I love y'all TAKE IT EASY PEACE
@ruba.awadalla <- insta #alwaysplug
Macklemore: Ain't Gonna Die Tonight - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
Why Woman Says She Won't Let Her Mom See Her Grandkids - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Don't Sleepwalk Through Life - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:22.I advise students as much as possible look for the job that you would take if
you didn't need a job I mean in that don't sleepwalk through life and don't
don't say it's all gonna be great you know I'll do this and I'll do that you
know I'm just marking time until I get to be older that I've told people that's like
saving up sex for your old age I mean it just is not a it it's not a good idea
yeah what are you urging them to do
guess what I'm talking about it just yeah you really want to be doing what
you love doing and you can't necessarily find it on your first job right but
don't give up before you find it do not quit successful people are extremely
persistent they do not quit when it gets tough and it will get tough I don't care
how passionate you are about what you're doing I don't care how much you love it
whether you love it or you don't there's gonna be ups and downs in life and
whatever you're pursuing whatever kind of big goal you set for yourself
especially if you set those big goals they're gonna be challenging they're
gonna require you to grow they're gonna require you to step outside your comfort
zone and that means emotional labor will be
involved that's okay but to to make sure that you get through that and to get to
your ultimate objective of success you're gonna have to have persistent and
you can't quit when the going gets tough so you know maybe you're working on a
project and something's not working out the way you want something slips
something fails and you're really tempted to quit and throw in the towel
or maybe there's a relationship and you're trying to work it out but it's
not working and you're tempted to drop it you're tempted to quit there you know
whatever part of your life you really wanna quit or drop right now if you're
in that kind of point you gotta push through it if it's really aligned with
your values and aligned with your purpose if it's not aligned you can you
can drop it in fact you should but otherwise you have to be very very
persistent if you read biographies of the most successful people throughout
human history business leaders social leaders politicians celebrities actors
you know that just the underlying theme of all those biographies and all their
histories is that they were very very persistent and they were okay with
failure in fact most of these people they were so successful because they
failed so much that they just couldn't their success was inevitable because
after you fail thousands of times you start to learn your lessons and you
start to get good and the human brain is really really really stubborn and it
doesn't tend to learn from success as much as it does from failure so when
you're failing a lot don't get discouraged
push on persevere go through your hardest moments because those hardest
moments that you go through that's where you learn your biggest lessons and those
are what grow you to be able to handle bigger and bigger challenges to
accomplish more and more and get that kind of success that you want and these
are also coincidentally the proudest moments of your life the moments of your
life that you will never ever regret so never quit when you're doing something
that's important to you when I was young there was an amazing publication called
the Whole Earth Catalog which was one of the Bible's of my
generation it was created by a fellow named Stuart brand not far from here in
Menlo Park and he brought it to life with his poetic touch this was in the
late 60s before personal computers and desktop publishing so it was all made
with typewriters scissors and Polaroid cameras it was sort of like Google and
paperback form 35 years before Google came along it was idealistic overflowing
with neat tools and great notions Stuart and his team put out several issues of
the Whole Earth Catalog and then when it had run its course they put out a final
issue it was the mid 1970s and I was your age
on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning
country road the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so
adventurous beneath it were the words stay hungry stay foolish it was their
farewell message as they signed off stay hungry stay foolish and I've always
wished that for myself and now as you graduate to begin anew I wish that for
you stay hungry stay foolish thank you all very much
my biggest thing I would tell myself is really to just focus on what makes you
happy you know like don't listen to what everyone else is telling you like your
parents are pushing you in this direction your friends are trying to get
you to do this ask yourself look at yourself in the
mirror and ask yourself what do I want for myself you know and that was when I
was growing up it was always me pleasing my parents pleasing my friends trying to
fit in but I never once asked myself what makes me happy what do I want to do
and I think my biggest advice is really just taking the time and really just
finding quiet time giving yourself moments to reflect on on where you want
where you want to see yourself in the next 10 years and really like being
really realistic not about I want to impress my friends I want to have a nice
car and have an amazing career it's not about what everyone else wants it's
about what you want one of the things that we do that totally prevents us from
moving forward and excelling in our lives careers relationships and
everything is surrounding ourselves with people that we really probably shouldn't
be associating with you are all right your success is going to be the average
of the five people that you spend the most time with during the day now this
is tough all right because you think about right now take an inventory of your
five closest friends or the five people during the day that you spend the most
time with are they losers are you not exactly
happy with where you are right now well guess what they're not going to raise
you up to the top okay they're not gonna make you look better they're going to
bring you down successful people surround themselves with successful
people me personally you know who I want to be friends with I wanna be friends with
people that are smarter better that that are more successful I want people
that are like here in my mind alright I want to be here I want to be the low man
on the totem pole why because I'm gonna scurry up that
freaking ladder like a like a squirrel chasing a nut
all right guys surround yourself with successful people if you're currently
hanging out with people that don't have drive don't have motivation that are
kind of losers lovable losers but losers nonetheless reevaluate your
current circle and adjust if this means you've got to cut some ties or maybe not
hang out quite so much it's okay if you need to seek out other people to bring
them into your life into your circle I suggest you do that as well I mean
you're enjoying great riches and success now but can you put yourself in the
mindset of the guy who's waiting in line with other people always I'm you
do you remember what that guy was thinking were you daydreaming of this was that even
possible is daydreaming but of course I can go back and think there you know
that's I lived there I'll always be there you know I show up a
work every single day like I'm not in the position I'm in like I'm not me so
that's the mindset I have in this book the one that I was just reading over the
weekend he talks about the fact that you know what if times are bad for you right
now if the wind is blowing in your face
right now just hang in there because the wind can change the wind will change and
if the wind's in your face the wind can change and be on your back to be at your
back and propel you forward and and I really struggled with this message I
really had a difficult time with it because I've listened to so much of Jim
Rohn and because if you if you know anything at all which I'm an amateur but
if you know anything at all about sailing it doesn't matter what the wind
is doing if it's at your back or if it's in your face there is a way for you to
move forward if the wind is in your face and you have a sailboat you just go back
and forth and back and forth using that same wind to go forward I will tell you
there's a group of people who are crossing their fingers today and they're
waiting for the wind to change there's a group of
people who are hoping and praying that the wind changes and what I want to tell
all of you if you're if any of those people are you is you don't need to wait
for the wind to change the wind which ever way it blows can be your friend if
it's in your face you have a different approach to how you move forward if
it's from the side you have a different approach to how you move forward if it's
at your back there's gonna be times when it's at your back sure everybody can
move forward quickly when the winds at your back but when it's not and it's not
most of the time you have to have a strategy to move forward we can change
the sail and we can have total control regardless of the wind we can decide
which direction we're going to go regardless of the wind we don't have to
wait for something out there to happen in order for us to be okay it's not out
there ladies and gentlemen it's in here it's not out there it's in here so not
only do you need to take charge when it comes to setting the sail of your life
we need to let the whole world know while they're all waiting for this wind
to change and it might and it may change of course at some point it's going to
change but it may not change for some people for a long time we can give them
an opportunity and the skills to be able to prosper regardless of the
direction of the wind to you get what I'm saying to you it's not out there ladies
and gentlemen it's right in here once you get that you realize how much
power you actually really have in controlling the direction of your life
everything will change for you
Who stood in for examining a frenetic hostess chest muscles so I made a few screaming processes in
There's a flashbang micash any members out, but all catch connor the Molotov is good
But tarik when is he gonna swing the malt or business actually has not spread that far enteric. They're completely blind Eric
He's gonna take all four of them down huge flashbang coming in from cloud nine
And that is a sick information play that leads into that and Tara
Came back, maybe he gets him out so now it's very doable here
Is this practice coming through Freiburg finds one on to death, but he's just on two apps
They should close this down very momentarily the bomb defuse coming out all away, but Freud actually manages get one
It's not this before it's the one-on-one situations no
Meaning this will be absolutely disgusting here Android needs to shut this down for a bit just he needs to play time
This is his rounds lose now. He's taking it from a formal situation
It doesn't again, then he's so disgusting from frog back, but there you have it
Just winding back the clock to the glory days and that is absolutely
Devastating if you're a complexity right now
They gave it to him they gave it to him. They gave it it's given oh
My gosh do you why do they why do they do that for you?
I know Dean do they know who either playing against you want to talk about it. It's just one-sided it is
It's very one side. I mean the best we could possibly see is you know you spoke of Dallas?
He's had some level of impact obviously there's not much you can do with 11 to score line here
Once again
Nice yeah, that's that's nice. I mean in a game like this this much
I can show you the perfect underground flesh showing the few times yesterday as well
I think I made it myself actually because I was playing bf4 Team Dignitas back in two days
And I almost always just having it be up so just go in the air full running right click
Oh, I'm just straight in the face. You know no way to touch it
There's no what you touch it, but then he Peaks after the best fucking boobs a hat
That way this is just a solo play that I do
Smell got made like this you actually need two flashes right. I'm just going to want. Oh shit should work, okay?
Your Molotov there you go my mate did it for me
That's all good pokemons have nothing out there sure thing then you want one superhighway
Caught up highway, so you know that yeah?
And then I want to get in to see this round use the most up to 250 poke for the cover
now get into see I
Don't know where knee where's he?
Okay, so
waste already being spotted oh
This is great Karen. Just finding all the information
He needs gets the first knows where the second is goes to the peak finds the shots as well
olav in the clutch once again, but this time
He's not the one clutching he's the one trying to hold on to the round for the tease attempts. It diffusal faking it in o
Get rekt all of my stuff back to phase with you this can't be the case. He just waits patiently
He just hopes that no one realizes where he is and there's no no no no don't do this to W
Are you kidding me one two and that is in the end Niko who gets him? What was sad?
Have you really wanted this mr. Brown is simple on
Science is it cuz he's got nothin to hide
three straight headshots make that for
Such a power play I was calling him out for being quite quiet, and he is bringing it all back can't quite get the ACE
Giving in yeah, it's what kind of you know
Boy all right want to swing cat or no, that's swing
My team
Established as well Oh
Nailing the shot once again even though. He was blind just a little bit not quite hitting the second one though
But it's how raise is falling down again to only human left standing whisper pushing through too slow
Finding the kill on is for finding the killer boxing what happens to crystal in that overtime
Motus euro solution something the right hand brood and Hattie Larry thought the switcher from a debacle yelling to let me live as in live
Chance Latisse dreamin. You know this is in a mask a little
That is the spawn plank now dealt with but torque
Still find entry towards this beef site so Molotov walks off the back of church
That's where four shots able to find a frag snake boots up next and he's got MCE by his side the Glock
Firing off able to take all ready for shop finds the fourth
That guy's man that guy is bad
Boy gonna be looking to clean up nicely here Godin for the spray fights three gonna be pulling out the USP
Why is the head John that's gonna be a lovely 5k ace for him the?
Eco-warrior is here and well alive as they go into the next round only lose the mix, Walt
It's always hot so good
Jesus this one open
Okay, well they go the collateral because they just rush be pen
Was there you go the collateral hands, but that way collateral
Is the brain, please let me get a rely on you dude, the ogre is just too damn smart I
Mean just go be but already snappy is here
That being another 16 to 6 for phase or Nikko grace
His twitch tat intelligent said elderly woman
Get right still fraggin and dragon also gets a kill back res with one more kill Kerrigan tradesmen. He goes falling
It's up to all of my stuff or one versus three
Bomb down on the B site hanger from
Dragon did he just predict ready B?
He needs to go beast mode if he's gonna be able to save them in this situation the Molotov
He's sick. He's sitting on it
There we go it finally stopped burning if he picks up. What was that?
I know he's sometimes on fire, but not normally in that sense
Going on what the is that guy doing in window looks out towards the site the turrets there and tarik is hungry circ
Punishing that hunger, but these are back exposed to shore the second AWP gonna be such a pain
As anj has a 1 be free to make work coldzera like play finds two kills one more
Required all the angles rush walks right on it
Anj a triple kill one versus three clutch
We Can't Be Together... :( - Duration: 3:39.hey guys whatsup my name's Dion
and i'm sebb
and we cant be together because
we're always togetherrrrr
so were just gonna show u some things we do now that
were in a long term relationship
oh this is so sweaty..
we're a little too comfortable with each other
we need to set some boundaries let me show you what we mean
the first time u successfully go on a trip together
it is so slippery in here
when u stop feeling awkward around each others parents
my dent has a bucket of sweat in it
that was graphic
u did ?
ye he textes my mum
oh thats so cute!
the point at which u hav so many code words
uhhhhh a bib a doo za bab ba
sometimes u guys say something and im like okay im not included in this conversation
it is so moist in here ivan wanna feel?
no no dion IF U COME CLOSE TO ME
the moment u both admit and accept the crushes u have on other people.
wait what?
that guy is so h*t
u were dripping wet yesterday!
the first time u discussed poop seriously and in detail
i always explain to dion my poops but
wait no i have to get out of this chair i cant hear it
h'ell be like, dion we gotta hurry there is something coming out
thats a joke dion
i think i missed the joke
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