Karisma Kapoor Reveals her FITNESS SECRETES AND GOALS at an EVENT in DUBAI
Business Is A Process Not An Event | #ACTIONCHAT - Duration: 1:52.hey guys I want to talk to you about something today is very important to me
and that is that business is a process not an event I'm gonna talk about what
that means for you and your business
this is the action chat this is the show where we come together every day to talk
about building a massively successful business and the business I'm focused on
is yours so please make sure you like make sure
you comment and make sure you subscribe guys business just like life is messy
and we make mistakes we do things that aren't the best they don't give us the
best ROI and lots a times things aren't perfect and the secret to running a
successful business is to look at it as a process listen if you looked at this
as a process like you are going to win and you're gonna take your business
you're gonna improve it time after time each time you do something it's a little
better you're tweaking you're pivoting and it's improving every single time you
do something you're gonna win there's no way you can lose because it's just a
matter of time until you get what you want
right so look at business as a process not an event it's a game changer and it
also allows you to not be a perfectionist it allows you to make
mistakes to have draft 1 right because draft 1 is gonna become draft 2 it's
gonna become draft 3 so that's what I want to talk to you about that's what I
want you to do look at your business as a process not an event until next time
take some fast focus in perfect action I'm Craig Severinsen I believe in you I
got your back talk to you next time
Dự Đoán xổ số An Giang hôm nay XSAG 28/9 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số AG 28-9-2017 - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Elvis Presley - (Such An) Easy Question ( take ) [CC ] - Duration: 1:54.Do you or don't you love me
Such an easy question
Why can't I get an answer?
Tell me, will you or won't you need me
Such an easy question
Why can't I get an answer?
All you do is give a sigh
And beat around the bush
Can it be that you're too shy
To give yourself a little old push
Can you or can't you tell me yes
It's such an easy question
Why can't I get an answer? oh yeh
It's such an easy answer
To such an easy question
Why can't I get an answer?
To such an easy question
Jeremy Corbyn sets out plan to make everyone an organ donor - Duration: 1:46.Jeremy Corbyn sets out plan to make everyone an organ donor
TAYLOR SWIFT -- Create an Animatronic -- Look What You Made Me Do Parody CAS OC - Duration: 10:48.Hi everybody. I'm Paula and I am an animatronic world that is XX luna moon
queen x AK and she says hello okay well i am going to try to create an
animatronic and again this is roblox animatronic world and they have an
awesome place back here where you can create your own animatronic but guess
what i want to do i want to do a create an animatronic and i want to do taylor
swift yes because what did she be beautiful as an animatronic so let's go
see if we can make Taylor Swift because certainly we can make our look really
beautiful and what should we start with well we got to ride this because
everybody rides this yes ok what do we start with for Taylor Swift okay this is
gonna be a hard one for me because I want her to kind of look pretty I mean I
know she's gonna be an animatronic okay and we can only work with so many things
wait that is a beautiful blue fidget over there look at that okay what am I
even doing okay Taylor what are you gonna start with or should we say tape a
and look what you made me do that that is what I'm saying look what you made me
do I don't know why but that song gets
stuck in my head like you have no idea okay let's see Taylor why can we start
with oh my gosh well look at that oh you're beautiful
yes okay shall we make her striped no because we have to start fresh with no
color and no I'm not gonna make her a pig I have no idea what to make her I
should have thought of this before I get it how about an owl that makes no sense
I know well goat squirrel we could make her a squirrel okay let's make her a
squirrel Taylor Swift is going to be a squirrel with a little fluffy tail and
it doesn't even look like a squirrel does it no it doesn't
can we put a dress on her let's see if there's dresses where do you find
dresses and well I guess we got to color her
body what should we make I said she has blonde hair whoa whoa I'm going to make
her body yellow that sounds good like a chicken yeah yellow like tika child no
we're not a child stop we are not a child we are an adult
let's get over here oh boy is that the body color entered my gosh I do this
every time what is this over here body color okay what color should Taylor
Swift be I mean she could be pink yeah but that doesn't make any sense
so let's make her this color it's kind of yellow I mean it's yellow right
that's yellow and I see her chest plate is a different color hi hello fidgety
you're pretty yes you are I love that color blue that is absolutely gorgeous
okay now I looked it up and her eyes are blue yes Taylor Swift's eyes are blue so
we have to go blue I don't know what color blue yeah that bus blue let's see
which one looks best for that let's go bright bright blue okay now that is
cheeks color do we have cheeks no we don't we can put cheeks on can't wait
can I do lipstick I want to do lipstick because she wears really bright red
lipstick okay material no we don't need that okay what is this oh I could tell
this is gonna be beautiful secondary body color okay I am gonna
make that red because we're gonna pretend like she has lipstick on how's
that and I need cheeks wait first let's try
to find cheeks where do you find cheeks eyelashes oh my gosh I can't get
eyelashes let's get eyelashes all those are cute look she has a little eyelashes
of course Taylor Swift would have eyelashes right oh of course that just
makes sense okay where's the chest fur I don't think she has that Oh toy cheeks
they're red well that that's okay that's okay
she has toyed cheeks I want to give her lipstick but I guess we can do secondary
color and that could be red get your butter movement just get it move it oh
look at the little first and that is a little boy and what is that pink a
little bit tail oh my gosh this epic tale that's huge
okay so secondary body color let's go red because that's gonna be beautiful
and it's gonna give her oh she has a red outfit and red on her tail beautiful oh
you're pretty look at that you are so pretty this person here has no idea I'm
trying to make Taylor Swift and if they knew they would just be like oh my gosh
that's terrible okay what about paw pads what are these
I don't know what those do at all look look at the bottom of my feet all those
adorbs look at that oh gosh I am sold on the fall pads
those are just cute okay what about a bunny tail we could give her a bunny
cowl although it probably just stuck it on top of my tail it did look it's just
stuck there okay never mind that was stupid
unibrow no I don't want to give her cute eyes cute eyes could they still be blue
though I'm afraid to change them okay well we need a dress where do you find
dresses because Taylor Swift needs a dress and she needs beautiful hair
because everybody knows that Taylor Swift has beautiful hair and why is that
red not really red on my chest and the supposed to be her lips look it's not
even red I am so let down we have to go back did well stop we have to wait no
okay I can do this okay
secondary collar I want bright red much better okay I don't know why I thought
why does it still look dark on my tail no I want bright red on my tail too it's
not gonna do my tail very good okay but we have those little feet look at those
feet those are adorbs okay we need clothing clothing that's
what we need and we need a little dress because Taylor Swift needs a dress she
can't not have a dress seriously and it would be nice if we can have a nice
dress and there's no dress what hey how's this even possible
shoes color pants color where's the dress didn't there used to be a dress is
this all there is too close this is it
okay well Taylor I guess you're gonna get a t-shirt and pants how's that oh
that's beautiful what can we change into something else
oh we're just probably but nevermind just forget it
wait remove clothes oh my gosh I'm naked no wait what where is the dress I have a
so let down by this I wanted a dress what's back here
okay hair we can't get a dress what can we get beautiful long luxurious hair
baby's hair wait huh oh my gosh okay so um hair
color no this is like baby Taylor Swift and her hair color is blonde is
seriously blond right and all this beautiful look at that oh my goodness
Taylor Swift she is she just is cute and she I mean it doesn't look at all like
Taylor Swift but who knows okay well this this is her but we need
clothes she can't go run naked okay gosh and there's no dress okay this is
beautiful okay well what is this
Oh oh my what take that off how do you get that off remove clothes get that off
that's terrible my gosh oh okay well she can just show everybody her support of
animatronic world that's it right here Taylor Swift supports animal Tripp
animal tronic world what animatronic world what is wrong with me okay well
there you have it guys oh she needs pin looks like no pants or
pants did I miss pants shorts
okay we need shorts they're little shorts there you go look look at those
feet again that's just adorable isn't it okay well there you have it that is
Taylor Swift and I know it's a disaster it is seriously a disaster it doesn't
look at all like her and oh my gosh guys let's go time anyway guys I am gonna go
you have fun and you need to come and play roblox animatronic world because it
is the neatest five nights at freddys place I have ever seen I just love it
and their sister location find nights at freddys and find ice at Freddy's 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 yeah I know that does it go up that high but it's really cold but
anyway there you have it Taylor Swift and pinky that that one over there is
pinky and isn't she cute so anyway I will talk to you later you have fun bye
An app that aims to reduce smartphone addiction? Yes, such a thing exists - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
You Are An Empath Already - Duration: 8:48.You Are An Empath Already
Have you heard the phrase �when the student is ready the teacher will appear�, the teacher
has arrived.
So the title of this blog is You are an empath already.
Let�s dive deeper in to what this truly means for you and your journey.
In today�s world there is a lot of misunderstanding to being an Empath.
This day and age you can see in psychic networks, or Facebook feeds of psychics claiming to
be empaths.
Well I have some news for all of us out there.
We are all empaths, as a human race, we ourselves have the ability to feel and experience emotions.
As we grow and start asking questions is when we really start seeing what that truly means.
As a psychic myself, it took sometime to realize that in fact each and everyone around me has
Empathic abilities, it is just remembering that we do in fact have them.
Some of us have developed different abilities like the �clairs� that are here to predict,
help and guide others to unanswered questions, or helping them achieve the gifts of psychic
abilities themselves.
Let me explain..
Human�s have many layers that are unseen to the naked eye, we are multi-sensory beings.
We experience things through touch, sight, sound, taste, and smell.
These are the basic five senses, but there are also senses like the sixth sense, which
is when your pineal gland is active and open.
When your pineal gland is open you have the opportunity to develop the abilities of Clairvoyant
(clear vision), Clairaudience (clear audio /hearing), Clairsentience (clear sensation
or feeling),Clairscent (clear smelling), Clairtangency (clear touching),Clairgustance (clear tasting),
laircognizant (clear knowing) and Clairempathy (clear emotion).
Most of common society closes off their pineal gland through various activities like drinking,
smoking, drugs, and doubt.
When we start taking action steps to clean up our pineal gland that includes making healthy
actions to clear your head then the pineal gland becomes active, open and ready to explore.
Many pineal glands are malfunctioning due to this factor that close them, and also due
to our seventh sense, which is clear understanding, has shut down.
When our seventh sense is down or inactive it is mainly because of our mind chatter,
situations we grew up upon and absorbed information throughout our lifetime of rules, expectations,
and standards that we experienced through our lifetime.
As an empathic person you are able to see and feel others emotions, enjoy life experiences,
and have compassion and empathy for one another.
In the common human experience everyone has experienced a stroke of empathy in his or
her day-to-day life.
When we gain the opportunity to understanding how to master emotions, we are better equipped
to enjoy these gifts and begin co-creating a wonderful Earthly experience.
But how does this affect you as a person�
Well humans have like I said many unseen layers; we have different aspects to our body.
We have our physical body, we have an invisible layer of our body called the emotional body,
which in Hindi religions would be called your chakra system, we also have the etheric body
which in psychic realms is the connection to Source or God energy.
As a person claiming to be an empath psychic they have the ability to connect to your emotional
Through their pineal gland and lot of mind silence they can hear your thoughts, feel
your experiences, answer your deepest questions and allow you to gain understanding to life
around you.
Demystifying the empath with in us takes a lot of knowledge, confidence and truth seeking.
As a human race we not only absorb information from the people, TV, books and family around
us, we also absorb emotional energy.
When we cry with a friend, or get fearful of the TV news of what�s going on in the
world, our energy absorbs that instinctual feeling and stores it in because we haven�t
understood how to look at the feeling unconditionally.
Have you ever walked in to a large mall and felt uneasy, felt dizzy, felt overwhelmed.
This is because of all the buzzing of energies around you, it�s not a form of social anxiety,
it is all the electromagnetic energy in the mall.
Have you had a gut feeling that your partner was seeing another person, and somehow your
thought got debunked?
Well here is some news for you; your gut instinct could be accurate.
You might be �picking� up on another�s energy, that is why clear honest communication
is key to prevent misunderstandings.
Now before you run off and get upset, please understand that feeling other�s energy,
as an empath is quite a gift.
As a collective race we all hold on to emotional memory, it is absorbed through our life experiences.
We all have layers of this energy in and throughout our body.
We carry it, wear it, and are born with it.
Just like the genes you inherited from your family�s lineage, you also inherited their
energetic story (which is why in 2017 you might seem to see history repeating itself,
When we were born here to this planet, we had chosen these paths; the situations we
experience daily are here to help us remember.
But what are we remembering� We are remembering that we are authentic beings, our own unique
The stories we absorbed, the emotions we encountered, the TV and news station we watch have in some
ways lead us astray.
Now there is nothing bad about watching Breaking Bad, or its Always Sunny in Philadelphia we
are still here to enjoy this experience as a human.
But we are here to remember that we are in fact all connected, we are here to remember
that these experiences each and every emotional experience in our day to day life just has
to be looked at in unconditional ways.
Would you like to discover your true authentic light, would you like to dissolve the energy�s
you have absorbed in this life time to become your true self, are you ready to uncover your
most optimal potential and grow to your wildest dreams.
Let�s start by uncovering the stuff that has dulled it.
Let�s make a path that keeps the foundation, but also allows you to make your own set of
Let�s take the limits and enjoy the freedom.
Here is an exercise that can help you see that we are all in fact empaths:
Have a pen and paper handy
Take a seated position, in a quiet and undisturbed place
Write out and/or speak this out loud � I am ready to acknowledge my truth, I am asking
my guides and angels from God and the heavenly light to allow me to acknowledge my truth.
I am asking for Godly protection as I start to integrate my truth in to this physical
I am asking for this knowledge to come to me in a safe manner for my brain and body
to rationalize and absorb this new information.
As I begin my new journey of knowing my truth, I ask of the angels of God to protect me from
energies that are of a lower density while I undergo this transformation, I ask God and
his angels to cut any energy cords & energy absorptions that no longer serve me, my family
or life situations to please allow these energies to dissolve in a way that make the most sense
to me.
Please align me to people, places and events that can allow this transition to be easy
for me, and align to teachers and others that can support this new information to guide
me in the right direction on my path.
Thank you for this help, guidance and assistance and please protect me from this day forward
as I undergo this transformation.
So shall it be.�
Take a rest, deep breathe, drink some water and observe your day-to-day life.
Please know that you might become more curious, and have a lot of questions.
Please seek out a teacher or guide that is appropriate for
you and your journey, one might be coming your way.
American sniper's wife Taya Kyle An open letter to the NFL - Duration: 2:46.American sniper's wife Taya Kyle An open letter to the NFL
An Olympic Gold Medalist Shares Her Secret to Overcoming Negative Self-Talk - Duration: 0:58.So I started working with my sports psychologist after the 2008 Olympic Games.
I wish I would have started working with him sooner.
My sports psychologist helped me to, first of all, be present in the moment.
I think I like to call it "monkey chatter" those negative thoughts that you cannot turn on and off
they just come in until you're not ready or not prepared, it's not your time, and
my sports psychologist kind of taught me how to flow with that,
and whenever I had a negative thought about "well you didn't do it in 2008"
I would say: "Yeah that's right, but I'm doing it today."
He taught me how to fight negativity, but with positivity and so then
you change your thought process around to saying:
I've had a great season, I've beat all these girls before,
I'm prepared, I'm deserving,
and all those things kind of help to allow you to go out there
and and run for a positive place.
Letters to an Asexual #50 (Changing Labels) - Duration: 19:24.Okay, so, hi everybody!
This is gonna be a super off-the-cuff kind of unorganized video.
Um, I told you in the last one that I am moving to a new place, and that I wasn't sure if
I was gonna be able to make a video again in the apartment that I live in right now.
Um, but that I was gonna try just because it would be kinda cool to do my 50th Letters
to an Asexual video in the apartment where I started them.
Of course, this isn't my 50th video.
I've done many other videos that are outside of this specific series.
But you know, it just seems like a cool round number.
Um, and, but anyway, I'm moving, like, tomorrow.
So, everything's kinda packed up.
I still have so much to do, but I just really wanted to get this in, so, um, I'm gonna tie
in my Letters video to the theme of this video.
First I'm gonna show you, uh, what's kinda going on in my house, here.
Everything's all packed up.
Like, the place behind this loveseat that you might've been used to seeing those posters
there, and all my stuff is gone.
My computer's still up, but I'll take that down in a little bit.
Wanna see a whole bunch of boxes?
Hopefully you won't get seasick here, but I'll stop pretty soon if this kinda thing
makes you seasick, the shaky cam.
Look at all this!
I've got boxes just about everywhere.
Oh my goodness.
Look at all this nonsense.
Anyway, um.
Yeah, um.
So, I found a house.
I'm renting a house.
It's a three-bedroom, two-bath house with an extra room that's not a bedroom, but it
has a fireplace in it.
And uh, I'm gonna make it into, like, my baking nook or something, and that'll be awesome
to be able to have that.
And my living room is, like, ginormous.
So um, I'm gonna be able to have like a library and a music room and stuff.
It's gonna be kinda cool.
Ya know, um.
Sorry for how, uh, awkward this is.
I'm trying to find a good place to sit so I don't have to deal with all the shaky cam-ness.
I hope you can see me.
I haven't checked, but I've filmed enough videos that I think I'm in the camera.
So, Letters to an Asexual Number 50, I'm gonna do it about endings.
And, uh, I'm not ending this series, but the, uh, common idea associated with asexuality
is that it's a phase, and that one day we'll grow up or grow out of it.
We'll move on to a different label, and you know, a lot of people consider that to be
just a type of maturing, um, and they may assign us an immature life outlook if, you
know, we continue to identify as asexual, they'll act like that's by definition a, an
immature way of living your life, because you know, they just can't process the idea
that some people's adult lives and adult relationships do not involve what they think of as typical
So, you know, um, but what that does is it leads to some asexual people who may be exploring
and uh, may have been using that label for a good long time, and then they realize it
doesn't fit them.
And I, I'm really tired right now and I just didn't have the energy to dig up an actual
letter to this effect, but I have received, um, several letters from asexual people who,
well, I guess I should correct myself and say they were people who identified as asexual
at one point in their lives who are considering changing their label and feeling like they
are gonna be considered a traitor for doing that.
Um, you know, as if they're going to be adding fuel to the fire for the people who insist
that asexuality is a phase, and that for them, it kinda was.
And uh, that is a legitimate fear.
You know, you never wanna come to a place in your life where, you know, a community
that treated you well and was a comfort to you when it described you, that you realize
it's not fitting you appropriately anymore.
And you feel like you're betraying them by, you know, using a term that works better for
But um, what I wanna say is identity is complicated.
Identity is sometimes fluid.
Identity is sometimes more nuanced than we give it credit for.
And maturing for everyone is--is associated with becoming more aware of who you are and
tailoring your life to the extent that you can to fit that person that you became.
But none of us are, you know, exactly the same as we were when we were children, or
young adults if we're not young adults anymore.
You know, just, it's natural that we change from who we were.
But, um, my perspective is that you don't ever completely leave that behind.
It's not like you crack--you crack out of an egg and you leave the shell behind even
though the shell helped you develop into who you are and it's no longer part of you.
I feel like if you're "growing out of" something, if you're changing your mind on what you wanna
call yourself, that doesn't mean that it wasn't an appropriate label for you when you thought
it fit you.
And it's also true that that fed into an understanding of yourself that helped you find the next
It wasn't completely useless.
Um, and you probably met some great people if you were involved with the communities.
Um, for a specific example, I knew someone who identified as asexual for many years,
was very active in a couple of communities, and then they were also a trans person and
after they went through a medical transition over some time, they realized, "You know,
now that my body is closer to matching what I perceive myself as and what I wanted it
to look like, I'm starting to feel, you know, more comfortable with how I present and who
I am, and it's led to a sort of confidence that has made me feel like 'hey, um, I may
actually be interested in, uh, having sexual relationships with other people, and I can
actually see myself in the role that, ya know, I always thought was impossible before.'"
And ya know, that doesn't mean that for the rest of us it's all about insecurity or having
body image problems or something like that, and it also doesn't mean that that trans person
was an inauthentic asexual person at that point in their life, they felt that that was
appropriate, and that was what they experienced.
That was the right term for it.
And like I said, identity is really complicated.
There isn't a place you can go to get the test and say "Are you asexual or are you not."
And even though it changes, it doesn't mean that over time, like, you would come up more
asexual or less asexual on a, on a, on a test you can take.
It's just, it's just not a thing.
Um, so, there is no objective way to determine "Hey, are you asexual or are you not."
And therefore, it's all subjective.
It's a subjective experience.
It's a subjective term.
And you know, that's one of the reasons that I get so irritated when, um, science bros
who don't really understand, uh, some of the finer nuances of asexual identity and the
study of sexuality and identity, like, really wanna put things in boxes, ya know, gender
and sexuality, they wanna say it's a dichotomy of, you know, you belong here or you belong
here and there's no in-between, there's no changing, ya know, either ya know, you're
lying about who you are or you're wrong about it or some--ya know, just people like that,
they're very hard-nosed about what it's okay to call yourself.
And, ya know, I've never understood that level of investment that they have in other people's
identity, but ultimately it is, it's subjective.
It's SUPPOSED to be.
It's all about how you feel.
And it's a word for how you feel, so it should be something that CAN change without shame.
Um, so, first of all if you're an asexual person and you have questioned whether you're
really asexual and you've come to the conclusion that you really are, you're not less asexual
for having questioned it.
And if you're on the other side of that coin and you identified as asexual and then some
things have happened that make you doubt that or make you think "maybe I should explore
some other options," that's perfectly okay too.
And the rest of us are not gonna treat you like a traitor.
Uh, at least, you shouldn't treat people like that.
Um, I think that the community of asexual people by and large is an accepting community
that will encourage people to explore their identity whatever it is.
Um, it's not like you reach that conclusion that you're asexual, then you just stop thinking
about it.
We all continue living.
We all continue learning.
So, it's, uh, it's inevitable that some of us would, uh, maybe reconsider it.
And you know, it's not like there aren't straight people who realize later in their lives that
they aren't straight.
It happens frequently, but it's not like there's ever any campaign or focused smear tactic,
uh, associated with making it seem like straight people shouldn't be believed about their identity
'cause they might end up becoming something else.
It doesn't make them less legitimate overall.
And individuals who make those changes are not less legitimate either.
So um, anyway, I just, I, I, I've also seen, um, this is a complicated one, uh, that I
may have mentioned before, there was a person who said that they had been diagnosed as autistic
and that they no longer felt comfortable calling themselves asexual after they found out that
they were dignos--diagnosed as autistic.
And, like I said, it's complicated, 'cause there are plenty of asexual people who are
also autistic, I mean you can be both, and not feel like one thing is causing the other,
although some people feel that it is sort of a subgroup of their autistic experiences
if they're autistic.
But that's completely that person's prerogative to say, you know, "I feel like I'm asexual
because I'm autistic," ya know, it's allowed.
And if that person feels that "asexual" is an inappropriate term for them now, then they
can stop using it if it's making them uncomfortable.
But it doesn't mean they HAVE to, it doesn't mean that they're no longer an accurate representation
of the orientation.
And it also doesn't mean that they're embarrassing the rest of us or something, like, that's
kinda what the person had expressed is that, um, they were afraid that they were gonna
feed into a stereotype that asexual people are autistic or have developmental disorders
or something like that, and that if in their case it happened to be true, then they would
be contributing to damaging beliefs about asexual people.
But there just--there's so many ways to be asexual.
And there's so many ways to come to different conclusions after you use that for a while.
Who you were when you identified as asexual is still gonna be part of who you are even
if you don't.
And uh, it's certainly going to give you a, an insider perspective of what it's like to
be in this community, what it's like to be reacted to as a member of society identifying
as asexual.
You'll always have a special perspective on that, and that's also valuable, so um, I,
I heard a story of somebody who identified as a lesbian for many many many years, and
then when she was middle aged she realized that actually she was romantically attracted
to women, uh, which is still something that would allow people to call themselves a lesbian
if they chose to use that term, but um, that they were an asexual lesbian, and they said
it was actually harder to come out as asexual than it was to come out as lesbian, just for
that particular person at that particular time, because it was less known at the time
that she was talking about coming out to her relatives, and also she had this other stigma
to deal with where they had all gotten used to her saying she was a lesbian, and now she
was saying she's sort of this modified version of it, they don't know what to think.
They're thinking she's just like changing up the game or something.
But um, we should always be open to understanding people, um, with more information that they're
giving us, not clinging to previous definitions that WE think fit them better, or that WE
are more comfortable with.
Um, it's all about being able to communicate with each other.
Being able to share with other people what we're feeling, and being able to talk about
those things if we need to.
And uh, that's, that's really important.
Terminology is very important.
Labels are important.
I'm not one of those people who says, like, "Well just forget about labels 'cause we're
all human."
Ya know, that just, it just makes it meaningless, because things that exist have words, and
it's good to have a word for it if that's what you're experiencing and you're feeling
Anyway, um.
My ukulele's over there.
I think I will play you guys a song, sort of as a goodbye-to-this-apartment serenade.
I dunno if this is in the way.
Let's see.
I'm gonna play a song about, uh, the way things endure despite that they change, which is
by one of my favorite artists, Rebecca Sugar, so hopefully this won't be too embarrassing.
I'm super tired, so uh, I hope you'll enjoy my tired voice.
♪ Let's go in the garden, you'll find something waiting, ♪
♪ right there where you left it, lying upside-down. ♪
♪ ♪ When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded, ♪
♪ the underside is lighter when you turn it around. ♪
♪ Everything stays, right where you left it. ♪
♪ Everything stays, but it still changes. ♪
♪ Ever so slightly, daily and nightly, ♪
♪ in little ways, when everything stays. ♪
♪ La da da da da da, la da da da da da, ♪
♪ la da da da da da, lada la da da. ♪
♪ La da, la da da da, la da da da da la, ♪
♪ la da da da da, la da da da da. ♪
♪ Everything stays, right where you left it. ♪
♪ Everything stays, but it still changes. ♪
♪ Ever so slightly, daily and nightly, ♪
♪ in little ways, when everything stays. ♪
♪ Ever so slightly, daily and nightly, ♪
♪ in little ways, when everything stays. ♪
Thanks for watching me for ten years or however long I've been doing these videos,
and I'll see you guys in my new house.
22 Things That Happen When An Empath Falls In Love With A Narcissist - Duration: 10:35.22 Things That Happen When An Empath Falls In Love With A Narcissist
The empath enters the relationship wanting deep, unconditional love.
The empath is attracted to the narcissist, and feels their need for affection is being met even if the narcissist isn't
doing anything to develop the connection.
The empath feels fulfilled and "in love" just from being around them.
The empath begins to believe that they have a "once in a lifetime" kind of connection with the narcissist,
and the narcissist affirms it – what they have is special.
This is what makes it seem impossible to just walk away.
The narcissist can, at times, seem to want the relationship as much as the empath does.
In reality, the narcissist wants nothing but constant validation, and someone who is always willing to give it is a
perfect match.
Over time, the empath will be made to feel incompetent.
Even if not stated directly, the narcissist will imply that they have the power by saying they "don't want to hurt"
them, or by looking down on their interests, or maybe not letting them handle the day-to-day bills or anything else
that's a symbol of control.
This will leave the empath feeling reliant on the narcissist, believing that they "need" them,
or at least that nobody else would want them.
As their bond grows, the empath will find it unbearable to see the narcissist in any kind of pain.
They will want nothing more than to talk to them, help them, cheer them up… do whatever it takes so they can feel
better again.
They subconsciously want to "fix" the narcissist, or at least change their lives.
What the empath does not realize is that the feeling or idea of healing their partner's deepest,
most unresolvable wounds, feels the same to them as healing their own.
However, it is not the same thing.
Somewhere along the line, the empath begins to feel afraid to advocate for their true needs – it is more appealing to
them to remain more likable (but secretly less happy).
The more love, care, devotion, affection and work the empath puts into making the relationship work,
the more powerful the narcissist becomes.
At this point, it can be difficult to see that there are any real issues in the relationship… that is,
until the empath reaches their breaking point.
Eventually, the empath begins to adopt the traits of the narcissist.
Because their emotional needs are not being met (and they've been confusing their partner's emotional needs with their
own) they start to seem "selfish," or at least predominantly concerned with their own well-being.
They are essentially declaring: "My feelings matter," and the narcissist does not like this.
What neither party realizes at this point is that the narcissist's needs will never actually be met (that is,
until *they* wake up and choose to meet them).
They will move on to other partners, other hobbies, other big business ideas and creative pursuits,
travels across the world… and they'll still be as miserable as ever.
The narcissist will make the empath feel "crazy" for responding the way they are.
They will say they are being over-dramatic, and that their concerns are unfounded.
This kind of dismissal is the most obvious way they exert power and mind-control over the empath.
The empath begins to blame themselves.
They start to wonder if they'll ever be worthy of love, or what it is they did that got them into such a horrible
What the empath does not realize is that there's nothing *wrong* with them,
there's something exceptionally *right* with them, they were just manipulated and used and lied to.
They have a feeling capacity that outshines many other people's – this isn't a bad thing,
it's just something that must be protected.
Even if the empath tries to communicate authentically with the narcissist, it will be to no avail.
They will be deflective and use shoddy logic, they'll make excuses and find ways to pass the blame,
if not convince the empath that it's at least partially also their fault.
At this point, the empath will have to do some serious self-evaluation.
They'll be left no choice.
They'll recognize what happened in the past that led them to be so defenseless,
and it will be the beginning of their transformation.
The empath will always identify as a "healer," and in finding their inner strength,
they will likely focus on their life's mission of helping other people in healthy,
constructive ways (perhaps through a job or calling).
The empath must realize that not everyone you fall in love with can be trusted.
Not everyone has the same intentions they do, and not everyone thinks they way they do.
The empath must also realize that they were just as wounded as the narcissist was – and that the point of their
relationship was a teaching opportunity, a moment for them both to wake up and see how they must heal themselves.
(The empath will come around, the narcissist usually doesn't.)
The empath will consider the experience a painful catalyst of their awakening.
The narcissist will carry on acting as though nothing's wrong and as though nothing happened.
They will deny and almost seem to "forget" about the intense, powerful connection they once had with someone,
and they will go pursue it elsewhere.
After a bit of time, their issues will come to a head, and they'll have to cope with the fact that they can't connect
with themselves, let alone other people.
The narcissist will walk away looking for their next victim.
The empath will walk away wiser, stronger and more careful about who they give their time, energy, love and life too.
Lurgan Ón Spéir - An Fhís Faoi Réir - Duration: 7:29.Loch Lurgan
That is the original name for Galway Bay
It's here on the Conamara coastline
you will find "Cnoc na hAille"
my own beautiful village
I'm Colm Ó Fátharta
or Colm Darby as I'm better known
This is my uncle's house
and here are the "Gaeilgeoirí" leaving the house
on their way to the Coláiste
Next door the lads are leaving
Tigh Bhíd Uí Fhátharta, Diarmaid
That's my mother's house.
There are four "tithe loistín" on my road
and they usually walk when the weather is fine
and take the minibus if it's raining
The parish has more than 50 houses that accommodate students
and they are mostly bussed to the Coláiste
I cannot remember a summer when students did not stay with us.
I started working in the Coláiste when I was 15
and this year I had the privilege
of being vice-principal on cúrsa C
I feel by now that I know almost everything
about life here in the Coláiste
I'm Fiona Ní Churraoin
and I have been working in the Coláiste since I was 15
I am now an Irish language teacher.
My mother accommodates Gaeilgeoirí
so, you could say that I grew up with them
and many of my friends are past students of the Coláiste.
I see first-hand, how the Gaeltacht experience influences young people
in how they perceive the language as being live
and that it is relevant to their lives
I hope to, as a teacher,
to do my best to integrate this type of learning experience
into my teaching approach in the classroom
I'm Rónan Ó Curraoin and that's me
in charge of the eight-person bike
as it randomly tours around the Coláiste
I am presently starting an Irish language degree
and it is my intention
to share the language with young learners for many years to come
Playfulness, having fun, cultivating friendship
having the time of your life
These are the important things
as far as I can make out
that influence people's relationship with the language
Cian Ó Fátharta is my name
I also have been working in the Coláiste since I was 15
My mother also accommodates students during the summer.
My present role is to oversee the afternoon activities.
There is a wide variety of activities
Court games– water activities - tours
cycling trips - tag archery
Activities in the hall – in the marquee – in páirc Lurgan
And also, here
right next to the Coláiste
we have the fantastic Mícheál Breathnach sports campus
Is there a sports centre in the country with a more idyllic location?
It's only just a few minutes on the bike
and you are right in the heart of Conamara's lakes and blog-land
I'm Caomhán and I organise the cycling trips
Indreabhán has a variety of beautiful landscapes
And there is no better way to experience them
than to spin the pedals
and to feel the mild Atlantic breeze on your face.
Even the ponies greet us as we cycle by
Loch Lurgan, from which the Coláiste gets its name
is the area's most striking natural feature
Each day a large group of students take to the water
to enjoy this amazing amenity on our doorstep
I'm Fiachra Ó Tuairisc and when I'm not teaching in the classroom
I greatly enjoy helping with these excursions
That's me right there towing that massive paddleboard
I can clearly observe, on a daily basis,
how easy students acquire the language
as they enjoy each other's company and partaking in the fun.
I'm Caoimhe Ní Chonghaile
That's me right there in the centre of the students - being splashed
I am working here in the Coláiste since I was 16
And I will soon qualify as a teacher
People learn in various ways
In class – through music – through sports & activities
But, it's the participation that's key
Working with others
on behalf of others
for the sake of others
That is, by far, away and above all else
what makes the difference
Each year at the very end of cúrsa C
we hold a major open-air concert
which is called "Féile C"
The Féile kicks off with the last céilí of the summer
and proceeds well into the night
I'm Mícheál Ó Foighil
and I have managed the Coláiste Gaeilge for past number of years
I suppose that our main aspiration would be
that people would take possession of the language
and develop a sense of ownership & responsibility towards it
It augers well
that we have a new generation of proactive enthusiasts
not only here in Indreabhán
but also countrywide
By rousing the spirit & energy of young people
you will ensure that the language will thrive
EXPLORE UK // SNOWDONIA - AN EPIC WEEKEND - Duration: 6:20.-------------------------------------------
Episode 15: CÁCH TẬP MỚI CỦA TÔI | Ngày 18: Ngực vs Xô Lưng | An Nguyen Fitness - Duration: 32:25.-------------------------------------------
Soy Luna - Ambar lügt Luna und Simon an [S2E78] Deutsche Untertitel Einschalten - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
The Weekly Yoyo Update Where We Hit an Iceberg 9-27-17 - Duration: 4:10.Welcome back to another Weekly Yoyo Update, I'm Adam Bottiglia.
This week's top story involves the legendary comedian Jerry Seinfeld.
In a recently released special on Netflix, he had this to say about yoyoing in his childhood.
"I could do the yoyo pretty good.
And I read about the yoyo and found out the yoyo was originally invented as a weapon in
the Philippines.
An interesting and obscure piece of information.
Hard to imagine…"
While Jerry Seinfeld did fall prey to the popular misconception that yoyos were originally
used as weapons, a misconception deliberately spread by early Duncan promoters to make yoyos
seem more interesting, as they needed any help being interesting, the entire special
of "Jerry Before Seinfeld" is quite good if you are a fan of Mr. Seinfeld.
In other news, the iOS app for YoYoTricks.com recently got a nice update, and, it had nothing
to do with us.
If you go ahead and update your iOS device to iOS11, you will notice brand new skip forward
and back 15 second buttons that will allow you to see trick a whole lot easier if you
need to replay them in order to learn your tricks.
That is a nice feature.
This Friday marks the conclusion of Gentry Stein's tutorial series, How to Become a
Yoyo Champion.
If you are at all interested in competing, we definitely recommend you check that series
But, this Friday's video forms the capstone, How to Become a Sponsored Player.
This is a question we know has been on a lot of your minds, and Gentry gets into the relationship
between players and companies, and how sponsorship really works from the inside.
He gives you all the tips that you need to know to impress those companies so that you
too can get that golden ticket.
Now we turn to our yoyo forecaster Jake Elliott, who I believe has a new yoyo in store this
Jake, what's in the forecast?
Jake: Thanks Adam.
Next week we're expecting a cold wind to blow in from the north east carrying with
it the iYoyo iCEBERG.
That's right, next Tuesday on October 3rd, German Unity Day, the iYoyo iCEBERG is hitting
the YoYoTricks.com store.
The iCEBERG is a yoyo like no other.
With a super light and durable machined and frosted polycarbonate body and THICC stainless
steel rims, the iCEBERG is lighter, more powerful, grinds better, and is nearly half the cost
of the Steel, which has long been one of our favorite bi-metal yoyos.
An aluminum finger spin dimple makes long finger spins even easier to hit.
The iCEBERG might be a little different from what you're used to, but with its machined
plastic construction, it offers distinct advantages over conventional aluminum yoyos.
Unlike the Titanic, this is one iceberg you defninitely don't want to miss.
Back to you Adam.
Adam: Thank you Jake.
Now we turn to Chris a.k.a. "Kendama-Craig" Chunn for this week's contest.
Chris: Thanks Adam.
Congrats to the winner of last week's Instagram contest.
Congrats to you buddy.
Check your instagram DMs to claim your prize.
As always, we will be showing some of our favorite entires at the end of this broadcast.
For next week's contest, we want to see your best combo using the one and half mount.
Now, if all you can do is the one and half mount, that it totally fine, but remember,
longer and more interesting combos score more points.
For this week's contest, we want you to use the hashtag #YoTricksContest15 Go check
out yoyotricks.com/instacontest/ for the full list of official rules.
That is all we have for you on contests this week, folks.
Back to you Adam.
Adam: Thank you Chris.
Well, that is all we have for you for this week's Weekly Yoyo Update.
So until next time, don't forget, "the Bigger they are, the harder they spin."
We'll see you next time.
The Darkest Episode of an 80's Sitcom Ever - Cracked Responds to Small Wonder - Duration: 6:03.- Bridgett, Cody?
How familiar are you with the 1980s hit,
Small Wonder?
- I know enough about it that it wasn't a hit.
But it's like a little robot girl.
- Yes, that's exactly right.
This is a show about a normal nuclear family,
except one of the kids in the family
was a robot that the dad had built
at his office and brought back home,
and raised as his daughter,
and everyone else,
no one else was in the know,
and it's impossible that they don't know,
cause she's constantly outing herself.
- Wait, does the family know?
- The family knows, yes. - Okay.
- And the way that she talks
is the way how you'd imagine an 8 year old
imagining a robot.
(robot voice) She talks like this a lot
(normal voice) and it's very monotone.
It's basically like a show that put back
our understanding of autism by like nine or 10 years.
- Oh no.
- Everybody who then saw a kid like this
was like, uh, that's a robot for sure.
- They're small wondering us.
- So I wanna talk to you about a specific episode
of this show called Woodward and Bernstein.
It's also called Girl on the Milk Carton.
They never, they wavered around the title,
they never really got one.
They never nailed it down.
That's what's so,
this is a fascinating episode.
The main plot of it is that the young boy in the family,
the robot's brother,
- Sure.
- He's trying to do a report for school,
and if you do the best journalism report,
you win an award.
- Ah. - Huh.
- And he and his buddy make up a story
about how there's like horse meat in the kitchen.
- Mm.
- And then they get in a lot of trouble for that,
and so now they gotta redeem themselves
and come up with a better story,
and the better story is the B plot of this,
which is a new girl comes to school,
this girl Krissy.
Turns out she's a missing kid.
- Oh no.
That is me.
Why am I on a milk carton?
- Also doesn't know she's missing.
- Yes.
- I'm gonna go and ask my dad about this!
- Okay, so. - Oh.
- She's moved to this town,
and she is a missing girl.
Her dad has clearly kidnapped her,
and taken her away,
and she has never questioned it,
like why she just left her mom,
or anything like that.
This then becomes the joke
throughout the rest of the episode,
where the boys discover this milk carton on the table,
and they're like, we need a story.
Too bad there's not one right under our noses.
And then they find out that this girl's a missing child
and instead of doing anything about it,
instead of bringing it to the attention of anybody,
they're like, this is our scoop.
- They want that A.
- [Soren] They write the story about this,
bring it to school thinking,
we're gonna get a sweet award for this.
- Oh no.
- And the principal comes up to them and says,
did you make this story up too,
is this like the horse meat situation?
They say no, no, no, it's real.
They call Krissy's family,
Krissy's dad gets spooked,
and takes off with her again.
- Oh my god.
- This is pretty much how the episode ends.
The only saving grace is at the very end --
- [Bridgette] Why is he getting a cake?
- Oh, because they got the award.
- Nice.
- And then dad made them a cake.
- Aw.
- But I feel so bad about Krissy.
- Yeah
- Yeah, there's a kidnapped child.
- You guys are gonna feel a lot better
when you bury your face in a big piece of that cake, huh?
- Really good point.
The dad is trying to make them feel better
about the whole situation
by saying you'll feel much better
by burying your face in this cake.
Forget about that little Krissy girl.
I know you had a huge crush on her
and also it's a really tragic situation
that she has with her family,
but forget about her.
And if you look at the time code here,
we're at now 20:46 of an episode
that's only 22 minutes long.
- They've got a lot of work to do.
- Right, and so here's how they decide to resolve it.
- Terrific news, everyone.
The police found Kristy and her father,
and she's going to be reunited with mom.
- So now everyone's pumped
and they're gonna eat cake.
That's not the end of that story
by any means.
She's reunited with her mother.
That means, I mean, this is a father
that she's always known as her father,
that she's loved,
that clearly she was living with for awhile
and took her away,
he's going to jail.
Like he's going to prison for this.
- Right, so her world has been torn apart twice.
- Torn asunder, and who knows what her mom is like?
I mean that relationship clearly is fractured,
in some capacity.
But it's way, way worse now,
and this girl belongs to the system now.
The episode is just like,
you know what?
It doesn't matter,
they're all eating cake here at the end,
they're gonna smush it on each other's faces
like this is their wedding.
Oh, he gets his face smashed by the robot.
- Cause the robot doesn't -- - Smash in the cake,
and then everyone --
- Everyone's laughing, except for the creepy robot child,
cause she has no emotion.
- And then credits roll.
It's a really dark episode
that no one in the show,
clearly at any stage realized that it was a dark episode.
I mean, the actors aren't playing it like that,
the writer didn't write it like that,
the director wasn't at any point like,
okay, we're gonna have to change the tone of this
a little --
- Yeah, like up the emotion a little bit.
- And that wasn't out of the question,
that there would be sitcoms back in that time
that would handle these things very seriously.
I think it was in response to other people
who were doing very special episodes
about missing kids,
and they were like, oh yeah,
we should probably do one of those.
They did a few rails of coke,
and then they were like, uh,
let's just crank out a script.
- I'm not like a big fan of Small Wonder,
I'm not -- - I am, go ahead.
- I don't binge Small Wonder.
I'm not a Wonderhead, thank you.
Does she do robot stuff in the episode
that affect the story,
is she like --
- All this exclusively is tangential.
There are a lot of episodes
where they're just like,
all right, well, we already did all the robot stuff,
so now let's just do some other things.
- So they took the robot out
to give it more weight.
- I love the early 80s idea
of what AI is.
- Yes.
- That Elon Musk is when he finally rolls out his robot,
it's just gonna be the Small Wonder girl.
That's what we were afraid of this whole time,
was just, an 8 year old.
- All our self driving cars are,
you actually, we don't realize
that you won't be able to sit in the driver's seat
because she'll be there.
- She'll be there looking at milk cartons
being like, is this you? - (robot voice) Is this you?
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Is An Adult Film Star - North Korea News - Duration: 2:36.According to Google, Kim jong un's sister is a pornstar.
I hope she never googles her name, can she even google her name in North Korea?
Probably not.
Welcome to IO, where we overload you with information.
I'm charlotte dobre, if this is your first time here, do me a quick favour and subscribe
to our channel for more trending news commentary.
The internet is talking about Kim Yo Jung, The leader of North Korea's Sister.
Google, the most used search engine on the planet, has messed up big time.
The main photo of her, that shows up on google, shows an Asian woman on a red background in
a north Korean hat, was actually taken from a satirical porn twitter page, with a giant
pair of breasts as the banner.
If you click the picture, it leads you to the naughty webpage.
The account tweets various things like 'such big boobs today' and 'im nuclear hot'.
Apparently the picure was taken from a latin social media site called Taringa!
Kim Yo Jong is actually a very prominent figure in the North Korean Government.
She is believed to be in charge of North Koreas Propaganda, and is one of the people who shaped
her brothers personality cult.
Shes also responsible for Major protocol and security for kim jong un.
Kim Yo jong lives a very secretive life, and shes not photographed very often.
When she is, shes usually seen behind kim jonh un.
Because there are very few pictures of Kim Yo Jong, google has trouble sourcing her image.
Back in 2015, googles main image of her was a photoshopped picture of kim jong un with
makeup on.
This is a result of googles alghorithm gathering data and using the wrong image.
Lets hope google fixes this little problem before kim yo jong, or worse, her brother,
sees the picture.
COMMENTS Mario Caez – What are you guys going ot
do when you get to 1 million.
Itsyourgamer – when you get 1 million subs I will eat 1 million potatoes for you.
Thanks but I would preer you don't die from a potato overdose.
Brixander cortez – what is your battery percentage.
Im at like 50 percent right now.
Meme Dead – Can you give me a shoutout?
Its my birthday.
Yes I can, Happy birthday!
Ok guys we have come to the end of this video, to the right over here you'll see a link
to our patreon page where you can support our channel, if you donate and comment on
one of our videos it will guarantee you a shoutout so make sure you tell us what your
screen name is when you donate.
Oh and if you want to keep watching io, check out this video right over here about Hawaii
preparing for a nuclear attack, and I'll see you in that video.
FIFA 18 | THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT: AN ARSENAL STORY - Duration: 0:54.Cause and effect:
It's amazing how much one small change can affect the future.
A butterfly flaps its wings,
And a tornado happens weeks later, miles away - causing devastation.
Arsenal is a club divided.
A board interested in the bottom line,
a fanbase frustrated by stagnation which appears to have put the club on the precipice of decline -
all personified by a manager whose legendary achievements have now been tarnished by a refusal to stand aside,
and a set of players who seemingly refuse to play at their best for him.
A butterfly flaps its wings...
A man changes his mind...
And suddenly, things are not what we originally thought they would be.
Suddenly, the future looks rife with change.
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